FRONTUNE New Releases No Sales to Set the World Alight, but the Mood
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wtwsIMtWii ^ FRONTUNEFRONTLINE Pie followmg inlormaron. coHecred bf Music Weekm Thunday, is Recordstused on INOIWighaml contributions HMV Itom. (Renie», And/s Records Stoko-On-Trentl, ISouthponl, Kneos Arcade of PneoTmwbhdgo (Surrey (Trowtndge. Qoovsl: Spmadisc WiSsk LongpioyerIfforthamptonl. (Tunbndgo Tower IKmgston),Woilsl, Our ITC panel turnstotums to fromline.Virgin lleods), cell Peule X Records McGinlo» (Bolton) on. 071-Il vou 620 woeld 3636. Bkoto contribulo to Newreleases NoNew sales releases toto selset thethe world alightalight, but the mood was positive. CuslomerflowCustomer flow was up on recenlrecent weeks, helped live music sector by aa break inin thethe weather and peoplepeople relumingretuming fromIront The live industry will be pul in the spot- gnificant number of peoplc from the ijdng an Interactive City holidays. Gun and Now! 28 lealuringfeaturing Wet WetWetWet Wet and lightlight at ncxtnext month's In The City, with live/e industiyind who came last year. Thcrc nass°willtionary £25 also for he the asked charity to pay War a disCl ™ albumsBC52s were (Nowl(Now! head 28 was andand shouldersoutperfomingoutperforming ahoueabove ilsits the predecessors reslrest olof new in in plans Terfor a Live Day on thethe lastlast day of wereisignedere a lot1 bands of agents and who we hadcame a tocouple soe the of Woodstocksomesotne régions).régions). album Michael were Bail,occupying Deee-lileDeee-lite the nextandand Jimi rangrang Hendrix's Hendrix down. s agers«çpPromoters, willv^D be^ ableagents te and venue raan- panels"We wantedon live music to bring too ail that togethi ^Xcletailsmu^cFull ^iv^détails ofare^e^ IIIn The Cit/s to live^be Sales of singles were once more spread across a number and also give people a chance""wiîl to "bës< announeed_usic festival in early are Septcmber. expectcd U. u» of releases includingincluding DJD J Miko, Gene,G en e, Tintin Tin DutDut, The at the live industry. hen it is putAround in place 20 for gigs a programme have already which been is DirecktBrandDireckt. New Shanice.Shanice, Heavies, Manie Carleen Street flnderson.Andersen, Preachers,Preachers. Donna Public Giles, Enemy. 21.The will event, include on Wednesdaya Concert ScptemberPromoters have yet ultimately expecled to include around ips onc of willlive 50unsigned, bands. .nin additionadditionA&R director to gigs Bmdy by Pre-release enquiries Mason,seminars who Hacienda is coordmating director the PaulLive Binningsssa&sssiW is shortUsting acts frora 1,000 Singles;Singles: Oasis, Soundgarden.Soundgarden, Tmman,Tînman, StonaStone Temple > also organ" The Live Day pass w ÎIso than allow 50 demo• War tapes. Child is staging an exhibition Arrow.Arrow,Pilots, Pink Whigfield,Whigfield. Floyd,Hoyd, SheerRoger Bronze,Taylor, C&CC8.C M-People, Music Factory,Morrissey & ManchestePs'scity nnew venue, Indoor whichir ArenaArena, is being The entrylive bam to gigs show and auction of art by m ' ~ Siouxsie.Siouxsie, Blur.Enigma,Blur, Enigma, Gary Numan, The BeautilulBeautiful South. TennantTeL^nfandUurif^der^ttheg David and Bov Laurie Anders r,at Neil the Taylor,Albums;Albums: Wet Oasis, Wet SloneStone Wet.Wet, Neil Roses,Roses. YoungVoung Public (new Enemy.Enemy, album Coolio, andand Roger Threereissues).reissues). Tenais,Ténors, Prince, Peter KaloKate Gabriel. Bush, Orbital, Joe Robetls.TheRoberts. The Additional Formats Majors targeted JoeDigipack Cocker CD Digipack single.single, Manie CD single,single. Street Carleen Preachers AndersenAnderson limited édition ID-inch.10-inch. for Internet link In-store Recordthe Internet companics through are n newbeing service offered launchcd a direct by line former into Windows:Michael Bail, Take GipsyGipsyKings. ThatThat, Kings. The Who.Who, Consolidated, Gun, MCA product manager Richard Davics. In-store: Pink Floyd, Yazz.Yazz, NowNow28, 28, Deee-lite, No Prima Davics'sBoth GeffcnGood andTechnology Parlophone consultancy are negotiating to promotc with Donna, Michael Bail, Frances Ruffclle,Ruflelle, Infinity,Infinity, Gun. accessreleases to through more than the 200,000 System, Internet which will subscribers give them acrossdirect Multiple Campaigns theUK. ANOVSANDY'S RECORDS: Windows and TV campaign (Anglia) whileGeffcn Parlophone is marketing is considering a CD-Rom compUation, using the System Vid Grid, to forpromotion That lovingLoving continues. Feeling 7:7; three CDs for£20for £20 PolyGram leftlaunch MCA new last band week, Supergrass says he is also(see talkingright). toDavics, two other who MichaelBOOTS: In-slore Bail, Eddi - Rolling Reader. Slones, Amanda Thompson, The Good Technology service, which is cxpected to Parlophone is considering using the Internet to taise the profile of HMV: Three far£20campaign; album of the week - accessstart ncxt biographies, month, will reviews allow and users colour of adapted pictures PCs from to new acts such as Supergrass (above), who were signed by Orbital; single - Soundgarden; video Hard Boiled; artist of their homes using the Internet, a Worldwide network TheParlophone label's marketing senior A&R director manager Mark Keilh Collen Wozencroft says no afinal month deal ago. has the month - Neil Young; Windows - three for £20 allowlinking users 20m tocomputer sample action Davics videos says hc and hopes music to been struck. but discussions are continuing with Good Technology. Malcolmcampaign: McLaren, in-store -Yabba Neil Young,Dabba 1-800Dance. New Funk, "We have been very aggressive with the development ol the JOHN MENZIES: Best ol BBC children's video promotion; UKDavics arc 16-to-30-ycar-olds says most people and who a large top theproportion Internet of in them the dalabases and rhe Inlernet is part of the otganic growth ol thaï" PolyGram price promotion conlinues: SlarTrek promotion arc university and collège students. "That means the sayscorne Collen. Irom rhe The same lirsl management release Itom stablethe Oxford as fellow Ihtee-piece Parlophone who continues, TV album ol the week-That Loving Feeling 7; thatofprofile theof the average average music Internet buyer," user he says. is very simUar to signings Radio head, is expecled to be an EP in Oclober. singlesSeeds; Windows- -Tony Di Bart Dennis, Oasis, The Soundgarden, Secret Garden; The in-store Lightning - Nowl 28, Michael Bail, Van Morrison. NFT plans more OUR PRICE: Itsy Bhsy Teeny Weeny campaign continues; RI joins Tower for continues;BT promotion Windows- continues; Michael computer Bail, games Gun,The promotion Glory 01 music specials Gershwin, Bryan Adams, Aladdin; in-store - Pink Floyd, pingLondon's up iteits National music covcragecoverage Film ThéâtreTheatre followingfollowing isis stop-step- thethe Forster,Now 28; Killing recommended Joke, Stereolab; albums-Gilby singles Clark. - Sean Robert Maguire, Aids charity event success of the eurrentcurrent NME-backed Oasis, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots. Radio One isis toto join Tower Records andand HIV and Aids. PunkThe Beforc NFT, Andwhich Bcyond is also season. hosting thethe TOWER RECORDS. 500 GrealTilles At Great Prices WorldTheforld Terrence Aids Day Higgins on December Trust inin 11 markingwith thethe thetheMorkMark Terrence Higham, Higgins projects coordinatorTrust, says,s of nexthip hop month, seasonseason isis Phatplanning Beats iteits On biggcst-yetbi| Film Pt 11 campaign,campaign; singleBeggars ol Banquetthe week Month: - Ronni Pink Simon; Floyd Windows - one day Counter Révolution event, "Ibwer Records' continuing support cou- music season next May. Pink Floyd, Michael Bail, Killing Joke, Rolling Stones; in- attendTower its expccts London up Piccadilly to 150,000 store peoplc where to piedmake with this Radio onc of One's the biggest commitroent events will yet CinémaThe three event. month supported Popular by Music a number And store-500VIRGIN: EMI GreatTrtles, promotion continues:Beggars Banquet Windows month. - Malcolm betweenmore than 6am 20 andartiste midnight are due to perform threeheld on organisations World Aids arc Day. working It's gooddoTd logeth- thatthat ofHall, rclatcd will concerts include at a thesession Royal onFcstiva rock McLaren. Hard Boiled; in-store-Michael Bail, Tony RobinsonRadio One'ssays, "Wemanaging arc treating éditer this Paul as er Towerin this Recordsway." plans to donote a per- stars as film stars. Soundgarden,Bennetl, Raising Oasis. Cain; singles of the week- a combined live music and social action centagc of the da/s proceeds to the ,0^ the guest speakers expectei WH SMITH: Album ollhe week-Yabba Dabba Dance; event"The station will broadeast live sets tDecember,™st. The which inaugural fealured contributionsevent last Martin Scorsesc. composer Ennio singles -Tony Di Bart Sean Maguire; Windows - Yabba from the store throughout the day, os from artiste including the Stcrco MCs, wroteMorriconc the andscore rausician for the RyWim Cooder Wendors who Dabba Dance, Prince: in-store - Summer Listening artiste,well os interviewsand features with an celebrities the issues and of Thethan Pogues£14,000. and East 17. raised more film Paris Texas. The event is also W00LW0RTHS:spoken word tilles, Low Price Music promotion continues: expcctedto tour theUK. BBC video promotion continues. k► ► ► ► ► ► POLYGRAM SCORES H1GHEST-EVERPUBUSH1NGSHARE-P8HIGHEST-EVERPUBLISHINGSHARE -i k k k 6 MUSIC WEEK 13 AUGUST1994 .