Edited by Csaba BÉKÉS

Research Chair, Center of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Professor of History, Corvinus University of

Coordinators Valeria PUGA & Tsotne TCHANTURIA

Assistant Editors Egor ABRAMOVSKIKH, Angela AIELLO, Lisa BERDNIK, Matilde BETTENCOURT Carretero de Bivar Cruz, Sára BÜKI, Natalija DIMIĆ, Pınar ELDEMIR, Mirkamran HUSEYNLI, Nurlan ISKANDARLI, Is-Haque ISMAILA IBN, Anna JASTRZEMBSKA, Khatia KARDAVA, Aigul KAZHENOVA, Ilaria LA TORRE, Helen LEE, Rastko LOMPAR, Marijn MULDER, Éva MEISTER, Robert MEISTER, Simen Agnalt NILSEN, İrem OSMANOĞLU, Justus RAUWALD, Antoine RENAUX, Simona SGLAVO, Simon SZILVÁSI, Veronika SZAPPANOS, Lenka THÉROVÁ, Kalliroy TZIVRA, Barnabás VAJDA, Mercédesz VARGA, Chen YIXIN

Editorial Assistance Dániel BORSOS, Gökay ÇİNAR, Mingnan GUAN, Tamás IZSÁK, Alexander KANDELAKI, Jennifer LOY, Meghan POFF, Violet Andrew SALIU, Ahmet Ömer YÜCE, Sergei ZAKHAROV

Cold War History Research Center, Budapest 2018

ISBN 978-615-5963-02-5 © Cold War History Research Center, 2018


This bibliography attempts to present publications on the history of the Cold War published after 1989, the beginning of the „archival revolution” in the former Soviet bloc countries. While this second and updated edition is still not complete, it contains an extensive number of books, articles and book chapters on the topic; at 1151 pages in length so far, it is the most extensive such bibliography. If you are a Cold War history scholar in any country and would like us to incude your publications on the Cold War (published after 1989) in the next edition, we will gladly do so. Please send us a list of your works in which books and articles/book chapters are separated, following the format of our bibliography. The titles of non-English language entries should be translated into English in square brackets. Please send the list to: [email protected]

The Cold War History Research Center owes special thanks to the Parallel History Project on Cooperative Security (formerly: on NATO and the Pact) in Zurich–Washington D.C. for their permission to use the Selective Bibliography on the Cold War Alliances, compiled by Anna Locher and Cristian Nünlist, available at:


Third World



 BADIE, B.: The Imported State: The Westernization of the Political Order. Stanford, CA- Stanford University Press, 2000.  BILLS, Scott: Empire and Cold War: The Roots of United States-Third World Antagonism. New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1990.  БОГЕТИЋ, Драган – ДИМИЋ, Љубодраг: Београдска конференција несврстаних земаља 1-6 септембра 1961: Прилог историји Трећег света [BOGETIĆ, Dragan - DIMIĆ, Ljubodrag: The Belgrade Conference of Non-Aligned Countries 1-6. September 1961: A Contribution to the History of the Third World]. Београд, Завод за уџбенике и нставна средства, 2013.  BRANDS, H. W.: The Specter of Neutrality: The United States and the Emergence of the Third World, 1947-1960. New York, Columbia University Press, 1990.  CALANDRI, Elena: Il primato sfuggente. L’Europa e l’intervento per lo sviluppo 1957-2007 [The elusive primacy. Europe and the intervention for development 1957- 2007]. Milano, Franco-Angeli, 2009.  CALCHI NOVATI, Gian Paolo – QUARTAPELLE, Lia: Terzo mondo addio: la conferenza afro-asiatica di Bandung in una prospettiva storica [Goodbye to the Third World: Bandung Afro-Asiatic conference from a historical perspective]. , Carocci, 2007.  ČAVOŠKI, Jovan: Distant Countries, Closest Allies: Josip Broz Tito and Jawaharlal Nehru and the Rise of Global Nonalignment. New Delhi, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.  COLBURN, Forrest D.: The Vogue of Revolution in Poor Countries. Princeton-NJ, Princeton University Press, 1994.  HAHN, Peter L. – HEISS, Mary A. (eds.): Empire and Revolution: The United States and the Third World since 1945. Columbus, OH, Ohio State University Press, 2001.  HOBSBAWM, Eric: Historia del siglo XX [The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914-1991]. Buenos Aires, Crítica - Grijalbo Mondadori, 1999.  KALINOVSKY, Artemy – RADCHENKO, Sergey (eds.): The End of the Cold War and the Third World, New Perspectives on Regional Conflict, London, Routledge, 2011.  KARABELL, Zachary: Architects of Interventions: The United States, the Third World, and the Cold War, 1946-1962. Baton Rouge, LA, Louisiana State University Press, 1999.  KATZ, Mark N. (ed.): The USSR and Marxist Revolutions in the Third World. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990.


 KOLODZIEJ, Edward – KANET, Roger E. (eds.): The Limits of Soviet Power in the Developing World. Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.  MACDONALD, Douglas J.: Adventures in Chaos: American Intervention for Reform in the Third World. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1992.  PRASHAD, V.: The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World. New York- New Press, 2007.  ROBERTS, Priscilla (ed.): Behind the Bamboo Curtain: China, Vietnam, and the World beyond Asia. Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington D.C., 2006.  RODMAN, Peter W.: More Precious Than Peace: The Cold War and the Struggle for the Third World. New York, Scribner’s, 1994.  ROMANO, Sergio: Con gli occhi dell’Islam: mezzo secolo di storia in una prospettiva mediorientale [Through the eyes of Islam: fifty years of history from a middle eastern perspective]. Milan, Tea, 2009.  ROMANO, Sergio: La quarta sponda. Dalla guerra di Libia alle rivolte arabe [The Fourth side. From the war in Libya to the Arab uprisings. Milan, Longanesi, 2015.  TOGNONATO, Claudio (ed.): Affari nostri: diritti umani e rapporti Italia-Argentina 1976-1983 (Personal affairs: human rights and relations between Italy-Argentina 1976-1983]. Rome, Fandango, 2012.  WESTAD, Arne Odd: The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2005.  WESTAD, Odd Arne: The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Articles /Book chapters

 BRADLEY, Mark: Decolonization, the Global South, and the Cold War, 1919–1962. In: Leffler, Melvin P. - Westad, Odd Arne (eds.): The Cambridge History of the Cold War: Vol. 1 - Origins. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 464-485.  ЧАВОШКИ, Јован: Земље Азије, Африке и Латинске Америке у сећањима и дневницима југословенских дипломата [The Lands of Asia, Africa and Latin America in Memoirs and Diaries of Yugoslav Diplomats]. Токови историје, 3/2012, 86-112.  CAVIGLIA, Daniele – GARAVINI, G.: “Generosi” ma non troppo. La CEE, i paesi in via di sviluppo e i negoziati sulla riforma del Sistema monetario internazionale (1958- 1976) [“Generous” but not too much. The EEC, the developing countries and the negotiations on the International monetary system reform (1958-1976)]. In CALANDRI, E.: Il primate sfuggente. L’Europa e l’intervento per lo sviluppo 1957- 2007 [The elusive primacy. Europe and the intervention for development 1957-2007]. Milan, Franco-Angeli, 2009.  DINKEL, Jürgen: Third World Begins to Flex its Muscles – The Non-Aligned Movement and the North-South-Conflict during the 1970s. In: Sandra Bott - Jussi Hanhimaki - Janick Schaufelbuehl - Marco Wyss (eds.): Neutrality and Neutralism in


the Global Cold War. The Non-Aligned Movement in the East-West Conflict, Routledge 2016, 108-123.  DOBBS, Michael (ed.): Freedom of Information Follies: FOIA Reviewers Declassify Same Rwanda Document Four Times, Creating New Secrets Each Time, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 420, Washington D.C., 2013.  FISCHER, Thomas - AUNESLUOMA, Juhana - MAKKO, Aryo: Introduction: Neutrality and Nonalignment in World Politics during the Cold War. Journal of Cold War Studies, Fall, 2016, Vol. 18, No. 4, 4–11.  HATZIVASSILIOU, Evanthis: Out-of-area: NATO Perceptions of the Third World, 1957-1967, Cold War History, 2012, Vol. 13, No. 1, 67-88.  HOBSBAWM, Eric: First World and Third World After the Cold War, CEPAL Review, 1999, No. 67, 7–14.  HORNSBY, Robert: The Post-Stalin Komsomol and the Soviet Fight for Third World Youth, Cold War History, 2015, Vol. 16, No. 1, 83-100.  LANE, Ann: Third World Neutralism and British Cold War strategy, 1960-62, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 2003, Vol. 14, No. 3, 151-174.  LATHAM, Michael: The Cold War in the Third World, 1963–1975. In: Leffler, Melvin P. - Westad, Odd Arne (eds.): The Cambridge History of the Cold War: Vol.2 - Crises and Détente. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 258–80.  LÜTHI, Lorenz M.: The Non-Aligned Movement and the Cold War, 1961–1973. Journal of Cold War Studies, Fall, 2016, Vol. 18, No. 4, 98–147.  LÜTHI, Lorenz M.: Non-Alignment, 1946-65: Its Formation and Struggle against Afro-Asianism. Humanity, Vol. 7, No.4, 2016, 201-23.  LÜTHI, Lorenz M.: Non-Alignment, 1961-1974. In: Bott, Sandra - Hanhimaki, Jussi M. - Schaufelbuehl, Janick - Marco Wyss (eds.), Neutrality and Neutralism in the Global Cold War: Between or Within the Blocs? New York: Routledge, 2016, 90-107.  LÜTHI, Lorenz M.: The Non-Aligned: Apart from and still within the Cold War. In: Miskovic - Natasa (ed.), The non-aligned. New York, Routledge, 2014, 97-113.  ROEHRLICH, Elisabeth: The Cold War, the Developing World, and the Creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1953-1957, Cold War History, 2016, Vol. 16, No. 2, 195-212.  ROGNONI, Maria Stella: The end of the Cold War in the Third World: new perspectives on regional conflict. Cold War History, 2012, Vol. 12, No. 3, 568-569.  SCHAUFELBUEHL, Janick Marina - BOTT, Sandra - HANHIMÄKI, Jussi - WYSS, Marco: Non-Alignment, the Third Force, or Fence-Sitting: Independent Pathways in the Cold War. International History Review, 2015, Vol. 37, No. 5, 901-911.  TOSI, Luciano: Europe, the United Nations and Dialogue with the Third World. In: MIGANI, Guia – VARSORI, Antonio (Eds.): Europe in the International Arena during the 1970s. Entering a Different World. Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2011, 161 – 191.  SURI, Jeremi: The Cold War, Decolonization, and Global Social Awakenings: Historical Intersections, Cold War History, 2006, Vol. 6, No. 3, 353-363.


 WESTAD, Odd Arne: Preface. In: James, Leslie - Leake, Elisabeth (eds.): Decolonization and the Cold War: Negotiating Independence. London, Bloomsbury, 2015, xi.  WESTAD, Odd Arne: Rethinking Revolutions: The Cold War in the Third World. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 29, Nº 3, November 1992, 345-354.  WOHLFORTH, William: Superpower, Interventions, and the Third World, Cold War History, 2006, Vol. 6, No. 3, 365-371.  ZANATTA, Loris: 1973. Prima e dopo il settembre cileno [1973. Before and after the Chilean September]. In POMBENI, P. (ed.): Cesure e tornanti della storia contemporanea [Ceasuras and reptations of contemporary history]. Bologna, il Mulino, 2005.



 ADEBAJO, Adekeye - MUSTAPHA, Abdul Raufu (eds.): Gulliver’s Trouble: Nigeria’s Foreign Policy After the Cold War. Scottsville, University of KwaZulu- Natal, 2008.  ADEBAJO, Adekeye: Hegemony on a Shoestring: Nigeria’s Post-Cold War Foreign Policy. Scottsville, University of Kwazulu-Natal Press, South Africa 2008.  AKINBOBOLA, Ayo: Regionalism and Regional Influential: the Post-Cold-War Role of Nigeria in African Affairs, Lagos, Nigeria, Concept Publications, 2001.  ALDEN, Chris: Apartheid’s Last Stand, The Rise and Fall of the South African Security State. London, Macmillan 1996.  ALMEDIA-TOPOR, Hélène: L'Afrique au 20e siècle [Africa in the 20th century]. Liège, Armand Colin, 1999.  ANSTEE, Margaret Joan: Orphan of The Cold War: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Angolan Peace Process, 1992-93. Basingstoke; New York: St Martin's Press, 1996.  BAKER, Pauline: The United States and South Africa: The Reagan Years. New York- Ford Foundation, 1989.  BARBER, James – BARRETT, John: South Africa’s Foreign Policy: The Search for Status and Security 1945–1988. Cambridge-Cambridge University Press, 1990.  BORSTELMANN, Thomas: Apartheid’s Reluctant Uncle: The United States and Southern Africa in the Early Cold War. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.  CHARLTON, Michael: The Last Colony in Africa: Diplomacy and the Independence of Rhodesia. Oxford- Blackwell, 1990.  CHESTER, Crocker: The Hot Cold War: The USSR in Southern Africa, High Noon in Southern Africa. London, Pluto Press, 2008.  CHIMA, Jacob Korieh: The Nigeria-Biafra War: Genocide and the Politics of Memory. Amherst, New York, Cambria Press, 2012.


 CHUNG, Fay: Re-living the Second Chimurenga. Harare-Weaver Press, 2006.  CONTEH-MORGAN E.: Post-Cold War Era West Africa: Implications for US Foreign Policy. In: Magyar K.P., United States Interests and Policies in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2000.  COOPER, Frederik: L'Afrique dans le monde: capitalisme, empire, État-nation [Africa in the world: capitalism, empire, Nation-State]. Lisieux, Payot, 2015.  COOPER, Frederik: L'Afrique depuis 1940 [Africa since 1940]. Lisieux, Payot, 2018.  COOPER, Frederick: Decolonization and African Society: The Labor Question in French and British Africa. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996.  CROCKER, Chester: High Noon in Southern Africa: Making Peace in a Rough Neighborhood. New York-Oxford University Press, 1992.  CURTIN, Philip D.: Disease and Empire: The Health of European Troops in the Conquest of Africa. New York-Cambridge University Press, 1998.  ДАВИДСОН, Аполлон – МАЗОВ, Сергей – Тсыпкин, Георгий: СССР и Африка. 1918-1960. [DAVIDSON, Apollon – MAZOV, Sergei – Tsypkin, Georgii: USSR and Africa. 1918-1960.]  DE LA TORRE, Hipólito (ed.) : Portugal, España y Africa en los ultimos cien anos [Portugal, Spain and Africa in the Last Hundred Years]. Merida, Uned, 1992.  DEROCHE, Andrew: Black, White and Chrome: The United States and Zimbabwe, 1953–1998. Trenton, NJ- Africa World Press, 2001.  DEUTSCHMANN, David (ed.): Changing the History of Africa. Melbourne, Ocean Press, 1989.  DEVLIN, Larry: Chief of Station, Congo: Fighting the Cold War in a Hot Zone. New York, Public Affairs, 2008.  DUNN K.C: Introduction: Africa and International Relations Theory. In: Dunn K.C., Shaw T.M., Africa’s Challenge to International Relations Theory. International Political Economy Series. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2001.  ELKINS, Caroline: Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain’s Gulag in Kenya. New York, Henry Holt, 2004.  ELLIS, Stephen - SECHABA Tsepo: Comrades against Apartheid. London: Indiana University Press, 1992.  EZE, O.: Nigeria-Russia Relations in a Multipolar World, NIIA, Lagos, Nigeria. 2010.  FABIANI, Riccardo: Somalia 1977: la guerra dell’Ogaden e la fine della distensione [Somalia 1977: The Ogaden’s War and the end of détente]. Rome, G.A.N., 2010.  FALOLA, Toyin - BOLA: Decolonizing Nigeria, 1945-1960: Politics, Power, and Personalities. Austin, TX, Pan-Afr Dauda ican University Press, 2017.  FLEISCH, Axel – RHIANNON, Stephens: Doing Conceptual History in Africa. New York, Berghahn Books, 2016.  FUNK Kevin: Steven Fake Scramble for Africa: Darfur-intervention and the USA, Black Rose Books, Montreal/New York/London, 2009.


 GELDENHUYS, Jannie: A General’s Story. Johannesburg, Jonathan Ball, 1995.  GEORGE, Edward: The Cuban Intervention in Angola, 1965–1991. London-Frank Cass, 2005.  GHEBRESILLASIE, Girma: Kalter Krieg am Horn von Afrika: Regional-Konflikte: Äthiopien und Somalia im Spannungsfeld der Supermächte 1945-1991 [Cold War at the Horn of Africa: Regional Conflicts: Ethiopia and Somalia in the Tension of the Superpowers 1945-1991]. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 1999.  GHETTAS Mohamed Lakhdar: Algeria and the Cold War: International Relations and the Struggle for Autonomy, I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017.  GHIŢULESCU, Emil - NICOLESCU, Andra: All Roads Lead to... Darfur: Diplomatic Notes. Bucureşti, Curtea Veche, 2008.  GIBBS, David N.: The Political Economy of Third World Intervention: Mines, Money, and US Policy in the Congo Crisis. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1991.  GLEIJESES, Piero: Conflicting Missions: Havana, Washington, and Africa, 1959- 1976. Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press, 2002.  GLEIJESES, Piero: Visions of Freedom: Havana, Washington, Pretoria, and the Struggle for Southern Africa, 1976-1991. New Cold War History, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2016.  HALE, William – EBERHARD, Kienl: After the Cold War: Security and Democracy in Africa and Asia. New York, Tauris Academic Studies, 1997.  HAMILTON, Rebecca (ed.): Characterization of Darfur Biolence as "Genocide" Had No "Legal Consequences" for U.S., according to 2004 State Department Memo, National Security Archive Briefing Book, No. 356, Washington D.C., 2011.  HENZE, Paul: The Horn of Africa. New York, St. Martin’s, 1991.  HORNE, Gerald: From the Barrel of a Gun: The United States and the War against Zimbabwe 1965–1980. Harare: Sapes Books, 2001.  ILIFFE, John: Africans: The History of a Continent. Third Edition. New York, USA, Cambridge University Press, 2017.  IURLANO, Giuliana - DONNO, Antonio (eds.): L’amministrazione Nixon e il continente africaNo.Tra decolonizzazione e guerra fredda, 1969-1974 [The Nixon administration and the African continent: Between decolonization and cold war, 1969- 1974]. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2016.  JACKSON, Donna R: US Foreign Policy in the Horn of Africa: From Colonialism to Terrorism. Abingdon, Routledge, 2017.  JACKSON, Donna R: The Ogaden War and the Demise of Détente. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2010.  JACKSON, Donna: Jimmy Carter and the Horn of Africa. Jefferson, NC-McFarland, 2007.  JACKSON, Donna R: Jimmy Carter, the Cold War and the Horn of Africa. Jefferson NC, McFarland & Company Inc, 2007.


 JALLOH, Alusine and Falola: Toyin, The United States and West Africa: Interactions and Relations, Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2008.  KHADIAGALA, Gilbert: Allies in Adversity: The Frontline States in Southern African Security, 1975–1993. Athens, OH-Ohio University Press, 1994.  KIENLE, Eberhard - Hale, William M.:1940- After the cold war: security and democracy in Africa and Asia, Tauris Academic Studies, London, 1997.  LAFEBVRE, J. A.: Arms for the Horn. Pittsburgh, PA-University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992.  LAIDI, Zaki: The Superpowers and Africa: The Constraints of Rivalry 1960–1990. Chicago- University of Chicago Press, 1990.  LANGELLIER, Jean-Pierre: Mobutu. Lonrai, Perrin, 2018.  LUMUMBA-KASONGO: Tukumbi. Japan’s Economic and Political Relations with Africa Since The 1970’s And Their Implications for Popular Demands for Democracy in Africa: A Preliminary Reflection, 2010.  McMAHON, Robert J.: The Cold War in the Third World, Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press, 2013.  MALAN, Magnus: My Life with the South African Defence Force. Pretoria: Protea, 2006.  MANDELA, Nelson – CASTRO, Fidel: How Far We Slaves Have Come. New York: Pathfinder Press, 1991.  MARTE, Fred: Political Cycles in International Relations: The Cold War and Africa 1945–1990. Amsterdam-VU University Press, 1994.  MATTHEW, Heaton M. - FALOLA, Toyin: A History of Nigeria. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008.  MATUSEVICH, Maxim: Africa in Russia, Russia in Africa. Trenton, NJ-Africa World Press, 2007.  MAZOV, Sergey: A Distant Front in the Cold War: The USSR in West Africa and the Congo, 1956-1964, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington D.C., 2010.  MAZRUI, Alamin M: English in Africa: After the Cold War, Cromwell Press Ltd, 2004.  MILLER, Mark A.: West Africa Since the Cold War: Implications for U.S. Strategy, United States Army War College, 2012.  MISHRA, A: Soviet Policy towards Anti-Colonial Movements in Southern Africa. Delhi: Vista, 2006.  MITCHELL, Nancy: Jimmy Carter in Africa Race and the Cold War: Race and the Cold War. Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington D.C., 2016.  MOKOENA, Kenneth: South Africa and the United States: The Declassified History, a National Security Archive Documents Reader. New York-New Press 1993.  NAMIKAS, Lise – MAZOV, Sergey (eds.): The Congo Crisis, 1960–1961. CWIHP Document Reader, Washington D.C., 2011.


 NAMIKAS, Lise: Battleground Africa: Cold War in the Congo, 1960-1965. Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington D.C., 2013.  NOER, Thomas J: Cold War and Black liberation, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, Missouri 65211, 1985.  OKOTH, Godfrey: USA, India, Africa During and After the Cold War. Oxford: African Books Collective, Project MUSE, 2010.  ONSLOW Sue - Van Wyk, Anna-Mart: Southern Africa in the Cold War, Post-1974, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2013,  ONSLOW, Sue: Cold War in Southern Africa: White Power, Black Libeartion. Routledge, London, 2010.  ORNGU, Chris S.: The Dynamics of Nigeria’s External Relations During the Civil War Years, 1967-1970. Lagos, 2002.  OYEBADE, Adebayo - TRENTON, Abiodun Alao: Africa after the Cold War: The Changing Perspectives on Security. NJ and Asmara, Africa World Press, 1998.  PERCOX, David: Britain, Kenya and the Cold War: Imperial Defence, Colonial Security and Decolonization. International Library of African Studies 13, Taurin Academic Studies, 2004.  RODMAN, Peter W.: More Precious than Peace. New York: Charles Scribner’s, 1994.  RODMAN, Peter W.: Making Peace in a Rough Neighborhood, New York, Oxford University Press, 1992.  ROBERTAZZI, Chiara: Verso un nuovo Sudafrica. Dall'apartheid allo stato multietnico [Towards a new South-Africa. From apartheid to the multi-ethnic state]. Milan, FrancoAngeli, 1995.  ROGNONI, Maria Stella: Scacchiera congolese. Materie prime, decolonizzazione e guerra fredda nell’Africa dei primi anni Sessanta [The Congo Chessboard. Raw materials, decolonization and Cold War in Africa in the first Seventies]. Florence, Polistampa, 2003.  ROSCHENTHALER, U. - JEDLOWSKI, A. (eds.): Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic Networks and Cultural Interactions. London, UK, Zed Books, 2017.  ROTBERG, Robert I: China into Africa: Trade, Aid, and Influence, Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C., 2009.  SALLY Khalifa Isaac: NATO and Middle East and Africa (MENA) Security; Prospect for burden sharing, 2011.  SCHMIDT, Elizabeth: Foreign Intervention in Africa: From the Cold War to the War on Terror. New Approaches to African History Series. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.  SCHMIDT, Elizabeth: Foreign Intervention in Africa: From the Cold War to the War on Terror. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.  SCHMIDT, Elizabeth: Cold War and Decolonization in Guinea, 1946-1958. Athens, Ohio University Press, 2007.


 SCHMIDT, Elizabeth: Cold War and Decolonization in Guinea, 1946-1958. Western African Studies Series. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2007.  SELLSTRÖ M, Tor: Liberation in Southern Africa: Regional and Swedish Voices. Uppsala-Nordic Africa Institute, 1999.  SELLSTRÖ M, Tor: Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa, Solidarity and Assistance 1970–1994. Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute, 2002.  SHARAMO Roba - BEROUK, M: Regional Security in the post-Cold War Horn of Africa, Volume 178 of ISS monograph series: Institute for Security Studies, 2011.  SHUBIN, Vladimir: ANC: A View from Moscow. Cape Town: Mayibuye Books, 1999.  SHUBIN Vladimir, The Hot Cold War: The USSR in Southern Africa, Pluto Press, London, 2008.  SMITH, Ian: The Great Betrayal: The Memoirs of Ian Douglas Smith. London-Blake, 1997.  ŞIPEŢEAN, Cristian-Constantin: Dimensiuni politice şi economice ale continentului african: relaţiile româno-africane în timpul regimului totalitar şi redimensionarea lor postcomunistă [Political and Economic Dimensions of the African Continent: the Romanian-African Relations during the Totalitarian Regime and Their Post- communist Resizing]. Cluj-Napoca, 2012.  SMITH-WINSOR, Brooke: A EU-NATO Collaboration: Implications and Prospects, 2015.  TESI, Moses K.: Balancing Sovereignty and Development in International Affairs: Cameroon’s Post-Independence Relations with France, Africa and the World. Lanham, Maryland, Lexington Books. 2017.  TIGNOR, Robert: Capitalism and Nationalism at the End of Empire: State and Business in Decolonizing Egypt, Nigeria, and Kenya, 1945-1963. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1998.  THOMAS, Martin: the Algerian Conflict — a Cold War Front Line? In: The French North African Crisis. Studies in Military and Strategic History. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2000.  THRALL, Lloyd: China’s Expanding African Relations: Implications for U.S. National Security, Library of Congress cataloguing, 2015.  THOMPSON, Alex: Incomplete Engagement: United States Foreign Policy towards the Republic of South Africa 1981–1988. Aldershot: Avebury, 1996.  TORNIMBENI, Corrado: Stranieri e autoctoni in Africa sub-sahariana. Potere, Stato e cittadinanza nella storia delle migrazioni [Foreign and indigenous people in Sub- Saharan Africa. Power, State and citizenship in the history of migration]. Rome, Carocci, 2010.  TORNIMBENI, Corrado: Cento anni su una frontiera africana. Dal sogno dell'oro al parco naturale tra Mozambico e Zimbabwe [One hundred years on an African border. From the dream of gold to the natural park between Mozambique and Zimbabwe]. Milan, Franco Angeli, 2017.


 UKEJE: Nigeria and Great Power Politics, Lagos, Chinedum Publishers, 1999.  VULETIĆ, Radina - BETTS, Paul (eds.): Tito u Africi: slike solidarnosti [Tito in Africa: Picturing Solidarity]. Beograd, Muzej Jugoslavije, 2017.  WALL, Irwin М.: France, the United States and the Algerian War. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2001.  WILLIAM HALE and Eberhard Kienle, After the Cold War: Security and Democracy in Africa and Asia, London, IB Tauris, 1997.  WHITEMAN, Kaye: The Switchback and the Fallback: Perspectives of Nigeria-UK Relations West. London, United Kingdom, Africa Magazine, 1960-2003.

Articles /Book chapters

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Articles /Book chapters

 AÇIKKAYA, Savaş: Bir Başka Açidan Soğuk Savaş ve Türkiye 1945-1973 Dönemi [Cold War and Turkey within another Perspective in 1945-1973 Era]. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2010, No. 18, 155-171.  ALVANDI, Roham: The Shah’s détente with Khrushchev: Iran’s 1962 Missile Base Pledge to the Soviet Union, Cold War History, 2014, Vol. 14, No. 3, 423-444.  ASSELIN, Pierre: The Algerian Revolution and the Communist Bloc: Evidence from the Algerian National Archives, CWIHP e-Dossier No. 62, February 2015.  ATLI, Cengiz: Kore Savaşi ve Kore Savaşı’na Iğdır'dan Katılanlar [Korean War and People Who Engage in the War from Iğdır]. Trakya University Journal of Social Science, 2014, Vol. 16, No .1, 1-21.  ATLI, Cengiz: Kore Savaşi ve Kore Savaşı’na Iğdır'dan Katılanlar [Korean War and People Who Engage in the War from Iğdır]. Trakya University Journal of Social Science, 2014, Vol. 16, No .1, 1-21.  AYDIN, Mustafa: Turkish Foreign Policy at the End of the Cold War: Roots and Dynamics. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 2005, Vol. 36, 1-36.  AYDOS, Serpil: 1948-1955 Yılları Arasında Türkiye ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri İlişkilerinde Kamu Diplomasisi [The Public Diplomacy Between Turkey and the United States of America from 1948 to 1955]. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 2012, Vol. 45, No. 4, 119-138.  AYGÜN, Mehmet: Türkiye'de Anti-Komünizmin Kaynakları-4: 1950'lerde Anti- Komünizmin Uluslararasılaşması ve Muhafazakâr Güçlerin Mücadeleye Dâhil Olması [Sources of Anti-Communism in Turkey - 4: International Anti-Communism Agreement In 1950s And Conservative Forces' Including In The Struggle]. Sosyologca, 2013, Vol. 5, No. 6, 67-81.  AZZOU, El-Mostafa: La présence militaire américaine au Maroc, 1945-1963 [AZZOU, El-Mostafa: The US Military Presence in Morocco, 1945-1963]. Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains, 2003, Vol. 53, No. 210, 125-132.  BABA, Gürol – KARAGÜL, Soner: Türk Dış Politikasında Çok Taraflılığa Geçiş Çabaları: 1965 Çok Uluslu Güç Projesi ve 1 Mart 2003 Tezkeresi [Affords of Transition to Multisided in Turkish Foreign Policy: 1965 Multinational Power Project and 1st of March 2003 Missive]. LAÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2012, Vol. 3, No. 1, 18-42.  BAR-NOI, Uri: The Soviet Union and The Six-Day War: Revelations From The Polish Archives, CWIHP e-Dossier No. 8.


 BARON, X: La Syrie entraînée dans la guerre froide [Syria drawn into the Cold War]. In: BARON, Xavier: Histoire de la Syrie, 1918 à nos jours [History of Syria since 1918]. Lonrai, Tallendier, 2013, 143-153.  BATTLE, Joyce (ed.): Iraq: The Media War Plan, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 219, Washington D.C., 2007.  BATTLE, Joyce (ed.): U.S. Propaganda in the Middle East. The Early Cold War Version. National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 78, Washington D.C., 2002.  BATTLE, Joyce – BLANTON, Thomas (eds.): Top Secret Polo Step Iraq War Plan Assumed Only 5,000 U.S. Troops Still There by December 2006, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 214, Washington D.C., 2007.  BATTLE, Joyce – BRYNE, Malcolm (eds.): The Iraq War Ten Years After, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 418, Washington D.C., 2013.  BAYRAM, Mürsel: Soğuk Savaş Dönemi Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Sürekliliğinde Askerî Darbelerin Rolü [The Role of Military coup d’état in Duration of Turkish- American Relations in Cold War Era]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015, Vol. 2, No. 1, 31-43.  BÉKÉS, Csaba: A szuezi válság és az 1956-os magyar forradalom [The Suez Crisis and the 1956 Hungarian revolution]. Interpress Magazin, 2014, 6. sz.  BÉKÉS, Csaba: Miért nem lett második hidegháború Európában? Магистр прав и обязанностей. 1979. évi afganisztáni szovjet intervenció. Dokumentumok. Évkönyv 2003. 1956-os Intézet, 2003, 223-256.  BLACKWELL, Stephen: Pursuing Nasser: The Macmillan Government and the Management of British Policy Towards the Middle East Cold War, 1957-63, Cold War History, 2006, Vol. 4, No. 3, 85-104.  BÖLME, Selin M.: Soğuk Savaş’ta NATO-ABD-Türkiye Üçgeninde Askeri Üsler: Süreklilik ve Değişim [Military Bases in NATO-US-Turkey Triangle During the Cold War: Change and Continuity]. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 2012, Vol. 9, No. 34, 51- 71.  BOSTANCI, Mustafa: Türk-Arap İlişkilerine Etkisi Bakımından Bağdat Paktı/the Pact of Baghdad on Account of its Effect to Relationship of Turkish-Arabian. Gazi Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 2013, Vol. 7, No. 13.  BOTTONI, Stefano: A Securitate titkos ügyletei Izraellel és Nyugat-Németországgal, Interpress Magazin, 2014, Vol. 34, No. 8, 60-65.  BOZARSLAN, H: Le multipartisme et les régimes militaires, 1950/1983 [Multipartism and military regimes, 1950/1983]. In: BOZARSLAN, Hamit: Histoire de la Turquie contemporaine [History of contemporary Turkey]. Clamecy, La découverte, 2004, 50-68.  BRAZZODURO, Andrea: Il nemico interno: la guerra d’Algeria nel cinema francese [The internal enemy: The Algerian war in the French cinema]. Passato e presente: rivista di storia contemporanea, 2009, No. 76, 1-16.  BRILLANTI, Claudio: La stampa della sinistra italiana e il conflitto arabo-israelo- palestinese: dalla Guerra dei sei giorni alla guerra dello Yom Kippur [The press of the


Italian Left and the arab-israeli-palestinian conflict: from the Six Days War to the Yom Kippur War]. Mondo contemporaneo: rivista di storia, 2013, No. 2, 5-52.  BRUCHEZ, Anne: La fin de la présence française en Syrie: de la crise de mai 1945 au départ des dernières troupes étrangères [The end of the French presence in Syria: from the May 1945 crisis to the withdrawal of the last foreign troops]. Relations internationales, 2005, No. 122, 17–32.  BULUT, Sedef: Sovyet Tehdidine Karşı Güvenlik Arayışları: I ve II Menderes Hükümetlerinin 1950 1954 NATO Üyeliği ve Balkan Politikası [Security Seeking against to Threat of Soviet: Policy of I and II Menderes Governments, 1950-1954 Membership of NATO and Balkan Policy]. Ankara Üniversitesi Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, 2008, Vol. 11, No. 41, 35-61.  BUCARELLI, Massimo: All’origine della politica energetica dell’ENI in Iran: Enrico Mattei e i negoziati per gli accordi petroliferi del 1957 [At the origins of ENI Energy policy in Iran: Enrico Mattei and the negotiations for the Oil Agreements of 1957]. Nuova rivista storica, 2010, No. 2.  BUCARELLI, M.: L’ENI e la questione petrolifera in Iraq negli anni Sessanta [ENI and the oil issue in Iraq in the Seventies]. In GRAZIA, I., IMPERATO, F. – MONZALI, L.: Aldo Moro, l’Italia repubblicana e i popoli del mediterraneo [Aldo Moro, republican Italy and the Mediterranean peoples]. Nardò, Besa, Salento Books, 2013.  BUCARELLI, Massimo: L’ENI e il petrolio dell’Iraq negli anni Settanta: tra crisi energetiche e nazionalismo arabo [ENI and Iraq oli in the Seventies: between energetic crises and Arab nationalism]. Nuova rivista storica, 2014, Vol. XCVIII, No. 2, 667-731.  BUCARELLI, Massimo: L’Italia e il regime baathista iracheno nei difficili anni Settanta [Italy and the Iraqi Baathist regime in the difficult Seventies]. Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionale, 2014, No. 2.  BURR, William (ed.): State Department Intelligence and Research Predicted 1973 Arab-Israeli War, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 415, Washington D.C., 2013.  BURR, William (ed.): The Algerian Nuclear Problem, 1991: Controversy over the Es Salam Nuclear Reactor, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 228, Washington D.C., 2007.  BURR, William (ed.): U.S-Iran Nuclear Negotiations in 1970s Featured Shah’s Nationalism and U.S. Weapons Worries. National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 268, Washington D.C., 2009.  BURR, William (ed.): Volume IV: The Once and Future King? National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 59, Washington D.C., 2001.  BURR, William – COHEN, Aver (eds.): Israel Crosses the Threshold II: The Nixon Administration Debates the Emergence of the Israeli Nuclear Program, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 485, Washington D.C., 2014.  BURR, William – RICHELSON, Jeffrey (eds.): Operation Desert Storm: Ten Years Later, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 39, Washington D.C., 2001.  BURR, William – RICHELSON, Jeffrey T. (eds.): In 1974 Estimate, CIA Found that Israel Already Had a Nuclear Stockpile and that "Many Countries" Would Soon Have


Nuclear Capabilities, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 240, Washington D.C., 2008.  BÜYÜKAKINCI, Erhan: Soğuk Savaştan Günümüze Türkiye-Rusya İlişkileri [Turkey-Russia Relations since the Cold War]. (Der. Faruk Sönmezoğlu). İstanbul, Türk Dış Politikasının Analizi, Der Yay, 2004, 685-716.  BYRNE, Jeffrey James: Beyond Continents, Colours, and the Cold War: Yugoslavia, Algeria, and the Struggle for Non-Alignment. The International History Review, 01 June 2015, 1-21.  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): Iran 1953: State Department Finally Releases Update Official History of Mosaddeq Coup, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 598, Washington D.C., 2017.  BYRNE, Malcolm – GASIOROWSKI, Mark (eds.): 1953 Iran Coup: New U.S. Documents Confirmed British Approached U.S in Late 1952 About Ousting Mosaddeq, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 601, Washington D.C., 2017.  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): The Iran-Contra Affair 30 Years Later: A Milestone in Post- Truth Politics, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 567, Washington D.C., 2016.  BYRNE, Malcolm – BURR, William (eds.): Iran’s Nuclear Program Then and Now, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 521, Washington D.C., 2015.  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): Iran 1953: The Strange Odyssey of Kermit Roosevelt's Countercoup, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 468, Washington D.C., 2014.  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): The Battle for Iran, 1953: Re-Release of CIA Internal History Spotlights New Details about anti-Mosaddeq Coup, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 476, Washington D.C., 2014.  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): Iran 1953: US Envoy to Baghdad Suggested to Fleeing Shah He Not Acknowledge Foreign Role in Coup, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 477, Washington D.C., 2014.  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): Iran-Contra Revisited, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 483, Washington D.C., 2014.  BYRNE, Malcolm: “The Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges of the New Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani: The Views of 25 Experts from the Middle East, Europe, and the United States,” Viewpoints, No. 30, Special Edition (author of one of the entries), Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Middle East Program, June 2013  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): CIA Confirms Role in 1953 Iran Coup, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 435, Washington D.C., 2013.  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): U.S. – Iran: Lessons from an Earlier War, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 394, Washington D.C., 2012.  BYRNE, Malcolm: “Dealing with Iran: the US, Britain, and Regime Change 1951-3, Chapter in European–American Relations and the Middle East: From Suez to Iraq, ed. by Daniel Möckle and Victor Mauer, (London: Routledge, 2011), pp. 141-155


 BYRNE, Malcolm – KORNBLUH, Peter – BLANTON, Thomas (eds.): The Iran- Contra Affair 20 Years On, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 210, Washington D.C., 2006.  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): Saddam Hussein: More Secret History, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 107, Washington D.C., 2003.  BYRNE, Malcolm (ed.): The Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup, 1953, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 35, Washington D.C., 2000.  BYRNE, Malcolm: “Iranians Debate the 1953 Coup,” Middle East Report, Issue 216, Fall 2000  BYRNE, Malcolm: "The Iran-Contra Affair: A Reappraisal," The Beirut Review, Summer 1993  BYRNE, Malcolm: "The Drug War and 'National Security': The Making of a Quagmire, 1969-1973," Dissent, Winter 1989  ÇAKIR, Furkan: 1980 Askeri Darbesi Öncesi İngiliz Dişişleri Bakanlığı Perspektifinden Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi [The Nationalist Action Party From The Perspective Of The British Secretary Of State For Foreign Affairs Before 1980 Military Coup D'etat]. Electronic Turkish Studies, 2016, Vol. 11, No. 21, 29-52.  ÇALIK, Fatma: Soğuk Savaş Döneminde Türkiye-Macaristan İlişkileri/Turkey- Hungary Relations in the Cold War Era. Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 2, 272-287.  CAVIGLIA, Daniele: Una politica per il Mediterraneo: l’Italia e i nuovi scenari mediorientali agli inizi degli anni Cinquanta [A Mediterranean Policy: Italy and the new Middle Eastern senarios at the beginning of the Fifties]. Annalli 1999 della Fondazione Ugo Spirito, 2003.  CAVIGLIA, Daniele: L’Italia e il conflitto arabo-israeliano nella documentazione diplomatica francese (1967-73) [Italy and the Arab-Israeli conflict in the French diplomatic documents (1967-1973)]. Nuova storia contemporanea, 2005, Vol. IX, No. 1.  CAVIGLIA, Daniele: Le iniziative diplomatiche italiane in Medio Oriente: dal secondo dopoguerra ai tentativi di pacificazione degli anni Sessanta e Settanta [Italian diplomatic initiatives in the Middle East: from the post-WWII to the reconciliation attempts of the Sixties and Seventies]. In RUOCCO, M.: Pace e guerra nel Medio Oriente in età moderna e contemporanea [Peace and War in the Middle East in the modern and contemporary period]. Lecce, Congedo, 2008, Vol. I.  CAVIGLIA, Daniele: Tempi nuovi. Moro, Israele e la svolta filoaraba della diplomazia italiana (1967-1976) [New Times. Moro, Israel and the pro-Arab turn of Italian diplomacy (1967-1976)]. In GRAZIA, I. – IMPERATO, F. - MONZALI, L.: Aldo Moro, l’Italia repubblicana e i popoli del mediterraneo [Aldo Moro, republican Italy and the Mediterranean peoples]. Nardò, Besa, Salento Books, 2013.  CHAMBERLAIN, Paul Thomas: Schönau and the Eagles of the Palestinian Revolution: refugees, guerillas, and human rights in the global 1970s, Cold War History, 2012, Vol. 12, No. 4, 595-614.  CITINO, Nathan J.: The ‘Crush’ of Ideologies: the United States, the Arab World, and the Cold War Modernization, Cold War History, 2011, Vol. 12, No. 1, 89-110.


 CITINO, Nathan J.: The Ghosts of Development: The United States and Jordan's East Ghor Canal. Journal of Cold War Studies, Fall, 2014, Vol. 16, No. 4, 159–188.  COHEN, Avner (ed.): Israel Cross the Threshold, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 189, Washington D.C., 2006.  COHEN, Avner – BURR, William (eds.): The U.S. Discovery of Israel’s Secret Nuclear Project, National Security Archive Briefing book, No. 510, Washington D.C., 2015.  CRADOCK, Christopher - SMITH R. L. M.: “No Fixed Values”: A Reinterpretation of the Influence of the Theory of Guerre Révolutionnaire and the Battle of Algiers, 1956–1957. Journal of Cold War Studies, Fall, 2007, Vol. 9, No. 4, 68–105.  CRICCO, M.: Qadhafi’s Libya: from the uncertain alignment with the USSR to the support for Arab Terrorist movements in the Mediterranean (1974-1981). In CALANDRI, E. - CAVIGLIA, D. – VARSORI, A. (eds.): Detente in Cold War Europe: Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. London, Tauris, 2014, 233-241  CRICCO, M.: L’Italia e Moro tra Nasser e Sadat [Italy and Moro between Nasser and Sadat]. In GRAZIA, I. – IMPERATO, F. - MONZALI, L.: Aldo Moro, l’Italia repubblicana e i popoli del mediterraneo [Aldo Moro, republican Italy and the Mediterranean peoples]. Nardò, Besa, Salento Books, 2013, 275-301.  CRICCO, M.: Le relazioni diplomatiche tra Stati Uniti, Gran Bretagna e Libia: dalla guerra dello Yom Kippur alla svolta filosovietica del regime di Tripoli (1973-1976) [Diplomatic relations of the United States, the United Kingdom and Libya: from the Kippur War to the pro-Soviet turn of Tripoli’s regime (1973-1976)]. In DI NOLFO, E. – GERLINI, M. (eds.): Il Mediterraneo tra Storia e politica [The Mediterranean between History and politics]. Venice, Marsilio, 2012, 303-314.  CRICCO, M.: Aldo Moro e la cooperazione economica con i Paesi Arabi [Aldo Moro and economic cooperation with Arab Countries]. In CAVIGLIA, D. – DE LUCA, D. – PREFETTI, F. – UNGARI, A.: Aldo Moro nell’Italia Contemporanea [Aldo Moro in Contemporary Italy]. Florence, Le Lettere, 2011.  CRICCO, M.: L’amministrazione Nixon e la Libia. Dall’avvento di Gheddafi al deterioramento delle relazioni diplomatiche tra Washington e Tripoli [The Nixon Administration and Libya. From the rise of Gaddafi to deteriorating diplomatic relations between Washington and Tripoli]. In DONNO, A. – IURLANO, G.: Nixon, Kissinger e il Medio Oriente (1969-1973) [Nixon, Kissinger and the Middle East (1969-1973)]. Florence, Le Lettere, 2011, 421-447.  CRICCO, M.: Libya, the United States and the Soviet Union. From the rise of Qadhafi to Ronald Reagan’s policy of pressure. In BAGNATO, B. – GUDERZO, M. (eds.): The Globalization of the Cold War: Diplomacy and Local Confrontation, 1975-85. London, Routledge, 2010, 55-70.  CRICCO, M.: Gheddafi e l’Italia negli anni Settanta. Dall’espulsione della comunità italiana in Libia alla firma degli accordi di cooperazione economica tra Roma e Tripoli [Gaddafi and Italy in the Seventies. From the expulsion of the Italian community in Libya to the signature of the economic cooperation agreements between Rome and Tripoli]. In CRESTI, F. – MELCAGNI, A. – MELFA, D.: Spazio private, spazio pubblico e società civile in Medio Oriente e in Africa del Nord [Private Space, Public


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