Bianca NunesPimentel,UiliamFerreira Boff, MartaRomerodeVargas the cliniciansforrehabilitationprocess broaden theresearchonacquired dyslexiainordertodeepen theknowledgeaboutit,instrumentalizing to necessary is It word. the of recognition visual subsequent and perception the affecting hemispheres, Conclusion: containing theanatomicalrelationshipoflesionsand/orclinical andlinguisticsignsofacquireddyslexia. studies were they because chosen were 11 which of articles, scientific 137 counted search electronic “alexia” and “acquired ”throughtheBooleanoperator AND. “traumatic brain injuries” and “”withtheBoolean operator OR,associated with thedescriptors Science Direct, Pubmed / Medline and Scopus, usingthe descriptors “brain diseases”, “brain injuries”, interpretation occurred, endingwiththeanalysis, and presentationoftheresultsfound. The databases followed bythelocation and careful selection of thearticles. Then, thecritical evaluation of eachstudy the authorsfollowedcriteria suggestedbytheCochraneHandbook.Firstly,asked, aquestionwas correlations in the encephalopathies that produce them, through a literature review. diseases. previously developed. of writtenwords This conditioncanbecausedbystrokes,traumaandotherbrain Abstract Características neuroanatômicas e linguísticas Características neuroanatômicas elinguísticas Accepted: Received: Correspondence address: MRV Datacollection; Criticalreview BNP Designofthestudy;Methodology; Datacollection;Guidance.UFBMethodology; Criticalreview. Authors’ contributions: * UniversidadeFederaldeSantaMaria–UFSM,Maria,RS,Brazil. characteristics ofacquireddyslexia Características neuroatómicas y linguísticas Características neuroatómicas ylinguísticas Keywords: Introduction Neuroanatomical and linguistic Neuroanatomical andlinguistic 03/05/2019 07/06/2018 Objective The main cause ofacquired dyslexia was stroke,especially in theoccipital lobe, inboth : acquired dyslexia is characterized by the loss of the capacity to understand the meaning : acquireddyslexiaischaracterizedbythelossofcapacitytounderstandmeaning

: to investigate the characteristics of acquired dyslexia, exploring the neuroanatomical : toinvestigatethecharacteristicsofacquireddyslexia,exploringneuroanatomical Acquired dyslexia;LanguageDisorders;Stroke; Traumatic BrainInjuries [email protected] en ladyslexiaadquirida Distúrb Comun, SãoPaulo, na dislexiaadquirida

Distúrb Comun, São Paulo,31(2): 187-195,junho, 2019 Marta RomerodeVargas* Bianca NunesPimentel* Uiliam FerreiraBoff* 31 ( 2 ): 187-195, junho,2019

Literature Review: Method: For the study, The first The

187 ARTICLES 188 ARTICLES criteriosa dos artigos. Em seguida, ocorreu a avaliação crítica de cada estudo, finalizando com a análise, pela CochraneHandbook.Primeiramente, formulou-se umapergunta, seguidadalocalização e seleção revisão deliteratura. explorando ascorrelaçõesneuroanatômicasnasencefalopatiasqueproduzem,pormeiodeuma traumatismos e outras doenças cerebrais. de palavrasescritasdesenvolvidapreviamente. Esta afecção pode terorigememacidentes vasculares, Resumo Lesiones Traumáticas delEncéfalo misma, instrumentalizando alosclínicosparaelprocesoderehabilitación. la sobre conocimiento el profundizar de fin a adquirida, dislexia la sobre investigaciones las repercutiendo en la percepción y posterior reconocimiento visual de la palabra. Se hace necesario ampliar adquiridafueelaccidentecerebrovascular,dislexia hemisferios, todoenellobooccipital,ambos sobre las de anatómica relación clínicos ylingüísticosdeladislexiaadquirida. la lesiones y/osignos contenían que estudios de tratarse por elegidos fueron 11 cuales los de AND. booleano OR, asociado a losdescriptores “alexia” y “adquirido dyslexia” a travésdel operador booleano descriptores “brain diseases”, “brain cura”, “traumatismo cerebrovascular” y “stroke” con el operador han consultado las bases de datos Science Direct, Pubmed / Medline y Scopus, con la utilización de los cada estudio, finalizando con el análisis, interpretación y presentación de los resultados encontrados. Se de la localización y selección criteriosa de los artículos. A continuación, ocurrió la evaluación crítica de siguieron los criterios sugeridos por la Cochrane Handbook. Primero, se formuló una pregunta, seguida las producen, por medio de una revisión de literatura. que encefalopatías las en neuroanatómicas correlaciones las explorando adquirida, dislexia la de cerebrales. vasculares, traumatismosyotrasenfermedades accidentes originarseen afecciónpuede palabrasescritasdesarrolladapreviamente.Esta significado de Resumen Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas sobre amesma,instrumentalizandoosclínicosparaoprocessodereabilitação. conhecimento o aprofundar de fim a adquirida, dislexia a sobre pesquisas as ampliar necessário Faz-se dapalavra. noreconhecimentovisual repercutindonapercepçãoe,posteriormente, hemisférios, os ambos principal causa dadislexia adquirida foioacidente vascular cerebral, sobretudo nolobooccipital, em a relação anatômica das lesões e/ou sinais clínicos e linguísticos da dislexia adquirida. eletrônica contabilizou 137 artigos científicos, dos quais 11 foram eleitos por se tratar de estudos contendo e “acquired dyslexia” pormeiodooperadorbooleano AND. “traumatic brain injuries” e “stroke” com o operador booleano OR, associado aos descritores “alexia” Direct, Pubmed/Medline e Scopus,comautilização dos descritores“braindiseases”,injuries”, interpretação e apresentação dos resultados encontrados. Foram consultadas as bases de dados Science Introdução: Palabras claves: Introducción Palavras-chave: Revisión deLiteratura a dislexia adquirida caracteriza-se pela perda da capacidade de compreender o significado : ladislexiaadquiridasecaracteriza por lapérdida delacapacidad en comprenderel Método: Bianca NunesPimentel,UiliamFerreiraBoff,MartaRomerodeVargas Dislexiaadquirida; Transtornos daLinguagem; Acidente Vascular Cerebral; Dislexia adquirida; Trastornos del Lenguaje; Accidente cerebrovascular;

Distúrb Comun, São Paulo,31(2): 187-195,junho, 2019 Paraarealização do estudo,osautoresseguiram os critérios sugeridos : La primera búsqueda electrónica contabilizó 137 artículos científicos, artículos 137 contabilizó electrónica búsqueda primera La : Objetivo: Metodos investigar as características da dislexia adquirida, : Para la realización del estudio, los autores Revisão deLiteratura: Objetivo Conclusión : investigarlascaracterísticas : Laprincipal causa dela A primeira busca Conclusão: A Neuroanatomical and linguistic characteristics of acquired dyslexia

Introduction believed to be supported by the left . Anticipating some contemporary psychological Reading and writing are activities whose acqui- accounts, he concluded that reading and writing re- sition is among the most significant of the human quired the activation of these “optical images” and mind and most required in modern societies1. The that their loss resulted in the inability to recognize 10 ARTICLES domain of writing grants rights and citizenship to or write even familiar words . those who handle their tools competently2. The acquired dyslexia, officially included in Among the processes that promote the complex the Health Descriptors in 2012, is characterized activity demanded in reading are emphasized the by the loss of the capacity, previously developed, identification of letters, word recognition, access to understand the meaning of written words. This to meaning, syntactic and semantic integration3. condition may originate from vascular accidents, Competence in reading, with the extraction trauma and other brain diseases9. of information from a text, can only be achieved Acquired dyslexia can still be classified as if there is both word recognition and access to the peripheral or central. Peripheral dyslexia occurs meaning of these words, individually and in the mainly due to visual problems, such as in cases of specific context4. visual field neglect or changes in focus maintenan- When the reading effects, defined as the advan- ce11. Central dyslexias form a cluster of disorders tage that the characteristics of the stimuli produce in which the processes result in difficulties that in the accuracy and/or time of their processing are affect the comprehension and/or expression of altered, they affect the reading of both children written words9. It can be caused by a change in in the acquisition phase and in individuals after the semantic reading resulting, for example, from lesions5. , or difficulties in sublexical processing According to the DMS-5, Dyslexia is an alter- and impairments in the processes of recognition of native term used in reference to a pattern of learning whole words. When both the lexical and semantic difficulties characterized by problems in accurate skills are altered, there is a clinical condition of or fluent word recognition, decoding problems and profound dyslexia12-13. difficulties6, preventing the fluency and Alexia (inability to read) and agraphia (ina- understanding of the text7. It is a Specific Learning bility to write) may appear associated or not with Disorder divided by area of difficulty, in this case, (), depending on the with impairment in reading6. It is a condition de- location of the lesion. Some researchers believe fined as a performance below expectations when due to the recent emergence of writing and much compared to other cognitive profiles of the child, more from the literacy culture of a large part o of even when neurological and sensory aspects are population (less than a century), it is unlikely that normal and socioeconomic factors, including a specialized reading system has developed in the access to education, are adequate8. This condition human brain in a short evolutionary period. There- reveals problems in the acquisition of reading and fore, alexia without aphasia could not be attributed writing from the beginning of their learning and to a impairment in this supposed special reading significantly interferes with academic success or system, but rather caused by disconnection between activities of daily living that require reading skills6-9 the visual and the language system14. From a neurobiological perspective, the chan- Reading disorders are often found in patients ge in reading skills can also be classified based with acquired brain lesions because, given the com- on the cause: i) primary or genetic, of hereditary plexity of the activities involved in reading, many characteristic; ii) secondary or development, when regions of the brain are recruited so that the subject hormonal, nutritional, socioenvironmental; iii) late is able to identify the , understand the or acquired, caused by brain injuries. message and memorize, thus requiring, the matura- The investigations of acquired dyslexia began tion and functional preservation of these regions14. in the late nineteenth century, with Dejerine (1891) There is a growing literature on dyslexia, ho- reporting on two patients with reading and writing wever, they refer, especially in Brazil, to specific deficits, after an infarction involving the left pa- learning disorders. Therefore, the objective of this rietal lobe. Dejerine attributed the disturbance to a review was to investigate the characteristics of rupture of the “optical image of words,” which he acquired dyslexia, exploring the neuroanatomical

Distúrb Comun, São Paulo, 31(2): 187-195, junho, 2019 189

190 ARTICLES Table 1. TBI (Table 2). accidents caused dyslexia and inone(9.1%),only vascular (90.9%), papers ten In subjects). nine with studiesorseriesofcases(betweenoneand researchers, independently and blindly. The third of May, 2018. search periodinthedatabaseswasmonth red dyslexia by the boolean operator AND. The OR, associated to the descriptors alexia and acqui brain injuries and stroke with the Boolean operator system: braindiseases,injuries,traumatic following termswereusedaccording totheDeCS ne andScopus. As descriptorsofthesearch, databases such asScience Direct, Pubmed/Medli the in years, five last the in English, in published review was based on the online search of studies The dyslexia?”. acquired and alexia in affected for thebibliographicreview:“Whichbrainregions favor ofclinicalpractice. professionals to better clarify theoretical issues in healthcare enabling applicability, scientific into try totransforminformationfrombasicstudies by the Cochrane Handbook meta-analysis, following thepreceptsestablished literature, descriptiveandexploratory, without Methods them. correlations intheencephalopathies that produce Among thepapersselected, six (54.5%) deal The selection ofpapers was carried out bytwo Initially, the following question was elaborated This researchisasystematicreviewofthe Science Direct Database Pubmed Scopus Selection processofpapersforreview. Bianca NunesPimentel,UiliamFerreiraBoff,MartaRomerodeVargas

15 Distúrb Comun, São Paulo,31(2): 187-195,junho, 2019 . In this study, we study, this In . Nº papers 17 57 63 - - association between encephalopathies and acquired field; language the in characteristics conditions; dyslexia orneurological disorders; main observed study; type of study; methods of assessing acquired according to thefollowingcategories: objective of gibility criteria. The selected paperswereanalyzed for reading in full and analyzed according to the eli proposed theme.these, theywerepre-selected Of and abstract in order to verify consonance with the were consideredonlyonce. in English. The papers replicated inthe databases papers scientific complete d) years; five last the in published papers scientific c) adults; and cents were: a)clinical studies;b)population of adoles criteria of the papers selected from the descriptors non-agreement between thepeers. The eligibility researcher acted asa reviewer consulted in cases of one (11%) inbothhemispheres. (Table 3). six (67%)ontheleftside,two(22%)rightsideand lobe or posteriorcerebral artery (PCA)ofwhich studies (81.8%)citetheposteriorregions,occipital did notfulfilltheeligibilitycriteria(Table 1). publication or duplicates, revisions andthosethat of years five than more with those excluded were Literature review study wasdeveloped. authors, year of publication and countrywhere the dyslexia; characteristics ofthestudypopulation; In the first stage of selection were read title read were selection of stage first the In Regarding the location of the lesions, nineRegarding thelocationoflesions, A totalof137paperswerefound, amongwhich Last 5years 17 18 5 Selected papers 11 - - Neuroanatomical and linguistic characteristics of acquired dyslexia

Table 2. Classification of papers selected by author, year and country of publication, type of study, objectives, sample and procedures used.

Authors, year, country Type of study Objective Sample Procedures Angiography by To describe a case of Rupareliya, Naqvi, Hejazi Man 72 years Computed Tomography Case study alexia without agraphia 2017 EUA16 old and Magnetic after stroke ARTICLES Resonance Imaging To characterize the Petersen Vangkilde visual processing subjects with Fabricius Iversen, Delfi, Perimetry, single word Control case speed and the period unilateral Starrfelt , 2016 reading of apprehension after lesions Dinamarca 17 posterior stroke To describe a case of Robinson, Collins, Mukhy, alexia without agraphia Man, 65 years Neuropsychological Case study Beeson 2016 EUA18 due to stroke in the old assessment right To examine the 3 subjects with The combined Kim, Rising Rapcsak, therapeutic effects Case series altered reading treatment for reading Beeson, 2015 EUA19 of a combined stroke after stroke speed and spelling treatment Echoplanar axial To describe a case of Cuomo, Flaster, Biller Woman, 40 diffusion-weighted Case study alexia without agraphia 2014 EUA20 years old MRI (DWI) e Catheter due to stroke cerebral angiogram To analyze a case of Wallerian degeneration Gandhi, Gillihan, Wozniak, of the corpus callosal Man, 69 years Zhuo Case study Computed tomography splenium associated old 2014 EUA21 with alexia without agraphia To describe the 128 subjects Kraft, Grimsen, Kehrer, neurological and with ischemic neurophthalmologic and Bahnemann, Spang, Prass Observational neuropsychological cerebral neuropsychological tests et al. 2014 Alemanha22 deficits after myocardial infarction infarction To analyze a case of Sharma, Handa, Prakash, Neurological alexia without agraphia Man, 55 years Nagpal K , Bhana , Gupta Case study examination and after stroke of the old et al 2014 Índia23 language test posterior cerebral artery To analyze reading problems in subjects with TBI with mild to 15 adults with Two tasks of Sohlberg, Griffiths, Fickas moderate cognitive TBI and 15 comprehension: a task Transversal 2014 EUA24 impairments and as in the control of verification and a free a strategy of reading group recall task. comprehension in digital texts. Tests for spatial To assess neglected neglect, tests for Galleta, Campanelli, Maul, 67 survivors of Transversal dyslexia with functional neglect dyslexia (words, Barrett, 2014/EUA25 stroke reading materials sentences, papers e menu) General neuropsychological To analyze reading in Beschin examination, evaluation prose in individuals with 30 stroke Cisari, Cubelli, Della Sala Transversal of unilateral spatial symptoms of spatial survivors et al., 201426 neglect, reading tasks neglect (prose, one- and two- column text)

Legend: stroke; TBI -

Distúrb Comun, São Paulo, 31(2): 187-195, junho, 2019 191

192 ARTICLES Table 3. Legend: PCA-Posterior Cerebral Artery;CNS-Central Nervous System posterior stroke,all showed reductions in visual In a study that evaluated patients with sequelae of of theother, bothcontralateral to theinjured side. hemifield temporal the with eye one of hemifield in theleftorrightoptictractalteringnasal characterized by alteration of a hemifield by lesion or botheyes. The homonymoushemianopsiais one of halves field visual the of one in vision of review. It is defined by the partial or complete loss mianopsia, are among the most cited in the present Neuroanatomical correlations range may be affected bilaterally by unilateral by bilaterally affected be may range despite unilaterallesions. Therefore, thevisual tients presentedbilateralreductions invisualspace, extension contralateral to the lesion and fourpa Fabricius Iversen, Rapcsak, Beeson Rupareliya, Naqvi, K ,BhanaGupta Campanelli, Maul, Robinson, Collins, Griffiths, Fickas Gandhi, Gillihan, Della Salaetal Delfi, Starrfelt Sharma, Handa, Wozniak, Zhuo Prakash, Nagpal Spang, Prass et Cuomo, Flaster, Kraft, Grimsen, Cisari, Cubelli, Bahnemann, Kim, Rising Alterations in the visual field, especially he especially field, visual the in Alterations Sohlberg, Vangkilde Mukhy Petersen Barrett Galleta, Beschin Author Hejazi Kehrer, Biller et al al 22 Referred conditionandaffectedbrain locationinthesubjectsofselectedstudies. 23 20 16 25 18 21 17 26 24 19 Reading deficit without visual alteration, withability to write,isolatedwordsandsmallsentences,intact reductions. Sixpatientspresentedselective deficits Reductions inthevisualextensioncontralateral to These differedonlyforthegeneral gravity ofthe Alexia withoutagraphia withhomonymous right isolated words(ppirregularwords)andreading the lesion,andfourpatientspresentedbilateral phosphenes 33.6%,16.4%spatialorientation, After treatmentthesubjectsshowedahigher reading speedandbetteraccuracy inreading left sideofthetext(ProseReading Neglect). 70% ofparticipantsomittedwordsfromthe 52.3% visualfielddefits,reading45.3%, Bianca NunesPimentel,UiliamFerreiraBoff,MartaRomerodeVargas

Right homonymous hemianopia hand-eye coordination13.3% Distúrb Comun, São Paulo,31(2): 187-195,junho, 2019 Alexia withoutagraphia Alexia withoutagraphia Alexia withoutagraphia Observed conditions in visualextension hemianopia negligence. Dyslexia Dyslexia rates - -

agraphia due to left PCA infarction was described. et al. Gandhi by study the acuity.In visual normal and difficulties reading with patients in considered be without agraphia,although uncommon, should splenium. Thus, casesofalexia an infarctioninvolvingtheleft occipital lobe and and righthomonymoushemianopsia,observed of inability to read words, but with intact writing, two papers. In the study by Sharma et al. associated with the occipital lobe, were cited in processing speed field and may be affected despite preserved visual hemi a to confined be also can extension visual lesions oftheposteriorcirculation. Reductions in Alterations inthecorpuscallosum splenium, 21 , the case of a patient with alexia without fibers betweenthevisualcortexand Posterior cerebral artery(rightandleft) corpus callosalspleniumandposterior splenium (leftACPocclusionandright Posterior cerebral arterywithdamage to leftventral occipitotemporal region Left visualcortexandcorpuscallosal Left occipitallobe,extendingtothe Insula, putamenandrightsuperior Left occipitallobesandassociation ACP constrictionsanddilatations) Left occipitallobe,corpuscallosal Occipital, occipito-temporal and 17 . occipito-parietal lobes Right occipitallobe Right Hemisphere left angulargyrus temporal gyrus. Lesion local splenium - 23 , a case - Neuroanatomical and linguistic characteristics of acquired dyslexia

Interestingly, they observed a progressive Walle- results help elucidate the nature of reading com- rian Degeneration (WD) in the corpus callosum prehension in adults after TBI with mild to mode- splenium seen on MRI, with no references in the rate cognitive deficits, emphasizing the need for a literature to the association with dyslexia. The more in-depth assessment of reading comprehen- authors inferred that WD had affected the critical sion strategies as a possible intervention option for splenic association fibers, resulting in this syndro- these individuals 24. ARTICLES me of unusual dissociation21. Regarding therapeutic strategies, in a combi- In a sample of 128 subjects, the researchers ned treatment for reading speed and spelling, three observed visual field alterations in 52.3%, with individuals with reading and spelling difficulties, reading impairments in 45.3%, phosphenes 33.6% after left ventricular occipito-temporal damage, (sensation of seeing light spots by mechanical, demonstrated a faster and more accurate isolated electrical or magnetic stimulation of the retina or word reading, with text reading rates. The accuracy visual cortex), 16.4% spatial orientation, hand-eye of spelling also improved, particularly for untrained coordination 13.3%. Defects in the visual field, irregular words, demonstrating the generalization reading disorders and perception of phosphenes of the trained interactive spelling strategy. Com- were mainly associated with calcarine sulcus le- bined use was efficient for reading and spelling sions. Anomie and memory deficits were related performance19. to lesions of the inferior occipital gyrus, lingual Moreover, when analyzing 67 subjects with gyrus and hippocampus, as well as lesions of the dyslexia owing to neglect after stroke in the ri- main tracts of the white matter22. ght hemisphere, researchers identified that the Inability/reading alteration, with intact writing, performance of reading texts (papers/menu) was was described in four papers (33.3%). Alexia, also significantly worse than reading of words and known as verbal blindness20, was described by phrases. Thus, the assessment of neglect dyslexia Joseph Jules Déjerine, who hypothesized that the should include text materials comparable to those disorders would be caused by subcortical lesions read in everyday life. They also emphasized that that functionally isolate the left angular gyrus (lin- increasing spatial extension of training materials in guistic zone) of the visual cortex. The patient loses future researches may result in better functional ge- the ability to read but not to write or understand neralization after right stroke, since spatial neglect speech, and may be accompanied by homonymous is a neurocognitive disorder that affects perception, hemianopsia on the right. The different patterns of representation and/or motor planning25. injury may involve: a) the bundles of white mat- Breschin et al. in order to analyze the rela- ter that extend from the visual cortices to the left tionship between reading in prose and other mea- angular gyrus; b) lesions in the left splenium or sures of negligence and its severity, they evaluated visual cortex or; c) both the splenius and the lateral 30 subjects with stroke in the right hemisphere and geniculate body. In these cases, the language zone is defined symptoms of spatial neglect in daily life. deprived of visual inputs, but remains intact. The- Seventy percent of these participants omitted words refore, symptoms in alexia may be caused by sub- at the beginning of the text (left end), showing cortical lesions that functionally isolate the angular negligence Prose Reading Neglect (PRN), which gyrus (language-related area in the visual cortex). presented a lesion centered on the insula, In this study, the picture originated in lesions in the and superior temporal gyrus. Two disagreements left visual cortex and corpus callosum splenium due arose between PRN and neglect in reading a single to left PCA occlusion and constrictions with right word, suggesting different cognitive requirements PCA dilatations - primary angiitis20. between the two tests: parallel processing in single- -word reading versus serial analysis in reading Linguistic characteristics the text. The neglected text pattern varied among Based on linguistic performance, Sohlberg et participants who had PRN, including dissociations al. identified that subjects after TBI exhibited, in between the reading performance of single-column relation to a control group, significant deficits in and two-column text. The reading of prose has reading comprehension measures: a) paraphrase proved to be a complex task, of singular abilities, statements in a sentence verification task and b) that must be investigated to predict the effects of communication units in a free recall task. The unilateral neglect26.

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194 ARTICLES e compreensãodeleituratextualem crianças. 2. Corso HV, Salles JF. Relação entre leitura de palavras isoladas Leitura eaEscritanoPortuguêsBrasileiro.2012;605–14. a para Cognitivas Variáveisde Contribuição A A. Roazzi 1. References instruments fortherehabilitationprocess. speech-language assessmentand,later, new clinical about thesealterations,enablingnewtoolsfor assessments inordertodeepentheknowledge research theinsertionofneurophthalmological perceptual alterations. We suggestinfutureoriginal guistic and neurobiological approaches, including aden theviewonacquired dyslexia bylinkinglin processing. stage, primordial for word recognition, to word tion ofthepresentlanguage, from theperception the left hemisphere, which possibly justifies altera indicate affection in both the right hemisphere and reading process:visualrecognitionoftheword. on visual difficulties, which interfere with the first the damagedoccipitallobemayhaverepercussions possibly justifying the difficulty of reading, because lobe lesion in individuals with acquired dyslexia, occipital indicated have papers Many TBI. and consequences of neurological damage due to stroke impairment. of neurologically impaired patients with reading implying a smaller resource for the clinical care confirmed, was dyslexia acquired on studies of studies, the initial perception regarding the lack Conclusion ture, butlessexploredinBrazil. published inabundancetheinternational litera pecially when dealing with a subject with papers criteria may haveexcluded important studies, es the number of selected papers, sincethe adopted 0(62): 53–67. e sua relação com as funções executivas. Educ em Rev. 2016; 3. SallesJFde,PaulaFV de.Compreensãodaleitura textual 2009; 44(3)28–35. Based onthisresearch,itwaspossibletobro In relation to the linguistic aspects, the papers Acquired dyslexiawaspresentamongthe Considering the analysis of the selected The limitation of the present study is found in Bianca NunesPimentel,UiliamFerreiraBoff,MartaRomerodeVargas

Distúrb Comun, São Paulo,31(2): 187-195,junho, 2019 - - - - - 1451-1460 Pages 2004, May 1 9419, Issue Volume363, Lancet. The 10. Démonet JF, Taylor MJ, Chaix Y. Developmental dyslexia. Lisboa: EditoraMcGraw-HilldePortugal,Lda.2001. 9. Torres RMR, Fernández P. Dislexia, Disortografia e Disgrafia. developmental dyslexia.PLoSOne.2014;9(6):1–8. for factor risk a as balance of assessment the for Implications Postural control is not systematically related to reading skills: 8. Loras H,Sigmundsson H,Stensdotter AK, Talcott JB. Artmed; 2009. Porto ed. 8 Psiquiatria. de Dicionário RJ. Campbell Alegre: 7. Dyslexia UsingEye Tracking duringReading.2016;1–16 6. Ygge J,Pansell T, Benfatto MN, GustafO.Screeningfor Literature Review. 2011; (2008):170–9. on Word Recognition with Portuguese Speaking Children Português sobre oReconhecimento de PalavrasemCriançasFalantesdo 5. LúcioPS,MariaÂ,Pinheiro V. Vinte Anos deEstudo reconhecimento depalavras.Psico-USF. 2012;17:273–83. dos componentesdaleitura:velocidade,compreensãoe 4. Seabra AG, DiasNM,MontielJM.Estudofatorial doi: 10.15274/ MR Findings. The Neuroradiology Journal. 2014; 27:653-656 Splenium in a Patient with Alexia Without Agraphia: Advanced P. Progressive Wallerian Degeneration oftheCorpusCallosal 21. GandhiK,GillihanL, Wozniak MA,ZhuoJ,Raghavan 2014; 82(7):e5-e7 with alexia without agraphia – Teacher Interrupted. Neurology. 20. Cuomo J, Flaster M, Biller J. Right brain: A reading specialist research. 2015;58:1521-37. to readingandspelling.Journalofspeech,languagehearing damage: strengthening orthographic representations common alexia with agraphiafollowing leftventraloccipito-temporal 19. Kim ES, RisingK,Rapcsak SZ,BeesonPM. Treatment for doi: 10.1080/23279095.2014.973495.Epub2015Sep23. Occipital Stroke. Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 2016;23(1):659. Right Following Individual Handed Right a in Agraphia 18. Robinson JS, Collins RL , Mukhi SV. Alexia Without neuropsychologia.2016.02.029 alexia Neuropsychologia.2016;92:79– Starrfelt R. Visual attention in posteriorstrokeandrelationsto 17. Petersen A, Vangkilde S, Fabricius C, Iversen HK, Delfi TS, cureus.1304 10.7759/ DOI e1304. 2017;9(6): Cureus. Entity. Rare A 16. Rupareliya C, NaqviS,Hejazi S. Alexia Without Agraphia: Phys Ther. 2007;11(1): 83-9. J Braz científica. evidência da criteriosa síntese para guia um 15. Sampaio RF, Mancini MC. Estudos de revisão sistemática: Princípios de Neurociência 5ª ed. Porto Alegre: AMGH, 2014. 14. KandelER,SchwartzJH,SigelbaumSA,Hudspeth AJ. Neurobiology oflanguage.New Small S. York: Elsevier. 2016. 13. Coslett HB, Turkeltaub P. Acquired Dyslexia. 2 ed.Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, 1995. 12. Ellis AW. Leitura, escrita e dislexia: uma análise cognitiva. brain/awn285 oculomotor control? Brain (2008), 131, 3156-3168 doi:10.1093/ of hemianopic dyslexia: are wordsnecessaryforre-learning 11. SchuettS,HeywoodCA,KentridgeRW, ZihlJ.Rehabilitation

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22. Kraft A, Grimsen C, Kehrer S, Bahnemann M, Spang 24. Sohlberg MM, Griffiths GG, Fickas S. An evaluation K, Prass M et al. Neurological and neuropsychological of reading comprehension of expository text in adults with traumatic brain injury. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2014; 23(2): characteristics of occipital, occipito-temporal and occipito- 160-75. doi: 10.1044/2013_AJSLP-12-0005. parietal infarction. Cortex. 2014; 56: 38-50. http://dx.doi. 25. Galletta EE, Campanelli L, Maul KK, Barrett AM.

org/10.1016/j.cortex.2012.10.004 Assessment of neglect dyslexia with functional reading ARTICLES materials. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2014; 21(1): 75-86. doi: 10.1310/ 23. Sharma B, Handa R , Prakash S , Nagpal K , Bhana I , Gupta tsr2101-75. PK et al. Posterior cerebral artery stroke presenting as alexia 26. Beschin N, Cisari C, Cubelli R, Della Sala S. Prose reading without agraphia. Am J Emerg Med. 2014;32(12):1553.e34. doi: in neglect. Brain Cogn. 2014;84(1):69-75. doi: 10.1016/j. 10.1016/j.ajem.2014.04.046. Epub 2014 Apr 26. bandc.2013.11.002. Epub 2013 Dec 8.

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