Bread Recipe # 2 Prep Time:10 minutes Cook Time:15 minutes Ingredients Total Time:25 minutes

• 1 French stick / baguette , Servings:6

• 1 stick unsalted , softened

• 2 tsp fresh garlic , minced (~3 - 4 cloves, pack the teaspoon)

• 1/2 tsp salt

• 2 tsp finely chopped parsley


• Preheat oven to 390F (standard) or 350F (fan).

• Cut the French stick in half. Then cut the bread almost all the way through into 4/5" thick slices.

• Mix together the butter, garlic, salt and parsley. Taste to see if it's salty / garlicky enough for your taste.

• Smear garlic butter over cut side of bread.

• Smear remaining butter on the top and sides of the bread.

• Wrap each bread in foil.

• Bake for 15 minutes until the crust is crispy (check through foil).

• Unwrap and serve!

Recipe Notes: 1. You can make with any bread you choose. However, in my world, classic Garlic Bread should always be made with stock standard supermarket or basic bakery French stick / baguette. The crust isn't that thick, and it's usually soft rather than crispy. Once slathered with butter and baked in foil, I find it yields the perfect ratio of crust crunch to soft, warm, garlic butter-soaked bread and it tastes just like Hut - BUT BETTER! On the other hand, a thick crust like you get with fancy artisan baguettes is no good - too much crispy crust compared to soft bread inside. Too hard to swallow! 2. Garlic flavor will reduce slightly once cooked, it's harsh when raw 3. I just smear butter on one side. When the slices press together, the butter melts onto both.