OPEN SESSION: There were 20 members of the public present, regarding agenda items.


Held on Friday 13th July 2012 at 2.00pm

Cllr Mark Steele (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Neville Chard Cllr Steve Rippon-Swaine until 2.20pm Cllr Stephanie Stokes Cllr Angela Wiseman

IN ATTENDANCE: Jo Stannard, Deputy Town Clerk Claire Perrens, Meetings Administrator Sam Poulter, Student Advisor Jenny Baldwin, Student Advisor Cllr Ford Cllr Heron until 2.20pm Terry Simpson, Town Clerk until 2.30pm

The Deputy Town Clerk reported that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Burgess-Kennar. In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Steele chaired the meeting.


Cllr Stokes declared a personal interest in a planning application – see P/4974 below.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 22nd June 2012, having been circulated, be approved and signed as a correct record.

The Town Mayor introduced the Clerk and two Members of Devizes Town Council who were attending to observe the meeting, in order to see how the Student Advisor scheme worked in practice.

The Chairman warmly welcomed the Devizes delegation, and also the 13 children and 2 teachers present from Junior School, present for the first agenda item.


Members had previously received copies of original letters written by Junior School students regarding the empty shops in the Town and suggestions for improvements. The students were encouraged to add further comments. They were concerned that the current range of shops included little for children in the way of clothing, toys and pet shops. Some felt that if the Town had more large well-known stores, more shoppers would be attracted to visit, which would benefit the smaller shops. They also felt that if there was more choice in Ringwood, they and their parents would no longer need to Page 1 of 4 travel to other shopping centres, saving petrol and bringing custom to Ringwood. The fact that the rent for shops in Ringwood is high, and many retailers do not survive long, was highlighted.

Cllr Wiseman congratulated the students on their letters, and their excellent handwriting. There was some further discussion about the impact of internet shopping on high street shops. On the issue of lack of parking, one student suggested that a multi-storey car park could be considered. Sam Poulter, Student Advisor, asked whether the students agreed there was a lack of entertainment for young people. It was generally agreed that a cinema, games arcade and more festivals and events would be welcomed.

The teacher commented that the Year 3 students had recently conducted a survey of visitors to the Town, which revealed that most people were attracted to the Furlong Centre, but there was a lack of awareness of the other shops in the Town Centre.

The Chairman congratulated the teachers and students on their contribution and said they would always be welcome to attend any of the Town Council committee meetings if they wished to raise an issue. The delegation from the School then left the meeting.

There was some further debate about what practical steps could be taken to address the concerns of the school students. Although the Town Council has no direct powers over matters such as the rent charged for retail units, the Town Clerk suggested that the letters provided an extremely valuable source of evidence. They could be included in the Council’s presentation at the Public Examination into District Council Sites and Development Management Plan, in support of this Council’s objections to the Plan P/4953 – 27.04.12 - refers.

Cllr Wiseman voiced concerns about the suggestion there should be more large stores. As a market town, Ringwood’s attraction lay in the artisan stores. Cllr Chard stressed the importance of retaining the historic character which makes Ringwood unique. The Town Clerk said that it should be understood that the proposed ‘retail space’ in the District Council’s long-term strategy was unspecified. It would not necessarily be a large supermarket, this would depend on market forces. The District Council had now recognized the importance of future retail development as close as possible to the Town Centre.

RECOMMENDED: That the letters of the Ringwood Junior School students on empty shops in Town be put forward as evidence as part of the Town Council’s response to the Council Sites and Development Management Plan at the Public Examination.

ACTION Jo Stannard

The Chairman congratulated Sam Poulter and Jenny Baldwin on completing a year as Student Advisors. He noted that both hoped to be appointed for a second year. He presented them with certificates of recognition, signed by the Town Mayor.


Cllr Stokes declared a personal interest in Planning Application 12/98896 as both she and the applicant are school governors.

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Members considered the planning applications as detailed in Annex A attached.

Application No 12/98820 18 Seymour Road – raising of roof in association with new second floor; side dormer; rooflights; two-storey rear extension

The applicant, Mr Steve Simpson, was present to comment. There had been objections to the original plans for extension some ten years before, but he said that he had spoken to his neighbours on each side of 18 Seymour Road and they were happy with the current proposals. After some further discussion, Members agreed that the current proposals appeared appropriate and the observation as shown in Annex A was agreed.

RESOLVED: That the observations summarised in Annex A be submitted.

ACTION Claire Perrens


Members considered the New Forest District (Outside the National Park) Local Development Framework Draft Supplementary Planning Document: Parking Standards – see Annex B attached.

RESOLVED: 1) That the Council’s response highlight the need for more cycle parking stands in the main car park, especially at the new Ringwood Gateway building; and 2) The possibility of providing parking for disability scooters be put forward.

ACTION Jo Stannard


Members considered the report attached as Annex C regarding the Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill. After some discussion, Members agreed that the current planning system worked well and they did not wish to support the campaign for local councils to have the same right of planning appeal as developers.

RESOLVED: That the campaign be not supported.

ACTION Jo Stannard


Members considered the consultation with respect to the onshore cable route as detailed in Annex D.

RESOLVED: That in view of the proximity of the onshore cable route to the parish boundary, the Council respond to the consultation to ensure that the ground is fully reinstated following construction.

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ACTION Jo Stannard


Members considered the notes of the meeting held on 28th June 2012 – Annex E. The Deputy Town Clerk commented that the A31 Ringwood Section report (Annex F) did not currently contain reference to a future housing development proposed for Ringwood, which would result in more traffic and potential problems at the junctions to the A31. It was agreed that this could either be added to the document or raised during discussions with the Highways Agency, once a meeting had been arranged.

Jenny Baldwin, Student Advisor, said she had recently passed her driving test, and found the slip roads at Ringwood ‘horrific’. Sam Poulter added that all the slip roads at Ringwood were too short. It was noted that all age groups were experiencing problems, experienced as well as new drivers.

The Deputy Town Clerk mentioned the strategic plans for a third lane, which might improve the problem, but it was agreed that due to the high costs involved, it was very unlikely this would happen in the next few years.

The Chairman commented on the fact that this was a comprehensive and impressive document and Cllr Thierry should be congratulated.

RECOMMENDED: 1) That the notes of the Safety Measures on the A31 Working Party held on 28th June 2012, and the proposals therein, be approved; and 2) That the A31 Ringwood Section report (see Annex F) be approved, with the suggested addition of reference to the impact of future housing developments on traffic and congestion.

ACTION C Perrens

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 3.25pm.

RECEIVED APPROVED 25th July 2012 17th August 2012


Note: The text in the Action Boxes above does not form part of these minutes.

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Annex B



1. Current saved residential parking standards for the New Forest District (outside the National Park) are detailed in the “The Provision of Car Parking Space in Residential Development (outside the New Forest National Park)” Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) adopted in February 2008. That SPD sets out guidance to developers and others on the provision of car parking space on residential developments and was originally supplementary to Policies DW-E1 and DW-T9 of the New Forest District Local Plan (First Alteration) (August 2005). It also had regard to the Housing design, density and character SPD (April 2006) and to County Council’s document: Hampshire Parking Strategy and Standards (Summer 2002).

2. When the District Council’s Core Strategy was adopted in 2009, Local Plan policies DW-E1 and DW-T9 were not saved. The new development plan policy to which the Parking Standards SPD provides supplementary guidance is Core Strategy Policy CS24: Transport Considerations.

3. It is now proposed that a new Parking Standards SPD is prepared to provide one composite document detailing standards for all development types in the New Forest District (outside the National Park). The proposed new standards are closely related to previous standards in operation as the District Council considers that the current standards have generally operated well. An extensive review of existing car parking standards is not considered to be necessary.

4. The proposed standards, once adopted, will only apply to New Forest District outside the National Park. The New Forest National Park Authority has its own standards.

5. The consultation draft Parking Standards SPD (attached to this report as an appendix) incorporates standards for provision of cycle and vehicle parking for all development types. It also identifies thresholds for travel plans and transport assessments. It has been prepared in consultation with relevant officers at both the District and County Councils.

6. It is proposed to carry forward, unchanged, the parking standards for residential development from the 2008 SPD. The non-residential standards are largely based on current HCC recommended standards, although it is not proposed to prescribe different levels of parking between town centres and peripheral locations. This is to help ensure that town centres remain attractive locations for development and are not undermined by easier parking elsewhere.

7. The new parking standards aim to encourage efficient use of land by preventing over or under provision of parking, as both scenarios can have severe road safety hazards or lead to serious environmental damage.

8. The production of one composite policy document covering all development types will help provide clarity for developers and other interested parties.

Page 1 of 2 9. Once adopted, the Parking Standards SPD will replace the current SPD “The Provision of Car Parking Space in Residential Development (outside the New Forest National Park)” (February 2008).

10. It is RECOMMENDED that Members consider the draft Parking Standards SPD and that any comments raised at the Committee meeting form the basis of the Council’s response.

For further information, contact:

Jo Stannard Deputy Town Clerk

Direct Dial: 01425 484721 Switchboard: 01425 473883 [email protected]

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Annex C



1. The Council has received a copy of a letter from Parish Council (Appendix 1) to two MPs regarding the Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill (Appendix 2).

2. The letter appears to suggest that the Bill has strong support from local councils and from the Hampshire Association of Local Councils (HALC) and the National Association of Local Councils (NALC). However, your officers do not recall having been consulted on this matter.

3. Clarification has been sought from NALC and it appears that local councils were not consulted and that support for the Bill was largely driven by the Suffolk Association of Local Councils, with help from NALC and a few other County Associations (including HALC).

4. It should be noted that the Bill was not adopted by an MP, so will not be progressing through Parliament. However, NALC is now seeking to alter the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 to achieve the goal of giving local councils the same right of planning appeal as developers.

5. A copy of the letter from Brockenhurst PC has been circulated to Members, and the following observations have been made:

i) In principle, people with local knowledge should have greater influence, as supported by the Localism Act 2011. However, increased power brings greater responsibility. ii) The planning authority must determine applications based on policy, both national and local. Planning authorities employ professional officers to interpret these policies and evaluate applications. The majority of local councils do not have officers with these skills. iii) The proposal could increase the time taken to determine applications. This in turn could have a negative impact on economic activity. In addition, local councils would need to shoulder the responsibility for delivering regional and national targets. iv) A planning system that could be stalled or dictated by the smallest of the administrative authorities could upset the balance; ensuring that each development fits perfectly in the local environment could have a detrimental impact on the housing and economic needs of the wider area. v) If the appeal is unsuccessful, local councils would be liable for the costs associated with the appeal, which could amount to thousands of pounds.

6. One suggestion to make the proposal work would be for the planning authority to indicate its decision to the local council. If the local council felt strongly that an application should be refused but the planning authority thinks otherwise, then providing the local council provides a bond to underwrite all costs associated with the planning authority backing the local council, then it could take the local council decision.

Page 1 of 2 7. It is RECOMMENDED that, in principle, the campaign for local councils to have the same right of planning appeal as developers could be supported, with the strict understanding that the parish or town council submitting the appeal should be responsible for all associated costs.

For further information, contact:

Jo Stannard Deputy Town Clerk

Direct Dial: 01425 484721 Switchboard: 01425 473883 [email protected]

Page 2 of 2

Appendix 1 BROCKENHURST PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council Office Highwood Road, Brockenhurst SO42 7RY T: (01590) 622829 W: E: [email protected]

Peter Aldous MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA. [email protected]

Neil Carmichael MP House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. [email protected]

25th June 2012

Dear Mr. Aldous and Mr. Carmichael

Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill

On behalf of Brockenhurst Parish Council I am writing to congratulate you on your success in the Private Members’ Ballot and to request that you adopt the Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill. It has widespread support amongst town and parish councils (local councils) in the country and is a major community empowerment policy of the National Association of Local Councils, representing 9,000 local councils in and Wales.

As you will be aware local councils have a statutory right to be notified of planning applications and they serve the important function of informing the community about those planning applications, acting as their voice in making recommendations on applications to the planning authority.

This Early Day Motion (2824) was successfully tabled by Martin Caton on 6th March 2012 with nearly 60 signatories across all parties: “That this House supports the Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill introduced by the Hon. Member for Gower with the support of the Norfolk, Suffolk, Kent, Hampshire and Hertfordshire associations of local councils; notes that the Bill would give town and parish councils the right of appeal against the granting of planning permissions to which they had objected and that this policy is backed by the National Association of Local Councils in England and by One Voice Wales/Un Llais Cymru which represents Welsh town and community councils; and hopes that the Bill will become law soon.” Appendix 1 Brockenhurst Parish Council urges you to support this Bill to give local people a proper voice in the planning system and an opportunity to work with developers to shape communities within a fair framework.

Here in the New Forest, as in most National Parks, the planning function is currently administered by a non-directly-elected National Park Authority. We therefore believe the right of appeal is especially important to us in reflecting the needs of local populace.

Thank you, in anticipation.

Our contact for support to you on this matter is Cllr Ron Bailey [email protected] or [email protected] (tel. 07951 761 229). Cllr Bailey has had considerable experience in helping MPs to be successful with Ballot Bills.

Yours sincerely

Mary Pattison (Mrs.) Brockenhurst Parish Clerk


HALC NFALC Dr Julian Lewis MP

Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill


To allow town and parish councils the right to appeal against the granting of planning permission in their area in certain circumstances; to make provisions for Wales; and for connected purposes.

Presented by Martin Caton, supported by Philip Davies, Mr Elfyn Llwyd, Andrew George, Caroline Lucas, Bob Blackman, Paul Flynn, Kate Hoey, Robert Halfon, Steve McCabe, Kelvin Hopkins and Sir Bob Russell.

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 6 March 2012.

© Parliamentary copyright House of Commons 2012 This publication may be reproduced under the terms of the Parliamentary Click-Use Licence, available online through The National Archives website at Enquiries to The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU; email: [email protected]


Bill 314 (xxxxxx) 55/1

xxxbarxxx Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill 1



Allow town and parish councils the right to appeal against the granting of planning permission in their area in certain circumstances; to make provisions for Wales; and for connected purposes.

E IT ENACTED by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present BParliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—

1 Rights of town and parish councils to appeal against the granting of planning permission (1) A town or parish council shall have the right to appeal against the granting of planning permission in its area in the circumstances stated in subsection (2). (2) The circumstances referred to in subsection (1) are— 5 (a) that the town or parish council has recommended on planning grounds that an application for planning permission in their area should be rejected by the local planning authority; and (b) the local planning authority has granted the application. (3) In this section a recommendation on planning grounds means a 10 recommendation based upon— (a) material considerations as specified by planning law; or (b) any other considerations that may be specified in regulations by the Secretary of State. (4) A statutory instrument containing regulations under this section is subject to 15 annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament. (5) Any appeal pursuant to this Act must be made within 6 weeks of the granting of the application. (6) The costs of any appeal made pursuant to this section shall be paid by the unsuccessful party. 20

Bill 314 55/1 2 Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill 2 Application to Wales The Welsh Assembly may make a statutory instrument applying this Act to town and community councils, subject to such modifications as may be specified in the instrument.

3 Short title, commencement and extent 5 (1) This Act may be cited as the Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Act 2012. (2) This Act comes into force on the day on which it is passed. (3) This Act extends to England and Wales.

Annex D



1. Attached is a copy of the Non Technical Summary of the Preliminary Environmental Information 2 (PEI2), which is currently the subject of formal pre-application consultation. The document gives a summary of the proposed Wind Park and associated infrastructure, and the process that will be followed prior to submission of the application for a Development Consent Order.

2. Members received a presentation on the proposals at a meeting of the Full Council on 25th April 2012. Since then, the Onshore Cable route has been released. It should be noted that the cable route does not enter the parish of Ringwood, although it comes close to the southern boundary.

3. The full consultation document consists of 181 pages and is available to view in the office or online at detail.aspx?newsID=526.

4. In view of the proximity of the onshore cable route to the parish boundary, it is RECOMMENDED that the Council should respond to the consultation to ensure that the ground is fully reinstated following construction. Members will recall that, at the meeting on 25th April, it was stated that it had been proven with previous schemes that habitat and species regenerated very well, land would be reinstated back to its former use and farming and general access could continue.

For further information, contact:

Jo Stannard Deputy Town Clerk

Direct Dial: 01425 484721 Switchboard: 01425 473883 [email protected]

Page 1 of 1 Annex E

Ringwood Town Council

Safety Measures on the A31 Working Party

Notes of a Meeting held on 28th June 2012 at 2pm

Present: Cllr Thierry (Chairman), Cllr Ford, Cllr Wiseman, Cllr Stokes (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Chard, Cllr Rippon-Swaine

In Attendance: C Perrens, Meetings Administrator

1. There were no apologies for absence

2. The draft Report ‘A31 Ringwood Section’ prepared by Cllrs Thierry and Ford was considered in detail.

Cllr Thierry reported that the petition was proving popular in the town. The local MP Desmond Swayne was to be asked to support the petition. Support would also be sought from the District and County Council.

Information obtained by Cllr Woodifield from the crashmaps website (accidents 2005- 2010) was reviewed and it was agreed that this would be adequate to replace the data from 2007. It was noticeable that the number of accidents on the St Leonards stretch of the A31 (where the speed limit is 50mph) was less than at Ringwood.

It was agreed that the possibility of traffic lights at the junction with the A338 should be included in the report, in order to relieve congestion and improve safety.

There were a number of anomalies along the A31 at Ringwood, such as unused bus stops and out of date pedestrian signs.

AGREED: MT to finalise the document and provide CP with a digital copy on 5th July – in order for colour copies to be printed to go out with the Planning Committee Agenda for the meeting on 13th July, for recommendation to Full Council on 25th July.

AGREED: A copy of the final document and a request for a letter of support to be sent to local councils to include Ferndown, Burley, , Ellingham, & , Verwood, St Leonards & St Ives and .

AGREED: Although the deadline for the petition is 30th June, a copy will be kept available for signature at Ringwood Gateway, after this date ‐ CP. All ~Wo od Section

Vtiony Ringwood Towfl unciI

S Council Motion in the names of Councillor Christine Ford and Councillor Michael Thierry

That Ringwood Town Council, having deep concerns related to the number of vehicle accidents on the urban stretch of the A31 in Hampshire from to the Ashley Heath interchange, and having regard to public opinion, petitions the Highways Authority to once again review, in consultation with this Council, measures which implemented, would have a beneficial impact on the accident rate on that section of the A31.

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Introduction The section of the A31 Trunk Road which passes through Ringwood could be designated an 'accident black spot'. It is the public concern related to these accidents which underpins the Council Motion. The Motion seeks to implement road safety measures which would reduce that accident rate. The Motion seeks to establish a consultation process between the Highways Authority, Ringwood Town Council and other involved stakeholders to discuss the safety issues of the highway from the Picket Post Interchange, east of Ringwood to the Ashley Heath Interchange west of Ringwood.

Ringwood Town Council accepts the engineering limitations and financial constraints involved in upgrading the section. It is not possible to re-build the road.

It is, however, possible that improved highway warning signage and additional information signage might have a positive safety impact.

Ringwood Town Council acknowledges that it does not have expertise in matters related to highway safety and the regulations which govern the national highway system. The Council does represent the views of local residents, who, over many years have come to know the road to be prone to motoring incidents, and seeks a discussion and review of the road.

The Council is wanting to be better informed of the policy and strategy of the Highways Authority for that section of the A31 which cuts through the town boundary. This can only be achieved by 'round the table' discussion, in a friendly and constructive atmosphere.

A31 Overview (West) This overview begins at the Picket Post Interchange and follows the A31 dual carriageway west to the Ashley Heath Interchange and then repeats the assessment east from the Ashley Heath Interchange to the Picket Post Interchange. The driving time between Picket Post and the Ashley Heath Interchange at just under 70mph is just under 4 minutes.

The geography of the A31 (Ringwood) 1.1 At the Picket Post Interchange a slip road from the Shell petrol station and Burley joins the A31. The slip road has good visibility for vehicles joining and those already using the A31 at this point are aware of vehicles joining. 1.2 Lay-by.

Poulner Interchange

Single slip lane to join the Tenth of a mile. Very poor visibility.

1.3 Access to and from Hightown Hill and Crow. 1.4 Lay-by and Access to and from Private Residences. 1.5 Lay-by and Access to and from Breach Lane. 1.6 Access to and from Private Residences.

2.1 Slip lane leaving the A31 at the Interchange (West) allows for easy exit from the A31. 2.2 Slip lane joining the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (West) is very short and a problematic 'black spot'.

3.3 Slip lane leaving the A31 at the Ringwood Interchange (West) is dual lane allowing for correct lane positioning left to Ringwood (Town Centre and Christchurch (B3347). and right for Fordingbridge and Salisbury (A338). 3.4 The A31 Ringwood Interchange has a dual carriage flyover which curves to the left. 3.5 Slip lane joining the A31 at the Ringwood Interchange (West). 3.6 The A31 at the Ringwood Interchange develops into three and then four lanes.

4.1 West Street, Ringwood exits unto the A31. 4.2 Texaco Petrol Station and Convenience Store is located almost immediately at the end of the West Street and Fish Inn exit. The Petrol Station has usual 'in and out arrangement. The exit requires careful judgement in respect of three lane of moving traffic often changing lanes at this point. 4.3 Slip lane to Verwood B3081. 4.4 At the Ashley Heath Interchange the road filters, two lanes left feeding the A338 the Wessex Way and Three Legged Cross and Horton two lanes taking traffic west A31 to Poole, Dorchester and the West Country.

Ringwood In

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A31 Overview (East) The Ashley Heath Interchange East is comprised of four lanes, two lanes, the A31 from the west, being joined by two slip lanes. The A338 and the Ringwood/Horton Road.

5.1 Slip lane exit to Verwood B3081 is just inside the Dorset/Hampshire Border. 5.2 Slip lane joining the A31 East from Verwood B3081.

6.1 Slip lane leaving the A31 at the Ringwood Interchange (East) is dual lane allowing for correct lane positioning right to Ringwood (town Centre and Christchurch (B3347) and left for Fordingbridge and Salisbury. 6.2 Slip lane joining the A31 East from the Ringwood Interchange (East) at the end of the fly-over.

7.1 Slip lane leaving the A31 at the Poulrier Interchange (East) exit from the A31. 7.2 Slip lane joining the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (East). 7.3 Poulner Hill 7.4 Private access for Little Forest Lodge. 7.5 Slip lane exit leaving the A31 for and Garden Centre. 7.6 Slip lane joining the A31 from Hangersley and Garden Centre. 7.7 Slip lane exit leaving the A31 for Shobley. 7.8 Slip lane joining the A31 from Shobley.

8.1 Single slip lane leaving the A31 at the Picket Post Interchange.

A31 Ringwood Section Observations and Comments

A31 Picket Post Interchange (West) to Poulner Interchange (West) 9.1 drops sharply down from Picket Post to the Poulner Interchange (West). The decline results in a natural increase of speed for moving traffic. 9.2 Potential hazards are the three lay-bys, feeder roads and private access entrances which merge unto the A31. (Vehicles joining the A31 from these access points do so from a 'standing start'). Various Interchange slip lanes

Comment -

A31 Poulner Interchange (West) 10.1 The slip lane leaving the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (West) inclines assisting a slowing down of traffic to the mini roundabout at the summit. There are no speed restriction signs. 11.2 However when traffic is very slow or at a stand-still at this point the slip lane up and down is used by vehicles, at increased speed, wishing to get ahead of the non-moving flow of traffic on the A31. 11.3 The slip lane from the Poulrier Interchange (West) joining the A31 is very short, tenth of a mile. Careful judgement is required when merging. At high speed 70mph it is not possible to attain a safe joining speed from the slip lane. With no break in the traffic, often it is necessary to join the dual carriageway from a 'standing start'. At this point speed is a factor, and motorists joining the A31 can be a matter of 'trust to luck' and hope that approaching vehicles will take avoiding action. 11.4 Visibility for those Joining is severely restricted. For users already using the road they are unable to see emerging traffic coming down the slip road, as the angle is quite steep. Visual time awareness of traffic joining from the left-hand side at speed is but a matter of seconds, particularly at 70mph. Observation -

i. The speed permitted on the leaving and joining slip lanes is not specified. High speeds on slip roads is a feature. ii. Clear signage on the Poulner Interchange (West) indicating that traffic joins the A31 iii. Improved signage indicating merging traffic.

A31 West Street/Fish Inn/Texaco Petrol Station/Verwood B3081 (West) 12.1 The Bridges to the Verwood B3081 slip road section of the A31 has a number of elements within less than the width of a football pitch. 12.2 The exit from West Street is complicated by vehicles wanting to use the Texaco Petrol Station.

At that point various traffic flows are possible. 12.2. a Traffic coming over the fly-over wanting to move left either into the petrol station or moving onto the Verwood slip road, perhaps needing to cross lanes of moving traffic. 12.2.b Traffic coming over the fly-over wanting to continue ahead on the A31. 1 2.2.c Traffic emerging from West Street wanting to move over to the right hand lanes for the A31.

12.3.d Traffic having used the petrol station wanting to rejoin the A31 from a standing start. 1 2.4.e Fish Inn customers can also exit from the Fish Inn car park directly unto the A31.

At that point the A31 is three lanes, with vehicles seeking to manoeuvre into their onward lane. These various elements make this a very dangerous section. 12.3 The slip lane from the Verwood B3081 joins the A31 increasing the number of lanes to four.

Comment -

West Street/Fish Inn/Texaco Petrol Station/Verwood B3081 (West) is one of the 'Black Spots' on the Ringwood section of the A31. Motorists leaving it until the last moment before getting into the correct lane contributes to the problem.

Observation -

i. Measures to better inform the road user of the directional lanes are desirable. ii. Distance between vehicles and lane discipline is vital. iii. However the vehicle user must be made fully aware of the need for both. iv. The Ringwood approach has three bridges spanning the dual carriageway, from the Poulner Interchange to the Ringwood Interchange. The middle bridge is pedestrian. V. At critical times might traffic lights be a consideration. V. Might these bridges not be used to indicate direction lanes? This would afford users the opportunity to get into the correct lane before the enter the fly-over rather than emerging from the fly-over into a confused traffic situation. All three bridges are suitable for lane information.

A31 Poulner Interchange (East) 13.1 The slip lane leaving the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (East) entrances the A31 almost at the bottom of Picket Hill. Often the traffic becomes very slow moving because HGV and other large vehicles use both lanes creating a built-up of trailing traffic.

Observation -

i. The creation of a Crawler Lane would assist traffic flow moving east proceeding up Picket Hill. Introduction of 50mph limit

There is a volume of opinion which would like to see a reduction of the posted speed limit on the section. Many residents consider that a more appropriate limit would be 50mph. They argue that the Ringwood section of the A31 is an urban area and therefore the sped limit should reflect that fact.

Summary It is recognised by Ringwood Town Council that 'driver error' is the main reason for accidents. Improved road signage and lane directives would assist in reducing 'driver error

'Driver error' occurs because of the need to make unprepared lane changes. Reminding vehicle users to 'Keep your distance' if observed should reduce 'driver error'.

Residents are of the firm opinion that speed is contribuary factor in 'driver error'.

In short summary residents point very clearly to poor and inadequate signage and speed.

Congestion on the A31 from Picket Post remains a significant issue. At peak time traffic may 'bunch-up' causing traffic jams and any accident or set of road works causses delay. The worst place for congestion is at the roundabout at the junction of the A338 and the A31. Difficulties in joining the A31 from adjoining roads, (such as the A338), causes further problems. Appendix A

Letters to newspapers Newspaper articles Accident profile 2005 to 2007 Issue 580 9 May 9th to May 22nd 9 2012 Distributed Free and Published Fortnightly. Est 1990

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A31 QUAKER Ringwood MEETING Of petition fT4 cr toTj 1b.* Mom 4ckt if TI-I E 8ecllail at the Ii.31 T11i11 A.dI oW RhaA Mta Raad villich Thraugli ’ Wdr -tity 13th Juriz, RhIigTsaad caiJict 138 de8Ig t-.; 1.001a - iited all 'accident I3Iac4< r._. ..-. -. ca vi. vYoyh Ln 4Ay c1JLLLUL) 8130L. It Ie flu e 11 1-10110 Call cciii rel ated to flu e8E rofxtOnidj (the 'dx'd rIL) sooldelits nih cli Un derpi liE Ed4 Huth a Ina flall agised ii') 'r'roALL Rhulgwaad TaJii Council. CosIiit: L" E= x& jcfin 0 14 'Th at Pu uu'wooL Towuu C all iioi havi iio ulozrll r'z' t.z.L to the mimber of Tj5hicle aoi- ff (L.z'uIt a ii the II rl.a ii streldi III1JIIEH of tlu.r. .Al iii I'.tuii>luir'z' I frcuiii Picket Post to tIu Now wtig it AIi b' Hea th iiitr The 1ky Centre olia iu.z a uid Tua'iii thR41. r'!.gt rd to Im blicaph iiaii, Pz'trtiotu tile Hilrw -t Every Sunday Aiitlua rit to auiz' aa ill at ltL3Oam re12z" ill o tiii lt'.tiaii Coit.- . Tz'4oii with tIli5 CauuiuctiI, Nvuth.a 499 1% uiiui rer5 wh Hi liii ple- i1'5 lllellte..11 v ii ki have a. I..z'ii imp act au z'fic'. I h ui.6unith .wfrtIes tli.z' aooidz'iit rat'z' au that .'z.tiouu af til e, J1.

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I St I1.Vr ¼I'I V 1 C F sho itiij'o oi t'I'ujer 1.1FllI t'.1iiu I. u:H I-I--It ci:.i Jcimrn rurcFuhIu i1 11..11luuui

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i_i h:;l ., 26-30 Salisbury Sfr..t Fcrc!inI.rnckj. Mal Ca uti4uiJ Ct. r ii . .111 T.I.ithon. 01425 653 439 ,.,:i:,,:,,,..i:..:I,.:ul.: r . .,.; ...... , . I : - 1.: ':V3 71 -ti2J ..,’. Telephone 08456 479095 - Ringwood & Fordingbridge NEWS - Page 3 Accountants and Tax Advisors

A31 on the Town Council agenda IT is proposed that Ringwood Town Council seek a meeting with the Highway Authority to discuss the vexed question of the section of the A31 which runs through the town. At the full council meeting in March a Council Motion in the names of Councillor Christine Ford and Councillor Michael Thieriy, was accepted and moved to the Planning Town & Environment Committee The committee supported the motion which will now be debated by the full council in April If approved the Small Business Start-up Service NEW motion, That Ringwood Town Council, having deep concerns related to the number of vehicle accidents on 1R35 Contractor Tax Solutions NEW the urban stretch of the A31 in Hampshire from Picket Post to the Ashley Heath interchange, and having re- Sole Trader Budget Service NEW gard to public opinion, petitions the Highway Authority to once again review, in consultation with this Coun- Limited Companies cil, measures which, implemented would have a beneficial impact on the appalling accident rate on that Payroll, CIS, Bookkeeping, VAT section of the A3 1', which means the Town Council are approaching the Highway Authority for a meeting. Award-winning Accountants In speaking to the motion Councillor Ford and Councillor Thierry advocated a broad approach to the Telephone 01425 470044 problems of the A31, not wishing to center solely on the speed. Improved driver information prior to the section, clear road marking and traffic speed signs on entering slip roads off the A31 were being called for. The A3 I, from Picket Post to the Ashley Heath interchange has a history of accidents and incidents at all levels over the years, claiming a number of fatallities and people suffering serious and minor injury. Not all accidents are recorded. Recently Ringwood residents have taken to writing to the Highway Authority and this newspaper ex- pressing their views, in essence wanting something to be done to reduce incidents. The town council is to give additional weight to the concerns which have been expressed

Spate of thefts from unlocked vehicles DRIVERS are asked to help crack car crime when they leave their vehicles parked in the New Forest during the summer months. Police have issued the warning in a bid to reduce car crime in the district's rural and town car parks following a recent spate of thefts from unlocked vehicles. The Safer New Forest Partnership advises drivers and their passengers to remove all valuable items - in- cluding coats, CDs, mobiles and laptops - from their parked vehicles and to lock their vehicle securely. lnsp Alex Reading, of New Forest East Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: 'Car crime does occur and the police are doing a lot to combat it. However people could help them- selves and help as to further reduce the problem by taking some simple crime prevention measures like locking car doors and removing all valuables.' He is concerned that satnavs, computers, purses, bags and other valuables have been left on show inside the vehicle or 'covered' with a cloth in an attempt to hide them. Cllr Jill Cleary, NFDC portfolio holder for housing and communi- ties, said: 'I really hope visitors to the New Forest will lock their cars securely and remove any valuable items. Thieves may be watching your movements in the car park and while you are enjoying your time in the Make a move in the right direction forest, you run the risk of returning to find your belongings stolen if you don't take these crime prevention measures.' LANDLORDS SPECIAL OFFER A bright yellow notice is available which can be displayed in vehicles stating: 'No valuables have been left in this vehicle.' They are available free of charge by contacting Commu- nity Safety co-ordinator Stephanie Bennett at Safer New Forest New 0% Commission! Forest District Council Appletree Court Lyndhurst SO43 7PA NO': FIOSU6. Months For New Landlords Only!

Hotpoint 7 kg drier £189.00 Terms and Conditions Apply including 5 year parts guarantee New. Hotpoint 1400 spin auto only £320.00 RINGWOOD OFFICE including 5 year parts guarantee 68 High Street, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1AQ Telephone 01425 477992 Repairs Installation [email protected] Sales & Parts for Domestic Appliances Vacuum Cleaner collection, delivery and repair service available Telephone 01425 659058 jJ Mobile 07803 587678 68 High Street, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 lAO Telephone 08456 479095- Ringwood & Fordingbridge NEWS - Page 13

50 mph The common sense answer Ringwood and I must try to bring home to you the serious situation that has developed regarding the A31 road at Ringwood. Fordingbz'idge We are now experiencing a weekly occurrence of major accidents resulting in death, multi car collisions and gridlock traffic jams. It is a death defying struggle to get out of our drive and all the many NEWS other houses that exit directly on to the A3 I. So far the only reaction has been to erect very expensive electronic warning signs on Poulner Hill that are of no use whatsoever, the motorist has no P0 Box 908, Ringwood, idea what they are for and their operation bears no relation to the traffic position. Hampshire BH24 1YL 50 mph limit. The common sense answer though not perfect would make this road between St Telephone Leonards, the Ringwood interchange, Poulner Hill and Picket Post a 50 mph limit and join up with the existing 50 mph limit at St Leonards. (08456) 479095 So far we have only had gross buck-passing between Councils, local Councillors, civil servants email: (Highways dept) and our MP. Funds for expensive electronic signs, new Council buildings, semi [email protected] pedestrianised Southampton road, all can be funded at the stroke of a pen. - - - I ne extension or tne speed emit on tne A.3A.3I pales into insignificance uiougiiu ie FeUIL would improve the safety on this over used main artery and increase traffic flow and save lives. This request is not the final answer to the problem though it would go a long way to increase safety. To have a four lane interchange resulting in crossover of three lanes at 70 mph in a distance of quarter of a mile would not be acceptable on any major motorway interchange and Ringwood has this very situation. Something must be done! We don't need another review, we don't need to hear that it's not our BUSH responsibility, we must have action now. Richard Starley PAINTING AND At last his talent can be appreciated DECORATING I was so interested to read the article "Sketchbook and entertaining tales" about Bill Hill. Why so interested - I have two pencil drawings given to me and my husband by him Tel: & Fax: (01425) 471464 in 1977. They were of our wonderful Collie dog called "Misty". [email protected] He drew both these pictures from photographs we had of Misty. I think I used to talk to him in the 'Orange Tree' and may have mentioned my dog and he did these for us on just really a scrap of paper. Are you finding it difficult coping at home? I have treasured these over the years as my dog is long gone now. They have moved with me wherever I have lived. Are you worried about a family member at home alone? I still have pictures in my mind of Bill cycling around Ringwood on his bike - always with a red neckerchief round his neck and shorts showing his very tanned legs. He always had a tan and looked just the part of an artist. I did know he lived in a cottage up at Lynford and he was such a lovely character around Ringwood. Illlir Sorely missed. I have often asked people about him, but not many How can we help? seem to remember him, and also have looked on the internet to Personal Support Housekeeping 'Respite find his art work, but haven't tracked anything down. So it was such Meals Errands Shopping Laundry a lovely surprise to see his daughter in your paper giving some of Fully insured and CRB Checked his work to be shown in the local Library. I have gone to have a Office 01425 470411 - Mobile 07950 042005 look at the well known local scenes in the Library and they are of such a high quality and should be seen. I am so pleased that at long last his talent can be appreciated by the folk of Ringwood. 'The finest care, the greatest fun, Details supplied the most encouragement' Ellingham Road verges a disgrace House I agree with Brian Walters, our road verges are a Day Nursery (Ringwood) disgrace especially on the A31 and spur road. As a local resident I am ashamed of the litter one sees driving down these roads - anyone from the continent will think that we The Region's Premier Day Nursery are a filthy nation. Excellent Baby-Unit, Toddler & Pre-School Depts. Never mind Brian, at the end of June many council workers will come out of the woodwork and a huge clean-up will commence. Simply 'Outstanding' Oftted 2006 & 2009 Why, you may well ask, the Olympics of course. The locals have Please Telephone (01425) 473723 to put up with the mess but visitors to the "Greatest Show of the Year" must be shown a clean and bright Hampshire/Dorset. to arrange your private tour of the nursery Michael Bull Telephone 08456 479095- Ringwood & Fordingbridge NEWS - Page 13

50 mph The common sense answer Ringwood and I am supportive of much of Richard Starley's comments in his letter (issue 575) and agree that the extension of the 50 mph limit on the A31 could help but isn't the final Fordingbridge answer. I may be pessimistic but those who currently exceed the speed limit will continue to do so and NEWS there will be a significant minority who having become accustomed to the present limit may (conscious- ly or unconsciously) not comply with a lower limit. P0 Box 908, Ringwood, The most significant factor behind the regular carnage on that stretch of the A3 I (and this applies Hampshire BH24 1YL equally to the A338 between Downton and Ringwood) is driver behaviour. Telephone I often drive along both stretches of road and am appalled at the regular occurrences of to name a few: (08456) 479095 Excessive speed (irrespective of the speed limit or the prevailing traffic/road conditions) email: Overtaking where it is clearly unsafe (evasive action taken by other road users avoiding many [email protected] potential accidents) 'Tailgating (even breaking slightly to activate brake lights doesn't seem to correct offender behav- iour) Using hand held devices whilst driving (since this has become a specific offence the practise seems to have become more widespread) NTGEL The apparently common belief that a speed limit is an instruction to drive at that speed Until these behaviours are changed and common sense prevails there will regrettably still be acci- dents irrespective of any changes to the speed limit. BUSH I don't know what the answer is but even allowing for the financial constraints within the public sec- tor perhaps the police mounting a "zero tolerance" operation a few times a year might have a PAINTING worthwhile impact although I concede that this may only touch the tip of the iceberg. Maybe convicted offenders should undertake compulsory training (as opposed to the current volun- AND tary option which some offenders accept as an alternative to points on their licence).The income from DECORATING the training (which is usually provided by the police) may at least partially offset the cost of the zero tolerance operation. Perhaps persistent offenders should have their licence downgraded to provisional and be required to pass the test before regaining a full licence. Tel: & Fax: (01425) 471464 I can't make any of that happen so can somebody pass these ideas to someone who can please? [email protected] Tony Ecroyd

Are you finding it difficult coping at home? Are you worried about a family member at home alone? J..; ._. BURLEY'S Associate How can we help? Personal Support Housekeeping Respite director Meals Errands Shopping . Laundry GOADSBY'S Ringwood Fully insured and ORB Checked Branch welcomes Kate Office 01425 470411 - Mobile 07950 042005 West, Associate Director, to the team. Kate has been with Goadsby for over six 'The finest care, the greatest fun, years successfully manag- the most encouragement' ing branches across Dorset and Hampshire. Eiingham Kate prides herself on the professional and efficient service House offered to her landlords and is looking forward to demonstrat- Day Nursery (Ringwood) ing Goadsby's high levels of customer service in the historic market town. The Region's Premier Day Nursery Kate reports, 'Our lettings offices have seen a great start to 2012, Excellent Baby-Unit, Toddler & Pre-School Depts. reporting a huge increase in lets agreed on the same period last year. The high levels of enquiries we are receiving on properties that are Simply 'Outstanding' Ofited 2006 & 2009 available to let makes now a great time to bring properties to the mar- ket'. Kate urges anyone considering letting their property or looking Please Telephone (01425) 473723 to invest in property to contact the Ringwood Office on 01425 to arrange your private tour of the nursery 470283. Pace 14- Rinawood & Fordincbridae NEWS - Teleohorre 08456 479095

Seen and heard Support for Cancer Research UK May I request an entry in your paper to thank my sup accnts on porters for their generosity to Cancer Research UK This years coiiection trom rc.Ingw000 amounted to ,',Duu.uu,tnIs almost a daily basis was due to the supporters' hard work. J. Gordon I would like to add mine to those of the many residents in Ringwood and surrounding areas regarding the issues over the A3 I. Ringwood friends I have lived at Picket Hill for 16 years and in that time have seen I would like to thank my friends in Ringwood who always and heard accidents on almost a daily basis. The resultant tailbacks greet me well when I return from my home now in the affect people for miles around as does the noise which also impacts Gambia West Africa, whenever I come to the UK to see my on the value of the houses adjacent to the A3 I. You could argue that family. residents choose to live here but 16 years ago the traffic was not as I am treated with great hospitality and friendship in the town constant or as heavy as it is now. from so many people, far coo many to list, but they know who they I, like many others, have approached the Highways Agency via let- are. Life goes on, always go forward, never look back. ter and phone, asking for something to be done but have received Bruce Berry (Formerly of the Owl Sanctuary) stock answers and no action. In a recent letter in the local newspaper, someone asked 'where Thanks to Rotary Club else in the country would you have motorway speeds on a stretch of We feel that our thanks should be offered to all the road which is joined directly by private driveways, laybys, numerous members of the Rotary Club of Ringwood who gave their exit roads,a major town intersection and a four lane crossover?' time and effort into arranging a visit to the showTitanic for This sums it up and more than supports the need for a 50 mph some of the older people of Ringwood.This show was fol- speed limit between the Burley exit to the Spur Road junction or lowed by a welcome meal at Greyfriars. It was very much ideally beyond to connect up with the existing St. Leonards 50mph appreciated.Thank you. section (Eastbound) and vice versa Westbound. Three residents of Mary Mitchell Close This would at least address all the issues until such time as the Highways also decide to listen to the level of noise pollution and resurface with a low-noise surface. Elaine Brett INN I A The Salvation Army TIMBERLAND Physiotherapy IMSW4 Treatment for:

Back and neck pain Sciatica Headache Saturday 12th May a Whiplash at Knee pain Greyfriars Community Centre Shoulder problems Tennis elbow Christchurch Road, Ringwood Plantar fasciitis 10.00am to 12 noon

Plus all other muscle joint and nerve problems including sports injuries and complex chronic pain V Cakes & Groceries V Dressed Teddies For an appointment call Dean Phillips, Physiotherapist V Toiletries V Jewellery 01425 281000 V Gifts & Cards Cornerways Medical Centre, Parkers Close, Corley Road, V Plants Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1SD V Books & Toys [email protected] V Tea, Coffee & Biscuits Page 16 - Ringwood & Fordingbridcie NEWS - Telenhone 08456 479095

35 years Established Painter & Decorator Interior and Exterior A package of Councillo Rooms decorated improvements needed Corner.. from Having read the last two editions of your publication, it Cur Michael Thierry £150.00 is clear that there is again a gradual build up of public opin- It has been a week or so of (Plus materials) ion, in favour of a 50mph speed limit on the A3 I, between planning issues. What have I Fully insured Picket Post and Ashley Health. learnt from the two cases com- From my Roads Policing and Council background, I would like to ing my way 9 offer the following observations, in support of the idea and again One centered on the position suggest a broader view, regarding improvements and enforcement. I on planning application plans of wrote a very similar letter in 2008 and I therefore suspect that the the boundary. In this particular same may be true in 20161 case planning permission had How About a Conservatory? We however, should all await the results of the Crash Investiga- been given a number of years tion from the recent fatal collision, before we jump to the ago and with building work now Friendly & Professional Advice conclusion that the crash occurred due to speeds in excess of commencing the boundary posi- Offered without Obligation tion has become an issue. Finest Quality Products 50mph. A 50mph limit will not solve all the problems covered in So a word to the wise, if you Fully Guaranteed Installations the various letters published to date. Having experienced the diffi- have some interest in a planning culties faced when exiting the petrol station at St Leonards and Call David Rowland application, certainly if you are other locations, in both directions, within the current Dorset 50mph . . . directly affected, do check the now on 01425 476686 limit, a reduced speed limit willwill not provide an automatic and easy or see me at submitted plans carefully. remedy. As speeds reduce, vehicles drive closer together and the RINGWOOD MARKET - WEDNESDAY Genuine mistakes do happen, By the Church 'gaps' to gain access to the main road, become smaller. Speed limits better to raise the matter at the [email protected] do not change driver behaviour unless other factors are introduced, time rather than try to resolve the Therefore signs, road engineering and other safety engineering, issue some time later. will also need to be considered, as suggested by one of your recent Listening to the background readers. of another possible planning The Fish Inn slip road is a classic example of road engineering.A application it crossed my mind slip road onto the A3 1, directly that perhaps planning agents linked to a slip road off the A3 i, might care to consider, like the t P'' into a garage.A possible answer, adverts on television often tell us in respect of an injury claim, remove the Fish Inn slip road or no Wifl - no fee introduce a third lane, between In the profession of planning that slip road and the Verwood consultancy and advice the slip, if possible, with lane restric- slogan might be 'No planning eons. Clearly there is a need for permission - no fee'. . a wide ranging traffic study, not aItle.afettne&. Whether you get your plan- one that lust focuses on a ning permission or not using an ttoa1flpvart ' ' 50mph speed limit, agent there will be a fee to pay. Any measures suggested and The planning process is lit- ...... . ' a ' . . introduced, will then need to be tered with applications which 'policed' firmly and regularly, not have been refused at every stage. left to 'self police', as seen on Yes some applicants are deter- mined and press on. There are the A31 at St Leonards. others however, who have been 'II15__rI 1 VA1 The Road Policing resources poorly advised by consultants have all but disappeared in U t who had they, at the top of their Hampshire, so I fear that this A , letter-head stated, 'No planning aspect will not be covered. If I'm permission - no fee', would have wrong, expect local people to been far more careful when os be 'caught' and fined, as is always advising their clients. the case when these types of changes are introduced. This ,/" MOT's section of road is a problem that needs to be addressed, with or Petro Rt Hon Desmond Swa"ne MP a 50mph limit from Picket Post, Cur Christine Ford FS Tested linking up with the existing 50mph area in Dorset.Two Cur Steve Rippon-Swaine :lutch & Shock Absorbers Counties are involved therefore Cur Michael Thierry !ork - All Makes & Models the process will be difficult and Will be holding a lengthy. ry - Open 6 Days a Week Morning Open Surgery dit cards taken We do however, ni my opin- on Saturday, ion, need a package of April 14th at 10.00am improvements, not just a 142547769501 reduced speed limit. Lesley Errington Hall i Jim Clegg Stillwater Park, North Poulner Road, Ringwood BH24 32 Telephone 08456 479095- Ringwood & Fordingbridge NEWS - Page 17

SO mph - The common sense answer Ringwood and Like other Ringwood residents, I have long been annoyed by the lack of a 50 mph speed limit of the A31 from Picket Post to the Ashley Heath roundabout. It would be safer, qui- Fordingbridge eter and less stressful for us all. So I wrote to the Highways Agency and this is what they say NEWS The Area 3 network, including the A3 I was subject to a speed limit review in February 2010; under The Department for Transport Circular 1/06 "Setting Local Speed Limits", which required all Traffic P0 Box 908, Ringwood, Authorities to review their local speed limits by 2011. Under the Speed Management Investigatory Hampshire BH24 1YL Levels the A31 in the Ringwood area was found to be below the investigatory level and therefore no Telephone further action was proposed to be taken at that time in regards to a speed reduction. Only if the results were above these levels would further investigations or a study be required. (08456) 479095 The Highways Agency have been working closely with the Department for Environment, Food and email: Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to produce maps and action plans for major noise sources as required by the [email protected] Environmental Noise (England) Regulations. The noise maps for England's roads were published on 16 May 2008.These maps, which include most of the strategic roads for which the HA is responsible, are available to view at the following link: priority/ These maps have been used to develop draft noise action plans.A public consultation on the N. ?GEL draft noise action plans was launched by Defra on 15 July 2010, and lasted for a 16 week period. All consultation documents can be found at the following link http //archive defra gov uklenvironment/quality/noise/environment/actionplan/background htm BUSH In the document strategic roads are addressed in the draft Major Road Noise Action Plan The draft plans have set out thresholds to identify 'First Priority Locations' at which measures to manage noise PAINTING need to be considered further .A number of these locations have been identified adjacent to strategic roads These locations include sections adjacent to the A31 between Picket Post and Ashley Heath AND The Agency have confirmed that they have recently completed investigations to see what noise miti- DECORATING gation measures if any, might be feasible at all Important Areas with First Priority Locations and other important locations alongside strategic roads identified during DEFRAs first round noise action plan- ning process Tel: & Fax: (01425) 471464 They are now finalising reports for each of the investigations undertaken. These reports will include [email protected] details of any feasible noise mitigation measures identified during the investigation process and will be Sent to the relevant local authorities for consultation from spring 2012 onwards. However, installation of any noise mitigation meas- Are you finding it difficult coping at home? ures identified in the investigation process would be subject to available funding. Unfortunately at this time we cannot comment on Are you worried about a family member at home alone? whether any specific noise attenuation measures will be installed along the A31 in the Ringwood area The second round of noise mapping and action planning will be undertaken by DEFRA during 2012 and 2013 respectively. Should you have any further questions regarding your enquiry, LJWT please contact us at How can we help? In other words, there is something we can do. If you, as a Personal Support Housekeeping Respite Ringwood resident feel strongly, please contact the Highways Meals . Errands Shopping - Laundry agency with your concerns. The more we make ourselves heard, the Fully insured and CRB Checked more likely it is that something will be done about it. Office 01425 470411 - Mobile 07950 042005 DrJuliane Couch BSC MBBS MRCPAKC

'The finest care, the greatest fun, Wording is ridiculous the most encouragement' "Police and Trading Standards Notice." In white letters upon a blue back ground colour. Below this, upon a red Ellingham background it said "No Cold Calling". Then in black print lettering upon a white background House were the words "No Univited Sales People" then under Day Nursery (Ringwood) that upon a blue background were the words. "You are not welcome. Please leave my property and do not call again". I telephoned the number given (New Forest District The Region's Premier Day Nursery Council) and requested the said item. Excellent Baby-Unit, Toddler & Pre-School Depts. I have received a bright yellow colour sticker, but the words upon it make little sense. Black lettering upon it says "We do not Simply 'Outstanding' Ofited 2006 & 2009 sell or buy at this door. No Unwanted Callers Please." Please Telephone (01425) 473723 Would you not agree, the wording is ridiculous. I am not selling at to arrange your private tour of the nursery my door. I am not buying. C. D. Fakenbridge Telephone 08456 479095- Ringwood & Fordingbridge NEWS - Page 19

SO mph The common sense answer Like Richard Starley (his letter appeared in issue 575) I too have approached my MP and the Highways Agency regarding the A3 I. Several letters later I have heard every excuse imaginable telling me why we don't need a 50mph speed limit on the stretch of road from Picket Post on through and away from Ringwood. I take my life in my hands on a daily basis using the Hightown/Crow exit on to the A3 I There are no signs prior to this exit - warning motorists that vehicles join the dual carriageway so passing cars can be travelling at speeds well above 70mph. There are layby exits and as Mr. Starley says, private house driveways that also join the carriageway before the Poulner turn off so they are equally at risk. The Highways Agency in particular stress that the accident rate for this area is not high but the frequent sirens, tailback queues and radio reports suggest otherwise, as does the fact that I have heard the impact of crashes from my own garden! Someone suggested that the authorities do not want to police a reduction in speed limit yet speed vans are regularly positioned on both sides of the St. Leonards section where the 50mph applies so I do not understand why this cannot be implemented on a much more dangerous and complex stretch of road? Many Ringwood residents have raised this issue over a long period of time - is anyone out there listening Elaine Brett NGEL NFDC Sites and Development Plan I refer to the above document and would like to comment and place my objections to BUSH parts of the document for the following reasons. The objections specifically relate to the proposals for Ringwood within the report. PAINTING Generally I find that there is very little substance included in the document which addresses the AND points set out in the Ringwood Town Access Plan'. The proposals for development fail to address the principal aim of the Ringwood Town Access Plan (1.11) which is to reduce the adverse impact of traffic. DECORATING Many of the proposals will feed additional traffic back onto roads where fundamental traffic manage- ment problems exist at present particularly at peak times. The proposed employment generating and Tel: & Fax: (01425) 471464 housing proposals will further load roads through the town and increase flows onto the A31 and A338. [email protected] It has been recognised that car parking within the town centre is at a premium and at peak times particularly in the summer months when visitor numbers are at their peak the main car parks are full and traffic looking for parking spaces can back up to other roads and cause substantial delays to Are you finding it difficult coping at home? traffic trying to gain access to other areas of the town. Are you worried about a family member at home alone? The prospect of the proposed retail development on the Furlong Long Stay Car Park as set out in RING 4 Ref I, will have many fundamental effects on the town. These are:- The High Street already suffers from lack of visitors who are unfamiliar with the town layout and a further retail area will further reduce numbers and turn the High Street into a secondary retail area which already comprises of a substantial number of offices, How can we help? banks, building society premises and charity shops as well as empty Personal SupportS Housekeeping Respite properties. Meals Errands Shopping Laundry In addition to the parking spaces lost for the building a major Fully insured and ORB Checked Office 01425 470411 - Mobile 07950 042005 retailer will require about 200 additional parking spaces. This in addition to the spaces lost will require a building with multi storey parking totally out of character to the rest of this historic town. I fail to see how this can be achieved whilst complying with the prin- 'The finest care, the greatest fun, ciples Set out in the NFDC Core Strategy for design quality. the most encouragement' The Furlong Long Stay Car Park also has a picnic area adjacent which is well used and offers a green buffer to the main roads. Ellingham In addition to the bulk of the building I can envisage that any . retailer using this building would like to capitalise on the elevation H6di facing the A3 I to advertise their presence. This will further detract from the visual presence of the building and add pressure to Day Nurser (Ringwood) remove planting which may screen the building. There are already proposals to develop the rear of the old The Region's Premier Day Nursery Cinema area of the town with retail. This development is long Excellent Baby-Unit, Toddler & Pre-School Depts. overdue and any additional retail proposals may deter developers from pursuing this scheme if the viability in the long term is in Simply 'Outstanding' OJsted 2006 & 2009 doubt. For the above reasons I object to the proposal and urge the 473723 New Forest District Council to remove the proposals for retail Please Telephone (01425) development from the Development Plan. to arrange your private tour of the nursery Dick Sheerin, Chartered Architect Page 20 - Ringwood & Fordingbridge NEWS - Telephone 08456 479095

Safety measures on this accident prone stretch of road

I have been interested to read that the 50 mph limit on The Highways Agency is currently conducting surveys of roads the A31 from Picket Post to the Ashley Heath Roundabout which cause excess noise Surely the A31 at Ringwood should be top has, once again, been discussed on your Letters pages. Back of that list? Lets do everything we can to lessen the impact of the in 2008 I think I was the first to set the ball rolling and over A31 on our pleasant New Forest MarketTown and its surroundings the year some two dozen letters followed on this subject, It isn't a Motorway - yet it is allowed to roar through our midst day almost all of them calling for a reduction of the speed limit and night Please let them know what you think' and/or other safety measures on this accident prone stretch Alison Riddell of road. At first many Councillors (both Town and District) were reluctant to back the campaign but finally both Councils voted for a 50 mph Leader who is not afraid limit - only to be blocked by the Highways Agency who felt that Issue 577.Welcome Mr Grant. If only one could say what there had not been enough accidents or fatalities to warrant such a one would like to, only it would not be printed for some stu- speed restriction. I think the people of Ringwood should be listened pid reason. Mr Grant you are half right with what you say to in this instance.We all know about the regular accidents, we see about the house building. the traffic slowing down, we hear the wail of sirens Is it really sen- We do not need half as many as they say we need. But for some sible to allow cars to travel at 70 mph (or more) on this notorious reason known to most people but one you are forgetting on pur- stretch of road with all its awkward slip roads, junctions, laybys and pose with regards to our water shortage. Now you know what that driveways? Motorway speeds on a road fraught with hazards. is and all the major parties support it. They are called anti-English. I cannot believe that speed is not a factor in these accidents, and One can tell there are elections coming up and we know his if, as we know, it was seen fit to introduce a 50 mph limit just down party will condemn every thing until after the election.Would it not the road at St. Leonards, it seems quite illogical not to extend that be good for this great country of England to stand up for this coun- same limit up to the top of our hill at Picket Post.We do not have try and not allow murderers, rapists and goodness knows what to any roundabouts as they do at St. Leonards - there is nothing to roam our streets.When he says across Europe he means England be- make people slow down and be prepared for problems ahead. cause Europe send them to us and we are too soft to do any thing However, Dr Crouch's letter (28th March issue) also importantly about it. Come on let's get a leader who is not afraid. highlights noise pollution, and calls for everyone to contact the High- S Rasey ways Agency with their concerns. If enough people write, then just maybe something will happen. for contact de- tails. Confusing wording My letter in issue 577. Perhaps I misconstrued the word- ing of the said sticker, it made it appear that one was not selling eggs, plants, veg etc. at one's door. However this very morning. I had a gentleman at the front door, asking if I was interested in selling any jewellery, antiques or similar 13ickerley Garage items. I pointed to the sticker, it appears he could not read. I spoke with a different member of staff when I phoned NFDC to discuss the Kings Arms Lane Ringwood BH24 1AH wording.That member of staff agreed the wording could cause con- fusion. I have since spoken with an elderly local resident who told me of recently receiving a leaflet through her letter box, wording read Now Opefl "We will buy anything you no longer require, jewellery, Furniture, Pic- tures etc". Having no such items she binned it. Later that day, a chap Under New came to the door, when told "Nothing to sell" he requested the leaflet back, they had cost him money to print. She left him on the Management doorstep togo and retrieve it. On coming back indoors, he had For all your motoring needs in the heart of Ringwood stepped uninvited into the hallway, looking at various items. I now ap- Free delivery and collection from local area preciate why the wording "We do not sell at the door" could be cor- rect.We must remember to not leave unknown characters /callers on the door step. but to close the door securely. Servicing A A C.D. Fakenbridge ______MOTs A arranged Repairs An evening with Clutches AllIMakes Timing Belts Linvoy Primus Brakes Tyres FA Cup Winner 2008 with Portsmouth FC Batteries Models Friday, 4th May at 7.30pm We welcome all customers - both old and new Trinity Centre, Christchurch Road, Ringwood For any assistance please call Kay on 01425 472372 £4.00 including Ploughmans Supper Customer satisfaction is our No 1 aim For further details telephone Tony on 01425 480717 All major credit cards accepted ) MoLt A31 Picket Peat Roundabout to Ashley Roundabout Data Period: 01.07.2005 to 31.12.2007 Specific cJiteIlL lst Road + class -A31 Area Searched: fletween points 4lflhl2,106141 to 413238.104419

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