Notice of Rulemaking Hearing

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Notice of Rulemaking Hearing Department of State For Department of State Use Only Division of Publications 312 Rosa L. Parks, 8th Floor Snodgrass/TN Tower Sequence Number: Nashville, TN 37243 /-2 -tl - I õ Phone: 615 741 .2650 Notice lD(s): Fax:615,741 5133 Date: Email: register.information@tn gov File Notice of Rulemaking Hearing Hearings will be conducted in the manner prescibed by the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, Tennessee Code Annotated, Secflon 4-5-204. For questions and copies of the notice, contact the person listed below. Any lndividuals with disabilities who wish to participate in these proceedings (to review these filings) and may require aid to facilitate such participation should contact the following at least 10 days prior to the hearing: I ---l I l I I s¡ seÞ-ci2oo I ç lhe rN Belqy s-qryLcq ql 1_-a_9_Q:9_19:0298 l Hearing Location(s) (for additional locations, copy and paste table) i_, H qe!_!g Tlff e :_. L0:Q0_e. n-_ Additional Hearing lnformation : i ThãDãpãr1mãnt pretãred an rnrtral set of draft rules for public review and comment. Copies of these initial d rules are available for review at the Tennessee Depaftment of Environment and Conservation's (TDEC's) Environmental Field Offices located as follows: Memphis Environmental Field Office Cookeville Environmental Field Office 8383 Wolf Lake Drive 1221 South Willow Avenue Memphis, TN 38133 Cookeville, TN 38506 (901 ) 371 -3000/ 1 -888-891 -8332 (931) 432-40 1 5/ I -888-891 -8332 Jackson Environmental Field Office Chattanooga Environmental Field Office 1625 Hollywood Drive Suite 550 - State Office Building Jackson, TN 38305 540 McCallie Avenue S5-7037 (October 2009) RDA 1693 (7 31) 512-1300/ 1 -888-891 -8332 Chattanooga, TN 37402-2013 (423) 634-5745/ r -888-891 -8332 Columbia Environmental Field Office Knoxville Environmental Field Office 1421 Hampshire Pike 37'11 Middlebrook Pike Columbia, TN 38401 Knoxville, TN 37921-5602 (931 ) 380-3371/ 1-888-891 -8332 (865)594-6035/ 1 -888-89'1 -8332 I Nashville Environmental Field Office Johnson City Environmental Field Office i zlt n S. Gass Blvd. 2305 Silverdale Road I Nashville, TN 37243-1550 Johnson City TN 37601-2162 i (615) 687-7000/1-888-891-8332 (423) 854-5400/1-888-891-8332 j tne "Oratt" rules may also be accessed for review using I I I Draft copies are also available for review at the following address: I fennessee Department of Environment and Conservation I nesource Management Division I 7tn Floor, Läc Annex i 1 401 Church Street i Nashville, Tennessee 37243 i (615) 532-0431 I i Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). I j Oral or writte ln addition, wrìtte i after the pub of Environment a i Division; Atte nnex; 401 Church I telephone 61 ever, such written i CST, March 4,2011, in order to assure consideration. For further information, please contact Todd Crabtree at i thq abovg qddressgr telephqqe ¡umber or by e;mail at Revision Type (check allthat apply): X Amendment New _ Repeal Rule(s) (ALL chapters and rules contained in filing must be listed. lf needed, copy and paste additional tables to accommodate more than one chapter. Please enter only ONE Rule Number/Rule Title per row.) S5-7037 (October 2009) RDA,I693 (Place substance of rules and other info here. Statutory authority must be given for each rule change. For information on formatting rules go to http://tn.qov/sos/rules/1360/1360.htm) Chapter 0400-06-02 Rare Plant Protection and Conservation Regulations Amendment Paragraph (6) of Rule 0400-06-02-.03 Promulgation of Lists is amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing It with the following paragraph (6) to read as follows: (6) Copies of the current list of endangered species or the list of threatened or special concern species shall be made available, upon request, by the Department of Environment and Conservation, Resource Management Division, 401 Church Street, Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0447. Rule 0400-06-02-.04 List of Endangered Species is amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with the following new Rule 0400-06-02-.04 to read as follows: 0040-06-02-.04 List of Endangered Species. The endangered plant list of Tennessee includes the followrng: Latin Name Common Name Aconitum reclinatum A. Gray trailing wolfsbane Agalinis auriculata (Michx.) Blake Earleaved false-foxg love Agalinis heterophylla (Nutt.) Small ex Britton Prairie False Foxglove Agalinis oligophylla Pennell Ridge-stem false foxglove Agalinis plukenetii (Ell.) Raf Purple gerardia Allium stellatum Fraser Glade onion Anemone canadensis L. Canada anemone Anemone caroliniana Walt. Carolina anemone Apios priceana Robbins Price's potato-bean Arabis patens Sullivan Spreading rockcress Arabis perstellata L. Braun Braun's rockcress Arenaria lanuginosa (Michx.) Rohrback Wooly sandwort Aristida ramosissima Engelm. ex Gray Branched three-awn grass Asplenium scolopendrium L. var. americanum Hart's-tongue fern (Fern.) Kartesz & Gandhi Astilbe crenatiloba (Britt.) Small Crenate-lobed false goat's-beard Astragalus bibullatus Barneby and Bridges Pyne's ground-plum Betula papyrifera Marsh var. cordifolia (Regel) Fern. Heart-leaved paper birch Brachydontium trichodes (Web.) Milde Peak moss Bulbostylis ciliatifolia (Ell.) Fern. var. coarctata (Ell.) Kral Capillary hairsedge Calamagrostis cainii Hitchcock Cain's reedgrass Calamagrostis porteriA. Gray Porter's reedgrass Calopogon oklahomensis D.H. Goldman Oklahoma grass-pink Caltha palustris L. Marsh marigold Carex alopecoidea Tuckerm. Foxtail sedge Carex barrattii Schweinitz and Torr. Barratt's sedge Carex BuxbaumiiWahlenb. Buxbaum's Sedge Carex canescens L. ssp. disjuncta Fern. Hoary Sedge Carex lonchocarpa Willd. ex Spreng. Southern Long Sedge Carex manhartii Bryson Manhart's sedge Carex muskingumensis Schweinitz Muskingum sedge Carex pellita Willd. Woolly sedge Carex roanensis Hermann Roan mountain sedge Carex sterilis Willd. Sterile sedge Carex utriculata Boott. Northwest Territory sedge Carex vestita Willd. Velvety sedge SS-7037 (October2009) RDA 1693 3 Cephaloziella messalongi (Spruce) K. Muell. a liverwort Cerastium velutinum Raf. Velvety cerastium Clematis fremontii S. Wats. Fremont's Leather Flower Clematis glaucophylla Small Wh ite-leaved leatherflower Clematis morefieldii Kral Huntsville vasevine Clethra alnifolia L. coastal pepperbush Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartman Long-bracted green orchis var. virescens (Muhl. ex Willd.) Luer Collinsia verna Nutt. Spring blue-eyed Mary Comptonia peregrina (1.) Coulter Sweet-fern Coreopsis latifolia Michx. Broad-leaved tickseed Coreopsis delphiniifolia Lam. Larkspu r-leaved coreopsis Corydalis sempervirens (L.) Pers. Pale corydalis Crataegus harbisonii Beadle Harbison's hawthorn Crotalaria purshii DC. Pursh's rattlebox Cypripedium kentuckiense Reed Southern lady's-slipper Cypripedium reginae Walt. Showy lady's-slipper Dalea foliosa (4. Gray) Barneby Leafy prairie-clover Dalea purpurea Vent. Purple prairie-clover Delphinium exaltatum Ait. Tall larkspur Desmodium ochroleucum M.A. Curtis ex Canby Creamflower tick{refoil Diamorpha smallii Britt. Small's stonecrop Dichanthelium acuminatum subsp. spretum Eaton's witchgrass (Schult.) Freckmann & Lelong Dichanthelium ensifolium subsp. curtifolium Short-leaved panic grass (Nash) Freckmann & Lelong Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. Pale Purple Coneflower Echinacea tennesseensis (Beadle) Small Tennessee coneflower Eleocharis equisetoides (Ell.) Torr. Horse{ail spike-rush Eleocharis intermedia J.A. Schultes matted spike rush Eleocharis wolfii A. Gray Wolfs spike rush Elymus svensonii Church Svenson's wild-rye Eriocaulon decangulare L. Ten-angle pipewort Eriogonum longifolium Nutt. Harper's umbrella-plant var. harperi (Goodm.) Reveal Eriophorum virginicum L. tawny cotton grass Erysimum capitatum (Dougl.) Greene Western wallflower Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. and A. Gray Wh ite-bracted thorou ghwort Eurybia saxicastelli (J. J. N. Campbell & Medley) Rockcastle aster G. L. Nesom Euthamia gymnospermioides Green Great Plains Goldentop Fimbristylis perpusilla Harper Harper's fimbristylis Frullania appalachiana R. M. Schust. a liverwort Gentiana puberulenta J.S. Pringle Prairie gentian Geum aleppicum Jacq. Yellow Avens Geum geniculatum Michx. Bent avens Geum radiatum Michx. Spreading avens Gratiola floridana Nutt. Florida hedge-hyssop Hedyotis purpurea (1.) Torr. & A.Gray Roan Mountain bluet var. montana (Small) Fosberg Helenium brevifolium (Nutt.) Wood Shortleaf sneezeweed Helianthemum bicknellii Fern. Plains frostweed Helianthemum canadense (L.) Michx. Canada frostweed Helianthemum propinquum E.P. Bicknell low frostweed Helianthus verticillatus Small Whorled sunflower Homaliadelphus sharpii (Williams) Sharp Sharp's homaliadelphus Hydrocotyle americana L. American water-pennywort Hypericum adpressum Barton Creeping St. John's-wort Hypericum ellipticum Hook. Pale St. John's-wort Hypericum graveolens Bickl. Mountain St. John's-wort lris brevicaulis Raf. Lamance iris SS-7037 (October 2009) RDA 1693 4 lsoetes appalachiana D.F.Brunton & D.M.Britton Appalachian Quillwort lsoetes melanopoda Gay and Durieu Blackfoot quillwort lsoetês tennesseensis N.T. Luebke & J.M. Budke Hiwassee quillwort lsotria medeoloides (Pursh) Raf. Smallwhorled pogonta Juncus trifidus L. var. carolinianus Hamet-Ahti Highland rush Kalmia angustifolia L. var. carolina (Small) Fern. Sheep-laurel Lachnanthes caroliana (Lam.) Carolina redroot Lachnocaulon anceps (Walt.) Morong Bog-buttons Leavenworthia exigua Rollins var. lutea Rollins Pasture glade-cress Lechea pulchella
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