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Bibliography Bibliography This is a compre hens ive bibli o graphy of the sources used for the articles in this volume. Wherever authors have used differ ent editions of the same primary source, these are listed in the same entry, separ ated by a semi colon. When differ ent editions have the same title, this title has not been repeated in the entry. Entries which can be considered both a primary and a second ary source appear under both categor ies. Each bibli o graphic entry is followed by the initials of the author who has used it, in square brack ets, as follows: Introduction: Chapter 1: Zulfikar Hirji [ZH – Intr.]; Chapter 2: Dmitry Bondarev [DB]; Chapter 3: Tal Tamari [TT]; Chapter 4: Farouk Topan [FT]; Chapter 5: Gerard C. van de Bruinhorst [GB]; Chapter 6: Ryan Skinner [RS]; Chapter 7: Ruba Kana’an [RK]; Chapter 8: Adeline Masquelier [AM]; Chapter 9: Kjersti Larsen [KL]; Chapter 10: Susan Rasmussen [SR]; Chapter 11: Joseph Hill [JH]; Chapter 12: Andrea Brigaglia [AB]; Chapter 13: Zulfikar Hirji [ZH]. Manuscripts Abd Allāh b. Fūdī [=Abdallah ͂an Fodio]. iyā al- tawīl fī macānī al- tanzīl. MS Arabe 5509, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. Fols. 1b–337b and 339a–384b [Incomplete copy]. [TT] Borno Qur’an. MS.1YM [‘Yerima Mustafa manu script’ or ‘Geidam manu script’], private collec tion of Yerima Mustafa Mukhtar, the current Waziri of Borno, Maiduguri, Nigeria. Complete, 362 folios. Old Kanembu Islamic Manuscripts, SOAS Digital Collections, SOAS University of London. [DB] ——. MS.2ShK [‘Shetima Kawo manu script’], lost; formerly in the posses sion of the Shetima Kawo family in Maiduguri, Nigeria. 102 photo graph/ digital pages; B/W images. Old Kanembu Islamic Manuscripts, SOAS Digital Collections, SOAS University of London. [DB] ——. MS.3ImI [‘Imam Ibrahim manu script’], Jos Museum, Nigeria, 1 Jumada II 1080/26th October 1669. 310 folios. Some B/W images. Old Kanembu Islamic Manuscripts, SOAS Digital Collections, SOAS University of London; colour photo graphs of the entire manu script are avail able on request from the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg. [DB] ——. MS.4MM [‘Malam Muhammadu manu script’], private collec tion of the vizier of Gwandu, Kebbi, Nigeria. Incomplete, c. 250 folios. Old Kanembu Islamic Manuscripts, SOAS Digital Collections, SOAS University of London. [DB] Fowler Qur’an. MS FMCH90.1840A–B, Fowler Museum, Los Angeles. Undated. 417 folios. [ZH] 473 Bibliography asan al-Barrī al-Mālikī. Fat Allāh fī shar bismi’llāh. MS Arabe 5737, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. Fols 1a–47b. [TT] Hinawy Qur’an. Unpublished, al-Hinawy Collection, Muscat. Undated. 199 folios. [ZH] Konduga Qur’an. MS380808D-Kondunga (MS.5 Kondunga)/00001. SOAS Digital Collections, tion. [ZH] ‘The Manuscripts of the Riyadh Mosque of Lamu, Kenya (19th–20th Centuries)’, Endangered Archives Programme, British Library. http:// base/over view_project.a4d?projID=EAP466). [ZH] Mu ammad [b. al-Mukhtār] b. Said [al-Yadālī]. al-Dhahab al- ibrīz fī tafsīr kalām Allāh. MS Arabe 5395, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. 217 folios [Incomplete copy]. [TT] ——. al-Dhahab al- ibrīz, MS Arabe 5511, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. Fols. 1a–11b [Incomplete copy]. [TT] RAS Qur’an. MS RAS Arabic 12a, Royal Asiatic Society, London. Undated. 188 folios. [ZH] ‘Saddlebag Qur’an’. MS Or 16751, Collection Items, British Library. https:// tion- items/saddle bag- quran. [ZH] Swahili Manuscripts. SOAS Digital Collections, swahili. [ZH] Utenzi wa Hirkal. MS 45022a, SOAS Digital Collections, https://digital.soas. [ZH] CDs Diabaté, Toumani and Ketama, with José Soto. Songhai 2. Hannibal. HNCD 1383, 1994. Compact Disc. [RS] —— and the Symmetric Orchestra. Boulevard de l’Indépendence. Nonesuch. 79953–2, 2006. Compact Disc. [RS] Durán, Lucy. Liner Notes, in Jarabi: Best of Toumani Diabate, Master of the Kora, Toumani Diabaté. Hannibal. HNCD 1462, 2001. Compact Disc. [RS] Tata Pound. Cikan (Le Message). Mali K7 SA, 2002. Compact Disc. [RS] ——. Révolu tion. Mali K7 SA, 2006. Compact Disc. [RS] Primary Sources Aale Kashiful-Ghita, Muhammad Husein. Asili ya Ushia na misingi yake [The Origins of Shi‘ism and its Foundations]. Dar es Salaam, Bilal Muslim Mission, 2005. [GB] Abd Allāh b. Fūdī [=Abdallah ͂an Fodio]. iyā al-tawīl fī maānī al-tanzīl, 4 vols. Cairo, Ma baat al-Istiqāma, 1380/1961. [TT] ——. Tazyīn al- waraqāt, ed. and tr. Mervyn Hiskett. Ibadan, Ibadan University Press, 1963. [TT] Abd al-Bāqī, Mu ammad Fu ād, comp. al-Lulu wa’l- marjān. Translated into Swahili by Muharram Juma Doga and Said Bawazir as Tafsiri ya kiswahili al-Lulu wa’l- marjān [Swahili Translation of al-Lulu wa’l- marjān]. Dar es Salaam, Ibn Hazm, 2005. [GB] 474 Bibliography A mad, Mutaim Sayyid. al-aqīqa al- āia, trans lated into Swahili as Ukweli uliopo tea [The Lost Truth]. Dar es Salaam, al-Itrah, 2010. [GB] A mad Bābā al-Tinbuktī. Nayl al- ibtihāj bi- ta rīz al- dībāj [work begun in Timbuktu, completed in Marrakesh in 1004/1596], ed. Alī Umar, 2 vols. Cairo, Maktabat al-Thaqāfa al-Dīniyya, 2004. [TT] Alawi, Alawi Kassim. Islam. Mombasa, Sheikh Sadik Mubarak, 1957. [GB] Ardant du Picq, Charles-Pierre-Martial. La langue songhay: Dialecte dyerma. Paris, Larose, 1933. [TT] A ār, Farīd al-Dīn. Muslim Saints and Mystics: Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya , tr. Arthur John Arberry. Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press, 1966. [JH] al-Baghawī, Abū Mu ammad al- usayn b. Masūd b. Mu ammad al-Farrā . Maālim al- tanzīl, ed. Khālid Abd al-Ra mān al-Akk and Marwān Sawwār, 4 vols. Beirut, Dār al-Marifa, 1987. [DB] ——. Ma ābī al- sunna, ed. Yūsuf Abd al-Ra mān al-Marashlī, Mu ammad Salīm Ibrāhīm Samāra and Jamāl amdī al-Dhahabī. Beirut, Dār al-Marifa, 1987. [DB] Bailleul, Charles. Dictionnaire bambara–français. Bamako, Editions Donniya, 2000. [RS]; Dictionnaire bambara–français. Arabic etymo lo gies by Michel Lagarde, 3rd revised edn. Bamako, Donniya, 2007. First edn. England, Avebury, 1980. [TT] al-Bartilī, Mu ammad. Fat al- shakūr fī marifat ayān ulamā al-Takrūr, Arabic text edited by Mu ammad Ibrāhīm al-Kattānī and Mu ammad ajjī. Beirut, Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, 1981; 2nd print ing, 2007. Translated by Chouki El Hamel as La vie intel lec tuelle islamique dans le Sahel ouest- afri- cain: Une étude sociale de l’enseignement islamique en Mauritanie et au Nord du Mali (XVIe–XIXe siècles) et traduc tion annotée de Fat ash- shakūr d’al-Bartilī al-Walātī (mort en 1805). Paris, L’Harmattan, 2002. [TT] al-Barwani, Ali Muhsin. Conflicts and Harmony in Zanzibar: Memoirs. Dubai, [Author], 1997. [FT] ——, tr. Tarjama ya ‘al-Muntakhab’ katika tafsiri ya Qur’ani Tukufu [Translation of ‘al-Muntakhab’ Being an Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an]. Abu Dhabi, Zayed Bin Sultan al-Nahayan Foundation, 1995. [GB]; 3rd impres sion. Damascus, 2000. Originally published as al-Muntakhab fī tafsīr al-Qurān al- karīm. Cairo, 1961. Reprinted in 1968. [FT] Bathily, Mody. Dictionnaire soninké–français, français–soninké. Rouen, Bathily, 2008. [TT] al-Bayāwī, Abd Allāh b. Umar. Anwār al- tanzīl wa asrār al- tawīl. Cairo, Mu afā al-Bābī al- alabī, 1968. [DB] al-Būnī, Abū’l-Abbās A mad b. Alī b. Yūsuf. Shams al- maārif wa la āif al-awārif. Cairo, Sharikat Maktabat wa Ma baat Mu afā al-Bābī al- alabī wa Awlādih, 1962. [RK] Cultru, P[rosper], ed. Premier voyage du Sieur de La Courbe fait à la Coste d’Afrique en 1685. Publié avec une carte de Delisle et une intro duc tion. Paris, Edouard Champion/Emile Larose, 1913. [TT] Dantioko, Oudiary Makan. Dictionnaire soninké–français. Bamako, Jamana, 2003. [TT] 475 Bibliography Diabaté, Toumani. Transcript from ‘Musique’, radio programme, Radio France Internationale, 4 July 2006. [RS] Diagana, Ousmane Moussa. Dictionnaire soninké–français (Mauritanie). Paris, Karthala, 2011. [TT] Diané, El-Hadji Kabiné. Coran: Lumière du Créateur, 7th edn. Conakry, 1981; 8th edn. Conakry, 1984. [TT] Eickelman, Dale. Knowledge and Power in Morocco: The Education of a Twentieth-Century Notable. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1985. [AB] Fīrūzābādī, Murtaā al- usaynī. Fa āil al- khamsa. Najaf, 1384/1964. [GB] al-Gharnā ī, Mu ammad b. Juzayy. al-Tashīl li-ulūm al- tanzīl, ed. Mu ammad Sālim Hāshim, 2 vols. Beirut, Dār al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1990. [DB] al-Ghazālī, Abū āmid. Iyā ulūm al- dīn. Cairo, Īsā al-Bābī al- alabī, [1957]. [R K] ——. Minhāj al-ābidīn ilā jannat Rabbi’l-ālamīn, ed. Ma mūd Mu afā alāwī. Beirut, Mu assasat al-Risāla, 1409/1989. [DB] ——. al-Munqidh min al- alāl wa’l- muf i bi’l- awāl. Jeddah, Dār al-Minhāj, 2013. [RK] ——. The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names, tr. by David Burrell and Nazih Daher. Cambridge, Islamic Text Society, 1992. [RK] Gusau, Mu ammad ʸani. Jawharat al- rithā wa shāshat al- afā. Kano, 1988. [AB] Haïdara, Youssouf Mohamed, Youssouf Billo Maïga and Mahamadou Bagna Maïga. Dictionnaire soŋay–français. Preface by Salikou Sanogo. Bamako, Edis, 2010. [TT] Heath, Jeffrey. Dictionnaire songhay–anglais–français, Vol. I: Koyra chiini; Vol. II: Djenné chiini; Vol. III: Koroboro senni. Paris, L’Harmattan, 1998. [TT] ——. Dictionnaire touareg du Mali: Tamachek–anglais–français. Paris, Karthala, 2006. [TT] Hiskett, Mervyn. A History of Hausa Islamic Verse. London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1975. [TT] ——. ‘Material Relating to the State of Learning among the Fulani Before their Jihad’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 19, no. 3 (1957), pp. 550–78. [TT] Hopkins, J.F.P. and Nehemia Levtzion. Corpus of Early Arabic Sources for West African History. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981. [TT] Hunwick, John O., ed. and tr. Sharīa in Songhay: The Replies of al-Maghīlī to the Questions of Askia al-ājj Muammad.
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    Portland State University PDXScholar Dissertations and Theses Dissertations and Theses 1-1-2011 Performing Marginal Identities: Understanding the Cultural Significance of awaT 'if and Rudali Through the Language of the Body in South Asian Cinema Lise Danielle Hurlstone Portland State University Follow this and additional works at: Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Hurlstone, Lise Danielle, "Performing Marginal Identities: Understanding the Cultural Significance of Tawa'if and Rudali Through the Language of the Body in South Asian Cinema" (2011). Dissertations and Theses. Paper 154. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of PDXScholar. Please contact us if we can make this document more accessible: [email protected]. Performing Marginal Identities: Understanding the Cultural Significance of Tawa‟if and Rudali Through the Language of the Body in South Asian Cinema by Lise Danielle Hurlstone A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Communication Thesis Committee: Priya Kapoor, Chair Charlotte Schell Clare Wilkinson-Weber Portland State University ©2011 Abstract This thesis examines the representation of the lives and performances of tawa‟if and rudali in South Asian cinema to understand their marginalization as performers, and their significance in the collective consciousness of the producers and consumers of Indian cultural artifacts. The critical textual analysis of six South Asian films reveals these women as caste-amorphous within the system of social stratification in India, and therefore captivating in the potential they present to achieve a complex and multi-faceted definition of culture.
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