Name of the Organisation Representative Country Albanian Association of PLWHA Olimbi Hoxhaj Albania Albanian Center for Economic Research (ACER) Dr

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Name of the Organisation Representative Country Albanian Association of PLWHA Olimbi Hoxhaj Albania Albanian Center for Economic Research (ACER) Dr Name of the organisation Representative Country Albanian Association of PLWHA Olimbi Hoxhaj Albania Albanian Center for Economic Research (ACER) Dr. Zef Preci, Executive Director Albania Albanian Institute for International Studies Albert Rakipi, PhD Albania ARSIS - Social Organisation for the Support of Youth Zini Kore Albania Counseling Line for Women and Girls Iris Luarasi- Executive Director Albania Environmental Management & Integration Institute Teuta Hoxha Albania European Centre Erjon Muharremaj Albania Gjergji Vurmo, Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) Albania IRD Teuta Hoxha Albania National Center for Communty Services Liliana Dango Albania Open Society Foundation for Albania Valbona Dedja; Andi Dobrushi Albania Center for Encounter and Active Non- Violence Matthias Reichl Austria Climate Alliance Austria Austria Eurasian Transition Group Michael Laubsch Austria European Parents' Association - Ambassador Johannes Theiner Austria Interkulturelles Zentrum Austria OEKOBUERO Thomas Alge Austria Association européenne pour la défense des droits de l'Homme (AEDH) Dominique Guibert Belgium CONCORD Europe Belgium EfVET Valentina Chanina Belgium EUCIS-LLL Platform Audrey Frith Belgium Eurochild Jana Hainsworth Belgium European Foundation Centre Gerry Salole Belgium European Parents' Association Belgium European Women's Lobby Joanna Maycock Belgium Forum permanent de la société civile européenne Philippe D. Grosjean Belgium Free Marisa Cherotti Belgium I Can Too Foundation Christo Velkov Belgium ERGO Network Belgium/The Netherlands Association for Democratic Initiatives Elma Demir Bosnia and Herzegovina Citizens' Association for addiction prevention NARKO-NE Amir Hasanovic Bosnia and Herzegovina Civil Society Promotion Center Aida Daguda Bosnia and Herzegovina CPI Foundation Zoran Ivancic, President Bosnia and Herzegovina Mozaik Foundation Vesna Bajsanski-Agic Bosnia and Herzegovina Open Society Fund Bosnia- Herzegovina Dobrila Govedarica Bosnia and Herzegovina SEE Change Net Garret Tankosic-Kelly Bosnia and Herzegovina Blagotvoritel Foundation Penka Lazarova Bulgaria Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation Radostina Tasheva Bulgaria Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law Luben Panov Bulgaria Bulgarian Charities Aid Foundation Lyudmila Atanassova Bulgaria Bulgarian Donors' Forum Krasimira Velichkova Bulgaria Bulgarian Environmental Partnership Foundation Lubomira Kolcheva Bulgaria Capital Foundation Lubomir Lubomirov Bulgaria Center Amalipe Bulgaria European Institute Foundation Lubov Panayotova Bulgaria Innovative Community Centres Association George Petrov Bulgaria Institute of Market Economics Desislava Nikolova Bulgaria Integroo Association Liliya Makaveeva Bulgaria Maria's World Foundation Tsetska Radeva Bulgaria National Network for Children George Bogdanov Bulgaria Open Society Foundation - Sofia Bulgaria Open Society Institute - Sofia Desislava Hristova Bulgaria Pro European Network emil metodiev Bulgaria Programme and Analytical Centre for European Law Georgi Genchev Bulgaria PULS Fondation Ekaterina Veleva Bulgaria RiskMonitor Stefan Popov Bulgaria The Red House Center for Culture and Debate, Sofia Dessislava Gavrilova Bulgaria Tsenko Tsonev Bulgaria VEDNA Fondation Krassimira Nikolova Bulgaria Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation Iliyana Nikolova Bulgaria Feldmar Institute Andrew Feldmar Canada/Hungary Association for nature and environment protection Green Osijek Margareta Maletić Croatia Association for promotion of human right and media freedom Censorship Plus Blagica Kujundžić Croatia Autonomous Centre - ACT Igor Roginek, Executive Director Croatia Brodsko ekološko društvo-BED Iris Beneš Croatia CEDRA HR Vera Gjokaj Croatia Center for Civile Initiatives Poreč Silvia Žufić Dujmović Croatia Center for Peace Studies Sandra Bencic Croatia CESI - Center for Education, Counselling and Research Tajana Broz Croatia Civil Rights Project / PGP - CRP SISAK Croatia Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity - CROSOL Gordan Bosanac Croatia Croatian Youth Network Marko Boko Croatia Environmental association Pan Karlovac Ivana Francišković Olrom; president Croatia GONG Jelena Berković Croatia Group 22 Vladimir Cvijanovic Croatia Info zona Croatia Peace group Oaza Beli Manastir Croatia qSPORT Zeljko Blace Croatia RC Pastelka o.s. Alena Stejskalová Croatia Serbian Democratic Forum-Youth fORUM Croatia Transparency International Croatia Davorka Budimir, president Croatia Ženska udruga "Izvor" Tenja Mirjana Herceg Croatia Agora CE Ivana Bursíková Czech Republic Aliance žen s rakovinou prsu, o.p.s. Eva Knappova Czech Republic Amnesty International Petra Zednickova Czech Republic ARTMAP Josef Málek Czech Republic Asistence, o.p.s. Erik Čipera Czech Republic Asociace pomáhající lidem s autismem APLA-JM o.s team Czech Republic Association of Public Benefit Organizations Czech Republic Marek Sedivy Czech Republic Auto*Mat, o.s. Vít Masare Czech Republic Bc. Jitka Králová Apropo Jičín, o.p.s Czech Republic Beleco Jan Dušek Czech Republic Bliss without Risk Hana Malinova Czech Republic Blízký soused, o. s. Ing. Pavla Fáberová Czech Republic Bridge and road (Czech: Most a cesta) Jaroslav Kubeček Czech Republic Brontosaurus Movement Forest Petr Kurz Czech Republic Calla - Sdruzeni pro zachranu prostredi / Calla - Association for Preservation of the Environment Edvard Sequens Czech Republic Center for family Drop IN Mgr. Sedláčková Czech Republic Centre for Adoption and Foster Care Veduna Bubleova Czech Republic Centrum pro komunitní práce střední Čechy Ondřej Marek Czech Republic Centrum pro rodinu a sociální péči Vysočina Czech Republic Česká prezidentka Miluš Kotišová Czech Republic Charita Ostrava Dalibor Kraut Czech Republic Children of the Earth Miroslav Patrik Czech Republic CIANT International Centre for Art and New Technologies Pavel Smetana Czech Republic Citizens against the gambling, o.s. Martina Novakova Czech Republic Clear Skies/ Čisté nebe o.p.s. Marketa Ubikova Czech Republic Czech Donors Forum Klára Šplíchalová Czech Republic CZECH HEALTHCARE FORUM MICHAEL VICH Czech Republic Czech Society for Inclusive Education Czech Republic Czech Women's Lobby / Ceska zenska lobby Chairperson Czech Republic Czech Women's Union / Ceskz svaz zen Jana Chrzova Czech Republic Darmoděj o.s. Josef Vondrka Czech Republic Czech Republic Diakonie ČCE - centre of Valasske Mezirici Zdislava Odstrcilova Czech Republic Diakonie ČCE - SKP v Praze Mgr. Vera Víchová Czech Republic Diakonie ECCB - Center of nationwide programs and services David Michal - director Czech Republic Dobrovolnické centrum, o.s. Lenka Černá Czech Republic Dopravní federace NNO - Czech Transport Federation Czech Republic DUHOVKA, z.s. Czech Republic Ekocentrum PALETA Jiri Bures Czech Republic Ekumenická akademie Praha Jiří Silný Czech Republic Eliška Jana Martinková Czech Republic Environmental Partnetship Association Michal Vesely Czech Republic Farní charita Lovosice Roman Striženec Czech Republic FoRS - Czech Forum for Development Co-operation Ondřej Kopečný Czech Republic Fórum 50 % Jana Smiggels Kavková Czech Republic Frank Bold Pavlína Gbelcová Czech Republic Gender Information Center NORA Katerina Hodicka Czech Republic Gender Studies, o. p. s. Helena Skálová Czech Republic Glopolis, o.p.s. Ondrej Kopecny Czech Republic Greenpeace Czech Republic David Murphy, Executive Director Czech Republic Hnuti Duha Olomouc Czech Republic In IUSTITIA Klára Kalibová Czech Republic IQ Roma servis c.a. Katarína Klamková Czech Republic Iuridicum Remedium, o. s. Czech Republic Jako dome - Homelike, o. p. s. Alexandra Dolezelova Czech Republic Jan Mokrý Czech Republic Jana ČERVENKOVÁ, Mrs. Jana Červwenková, Mrs. Czech Republic JURTA David Landspersky Czech Republic Kamina o.s.s Kamila Kontrikova Czech Republic Krasec, o. s. Simona Safarcikova Czech Republic Květa Jarková Občanské sdružení amaro suno Czech Republic Lata - Programmes for Youth at Risk Czech Republic League of Human Rights (Liga lidských práv) Zuzana Durajová Czech Republic Lékaři bez hranic Czech Republic Lunaria Zbynek Vlk Czech Republic Mladí zelení Tomáš Křemen Czech Republic Most k životu o.p.s. Mgr.Michal Bořek Czech Republic Multicultural Center Prague Marek Čaněk Czech Republic Museum of Romani Culture PhDr. Jana Horváthová Czech Republic Muzi a zeny, o.p.s. Filip Smoljak Czech Republic Nadace Jedličkova ústavu Irena Fodorová Czech Republic Nadace Partnerství Miroslav Kundrata, director Czech Republic Nadace rozvoje občanské společnosti Kateřina Briová Czech Republic Nadační fond Radia Proglas Helena Horáková Czech Republic NADĚJE Jan Vaněček Czech Republic Národopisná společnost Vacenovice Ing.Miroslav Blahušek Czech Republic NaZemi Tomas Bily Czech Republic NGO Slovo 21 Jelena Silajdžić Czech Republic Nová škola, o.p.s. Mgr. Jan Zajíc Czech Republic Ondrej Miklas Czech Republic Open Society Fund Prague Czech Republic Open society o.p.s. Tomáš Pavlas Czech Republic Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU) Martin Rozumek Czech Republic Oživení, o.s. Lenka Petráková Czech Republic People in Need/ Člověk v tísni Czech Republic PermaLot Radka Jensen Czech Republic Pestrá společnost, o.p.s. Michal Prager Czech Republic Petrov, občanské sdružení pro práci s dětmi a mládeží brněnské diecéze Czech Republic Pomoc v nouzi, o.p.s. Robert Pisár Czech Republic Poradna pro občanství/Občanská a lidská práva Ladislav Zamboj Czech Republic POST BELLUM Jan Polouček, executive director Czech Republic Potravinová banka Plzeň Daniel Svoboda Czech Republic Pražské fórum / Prague Forum Tereza Kněžourková
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