PUBLIC SERVICES INTERNATIONAL The global union federation of workers in public services ENGLISH Taking our Public Services Back In-house A REMUNICIPALISATION GUIDE FOR WORKERS AND TRADE UNIONS APPENDIX - COMPENDIUM OF 50 REMUNICIPALISATION CASE STUDIES 2 TAKING OUR PUBLIC SERVICES BACK IN-HOUSE CONTENTS 1. Energy 6 2. Health care 16 3. Infrastructure 21 4. Social care 22 5. Transport 23 6. Waste 29 7. Water 41 8. Catering 64 9. Cleaning 64 10. Education 64 11. Funeral services 65 12. Library services 65 13. Parking 68 14. Prisons 68 TAKING OUR PUBLIC SERVICES BACK IN-HOUSE A REMUNICIPALISATION GUIDE FOR WORKERS AND TRADE UNIONS APPENDIX - COMPENDIUM OF 50 REMUNICIPALISATION CASE STUDIES This report was commissioned by PSI to Dr. Vera Wegmann, University of Greenwich (
[email protected]) in March 2020 © Public Services International June 2020 © Cover illustration CC 2.0 Jeanne Menjoulet. Civil servants' strike & demo in Paris 10th October 2017. A REMUNICIPALISATION GUIDE FOR WORKERS AND TRADE UNIONS 3 : Appendix - Compendium of 50 : remunicipalisation case studies his section offers an overview of remunicipalisation cases across sectors, drawing on research and Tinterviews, and identifying the main lessons learned. TABLE 1: LIST OF CASES IN THE COMPENDIUM TO THIS REPORT Sector Country City/region Status of insourcing 1 Energy Germany Berlin Successfully completed 2 Energy Germany Hamburg Successfully completed 3 Energy Germany Stuttgart Successfully completed 4 Energy Germany Wolfhagen Successfully completed 5 Energy Lithuania