WHYALLA ‘, Where the Outback Meets the Sea’


Mayor JN Pollock Cr D Knox Cr C McLaughlin Cr R Schmitz Cr C Carter Mr J Hayward Mrs A Kirby



NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 41 of the Local Government Act that the Economic and Social Committee Meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, Whyalla on MONDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2016 commencing at 5.30 pm.

A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is supplied as required.

Migelle Hiscock ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Dated: 4 February 2016

Economic and Social Committee Meeting – 08.02.16 Page 2





Apologies – Acting Mayor T Antonio, Cr R Schmitz, Mr A Todd, Mrs M Hiscock

Leave of Absence – Mayor JN Pollock


3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – for information ...... Page 4

(Minutes of the Economic and Social Committee Meeting held on Monday 7 December 2015 – resolved by Council at a Council Meeting held on Monday 14 December 2015)


4.1 Ms T Gardner, Muradel, will present on the Muradel project and future plans

4.2 Ms G Rostig, Council’s Youth Development Officer, will present on current activities within the youth area

5. ACTION REPORT – for information ...... Page 9


6.1 Strategic Planning

6.1.1 Strategic Plan – Accountability Matrix – for Information ...... Page 10

 Economic Prosperity  Community Social Wellbeing

6.2 Economy

6.2.1 WEDB / RDAWEP Premises – 127 Nicolson Avenue ...... Page 17 6.2.2 Snapper Competition / Family Festival Update ...... Page 53 6.2.3 Wind Generation Data – verbal update 6.2.4 Solar Energy Data – verbal update

6.3 Community

6.3.1 Library Trends...... Page 61

Economic and Social Committee Meeting – 08.02.16 Page 3


7.1 Implementing Whyalla’s Masterplan for Disability and ...... Page 65 Ageing Leadership Group – Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 17 November 2015


9. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 4 April 2016

Page 4



PRESENT: Cr D Knox (Chair), Crs C McLaughlin, R Schmitz and Mrs A Kirby (Independent Member)


Group Manager City Development and Delivery (Mr A Stuyt) Acting Group Manager Engineering and Infrastructure (Mr R Davy) Mrs M Armstrong (Executive Assistant)


Cr T Breuer Cr S Minney Mr A Todd – Economic Development Manager – RDAWEP Mr J Willcocks – Planning Manager

1. Attendance Record


Moved Cr McLaughlin, seconded Mrs Kirby


That the Economic and Social Committee accept the apologies from Mayor JN Pollock, Cr C Carter and Mr J Hayward for the meeting held on Monday 7 December 2015 and leave of absence be granted for this meeting.

Carried Unanimously

Leave of Absence – Nil

2. Declaration of Members’ Conflict of Interests – Nil

Page 5 Economic and Social Committee Meeting Minutes – 07.12.15 Page 2

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

3.1 Economic and Social Committee Meeting held on Monday 12 October 2015

(Provided for information – resolved by Council at a Council Meeting held on Monday 19 October 2015)

4. Presentations

4.1 Ms L McNeill – Tourism Development Manager

Ms McNeill provided Members with an update on Council’s Tourism Strategy.

Items discussed included:

 tourism overview;  linking tourism strategies;  Whyalla Tourism Strategy – goals;  Whyalla Tourism Strategy – action plan;  Whyalla Tourism Strategy – actions;  Visitor Information Centre restructure; and  Visitor Information Centre action plan.

5. Action List – For Information

6. New Business

6.1 Strategic Planning

6.1.1 Strategic Plan – Accountability Matrix – For Information

 Economic Prosperity  Community Social Wellbeing

With reference to page 39 of the Agenda, Item 1.3 of the Accountability Matrix “Whyalla will be recognised as a Sustainable Energy, Research and Development Centre”, it was suggested that Council could collate all data available on wind and solar energy using the approach “where to from here”.

6.2 Economy

6.2.1 Power Supply – Whyalla Industrial Estate

Moved Mrs Kirby, seconded Cr McLaughlin


That the reported be received and noted.

Carried Unanimously Page 6 Economic and Social Committee Meeting Minutes – 07.12.15 Page 3

6.2.2 Opening of the Port of Whyalla

Moved Cr Schmitz, seconded Mrs Kirby


That the report be received and noted.

Carried Unanimously

6.2.3 Prospectus – Retirement Villages

Moved Mrs Kirby, seconded Cr Schmitz



1. the report be received and noted; and 2. that Council consider setting aside funds at the next quarterly budget review or in 2016/17 for the preparation of a General Business Prospectus specifically targeting developers and operators of retirement villages to emerging opportunities that exist in Whyalla.

Carried Unanimously

6.2.4 Tourism Strategy Update

Moved Cr McLaughlin, seconded Mrs Kirby


That the report be received and noted.

Carried Unanimously

Page 7 Economic and Social Committee Meeting Minutes – 07.12.15 Page 4

6.3 Community

6.3.1 Benchmarking for Community and Economic Development

Moved Cr McLaughlin, seconded Cr Schmitz


That the report be received and noted.

Carried Unanimously

Matters Arising

Moved Mrs Kirby, seconded Cr McLaughlin


That a report be prepared on library trends between the former two libraries and the new Whyalla Public Library.

Carried Unanimously

6.3.2 Cemetery Policies

Moved Mrs Kirby, seconded Cr McLaughlin


That the draft Cemetery Operating Policy and draft Cemetery Administration Policy be adopted by the Economic and Social Committee.

Carried Unanimously

6.3.3 Corporate Communication Strategy (draft) – For Information

The Committee discussed what Council can do to relay information to the community now that the Whyalla News is down to one paper per week, suggestions included TV classifieds, more utilisation of social media.

7. Other Business

Mr A Todd

Mr Todd provided an update on Whyalla’s Masterplan for Disability and Ageing.

A successful applicant has been appointed to the role of Implementation Officer for the Disability and Ageing Masterplan – the officer will be working 4 days per week and will be responsible for initiating the Top 12 actions from the Masterplan.

The Leadership Group for the Masterplan are continuing to meet on a regular basis. Page 8 Economic and Social Committee Meeting Minutes – 07.12.15 Page 5

8. Closure

The meeting closed at 6.25 pm

9. Date of Next Meeting – Monday 1 February 2016

Page 9


Responsible Action Meeting Officer

 Child Care Centre – future upgrade – GMC 4/5/15 Migelle Hiscock to work with Engineering and Infrastructure Department to develop concept plans – ongoing

 Further discussion to occur between Council and the GMCDD 1/6/15 RDAWEP in developing the Economic Strategic Plan. A report to be provided to the Economic and Social Committee. The RDAWEP advise they have tendered for a consultant to prepare an Economic Development Plan for the and each of the 11 participating Councils, in accordance with the project brief as provided at Annexure “A”. The SA Centre for Economic Studies has been selected to complete this work. The RDAWEP further advise, given the economic characteristics of Whyalla, that they expect it will be treated individually more than any other LGA’s. It is envisaged the bulk of the work will be completed by the end of March 2016 with opportunities for input from Council and local stakeholders. The RDAWEP will communicate this broadly when details are finalised. The proposed work to supplant the unfinished work prepared by RDAWEP and considered by the Committee and Council in 2014.

 Council collaborate with RDAWEP on a ‘jobs and GMCDD 1/6/15 investment survey’ of Whyalla businesses – a report on survey findings to be presented to the next Economic and Social Committee Meeting. A survey has been prepared and is provided for Member’s information at Annexure “B”. Distribution of the survey via RDAWEP’s business database and the accompanying media campaign will be delayed until February 2016 due to competing project priorities and optimum timing. A report on survey findings is expected March / April 2016.

 Periodic Saturday night food markets – an evaluation GMCDD 12/10/15 report be presented at the conclusion of the proposed event to inform on the success of the pilot initiative and advise on its continuance. First market will be held in January 2016.

 That Council consider setting aside funds at the next GMCDD 7/12/15 quarterly budget review or in 2016/17 for the preparation of a General Business Prospectus specifically targeting developers and operators of retirement villages to emerging opportunities that exist in Whyalla.

1 Accountability Matrix – Executive Management Team – April 2015



Objective Strategies Additional Accountable Officer Current Position Resource Required 1.1 Whyalla will have a diversified Ensure that development plans and policies support $s, Consultants GMCD&D/PM Remote Area and minor and sustainable economy. and encourage new economic activity. Residential DPA completed/gazette. Draft Residential Centres & Industrial Variation DPA prepared for agency consultation. Airport Commercial & Rural Living DPA set for public consultation.

Ensure that there is land available to support the GMCD&D/PM Whyalla Beach Road & Marina development of major projects. Masterplan underway. Lobbying of State Government to unlock development potential of crown land.

Facilitate, via a coordinated approach, the GMCD&D/PM Review and rebooting of Whyalla development of adequate infrastructure, including Industrial Estate proposed industrial land, to accommodate future economic having regard to market development. conditions / intelligence.

Partner with Government bodies like the RDA to seek GMCD&D/PM Significant progress made with out and attract potential new industries, including Tier Muradel and Central Power over 2 mining, minerals processing and manufacturing past 6 months. companies.

Lobby for and facilitate the development of regional CEO/GMCD&D Lobbying facilitated retention of services (including health) in Whyalla. SA Pathology; USGCPG is developing Education and Page Research Alliance. 10

G Drive/Executive/City Manager’s Assistant/Strat Plan 2012/accountability matrix – current version - April 2015

2 Accountability Matrix – Executive Management Team – April 2015

Facilitate the development of health services by CEO Facilitated via CEO being HAC building a close working relationship with the Whyalla Member. Hospital and Health Service.

Facilitate and assist UniSA and TAFE SA in the CEO USGCPG developing Education marketing of the available education industry and Research Alliance. Also opportunities. positive discussion with TAFE re partnerships for delivery. 1.2 Land parcels are available to Ensure large-scale land parcels are available to meet GMCD&D Review and rebooting of Whyalla meet increased demand. the anticipated population growth associated with Industrial Estate proposed (T56 of the State Strategic expansion to the resources industries and for Whyalla having regard to market Plan) to continue to be a viable regional city. conditions / intelligence.

Lobby Government to ensure land is available to serve GMCD&D the City’s future growth.

1.3 Whyalla will be recognised as a Continue to fund and/or support the establishment of Land, $’s, GMCD&D This is being developed via USG Sustainable Energy, Research projects which will facilitate the development of a consultants Education and Research and Development Centre. sustainability hub in the City. Alliance.

1.4 Whyalla Airport meets the Monitor and review the airport’s services and facilities $’s, consultants CEO New Airport Terminal completed region’s needs. and investigate (via an appropriate study) the need for July 2014. Qantas commenced (T56 of the State Strategic an upgrade, in conjunction with RDA. flights 13 April 2015. Plan) 1.5 Gas infrastructure will meet Advocate to Government, in conjunction with RDA and CEO/GMCD&D industry’s demand. industry, for gas infrastructure improvements. (T56 of the State Strategic Plan) 1.6 Tourism numbers to the City Support and facilitate major / unique events for key CEO/MCM Kiteboarding Championships will increase. target audiences and assist with the resourcing of successfully held in December (T4 of the State Strategic Plan) these. 2014.

Encourage expansion in the quantity and range of GMCD&D Whyalla Beach Road & Marina available tourist accommodation. Masterplan underway. Lobbying of State Government to unlock development potential of crown land. Page 11

G Drive/Executive/City Manager’s Assistant/Strat Plan 2012/accountability matrix – current version - April 2015

3 Accountability Matrix – Executive Management Team – April 2015

Improve the general appearance of Whyalla to CEO/GME&I Foreshore, Wetlands, Airport, enhance tourism opportunities. Leisure Centre, medians upgraded.

1.7 Council aims to protect and Facilitate the development and commercial viability of CEO/GMCD&D Cuttlefish numbers increased enhance the aquaculture the aquaculture industry, especially kingfish. 600% (bio-mass) in 2014. CEO industry. represents COW on SA (T40 of the State Strategic Government Working Group. Plan) 1.8 Infrastructure supports Ensure timely planning and provision of the necessary GMCD&D/PM See 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 above. economic activity. economic infrastructure and development policies, (T56 of the State Strategic services and operations to support industries and Plan) businesses.

Review the Development Plan to encourage and GMCD&D/PM Remote Area and minor facilitate business and economic activity. Residential DPA completed/gazette. Draft Residential Centres and Industrial Variation DPA prepared for agency consultation. Airport Commercial & Rural Living DPA set for public consultation. Section 30 Review planned for 15/16.

Collaborate with the State Government and others (eg CEO/GMCD&D Working closely with RDA re RDA) to attract new and assist ‘struggling’ businesses. Muradel and Central Power. Also re tourism - ‘meet and greet’ session held in March 2015.

Continue support for the business centres / main $’s, Consultants GME&I/GMCD&D City Plaza upgrade to commence street’s urban design and revitalisation program to May 2015. Council assuming a enhance their economic viability and improve ‘place making’ role working with liveability. retailers / business owners within the CPTA to improve the main

street’s appeal. Page 12

G Drive/Executive/City Manager’s Assistant/Strat Plan 2012/accountability matrix – current version - April 2015

4 Accountability Matrix – Executive Management Team – April 2015

Working closely with RDA re Muradel and Central Power.

Advocate for the provision of economic / social $’s, Consultants EMES/GMCD&D State and Federal funding infrastructure (eg new or upgraded Airport, improved received for Airport Terminal Leisure Centre, multi-use facilities etc) which is upgrade. State funding received fundamental to the City’s economic prosperity. for Leisure Centre.

Collaborate with the State Government and others to GME&I/GMCD&D $17M of State and Federal advocate for the provision of economic and social funding being sought for Multi- infrastructure which is fundamental to the City’s Sports Complex. economic prosperity.


2.1 Council will adopt a proactive Aim to minimise the risk of damage to persons and GME&I/MA&E Significant progress has been and collaborative approach to property from bushfires, flooding, stormwater, made over the past 12 months in community safety. earthquake, drought and other natural hazards. WHS area. (T20 of the State Strategic Plan) Include relevant flood, stormwater and other natural GME&I/GMCD&D/PM Addressed in relevant plans. hazard management and prevention measures in development plan and asset management plans.

2.2 Volunteer effort is recognised Actively encourage and support the volunteering GMC/MCM A Volunteers Coordinator role and supported. sector by promoting their activities and participation has been developed within the (T24 of the State Strategic and minimising the regulatory process associated with Customer Services team. This Plan) it. officer manages regular quarterly meetings for Community organisations in conjunction with Volunteers SA/NT. Training and promotional activities are being offered to recognise the importance of Volunteers.

2.3 Council will seek to improve Support mental, medical and dental health and aged GMC/GMCD&D Initiatives such as HACC,

the City’s health and aged care care in Whyalla by advocating and/or negotiating with Healthy Communities and OPAL Page 13

G Drive/Executive/City Manager’s Assistant/Strat Plan 2012/accountability matrix – current version - April 2015

5 Accountability Matrix – Executive Management Team – April 2015

services. the Department of Health and Ageing for the provision are supported and offered to the (T78 of the State Strategic of the necessary specialist services and programs community. An Aged and Plan) (including healthy lifestyles) and the engagement and Disabilty Master Plan has been retention of the required specialist health staff. developed via RDA. GMC member of Medicare Local Cluster and a representative on the Medicare Local Strategic Committee.

Support and advocate to the South Australian CEO SA Government no longer Government for the further development and supports the SABMSS scheme. expansion of the South Australian Bonded Medical CEO discussed this with Minister Scholarship Scheme (SABMSS) to increase the in 2014. number of doctors working in rural and regional , including Whyalla.

2.4 Council will seek to improve Aim to minimise the effect of Government education GMC GMC member of Community the City’s literacy / numeracy funding cuts on generational literacy / numeracy Partnerships Committee which is skills. shortcomings in Whyalla by advocating and/or developing a Community (T87 of the State Strategic negotiating with Government for the provision of the Learning Hub that will address Plan) relevant services and programs and the engagement Literacy and Numeracy skills. A and retention of the quality professional staff required. Literacy and Numeracy program developed by the Smith Family is being delivered at the Public Library for 0-5yrs. GMC member of the Innovative Community Action Network (Education Dept. Committee) which delivers initiatives for students that have learning difficulties or are disengaged.

USG Education and Research Support and advocate to Government for the provision CEO Alliance being developed. Also of the necessary tertiary and secondary education discussion with TAFE re programs to meet targeted needs. partnerships for courses delivery.

2.5 Council’s development plan Support and advocate to the South Australian CEO/GMCD&D GMCDD working with Housing

ensures integrated sustainable Government for the urban improvement (re- SA and commenced discussions Page 14

G Drive/Executive/City Manager’s Assistant/Strat Plan 2012/accountability matrix – current version - April 2015

6 Accountability Matrix – Executive Management Team – April 2015

land development. generation) of Housing SA’s Double Unit areas to with Renewal SA re re- provide an appropriate mix of housing stock. generation.

Facilitate the provision of a range of housing and GMCD&D Remote Area and minor rental choices (relating to worker and family Residential DPA accommodation) through appropriate development completed/gazette. policy. Draft Residential Centres and Industrial Variation DPA prepared for agency consultation.

2.6 Everyone in Whyalla has the Ensure systems and processes are implemented so GMC/MCM Customer Service Charter opportunity to actively that all, including new residents, have access to developed and reviewed in last participate in the public affairs Council’s services, facilities and information. 12 months. A customer feedback and planning for the City. form has been developed for (T23 of the State Strategic community use. Plan) Employ contemporary communication/social media MCM Over past 12 months, significant tools eg Facebook, Twitter etc to promote Council’s progress has been made in services etc and achieve higher levels of social these areas. inclusion and understanding.

Partner with community organisations to promote and MCM Initiatives being looked at by new market their services and welcome new residents. Tourism Development Manager (TDM).

2.7 Community planning of Service and infrastructure gaps and deficiencies are GME&I/GMCD&D/Be Whyalla Sports Facilities Master Council’s services and recognised and solutions identified in Council’s overall Active Officer Plan updated and adopted. infrastructure underpins a plans (including Whyalla Sports Facilities Master Memorial Oval, Bradford community that is inclusive and Plan). Reserve works completed. accessible. Jubilee Park and marina awaiting funding. Playspace strategy developed with a four year implementation plan.

Ensure the wellbeing of country and the wider GMCD&D community through the protection of aboriginal sacred

sites. Page 15

G Drive/Executive/City Manager’s Assistant/Strat Plan 2012/accountability matrix – current version - April 2015

7 Accountability Matrix – Executive Management Team – April 2015

Act as advocate to the State Government to expand CEO/GME&I Discussions held in 13/14 with and improve the public transport network in Whyalla local transport providers. and the wider region, including a shuttle service from to Whyalla for shopping purposes.

Increase the involvement by residents and business in EMT/MCM Being addressed by GMC, TDM community organisations, community-based and and MCM. cultural events and volunteer activities.

Page 16

G Drive/Executive/City Manager’s Assistant/Strat Plan 2012/accountability matrix – current version - April 2015

Page 17


MEETING DATE 08/02/2016

FILE No. 3-80



SMP KEY ISSUE 1.1, 5.1



The report provides members with information on the WEBD / Regional Development Australia Whyalla Eyre Peninsula (RDAWEP) premises at 127 Nicolson Avenue, formerly operating as an incubator, the current tenants and leasing arrangements and future ideas for the premises.

The report is designed to generate discussion and debate on the future of the premises and turn both the Elected Body and the Administration to situational awareness to be receptive to possible opportunities that may arise.



1. the report be received and noted; and 2. the Economic and Social Committee recommend to Council the Administration negotiate with the RDAWEP, assume the responsibility for tenant and facility management, allowing it to collect rental income of the remaining tenants within the former serviced office / business incubator space.


 Strategic Management Plan

Economic Prosperity – 1.1 Whyalla will have a diversified and sustainable economy

Sound Financial and Asset Management – 5.1 Infrastructure is appropriately planned, maintained and managed Page 18

 Legislation – Nil

 Sustainability





 Budget – Nil

 Executive Management Report Review (The following Group Managers have reviewed the report under reference)



The premises at 127 Nicolson Ave is a Council-owned, ground level office and warehouse structure and separate warehouse at rear originally built in the early 1990’s as the Whyalla Technology and Enterprise Centre. Over time, the premises have undergone a series of internal renovations, converting warehouse elements into office and meeting room space. The property is in good condition.

The main premises currently offers approximately 700sqm of office space configured as 14 offices of varying sizes, meeting rooms, a boardroom and reception area and approximately 200sqm of warehouse space. The separate rear premises are a warehouse area of approximately 180sqm. A floor plan of the main premises is provided for information at Annexure “A”.

The structures sit on a land holding of approximately 4,700 sqm.

The front section of the main premises (shaded red on the plan in Annexure “A”) is currently leased by Council to the Whyalla Economic Development Board Inc on a heavily subsidised rent. The lease expires on 30 June 2017.

The rear section of the main premises (shaded green on the plan in Annexure “A”) was leased by Council to the “Upper Spencer Gulf Business Incubator Network Inc” which expired on 18 June 2015.

Amalgamation of WEBD into RDAWEP meant that the new entity has taken over responsibility for the former contractual arrangements of WEBD.

In 2012, the RDAWEP prepared and tabled a comprehensive Business Plan for the operations of the Whyalla Business Centre (offices/workshop and training/conference room hire) which outlined opportunities, constraints income and expense projections and funding requirements to return the facility to a good quality condition. At the Council Meeting held on 19 March 2012, Council supported and adopted the Business Plan (refer resolution C763-2012). A copy of the Business Plan is provided for information at Annexure “B”. Page 19

Until mid-2014, the RDAWEP was operating the rear section of the main premises as serviced offices / business incubator, accommodating a range of short and long term tenants. It is understood RDAWEP withdrew from operating and managing the business incubator and serviced offices (with front of house services) as it was not deemed core business and alternative points of view between Council and the RDAWEP.

At present, three tenants (Alexander and Symonds, Eyre Futures and SAGE) remain as occupants in offices at the rear section of the main premises on monthly tenancies generating approximately $17,000 per annum. Rent is collected and currently retained by the RDAWEP. RDAWEP also recover and acquit utility charges consumed by the remaining tenants and arranges cleaning of all public areas including toilets, hallways and kitchens.

The separate warehouse premises at the rear are currently leased by Council to Concept Tinting on a monthly tenancy with rent paid to Council.

RDAWEP provides, within their leased area, meeting room and boardroom facilities for hire on an adhoc basis and retains the income generated from these activities.


Recent Trends

It’s evident the Council-owned premises is under-utilised with the rear section of the main premises having 6 of the 9 offices vacant and the remaining warehousing area unoccupied expect for use as storage of files relating to the activities of the defunct WEDB.

Changes in technology and work practices for small office-based businesses suggest a traditional serviced office set up prevalent in the 1980’s and 1990’s (i.e. front-of-house presence, secretarial support, photocopying, etc.) is outmoded. Recent trends in business incubators geared towards small business start-ups have moved away from small office based formats to co-working spaces suited to tech savvy ‘independent contractors’. The characteristics of co-working spaces comprise a shared working environment, freelancers/independent contractors, and the synergy that occurs from the clustering of people who have complementary skills and projects.

Current examples in South Australia include:

 Hub Adelaide, 5 Peel Street, Adelaide (www.hubaustralia.com);  That Space, Level 1, 157 The Parade Norwood (www.adelaidecoworking.com.au); and  Majoran, Level 2, 14 Grenfell Street, Adelaide (www.majoran.co).


The following are options which are presented for consideration and discussion. It’s not meant to be exhaustive and further work is required to validate cost or value assumptions.

Page 20

1. Market the Premises for Sale

The conclusion of the lease to the RDAWEP on 30 June 2017 provides an opportunity to sell the premises as vacant possession. A rudimentary assessment suggests the property, in current market conditions, might attract a sale price in the vicinity of $600,000 – $900,000. Possible parties that might be interested include tertiary education providers, non-government / not-for-profit organisations and government agencies.

Where a sale was to occur, it would provide much needed cash injection into Council’s finances to reduce debt.

2. Place the Premises on the Market for Lease

The conclusion of the lease to the RDAWEP on 30 June 2017 provides an opportunity lease the whole premises to a single entity. A basic appraisal to lease the premises, with its current fit-out, suggests it might attract an annual rent of $70,000 – $95,000 if leased as a whole to a single tenant.

In a thin leasing market, larger premises of this nature will take considerably longer to find a tenant and it’s not unreasonable to expect the property to remain vacant for 12 – 18 months. With the lease to the RDAWEP still to run a further 17 months, the immediate future would be a fitting time to engage a leasing agent and commence with program to find tenant/s for the premises and conclude negotiations.

No assessment has been undertaken for this report on the current state of the building and as to whether there is the need to undertake capital works to bring it into line with prospective tenant expectations and requirements.

3. Configure the Premises as ‘Co-working’ Space and Identify an Operator, through an Expression of Interest Process (to manage the operation)

Preliminary feasibility of the likely rental for the existing fitted-out offices, training rooms and meeting facilities to State/National consultants, periodic contractors, and freelancers seeking local office and meeting space, indicates the premises could generate an annual income of between $90,000 and $115,000 (operating between 60 – 75% occupancy) if managed in this arrangement.

Conducting an Expression of Interest (EOI) would allow Council to identify possible and suitable operators in the market. Due to the subdued rental expectations and curbed revenue opportunities, it is envisaged Council, as lessor, may need to provide the premises at a peppercorn rental to attract a private sector operator. Furthermore, capital works are foreseen to refurbish parts of the premises in line with fit-out trends in co-working space.

Further feasibility work is required to validate expected income and expenses and confirm a business case to operate the premises as a ‘co-working’ space. A visit by decision-makers to co-working spaces in other cities would be beneficial to better appreciate the dynamics of this unique approach and the opportunities it presents in assisting business start-ups.

Page 21

4. Implant of a Council Unit or Department whose task includes Operating the Premises as Serviced Offices/Business Incubator

As the RDAWEP has expressed reluctance to operate the premises as serviced offices/business incubator, one option might be the relocation of a Council unit or department whose function includes operating the premises as it was intended.

To ensure optimal fit, the unit or department’s function should be linked to economic development, have facility management capability and resources to nurture new business start-up. A Council unit or department, as the premise’s cornerstone tenant, may also appeal to and attract State/National consultants and periodic contractors as tenants.

As with all serviced offices/business incubator and leasing/licencing structure, Council would need to be nimble with delegated powers to staff to ensure the premises is operating efficiently and responsive to tenant client needs.

A concerted marketing campaign would be required to raise the profile and awareness of the premises operating as serviced offices/business incubator.

Concluding Comments

With the lease to the RDAWEP to expire on 30 June 2017, now is a suitable time to commence a discussion on the future of the premises at 127 Nicolson Avenue and be receptive to possible opportunities.

Current Tenants

Noting the head lease to the “Upper Spencer Gulf Business Incubator Network Inc” expired on 18 June 2015 and at present three tenants remain as occupants in this area, it’s prudent that Council negotiate with RDAWEP to assume the responsibility for tenant management allowing it to collect rental income. In assuming that responsibility, Council will also be tasked with recovery and acquit utility charges consumed by the remaining tenants and arrange cleaning of the Business Incubator’s public areas.


Annexure A – Floor Plan, Premises – 127 Nicolson Avenue

Annexure B – Business Plan – Operations of the Whyalla Business Centre (offices/workshop and training/conference room hire): 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2015


André Stuyt Group Manager City Development and Delivery

Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53


MEETING DATE 08/02/2016

FILE No. 5-70




SMP KEY ISSUE 1.1, 1.6



This report provides Members with an update on the planning for the Snapper Competition/ Family Festival to be held Friday 25 – Sunday 27 March 2016. The event is held over Easter along the Whyalla foreshore and Marina.


That the report be received and noted.


 Strategic Management Plan

Goal 1 Economic Development Desired Outcomes 1.1 – Whyalla will have a diversified and sustainable economy 1.6 – Tourism number to the city will increase

 Legislation – Nil

 Sustainability





Page 54

 Budget – refer below

 Executive Management Report Review (The following Group Managers have reviewed the report under reference)



The Whyalla Australian Snapper Championship has been the iconic tourism event for Whyalla with 2016 the 25th anniversary of the event.



 Council budgeted in 2015/16 $60,000 towards organising and marketing the Whyalla Australian Snapper Competition plus $5,000 towards the Festival from the Special Events Budget previously allocated to the Fishy Fringe.  Approximately $46,000 has been secured from in-kind sponsorship and $7,800 in cash sponsorship. This was across 22 local and National sponsors.  Sponsorship participation has been down with business owners siting the current local economic conditions.

Master of Ceremonies (MC)

 Media personality Andrew “Cosi” Costello from Channel 9’s travel show ‘South Aussie With Cosi’ has been contracted to provide MC services to the event and raise the event’s profile to an SA audience.


 Registrations opened in early January. As at 25 January 2016, a total of 32 entries had been received.  Early-bird registration closes 26 February and general tickets close 22 March, late entries will be accepted on Thursday 24 March between 5.00 – 10.00pm at the Marquee.  The entry form with Terms and Conditions and entry fees are provided for information at Annexure “A”.


 A comprehensive prize pool has been co-ordinated for this year’s event consisting of camping gear, fishing gear and flights across a number of categories.

Page 55

 A flight to Kangaroo Island with REX is being used as an incentive to encourage people to complete an on-line survey using IPads at the event, along with various vouchers and gift baskets being confirmed.  A range of food vouchers for opening night are to be given at random to encourage people to spend their money in the town during the weekend.  Competitor bags to have a range of free giveaways including vouchers and information for around town and free fishing magazines, etc.


 A wide-ranging marketing campaign is underway utilising the following mediums/outlets: Facebook, Instagram, Council web-site, three different fishing magazines, Fishing World web-site and newsletter, Cosi’s social media pages, Council media releases distributed to print and TV media organisations, Council newsletter, Whyalla News adverts, council staff email signatures.  Two rounds of printed collateral have been scheduled; the first round has been released and is being sent to fishing and boating outlets State-wide (also distributed at the recent event launch to key partners/sponsors). The next round is more focussed on the Festival and is for local distribution, letterbox drops, etc.  A printed banner will be going up shortly once the design is finalised. This will be displayed in four different locations around Whyalla, moving every 2-3 weeks up until the event.  Last year’s competitors have been contacted via email and informed/invited to participate in the 2016 event.  The Whyalla Visitor Information Centre and Council’s Reception provided with event’s collateral.  Attendance at the Adelaide Caravan and Camping show is planned for 20-21 February 2016 at the RDAWEP display marketing the Eyre Peninsula to promote the event and generate registrations.

Launch Event

 The official launch was held on 21 January with approximately 25 attendees. Marketing material was distributed and key stakeholders were informed of event details.  Stakeholder meetings are planned closer to the event.

Family Festival

 With the demise of Events Whyalla, who were responsible for organising the Fishy Fringe, planning is underway for a new Family Festival to compliment the Snapper Competition activities.  Stall applications are being sourced for a broad range of activities including amusement rides, food and beverage, art and crafts, etc.

Page 56

 Beyond Bank have donated their branded tent to be used for both the kid’s activities on Saturday and the triathlon on Sunday. Art materials supplied provided by WDD Office supplies.  School engagement planned to elicit the participation (and attendance of children) working towards an art project to display.  Additional kids entertainment includes games and art/crafts being sourced.  Working on securing a free site Wi-Fi with sponsorship from Telstra Head Office.  Music is being co-ordinated by Gavin Chandler who is compiling a list of suggested artists and schedule. Stormfront Productions have confirmed interest in performing at the festival.

Mayor’s Festival Dinner

 Acting Mayor, Tom Antonio, has initiated an anniversary/gala awards dinner, however, there are no funds budgeted at this stage to develop such an event.  The dinner event is currently under development.  Complications envisaged whereby entrants/prize winners are forced to pay for attendance at the dinner to collect their prize as the competition’s Terms and Conditions have been fixed – all prize winners must attend an awards ceremony to collect their prize with no requirement to pay to attend. Concerns also that any prize/awards ceremony will have a number of non-attendees as previous experience reveals prize winners have forgone their prize to be able to depart Whyalla early to travel interstate/home.


Annexure A – 2016 Whyalla Australian Snapper Competition Application Form Annexure B – 2016 Whyalla Australian Snapper Competition Festival Brochure


Suzy Kettle Tourism Event Co-ordinator

th prior to the official start time. If a boat is launched Note – All unclaimed prizes become the Whyalla’s 25 Australian Snapper early, it will be required to be removed and property of the organisersPage at the57 close of the Championship Rules & Conditions relegated to the end of the queue for awards ceremony. (Please retain copy for future reference) relaunching. Failure to comply may result in Organisers reserve the right to: disqualification.  Defer finalisation of results or allocation of prizes subject to the satisfactory conclusion 8. REGISTRATION DESK of any investigation that may be under way 1. ENTRY FEES The Registration Desk will operate in the HQ into any matter of alleged rules a) An earlybird discount applies to all entries marquee on Thursday 5.00pm - 10.00pm, Friday contravention. received and paid by 5.00pm, Friday 26 February 6.00am – Midnight, Saturday 7.00am – Midnight  Re-allocate or change prizes. 2016. b) Standard entry fees apply to all entries and Sunday 7.00am - 4.00pm. It is the overall Prizes cannot be exchanged or converted to received and paid between close of earlybird and control point for the championship, general cash. 5.00pm, Tuesday 22 March 2016. c) Late entries enquiries, distribution of competitor’s information will be accepted at the registration desk within kits, visitor information and souvenir sales. 12. RULES FOR CATCHING FISH the championship marquee, Thursday 24 March a) Each competitor must hook and land their own 5.00pm - 10.00pm. d) Junior competitors must 9. WEIGHING SNAPPER & OTHER SPECIES fish, but may have assistance e.g. gaffing, gilling be 16 or under as of Friday 25 March 2016. e) Snapper – heaviest and random weights or with the use of a landing net. b) Competitors Entries received after any of the aforementioned a) Competitors may weigh a maximum of three must adhere strictly to all legislative regulations times will be charged the higher fee, entries snapper for the duration of the championship relating to exclusion zones surrounding any received after 10.00pm Thursday 24 March 2016 with all weights being entered under the single remaining aquaculture leases in the Fitzgerald will not be accepted. f) All times mentioned are category of Snapper. The 10 heaviest will be Bay area, the SANTOS Port Bonython shipping Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT). declared the Top 10 winners, however, should a terminal, OneSteel and Arrium Mining Harbour,

competitor have more than one in the Top 10 aquatic reserves and marine parks; or risk being 2. OPEN & JUNIOR ENTRY only the heaviest fish will be eligible . All other disqualified. One section only to be entered (open or junior). snapper will be eligible for a mystery random Junior competitors compete for junior prizes only. weight prize. The competitor with the heaviest 13. PRESENTING FISH AT WEIGH STATION Juniors wishing to compete for the full range of snapper will be declared the 2016 Snapper General condition snapper prizes must register in the open section Championship winner. b) In the event of a tie for a) All fish must be presented in an undamaged and will therefore not be eligible for junior prizes. any of the 10 positions, the competitor who first condition in fish boxes/containers or

weighed in their fish will be regarded as the plastic/hessian bags. All visible and/or accessible 3. TEAM SECTION winner and second place will go to the competitor tackle/bait must be removed including hooks. b) a) A team of four competitors, on up to two who weighed in second. Competitors must ensure all fish have been boats, whose total weight of four individual Other Species appropriately dispatched prior to entering the heaviest snapper is the greatest, will be declared The following can be entered in Other Species, marquee. No live fish are to be brought into the the champion team. These fish will be the same prizes will be awarded for each day’s fishing: marquee, and will not be weighed. c) Mutilated snapper weighed in for individual prizes for the  Blue crab, Australian herring (Tommy ruff), fish, fish that have been frozen or that are in poor heaviest snapper. This section is an opportunity garfish, leather jacket, salmon, snook, condition, as well as undersized fish will NOT be to win extra prizes. b) Each team member must trumpeter, whiting (any). accepted. Competitors who present undersized indicate on the entry form if they are competing a) Blue Crab - One blue crab per competitor fish may be reported to SA Fisheries officers. as part of a team and include the team name may be entered each day. One open and one Special snapper conditions before they start fishing. Any team that does not junior prize will be awarded daily for the biggest a) All snapper presented and deemed to be have four team members indicated on their entry crab when measured from claw to claw. b) within the Top 10 of the Heaviest Snapper forms will not be accepted. Competitors can only Trumpeter - As a novelty, one trumpeter may be category at any time throughout the enter in one team. weighed each day for the heaviest trumpeter, championship must be gutted by the competitor 4. COLLECTION OF ID LANYARDS & with one open and one junior prize daily. c) All in the presence of an authorised person COMPETITOR PACKS Other Species - Competitors may register one immediately after weighing. b) The Top 10 All competitors may attend the HQ marquee fish each day per category. These will not competitors at the end of the event must be between 5.00pm and 10.00pm on Thursday 24 necessarily be the biggest, but based on mystery prepared to complete a Statutory Declaration March, or from 6.00am on the Friday until the random weights. In the event of a tie for any prior to the presentation ceremony. Failure to first time they start fishing to collect: category, the names of those competitors will be comply with either of the above will disqualify the  Their personal ID lanyard, to be worn at all placed in a container and the first drawn out will fish. times. be deemed the winner. One open and one junior  An information kit containing the Big Red prize will be awarded per Other Species category 14. COMPLIANCE WITH SA REGULATIONS newsletter, fishing map, fishing/boating daily. a) All species caught must comply with information, and sponsor freebies. These go Department of Primary Industries and Regions on a first come first serve basis; competitors 10. MYSTERY WEIGHT & OTHER PRIZES SA regulations; and must be caught on fishing who enter late are not guaranteed a gift bag. a) Competitors who register a fish closest to a rods and/or hand lines. b) Competitors must mystery random weight will be deemed winners  Competitors with outstanding fees are comply with Port Authority regulations and all of mystery weight categories. b) A further ineligible to compete until full payment is other relevant legislation. It is the responsibility of made. selection of special prizes will be awarded, competitors to be fully aware of regulations Fish will not be accepted for weighing at the including heaviest fish caught by a Junior covering minimum size and bag limits, and the competitor, heaviest caught by a Female Weigh Station or prizes presented to requirement of boat licenses and safety competitors without their ID lanyard. competitor and other general incentive prizes. equipment in SA.

11. CLAIMING OF PRIZES 5. COMPETITON FISHING TIMES 15. LAUNCHING POINTS & LAND-BASED a) Snapper - All major prizes will be announced Day 1: 8.00am Friday - 10.00pm Fri 25 Mar FISHING AREAS Day 2: 10.00pm Friday - 10.00pm Sat 26 Mar and presented from 7.00pm Sunday 27 March in a) As the championship is based at the Whyalla the HQ marquee. b) Other Species - Day 1 and Day 3: 10.00pm Saturday - 4.00pm Sun 27 Mar Marina, it is expected that sea-based competitors 2 winners will be announced via the information will launch from this location. While some 6. WEIGH-IN TIMES board in the marquee as soon as results are competitors may choose to launch at the Point determined at the close of each days fishing. Day 1: 1.00pm - 10.00pm Fri 25 Mar Lowly boat ramp, however no facilities will be Day 2: 7.00am - 10.00pm Sat 26 Mar Winners will be required to collect their prize from available at this site. b) Land-based entrants Day 3: 7.00am - 4.00pm Sun 27 Mar the Registration Desk prior to Noon Sunday. Day must fish between Discovery Parks Whyalla 3 winners are required to collect their prizes Fish must be weighed prior to above closing Foreshore and Point Douglas (north of Fitzgerald between 5.00 - 6.00pm Sunday. c) Important times each day Bay), with the exclusion of the OneSteel/Arrium information - Prizes can only be claimed by the Mining and Santos areas. named winner, unless otherwise pre-arranged 7. BOAT LAUNCHING ON DAY 1 a) Whyalla Marina and Point Lowly ramps will be with the organisers. All prize winners must wear 16. COMPETITION TIME COMPLIANCE their ID lanyards to collect prizes. As the closed to all users (competitors and non- All competition times covering close of entries, presentation ceremony is part of the competitors) between 7.00am and 8.00am on fishing hours, and weigh-in will be adhered to championship, it is a condition of entry that day 1, after which competitors may launch their strictly. Competitors who are not in the queue at competitors who weigh a prize snapper will boats. Both ramps will be supervised during the the Weigh Station with a fish at the 4.00pm cut- be available to receive their prize when initial launching period. b) No car/boat/trailer to off on Sunday will be deemed ineligible to weigh. announced at the ceremony. As such, be left unattended in marina queue prior to the competitors should be present to collect their start. Failure to comply may result in 17. PERSONS NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER allocated prize when their name is called. d) disqualification. No boats are permitted to launch No person who works or has worked on a commercial fishing boat or recreational charter The decision of the Weigh Master and/or 21. ENTRY REFUSAL boat north of a line between Cowell and Wallaroo organisers is final and no further discussions or The organisers reserve thePage right, 58 without reason, at any time during the preceding 12 months, from correspondence will be entered into. to refuse application for an entry. A refund shall the date of the event, is permitted to enter. be made for any refused entry. 20. DISQUALIFICATION 18. DISPUTES a) Any competitor found in breach of these Rules 22. AGREEMENT TO RULES & CONDITIONS Disputes and challenges will only be considered and Conditions shall be subject to disqualification By signing this entry form and agreeing to the by championship organisers if made in writing from the competition, with specific reference to Rules and Conditions, the competitor thereby stating all relevant facts at the earliest anglers who fail to comply with legislative agrees to abide by any disqualification decision opportunity, no later than 15 minutes after the regulations relating to exclusion zones. b) or ruling that may be imposed. close of weigh-in on the day of presentation of Organisers reserve the right to disqualify any prizes, to either the Weigh Master or competitor who fails to follow a reasonable 23. PHOTOGRAPHIC RELEASE Championship coordinator. Disputes shall be direction of organisers, registration desk and By signing this entry form the competitor gives resolved prior to the beginning of the weigh-in volunteers, traffic marshals, security permission for any photograph of them, taken by presentation/distribution of prizes and the person personnel, or others acting on its behalf; fails to event photographers, to be used for promotional or persons lodging the dispute advised of act in the spirit of the competition; or acts in a and marketing purposes. This may include findings. Disputes and challenges will not be manner that may bring the event into disrepute. newspaper, TV, radio, magazines, the event accepted once the presentation of prizes c) Competitors who are found to be in violation of website, social media, and associated websites. commences. the law while competing by law enforcement will If any parent/guardian does not wish for a junior also be disqualified. d) Competitors are not competitor to have their photograph used they 19. DECISIONS ARE FINAL entitled to a refund if disqualified. must let organisers know when submitting the form.

Whyalla’s 25th Australian Snapper Championship Entry Form

Scan and email or post this page only to: Whyalla Snapper Championship, PO Box 126, Whyalla, SA, 5600. A separate form is required for each entrant, photocopies are acceptable. Alternatively, enter online at www.australiansnapper.com.au.


Full name ______Email ______

Home address ______

Postal address (if different from home) ______

Mobile Ph______Home Ph ______Male  Female  (please tick)

Will you also be competing as part of a team? Yes  No  (please tick) Team name ______

Boat fishing  Land-based  Both  (please tick) This information is for administrative and planning purposes only.

Boat Crew members required to complete the following:

Full name of owner/skipper of boat from which you will compete: ______

If you are the designated Boat owner/skipper please complete the following:

Make ______Length ______Boat name ______

Boat rego ______Trailer rego ______

Tow vehicle rego ______Radio call sign ______

PAYMENT DETAILS Please tick appropriate box below. All entry fees include GST.

EARLYBIRD DISCOUNT: STANDARD ENTRY: LATE ENTRY: Payment must be received by 5.00pm Payment must be received by 5.00pm Only at the HQ Marquee, 5.00pm – 10.00pm Friday 26 February 2016 Tuesday 22 March 2016 Thursday 24 March 2016

Open ($45.00) Open ($55.00) Open ($70.00)

Junior, 16 & under ($10.00) Junior, 16 & under ($15.00) Junior, 16 & under ($25.00)


 Bankcard  Mastercard  Visa Card No. ______Expiry date: _____/_____

CCV No. ______Card holder’s name: ______Card holder’s signature: ______

Please also send me: Accommodation information  Visitor information   In consideration of and as a condition of my entry in the Australian Snapper Championship, I, my heirs, executors, and administrators agree to indemnify and to keep indemnified and to hold harmless the organisers of the Australian Snapper Fishing Championship, its servants and agents and rescue services and each of them from and against actions, costs, claims, damages, charges and expenses whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against them or any of them arising out of or in relation to their participation in the Australian Snapper Championship. I have read the Rules & Conditions, which I understand and agree to be bound. Entry forms for competitors under the age of 18 must also be signed by a parent or guardian.

Signed: ______Date: ______Parent/guardian name: ______

Parent/guardian signature: ______

For office use only Receipt number ……………………………..……….…. Amount paid ……………………………… Date …………………….

Processed by ……………..………………………………….. Page 59 Page 60 Page 61


MEETING DATE 08/02/2016

FILE No. 4-49







The following report has been prepared to identify any emerging trends resulting from the amalgamation of the two previous libraries to one central library service.


That the report be received and noted.


 Strategic Management Plan

Goal 4 Civic Leadership and Organisational Development Desired Outcome 4.2 – Council’s operations are efficient and customer-focused

 Legislation – Nil

 Sustainability





 Budget – Nil Page 62

 Executive Management Report Review (The following Group Managers have reviewed the report under reference)



This report has been prepared as a result of discussions surrounding emerging trends when comparing Council’s two previous library services (Civic Library located within the City Plaza and Alex Ramsay Library) and the amalgamation into one central library service (Whyalla Public Library) which is located adjacent to Westland Shopping Centre.


Data Collection and Trends

Comparison data has been collected over a number of service areas including membership, borrowings, children’s activities, collection items, visits and internet usage. This data covers an almost ten year period (2006 to 2015), and has been collated from the two previous libraries (Civic Library and Alex Ramsay Library) and the new Whyalla Public Library.

The following is a breakdown of that data:


Civic and Alex Ramsay Libraries Whyalla Public Library

2006 2010 2011 2012 2014/15 9,066 12,087 5,216 7,637 9,035

The above table indicates that the membership was 9,035 as of June 30 2015 for the Whyalla Public Library. This number represents 40.9% of the Whyalla population as being active members of the library service (total population 22,088 ref. ABS – Local Government Area, 2011). This number is similar to the membership of 2006, however, the number appears significantly lower than 2010. Membership numbers are derived from active members over a three year period, and on closer analysis, it appears that the data of 2010 contained members that were inactive. A cull on membership was undertaken later in that year (2010) hence the rapid decline in 2011. Therefore, it may be more appropriate to disregard the number indicated in 2010 and focus on the steady incline from 2011 onwards which depicts a percentage increase of 73% during the period 2011-2014/15.

Page 63


Civic and Alex Ramsay Libraries Whyalla Public Library

2006 2010 2011 2012 2014/15 150,285 148,437 126,909 132,800 130,768

The above data indicates a reduction of borrowings from 2006 to 2011. After 2011, an increase was experienced for the following year (2012) and then a slight decline in 2014/15. Overall, when comparing the trend over the entire period, the borrowings are down some 17% (2006-2014/15).

Children’s Activities

Civic and Alex Ramsay Libraries Whyalla Public Library

2006 2010 2011 2012 2014/15 1,266 9,693 2,897 4,808 5,676

Overall, there is an increasing trend in children accessing this service. The increase is quite significant and equates to a rise of around 350%. The data contained within the 2010 year represents an anomaly to the other data presented and on closer analysis it appears that there was a significant increase of children’s activities offered for that particular year.

Collection Items

Civic and Alex Ramsay Libraries Whyalla Public Library

2006 2010 2011 2012 2014/15 48,109 41,220 39,168 n/a 42,766

The above data indicates a decline of around 11% in collection items from 2006 to 2014/15, however, this figure is more than likely misrepresented due to the implementation of the OneCard system whereby local residents can borrow items across a number of library outlets anywhere in the State, and not captured within the statistics above. If all collection data from local residents was to be captured, the latest figures (2014/15) are likely to be much higher than shown.


Civic and Alex Ramsay Libraries Whyalla Public Library

2006 2010 2011 2012 2014/15 n/a 89,489 n/a 78,936 86,316

Comparing 2010 to 2014/15, the number of visits is showing a decline of around 3.5%. On further analysis, anecdotal data indicates that the door counter at both previous libraries (Civic and Alex) was inaccurate and therefore the number represented for those years should be disregarded. Taking that into consideration, the period from 2012 to 2014/15 represents an increase of around 10%. Page 64


Civic and Alex Ramsay Libraries Whyalla Public Library

2006 2010 2011 2012 2014/15 5061 14,372 9,061 21,440 29,272

Internet usage depicted above indicates a significant increase from 2006 to 2014/15, approximately 478%. As with other data collected, 2010 is presenting a higher number than would be expected considering the numbers from the previous year, there is no tangible explanation for this spike.


Overall, at this point the writer is unable to expand any further upon areas of emerging trends based on the raw data presented above. Rather it may be more prudent to accurately monitor and collect data drawn from services currently offered at the Whyalla Public Library which can then be used to draw more conclusive results.

Identifying real emerging trends, within the public library realm, is much broader than reviewing current and past data. The rate of change from what was considered the traditional library has changed enormously over the last decade and will continue to change at a greater pace as it keeps up with rapid technological advances and growth of information resources and devices.

There is a clear expectation that the Whyalla Public Library will continue to be progressive, while still providing all of the vital traditional services. In addition to the social value it has in enhancing the wellbeing and confidence of our community, the library has a strong focus on providing a much broader community “hub” for the city.



Ann Ryan Research/Project Officer

Page 65

Date: Tuesday 17 November 2015 Time: 9 am Venue: RDAWEP Board Room, 127 Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla

Present: Clare McLaughlin (Chair) Irene Adair Migelle Hiscock A/Prof Martin Jones Juanita Walker Jess Law Mark Whitfield Elizabeth Greenham Tanya Cumerlato Alex Todd Belinda Marsh Jo Brown Heather

Apologies: Jim Pollock Eddie Hughes MP Rowan Ramsay MP Julie Marron Richard Horgan Dion Dorward


. Provide members with an on implementation of the NDIS in South Australia . Update on progress toward achievement of actions outlined within the Masterplan . Review the 3 month action list


Recommendation: Moved: Mark Whitfield Seconded: Jess Law That apologies for the meeting be noted and accepted. CARRIED 2. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION

Meeting opened at 9 am with a welcome to those in attendance by meeting chair Clare McLaughlin, including Liz Greenham Coordinator of Client Services, Disability Services, Centacare Catholic Family Services, who has recently joined the group. Also from National Disability Insurance Agency Belinda Marsh, Assistant Director, Regional Team South Australia, Jo Brown, Assistant Director Engagement Team and Heather Rutter, Finance Officer.


Recommendation: Moved: Juanita Walker Seconded: Martin Jones That minutes from the 22 September 2015 meeting be noted and accepted. CARRIED


Actions 2.9, 3.1, 3.2 have been completed. Action 2.3 remains in progress and is outlined within the action list arising from this meeting.


. NDIS, update on implementation Page 66

Jo Brown and Melissa Bailey from NDIA presented an update on the program, its planned implementation and implications for Whyalla.

Key Points.

. NDIA implementation will bring significant changes to the disability services sector . There will be no block funding for service providers . Changes to eligibility criteria including more focus on early intervention . An assessment and planning process will enable decisions about care to be driven by participants . The plan will identify specific goals, actions to be put in place to achieve goals, funding aligned with plans . Average annual plan/funding expected to be approximately $38,000 . Funding comes from individuals to service providers . Providers must be registered . Safeguards are in place for self management . Full roll out of the new program will commence from July 2016 . State/Commonwealth agreements expected to be finalised soon . Roll out to 35,000 people expected between 2016 and 2018 . NDIA have advertised for providers in regions and will be identifying gaps over coming months


Update provided by Jess and Martin:

. Community scholarships commencing this week. . Four late stage students will be working with RDAWEP on completing aspects of the Masterplan . Exposing employers to hiring people with a disability . Improving access and inclusion for older people and people with a disability in sporting clubs and associations . Developing a disability service directory . Other students will be working in Whyalla and Port Augusta on primary health projects . Local students will be targeted in the new year to undertake longer internship projects


An updated action list had been circulated prior to the meeting. Work in progress on a number of actions from the plan. Activity expected to accelerate over coming weeks with appointment of a Project Implementation Officer and work commencing on UniSA projects.


. Meeting with Minister Bettinson’s Office

Alex had met with Jeremy Makin, adviser to Minister Zoe Bettinson (Minister for Health and Community Services, Minister for Aging) on 5 November to discuss the Masterplan and commence a formal dialog with the minister’s office about support for implementation.

Key points.

. Discussion included the plan, local collaboration, development of strong links to other organisations including UniSA, NDIA, COTA etc. Page 67

. The minister is aware and supportive of the work being undertaken in Whyalla . A number of grant funding programs were discussed . Much of the State Government work associated with aging involves legislation and advocacy

. Multicultural SA Grant funding application

An application for $155,000 grant funding to support implementation of aspects of the Masterplan had been lodged with Multicultural SA (Stronger Families, Stronger Communities). Pending notification.

. Project Officer recruitment

Mark Whitfield declared a conflict of interest and left the meeting. Update provided on applications and recruitment process. Five good quality applicants had been interviewed with an offer to be made this week


Next Meeting: Meeting 6 Tuesday 2 February 2016 9 am

Schedule: Meeting 7 Tuesday 22 March 2016 Meeting 8 Tuesday 24 May 2016


Meeting closed at 10.30am


As at 17 November 2015


2.3 Additional information to be sought and provided to members about AT 17/11/15 In progress other WHO Age-friendly cities in Australia, their success and pitfalls. Provide information about regional cities which are similar to Whyalla if possible. 2.9 Liaise with NDIA and request a person to provide and present AT/ Tanya 17/11/15 Completed information about the program, how it works and implications for Whyalla for the next meeting (discuss with Tanya and contact Lee Martinez). 3.1 Follow up with NDIA regarding implementation officer funding and AT 17/11/15 Completed support

An EOI had been sent with phone conference scheduled with NDIA contact for 24 Sept 2015. Outcomes/actions to be reported at next meeting. 3.2 Complete internal approvals, advertise and commence selection AT 17/11/15 Completed process. Advertising had commenced via Seek and Whyalla news Applications close 15 October