Nidevtip OWNSMAN

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Nidevtip OWNSMAN 'Three i- nothing wrong "Ir ;con nigh to avoid for- the iinichinery of the nit„ D'L eign collision, you had better H EAD United Nation• except the „,H.„ abandon the ocean." “. CL.V1' m. —TRVGVE LIE In order time for NIDeVtip OWNSMAN NUMBER 29 ening, or VOLUME 60, ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, APRIL 29, 1948 PRICE, 5 CENTS In ahead retiring Daylight VIEWS Two Teachers Elected Call Town Meeting To Act On In 1 Slinday OF To School Department Miss Luella M. Dunning and Mrs. Louise B. Low Rent Homes For Veterans • THE McQueston Appointed To Fill Vacancies Special Session May 18 To Decide Two new teachers were elected the annual department have had several years' to the Andover school department Primaries Id Saturday, teaching experience. Upon Accepting Housing Authority NEWS at a special meeting of the school rooms from Miss Dunning comes to Andover A special town meeting for direct cost or loss to the com- By LEONARD F. JAMES committee Monday night. Draw Only 'n completed with a wealth of background, train- Tuesday evening, May 18, in the munity, but a small appropriation Miss Luella M. Dunning was %Ion Auxil- The mere passage of a law ing and experience. She graduated 103 To Polls Municipal auditorium has been of $50 0 will be asked, If adopted elected to take the place of Mrs. from the State Teachers College, May be ob. does not necessarily solve a called by the Board of Selectmen here, to cover incidental ex- Emma G. Carter who has accepted DeKalb, Illinois, received her Bach- a Mules, 65 problem. Yet people persist In Democrats Elect Town to determine whether or not the penses. This sum, Chairman Roy a position at Russell Sage College, elor of Arts degree from Carroll ;nes WaIdle, luding themselves that any Committee of Eight by town wishes to establish a Hous- E. Hardy said, is based upon an de Troy, N. Y. College, and received her Master of Mrs. Mar- issue can be resolved once a law ing authority under Section 26K, estimate by the State Housing 'Mrs. Louise B. McQueston of Arts degree from Boston Univer- Write-In Vote Inut street. is passed. There are those who Chapter 121 of the General authority. North Andover was elected to the sity. The presidental primaries Tues- d to bring yet insist that World Federation Laws. vacancy caused by the resignation Miss Dunning is now teaching day drew 103 of the town's 8823 Under the act rentals will be le. If they If this Housing authority is awaits only legislation. of Miss Margaret Bartley of Law English in the Presque Isle Normal registered voters to the polls. Of at prices veterans can afford. The will look at Palestine they should approved by the town meeting rence, who has accepted a position .school in Maine. She has taught for this number 79 voted the Republi- quotas earmarked for each com- be convinced that community of steps will be taken immediately on the faculty of Phillips Academy a number of years in Stoneham, can ballot and 24 the Democratic. munity are three percent of the must to participate In the housing pro- interest and agreemppt and will begin her new duties in the and had the opportunity of teach- assessed valuation, or approxi- One thing the primary did was grain made possible by Chapter always precede a law it the de- fall. ing in Smyrna and Allepo, Syria. mately $500,00 for the Town of to establish a Deinocratic town 200 of the Acts of 1948, the pur- sired objective is to be attained. All members were present when Miss Dunning has traveled on the Andover. committee. Although no candi- pose of which is to provide low Two weeks from now Great the meeting was called to order, and continent sled in the United King- The money will be obtained by dates had been entered, voters rental housing for veterans. Panda gives up her mandate in also in attendance was C. Carleton dom. the issuance of notes or bonds wrote in eight names, and as there The new Veterans' Housing Palestine. Five months ago the Kimball, representing the Andover Mrs. McQueston will teach in the guaranteed by tile Commonwealth were 10 positions to fill, the eight Act can be adopted or rejected by rotted States persuaded the Taxpayers' association. West Center school. She graduated were declared elected. as to principal and interest. The necessary two-thirds of the mem- each city or town as the voters The committee voted to go into from the Kansas State Teachers They are: James J. Darby, 125 bers hf the United Nations As- decide. Under it there Is no (Continued on Page Fourteen) executive session to discuss the College and taught in the Andover Main street; Michael Burke, 393 sembly to vote for the partition qualifications of the candidates for schools for three years. Her return North Main street; Jeremiah J. of Palestine into Jewish and the positions to be filled, and Mr. will be welcomed by all those with Daily, 12 Chestnut street; Henry Arab States. The 'law' was Kimball withdrew after stating that whom she came in contact during J. Dolan, 99 Chestnut street; Andover Chapter, D. A. R. he would like to know the procedure (Continued on Page Eleven) that time. James Doherty, 21 Harding followed by the committee in elect- The next regular meeting of the street; Joseph A. Horan, 6 Avon ing teachers. committee will lie held Tuesday, street; Walter E. Mondale, 6 Flo- To Meet in Abbott House Both new members of the school May 11. rence street; and John Kelley, Holt road. Elaborate Organization Program Planned By How much should There was no contest locally on New Group For May 5 In Historical Setting Fred H. Eaton, 75 Dogs Entered the Republican ticket. John The Priscilla Abbott chapter of American Legion; Miss Mary Adams of 15 Stratford road, was the Daughters of the American Bailey, commander of the All- baby weigh? Attorney, Dead In First Fox Hunt elected to the state committee for Revolution will hold its organiza- Women's post of the Legion; Mrs. Had Long Been Andover Sportsman's the Fourth Essex district. tion meeting Wednesday, May 5. George Cilley. president of the The 20 elected to the Repub- at 2:30 o'clock at 70 Elm street. Auxiliary of the American Legion; Prominent in Various Club To Stage Run lican town committee are: Eliz- Through the generosity of Mr. George Russell, president of the C. Civic Affairs In West Andover and Mrs. Ernest S. Young, the local chapter, Sons of the Amer- Attorney Fred H. Eaton of 60 The Andover Sportsman's Club (Continued on Page Fourteen) present owners, the meeting will ican Revolution; Miss Charlotte tif Central street, one fo the best- expects to run 75 or 100 dogs thus take place at the home for- Underhill of the Andover His- known lawyers of Essex county, Sunday in Its first fox hunt of the Investigate Break merly known as the Deacon Isaac torical society; Mr. and Mrs. died Wednesday morning at the season. Abbott Tavern where Priscilla William A. Trow; Clifford Mar- Lawrence General hospital. Long Members will gather at the At Service Station A bbott lived. shall, president of the Andover associated with the civic life of home of Al Gallant on Greenwood Among the invited guests at Historical society, and Mrs. Mar- Police are investigating a break Lawrence and Andover, his death road about 4 o'clock when break- the meeting will be: Mrs. Warren shall, and officers of the Massa- discovered early last Monday morn- will be mourned by those who knew fast will be served to open an S. Currier, state regent; Mrs. chusetts D.A.R. ing at the Tompkins Service sta- cell-day program in the woods of Herbert McQuesten, vice-presi- The organizing members of the him. He was 73. tion, 416 North Main street. Two West Andover. dent general; Dr. and Mrs. Claude new chapter are particularly He was born in Lawrence, Sept. suspects were questioned but were Besides local dogs, entrants St. Fuess; Miss Margaret Hearsay: pleased that Dr. Fuess has con- 6, 1874, the son of James H. and later released. State police found Supt. Kenneth L. Sherman of the sented to be present to share with Elizabeth F. (Jenness) Eaton, at- are expected from Lowell, Tewks- two sets of fingerprints at the them his vast knowledge of tended Lawrence schools and Phil- bury, Gloucester and Rockport as scene. local schools, and Mrs. Sherman; An- well as front Rhode Island and Commander Vincent Stulgis of the lips Academy, and in 1897 received Willard 0. Tompkins of 15 Union (Continued on Page F'ourteeni his bachelor of laws degree at Bos- (Continued on Page Six street, owner of the station, re- ton University Law school. ported about $120 in cash and $400 ORIENTAL AND Ile entered the practice of law worth of equipment Missing. In- WCCM To Air RUGS DOMESTIC RUGS with Charles U. Bell and later be- cluded in the loot were three tires, CLEANED—MOTHPROOFED—REPAIRED The average baby weighs about Punchard Wins CARPETING EXPERTLY CLEANED :JE came associated with the Honorable five auto heaters, nine tubes, two Townsman News IN HOTELS - THEATRES - HOMES 7 pounds at birth and doubles Fred N. Chandler until 1936, when Two Ball Games 135A, h.p. outboard motors, two 31/2 The first of a series of broadcasts —ORIENTAL RUGS A SPECIALTY— his weight in 5 months. But that he retired from law. A son, James h.p. outboard motors and two re- ',used upon news appearing in the Otash Rug Cleaning Co.
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