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Travis1892clayton.Pdf PUBLICATIONS OF THE MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION, THE HISTORY OP THE CLHYTON-BULIER TREATY. BY . X3. PREFACE. Half a century has elapsed since the conclusion of the (Jlayton-Bulwer treaty. Throughout that period it has been denounced, both in and out of Congress, as contrary to the time-honored policy of the United States, and a gross betrayal of American interests. So intense has been the feeling against that instrument that its ab- rogation has often been urged, and is now eagerly de- manded by a considerable portion of the American people. Moreover, it has been the subject of prolonged discussion between the Governments of Great Britain and the United States. On more than one occasion the conflict- ing constructions placed upon it have jeopardised the peace of the two countries. Nor is it improbable that its provisionswill again lead to discussion and perhaps misunderstanding between them. Yet notwithstanding these facts the treaty of 1850 has thus far received little attention from historians. The present work is the result of an attempt to trace the history of this hitherto neglected subject. The greater part of it was prepared as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Michigan. I desire to express my thanks to Professor Andrew McLaughlin of that Institution, who has placed me under con- very great obligation for many valuable suggestions cerning the preparation of this work and also for assist- ance in procuring material. IRA DUDLEY TRAVIS. Salt Lake City, Utah, December, 1899. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGES. BRITISH CLAIMS 1-50 INTRODUCTION: Purpose of the work, 1. Topics treated, 1,2. BAY ISLANDS: Discovered in 1502, 2. Bone of con- tention between England and Spain, 3. Su'bject of contro- versy between England and Central American Republic, 4. Becomes a British Colony, 5, BELIZE: Originally a rendez- vous for pirates, 6. Becomes a, woodmen's settlement, 7. Spanish attempts to dislodge the English wood-cuiters, 8. Status under the treaties of 1763 and 1783, 9. Spanish sovereignty recognized in 1780, 10. Spaniards try to dis- lodge the English in 1798, 11. Effect upon the British title, 11, 13. England acknowledges Spain's right of sovereignty in, 12. British encroachments after the inde pendence of Central America, 14. British claim set up, 15. Colonial government established in 1862, 16. MOSQUITO COAST: Discovered and occupied in behalf of Spain, 17. Spanish attempt to colonize, 17. Mosquito enmity for the Spaniard, 18. Spanish neglect of, 18. Validity of Spain's title to, 20. Relations of freebooter with the Mosquitos and the English df Jamaica, 21. Mosquitos placed under British protection, 22. Spanish remonstrance, 22. Smuggling and the slave trade, 22, 23. Mosquitos cede their territory to England, 24. English occupy the Coast, 24. War with Spain; provisions of treaty of peace violated by England, 2o. Seven Year's War, 26. English establish government over the Coast; renewal of war, 27. England fails to abandon Coast, 28. Treaty of 1786, 29. Attempt to censure British Government, 29. English influence dominant on the Coast, 30. Central American conditions favorable to British inter- vention, 31-35. British Superintendent assumes control of Mosquito in 1840, 36. Disputes with Central American states, 37. Nicaragua appeals to the world, 38. Interest of the United States in the controversy, 39. Mutual jealousy vi MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. of the United States and Great Britain respecting inter- oceanic communication, 40. British claims in behalf of Mosquito, 41. Mosquito protectorate proclaimed, 42, 43. Nicaragua appeals to the United States, 43. Seizure of San Juan, 44. War with Nicaragua, 45. Nicaragua negotiates for San Juan, 46. Extent of British pretentions in 1848, 47. Retrospect, 48-50. CHAPTER II. CONTEMPORARY CONDITIONS 51-89 Character of Central Americans, 51. Political parties, 52. British intrigues, 53. Enforcement of British claims, 53-56. Relations of the United States to Central America previous to 1848, 57. Change of attitude on the part of the United States, 58. Treaty with Nicaragua relating to canal, 59, 60. Attitude of the Taylor administration, 61. Clay- ton's instructions to the American Charge d'Affairs, 62-64. Existing conditions in Central America, 65. Contract of American Canal Company, 66. New canal treaty, 66, 67. British and American rivalry respecting Tigre Island, 67-59. Revival of American interest in Central America, 70, 71. Mutual jealousy of the United States and Great Britain regarding Central America, 71, 72. Great Britain fears example of the United States, 75. British and American rivalry for the possession of Oregon, 74, 75. Attitude of the United States, Great Britain and France toward California, 75, 76. Purpose of England and France regarding Texas, 76, 77. Southern feeling toward Great Britain, 77. British and American suspicions confirmed by Mexican War, 78. American view of British action subsequent to the war, 79- 81. Commercial rivalry of Great Britain and the United States, 52. Americans regard the ship-canal as essential to the integrity and welfare of the Union, 82, 83. Complicated and critical condition of foreign and domestic affairs, 84-88. Policy of the Taylor Administration, 88, 89. CHAPTER III. NEGOTIATIONS 90-127 Clayton directs the opening of negotiations, 90. Purpose of the United States, 91. Difficulties of the case, 93. American Minister's interview with Palmerston, 93. Investi- gation of the Central American controversies, 93. Negotia- tions committed to Mr. Rives, 94. Rives investigates the case, 95. Interview with Palmerston, 96. Anxiety of the CONTENTS. vil Administration concerning the recent treaty with Central America, 98. Clayton's interview with the British Minister, 98. Desire for British co-operation in the construction of the canal, 99. Second interview with the British Minister, 100. Squier treaty discussed, 101. Clayton's instructions to Abbott Lawrence, 102. Policy of the Taylor Administra- tion, 104. Interview between Lawrence and Palmerston, 106-111 Sir Henry Bulwer instructed to carry on negotia- tions at Washington, 111. Existing conditions, 112. Bul- wer's displacement policy, 113 Project agreed upon, 114. Bulwer's explanation, 115. American opposition, 117. Changes made in the treaty, 119. Principal provisions of the treaty, 121. British declaration, 122. American counter-declaration, 123. Ratifications exchanged, 125. The treaty a compromise, 126. CHAPTER IV. CONTROVERSIES 128-176 Conditions unfavorable to execution, 128. No treaty adequate for a satisfactory adjustment of the difficulties, 130. Reasons for accepting the treaty, 131. Negotiations for supplementing treaty, 133. Conditions at Greytown, 134. Prometheus Affair, 135. Conflicting views of the two governments respecting the treaty, 135. Negotiations re- newed, 137. United States and Great Britain unite in sup- porting the authorities at Greytown, 138. Webster-Crampton project, 138. Rejected by Nicaragua, 139. Change of Government at Greytown, 140. Bay Islands made a British Colony, 141. Senate resolution respecting, 141. Report of Senate Committee on, 142. Senate debate, 142-146. Speech of Mr. Douglas, 145. Attitude of Whigs, 146. Clayton's defense, 147-149. Everett's view, 149. Position of political parties, 150. Lord Russsell's letter, 152. Effects of the Senate debate, 153. Conditions in Central America, 154. Attitude of New Administration. 153. Conditions in Central America, 154. Attitude of New Administration, 155. Trouble at Greytown, 155. British view of the matter, 156 158. Plan of the United States Government for settling question, 160-1. Examination of (a) Belize question, (b) case of the Bay Islands 166-171, (c) Mosquito question, 172-175, Critical relations of England and the United States, 175. CHAPTER V. METHODS OF SETTLEMENT 177-202 Resort to direct negotiations, 177. Dallas-Clarendon viii MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Treaty, 177. Senate amendments; British offer concerning, 180. Failure of the treaty, 182. Revival of controversy respecting claims of Costa Rica and Nicaragua, 182. Cass- Yrissari treaty, 183. Situation at the close of 1857, 184. Walker's filibustering expedition and its effects, 185. Eng- land originates new plan of settlement, 187. Plan favorably received by the President, 188. Disagreement respecting Belize and Mosquito protectorate, 188. British fear abroga- tion of the treaty, 189. Terms of settlement proposed by Great Britain, 190. President favors abrogation of the treaty, 190. Conference between Cass and Napier concern- ing the proposed settlement, 191. Filibustering movements, 183. New difficulties, 195. Belize boundary question settled, 197. Treaty of Managua, (1860), 198. Treaty officially com- municated to the Government at Washington, 200. Presi- dent Buchanan declares the settlement entirely satisfactory to the United States Government, 201. Buchanan probably unaware of the real scope of the British reservation, 201. CHAPTER VI. HISTORY OF THE TREATY SINCE 1860 203-250 Treaty lost to public view, 203. Change of sentiment as indicated by the treaties of 1868 and 1870. Interest in an isthmian waterway revived, 205. New policy adopted by the United States, 205-207. Reason for the change, 207-211. Fear of European neutralization, 212. Elaine's letter con- cerning, 212. Examination of Elaine's position, 214-217. British reply to Elaine, 217. Modifications of treaty pro- posed by Elaine, 218. Examination of, 220. Elaine takes issue with Granville, 222. Granville's
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