54 (2) • May 2005: 361–368 Werner & al. • Phylogeny of Trichostomoideae Molecular phylogeny of Trichostomoideae (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) based on nrITS sequence data Olaf Werner1, Rosa María Ros1 & Michael Grundmann2 1 Departamento de Biología Vegetal (Botánica), Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia, Spain.
[email protected] (author for correspondence),
[email protected] 2 Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, U.K. m.grund-
[email protected] Bayesian analysis of an alignment of 83 nrITS sequences belonging to 66 taxa of Pottiaceae revealed repre- sentatives of subfamily Trichostomoideae in a well supported monophyletic lineage. Two robust clades with- in Trichostomoideae include species of Tortella and Weissia, respectively. Eucladium verticillatum is part of Trichostomoideae, and Anoectangium, Gymnostomum, Hymenostylium, and Tuerckheimia form a robust basal clade. Affinities of Hyophila and Leptobarbula to Trichostomoideae are unclear. Within Trichostomoideae, Pleurochaete squarrosa is resolved in Tortella while Trichostomum tenuirostris, Pseudosymblepharis, and Chionoloma are placed as a separate genus or part of a broadly defined Tortella. The type species of Trichostomum, T. brachydontium, is nested in Weissia together with T. brittonianum, T. crispulum, and T. jamaicensis. Trichostomum unguiculatum and W. ayresii are resolved as closely related and separate from the rest of the Weissia clade. The genus Astomum, erected for cleistocarpous species of Weissia, is also nested with- in Weissia. Genetic divergence between selected accessions of Weissia controversa and Astomum is sometimes smaller than between accessions of Weissia controversa. KEYWORDS: bryophyta, molecular phylogeny, nrITS sequence data, Pottiaceae, Trichostomoideae. Beauv., Dialytrichia (Schimp.) Limpr., Ephemerum INTRODUCTION Hampe, Kingiobryum H.