Cunninghamia Date of Publication: April 2020 A journal of plant ecology for eastern Australia ISSN 0727- 9620 (print) • ISSN 2200 - 405X (Online) A Systematic Flora Survey, Floristic Classification and High-Resolution Vegetation Map of Lord Howe Island Paul Sheringham 1*, Peter Richards2, Phil Gilmour3, Jill Smith1 and Ernst Kemmerer 4 1 Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Locked Bag 914 COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 2 17 Coronation Avenue, SAWTELL NSW 2452 3 523 Roses Rd, GLENIFFER, NSW 2454 4 Cradle Coast NRM, PO Box 338, BURNIE TAS 7320 * Author for correspondence:
[email protected] Abstract: The present study took advantage of the availability of high resolution ADS40 digital imagery to 1) systematically resample the vegetation of the Lord Howe Island Group (LHIG, excluding Ball’s Pyramid); 2) conduct a numerical analysis of the floristic data; 3) map vegetation extent and the distribution of vegetation communities and 4) compare the resultant classification and mapping with those of Pickard (1983). In July 2013, a total of 86 full floristic and 105 rapid floristic sites were sampled across the island, based on a stratified random sampling design. A hierarchical agglomerative clustering strategy (Flexible UPGMA) and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity coefficient with default beta, along with nearest neighbour analysis to identify anomalous site allocations, was used to analyze the floristic data. In total 33 vegetation communities were delineated and mapped: 19 mapping units from the full floristic analysis; 7 variants identified within five of the above 19 groups; 3 mapping units from analysis of canopy- only floristic data; and 4 mapping units recognised in previous studies that are mapped but were not sampled in this survey.