Book Reviews
to April 8, 1928, Vol. 8, Addresses and Other Records, London 1928, "Provida Mater" (1947), the Motuproprio "Primo Feliciter" (1948), and pp. 197-200; quotation p. 197. the Instruction "Cum Sanctissimus" (1948); cf. }. Beyer,S.}. DeInstitutis 36. Rev. Chr. Becker, S.O.S., founded the "Missionsarztliches Insti Secularibus Documenta (Rome: Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae, tut," the first of its kind within the Catholic Church at Wiirzburg in 1962). 1922, and the "Catholic Medical Mission Board" was established 37. Cf. "The Healing Church," World Council Studies, no. 3. (1965); S. in Washington, D.C., that same year; again, it was Washington, D.C., G. Browne, "The Healing Church: An Ambiguous and Misleading where in 1925 the "Society of .Catholic Medical Missionaries" was Concept," In the Service of Medicine, no. 61 (April 1970). founded by Sr. Anna Dengel; the "Medical Missionaries of Mary" 38. M. Scheel, "Missionary Work and Healing," International Reoieui was founded in Drogheda, Ireland, by the nurse Mary Martin in 1937; of Missions (Iuly 1964), p. 271. cf. M. A. Mathis, C.S.C., "Medical Mission Vocation," in The 39. Cf. A. Marmorstein, "The Imitation of God (Imitatio Dei)" in The Ecclesiastical Reoieui (june 1934); P. Charles,S.}., Medical Missions: The Haggadah: Studies in JeuJish Theology, TheMarmorstein Memorial Volume, Necessity forMedical Missions, Their History, Development, and theMany ed. }. Rabbinovitz, Oxford: (Oxford University Press, 1950); H. }. Obstacles ToBeOvercome in Their Fulfillment (New York: America Press, Schoeps, "Von der Imitatio Dei zur Nachfolge Christi," in Aus 1949); A. Dengel, Mission for Samaritans: A Survey of Achievements and {ruhchristlicher Zeit, Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen (Tiibingen: Opportunities in the Field of Catholic Medical Missions (Milwaukee: Bruce Mohr, 1950), pp.
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