PROJECT THEME:- ‘’Promoting initiatives that will keep people healthy through .’’

Legal name of organization: 1-HOST ORGANIZATION-ASSOCIATION PEOPLE FOR PRACTICAL LIFE DDUCATION (APPLE) Short name: (APPLE) PROJECTS Postal address and location of the organization: P.O.BOX MN2 NIMA -ACCRA Legal status of organization; The entity was founded on 27th March, 1977 and registered with the Ghana Registrar General number; - G.23, 141 and the Department of Social welfare (Number (DSW/4204). New re-registration Number 2020: CG056532020 AND TIN Number:-C0048916374.

2-COLLABORATING PARTNERS-GHANA AMATEUR FOOTBALL CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIATION (GAFCOA) Short name: (GAFCOA) Postal address and location of the organization: P.O.BOX NT572-ACCRA Legal status of organization: Registered with the registrar general department:-NO.G.21.963. 25TH SEPTEMBER, 2007. TITLE OF PROJECT: GHANA SPORTS AND HEALTH IN DEVELOPMENT



FOCUS:-‘’PROMOTING INITIATIVES THAT WILL KEEP YOUNG PEOPLE HEALTHY IN SPORTS AS A TOOL FOR DEVELOPMENT’’. DURATION IN MONTHS: 12 MONTHS TYPE OF PROJECT:- SPORTS AND HEALTH DISTRICT AND REGION: 16 EMAIL:[email protected] ADDRESS;-P.O.BOXMN2 NIMA -ACCRA VAT TIN MUMBER:-P002791695 Name of each partner, if more than one organization is submitting the application in this proposal and location of each of the organizations: The Association People for Practical Life Education (APPLE) as the host Organization in collaboration with The Ghana Amateur Football Club Owners Association (GAFCOA) with branches in the 16 regions of Ghana.

GEOGRAPHICAL AREA OF OPERATION:- 1-NORTHERN BELT(Upper East, Upper West,Northern,Savanna,North East -5 Regions) 2-MIDDLE BELT (Ashanti, Ahafo,Bono,Bono East-4 Regions) 3-SOUTHERN BELT (Greater Accra, Eastern,Volta,Oti,Central,Western, Western North-7 Regions)

DIRECT AND INDIRECT BENEFICIARIES: 1-DIRECT BENEFICIARIES: - 500 men and women directly involve in Sports from Sports Academy, Clubs and primary and junior high schools. 2-INDIRECT BENEFIFIARIES- Football Club owners and sport coaches and organizers in Ghana. COLLABORATORS The direct collaborators are:-The Sports Ministry, Ghana Foot Ball Association (GFA) will provide resource person and project observation. Ministry of Health- will provide resource person, Information Service Department/Media- will provide publicity, Districts Assembly- will provide Political barking. Department of Social Welfare, Sports and Clubs owners Association and Unions- will provide participants for the training program. LETTERS OF INTENT TO COOPERATE A letter of intent and a Memorandum of understanding will be signed between The Association of People for Practical Life Education (APPLE) and The Ghana Amateur Foot Ball Club Owners Association (GAFCO) for the smooth implementation of the project. PROBLEM STATEMENT:- EFFECT OF COVID-19 ON The effect of COVID-19 pandemic was detected in March 2020 in Ghana, Then pandemic has brought to a halt to all human contact sporting activities in general especially football the main sports in Ghana has been inactive since March 2020 and some of the sports men and women are training in a low-key to keep fit and are not sure when the barn on sports will be lifted. The resumption of Sporting activities is likely to emphasize on the issues of social Distancing, Proper Hygiene practices , Hand washing and the use of the nose and face mask that has become the order of the day. When the barn is lifted it is likely to affect turn out in the stadia as the Social Distance and testing protocol will be effected as such. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING There is an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence on the positive effects of sport and physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. The positive, direct effects of engaging in regular physical activity are particularly apparent in the prevention of several chronic diseases, including: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, obesity, depression and osteoporosis.



The Report from the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Sport for Development and Peace states that young people can benefit from physical activity as it contributes to developing healthy bones, efficient heart and lung function as well as improved motor skills and cognitive function. Physical activity can help to prevent hip fractures among women and reduce the effects of osteoporosis. Remaining physically active can enhance functional capacity among older people, and can help to maintain quality of life and independence.

Ghanaian youth have not been actively involved in Physical Training and therefore exposed to health hazards like smoking, Drugs or substance Abuse ,Alcoholism and other vices like gambling games. As a result of these negative practices, the youth waste their time and potentials in sports to negative practices instead of taking active part in Football, , Athletics and other games. They lack mentors that will lead them to stardom. Ghana has a lot of potential in youth who can take part in sports and make a name. There is the need to encourage Sports and Health well-being inclusion in sports by developing their interest from the schools in their communities.

The training programs will educate on the COVID-19 pandemic and Physical health practices. Ghana as a Nation has started experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic that started in China in December 2019 as a Minor health virus. The Virus is now spreading across the world and the United Nation has now been named it a pandemic. The has started with some meaningful measure such as prohibition of public gathering at Churches, Mosques, Funeral and anything that will bring crowd of people together at public places. The attempt to save the situation has started and it is for this reason that the Association of People for Practical life Education (APPLE) and the Ghana Amateur Football Club Owners Association (GAFCO) is harnessing their experiences to contribute the creation of awareness in Sports and Health within the COVID-19 pandemic awareness in Ghana. Currently, there is no unique local information material on Sports and apart from information from the international media that is being localized. At the moment, the current detection is Fever of 40 C - Cough - Muscle aches - Weakness amongst other symptoms. This detection will continue for several months to come.

THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL:-The project will be implanted in view of :- GOAL 3:- ENSURE HEALTHY LIVES AND PROMOTE WELL-BEINGFOR ALL AT ALL AGES. Target 4: By 2030, Reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable disease through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being. Target 5:- Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drugs abuse and harmful use of alcohol.

THE OBJECTIVES OF THE PROPOSAL To enhance the knowledge of 500 men and women sport activist directly including ,football Coaches, Sports Teachers, sports Journalist and Football Club owners and Officials from 16 regions of Ghana through Capacity building awareness in Sports and health wellbeing within the period of 12 months.

PROJECT DELIVERABLE STRATEGY 1- COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION AND GROUP FORMATION-Needs basement and data collection on the effect of COVID-19 in Sports and Health among Sports men and as a documentary. 2- CAPACITY BUILDING-TRAINING ON SPORTS/HEALTH AND WELL-BEING- One day each Workshop in all the 16 regions in Ghana.



3- SPORTS AND HEALTH MATERIALS DEVELOPMENTS-To dévelop a training guide for Sports and Heath well-being. 4- SPORTS AND HEALTH KITS-To purchase training materials for training and démonstration on Heath and well-being. 5- LEARN AND SHARE ON SPORTS AND HEALTH SERVICES-visit communities and share best practices in Sports and Heath in General. 6- MONITORING AND EVALUATION-Conduct regional monitoring to find out about sports situation in Ghana especially Football. 7- ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROJECT-Generating data for the reporting of the project over time. HOW THEY WILL BE ACHIEVED ACTIVITY-1 COMMUNITY MOBILIATION/GROUP FORMATION The project will mobilize 500 youths in groups in the rural community and document their bio data to include names ages with birth certificate of proof and register them for their inclusion in the sports and health program. The youth will be required to show their fitness and interest in participation in the program and activities. INPUT 1- To conduct Pre-Implementation meetings with the stake holders to collect needs assessment data. 2- To conduct target Group Formation and registration of participants OUTCOME 1- Pre-Implementation meetings with the stake holders to collect needs assessment data conducted. 2- Group Formation and registration of participants at their communities conducted. ACTIVITY-2 CAPACITY BUILDING The identified 500 youths (Gender equal of 250 males and 250 females) and after registration will be trained in the area of Sport and health in development at a 4 hours each non-residential workshop in the 16 regions. During each quarter 30 each per section will be trained from the target community in Sports and Health theory that will include interactive Practical Demonstrations and will involve basic skills in Sports and Health knowledge and sports workout section to be led by a Sports coach/Health Educator and physical education training facilitators in the local Districts to be engaged to train the youth in sports as a Sports and Health tool inclusion and development. The project will invite resources person from the target regions to educate on the topics of Spots and Health at the workshops. INPUT 1- To conduct training for 150 sports ,male and females, 30 each in Sports and Health in the NORTHERN BELT(Upper East, Upper West,Northern,Savanna,North East Regions. 2- To conduct training for 145 sports male and females, 30 each in Sports and Health in the MIDDLE BELT (Ashanti, Ahafo, Bono, Bono East. 3- To conduct training for 205 sports male and females,30 each in Sports and Health in the SOUTHERN BELT (Greater Accra, Eastern,Volta,Oti,Central,Western, Western North Regions.

OUTCOME 1- 150 sports male and females, 30 each in Sports and Health in NORTHERN BELT (Upper East, Upper West, Northern, Savanna, North East Regions the trained.



2- 150 sports male and females, 30 each in Sports and Health in the MIDDLE BELT (Ashanti, Ahafo, Bono, Bono East regions trained. 3- 150 sports male and females, 30 each in Sports and Health in the SOUTHERN BELT (Greater Accra, Eastern, Volta, Oti, Central, Western, Western North Regions Trained.

ACTIVITY-3 SPORTS AND HEALTH MATERIALS DEVELOPMENTS-To develop a training guide for Sports and Heath Well-being. The materials will include relevant topics related to Sports and health. INPUT-To design and produce a booklet guide for Sports and Health to be used by sports men and women. OUTCOME-One booklet guide for Sports and Health to be used by sports men and women produced.

ACTIVITY-4 SPORTS AND HEALTH KITS-Health training materials tools for the training and demonstration on health and wellbeing will be needed. INPUT- To purchase training materials for training and demonstration on health and wellbeing. OUTCOME- Training materials for training and demonstration on health and wellbeing purchased.

ACTIVITY-5 LEARN AND SHARE ON SPORTS AND HEALTH SERVICES-visit communities and share best practices in Sports and Health in general. The project will collect ideas from the community stakeholders on issued on sports and health. The issue will be documented and shared. INPUT-To conduct a community site visits to share sports and health best practice with community sports clubs. OUTCOME- community site visits to share sports and health best practice with community sports clubs conducted.

ACTIVITY-6 MONITORING AND EVALUATION Once a month, during the implementation of the project a team of staff will visit the target sports operators in their communities and provide a backup information of sports and Health modalities at their training grounds and also solve pertinent health problem affecting the health of people in sports. INPUT 1- To conduct a monitoring visit to NORTHERN BELT (Upper East, Upper West, Northern, Savana, North East Regions to monitor the project. 2- To conduct a monitoring visit the MIDDLE BELT (Ashanti, Ahafo, Bono, Bono East regions to monitor the project. 3- To conduct a monitoring visit The SOUTHERN BELT (Greater Accra, Eastern, Volta, Oti, Central, Western, Western North Regions the to monitor the project. OUTCOME 1- Monitoring visits to NORTHERN BELT (Upper East, Upper West, Northern, Savana, North East Regions conducted. 2- Monitoring visit to MIDDLE BELT (Ashanti, Ahafo, Bono, Bono East regions conducted. 3- Monitoring visit to SOUTHERN BELT (Greater Accra, Eastern, Volta, Oti, Central, Western, Western North Regions conducted. ACTIVITY-7 AQUISITION OF LOGISTICE FOR THE SPORTS AND HEALTH PROGRAM



The project will purchase sports and health equipment for the implementation of the project. These are as follows;-footballs, Promotional T-shirts, Hand Sanitizers, Disposable Face/Nose mask and sports and health education materials on covid-19 logistics and medical information.. INPUT 1- To purchase sports and Health training Logistics 2- To purchase Health related material for sports Education 3- To acquire stationary and resource material’s for Training purposes OUTCOME 1- Sports and Health training Logistics purchased for the project. 2- Health related material for sports Education purchased for the project 3- Stationary and resource material’s for Training purposes purchased for the project. ACTIVITY-8 ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROJECT The project will be implemented by a 3 man staff and regional field Volunteers staff at the project sites in the 16 regions and will operate with field officers who will be trained to work at the specific program areas of SPORTS and HEALTH. The project will train field officers who will generate weekly reports for the months and for the quarterly reports over time. The reports will look at burning issues from the community from the youth who will fill special reporting form as a data collection tool. The project will compile narrative and financial reports with data, Photographs and stories to be submitted to the French Embassy as a quarter reports. INPUT 1-To Mobilize 500 community people and groups for training in Sports and Health issues. 2-To conduct 16 training on each from the 16 regions of Ghana and build the capacity of 500 actors in Sports and Health development in groups from the localities 3- To conduct 20 monitoring visits to the 16 regions target site of the project. 4-To purchase Relevant sports training logistic for the youth sports and health programs 5-To conduct the administration of the project for 12 months for results. OUTCOME 1-500 community youth groups mobilized for training in Sports and Health issues. 2-500 youth capacity built in Sports and Health development in groups from the localities 3- 20 monitoring visits to the 16 regions site of the project and end of project evaluation conducted 4-Relevant sports training logistic purchased for the sports and health programs. 5-Administration of the project conducted for 12 months for result.

GENERAL IMPACT:- At the end of the project, the 500 trainer of trainers in Sport and Health will report that their capacity has been improved in sports and health through the training in the modality of sports and Health in development and are training others with the lessons leant in their communities and this will be verified by their performance in the field of sports with regards to health and wellbeing in Ghana and through community sporting activities through data from the project records. GENDER The project will recruit both male and female equally (50/50) equity to be part of the project in order that they can interact freely equally and learn new skills from each other as Female Football is growing in Ghana. Equity is very vital for this project as we do not what to leave any one behind. MEANS OF VERIFICATION 1- Training report files. 2- Training materials Developed tools/Press releases. 3- Baseline needs reports.



4- Psychosocial Health Training manual for Sport and Health copies 5- List of participants. 6- Narrative and Financial reports. 7- Copy of information materials produces and shared. 8- Pictures and Videos documentary. 9- Case reports 10- Facilitators lecture notes. LEARNING TOPICS SPORTS TOPICS - 1- Sporting that supports and promotes healthy living. 2- Sports and health Migration and Inequality. 3- Sports and Health Administration. 4- Sportsmanship and Handling corruption. HEALTH and WELBEING TOPICS - 1- Food and Nutrition in sports 2- Substance abuse in Sports(Drug use to enhance in Sports) 3- Handling Sports Accident in the Hospitals and Clinic. 4- COVID-19 pandemic Care and Support services and Sports. ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND The Association People for Practical Life Education (APPLE) is a non-governmental, non-political, private Organization is registered with the Registrar General(Number G.23,141) and is officially recognized by the Department of Social Welfare(Number (DSW/4204) Accra Metropolitan Assembly (Number A 026/10/662).and is a member of the Ghana Association of Private Voluntary Organization in Development (GAPVOD).APPLE has a collaborative relationship with the Ministry of Health, Sports, Education, Information and a member of Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Child Rights (GNCRC) Greater Accra Branch of the coalition. APPLE Researches into Community development needs and Mounts responsive Programs in rural community development that includes such components as informal education, Production or learning materials, rural extension, Cottage Industry development and Environmental education. Most relevant Areas of expertise: Non- formal education and materials development for children, women, men and non-literate audiences. APPLE associates and collaborates with community groups to implement projects. APPLE PROJECTS has 6 staff which includes 4 male and 2 female. APPLE is a National and community based non-governmental organization with no affiliation and registered in Ghana. APPLE has a seven member Board of Directors who meets four Times a year to deliberate on important project issues and take decisions. APPLE operates with 16 field officers trained to work at the specific program areas in the regions. The Association of People for Practical Life Education (APPLE) PROJECTS- has track records of Advocating for the Ghana Ant- Human Trafficking Act (649) dissemination and is the lead Organization in Anti –Human Trafficking and in 2017 won an award from MTN as a hero of Change. RELEVANT ASSIGNMENTS IN SPORTS :- The Association People for Practical life Education (APPLE) collaborated with Ghana Amateur Football Club Owners Association (GAFCOA) Foot Ghana Amateur Football Club Owners Association (GAFCOA) ball clubs have in educational programs in with Ghana Ministry of Health, World Health Organization, (WHO and the VOICE OF AMERICA (VOA) to organize programs during polio eradication campaign for 5 years (1998-2003) and trained the youth in health wellbeing in sports especially the Game of . ORGANIZATION RELEVANT ASIGNMENTS IN HEALTH ISSUES 1-1984-1990APPLE has conducted:-Family Planning (SAVE THE CHILDREN Fund).



2-1986-1990-APPLE was supported by UNIFEM to implement a community Revolving Loan Fund with 3 communities in the Brong Ahafo Region, between. 4-1994-1996 -Management Programs, Save the children Adolescent Reproductive Health 5-1997 – 2001-Advocates for youth Pilot Approach to Youth Fertility 6-1999 – 2000-Adolescent Girls’ Child Education (FAWE) 7-2002 – 2004.Adolescent Reproductive Health,(CEDPA). 8-2004- HIV/AIDS Awareness Education (GAC), 9-2002-2010-APPLE have been involved in Behavior Change Communication related to Adolescent Reproductive Health and mobilization of communities in the Atebubu-Amantin District, 10-2005 -2016 APPLE was funded by USA based organizations like GENEVA GLOBAL, FREE THE SLAVES, and GLOBAL FUND FOR CHILDREN to rescue and integrate children from bonded slavery on the Volta Lake. North and South Tongu District.-Advocacy in Anti-Human Trafficking in the then Brong Ahafo’s Pru and Sene District, North and South Tongu District of the Volte Region. 11- TB Between 2007 till date APPLE was funded by the National TB control program on TB prevention and treatment. In the past implementation has created strategies to improved working experience in Health related projects like Tuberculosis child rights activities in Ghana. 12-2012-Conducted Violence against Sex workers Advocacy in the greater Accra Region. 13-2012 Pneumonia awareness programs at Ningo-Prampram and promotion of Girls Education, Women Community Revolving Loan Fund, and District Assemblies Poverty Alleviation Programs and has used the best practices in effective group formation.

The Organization was awarded an MTN hero of Change 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlTvwicUSVQ SUSTAINABILITY- The Association People for Practical life Education (APPLE) an experiences Organization in community t development and as the Host will collaborating with the Ghana Amateur Football Club Owners Association (GAFCOA) to streamline the project into activity into current ongoing joint programs in the target areas to support local development and managing of sport. Lessons learnt like collaborating with local stake holders will be reviewed and the best practices will be injected into the project next face of activities. The training seminars and workshops will involve the youth from the grassroots level who will generate information in terms of sports and Health best practices and rights. EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH THE GHANA HEALTH SYSTEM-APPLE have had projects with the in organizing the 2012 World Pneumonia Day in Ghana with funds from Johns Hopkins University .Bloomberg.We have had funding for Malaria and Tuberculosis prevention programs. EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH OTHER CSO ACTORS-APPLE is an active member of the Ghana National Coalition of NGOs in Health, Malaria and Education and on the SDGs Platform on Health and Education. SPORTS AND HEALTH KEY WORDS:- Physical training,Medicals,Clinic.Health Checks Medicine, Drug Abuse,Rest,Nutrition,Poper food, Exercise the body, Checkups,Respect,Corona Virus, COVID-19, Pandemic, Testing, Testing Kits, 14 days-self Quarantine, Social Distance, Hand washing with soap and water, Nose Mask, Hand Gloves, Hand Sanitizer,Temprature,termal thermometers, lock down, Deadly coronavirus, Respiratory Hygiene, Ventilators, fever,couth,Dificulty breathing, avoid body contact, Social Distance.screeing,Isolation.Minitry of health and Hospital, fear, Isolation. MAIN FIELDS AND MISSIONS OF THE ORGANIZATION: 1-ASSOCIATION PEOPLE FOR PRACTICAL LIFE DDUCATION (APPLE)-To provide programs in non-formal Climate Change education to meet the information needs of the rural youth, women and urban poor and the marginalized by promoting rural and community development through information, education and communication strategies and by Collaborating with shared stakeholders from the community to



efficiently implement the National programs in Education,Livlihoods, Sports and Health Environment and Advocacy initiatives that create opportunities and meaningfully improve human lives. 2-GHANA AMATEUR FOOTBALL CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIATION (GAFCOA)-The Ghana Amateur Foot Ball Club Owners Association (GAFCO) was founded in 2007 to promote the welfare of its members who are benefited owners of the clubs in the Juvenile/amateur level. The Association seeks the development of football in every possible way so as to foster social integration and assist in modelling the character of the Ghanaian youth in their communities. 2-Name of the Head of Organization: MR. KWABENA OFORI- GHANA AMATEUR FOOTBALL CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIATION (GAFCOA) 3.Contact Person for this Proposal Title: MR. First Name: JACK JAMES Surname: DAWSON Position in Organization: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR(Sports Advocates) Email:[email protected] Telephone Number: +233 (0)244847614 Title: MR. First Name: KWABENA Surname: OFORI Position in Organization: EXECUTIVE MONITORING & EVALUATION OFFICER) (Club Owner CAPITAL SPORTS-Southern Belt) Email:[email protected]/[email protected] Telephone Number: +233 (0)244370797/+233(0) 244777017 Title: MR. First Name: SAMPSON Surname: OSEI-YAW Position in Organization: FIELD PROJECT COORDINATOR(Local Sports Organizer Club Owner -) Email:[email protected]/[email protected] Telephone Number: +233 (0)249641432/(0)277815191







ACTIVITY FEATURES QUANTITY NUMBER COST TOTAL BUDGET NOTES OF DAYS ONE GHC GHC 1-STAKEHOLDER 1-Project Once 20 days 200.00 4,000.00 1--Launch the program with a Media press ANALYSIS Launch release for the project. -TRAVEL 2-The team of staff will travel to the regions - localities of the program and Collect baseline ALLOWANCES training needs assessment data by a



2- Group 20 days 30 100.00 1,200.00 qualitative a quantitative questioners during formation months one-on one basis, and Data Collection SUB GHC TOTAL 5,200.00 ACTIVITY FEATURES QUANTITY NUMBER COST TOTAL BUDGET NOTES OF DAYS ONE GHC GHC 2-ZONE.1 CAPACITY 1-Hall hire 150 people from 5 days 200.00 1,000.00 1-The project will hire a hall for the workshops BUILDING IN SPORTS 5 regions for the stake holders to be invited to a 1 days AND HEALTH 2-Resource 3 PERSONS 5 days 200.00 3,000.00 each 5 regions trainer of trainer’s workshop NORTHERN persons on Saturdays for 30 people each. BELT(Upper East, 3-Food & 150 5 days 2-To invite a resource person specialist in Upper snacks 50.00 7,505.00 Sports and Health to facilitate. West,Northern,Savan 4-Training 150 people 5 days 20.00 3,000.00 3-Food and snacks will be served during the na,North East stationery Training sections of the participants. Regions) ( Files-Shirt 4-150 Training files-Shirt and Bags and hand and Bags and outs designed for Sports and Health issues. hand outs) 5-local transport allowance s will be issued to 5-Transport 150 people 5 days 100.00 15,000.00 the participants, allowance trainees SUB GHC TOTAL 26,505.00 ACTIVITY FEATURES QUANTITY NUMBER COST TOTAL BUDGET NOTES OF DAYS ONE GHC GHC 3-ZONE.2- CAPACITY The project will build the capacity of 145 stake BUILDING IN SPORTS holders to be invited from the local AND HEALTH(MIDDLE community at a 1 days each region trainer of BELT(Ashanti, trainers workshop on Saturdays. Ahafo,Bono,Bono East) 1-Hall hire 145 people from 4 days 200.00 800.00 1-The project will hire a hall for the 4 regions workshops for the stake holders to be invited to a 1 days each 4 regions trainer of trainer’s workshop on Saturdays for 30 people each 2-Resource 3 PERSONS 4 days 200.00 2,400.00 To invite a resource person specialist in persons Sports and Health to facilitate 3-Food & 145 people 4 days 50.00 7,250.00 Food and snacks will be served during the snacks Training sections of the participants. 4-Training 145 people 4 days 20.00 2,900.00 145 Training files-T-Shirt and Bags and hand stationery outs designed for Sports and Health issues



(Files-Shirt and Bags and hand outs) 5- Transport 145 people 4 days 100.00 14,500.00 Transport allowances will be paid to all allowance participants after the training. trainees SUB GHC TOTAL 27,850.00 ACTIVITY FEATURES QUANTITY NUMBER COST OF TOTAL BUDGET NOTES OF DAYS ONE GHC GHC 4- ZONE.3-CAPACITY The project will build the capacity of 145 stake BUILDING IN SPORTS holders to be invited from the local AND HEALTH community at a 1 days each region trainer of (SOUTHERN BELT trainers workshop on Saturdays. (Greater Accra, Eastern,Volta,Oti,Cen tral,Western, Western North Regions) 1-Hall hire 205 people from 7 days 200.00 1,400.00 1-The project will hire a hall for the 7 regions. workshops for the stake holders to be invited to a 1 days each 7 regions trainer of trainer’s workshop on Saturdays for 30 people each. 2-Resource 3 PERSONS 7days 200.00 4,200.00 To invite a resource person specialist in persons Sports and Health to facilitate. 3-Food & 205 people from 7 days 50.00 10,257.00 Food and snacks will be served during the snacks 7 regions. Training sections of the participants. 4-Training 205 people 7 days 20.00 4,100.00 Training materials like:-Manual, note pads stationery pen and markers. Training files and T-Shirts. (Files-Shirt and Bags and hand outs) 5-Transport 205 people from 7 days 100.00 20,500.00 Transport allowances will be paid to all allowance 7 regions. participants after the training. trainees SUB GHC TOTAL 40,457.00 ACTIVITY FEATURES QUANTITY NUMBER COST TOTAL BUDGET NOTES OF DAYS ONE GHC GHC 5-SPORTS AND The project will review and develop HEALTH MATERIALS appropriate project sports and Health DEVELOPMENTS education materials. AND PROMOTIONALS



1-TRAVEL 20 Times 20 Times 200.00 4,000.00 A team of Sports Trainers will be invited and ALLOWANCES contracted for the training programs. 2-VIDEO 20 times 16 days in 100.00 2,000.00 A video coverage documentation of the COVERAGE the programs will be conducted. regions 3- BANNER 1 copy 1 months 100.00 100.00 A burner project subject promotion of the BACK DROP (lump Sum) project over time to be used for all training programs. 4-SOCCER 192 PIECES SETS 1 months 67.00 12,500.00 Donation of JESSEYS sets of jerseys to the regions Healthy sports. SUB 18,600.00 TOTAL

6-SPORTS AND 20 PIECES 12 100.00 1,400.00 1-The project will purchase 50 ball for the 1- FOOT HEALTH KITS months school in the target ares and active in sport BALLS LOGISTICE especially football. 700 20 days 10.72 7,504.00 2- A customised T-SHIRTS will be produced 2-T-SHIRT Round neck for the promotion of the program with an inscription of SPORT and HEALTH message on it. SUB GHC TOTAL 9.804.00 7-LEARN AND SHARE 3-TRAVEL 20 days The project will visits schools and educate by ON SPORTS AND AND 20 times 150.00 3,000.00 seminars in Sports and Health programs for HEALTH SERVICES RESOURCE 500 people. ALLOWANCES 5 RESOURCE PERSONS SUB GHC TOTAL 3,000.00 8-FIELD MONITORING 1-FIELD 3 staff 12 200.00 7,200.00 Three supporting staff will be in charge for AND EVALUATION TRAVEL months the 12 months of activities. And will provide PERDIEM weekly monthly and quarterly reports. ALLOWANCES SUB GHC TOTAL 7,200.00

ACTIVITY FEATURES QUANTITY NUMBER COST TOTAL BUDGET NOTES OF DAYS ONE GHC GHC 9-ADMINITRATION 1-KEY – 1-JACK JAMES 12 500.00 6,000.00 1-PROJECT DIRECTOR-The project Director OF THE PROJECT PERSONNEL DAWSON months will sign contracts be the overseer of the SALARIES 100% time project and will see to the submitting of



1- KWABENA 12 narrative and financial reports on time to the OFORI months 400.00 4,800.00 donor. Will Spend 100% time for 12 months to 100% time generate successful result under the project. 1- EMMANUEL 12 300.00 3,600.00 2-FIELD M&E OFFICER-The field Monitoring ANKAMA months and Evaluation staff a member of afoot ball 70% time club owner in Ghana and will spend 100% SUB GHC time on the project and will be locate at Accra. TOTAL 14,400,000 3-PROJECT FIELD COORDINATOR-The project 2- 12 months 12 300.00 3.600.00 field coordinator is a member of a football COMMUNICA months club owner in Ghana and will be the overseer TION of the project and will spend 100% time for 12 3-REPORTING 3 months each 12 200.00 2,400.00 months to generate successful data for the months project reporting and report to the Monitoring 4- 3 months each 12 1,000.00 1,000.00 and Evaluation Officer. He will arrange and STATIONERY months (lump Sum) assist to organise meetings with the 5-HOTEL 12 months each 12 3,402.00 3,402.00 Association members in the 16 regions and months write reports after the trainings.

6-MEDIA 3 months each 12 1,000.00 1,000.00 COVERAGE/P months (lump Sum) UBLICITY 7-VEHICLE 60 times 60 Days 50.00 7,000.00 The project will hire a vehicle to travel to the HIRE FOR 16 districts in Ghana with the purpose of the TRAVELS project tre-implimentation and reporting. 8— 2 copies 2 months 2,400.00 2,400.00 The project will purchase a Lab Top Computer EQUIPMENTS (lump Sum) and a desk top Printer/Scanner for field printing of project documents during outreach. SUB- GHC TOTAL 20,802,000 GRAND GHC TOTAL 170,818.00 USD Exchange Rate :- €26,000,000 €1.00- GHC 6.60





1- Sign agreement 2- Group formation 3- Launch project 2 ZONE 1-CAPACITY X X X Upper Upper Norther BUILDING IN SPORTS East West n AND HEALTH (30 (30 (30 NORTHERN BELT(Upper people) people) people) East, Upper West,Northern,Savanna,N orth East Regions) 3 ZONE 2- CAPACITY X X X X Bono BUILDING IN SPORTS Ashanti Ahafo Bono East (55 (30 (30 (30 AND HEALTH (MIDDLE people) people) people) people) BELT(Ashanti, Ahafo,Bono,Bono East Regions) 4 ZONE 3-CAPACITY X X X X X X BUILDING IN SPORTS Greater Eastern Volta Central Western Western AND HEALTH Accra (30 (30 (30 (30 North (55 people) people) people) people) (30 (SOUTHERN BELT people) people) (Greater Accra, Eastern,Volta,Oti,Central,We stern, Western North Regions) 5 SPORTS AND HEALTH X MATERIALS DEVELOPMENTS AND KITS





10 END -TERM EVALUATION YEAR 2 Total Activities 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 7 4 5