The Life and Times of 1725-1807

1725 Newton is born in to John & Elizabeth Newton.

1732 Elizabeth Newton dies. (1736-1742 Newton joins father on 6 voyages)

1744 Newton, while visiting friends, was captured & pressed into Naval service aboard H.M.S. Harwich.

1745 Newton attempts desertion and is publicly whipped and degraded to rank of seaman. Joins the crew of the Pegasus (), left behind with Slave dealer Amos Clowe & Princess Peye.

1748 Near-shipwreck of Greyhound provokes spiritual crisis… {In 1763 he wrote: "I was greatly deficient in many respects ... I cannot consider myself to have been a believer in the full sense of the word, until a considerable time afterwards."}

February 1750 Newton marries Mary Catlett, daughter of George & Elizabeth.

May 1754 Newton meets fellow believer, Captain Andrew Clunie.

November 1754 Epileptic seizure convinces Newton to leave the slave trade.

June 1755 Newton listens to George Whitefield preach in London.

August 1755 Newton begins his work as tide surveyor in .

June 1764 Lord Dartmouth achieves for Newton in the ; Newton accepts curacy at Olney.

August 1764 Publication of Authentic Narrative makes public Newton's life story.

1767 arrives at Olney.

January 1773 Newton preaches on 1 Chronicles 17:16, 17, and writes to accompany it.

1779 Publication of Olney establishes Newton's reputation as a -writer.

December 1779 Church of England inducts Newton as rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, London.

1780 Publication of Cardiphonia makes Newton's extensive correspondence available to the public.

December 1785 visits Newton's home.

1788 William Pitt calls Newton before the Privy Council on the subject of the slave trade.

December 1807 Newton dies in London.