Readiness Package for the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Readiness Package for the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Within the Framework of the National Strategy for Climate Change and Vegetation Resources August 8, 2016 Climate Change and Environmental Services Unit Management Office on Forest Support and Development National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY: Climate Change and Environmental Services Unit (UCCSA), Development Management and Forestry Development (GEDEFF), National Forestry Corporation (CONAF). Angelo Sartori, Forestry Engineer, Diploma and Master's in Business and Administration (MBA) in Sustainable Management. Osvaldo Quintanilla, Forestry Engineer. MSc in Social Ethics and Human Development and Diploma in Government and Public Management. Javier Cano, Degree in Geography and Regional Planning. Official Master's in Geographic Information Technologies for Regional Planning. S.I.G. (Sistemas de Información Geográfica [Geographic Information Systems]) and Remote Sensing. Jaeel Moraga, Forestry Engineer, Degree in Environmental Restoration and Environmental Rehabilitation. Wilfredo Alfaro, Forestry Engineer, Masters in Science in Engineering Hydrology. Gabriela Soto, Veterinarian, Masters in Science and Masters in Forested Areas and Nature Conservation. Nuvia Briceño, Forestry Engineer. Paula Vilches, Administration Engineer, Major in Human Resources. Team at the Social and Indigenous Affairs Unit, Executive Secretary, National Forestry Corporation (CONAF). Guido Aguilera, Forestry Engineer. Masters in Economy and Regional Management. María Victoria Colmenares, Degree in International Studies. Masters in Integrated Environmental Planning. Valentina Letelier, Psychologist with a Social Community approach. Diploma in Generic Management Skills and Diploma in Social Environmental Studies. Pamela Hidalgo, Geographer. Kenia Neira, Forestry Engineer, Forestry Technician. WITH THE COOPERATION OF: Heads of the Regional Forestry Department, National Forestry Corporation (CONAF). Víctor Quezada Bascuñán, Region of Arica and Parinacota. Enzo Solimano Fernández, Region of Tarapacá.
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