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International model for an eSchool in DCH

From the left: Pasini, Sogliani, Fassino, Ajani, Bresso On Monday 29 June 2015, the networked school of digital cultural heritage, arts and humanities was presented at the Aula Magna Cavallerizza Reale of 's University. It is an Italian model, conceived on a European and international perspective, grouping together over fifty organisations with the aim of creating a ?scattered campus?, able to activate a nationally coordinated training offer which constructs a complex of digital competences. The day opened with interventions by Gianmaria Ajani, Dean at Turin's University; Piero Fassino, President of ANCI (National Association od Italian Municipalities) and Mayor of Turin; Flavia Nardelli, Vice President of Commissione Cultura at the Chamber of Deputees; Mercedes Bresso, Member of the ; Gianna Pentenero, member of Region; Laura Montanaro, Prorector at Turin's Polytechnic; Francesca Sogliani, University of Basilicata.

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Notes from the discussion: competence development «Turin's University has always been committed to the safeguard and promotion of the cultural heritage of our country ? Gianmaria Ajani, Dean at Turin's University, declared. «Today, from Turin, a common project starts with the collaboration of Universities and bodies participant in the School of Digital Cultural Heritage, Arts and Humanities; the project aims to create a ?scattered campus? able to activate a nationally coordinated training offer, which constructs a complex of digital competences indispensable to tackle the ongoing challenges». The School, organised on a reticular model, is characterised by a wide distribution in the national territory of educational centres based in the constituting universities. The institutions participating will share roles, tasks and competences in order to ensure high standards of quality, innovation and educational flexibility in answer to the need of digital competences for preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. The development of a training offer by the Networked School represents a great opportunity for flexible, customised and collaborative learning, able to supply shared and innovative educational contents and services. New signatories of the Networked Agreement were the representatives from several aggregated institutions, among which , Polytechnic of Turin, University of Basilicata, Polytechnic of Bari, University of L'Aquila, University of Tor Vergata, Agency ENEA, Fondazione Olivetti, consortium CINECA.

Representatives of the signatory institutions For further info visit and (Italian language)

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