Summer 2015 The Cover picture shows The Muck Water. Content from the communities of; Ballantrae, Barr, Barrhill, Colmonell, Lendalfoot, Pin- wherry &Pinmore.
[email protected] 2 Company Limited by Guarantee No. 430441 Scottish Charity No SC043849 The Centre will consist of a multi-purpose hall that will accommodate a 5 a-side pitch or 3 badminton courts which can also be used for functions and social and community events. A community café and small shop, 2 meeting rooms which can be opened up into 1 large room and into the large foyer which can be used to display art and local heritage. An arts and craft activity room for both adults and children. Outside is ample car parking and picnic areas. Other amenities being considered are electric car charging point, cash point, and telephone box. All are invited to come along to monthly meetings the second Thursday in the month at 7.30 in Pinwherry Hall. 2 pins Up-Date Things are slowly moving forward with our Lottery Bid to Growing Community Assets for £1million pounds, we have also made applications to Carrick Futures and Hadyard Hill Community Benefit fund and Ayrshire Leader for match funding. We have used the Lottery Development funding to engage an external expert to assist with the development of our bid, and our Accountants and CEIS on developing our business and finance plans. We will also be approaching several Trust funders over the next few months. We have received letters of support from South Ayrshire Council, our 3 local elected councillors, Ballantrae Medical Practice, and community voluntary organisations and would welcome any letters of support from residents.