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I NUCLEAR PSYCHOLOGY: A PRELIMINARY BIBLIOGRAPHY Bernard M. Kramer with the assistance of Catherine Girrier, Wendy Barrett, and Janice Chiaratto CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 *uiiIIIllliluum unIMMuMEEEEEm Emiinn C/85-5 NUCLEAR PSYCHOLOGY: A PRELIMINARY BIBLIOGRAPHY Bernard M. Kramer Department of Psychology University of Massachusetts/Boston with the assistance of Catherine Girrier Department of Political Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Wendy Barrett Psychology Department University of Massachusetts/Boston Janice Chiaratto Political Science Department University of Massachusetts/Boston Defense and Arms Control Studies Program Center for International Studies Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass. 02139 and The William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences University of Massachusetts/Boston Dorchester, Mass. 02125 August 1985 (Additional copies may be obtained by contacting Bernard M. Kramer, Psychology Department, University of Massachusetts/Boston, Dorchester, Mass. 02125) NUCLEAR PSYCHOLOGY: A PRELIMINARY BIBLIOGRAPHY by Bernard M. Kramer, Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston with the assistance of Catherine Girrier, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Wendy Barrett, and Janice Chiaratto, University of Massachusetts Boston Abrams, L. (1973). Commitment: Public pr otest as a determinant of attitudes con cerning U.S. defense pol icy and political dissent. Psychological Reports, 32, 251-254. Abt,C.C., (September 1965) National opinion and military security: Research problems. Journal of Confl ict Resolution, 9, 334-44. Adams, W.C., Smith, D.J., Salzman, A., Crossen, R., Hieber, S. (1984, May). Before and after "The day after" :A nati onwide survey of a mo vie's political impact. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association , San Francisco, CA. Adelson, J. and Finn, C.E. (1985). Terrorizing Children. Commentary, 79(4), 29-36. Agnew, H.M. (1977). Plan to lessen suspicions. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 33(3), 6-7. Albert, D.H. (1985). 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