Parish Newsletter

July 2020 Issue 552

Delivered to every home in the Parish—free of charge


Rector of & Fordcombe The Revd. Tom Holme, MA. The Rectory, Penshurst 870316

CHURCHWARDENS Mike Gilbert Rockydene, Chafford Lane, Fordcombe TN3 0SH Email [email protected] 740371 Peter Waghorn Woodpeckers, The Green, Fordcombe, TN3 0RY Email [email protected] 740645

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Hon. Secretary Linda Naidu 740724 11 The Drive Hedge Barton TN3 0SL

Treasurer/Gift Paul Reeves Queens Spinney, Ashurst Road 740837 Aid Recorder Ashurst, Tunbridge Wells TN3 9SU

Deanery Synod Representative John & Christobel Sworder 740345 Electoral Roll Officer Vacant

PCC. MEMBERS June Gilbert 740371 Helen Morrison 740211 Isobel Smith 740404 Vacancy

Organist & Director of music Bob Wilson 01732832444

St. Peter’s Fellowship Peter Waghorn 740645

Sunday Club Leader Mrs Hayley Collins 01892544458

Church Flowers Mrs. June Gilbert 740371 Mrs. Sandra Arnold 740283

NEWSLETTER - PLEASE NOTE THE COPY DATE IS 16th OF EACH MONTH Newsletter copy by e-mail please to: [email protected] Neither the Editor nor the Newsletter can be held responsible for its content.

Editor and Advertising:

Mike Gilbert. Rockydene, Chafford Lane, Fordcombe. TN3 0SH 740371 Advertising rates per annum: £100 full page, £60 one half, £40 one quarter,

Printer: St. Mary’s Church, Leigh 01732-832236 ALL PHONE NUMBERS ARE PREFIXED 01892– ... UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN

2 FROM THE RECTOR The Book of Common Prayer commemorates in July seven important people and events from the Christian past, including St James the Apostle, St Swithun and the Translation of St Martin. One could argue that in our present difficult times we may not think it really necessary to celebrate the date of the transfer- ence of the relics of Martin, patron saint of France and Bishop of Tours, from one place to another. But July is also the month of the sainthood of women. On the 2nd July there is the traditional remembrance of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary visits Elizabeth, who in older age has conceived a son - John the Baptist, and expresses delight at Mary’s visit. ‘The child leapt in her womb’. In our present time we have come to understand the value of true meeting and visiting. We may also take strength from Mary’s humble and hope- ful response to Elizabeth’s excitement and pleasure at her visit. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Meanwhile those who think they are something and behave inconsiderately: He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. 20th July: Margaret of Antioch. Nothing really known about Margaret, Virgin and Martyr, but a legend or two. She nevertheless was considered to be one of only fourteen 'Auxiliary Saints' venerated for the assistance they were able to give for various human necessities. We certainly wish to offer up prayer for help and guidance at this and all times, even though we may not be aware of any particu- lar benefit from the prayer of Margaret together with George, Blaise, Erasmus, Pantaleon, Vitus, Christopher, Denys, Cyriacus, Acacius, Eustace, Giles, Barba- ra and Catherine of Alexandria. 26th July: St Anne. Not mentioned in the bible, but thought to be the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Middle Ages the cult of Anne was very popular. She was specially invoked by Pope Urban to bless the marriage of Richard the Second to Anne of Bohemia. Luther fulminated against the veneration of Anne, she is considered to be a patroness go Brittany and my church in Bermondsey is dedicated to her. But going back a few days in July we come to Mary Magdalene - 22nd. We are very much hoping in our world for hope and healing, so perhaps this particular date is of special significance. Again there is plenty of legendary material about this Mary, including her journey late in life to the south of France where her sup- posed tomb was venerated in Aix-en-Provence. But according to scripture she was a follower of Christ - who cast out from her ‘seven devils’. She ministered to him in Galilee, stood by his cross, discovered the empty tomb, heard the angelic announcement of his resurrection, and was granted an appearance of the Risen Christ on that same day. I should be pleased to visit Aix once again. The Worcester choir gave a recital there during my time at the Cathedral. Leaving Aix early in the morning by coach, I was looking forward to a good view of Mont Saint Victoire, but forgot to look out for it. Quite a regret! We also took the choir to Quimper in Brittany - without any awareness on my part of the patronage there of St Anne. But many thanks to the great women of July - and the love and hope they represent for us. Tom Holme

3 FORDCOMBE LUNCHEON CLUB Fordcombe Luncheon club usually meets on the second Thursday of each month at 12-30pm. We have space for new members to come and join us for food and pleasant conversation with old and new friends.


For more information please contact Mrs Kate Hargrave Tel 861047



Helen Morrison 740211 CHURCH COFFEE MORNING


Christabel Sworder 740345


Hello everyone, in taking it forward into the future.


4 Tier 1 individuals, of whom 404 requested and have been receiving regular food deliveries, including 23 new requests over Easter weekend. SDC has been ful-


Church Services Unfortunately our Church is likely to be shut until possibly September. Covid 19 apart we have just had our quinquennial building inspection and it has been pointed out that some of the lime render on the arch, which supports the bells at the end of the chancel, has a crack and may be dangerous and subject to falling. A few years back some render did fall and we stripped of the rest off which was not well attached. We could do that again but we feel that we should now look further into why this is happening and re-render the arch. From what we can see from about 5m down below, there may possibly be a little leak as the arch pene- trates the roof. We are in the process in arranging for a roofer to take a look. The Reverend Bill MacDougall at is still conducting weekly ser- vices each Sunday on YouTube and indeed daily thoughts. These videos are extremely good and I am sure many would find them most helpful. Please take a few moment to check them out. If you go to YouTube and search under Chid- dingstone you will find them. Parish Organisation Work is continuing on the setting up of an enlarged benefice with the Chiddingstone Parishes and the drawing up of a profile for the advertising for a replacement minster when Tom retires. Full consultation on the enlarged benefice proposals will take place in a month or two St Peter’s Fellowship - Peter Waghorn Fellowship meetings are still suspended for the time being. Support for the Parish Volunteers Over 20 volunteers have kindly come forward to help anyone in need of help with shopping, collecting medication, running errands and importantly perhaps having a chat. If you or anyone you know needs help please do not hesitate to contact me, my details are below, or our other Church warden Peter Waghorn. The calls for help have not been that great so far and therefore not all of the volunteers have been called to help but as time goes on of course that may change. However many thanks to those who have unstintingly given of their time to help. Email list I have a village Email list of 68 so that information can be disseminated and messages have already been sent out on initiatives to help with food supplies. This message and all future ones will be carried on the Church website. ( If you would like to be included on the list please do make contact with me

Best Wishes Mike Gilbert 740371 [email protected]

5 District Councillor’s article for July Parish Magazines

……..and there was I thinking that the lockdown might mean a little less activity! How wrong could I have been? I am now a practicing Zoom ninja and the Coun- cil’s full programme of Committees are now held virtually and, if anything, my case load of planning, licencing, and enforcement matters (particularly!) has been busier than usual. The following pot-pourri will give you a sense, but sadly not all the odours are fragrant! A particular concern across the District, and a pressing local issue in Penshurst and Poundsbridge, has been the sharp rise in the incidence of antisocial behav- iour, including drug use. People seem to be stir-crazy after so long in lockdown, which may not be wholly surprising but such behaviour is still inexcusable. The Council has been pressing, by writing to the Chief Constable and the Crime Commissioner, for police to allocate more resource to this problem. Please play your part and report anything untoward promptly, the more reports the more likely extra resources will be provided. Coronavirus mitigation work has been ongoing, although is now tapering off. District wide the number of shielded residents receiving food deliveries has fall- en to 633 (down from 788) and last week only 16 new requests for support from people self-isolating were serviced by local volunteers. Last month I updated you on District Council’s post-Covid recovery planning and I can now tell you that the District Business Advisory Board I mentioned is already up and running, town centre cleaning rotas have been stepped up to complement Covid safety measures implemented by shops and over 90% of government allocated funding for retail and leisure grants has been disbursed. SDC has also received 205 applications to the Council’s £1.2m discretionary funding scheme for small organisations who fall outside the government scheme’s criteria, these are cur- rently being evaluated. Council services have been maintained throughout this difficult period and plans are in hand to reopen public access to the Argyle Road offices, with weekly staff rotations now in place to keep office occupation below the 60 person limit. De- spite a fire at the Dunbrik depot necessitating waste being taken outside the dis- trict, all waste collection services have been maintained – I have even arranged extra collections to deal with the volume of waste left by visitors to Chidding- stone. On a more light-hearted note, there is some concern that our dogs’ behaviours may be affected by them being left alone for longer as we try to get back to nor- mal - so for anyone interested the RSPCA have put up a ‘help your pet adjust’ website page! Dog walking still looks likely to be our best summer holiday activity!

Sue Coleman, 870435




Prize Ticket No Name First £30 509 Jill Pacey

Second £15 636 Seddon Third £10 682 Broad

Fourth £5 265 J. Billingham

Fifth £5 154 N Whitley


“If you want to join please ring Bob on 01892 740307"

Distribution of prizes will be delayed until social distancing measures allow. Thank you for your patience.



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01892 740006


Sadly the The Line Dancing Class in Fordcombe has been Discontinued indefinitely due to lack of numbers

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Alex Colegate T: 01892 870168 M: 07752 479747 Email: [email protected]


WELD DONE Welding, Metalwork and Ornamental Ironwork AIRPORT CAR SERVICES For quotations and advice 07799604405 contact Neil Davies on: (01892)731221 [email protected] Tel: 01892 740432 / 07962 502914 Email: [email protected] April Cottage, The Lane, Fordcombe, Kent, TN3 0RP


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13 FUND RAISING FOR NHS We ’ve been selling all sorts of plants - strawberries, courgettes, cosmos, pump- kins, tomatoes, cucumbers etc. to raise money for the NHS. We were aiming to support Captain/Colonel/Sir Tom but that site had been so successful it had closed down so we donated the monies to our local NHS, Maidstone & Tun- bridge Wells. The notice says £161.26 but since then the amount has risen to £193.12!! Huge thanks go to all the wonderful people who passed by, bought the plants and donated this enormous amount. Also many thanks to the people who donated online before the Captain Tom’s site was closed and we put the money pot out!! We’ve had a lovely hand written thank you card from the NHS trust so THANK YOU ALL.

Sally Hill and Helen Morrison

14 PENSHURST ALMSHOUSES REGISTERED CHARITY 211205 ALMSHOUSE ASSOCIATION MEMBER 339 FLAT VACANCY A ground floor flat, comprising double bedroom, sitting room, kitchen and bath- room suitable for a single person or a couple will become available later this summer at the Almshouses, Rogues Hill, Penshurst. The property enjoys a rural location with a small communal garden.

Low income persons of good character who have lived in the Ancient Parish of Penshurst, which includes Fordcombe and part of for not less than two years, or who have made a significant contribution to the local community, are eligible to apply.

Residents make a weekly maintenance contribution, paid monthly, towards wa- ter, sewerage and heating costs. Council tax, telephone and electricity are the residents’ responsibility.

Applications in writing please to: Miss Jan Roberts, Clerk to the Trustees Squirrels Hollow, 9 Latymers, Penshurst, Kent TN11 8DE

Please supply name, age, and any occupation, and be prepared to provide fi- nancial details and references. We regret pets cannot be accommodated.

Thomas Holme Chairman of the Trustees

New Parish Council Email address Please note that access is no longer available to the ‘old’ [email protected] account.

There is now a new account as follows: [email protected]

15 Fordcombe Primary School

Back to school – well sort of … Attendance is not being enforced but following Government recommendations some reception and years 1 and 6 pupils returned from lockdown on 2 June, joining vulnerable pupils and those of key workers post- lockdown. Staff had undertaken a special training day on 1 June 2020. Supermarket-style socially distanced queues, staggered start and finish times, separate entrances, dedicated playground and lunch areas and regular hand sanitising and deep cleaning were amongst the initial measures in operation as year groups operated in “bubbles” as per Government guidance. Well done to all staff, carers and pupils for adapting to the “new normal”. Children coming back to school at the beginning of June all settled in quickly, interacted with classmates and had a very promising first few days back. Support has been provided to pupils who were understandably anxious about coming back to school – many thanks to Mrs McBride, our Home-School link worker, who put together a poster about what to do to help children if they are anxious about returning to the classroom.

Home Learning continues Many thanks again from the school to all those parents and carers that continue to work tirelessly to remote-school their children given how tricky, and sometimes trying, this can be, particularly when they are working from home too or have younger children to care for as well. Pupils do not need to do every activity each day from their Learning Grids and can choose which ones that to do. With teachers now teaching children during the day, preparing classes before and after school, it is not possible to be giving as prompt feedback as before but staff and pupils alike are doing their very best in challenging times. Virtual music recitals went well – thanks again to Mrs Hughes – and pupils and carers have viewed these privately through the Class Dojo learning platform. In the meantime, governors’ activities have continued online using resources such as Zoom. Meanwhile some very good pieces of news were received in June…. Birth of Violet Ariella Saxty Mr and Mrs Saxty, have welcomed their baby daughter to the world. Mother, baby (and dad) are all doing well. Mrs Pearce on road to recovery Mrs Pearce’s recovery is going well. It is hoped that at some point, safety permitting, she will come into school to say farewell to the pupils, particularly those in Elm and those up the school that she has taught previously. Everyone at Fordcombe, wishes her all the best as she steps forward into the next chapter of her recovery.

16 Places There are some school places currently available as people move in and out of the area. Contact the school office on 01892 740224 or email of- [email protected] and please spread the word as even a marginal increase in pupil numbers can have a very positive impact. Core government funding is proportionate to school headcount and changes in pupil numbers in a small school have a great impact. David Jepps

Mobility , strength and Falls prevention videos Due to the current circumstances many people who are vulnerable are unable to get out and be as active as they are usually . Being less active leads to loss of muscle strength, mobility and can affect bal- ance which can lead to a fall. I have made video s accessible on you tube. They contain basic seated exercises for mobility strength and balance If you would like an exercise sheet please email me and I will send one to you. You can access the videos from our website Stay Safe Sue Larken, Health & Well being Coordinator Age UK Sevenoaks Office

Exploring Crea- tivity An evening once a month enjoying creative demonstra- tions from local artists. Glass making Painting Contemporary textiles Silversmithing Pottery Knitting and crochet Christmas crafts Meet new people over a cup of tea and cake at Silcocks Farm in Fordcombe.


The Chafford Arms Tel 740267

Paul and Jackie continue to do a great job in providing essential supplies such as fresh veg, fruit , milk, eggs, bread, meat, cheese . They also can arrange provision of meat and have some general grocery products so if you need anything please have a word with them. Orders will be available on Wednesdays and Saturdays with orders placed by midday the day be- fore. They can be delivered to you if required.

Take away food from the Pub Paul and Jackie can supply a number of frozen meals and a Take Away service Friday and Saturday 6pm until 8pm by pre-booked slots.

Florent Gacon (residence St Peter's House) The French Comté Borough Market As many will know Florent has arranged for a lorry to visit the village each Saturday 9am until 1pm and supply a range of fresh produce . It is not possible to bring everything that is available in the lorry but pre ordered items can be brought along. A list in Excel or Word is included on the church website ( . For any information , ques- tions or to place an order call Hugo: 0717 752 747 or Warehouse: 0207 231 9091

KEEPING UP TO DATE There is a village Email list to which update messages will be posted. If you are not on it and you would like to be please contact Mike Gilbert On [email protected] The updates will also be posted on the Church website


18 Potting Shed News by Scary – June 2020

Hallo everyone. You'll have to excuse me if I've told you this before, cos one day sort of merges into the next, what with being here with just Jean (don't get me started on that...) and talking to her most of the time (well, actually, she does most of the talking – between you, me, and the brick wall, I think she's missing all of you more than she lets on) – and then blow me, you could have knocked me down with a wheelbarrow, on Monday evening last week there were suddenly five people down here in the walled garden, having a committee meeting which was more like a shouting match cos they were sitting so far apart they could hardly hear each other. Anyway, that meant that I could hear everything that was said (too many that’s in that (and that's another one) sentence!). Good news is: they are planning a Fun Day! Whoopee!! BBQ, games, drinks and cakes, garden wild walk, and prizes galore. The date is fixed for Friday 10th July, but just like those politicians at the daily news briefing, I can't tell you the details yet, because I just don't know. I'll give you a few scenarios (wot a pretty word – I fancy a “sandy beach, blue sky, warm sun, and lots of ice-cream” scenario, sorry, got carried away there.)

Scenario One: Groups of gardeners from one household, e.g. St.Anthony, come along together at their fixed time and do all the fun things I've listed, and we helpers (Me, Angela, Phil and all) keep our distance and we have a great time. That group then leaves, and the next one arrives, and so on throughout the day. I think for sure, this means that us helpers can have a hot dog and a cake every time a new group comes, which sounds entirely fair and reasonable.

Scenario Two: As above, but we have a few different households in the garden at the same time, keeping apart, but able to say hallo, and have a bit of a chat. This would be great as we haven't seen each other for ages.

Scenario Three: No one comes. Jean, me, and Plackie play all the games, eat all the hot dogs, and win all the prizes. I think the committee will out vote us on that one! So there you have it. D'you think it's a good idea? Let us have some feedback please. Keep the date free, and we will decide wot to do, nearer the time. Even so, it would be wise to start practising your welly throwing (preferably outdoors, so no one is hurt and nothing gets broken).

That's all for now, but we'll be in touch (figuratively speaking) soon. Look after each other. Love from Scary and Jean - 11th June 2020

19 New Village Hall News

Work continues a pace on the new Village Hall . If you would like to keep up to date then take a look at the Face Book page


Local Plan set to have its day in court

Sevenoaks District Council has been granted permission to bring a judicial review against the Planning Inspector’s decision to reject the draft Local Plan. The High Court issued a notification on Tuesday 2 June 2020 granting permission for the review. The Honourable Mr Justice Swift concluded all grounds for the Council’s claim are arguable and permission for judicial review was granted, clearing the first hurdle of the process. On 2 March 2020, the Planning Inspector wrote the final report on the examination of the Local Plan. It concluded the Plan was not legally compliant in respect of the Duty to Co-operate. However, the Council strongly rejected this conclusion, which only surfaced after the first round of the Local Plan hearings in October, seven months after the Council had submitted the Plan and supporting evidence to the Inspector. Within the Local Plan submission, there were more than 800 pages of evidence setting out how the Council had worked with its neighbours during the production of the Plan. The neighbouring councils and other organisations involved in the development of the Plan supported the Council’s evidence and approach on this matter. In April, the Council began Judicial Review proceedings to overturn the Inspector’s decision. Cllr Julia Thornton, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Development & Conservation, says: “This is great news as it means the High Court believes our position that the Planning Inspectorate may have a case to answer. This is an important first step to getting our Local Plan approved. “We firmly believe we had followed the relevant guidance when we developed the plan. The evidence we provided to the Planning Inspector backs this up. “In our opinion, the Planning Inspector has incorrectly interpreted key parts of the Local Plan requirements. “Taking court action is not something we would take lightly, but we feel we have no choice.” The High Court decision followed the news that the three MPs who represent the Sevenoaks District wrote to Robert Jenrick MP, the Secretary of State for Local Government, on Monday (1 June). Laura Trott MP, Tom Tugendhat MP and Gareth Johnson MP urged the Minister to use his powers to reconsider the Planning Inspectorate’s reasons for rejecting the draft Local Plan. Cllr Thornton, adds: “Our MPs recognise we have produced a robust Local Plan to provide the right type of developments in the right place, at the right time. They share our concerns about the handling of the Local Plan examination. We’re grateful for their support and we hope this moves the Plan forward.”

Issued by: Daniel Whitmarsh, Communication and Consultation Manager Call: 01732 227414 e-mail: [email protected]




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PENSHURST PARISH COUNCIL- Council meetings are suspended at present but the following is an extract from the Monthly Report of Penshurst Parish Council Administration: 29th May Ongoing Issues: Poundsbridge Church: Reports of numerous people holding parties by the river at the Church received, large amounts of rubbish including BBQ Grills, bro- ken glass, food, drink and drugs paraphernalia and other waste were left which were kindly bagged and removed from site by a local resident to save damage to the area and danger to animals. Issue reported by ED to Community Safety Unit, action promised. Parishioners are asked to report any further such occur- rences to ED or 101 for action. PLANNING: SE/20/00674/677/LDCPR: Cabin, Penshurst Off Road Cycling, Grove Road, Penshurst: Proposed single storey rear extension. SDC responsibility to decide if application is permitted development. GRANTED SE/20/00769/770LBC: Penshurst Place Estate – Forge Garage Cottage: Formation of car parking. PC Response: PC support. It seems eminently sensi- ble that Forge Garage Cottage has its own parking spaces, otherwise they will end up using the very limited customer parking or park in the road. The fence is completely in keeping with the fence around the field. GRANTED SE/20/00831/2LBC: Forge Stores and Post Office, Penshurst: Proposed change of use of former garage to extension of Forge Stores. PC Response: The PC strongly and wholeheartedly support this application. Forge stores and the Post Office are a vital local service with the nearest alternative being in Leigh. For the elderly and others who do not drive, this is not an option as there is no bus service to Leigh. Forge stores has always been widely and regularly used by many parishioners and, with the restrictions due to coronavirus, its vital importance to the local community has been clearly demonstrated. GRANTED Premises Licence: 17/03667 LAPRE: W H Brakspear & Sons Ltd: The Leicester Arms – Deci- sion Pending HIGHWAYS: 438630: High Street, Penshurst: Reinstatement of bricks being stored by homeowner removed to facilitate utility work deferred until current situation re- garding lock down updated. 452817: Service Cover: Cover over manhole sitting proud, reported for inspection. Utility advised. 490539: Pedestrian Sign – New Road: Request to re-site nearer toward the village, issue being investigated. ED Advised request must form part of HIP, this to be updated. 492574 Rogues Hill: Road surfacing damage after crane recovery. Works reported as completed on website as of 24 February. 492576 Rogues Hill Pavement: Reinstatement sinking after cable installa- tion. Repair not responsibility of Highways – issue passed to utility. 503972: Potholes – Penshurst Road: Potholes originally reported under

28 477134 and assessed as not meeting the criteria for intervention reported again by ED in view of further deterioration with request for further consideration. Re- surfacing work now being carried out to some of the potholes to make road safe, re-inspection being undertaken to ensure all potholes meeting criteria are re- paired. Temporary Road Closure from 29 June 2020 for up to 18 months or until the works have been completed. Planned dates for carriageway surface treat- ment and associated preparation, finishing and accommodation works will be published in advance of the works and indicated by signage displayed on site 14 days before they start. Walters Green Road, Bradley Road to Sandfield Road - 17 July 2020 for 4 days Alternative Route via Chafford Lane, Spring Hill and Sandfield Road Pound Road, - B2026 Hartfield Road - Markbeech Vil- lage -20 July for 10 days. Alternative Route via Hartfield Road, Station Road and Cow Lane FINANCE: Fordcombe Play Area Equipment: New item due for delivery and installa- tion during June, representative visited site to check on requirements for installa- tion, Cllr Horsford attended meeting on site and will be liaising regarding installa- tion. Extract from Parish Council report 1st July. Ongoing Issues: Penshurst Village Hall Surgery/Disabled Toilets & Access Project: Issue in abeyance in view of meeting restrictions Refuse Collections: Litter collection being affected by influx of people to parish and consequential anti-social behaviour. Minor fly tipping being moni- tored. Bulk Freighter service will not be available until SDC reintroduce when refuse and recycling system is back to normal. Problems may continue to be experienced in view of the major fire at the Dunbrik Depot Refuse and Recy- cling Centre, vehicles will have to dispose of their loads at either Tunbridge Wells or Dartford. Parishioners are currently asked to put out their rubbish as usual for collection. Please do not put out your sacks the night before as we have had reports of them being ripped open by birds and vermin prior to collections as this results in a dangerous trip/slip hazard to pedestrians using the area. Poundsbridge Church: Regular patrols have been ongoing. Wildlife cameras we now have these and sim cards arrived yesterday so PCSO Cain and Best will put these up with signs as soon as they can. PCSO Cain has visited today and removed campers from the area, this followed a report from KFRS about a cow in the river – cow has been rescued. PLANNING SE/20/01551: Barn at Chafford Park Farm, Chafford Lane, Fordcombe: Pro- posed change of use and conversion of existing disused agricultural barn to 2 dwellings and associated car parking. After initially withdrawing this application, advice now received from SDC 26 June that application had been re-validated and was pending consideration.

Continued on page 30

29 SE/20/01328/9LBC: Harts, Walters Green Road, Penshurst: Proposed replacement windows, new roof lights and doors, improvements to entrance porch, and internal alterations. SE/20/01374/LBC: Farm Cottage, Walters Green Road, Penshurst: Demolish three outbuilding, proposed two storey side extension with roof lights, juliete balcony, detached garage with log store, landscaping with new driveway, relocation of one building, open front porch and alterations to fenestration. PC Response: We have some concerns over the demolition of the brick outbuildings which may, or possibly should, be listed. However, if the Conservation Officer is happy with their demolition, we would have no objection. From Sevenoaks District Councillor report: Antisocial behaviour A concern across the District, and a particular issue in Penshurst and Poundsbridge, has been the sharp rise in the incidence of antisocial behaviour, including drug use. The Council has been trying hard to help and wildlife cameras that have been installed around Penshurst and Poundsbridge which should help in identifying culprits. Peter Fleming wrote to both the Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner to request that they allocate more resource within the District to help with the problems and received a positive response. Planning & Enforcement There are several ongoing enforcement matters which continue to take up a lot of my time in Penshurst & Fordcombe. I have met residents and kept those affected updated with progress as far as I’m able. HIGHWAYS: 503972: Potholes – Penshurst Road: Resurfacing work now being carried out to some of the potholes to make road safe, re-inspection being undertaken to ensure all potholes meeting criteria are repaired. Road submitted for resurfacing works. Temporary Road Closure from 29 June 2020 for up to 18 months or until the works have been completed. Planned dates for carriageway surface treatment and associated preparation, finishing and accommodation works will be published in advance of the works and indicated by signage displayed on site 14 days before they start. Walters Green Road, Bradley Road to Sandfield Road - 17 July 2020 for 4 days Alternative Route via Chafford Lane, Spring Hill and Sandfield Road Cowden Pound Road, Markbeech - B2026 Hartfield Road - Markbeech Village -20 July for 10 days. Alternative Route via Hartfield Road, Station Road and Cow Lane Temporary Road Closure - Bullingstone Lane, Speldhurst - 21st July 2020 for 1 day FINANCE Fordcombe Play Area Equipment: New item delivered and installed, Cllr Horsford assisted with preparation requirements




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FORDCOMBE Cof E Primary School Office 740224

PARENTS GUILD (Fordcombe School) Helen Jenner [email protected]

CRICKET CLUB Ashley Worcester 740641




LUNCHEON CLUB (Pre-booking necessary)

Monthly, 2nd Thursday, 12.30 pm Kate Hargrave 861047

ST. PETERS’ MUSICAL TODDLERS Not meeting at present

STOOLBALL CLUB Kim Smithh 740184

TABLE TENNIS CLUB, Every Monday 7:45pm -9:45pm pm from October to March contact via Email [email protected] Elaine Barnett 740512

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Meetings on last Wed. in March & October or as required Richard Fry 740431

VILLAGE HALL Sec. Vacancy Bookings: Janice Byrne [email protected] 740393

VILLAGE QUILTERS Monthly, 3rd Wednesday, 2-4 pm (ring for venue) Sally Hill 740365


Monthly, 3rd Tuesday, 7.45 pm Fay Blanchard 536405

FORDCOMBE PARISH COUNCILLORS Andrew Campbell 871500 Parish Council web site Sally Jolly 740932 Jonathon Horsford 740032 Bruce Townsend 740451




The Chafford Arms