.. /./ I' . WORD AND IMAGE: Posters and Typography from the Graphic Design Collection of The Muse'um of Modern Art 1879-1967 January 25 - March 10, 1968 POSTER CHECKLIST /("1 ~g ACKOFF, Milton (American, born 1915). Wipe Out Discrimination. 1949. Offset lithograph, 46 x 33 inches. Gift of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist AMBASZ,Emilio,(Argentina, born 1942) Poster for Geigy 19b7. Offset on black paper /S--j..., /5 1/70.;;,,"5 ~ift of the designer. .. AMMIRATI, Ralph (American, born 1930), art director; .1 iJjl.eOSBORNE, Walter (American, born 1918), photographer. -"'---=-'.="--'=-=Bier Time At Belmont. 1962. Offset lithograph, 45 x 59 inches. Gift of the New Yor k Racing Association. ANCONA, Stephen (American, born 1932); GlANAI):OS, Cristos (American, born 1934). 3;lO.0G.SenclO\.u'Boys Home. 1966. Offset lithograph, 12 1/4 x 17 inches. Gift of the clesigr1er. ANCONA, Vidor. Sce KOEHLER, Karl. ANDERSON, J_ S.· (American). /ot,bK Motorists Prefer Shell. 1935. Offsct lithograph,· 30 x 443/", inches. ARTKO. 196 )o7--,hl-·~.c~o C~)lcl:- 7", 1 S,-l~·::. s c r e c u , 3:::; x. 2.5 In,,':l1C3. Gill of Joseph 1-1. Heil. -2- BAKER, Carl. See ENGELMANN, Michael. ,, 1 J., BAYER,Herbert Der Ba\lhauskapeJ.le. 1928. j (Invitation to a ball with Bauhaus Orchestra): , Lette.rpress. 1 :t., 'j BAYER, Herbert (American, born Austria 1900). -.,-~..,,1 Kandinsky zum 60. Geburtstag. 1926. / c, i' Offset lithograph, 19 x 25 inches. D'!I- Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Al£redH. Barr, Jr. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Architektur Lichtbilder Vortrag Professor Hans Poelzig. jOJ'/6d' 1926. Letterpress, 18314 x 25 1/2 inches. /MUJu Gift of 1!!lfiUi/ltJ#:JIlflfJi#fHhll# 1rli#.~#~#fliJJtH:~'lfffXrff. Philip Johnson. J' . I . l"Vie Wohnen? Die Wohnuncr Werkbund Ausstellung. 1927.' 3(,r.~ Offset lithograph, 44 3/4 x 32 3/8 inches. Gift of Philip Johnson. I!Ausstellung Europaisches Kunstge\verbe 1927 Leipzig. /fJI1J111W1I 1927. No {"II Offset lithograph, 35 114 x 23 3/4 inches. i Gift of lftl1M#t/>#ltMf###4#/..Mr. and Mrs• Alfred H~'Barr, Jr. Our Allies Need Eggs. 19427 !/O'b'i Silk screen, 20 1/4 x 30 inches. Gift of the Rural Electrification Administration. Olivetti. 1953. 3J.?oSilk screen, 27112 x 19 1/2 inches. Gift of the designer. BEALL, Lester (American, born 1903) .. Slums Breed Crime. 1941. Offset lithograph, 39 1/2 x 29 1/8 inches. Gift of the ere s igne r . • -3 - '. ,I BEARDSLEY, Aubrey (British, 1872-1898). A Comedy of Sighs! 1894. J/;LtO'Lithograph and letterpress, 30 x 20 inches . Acq1.1ired by exchange. Children's Books. 1894. 'fI/.s1 Lithograph and letterpress, 30 x 20 inches. Phyllis B. Lambert Fund. Beggarstaff Brothers: PRYDE, James (Scottish, 1869-1941); N'ICHOLSON, William (British, 1872-1904). ';;;0;3.1.''1 Rowntree's Elect Cocoa. 1895. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Lithograph, 38 x 28 5/8 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Cohen. BERNHARD, Lucien (German, born 1883). Das ist der Weg zum Frieden. 1914-1918. Lithograph, 253/4 x 18 3/4 inches .. Gift of Peter Muller-Munk . • Ii . BEVACQUA, Art. The American DrealD. 1967. Silk screen, 35 x 23 inches. Gift of Joseph H. Heil. BILL; Max (Swiss, born 1908). Negerkunst Prahistoris che Felsbilder S1.ldafrikas. 1931. //'-1. (.is Linoleum cut and letterpress, 497/8 x 343/4 inches. ~. Gift of the designer. Futurisrno & Pittura Metafisica Kunsthaus Zurich. 1950. Offset lithograph, 39 1/4 x 27 1/2 inches. Gift of the de 5 ignel". -4.- BINGLER, Manfred (German, born 1928). '1 J-i/.t,S- Swissair Mediterranean. 1964. Offset lithograph, 40 x 25 inches. ,'Gift of Swissair. BONNARD, Pierre (French, 1867-1947). Salon des Cerit , 1896. Lithograph, 223/4 x 15 1/8 inches . .Purchase fund. France-Champagne. 1891. Lithograph, 30 1/8 x 23 inches. Purchase fund. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist La 'Revue Blanche. 1894. 31 3/4 x 24 3/8 inche s. purchasr fund. BRADLEY, Will (American, 1868-1962). The Ch~p Book. 1895. Letterp1ress (?), 21 1/4 x 14 inches. Acquired by .excha.nge , The Chap Book Thanksgiving No. 1895. Letterpress (?), 203/4 x 14 inches. Acquirec1 by exchange. The Echo. c. 1895. Lithograph, 23 3/4 x 15 3/4 inches. Acquired by excha ng e . The Inland Printer Christmas.' 1895. Letterpress (?), 121/2 x 8 1/2 inches. Gift of Joseph H. Heil. The Chap Book May. 1895. Letterpress (?), 22 x 16 inches. 'iI. & 0 Acquired by exchange. Bradley, His Book. 1896~ it ,:;-,&0 Lithograph, 423/4 x 29 inches. Acquired by exchange. - 5 - '-.-- .~.:'\~~~ "~ .,\, .~ BRAQUE, Georges (French, lBB2-1963) . .-' - -~-.--..;~ Galerie Maeght G. Braque. 1950. Lithograph, 21 it» x. 29 inches. Gift of Galerie Maeght. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist ~ OJ j_'(. (,7- G. Braque Galerie Maeght. 1956. Offset lithograph, 29 1/2 x 20 1/4 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Farland. ,j c)herie Maeght Exposition G. Braque. 1959. lft"C-O' ~ithOgraph, 25 5/8 x 19 3/B inches. II ift of Mourlot Fr~res. iBRATTlNGA, Pieter (Dutch, born 1931). P,T.T. I'P, T ,'T. de Man Achter de Vormgeving van de 9 3;)'/" (//'1 Offset60. lithograph, 25 x 14 314 inches. Gift of de Jong &: Company. BRODOVITCH, Alexey (American, b orn Russia 1900). Ma rtini. 1926. Lithograph, 46 1/2 x 60 5/8 inches. '" ;, Gift of Bernay"d Davis. BRUN, Donald (Swiss, born 1909). International" J\,1usik["st Wod,en LUZCTn. 1950. ?,'l3b70£fsct lithogTaph, 501/4 x 35 3/'0 i~s. Gift of Kunstgc··.·!erbe lvluseu.rn, Zurich. -I---,-- ~ --' - 6 - -- -'-- --- - '-.- -- _ ..... , ; 1 .....-.• __;.,~-~,.~:i BURCHARTZ, Max (German, born 1887). Schubertfeier del' Staeeltischen Buehnen Essen. 1928. Offset lithograph, 23 1/4 x 33 inches. Gift .of Philip Johnson. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist CARLU, Jean (French, born 1900). II}. (,? Give 'Em Both Barrels. 1941. Offset lithograph, 30 x 40 inches. Gift of the Office of Emergency Management. America's Answer! Production. 1942. Offset lithograph, 30 x 40 inches. Gift of U. S. Office for Emergency Management. I . fIft~~/Ii!I,ff,.W4/.U¥f,~ GATO,Bah (American, born 1923) Public Sculpt'lres in Public Places. 1967. JI'! {,t Offset lithograph, 15 3/4 x ·25 1/4 x 16 3/4 inches, ir re gul a r , Gift of Bob Cato. CASSANDRE,A. M. (Mouron, Adolph .Eean-iMa r ie) (F'r.e n ch, born Russia .I90l). t,.~-,,(3. (}..J Chemin de Fer elu Nord Nord Express. 1927. Lithograph, 4·1 x 29 1/4 inches. dirt of French National Ra iIw ay s , Chemin de Fer du Nord Chantilly Lys. 1930. 31'1, ~'"7 Lithograph, 39 1/4 x 24 5/8 inches. Gift of G. E. Kidder-Smith. S. S. "Cote D'Azur". 1931. :drtl. 3[,- Lithograph, 39 x 24 5/8 inches. AnonylTIOUS gift. I Grande .Quinzaine Inte rnationale de Lawn- Tennis. 1932. ,/li,3:>-Lithograph, 61 3/4 x 46 1/2 inches. Anonymous gift. Restaurez-vOus au Wagon-Bar. 1932. 1{,.t./ Lithograph, 39 3/8 x 24 3/8 inches. Gift of Benjamin Weis s , . _ Spidoleine Securite. 1932. <) "J"l. 35 Lithograph, 62 x 46 inches. Anonymous gift. Dubo Dubon Dubonnet. 1934. Lithograph, 17 1/2 x 45 1/2 inches. Gift of Bernard Davis. New York Via Le Havre et Southampton. 1935. Lithograph, 39 1/4 x 24 3/8 inches. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Gift of. the designer. Nicolas. 1935. o/Z7.:3s_0ffset lithograph, 12 feet 11 1/2 inches x 15 feet. 7 1/2 inches. Anonymous gift. CHERET, Jules (French, 1836-1932). Palais de Glace Champs Elysees. 1893. /()/' ,,!?Lithograph, 487/8 x 343/4 inches. Acquired by exchange: Les Girardl'Horloge Champs Elysees. 1879. /;;J,/'j!, Lithograph, 225/8 x 17 inches. Acquired by exchange. Exposition des Arts incoherents. 1886. Cl '1£/. (.)- Lithograph, 48 5/8 x 34 1/4 inches. Don Page Fund. CHERMA YEFF, Ivan (American, born 1932); 3 Y/'b;Z:GEIS"lAR, Thomas (American, born 1931). ~\,ncrican Graphics (in Russian). 1964. - OLisct lithograph, 33 x 24 inches. /vc qu ir cd by exchange. CRoUWEL, "iHem (Dutch,born 192tl). Jonge Engelse Beeldhouwers. 19b7. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, catalogue. Offset lithograph Gift of the designer. Wilfredo Lam. 19b7. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, catalogue Offset Litho~raph. , MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist -8- CIESLEWICZ, ROITlan (Polish, born 1930). Operacja Konieczna. 1956. Offset lithograph, 24 x 34 inches. Gift of the designer. Strawinski Per~'O.. 1961. 13£"1" 3 Offset lithograph and gravure, 38 x 26 5/8 inches. Gift of the designer. CLERGUE, Lucien (French, born 1934). r7'(..OLucien Clergue Photoausstellung. 1963. Offset lithograph and letterpress, 50 1/4 x 35 1/2 inches. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Gift of KcmstgewerbeITluseUITl, Zurich. COCTE-~U,, Jean (French, 1891-1963). 7JUntitled (Nijinsky in Spectre de Ia Rose). 1911. 5 ,WLithog)aph, 493/4 x 417/8 inches. , Gift of Icarl van Vechten. ~l COINER, Charles (AITlerican, bani. 1898). Give It Your Best! 1912. (.2'!.C,l'Offset lithograph, 20 x 28 1/2 inches. Gift of the Office for EITlergency ManageITlent. CRESPIN, Adolphe (Belgian, 1859-1944). Paul Hankar Architede. 1894. jJ).t,.F Lithograph, 23 x 15 1/2 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kern. DEPERO, Fortunato (Italian 1892-?) Deraro Futurista. 1913-1927. .1928. Paee from pook, DEXEL, Walter (German, born 1890). Gas zum/ Kochen/ Balken/ Heizen/ Beleuchten. Announcement. Letterpress. ~ift of Philip Johnson. Thliringer Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei. (Calendar) Gift of Philip Johnson. Exhibition and lecture announcement. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Letterpress. Gift of the designer. DE HARAK, Rudolph (American,born 1924) Franz Liszt: The Two Piano Concerti Record jacket. .~Ii ,I VAN DOESBURG, Theo (Dutch, 1883-1931) SCHWITTERS, Kurt HUSZAR. Dada. 1923. POster for DADA Exhibition. Offset lithograph. Gift of Philip Johnson. .-~ I _ .... ---- -_.:--- DEXEL, Walter (German, born 1890) . ~ ; 303 3 t- Verwende Stets Nul' Gas.
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