Arkengarthdale Parish Council Minutes – 2017/18

15 May 2017 (Annual General Meeting)

15 May 2017

18 September 2017

6 November 2017

8 January 2018

5 March 2018

8 March 2018 (Annual Parish Meeting) A parish council annual general meeting was heldon Mondy the 15th May 2017 when apologies were received from councillor Clark Stones and District Councillor Ian Scott.

Councillor Stubbs was again elected as Chairman, with Councillor Lundberg re elected as Vice Chairman.

It was decided that the standing orders should remain the same. The chairman signed the minutes of last years AGM.

There are six dates suggested for meetings for the coming year. These are: July 10th, September 18th, November 6th, January 8th 2018, March 5th and May 14th.

This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 8.10

A parish council meting was held on Monday 15th May 2017, following the AGM. Apologies were received from Councillor Clark Stones and District Councillor Ian Scott. The chairman welcomed County Councillor John Blackie to the meeting and councillors congratulated him on his recent election success.

Affordable housing - County Councillor Blackie brought the council up to date on progress with the plan to build four affordable home in the dale. The intention is to form an Upper Dales Community Land Trust, under the auspices of the Upper Wensleydale Community Partnership (UWCP), whose objective would be to develop sites in the upper dales to provide affordable houses for rent in perpetuity, and beyond the reach of the recent right to buy legislation. Councillor Blackie has approached District Council for a grant towards the funding of a part time worker at the UWCP, whose role would be to undertake the tasks necessary to form the Upper Dales Community Land Trust, whilst also bringing forward the architectural plans for the development, drafting the planning applications to the Dales National Park Authority, and seeking the funding from various available sources to actually build the houses. The initial projects would be the one at and another at Hawes.

Councillor Blackie made clear that any affordable housing for rent scheme in that came forward via the Upper Dales CLT would be delivered as a full working partnership between the Trust and the Parish Council, this including deciding who would be offered the tenancy of the houses initially and as they become available for re- allocation. However the Parish Council would not be required to provide any funding towards the scheme.

The Councillors voted unanimously to support in principle the proposals as put to it by Councillor Blackie.

There are several road repairs pending in the dale and Councillor Blackie is to take a Highway Engineer round to highlight them. Councillors pointed out problems with the roads to Booze and Whaw, the road from Whaw to Faggergill and the deep holes at the edges of Stang Lane.

Speeding motorists through the dale are causing concern and the police will be contacted to determine the best course of action

Mr.Robert Baker had informed the council of his retirement from the grass cutting. He has served us extremely well over the years and the councillors thank him for his work and wish him well in his retirement. Local resident and Scar House gardener Mr. Steve Colman is to take on the role for a trial period.

Financial matters – Richmond District Council wrote to confirm having paid our precept payment of £1150 into our account at the end of April.

A cheque was received and paid into our bank, for £60 covering the way leave payments for our electricity poles.

Two cheques were issued, one for £15 for use of the school room, and one to Zurich insurance for £257.60, for our annual premium.

The end of year accounts were signed and the relevant documents will be sent to the external auditor.. Mr. David Williams again assisted with this and we thank him most kindly for his help. The clerk showed the relevant bank statements covering the years expenditure and expressed her thanks to the Chairman for his help with the finances during the project. All bills have now been paid.

Planning - Planning applications have been approved for a low-level extension at Town End Whaw, a barn conversion at Bouldershaw Lane, and new windows at Plantation and Watson's Cottage, Stang Lane.

The next parish council meeting is scheduled for July 10th. This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.40

A parish council meeting was held on the 18th September when apologies were received from Councillor Stones and County Councillor John Blackie. The Chairman welcomed District Councillor Ian Scott to the meeting, which was also attended by local resident Mrs. Pamela Whickham from the old chapel at Whaw. Mrs. Whickam had discovered by accident that there was a dispute over land on her property which was bought in good faith at the time and not noticed by her solicitor at the time. However it now transpires that the land is officially registered as village green. Fortunately councillor Scott was able to advise her on the best course of action to see the matter resolved.

Proposed development of the car park land – Councillors Stubbs, Watkins and Scott had attended a meeting at RDC where a draft proposal for the houses was discussed. This proposal did not meet our criteria for the housing as it included the sale of at least two of the properties and would greatly reduce the number of car parking spaces available. It was agreed at a subsequent meeting with County Councillor Blackie that we would pursue our ideal goal of 4 homes for affordable rent in perpetuity, with maximum public parking spaces, with the Upper Dales Community Land Trust.

The damaged wall in has now been repaired.

Councillor Watkins reported that the police have undertaken speed checks and agreed that there is a problem. Action will be taken.

Progress report on road problems in the dale – Councillor Watkins had again contacted Highways about problems on Stang Lane, and the roads from Whaw to Faggergill and Langthwaite to Booze. However these same issues were also reported to District Councillor Blackie at the subsequent meeting to discuss the housing project, and he is to take these up with the Highways Manager direct.

Planning – the application for alterations to the old workshop in Langthwaite R/01/6D has been approved.

Local matters – In view of the many overgrown areas in the dale that need attention it has been decided to increase the hours for grass cutting and to ask for additional precept money to cover the increase in cost.

Local matters – Councillor Lundberg reported a badly overgrown and inaccessible stile on the path to Sleigh Gill, as well as the fact that the handgate on the bridge at Arkle Town is missing.

Complaints have been received about the cars parking on the pavement opposite the Rigg. This will be discussed with the owner of the Rigg. Similarly, there is an issue with a badly parked car obstructing the access to the Storthwaite track, and the car owner will be spoken to.

The next meeting will be on the 6th November.

This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.55 A parish council meeting was held on the 6th November 2017 when all councillors were present. Apologies were received from district councillor Ian Scott and the chairman welcomed County councillor John Blackie, together with Kate Jump, project officer for the Upper Dales Community Land Trust. Kate and John gave the council an update on the UDCLT and in particular, it’s commitment to obtaining affordable housing for the dale. Various funding channels are being explored and a further update will be given at or before our January 2018 meeting.

Road repairs in the dale – Highway department had emailed confirmation that all notified repairs are in hand.

Precept requirements were discussed and an application for an increase was agreed due to the additional grass cutting undertaken this year and necessary for each year going forward.

Correspondence – A letter was received from the secretary of state to advise of the intention of ENTRUST to erect a telecommunications mast at High Seal Houses. The clerk was asked to reply advising of the parish council’s support for the project.

The National Park Authority wrote to invite a councillor to attend a forum at Ingleton on the 23rd November.

Local matters – Feedback had been received about the police activity around the issue of speeding motorists in the dale. Two officers had been sent from to assess the places best suited for any for potential further police activity.

The cars parked opposite the Rigg are still causing a problem and further complaints have been received. Councillors hope to resolve this issue.

The next meeting is scheduled for the 8th January 2018.

This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.53 A parish council meeting was held on 8th January 2018, when all councillors were present and the Chairman welcomed County Councillor John Blackie and District Councillor Ian Scott to the meeting. Two local residents were also in attendance, along with the new owners of the old Methodist chapel.

Councillor Blackie gave an update on the situation with the proposed affordable houses in the dale. Land next to the chapel was also being considered for purchase as the car park land presented several drawbacks, including the necessity to use piling for underpinning and the loss of badly needed car parking spaces. The owners of the chapel would need to have some of the land for parking as a condition of planning permission to convert the chapel into a dwelling. They would also require a garden. Councillor Blackie gave assurances that we would work with them to try to meet their requirements. Councillor Blackie is to ask Richard Graham, Planning and Development Control Manager at the YDNPA to attend a site meeting.

A housing requirement survey would be required to show potential funding sources that there is a requirement for the houses, and councillors will be hand delivering these and discussing them with interested parties. It is hoped to have the survey results before our next meeting on 5th March.

Councillors discussed the problems with several roads including those at and Arkle Town where repairs are required to prevent water ingress and subsequent freezing. In addition, the gritting and snow ploughing service had not been good enough in recent weeks. The local contractor had not been called out when he should have been and when the council gritter had finally turned up the amount of grit laid appeared to be very limited and almost ineffectual. Councillor Blackie is to take this up with the Highway Manager and arrange further site visits with him.

Correspondence – A letter was received from NYCC confirming the correction to land registry highlighted by Mrs. Whickham from Whaw at a previous meeting.

Planning – an application was received R/01/30K to alter the access to number 2 Plantation Cottages and to install ground mounted solar panel array. The Chairman declared an interest in this, so the clerk consulted the councillors and wrote a letter of support within the time allowed Application R/01/30H/LB has been granted. Application R/01/30J/LB for Plantation Cottages has also been granted but part of the paperwork is missing. The clerk has asked for the missing paperwork to be sent.

Financial – a cheque was raised for £15 for the hire of the school room.

Local matters – The Chairman expressed his grateful thanks to Mr. Robert Stones for the use of his machinery and assistance with the Christmas lights, and a letter was sent to Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith to thank them for providing the power for the lights which have received several comments of appreciation from locals and visitors.

The chairman also expressed his gratitude to Margaret Lowndes for looking after the notice board in such a professional manner.

Councillor Watkins reported that tall, thin conifers in CB Yard are an increasing danger to the power supply in high winds and the residents of the yard are very concerned about the situation. Councillor Watkins had been advised to have a letter sent to the power supply company asking for their help in dealing with the trees. A letter in support of action was drafted and signed by the chairman.

It had been brought to Councillor Lundbergs attention that a camper van had been parked on the road at High Green, causing an obstruction for two days. The complainants had asked to remain anonymous and a vote was taken to ensure that any future complaints to the parish council should be supported with a signed letter from the complainants. On this occasion councillor Lundberg asked for his name to be minuted against the complaint and that he felt it only fair that the road be kept clear for other vehicles, as the whole of the parish paid for the upkeep of High Green and the cutting of the grass.

Councillor Lundberg said he is purchasing 16 tons of chippings for the centre of Langthwaite and councillor Harker has offered to bring a machine down to level them out.

Councillor Lundberg reported that someone had offered a memorial seat for the parish and this will be looked into.

The clerk reported that Mrs. Moses from Nuneaton had been in contact concerning the seat on High Green which is in a bad state of repair. She would like to pay to have it replaced it with a new one, possibly from Sam Turners. The councillors said they would be happy to assist with the necessary work involved. No planning permission was required.

The date of the next meeting is March 5th. This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 10pm

Arkengarthdale PC meeting March 2018

A parish council meeting was held on 5th March 2018. Apologies were received from councillor Stones, district councillor Scott and county councillor Blackie.

The chairman thanked the councillors for their work in distributing and discussing the housing needs needs survey with parishioners. The forms received to date are still being analysed but it would appear that a positive response has been received, showing a need for affordable housing in the dale.

Road repairs – apart from the clearing of the flooded road near , none of the reported problems on our roads had yet been attended to. The chairman said that he had offered to show a highway engineer around the problem areas but no one had contacted him as yet.

Thanks were expressed to Jack Stones and the council who had kept the roads open during the recent heavy snowfalls and icy conditions. The clerk reported dangerous conditions on the Booze road due to heavy snow; she had contacted the council but was told that any snow clearing service to Booze had been discontinued. She was advised to minute the issue and put it on the agenda for the next meeting on the 14th May when it was hoped that county councillor Blackie could be asked for his help on the issue.

Proposed five fold increase in council tax on second homes – Although the motion had now been defeated, we had been asked beforehand to state our councils position on the matter and so a vote was taken where the majority of councillors were against the increase.

Correspondence – a letter was received from RDC regarding parish and community plans.

Financial – three cheques were issued, one to pay for the hire of the school room, one to Mrs. Hutchinson for expenses on materials to clean and maintain the war memorial, and one to the clerk to cover annual salary and expenses.

Planning – application R/01/30L was received to correct a mistake made the architect in applying for permission for eight ground-mounted solar panels, when the quantity should have been sixteen. The permission for eight had been granted. The chairman declared an interest and the remaining councillors agreed to ask the clerk to send a letter to explain the error and re apply for the correct quantity.

Local matters – Mrs. Moses, owner of the dilapidated seat on High green is in the process of purchasing a new replacement. Councillors agreed that the new seat should be delivered to the chairman’s house and they would help to replace the old one.

The date of the next meeting is the 14th May, which is the AGM. This concluded the business and the meeting closed at 9.50pm Arkengarthdale Parish Council Annual Meeting 2018

The parish council annual meeting was held on the 8th March 2018. Apologies were received from councillor Stones and county councillor John Blackie.

At this meeting the grass cutting gets discussed. Councillors felt that we need to at least maintain current cutting and possibly even add more deserving areas.

There were no electors present. The minutes of the previous annual meeting were agreed and signed and the meeting, closed at 8.15 was followed by the main meeting.