Public Document Pack Council Thursday, 11 January 2018 at 7.00 pm, Council Chamber, Town Hall, Accrington Membership Councillor Peter Britcliffe (Mayor) in the Chair, Councillors Judith Addison, Lisa Allen, Mohammad Ayub, Noordad Aziz, Jean Battle, Stephen Button, Clare Cleary, Loraine Cox, Paul Cox, Munsif Dad, Bernard Dawson, Tony Dobson, Stewart Eaves, Diane Fielding, Melissa Fisher, Glen Harrison, June Harrison, Stephanie Haworth, Eamonn Higgins, Terry Hurn, Abdul Khan, Julie Livesey, Gareth Molineux, Jenny Molineux, Ken Moss, Tim O'Kane, Bernadette Parkinson, Miles Parkinson, Joyce Plummer, Kath Pratt, Malcolm Pritchard, Jeff Scales and Paddy Short A G E N D A 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations 3. Announcements 4. Confirmation of Minutes (Pages 5 - 14) To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 9th November 2017. Telephone Enquiries: Monica Bell, Democratic Services (01254) 380114 Email:
[email protected] Published on Wednesday, 3 January 2018 Page 1 of 3 5. Question Time (Pages 15 - 16) To deal with any questions submitted under Council Procedure Rule 2.2(vi). 6. Police Inspector Steve Rides Police Inspector Steve Rides to introduce himself to Council members. 7. Suspension of Council Procedure Rules (Pages 17 - 18) Report attached. 8. Presentation from Skipton East Lancs Rail Action Partnership (SELRAP) To receive a presentation from representatives of the Skipton East Lancs Rail Action Partnership (SELRAP). 9. Development Management Development Plan Document Adoption (Pages 19 - 248) Report attached. 10. Nominations for the Title of Honorary Freeman (Pages 249 - 252) Report attached. 11. Minutes of Cabinet (Pages 253 - 262) To receive the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 6th December 2017.