Intervention! Who We Are and What We Do
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At the beginning of the military intervention in Afghanistan, gender- is despite women being particularly and most likely significantly af- related rhetoric was employed as a source of legitimation for the in- fected by the transition process – be it in terms of a possible power tervention. Initially regarded as the barometer of success for demo- sharing deal or a reconciliation agreement between the government cratization, today human and women’s rights are in danger of being and the insurgents or be it in terms of safeguarding the gender spe- dropped of the national and international transition agenda. The cific achievements of the past decade in the fields of education and present study by Andrea Fleschenberg shows that in national and health. Framed by interviews with women rights activists and women international debates about the transition process in Afghanistan, parliamentarians recommendations are lined out for future internati- women’s voices are seldom present, or taken into consideration. This onal policy commitments and responsibilities in Afghanistan. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin The Green Political Foundation T 030 28 53 40 F 030 28534109 E [email protected] W ISBN 978-3-86928-097-4 The EU debt crisis has clearly shown that the monetary union can- missioned a study on the future of European democracy. In it, con- not be upheld without coordinated fiscal and economic policies. But stitutional experts Ulrich K. Preuß and Claudio Franzius highlight many citizens are under the impression that their voices, and those of how Europe may achieve a vibrant democracy. It will require poli- their national parliaments, are being sidelined in favour of ever-grea- tical spaces and institutions that enable controversial debate about ter centralisation – and that, in the process, democracy is being ero- European issues and that give citizens the chance to participate in ded. Thus the debt crisis may easily trigger a crisis of EU legitimacy. political decisions. It is against this background that the Heinrich Böll Foundation com- Intervention! Who we are and what we An do. introduction to Foundation our Arab Springhasshown,thechangefromautocratic European policyisonthedefensive,andnext In doingthis,weopposeallpopulistmovementsthat cult taskofdevelopingasustainablestructurethat Our aimistosupportsocietiesontheirthornyroad cies, however,wearealsoactiveunderauthorita cal andsocialparticipationemancipation. greater Europeanintegrationincrucialpolicyareas. elsewhere. Whereverweencountercourageouspart sible actorsthattakeupmattersofpublicinterest. tical apathy.Weareexploringwaystoincrease to reclaimpopulardemocracyandputastoppoli tools (suchasliquiddemocracy)havethepotential – – – – – – a realtest.ThefinancialcrisispresentsEuropean as institutionshavetobedeveloped,corruptionrei autonomy. Thisincludesworkinginstabledemocra are tryingtoundermineEuropeansolidarity.Solida the futureofEUandaretryingtostimulate two yearswillshowhowandinwhatformtheEuro towards democracy–withintheArabworldand regime todemocracycannotbeachievedovernight, rian andsometimesrepressiveconditions.Asthe rity democracy –inordertomakecitizensmorethan is transformingpoliticalculture,asnewformsof institutions andnationalgovernmentswiththediffi in theireffortstoachievesocialparticipationand ned in,andencrustedpowerstructuresbrokenup. ners, weattempttocreategreaterleewayforpoliti European Policy mere naysayersandlettheminsteadbecomerespon participation,waysthatgoalongwithparliamentary participation (suchasonlinepetitions)andnew pean visionnolongerappearstoexist.Inkeyareas, Democratic Participation Democracy and the public sphere pean projectwillcontinue.Wepromotedebateon “No cribbing!” –Educationiskeytoparticipationandgetting “No cribbing!” Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin will bolsterthefutureofEU.AcommonEuro Photo: Toni Richter Photo: Toni Our namesake isthewriterandNobellaureateBöll Heinrich ahead of art and culture as independent spheres ofthoughtandaction. asindependentspheres of artandculture of freedom, civic courage, active tolerance, and the cherishing andthecherishing activetolerance, civiccourage, of freedom, The Green Political Foundation T 030 28 53 40 F 030 28534109 E [email protected] W ISBN 978-3-86928-095-0 we committedwho standsfortheprinciples are to:defence VOLUME 31 and co Visit our Get informationaboutour If youwouldliketoreceiveinformation current Audio Foundation For updatesandnewsabouttheHeinrich Böll and invitationsviamailpleaseregister at Video photos publications photos/boellstiftung boellstiftung Afghanistan’s Transition Since the fi rst UN Conferencein on tthe hEnvironmente M and Developmentak inand isg currently refl ected in the concept of the green economy. But in Rio in 1992, all the important environmental trends have taken a not everything that is “green” and effi cient is also environmentally turn for the worse. In politics and industry decisions are still taken sustainable and socially equitable. with scant regard for climatePer change,cep biodiversitytions loss a ornd dwindling Po lThisicy essay S outlinestra at policyeg ofi eless,s ofo wealthf in moderation, to enable resources. The idea of unfettered growth as the way to end poverty the Earth’s resources and atmosphere to support the whole human po- and escape economic andW fi nancialom crisisen remains Pa largelyrlia undisputedmen tapulationria andns to make a life of dignity and without need possible for all., We live in an era of transition, in an era of “not anymore” and “not They could be pioneers on the way to a cultural society in which the operation arecrucialforEurope’sfuture. events yet.” There will be no return to the carefree consumption of resources, existing wealth of knowledge and experience can truly unfold. A study by Andrea Fleschenberg EUROPE VOLUME 7 The Future of European Democracy blogs and supposed unambiguousness. But what happens next and where? Adrienne Goehler has been thinking how a “Fund for Aesthetics and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin The Green PoliticalDoes Foundation art P offer030 28 53 40 a F 030 solution? 28534109 E [email protected] W ISBN 978-3-86928-089-9 Sustainability” encourage transdisciplinary art projects that are Artists seem to be best prepared for open contents because they emerging the necessary transformation towards a culture of sustain- VOLUME 7 specialize in transitions, intermediate certainties, and laboratories. ability. The EuropeanUnionisfacing and The Future of European Democracy dpa/lsn Grubitzsch, Photo: Waltraud conferences By Claudio Franzius and Ulrich K. Preuß Promoting Democracy, Asserting Human Rights Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Schumannstr. 8, 10117 Berlin The Green Political Foundation P 030-285340 F 030-28534109 E [email protected] I ISBN 978-3-86928-075-2 We supportpeople Committed to a United and Democratic Europe Democratic and aUnited to Committed programmes VOLUME 22 Critique of the Green Economy Toward Social and Environmental Equity The internet , aswellour Art as Society Barometersof Media and By Barbara Unmüßig, Wolfgang Sachs and Thomas Fatheuer , The Heinrich Böll Foundation Justice in a Finite World Energiewende –thatis,thedecisiontotransform ges on culturalissues. ons ofsocialself Art and cultural policy Women arebeingforcedintotraditionalroles–and efforts andarethusorganisinginternationalexchan Equal Opportunities and Participation regarding globalchallengesthememberstateswill rity policy,yetforEuropetoplayacentralrole xuals andpeoplewithnon good senseeconomically.Thepromisethatonemay groups committedtoachievinggreentransforma thus supportexhibitionandtheatreprojects let usviewandconsidereverydayphenomenaina – – – – – – – – are ofgreatimportance,asphotographs,film,video is lightyearsawayfromacommonforeignandsecu energy production–sendsaverypositivesignalto nable GermanandEuropeanforeignpolicy,apolicy installations, theatre,performances,andliterature expand existingandcreatenewnetworksinthis land expropriation,andagrofuelmonocultures. shale andtarsands,nuclearpower,large ses tothemultiplecrises,suchasoilextractionfrom are beingbrokendown.Wesupportpoliciesthat ty moreinnovativeanddynamic.However,this tions –byphasingoutaglobaleconomybasedon to renewables*.Ourinternationalofficesarewor and export the restofworld:Hereisahighlyindustrialised affected bythestatusquoandmisguidedrespon to communicate,andwearestrifingsupport to improvingtheaccesseducationandmeans ties arelivinginfearofpublichumiliationoreven are thusexcludedfromthepoliticalarena,homose area. Toachievethis,wehavesetuprelevantpro resourcefulness andcivicself new light.Wepromoteartandcultureasexpressi jects inmanypartsoftheworld. king tospreadthismessage.Wearepartneringwith Gender Policy Globalisation and Sustainability and Globalisation fossil fuels;bypromotingresource into politicalissues,bundleforcesforchange,and Foreign and Security Policy have todevelopcommonguidelinestowardsa“glo bal domesticpolicy.”Wewanttopromotesuch based ondemocraticandhumanrightsvalues. host filmfestivals,readings,andpaneldiscussions Education ment; and by pushing for a global shift in agricultural in global shift a for pushing by and ment; promote socialmobility,enableadvancement,and precondition forsocialequity–anditalsomakes production. Inaddition,wesupportthoseadversely