Slope Instability in the Valley of Temples, Agrigento (Sicily)
Giornale di Geologia Applicata 1 (2005) 91 –101, doi: 10.1474/GGA.2005-01.0-09.0009 Slope Instability in the Valley of Temples, Agrigento (Sicily) Cotecchia V.1, Fiorillo F.2, Monterisi L.1, Pagliarulo R.3 1Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, Politecnico di Bari 2Dipartimento Studi Geologici e Ambientali, Università del Sannio, Benevento 3Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica, CNR, Bari ABSTRACT. The town of Agrigento and the surrounding Valley of Temples represents a place of world importance because of the historical, archaeological and artistic value of their monuments. Since ancient time the town planning expansion of Agrigento has been controlled by the particular geological set up of the area and the repeated and extensive instability phenomena The safeguard of this precious cultural heritage is seriously threatened by slope failures including falls, rock topples and rock slides involving the calcarenitic outcrops. While rotational and translational slides occur when failures develop in the clay and sandy-silt soils below the calcarenitic levels, involving wide areas. This paper explains the geological and structural set up, the geotechnical aspects and man-made factors that exert major influence on this phenomena, on the stability of the area and on the basal foundation of the temples, above all of the Juno Temple. Key terms: Slope stability, Clay, Biocalcarenite, Cultural heritage, Agrigento, Italy Introduction valley below, today known as the Valley of the Temples. A mighty boundary wall has existed to defend the city since its The town of Agrigento is set in a physically fragile foundation, today considerable remains of it can be found environment between unstable slopes and ancient structures along its course.
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