Economic and Social Committee Meeting

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Economic and Social Committee Meeting C I T Y O F WHYALLA ‘Whyalla, Where the Outback Meets the Sea’ MEMBERSHIP Mayor JN Pollock Cr D Knox Cr C McLaughlin Cr R Schmitz Cr C Carter Mr J Hayward Mrs A Kirby NOTICE OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE MEETING TO HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 41 of the Local Government Act that the Economic and Social Committee Meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, Whyalla on MONDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2016 commencing at 5.30 pm. A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is supplied as required. Migelle Hiscock ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Dated: 4 February 2016 Economic and Social Committee Meeting – 08.02.16 Page 2 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2016 AGENDA 1. ATTENDANCE RECORD Apologies – Acting Mayor T Antonio, Cr R Schmitz, Mr A Todd, Mrs M Hiscock Leave of Absence – Mayor JN Pollock 2. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ CONFLICT OF INTERESTS 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – for information ............................................... Page 4 (Minutes of the Economic and Social Committee Meeting held on Monday 7 December 2015 – resolved by Council at a Council Meeting held on Monday 14 December 2015) 4. PRESENTATIONS 4.1 Ms T Gardner, Muradel, will present on the Muradel project and future plans 4.2 Ms G Rostig, Council’s Youth Development Officer, will present on current activities within the youth area 5. ACTION REPORT – for information ............................................................................ Page 9 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1 Strategic Planning 6.1.1 Strategic Plan – Accountability Matrix – for Information ..................... Page 10 Economic Prosperity Community Social Wellbeing 6.2 Economy 6.2.1 WEDB / RDAWEP Premises – 127 Nicolson Avenue ........................ Page 17 6.2.2 Snapper Competition / Family Festival Update .................................. Page 53 6.2.3 Wind Generation Data – verbal update 6.2.4 Solar Energy Data – verbal update 6.3 Community 6.3.1 Library Trends..................................................................................... Page 61 Economic and Social Committee Meeting – 08.02.16 Page 3 7. OTHER BUSINESS 7.1 Implementing Whyalla’s Masterplan for Disability and .................................. Page 65 Ageing Leadership Group – Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 17 November 2015 8. CLOSURE 9. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 4 April 2016 Page 4 MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 7 DECEMBER 2015 AT 5.30 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER PRESENT: Cr D Knox (Chair), Crs C McLaughlin, R Schmitz and Mrs A Kirby (Independent Member) OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Group Manager City Development and Delivery (Mr A Stuyt) Acting Group Manager Engineering and Infrastructure (Mr R Davy) Mrs M Armstrong (Executive Assistant) OBSERVERS: Cr T Breuer Cr S Minney Mr A Todd – Economic Development Manager – RDAWEP Mr J Willcocks – Planning Manager 1. Attendance Record Apologies Moved Cr McLaughlin, seconded Mrs Kirby ESC61-2015 That the Economic and Social Committee accept the apologies from Mayor JN Pollock, Cr C Carter and Mr J Hayward for the meeting held on Monday 7 December 2015 and leave of absence be granted for this meeting. Carried Unanimously Leave of Absence – Nil 2. Declaration of Members’ Conflict of Interests – Nil Page 5 Economic and Social Committee Meeting Minutes – 07.12.15 Page 2 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting 3.1 Economic and Social Committee Meeting held on Monday 12 October 2015 (Provided for information – resolved by Council at a Council Meeting held on Monday 19 October 2015) 4. Presentations 4.1 Ms L McNeill – Tourism Development Manager Ms McNeill provided Members with an update on Council’s Tourism Strategy. Items discussed included: tourism overview; linking tourism strategies; Whyalla Tourism Strategy – goals; Whyalla Tourism Strategy – action plan; Whyalla Tourism Strategy – actions; Visitor Information Centre restructure; and Visitor Information Centre action plan. 5. Action List – For Information 6. New Business 6.1 Strategic Planning 6.1.1 Strategic Plan – Accountability Matrix – For Information Economic Prosperity Community Social Wellbeing With reference to page 39 of the Agenda, Item 1.3 of the Accountability Matrix “Whyalla will be recognised as a Sustainable Energy, Research and Development Centre”, it was suggested that Council could collate all data available on wind and solar energy using the approach “where to from here”. 6.2 Economy 6.2.1 Power Supply – Whyalla Industrial Estate Moved Mrs Kirby, seconded Cr McLaughlin ESC62-2015 That the reported be received and noted. Carried Unanimously Page 6 Economic and Social Committee Meeting Minutes – 07.12.15 Page 3 6.2.2 Opening of the Port of Whyalla Moved Cr Schmitz, seconded Mrs Kirby ESC63-2015 That the report be received and noted. Carried Unanimously 6.2.3 Prospectus – Retirement Villages Moved Mrs Kirby, seconded Cr Schmitz ESC64-2015 That: 1. the report be received and noted; and 2. that Council consider setting aside funds at the next quarterly budget review or in 2016/17 for the preparation of a General Business Prospectus specifically targeting developers and operators of retirement villages to emerging opportunities that exist in Whyalla. Carried Unanimously 6.2.4 Tourism Strategy Update Moved Cr McLaughlin, seconded Mrs Kirby ESC65-2015 That the report be received and noted. Carried Unanimously Page 7 Economic and Social Committee Meeting Minutes – 07.12.15 Page 4 6.3 Community 6.3.1 Benchmarking for Community and Economic Development Moved Cr McLaughlin, seconded Cr Schmitz ESC66-2015 That the report be received and noted. Carried Unanimously Matters Arising Moved Mrs Kirby, seconded Cr McLaughlin ESC67-2015 That a report be prepared on library trends between the former two libraries and the new Whyalla Public Library. Carried Unanimously 6.3.2 Cemetery Policies Moved Mrs Kirby, seconded Cr McLaughlin ESC68-2015 That the draft Cemetery Operating Policy and draft Cemetery Administration Policy be adopted by the Economic and Social Committee. Carried Unanimously 6.3.3 Corporate Communication Strategy (draft) – For Information The Committee discussed what Council can do to relay information to the community now that the Whyalla News is down to one paper per week, suggestions included TV classifieds, more utilisation of social media. 7. Other Business Mr A Todd Mr Todd provided an update on Whyalla’s Masterplan for Disability and Ageing. A successful applicant has been appointed to the role of Implementation Officer for the Disability and Ageing Masterplan – the officer will be working 4 days per week and will be responsible for initiating the Top 12 actions from the Masterplan. The Leadership Group for the Masterplan are continuing to meet on a regular basis. Page 8 Economic and Social Committee Meeting Minutes – 07.12.15 Page 5 8. Closure The meeting closed at 6.25 pm 9. Date of Next Meeting – Monday 1 February 2016 Page 9 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE – CURRENT ACTION LIST Responsible Action Meeting Officer Child Care Centre – future upgrade – GMC 4/5/15 Migelle Hiscock to work with Engineering and Infrastructure Department to develop concept plans – ongoing Further discussion to occur between Council and the GMCDD 1/6/15 RDAWEP in developing the Economic Strategic Plan. A report to be provided to the Economic and Social Committee. The RDAWEP advise they have tendered for a consultant to prepare an Economic Development Plan for the Eyre Peninsula and each of the 11 participating Councils, in accordance with the project brief as provided at Annexure “A”. The SA Centre for Economic Studies has been selected to complete this work. The RDAWEP further advise, given the economic characteristics of Whyalla, that they expect it will be treated individually more than any other LGA’s. It is envisaged the bulk of the work will be completed by the end of March 2016 with opportunities for input from Council and local stakeholders. The RDAWEP will communicate this broadly when details are finalised. The proposed work to supplant the unfinished work prepared by RDAWEP and considered by the Committee and Council in 2014. Council collaborate with RDAWEP on a ‘jobs and GMCDD 1/6/15 investment survey’ of Whyalla businesses – a report on survey findings to be presented to the next Economic and Social Committee Meeting. A survey has been prepared and is provided for Member’s information at Annexure “B”. Distribution of the survey via RDAWEP’s business database and the accompanying media campaign will be delayed until February 2016 due to competing project priorities and optimum timing. A report on survey findings is expected March / April 2016. Periodic Saturday night food markets – an evaluation GMCDD 12/10/15 report be presented at the conclusion of the proposed event to inform on the success of the pilot initiative and advise on its continuance. First market will be held in January 2016. That Council consider setting aside funds at the next GMCDD 7/12/15 quarterly budget review or in 2016/17 for the preparation of a General Business Prospectus specifically targeting developers and operators of retirement villages to emerging opportunities that exist in Whyalla. Page 10 1 Accountability Matrix – Executive Management Team – April 2015 WHYALLA CITY COUNCIL’S GOALS 1.0 ECONOMIC PROSPERITY KPIs Objective Strategies Additional Accountable Officer Current Position Resource Required 1.1 Whyalla will have a diversified Ensure that development plans and policies support $s, Consultants GMCD&D/PM Remote Area
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