You have questions. We have answers!

What are the ingredients in PigOut® Pigless® Rinds? • The full list of ingredients and nutritional information can be found here: pork-rinds

Are they keto/low-carb? • While our Pigless® Pork Rinds are not keto they do have the flavor and texture of “traditional” pork rinds. These are great for those who want to reduce their sodium, saturated and intake. Our Pigless® Pork Rinds have 75% less sodium, 67% less and zero cholesterol!

How do you make pork rinds without any pork? • Our Pigless® Pork Rinds deliver all the flavor and texture of traditional pork rinds but are entirely plant-based. This provides a delicious for people who love traditional pork rinds but are looking for alternatives that are lower in sodium, cholesterol and trans or for those looking to reduce their meat consumption; and lastly for those who would not otherwise be able to eat pork rinds for a variety of dietary reasons.

Will these taste exactly like pork rinds? • While Chef Dave has been able to use his signature flavor alchemy to capture the taste of pork using plant-based ingredients, our product won't be exactly like "traditional" pork rinds for 3 reasons: it’s baked (not deep fried), it contains way less salt, and it doesn't contain collagen from skin (meaning less of a "sticky" mouthfeel and you won't get those nasty hairs stuck in your teeth!).

What’s the sodium content? • Our rinds have 75% lower sodium than "traditional" pork rinds and are lower in sodium compared to many other snack foods. Our Original Pigless® Pork Rinds have 190mg of sodium per ounce vs "traditional" pork rinds that typically have 760 mg of sodium per ounce. You can see more nutritional info here:

Do the rinds contain MSG? • Our Pigless® Pork Rinds do not contain any MSG.

Why do you have a on the bag if it's a vegan product? • We wanted to show you our pig, Bae, is truly happy because it’s on the outside of the package, not the inside!

How big are the bags? • We have two sizes of PigOut® Pigless® Pork Rinds - 3.5oz bags and our snack size 1oz bags.

What are the official Pigless® Pork Rinds allergy statements? • Our Pigless® Pork Rind flavors are free from the major food allergens: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or soybeans.

How should I store the Rinds? • We recommend storing in a cool, dry place, like your pantry or under your bed if you are hiding them from loved ones who like to steal your .