t"°Franklin news-recorD

f~Vol.25, No.45) Telephone(201) 725-3300 Twosections, 40 pages Thursday, November17, 1977 Secondclass postage paid at Manville, N.J., 18835 S4.50per year/15 cents per copy Threatens to smashcamera Hunting sparks protest Weiner demands by Jane Petroff discharge of firearms in close ManagingEditor proximity to the popular canal \ towpath that draws hundredsof Joggers, equestrians, bird watchers families... andlocal schoolchildren .. \r and hunters may beperfectly com- each week. patible in a spacious forest where According to James Amen,director staffer’s film paths cross no others, and a hiker of the canal commission,the area in might walk a country mile before questionis "onlyabout 1,000 feet at it’s encountering another humanbeing¯ widest point. You’dhav e to take away by Jane Petroff also of HUD,during a discussionof the Put all the sportsmenlisted above someof that space for the canal and ManagingEditor Edgemere complex’s income and onto a narrow strip of land locked the towpath, whichwould be excluded operating expenses. betweena canal and a small river, and from hunting." Duringan official public meetingof The expenseswere being scrutinized the picture might change. Mr. Amenpointed out that because the Franklin TownshipRent Leveling by the rent leveling board in order to Horsebackriders and joggers could he is an employeeof the state, he will Board last Tuesday evening, determineif Mr. Wetheris entitled to say the hunters pose a threat to their have no vote in the final decision. Edgemere owner Tex Weiner at- a hardship rent increase at Edgemere safety, as well as to their peace of "Generally," he added, "the com- tempted to seize a camera belonging of 5 percent, as they recommendedon mind. Hunters, on the other hand, mission does give some weight to my to Franklin News-Record staff Sept. 6, or of the 9.5 percent HUDhas might remind the other nature-lovers advice." photographer Steve Goodman. authorized. Discussion of these ex- that they havean equal right to use the Although he says his mind is not Mr. Weieer threatened to "smash panses was the central issue of the state-owned forest. They could also completelymade up at this point, he tour camera" if the photographer meeting. mentiontheir sense of responsibility tends to agree with opponents of the refused to yield film containing shots After photographingthe officials, for reducing New ’s deer plan. of Mr. Weinerand of public officials Mr. Goodmantook one picture of Mr. population, which has grown at an "I don’t think it’s a good idea in conductingthe meeting. Weiner, his son Joshua and John alarming rate during the past several general," he stated. "If it wouldwork Saxon, general manager of the years¯ as proposed by Fish and Game,with a .’b MS.. GOODMANtook several apartment complex whowere seated strictly enforced amount of limited photographs of Franklin Code En- together. He then asked Mr. Weinerif TIlE SITUATION is hardly hunting, that wouldbe fine, but..." forcement Officer Paul Nyitrai, he was amenableto having his picture hypothetical. Aproposal by the State Ronald Santa, director of Loan taken. Mr. Wether replied he would Division of Fish, Game and TIlE PROBLEM,he continued, is Management and Property allow no photographs. Shetlfisheryto allow limited huntingin that "just as it’s impossible for Disposition for the Department of Mr. Goodman gathered his a 500-acre strip of land betweenthe rangers to restrict hunting when Housing and Urban Development Delaware and Raritan Canal and the there’s no huntingpermitted at all, it {HUD), and Encarncion Loukatos, (See WEINER,pg. IS-A) Millstone River, from RockyHill to wouldbe equally impossible for the just below the Millstone Causeway, gamewardens policing the area if has caused a ground swell of protest hunting were allowed." fromarea residents whouse the state- Although Mr. Amenis "not opposed operated park for recreational pur- to hunting," and pointed out that Council endorses poses. without it "we’d have serious The residents, manyof whomlive in problems with overpopulation of the Griggstownand RockyHill section game,"he fears the park is simplytoo of Franklin and Princeton Townships, narrow. plan to turn out in large numbersat an Bruce Hamilton, a Franklin HamiltonStreet study informal hearing of the nine-member Townshipresident whoserves on the Delaware and Raritan Canal Com- canal commission, agrees. and see where we go from there." mission on Nov. 30. "Without seeing the map and the by AndyLoigu towpath area, I know it’s a very Staff Writer At its regular meeting on Thursday, The hearing will provide an open Nov. 17, at the Franklin municipal forumfor those whoobject to the fish narrow area, and I think it wouldbe and gamedivision’s proposal to grant quite dangerous to have hunting At Thursday night’s Franklin building, the council will again con- sider the essentials of the Hamilton temporary, one-weekhunting permits there," he said. "But I want to hear Township Council agenda session, opinions fromall sides." plans for hiring professional planners Street project. to 20 sportsmen per week. Two Hamilton Street merchants, Beauty and brains Scheduled to take place in the He noted that the mood on the to study Hamilton Street and work commissionis in oppositionto hunting together with the couple to develop a Sanford Haberman and Michael Franklin Townshipmunicipal building )Inn for redevelopmentof the street Paeilio, were at the Tuesday night BarbaraRowan, a seniorat St. Peter’s at 8 p.m., the meetingis also expected in the canal park, but that the mem- session. Speaking for the Hamilton HighSchool, wasa Franklin Township to bring out hunters and rangers from bers intend to weighthe pros and cons were discussed. objectively before makinga decision. The only council memberwho felt Street Merchants Association, Mr. contestant in the Franklin Jaycees’ the NewJersey Parks Department, ~,.~,.~::.~.. ,. Haherman said, "While different Junior Miss Pageantat SomersetCoun- which oversees patrolling and "Certainly the commissionis not the professional planners wouldnot be invulnerable to public opinion," Dr. necessary was Dr. Joseph Marline. He merchants may have different needs ty Vocational and Technical School. maintenancein the canal park. and different ideas, we all have one Additional photosand a story are on Hamilton said. "If you get massive said, "I’ve been disappointed by OBJECTIONto the proposal is turnout one wayor another, certainly Horsesand hunters? studies before. It doesn’t take an thing in common;we need pedestrian page17-A. expert to see the street needs (Steve Goodmanphoto) many-pronged. Primarily it centers on the danger of allowing the (See HUNTING,pg. IS-A) Thisis the questionbeing posed by opponentsof a proposalto allow limitedhu nting sidewalks.I say let’s put sidewallsin (See STUDY,pg. 2-A) in a sectionof the Delawareand Raritan Canal Park. Cathy De Young, riding Bear- cat, and her coml~antion Frank Santora, on Apples, are amongthe many equestrianswho use the canal towpath,pictured above.They fear hunting may posea dangerto themselvesand to other recreationalusers of the path. Hunters believedifferently. the Pillar of Fire (Steve Goodmanphoto) Zarephath: Kindergarten teacher still burning as brightly? hired for Pine Grove

Editor’s Note: This article is the drives and broadcast of syndicated the waya Christian communityshould Relief is on the way for severely finishing touches on an alternative first of two parts. See next week’s programs, offerings given to operate. Unless changes are made, solution. Later in the meeting he issue for a continuation. overcrowdedkindergarten classes at missionaries, farm surplus sales and this will soon become an Pine Grove Manor School. revealed that he was considering the sale of property. anachronism," said a memberof 50 Superintendentof Schools RonaldA. transferring a number of kin- by Ellen Kolton-Waton years whoasked not to be identified. Whyte.~ announced at the regular dergarteners from Pine Grove Manor Staff Writer TOAN EXTENT, the Pillar of Fire board of education meeting Monday to MacAfeeRoad School. is structured like a medieval feudal Says Frank Crawford, a successful Princeton businessman wholeft the night that he wouldhire a new full- Neither the board nor the several ZAREPHATH-- This strange- society, evenat Zarephathto the point time teacher to reduce the tnachec-to- Pine Grove parents present at the of being surrounded by a moat--the church decades ago: "They (the sounding place in Franklin Township leaders) discourage contributions of pupil ratio in the kindergarten from meeting were willing to postpone a is a living shrine to a fundamentalist, Raritan River on one side, the the members."He charges that those over 25 to one, to an averageof 17.5 to decision. Even though board evangelical religious movement DelawareRaritan Canal on the other. one in each classroom. discussion focused on other matters Thosewho live on and aroundthe main whohave a particular skill to offer are begunat the turn of the century. not encouraged to advance. Mr. Accordingto the principal of Pine for several minutes, an impassioned The majority of the 100or so people SO-acre campus--the church owns Grove Manor, George Dixon, Lillian plea from Sue Triseari, whose closeto 900 acres near here-are like Crawford said he left because "what living in this small hamlet--manyof little ambition I had was waning." Green was hired early Tuesday daughter is enrolled in a kindergarten them elderly--are members of the serfs. morning for the new kindergarten class nowbursting its seamswith 30 children~broughtthe board’s attention Pillar of Fire Church,an offshoot of :: i::i ~.i;i}i~i~i i i~ii:).iiiili:iiiii:::!ii:iiiii!ii!!ili::ii!iii:::::i!iii:iiiii:.iiiiiiii:.iii: LEADERSHIPIS A TICKLISII post. Prior to that she wasa part-time the Methodist Church. subject. The president andgeneral compensatory education teacher at back to the issue. Zarephat is the international Toan extent, the Pillar of superintendent, Bishop Arthur White ; Sampson G. Smith Intermediate headquarters of the Pillar of Fire is close to 90; his healthis failing and School. A SUBSEQUENTobservation from which has other branches throughout Fire is structured like a manysay he is moreof a titular head Following a one-and-a-half-week board president Harry Van Houtin the country, in Londonand in Liberia. than an actual leader. period of orientation and classroom ¯ providedanother strong’call for rapid The movementhowever, is showing medieval feudal society, preparation, Ms. Green will welcome administrative action. signs of decline: within the last decade even at Zarephath to the Next in the hierarchy are Bishop her newkindergarteners to their first "Theboard Ires said wedon’z care if about half the schools and mission White’s daughter and son.in-law, day under her instruction on Nov. 28. the balancegets downto zero, wedon’t posts havebeen closed or sold, leaving point of beingsurroun- Arlene IWhite) and E. Jerry want kindergarten classes with this a remainderof 34. There is nowtall by a moat. Lawrence although they seem l TIlE DECISION to solve the amongthe leaders of transferring the ded reluctant to take hold of the reins, overcrowding problem ht Pine Grove (See KINDERGARTEN,pg. 18-A) headquarters to Denver, whereit was i}iiii ?jiii~i ~iili i ili ~iiii!~! ~i;!iiiiiii}i~:i iilii}i while her father is still alive. in this mannerwas not an easy one for founded and where there is more Dr. Whyte, Despite increasing activity today. In exchangefor the church-related :~iii!’iii::ii:~i~ii:~!ii:~ iiii}:i::~ ~}:ii!:i:: i:ii:!~, ::i: pressure to hire a full-time teacher If you’ve heard of Zarephath, workthey do, be it in the office, in the from the majority of the school board, chances are that it’s been in con- schools, at the pulpit or on the air Aired Whlte’s name is as well as from alarmed Pine Grove andinside ... nection with its radio station WAWZ- waves, they receive a home or an I parents, Dr. Whytewas tentative in FM "the voice of faith and in- apartment. Their utilities are paid; spoken frequently Iand his committmentto the plan. arts ...... I-B spiration." they receive food, some , with reverence at l He cited three reasons for his fornm ., ...... 4-A Butthat is only a fraction of the total tuition and a living allowance"based hesitation: occupying an additional Jersey i’i~y~ii,": ...... 16-A operation. The church owns and runs on individual need," according to E. Zarephath. classroom at the school could affect letters ...... S-A Jerry Lawrence, vice president and Zarephath which includes the Alma the music program, which now obituaries ...... 5-A White College, Zarephath Bible junior bishop. The stipened ranges operates in the one free room;another 9-A from $75 a monthfor a single school sports ...... Seminary, Alma White Preparatory Whowill succeed Bishop White is full class might similarly affect (high) School, the TempleChristian teacher to $600 for couple with four special resourcefacilities; anda full- children. also a ticklish issue. Duringone in- time teacher’s salary would consume VERDI THROCKMORTONstill DaySchool in BoundBrook, a library, terview Dr. Jerry Lawrencesaid he a print shop and the Pillar of Fire Although the Pillar of Fire Com- balance of funds remaining in the waits it out. For an update on the Farm, which provides vegetables and assumed he would becomethe church schooldistrict’s accountfor teachers’ farmer’s protest against eviction bv munity appears to be fueled by the head"at the demise"of his father-in- eggs free of charge to the residents. faith of its residents, there is also a salaries. the o~cr of the land he has lived on law. Ona subsequentoccasion he said Although the board had authorized Zarephathalso has its ownpost office dampeningundercurrent of dissension "that information is incorrect. for 18 years, see page11-A. and zip code. and lack of confidencein the leaders. him to employ a full-time teacher assume Arlene Inow assistant during its conference session on Nov. Accordingto papers filed in behalf ISee part two, next week.) superintendent will carry on the FRANKLIN GIRL SCOUTS are of the radio station with the Federal And while Zarephath has all the 10, Dr. Whytesaid on Mondaythat he getting ready for the holidays in a Communications Commission, the amenities of a self-sustained village, tradition of her father. Robertand I didn’t think "that to quicklystate ’this (Miss Lawrence’sbrother-in-law) will special way with Heritage House, assets of the Pillar of Fire here are in manyof those living here are doubtful workwith her cooperatively." is the way to proceed’ is the best L JERRYLAWRENCE andArlene White Lawrence met while studyingat a Pillar of excess of $7 million. The revenues of its future. measure." now open at Oak Spring for tours Fire Schooland soon married. Their clothingis typical of the church-sanctionedcomefrom school tuition, radio fund "This place is nowincongruous with Heproposed instead that the board land seasonal shopping. Turn to page dresscode for consecratedworkers. (Steve Goodmanphoto) allow him a few moredays to put the [3,A. |het ranklht%[ WS RI CORD The,day. Nev.mb~ i7. |977

DO YOU HAVE DIABETES? Stateofficials to takeRoute 92 off shelf? Ifuncontrofisd b)TomLede~e~ meetingamong DOT azul federal high, I~,eders~ Princeton bl~tgemery Diabetesmnbe StsRWriter wayulflcmls andmayors offour toy, ns Township’sapprehension regarding BACKEDBY THE Middlesex- weremoved up on Ihe pnerHy list [’,or A KILLER thatwould bealfectnd byROUte 92’ the duahzationwasalso recognised bythe Somerset- Mercer Regional Study werethere any promises Ihat the HaveYours Cbenknd Thestate Department ofTran- IwOPrmcetoP.s, Montgmnery and Counel].the local offieiala had entireRoute 92 would be studied The sporlatinnhasagreed to co~suler Lawrence commissioner stronglyurged the DOT to include DOTcould chose only a portion ofthe FREE aelJoathai could lake Route 92ell the Thatmeeting, onOct 25, was caged Montgomeryofftctals said they Route~g in me environmental studyat roadfor advancement m priority TheMedioine Shoppe oheti maildyto demonstratetostate of- wouldpreler improvements tothe R~,,tie2OO. Btttt~e pp.o£isy change may be of Currentlyrelegated toa low priority fl¢iaisthat area towns were uelmppy roadsat spots, but not duabzatiou Thetwo eoofd not be studied somecomfort to Montgomeryand 631Hamilton Street thai~ould not bring completion until withme studyarea Ior an en- tramborder IobOrder separately,theofficials argued, Princetonoffietals whoare concerned lgllS,the bypass ~ill now be under vironmentslimpoet analysis ofthe becauseitwou~d not be legible toend abeutperservin S a cornderfor the scrutinybythe DOT staff for a dua~atlaaofRoute ~06 Allmunicipal officials argued Ibel a four-laneh~shway at the Mof,- propot,edroad. Development pr~sn~ Mdgy.~1o~ IS, 1977 p0SStbteearher cor~lructton dateA Prir,ceton repoesentatt’~es stxongly noimprovemenl planfor Route ~0~ tgomery-Princetonborderwztbeut in thearea Is groomsand the staffmeeting onthai possibility is condemnedtheDOT plan to extend the wouldbe practical without con, planelnla way to continue that likelihoodofbugdulg a road whan ]OAM. to6PM slaledforFriday, bulcould bedelayed sled),area of ROUte ~6to the junelion slrucbenofRoute 92 as woii traffic.Toexpect sud~ a heavy lead of expensiveconstruction zsblocking Ihe e~m.e Io *,t..o,~.1 o.l. becauseofother agenda items, ac- Thelong d,scessed roadwould run reverestocrowd onto the two-lane waywould be eons~derohly lessened. J~am~, a~oxq~l*tv cordingto JimCrawford el the ofNassau Street and Bayard Lane. (ramHighlstuwn acrnss Route ! and Route~ through Princeton would be theytear 2 ha.,*W ~ tosc.~me~ department’scommunity par- Followingthe session, held at IhronghPlalmbero and Franklin, undankable,theymathtathed. Butthe DOT wOuld not create an KnownOtube Rcs Will , Uctpotlonbrarch P’rtecet~ Day ~1, assisteof I-ash- crewingnear the border o!Pnnceton alignmentpreservation mooilnfl ! NOtge Screened waycomml~doner Donald Gcod~ind andMonlgamery townships toeonnect alr.GoD.led, however, made no afterthat environmental fm,pac.I No/u~eim~t ~,v ~%’IIATPROMPTED that recon- saidbe reengulzed that zt would prom~sethat the two roads would be analystsiscompleted, ~.lrGoedklrx prehaelynot be desirable oreven toEoule ~ near the inlersectiou with said sideraliOn~as a ~ell-atteeded tenableinwiden ROute ~ within the CherryVaney Road inelndedina single study If .l~ute.~

merchantsas~r.infl~ ~a~not mayorreported, would be the by theplanners We mustNodiscus~onwasheldovex Ocm~rstswith sincere non- thatPatero Schwartz ar~ ~isethe ~ alo~ze,Cotm- stretchfrom the Franklin eesurethat the project iswell. theprojected SiXMile Run partisanoflaris inbehal/ of Byrneare also trying tohel: cllmanPhilip Beachem StateBank to the New defined,withestabhshed steps Reservoir.orthe Sun’ey Inn Rdgamere"Nancy has a rightthem" ( I ( ~tmuedfrom Page One sympaddaedwith the mer- Brunswickborder Support andgoalsThenitweden’t likeall~ed violations ofserving toddfer with Republicans," Themayor attempted t chants,noting, "11is in the irommerchants would be whatis being done, we can elcohoitominorsTbeeounull Mr.Me~Sner said, "but she calmIbe dispute. ~ymg. "The we needpedestrian and bestlate, asia of the township solicitedduring the next six stoptI and not throw money willlook into these matters al could pot that behind her and eteetionIsbehind us nowI ,~h,eof.....,.... beat. to helpthe merchants,months.Tokeep e~ts down. awayWe needa s~gedap- anothermeeBng cooperatewlth the human wantno more distress The \\ taxiserwce Iraelndtothe area to bring in becauseiftheir financial merchantswould do most of proachwith something in concertoatEdgemere rather counciltable is no place for ptelureimproves, they can the"legwork." headded. ¯ rilinglodelermmewbereweTownship Manager Harry thanlurn them into political suchharllsan debate bir hirem~re halp, and provide Itebnd~¢fing ~z~erwews and are~g to go Aed bofo~e the Ger~reported heis meeung issues" btessne~~sentitled asa TIlE MERCHANTS betterlax base for the doingmiscellaneous paper plannersdraBtha"spees,"wewiththe Somerset Valley MS Henryanswered the privateclhzefl. [orepOrl what associshOnhasrequested the townshipinthe future " workthemselves under the shouldput some input into it OfficeCenter concerning charges,saying, "Atleast 1oo heconsiders iofraelions ofthe councilprovide $14,000 tofund MayorJohn CuBan reportnd planner’ssupe~tsion Afterall, they’d bestudying farmlandassessment. Mr. callshave been made to the law to the appropriate Itheprofessional study"If we thatthe goal for Hamilton onelenlh of the town Gerkiawill present a report in policeatEdgemere that there aulho~itiesHedoes nol need a hadthe wharewztheg todo the Streetwuld ha makingtt DEFENDINGthe need for "Wealready know that ~o,xeohs wasnobeatWbydothey tlhe cou~ll resolalion todo d, I’m planning."said Mr Pactho, moreattractive forthe an- hiringprofessionals, the some stretches ofHamiRon Edgameremanagement)havesure7,Is Henry had sincere "’wewould have already done proximately 30business mayorsaid. "Pl~0¢e~s~ of SIl~ethave mud instead of H ourselves" alreadythere, rather then tuning,where to pot lights. sldeWaiks,Bedl wouldhke to TOwardsthe end of the to waste the police depart- inlenlions inthe pubhc m- SirHaherman and Mr seekingaddthonat firms to .:.’hatshould he and what seesnme empty lots built into meehng. Ms, Henry and Mr. meal’sde~,n’t valuablethe landlord time Whypost teres~ an thai Iorrather what thanshe dul waste 1 feelour Paethotold the council they locate inthe area. shouldnothe are qtzestions themalls Withaptsnandastndy, Beachamvoiced their feelthgs emergency number where he lime over divisive que~llorls needthe funding because the Thescope of the study, the lownshlpneeds advice on We wecan gel grant money " onthe issue ofrent co~rul for could momtor Iundmg singlefamily dwellings, MScan be reached ~ When1 gavelike Ibis. we should devote our programsthe statehas TIlECOUNCIL also Ronrysofd,"WemUstgolora theflyer out I wantedthe energies to doingsomething availabletohelp us " discussedpassing anamend- delimtton ofdwelling," Mr.poopte thatI of wanted Edgemere Iohelp tothemknow andpositive m the)’earin Frankhn ahead" Township PHILIPH.ZASSLER, O.D., M.ED., ED.D. CouneHmemberNancy mCnlIo the existing noise Beachem agreed, Hem~asked, "’Some~dte and contrulm’d,uarceLastwinter Tewnshzp Attorney Thomas Franks tospeak on women’s ro|e OPTOMETRIC EYE EXAMINATIONS NewBrup.swisk have gotten someresidents complained fundsfor redevelopment, so abeul Snow removal Caffertys~fed three or by appointmentonly wbyhavenq we~’’ She insisted maehmos,and referred tothe molewording units for (he as defioftion appropriate ofa BELLE Franks. MEAD PhD. -- director V~olelofCo.aulborthe "Women inof Therapy the book,.~ew thecOuncd make stronger noisecontrol ordinance dwelling 3 DARROWCOURT KENDALL PARK offorlstogain similar Funds ASa resultthetownship was CarrierpsychologyFOuedation.wtB department oFspeahIhe Ps)cbolherap*esChanging Society.’"a forDr Themayor noted that neigh- notable to use the machines (SouthBrunswick) be,hoodpreser’*’atlon fundingThe problem the township CouncilmanRichard on "TheChanging Role of Franksis also an edjgnel wishesIo resolveishow to Messnerthen expressed Womenm Teday’sSociety" to p~fessorofpeyebeIof.~ inthe ofperhaps $100,000 peryear amendthe oedmance with dismayovera Ryeroignedby businesswomen of the Per- graduateprogram nfelirdeal TEL.:(201) 297-0336 couldbe available, haladded hisHenry m eonneetJonwith BanalProduels Consumer ps)ebelngyat Rutgers Ihalfor Franklin tobe engible. provisionsforthe use of ~’oidemsa~Ed~emez’e RospomeCenter on Tuenda). Unlve~its.anda frequent it hadIo presenl a plan emergencyvelaeles ~ov22, at 10 a m atthe speakeronIhe psyehnlsg) of "That’s.xhy the professional "tl we don’tpass an studs"we arelathing ahaul amendmentto thisno~se Centerin ,~ewBrunswick women wouldbe t~orth~hde, hesold. eomroiordinance." Mr Cutien "1 AMHURT, Mr Messner addinghe does not wan! to slated"..... int..... Couldsaid "lhata h .... i ...."as Dailydevotions subjectof talk "justgive the money a’.vay ’" ha~’elaw stats from pee~ie made lato a partisanpottttea Mr,Cohen slated, "’We must overeverysnowplawthethasissuejust days before the Mr Bauer is P’xecullve Princetonauthor Fred haveconlrul 0~rwhal is done togooutalsam eleohon"MsMessnersaulhe Editor of GuidepostsRauerwin speak al Christ mteed$to put the flyer before maga~ne Hm book. "’Dady Congregationat 8 p in legalauthoritte~ m Trenton Guideposts. 1P77." contamnd Thursday.Nov]7. His topic heeausehe feels tt wan dully devoUotLs for the )’ear wttibe "Bewefits (ramDMly publishedinviolation offair and was so well accepted that Devotzon" campaignpractices law. hawas asknd to write another volumeatmeditst ions "Daily SAVEA trUNDLE.. Guideposts.1978" has jusl RECYCLENnVVSPAPERS QUALITY FOOD STORES Mr.Messner credited other come off the press Salethrough Wednesday, November 30


DELl DEPT. SPECIALS r..0,ovor Fritz-Clover Northwestern CHOPPEI) r ! CHiClE. HAM ISPICEDHAMI HAM ROLL 79C,~,~I 79C’~,~, I $].39’/,~I 99¢t~. We Have Egg Nog...Ice Cubes...Heavy Sweet Cream .... Soda !FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY ! $OMERSE~ H~,HKLIHPARK BP,AOLEY GAROERS RARITAN 1483rl Z/ 3101rl 21 13501dY01k rd 25[8ome~el ~t MANVILLE Open6,mtdn,ght Open6.nudnl£hl Open6.nrdm~hi ]35Brooks Bird FLEMIHGTON VillagePlazaShop. Cir. BOUNDNROOK MILLSTONE 24~,hm St & OpenG-midnight lesionA~ 528W ,)nlonA~e C01Am~ell &R,ver Rd 203Mare St Opee6,m~dmaM Open741 0pc.6mldul£hl 3-A Thursday,November 17, 1977 I he Franklin NEWSRECORD Girl Scouts"Heritage Hall" displays panoplyof cookingand crafts Collier" lights," was prepared by the Macdonaldof Piscataway. pieces of art, woodcarvings, provided decorations, as well Hall housesthree gift shops, jewelry, candles, tree trims, ¢HOIliC ’ "Heritage Hall," a festival committee chairperson Ann kitchen helpers, stuffed toys, Heritage Committeefor sale In addition to tours for pottery, and other objects as information for a com- coordinated by Dorothy ~’FasldogJ Ce~¢er of autumnand winter holidays Freeman of Edison, the Gierllch of Edison,where girls and sleepover tote bags. in the gift shops, The booklet troops, three adult socials are Heritage sub-committee is traditional to the five coun- memorative booklet and includes the recipes used in being held for council Adecorolor~ world of celebrated in five countries headedby Ida Cariste, also of tries. recipes. and adults are invited to do A special booklet describing throughout the world, opened their holiday shopping. Items the holidays celebrated in the "Grandma’s Kitchen." volunteers and friends. The Inmr~rs Edison. Adults and high school Unique items in the small Senior Scouts participating Original illustrations for the Heritage Hall program will for a month-long program on museum include a Mexican in a "museumaide" program for sale range generally from five countries, including Wednesday,Nov. 9. Senior Girl Scouts are acting "Diwali," the lndian "feast of bookletwerecrovtdedbyRuth continue through Dec. It. as planners, kitchen helpers, , straw market scene conduct tours throughout the locentsto$Sandlncludedolls, Planned by the Delaware- and Christmasnativity scene; I Raritan Girl Scout Council,the shop clerks, and museum house. Also included in the aides for the troop tours and cooking utensils from India; tour is "Grandma’sKitchen," unique holiday program is colonial American butter featuring favorite snacks from being held at OakSpring, the adult socials planned for the Girl Scout membership. churn, butter mold, two tine the five countries, including NOTICETOMANVILLE RESIDENTS council’s 120-acre program fork, and mortar and pestle; a English shortbread cookies, and environmental center is Theholidays selected for the located in Franklin Township, Swiss cow bell, carved wood Jewish rogelach, Swiss Therewill be no garbagepickup on Thursday, Heritage Hall program are figurines, and a mountain cheesecake, Mexicanchurros, near East Millstone. More Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, horn. Indian gajar halwa (a carrot Nov. 24, FrL Nov. 25 & Sat. Nov. 26 becauseof than 3,000 adult and girl Christmas, and New Year. Alsoon display are prints by the Thanksgivingholiday. members from Rahway to dessert), and NewEngland I <"~--~ The focus is on countries with New Jersey illustrator applesauce bread. Trenton have already made international Girl Scout ThomasNest showingthe first NO.¢’AXF’IJXIII5 ¯ CAIU’E’rlNG reservations for the special Baking is in progress as Normalcollections will resumeMonday, Nov. CERAMICTILE - PMNT* WALLPAPEe centers--England, Swit- depiction of Santa Claus as a troops tour Heritage Hall, and 28th programs. zerlamd, India, and Mexico-- red-suited, bcared gentleman, Scouts are able to sample and The Heritage Hall program plus the United States of as well as other holiday purchase the sweets being 846.5757 -- ~ was originated by membersof America. sccnes. baked, Barbara Gallagher of 87nIlamih.n St.. Nmtersel the Delaware-Raritan Traditional holiday Items for the museumwere Piscataway, the chief chef of Gabriel Drakes Council’s program committee decorations from the five madeavailable by the Newark Grandma’sKitchen, carefully Commissionerof Streets to assist girl scouts in countries adorn the large main Museum, the Morris Museum prepared and tested each developing an awareness and house at OakSpring, a former of Arts and Sciences, and the recipe for the program, and appreciation of their cultural residence. The library, con- NewJersey State Musuemin supervises the baking during heritage. verted to a small museum, Trenton. In addition, natives the tours. i With the help of program features culinary equipment, of India, Mexico,and England The second floor of Heritage ~ i~]~I~/~l~/~?l~l~i?~~?~]*:)~]~]~~!)!~*~~ ~ ,, | -.:- SMARTSKIERS

¯ Bottom=filled andflat flied ¯ Bindingslubricated and release checked ~.~.1 ¯ Edgessharpened ¯ Hotwax ,3.OOoef Reg. $18. With this coupon$15.00 I Coupl~load I¢~¢ lhl wl~ltlmay’l ikll, ’ : FOURSEASONS SKI& TENNISSHOP l?,’~-" Bore Center424Rt. 20t, So. Hillsboroush 359-’J002 l>.--.l?’~"~" (5’/~milses ~so...... of SomervilteCircle- 11 miles no. of PrinceIon) ~o~+r,.tO-:::a:~,n.,O.+~,,+ ,...... ,, SAMPLESof Jewish delicacies are wrappedup by TraceyHague for saleat the Girl Scout’sHeritage House. III I I I

Is a killer Leadsto stroke High Leadsto heart failure Leadsto kidneydisease Blood Pressure Canbe detectedeasily Canbe detectedpainlessly KATHYPETRICK of Franklin Township shows Junior Scouts from Troop86 in Edisona pomadoremade of lemonwith cloves in closetsto keepthem smelling fresh during Colonial days. Can be treated [Steve Goodmanphoto) andcinnamon, preserved with orris root. Pomadoreswere used

FREE BUSINESS WORKSHOPFOR WOMEN A free seminar entitled "A Women’s Opp- ortunity...Starting Her Own HAVE YOUR Business" will be held in the EducationBuilding at Trenton State College on Saturday, ’ Nov. 19, from B:3Da.m. to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Trenton State College in cooperation BLOOD PRESSURE with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBAI. Registration is required for the free workshop.To request registration forms,please call READ- FREE (609)771-2565. SATURDAY NOVEMBER19th 10 A.M.- 5 P.M. KINGSTON

At our marvelous ROUTE27 Thanksgiving Day Buffet. With turkey, roast beef and baked KINGSTONMALt ham. With everything. I:::I Everything wonderful, I I KINGSTON,N.J. Iaod,.,~.Seatings at ’I ’3 5 v",ctory At Last I ChUdrenSaadunder,++ III I I ¯I I $6.50.CallMr. CrestiII --V’’--’’.l~nr All nfV.V.. lle I I PROVIDEDFREE OF CHARGEAS A PUBLICSERVICE BY i ,orre~rvations.[J J| DRUGFAIR WITH THE COOPERATIONOF THE ank You Manwlle. KINGSTONRESCUE SQUAD OnPl:e=quare I II SteveBalint ¯ EdithKiss - RudyMowak I ¯ I P~i=eton,N.J. II II 609-921-7500 ’ .,,o,o,,. ~o,..:~o.,....o~.ocoo.~oco-,,.I town :forum

4-A Thursday, November 17,1977

editorial Commutationfor teachers laudable, but nowwhat? Over30 billion sold

Skeptics will say that Gov. or firemen or welfare workers to Brendan Byrne commuted the jail because of illegal strikes does by Stuart trump Jr. jail sentences of Matawan no one any good. On the other WhatI wantto knowis, can a parent had to do was to get Daddyto shell out teachers because of tile support hand, permitting these people to be prosecuted for child abuse if he more moneythan he makes in a week. refuses to take his children to Mc- he received in his victorious re- defy court orders hardly sets a Whateverhappend to the McDonald’s Donald’s? "change back from a dollar" ads? election campaign from the state good example. If not, I’m sure it won’t be long You’ll notice they don’t run them teachers association, It is unkind Tile governor has vowed to before the an-pervasivekid lobby gets anymore. to suggest that that was tile push legislation calling for bin- a law like that on the hooks. Thefirst free items that entered our I wakeupatnight sometimesin a cold governor’s only motivation. ding arbitration when teachers house were RnnaldMcDonald . sweat dreaming that the menin blue Naturally, we had to have a complete It was a wise move by a man and school districts hit an im- are coming to haul me away because set. In the height of the worst energy who before entering Morven had passe in contract talks. Binding I’ve decided that our family will crisis since the invention of the been a prosecutor and a judge arbitration generally is anathema henceforth eat like humanbeings television set we drove all over 16 ’ instead of characters out of a fairy and apparently acted in an area to labor organizations, but not in towns looking for a MayorMcCheese tale. glass to completeour collection. in which his greatest expertise the field of education. Teachers It all started about three or four The entire batch were brokeninside lies. It was a eompasskmate generally find arbitration help- years ago when my daughter of three weeks,of course. move. Jall sentences for what are ful ; school boards complain they discovered that she could talk. Most Next, Ronald’s henchmencame out kids start off saying somethingsweet with free plastic coffee mugs. I essentially civil -- not criminal wind up on the short end con- and cute like, "Mama"or "Dada." -- charges are seldom prodnctive sistently. learned to hate coffee so muchthat to Mine said, "MeDona." this day I can’t even go near a coffee either in "rehabilitation" of tile Complicating the role for the pot without breaking out in brown accused or in solving the problem school boards in contract talks LATERSItE EXPANDEDit to, sweat. that led to tile sentences in tile are the budget instituted as "Rana McDona." Her next words Thenthe amazingfolks whotook the. were "Be Mac," "fren fry" and word milk out of milkshake gave us first place. an essential part of the income "Two all beef patties special wall posters on every conceivable Alternatives are many in tile tax law. It leaves the school sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions subject, ranging from sports to Mc- cases of school teachers -- youth district little room in which to on a sesame seed bun." Donald characters to historical groups, charitable organizations, manuever when preparing an- As if that weren’t enough,she soon learned that yon could get things blunders. All fr.ee, of course, with the 1 hospitals, nursing homes. The nual budgets. An imposed large FREEat Ronald McDonald’s.All you purchase of indigestible food. llst is endless of places where a settlement with the teachers NEXTTIIERE WEREdolls, T- " wise judge cmdd order these would force districts to cut back , plates, games, calendars, teachers to perform services in in other areas of the education knapsacks, a Grimmaeetransistor lieu of jail sentences, budget. radio, a Captain Crook T.V. set, a Tile goveruor deserves praise Tile governor’s battle to get Womenhelped in achieving career goals Hamburgler tape recorder, a big wheel-typebike in the shape of Ronald fl)r his move. which surprisingly binding arbitration legislation himself. did not bring tile protest one should prove interesting. New Ayear ago Christine Douglas, a 25- eomplishednol with magic, but through According to Dr. Norman Eiger, agencies, social services and unions. Thesegilts, of course, weren’tfree, year old college graduate, was rapidly on intensive managmuenttraining associated director of the Labor After a four-weekfull-time session at nfight have expected. But tile Jersey residents traditionally but try to tell that to a kid. running out of unemployment com- course for womenconducted by the Education Center, the women, the labor center, the womenentered To these items were added a golden commutation does nothing to have looked upon the home rule pensation, moneyand optimism¯ A State Universities Luborl,:ducation however diverse, shared a common their 33-weekinternships, reporting arches lawn decoration, a deep fried solve tile basic problem I what concept as sacred and probably fruitless search for workand lack of Center in cooperalion with Middlesex goal-.the desire to enter a challenging back to the center and the program’s sofa, a plastic chair anddesk set that to do about strikes of public em- will flgbt strongly to preserve funds forced her into a job as a Counly CETA. new career which would pay them staff of five professionals one day a lookedlike a fast-food eatery booth, a waitress earning about $80 a week. enough moneyto support themselves ployes. Nearly every state has whatlittle is left. week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McDonaldbed ’ Today, Ms. Douglas works for the I)ESI(;NEI) T(} IIELP to help and their dependents. The final two weeks of the program set. laws prohibiting strikes by such But no one has come up with state Department of HumanServices womenachieve their career goals and are devoted to evaluation and The trend reached its climax when employes, yet none apparently, any other possible alternative. for more than $200 a week. earning potentials, the :lg-weekcourse "WIIAT WE WANTto do is give analysis. youcould get, for the purchaseof only _ has come up with an adequate And if one must choose between A Cinderella story? Not quite. Ms. encourages participants t. realize womenindependence so that they can The first group began the program 3,467,892 cheeseburgers with pickles Douglas’ dramatie transformation their capabilities andrefine their raw take care of themselves," Dr. Barbara in January and graduated in October, solution of howto avoid them. binding arbitration and striking from discouraged job hunter to en- or 3,467,898 without, a completelff- talents. A combination of inmwative Dubin.project director, said. while the second group started a esize McDonaldlandcastle complete Sending teachers or policemen teachers the choice is obvious. thusiastic career womanwas ae- "classroom learning techniques aqd To accomplish this goal required month later and graduated Nov. 4. with four bedrooms, living room, long-term internships polished the unusual training techniques in- During the :]9 weeks the women dining area and kitchen which will participants into valuable prospective corporating role playing, directed received funds from CETA or cooknothing but burgers, fries andhot employees, an abn supported by the library research, seminars and unemployment¯Social services such pies. fact that over half tile WOlllell have films. Whereaseveryone was taught as child care were also provided. Of Didyou every try to tell a kid no? already been placed. public speaking, lobbying techniques, the original 40 participants, seven Webought the castle, but we’vehad Christine Douglas was one tit 40 public relations and counseling, droppedout for personal reasons. to delay movinginto it. The ’environmentalvote’lives unemployed or uuderemployed certain individuals were helped with Middlesex (’ounty womenselected special needs such as driving skills or OF TIIE REMAINING33 interns, 17 TIlE FOUR BEDROOMS~living from nlore than 2uOapplicants for the nlathematieal problems. have already been placed in per- state university’s progranl, fundedby room, dining area and kitchen are all by DavidF. Moore Allhough Ms. Douglas and some of manentpositions, including jobs as filled to the ceiling with eheesburgers. Considerable political courage was gubernatorial election, I’m really the federal Deparhoenlof l,abor. the other interns have teaching eer- union organizers and outreach demonstrated by Gov. Byrne, such a happy that the aforementioned en- Although InusI partieipauts, who There’s no room for us. Brendan Byrne has won another vironmentalvote erupted so deetsivel tifieatiofi, they were given more coordinators. Yearly salaries range I’m tempted to throw a cherry pie short while before the election, when rangedin age froml~.t to 55, Ilad at marketahleassets with whichto find a from $6,975 to $13,156. Francess four-year term as governor of New he said he doubtedif land-use controls in Burlington County. That’s where least a high setluol diphuna or its teaution: contents are hot) into Roy Jersey and, while the pundits have should be left entirely to local the freeholders polled the publie about new career¯ "I was a little bit Register-James,assistant director of Crock’sface. paid small heed to the existence of a equivalent, some of tile womenhad discouraged with the teaching field," the program, anticipates about an 80 governmentsbecause of the inability their issuing $1 million in bondsto buy less than 12 years of education while Ms. Douglas observed¯ "The program percent placementrate. so-called "environmental vote," 1 of manyofficials at that level to development, or conservation, think it is alive and healthyand living others had college study or teaching provided a lot of good role modelsfor withstand the pressures for tax easementson’critical areas of the Pine degrees. women.It broadened my perspective Although the remaining womenhave in NewJersey. ratables. Barrens. The vote was over- Almost half the wmnen were not yet been placed, their employment I’m especially intrigued that Gov. whelminglyin favor of the program,in on possible careers." outlook is brighter than a year ago. Our friends and pundits are un- murried, with single and separated "Everybody needed something. Byrne, when asked about the every part of the county. women each cnmprishlg about a Sometimesit was only emotional and Accordingto Dr. Eiger, training, on- ¯ doubtedlyeorrec.t whenthey say that possibility of a large statewide bond This success of the relatively un- the-job experienceand the references ¯ letter policy the income tax was the main issue quarter of tile group, uuly Iwo were peer support," Dr. Dublin com- upon which the election hinged. But issue to preserve agricultural lands familiar, although not new, idea of divorced. Morethan 60 per cent had mented. essential to securing a job have All readers are encouragedto thoughtfulpeople throughout this state through purchase of development purchaseof limited rights to lands for children and about half of Ihese Assertiveness training was par- provided them with a "feat-in-the- write lelters to the editor easements,declared that he is keenly conservation purposes should take women were the beads of their door" in a competitive market. l.etters mltSl he signed and we’re in, worriedabout the fate of our root nowin other counties, following ticularly emphasized,because as the commonenvironment, realized on interested in the outcomeof a four- households. director explained, "Youcan’t be a Leaile Hinton, a 39-year-old mother includethe writer’s"address. It election day that the more the municipality test program underway the widespreadinterest in the ouleome The group’s ethnic ulakeup-- leader if you wait to be asked." ¯ is tmr policyto print the name in Burlington County.He endorsed the of the BurlingtonCounty vote. It offers of two grown sons, remarked, "The property tax is de-emphasized,along black, white and hispanic--was as The women,who were split into two prospects are better than whenI was and address of tbe signer, but concept of easementpurehases and of a whole new open space preservation varied as the employmenthistories, names maybe withheld from with the insane competition of ballgame, letting an ownerkeep his or groups for training purposes, were on my own. The programwas a way to municipal tax ratables whichit en- transfer of development rights by whichranged from all lines of clerical, placed in internships with government get back into the workworld." print in certain circumstances courages, the better the climate for saying,"If it worksthe wayit looks on her land while selling the development sales and factory workto teaching and upon request of the writer and intelligent earmarkingof land for all paper, I’m for it." rights. A taxpayer dollar goes a lot nursing. Most earned S10I to $125 a appruval by the editor. We uses, including open space preser. Finally, departing from the farther that way. week when they worked, reservethe right to edit letters ration, commercialization, housing for length: 250 wordsis the and agriculture¯ Somerset-Middlesex preferred maximum.Ever).’ h’lt e¢in goodtaste tmncerning a locally pertinenl matter ~dl Several weeks before the election, Iw pobhshcd candidates Byrne and RaymondH. meeting planned Baiemantalked at length about the environmental attitndes they would display if elected. This was at the A regional conference on boards can save the taxpayers annual convention of the Association cost-cutting in municipal money." of New Jersey Environmental government, which may lead "Every mayor, council Commissionsat Princeton University. to a "commonmarket" among president and school board communitiesin Middlesexand president in Middlesex and Gov. Byrneat that time said things Somersetcounties, will be held Somerset counties will be which manyof us whoheard him find next month, according to invited," Mr. Schwartzsaid, very encouraging, nowthat he is re- tlighland Park Council addingthat the conferencewill elected. Things like his continuing president Dr. DavidSchwartz. be open to the public. opposition to Treks Island Dam, The conference, which will The morning session will deepwater oil ports and offshore begin at 9:30 a.m. on Satur- begin with a welcome by nuclear vower vlants, continuing day, Dec. 3 in the Highland Highland Park Mayor Harold emphasison preservation of the Pine Park High Schoolcafeteria, is Berman. Commissioner Barrens as a unique forest and jointly sponsored by the Sheehanwill then address the wetland region, and his commitment Boroughof HighlandPark and group, followed by John to maintainingthe independenceof the the City of NewBrunswick. Rasimowicz, a community Department of Environmental Keynotingthe event will be service officer of the New Protection, which he termed NewJersey’s Commissioner Jersey Department of Com- "essential to its work." of Community Affairs, munity Affairs. Mr. Patricia Q. Shaehan. In ac- Rasimowiez will discuss cepting Dr. Schwartz’ in- Of special interest was Gov.Byrne’s "Joint Municipal Pur- call for implementation of an urban vitation to address the non- chasing," which will outline environment program, to focus at- terence, Sheehanunderscored the tei~hnlcal assistance the importanceof its potential available to municipalities tention on the need for more urban benefits, stating: "Todayit is parks, big and small, and to "show from the state, whichcan be critical that loeal govern- used to save. money on dues that environmental issues are ments worktogether, that they not limited to suburban...or rural purchases. arelts." combine their efforts and Other presentations will resources to deliver vital include: Energyconservation The governor ’spoke also about the services as effeciently and as in public buildings, by Charles ’need to expand environmental inexpensively as possible." Richman from the N.J. The conference will feature Department of Energy; awareness"among all our people," so speakers from the federal and that an oeeasional lapse in Recycling, by Garret Smith of state governments, who, the U.S. Environmental bureaucratic procedure or judgment according to Mr. Schwartz, Protection Agency; and Cost cannot be pounced upon greedily by will "focus on specific, in- savings in municipal in- selfish interests to prove that all en- novative means whereby surance purchasing, by vironmentalprotection is bad. 0614..:.I municipalities and school HermanHanssler, ’n,,~lay, November17, 1977 I hc tr.rnklin NEWSRECORD 3-A letters to ’Medicine Shoppeoffers the editor diabetes screening obituaries A free diabetesscreening meal two hoursbefore being Dem leader screened.Known diabetics GladysKleiman Martin Schlussel of Temple Ilebron Cemetery, Matawan. will be conducted at The FuneralHome, 1360 Hamilton Mr. Miller was a retired ¯ Shire will be observedat the expects wins Medicine Shoppe, a will notbe tested. Theresa St., Franklin,with the Rev. house painter and was a GladysKleiman 60, of 28 Beth-El,officiating. prescription-onlypharmacy at Diabetesis thethird leading ConstantineA. Baldassare, Cart andDrivediedSun.,Nov.’ Burial took place in Mounthome of the deceased. 631 HamiltonSt, on Friday, causeof deathin the United Conovera memberofLocal264, Painters 13 in St. Peter’s Medical Tothe Editor: States andcontributes to pastor of the Somerset and Decorators Union, The Nov.18, from10 a.m.to 6 p.m. TheresaCanavera, 7S, of 156 Presbyterian Church, of- Bronx,N.Y. Center, NewBrunswick. As the township’s Thepharmacist, Sian Bialiek, serious conditionssuch as Myrtle Ave.died Nov.9 in Iiciating. He was a memberof Hub Born in Bayonne,she had Democratic Municipal is administeringthe programblindnessand circulatory and MiddlesexGeneral llospital, Burial will be in Franklin Lodge764, Knightsof Pythias, lived in Lindenbefore coming Chairman,I wishto thankthe to createawareness and help heart diseases. NowBrunswick, after a long Memorial Park, North NewYork City.. here 12 years ago. voters of Franklinfor their detect diabetes amonglocal Mr. Bialick believes the illness, . Ms. Kleimanwas a member strong votes of confidencein citizens. Registerednurses pharmacistis an important Ms.Canavera, a native of Survivingarc his wife, the of TempleBeth-El, in the the Democratic team of will performthe tests, part of the healthcare team. Norway,Mich., had lived here former Lena Goldberga son Somersetsection, and of the Byrne,Hamilton, Patero, Sch- Persons planning to be "Animportant step in con- ISyears.She had also lived in MorrisMiller At, old of Piscataway; two Sisterhood at the temple. She trolling any diseaseis early also belongedto the Sisterhood Star//ng as low wartzand Belles. tested shouldeat a balanced the NewBrunswick and North Servicesfor MorrisMiller, daughters, Bernice Woldmanat OneHome Too GovernorByrne’s plurality detection.Diabetes screenings Brunswickareas. 69, of 14 GrierRoad, who died of Franklin and Shirley Ashne Khesed of marcthan 1,100 votes in this Douglassstages canhelp identify someof the She wasa former employeeNov.8 in St. Peter’s MedicalSeisorek,with whom he live; Congregation,Linden. particular section of more than 2 million of Nobby Co., New Center NewBrunswick, were five sisters, MaryEiseman Survivingare her husband, "BatemanCountry" shows the Americanswho are unawareBrunswick. at II a.m. in the Geason and RoseItzkowitz, both of Milton Kleiman; a .son, original play ,that they are victims of the Brooklyn,N.Y. Anna Smith of Stephen of Linden; a strength andviability of our Wife of the late DominicFuneralHome, 1360 Hamilton daughter,Maxine Weinstein of local Democratic "Kapu"an original dramadisease," he states. Canavera,sheis survivedby a St., with Rabbi Martin Staten Island, Jean Anman organization. by graduate student Sharone The screening is one of son,llubert of Hillsborough;a Schlussel of TempleBeth El and Ida Mandell,both of Fort Edison; a sister, Mae The Governor’s strong Kielewill be presentedby the several free health services brother, Willi~imBartsch of officiating. Laudecdale,Fla. and eight Rosenbaumof Asbury Park showing, coupled with the" Rutgers University Theater offered regularly by The Norway,Mich; three sisters, grandchildren, and twograndchildren. MedicineShoppe as a cam- tlattie LaCountand Daisy Bornin Canada,he lived in Serviceswere scheduled for passage of the municipal Arts Departmentof Douglass the townshipfive years. Re Burial was in Beth Moses Mondayat 2 p.m. in the ThcglowcrI,ad¥ library referendumis causeof College and the MasonGross reunifyservice. Others include Payette, both of Niagara, had been a resident of Cemetery,Farmingdale, N.Y. great concernnot onlyto the Schoolof the Arts (formerly screeningsfor oral cancer, Wis., and Vinellillman of Brooklyn,N.Y. GleasenFuneral Home,1360 local Republicanparty but Schoolof Creativeand Per- high blood pressure, ZephyrHills, Fla., and a" HamiltonSt., withthe Rabbi also for the SomersetCounty formingArts) as a "workin glaucoma,and homeeye tests granddaughter¯ tteplublican organization. progress" fromNov. 11-19. for preschoolers. Serviceswere held Saturday" IRccall that the county Curtaintime is 8 p.m.at the at I0 a.m. in the Glcason I:tcpublican party’s JamesonStudio Theater on spokesmanon the council, JonesAvenue. RichardMossncr, opposed the "Kapu"is a psychological council’sresolution in favorof familydrama based in present the MunicipalLibrary.) dayHawaii. It’s main focus The Democratic party’s concernsa youngman’s strong showingin last week’s Giant identity search through the generalelection augurswell use of kahunism(magic of the for the democrats’fortunes in ancient Hawaiianpeople). tim 1979municipal election Terry A. Bennett, a newly Thereturn of councilcontrol appointedMason Gross School to democratsin 1979 will of the Artsfaculty member, is greatly benefit the townshipdirector andset designerfor becauseof the workingpart- this production. nershipwhich will be effocted Admission is $1. For betweenIhc council and the reservations and ticket in- democraticgovernor’s office formationcontact the Levin and the Democraticsenate Theater BoxOffice at (201) nod assembly. Such a part- 932-9892. ocrship will be of greater FoodtownPresents value than the arrangement whichthe Republicancouncil Merchants show has cffccted with the Republican controlled antiques, crafts Somerset County Board of Freeholders. To usher in its holiday rball , TheDemocratic Party, the season,the KingstonBusiness party of the people, en- Association announcesits c,urages broadbased citizen First Annual Antique and participationin its campaignCraft Show,to be held at the I, restore democraticcontrol Kingston Firehouse on in FranklinTownship in 1979. Saturday,Nov. 26 fromtO a.m. til 0 p.m. DennisAuciello Avariety of antiquedealers l)cmocraticblunicipal and craftspeople from the Chairman surrounding area will be FranklinTownship represented. Dorothy Op- N penhcimof Owen’sAntiques, HECKERS Appalled by fee Kingston, will feature a selection of antiquejewelry. I Tothe Editor The Now’n Then Shop of I amwriting in regardto the Cranburywill offer a display nrticlesappearingin the Nov.S of antiquefurniture, glass and issues of the RomeNews. and china. in the FranklinNews-Record Craftspeople include on Nov.10, whichstated the William Weber, colonial problems of Temple Beth pewtererfrom Blooming Glen, El of Somersetto put on their Pa. whowill be demonstrating productionof "MyFair Lady" his craft, and WarrenJeffrey 3 patternsto mixn’ match DOMINO in the l.’ranklinSchool System. Terhune of Bloomfield, tlaving been involved in exhibiting stained glass comnmnitytheater for six terrariums, mirrors and .,,’ears, l cantell youthat I am jewelry boxes of his own truly appalled.I wasinvolved design, io Temple Beth El’s Luncheonwill be available production of "Oklahoma!"on the premises. twoyears ago and it wasone of the greatest happeningsI’ve seenin FranklinTownship. It ALICEMURRAY IlONORED wasn’ta religious happening, Alice Murrayof Somerset, .it Wasa communityhap- was recently honored by pening. Theexcitement, in- MiddlesexGeneral Hospital wdvementand support of the for 500hours of volunteerwork peoplewas magnificent. withthe hospitalitycart. Tim Board of Education Ms. Murray was one of feels that TempleBeth El arounda dozenarea women shouldpay nearly $5,000for whoreceived awards for 5,000 use of the school. This 3,0002,000 and S00 total hours absurdamount only indicates of volunteeredservice at the Welchade39*Cira°llbeOrrryi°’n that the Franklin Boardof hospital. Drinks%o. ¯ ¢ p’;’vlta =~o, Fducatinndoes not wantany 29* Sauceh°~ 25 eachesooo AO¢ religious group to use its facilities. AUTIIORAT ROCKY IIILL JustFollowThis Schedule to Build Please bc awarethat the 0 completeservice for 4, 6, 8, or more. I school is not wanted for TheMary Jaoohs Library in religious purposesbut for a RockyHill is proudto present I cultural experiencein which Avi, well-knownauthor of rNov.13-19 and~ DINNER , Ihe wholecommunity can be children’sbooks, in a special Dec.18-=4 / PLATEr~" ,~,, =nU~/-II l ¢ irwolved. program to celebrate !:29 49 Surely there must be an Children’s BookWeek on Nov.20-26andS’\ SAaD ,.. Ig~ exceptmnto the rule in the U.S. Tuesday,Nov. 15 at 4 p.m. Constitutionwhich calls for Thisprogram is entitled "How ( PaTE:=" ollDec. the separationof churchand a BookGrows" and is for ~.v;,Ii stule, in whichthe cultural childrenaged seven years and NOV.27-Dec. 3 \ ,,. ,. ,, arts arc not oppressed. older. Ro¢ll Thispresentation is free and AndJan. i-7 ,~ ~iUl"~-. ~¢~/I BeverlyGorelick opento the public.For further %. MarvinAve. information,please call the Dec.4-10 and \ ,, Somerset libraryat 924-7073. Jan. 8-14 / SAUCER~o. Dec.11-17 and ~ CEREAL/._ Jan. 15-21 ,/ Ibisschedule will berepeated for two5-week cycles.A different piecefeotured each week for !~ FREE DIABETES CHECK ~,, only59 ¢ eachwith each $3.OO purchase. ARE YOUA DIABETIC? PLUSon exciting selection of companlonpieces avalloble at comparablesavlngs throughout thls offer. IF YOUARE, CHOOSEFROM THREE EXCITING CONTEMPORARY PATTERNS FOR WOULDYOU KNOW? TODAY’SLIFE SIYI.E BUILD A COMPLETESERVICE FOR9, 12 OR MOREWITH OUR EAW-TO-BUDGET PIECE-A.WEEK PLAN, A SIMPLETEST CAN DETERMINE Sahara:warm sand tones wlth hand..paintedrlm. IF YOUARE DIABETIC OR NOT Undoand Bonnie FIeur: bethhand-palnted florals In rich sarlhtones to bdngoutdoor freshness to yourtable every. DON’T HESITATE- LET US CHECK :Jay. Mix N’ Matchthem for any occaslanlEach plece You---FREE deslgnedand manufactured with metlculousatte~tlon to THE MEDICINESHOPPE 631 Hamilton St. (AlP ShoppingCenter) Someraet,N.J. (201)247-3333 Friday, Nov. 18, 1977 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. KnownDiabetics Will Not Be Screened Besure to eata normalbalanced meal approximately 2 hoursprior to screening, NoAppointment Necessary 6-A I he FranklinNEWS RECORD Tlmrsdoy, November17, 1977 Lenore Greenberglands

"AT GRANETZPLAZA" PRjob at Bloomingdale’s DECEMBER21 thru DECEMBER30 U.S. HWY. 206 SOUTH- SOMERVILLE ..’1~ Prose.t "~ ONEOF THE Lenord Greenberg of associate director of public Accordingto store manager LARGESTSELECTIONS OF Somerset has been appointed relations and is responsiblefor Donna Barbieri, Ms. Grecn- NURSERY& JUVENILEFURNITURE IN N.J. ’dircctorofpublicrelationsand coordinationof special events berg comes to Bloomingdale’s Co,.patwof 75 w, tlJ Orc/..~tra& L~.admqG,..~t Arn~t~ ! special events at at Bloomingdale’s branch with extensive experience in MATINEESAT3 P.M.DecemUel 23, 24.26, 27.28.P9, 30 Bloomingdale’sin Short Rills. stores. both journalism and public [EVENINGSAT8 P,M.December 21.22. 23, 26. 27. 28. ?9.30 She replaces Short Hills Ms. Greonberg will handle Dally10-5z30 press relations, promotionsand relations. She holds a Men.,Thurs., Fr|. Eves.tll 8:30 resident Ruth Schwartz, who bachelor’s and a master’s has been promoted to community service for the degree, and has been a Short Rills branch. She will newspaper staffer and a MILLBURN.NEW JFRSF v STATETHEATRE of NEWJERSEY ¯ CALL526-5550 also conduct the store’s published freelance writer calendar of special events, with credits in the NewYork which ranges from formal Times. galas to an ongoingseries of In addition to serving as morningprograms featuring a public relations consultantto a wide selection of special variety of businesses and WILMAR FARM guests. institutions, Ms. Grecnberg SIT OR SL Residentperforms has conducted special events R.D. #2 Sunset Road Skillman ranging from seminars and -ONTHIS VERSATILEGROUPING FROM in twomusicals meetings to ceremonies and Riding Instruction A Somersetresident and concerts of national import. seniorat SuffieldAcademy, Ms. Greenbergis the wife of by PeggyFire, Sufficld,Conn. was a per. lighting manufacturer Robert formerin twomusical events Greenberg, president of held recently at the Academy.Seeley.Brook, Incorporated, IndoorRiding Ring I WilliamJ. Joyee, son of Mr. and the motherof two teenage and Mrs. Jack B. Joyce, ap- sons, Jeffrey and Stuart. She peared with the Academy has been active in professional Chorus in a special musical and community activities, evening for parents’ weekend including the National School Boarding and Schooling guests and again at an all- Public Relations Association, in Gracious Comfort school assemblythe following Association.and the New Jersey Press week. The chorus, under Director Ms. Greanberg has also been 874-4899 Mile Coerper, sang "Scar- Somerset County chairperson borough Fair," "All YeWho for the League of Women Voters, vice-chairpersonof the Gloria.Lave,,Music" and "Rock Franklin Township Zoning Suffield Academy is an Board of Adjustment, and independent co-educational chairperson of the Franklin boardingand day school in the Township Human Relations Lenore Greenberg Connecticut River valley. Commission. Cenacle FranklinArts Council welcomes ¯ CHOOSETHE SOFA OR QUEEN SLEEPER announcesnewexhibits divorced, singles ¯ SELECTTHE LOVESEAT ORTWIN SLEEPER pearedin over l00 galleries in A retreat workshop for Complete Your Room with the Matching Chair & Storage Table The Franklin ArtsCouncil in theatre arts at Cornell ( University. the U.S. andCanada. She is an separated and divorced men ’,,.’ill sponsorexhibits by four and womcnwill be givcn at the artists during the month of Anna Continos, also of exhibiting member of the SOFA R~g.$359.gs...Spec]al Purchase Price ...... $~ Cenacle Retreat House, 411 QUEEN SLEEPER Reg.$4S9.9S...SpectolPurchase Price ...... November. Franklin Township,spent the Guild of Creative Art in $~r] Paintings by Frances Liu last eight years working on Shrewsbury and Weodbridge River Road, Highland Park, LOVE SEAT ReR.$259.95...Speclal Purchase Price ...... $217 Chenwill be at the Franklin pressed plant collages which and spent the summerof 1977 overtheweekendofDecember TWIN SLEEPER Rag.$349.95...Specla[ Purchase Price ...... TownshipLibrary. A frequent were frequent award winners as a feature artist for the 2-4. $297 Father Frederick Lerro, It_ MATCHING CHAIR Reg.t89.95...SpeclalPurchasePrice ...... $156 award winner on the New in NewJersey arts and crafts STORAGE TABLE Reg.$144.95...SpocialPurchasePrice ...... Jersey art scene, Ms. Chen circles. Her creative abilities work can be seen at the $116 were profiled in the national Rutgers Plaza branch of the Barbara Kingston and 1 took Best in Showat the West GardenState Arts Cenler’ Her Dorothy Mennis. Father Lerro ~ EssexArt Association Show magazine,"Needlecraft." Franklin State Bank. S’J" will team with Sisters i ,--f.~t~=-.-=,~r’-, ~. ~ i ANDITS ALLAVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY After switchingto watercolors is campus minister and a ~ this year. Besides local At the main branch of the member of the faculty at e exhibits, she has been she promptly took third place bank are the paintings of ~,U ~J/~) ~__~lC FROMOUR HUGE WAREHOUSE STOCK! representedat the Middlesexin the Franklin Arts Council’s Shirley StrangTrense, former Fordham University, Lincoln ¯ CountyCollege International Outdoor Show in the member of the Franklin Center Campus, New York ¯ professional division. She I Come See... Come Save, at Festival, the Rutgers Faculty TownshipHousing Authority, valved in the ministry to !i Club the Artery Gallery and followed this with honorsfrom and nowa Metuchenresident, ROUTE 206 AT CAMPLAIN ROAD the Suburban Artists Guild, divorced and separated men ¯ ~I~T ~ in privateand public collec- She has studied with Frank and womenin NewYork. _~!N~J HILLSBOROUGH,.N.J. 874-4500=~,v,’._~ East BrunswickArts Council, Zuccarelli of Somerset and ¯ ~~-~ currentlyti°ns’ShelsalibrarianandiSanMFAcandidate the AAUWjuriedshowandthe Michael Stoffa of Rockport, City’The programHe baswill includeals° :¯been in" i ""-"~::~’~’FO~’~ i i SomersetArt Association, of Mass. Ms. Trense is a member talks geared to the needs of ¯ divorced and separated ¯ Her work can be viewed at of MiddlesexCounty and the the New Jersey National and reflection will be ¯ which she is also a member"ofArtists the Subarban LeagueArtists’of CentralNew Guild provided.pers°ns’ The membersofTimes forthe ¯ discussi°n ’ TH/IkNKSGIVI~G/f Y~=! Jersey’ taking first Prize in Susan Sona, 22, enjoys their showin 1975.The award working with lithographs of individualconsultation. ¯ / Bank’sEaston Avenue °ffice" winning painting from that The weekendwill begin at 8 ¯ animals. Her work has ap- showis includedin her exhibit, p.m.team on Friday,will and will closebe ¯ availableD R for ’ iI~ Xa on Sunday 4 p.m. The offering i for the weekendis $4o. ,| Fnll Course Bankers plan workshops I Further information maybe ¯ Turkey Dinner $5.95 obtained by contacting Sr. ’i | Thanksgivi~t~Davll, ors2-qP..~l. " The Middlesex, Somerset, Mr. Frank G. DeLuca, Barbara Kingston or Sr. [i l Union Chapter, Inc. of the assistant vice president, Dorothy Mennis at The ¯ 4mi. North of Princeton on Rt. 206 AmericanInstitute of Banking United Counties Trust Corn- Cenacle,201-249-8100. I will present a workshop en- pany. will conduct this i Reservations (201)359-6300 |, titled "Managing the work seminar. An accounting group: The nature and background is required for exercise of authority," on attendees. Monday, Nov. 14, at the Registrations for this Sheraton Inn, Piscataway. seminar maybe madeto Lois Paul E. Emberger, Jr., M.A. Wehrum,the National Bank of and Joseph L. Wions,Ed.M. of NewJersey, 460 Park Avenue, Group Training Associates, ScotchPlains, 233-9400. Lakewood,will conduct the workshop. Registrations may be made to Anthony J. Palombo, Peoples National Bank of Central Jersey, New Needa newcar? Brunswick, NewJersey, 846- 2100. The . Chapter will also present a "Financial Checkthe Statement Analysis" Seminar on Tuesday, Nov. 15, at the TownHouse Hotel tformerly Classifiedpages Holiday lnnl Woodbridgc. Think Christmas! .... it’s not too soon. The long dock strike has limited supplies of imported Christmas food specialties. So, shop early and avoid disappointment.

At this time, BeN APPETIThas a complete selection of all the traditional Christmas cakes; Stolen from Germany, Panettone from Italy, Plum Puddings and Fruit r#tto), ,,fret ,, Cakes from’ England and Ireland. ¯t,.ll ~ ~, , ,%:, / %¢ = .... and, NEWthis year:

LE TRE MARIEcakes from Italy, "Deliziosa" with apricot jam, "Baba-’ al Rhum"baked in NewJersey’s "e’gi One" a ring and "Sacher Torte" each $5.95 and / very delicious. PURDYEnglish, Fruitcakes with "Haig" Whiskey in Savings and . or "Hennessy Cognac each $5.45. With "Guiness" Stout or Ginger Wine, each $3.29. HomeFinancing Services! "~)i "~’~’~" cordially invite t~ ~. I,/~.~.’~, you to a ,’ ’,,,~.;J~’l ,,#,v.s ./":,,,,,,,. : ,~ : ’~, .oo,OPEN ’ :’ 1 C-,~’.~,e’# ~ ^ o~°2" M.] AdWldF~m ~G"3a_-~ November 19 &20 :) .~r~: ~v’~.~X~ 81MalnStreet y J , ~ Kingston, N.J. 921.31)83 ’,~ ~: ...... ;~:t~.~,,~:.,%,:.... PrincetonShopping Center .~;~ ...near Bamberger’s The ONE for your money v. ~ Fsuc Newveil Hour** L Ch~tau~Tree l Thursday, November17, 1977 I he’ hartklin NI:wSRECORD Local towns Controlling pests in the pantry Crimeprevention bureau reports: Several kinds of insects can Youcan reduce the chance material. Washthe cupboard, receive AAA infest most of the dry food era pantry pest infestation by Then lightly spray the products you keep in your keepingshelves clean and free shelves and cracks and safety awards ~ Order Your ~ pantry or kitchen cupboards. of food particles that remain crevices with a household Somepeople refer to these on shelves or lodge in cracks spray containing pyrethrins, Elaborate locks are Fourteen Middlesex an{l . ~ Thanksgwmg ~ ,~; pests as "weevils," says H.N. and crevices. Mr. Repaiz: advised. Somerset County towns were If you are presently troubled Whenthe spray dries, cover i recently honored by the AAA Repair, Senior Countyagent. Automobile Club of Central ~" CenterpieceEarly! Actually, most of them are with pantry pests, removeand the shelveswith clean paperor I beetles or moth larvae, They inspect all food packagesfrom foil bdore replacing the food’ unnecessary expense New Jersey for having no ~ .Is,, ~& the cupboard, pedestrian deaths for at least all may be called "pantry packages. one year. ~’~ Lovely, Fresh Cut Bouquets for Your pests," Mr. Repair explained. Destroy all infested Editor’s note: This is they would end up paying area in which we are going to large sums of money for do the survey, Commendation plaques ~ Thanksgiving Hostess.. another in a seres of articles were presented at a recent prepared by Chief Russell N. elaborate locks, alarms and We make our reeom- intricate security devices, mendatinns tothe homeowner awardsluncheon to officers of ~’ starting at $3.00 ~’~ Pfeiffer and the Franklin the following municipalities: Township Pot ce Department This is a fallacy, or business person based on Before the Crime Proven- our stuoy, our past ex- Milltown, eight years with no Crime Prevention Bureau, as periences and of course, the pedestrian fatalities; ~@ Special a public service to residents of lion Bureau goes out to do a home or business security vulnerability of the physical Bighland Park, six years; ~ OUR Franklin. BoundBrook and Raritan, five This WeekOnly t (ThruNov. 19) survey, westudy the situation facility weare to survey. We consider whether this is a years; Warren Township, The vast majority of people first. Westudy the patterns, three years; Franklin POTTED MUMS ,,,~’~"- feel that if theycall the Crime look at the reports and liquor store, market, clothing determine what is the most store or jewelry store, all Township, East Brunswick Prevention Bureau and and Manville, two years. One I "~ request a security survey, commonentry method in the Hkely targets. An elderly person living alone, a year awards went to FREE GIFTS Somerville, Dunellen, North housewifewith children, or an Special for Thanksgiving ~ ownerof expensive jewelry is Brunswick, Hillsborough and especially vulnerable, and South Brunswick. FOOTBALLCORSAGES "/e this, too, we take into con- The awards were based on ¯I~ sideration. reports entered in the National $2.00r,,~. s3..~t) ~ Wedo not just go to a home AAAPedestrian Safety In- ~" (Good Nov. 21-26l TO Y0[!. or business and say the same ventory Program. thing over and over again. Wc The Slate Bank of Rarilan alh’ ’ AWA/ J K examinethe risk involved. Merrill to talk Some homes or businesses offers Chrisln,as Club.’- ,’or" maynot need additional locks, to College Club X , ",dk,f ~-~T[~ ~ alarms, or devices. Perhaps ¯ @ minor changes in operating The Women’sCollege Club h, you is an e.xlra Paynlent . . . procedures are all that is will meet Monday,Nov. 21, at ~//~/~-~~ necessary. It mayonly mean 8 p.m. at All Saints’ Church. ,.’,mE.....,...ePI,.ts.ei:hrlst- \NIIIIT I/ additional lighting, better Husbandsare invited to at- ..as,:I.bs.,Iss..’.h.’:.I with control over money and tend. The speaker will be i llkI Nff valuables or better in- LelandG. Merrill, professorof the Slate" B:enk ofRarilan ’all,’,’ ~ ~/1[~ ~S ventoring. Resource ManagementPolicy We are available to make at Rutgers University. His ,I,s,,.,,~b. ,,P,..i,,~ ,our cj, riste.a. ~ suggestions on howyou can subject will be "TheShore, the -~/~/~/~/~1%~~ / Bay and the Pine Barrens". (]htb to.w, with us. If w)u e]o, there’s ~b, ~ --ql~ J substantially reduce the risk of being a victim of a burglary Llis presentationwill deal with allEX’l’llAgif’tinstorcJ~)rv()u.r " the inter-relationship of the ~. Preventing crime or robbery. " An ounce of prevention is Pine Barrens with the coastal ,+i,,,.r,,,,,stw.." ofsa.’.+,,,-’,,,ks LindaBell, a memberof CedarWood Woman’s Club, learns ways wortha poundof cure. Call the area, and public policy con- ... v<,u can (.a+ilv o|,cn a Christmas. Franklin Township cerning this. "~//~..~j~ .... to help preventintrusion into her homefrom Det. Sgt. William Prof. Merrill since 1953has Ciampaof the Franklin TownshipPolice Department. Crime Prevention Bureau at Clul). starting November 5. Just visit "~’~1.~ 297-2383 beenon the faculty at Rutgers, wherehe has been dean of the oleo of our conveuient bankiee, offices.’rice College of Agriculture and CWWCsponsors crime prevention Environmental Science and director of the Institute for 1926 ¯ 50 YEARS OF SERVICE, 1078 ~ ~r’~,. EnvironmentalStudies. He is program to members, community a member of more than 30 A special program on crime question and answer period is planning an interesting scientific and professional OFF ’ STATE preventionwillbepresentodat will follow the program. This program featuring acrylic organizations and has served the Nov. 21 meeting of the meeting is open to all mere- painting. The demonstration on numerousstate committees community service depart- bars of Cedar Wood, their will be presented by Dorothy and commissions concerned meat of the Cedar wood guests and residents of the Cheu, well known for her with rural affairs, open space ENTIRE STOCK Woman’sClub. Beginning ’at community, talent in this field. policy, etc. OF OF tlA.I~I~ V/~I.~ 8:30 p.m. at Conerly Road The seedling garden group ~/’///x;~.i[i ~i,, ’It’ School, DetectiveSgt. William will have a Christmas ¯ A. Ciampa of the Franklin workshopat their meeting on FIRST QUALITY RARITANOFFICE HILLSBOROUGHOFFICE WFITEHOUSEOFFICE Township Police Department Friday, Nov. 18 at l0 a.m. 34 Ea’~tSomerset Street 403 Route206 ScuOh Route22 andRidge Road will present movies and Hostess will be Jackie Bryne R,+r+tan.New Jersey HinsborouEhTownsh,p New Jersey Whttehouse,New Jersey demonstrations on ways to of Azalea Lane. MEmberF.D.I,C. better secure a homeagainst The creative cooking group SLIPCOVER burglars and assailants. A will demonstrate "fondue," from appetizer to dessert, at their meeting on Nov. 17 at I 8:30 p.m. at the homeof Judy Putt of Drake Road. DRAPERY Christmas decorations will be the programfeatured at the decorative crafts group HAVEA HAPPYTHANKSGIVING! i versarySale" meeting on Nov. 21 at the ( Wewill be closedThonks91vln9 Doy) FABRICS homeof Tette Tan of Boulder Lane. The meeting is scheduled for 8 p.m+ at the better alternative! Meetingon Nov. I7 at 8:30 WAVERLYPRINTS p.m. at the home of Mary fantastic sale prices in evew department! Romito of Hughes Road, the SOFTICE CREAM art department of Cedar Wood REG. NOW Here’s a sale you must get in on. Cogito’salready reducedprices (30%to 50%off regular retail) are being reduced even more!All currently selling, 4.98 4.25 wear right nowfashions at prices that will let youcelebrate. Hurryin, everyone 3.98 3.38 will wanta piece of this sale! SHOPTHE 2.98 2.53 (here’sjust a sample) LEATHERWAREHOUSE CONTEMPORARY ONCE... 48" INSULATED CO-ORDINATES DRAPERYLINING From the nation’s leading sportswear YOU’LLNEVER BUYA maker. reg. rel. $54 LEATHERORSHEEPSKIN NOWs27 ¢ PANTS reg. rot. S25 NOWSl2S° COATANYWHERE ELSE! reg. ret. $24 NOWSl2 reg. ret. $20 ¯ THE LARGESTSELECTION NOWSl0 0nlyat TheLeather Warehouse w,tlyou find such a completoselect,0n ofthe latest slyles mevery size DESIGNER andcolor imagloa~le-oYer 2.000gaon~ts tOchooSe YD. fromtn eacho1 our hve conven,ont stores-leather 100%wool gabardine. andsoede car COSTS Ileoch coals, Spoil coals, lackets. 3-PC. reg, ret.$160 NOWs49 shearhngs-evorystylein every s,ze Ior tile nloet WHITE& OFFWHITE (hserlmlnahngmen and women 2-PC. SUIT reg, ret. $134 NOWs39 ¯ BETTERQUALITY NEWEST 0nlyal TheLeather Warehouse wHIyou hnd i~tler quahtycoals made from Ihe smoethosL softest sklus 54" UPHOLSTERYVELVET The best of season, including wools, wool avadahle-supplesuedesem0oth glazed loather, beautdul blends, plaids, solids and more in every ehearhngs-perseoallyselectedhy The Loather Warchouee major look. L.~and lash+0ned andtadeled to mc~t our h,gher staodargs t, of excellence (for example) reg. ret. $150 NOW$89 ¯ THE LOWESTPRICES MISSES’CO.ORDINATES 0Olyat TheLealher Warehouse will you hnd soch lop qualityleathe~eur at princes soamazingly lowEven when 99 From national manufacturer, sizes ethersrun selos they can’t benl our everyday towprjeos 10-18. ¯ COMPARE reg. ret. $45 NOWs25 Shopthem all-lhe @partment stores. Ihe specially shops+ thediSCount stores. You’ll h0d thero s nothing hke the value YD. SLACKS reg. ret. $19 NOWSl0S° youget at TheLeather Warellouse ( 7 colors!) YOUcan’t beat the FULLBOLTS - 10 COLORS SKIRT reg. rel. $25 NOW814 -- Leather Warehouse-- (prints~solids) Urgeseleclioo el Udi~ &Zip Out Jackels $59 CUSTOMDRAPES & SLIPCOVERS & COWLS MeKsPile Lined Buckskin rag, rat. $22 NOWs128° BlousenJackets $49-$55 DESIGNER NAME EVERFRST Challis prints, styles, crepe de Chine, 1 & 2 piece styles, shifts andwraps. reg. ret. up to $79.95 NOWs27~s Fabricmill Theseare just examplesof the tremendous r savings you’ll find throughoutthe store. RT.27 8" 518 Remember,these savingsare in addition to Princeton,N,J. Cogito’s regular 30%to 50%off prlcest I PRINCETON PARAMOS: PARAMUS WESTI GARWOOD 201-297-6090 WILLBE OPEN TILL 9:30 P.M. EAST WEST ORANGE~..,,, ,~ ! ~,,,.v ..... LADLESSHEARLING t~4on,-Sat.10-6 THE MARKETPLACE, PRINCETON, MATAWAN¯ ESSEX GREEN PLAZA. W. ORANGE (as shown) t+ .m.. Reg.Retail Price $259.00 MATAWAN& PRINCETON THURS. & FRI. i0 9 MON., TUES.. WED., SAT. i0 6 OUrEveryday ~ce $149,00 WESTORANGE MON., TUES.. ’THURS. & FRI. 10 9 WED. & SAT. I0 6 (OtherStyles from S129.00) (201) 325-0402 l~ll3&a~ll i iZOllmSlml’[ZOliHlmOl IZ011/Ug~.M 120112975110 i FORTHIS SALEEVENT ALL STORES l , ¯ i i t _ Thespirit of Marlboro in a lowtar cigarette.

Marlhnr, LIGHT3


Lighterin taste. Lowerin tar. Andstill oilersup the same quality that has made Marlboro famous.

Warning:The Surgeon General Has Determined ThatCigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 12mg "tar:’O.7mgnicotine av.percigavette,FTC ReportAug:77 i Thorsday, November17, 1977 I he ! ranklin NEWS’RECORD

FLORIDA II OPENHOUSE ,’ £PORT£ Ill ~ ~i~ THURS., NOVa 17th ~1~ |1 I I v &FRL, NOV. )8th [~l[llrl 1~ P ~ ]J 3TOIOPM ,’ T fl ’ II *"~" !1 If HOLIDAYINN il I OF PRINCETON [[ . i U.S. #1 & AqueductRd. ~ ~ !" NassauRoom (2nd Floor) ~ TIRED’’’r’’ OF~ "COLDSNOVVY WINTERS TIREDOF "HIGHN.J. TAXES" STARTLIVING THE GOOD LIFE[ If youare thinking about moving to Floridain theneat or distantfurors and would llke to learnabout real estate, taxes, GIFTSfor the HOME! insurancerates and general cost of living. MACKLEBROS. OF FLORIDA A larger than ever selection of lamps, invitesyou to thisimportant open house. mirrors, pictures, clonks, brass, pewter and Youwill see a full colormotion picture of Floridaliving in our stainless. communities,Jointhe important question and answer session MUSICBOXES. a large selection/)riced] followingthe movie. /rein $13.00to $200.00 [ Secureinformation about our Special Expense Shared Trips to MICKEYTHOMAS, No, 40, picks up yardageas he headsthrough a hole in the I inspectthe model homes and bomesltes right in ourFlorida No.88, andDavid Garzillo, No.65. communities, Somervilledefense. Somerville players are MichaelSuk, No. 70; WallaceGantt, (SteveGoodman photo) THE CURIOSITYSHOP WE’LLBE LOOKINGFOR YOU. Rt. 206 Belle Mead,N.J. 359-6546 FORFURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 0-30-9 lion: dilly, SundaT 12-5:30 Thurs.& Frl., Call 609-452-9100 AnyOther Day, 609-663-7111 (Collect) Somerville bulldozes Franklin AskFor RoadRap. hy MarkBosch The Warriors appearedto be backupquarterback Todd Otto achieved their only victory of 14-6. Franklin was an overall Special Writer in moretrouble as a clipping Ihrew three incomplete the season against the Chiefs, 8-,I-2 advantage penally on the kickoff set them passes. backto their own14. However, The Somerville Pioneers ltoberts ran for 25 yardsas the In the final period, capilalized on foor Franklin Warriors began a 13 play, a6 Somerville drove 57 yards in FIRESTONEPUTS TEETH nine plays for their final fuInbles as Ihey crushedthe yard drive to get them on the For HomeRecreation Warriurs41-12 last Saturday. Iouchdown of the day. scoreboard before halftime. Williams accounted for 27 The Piooeers (7-11 ased Quarterback Phil Johnston bahmced attack in ac- yards on the drive with runs of itEs kept the drive going on a 15 and seven and a 15 yard IN YOURWINTER DRIVING cumulnting349 vards, with 218 fnurlh downat the S-t3 when ee the grnund;rod 13l in the he ran for Ihree yards and pass to Wallace Gantt. Reggie ALL WORKCO. air TheWnrriors (I-7) gained Hayes scored the TDon a one madethe first downby inebes. yard run. dire passed to Gantt ...withouttaking a big"bite"out of yourwallet/ 228 yards, 156 through tie ’rhree plays later, Roberts Air HockeySale rulmingt)f CarlosRoberts. It hrok a pitchout from Johnston for two more points and ;’.’as the sccolldweek in a row and ran four yardsinto the end Somervilleled 41-6. the ]miler halfback gained zone. llolloway blocked Mike over lO0 yards. Roberts completed the Blair’s extra point attempt run Mter "a scoreless first and the Warriors wentinto the scoring with a 52 yard peri-d. Ihe Piooeersscored on locker room at halftime aroundleft end with 5:59 to go file first Idav of tlm second trailing 20-6. in the game. quarter. S;)n)er’,,,ille took FrankIin got a break on the possession at the F-43 when second half kickoff when The Warriors’ final gameof Sc~It V.’hitaker recovered a Williams couldn’t find Iho the 1977season will take place It.boris fumble. Vic lh)]]oway bandloon the football and was next Thursday as Franklin ran f,r lg yards on the next tackled by the kicker, Blair, at hosts Piscataway in the an- play It) the F-25.Jan Williams the S-8. Onfirst down.Trin- nual Thanksgiving Day game. was stopped for a two yard ehera fumbled the snapand The Chiefs have a 5-3 record [.ss bY Karl Bowerand Derek Bowerfell on the ball to give lint the Warriors have history "BumperPool Tables I~t’ll but lh)lh)waygained rite Warriorspossession at the on their side. The Chiefs St’ (HI IWoCa Tries tO SOtup S-lg. llowever,the’,, failed to haven’t beaten Franklin since Slate...withad 10% off t(unth and live silnntion USthe capitalize on the opportunity 19/1, a record whichincludes firs1 iluarler eeded, and the Pioneers held the four Warriorwinsanda 6-erie 359-3000 Aller lhe teams changed Warriorsat the five. in 1974. ROUTE206, BELLE MEAD si(tes, quarterback Russ After a Somerville punt, Last ,,’ear. the Warriors Trinchcra pilched out Io Franklin had good field V’illianls whorod 20 vards for position at the S-46. Roberts - tht’ hulchd°v;n"l’hlb ~Vhipert’s !).vr atl,cnli)t hit Ihecrossbar the 34 but on the nextplay. the ~.,) lhc l’mneersled 6o. roof fell in on the Warriors. ()O Ih(! liI’Sl plav after Johnslontried a pitchout on an kickoff, Hiiborls fumbled optioncarri°d play but pitchedIv"ice it f°r 12 yards l° TOYOTA a~ain and Mike Suk recovered badly. Whitakerpicked up the I,,r Somerville at the F-38. loose ball on the run and went .’-;(,merville decriedunly three 55 yards for a touchdown. pktys to score.Trinchcra Whipert’s kick was blocked passed t, .lira Walkerfor 12 again but the Pioneers had a yar(Is andHlen ran hirnself for commanding 26-E lead. 13 t,) Ihe l"-ll lh)lh)waythen rao ~)if tackle for tbe TD. Triocherapassed Io Wiilian~ts TilE PIONEEFtSbroke the for a two poiol conversionand gameopen whenJohn fumbled RELIABLE USED CARS v

TABLE Beat the Snow makeyour selection from our great variety of wines and gnes from around the world.If youwish, wewill chill it Wehono¢¯ BankAmericord*Moster Chorge* Dlner~Club" ¯ Carte glanche¯ AmericanE~p,ss= in MINUTES in our "WINE WELL". Fall Centerpiece We now 99¢6PK THRU of carrya full Cut Flowers line of $3.95 Case NOV. $5. & $7.50 Gift Items CASH& CARRY30 Cm;hand Carry FORYOUR CONVENIENCE. WE WILL BE OPENTHANKSGIVING DAY, 9 to5 OPENTHANKSGIVING DAY 9 A.M. to NOON TIRE SERVICE I i II II 1525Finnegan’s Lane North Brunswick,N.J. 778State Rd. (Rt. 206) betweenRt. 27 ~" U.S. Hwy.#1 PRINCETON (608) 921-8200 LIQUORS* WINES ¯ BEER¯ SODA Daily8-6; Thursday 8-8; Saturday 8-4 U.S. Route1 (2925Brunswick Plke) ~on.~,Tues. 821"7077 KENDALLPARK SHOPPING CENTER LAWRENCE TWP. (6O9)882-8555 9A,Mto 7:30 P.M. Mon.,Thurs. 8 Fri. 8-9;TueE, 8 Wed, 8-6; Sat. 8-4 Wed.8 AM.to 8:3UP.M. FORPROMPT, FREE DELIVERY, CALL 297-2224 ORDER EARLY Rt. 2O2& 206 SOMERVILLE (201) 722-2020

]. | ~, l 0-A TheFranklin NEWSRECORD ’zlme~ay,November 17,197"/

CIIILDREN’S WEEKAT FREDERICK DOUGLASS Phil Johnstonenjoys EDGARLEVY’S During the week of Nov. t4- PROFIT LAWRENCEVILLE16, The Frederick Douglass a double triumph RAISING ~ORMS TENNISSHOP Liberation Library will be celebrating "International by MaryJopuchalskl football. Heis active in football CanYou Answer "YES" Io Th~seQuesl*on$? 256tMAIN St. (ill. 205) Special Writer t DO~u I,l~ r~mngI~t~k~ LAWAINCIVILL(.N,J. Children’s Book Week." and varsity baseball, and During the weekthe children maintains excellent grades. SALE will celebrate thisevent by lie commentedthat his grades making book marks. The Franklin High School’s 4 DOw~ ~.w ~ t-.,~kwrd ~ ol5,r~n~P Racquefs- Sneaks victory over BridgewaterEast seemto be the best during the Warm.upSuits library will be telling a series football season "because of of stories and showing film- was more than just a triumph P~H~S YOUCAN BECOMEA WORMGROWER! MON.WE[}.& FRI. 10.5:.]0 for Franklin, it was a triumph all the_ pressure." strips. IF ACCEPTEDA5 A PRODUCER,WEOFFER: TUES.&THURS, 10.8;SAT. 10.4; SUN. 1.4 for Franklin’s quarterback, Hefeels Franklinwill havea (509)$9fD-1171 FREEPARKIIfl Phil Johnston. Phil was named successful and tough team * ProfessionalGuidance * Marketin9Service the SomersetCounty Player of next year, because they have * ExchangeMembership * CompleteSupplies more experience in the back the Weekby the HomeNews, field and the line. This year’s ACT TODAY!SEND FOR YOURFREE BROCHURE! due to his outstanding per- teamhas the patential, but formancein the gameagainst Sendna~, ~ddre~, pho~, ~ rlnllon of racilil~etIo: BridgewaterEast. Phil lead they’re not using it Io the fullest extent,he observes. 76 SAABEMS fuel inject EMSequipped, silver the teamto a 41-22victory with his two touchdownpasses. He With players like Phil metallic, 4 cyl., 4 spd., am/fmstereo, ms/pb also gained 275 yards for Johnston returning next year, 10,000mil. " only $5495 Franklin. Franklin is one step ahead in The 5’10, 160-poundjunior his path Iowards a promising ill -A"|ImlLW * ~ ~!~1¢4.’TI[NNela[I 3.|r ¯ (8151254-7327 played as quarterback this and successful season. 75 FIAT 124 Coupeam/fro, ms/pb, 4 cyl., 5 spd, fall, a position he says he 36,000 miles ...... only$3495 eniovs moreand feels he is "moresuccessful at," too. This past summer, Phi] 74 FIAT X 1/9, am/fro stereo, luggage rack, attended football campat Fairfield University in Con- ELECTRICALSUPPLY CO ms/pb, 4 cyl, 4 spd., 41,000 miles, only$2995 necticut for one weekat the end of June. He mainly 29 Union Avenue-- P.O. BoxA learned the techniques of 73 SAAB99 4 dr., am/fro stereo, ms/pb,4 cyl., 4 beinga quarterbackand team spd., 90,000 miles ...... only$2399 discipline. There were t00 coaches from different colleges and high schools training the boys. Phil was interested m footbal from the time he was a small boy watching the ~NTEI:IlVIATIG. Franklin football games. He started playing football in PROTI CTION time-all. CARLOSROBERTS, No. 32, scores a touchdownduring the gameagmnst Somerville, assisted by seventh grade for Franklin RichardWeachock, No. 53. TheSomerville defender is No. 88, WallaceGantt. Township Pop Warner, (Steve Goodmanphoto) remaining Wiih the "mini" AFTERDARK ! league for several years. Getting homeafter dark on these short winter days? During his time with Pop Warner, Phil had no special Give your housean automatic "llved-in" look with Pop Warnerposition, but enjoyed sivit- this cordless lamp and appliance timer. And, keepan ching from one to another. extra one on handfor your holiday lighting Penn State and AlbanyState decorations.Simple to install, easy to set. It pays are presently Phil’s two football choices for continuing his Reg. S6.30 educationand participation in s4¯ 511ea The Franklin Pop Warner Midgetsmade it nine in a row Prepgirls tennis I La-Z-eoyShowcase Shoppe with a 6-0 victory over EXTRASPI CIAL Plainfield last Sunday,Nov. 13 Bring this ad with you and buy 2 for $8. at Franklin High School. HOURS: Men-Tues-Wed-Fri -9 a.m - 5 p.m.. Thursday- 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. FACTORY The "iron guard" defense of accomplishes the Junior Warriorsplayed its LARGE, SAFE, OFF-STREETPARKING. EASY IN, EASYOUT. AUTHORIZED normal game, completely .the impossible TH,° :R-A-P DIC stoppingthe Plainfield attack. In the first quarter, John OnNay.It, the girls tennis Pointer blocked a punt and team of Rulgers Prep ac- Scott Hamptoncaught it in the complished what no other air and ran it to the Plainfield varsity team has done at that 18-yard-line. school in at least 50 years. PRICI R :DUCTION The defense held and after a With a 4-1 win over South poor punt the Junior Warriors Plainfield High School, they wereat the Plainfield 38-yard. finished their season with a line. A15 yard penalty stopped perfect 12-0 record. the drive. Again, the defense held and after a poor punt the "Wins over teams like Junior Warriors were at the Hunterdon Central, Plainfield 38-yard-line. Bridgewater East and West, Onthe third downfrom the Hillsboro, Hun School, 30-yard-line, Claude Griffin Somerville and Piscataway turned left, broke two tackles are good in any season for a and went in for a touchdown. school our size. But, whenyou The Junior Warrior defense beat themall, and others, it’s gave the offense good field super", said athletic director position all day as it closed Dick O’ConnelI. downthe Plainfield offensive attacks. But the offense was Coach Barry Chamberlain plagued by penalties, fumbles countedon his singles players, and pass interceptions. senior Ellen Sandles and SAV 30 % juniors Arlene Ungcrleider Headcoach Carl Wadesaid, "Wewere lucky. This was our and Chris Bcltex. All worst offensive performance responded with 12-0 records. since the first gameof the Three juniors, Tammy season. We will have to go Rounlree, WcndyKrivitzky T050% back to fundamentals in this and Sue Schwartz; two week’s practice." seniors, Ruth Howell and This Sunday, Nov. 20 the Vicky Nether; and freshman Mini Warriors will travel to Stacy Weinstein played the West Windsorfor a bowl game double positions throughout at 12 noon. The Junior the season. ND MOR Senior Ellen Sandles Warriors will play the Edison Jets at 2 p.m. at a location not finished 24-0 at first singles yet determined. over the past two seasons.

Twinor Full sizes evenSuper sizes Firm,extra firm, superfirm Thisis really the timefor youto save. Choosethe firmnessyou want, choosefrom tufted, tuftless, auilted, stripes andflorals. Takeadvantage of these low warehouseclearance prices, thenenjoy night after night of sleepinc Get one comfort. payment FREE If you Savefor Here’sone great wayto save want: 50weeks:Receive: for next year’sholiday expenses. $ 50 $ 1 $ 51 Join our ChristmasClub. Check 1 O0 2 the chart. Pick the amountyou TWINSIZES ...... S45 to $75ea. 102 150 3 153 wishto have(plus somefor Ntl. kdv, at $79.9S to$109.95 250 5 255 extras). Make50 weekly 500 10 510 paymentson schedule.As a FULLSIZES ...... $65 fo $95e,,. 1,000 20 1,020 specialbonus, we’ll give youthe Nil. Adv. at $99.95 to $129.95 amountof one paymentfree. QUEENSIZES ..... $149 t05199set Caughtshort this year?Ask about "CashReserve". It’s a personal Ntl. Adv. at $249.95 to $299 line of credit that givesyou KINGSIZES ...... $249 f05349set instant cashfor any purpose.... andfree checkingservice. NTL. Adr, at $340 to $490 Applyat anyoffice.

Lo-Z-BoyShowcase Shoppe

I 4 ¯ 11 I,,= Thursday,November 17, 1977 I h(’ franklin NEWSRECORD I I -A Coursesfor college credit KathyVlastaras Facing eviction, he just works on ,o Ibe o. r d soon loses match Franklin High School third by AndyLolgu On Nov. 1 Mr. Throokmorton was staled, "and land reform is long TIIE TIIACTI)IIS and trucks on the "Franklin High School’s at FHS singles player Kathy advanced standing at the Staff Writer overdue. I am not only doing it for Nov, 1 - Dee. 1: completion Vlastarasfell, 3.6,1.6, to Sue preparedto be sent to jail but nothing farm appeared old, but Mr. Throek- 13th Year" is the appropriate college of their choice, nf letters and transcripts happened until Nov. 7, when two myself. I am doing it for the future mortonpointed out that "regular us,.. Flannelly of Watchungin the GRIGGSTOWN -- "I am my title for a program to be In order to register for one finals of the SomersetCounty Somerset County Sheriff’s office generations of America. and maintenance keeps them going launchedat the high school on or both el the courses, also own attorney," announces "I suppose it might seem to be a Dec. 5 - Dec. 9: Somerset Tournament, held at the deputies delivered him a *’writ of strong." The newesl piece of equip- Jan, 16, being termed as "FHScredit County College evaluates Verdi Threekmorton, a 51 year old possession" handeddown by the state lonely fight," he reflected, "but I ment on the farm, he reported, is a Warren Tennis Club in tenantfarmer who refuses to honoran On that date, all juniors, in escrow program," applications Warren, N.J. on Wednesday, superior law division, telling him he believe that it’s better to live with a four-year-old hay-binc, which is a seniors, parents and high prospective students should order by the SomersetCounty Court to must leave by Nov. 21. clear conscience knowingthat one is combined mower, crusher, and school graduates residing in Nov.9. abandonlt0 acres he has farmedfor first pick up a student Dec. 12- Dec. 16: Somerset Mr. Field’s planneduses for the land doing the right thing then to take the conditioner. Franklin Township will be agreement form in the high 18 years along Butler Road in easy way out and back down and let CountyCollege will register no longer include Mr. Threckmorton, "Yes, I’m just a small farmer, but able to enroll in two college schooloffice, pupils andcollect fees. These PACK144 IS OFF ¯ Griggstown,Franklin Township. but the farmer alleges that whenField goodfarming land gn downthe drain," Americawould be lost without small Nov.21 is the final date whichhas courses taught by ihstruetors Next, applicants should will amount to approximately purchased the land from its previous he said. farmers like me," he declared. "l from Somerset County request a high school tram Indian dances, skits and beenset for his departurefrom the Mr. Threekmortonemphasised that $58per course. ownerin 1970, he (Field) told him knowhow to get the most out of the College. script fromIhe guidanceoffice Weekof Jan. 16: First class crafts will be the featured farm. tThroekmorton)that he could farm he refuses to abandon the land land and howto take care of it and I The classes, whichwill each activities at the Nov. 17 "it is AbrahamLincoln who said to accompany the student begins, the land as long as he wished. because, as he explained it, "I am wouldlike to use this land here as a providecollege credit, will be agreement form. Both forms meeting el Cub Scout Pack that ’He whorepresents himself is (Whenquestioned Mondayabout his using the land for the purpose God training ground to teach youngpeople "WorldCivilization I," offered 144. This will be the first represented by someonewho has his should bc returned to the I’B.IVATEREPOBTS dealing with Mr. Throckmorton,Mr. intendedfor it." Jl0WtO be farmers. on Tuesdaysfrom 2 to 5 p.m., Franklin High School main meeting of the new year for best interests at heart’," Mr, Throck~ Field refused to makeany comments Not content "to sit and talk while "tlardly any young people want to and "Psychology 1," on FOItl)UTY the pack which will meet al mortonsaid. office, whichwill submit them or answer any questions.) precious daylight wanedoutdoors, he bc farmers anymore, because being a Thursdayafternoons from 2 to in lurn to Somerset County Conerly RoadSchool the third Motivatedby his principles, he has bolted out of the pre.colonial far- small farmer doesn’t bring in much MarinePrivate First Class Thursday of each nmnth at stayed on Ihe land past a Nov. 1 5. Collegefor processing. SMILING IN TIlE FACE of mhousehe calls home to finish the monet,, but what is going to happen Both will provide regular Courses will end on May5, Lexie H. Henderson, son of 7:30 p.m. deadline set by the Somerset County whatever legal consequences may day’s work. "Grab a from my somedaywhen all the doctors, lawyers college credit, whichstudents LindaD. llunter of 251 Girard Thepack will sponsora five- Court during the summer. Mr, 1978. Ave., Somerset, has repnrtod comehis wayfor refusing to vacate, closet," he advised this reporter. and you newspapermen".- he smiled. not yel graduated from high In order to facilitate mile hike for the CubSeeuts on Thrnckmorton was ordered to leave Mr. Throckmortonsat in an old arm- "You’ll freeze if you just wear that - "are going hungry, and all the good school can apply towards for duty with the 3d Marine Dec.3. Theboys will walkfrom the land by that date as the result of a ." registration, the high school Division, Okinawa, chair in a chilly living room,peering farmland is gone because the big office has requested ap- St. Matthias Church to civil suit filed against him by the out at the overcast Novembersky. DESPITETIlE POSSIBILITYthat companiestook it awayfrom the little IIABBITSItEJOICE A 1975 graduate of Franklin ColonialPark. Therethey will owner of the land, neighbor Jack All township children are plicants to observe the lligh School, he joined the "I amfighting for land reform," he his days on the land are numbered, guys?" followingtime table. have lunch around a campfire Field. Mr. Threekmortoncontinues to work Mr. Throckmorton is a man who invited to attend a programon MarineCorps in April 1977. and play games. as if he were farming the land for feels he has a mission, and he is at no raising rabbits, Saturday, years to come. "Nobody ever died less for wordsin stating his feelings. Nov. 19 at II a.m. in the from workingat somethinghe loves to tie speaks articulately and with tile children’s room of the POOLTABLE SALE dn," he said while stacking bundles el dignity of a well-read scholar, but Franklin Township Public hay into a sheltered storage area. jokes that "I can be prelty nasty at Library. The programwill be "With winter approaching, Fve got presented by Sarah Gribble, a At times, too." memberof the Hillsborough implicilq & FNJ.CI.EAN.UP to finish this job today,"he explained. An author of hooks on efficient ALL WORKCO. Visible in another area of the shelter farming techniques, he said that he Fuzzies, a 4-H group from were numerousears of corn, brought v,’ishes to write about society and Hillsborough. Sarah, whowill WINTER in for the winter. have her pet rabbit with her, moralilyas ,,’,’ell. "At least I would will explain howto feed and "United Billiard" "I built this shelter," he claims, Imveplenty of time Io write and get SNOW SALE "and the other sheds you see around interviewedin jail," he chuckled. take care of these pets. Per further information,call .~~ here as well." He pointed to a shed And on he worked. Buy Any 8 or 11 HP LAWN TRACTOR or covering several tractors and sheds the library at 545-8032. housing hens and pigs. any 8 HP GARDEN TRACTOR AND ~-,.:,. Onthe opposite side of the corn and receive FREE your choice of hay in the largest shed, cowsnoisily ~i~i mooedwhile they ate the feed that the green $149.25 grass & leaf catcher farmer ,placed before them. Beyond thumbprints the shed, horses grazed in a fenced in or $175.00 42" ."~~ pasture, and further beyond, the sheep. "I have to keep a close eye on Snow Blade "~’ .,:.~-. :~!~.~,,s;~ the sheep," Mr. Throckmortonpointed ¯ :.’. ~,-.~r 7’ Reg. $599 Sale $499. out. "Several times foxes and dogs by Judy Coheo indoors, such as narcissus, hyacinthand tulips. 8’ Reg. $699 Sale $599 have attacked them. Cedar WoodWoman’s Club "Wllat will the countydo with these Begin making dried flower ., ""’..’ , (weights & chains extra) N()VEMBEIt arrangements whenhouse is animals whenI’m not around here?" dry and heat is turned on. "All fables have heavy slate and accessories." he asked. "Animals need to be cared :" ’" "--" Simplicity Factory Experts for, Ihe sameas people," A rooster Days are shorter now, and blake potpourris and here in the country, signs of sachets. tubes old out of Snow ROUTE206, BELLEMEAD 359-3000 crowingnearby seemedto be trying to k~~~j~, join the conversation. the season are eyerywhere. Blades by Dec. Ist. Get Loaveshave almost all turned BINT OF TKE MONTH- Your garbage can is full of ~ "~:~~ your Snow Blade NOW. IlOMESECURIT’,’SEMINAIt color, crickets have increased plants! Before you throw away The Franklin Townshiptheir humin anlicipation of the anything of a growingnature, Police Department Crime first frost and field mice have lookat it to determineif it has FRANKLIN PARK PreventionBureau will hold a .begun the=r" yearly m~gratmn’ " ¯ ~ into every nook and cranny of anyhorticultural value¯ For 8 HP LAWN TRACTOR g 8 HP GARDEN TRACTORg seminar on nome securt ’ty at . - example, oranges, limes, ~ne.- Franklm. Park Volunteer the atttc ’ and garage Tne only 36" mower...$1179. 36" mower...$1449...... flowers left ¯ m" the once lemons, grapefruit, pears, LIQUIDATORS rwc bompany, rtoute z,’ at . . peaches, plums, apples, , brdlmnt garden are the mums 11 HP LAWN TRACTOR g Claremont Road, on Thur- - . avacados--allhave seeds that J ASK ABOUT OUR CHRISTMAS II s_ay,_d No ~7v...a t a~p.m, andeven them garish yellows ¯ . andrich golds havestarted to canbe plantedin pots¯ Or how 36" mower...$1299, iLAYAWAY PLAN ON THIS EQUIPMENT Themeeting wdl be opento ¯ aboutcarrots, beets,parsnips Jl the general public. Twofilms mello,~’ under the ’~anmgsun " ¯ From now on until the and pineapple tops, which I DO NOT MISS ..... "BARGAINS wdl he. shown,followed, bYoa winter’s" snowts’ ’too deep tn growgreat foliage when JOSEPH J. ~1" SONS,INC. ¯ 609-924-4177 I queshon and answer period n - ¯ . placedin a shallowpot of soil. I THIS |HUK,~. 9 al~ GALORE locks, alarms, and personal managethere, . ~s stdl hmeto Highway 206, Princeton (app. Volkswagendealer) sa.e..f I gather wmter bouquets of I FANTASTIC Y drted flowers and seed pods N(’~tV | ill FROM that have been hidden by the ~ ~ ¯ ~ I tail grasses of the fields of GRAND .,__v ..,o JL 113 Aa ROOF I ¯ --- ¯ ¯ ¯ ~ I "summer. Collect wild plants to I UU L r I dry along roadsides, fields, 17th ,...’~um v ira. , ponds and woods. Continue to OPENING ALL ¥1P.AH HUUNI3 cut flowers and herbs for FLOR" WITH drying. i[~,i~ll~=i~i.,uA.rl Roses should be cut back ~= ~,. .u,,-,~--. enough to keep them from ITIo/ FULL-SIZE ELECTRONIC rocking in winter winds. GOLF ENVIRONMENT Moundwith 10" of topsoil and OPENA 1978 I ,’,., osJcml .*.’_ ’"7’AP - , " then pull it awayin the Spring. Iwr~ I ,v,,,,?,.,..-, "ql"-I ,.v.o. -- I P’°Y ,nadd.ion, before frost, CHRISTMASCLUB AT PEBBLE BEACH & bringinandpotbedding plants ~ vANHEusEN CONGRESSIONAL! /MAV~.~v to I to I and herbs that won’t go MONTGOMERY NATIONAL, BANK through the winter such as ,~ ~ You won’t believe it coleus, begonia, impatiens, / °tH~Ers $7~OI I:; v:w:?69*1until you try it. lemon verbena, rosemary, e - - . Evergreensand holly. Yule logs and mistletoe. All are marjoram and fragrant e Select the correct ’ " traditionaltotheholidayspirit. But, for most, the club; practice your ~ .A i g~a~’l~s in pots for forcing ~ ~ seasonalso brings expensesand year-end bills. So 28 to 40 ,o I 1 $16 swing unu= you gel ~ ~ start another traditionthisyear...ioin our 1978 it the way you want ~ J[,,~ ~.e_3.~ ~_ ~ ~ ChristmasClub. Youcan select a Clubsize that fits it. GeL F-O-MATuses %,*1, nsrm u~ -- ~ ,= ~r," your projected expenses.Then, next year, you can enjoy the pleasuresof the holidays without the worryof what electronic sensors e = ~ ,~ ~)~ tO count the distance ~=~ _,~ it’sgoingtocost. you hit the ball... aazaarset even aids you to SLJoseph’s Church of East correct your slicel Millstone,,’,’ill be holdingits ,,2" EARN5°’/o PERYEAR annual Christmas bazaar on Learn teehniaue " ~/iza,~ ¯ ~=~[~w~ " Interestatlherateof5% peryear - - ’ Saturdav November19 from 1 is computedon the averagedaily ~;oYlme’ arCoCU~oal~Yer p.m. to’6 p.m. in the church Ps . g ¯ hall on LivingstonAvenue loft balanceduring the year and ro° ,69"1 Play serious golf ’, Jute514). ~ ~ paid on completedSO-week clubs. !CHOOSE Val. I ’39 , in any weather. Fc:duredwill be a Christ- mastable with wreaths, or- TWO - S OMES $350. $100. naments candles and F OUR-SOMES stuffer gifts. Therewill also be We nvite vou to home.baked items, handmade I~A=’=- ~=-~-~== and new items, plants of all , Open Your Club BY ~7! .... ~1 FAMOUSMAKER ~=wA LL II~lUW kinds und a white elephant WRANGLER" /. - - 1?.gtp~Ny_Ey-," I ""1 UNDERWEAR for starting t rues table. . .. n~A e’~n,~ Santa will ViSit the bazaar NOW And ~I~mOU~U from I p.m. to 3 p.m. There ~~~ l ",oI m - ’il be a spec a ch drens’ Br’Ing your ClUbS workshopwith an "Indian face or use ours. "’pam’ er. t " ) ReceweA ’":"" ’°° ’3"1/B 70 S5 a person/18 holes For hungry folks meatball OT.ERS SPECIALRATES FOR and sausage sandwiches, hot ~ ./ J ,~Hl~l~ll~l ,j~l~’ Vo,. s..... Ilw’ CLUBSAND LEAGUES. (logs, cupcakes,coffee, tea and soft drinks will be ,~. C) UKI-’KIOr" o,,.o,,.c,Beginners learn fast, available. :::?. ,’,:l ProsI keep their ed ge ’ All proceeds from he bazaar wdl go to the church’s FREEGIFT! Wehave a full line building fund. ONFOLLOWING ITEM: NEW of PROFESSIONALGOLF You O7_ AND TENNIS EQUIPMENT ALSO~11 II [O LADLESROBES MERCHANDISE AND CLOTHES AT THE [ LADLESGOWNS RIGHTPRICESt WE’LLFIX YOUR J MEN’SDRESS PANTS WEEKLY J ..~\/z FAVORITE ISAVE Lessonsavailable I MEN’SCORD PANTS from the pros at to BOY’SSHIRTS CHARGEMASTER I I BOY’SDRESS PANTS IT CHARGE JohnDavid Ltd. , 75 AND MANYMORE ITEMSTO NUMEROUS WITH OR Professional rOg4~OHL57" TO MENTION YOUR VISA Mo,~l~ome~ySh0ppm R Cente( GOLF& RI 206R0ckyH,II "BARGAINSGALORE THURS.10’til 9 rENNISstops (609)924 8866 STORE Montgomery Qual~erBodp, e Mall FROM HOURSFRl.lO’til9 ShoppingCenter- Route206 [awlencewlle. ROOFTO FLOOR" WEEKLYSAT.10’til 6 Northof Princeton (609)799 8231 ’ 1 2-A Thursday, November17, 1977

¯ E Our51st Year of Service mm ALL| i" ° STATN " ADDS! D^o = BANK9 ~- V ~r" :, OF P,~ITAN V~ Z ORoute G) ~ ~ HAm , 206, Hillsborough i ~ I~~ 725-1200 Somerset Trust Company =uJ . i~=, ¯ .I!,II" " 685-8913 " ~ | T I’:|E N~’111;’:~! ~M Otfl er ~ FREECHECKING FRl=l=mm

DAVE’S ~~ , ~ ;/~ ’ I ~--I I~ ~ ii~ il J I 359-3121 Free Delivery

: ...... HILLSBOROUGH PHARMACY ,’Tms;oIITI!ms’:, , ,,ou,oosout, am ~[. 6o i, : Somerville,N.J. : . 39-41 S. MalnSt. ; GERARDJ.SALVATORE 2~~ ;~;~;..!~!;i ;i::!..:;ii¢. ,,, ...... = Manville,N.J. 08835 725-9027 ~ ...... :RAR[TANVALLEY-LIQUOR; FRANKLIN JR. WARRIORS HILLSBOR0DELICATESSEN 5 U.S. Route 206 S. RARI TAN I~l~ll~ I’,,,,,t,.2,,,, s,,,,, h : (In GranetzPlaza) ~II~D, ,v PeeWeesJuniors : HILLSBOROUGH.N.J. . ~.o. Mini’s COLDBEER, SODA, SNACKS ,~,4~ Sept. 11 ...... I’~lr.~ Sep,~ ~o~Broe~w,c~Nea:kB:nswick 0~ 1~~ 060 ; .Internatlonm.~elecrlonor~.neeses- V ~v Franklin 0 ~ ’ ~ ~ Sept. 25 St. Cecelia 0 16 "0 PLAY HEREI OURGREATEST PLEASURE IS TO SERVE YOU! Ill ~ .~. ~ Franklin 13 0 14 , ...... ¯ ,~m 0,, 2 st Peter’s Rescheduled(See Nov. 6) upen v-lu Mx uays; ~unaay 12-4 ~ J~BB Oct. 9 Milltown 0 27 0 ~’ ~’~-- Franklin 19 0 14 Pl K-IT ~,z:~-~uu...... ~ oc,~ sou,~~..o~ ~ o o i I ~,~,!~~ ~t~. (;i :.~ !ii::~ii~i;~ Franklin 13 21 35 / GeorgeKondrackl, prop¯ ~ii!:~i~’~i ~!i~[~i:~:~!~ Oct. 23 Highland Park MeG...... 0 0 0 33 )’()333 ¯ --.. - ~!i~il;i~iiiiii!~’~:!iii:~ii~:!~!;:~!!i~, Franklin 6 12 18 ~;:; ...... ~!i~i~ii~{i~ii:~ili::i:~ii~i Oct. 30 JerseyCity ...... 0 z 0 - - ’ =" " .... IMIIM~k.# ~1} rlLLrKIk’~ ..... ~:~~:::~ Nov.6 -- i el. Peter’s 0 26 0 Franklin 6 6 6 " I , OPEN 7 DAYS .... Mon’thruThurs1112 MANVILLE COLTS , :: ~.~.~~,~ Fri. &Sat. 11-1 I ,i II~YONKERS, N.Y. SATUR AD Y ~:oo HII I ~/. ,r~o~v~o~s’~c,~s "~unaoy " 1"z-s= "" |1 ..... ~ ...... | =~ I~’ " "SY’HI’ATItYPIECES,, ’ Colts gl ¯ f~OTTERY & BASKET~ 359-6996 Ponies Pintos Sept. 11 RosellePark 0 12 0 "IVhenit ~ with flowers...Sz~vit with ours. naturelv" ...... Manville 13 6 6 874-3990 FREEPRO[’ESSIONALADVI(,E Koute zuo I-tillsDorough Sept. 18 Bound Brook 6 O 0 JuneB 11 !]¢.[ ]O~r~UV’ Manville 13 14 34 LarryMint.Prop. o[ hill~botou~h In the DeConto 5hoPP ing Center Sept_24 Rat!tan Rescheduled to Nov. 12 (See Below) i ’~.~ Oct. 2 mriogewater 0 13 0 BEYERPLAZA, 254 Route206South, Somerville. NJ. ~. ;; ...... Manville 6 13 15 .....~" ~ m~mm. Oct. 8 Kenilworth 6 6 6 =~ ...... AUAM ~ I:Vl: oct~o ~dd,e.exManville 0 ~6 ~12 Manville 7 13 BEFORE OR o~t~ HAIRSTYLISTS_ ManvilleMetuchen 150 ~0 34~ AFTERTHE ~ll~lyJ A Cut A ~,,~.... TheRest.I Nov.6 Maplewood (Rescheduledto Dec. 4, "if needed) Raritan 0 ¯ Nov.¯ 12 0 0 GAME... ~" The RedwoodSquare, U. S. "High wa y206 Manvillewl~nv,Hu 20 7 24 f~Amwell Rd.,Hillsborough " "--~’ GET TANKED AT HILLSBOROUGH DUKES i HILLSBOROGUL " F .o~u°~;;~:~ : : 00 II w.s.i.~TO..OC.. I .r DKEN Pee-Wees"Jr Midgets :idgets U.S.loppositePackard’sMarketlHWy" 206So., Somerville ~’~"~!:: ~ /’~~J ~: [--I ~! Sept. 11 West Orange 6 39 0 ~ ...... ’ :./ ~: ::: H sborough 13 0 25 ...... ’.~ ~* Good Luck Mustan g s (~---~~~2 " ~: N Se At.18 So. Plainfield" " O ¯ 18 0 -- "(~~ ~; Hillsboroug, 13 0 ~, , OPEN 24 HOURS Sept. 25 High Bridge Rescheduled(SeeNov. 13) (~~:\ /~1 I .t~tr, t~tr~xr T~/’~t~T~aP_~txtPV ~ ~/~/j/ " Oct. 2 Flemington 0 0 6 ’ ~’t.i~lUr.l~U v ~r.~ul’~J~¯ z-xvJr~z.~..,.z ~"~ ~ ""~" "~ "/ ~’" H Ilsborou h 19 19 6 ~"~* ~%.( ~’~/~ Oct. 9 Washingtog Rock Rescheduled(See Nov. 20) ’ RT. 206 ~_ ~/? /" Oct. 16 WatchungHills 0 " 14 0 , , ::: H sborouflh 18 0 12 ~ : " "For All Your Insurance Needs 1:: Oct. 23 SomersetHills 7 12 0 Hillsbarough 0 6 0 "7"~ : Wfl =u:,, ,. ..,.,,,,suorou~, |06S. MalnStreet (/-’~ L.~ Oct. 30 Somerville 6 o ~-~ Hillsborough 00 , E[E Manville. NJ¯ ¯ . ^ ~,. ~’,,~.~ ~ l’~ov.~ NewProvidence 28 19 12 ~"~ Hillsborough 0 2 6 = ~ . ; Nov. 13 High Bridge 6 9 8 n"/ Hillsborough 3 0 2016 722 " 519~" ~11 Nov. 20 Washington Rock H 11:45 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. , i rl~~*BB~ | 56..’%’" 39-4 WESUPPLY GLASS = RomaPork Store -,-~x-,vx~ux~.~~/I AT%TVTII 112 ~ Sal’sCustom Tailoring ’ FOR EVERY : w/--t~,~ t~T~ Salumeria ,/~.~ ~ Leather Coats for Sale : COMMERCIAL&_~LIw ~ llj.qj.,q BoroCenter*Rt. 206*Hillsborough nTt.nq~/tri~-~xr ~ ’ Tuxedosfor Rent. ~B~fi I¥1AUI flllW RESIDENTIALNEED : . HOMEMADE , Catering For All Occasions ~PlateGiass¯ Star.Fronts * MlrrorS¯ tableTops ¯Auto Glass ITALIANSPECIALTIES...... 37. So. Main St. Mozzarella* Macaroni¯ S;~usage :EXPERTALTERATIONS~ FRESHDALLY: Bread, Pastries Man "’"v.ge ,¯ CustomPicture Frames 337 N. MainSt. Manville Cleaning Pressing ¯ ShowerEnclosures fromBrookl--- I" COMPLETESELECTION OF GOURMET Hillsb0roughProfessional Building, rt. 206,Hillsbor0ugh 722 . 6200’ H ILL~UOROUGH ...... GLASS CO. 254 Rt. 206 So,, Hillsborough ITALIANFOOD Hours:Mon.,Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8-9 George&ChlpChrlstlansen ..... 722-0652 Hours’ Man. Tues. Wed., Wed.8-7;Sat. 8.5:30 n Sat 9"7 ThumEl’ ’ WE DELIVER ~ ’ FREEESTIMATES I ~bX hi(_ ¯ " ; . ¯ .... J~PLAZ~" ~ Frj, 9-9; Sunaay9-3 ...... " _ u _ 359-8520 _ .. Phone~/q~wa , 874.4672

I ~1 ¯ Thursday°November 17, 1977 .13-A extremely FRANKLINBICYCLE CENTER " free checking 853 HAMILTONST. SOMERSET,N.J. Complete ~,LEIGH-SCHWINN-PEUGEOT-ROSS BICYCLES ~ Repalrs-Ports-AcceHgrle$ MOTOBECANE, MOTORIZEDBICYCLES HOURS:OPEN 1O A.M. to6 P.M. THE NATIONALBANK AMWELIROAD ¯ BELLEMEAD ¯ NEWJEt’SLY ¯ ;,ol am=CLOSED WEDNESDAYS & SUNDAYS Va,ANC.LFRO,D. SO~ERV,, L~¯ N~wJ~,s~ ¯ ~o,874.600( 249-4544 Ill MANVILLE MUSTANGS ~M&t$ If you Like BOROPIZZA FISHING -- HUNTING-- FOOTBALL & SUBSHOP ]J MIDDLESEXTHANKSGIVINGDAY H 11:00II Petey’s "SPORTSMENWELCOME" BaRD CENTER ¯ DartBoard ¯ PoolTable 424 ROUTE206 Sept.24 N. Plainfield21 MANVILLE6 ¯ BowlingMachine SOUTHHILLSBOROUGH Oct.I Metuchen 30 MANVILLE14 = MondayNlte Footballon T.V. Oct.8 DavidBrearley 45 MANVILLE 0 COMPLETE MANVILLE14 ColdMugs of Seer-- Clam=Every Frl. Nlte HOURS:SUN.- THURS. Oct. 15 BoundBrook 19 Hot DogsSteamed In Seef...EverySat. Afternoon ~p. ORDERS ]0:30A.M.- 12 MIDNIGHT Oct. 22 Ridge 38 MANVILLE0 TOGO FRI.-SAT. Oct. 29 RosellePark 32 MANVILLE13 1O01W. CttmplalnRd. Open7 Days Free Parking 359-7144 zo:3oA.M.. ! :00 A.M. Nov.4 Immaculata20 MANVILLE6 Manville,N.J. Nov.12 Hillsborough(Parent’sDay) MANVILLE 0 Nov.24 Middlesex H 1 i :00 a.m.

MV/ELL HILLSBOROUGH RAIDERS UTO BODY US" I[ IMMACULATA THANKSGIVING DAY H ,1:0Oll COLLISIONREPAIRS- WHEEL ALIGNMENT Total Hair & Skin CareCenter Mufflers * Shocks* Brakes¯ GlasswarE HillsboroPlaza . 390Rt. 206 NowOpen at our NewLocation So.Somerville, NJ OppositePackard’s Market Sept.24 Brearly 8 HILLSBOROUGH6 359-5004 Rt. 206 South, Hillsborough Oct.1 Ridge 0 HILLSBOROUGH0 Home359-5533 Office 526-6300 Oct.8 Middlesex6 HILLSBOROUGH0 Oct. 14 Somerville21 HILLSBOROUGH’0 #REDILF_N Oct. 22 Metuchen0 HILLSBOROUGH10 Oct.29 SouthRiver 29 HILLSBOROUGH7 FRANKLIN Nov.5 NorthPlainfield 14 HILLSBOROUGH7 Nov.12 Manville 0 HILLSBOROUGH26 SOMERSETLIQUOR Nov.24 Immaculata H 11:00 p.m. 916East0n Ave. Somerset. NJ [qal.SLudios, bt;d. (EastonShopping Center) PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone YOUR Call us now for Vl6-9688 F.v0,,.W,neand J,= FRANKLIN WARRIORS an appointment for WeDeliver L,quo,,~ your Holiday Gift Portraits THANKSGIVINGDAY PISCATAWAY H 11:00 1 Chilled I VILLAGE PLAZA 1075 EASTONAVENUE ¯ Wines Available. Tm 828 0280 SOMERSET.N J. 08873

Sept.24 Barringer 36 FRANKLIN0 oct. 1 No. Hunterdon20 FRANKLIN8 MANVILLEPIZZA Oct.8 SetonHall 14 FRANKLIN0 l interr ational% Oct. 15 B-REast 22 FRANKLIN41 l b cmLJ) RESTAURANT Oct. 22 Watchung30 FRANKLIN16 Oct. 29 So¯Plainfield 20 FRANKLIN12 Nov.5 B-R West24 FRANKLIN18 F-, Peugeota Panasonic RusticMALE Manville Nov.12 Somerville41 FRANKLIN12 ’ -~ , Columbia¯ International Nov.24 Piscataway H 11:00a.m. St. Tropez 526-1194

OI)EN7 DAYS 214RT, IS& HIIIIMmlI~I ]0:30-Midnight OPEN:Tues., Wed., Fri. 11-5 IMMACULATA SPARTANS Thurs.11-6; Sat. 10-5 Fri.8, Sat. ’til I 359-27OO THANKSGIVINGDAY For Big Savings on Fine HiLLSBOROUGH A 11:00 = .... THE " " " Furniture For Your Home, GOLDEN DRAGON RememberIt’s Chinese & AmericanRestaurant Sept.23 Dunellen 20 IMMACULATA0 Sept.30 RosellePark14 IMMACULATA0 OPENDAILY ::= SPECIALLUNCHES¯ Oct. 8 BoundBrook 6 IMMACULATA20 Oct. 14 Metuchen16 IMMACULATA6 DINNERS:’ TAKE-OUT ORDERS Oct. 21 Somerville33 IMMACULATA0 COMESEE US...COME SAVE Oct. 29 D. Brearley 29 IMMACULATA6 Manville 6 ’ IMMACULATA20 Try Our New Mandarin and Hot, Route206 at CamplainRd. Nov.4 Spicy SzechuanSpecialities t. HILLSBOROUGH,N.J. Nov.12 Middlesex11 IMMACULATA0 (201)874-4500 Nov.24 HiUsborough A 11:00 a.m. BOR0CENTER * Rt. 206So. HILLSBOROUGH874-3050 OpenDaily 10 a.m. ¯ 9 p.m. Outreadynew yet.signs Look atefor notthe All homegemu will I~ played at BrooksField. i-II. Salorday10 a.m.. 6 p,m,.....Yamaha sign on our -’1building HOURS:Mon..Thurs. [1.11; Fri. &SaL ]142; Sun. 12-H .... m SNOWHITECATERING GOOD LUCK MANVILLE BRASS MANVILLEHIGH ! ER51"O, . SERVICE NATIONAL VICTROLA Cateringfor A 11 Occasions 44 Rustic Mall BUCKY’S SPECIALIZINGIN Manville Serving Manville ¯ Somerville BANK MEN’S SHOP PrecisionCutting - CreativePerms - Foilglazlng 526-5756 ¯ Hillsborough¯ etc. REDKENAmino Coloring - PorcelainNail by Nancy Facilitiesfor SmallParties (1~100) Northside Branch MainOffice 45 S. MainSt. NorthMain St. S. MainSt. DISCOUNT Manville , Ask About Our White Glove Service MemberF.D.I.C. RECORDS& TAPES 725-3858 Tues.,Wad., Sat. 9 a.m.. 5 p,m., ": . 725-3900 .POSTERS,TOOt (201) 722.2230 Thurs,,Fri. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. 14-A Thursday, November17, 1977 J CountyCollege president Magician comesto county library speaks to AAUW clover correspondence TheSomerville Area Branch Speakerswill be Dr. Joseph Saturday to celebrate book week nftheAmericanAssoeiationof Fink, President of Somerset University Womenwill meet CountyCollege, and one of the on Thursday,November 17, at state assemblymenwho is by LIIlthRowell Children’s Book Weekto the --Takeyour children to the (Paperbacksare relatively 8:15p,m,, at the homeof Mrs. sponsoring the bill. Mrs, SomersetCoontyLibrary American Booksellers library regularly. Let them inexpensive.) byT. II. Blum will be able to learn very David Gerb, 120 Branch Road, Ronald Rockoff has arranged Association Convention where register and have their own --Sharebooks with others, and Barbara Llndherg readily by taking part in their Bridgewater. the program, "Read All About It" is the a resolution was passed library cards, not only through local County4-1l Agents life style, and of course the slogan for National Children’s committingthe association to --Teach your children the charitable organizations,but same ’.’exchange" happens The Franklin }lares elected The program will focus on IAll meetings held at 4-}I one of AAUW’sprogram topics For more in- Book Weekwhich celebrates organize a book week in value of good literature. If throughinternational agencies when4-H’ers from other parts Vincent Cairo, president; its 58th birthday Nov. 14 November. The American possible, help your children to Center unless otherwise of the country visit here. }larry Ayala, vice president; for the year, "Redefining the formation contact Mrs. John that distribute booksto un- stated} Goals of Education." Under Buzby,President, of 33 West through 20. Library Association approved develop their own private derdevelopedcountries. Anyoneof high school age is Ken Ton, treasurer and Linda discussion will be NewJersey This week has become a of the plan. collections at home. --Aboveall, enjoy hooksand invited to jnin. Call the 4.t1 Shaw, secretary. They ¯ Franklin Street, BoundBrook, traditional time to highlight COMING EVENTS Assembly’ bill 2352 which or Mrs. }I.E. Blenke, Mere- In 1945 the Children’s Book help others in your home, Office. welcomed Mary Cramer, a concerns basic skills required bership, of Mill Lane, for children the pleasure and Council assumed the community, or around the Friends of Special Ed is also new member, into the club. knowledge to be found in responsibility for the prom- FLEA MARKET -Wednesday,Nov. 16 - 4-}1 comprisedof high school age Their project work consisted for high school graduation. Neshanie. world to enjoy them. Association meeting . 8 p.m. reading good books, otion of Children’s BookWeek. In celebration of Children’s members who would like to nf learning about the Actually, National National Children’s Book The Deaconsof the Refor- -Thursday, Nov. 17 - 4-i1 work with 4-1i’ers in their American Chinchilla and Book Week, the Somerset ExchangeAssociation - 7:30 Children’s Book Week was Week has been widely med Church at Finderne are County Library and the special 4-tl clubs Ihrnughout Standard llavana. The next initiated by a formerDirector publicized by the newsmedia. sponsoring an indoor Flea -SomervillePublic Library will p.m. Somerset County. The loons meeting will be devoted Io of thi~ BoyScouts of America, The idea has spread to other Market to be held each present Dennis Kowaland his --Thursday, Nov. 17 - will be working with the learning the parts of a rabbit¯ JamesWest in 1913. countries namely Australia, Saturday, through Dec. 17, AlakazamMagic Show at the Friends of Special Ed. - 7:30 teachers as aids or assistants 2,000,000 Franklin K. Mathiews, a Canada, Japan and Korea. from l0 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Somerville Public Library, 35 p.m. at their special 4-H affairs. --Thursday, Nov. 17 - member of the Boy Scou~, The Children’s BookCouncil youth groups of the church, West End Ave., on Saturday, Somegreat experiences will was appointed and traveled offers the following whichis located on the corner Motorcycle Club volleyball he to help with Special Ed Fun 1’he Bionic Cooksof Central Nov. 19 at 10:30 a.m. tournament - 7 to 10 p.m. throughout the United States suggestions: of Bridgewater and Wharton Dennis Kowal,a well-known Day held tomorrowand to help School prepared franks and from 1913 to 1915 to promote --Parents, readaloudtoyoor Avenues in Finderne, will magicianand puppeteer, holds -Friday, Nov. 18 - Special with Special Edpresentations beans at their last meeting REASONSTOhigher standards in Childron’s children. It will bring your Ed fun day - 10 a.m. to 12 noon. and camplater in the year. operate a snack bar. The a degree in Architecture front --Saturday, Nov. 19 - Cookie Literature. ’ family closer together and proceedsof this project will go the University of Penn- If youare t)f high schoolage In 1919 Mr. Mathiews enrichyourchildren’s lives. It to the Reformed Church Home exchange - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and wouldlike It) help these sylvania. Hehas performedat -Saturday, Nov. 19 - Horse presented his plan for a will be fun tool in Irvington whichis planning the Bert Wheeler Theater in youngsters while learning A new home ee club com- CHOOSEZIEBART to add a 60-bed nursing care achievement prograni . 6:30 some teaching skills for prised of 25 new members" the Hotel Dixie, NewYork p.m. unit to its present facilities. City. Hehas also performedin yourself, eontacl the 4-}l of- from all parts of the county Tables are available at $5 each -Tuesday, Nov. 22 - Alumni fice. have planned a very busy various European countries association - 8 p.m. TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! by calling the churchoffice at while he wasa student with the program for their club, RUSTPROOFIN6: 722-8453. Foreign Study League. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. reports Jackie Kingett, The twonlillioll cars a hh~llortrollo-jn voteD. FORPRICES YOU secretary. The tlelpful Hinters J arid trllcks wl,’w, rostprnnrml. ’rh(, UnlqLIP Ziobart He will utilize special COOKIE EXCHANGE 4-t1 Club is starting their ~ar nl.i’~, til;in ally oth~,r |~.S. CAN’TREFUSE techniques, stage lighting, TO FEATUREPOLAND program with a child care s,’;Lhltlt altd I)at,.llt~,d spray The 4-H Exchange i¯u.~tio,,~,~ f,,r. t(iqp[~ Iziv,, y.u Ih,, v,,ry best music and action. course, and then phmto follow Ew.ry which, wf,’v,, talstprf).fhlg pi’.t,,cti,~ll yotl ON SNOWTIRES PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES There will be audience Association and Friends of All home cc club members with cooking and clothing rustpr,~ofodis a Iznod)’,.os,,n e:ltl g,’t. W~,hay,, :t track participation. Special Ed are two very are invited to participate in projects. Their new officers ft)l. yout,i con1,,to 7.h,bart, too. r,,c,)rd tw. milli.n v,,hich.s CALL The Dog Owners All children in the area are special groupsof 4-H’ers. They the cookie exchangeSaturday are president, Brenta Rotz; lh,coosl, a 7.i,,b;trt.protected h,lo~ to DI’OVpit. Educational League Inc. will invited to attend this program. are comprisedof high school morning,Nov. 19 from l0 a.m. vice president. Marlene 609-924-4177 hold a Puppy Sweepstakes on age members who want to to 12 noon at the 4-FI Center. l,epkoski: secretary, Jaekie car lasts hmg*,r.[..,,l~s bottt,r. Com~,sac us. Rides quieter. Andcommands checkwith usfirst Tuesday,Nov. 22, beginningat learn about people (Exchange This year the program will Kingett: reporter. Tammy .:.(. 8:30, at the SomersetCounty 4- Asseeiationl or whowant to feature Poland, and members Wright; song leader, Janie Featuring:6.F. GOODRICH¯ DUNLOP * MICHELIN H Center on MilltownRoad in BODK SALE SATURDAY help people tFriends of have been invited to bring in Kingett; treasurer, Donald lrSUS, OR SteelBetted Radial. Glass Belied Radral, 4 ply Polyester Belted. All Fuelgn CalSnzes Bridgewater. Small donations Special Ed). Polish recipes and examples l)everaux. ]hefigures prove it...... COMPLETESTOCK OF RIMS FOR MOST FOREIGN CARS will be required for admission The Friends of the Somerset Last summer Somerset of lmliday customs to share Plans to include some fun and entry in the competition. County Library will sponsor County 4-H homeshosted 4-H with each other. It should he along with their workresulted For information call Mrs. the annual book sale on youngsters from NovaScotia. fun anddelicious. in a hayride in the nearfuture. JOSEPHJ. NEMES& SONS, Inc. McFadden(201) 782.0298 Friday, Nov, 18, I tobp.m, and Nowplans are being made to .:GHWAY206, PmNCETON Mrs. Van Loon(609l 397-3581. Saturday,Nov. 19, 10 a.m. to 5 return the visit by sendingour (OppositeVolkswagen dealer) p.m. The sale will be held in 4-H’ers to NovaScotia next the lobby of the County Ad- summer. By living in the ministration Building, homesof the NovaScotia, 4-H Somerville. members, our young people bookmobileschedule

The Taxeutter’$ Legal Loophole Thursday,Nov. 17 I,’ranklin Township: East Whenyou’re planning Millstone - ReformedChurch to landscape-landscape Franklin Tov,’nship: Marcy from:t:15 to 3:45 p.m. witha plan... Whynot Street and Fordham Road LINCOLNFEDERAL’S SPOUSE’SIRA-- KEOGHPLAN from 2 to 3:45 p.m. WednesdavNov.2:| RETIREMENTACCOUNTS call oneof ourlandscape Ilillsborongh Tov,’nship: I:ranklln Tov,’nship : Getan additional $250 If you’reself-employed, save architectstoday. Zion - Dutehtown and Long Franklin Park Reformed, LincolnFederal has a per- deduction 15%of yourannual income, up Hill Roadsfrom 3 to 3:30 p.m. Church from 10:45 to 11:45; fectlylegal way for youto hold If yourspouse takes care of to $7,500,in a LincolnFederal Complete Design anti Middlebush - South 4 Friday, Nov.18 Middlehush and AmwellRoad onto moreof the moneyyou the house,the childrenand KeoghPlan. Again, taxes will 8 4 Montgomery1’o v,’nship : from It to 11:30 a.m. workhard to earn.It’s got Uncle you,but holdsno outside job, bedeferred until youretire (age Construction Service MontgomeryTov,’nship : Sam’sblessing and you don’t youboth qualify for a JointIRA. 59V2oras late as70V2). Pike Brook Estates - Belie Belie Mead- First Nalional have1o be rich to takeadvan- Depositup to 15%of youran- Savingregularly with your Glades and Willow Run from Bank, parking lot from l0 to 10:15 to ll:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m.; Btawenburg tageof it. nual income(maximum $1,750) LincolnFederal IRA or Keogh doerler landscapes Ilillshorough Tov,’rtship: ReformedChurch from l.lSto anddefer taxeson that amount Planlets youretire in style. Village Green - Brooks ’2 p.m.; and ih)lly Drive off everyyear until youor your It’s a legalloophole.., atax phone609-924-1221 Boulevard and Magda Lane I)utchtov,’n Roadfrom 3 to3:45 INDIVIDUAL spouseretire. shelterfor everydaypeople, from 2 to 3 p.m. p.m. RETIREMENTACCOUNT justlike you.

If you’renot included in a re- Lincoln’s Retirement Account tirementplan where you work, EARN youcan set upyour own Indi- PRICE BUSTER COUPONS vidualRetirement Account as a taxshelter. Limit3 of each, No charges on sale items, Sale ends Nov. 22 Justput awayup to 15%of Rate available only for these your annualincome (maximum retirement accounts $1,500)and let it earninterest Minimum6 years for youin a LincolnIRA. You Compoundedfrom day of deposit Credited Quarterly KODAKFILM ~J won’tpay taxes on your yearly Subslanlialinterest penallies MAGICCUBES lit till contributionor the interest it for early withdrawal. I|1 c.,o o H earnsuntil youretire (age 59V2or aslate as70V2) when you’ll probablybe in a lower [~]: $2.12 list 1;r6 20 $1.39 tax bracket!

[]i THERAGRANor ,~.~ t~ll VITAMIN C ~"’J THERAGRAN M lit 500mg ~t] BI [l 100tabs ,,l$9.14vol. 100+30Free .’,’,’,’,’~l’.l}~’| [~]

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L in oln MONTGOMERYPHARMACY MARSHAND COMPANY FEDERAL SAVINGS MONTGOMERY¯CENTER l~ltarmaeistssince 18,58 Route206, Jet. Rt. 518 168 Nassau Street (Next to Davidsoos) Hillsborough:108 Amwell Road (Belle Mead) ( FoodtownCenter) Other Offices in: Monmouth.Morris, Oceanand Union Counties 924-7123 924-4000 I Thursday. November17, 1977 15-A Is the Pillar of Fire burningas brightly ?

(Continued from page 1-A month inspected the high school and ownreligion more." questions about the former principal strong as it usedto." Buthe is certain renewedits five-year state approval, The only non-enthusiastic note came were asked.) that "the Lordis comingback. It is the She is unassuming about assuring that the curriculumis on par from junior class president Larry At the TempleChristian Day School, with the public schools. midnight cry that the Bible speaks becomingthe senior bishop, a role Washington whoshrugged, saying "a Bible studies are part of the course. about¯" originally held by her grandmother "Most of the teachers here have school’s a school." He envies his Principal Inez Sharpsays "the idea is AlmaWhite, the churchfounder. "The degrees,many of themhold Masters," friends at public school who have The Lawrencesare moreoptimistic. to get the children well-acquainted Ms. Lawrencesays the future depends position isn’t important.Let the Lord said scienceteacher RobertCruver, access to a broader sports program with the characters," and thus uses lead us," Ms. Lawrencesaid. whois a Pillar of Fire ministerand an than AlmaPrep offers. dramatizations as a teaching method. partly on the world’s realization of entymologist.Most of the graduates "the need for a fourth wheel:" a ALMAWIIITE’S NAMEis spoken attend college, he added. TIlE ELEMENTARYSCIIOOL in Ms. Sharp sees a bright future for spiritual one 1o add the physical, the church, especially in the area of emotional and educational trio. frequently and with reverance at A motherboasts that her son was Bound Brook is in the midst of a Zarephath. recovery period, followingthe sudden education¯ "I’d like 10 see the schools Her husbandfeels the answerlies in able to take advancedcourses at growand increase." ’/She was a remarkable, ex- Rutgersfollowing graduation from rem6valof its principal of 19 years, faith: "We’re on the brink of World traordinary person. Onecouldn’t help Alma Prep. two years ago. The change in per- WarIll. People should deny them. but be impressed with the magnitude sonnel sparked a sharp decline in IIER VIEWthat the movementhas selves a salary andwordly possessions of her voice, her great desire to help Theschool requires Bible study enrollmentand the refusals of 10 of the a strong potential in education and andthen they’ll be able to see that God children," said a radio announcerwho twice a week.But as junior Karen l I teachersto return to their posts(see radio communication are generally is there." has beard the late founder’s tapes. Kirkwondput it, "they don’t ramit part two, next week). shared. "That woman was the original downyour throat. Others, however, are pessimistic, Says James Pearsall, program After Lydia Loyle’s dismissal, saying unless the leaders ,become manager ot WAWZ:"Surely the Lord women’sllbber. She had a gift of in- "I like this school better tthan spiring and managingpeople," says a enrollmentshrunk from 82 to 37; this moreaccountable to the people and GodAlmightly hasn’t brought this public school). The classes are yearit hasclimbed to 50. receptive to change,there will be a churchto 1977 to dumpus. We’restill former member¯ smaller, you get more individual It was AlmaWhite autobiography "StrengtheningChristian education large exodus of members. Many here to help people. We’restill doing attention," she continued. Other is oneof our maingoals. Weare ac- youngpeople are already leaving the goodwork in the schools. I just hope "Looking Back from Beuhlah" that students agreedthat they like the broughtWilliam Portune here in 1916. complishingthis by the very favorable church,and the dismissalof Ms.Loyle for a brighter day. I pray for intimacy of the school, the close student.teacherratio andby the in- wasfor somea decidingfactor. strength¯" Now an ordained minister and relationships with teachers andthe managingeditor of the "Pillar of creasedqualifications of the present absenceof drugsand racial tension faculty tthere are nine), of whomall "Theyoung people are the backbone Fire" magazine,he still recalls his they had encounteredin the public of the future. Lookaround, right now conversionexperience. He speaksof sector. A memberof the GreedOr- but one are college graduatesand we havemore graves in the cemetery being sanctified following hours of thedox Church, Karen’s classmate about half haveMasters degrees or than live peopleon this campus,"one A STEADYreminder of the churchbeginnings, the bust of its founderAlma White prayer, "until tears cameto myeyes the equivalent, thereof," wroteDr. old-timer remarkedbitterly. Note:This article is the first of two standsin a receptionroom at the administrationbuilding. andI felt the loadof sin wasoff my Mike Pappas confided "the Bible Lawrence.the requestedthat further Even the elderly Rev. Portune parts. See next week’s issue for a backand I wasleft with a feeling of training has mademe appreciate my communicationbe in writing when believes "the future doesn’t look as continuation. peace." AlmaWhite wasthe wife of a west coastMethodist minister. Yielding to her ownconvictions, she held revival meetings and did missionary work throughoutthe country.Upset that the "back sleddin’ Methodists" had strayed from the teachings of the Faith travels over Zarephathairwaves founderJohn Wesley, and frustrated that the establishedchurch refused to ordain womentit does now), she beganher own movement,supported by Ellen Kolton-Waton school. by a large groupof her followers¯ The Staff Walter Mrs. Sharp,in her testimonial, ad- Pillar of Fire followsthe doctrinesof mittedthat whenshe left the churchfor JohnWesley. JimmyCarter’s campaignhelped fur- a periodshe taught in a public school, ther the popularityof peanutsand the but wasscared that "a love of money "PILLAROF FIRE" is taken from urgeto beborn again. wouldruin myli~’e. I wantedthe loveof a Biblical passage: WhenGod led the Hereat Zarephaththe phrase"born Christ to control me, not money." children of Israel fromEgypt it wasby againChristian" isn’t usedmuch, but That’s whyshe returnedto the bosom a Pillar of Fire at night anda Pillar of renewalof faith is, for many,a daily of the church. Cloud by day. ritual. Peoplespeak of beingconverted MemberSteve Nasb told of his recent Alma White came here in 1908 to andof havingallowed "the Lordto en- visit to a hospitalto betreated for per- conduct a revival meeting on a farm ter myheart and soul." sistant headaches.The nurse had asked which is now Zarephath; roughly Keyto transmittingtheir devotionto himif he smoked,drank or tookdrugs, ¯ translated it means "a place of othersare the air waves,particularly all vicesthat arenow part of his past."It refinement." WAWZ-FM,one of the PiIlar of Fire’s sure is wonderfulthat the Heavenly A bust of Alma White, a large- tworadio stationshere. Fatherdoesn’t hold up our sins to us. I boned, formidible looking woman, WAWZ(99.1 on the dial) uses37,000 wantto thankHim for His forgiveness stands in the administration building wattsand broadcasts 18 hoursa day. It and mercy. I’m a different person today. is oneof severalstations the church today." Althoughshe died in 1946(at the age operates;others are in Denverand Cin- Accordingto one member,this par- of 84) a tour around her former :inatti. Begun47 years ago, WAWZticular broadcastwas relatively sedate. apartment leaves one with the eerie wasstarted by AlmaWhite and her son Sometimespeople becomeso over- impression that she has just stepped Rayas a meansof spreadingthe gospel comeby the spirit theymarch up to the out for a moment. throughsermons. altar singing¯ "1 guessthat’s whywe "Here is the room where Alma White died," pointed out Arlene Now,programming includes classical haveearned the nickname’Holy Jura- Lawrence, during a recent tour. It music,interviews with local celebrities, pets,’" he laughed. remains the same today, except that dramatizationof Biblical storiesand ad- Besidesshowing the world at large the furniture has been rearranged. vice on healthand nutrition. Services that there is still an active core of The tour continues through Alma from the Zarephathchapel are broad- believers,the radiostation is a sourceof White’soffice, her bathroomand into cast llve and about half of the 50 incomefor the church. a large storeroom where her many 3rogramsare syndicatedshows sent to A Pillar of Firestation in Denverjust Bibles and paintings are stored. the station by other religious groups raised$37,500 through a fund-drive,ac- The muskyfeeling of those once- that pay~or air time¯ cording to vice-president Arlene used roomslingers in the atmosphere Lawrence.A similar drive hereis being of the main campus. Oneof those, "Searchlight,"a group plannednow, she said. Next on the itinerary is AlmaWhite with a Skillman, N.J. address, an- Most stations charge about $1 a College. The classrooms are full of nouncedduring a recent programthat minute to outside broadcasters. desks and chairs, but there wasn’t a the Lord had provided - without ac- WAWZ’srates are muchlower¯ In fact, student in sight. "Well weonly have a tually saying how- enoughmoney for it wasn’tuntil eight yearsago that the few," explained Mrs. Lawrence. How construction of a much-neededflour Pillar of Fire sold time, accordingto manyis a few? "Well, less than there mill in an undisclosedlocation¯ The im- station managerRea Crawford. once was," plication wasthat the radio hadhelped TheAM station, on for just three and Accordingto her husband,president raisethe fundsby arousing listener in- a half hoursa day,at 13¯50on the dial, is of the college, the facility newhas terest. broadcastin Spanish,and is aimedat a three students and this will be the A popular showis the Wednesday large Hispanicaudience in BoundBrook college’slast year. night testimonialservice broadcast live andMiddlesex. "It hasworked out well, TheLawrenees, however, call the fromZarephath. It hasbeen a sourceof not necessarilyin dollars andcents, but shut-downtemporary. "We still have newchurch members. in the responseswe get," said program MANAGINGEDITOR of the Pillar of Fire magazineWilliam Ponuneproofreads the our charter and can re-open any At a recentservice a boyof about11 managerJames Pearsall. bi-momhlypublication. time," Mrs. Lawrencesaid. or 12 rose shyly, and hesitantly ex- He is one of those who becamea plainedthat after listening to others memberof the Pillar of Fire throughthe FOUNDEDIN 1917, enrollment was declare how"believing" changedtheir broadcasts. the greatest- just under200 - during lives, he knewhe hadto comeand live "1 camein 1963. As a boy and a the Viet NamWar when for many here. He nowboards with Inez Sharp, youngman I had listened to WAWZ-AMTHECHAPEL also housesradio station WAWZ,the call letters standfor Alma young men the prospect of an principal of the church’s elementary education was moreappealing than andI liked whatI heard." White,Zarephath. crawlingaround the jungle with an 5" 16. Until three years ago the school was Steve Goodmanphotos empowered to confer bachelor degrees in arts and science. It then became evident that "the students were there because of their religious persuasions and it made more sense for them to award only Bachelor of Theology Degrees" said Mary Fairbanks of the state Departmentof Higher Education. The degrees are a prerequisite to ordination training in the Pillar of Fire, said Dr. Lawrence. In terms of enrollment the ZarephathBible Institute is in similar difficulties, says its director Arvey Mason, who now doubles as high school crossing guard. "Years ago manyof the college students took courses at the Bible Institute, but now... ’he traUnd off. Not far fromthe college building is the newly-renovated print shop. Equippeawith modernoffset presses, it is run by Arthur Lawrence,Arlene and Jerry’s son. There, two church magazinesand a friends of the college publication are put out, as well as other church literature and books. Part of the space is leased to an in- dependentprinter. On the day of the tour the thick-walledconcrete building was completely empty. THE IlIGH SCIIOOL and elementary school, located respec- tively across the street and in Bound Brookpresent a sharp contrast to the slow pace on campus, although enrollments are small compared to public schools. The high school has 70 students in grades 7 to 12; the elementary has 5L MANNINGTHE PRESS is Arthur Lawrence,greet-grandson of AlmaWhite. The Department of Education this ALMAWHITE PREPARATORY SCHOOL and surrounding buildings at moat.The Delaware and RaritanCanal in the photographflows to oneside of Zarephath,pictured above,in someways seem to be surroundedby a medieval the Zarephathcomplex¯ To the otherside lies the MillstoneRiver. 16-A Thursday,November 17, 1977 Review JEWISHSUPPER DANCE The Jewish Federation of now bemg accepted and Somerset County will hold its ticketsareavailableat$18per annual Late Night Supper couple which includes a late ’Children’s Hour’absorbing, uneven , : Dance on Saturday, Nov. 19, at night supper, music by the Jeff Temple Shalom, North Bridge Brooks Quartet and, The Edison Valley Players "The Children’s Hour" could destroy tw9 people by exquisite performance as Street in Bridgewater. The beverages. Dietary laws will ’ have rummaged through the takes place in the 1930’s. The whispering in malicious rumor Karen Wright, one of the , i :~: supperdanea, which will begin be observed. Tickets will not theater’s attic trunks and first scene opens on the living that they engaged in school directors falsely ac- at 8:30 p.m., has adopted the be sold at the door. Ticket come up with a relic that is room of the Wright-Dobie homosexual activity. Yet that cased by a cruel and theme: "Those Were The information may be obtained more white elephant than School for girls. In the days is the plot of "The Children’s psychotically sick student. Days," honoring the turn-of- by calling Sheila Gabaeff, 722- treasure, before fern-lib there were all Hour," a perfectly plausible -- The strong emotion that stirs the-Century emigrants who 6726; Bunny Gronich, 356-5689; .Linian Hellman’s drama, girls schools for girls only and if shocking -- plot when Ms. beneath the ladylike calm she brought their Jewish heritage and Lynn Schneiderman, 356- "The Children’s Hour," which all boys schools just for boys -- Hellman wrote it. maintains is subtly projected to America. Reservations are 8517. opened at the Edison Valley upper ctass girls and boys. Under the direction of Tony by real tears that well up in Playhouse on Nov. 4, is an That was also in the days Adase the drama is relived her lovely eyes and the ever- interesting relic. It’s a before Gay Liberation when with an emotional intensity so-slight twitch of tightening reminder of dark times and nice people didn’t even provided by several facial muscles. forgotten attitudes that are mention the word "lesbian" professional and polished Rita Bate is not as com- as long as you own the car good to remember oc- except in whispers, and many performances. Unfortunately fortable or as composed in her (others lust guarantee muffler only). easionally if only to better had no idea what it meant. Itis not all the roles are equally role of fellow accused teacher- appreciate today’s inconceivable today that any effected. director, Mariha Dobie. She is Air foreigncars are futtT guaranteedfor oneTear. child, no matter how evil, Katherine Paul gives an enlightened advancement, best when emoting quiet * CustomPipe Bending * R.V.’=.Pick.Ups/, Trucks distress, but begins to crack ¯ FreeSafety Inspection * ForeignCart during Mar[ha’s quarrels with ¯ Coast-To.CoastGuarantee ¯ CustomOuol Systems her aunt or her confrontations Ufeem.a ..... tee with Karen’s fiance. (609) 921-0031 SUBSCRIBE NOW! Marion Waters is very easy in the role of Mrs. Mortar, SCOTTIMUFFLER CENTER Martha’s actress aunt who is taken on temporarily as a DIV. OFJ.J. NEMES& SONS,INC. n TheManville News teacher. Ms. Waters is so U.S. HWY. 206 * PRINCETON buoyant and pleasant in the role that her dismissal from her teaching post seems a A Conference On ff-IILLSBOROUGHBEACON.. shame. And, although she is lax about returning home to The Development of take the witness stand in defense of her niece during the Third World Studies M The Franklin NEWSRECORDeventual morals trial, she stays likeable. Saturday,Nov. 19,1977 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 1 yearfor $4.50 . ~ 2 yearsfor $8.00 Karen Wright’s real love is Dr. Joseph Cardin to whom TOPICS: she is engaged. TomWaters is ....A DEAFEAR is turned to Karen Wright (Katherine Paul) as she pleads with Mrs. Tilford (Marcia [--1 3 yearsfor $10.00 warm. kind. handsomeand so Tamm)to stop a malicious rumor that is destroying her life, her work andher dreams. TomWaters much the soap-opera dootor "TheOrigin and Goalsof that Karen’a love for him is whoplays Karen’s fiance stands in the backgroundin this scenefrom the Edison Valley Playhouse production of "The Children’s Hour." [--] Seniorcitizens- 1 yearfor $2.75 easily understood, (Joe Haykophoto) Third WorldStudies" - Not so easy to understand is English, yet Nancy’s speech is [I Outof Sta~te 1 yearfor $9.00 the love Martha comes to The only barbin Mary’s life spattered with a very local Hour" is too uneven to be thoroughly absorbing, but it recognize in herself after the is her grandmother’s maid, colloquialism, the contraction "The Role of Third World Students of words like "little," entertains - and it serves to Name_ scandal destroys everything Agatha. BeG Boyle adeptly she and Karen have worked brings some humorous relief "couldn’t" and "didn’t" to "It- sharpen historic contrast. It in Progressive Education" for. to the drafi~a in the role of uhl." "cou-unt" and "di-unt." will be performed at the Address__ A sterling performance is Agatha. Director Adase has theater, 2196 Oak Tree Road, aisogivenbyMarciaTammas enhanced the drama with Edison through Dec. 4. Curtain Nancy Cox handles the time is 8:30 p.m. Friday and "Third World Studies and Zip ...... Mrs. Amelia Tilford, the difficult role of Mary well. Her artistic and imaginative in- deceived perpetrator of her quiet moments are her best -- novations such aS the addition Saturday, 7:30 p.m. on Sun- Career Objectives" granddaughter’s evil plot. when she looks sullen or of appropriate music to day. For reservations call 756- Sendto P.O. Box 146 heighten the suspense and a 4488. Mrs. Tilford is wealthy and threatening or satanic as she Colleen Zirnite Somerville, N.J. 08876 when her son committed hatches an evil scheme, tableau-like slow motion "Third World Studies and opening of each scene. or suicide she spent her money However, she has a fault in CUB LEADER Paw WOW pampering her grand- diction that the director should An attractive and realistic Worldwide Liberation Movements" CALL725-3300 daughter, Mary. She also have corrected. A child in set designed by Bob Jamieson TheWatehung Area Council helps finance the school until Mary Tilford’s social station permits swift change from the CubScout Leader Paw Wow, THIRD WORLDCENTER Mary erupts the scandal, would have spoken polished Wright-Dobie school ).o Mrs. anadult training event, will he Tilford’s living room for Act II heldat the FinderneSchool on 86 Olden St. Princeton University and back again to end in the Saturday,Nov. 19, fromg a.m. school. to 3:30p.m. For further in- Princeton, N.J. 08540 The Edison Valley formation,call the council ¯ production of "The Children’s office at 753-1976. (609)452-5495

CALENDAROFCOMING EVENTS B ~ B PRINTING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER17 HillsboroughPlanning Board - 8 p.m. MunicipalBldg. SERVICES FranklinCouncil - 8 p.m.Municipal Bldg. TO RENT of Manville, Inc. FranklinBoard of Adjustment.8 p.m. MunicipalBldg. 617W.Camplain Rd. Speak-OutProgram - EmploymentTask Force of Somerset County,NOW 8 p.m., CountyAdministration Bldg.. Somen~illo, Manville,N.J. 08835 Topic: "SexualHarrassment on the Job." THIS SPACEi Businessand Social Printing Rummageand GarageSale - New6" used clothing El, misc. Forms-BullatinS-Ryerz-Tickate items. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. St. Michael’s UkranianChurch, 1006 W. Cards-Envelopes. CamplainRd., Manville. Also Fri. 6" Sat. CALL Letterheads- Invitations FRIDAY, NOVEMBER18 CUSTOMPRINTING Freediabetes check- TheMedicine Shoppe. 631 Hamilton St. (A~’P ShoppingCenter) Somerset 10 a.m.-6p.m. PHONE:(201) 526-2070 Booksale - Sponsors,The Friends of SomersetCounty Library. 201-725-3300 CountyAdministration Bldg. Lobby1-5 p.m. Also Sat. t0 a.m.-5 p.m. Missionary ConferenceMeeting - 7:30 p.m. Hil[sborough Baptist Church,New Amwell Rd.. Speaker,Evelyn Solomon from HOME& FARM Taiwan. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER19 HORSEFEED g 5UPPOES,PET Daves Men’s ft SpaghettiSupper - SpartanClub of ImmaculataH.S. 4-8 p.m. FOODS,WILD BiRD SEED. ANIMAL [, schoolcare. FEED,WE ALSO CARRY WATER Boys Shop SquareDance. 7:30 p.m. MontgomeryH.S. Cafe. Burnt Hill SOFTENERSALTS, LAWN ¯ OAR. DENSUPPLIES, , , Rd.. S killman sponsoredby Burnt Hill RoadPTSA. & GLOVES¯ 41S. MainSt. Manville KarateExh b t on -7:30 p.m. ManvilleH.S. Gym. I Late Night SupperDance. Theme "Those Were the Days". The JewishFederation of SomersetCounty 8:30 p.m. TempleShalom. BELLEMEAD ’ ; No.Bridge St., Bridgewater.Reservations, 722-6726, 356.5686 or For Hire 356-8517. FARMERS’CO-OP * Policemen FranklinHigh School Holiday Bazaar - 10 a.m. LINE ROAD e Moffmen Franklin Arts Councilpresentation "West Side Story". 8 p.m. H.S. auditorium. BELLE MEAD" 725-9027 MissionaryConference Meeting - 7:30 p.m.. HillsboroughBap. liSt Church,New Amwell Rd., speakers,Jack Kreidler from Italy andJack McDanielfrom Japan. Indoor Flea Market - The ReformedChurch of Finderno, FUELOIL Bridgewaterand Whanon Aves.. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. For tables. 722. 8453(Held each Sat. thru Dec.17L SUNDAY, NOVEMBER20 OpenHouse - SomersetHospital’s new library - EducationBldg. 1-4 p.m.. GrantAve. entrance. A* XEROXIQnanlityCOPIES i SpaghettiDinner - Altar-RosarySociety of SacredHeart Chur- ch. 1-5 p.m., Churchauditorium, 9o. Main8- Filak Sis, Manville. BESSENYEI OpenHouse - Christ the KingSchoot, No. 13th Ave.. Manville1- 3:30 p.m. Prices & Son MissionaryConference - HillsboroughBaptist Church.New Am- ..l t’aihL b b’ I welt Road,9:45 a.m.. Mr. JohnR. Oesai,India, 11 a.m. Dr. Roy Oil Burners Installed Watson,CBFMS Area Respresentative.7 p.m., Mr. Richard Jet- TOWNSHIP freys. Indonesia. MONDAY, NOVEMBER21 PHARMACY 8minutes& 586Hamilton St. ManvilleBoard of Education- 8 p.m.H.S.Library. NewBrunswick SpartanClub of ImmaculateH.S. - BusineSSmeeting - 8 p.m.. KI5-8800 KI5-6453 Little Theatre. ; 12 HamihonSt.. Somerset $1.15later. HUlsboroughBoard of Education- 8 p.m.. HighSchool Library. NOTARYPUBLIC Your college roommatein Nashville. Your sister.in-law in Milwaukee. "- Yourgirl friend in Athens.Georgia. SHERMAN£r SOPKO BELLE MEAD AnS-minute long distancecall to any of thesewondedu] FUCILLO & LUMBERCO., INC. peopleis just $1.15from an~Avhere in NewJersey. Less than you SONS Agents for ReadingBlvd.. Belie Mead thought?Well, that’s whatdialing direct duringlowest bargain WARREN JEWELERS WheatenVan Lines, Inc. 359-5121 A Complete Line of callingtimes is all about.Bargain rates are ia effectall day KeepsakeDiam0ng Rings MOVING Saturday.On Sunday till 5 p.m., andevery day from 11 p.m. STORAGE¢INC. BUILDING MATERIALS FuneralHome, Inc, WideSelection of Wedding 8pnds ¯ Cook& DunnPaints ¯ Comb. till 8 in the morning.Not applicable to calls to Alaskaor Hawaii AdamFucillo, Mgr. PermitaS Doors&Windows ¯ Andirsen Win. or operator-assistedcalls suchas credit card, collect, third number 725-1763 FREEEarPiercing with daws* Ceilings ¯ Patio Materials ¯ Purchaseof Ea,ings Local & LongDistance CarpellngS VinylTile ¯ Riled billed, person.to.personand coin phonecalls, Sogo ahead... EasementDoors ¯ RailroadTies ¯ makesomeone happy today. Somerset Shopping Center 3SNo.17th Ave. Hardwarea DecoratorPanels ¯ Bridgewater RootingMaterials ¯ Insulation.. Manville Gloss¯ PanealngPlywood ¯ R¢tck 203 S, Main St.. Manville 526-0111 201-725.7766 Amazing what a phone call can do. @New JerseyBell &Malan~y Materiels

l J A It Thursday, November17,1977 17-A .County girls competein SomersetJunior Miss Pageant

byAndyLoigu savings bond. MISS ZUPP, who later A prospective Trenton State becoming first runner up, Franklin }hgh, Debbie is a In the communityshe is aetive Staff Writer The judges’ interviews reported she lived in Virginia College student, she plans to Judith AnnKain entertained yearbook staff secretary, and with St. Matthias CYOas a studied the girls’ mental as a youngster before coming major in business and would the crowd with a baton enjoys swimming, skiing, cheerleading coach. She plans B R I DGE W ATE R -- alertness, personality, sense to Franklin, sang the popular also like to pursue a career in twirling exhibition to the tune dance andguitar. She ptans to to attend DouglassCollege and Franklin resident Nancy Annof values, clarity of ex- song"YouLight Up My Life" dance and theatre. of "Star Wars." The skills enroll at TrentonState College the Fashion Institute of Zupp, a senior at Immaculata pression, knowledge and with a little twist. Her voice whichhave earnedher the title and majorin theatre arts. Technology to prepare for a High School, captured two perception, attire, grooming, had a distinctive "country" MISS BENDA, who is a of State Grant Champion Judy Lukacs of Franklin career as a fashion.designer. awards at the 1978 Somerset social qualities, activities and flavor. Afterwards, Nancy Montgomery High School Strutter were much in High School played the theme MANVILLEIIIGII School County Junior Miss Pageant honors. Annsaid she has been singing student, is a memberof the evidence. from "The Apartment" on the was represented by Dehorn Tast Friday night. Poise and appearance in various stage productions future business leaders of Franklin Jaycees President piano for the audience. At Jean Tomaszfski. She played MontgomeryHigh School’s qualifications were dignity, since age three, but has never Americaclub, Germanclub, is Bill Woodhullremarked that school, Judy is vice president "Mozart’s Aria" artfully on taken singing lessons. Karen Benda, also a senior, grace, groomingand posture, a "Choralier," and a member "in this kind of event, there af the senior class and clarinet. wonthe pageant’s award for Fitness was evaluated by In school, NancyAnn is a of the health career club. She really are no losers." president of the RussianClub, At Manville High School scholastic excellence. The observing coordination, memberof the National Honor has earned her school’s "Greg as well as a memberof the Debora Jean is a memberof event took place at Somerset dexterity, balance, agility and Society. She serves as Award" and typing award. In IilLLSBOBOUGII IItGII Russian Honor Society. She the honor society, ski club, County Vo-TechSchool. stamina, secretary of the student her community she is a School can at least be proud has served as junior class yearbookstaff, and band. In Miss Zupp wona $50 savings The audience was treated to council, captain of the varsity member of a church youth that it was represented by prom chairman. She exhibits the communityshe serves as bond for being selected the enteflaining performancesby cheerleaders and as group. three worthy entrants, and school spirit as a "Keyette" president of St. Mary’s winner of the "Junior Miss all the girls Fridaynight in the statistician for the baseball Karen entertained the that no other school in the and as a cheerleader. Judy’s Sodality and president of St. Spirit Award"by the other 14 creative and performing arts team.She is also a memberof audience with a monologue county had more than two ’hobbiesare sailing andtennis. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic pageant contestants and competition. While the gals the dramaclub, business club, from "Free To Be You And contestants. She plans to study music at YouthOrganization. earned a $150 scholarship by entertained the estimated 300 gymnastics team, CYOand Me" and proved to be Mon- Tina Pratt, of Hillsborough, DouglassCollege. ¯ Mr. Woodhull,speaking for being namedsecond runner Tap persons in the audience, the "search team." tgomery’s answer to Lily amusedthe crowd with a song Barbara Jean Rowan, a the daycees whohave span- in the judges’ overall selec- judges looked for qualities Scholastically she has won Tomlin. and dance routine from "Guys resident of Franklin, is a sored the Somerset County tion. Miss Benda earned a such as originality, technical achievement awards in ac- In earning the Somerset Junior Miss Pageant ability, appropriateness of counting and typing. In her and Dolls" to the tune, "A senior at St. Peter’s High scholarship award of $100 County Junior Miss title, Bushel and a Peck." Her School Her lalent presen- throughoutits t4-year history, dollars for having the best selection and , communityshe sings in her Patricia Spiegel made a costume could best be ration also was a piano piece, noted that the contest seeks to scholastic record of all the showmanship,achievement in churchchoir. presentation of her original described as something from the Iheme from "Brian’s encouragethe qualities which contestants. light of difficulty and Nancy Ann enjoys her- artwork and sculpture. Af- a’n old Shirley Templemovie. are consistent with the ideals eebackriding. Song." Bernardsville’s Patricia projection, terwards she remarked that In school,Tina, a senior, is a AI St. Peter’s, BarbaraJean of the Jayeees--faith in God,a Spiegel won the "Somerset she started in art and memberof the honor society, is in the honorsociety. Shealso commitmentto furthering the CountyJunior Miss" title and ceramics three years ago, ski club, band, chorus, is a varsity cheerleader, brotherhood of man, and $600 scholarship which went whenshe was a sophomoreat musicals cast, yearbookstaff, student council representative action toward establishing with the . The first Bernards High. and is senior class secretary. and is the homecomingqueen, justice in our society. runner up, Judith AnnKain, of Patricia’s school activities She plans to attend Rutgers or Bridgewater Raritan West include National Honor DouglassCollege and major in tligh School, earned a $200 Society, yearbook editor, language. scholarship award. newspapergirls’ sports editor, Rose Mirakian, In addition to Miss Zuppand literary magazine, American ttillsborougha senior, pe Miss Benda, seven other girls Field Service, records formedan exotic jazz danceto from Ilillsborough, Franklin secretary of the student music called "Fire." and Manville competed. All council, senior class vice Highlighting the performance are seniors at their respective president, prom chairperson was a portion she danced high schools. and varsity "B" club vice before a strobe light. ¯ From Hillsborough, Tina president. In her community In school, Rose is an honor l~ratt, Susan Evansand Rose she earned second place in a student and served as Mirakian participated. Bicentennial art show. president of her class as a Manville was represented by sophomore. Dehorn Jean Tomaszfski. TIlE EXPEl’HENCE of She is also on the school Barbara Jean Rowan, a Friday’s pageant, Patricia prom committee, drama ,Franklin resident, hopes, will prepare her for the ensemble, modern dance represented St. Peter’s High upcoming state junior miss group, musical shows cast, School. Franklin High School pageantshe will participate in band front and yearbrook was represented by Debbie during the winter. She added staff. She plans to attend New Cherry and Judith Lukacs. that, "I cameinto this pageant York University or Emerson The Franklin Township moreconcerned with personal College. Jaycecs sponsored the growth than winning, and Hillsborough senior Susan pageant, that’s the same way VII ap- Evans, a prospective jour- proach the state pageant. I nalism major, performed a TIlE CONTESTANTSwere enjoyed meeting all the girls pantomineof a youth selling evaluated by the judges on five and makingnew friends." "1 LOVEYOU, a bushel and a peck," sings Tina Pratt of newspaperson a street corner. main areas--scholastic As part of her effort in Hillsborough. achicvemcnl, judges’ in- In school, Susan is a member of the drama club, terviews, poise and ap- literary magazine, class pearance, physical fitness, George Street announces cabinet, newspaper and *land creative and performing yearbook.She has served as arts. underclasseditor andeditor in While the Friday evening opening of theater cafe chief of the yearbook.In the programfeatured mainly the communityshe participates in girls’ poise and appearance, a nursing homeministry and physical fitness, and creative The George Street Louie’sserenadingcrepes, and exhibit is hungin coordination churchyouth group, She plans and performing arts com- Playhouse announces the Shakespeare’s sweets. A with each of the Playhouse’s to attendKing’s College. petitions, pageant emcee opening of the 4th Wall eafe complimentary glass of wine seven professional produe- Philip Beachemreported that and Gallery, located at the will accompany each meal. tions throughoutthe season. A Playhouse’s 414 George St. According to cafe manager newexhibit is available for the FItANKLINIIIGII School’s the judging was a three.week Debby Cherry lit up the process. location, on Thursday,Nov. 17. Sandra Tepliti, patrons will enjoymentof cafe lunch-goers The Care, which has served have the opportunity to submit every five weeks. auditorium with a gymnastics Giventhe most weight in the floor exhibition. Afterwards scoring was the judges’ in- before and after performance a recipe for their ownfavorite snacks and beverages to its sandwich creation. These Dcbbienoted that she started terviewing of the girls, which The current Playhouse practicing gymnastics four was completed before the play-going crowdsince 1975, recipes will be judgedon their will nowbe open from 11:30 creativity, and the winnerwill production, running from Nov. years ago as a ninth grader. pageant finale and accounted 11 throughDec. 4, is BruceJay Since then she ’has won for 35 per cent of each girl’s a.m. until 2 p.m., Monday be dubbed the weekly "Great through Friday, serving NewAmerican Sandwich". It Friedman’s hit comedy numerousawards in the art. evaluation. "Steambath." Single tickets She displayed her ability The judges determined the homemadesoups, sandwiches, willbealunchoonspceialfora salads, crepes, and luncheon week, and will carry the name are available by calling (201) backed up by music from scholastic achievement 246-7717or by stopping at the "Gndspell" as she danced to i F scoring by reviewing tran- specials. of it’s creator. People stopping into the Thcgallery portion of the 4th box office located at 414 the tune of "Turn Back Old ¯ scripts of the girls’ grades in George St., NewBrunswick. Man." DEBBIETOMASZFSKI of Manville plays an aria by Mozarton school. For being the most sunny care for lunch will be Wall has been in existance herclarinet as herpart of the talentcompetition. NANCYZUPP of Franklin wasvoted the "Junior Miss Spirit offered such delights as since thePlayhouse opened in Ample parking is always Besides being a four-time outs andingcontestant in this Award"by the 14 other contestants, for whichshe won a $50 available. letter winne !n gymnasticsat .,area, MissBends won her $50 Moliere’s dip (roast beef au 1974. It has featured the works r savings bond.She also receiveda $150scholarship for her just, Reuben a la Wagner, of local artists and craftsmen secondrunner-up award. cheese and chives by Chekhov, Amy Ling, Thomas Babolar, (Steve Goodmanphotos) steambath shrimp salad, and Claudette Haba. A new SUNI)AY MFDITATION ¯ Ira Progoff’s process The most important part -meditation, "Star on the Cross," will be the topic of the Sundaymorning service of the Unitarian - Universalist ’Fellmvship of the Somerville of teachingis caring. area on Nov. 20. Susan Tweedie, a member of the fellowship, will present the program, which depicts the cycles of life, weaving together the eastern and It [ didn’tcare. I wouldo’t western religious approaches. be a teacherBecause I care, I’malweys looking for new The program will begin at waysto help your ktds I 10:30 a.m. at the Unitarian wdntthem to hnd thetr place ’Meeting House on Washington In Ihe worldfind a Job Valley Road, Bridgewater, that’sgood tor them That’s one mile east of Routes 202- whywe work so herd m class¯ 206. Coffeeand discussion will Youcen help it you let ~’follow.the service. yourchddren know how muchyou care, too When yourchtldren come home, showthem you’re interested SPARTAN CLUB In whatthey’re doing Ask TO MEET dbOtlthomework Is tt done complelely"~ Done"~ on brae The Spartan Club of Im- Donebefore TVgobbles up lhelr~ time maculata High School, Andtell mewhat’s on Somerville, will have its your mmdShare your monthly meeting on Monday, thoughtswith me Nov. 21, at 8:00 p.m. in the Sometimeswe have our Little Theatre t;f Immaculata differencesThat’s under. High School. The general standableBut there’s one business meeting will be thingwe’ll ffever thSer ebout: conducted by Mr. Bob Thetmportanee ol yourkids andthmr educetlon. Canavan, president. Com- The morewe work mittee chairmenwill report on together,the morewe’ll both their activities. Coffee and help our c~drensucceed cake will be served in the cafeteria at the close of the meeting. e.lp.meto THINKIN6OF l Our animals belong in your ark... elpthem. FIREPLACE? iSUILT IN WOOUauaNIaO Beautifullydetailed andjeweled, these 18Kgold animalsare ped,igreed,indeed. PlaaPLACa S~9 TheKoala Bear, 320. ~/~-~ ~~ The Parrot, 320. U~HOI ATEDELIVEaY The Swan,500. The Fox, 350. ~VAILAaLHIN ANYSTYLE n]ea ORFINISH 100 PEa CaNT HANK The Pheasant, 600. The Eagle, 350. FINANC~NO I$t PAYMaNY, eND OF ForIntormatton On How JANUARY TheElephant, 420. The Porpoise, 190. YouCan Help. Wnte ESTABLISHED1877 Newlersey Educahon Call CaliCO,Fee Fr4~ atllmste ~ssoo~tlon 251-2200 54 NassauStreet * Princeton* (609) 924-0624 lO0W. State Sl. Ti’~utah. N. l N.J. Flaa PLAelCOHP O86O8 Ihe banklin NEWSRECORD Thursday, November17, 1977 18-A Hunting... Weiner... Santa will visit church bazaar ComputerTime Saint Joseph’s Church of will also be home baked goods I Cootinuedfrom Page One ] [ Continuedfrom Page One ] East Millstone will be holding for sale and knitted and its annual Christmas bazaar crocheted items. Santa wilt youhave to listen. Myfirst reaction is equipmentand began to leave the Available on Saturday, November19 visit the bazaar from I p.m. to With or without operators that there’s not enough room for conference room in the municipal from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the 3p.m.totalktotheehlldren. A hunters, hikers and joggers." building, wherethe meetingwas still church hall on Livingston special children’s workshop IBM System3-Model 15 Dr. Hamilton,like his chief on the in progress. Whenhe was about one Avenue. will be heldduring the hoursof 64K-1100LPMPrinter, 5445disk commission,noted that his views on third of the waydown the center aisle Featured will be a Christ- thebazaarwheroehlldrencan the proposal in no way indicate a leading to the exit, Mr. Wetherrose to mas table with wreaths, or- play games and win prizes. Dedicatedsystem. Any shift. his [feet, demandingto knowif Mr. disdain [for hunting, whichhe feels is naments, candles and All proceeds will go to the Goodlocation with parking. "essential In keeping gameanimals in Goodmanhad taken a photograph. stocking.stuffer gifts. There church’s buildingfund. proportion." Pleasant workingatmosphere. WIIEN TilE N EWS-itECORI) CLINIC/WORKSHOPS FOR COACHES Forfurther Information contact ALTIIOUGHIIUNTEHS have not staffer replied that he had, Mr. Weiner Mr,George T. Hornyak, (609) 989.8,184 demandedthe film, threatening to yet bandedto present unified support Four workshopsfor physical [for the parkproposal, the well-known smash the camera. for Professional Ad- ALLSTATESDESIGN & "At this point he reached over my education teachers, athletic vancement.All worksho]~will marksmanwho [first recommended directors and coaches of high be given in Decemberat The the idea hopes that all interested shoulder, grabbed the camera strap DEVELOPMENT,COMPANY, INC. sportsmen will attend the Nov. 30 from behind, and pulled it clear of my school and junior high school Sheraton Inn, Route 18, East 367Pennlngton Ave., P.O. Box 1693 head," Mr. Goodmansaid later. "Fie students will be offered by the Brunswick. Fo further in- Trenton,N.J. 08607 meetingat the municipal building. Institute for Advancement That manis AI Toth, President of pulled hardenough to openup oneof formation, callKaronKirstien the metal connecting points on the through Education, in at 249-1400. Enrollments are the Middlesex Federation of Sport- cooperation with The Center limited. smen’s Clubs, Vice President of the strap. I workedone side of the strap State Federation of Sportsmen’s [free, andthen the other side, leaving Clubs,and for eight anda half yearsa him holding the strap." Santa’s hosting a Buffet Breakfast membero1" the Division of Fish and Mr. Goodman added he did not GameCouncil, which he chaired. attmept to resist Mr.Weiner, but only at the Nassau Inn. Come and have "My recommendationwas not to wantedto try to release his camera, allow everybodyto just comein and which is worth approximately $700. blast away," Mr. Toth stated. "That "The importantpoint, as far as I’m BREAKI g was my reason for suggesting they concerned, is that I took his picture limit the numberof permits granted before l asked him, but was honest per week." with him whenhe asked me if I had Mr. Toth doesn’t believe it makes takenhis picture. I said ’yes,’ I had." gap a good sense to hold that numberto 20, Developing the film later that as the plan nowdictates. "The hunter evening, Mr. Goodmandiscovered that the photograph, taken while he Santa’s Workshop Players, under the di- doesn’twant to go in andkill off all the I)EBBIE CHERRYwas one of Franklin Township’s four contestants was seated with the camerapositioned rection of Brenda Nolan of the Aparrl game, because then he spoils his own last Friday’s Somerset County Junior Miss Pageant, sponsored by town. sport," he explained. on his knee, showedonly Mr. Saxon School of Ballet, will dance and perform Askedif he sees a potential danger and Mr. Weiner’s son. Only a portion ship Jaycees. Above, Ms. Cherry performs n gymnastics routine for th( to users of the towpathwhile hunters of the Edgemereowner’s leg and talent portion of the pageant. For a story and additional photographs el for you! were nearby, or even using the path werevisible on the final print. the annual event, tm’n to page 17-A. themselves to gain access to per- ISteve Goodmanphoto] Bill Crdwley will draw a cartoon of each missible areas, Mr. Toth was adamant. and everyone! You could frame it, and "I don’t see whythey couldn’t use Kindergarten... give it to Grandma for a fun present. the towpath to get from one area to another. I can’t answer for all the manychildren," he said. llOAItI) MEMBERMargaret luxuryfor the remainder of the 1977-78 And Santa has a sweet surprise for all! hunters. Somebodymight fire while on "Where’s the moneygoing to come Scherbina observed, "This board has school year. the towpath, but you can’t punish all from?" Mr. Van Houten asked, then historically shown a great deal of "In our current budget, not one hunters because one does something answered his ownquestion: "I don’t concern about class size anyway," additional tcaeberwas provided," Dr. Saturday, December I0 at 9 a.m. wrong.If a golfer drives a golf bali care where that moneyis going to through your living roomwindow, you referring to a previous year when Whytacautioned. "Within this tight Saturday, December 17 at 9 a.m. comefrom. We’ll rob from someother unanticipated state aid was ira- budget, wewillmakeanadjustment... don’t close downall the golf courses." account. But I’m telling you sure as mediately placed in the teachers’ at Pine Grove, but it’s very difficult. "We’ve got existing laws," he we’re all sitting here tonight, we’re salary account. "Do remember," the superin- continued. If a hunter breaks those going to run out of cash somewhere Tickets available at the Front Desk of the "That money amounted to 10 tendent said finally, "we did try to Nassau Inn, at the Greenhouse Restaurant, laws he should be fined or arrested for along the line. This year probably for teachers’ salaries, above and beyond take the first approach, whichwas to it. Let’s get the ones whoare guilty the first year ever in this township wbat weprojected, to be used in case hire a half-time kindergarten teacher. or call Miss Marny at 92]-7500, and punish them ... and clear up the we’re going to face squeezing the of emergency,"Ms. Scherbina added. For personnel reasons, that just did for information. nameof hunting. budget dry." The board clearly will have no such not work." As a final endorsement of the proposal, Mr. Toth noted that in ad- Zero balance or no commentsfrom dition to residents in the park vicinity other board membersindicated they ’whooppose hunting, "there are also shared the president’s sentiments. people there whohave been hunting Janet Salzman thanked "the that area for years and years. They tremendousparent support from Pine TOWN GOVERNMENT havea right to it." Groveparents" but pointed out that a NOT RESPONDING? decision would have been made CALL THE EDITOR FOR THE MAN ANOTIIER SUPPORTERof the Mondaynight "without a single phone FUN OR plan is Russell Cookingham,Director call." of the Division of Fish and Game,who "Wehave never had a class of 30 or FANTASY? GOINGPLACES calls park hunting"a legitimate use of 31 in a kindergarten, and I hope we public land." will never have one again," Ms. "It’s a very conservativeproposal," Salzmansaid. he added. "We would not advocate throwing it wide open without con- DIAL.AN-IDEA Irols. Whenwe’ve run these kinds of patrolled programs in the past, The U.S. Small Business hunters have becomeself-policing. Administration’s "Dial-An- Theyhave revocablepermits, and also Idea" will give pointers [for a they’re very aware they’ve got to be high degree of success in a on good behavior." small business during the Does he believe hunters might week of Nov. 2I. "Dial-An- disturb the canal area’s tranquility, Idea", SBA’sphone-in service zealously protectedsince 1974, whenit with help[ful hints for small was designated a state park and the business people features a new canal commissionwas established to tip every week. Future "Dial- oversee its use by the public? An-ldea" tapes will suggest ’Td be surprised if there were more waysto win the battle against than five or t0 shots per day," Mr. bad check passers, methodsto Cookinghamreplied. "I don’t think select the best trading location most people wouldeven realize they as well as a discussion on were there. Huntersdon’t conflict with upcoming events. All are joggers. They’re using different invited to call "Dial.An-Ides" areas." at {201)645-6345. senior citizens Easily Identifiable scene The Somerset County Chapter of the American Association~" Retired Persons will hold its monthlymeeting, Monday,Nov. 14 at 1:30 p.m. at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Union Avenue,Somerville. Following the business meetingthere will be a slide] presentation of Somerset County. Membersare reminded that lap being madefor the Greenbronk Nursing Home will be acceptedat the Nov.14 andDec. 12 meetings.

WATCUOUT FOR DEER This is the time of the year when NewJersey motorists should use extra caution to The British Warmfrom Malcolm Kenneth avoid collisions with deer, withall the impeccabledetails of the accordingto the state Division of Fish, Game, and Fantasticis the wordfor RusselTaylor’s Britishmilitary coat- front darts for Shellfisheries. The division marvelouslymink-like jackets. Oneis a subtlytailored waist suppression, advises drivers to slow down in rural sections of the state The classic Kirk bracelet, perfect to give, boxy,the otherbelted. Bothare "Unreal" welt-edgestitching, lea.ther buttons and heed deer area signs. ® andepaulettes. You’ll look great, and wonderful to receive so right to wear. In two fur look-alikesin Minearaof Tissavel. widths of sterling silver, narrow at $12.50, ’ that, sir, will makeyou feel good.$195. wider at $22.50; in pewter, at $7.00. To be monogrammed at a small charge. PollcyHolders CALL 609-882-0213 [for insurance Weinsure everybody for Homeownersand Auto Insurace CAPITALINSU ’ Esto0hsned1877 Free Parking O!Mercer Co.. Inc, ¯ OpenFriday Behind Store 1684%Penninston Rd. 54 Nasseu street ¯ Princeton ¯ 924-0624 ’til 9 P.M. rrenlon,N. J. Wedne~sy, November 16, 1977 ¯ ¯ A:.:. ,s :;. ,.,;,!:,- ~ ~.~, WinOsor-HlghtsHerald, ManvilleNews, Franklin NewPRecord,HIIlsborough Beacon, Central Post’ ]’B ’ " --,,,- WESTMINSTER--,-,,- PRESENTS arts & HARALD VOGEL inn HarpsichordRecital 2:00,4’~0, 7:10 a e~=n leisure StareFriday Tuesday,November 29,1977 at 8 PM "ALICE SWEETALICE" (R) The Playhouse Benson to play PRINCETON-- Joan Benson, one nI the few ex- perts of moderntimes on the clavichord,will give a Westminster Choir College free concert on Friday at 8:30 p.m., in the Buxtehude, BBhm,and VivaldVBach WoolworthCenter nf Musical Studies, sponsored by the Friends of Music and the Music Depart- Five KeithHill harpsichords ment of Princeton University. She will perform QuadrupleConcerto of J.S. Bach workscomposed in the 15th throughthe 18th cen- / tuz including C.P.E. Bach, Haydnand Mozart. I!~ I ~ S.clel,=0o=C ...... ,=0o T, YOU ARE CORDIALLYINVITED FREE! II after four ye~s" of I Sho.O:t5= 9:00 I I after fottr Years °f ~11 Play for kids II Bargain Matinee | II preparation "~’’l sat.=s,,.2:0o ~ I WESTWINDSOR -- Mercer County Com- I | and production HENRY munityCollege Children’s Theatre will presentits WINKLER first play, "The Invention," on two Saturdays, Nov. 19 and 26, at the KelseyTheatre at II a.m. FIELD and 2 p.m. Theaudience itself is the maincharac- .===~=g=-=~...PG i II A Film by FEDERICOFELLINI,.,,DONALD SUTHEat.ANO ter. Whenthe FunMerchant and his assistants at- ~lllluP!~ ilm~l COSTA-GAVRAS 141"11,)1:. temptto assemblea toy machineon stage, they are ~~=~~L’~- I~k:’~ SpecialSection ¯ almostfoiled by the evll toy spy,Kallbad. It’s up to ~~@ I ¯ the audience to build the toy machineand make sure that Kalibadreceives his just punishment.Ad- I missionis $2 for adults and $1 for children. For reservations,call 586-4695.

.’sn=xo~r=auuuom EAST WINDSOR J~ ling or TO~ll ~ Tryouts for ’Brigadoon’ C:lI-V~: 1"4~TI’4 Er’.il.l PRINCETON -- PJ & B has announced "THE auditionsto be held in CorwinHall for its produc- ¯ LINCOLN Burr I~.y.oMs ~...... ii:~’il. KEITH tion of "Brlgadoun."Audition dates/or students "" will be: Mondayfor dancers; Tuesdayfor actors. CONSPIRACY" ~,~ Jackie meason Fd.al 5:30- 7:30- 9:30 Fd.at 5:30 - 7:45.9:55 For adults, auditions will be on Nov.26 and 27. 7S9PM2 PMSAT,,$UN. Set.at 1:15 - 3:t5- 5:30¯ 7:30.9:30 Sat.at I:00.3:15.5:30.7:45.9:55 "Brigadoon"will be directed by Milton Lyon, Sun.at 1:15.3:10.6:00. n:oo Sun.al 1:00.3:15.6:15¯ 8:30 BERGER choreographedby Joan Lucas and presented on Theh.~s~ RICHARD Feb. 16, 17 and 18 at McCarterTheatre. There o,,:~,,,,~:~*, come~vo~tr~war’ PRYOR will be a cast of 125-150,so all peopleof all ages Master of Mime: November18, 19 are encouragedto audition. For an appointment "lbLn"l,igl/t Fantastic ~ PCPPlayhouse Fridaysand Saturdays at 8:30-$3.50 Animation Sundaysat 7:30-S2.50 and information about the show, please contact "A Company of One" 171 Broadmead,Princeton Judith Augsbergat 609-452-6139. Forre~.ervation$ and information, pteam call 6091921.6314. SAT. NOV. 19 at 2 P.M. DianaCrane. Bill La Touche.Churchill Clark, Dorothy~dlcarcla F6.al 5:30-7:45 - 9;55 Fri.al 0:30- 7:30 - 9:30 Jane Beard. Robin Buckingham,Nina Manhin, Chri.~tiae Cragg Sat,a t 5:30.7:45.9:55 Sat.at 1:30.3:30- 5:30.7:30. S:30 Sun,at 4:15.6:15-8;30 Sun,at 1:00- 300 ¯ 5:00¯ 7:00,9;00 at MeCARTER THEATRE ForGroup Sales please call 609.883-7355 Harpsichordist to play SPECIALMATINEE $UPERI~JGTHEWRO ONE The Princeton Community Players TH~SAT. I I/It&SUN. I I/~O AT I ~ pJR1. PLUS Tickets: 83.50, 3:00 & 2.50. Nowon sale NORTHBRANCH -- Internationally acclaimed ALLSlAT~ el Js SUPE,lUGSUPEe AO,NT harpsichordist Elaine Comparunewill be per- SUPE,lUOCOUItl r EAllJle at the McCarter Box Office. PHONEORDERS formingat SomersetCounty College on Friday at 8 WELCOME: 921-8700 RIDER COLLEGE SEC-SAF PRESE p.m. in the Planetarium/Theater. Admissionis $4.50 per personand student admissionis $2 per person. For information and reservations, call (201}526-1200, ext. 312. friaries-at-rrlccarter ACADEMYAWARD~ Taub in recital BEST[~DCUMENTARY WINNERFEATURE& PRINCETON-- Robert Taub, pianist, will ap- pear in the Sacks MemorialConcert on Saturday A remarkable, passionate work. at 8:30 p.m. in WoolworthCenter. His program A reminder that there cannot be will include Mozart’s"Sonata in BbMajor," "24 neutrals---anywhere...... , ...... Preludes, Opus 28" by Chopinand Beethoven’s BARGAINMATINEE SAT-SUN ALL SEATS$1.00 UNTIL 5:30 "sonata in C Minor, Opus111." LADIES’NIGHT TUESDAY I

Puppet wizardry EDISON-- Though dinosaurs, puppets, and Pieaaao havelittle in common,an award-winning artist, concertpianist, and puppeteerwill combine the three into one muhi-mediahappening at Mid- dlesex CountyCollege on Sunday.As part of the Children’s Theater Series, Marshall Izen will presentan hour-lungproduction for youngstersen- HARLANCOUNTY U.S.A. titled, "Dinosaurs,Puppets, and Picaaso," at 2 producedcmd Olr~IKI by 8erbara Koppll Principal Ci~motographr HartPerry p.m.in the CollegeCenter. Olrectorof Edmng Nancy 6oklr RO~J PO Ticketsavailable at StudentCenter Ticket Office MaN. £t TUES. NOV. 20-21 For FurtherInformation Call (609)896-0800 X-626 at 7 ~ 9 pm ¯ 10 McCOSH Mime for kids Admission: $2.00 / On sale at 10 McCosh door from 6:30 pm McCarterTheatre Company’ PRINCETON-- On Saturday at 2 p.m., Mc- MichaelKaha, Producing Director Carter Theatre’s"Specially for Kids"series will present a performance by the youngmasterof presents American mime, Keith Berger. He gained popularity in NewYork City by performing up "McCARTER’SNEW GLORY IS and downFifth Avenuein such locales as the Plaza Fountain, the porch of St. Thomas’Church, and REALLYPRETTY GLORIOUS!" Washingtnn Square. His "MimeOver Matter" T. Blackburn,Trenton Times series of-threesfiows at LincolnCenter’s Tully Hall receivednational critical acclaim.For tickets and infnrmatinncall the McCarterTheatre box office A NEW MUSICAL!. at (609} 921-8700. Forthe ones you love ~r~, The rv,0~ Mollere on women Aa Unusual Holiday Gill Idea LAWRENCEVILLE--"The Intellectual Ladies,"Mnliere’s satirical look at I7th century Frenchscholarship, will be performedThursday Buythem tickets to hear through Saturdayat Rider College. Directed by Daniel Borkowitz,the production will be staged nightly at 8: 05 p.m. in the FineArts Theatre.The ANDREWATTS, piani,t by ClarkGesner comedy, to be done in full period sets and ,will co-star PamelaFnster, in the role of AT RUTGERSUNIVERSITY Bellse; AnneHughes in the role of Philaminte; and Judith Willard in the role nI Armande. Tickets,at $3 each,will be availableat the door. "Electrifying, sensational, daring, colorful, imaginative, powerful. . . a super virtuoso!" wllh Musics Alta billed HaroldSchonberg, The New York Times Patricia Falkenhain PRINCETON;--- MuslcaAlta, the popular group JaneRose nf singers and instrumentalists perfnrmingmusic dboctedby of the MiddleAges and Renaissance,will give a Thursday,Jan. 5, 19788:00 p.m. NegleJackson free concert on Tuesdayat 8:30 p.m. in Alexander RUTGERSUNIVERSITY GYMNASIUM "~ Byirrmlgso~nl with Hall. RobertMnreen, Assistant Professorof Music "PUREENCHANTMENT... COLLEGEAVE., NEW BRUNSWICK A~hurWhitelaw and Albert W. Selden at PrL,~eetunand the group’sfounder, will direct a McCARTER THEATRE programof works by Busnoio, Barbireau and ReservedSeats - aa.so, $7.50, s6.50, $5 or S2.00bleachers MONDAY, DEC. 12 ¯ 8:00 pm ORDER TICKETS TODAY 921-8700 Oekeghem,including the MissaPrnlatinnum. Jan- ConcertBoxOffice Center ofthe Creative &Performing Arts nlhr, Lehmann,Assistant Conductor,will direct ForTickets Write: RutgersUniversity, 358 George St,New Brunswick, NJ.08903 TicketG: 7,50, 6,50, 7.00, 5.00 the instrumentalists, Nowon sale at the McCarterBox Office FINAL WEEK through Nov. 20 or call: 201--932-7591 phoneorders accepted; 921-8700 I

s l : t ,~ k t Thursday, November17, 1977 Three plays by Wilder War|anCounty’ aroundthe galleries next in series PRINCETON-- On Monday INTERNATIONALRESTAURANT and Tuesday, Nov. 2t and 22, ANDCOCKTAIL LOUNGE with MiriamFriend replace ’Old Flames at 7 and 9 p.m., in McCosh10 M(NtlO#|OINGOU|Mn MIG*IIHI n119r$ ~ * 4 on the Princetnn University ¯’PmOMII|n|a A PIACK GARGIN*’ Noveltyat Squibb:model, andhelivedwithhertn designer for TVChannel 52, PRINCETONMcCarter -- marriages, separations, generously to the campus, Movies-at-McCarter Mr,TSe, OUr Chlf Famous inHO~| Kin| for 10 "m London from 1929 until his and this is his first one.man Theatre Company has an- growths, and deaths -- into rescheduling, will present a showing of lurtAI Uniled $em¢¢ Recfutloa Club ~tvinl death in 1945, show. nounced that Three by one continuous 90-year "The three Wilder plays "Harlan County, U.S.A." Spti~h~tm/.h)ff &~r Folte. kt~ o~ Peach Gal. Carol Parker figures havebecnamongmyfavorites directed by Barbara Kopple. st. Cur,cio,,¢IbediM AnldlCSlnd Pnnceton . . Bruguicre’s experimental Thornton Wilder will replace episode, The play’s simplicty .,,;op,r~ ¯ The Squibb Gallery will be photographsof the 1920’s and Jane Teller exhibit the previously scheduled "Old of language, perfection of for a long time, and.I had This feature-length used as it never has before in 1910’s made a significant Flames," which, in turn, had form, and dramatic depiction originally hoped to include documentary was made by dontribation and had great at Unitarian Church heen scheduled in place of of the inexorable passage of them in this season. I’m for- |tj, ’ ° "U.$. ROUTE= l, PRtNCErON,N.J. the exhibition of plaster and Ms, Koppleover a three-year |.~,,~ ¯ ,sM,,o,~,o,,,o,,,o,,,o.. N,.,,o,,. p,,.,o r.. t,.o,,.~qm burlap figures by Carol impact on the souron of Jane Teller is the featured ’*(;rand Magic." The three time, make itapowerfniand Lunate to be able to use period, when she assembled -.O..~O=.:.,,M,..,.--$.,~,d.,’,,.,~,~o,Uh, deeply moving theatrical Thorntee’s letters to meabont Parker that opens there photography, inspiring such artist at lhe UnitarianChureh, one-oct plays, "The Happy feetageootheyear-longstrlke I~t~l~16og, 452.2276~[~r~[~l, tomorrow,Thursday, Nov. 17. other great experimentalists in the continuing series of Jnuruey To Camden and experience, them, and I know it will be of miners at the Brookside |~=,=, The public is invited to the as ManRayandMoholy-Nagy. exhibits in the church sane- Trenton," "Queens of Fran- McCarter Theatre Company rewarding to do them at works in Harlan County, Kty. opening reception from 5 to Some 100 photographs, tuary. It makes a dramatic cc," and"TheLongChristmas is eurrenUytrying to obtain McCarter." The miners were demandinga 7.:?,0p.m,, to meet the young madebetween t915 and 1940, settingfor the noted sculptors [)inner"will open at McCarter the rightsto re-schedule Thesecond production ofthe standard UnitedMine artist, catalogs of exhibitions and large abstract worksin wood, Theatre on Dec. l and run Italian playwrightEduardode current McCarter drama Workers’ contract from the J In the exhibit, called other documents, and a particularly for Plastic Image through Dec. 18. Filippo’s "Grand Magic" for season, "The Utter Glory of DukePower Company,in the "I "Extended Range," some 30 selection of Bruguiere’s II, a monumental screen Mr. Wilder, whodied last the1978-79seasoo, lntheshort MorrisseyHalr’whiehopened first major confrontation in life-size figureS will romp puhlications will comprisethe backlightett by sky in its year, wonPulitzer Prizes for time that "Old Flames" by at McCarter Theatre on Harlan County since the aronnd,through, and right out exhibit. Lenders include the window wall. Teller’s his nuvel "The Bridge of San British playwright E. A. Thursday, Nov. 3, will run bloody union organization of the gaHeryonto the terrace International Museum of mysterious, monolithic Luis Itey" (1928), and his Whitehead had been an- through Nov. 2O, ClarkGesner, battles of the ’3O’s. Thefilm beyond the glass wails. For Photography of George "Moodads," and "Wall IV" plays "Our Town"(1938) and nouneed,the playprovedto be authorof"You’reAGoodMan was shot on location as it this artist "figures and room Eastman House, the Art In- with its stone forms are also "The Skin of Our Teeth" a controversial choice and Charlie Brown" wrote the happened, ahdfollowstheleeg develop a’ relationship when stituteofChicago, theOakland displayed to great advantage. (1943). MeCarter’sProducing elicited a large volume of book, musicand lyrics for this and bitter strike through bonded into a single act or Museum, the Library of Serigraphs, and pen and ink Director, Michael Kahn, has divided opinion within the new mnsieal premiere. Nagle clashes on the picket-line intention." Congress, Sam Wags[aft and and crayon drawings of bark had, throughout hiscareer, an McCarter Theatre cam- Jackson directed, andPatricta between strikebreakers and A transplant from Grand Rosalind Fuller. and Irees -- Jane Teller’s affinity forWilder’swork,and munity. Falkenhain and Jane Rose .police, picketing on Wall Rapidsto Manhattan,Miss Theexhibition, which will hallmark-- are alsobeing in thefaU of 18~6directed an ProducingDirector Michael headthe cast. For information Streetat DukePower’sannual Parkerreceived a BA at travelfrom Princetonto shown. There will be a acclaimedproduction of the Kahn, commentingon the andreservationscall(C.09)921-meeting,and theefforts of MontclairCollege and an museums in Tucson and reception,open to the public, Wilderone-act plays at Off- changeto "Threeby Thornton8700), strikersand their families to M.F.A. at Columbia California,has been made from:t lo 5 onSunday, Nov. 20. Itroadway’sCherry Lane Wilder,"said: "While we are keep organizedand united University, and she has possible by a grant from the The church is ()pen every day Theatre. Mr. Wilder’s recent not reluctant to choose plays ~ through the long thirteen studied at the Parsons School Naitonal Endowmentfor the andvisilors to the exhibit will death and Mr. Kahn’s special which maybe controversial, months. of Design. Arts. he welcomed, feeling for his plays makea the time was too short to have BUSINESS MANAGER dl Her technique is similar to The museum is open McCarter production of the an adequate discussion of the George SegaVs, but Carol Tuesday to Saturday. 10to4, P~A Bank Show: fl,rceene-aetersmosttimely, issaes raised by the oonf|icting Lee Dr at field, cabaret COUPLE S ONLY ~F0 S/Hl~~6g///f ,l herself poses for her figureS, and Sunday1 to 5. It will be The Wilder one.acters are opinion amongthe staff, the singer and actress, and Rita ..... uses her own physical closed on Thanksgiving Day. ’VVor~ on pQper’ miniature masterpiecesof the board of trustees, and the Aseh, pianist and musical ,.,,,= ...... ~’~’ ’~’J": dimensions, andherownarms American Theatre. Leading associates. The changes that -director .. ’ haveannouneed...... that ¯= swngngest.... couples club is for the expressive gestures McLaughlinat "Workon’paper" is the title Ihe bill will he "The Happy McCarterhasmadeduringthe aanum ttamnowttz ox rrm- whieharcehiefly respensible of Suelh~ward’s exhibit at the .;oorney to Camden and current season are un- ...... 1 now open in Middlesex County ...... ;’’ .... Grover’s~Aill eet°nnas3omeamemasmmr._ . ¯¯ 0/3 rrloayevc,,,ngs...... ~ervmg for the strength andtension of NewJersey Nntional Bank of Trentnu."The play, which Mr. fortunate but not unusual in business.... manager¯ ~or.. m-° I sophsncatefli couplessince SW FEZ _~ the figures. She wraps her Princeton, under tlie auspices Wilder declared to be his the theater, and wehave been formahon aoout me vanmyat I 1971 for cozy:intimate dieing ..~ "- arms in aluminumfoil, thenin Jack McLaughlin, whose of the Princeton Art favorite, portrays a lower- lucky in the past. The Me- programs Lee Dratfield and " I white plaster.soaked burlap paintings are on exhibit at Association. Abstract designs middle.class family on an Carter audience is very loyal Rite Aschpresent, please call I Pleasecal179t.2256 and has respondedmost SandieRabinowitzat452-9139. ~lp l~ ~ whichhardens in about20 Grover’sMill Graphicsin in c£~Uographprints, rubber auh~mobiletrip to visita I orwrtteDept.4 minutes. Princeton Junction through stamps, ink, and collage are married daughter. Set on a ’ P.O.Box1103 t:~,~H.,,,e,,,,,~.,.,h,,.,,..~ Hollowed-outfigures, with Nov. 25, has perfected an presented by this versatile hare stage with skeletal props, _____~-___--__ lI VolrMwn,NJ,07410 RESTAURANT mask-like faces, they have unusual technique, lie rex- arlist. Also included are two *’The Ilappy Journey" _.. _ .. _... ~ The FamilyRestaurant and Cocktail Lounge various sections missing, and tures canvasboard v, ithgesso, pointillist, rhythmical oil movingly displays Wilder’s B~lqueuealerAssocatlon nflSr’tt(t~’SSetclAt-e’,cemcluaes~holceol~lalocupo~t04,1vs,.~un youcan interpret it all in any scraped on in vertical lines l,aintings in whichcoh, r and sense of the powerand dignity ~ ~ wayyouwish.It’s all goodfun. with cardboard, and over this space relationships are cx- ,,f simplicity. S’~Antique Show and Sale ~~ OPENTHANKSGIVING DAY , The Squibb Gallery is at he "paints" with single-edged plored. Mrs. tloward, for- The second of the three Preview 25, 1977 ~,,, E.R. Squibb and Sons World razor blades. Hedoesn’t owns meriy head of the art plays, "queens of France," is $1unedw/Crab ...... Af..... Headquarters on Route 206 in paint brush, department of the Stuart set in NewOrleans after the 3tbper ~" ’"""~11 ~Sh’;h, cKeapB 6F:dp’mtN: : .="=" 5 9~ Lob.~te, ra,I 6.95.... Lawreneeville, andgatlery MeLaughlin’s palette is Country Day¯ School, is an ,’ivilWar. A comicfable of Saturday, November-6, 11 am to 9 pm ~=,,st .m ~=,otto .|m .~mu.. =nuc.,¢ S 5.9 5 hours after tomorrow’s limited to earth and neutral instructor at the PAA. The skulduggery and snob- 9. . ~ ~ S;~da~Y,:NN.o~emmbbeetr2!6:]l,l:mmttoO;;: ’~,’:=:::~ VEALPAflMIGIANA w SeeP’ ’ a $~,cet~sral,W opening are 9 to 4:30 Monday tones, and he makesextensive show will he at the bank bishness, "Queensof France" National Guard Armory II to Friday (with extended use of white space. He works through November. portrays the polite swindle by ~ |[ Gto’,’et~MilIGtwhicsGalle~ ",.,,~s~g~n, 5.7_5 ri~tdCU~$ hoursuntil9onThursday) and from photographs,so it is not a courtly Creole lawyer of R~. Mr. Holly, New.Jersey 164Crnnbu~yNeckRaaa "*.~ 8roiled tl Qtl ..... ’ ...... T,~~llII PrincetonJunction I to 5 on Sunday. The show surprising that his images three women, each of whom, II~rcedarpreview. KrNGCRABLEGS "~*-’"Bto~tea have a detached, remote. ~ I[ SluH~dMUSHROOMCAPSwnsO,abrneal continues until Dec.18. Photogrooh er at his suggestion, believes F~ecnl1609.89.b2595 llll STUFFEDSHRIN! impersonal quality -- par- In!rself tube the lost heir to the Patron’s Night ....A o~ 5.95 traits that look like old . 5.95 Bruguiere photos: offers show throne of France. II UturdsINov.19-aPM Bakingdooe oe i’;remise~ -- Weser, e J,,wlsh Challah gravure photos; farm scenes The third play of the group, CMmp,~,et,¢eption seen as if through a scrim; EWING -- Kenneth ¯ aretrospective "The Long Christmas Din- tmn0rin[ trees* Children’s,mem~ ¯ Frre run of- :..m diom.ra mills and [actories and other Kaplowitz, a Hopeweil nor," lelescopes the annals of BAZAAR DOROIHUGREENBAUMII bread.Open 7 days* Widevari,,tv h,,el’ nndm’,’,id~!.,.af,.,d en. The first major industrialsubjectsthatl°°karcsident, is °fficial a family--its hirths, ,,,,._ SnladBarS-’;:3ft.Sun. l-q:3t~]~ V"~"~__. retrospective exhibition of the bit like architect’s drawings; photographer for the New _U.S.l,Major and ,~lnd Hill | " ~’~l photographs of the American milk and oil trucks isolated in Jersey State Museum and CRAFTSFAIR So~day,Nov. 20.1.4 PM Southerunswick photographer Prancis J. white space. His drawing is State Library, the Princeton Publiclnvited.F,eeAdmissi0n , Children’s Book Conference 8:30pm-ll pm - Bruguiere -- noted for his excellent, and his industrial I~ ¢ L ~ ~ ? ~ C Sat., Nov. 19 ~I 297-6678 early experiments with scenes are almost abstract and the HonorSociety, Kappa Sun., AlIDay ~[q~~J~"~n _jn~ multiple expesure, cutpaper, designs. His work has a Delta Phi, and teaches at TurnoftheCenturyAmerlca Nov. 20 andlight abstractions -- opens haunting, nostalgic quality. Trenton State College. Man., Nov. 21 All Day this weekend’atthe Princeton But you get the feeling that A one.manshow of his work Bradley,Flagg. Hazenplug, UniversityArt Museum.lt witl whenyou’ve seen one you’ve s on d splay through Nov. :tO Homer,Pentietd, Shop at the Bazaar for all seen them all, and Ihat they at the Jewish Comnmnity Phillips, Remington continueasthemainexhibitat Your HolidayGifts lEl’ Toys the Museumthrough Jan. 8. are best suited to such neutral Center Galleries at ~9 Lower settings as corporate offices. Ferry Road in Trenton’s Posters,Prlnts, Ad,, fSOMEIWlLLEINI The exhibition was All new Merchandise organizedbyJames Enyeart,executive directoro[the The youngartist is a graphic Ewing Township area. C ...... Map, Come for lunch or dinner Friends of Photographyin TheTomato Factory THANKSGI[ rI[N Carmel, Calif. Enyeart has Hopewell ,20t,~t B e th El Sy n agog ue also written a mooographon I the life andwork of Bruguiere, 50 MapleStream Road published by Alfred A. Koopf, East Windsor MENU that accompanies the exh- ,~,~ DANCING . ,--. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 ~,,r~-\ And, on Monday,NOV. 21 at 8 T, Jm bJ t JO’’ ~¢ r **~ Celery Olives Relish p.m.,Enyeart will give an , illustratedlectureonBruguiere ~ ’~ ’~: [’’’* ’’*’ ’ ~1’’"" ,~ NOTTINGHAM"’~[ P~a’~7";’~ (CH01CEOFONE}’ ,~,¢~t.--a, r in 101 McCormickHall on the l~.~, ~ BALLROOM " e ’TropicalFruitJuice FreshFruit Cocktail Maraschino campus.The talk will be open TRYOU R N EWM ENU .,,,,, st.,HamiltonSq., N.L .or~~ ~ to thepublic, andget discounted movie tickets toot "lheLa,gestBallmominthe East ,~ ChilledTomato Juice ChoppedChicken Livers (1.25 extra) was WithAlIBiKBands~ Bruguiereborn in San Ournew menu features an array el crepesw*th soup FreshJumbo Shrimp Cocktail (1.75 extra) Franciscoin 18"/9and he lived Sat.EDlliE SHAW -’( t~ ors~lad,specialdeliciouSdinnots...evenqaiches.steaks.omelottes. .~ : Creamof CelerySoup Consomme andworked there until 1918.At 9-12 PM 1 C~ that time he movedhis studio Witheacll dinnercheck over $4.00 yOu can Sun.srAH M~Z[ 1 RoastStuffed Vermont Turkey, Giblet Gravy ...... 5.75 to HewYork City and wasa purchasea movieticket loronly $2.50.good at _~ ~ memberof Alfred Stieglitz’ Cinemas1.2 &3, or any GeneralCinema. . - - 1 Roast LongIsland Duckling (Ve) A L’0range...... 7.25 Photo Secession movement. Dine~,,h ,,e~pens,~o e~o~aoceat La C,ep~ - BakedVirginia Ham, Pineapple Raisin Sauce 6.25 In New York Bruguiere (.. =~,__ gained a reputation for his BakedAfrican Lobster Tail Stuffedwith Shrimp au Gratin 11.50 photographsforthe Theatre d’x’x’vt’~lrt’e BroiledFresh Filet of SoleNmondine ...... 7.25 Guild, Harper’s Bazaar and QuakerbridgeMaH(/owerlevelJ vanity,air. RoastPri meRi bs of BeefauJus ...... 9.75 In 1922Bruguiere met BroiledPrime Filet Mignon,Mushroom 10.75 I NL,~-/~, Rosalind Fuller, a British I Celt for party k799-8080~t\,~’...m. ,~~ ~ ...... -- aotress whowas appearing as ~ .~’~, ~, _ _.~" BakedIdaho Potato, Sour Cream & Chives Candied Sweets Opheliato JohnBarrymore’s " ~K "Hamlet." She becamehis I’ arrangements ~--~~l~=d~ CreamWhipped Potatoes FrenchFried Potatoes ..... - 138nassaust GardenFresh Vegetables ~ @~ .... Chef’sSalad, French Dressing ----~:"~ d~n~i:~34~-5~4~,sunday=]2-9pm t.~ .._,._ ~ ~ open7clays a ApplePie MincePie-Hard Sauce fine food&drink.e~tertainment-maiorcredit cards PumpkinChiffon Pie Fruit Jello ~-/~’~/~]’/~,//f’sThanksgiving Table Offers... imagine a dinner selection so incredibly rich Chocolateor Brandied Peach Parfait " -’/~ "~’/"I ¯ ReastTurkeyandCountryDressingwith IceCream , and delectable -- set in a mixture of contem- Giblet Cravy porary and traditional elements, superb Coffee Tea Milk ¯ Candied Sweet Potatoes drinks that are only surPassed bV great per- ¯ Spring Peas Raisins Nuts Mints formers like ¯ Cranberries Childrenunder 10 - $3.95except Steak. Roast 8eel or LobsterTail n Hot Rolls BARBARA TRENT DINNERSSERVED NOON TO 8 P.M. Choice of Appetizer, Soup, Salad Bar, Beverage and men.& tues. 9 pm-1 For Reservations,Call (201)725-1415

with Whipped Cream.) BOB DILEO TRIO A, For Only$595 wed., fri. & sat. 9 pm-1: 30 Chihlr,,nlltlll,,r 12.$3.’)~ ... or’choose your own favorite Thanksgiving fare NOSTALGIA NIGHT EVERY THURSDAY YOUR ,:iJ( FAVORITE SONGS FROM 20% 30% & 40’s Route 22 we create theatmosphere Pri nceton I nn youset the mood .~ Runic 1 Sottth. I rinceton ~

For reservations and in/urination call 609-452-2500 SomervilleInn: Open Every Night for Dinner

t ¯ t 17 ¢ ¯ "" Thursday, November17,1977 3-B review New drama, ]Passage’ MOll.¯ SwI1~ I1~ $11r nitlll~ fi(i, I~tr.fffh1¢¢~ strong, g.ppmg work There’s a sleeper in town. drama by Princeton un- - is a day to be thankful "Passage," an original dergraduate Elizabeth W4/lff~¯ I~J~ll~Rlll Fowler, and acted by a rurk~,ck~md ~u111~1. ead~~m SINGLE* DIVOnCED talented Princeton University Be Thankful for what we have taff,~ trta~ ~,cmmt4 WIDOWED* 8EPAItATED cast, is a strong and gripping ~30.¯ Limpht~lit h~hl I g~emlt. ~g4. work. The show, whichopened Be Thankful for what we are. MEET~1’ MIX at the University’s AaronBurr EventFrL b Sat.at II p.m. Hall, on the corner of Nassau Be Thankful that there MEALSDELIVERED CAROLLERLANES Street and Washington Road, IN GAZEBOLOUNGE will be presented again this ROUTEi NORi*H, NEW BRUNSWICK weekend, Nov. 17 through 20 Adm.$3.00 (E Irly Adm. $Z.50) with an 8:30 p.m. curtain. where you can relax and enjoy L*veMUSIC ¯ 2 Dance Fleets Ms. Fowler, a senior, In Our7th Year exhibits exceptional talent - a your Thanksgiving Dinner. CLA,SSIFI EDS All ngu,Into 20’~ ¯ 10’e fine flair for drama, a tuned thiJol~ Oxlnn RUNIN 7 PAPERS PuEdlcInvHed * No Club to JoE ear for the intricacies of Reservations(201) 722-54,10 HappyTurkey Day! eKIsberoqh,NJ.’ ...... " FOR 1 LOWPRICE HELEN(6091655-0584 language, and an ability to ANNE’I-rE(2011545-4994 tackle such universal themes as man versus destiny and fate, the nature of love, and RELAXINGafter "twenty-threeweeks of hell" on roadtour, Carol Esteyand Stan Lebowsky face the meaningof life and death, eight weeklyperformances in addition to workingon commercialand album of "TheAct." withsensitivi:ty andsensibility. (TomLederer photo) 1~ For a memorable She was aided by a striking, original score written by 1) ("~’g’g THANKSGIVING, music major Bonnie Barr and ly ~i~ sensitive, economical and ~~’ ’ ~tt’/ ~ReT OI)ETTEwel ...... youto h ..... red ..... tedrest...... t .... looking ~, effective direction by Stephen Agonizing road tour ~Y.,~ I Illrl IP Mantell. ~]l, (~ ~ ~lJ’J~ Ij[~ the histurie Delaware.’l’lte charmingamtosphere (fl" 1K ,(/,~ ~hlgirt iv i ’"’I t~m~ andexcellent French & Ameri(’an Cuisine will Pharoah Menkaure (David satmfyt}...... t ..... ttvepalate. Garfinkel) defies Cobra- {~’// 1~. CttttT@KCtTVs~lg~ ~’~.1 GoddessButo’s prophesy that precedes opening ’Act’ ~’t~Jl’~.’K~. ~ Main Entree: Roast Turkey ’:L) he will die in six years’ time. The action takes place on the by TomLederer home, reflecting on the show’s cording to Carol, wheneach day that goddess Buto had Staff Writer birth pangs, performance was changed and IF,t45 ’ll’~lV ./ pumpkin,mince or pecanpi,,. coffee,t,,a. or milk / [’~ announced that the ruler "Twenty-three weeks of the cast even received their All for $7.95 woulddie. The ruler has tried newinstructions betweenacts. pV,~ ~]~r~(.. t]’, Carol Estey, a Princeton hell," was the way Carol’s to circumventthe prophesy hy native whostarted dancing at husband, Start Lebowsky, "In Los Angeles we got surrounding himself nightly the age of four and grew up descrihes The Act’s road tour. mixed reviews and started ~1~ ~1 Other Entrees (Leith all the saute trimmings) ~" i with blazing torchlights, with her mother Audree Start ought to know,he’s the celebrating," Carol says. t~ I~)~ It,,a~tIlnrk o/ I.a,nt, Ilskedi’ir~nis Ilam Is’ith ~ltit Sauce 1 hoping thus to lengthen his Estey’s Princeton Ballet Part of that changeresulted ~ Ll~ 7"rot~tstu//,,d ~tith t.srargot musical director. , i ~/’ ~ I¢,,a~tIhtck .,,’r=,.d ttirh aiht/tic,. ~, s lifespan by elongating the Society, has arrived. "Wenever really thought we from substituting the direc- ¯ ~ Fd,.tIlign,,n Fil,,t,,/Fl,,underdlm,tndin,. 1 days and dispensing with The arrival was something torial talents of Gower ¢: {(~*~,,.~.,t#~’-" I’rim,.Itil, ) wouldget back to NewYork," ~ -- ) leschenrreea/ulicoursemeall ~ ’ nighttime. akin to that of a ship in a Start explained. Start has gone Championfor Martin Scor- BRASS RUBBING What happens on stage is wartime convoy. There were through plenty of other shows, sese, a film director whohad Maywe suggest an earlycall [~ r reservationsto insureyou of ourpaten)hal attention. always gripping, limned with little time or experience to ~.¢ numberless set-backs, many including, he admits, his fair Do- it - Yourself ~’a fine distinction for the of the ships weresunk, hut the share of flops. But no show-- give to the show. ~li (215)862-2432 or (215)862-2773 ~i theatrieal-a tall order that is bedraggled group made into not one in his memory-- has Carol says it doesn’t bother ~ SO RIVER ROADNEW HOPE, PA. ,~,: Makes CHRISTMASGIFTS well filled by a talented cast. port anyway. gone through the agonies of her to he in the deep shadows In addition to Mr. Garfinkel That port is NewYork and "The Act." of a superstar: "I knewit two BRASSRELIEFS/ vz they include: Buto, Boomie the convoy is called "The The showbegan its tour last would be the Liza Minnelli Pedersen; Pharoah’s son Act," the Liza Minnelli July in Chicago,to unanimous show whenI went into it." MAN 8- WOMAN Sheksekhaf, MuscoeMartin; spectacular that underwent condemnation from the l%iss Minnelliis off stage for ii e oe e ii e e I e i g il e e eeee** ¯ ¯ ¯ *** ID ID ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ~ Pharoah’s daughter one of the most difficult road critics. Carol and Stan agree only four minutes; she wears f4.00 per FINISH RUBBING ,,~ Tetusherut, Susan Jonas; tours imaginable. the notices were roundly up to three of her Halston- ,,,, Mutnemezthe court poet, Dale Carol Essay is one of seven deserved. designed outfits at the same BIMIETT’SINN 329-2350- ~ ChaD;chief artisan, Anthony dancers in the show that The costumes for example time, facilitating quick - ~ Clarvee; the high priestess, features a close to nonstop were nothing less than changes¯ Janine Verbinski; a member performanceby Miss Minnelli. dreadful. "These things had "It is a terrific experienceto PRESENTSFOR / g’ of the court, Scott Wheeler; The Act openedlate last month horribly big holes in the waist work with her. She is a very 7 DAYSi and a peasant, Joe Quinn. to good reviews from New andside with straps. It looked giving professional, not at all \ Bruce Phillips is responsible York critics and is sold out like somebody’smother made temperamentaland works like for the set design in this through January. them," Carol says. Reviewers a dog. What unbelievable WINDSOR MANOR theatre in the round. "Wejust sort of clung to called the costumessadistic. energy." What emotions Miss Min- RT. 130 HIGHTSTOWN The play deserves at- each other," Carol says As for Carol, she lookedlike tention! subdued and relaxed in her "an outer space midget," Stan hells may have expressed Elaine P. Heinemann mother’s Queenston Commons says. during what must have been FRI. g SAT. FromChicago, "In Person," some excruciating moments on the road tour occurred Re.130 1 MapleStream Rd. as the show was then called, "POPEYE" moved to San Francisco, behindclosed doors, according i,’ The’rapmomI "_~t&t g E. Windsor,609-448.8467 to Carol. (7 PieceDisco Bond) changedits nameto "Shine It "AIRFAIR" ~ Tues.-Sat.4 pmto2am On," and opened to raving Opening night was ~LOUNGE Sun.4pm to9 pm denunciation again. That was dominated more by ex- Grill OpenTill2 P.M. -- Fri. 2:30 P.M. the ultimate low point, as- citement, rather than ap- prehension -- excitement Pizza - TomatoePies largely that the show had Tues. madeit to NewYork despite Call for The Fantastic Jack Jonah Group all the advance publicity, & SalesGallery Directions according to Carol. FRI. OPENTEl 3 A.M. Wed., Thurs., Fri. ~- Sat. Besides the eight weekly 609-448-9833 The Entertainer’s Featuring NEWJERSEY STATE MUSEUM performancesCarol aDd Start now face making a com- .... JtmMt, ta’*_ NJ 11~ ~ hem113. Tel. F.ttl’~) ’ ,, Bruce Hall, Chris Betz & Holly Sommers Paintings,Graphics, Photographs ~’"e .9.~lLe._Jl-_l.. Iltll CraftsS Jewelry mercial, an album and then ~t£t ’ * ,’ ’ ; ¯ * ** 0_~-- ¯ ¯ Sunday Afternoon Jazz Dolly10-5 Weekends 1.5 cleanup rehearsals. 205West State St. For Carol’s 15 years of Dick Braytenhah,piano FrankHerrara, base performing on Broadwayhas Trenton,N.J. (609) 394-5310 JohnnyMoo, tenor sax Dick Gratton,guitar Freeparking in statelot finally broughther a hig hit, and if ever there was a rites Openat 4, Musicbegins at 5 behindmuseum on weekends ! of passage, The Act was it. I nl Enjoyour Hers d’Oeuvres too. The Lobster Shantyhas EVERYTHURSDA Y NIGHT EVERYFRIDA Y NIGHT a ThanksgivingSpecial for .yourLittle Indians! Whileyou ettjt)y our tradition~tl "l’hanksgi~,itLqDay "lttrk(,.v Dinnerwith all li~etrinlnlings, yourtirsl chilcl tint.i(,r 12 t’njt)ys it for just ONEDOLLAR ! And for your other little indigene:

Your second under 12 vt)tln~stvr ...... only $2.00 All others under 12 . . ~ ...... only $;$.25 each! Adults ...... $6.50 .

Call todlty Ior reserv~ltit)ns 12 l).m. - 8 I).m. I ~~’li~.R Pt)in/ Ple~ts~-tnI l.o|)st(,r Shitnly IL’~l I Alq~lrl’q~l 899-6700 ~~-~LI Red B~,I,k Lobster SI, anlv ~ ~tli~

(609)443.6600 I|f Special ThanksgivingMenu Available

1445 WHITEHORSE- MERCERVILLE RD. (BetweenKlockner & KuserRd.) THE PRINCETON P,/IC/CET "Seven For Central Jersey" 9-IILLSBORGUGHBEACON~ "11~,Iaw~,nc~, l~dger THE CENTI~L POST ~e ManvilleNews WlNDSOR-H/GHT$ Classified dvertising The Franklin NEWS’RECORD 4-B Thursday, November17, 1977 " ..: Business Business Help Wanted Help Wanted Opportunities Opportunities Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted WOMAN-- to carefor I year CERAMIC DECOR’SHOP-- LEAI~N ABOUT GOV’T PERSON NEEDED -- by SECRETARY-- with light DENTALASSISTANT -- PLASTICS - chief operator. BOOKKEEPER--fullcharge PARTI’IME -- East & West in high traffic location. CONTRACTOPP [ Fed & State old and school child in my smallchemical formulator for bookkeeping experience Windsor areas. Established home, 3-6 3-5 days weekly wanted. Experience preferred Experienced in extrusion & for real estate and insurance Completely equipped shop agencies have contract work productionwork. Chemical needed at the t’rinceton but willing to . Typing molding. Set-up work, etc. company. Experience and morning newspaper route presently run as a family including Saturday. Own experiencepreferred but not Airport. Call Mr. Lewald609- available to rehab’le persons for small businesses / in-’ transportation and references. required. 609-924-0936. Assist preductionforman in all typin~ preferred. Aggressive operation. Figores will sub. divldual in all fields. Write necessary. Permanent 921-3100. areas of department indivtdual willing to learn, with car. Call 609-655.4260or stantiate excellent return for dsscribingyour bus. specialty No housekeeping, Plainsboro, position,day work. 201-329- ..... Operation. Good opportunity Companybenefits, pleasant 443-6928. the investment. Terms to learn about these opps.PO 609-799-0965. 2588. available for qualified buyer. IF YOU LIKE NIGHTAUDITOR - to work [Gr capable, dependable surrodndings in Princeton tlO~oks Box 183, Hopewell, NJ 08525. NEEDLEPOINT-- or knitting ~rson. Rotating shtfts. Call office. Send- resume to Box Companions,child care - live- Call fnr details. Walter B. Sunday thru Thursday, 609.924-8833for mterview. HoweInc. Realtors, 609.924. BOOKKEEPER/ SECRE- PARER - or just like to workwith your midnight to 8am. Experience #01868c/o Princeton Packet. innr out. Experience rats. No " TARY-- fullcharge, min. 10 eves. male or femaleat hands we need you to preferred but not essential. ~ -- fee to applicants. Phone for 0095. yrs.exp. Exc. opportunity in privateclub. 201-350.8730. FINE INVESTMENT assemble seal e ectronic Call Karen Kenney, Nassau BOOKKEEPER -- fast appt. 201-526-5212.tlAZEL & PROPERTY FOR SALE - smallgrowing office. Con- components.Full time & part Inn 609-921-7500. WANTED:hostesses to allow JARVIS Domestic Em- structionbackground helpful. moving manufacturing me to display top of line MILLIONAIRES NEWS- FOUR UNIT BRICK & HOUSEKEEPER - Live-in time evening employment. companyr_equires top notch ployment Agency. 14 E. Main LETTER -- a coop MASONRYBUILDING, 3 Fullbenefits. Toppay. 609-924- preferred,for an 0 room 609-9PA-2444. product for $10-$15gift. Call St. Somerville. 9123. indtvidual thoroughly 609-896-1567or921-2760. -- ...... program that can make you APTS. & 1300 SQ. FT. STORE. Colonialin WestWindsor & 3 ORGANISTwanted for familiar with all bookkeeping very WEALTHY.Send a #10 LOCATEDON CORNERLOT children ages 9, 8 &6. Driving Sunday services Trinity records & related aet vttes EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. self-addressed envelope to IN HOPEWELL. STORE WANTED,3 COUPLES-- to is not essential. Call 201-966- WAITRESS / WALTER - Episcopal Church,Rocky Hill, including gen’l ledger. Mustbe EAST WINDSOR area . Local Princeton. 10K. Feepaid R.H. Smith, P.O. Box839, East ALSO AVAIL. FOR RENT. 4228between10am &3pro, Man- NJ. Call Donald Carroll 6(}9. well organized, able to Windsor,NJ 08520. ASKING $93,500. CALL be partof an International weeknights and weekends. established early morning marketingcompany. Full or Fri. Part time, full time, JOLLY 924-0949after 7 pm. supervise others & thrive in a BANNEItItUStNESS WEIDE.L REAL ESTATE, busy atmosphere. Send newspaperroute availab e o 201-782.0100,or 609-466-1744. part time. Wehave the capital OXINN, 201-722-5440. reliable person with car. Call ASSOCIATES ORIENTALGIFT SHOP FOR ff you have the ambition. For REAL ESTATE SALES- resume & salary history to 609-443-6928or 655.4260. 145WitherspoonSt. SALE-- only $1000 for fix- interviewcall 609.799-0563. PERSON -- for well STERLING THOMPSONAND Dept St -. 4 Box 300, Princeton, N.J. tures. With stock or without PRINCETON BORO TAXI & established Princeton office, ° ASSOCIATES-- are in- Hopewell,NJ 08525. 609-924.4194 stock. Princeton Shopping Liverylicenses for sale. Will with or without experience. terviewingfor real estate INCREASE YOUR INCOME- Center. 609.924-2481. sellas one unit or individually. salesassodates. Compare our Activeand progressve nff cos DIS~ASHE-R- UTI~TY; WANTED -- Corvair Excellent training program. -- GETTYPERSONNEL in BelleMeadand Franklin lunches, dinners. Princeton N. Inquireat609-924-6766 or890- mechanicto do reseal job on Write Box//04040c/0Princeton BookkeeperF/C $11K methodsnf marketmgand 1848. my ’66 Monza. Must know continuedfollowup. New or Parkseeking full and part SELL CHRISTMASTREES -- Packet. Secretary(lite steoo) $110 SALES timesales agents, experience shopping center, Rt. 206. 609. Try this very profitable I Corvairs inside-out. 609-924- Receptionist experienced, we offer a $I0,0007 924-9313. 7484eves. $450 continuing training and preferred mQtivatmn and ...... month cash business. Famous MASON- 4 yrs. experience. Keypunchop $135 education program. If you $20,000? ability to deal with people a Canadian grown trees Help Wanted Musthave transportation. Call Exp. Tellers $125 didn’t makeover $20,000 last 130,0007 must. We are members of CLEANINGWOMAN - Part J[ delivered toynu directly from DESIGNERS - draft- Clerical trainee $1Z5 Middlesex and Somerset time, 6 days per wk, 3-4 hrs. ¯ grower. Find a lot or sell on’ after 5:30 p.m. 201-722-2964, AskforArlene year selling, or, ynu want to, If you’re willing to learnt smen/women, engineers ask for John P ueh no. call for an interview: 201-297. Multiple ListingSystems. And per day. 11-2. Experienced. ¯ your ownfront lawn. Average machineelectrical piplng. Call Plant Superintendent $14K We’rewilling toteach! Part or members of Multiple PeacockInn, 609-924.1707. ~1[ net earnings of $11,250 this TELEPHONE SECRE- Electrontc tceh 0200 or 800-392-6810.Ask for full time. ¯ TARIES -- permanent or send resume: Kovecs $14K Phillip Dezan. Relocation Organizations, We year per 1500 trees at Technical Service, 13 Conover Industrial Engineer $12K It’s up to you! ’also offer an interest ng bonus fulland part time. Pleasant CIVILIAN CRIME Call for an appointment! minimummark-up! Orderin~ phonevoice required.No Rd., Hightstown,NJ 08520609- PREVENTIONSPECIALIST PreductonForeman/W $12K plan as incentive. For cQn- BABYSITTER WANTED-- deadline near, so fict now!100 443-6151. Machinist OPEN fidential interviewask for Len Mon-Fri.afternoons, 12 to 8 in tree order minimum.Call 609. experiencenecessary. 609-921- -- The Hillsborough Township Electrician 9:30 am- 2:30pm 0300. Police Department is ac- PERSONNEL EVALUATOR Cooper, MID--JERSEY my home. References & own 587-3892. cepting applications for the (plant) OPEN /ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE 5pm-opm REALTY,201-359-3444.. transportation needed.609-443. HUSBAND& WIFEteam - to full time position of Civilian Mrs. Gold -- Princeton based Wed, Thurs & Fri, 4458 after 6pm weekedays & CONVENIENCE FOOD work in the cafeteria of a CrimePrevention Specialist. InvestigatorTnee $9500+car firm is seeking people 609-443.3364 ---- Sat. &Sun. mornings. STORE- in excellent location HOUSEKEEPER WANTED private school. Call 609-737- Theposition will start Dec.1 SalnsTrainee .$8500withbusiness& marketmg SECRETARY/IBM MAC on Rt. 130. Fully equipped, 5 1844. 1977, andwill term nate Sept. Sales/technical $8000+car background to learn CARD OPERATOR - Ex- an d havedays recenta week. references. Must drive Progr/Analyst available immediately. Call 30 1978. Salary is ap- FORTRAN specializedtechniques in BUS DRIVER-- part time ,ellenttyping skills ability TEXAS OIL COMPANY, 609-4404031weekdays. 009-921-9385. proximately $800 per month. $21K evaluatingexisting personnel position for small school van. .~ork with statistics r~uired, needs matureperson forshort NEED 6 PEOPLE --"part Progr/Analyst & applicantsfor corporate $3.55/br. 2t& hrs per day. 201- Excellent fringe benehts. 35 tripssurrounding Princeton. Applications are available at COBOL $20K NEED SECONDINCOME? -- time. Help me in my business. the Bill=borough Police clients.Marketing & con- 297-6066 or 297-9144. hourweek.Cal1609-924-0700 orContact customers. We train. RN-Sat. &Sun. 7:30- 3 pmor 3 High income. 201-297-4744 Programmer Cobol $15+ 201-622-6040. NBCnews has been telling the Department, Amwell Road, Program/AnaDBOMP $18K sultingare key aspects ofthis WriteK.A. Dick, Pres., South- advantages o1 our business - 11:30pro. Shift differential. Thursday 3pm-9pm. Neshanic New Jersey. job.Salary base plus excellent westernPetroleum, Ft. Worth Lawrencevillearea. Call 609- Deadl ne for fiing ap- D.P. Trainee $455/mo. incentives.Contact Mr. WilsonMATURE, RELIABLE in- AVON Tx. opportunity. Manypeople are 8964016. Accountant/public OPEN making more parthme at our plications: Nov.25, 1977. CONTROLLERIOCal OPEN at 609-924.3800. dividual needed for retail NOWISAGOODTIME businessthan at their full time’ TAXI DRIVERS WANTED-- Mrs. Kantor seafoodmarket. Experience TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY ORDERLIES m/f work. Let us show you howto Morning & evening hours’ ENGINEER/Mechani preferred.Some heavy work & Full andpart time position, build a business. $500-$1000 MAILClerk/Messenger - also available. Inquire at 009-924- CLEANINGWOMAN wanted cal OPEN deliveries.Full time mcluding I1’s the time of yearwhen you per me. with no investment & general office duties. Must -- one day per weekto clean EXECUTIVESECRETARY - weekends.609-,H6-7076ask forneed extra money for 1001 night ghdls, available in 1105. ENGINEER/Chemical 18K Princeton research firm needs psychiatrichospital. Benefits immediate profits. For ap- havecar. Call Janna609-799- townhouse in Hillsborough. DRAFTSMAN/W $10K Ken. things.It’s also an ideal time incJude:paid vacations, sick pointmentcall 609-924-3359. 3939, Goodwages. Call 201-359-3525. ask Beverly an exceptionally bright person to become an Avon SERVICE STATION AT- whoenjoys responsibility and Representalive.Business is timeand group insurance. Call Rt. 130, Iiightstown exercises initiative with good for appointment.Personnel TENDANTWANTED -- part - 609448-6500 SPEECHTHERAPIST -- partgood and you chooseyour own REAL ESTATEand Rental EARNA GOODINCOME -- time must be dependable SECRETARY- FOR ACTIVE typing and steno skills. This lime,C.C.C. or Clinic’al hours.Call: 609-587-0807, 609. Dept. offices -- tligh income. Two While you tra n for a apply at Princeton Exxon,271 REAL ESTATE FIRM IN position provides excellent Fcllmvshipyeerrequired.Call737-2922, 609-883-1444, 201-297- THE CARRIER CLINIC available. Ownerill. Must pro[essional career in Sales. NassauSt., Princeton, NJ. PRINCETON. PEOPLE compensation & benefit 009-882-1503after.Spm. 1458, 201-874-3861. sacrifice. Call 609-392.0559. Call Mr. DeCandia. 609-298- ORIENTED CHALLENGING POOL DESKATTENDANT -- program. Contact Mr. Wilson FOUNDATION 5852. EOEm/f. OPPORTUNITY! CONTACT full time person, hours at 609-924-3800. Belle Mead, N.J. OFFICEASSISTANT for So. 7:45am-4pm and part time P. 0. BOX552, PRINCETON, WORKINGMOTHER -- needs (201) 874-4000 Bruns. CustomRubber Plant. N.J.08,540. Saturdays, 8:45am-7:30pm. home thoroughly cleaned NURSESAIDE -- and kitchen DIETARYAIDES WAITRESSES/ WAITER- Mustbe aeeur, typist w/abil. Fringe benefits. Health in- aide, part time, experience EQuoroDDorfun~ly employe,m/f EXPERIENCED, LUNCHES, PARTTIME -- 10 - 17 hrs., twice a month. 609-921-7618 & PORTERS ANDOTHER SHIFTS. 609- ’to workw/figures. Gen. oft. surance plan, sick leave, 2 light eve. work. 18 yrs. with after 6pm. preferred. For interview, duties. Hrs. 84:30. Call for CHILDCOMPANION - wanted weeks paid vacation after 1 car, $4.40 per hr. 201-287-9225 contact Administrator. 924-0313. for 2 boys, ages 6 &9, weekday STOCKROOMCLERK Full andpert time openings appt. 10-12, 2-.4, 609-402-2680. year. Apply in person. No between2:30 & 6:30 p.m. Sunnyfield Nursing Home,61 Responsibilitieswill beto pos~ available,weekends and some afternoons, some evenings. phone calls. Princeton YM- REAL ESTATE SALES Maplewood Ave, Cranbury, Mustbe friendly, resourceful YWCA,RobesQn Pl. PEOPLE-- We are not NJ. 609-395-0641. receipts and disbursemoms holiday work. Competitive WARM,AFFECTIONATE -- & responsible. Other looking for .quantity but fromstock and pull pansto fill salar/. RNs L.P.N.-m/w, parttimeonly. 3 ordersfor ourdomestic and conscientious live-in necessary qualifications: pm - 11:30 pm. Extendedcare quality. Our office is growing Callor wrne: Parttime, 3-11 and 11-7 shifts. housekeeper for delightful some cooking, flexible hrs., facility. Applyin person. 9-5 and has opening for two overseas p~oduction. Good Excellentsalary, and working driver lic.& owntrans. Please WIFE & HUSBANDWANTED licensed sales people with OUALffYCONTROL starting salary andbenefits PersonnelOffice. secondgrade girl. Convenient, - Horse breeding farm near pro, Mnn-Fri. Franklin Con- {609)896-9500, Ext. 216 conditions.Contact Personnel friendly neighborhood call 609-924-5070eves. only. valescent Center Rt. 27, experience. Call Van Hise package. Dept.for appointment. charming home, excellent Princeton. Wife to do Realty 737-3615or 883-2110. LABORATORY MorrisHall Health housework & help children. Lincoln Hwy, Fra~lln Park, TECHNICIAN salary. Mustbe able to drive. Odd jobs available for NJ. & RahabCenter THE CARRIER 609-799-2255. ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEP- TECHNICIAN Analysisand repair or customer ER-Princetonarea firm seek- husband if desired. Private returnsplus QC testing of new 238tLawrenceville Rd. CLINIC apt. away from house. PrincetonFacility Lawrengeville,NJ08648 ing individual with experience CAREER, JOB SEARCH & products. FOUNDATION Beautiful surroundings. Good EDUCATIONAL COUN- IMMEDIATE NEED Will performchemical and EqualOp~onunlW Employer PORTER in all phases of general physicaltesting on medical Belle Mead, NJ M/W,full time.Experience not ledger accounting & fmancial salary. Starts Feb. Send reply SELING-- Testing& Resume TECHNICIAN necessary. Excellent op- to box #01564, c/o Princeton included. Dr. Michael L. diagnosticproducts in the OC (291) 874-4000 statement preparation. SwitchboardOperator aa 60~ Excellentopportunity in ex- Sectet~ry/Typet portunityto workin a veryfine Potential to assume respon- Packet. RQsenthal,609-737-2236. doubleplug board, Hightstown radiologicalarea. BS in Biology pendingtest departmenttar Anequal opporluniIy employer MI f institutional setting. Good sibility of department’s area. 10AM to 4:30PM until necessary. Somelab ex- technicianwith digital circuitry REMEMBER benefitsplus an atmosphereof operations. Salary com- NURSES NEEDED RN or April. periencehelpful. experience. congonislco-workers. Apply in mensurate with experience. SYSTEMS ANALYST LPN.3 to11 shift, full or part LEAVINGTHE COBOL.TQ 21K. Fee paid Call Jim Ackers AM- 3 PM.Monday- Call Personnel Dept. 609-024- time.Easyaccess to1-95/295. MANPOWER,INC. ApplyPersonnel Dept. STENOPOOL Friday. 0000 bet. 10 am& 4 pro. ParkwayNursing Home. Call (609) 797-0071 TheOld Gang... SCHOOL BANNERBUSINESS 20 NassauStreet CARTER-WALLACE,Inc. Franklin Convalescent 609-882-6900between 8 and 3. DA]’ARAMCORPORATION YourTypewdter.., PSYCHOLOGIST ASSOCIATES Princeton,N.J. Half AcreRd. Cranbury, NJ PRINCETON Center 145Witherspoon St. 921-6805 EqualOpponuniW Employer Princeton-Hight=townRd. YourCatssr,.. Rt. 27, LincolnHwy. ACCOUNTINGCLERK Princeton. N.J. RESTAURANT CASHIER Male/Fern=k= Cranbury,N.J. Smoglhen, it’s beenlU$1 you and your REGIONALSCHOOLS 609-924.4194 FAMILY. host/hostess -- experienced Leaveof absencereplacement. FranklinPark, NJ Temporary, full time part time including weekends. Now,~’s Rme io corn ~ck+ (201) e21-8000 NO,no1 the old gang, to Ihe new group al Jan. 1 throughJune 30th, assignment for 2-3 months in 609-924-9313. KellyQirll Wa have immediate openings 1978.1 full timeor 2 parttime¯ busy accounting department HARDWORKING,thorough ThePrinceton Packet Newspapers SouthSomerset Newspapers foreaperienced: Elementarylevel (2 schools). of multi-national corporation. OFFICEINDUSTRIAL woman to do housework 300 WftherspaonSt. P.O. Box146 ¯ Typists Therole includesindividual TEMPORARY Familiarity with bank Thurs. or Fri. Must have own TELLERS Princeton,N.J. 08S40 Somerville.N.J. ¯ diagnosticassignments; report reconciliation and cash transportation excellent pay Secretaries onassignments; consultation WhatCan You Do? receipts helpful. Call 609-924- for exee lent work. 201-074- PARTTIME (609) 924.3244 (20f) 725.3300 ¯ ClerkTypist wilh teachers,parents 8500, ext. 216 for immediate 6888. You’llhave YOUR career; YOUR schedule outsidesocial service agencies; Type?File~ Clerical Work~ Slenor eun interview. Equal opportunity Experiencepays... [lemDo,arylongor shell term assign. busmasseach;nest Libcanons, A.ange emplQ~,er. menial; YOUR 1alUm. staff development;short term SIock~Lighl asSemblyt ...at this leadlngN.J. bank. We If youhave Iyp,ng, ~erelarlal ofclerical counselingwith students; PART TIME DRIVER with needexperienced tellers to sk~ls.1el ul help you renew your c~t~r. participationin ChildStudy w~olfet h~gh~t fall. weeklypaycheck. QUALITYCONTROL ear wanted to deliver early workPART TIME in our: CLASSIFIED fre~hasp/taCit=clan, freeimprovement a.m. newspapers for daily Cagus. We’d love to Heyou, back a gain* Teammeetings; identification schoolLearn about our "17r6" bonus EASTWINOSOROFFICE of studentswith special needs. routes 4 to 7 a.m. or Sunday 3.8pm daily, 9-12Saturday WarrenPlaza West planNo fee charged io you Sea us LINE morning. Routes in Bound ADVERTISING F O~’R M Groupwork with students8" mmo,ow KINGSTONOFFICE Rt. ]30, Hightst0wn staff. Musthold or beeligible INSPECTOR Brookand surrounding areas. 11-2daily, 12-8 pm Fri. 609-448.5810 gem’embet:Thee~dy bird catches the Good pay plus bonus, no fat N.J.certification as School bestJobt PrincetonFacility collections. Wewill train you. and9-12 Saturdays, ]90] NorthOlden Ave. Psychologist.Send resume no laterthan Nov. 30th, 1977 to: OLSTEN ~.~vaam Neking High School grad to Call 201-.469-3191. Trenton p~dormphyidcal t~Ung and monil0r 609.883.6003 PRINCETON TEMPORARIESac~vrgesdunng I~ckaeing of medical Yourexperience can earn you a REGIONAL SCHOOLS d~agnc~ticprboucm. Pm~C*Ul gu~fity Models fine salaryof $3.$4per hour. conffolproduction exgenonca nlceuary, FOR Tojoin ourstaff of friendly KELLYGIRL PersonnelOffice, Box 711 (OppositeDew Jones) people,please call (201)745- ADivision ofKelly Setvlces Princeton,N,J, 08540 ¯ Television Ou,Emplove~ Never~y a Fee 329-2040 Applyto ¯ Fashion 6141or (201)745-6144. (onesquore for eachletter, number,space or punctuation! EQual0pportuniw Employee EqualQpportu nitvEmployer/ PersonnelDepartment AffirmativeAc~on Employer Daily 10-3PM, ¯ Commercials ¯ Shows 4 LINES ¯ I INSERTION...... $3.00 elllillllilnlillleellelnllillnllllellillllllinlllr ClosedFriday CARTER-WALLACE,Inc. ¯ H=lfAcre Rd. Cronbury, NJ Advertising /-m FRANKLIN applythis week-l-5P.M. 3 INSERTIONS,no changes,paid before billing ...... $4.S0 Eou~lQpl;,onu nrly Er~k~yer Beginners~" Professionals II STATEBANK c SALES M~ic/Fema~ If billed addS0 billing charge MACHINIST over18 CorporateHeadquarters ¯i The Twelfth Circle 630Franklin Blvd. NAME CanYou Do Your Own Set-Ups on ’ MAJOR 225Welt 57th St. NYC Somerlet,N.J. 08873 i APPLIANCES"THISIS THE 4th FLOOR Equalappall unity Employer M/F ADDRESS OPPORTUNITY LATHES-DRILL PRESSES VOLUME SALES Challengingand rewarding YOU’VEBEEN RESEARCHCHEMISTS MILLINGMACHINES- ETC.? volumessles positionis now CLASSIFICATION __ INSERTIONS __ AMOUNT PAID __ availablefor an aggressive LOOKINGFOR’" PHDOrganic or Polymer individualto worka full time Mathematice,Inc., a well knownresearch and consulting ResearchCenter is seekingFHO Chemist with at least 3 yearsex- ’All Classifiedads appear automatically in one weekor $1.00 for 3 weeks’an~the schedule.Mon.-Sat. with one samethereafter. Adsmay be dispIQyedwith If yQUhave exceilem skills, canread blue prints, handle tooling dayoff duringthe week,2 late firm convenientlylocated next perience[n organicor polynersynthesis, all 7 Packetnewspapers: The Princeton andmaintenance for a rangeof machines,we have the eveningsare included in the40 to thePrinceton Junction train Packet,The Lawrence Ledger, The Central white spacemargins and/or additional openingthat will utilizeyour abilities. You will enjoythe vsrieW stationis seekingreliable and Post. Windsor.HightsHerald, The Manville capital letters at $3.50per inch. A spOCiQI hourschedule. Experience is skilled temporaryworkers to Theposition offers opportunitiesfor 0rowthwith a newly of work,which will includeOCCasionally pedorming main- nreferred. organizedgroup en0aged in the developmentof speciality News.The Franklin News-RecordQnd the discountrole is avaiIQbleto advertisersrun- ten=neeon special pro,ductlon eou pment, and making parts or workin en "on calr’ basis Hillsborough Beacon.Ads may be mailed ningthe samedisplayed classified ad for a specialparts. within the company.Openings chemicalsfrom naturally derived products. Weoffer a goodstarting salary, aveiisblefor: or phonedin. Thedeadline for newads is 4 minimumof 13 consecutiveweeks or dif- liberal benefits,including a ¯ RESEARCHASSISTANT Theisborstory is located[n Princetonand allows for workingand p.m. Mondayif they are to be properly ferentdisplayed classified ads totaling 20 or You’llbe with a highlyinnovative leader in theexciting field of generousstore wideemployee living in a veryattractive oommunlty. Weoffer exceeont sol=des photo-e[eotrioadvanced applications, such as sanders, light ¯ PRODUCTIONTYPISTS classified. Cancellationscannot be ac- moreinches per monthwith arrangements discount. andbenefits. Resumessoceptad through December 16, 1977. for monthlyhilling. Boxnumbers are $1.00 multipliers,camp=raters, and specialized instruments. Ex- ¯ CODERS Sendresume, including salary history, to A. 8ruschini: cepted=her 4 p.m. on Monday."Too Late APPLYPERSONNEL ¯ INTERVIEWERS to Classify"ads will beaccepted until noon extra. m cellentlong-tare prospects, Qnd desirable conditions. PISQSa m call ¯ OFFICEASSISTANT8 Tuesday. Excellentpay, some long.term TERMS:There is a 50¢billing chargeif adis i 609) 799-1000 assignmentsavaiisble. Call for AMERICANCAN COMPANY RATES:A Classified Ad costs $3.00for up not paidin advance.Personals, Situations [ furtherinformation. to 4 linesfor oneinsertion, or, if originally Wanted,Housesitting, Apartment Sublets, EMRPHOTOELECTRIC ~S-79~-2000,ext. 302 ordered,$1.50 additional for 2 consecutive Wantedto Rentor Shareand all out at area 469 North Harrlean St. Qndmoving Qds are payablewith order. ~~ 20 Wallace Rood, Princeton Junction, NJ QUAKERBRIDGEMALL MATHEMATICA, INC. weeksor issues, andthe 3rd consecutive P.O.Box 2392, Princeton, NJ Princeton, New Jersey 08540 insertion is FREE.Thereafter, each con- Thisnewspaper is nql r r.res~osjb~e~oL~rzoL% Lawrenceville,N.J. equalopcmaun~w/iflamlgve secutive insertion only-costs$1,00. The notcorrected by t he_0~.~rLi,~r_~_m~_diaelL~E. in equal0~ntmrw |mldoyer M/f icgonerno~oyer m/t ~anaaanuaaNaiNanNaaiiBlaiiiHae~eeamea~lBll EqualOpportunity Employer M/F ,next incrementof up to 4 lines is 50¢for followingthe first publicationof the ad, "Seven For Central Jersey" ff-IILLSBOROUGHBEACON,. ]~e Manville News

lhe Franklin NEWSRECORD Class i fi’ed J dvertising 5-B Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

SCHOOLBUS DRIVER- with SALES PERSON- for card & TEACHERAIDE - Jr. High BOOKKEEPER - with SALES REPRESENTATIVE- BILLING CLERKNEEDED - DATACLERK -- Responsible REAL ESTATE SALES -- schoolbus driver license. 4 gift shop in the Princeton area, Math Lab, also anticipate 2nd payable or general Train at $200 weeklywith over for Princetonoffice at least 2 for computer data entry & We’relooking for 2peoplewho hoursper day.Salary $3000..needed part time evenings & Semesterteaching position. bookkeepingexperience to SndiiqiSndl’m100 year old highly respected years experiencein all clerical maintenance of computerized enjoy workingwith the public. handlepayables & special life insurance company. duties. Knowledge of com- data base. Sometyping ability The earning possibilities are ¯ Ceatact’Mr.Martin Brennam, weekenas. Pleasant per- tl) Jr. HighEnglish {I) High PhoneMr. Messineoat 609-599- puterized billing systems TransportationCoordinator sonallty& willingness to take School Earth Science. Contact projects.Occasional overtime, 20 NASSAUST., SUITE207 & accuracy with numbers ,~excellent in the Princeton UpperFreehold Regionat rresponsibility mostimportant. Mr. E/de HopewellValley suburbanPrinceton location. PRINCETON 4531. necessary. Salary to com- essential. Call 609-924-9660. Area. Expericnce preferred. Forinterview call Dorothy, mensurate with experience, Call Norma Greaves for an Schools,High Street, Allen- Reply Box #01555, Princeton Schools, 609-737-1811. 609-924-8064 good benefits. Send resumeto ~ appointment.609-921-2700. town,N.J. 08501. 609-259-9277. Packet. 609-921-2806,Kepner-Tregoe Secretary t05160. An equalopportunity era- Inc. An equalopportumty HAVE STATIONERY and P.O. Box 429, Princeton NJ GAL/GUYFRIDAY - bright employerM/F. Typing and Dictaphone. Top 08540. PUBLIC OPINION IN- player. alertperson for general office Benefits top Co. giftware parties in your home. TERVIEWERS- needed for Earn valuable gifts. 609-448- THE NEW JERSEY ARE YOU GOOD WITH duties to help with part lime telephone in- Typist to$150. 7548for into. terviewing assignments. No DIVISION OF MENTAL -- CHILDREN? We’re looking correspondence & phone work.. SALESPERSON-- part time RETARDATIONIS LOOKING MAINTENANCEMACH- for someone who loves Typing a must. Man thru Fri. Minimumsteno, top typing selling involved. No ex- forfurniture store. No ex- plush conditions. ’SALESPERSONS- wc have a pcrience necessary willtrain., FOR GOOD FAMILIES TO INIST -- Technician children and believes child 9-5 pm, 609-452-6058. periencenecessary, I0hrs. per super opcningfor 2 people who PROVIDE h ROOM WITH eareisaprofession, toearefor KEY PROCESSING Must be willing to work at experienced in all phases of week.Call 609.440-5556 for Secretary to $170. OPERATORS-needed for think they are, or think they central location in Princeton. BOARD FOR A MENTALLY plant & equipment main- our 15 monthold son, in our appointment. can be goodsalespeople. Sales RETARDEDADULT. THOSE home. This is a permanent HOMEMAKERS- earn money Top steno & typing. Top temporary night shift Daytime, late afternoon, teaance. Excellent salary for benefits. pesifions. Experiencedonly workis only the beginningfor evening & weekend shifts WHO "QUALIFY WILL qualified person willing to part time position - minimum part time. Call Executive apply.Call 609-452-1300. the right personas the position RECEIVE TRAINING ANDA work2ed shift operatioo. Top of 2t, t days a weekwith the Women’sCouncil between 4 & A~/~ - offers unlimited growth available. Call Opinion STIPEND. JOIN YOUR option of more hours if Experienced Apt included. Secretary to $170. ’Research Corp. 609-924-5900, fringe benefits includingfully 7 pm.609-259-2767. ApplySteele Rossinff &Smim, Meg card exp. Growing Co. potential. Goodsalary, great ext. 233 weekdays from 8:30 NEIGHBORS WHO HAVE paid BC/BS, major medical, desired." Responsibilities in- Topbenefits. WANTED- Nursefor arthritic fringe benefits, attractive and MADEGOOD USE OF THAT cludecare of our son and some Twin Rivers Town Center, comfortable surroundings. am - 5 pm. EXTRAROOM AND HELP A dental & life insurance. Send NEEDED-- helper on a sman Mea-Fri, 9-5. 609-446-~IL invalidfor Dec. & Jan.9am - resume to Box #01563 e/o light housekeeping to be Secretary to $175. 3pm.Must be strong& have College graduate preferred. RETARDEDADULT GET A ,Princeton Packet. negotiated. Weoffer $2.50/hr. varied farm m Princeton Real Estate Bdgda plus. transportation.Please call This position is in the Cherry - - FOOTHOLDON FULL bur will pay more depending Township. 10 to 20 hours COMPETENT PART TIME It:30am - 12:30pro. 6~-924- Hill area. Mail resumeto Box REAL ESTATE SALES CITIZENSHIP. CALL: 609- upon the individual’s ex- weekly, mornings, weather SECRETARY-- about 10 0381. #01562, c/o Prineetoo Packet. PEOPLE -- We are not 298-5981(9:00 to 5:00 WEEK- parlance. Your own tran- permitting. 609-924-2909. F/C Bookeeper to$175. looking for .quantity but hours a weak on mutually Short weak. TopBcnefits. DAYS) AND YOU WILL RESEARCH ASSISTANT - sportstion and references are agreeable schedule. 609-921- quality. Our ofhce is growing RECEIVE PERSONAL Must have some mechanical needed. Please call 609-452- 9252. MATURESITTER WANTEDand has opening for two ATTENTION. NO AGE 1183if you are interested. SOMEONE WHO LIKES Secretary Legal to $Open licensed sales people with skills &experience or training MUSICto helphandicapped Short on experience and long DATAANALYST -- Biological -- for 9 &12 year old. Wed,Fri LIMITATIONS. EQUAL in electronics. Job requires young man on Hammond research facility is seeking & Sat eves. Must have own experience. CalIVan Hise OPPORTUNITY. CLEANING PERSON onskills. Good Co. several individuals with a transportation. Twin Rivers Realty, 609-737-3615or 883- ability to construct &trouble. ChordOrgan. Must be un- WANTED- 4 hours mornings, 2110. shoot prototype circuitry &’ derstanding& have pleasing Thurs. or Fri. Experienced, Secretary to$140. hackground preferably in area. 609-448-3945af!er 7pro. PART TIME Housekeeper assist in design, construction MAINTENANCEPERSON -- personality,about 2 hoursper reliable recent local Goodtyping. Steno helpful. biology to assist in compiling needed-- fairly flexible hours. & operation of laboratory 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. 5 days a week.609-924-0724. scientific reports. Aninterest week. Somecleaning, heavy checkabe refs. Owntran- in life science and working KEYPUNCH-- 029, 129, key to Must have owntransportation experiments. Permanent sportatinn, $3.50 per hour. 609- CallSandra -- 924-6064 SECRETARY/PENSION and supply references. 201-329- position with well established moving, inventory control & with figures is helpful. No DEPT- Good typing skills, tape operators needed for 6543 after 6pm. upkeep$2.60 hr., 609-448-6226PARTTIME job opportunity 452-1729. experience necessary. Please immediate temporary work. physical sciences research TECIINICAL including statistical. Shor- organization. Call or send days. dealing in arts and crafts. No call Linda Wagner, 201-873- thand a plus. Excellent fringe Experience required. Car "resume to Mrs. Kay Palazey investment, no obligation, no 2550, ext. 249. Equal op- benefits. 35 hour week. Call necessary. Never a fee. In strings attached. For details SCHOOLBUS OR VANdriver. Qual!t~Control. to 22K portunity employer M/F. Mercer County call Anne at PARTTIME HELPER-- will AeroChem Research call201-369-3414. Licensed or will train. mlecErtcal mecnbkg. 609.924-8700or 201-622-6046. train handypersonto install Laboratories, Inc., POBox 12, SUPERINTENDENT - for Hillsborough Board of 609-771-0400, Olsten Tem- movies&TVsystems. 6~9-655- Princeton, NJ 08,540. 609-921- Hamilton Twp. garden Education201-874-3104. porary Services. Quality Control to14K HOUSEPARENT(S) -- for SECRETARY-- Interesting OIO0. 7070. An equat opportunity apartments. Experienced in PART TIME HELP wanted Printing & laminating Bkg. employer, Halfway House inBelle Mead. opportunity with growing renting & painting. Apart- eves. Mature, responsible --~ Live-inincludes room & board . Marketing Research firm. ment, salary&hospRalization, person for janitorial working M I L L E R ’ S W I F E Draftman/Woman tolSK LAUNDRYPERSON -- part COMPUTER OPERATOR - ---- 201-992-8200. supervisor position for Electrical Design & salary. Days free. Key/n, Excellent secretarial skills 360or 370. DOS rotating shifts. RESTAURANT of the 201-873-2655. essential.Steno required~ Mag time laundry person needed To 12K PART TIME CODERS- The Manville area. Must have AllentownFeed Co. is looking for small boarding school. ~ someexperience. Call 201-646- -- CardII experience destrable ¯. Gallop Organization in for capable help. Weeven pay. but not essential. Salary Someironing and occasional BANNER BUSINESS Pn’nceton s seeking rsons RN- part time, doctors office. 9600 between8 a.m. & 5 p.m., Call Corky, 609.259-2136Wed- Technician Electronics to 15K DENTAL ASSISTANT _ sewing. Please call 609-924- r: State experience. Replyto box Power Supply Bkg. dependent on experieaee & ASSOCIATES for )part time clerica~ew ark, Mon.-Fri. Sun. receptionist, experienced, qualifications. Fringebenefits 5858. 145 WitherspoonSt. mimmum30 hours per week. #01565c/o Princeton Packet. people oriented, Lab. skills a Purchasing Agent to 22K plus, good salary, Blue & bonuses. Send resume to Princeton, N.J. No experience necessary. Call -- Total Research Corp., 1101 609-924-4194 609-924-9600 An equal op- ...... Capital goods - machine, sub Cross/BlueShield, retirement, CLEANING HELP NEEDED ortunit em In er ~4~=uttAr~tt: - rtant mare- RUBBERMAID PARTY HOUSEKEEPER -- light contract hkg. Fortune S00Co. vacation. Send resume to Box State Rd., Box307, Princeton, P Y P Y ’ tenance. 10K. Fee paid. PLANneeds demonstrators cleaning, prepare eve. meal. #01538 c/o Princeton Packet. EXPERIENCEDN.J. 08540. SECRE - 1 or 2 da~’s [~.r week. Own part or full time. Nocollecting, Daily hrs. approx 3-7pro. Own tad Eng to 22K r transportahontf possible. 609- RECEPTIONIST- part time, " transportation &refs. Leave 921-2087or 201.329-6228. doctors office. State ex- -- BANNERBUSINESS packing or delivering. Top Machineshop experience. F U L L C H A R G E ¯ | ASSOCIATES commission.Call 201-369-3725. message on answering perience. Reply to box #01565 145 WitherspoonSt. machine.609-921-1127. BOOKKEEPER--wantedfor TARY NEEDED -- e/o Princeton Packet. ~,dr’~,.,,.,~,.,hlA~QAII I Call BobMartin 924-6064 6-12hoursaweek. 609-443-1551. CHEF WANTED IM- I Princeton, N.J. Wednesday evenings by ap- Princeton management 609-924"4194 consultingfirm. to work for 2 MEDIATELY- f ~r Princeton PLACEMENTS pointment University student eating I’ ARE YOU WORKING A ~ RED LOBSTER INN is now PART TIME PLUMBINGmanagers. Excellent typing & club. Serves lunch and dinner COSMETICIAN ...by Bea Hunt INSPECTOR-- Qualifiedskills necessary. Salary to for 120-150daily. Mustenjoy IiPARTTIME- person with SECONDnear WarrenSH1FTTwp. andS°mewherelooking timetakingdayapplicati°nsfood preparationf°r fullUIIBII ~ Ull~lllll~Q=llillni~liMjourneymanplumber wanted commensuratewith ex- ADRIANARPEL ¯ workers. Permanent to provideplumbing in- perience.Please send resumeworking with young adults. . ,. . Itypewriter background to for$50aweekextracash. Oniy with salary re~tuirements to Call 609-924-6587. Cosmeticianneeded to train in Wespeclallzeln Irepair manual & electric 15hoursperweak.Cai1201-356- positions, excellent company spections for Montgomery typewriters. Goodposition for benefits¯ Apply in person Township. Minimum16 years P.O. Box 429, Princeton, NJ our specialized line of k car, r~t~rlo~at th~ I 7184or 766-7082. 2O NASSAUST.. SUITE2O7 08540. cosmetics,facials, [ashesand lira ...... IDerson who wants to earn between2 to 4 p.m. dai]y. Red PRINCETON ’experience. Must be able to CLEANING PERSON v executivelevel. I~xtra income or technical -- - - Lobster Inn Route 1, refid plans & blueprints, to WANTED- 4 hrs. mornings, waxing.License helpful. Lawrenceville, opposite 609-0z4-8064 Monor Thurs. Experienced, Ischool graduate. Hours BOOKKEEPER - Ex- issue permits in accordance EXPERIENCEDSecretary to ’lag M ..... Quaker Bridge Mail. AnEqual with BOCA. Send resume reliable, owntrans. $3.00/hr. Weoffer a goodstarting salary’, ¯ 7.,, ,..a~,,,.,., ¢8,^,4.,,,==, Iflexible. |for Pat, Call between 609-394-7705,8 & 5. ask perienced, general business including experience & help widoworganize files on 609-921-0100. office in Rightstown. Send OpportunityEmployer- M/F. personal busmcss and in- liberal benefits including ,MACHINIST / MODEL- desired hourly rate to Mr. terests. References. Write Box generousstorewide shopping 609-924-3716 I resume and salary MAKER- are you a creative Bruce Miller, Montgomery discount. requirements to; John A. SENIOR CITIZEN/ COUPLE #01561 c/o Princeton Packet. MATERIALHANDLERS Curran, personal, N.J. Credit -- working mother (60 hr machinistwith5yearsormore Twp.Municipal Bldg.,Rte 206, experience. Wewill train you RD#2, Belle MeadNJ 08502. NEED APPLYPERSONNEL Union League, PO Box 298, week)needs assistance 5 days. in the art of model making. BABYSITTER- Experienced, TEMPORARY WORK’ Hightstown, NJ08520. perweek. ARershcoolhearsto the art of model mhking...... loving person to care for 19 6 pm.2 children age 8 &lO.6C9- TYPIST- self starter with month old in Lawrence- :~ ~ Diversified projects to Princeton area. Mon.Thurs OLSTEN 921-7618after 6, days 201-825- challenge your ability. Work ,,ood sense of organization & with 2800ext 248or 6. Betail. Accurate~.yping skills 8:15-5:15. Will consider BOOKKEEPER conditionsfirst class. Applyin t, Ve, aww~ INDUSTRIALA~lT~Des, HlshPay, N knowledge of NCR -- personl0 am- 3 pmor call for necessary, willing to work someone with one child of o under pressure needed on a eompatahle age. References. ~,~..NoCo~,~ct Car ,s cssenl~at. Bookkeepingmachine #86.. Or SECRETARY-- engineering interview.201-626-5900 ext. 217. OUAKERBRIDGE3+ MALL will tram right person with part time basis. Cal Cherylat Salary negotiable. 609-771-0523 office, t~,pist, steno, light Ronson Corp. Bridgewater after 5:30 weekdays. ¯ Lawrenceville,NJ bookkeeping ability. Steady bookkeeping. Reply to Box N.J. An equal opportunity .609-799-3939. SOUTHBRUNSWICK: Rte.# 1 EnuatOopo~unlty Emplovo~ M’f employment, good salary, #01554c/o Princeton Packet. employer. (OppositeDow Jones) pleasant surroundings, Call for appointment 609-446-2400 MATHTEACHER for in- 329-2040 dependent co-edueational day Daily I0 - 3 PM., between 10 & 4 pm. school. Grades 7 and 6. SALES EXPERIENCED MIF TYPIST -- We have im- [DEVELOPRESUMES ClosedFriday mediate temporary work for Teaching experience -- Public Relations - necessary. Send resume to NURSE DEMONSTRATORmarketing $2000 month experienced typist. Short & Princeton Day School, P. O. JOB SEARCH REGISTERED WOK commissions.Part time long term assignments wire Box 75, Princeton. Nocalls. possible.Bonair Research Co. major companies. Good pay COUNSELING NURSES Doyou love to cook?If so, wa 201-377-2455or write:304 rates, bonuses, paid same Security Specialist - havea temporaryposition week worked. Never a fee. In 609/924-8668 Comejoin a progressive BrooklakeRoad, Florham Weare currently accepting nursingdepartment where you availablestarting immediately Park,N.J. 07932. Mercer County call Anne at through December 24, 609.771-0400Olstsn Temporary N.J.STATE applications from persons candevelop your fur potential demonstrating WOKSto Services. as a professional.Immediate JOBSERVICE LORASSOC,ATES with police,military or io- parttime and full timeopenings potentialcustomers. Schedule ElectronicWiring i101 STATERD. includes16½ hours per week, Ptofessiona[¯ Technical dustrial security related on Med.-Surg.,Critical Care Move Ahead With RAMISII PRINCETON andPediatric Units. ExceIMnt Man.,Wed., Thurs., Fri. 6 PM ANDASSEMBLY EXPERIENCED RECEP- Clerical¯ Skilled ¯ Unskilled backgrounds.We offer a GrowingAerospace company ¯ salaryand fringe benefitsto Join The RAMIS!I - 9 PMand Sat. 11 AM- 4 PM TIONIST / DENTAL Applyat: ground-floor opportunity include: Weoffer a goodstoning salary. needspeople experienced in ASSISTANT-- wantedfor assemblyand soldering of prin- with a newlylicensed cor- Software DevelopmentTeam APPLYPERSONNEL DEPT. periodontaloffice. Send Rt.130& W0odside Rd. SALES ¯ Hospitalizatlon tedcircuit board and chassis to resumeto Box #01539clo R0bbins~ille,HJ. poration which has ¯ MajorMedical rail. standards.Pay will becom- PrincetonPacket. ¯ Phone: FURNITURE dedicateditself to making DentalP~an monsuratewith DxporienDD. ¯ EyeGlasses Alsowe need ambitious people 609-448-1053 SELLING private and industrial ¯ Company and Product Life Insurance to becomepan of ourtre[nlng SPECIALIST ¯ PensionPlan Mathcmatica Products Group develops and program.$3 perhour to start PRINCETON or586-4034 securitya profession-rather NOFEE CHARGED PARTTIME ¯ FreeParking markets the fastest growing software system in QUAKERBRIDGEMALL withan increase in 60days. Ex- UNIVERSITYSTORE Tues.~ Thurs.6-9:45 PM than a sourceof low in- ¯ 12Holidays cellentbenefits. For interview ¯ the industry-RAMIS 11. Used extensively Lawrenceville, NJ call Mr. Demechat 609.896- Saturday1:15-9:45 PM comeemployment. Write, TuitionRefund throughout the world, RAMISII provides both Eqg=lOpponunay Emgloyet MIF ...has openingsin Camera Mar~orieM. Halliday’s Sunday1:45-5:15 PM ¯ MalpracticeInsurance 0780. Excellentopportunity to put call or stop at our office a user-oriented. English-like nonproeedural BaseTenSystem, Inc.(AnnEx) Dept., Book Dept., and SecurityDept. Only those in- PRINCETONyourbroad furniture selling between9 a.m.to 4 p.m. Don’tDelay Call Today language and a comprehensive data base 134Franklin Comers Rd. terestedin permanentfull-time experienceto work in our (~) 396-65"/15,ext. system. Lawrenceville,N.J. employmentnDed apply. FurnitureDept. Start with a Continental Independent ’.~ CHRISTMAS EMPLOYMENTchair,sell a wholehouse fulH Director of Nursing SELLING ¯ Applyin personfor interview.9 AGENCY Wehave the merchandiseif Security,Inc. HELENE FULD Position am-12noon,Mon.-Fri. No youhave the know-howl 110S. MainSt., MEDICAL CENTER SpecializingIn Seeking mature, self-motivated, experienced POSITIONS ASSISTANT phonecalls. Mrs.Watts, 36 Weoffer a goodstarting salary, Hightstown,N. J. 750Brunr=vk=k Avo. ~ individuals to participate in thc continued ~That will allow you to do~ University Place. TemporayHelp liberal benefitsand generous Trenton,N.J. 08838 SUPPORT storowideshopping discount. 609-443-54SI development of the RAMISI1 system. ;all your Christmas~ Permanent Placements in ~Shopping with a~ SERVICES APPLYPERSONNEL Secretarial Clerical Qualification discountl MANAGER INACTIVE Executive, EDPand Candidates must have at least three years Weate nowinterviewing for’~ MathematicaPolicy Research LICENSEDREAL ESTATE Technical NURSINGSHOULD BE A experience with developing telcprocessing excellenttemporary openings[~ Inc., a rapidly growing SALESPERSONS systems or applications. Fluency in BALis ~in SALES.Choose from a~ professionalresearch firm, hss ( If youknow ot someonewho 352 NassauSt., Princeton BIGPART OF YOUR LIFE _~variety of day andevening~ a rewardingcsrsor opportunity QUAKERBRIDGEMALL required. Experience with Data Base schedules’. Is Inactiveplease give them (609) 924-9134 i EQualOpportunity Employer MI F .1~ offeringvaried and interesting thisad.) BUTNOT ALL OF IT. Management Systems and knowledge of Data FULLTIME challengesin the Survey Base concepts is considered a positive factor. Mon.-Fri. 10 am-6pm | OperationsDivision. DOYOU HAVE A LICENSE Tothe exceptionallyqualified RN, and LPN Medical Personnel The ability to communicateeffectively orally DAYPART TIME a -ANDARE NOT ACTIVE? Pooloffers a satisfyingalternative to totalsurrender of self to Mon.-Fri. 12 noon-4pm Musthave: working knowledge ¯ Becauseyou werenever career. and in writing is a requirement. NIGHTPARTTIME of surveyoperations with more aWalned. swift temps Man.,Wed.,Fd. 6:45-9:45pm~thenone year administrative ¯Becousethe officeyou star- Weoffer room to live aswell as to serve. tedwith sald "Here’s the desk Compensation EtSun.12 noon-4pm and/orsupervisory experience; Youchoose your own hours, your own assignments. Private Stimulating intellectual environment. Initial Tues.,Thurs. 6:45-9:45 pm~ ability to handlediversified and phoneand goodtuck dutyin facility, orin patients’homes. Oreupplementing staffin ~Sat,1:15-9:45 pm assignmentson short notice becauseyou’re on your own." CLERKS ¯ TYPISTS ¯ SECRETARIES salary commensurate with academ}c training ~Sun.l-Spin ¯ BeCOUle"yOU were disap- hospitalsand nursing homes. Long or shortterm - whatever andrelate to a varietyat people fits in withyour other plans. and cxpcricnc% ranging from the low twenties (Sundayl~ndude~rnland e haft} onall levelsof craft;able to pointedwith the RealEstate Temporarywork meansa full day’s work for a business..,because no one to Ihe low thirties. Excellent benefits. APPLYPERSONNEL work with minimumsuper- limited amountof time. Workclose to home,good Freedom,mobility, excellent salary end insurance ¢ov0rage. visionend under pressure. took the time to explain DEPARTMENT J~ everythingto you. hours,get paid right awayJobs available m Hight. NOFEE For promptconsideration and a local interview Forprompt consideration, send Well, I wouldlike the ap- stown,Princeton, Cranbury, Twin Rivets. Call Pat ct send resume with salary history in complete resumewith salary history and poctunlty to discussmy Sue. We’dappreciate the opportunity to disucssit in detail andin requirementsto Barbara confidence.Our number is confidence to I)cpt. MPG21. businesswith you, for I com. Neveroleo! Primes. pletely understondyour feelings. 609-393-2818 ; QUAKERBRIDGEMALL MATHEMATICA FORA CONFIDENTIAL 609-882-0030 609-586-5898 MEDICAL MATHEMATICA PRODUCTS GROUP Lawranceville,N.J. POLICYRESEARCH INC. INTERVIEWCALL; P.O. Box 2392, Princeton, NcwJersey 08540 PRINCETONSHOP. CTR. EdMecNlcoll, Realtor PERSONNELPOOL P.O.BOX 239:1 LnmbardoAgency443-6200 A NATIONALNURSING SERVICE equalOl)/mrturrit r / g(firrrra,iveactirm emplo.rer m Princeton,N.J. Princeton.N.J. 0L~0 -and- l~l~ualO~U~lV ~m!Noy~ MIF ~q~lot~or~u hey/ae~ml~ l ~ ~ temps 1873Brunswick Ave. IC~O~em~oylt, mtf MariaLomberdo 586-9449 ILANotionalNunlng Service Lswrancevllle,N.J. ~t THE PRINCETON Pd/CKET "Seven For Central Jersey" q-IILLSBOR~IGHBEACON,. TheManville News THECF.IO’P~L 13O57" WlNDSOR-HIGHTS HER,,qLD Class tried .//dv er tis ing The Franklin NEWS’RECORD 6-B Thursday, November] 7, 1977 ! ’ I Help Wanted Help Wanted JobsWanted Jobs Wanted Announcements Personals Personals BargainMart BargainMart

ORDER CLERK- - Busy BOOKKEEPER- part time, 3 BABYSITTINGIN MY HOME COMPANION - College DISCRIMINATIONbased on WORLD TRAVELED -- THE SINGLE SET -- meets BOY’SSCHWINNSTINGRAY RCA19" COLORTV - like new order desk requires a second to 4 days per week. Accounts -- Lawrenceville,reliable & graduate, ex-school teacher race creed, color national professional woman,Mozart everyFriday at the TreadwayBICYCLE 16" - $25,5 BAR- - still in carton with brandnew person whois very aocurate receivable, accounts payable, experiencedmother, hot lunch with warmpersonality, wishes origin, sex or marital states in McCartcr Theater. dancing, Inn, RouteI, princetonNJ & BIES,TownHouse, Camper guarantee. (cost $439) Asking and good at details. Use af payroll, through trial balance. & naps,infants & toddlers’position as companion,social the sale or rental of housesor superb cook. Seeking company everyTues. at theWashington $20. Call 609-921-1767 after 5 $225. CB’s, 23 channel (new) calculator and good typing Rockyilill area. Contact 609- throughkindergarten. Daily secretary cook (excellent), apartments is illegal¯ A of SINGLEman, age 54-63. CrossingInn, 9 pro,live band, pro. full size, with antenna &slide , skills essential. Knowledgeel 924-6800. orweekly. 609-882-3817. party planner, chauffeur, ere. qualified persea can not be Tall. communicative. Reply guests welcome¯For info. call bracket. (cost $1291 Asking any computer system a Please¯reply Box #01556 c/o deniedemploymentbeeauseof Box #01523,Princeton Packet. 215-862-5889or 836-5142. BRANDNEW IMPORTED5- $48. AM/FMstereo, 8 track or definite plus. Route1 location Princeton Packet. race color place of birth, age, cassette in-dash (new) (cost in Princeton, 40 hour week. ancestry, sex or liability for k I ~E D piece tables & lamps set, $350. IIELP WANTED- full & part WELL KNOWN & Reliable GOODLOOKING WIDOW, in Portablewasher,$50.Call 609. $1291Asking $58. Typewriters; Sendresume to P. O. Box4090, Motherwishes to babysit daily military service. If you have the fifties pleasant per- DESPERATELY- Princeton090-9032. portable &electric, from$47. Princeton, N.J. 08540. time. Applyin person between experienced discrimination, 2 & 4 pro. No phone calls¯ or weeklylocated across the sonality, seeking the com- areato Trenton State College. 201-329.6339. st.from McKnightSchool. 609- LIVE-INSEC’y/housekeeper. report it immediately to the panionship of a good humored, Willingto pay. Please help. McDonald’sof Quaker Bridge¯, 448-5338. Mature, A-1 skills, excellent Joint Commssion on Civil refined, and honest gen- 609-9PA-2872. DISPLAYCASE -- 71x18; Doll RESPONSIBLEWOMAN -- to cook & manager¯ Reply Box l’~-ights 4 GreenStreet, 924- tleman, aged 55 to 65 for FURNITUREFOil care for 2 boys after sehocl, #01545,Princeton Packet. --~ house Etagere mirrors IIOLIDAYGIVING Light DOMESTIC-- veryefficient. 7138, Joan E. tlill, Director. pleasant times together. Reply some eves. NURSES AIDES: Ex- WlIH 0901, PO Box 146 A YOUNGGENTLEMAN -- antiques, sma rugs, etc. 609- Wall Units $99.95 housekeeping, good salary. perienced. Car desirable. To Referencesavailable. Call 609- HightstownNJ 08520. bright &intelligent is locking 924.2841. Mag. Racks $34.95 609-448-8867after 6pro. care for patients in their own 298-0901. YOUNGPUBLISHED writer- CHRISTMAS BAZAAR -- for sameof opposite. Enclose Table Lamps $14.95 homes. Full time, part-time seeks job with newspaper or Friday Nov 18.4-9 0m & Sal. a photo. Box #01537 c/o Rockers $34.95 CHILD CAREaft. 3 p.m., publisher. Call Tomat 609.924- Nov. 19,10am-2pmat Hopewei SHAREEXPENSES - flyingto PrincetonPacket. Student Desks $54.95 GENERALOFFICE - 10-3, workavailahle. Cali924-5731 Bookcases Mon-Fri for nursing homein for interview. Kend. Pk., myhome, exp. 201- 3721. Prcsby. Church. & around MEXICOwith IPR $29.95 821-7390. pilot from Dec. 22 to Jan. 5. Stack Tables $26.95 Hightstown. Ca 9-3, 609-448. GAY SWITCHBOARD in- Recliners $89.95 7036. 609.921-3867eves. formationcenter¯ Call 609-921. RELIABLE MOTHER - CHEMICALENGINEER OFFICE CLEANING job 2565.Best hours7-10 p.ffL Mon. CASH & CARRY wanted, preferably wishes to babysit in my home, CRAFTER-- Sell your hand- thru Thurs. in Hightstown.609-443-3322. made crafts at Beth El HOTLINE:non-judgmental, ACTIVITYAIDE - 9-3 for Minimuml year experience Hillsboro. Responsible, can Synagogue’s Craft anonymous,confidential help ALPINE FURNITURECO. nursing homein Highlstown. pilot plant operationin organic workweekends. 201-359.5029. Show/Bazaar (50 for your personal problems. 160W. Main St. No experience needed. synlhesis and vacuum MOTHER-- of 14 month old Maplestream Rd, East Call 924-1144 Mondaythrough BargainMart Somerville Patience and understanding distillation. Send resumeto seeking child or children of Windsor)This annual affair is Thursday 8-10 P.M. 201-520-8882 W train. Call 9-3, 609-448. P.O. Box 411, Dayton, N.J. CHILDCARE -- in my home similar age 1o babysit part well established and well time.609-924-C-412. attended. Starts Sat. night Nov CABIN CREEK QUILTS 7036. 08810. by the day week,after school. ¯ Anyage. Colonial Park 609- 19 through Sun Nov20. Call WANTED- Men & women to SOFA & CHAIR-- Colonial, LOOM- 4 harness, 6 treadles, 799-2147. DebMeixler, 609-448-5581. give their opinion on a wide countryplaid green-gold-rust Unique Appalachian p.at- Ullman 45 inch Contra Marth HEBREW TEACHERS -. SEE FOR YOURSELF!Extra BABYSITTER--Wellknown &" variety of suhjeets. Join Herculon,excellent. Also chwork:pillows quilts, jack tie-up / with 2 reeds. Experienced teachers exceptionally reliable. Hot .... Mediterraneanheadboard - clothing,toys, pot Asking$400. 2 yrs. old. 201-356- money in your spare time. discussion groups at a Prin- holders from$1.50. required for mid-weekHebrew Phone609.696-2786 or 303-8422 EXPERIENCED REGIS- lunch, naps complete, FUEL SAVINGS -- Free ceton based research firm. We queen.609-440.6844. 4799. program. Contact Bros. of playground facilities., ------195 NassauSt. 609-921-1278 for appt. TERED dental hygien- ~ evaluation for reducing pay youfor your time. Call 609- Tuns-Sat 10a.m.-5p.m. Israel. 609-695-3479. ist seeking full time Reasonablerates. 609-924-2037. home/officeheating bills. No 921-9507,9577 or 9534bet 9:30& CLOTHES -- BRAND employment.Call 201-494-0144. obligation. Call 609-449-6549.4:30. NAMES,excellent condition. 4 DRAWERlegal file cabinet WOMANSEEKS house- Sizes 5 and6. Ca11609-996-1925. $35. 2 upholstered captain’s ROOM& BOARD-- in ex- PROFESSIONALCOUPLE -- SKI EQUIPMENT- 1 pr. benchesand 1 captain’s chair, change as live-in companion. seeks person to do varied cleaning position one Munarigrand prix boots sz. 11, household chores one day a LET US CLEAN YOUR day a week. 609-394-0976. MOTHEftS!Going hack to’ MARY KAY COSMETICS- $65 set. Sewing machine and Salary. Lovely home, lovely COMPLETE STEREO I pr. Raichlehoots sz 0~,~,1 pr. cabinet $25. Electrolux floor week in one bedroomapt. in HOMEFOR THE HOLIDAYS wm’kor school? Eslahlished Arrange a complimentary Humanicboots sz. 5~,~, 1 pr. area. 201-359-6267. Plaiesbnro. Call 609-799-3441 - Available!! The 3 excellent, facial for yourself & up to 5 SYSTEM - Scott am- waxerand cleaner $30. Set of , honest Mr. & Mrs. & son CHILDCARE -- experienced, Nursery School provides plifier/tuner, B&O main Cubcobindings. Call 201-369- pole and tree climbing spikes after 6pmfor details¯ QUALITY DAY CARE for friends. Call Frederica 609- .speakers, 2auxiliary speakers 8331 and safety $35. 27x22 houseelcancrs. No windows. reliable mother, will care for 466-0437. CLEANINGLADY wanted, Wego anywherefor the price. your infant or ehild in her your preschooler or Kin- Dual turntable Panasonic 8- vanity top sink and faucet $35. ownlransp. BrunswickAcres, Fri. Sat &Sun, extra. Try us homeweekly or daily - near dergartcn child. LovingCare track recorder~player 8-track 609-921-8614. in an educationalselling. Call car stereo unit, 50 tapes and Kendall Park. Mon. & Fri. TAXI I)ISPATCIfER WAN- you might like us. Princeton TwinRivers, $25 a week. Refs. BusyBee School 609-448-3883. CAHEER. EXPLORATION IIISCOUNT GUNS&AMMt) Hours9-3. 201-297-1769after 6. i3nro only. 5-7 rooms, $30. If 609-448-5497. GB.OUPS-- Nowforming. Call more¯ First $500. takes all TED-- Mustbe familiar with Ca 1 609-924.7500days, or 448- Shotguns&rifles Princeton & surrounding stove badly soiled including Dr. Jaeabowitzat 609-924-3727 $10 over wholesale YORKTOWN STONEWARE - areas. Inquire at 6o9-924-1105.house, extra first time. Call ext. 21 for information¯ 6962eves. Aminodiscounled Lg.collection, $45. Modern MAINTENANCE / HAN- late afternoonsor eves., if no L O O K I N G F O R TIlE FOUI.tTtl WAYis a "Directional" walnut coffee DYPERSON- All around arts., pleasetry again. 609.924. HOUSEWORK-5 days a week melhod of self-development, table $25. Early American maintenance janitorial and 6942. or days work. Call for more introduced into America hy Ioveseat, $25. Barbes &seat, SECURITY GUARDS -- information. Also have own Mr. (.;urdjieff. AKIIALDANII MONOGAMOUS COUPLE PLYWOOD SHEATHING - $10. Excellent cond. 201-846- small repairs in warehouse & equipment sup- wishes to meet others for Murphv~sSportsmen’sl)en and office on Rt. 1 in Prin- car. 609-393.6670. is a school in Ihc [’ourth Way ext. new4x8 - 3/8" $7.18, 1/2" 2354. plied. Full or part time. Work DEPENDABLE MARRIED lead by an experienced socializing, friendship and $8.68. 5/8" $12.59. 3/4" $14.28 31521~t.27. KendallPark ceton. Knowledgeof carpentry tn Central Jersey area. For MANlooking for caretaker support. Weare high energy Kiln dried lumber lx3xd, 39 MonthruFri 12-9 and plumbing helpful. Both appointmentcall weekdays,9- position with separate living CI[ILD CAREin my homefor teacher. 009-443-1898. creative people who are cents; 2x3x8, 88 cents; 2x4xd, Sat.1(I-0o Still. 12-1; WROUGHT IRON DINETTE inside and outside duties such 4. 201-329-4541.An E.O.E. uuarters. 609-888-3414. working mothers. Ex- looking for morefriends like 95 cents; Andersen windows 201-297-3357 SET- 4 chairs,42" glass top, as grounds upkeep will be LOOK,LOOK, LOOK. There is us. NoSwingers please. Reply $125.Like new. 609.799-2278. involved. Drivers license pcricoced. References Twin 27% off. 27%off Tex. 1-11 Rivers area. 809-448-4593. parking at Princetnn Station. Box358, Roosevelt,N.J, 08555. plywood siding 5/8", 4x8, necessary for light pick-up WANTED-- Adult/college COUNTRYMAN -- desires ¯ Rates 50 cents per day, S1.00 $14.68 sht R.R. ties new, WALL TO WALL CAR- work. Goodposition for semi- f~r overnight, bv the week MAYTAG PORTABLE student for part-time position as caretaker, creosoted, 3’ $6.95. Can electric dryer. Electric stove, PETING,in goodcondition, retired person. Send resume housework,20 hours per week. maintenance or gardener. $;I.1~, by the m6nlh $8. The ALCOIIOLICS ANONYMOUSdeliver. Call Bobcollect, 215- sculpturedbiege wool pile, felt to P. 0. Box,1090, Princeton, Call 609-799-2793after 6:30 Knowledge of farm and MOTHER/TEACHER-will nnlv o~:ernight parking in IIELP ANDINF()RMATION 674-0205,eves. 887-2313. top & bottom ovens, cop- padding.$4 sq.yd. 609-021- , N.J. 08540. greenhouse.215-343-2163. care for children, her home, l’rihcelon.609-924-b~J76. CALL609-924-7592. pertone.Gas stove, set-in type, p.m. or weekends. while you work or play. 201- coppertone, $40. Attractive 0787. 821-8422. kitchen set with 4 chairs. RELIABLEchild care in my CAROL’S PLACE -- Per- 23 YR. OLDGIRL -- seeks a Portable electric steak CUSTODIALPOSITION. 10. CONSTRUCTIONCARPEN- TIIEATTICTRUNK ONCE AGAIN SHOP 4 15 hours per week, Beth-El TER -- Experienced in homefull or part time. Call sonalized s t onery, in- traveling buddy to go to CONSIGNMENTSHOP broiler,$45. 201-369-3718. ’201.674-4713. vitations and gilt items at. Europewith in Marchor April 140S. Main St., Hightstown Synagogue,East Windsor,609. commercial, residential and (oppositeoldPost Office) 448-4912. churchprojects. 809-883-4508. Announcements disoount prices. Call 009-443- for 8-8 weeks. Contact Box "Almost New"Clothing 3141. #01553, Princeton Packet. MATUREWOMAN will for the WholeFamily. AAAAAFACTORY OUTLET A THRIFT SHOPPE -- your child in my homeby week Brie-a-brac-Newltems -- "Clark Gable Sale" -- featuringused but not abused HOUSEKEEPERWANTED - HOUSEKEEPER-- cleaning, or hour. Located across from RAISE FUNDS [or your INFORMATION -- on SINGLE PROFESSIONAL-- Furnilure-Appliances Gone-with-the-wind lamps clothingfor the entire family. 3 er 4 days, must have good cooking & some child tran- Hillsboroughtligh School.Call organization church, changing careers, jab search man, 30, seeks slim attractive handblown,hand decorated at OVERSTOCKED!! 20% off refs., like children& be able to soortation. Mondays, Wed- 201-074-3728. synagogue school, or any skills academiccredit for life non-smoking female in 20’s 201-658-3271 least 20%off. Soauthentic you purchasesof $10 or more. other group quickly and easily experience available under wholikes classical or popular BurntMillsRd. can smell the Mint Julep. Many new and never worn drive. 609.921.3566. ’nesdays&Fridays.l.6pm.Must federally funded program, (justoffRt. 202-206) FURLONGLAMP FACTORY have car. Refs. required. Call EXCELLENTTYPIST -- IBM selling consumerpublications music, sports, photography, items.Mon-Fri. I0-3 pro. 609- from the MONEY$AVERS. Centers for Educational & etc. Please reply Box #91543, Pluckemin N.J. OUTLETlargest for a mile 448-9849. eves. 609-924-0595. Selective II, manuscripts, OpenDaily10-5,Thurs.10-7 radius¯ 6 miles north ~ Hat- MCDONALD’S IS NOW term papers, thesis, etc. Piek These publications are at- Career Choices. Call 800-792- c/o Princeton Packet. looking for full & parttime tractive, informative, 9707orwrite2~AlcxanderSt., Closed Sundays hero on Rte. 263, Furlong, Pa. up anddelivery. 609-395-0749. OPEN7 DAYSweekdays 0-8, help. Applyin person between DENTAL HYGIENIST reasonably priced come Princeton, N.J. 08540. :W’EItEATERSANONYMOUS-" PEREGO CARRIAGE - 2 and 4 p.m. No phone calls. wantedSat. mornings only. prepackaged lalong with a ...... --meets Thursday evenings, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-9. MicroDot STROLLER comb., $35, FREE metric cooverter) Pricing. (215) 794-7444-5-6. dressing table $7, Musical McDnnaldsof Quakerbridge. Inquire.609-448.0013. CIIILD CAB.E- Experienced Is1 Presbyterian Church, ready for delivery and offer CIIILI) & FAMILY llighstown. For information CASIIblERE NEWLYARRIVED prides of swing $10, hi-chair $10, motherwill care for your child goodprofits for you. Not only IIOMECOUNSELING & DESIGNER CLOTHING ORIENTAL VASE LAMPS! refrigerator $25, sofabed daily or weekly. 609-448-5873 At their own home, child & ca!l 609.446-2481or 448-5459. ¯ " PARTTIME RECEPTIONIST will your group raise money, ’ -- ..... DISCOUNTED sleepsI $25,co or TV,$35. 609- - 15-20hours experienced, light Resvmes alter 7:30 p.m. but youwill also help peopleto family learn howto cope with FAll IIELOWRETAIL 443-3197. lyping, excellent phone he more knowledgeable problems arising from MAN WITH CON- MlNKCOAT -- natural ranch, manner required. Send consumers and show them emotional, physical or SCIOUSNESS . RAISING 100% luxury cashmere fuillength. Size 12-14.Fully let resumeto ACS,P.O. Box 5800 CAREER COUNSELING -- [lOUSE PAINTER -- how to get more for their developmental handicaps. EXPERIENCE - wishes to sweaters & dresses. All out. Deep turn-back sleeves. HANDSOMEDINING SUITE- Pr nceton NJ 08540. adolescents& adults. Call Dr. ProfnssionaI painting done at money¯ NO INVESTMENT Priscilla Maren,609.486-2039. start male or mixed C. R. current styles, also finest wool collar. Professional 6canedbackchairs ovaltable, " Jacchmvitzat609-924-3727, ext very reasonable prices. Call REQUIRED.For complete group in Princeton area¯ All sweaters & designer clothing, appraisal available. Coat was seats 8, pad, Ig. hutch. Also, 2L’. Tom,609-921-2508. information, write to THE ...... ages welcomesome prior C. Call 201-359-3840between 9 & custom made from selected beautiful coordinated 8 pc. LONG ESTABLISHEDreal ’MONEY$AVERS,P. O. Box DAYCARE- newprogram at R. or therapy experience 12 am & 6 & 9 pro, 6 days a furs. Exceptionalholiday gift King bed set, designer fix- 3008, Princeton, NewJersey Montessori School, 8-5 p.m. wouldbe helpful. Call Jack at week. at attractive price¯ Phone609- tures. Cherrywoed,queen bed, estate firm interested in in- CAREER, JOB SEARCH & 08540. 924.5399after 6 pmfor oneday headboard. 609-443-4599after terviewing licensed sales I~.EGISTERED NURSE -- Half day program & tran- 609-452.0511tday) or 452-1189 EDUCATIONAL COUN- sportation available. Call for (cve.I. advance notice as this fine 5pm. people for managerof existing SELING-- Testing& Resumeprivateduty, homes or nursing office located in Prin- homes.Full or part time. 215- SECOND ANNUAL DARTS additional info. 201.297-6066, 444 CAL. RIFLE- Marlin coat is kept in security eeton/Hightstowa area. send included.Dr. MichaelL. 493-6675. MILLARTS & CRAFTSSHOW297-9144. lever action model444. N.J. storage. Rosenthal,609-737-2236. ANTIQUEBANK -- castiron, short resumeto Box#01569 c/o & SALE- Superior crafts, KAY’S INTRODUCTION firearms id. nee. Dshwasher, Princeton Packet. Flemiagton. Rte 523, near 3 yrs., $50. 201-329-2028. exc.cond, $125. 201-359-7114 -- ...... SERVICE--all ages. Meet a after 6 pm. THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUTCHILD CARE in my home in Lipton’s Tea. 201-782.0200. partner for a friendship or ___ SOFA- brand new Thayer- RESUMES:-- Did you know TwinRivers, full or part time. Luncheon.$1 admission. Nov. Personals that prices for resumes range 609-443-4555. 27, Sun. 11-5 p.m. marriage.201-53,t-2720. Coggin 90" Scotehguarded LIVE -- IN HOUSE- METROPOLITAN OPERA indian cotton sofa, orig. $829, as high as $5,000? and as low -- -- BARGAIN- 2-Sat. Mat. orch. USED BOORS NEEDED -- KEEPER / Companion as $15? Andin today’s con- movingto smaller apt. Must for Brandeis University. We . for senior citizen in Pen- EXPERIENCED RELIABLE FOR - XMASA PERSONAL DIVORCEYOURSELFKITS- HIGHTSTOWN PLANNED seats, Dee. 24, Feb. 19, March sacrifice for $375. Mustsee to recycle your old books. Look fusing market place with its WOMANWISHES DOMESTIC TOUCH-- Order a unique ALSO BANKRUPTCY: 4. Dec. 24, Boheme,Feb. 19, believe.Calleves.609-924.6939. nington.Call 609-586-3056. ever shifting standards & PARENTHOODCLINIC -- Oeegin, March4 Pelleas 1 set for our Spring BookSale at tastes howdoes the job seeker DAYS WORKon Tuns or sterling silver jewelry piece SEPARATION& WILLS FOR Mondayevenings. Call 609-440- Quaker Bridge Mall. Tax Thurs. Refs. $30 day. 609-599- designed for and/or by you. INFO. OR APP. CALL609- 3439. or all, Call 609-924-5758leave deductible. Receipts knowhow to judge, and get his 2813 Orders limited. 201-359-3141. 854.5099from l0 to 5; 6~-921- number. DRYER-MAYTAG-elec.I yr. moneys worth? For example: avaitahle. Will pick up used SALESPERSON. m/f ex------0926 Prin¯ 7 to 11 PM;OR 201- old, newcond. Cost $350. Only booksor drop them off. Please cellent sales position with good flow much should you pay? $175. After 6pro, 201-297-0126. Whatis a good resume? "Haw MANAGEMENT CON- CREATIVECHILD CAREin 782-5540 ANYTIME. RESPONSIBLE MATURE APPLES & CIDER -- call 609-448-6374or 443-3060for working conditions & good ~ Thanksgiving would not be further information. pay. Pleasant surroundings. do you knowyou’re getting a SULTANT - Retired our" home2 qualified adults ’FEMALE TEACHER -- good resume, a bad one, an engineering machinery supervise act,vities. Arts & LONELYDAD with 2 kids, willing to drive your car to complete without cider & Call Mr. Joe Guidone,609-921- apples from Terhune Or- FIREPLACEHOOD -- Call 3500. outstanding one? Is there a manufacturing CEOavailable Crafts music & other. Small ages 32, 8 & 7- needa friend, Florida,December16,17or 18. 201-359-5556. correct form for a resume? part time including travel. group, rest period &snacks, maybemore. Educated, good Lauderdale area. References chards. We have the finest UNIQUE*** BOUTIQUE Shouldyou go to a professional ReplyBox #01547, Princeton Ilalf, full da~s& extended for job no debts love a family¯ If upon request. Call Miss Baker apples, red &golden delicious, ------Oneof the finest seleetions of. resume wntsr.- 9 Should you Packet. working shift parents. Full you’re femalelove the out-of- at609-448-3334after 8pro. McIntesh, Stayman, Winesap previously owned better COOK/HOUSEKEEPER- No write your own?Is the whole day$30 per week.Call 609-443- doors, somewhatconservative and Jersey Red. A fruit bow] FIREWOOD--delivered,split quality familyclothing at Pia laundry or small children. thing really worth the sub- 6316. with fair appeal and honestly filled with TerhuneOrchards & stacked. 201-521-0188. MoneyPrices ! Other help employed. Im- staniial amountof moneyit’s PLAINSBORO-- will babysit serious, please write Box JOIN US -- meet new people, apples is a sign of hospitality, PIN MONEYBOUTIQUE portant - must have own after school or duringthe day. as well as a smart answer to 14 MercerSt. going to eost you? Is there a Parents Without Partners, H.O. TRAINSET - 11’ x 5’ transportation. Recent refs. real difference between the Near school Please call 609- IIAND MADEITEMS, #01567, c/o Princeton Packet. Chapter 387. Weoffer con- anyholiday need. Haveplenty IIopewell,N.J. Call after 4 pro, 609-924-9138. 799-2257. viviality awareness, adult & of Terhune Orchard cider on landscaped,wired, over 100’ of 609466-2810 $15. & the $500. resume?Are Afghans, blankets, your yarn track houses, lights, engines, you assured of getting a good or mine, or sewing. 201-297- LONDON-- Hunting for children"s activities, gourmet hand to serve hot or cold. Consignment Resale resume just because someone 2470. . sharp, witty 28-32old femaleto meals~dances, underslanding, While you are at the farm, ears, twin .power pack, turn OpenTues, Sat 10-4 pm EARN,$500 - $ ~ - a month share modern cozy home in visit our 2 strutting turkeys, table. Runningcondition. $600. claims to be a professional and BABYSITTING- in Manville, etc. (days)(eves) 201-247-6618 Reply Box #01572, Princeton from your home.For appt. 201- is charging you money? Do any age. Largeyard, plenty of London.Jan. to May.Terrific or 609-924-2064or 609-448-0340.Terhune Orchards. Open 297-4744,Thurs. 3 to 9. opportunity to work& travel daily, 10-6pm,Sat. & Sun 16- Packet. INEXPENSIVE -- manle you need a resumeat all? In room, hot meals. FulIor part ANYONEINTERESTED in all of these questions the lime. 201-685.0231. Europe¯ Reply to Bnx#01570, 5pro. Cold Soil Rd. 609-924- bdi’m set - 7 pes., chaise bartering? Send a list of c/o Princeton Packet. 2310. BED,$25, dresser $75, Garrad lounge, chairs, exercycle MANAGER TRAINEE -- problem is the same: hownan talents or needs to Box#01528 BAHA’IFAITH-a religion for you tell? I am a resumewriter all mankind.For information turntable &lifier, $25. Call antiques typewriter, sewing Progressive advertising and c/o Princeton Packet. call, 609-771-0861. machine tape recorder, new publishing firm in Princeton¯ whois different. In a field ATHLETIC -- TYPE, hi FULLSIZE MATTRESS& after 5pro, 201-722..4424. clolhes, ~ahonal Oeogrpahic where the product quality is RELIABLE MOTHER -- morals seeks attractive BOXSPRING- bedframe & Sales experience strong not just uneven but varies wishes to babysit daily or VERYPRETTY - vivacious some bedding. 10 rues. old. books, pictures, gifts, knick- ambition a must. $150 salary weekly after 3pro. Kreps bus RIDDERING DAY NUR- female35-45. Will answerall. MOVING- pale green wool knacks, toys, small ap- from the horrible to the ex- Box #01571 c/o Princeton affectionate woman. Early Asking$100. 609-921-3853after rug, 9xU, $75; Sylvania B/W, plus incentive. 609-924-3030. route. 609-448.6511. SERYSCHOOL-- has several 30’s. Wide~ariety of interests. 5 pro. pliances. 609-443-3857. cellent, my resumes are openingsfor children 2~,~ to 5 Packet. moveable stand & rotatable consistently good to out- years old. Half or all day. Well edueated. Divoreed. No - antenna UHF/VHF $09; standing. My clients bring ~CIENTOLOGIST(0T3, CIA) obligations. Newin area. 1972, 1970 &1974 Official UN matchingprint cotton spread, HIDDENLAKE TAG SALE -- HANDYMANlooking for back reports that prospective Flexible hours for working Wishesto meet gentlemanfor comforter, pillow sham for "young" retired manto work ]~RIGHT DYNAMICWOMAN mothers, ltighway 27 between seeking others in area in- Medallic First Day Series’; Decoratdr items, custom employers were not merely - seeks employmentas an terested in TR’S, Assists, 2- dynamicsocial relationship. Silver Presidential Mini Coin dbl. bed, $40, like new;pr. of living room furniture chan- as partner. Call Dan Longhi, satisfied but highly impressed Kingston & Kendall Park. Write, but onlyserious replies. 609-896-0869evenings. ’ officemanager.Many years of State licensed. 201-297-1956. way comm, twin studies [n Collection; UNWorld Youth mahogany, 3 drawer corn- deliers etsgere & accessories, with the quality of the resume diversifiedexperience plus LRHmaterials. 6G9-443.6125. Box#01542, Princeton Packet. Comm.Medal (39mm) Proof; modes,$80. 609.924-3592. Corad~o crtb& chest, misc. ~1 my elienl showed them. I’m excellent quahfieations~ in- Fifty States (Bic) Medal household items. All exc. different also because I will cluding writing and arhstic Collection (Silver Proof) 1st condition. Nov12 & 13th &19th GUITAR TEACHER WAN- FOR HOLIDAY CHEER -- WEDDINGS ARE OUR FEELING LEFT "OUT? - FRIGIDAIRE-- refrig, large, I TED,Rend. Pk. area, for 15 yr. give youstraight answers to skills¯ Reply Box #01549, SPECIALTY-- Good dan- & 2nd Continental Congress & 20th, 44 Weedmere Rd. the hat of most frequently Princeton Packet. Stop at Amerman’s for Many women have been Silver Medals.609448.1522. $,50. Snowblade for Tore lawn NorthBrunswick, 201-297-5141. old girl. 201-821-7135. asked questions above and to Fireplace Coal or Duraflame enable nmsic for all ages at neglected when it comes to tractor, usedonce, $80.609-799- manymore. If you call me I Logs. Visit our Stove Shopand reasom, ble price. The sound financial planning and 0472. will sit downwithyou and take EUROPEANGIRL -- seeks see The TempwoodBox Stove~ ,Musicians,201-359-8497. insurance counseling. As a HOME MADE CRANBERRY, PIANO-- Marshall- Wendell BOOKKEEPERASSISTANT - woman, I understand your date,pumpkin bread, $2.25. upright. Mahogany,matching goodtyping, steno optional for time to answer all your live-in position taking care of priced from $229 anq questionswith no obligation on children and light housework. American made. Many other SUP~ for unique needs whether you are Apple,pumpkin pie, $2.75.WOMEN’S FIRST QUALITY- chair, $250. RECORD management company. 609- the separated or divorced. A DeliveryNov. 22 & 23.609-445. 100% polyester slacks $3, PLAYER-- GE MustangIf 259-3"/’/3. your part and ifldoa resume Reply Box @1568,Princeton Stoves and Chimney a workingwife, homemakeror [or you,I will be glad to advise Packet. materials. This year give your place to deal with loneliness divorced or single. (Did 4927. whilethey last, siz.*.~ 8 - 24½. portablestereo w/speakers, home a lasting gift. J.S. and new life style¯ For in- leave anyoneout?) Myservice like new $40. RIDING youon updatingfi for a period formation , please call Alsoblouses, tope, smcas,etc. of 2 years after, free of charge. ODDJOBS - gutters c eaned, AMERMANCO. "Your Pro- is without any obligation and SNOW PLOW -- Meyers for misses, women&juniors. MOWER -- 107 Cub Cadet ORGANIST-- assistant in Call me to find out more: Mart HomeCenter" Nnshanie Albatross House hetween 7 & entirely at your convenience. power angle plus beck-up and A & B FACTORYOUTLET, ,International10hphydraulic painting, general home& farm 10 pm. any eveningat 609-924- lift,twin rotary mower, ~50. large Trenton area Protestant PRINCETON WHITING maintenance.609-466.3873. Station, N.J. 201-369-5511or 4440 days. iron. fiest nffer. 201-297-7770.108So.MainSt.,Manville. 201- church. Call 609-883-3257, ASSOCIATES,201-359-5948. 369-4202. B654. 526-9770. .609-466-3194 i ~ILLS~ BEACON. THE PRINCETON PJlCKET "Seven For Central Jersey" ’1~,I,Bwmnc~, I~dge,r Die ManvilleNews TH£ CE~/77~L POST The Franklin NEWSRECORO WlNDSOR-HIGHT$ HER,,qLD Classified dvertising 7-B : . "i ...... : :. : .;’, ’rhursday, Novemberl7,1977 Bargain Mart Wanted To Buy Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart

WALNUT DANISH MODERN MOVING -- Must sell tlEMLOCK GREEN- nylon EARLY AMERICAN - art ART BOOl~ - studio slze, MEDITEHRANEANLIVING JIMMY HALLS AUCTION- CROWN GRAPHIC - 4x5 VICTORIAN - mahogany -- diningroom. Breakfront, traditiona sofa w/custom- CabinCraft carpeting (over 40 reproductionson canvas,illustrated monographs on ROOMSET -- crushed velvet Retailfurniture shop & camerawith sheetfilm, roll diningroom pieces; buffet made slipcovers $75 small yards for area or w/w), new Incrediblebrilliance, real artists. Write with name, jewelry.Open Tues. to Sun:film, polaroid and enlargerwith.braes, rafting and draw buffet, table w. 3 leaves, 6 sofa &two chairs, Coffeetable chairs. $275. Cherry. dinettesetw/walnut graintop, condition. Colonial style texture.For home,office, author, publisher, date, &two end tables, all with slate II 30- 7 pro.3640 Nottingham backs Also TR-3 wheels and pulls, 0"chairs/black leather mahogany traditional 2 drop leaves & 2 chairs, $30. corner cupboard. Glass gifts.Art Fac Gallery 12-14 condition & price to Box#01549 tops. Excellentcondition. Best Way,Hamilton Sq., 9 miles- ,hubcaps and polaroid430 seats,round pedestal table bedroom, tirple dresser, Very good condition. Call 609- curtains/reds. 609-737-3000ext. MercerSt., Hopewel. 6~-466- c/o Princeton Packet. offer. 201-359-2720. Princeton,5 miles- Trenton. camera andllasll:Cal1201-350- andleaf, suitable for large 2745,921-8390. 2913. 5287. home,$450. Fireplace mirror, chest on chest, 448-6972after 6 p.m. Call609-890-0925. & electricgrate, $45. Call 609- headboard& bed frame. $22.5. 883-0598. Call after 5pro, 201-359-5355. . MOVINGSALE-refrig. stove, THRIFT BARGAINSon Used COKEMACHINE - Glass top WANTED-- Medium size counter, wroughtiron display desk for home use. Prefer MOVINGSALE -- Sat. Nov. KITCHENTABLE -- 22x ~ ToHt~o PERFtErCTsLoG:[Twith¯ exe working cond. both for Blue . All sizes. Also ,19, 9amto 1 pm, 2 luxurious + 2 ice creamchairs, }ou, . BEAUTIFUL DREXEL small children’s clothing. 5 with 3 glass shelves, recovery maple or modern. Good carsea,! ~¢,)n ...... I-ll t, hnir $15" 609 self cleaning. ’oven automatic TIRES & RIMS FOR BLAZER $125.01drum. and other misc. machine(for ), American drawer space essential. Also ~. red rugs with paddingllx12 & ..... , hmer, hghted dmls, $100. 609- . $25 each, new circulator bedroomset. Must sacrifice. i!ems. 609-448-6831after 5 pro. Etra Road. E. Windsor. 0x5, both $75 1 tan rug with a~-~7.2~. 448-7176. motor & pumpfor oil burner 201.725-8037. potters wheel (new), ceramic bookcases. Calf 609-921-1649 pad, I0x15, $45 1 single wood $25. 609.924-5213after 5 p.m. molds and supplies, lamp eves. bed frame complete with FIREWOOD- $30 pick-up load, shadekits. Call after 4 pro, 201- headboard 43x76 $40; 1 SOLID MAPLE BDRM SET - FOR SALE -- STRAW-- Calf 469-5293. ,,~t [~ I~,,¢ A/a,,,. LIVINGROOM Furniture - 3 $60cord. Phone609-585-1438 or doublebed, chest & night- 201.359-5556. mattresst single, $15; 1 box s’ ~I,,,~-," O I~’~,’O~,, yr. old cut velvet, co.u.ch, ~-- 395-1306after 5 pm. CASHFOR GUNS, SWOHDS- spring single $15; I Vornado t.., ¯ ’~ . "~,~ #f~ matcning cm]ee ~ enO tames~ CULTURED MARBLE - stand,$150. Western sadale, -- military items. ColIec- windowfan 26", $25; I For- l brass & marble lamps, 2ncl VANITYTOPS--Wholnsale& $100,used English saddle with ’~,’ffi f’~t~m,,"v’G TYPEWRITER -- Royal bridle,$90 Unicycle,$10, SNOW TIRES-- 2 Goodyear CASHREGISTER -- Victor tor/dealer will pay more. micadinette tab e 28x28,$15; 2 ~ couch glass top wrought iron R eta il . A LTE G electronic. New.Original cost Bert, 609-388-3800days. single bedspreads$15 & $5; dining-table w/6 chairs. POLYMARBLE, 73 W. electric office. Excellent industrialsize exhaust fan, G75-14 4 plypaid, ester cord condition. Original cost $425, 4’x4’with louvers, $100, child’s whitewa s, with rims, used 2 $605, sacrifice $475. 201-752- Misc.items. 55 SharonRd. (A- a,e ~ ¯¯ Reasonable.Call after 4 p.m. SomersetSt., Raritan. 201-526- 7281. 15), Robbinsville.609.269-2361. 609-4484978. 2777. sacrifice $150.201-782-7281. G.E.show & tellTV with17 weeks.$50. 201-297-1379. "things for the house" records& slides, $20. 609-466- CASTLETON CHINA - Furniture-Gifts 0559. Caprice pattern. Also Festoria New-Old-in-between A DIFFERENT KIND OF FIREWOOD - very nice COMPLETESET OF LIONEL WALNUTSTEREO UNIT - crystal, Sprite pattern. 609- , PERK UP YOUR SHOTGUNS-Fox deluxe, 12 FURNITURE STORE- now seasoned oak. Mostly split TRAINS-- approximately 40 58"x 16" excellentliving 924-9207. IIOLIDAY WAI{DROBE OpenDaily ga. double engraved, $135. years old including tracks, roomp ooe,AM/FM radio & Ithaca 37 20ga. pump. Both open at 2000 Turk Road, trunk wood, 3/4 ton truck, KITCHENOR DINETTE SET etc. Ca 609-799.0364after Doylestown across from drivewaystacked, $50. 609-397- - with credenza & china top. stereo$225. 251-359-4227. tlalf price sales have begunat atExit0, NJtrpk like new.201-462-9837. Edison Furn ture. Used fur- 1609. 0pro. FILE CABINET- metal, 2 THE OUTGROWNSHOP, 234 Hightstown,N.J. Excellent condition. $165. 609- drawer,legal size. Call 609- niture, decorator items, 393-7767. 921-3807. lllLNassauSt., Princeton. hanging baskets, etc. Stop in FIREWOOD- oak and hard- STEEL belted radials - [ 609-448.2200 KENMOREWASHER-brand and ask for Alice 9-5 daily, ALMOST NEW WATER BED Goodyearcustom thread, FR- Irrues thru Fri 10-5 Sat. 10-3 --had it 2 months,not cut out wood, split, delivered & 78-15whitewalls. 4 less than 50 new orig. $500 asking $250. closed Sunday. forit $300firm. Bought for TIRES--SixG70xlS, 4rog.& stacked. $45 truckload. $55 WANTED: WORLD BOOK r Clothing for the entire fami y TWOSNOWTIRESONRIMS- Walkin with cash, out with mi,$140. One new $45. 609.586- ENCYCLOPEDIA- in good 695x 14 in goodcondition, $50. machine. Days 609-448-7020. $500.In perfect condition. With 2 snow.201.725-3214. cord. After 5 pro, 201-873-2524.3947. 609-655-3298. DEACON’SHUTCHES -- & thermostatsheets & pillow condition, not more than 4 20’ CUBICSIDE BYSIDE -- cases.Dark wood f nisb.609- years old, no missing volumes. Admiral refrigerator, ext. = hatch cover tables. Hand 452-1497. ONEORCHESTRA SEAT - for PORTABLE Sears Lady Telephone201-725-3301 before 5 condition, priced to sell fast. CHAIRS,CHAIRS, CHAIRS - MOVING-- living room blue made to order. Ready for ZENITH23" - color TVgood remaining Thurs. evening Kenmore- washer and dryer, 1 p.m. several sets of antique oak velvet Mediterranean style Christmas.609.392-0699. condition. About 5 yrs. old. McCarterTheatreseries.$7.50 Coppertone.609-443-3827. ANTIQUESOFAS - oak tables yr. old. excellent cond, $500. chairs, small oak tables & couch &2 blue & white velvet Asking$225. 201-359.8307after value for $5.00 each play. 609. 6~9-~.48-8105. plant stands, 2 beautiful oak chairs. 3 tables, lamps, & chairs,rockers, china 5 pm. closets,dressers, desks, tables 921-8427. AFX TRACKwanted - old or washstands.609466.3714. drapes dinette set & kitchen SHADE TREES -- Oak & new,Calf 609-921-3175.’ CHAINSAW -- Poulan 10" set. Inexce entcondition. 609- Maple. Assorted sizes: You & jewelry.THE TREASURE t COVE.Call 609-924-8585. FIREW--~~ S~ -- electric new asking $75; MOVINGABROAD--selling 443-4360. dig them, $5 ca; 2~/z-3" LIVING ROOMSet - 3pc willdeliver by truckload. Call KITCHEN CABINET DOORS Men’sMeteor Steel Skits $75. bedroom set, desk, etc. & Caliber: Wedig them, $20 ca. Contemporary,gold sofa, red after 6pro, 609-452-9182. - 26 asst. sizes Birch doors, Old trunk, $25. 609-655-0423. Kutch’s Nursery, Prospect natural finish. Best offer. 609- CASH FOR YOUR ANTIQUE smaller items. 201-297-2918. RUBBEIt STAMPS chairs, crushed velvet. Exc. FURNITURE-- we ace a WASHER/DRYER, dish- Plains Rd., Cranbury. Open cond. $200. 609-443-6489. 448-1627. large dealer specializing in washer, kitchen cabinets, everyday.609-655-1914. School or College address. POT(s)at ROOSEVELTArt WESTINGHOUSE-- elee. RCAWHIRLPOOL - washing reas. priced, good cond. 201- tlome business zip code. Oak.Willing to buy 1 piece to Rubber stamps of all kinds AND CRAFT FAIR, Sun.. entire contents. 201-325-2062. range like oew, 30" brown- machine.Call 609-924-1331. 297-9261. TRAINS- Scholl’s,Bar- Nov.20,11am-6pm,Rt. 571a{ TIRES - 2 B.F. Goodrich ,tone continuous clean oven ~ROUGtlTIRON kitchen set, and sizes madeto your order. tubeless,2 ply polyester, white unrented match ng . Ben[ 4 upholstered chairs, orange, ilt: dentown,347 Willow St. I yr.Roosevelt School WANTED-- Stamp Collec- w/pedestal table w/ wood ,uarantee. Repairs. All __ wallswith wheels. D76-14, like offer. 609-799-0882. JOHN DEER TRACTOR -- SEARS-gas dryer, 1-~z yrs. new,$50. 609-443-4344. tions- U.S. and foreign. Send ModelB. hand start, 3 point old, under full warranty,$150. grain top. 609-443-1106. gnu.Men, Tyco, Lionel, Am LIVING ROOM FUR- note w/phoneno. to WHH0847, hitch, $450. firm. 609-655-3439.201-359-2084. IIINKSON’S Flyer, Marklin, Athearn, KD, Box 145, Hightstown, N.J. 82 NassauSt. NITURE: Tapestry couch, BRANDNEW living room coupler cars in stock. Buy, recliner chair, 1 harrel and 1 08520. chair from HermanSpeigels. 5 STEEL BELTED RADIAL trade, sell. Hours:daily 8-12, MOVING SALE -- Custom WHITEPINE -- 4’ to 6’. $5. ASTRONOMICAL TELE- queen chair, coffee & end bedspreadscoverlets, dust Blue/brown/ rust / tan pat- each. Select & dig yourself. TIRES- Mint condition. Size 1-4:30,Sat. 8-12. tables, ext. cond.201-621-7167. tern. Doesn’tmatch my decor. 609-466-0947. SCOPE -- 6" Criterion FR78-14.Fits Ford Granadaor REFRIGERATOR/ ruffles,lined drapes - almost WANTEDTO BUY -- Scrap Was$300. Will settle for $200. RV6dynascope w. equatorial similar models. $115. 201-469- FREEZER -- A-l, new. Fixtures. 609-586-3947. metal, light iron, steel, haf- 609-799-4113. -- mount elec.drive setting 3623. side by side 22 cu. ft. $250 or DISPOSABLEDIAPERS - $15 BIKES- Schwinn,Varsity, 10- teries radiators copper, IBM TYPEWRITERS- In- circles 6x30 flnderseope plus best offer. Ca after 5 p.m. a caseday, nitetime, toddler, speed; Schwinn Stick, 5- brass, a uminum and used ventory clearance sale of IBM eye pieces & variable speed 201-369-3846. SEWINGMACHINE - Singer machinery. Currently paying delivered.Call201-757-3596, 6-9 speed; Royce Union, 3-speed. the highest prices in the area. FALL & WINTERAPPLES - Model C typewriters. Many drive. Wouldcost new $545. DINETTESET- Carpeting, p.m. 201-356-2709after 7 p.m. Stylist Zig-Zag, almost new. Suydam Orchards, Suydam factory reconditioned Asking$250. 609-799-2796. Drapes, Hutch, all like new, Sofa, Colonial print, maple Paymentat time of delivery. Rd. Franklin Park. Open machines available in varied movingto Florida. 201-821- TYPEWRITER-- IBM office arms. 201-329-6452. Receiving hours 12-5p.m. IOam-5pro, closed on Sunday. typestyles. Completely 7336. electric. Like new. Original BOLENS SNOW BLOWER- l’4o~i, thru Fri. 8 to 5 on guaranteed; from $296.00. SNOWTIRES -- 2 with rims, cost $650. Sacrifice $275. 201- WORKBENCH sectional sofa Saturday. No quantity too fiberglass belted H-70-14$45. fits all mid.frame Bolens zAction Business Supj)lies 702-7281. - Laufferstoneware, antique tractors. $125.609.021-6524. large or too small. Gale In- Princeton North (Grand Call 201-259-7346after 6pro. china,books, prints, etc. 609- SNOWTIRES - R7815, $25 dustrial Scrap Iron and Metal ~IAGICCATALOG - $1 - credit FIREPLACEWOOD -- Cut & each. TVMagnavox 25" color Union) Shopping Center, 609- split, all hardwood choice 921-6485. Co. North Valley Road, ~ffl[ $1 with your list $5 order - 924-3454. VINYLIZED GOLFCLUBS -- complete set, console, exe. eoed. $250. 201- Roosevelt. For irdo. call 609. Jack’s Mffgic Den Box 312 seasoned oak, seas 1 yr & THE NOVEL NEEDLE now very new. Walter HagenUltra 359-3518. 448-2679. Princeton Jet. ALUNIINUMSlDING ’ longer delivered & stacked. open carrying a full line of needlepoint canvases Crewel 2 BICYCLES- Sehwinnsingle Dynex,leather bag, $225. Call BIKESFOR SALE - Men’s 10- SACRIFICE $45a truckload,609-448-4253 or speed, good cond, girl’s 21". after 6pm,609-448-0551. 261-3032. kits, persian yarn, custom 609-924-9038. OLD PRINCETONINN BAR, WANTTO BUY: a good OBOE spced~ 22", Men’s 10-specd Subcontractor has surplus in framing & custom made hand - preferably Barre, Loree, TIRES-- PR. famous Semprit 23",gwl’s3-speed 20" with foot gold, olive, white and beige painted eanvases. Free bestoffer. Renaire Freezer, brakes. All m good working $100. Bumperpool table, $125, Laubin or Marigold. Will radial snow tires 165SR13, condition. 609-921-2022after 6 only. Original factory cartons. 4-F7614 tires on wheels, $25 lessons. For more information OLD BARN BEAMS - for FORSALE - beautiful drum ping-pong table $30. 609-882- consider others. Call 466-2620 almost new, $65. Call 609-883- Half price. Guaranteed in- each. tub&toilet (ivoryc01or) call 609.443-8013. mantels.$500 each. 609-737- set $75. Wouldmake lovely after 6 p.m. 9762after 4:30 pm. pro. stallalion and terms. Call light blue sink, old fashioned 0899. Xmnspresent. Call after 5 pro, 6360. Monte at 287-2470, day or school desk. 609-466-3629after 609-924-4693. 6pro. WEBUY -- good used& an- EARLY CALIFORNIA DOLLHOUSES- Kits & fur- BALDWAS -- NewHairpieces SOFA- 86", green/brown,$95; evening.__ :;PRING MEADOWFARM - niture. Also Nativity mangers. tiquefurniture. One piece to are in. Positively un- chair w/otoman rust/green, Freezerbeef, excellent BRAID-- 14x24 rectangular, Reasonable prices. 201-756- entireestates. Call 6O9-393- recently reupbelstered, $50; RECONDITIONEDREFRIG- KITCHENTABLE (porcelain uality.Fed on pastureand wool earthtones, goes well GIRL’SCLOTHING, sizes 6X- 6513. detectable. Lookfantastic in a freezers, wth antiques. 609-~21-7323. 12. Coats, slacks, tops & 1479. ha rpiece styled just for your cha r, white, $50; all excellent ERATORS - top) with4 chairs $30. Dresser grain.No steroids.Halves, condition; green draperies, 19 washers & dryers. Guaran- $25, studio couch$10, 2 small splithalves, cut to order, dresses. Excel. coed. All like Facial features & your overall new. 6O9-448-9488after 6 p.m. image. We guarantee your ft. x 84" &12=,’zft x 95", $40; teed. Candeliver and install, sidechairs$5.each, electrified packed,labeled and flash KINGSIZE t,’ttUl’rWOOD - 201-369-3718. Singer sewing machine $40, i’rozen.V/ill deliver. 609-466- ELECTRICDRYER -- G.E., headboard. Early Amer.style, LIONEL & AMERICAN satisfaction. Call Georgefor Traverse rods for same, $30. FLYERTRAINS - Any age or info. or appt. 201.725-1127. 609-448-0490. typewriter with table $40, Hi- 2937. works perfectly, excellent $130. like new. Seng twin Surprisingly low prices. HAIR condition, $100 or best offer. "REFRIGERATOR- frnst free,’ eemrame,$15. 201-359-5047or gauge.Top cash paid for a~l ¯ TECHNIQUESLTD, 122 W. CallFi$25.201.369.7711.(needs minorrepair) Available for pick-up after 16 cubic feet, Sears w. ice- 359-1235,keep trying. trams.201-521-2195. FF GIBSON17cu. ft. upright11/16. Also available, mat- maker. Call after 7 pro, 609- Main St, Somervle. MOVINGSALE -- Underwood i.#~~,~ iiik 924-2391. addingmachine w/tape, ¯bike, freezer- Goodrunning cond. chin~ G.E. washer, needs ROSENTHAL CHINA -- $150.609-921-2576. repair. Call. 201-259-4216after: 14 YEAROLD BOY - wants to bowlingball&bag29volEney TYPEWRITERS-- Electric, ,:omplete service for 12, also buy rowing shell. Goodcon- BARRELS-- for wine & cider, Brit., 5 golf clubs& bag, all $15 4pro or weezends. cat glass colored crystal, 52 gal. oak, $12.50 each. Oak get PROTEIN866t manual, portable, office TWO STUDDED SNOWS - dition. Reasonable.Stuart 609- ca; bed &mattress, S25; cribs, models. New, reconditioned. METAL OFFICE DESK with G78,15,good cond. $30. 609-921- various sizes &colors. 609-448- planters, $10. each. Call 609- floor polisher, vacuum chair- 40"w x 31"L x 31"H. 0962. 924-6253. 696-1916. NUTRITION CENTER ADI.d’:RS. CALCULATORS. 24929-5 pro. sweeper all $10 ca; misc Name brands. Rentals, $50.609-440-2015 or443-5952. BRASSBED -- $200, orange items. All in good condition. Route 130 near Hightstown Repairs, Trade-ins. CENTER contemporary lounge ehaw, 609448-2781. SIMMONSMATTRESS -- Jr. $100. 609-397-1785days, eves. ANTIQUEBAND SAW - cast 76" BLUE & GREEN CASHPAID - for U.S. stamp BUSINESSMACHINES, 104 collections. Alsowantfirst day TIRES& RIMS- 4 -- llxl5 all Central Jersey’s largest NassauSt. 609-924-2243. bedsize & frame,Elec.. tape 896-0474. ironoperational $200. Ex- FLORAL DAVENPORT - terrain tires on 1Oxl5 white recorder,can opener, juicer, cellentcondit on. 201.073-2484 excellent condition. Calf after covers,old letters, post cards. ARCADE TYPE Pinball 5 pro. 609-921-3851. Call after 6 p.m. 609-448-0380. wagonwheels. A-t condition. Machine-excellentcondition, Health Food Supermarket Walnutlamp base. Best offer. beforeI pro. 201-297-7415. 609-448.0228after 6. $250.609-448-1870 after 6. TREASURED CHEESE PIE BAR-- Naugahyde, steel and 609-448-4885 RECIPE-- great for the white pine w. 2 matching CHRISTMASBARGAIN - Fuji TRYFLUIDEX-mild diuretic Musical HAND HEWNBARN BEAMS SNOWTIRES - G76-14. Heavy holidays. Send $1 plus stamped CAN’T AFFORD-- to com. captains chairs~ bronzefinish. SIOS,21", 10-speed bicycle. -- All beamsover 100 ym. old plete ThomasFlame dish set. Bar lights & ice bucket in- Likenew. $140. 609-259-2110. tablet and Diadax former duty Laramie (Goodyear) LONG-BURNINGSPLITself-addressedReeipe, po Box5072,envel°PeTrenton, Selling pieces for right person. cluded. Paid $650. Makeoffer. name Dex-A-Diet same for- Instruments in exc. shape. Also: grey mounted w/wheels. Used 2 mula, Thrift Drugs. weathered barn siding. 201- months.$60. 609-924-1076. HARDWOOD-- delivered. NJ 08638 609-359-4469. 609-259-3265. FREEZERBEE/~ 1929 GULBRANSENPLAYER 236-6690mornings or evenings. Reasonable. Also fall manure PIANO- completelyrestored, & mulch. Mile-Away Farm. tlome grown na~.urally fed ANTIQUERIFLES & Shotgun refinishedand electrified. 201-359-5571. 4 FT. CONTEMPORARYBAR 2 RADIAL SNOWTIRES- BASSETCRIB - Hi-chair, KARASTANAREA RUGS, 6x9 ’2 MYERS SNOW PLOWS -- 1 steers. Cut to your own --from private collection. Call Benchlight & rollsincluded. lamp, other items. Best offer. elec.1 hydraulictangle), -- like new, gold vinyl w. 609-587-0269or443-4409. Excelent cond tion. Must sell. }178x14 used 1 season, on & 9x12, wool, red, like new. carved woodfront~ $70. 8 track specification, wrapped and rims. $75. Builtrite Park Ave 609-443-4628 Bestoffer accepted.609.448. H.R.78-15 snow tires. 609.-443. frozen. KouffmanI~arm 609- $1400or best offer. Call 215-493- SOUNDCRAFTSMEN 6863. Lafayette tape player $200 466-0773,.Master Chg. avail. 5063. baby carriage, like new$50. --- Equalizer, Model20-12, mint 9488 after 6 pro. new, asking $75. 25" Zenith condition, RF-proof,modified, 609-448-8563~ TWO LARGE REFRIG- blk. & white TV, $30 needs WantedTo Buy $200 firm. 609-445-7020days. work. Lg. fuzzy rocking horse, ’76PRECISION BASS - cherry ERATORS-- exc. work- PROFESSIONAL WEIGHT STEFAN MARTININCISED SNOWTIRES -- 2 C78-14ww & ing condition, nice, clean, DISHWASHER, UN- gd. cond., $15. 609.896-1726 INK COLLAGERAFFLE - at finished,DiMarzio pickup, rims,$50; rims 4 C76-14,2 E75- DERCOUNTER5 yrs. old. BENCH-- galvanizedsteel. after 5. mapleneck, $275 with case. reasonably priced, $175 each. Unlikeyou have seen in any the ROOSEVELTART AND USED12’ gu. O/U shotgun. hi4/15,each $5. 201-297-3851. Also a garage kerosene UNICEF Handyman’s bargain to Send name, tel. no. & lowest 201-359.6507. CARDS repair. Bestoffer. 201-297-1936.store.6o9-799-9131. CRAFTFAIR. Sun. Nov. 20, 11 rice to Box #01559 c/o heater.Call 201-359-5365 ORIGINAL HATCHCOVER am - 6 pm.Rt. 571, Roosevelt, WINDOWREPLACEMENTS NJ. ~rineeten Packet. -- Warehousesale. Contractor Cabin CreekQuilts Shop -- coffee table, custom BABY GRAND PIANO - has large supply of aluminumLIONEL TRAIN SET UP 195Nassau St. SNOWTIRES - 2 steel belted MACHINIST & MAIN- finished. Call after 5, 609-696- Chickering, mahogany, good Princeton radials HR78x15 on wheels for TENANCETOOLS -- complete9060. WHEELCHAIR - (used) for condition, $550. 609-921-3063. windows left over from Ideal for kids. Includes "6 Tues-Sat, 10am-Bpm SOFA92", good condition new developmentjob. $49/ea in- trains, 6 transformers, 8 Mercury. Used 2 mo. $100 withboxes & steeltool cart. slipcovers in tones of gold. crippled, deprived, overseas, firm. 609-448-4170. $500.609-695-7667 or586-2992. teenager. 609-924-1437. stalled. Financing available. switches, 7 cross-overs, 3 FREEZER-- New upright 16 $200.609-443-7408. PIANO-- upright,$50.6o9-466- Call Bobat 609.392-5722. control centers, lots of ae- cessories with many extra DISCOUNTLIGHTING- The cubic ft. Asking$250. 609-~2- WANTEDTO BUY: Scrap 2792. Roosters Coup. Lighting 8265 after 5 pm. GEFrostless re[rigerater -- copper, brass, lead, FIREWOOD-- split and round tracks and parts. Whole fixtures, lamps, shades, parts MATTRESS& BOXSPRINGS RAG DOLLS FOR THE excellentcondition. Bestoffer. collection $700 or best offer, HOLIDAYS- handmaderag aluminum, stainless steel, wood.Pick-up yourself or we and repairs. Clocks,gift items -- twin size $25 tset) Queen Call after 7pm,201-359-3438. sterling silver, etc. solids or PIANO-- Chickeringbaby deliver. Sold by the picz-up Also for sale: 20" Schwinn size, $50(set) Goodcond., Cal dolls,bags, pillows & other gift COMPLETE LIVING Room boy’s bike; anniversary clock, & fireplace equipment. Huge itemsmade to order. 201-574- turnings, Industrial, business grand.Almost new. Must load. Call 609-397-1706or 201- assortment of brand names at eves, 609.921-2149. furniture - custom- madepcs. SOUP at ROOSEVELTART or private. Correct market sacrifice, $3395or best offer. 782-7968. 1920 Seth Thomas clock, 3693. for TR twnhses. Excel cond. Captain’s hat, Westminster discount prices. THE ANDCRAFT FAIR, Sun., price cash paid. S. "Klein’ 609-448-0672after 5pro. ROOSTERS’COUP, on Rt. 29, " 609-448-5106. Nov. 20, ll am- 6 pro. MetalsCo. Inc. 2156Camplain chime. 609-682-1533. Lambertville, N.J. OPEN7 HARD ROCK MAPLE COMING, THE ROOSEVELT 4 - 14" TRUCKTIRES for HUTCH-- excellentcondition, Rd., Somerville, N.J. 08876. ART AND CRAFTFAIR, Sun, DAYS.609-397-0027. Datsun pick-up +2 snows $50. Phone201-722-2288. FARRINGTON Nov.20 - Rt.571. $500.609-799-0218. FIREWOODFOR SALE -- We PHILCO Side-by-side MUSICCENTER JACOBSEN- self-propelleled Fitted terp for 6’. Datsun$10. cut & split our ownhardwood. refrigerator freezer, 21 cu. ft. reeltype lawnmower, 21", 609-799-2336. Excellent quality, reasonable Mint condition. Call after 6 COLORTV FOR SALE-- RCA APARTMENT SALE -- HIGHEST CURRENT Nowopen in Princeton at 12 STAINED GLASSSUPPLIES excellent condition, $50. ~ " Furnitere, almestnew,moving, price. Cedar posts cat to p.m. 201-359-5952. SpringSt. 609-924-8282. -- Distributors &Discounters $50. 25" in goodcondition. 609-921- desired length. N.J. Beagle PRICES FOR Ariens rata-tiller, 1477. EXCELLENTQUALITY wool mustsell. 609-393-0216after 4 DIAMONDS Customdesigns. Repair & Chandelier, crystal, $50. carpet - gold, 7 roomsworth, p.m. Club, HollowRd., Skftlman NJ PIANO- Winkler, recently restoration. Lamps,mirrors, Crown Grafie 4x5 camera, 609.466-3841. Weekendsonly. DRAPES- with hardware, 609-737-3865. SNOWTIRES -- with wheels, Call Certified Appraisers for. reconditioned, $300. 609-397- nlanters etc. Princeton manyaccessories. Call 359- ~~ Firestone w/w, G78-15stud, [[~tained ~lass, 38 Spring St., 5287. childs walnut dresser, other appointment weeRdays betw. 1785days, or 896-0474. items. 609-799-3858. SEARSGAS DRYER- $100, FIREWOOD- Seasoned oaks hardly used, $05, Lloyds 9am-Spin.609-396-1661 r 6c9.921.131I EBONY STAINED DINING Avail. Dec.1. Call evens. 609- & hardwoods delivered & receiver $50,, BSR/McDturn- - ~ ROOMSET -table, hutch, 6 452-2214. stacked. $35 pick up truck table $40, Soundesign HAMMONDORGAN C-3 - with PLEXIGLAS END -- and FOR SALE -- Whirlpool RABBITCOAT - full length, chairs, $250. Please call 201- load. 609-443-3908. speakers, $20. 201-359-3141. remoteLeslie. Used in home cocktailtables. Plexiglas dryer, goodcondi!ion, $35, also grey &white, size 7. $100 or 874-3058. ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILES only.$1,600. Call 609-448-0’/42 lampsat bargainprices. Call 3 new w/w poiyglass =oaa bes[ offer. 609-,587-0528after 6 BEAUTIFUL ALPACA FUR WANTED-- in your garage or after6 pro. range B tires - 2 Goodyear,1- pm. RUGS’4xBl$200’&100%wool SINGER TOUCH ’N SEW - barn only. Cash peid. Ca11609- GeorgeGreene. 609.924-6065. Uniroyal, size G78-15, $25 ELECTRIC WHEEL CHAIR ~ew’mg machine with SOLIDBRASS BED -- Queenblankets twin& full, $55 & $60. -- like new, best offer. 556-7003,8-5 wkdys. each. 609-799-9388 after 81/zxlll~ ovalbraided rug, red, Mediterranean console in 4:30p.m. size. "Fantasia" RB & Call 609.924-8904. perfect condition, special TANGLEWOOD FESTIVAL RCA STEREO CONSOLE-- 4-PC SECTIONAL.SOFA-- "Renoir" FB, from "A ~- $30.Boy’s wool con2, size monogrammer attachment, PIANOS-- havearrived. Sale All Walnut cabinet good Walnut coffee tahle, child’s Parable’s Tail" in NYC,with 8, $10. 3 wool sport jackets ¯ BOATTRAILER SUITABLE nowgoing on. Mifflin Pianos, Serta very firm mattress.and MOVING-- must sell 25’ x 10’ sxze 6, $5/ea. Lady’s black $250. Sears 5 yr. old lawn speakers, am/fm/fm-sferee KITCHENSET -- console dresser floor scrubber, ad- mower,needs one bolt, $25. FOR SUNFISH (100 lbsl. 234East State St., Trenton, NJ radio, no turntable. Best Offer. stereo, lamps, Hollywoodbed, d ng machne, stereo console, box spring for $1000. Paid rug, $50. Double bed $10. Call woolcoat, size 9, $15. Call 609- 609-921-7155. Phone609-921-6685. 609-392-7133. 609-448-7662after 2 p.m. etc. 609-448-6216. 609..448-4769. $1560.1 yr. old. 609-448-180E251-259-5616. 799.9076. r , t L : 771£PRIHC£TON P.qcKfr "Seven For Central Jersey" ~I-IILLSBOROflGHBEACON. "l~,law~* I~r De ManvilleNews THE £E3177~L POST TheFranklin NEWSRECORD ¯ i WlNDSOR-HIGHTS HER,//LD Classified JTdvertising 8-B Thursday, November17. I077 ’...... " "’ ’ Musical GarageSales Antiques Auctions Pets & AnimalsPets & AnimalsPets & AnimalsPets & AnimalsAutos For Sale ¯ Insfruments PUBLIC AUCTION Princeton BOUVIER de FLANDERS -- IRISH SETTER -- AKC HALF-AhAB GELDING, 14.3 1972 BUICK OPEL WAGON -- LUDWIGDRUMS -- 8.pc set, YARD & HOUSE SALE - NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES OFANTIQUES Sma AnimaRoscueLeague eThelanduPatuemusthave registered 5 monthsold, very h 19 vrs Good cond In- automaticair,-mdUlon,~,’l tancolor, 2 cymbals plus stand Bathroomwall tile oikes vn~ ~,~ ~lanketc~es~ ca]..m dmpostho n, Love s terme~" " rider." Goes well" ...... ironer dressersswivel’’ chair’’ ~hslr¢...... ~laek" ram:,had ,,UI~.... SUNDAY, NOVEMBER20 - ~ ’a new home. We a.~. very roof rack, rear defroster, plushi-hat cymbals ann stand¯ ’~noozease~ q ..... STARTING AT 0:30 A.M. #f~dpmmqhL.~ sorry wemust pa.rt w i~ hlm. chudren. ~aust nave new Eng/west. w/bridle $200 or radiow/8 track player recent- Greatcondition. For In- ass ,.,’ turin"-=t"--’ure . , et...... c. I’~9-737-0729.~’ .... home, uwner moving, ~au. best offer Good home only town mower,lOtS more. ~ov. Switllk Park [off 4200 Block nenecamea level anoitionto tune.un &rmssod state in. formationcall 609-799.2668. ~ SouthBroad St.], Yardvllle. /~w_ ~~ our canine fam,l; almost 2 s09-4~-t315. Cab201-~9-1843 or 369.857"1: spacti~n,-91,~75~--f~09Lt~2-’12’~, 5,6,12.13,19,20,26&27.Ridge years ago, Uur new neig’h- Rd off NewRoad to the left NANt~Ip,~ DRW’P’PVPqAM N,J. lSuburbofTrenlon, N.J.} I l . VINTAGE EPIPHONE BASS op osite Art BarnMonmouth EXIIIBITION-8:00A.M. ~J’~ It borhoodwill notaccept2salt & ~ -- 8 Vitar 92~0or bestreasonable TIQUES-- large selection of UNTILSALETIME pepper Bouvier de Flanders. SELLINGOUT -- Himalayan Jc~¯ 201 " 329..6009¯ ’ oak furniture reasonably |~ " ~I DACHSHUNDPUPS -- std., 1076 PACER a/c am/fro offer. 609-737-1528. II --].~"~I Although Thelan loves kit ens. He day spec al Also AKCred avail week before ,-~mn~,,..~ d~t- ~-nof,.A,.k 4 priced. Also other antique CarvedOakFrenchProvinciat \~ -- ehi dren he ~s a very~m- ...... ~ ...... furniture & glassware. mae& female.201-820.6625. Xmas.9180. 809.392.8~37. k.,,i,~,~,~ ~trl ’ ~hiftrote PIANO-- Like new,Wurlitzer, Sofa w/matchingchairs, 43" \I~ --/ pressive watch dog. Formore ~. __ ~=~,~’..°~?~L-’-’_:_":’.’..=’.=" uam~.~u--zP~ewun Located next to IBM in MarblePedestal. Fine Marble informationcall 609-466-1318. conn.nest otter, ti~-,t~-i,n~. cherryconsole piano, $758. 609- RoadPrinceton Sat. Nov. 19, na,,tonO,~n t2-5nm closed ~~~ 737-2615. I0-3.’Having . moved’ we find. -., . ~-- r , Bust.Fine selection of Vic- ~ . ~ BLACK LABRADOR, - no YOUNGPIGS - $25 a piece. Sunda~& Monda,,.~201-329- torian furniture including: papers,12wk~. sOledll exc.with Callafter 2 p.m.201-359-3091. -- ...... that we havemany left over ,~,~ : ~ ~ SAC~eal items: Beautifulcustom made..... Walnutcylinder roll-top desk ~SAVF~¯ - children, muss . $30,609- __ 1058 CHEVY-- 4-door, 6-cy], guitars; Cordova$250, draperies-- eventhe hooks ~ w/bookcasetop, chestof A pet from SAVEis an In- GRANDOPENING 921.6306. . automatic¯609.4484769. Tamura$600. 609.448-8185. sewn on by hand. Overstuffed TIlE LANTEI1NANTIQUES- drawers w/side lock mirror- vestmentin kindness and love. back hallrackw/ma’rble, . RDR/"AR~~L INC. -- Lost & Found ...... arm chairs and rocker. Copper& Brasscleaning. S. . DOBERMANPUPS - Top 1367C Venetian blinds ¯ new and Main St. ~Next to }lagert¢ marble toptable, Walnuthigh- v ..... m ~old~ R~t,~e’w ~ OMET.7- 4 dr. must MUSTSELL -- Beautifulold back bed, marble top t’v~,"~o~o ’ ...... HUNTERS&JUMPERS championpedigree, excellent -- coacn.~.m~an~nen.runsgoo~. Mahogany Baby Grand. woodenAI kinds of shelving Florist) Cranburv, NJ 609- and raised panelled doors 3,5-0762. " washstand, marble top bureau ~’eyo~’~gBasenjditypedog ..... ttoem~hroawmen~,cm~.Pa~°In~g& *~’~ .... ,,~z~u~r~_. Lovelytone made by H.W. w/carved mirror fine Vic- Kmgwooar~oaa 7 v LOST-- Six-teed, gre~’, Perlman,ve~’y good condition. from total kitchen remodeling ~ Male tan & white mixedbreed ~’-P3 P~" ’ " " neutered male cat, vimnity - greatpossibilities fordo-it, tu~,~g1~ANITIOIIF~R ~nO" toriaocard ta~le,many doe RD#1,BoxI96 w~. Grandview& HollowRoads 1973 FORD PINTO WAGON, $900or best offer. 609-443-6009. Victorian chairs, Oak ice M;ie l year old yellow Lab Baptistown,NJ ~ Yf~elfe~s’sEXhaust bfan~ ~’le;cerS~,iiights’~ow~"N:.l.~ boxes, hallracks, w/mirror, Skillman Last seenNovemberA/C, AM/FM,35,000 miles,* Webuv & sell furniture, china wpedog, 201-996.6858 BRITTANY--female 6rags 3. also "dark orange, green 609-446.6019betw9a.m &6 PIANO-- 1929Lester, fine . _ s,..Y, s = ,._Y washstands,school master’s i,~maleshorthairedSweekold housebroken, AKCregstered; e~edunneuteredmaFecat,last p.m, n°cse~szatessize3"’~,°~k~e~dglass’jewelry lovely things; desk, ladies slant-top desks, -- "o condition,$350 or best offer. pr: o,=,ac, urns an~pr. o, sm Comein andbt’owse. Open11 all brownpup.with black !rim: H orses.boaroe?.3~, 12x12o~x all shots - readyto hunt. $75. seen end October. Any in- CallScott, 609.896.9722 or201- mirrors xor mantel antlgue ~ a .m "I,,es to ~-’, .,~aJ,~,. oaksettee w/matchingrocker, rema esnorma rednweex od scans rto~gs ira nea nougmCall 201-369-4242 formation ca 1609466-0215. -- ...... B39.~2.51. eoRarbox large dog ,traveling, am~,o or ~: 4a9-6772 ...... ~- Tilt.toptables, dentisf’s chair, allbrown pu with black trim. & sold.~,.iuing instruction. ’ ’ , - Beginners !hru advanced, ~ cage, sha~bybox spring but ...... coat lrees, wicker chairs, Female A~C 6 mos, old ~ S~6areVfLKSWeAeGELork 4 better than mattress on the ~ Oriental teakwood stand, Weinaram?r.. . Inspection good until July: " Iloor items too numerous to WELLPRESERVED EM- other nice furniture, Primitive ~ ~a~W~fgKa~,Itl~I~l~Stc~m;U~ ARGENTINEHACKING FOUND--blackcat, female, GUILDACOUSTIC Guitar - G- portrait by V. Schneider, other 3oyear, o~u female spayoo cmarter ho~e ’ SADDLE- $150. Twisted aboutlyearold, tailmissing. 2 $150.609-799.3487. ti~t...... ’ Tsko Mo~’cer from PIRE SOFA, attractive oaz o ...... ~ ’ snail evridle, $20. Hardhat, 6- white patches onfront, Please 37,new condition, lists $495 Nassau turn down Springdale ~cebox wsth brass flttmgs~ paintings, water colors by J.F. Female20 wksold pup, shots, willtake $300 or best offer. 609- andfoll’nw ~icn~ mahoganycorner cupboarn Cropsen,Granville Perkins, ~,~ ~...... ,,. ,,,n ~’n,. mo~-,,7/8, $10.Green & white sheet, call 609-883-0853. -- ...... 586.9173...... °’-’ crowncolor, y,~v~ %’-.’-...... $10fi09-921-3012 alter5. ’"- q’I "ND~RBIRD48 000 Chip~ndalestyle, beautifully hand.colored print of horse Fema e 5 yr old black mxormauon. ~ __ ,? ~v ~ -- , refimshed pine dry sink. 609- race signed Eugene miniature poodle roues, regmar gas, 16mpg, GARAGESALE -- Mostly 466-3714. PeehaubertNo. 4of200, eirca Purebreadmale’10mos old DALE&ROLF BLACK ANGUS -- about LOST-Beautiful~0lbs. mixed h)aded. Exc. cond, Mnstseeto DEGAS 12 STRINGGUITAR- 1928), manyother prints and ’ BAUEI/SACIIS 900 lbs, corn fed 17 mos. old. male dog. Goldencolor, short believe. For appt. 609-393-0109. imported items. Corner of vICrOtUANdinningroomset, Standard Schnauzer" ’ hair, longer on tail, very $75, Call 609466-2q36, Hamilton & Harriet Drive, frames. Seth Thomasoctagon $425. 201-446-7376. Princeton. Saturday, carved oak with walnut inlay, school clock, ornate coo-coo Callns abootouryoungcats November19th. Excellentcondition¯ Call 201- elook,manyoak and Victorian ann somealuens tlID~the.e,t ~t ~t al AKCxer" BEG AIRDALES "7 ~r~nf~Y’o~Y~’:ash~n t071 OLDS CUTLASS 356.5287. clocks. 52"bridge lamp signed ’ finoqt r~,,ui~i,~ f&- ~h,, ,,;i,-o X, weekso "d moderatelynriced Flagtown. Answers to the" UPS RE --ME good condihon.~"’ HAMMONDORGAN double ...... " ...... r trst’---t ~a ekes "t. :t~. ~4,,.~-,,c~...... keyboard Leslie full rhythm = Tiffany Studios No, 476 Call Mrs Graves for an ap bo rding of your horse o..ith 609-393-0785after 5 pro. name’ t~exy, wW~.miss ram, GARAGE SALE - Buy your GRANDFATHERCLOCKS -- w/shadeNo. 1414, Signed . ’ le larges areaindoor ring ann are very w rrleu. ~a ...... box & pedals, built in tape Tiffany & Co, Bronze Desk pomtment609-921-6122. Hours t " ’. & any- m"li--e cut ut~ ,.mr."~’-3~4 ...... deck. $1200.609-448-5186. holiday decorations early. Sat. English antique - tlealy moon 8-4 p.m., Sat., 10-12. Report ounge On y a short scenic FOR SALE - Summer 1976 FOKUh tU -- 2 or, low Nov, 19,9:30am,239 Riverside dial $2500.Millar $1500. Call Lamp, Bradley & Hubbard lost and found pets within 24 drive. Mostreasonable rates, romancehas ~resented Irish ~ mi a/c, & more. Excel conn. Dr.. Princeton. 609.466.3194. bridgelamp, hand-paintedand hr per od andcall the police if Instruction. beginner bunt Wolfhoundbitch with hand- FOUND-- small purse, Call after 6 pm609-446.2055. PIANO-- Excellent condition. paneled dome table Mmps, you find an injured pet soft, md wes ern. L ndbergh ~nrn#= vionrnuez nunniaR v einity Princeton U station ~ ,. nickle lamps, etc. 36" double .... " ...... ~, ..... r-rr .... . ¯ ¯ Asking$450. 609.852-8265 after Hd., t[opewetl. 609-466.342L Father, Retre ver Puppies Friday evemng.609.924-0339. ’71 MUSTANG CON- 5 pro. ~IUTTON SLIDE wheel coffee grinder No. 12 ~ VERTIBLE-- Classic. Fully MOVING TO SMALLER ANTIQUES Enterprise Mgf. Co. Phila., ~ ~ show great promise. Modest HOME-- 5 pc. mahogany early telescope w/tripod, fine DOGTRAINING -- in your price to the r ght home CAT FOUND -- young equipped. New brakes & bdrm set, Aquarium,mirrors, home by Ex British Police ’HORSE SHOEING for Whelped0et. 23. Write Box neutered male gray very shocks, ncwpaint.Cal1201-350- WURLITZER SPINET - 2 Bank Place, Hoepwell, N.J. ebony enameled stereoscope handle~" & trainer. Obedience, ".,=¢~,¢ .~m,:~,, ^f- ..... perfectcond., Fr. Prey. misc. items, Sat. Nov, 19- tO- w/over 50 cards, old Bisque ~o~’sesh~f~’~cail"~)an’St~’~t~h#0t560 c/o Princelon Packet. affectionate. Vic. River Rd. & 6017. Cherry¯Asking $600. Call for 4pm. Sun, Nov. 20, 12.4pro. ANNIVEItSARYSALE head dolls, nice collection of scentw0rk, guarddogs. Phone ~raduate ’of Oklahoma .... Green Ave., Montgomery...... appointment after 5:30 pro, George Davidson Rd. ~arriersCollege Hot cold 201-359-4642eves¯ CAR WITH CLASS! -Olds Plainsboro.609-799.0604. orientalfans collection of 61~466-I0~4 evenings to 10pro. WESTERN SADDLE War 609-259-9106. 10%Discount-withthisadtinwarecookie cutters, jelly, andcorrective shoeing. Also .16", 4 me.old. good Toronado’70. Front wheel butter and ice cream GOLDEN RETRIEVER specialshoesIor racing¯ Fast. looking,$175 complete w]pad LOST, STOLEN OR drivenew radials, all pwr., PLAYERPIANO -- piano in 78 R.P.M.PUPPIES-- AKC Registered.courteous service. 608-597- STRAYED--Robbie’s& Beth lotsof extras. $950. firm: Cal IN HOUSE SALE - most on all merchandiseover $3.00molds). & flankstrap. 201.545-2771. Aone’sdog Pebbles,"Seems 609-921-6612. goodfunctioning condition, unusualitems. Breaking up Comesee severalunusual records, piano roils, over 50 ForShow,Obedience & Field¯3~61. recently tuned. Player to havebeen Mis aid." Smal mecha~smnot working. $150. manyprivate collections. Call dollhouses, many intriguing plate camera glass negatives, Zeta-Sam Kennels. 609-658- black & gray currley for directions, 201-359-8739.Do 0669after 8pro. POODLE PUPS -- AKC, 609466-2506. bisque, china, celluloid dolls enameledOriental bells, brass DOGFOOD -- frozen meat, shots, wormed, fully (lerricr/poodle mixl dog 1969 MERCEDES230S - navy your special Xmasshopping and oak armoire, period an~ copper & primitive items. Fine beef, chicken& tripe, 2 & 5 lb mysteriously disappeared blue, excellent condition Thurs-Sat. Nov.17 thru 19, guaranteed. 201-2374)649. Flea Markets & country furniture, a talleasel, collectionVilleroy of& Cloisonne.Boch Mettlacht/2 L. BELGIAN SHEEP DOG -- packages. Also handlers of from our yard on Hailowc’en. manynew parts, $2600. Call o Moigniez bronze, Tiffany male 3 years old, champion Wayne& Jim Dandydog food. Anyinfo call 609-440-4596or 609-924-~825and ask for Daryl candlesticks, tools, Celadon, SteinsNo.675&No.1526, other Call KauffmanKennels, 609- MINIATURESCHNAUZER - 448-2907. CrossorwriteW,C.C.,Box137, _j Rummage Sales YARDSALE -- Noc. 19, 288 Canton, miniatures, and much Vi]leroy & Boohitems. Royal stock, is pointed, great with 448-3114,Rt. 130, south of puppies forsale. AKCreg. 609- Princeton, NJ 08540. Vienna Portrait Vase signed kids, good watch do~. Only to [,OSTAT ST. AUGUSTINE’S COMING-Santa with his sackDutch Neck E. Windsor¯ more. Wagner,early (1768) Scares affectionatefamily with Itightstown. 466-3758. AntiqueLiving room suite, Openllamto5pm Black Boy’s Rosary in black fullof interestingholiday glassware, etc. Jewel Box w/miniature fencedyard. $100.609-443-5107. ------case. also woodenhorn & PONT[ACCatalina’68--Exc. treatsfor everyoneat St. c]osedMondays paintingon ivorysig t~ed GERMAN SHEPHERD FORADOPTION-Beaglemixcross. Sentimental Value¯ cond. 81,000 mi, 2.door,auto, MatthewsEpiscopal Church, ..... Jennery,Musterschutz "Pig" PUPPIES -- AKC reg. pupshera Oct. l. 2 males,2 Reward.201-329-6~91. p/s,a/c, $500. 609-448-5593. Penningtonon Dee. 3 # 5.The tobaccojar, nice 15" Amphora ChristmasBazaar will featnre XMASSHOP-- In our garage IIOPEWEI.I. Vasc, child’s tea sets, Hum-POODLES -- standard pups, Reasonable. 201-297-9258. females. W I have had first ...... ANTtQUECENTER DttL. Ready to go Nov. 14. VWCAMPER 1972 - 47~000 gourmet and baked goods, on Sunset Rd. Skillman. New mels, Bisque pcs. Hand- AKC,excellentpedigree, well- KENNEL.16x18x6vinylctd Please cal1609.921-3691after6 miles only2owoersexcellent plants, antiques,needlework, crafts, games, clothes, junk. Upstairs at the painted china in Limoges, mannered from home ehainllnk-3yearold tworun Auto Supplies woodwork,a childrensbook Sat., Nov. 19,8to3. TOMATOFACTORY pro. t/out. $2550,Ca 609-021-I040. - Piseher Piekard, R.S. Ger- training~goodtemperament& cap. org. $723 - ask $350.Call _ stall and Christmas Ilamilton ;tveturnat many, Royal Bayreuth companions. Blacks & browns, eves, 609466-0925. - ...... decorations.Lunch and ac- SunocoStation Lenox, Canton, Nippon, Royal Reasonable. 609-737-9090. 1972 DODGEVan -- 6-cyl. tivitiesfor the children will Doulton etc Over 59 pcs cut WANTED PEKINGESE ’69 GTOFRONT END -- break GARAGESALE- Nov, 19&20, Rose and Paul Jamison -- ¯ ’ : "’ PUPPY--small female, ¯Call up for parts. Call 609-799-1674,auto. trans, $1500.201.359-3858. alsohe available. Please come 9am- 6pro, 2 contemp,lounge glass mctualng 2 " pc . 609-921-7967early amor after andjoin in the fun, painted cottage bureau, C.C. ~"o~,-~,~ -,,t --n-h bowl ,-vv,~t:, ...... c^,~-- ~a;,~,, ...... ,o M~.t, AKC GERMANSHEPHERD leave name and phone num- __ _ - chairs, chestofdrawers, large Woodbridge&Son-birch drop ...... e,- .....~ PUPPIES -- from cnam- 5pro ber. desk, mattress,lamps, fine 13" cut compo t’e poodle puppies, 9 weeks old ~,~ ~tr,,.k r~a~nnablv ’ leaftable, Donald Thomas - w/teardropin base.14 " cut male&female$30ee. 859-924- v - e ...... PoNTIAc"70 - Bonneville,4 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR & Coleman camp stove and Oriental items, Relica - " d. ’ ’’?--~ ~,=,, ~.~,’,,-...... ~,~=um~o ...... ’ dr, vinyl tiT climate control BAKESALE - Nov. 181h,10am lantern,various household ~.i.tcherw/sterling, top eS~sneet1676, ~rlaC~v’ u~oned,= ’m’~’es & WESTERNSADDLES " ex- Empire Ioveseat John ~many ~ t=o cut mKW - - ’73 VW (parts) -- Immaculateair cond., P/S, P/B,P/win. - 3proand 7pro - 9:30pm.Eden items, 154 MercerSt., Prin. Hallowell and Charles Steuben cocktail glasses ~ females. 201-446-7071. cellent condition. $50 & $200. .SuperBug totaled in front left dows, P/seats, auto. trans., InstituteforAutistic Children ceton. ~z09-92t-1040. Laugheryand DennisEIgrim - 609-448-8607. AM/FM/Steroo,heater rear St. AndrewsPresbyterian (marina blue and amber), BEAGLE-- Good gunning en~collision. Wholecar or glass andchina, Bill Fretz and grape pattern Custard Glass dog, also Brittany pup. Call ...... removable parts, including defroster, extra wheels, many Church,corner of Nassau& George Miller - advertising extras. 201.356-2709,after 7 ChambersSt., Princeton. YA~ov. covered butter dish sugar 201-359-5612. FREE togoodhomes--16mo t’tAf’l-lRTJliNI3 P|]PPV engine with t~00 miles, AM- 20th, 10-4, at $0 AikenAve., tins, Helen Penelli - fine bowl & spooner ’signed ~ old AKCCollies with papcrs. 2 b’tacl¢’~ma’]e~ped~,r’ee.~o FM, new Battery Michelin p.m. pewter and baskets, Virgina tires, ete. G~to highestbidder, Princeton. Antiques, bric-a- w/Northwood mark. females. , 1 male.. All sable & v-~’~"~...... ~malf h,’~,~a, ..tan’Phil ..... o ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR brac, oak rocker, pr. Victorian Van Doren - cherry bureau, Bohemian Mica Flake, and TASllAMAFARM whlte. Good h wit ch lldren .609- ,ml ’~o~693n Call 609-466-0067. --Saturday, November19,9 to chairs,oriental rug, frames, Opendailyt0-SSun.ll-5 mh~- o~’~wara Si~ned BRIDGEPOINTROAD aA6-1792after6am "~’" .... ’63 CHEVYBELAIR -- great 4. First Aid SquadBuilding, prints, hand made Xmas 609466-2990 ~’i[fany ~-Eo.’-13ronze ~esk BELLEMEAD, NJ08S02 ...... -- ...... as 2nd car runs great, needs NorthHarrison St. Princeton. things, many unusual ------Pcs Russian silver Tiffany USEDTIRES -- High tread, mulfleronly, +rimsIor sale. Shop early, for lovely treasures.Come & see. Comp!eteCare goodcondition. Most popular ~~ Sterlingitems over’100 nice AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD F.REEoT?e GOODarHOMEun" $500.609-448-7616. Christmasgifts, Handcrafts, Auctions Sterling pcs., Men’s& Ladies tmarmng~tame -- 8 females. $128 each. a tt~ .a_. - y e . ~ _" sizes. Real bargains. hakedgoodies, plants, tree old hunting case and open Cranburv Rd Jamesbur¢, oersnzce mack areal uane. Goodyear.Phone 6~9-921-8510. ornaments,pillows, jewelry, ~’IULTI-FAMILYYard Sale - ~aCce including PrivateRuntSeatInstru¢tion ~" Purebred, no papers. Good Askfor Dick. Nov.19,21 Pinehurst Dr., East 201521~91" " " " with children. Call after 6 pro- MUSTANG’70 -- Maeh l, 351 whiteelephant, etc. Hot lunch PUBLICAUCTION Howard Illinois Wa tham ^ ~ engine, snows, cream with will be available. SponsoredWindsor (Cranbury Manorl, Elgin ’ etc ’ Diamond’ L:onvenientLocation 12, 201-329-2951. 10am- 3pro. SATURDAY,NOVEMBER19. SELLINGBMW 1600& 2002-- !blackstripes asking $1100. by Ladies Auxiliary, 1977 Ametl{)’st Cameo, and other ....- ---- TWO YEAR OLD SAMOYED - ,Call after 6pro, 609-924-0339. ¯ MILS. MAltYALLEN rings tO gold settings, gold male AKCreg. Moving, must used and rebuilt Darts. Also 609" ~’~Za~t°rS"00" ¯ STEELGREY--i53--TB’M 8 MOVING& GARAGESALE - PLEASANTVALLEY ItOAD watch & neck chains, gold sell. Goodwith children. 6~- ..,~ nd 14n,~ h,~n ~van,~,d buywreekedBMWs.Cal]609- __ ...... FLEA MARKET- Indoors, TITUSVILLE, NEWJEItSEY pins, cuff links. &bracelets. --~ 452-1718. ~’n"~t~t~"~,~r~n~’r"nrn’~n’~t’~ r ...... 507-7323eves. Flagtown Firehouse, Sat. & Sun., Nov. 18 &19~ l0 5 miles in from River Road other ilne Antique jewelry ’ ~ " 1974 FIAT124 -- sport coupe. am to 4 pro, Rain or shine. r,^.,, ~;~. ,~.;~ ¢~.~auction ENGLISHBULLDOG pupp esi ...... ~ $1300,Price negotiable. Crall 0- 54,000 miles, good condition. llillsborough Vol. Fire Co. No. Dinette set, cedar chest, and l mile in from Route 579 .~,?.,~...... _j-o_,,.-y ~ ~ --Champ sire Whelp~l Oct¯ 6pm 609-921-8380 and leave VOLKSWAGENBUG original owner. 92600 or besl I, Every Sunday. 7 a.m. - 5 STAItTING TIME10:00 AM wnnover ,too e, nuques ann " ¯ " ¯ china, lamps, patio table,& ...... h ll ’ fawn: brindle, & white. of KITTENS--orangeorcafeau. messageor 609-799-4165after 6 ENGINE- good shape, $95. offer. Call 609-989-8825. p.m. Call 301-3eL3176or 5821, chairs, garden toms. seats, lunch, terms cash no eoueeunxeitems~erm~: t.,aa outstanding quality. Will hold lalt 6 wks old. Readyfor new pro. ’ 609-466-2549,...... ask for Scott, Householditems, etc. Davison personal checks, or alr~e~SAc~e" ’ ~’becks fed’ONLY Per for Christmas, $330. 609-448- hox~.es, new people. 609-921- " __ ...... Rd.&FarrAve., Hightstown. n ~ ~ P - ¯ 7439 after 6pm. 6181. ~, ~,, n ~ E square oak table, oak china from ’our ~.egular ur,,~u, D I N MO N T AUDI’73 100LS -- ~ door. FABULOUS ASSORTMENT closet, Empiresettee & chair, Customers. ~ TERRIERS-3mo.old, show& FOREIGN CAR PARTS -- Goingout of business.Save (}range,59,000 miles, brand OF MERCHANDISE-- fur- NOV- ~ & ~ -~ ’9-4. Victorian Ioveseat, cane PARKING -FOO?L C EAI~ --~ PATCHES -- is a "well- petmaes champ, bloedline, new battery, excellent niture books, stamps, RESTROOMS CURVE FOR SALE -- Golden excellent’temperament, all money. 9a.m.-1p.m. 201-628- Household items, .toys, bottom chairs, candle stand, mannered well-spoken well- 3577. Michelin tires, am/fm, good records, householdlinens, clothing.3 YorktownRd. nak washstand& bureaus, MILLER,AUCTIONEER, Retriever puppies, born get I, traveledc’alico female ’feline. shots,Eves. 609-921-8700. condition. $2100.Call 609-393. Clothing $1 a bag. Consolata Millstone. carvedoak rockeroak hat Trenton,New Jersey. Phone: AKC reg. 609-921-1313. Spayed,Shots. Needs warm, 2982. Missionaries,Rte 27, Franklin tree & medicine ca~ioet, oak 1609)586-0798, Pk. Saturdays,10-4pro. stable home.609-432.9087 or 452-8139.Letring longtime. weeksDACHSHUNDold,AKc,PUPPIESblack&tan" 6 ...... Antiques cabinet,table&stands,treadle tloosiersewing Autos Wanted FREE-- 2 adorable kittens, Jude. and red.Champ,sired. 609-466- _1877fullyCADILLACloaded,ELDORAD08,000miles, DECEMBER3. SAVE ’t’H~ machine, mahogany card greatwith children, litter DATE for STUART COUN- tablegateleg dropleaf table, Pets & Animals 1687. call609-448-3003. swing cradle ree]iner chair trained. 6~9-799-2750. FREE TO LOVING HOME - ALLJUNK CARS and trucks abandoned6 month male wanled.Free towing$15 and 1975 CADILLACELDORADO TRYcHRISTMAsDAYBAzAAR¯SCHOOL’Sone.~~’~[~’~I (like new), barrel backeha up.Scarpati Auto Wrecking, _ Good cond., rosewood with. stopChristmas gift’ shopping lamptables, poster bed, 3 pc DACHSHUNDPUPPIES -.-: ANIMAL PLACEMENT Tabby.White feet, mask I bib.KITTENS & COCK-A-PODS-3 froma reasonably-pricedbut bedroomset, 2 TVs,stereo, Miniatu/’os, AKC, 9175. Stuo AGENCY Exc.health. Exceptional calico, l yellowkitten, I male 609-306-7040. whitetop white interior, A/, ironkitchen range, side by fee,9100. Older female, 9100. t)FTIIEWINDSOIIS disposition.All shots.& l femalepuppies. All ready fabulous"Christmas Around ii," Neuteringtobe provided. Call to leave mother. 609-446-4541. AM/Fl~’]stereowith tape, "the World"selection of sideHotpoint refrigerator, 201-M6-3484. A.P.A.W. f~-70g-1tSt. cruisecontrol, power windows elegant, creative, luxurious, depressionkitchen set,glass stemwnrepresse neeulatedSee us Ior dogshealthy,cats fully in- ,.00¯’0tJUNKCARSWANTEb--5,9. $2002 - &doors. 406-55 39,000 mis. $3,000. 201- gilts.,mag,nat.ve" Fascinatingandde.eiousen-~rl’~~’:~ glass,heisey, roseville, caster BAY GELDING -- pleasure& 112S. Post H.oad INDIVIDUAL ._2__’ ...... tt/~mileoffVillageRoad)RIDING LESSONS GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS __~ tertainmentby dancers, COUNTRY ANTIQUE SHOP set ,china ,-, cannister. set, ~hn~...., ~hm .... s,~,,, ~,gms, ¯ 15.2. -- AKC. 2 females,5 me. singers in brilliant native tureen euu oases stoneware Must s~ll ~"~,-o,,.- °~" 8r~.... t~9"799"12~63 AT Gentlebloedline, large boned, I973 OLDS VISTA CRUISER cesfumesfrom many lands, music’ ’box alarm’cook, l oil ...... ~ Hours:Mon-Fri, 9-I Sun. I-4 GLENBURN VALLEY FARM JUNK CARS WANTED ’ WAGON-- V-8, auto, p/s, p/b, CANAL ROAD, RD#1 beautifulmarkings, wormed, AT STUARTSCHOOL, Stuart One of N.J.’slargest & bestlamp rayo ’ tamps old ’ . bank~t~-~, ’ ...... ,,r~ ~r,,o,r~ u,-x~, -- ¯¯ Sat.by Appt. shots, papers, excellent watch " a/c,sunroof, woodgrain ext., Road, Princeton. l0 am to 4 stocks of refinished antique shoemakers ..-, lasp dlsh ..pots year ao,~ ma~e german ~ PRINCETON,NJ ANYCONDITION withmounted snows. Looks furnishings,accessories, pots pans brlcK orac unens ...... dog.609-58,5-2149. like ’77model, Exc.cond. pro. DECEMBER3. lamps & fixtures, modestly . , , snepnern goon watcn ~og 609-448.6434 ictures & frames’ rusg good famfl’. dog. Call for’ FecdsandGrains The area’s best knownshow $2593.609-883.3266. priced, wed-FriI0-8, Sat-Sun ~°a~ntern shelf clocks fire . - ,Y ...... forallanimalsat stable & trainingeenter for 10.6,201-~8-3759 Rtes. 202-206 ’ " ¯ ’ o appomtmemz,J~.~,t-~z IfOSEDALEMILLS AmericanSaddle~ored Horses FREE TO A GOOD HOME 3 GarageSoles Pluckemin N.J. (7 miles No. screenwheel oudehumidifiers, heaters,awnings, wag ~ 274AlexanderSt. & ridersis startinga brand kittens. 2 black with white SomervilleCircle). ’ A.I JUNKCARS 1970 FORDSTATION WAGON antique.... percussion pistol USor, ~,~ v~,~,~, u~,~o~’,,~ .... -- .....~vo Princeton newteaching program this markings, 1 gray striped. Call $45 $300. Call eves 609448-2593. ~Sprmgfteld rifle single barrel ...... ’ 609-924-0134 fall, Runby fully accredited 1830 MAHOG.LOVESEAT -- 1 ,,a motors g ,. .’=’ , tk ums p handP. ’ cnamptoo. brindlemoon Shots tines, croppedmates, & A.S.H.A.judge. Customized after 5. 609-448-1304. IF I)ItlVENIN ONSALE -- collection of carpentertoms, pipe vise, pipe ,-i,-,,.,k~ ’Cnl!~Ol’.Ral..q4.qn for each individual & geared ~---- (’lass’-’& other antique furniture, WEAI,SOI’ICKUP I French, English porcelain, paintings, tins, jewelry & & die set saw vise, power ...... toward show riding. If this Z0t.526-6~0 1874CADILLAC -- Eldorado glass,paintings, at TheOld manyother items. Sat. 9am, 15 handsaw,ext ladder, I/4 & 3/8 ~ POODLEPUPS -- Sassafras appealsto you, pleasephone WHITE WEST HIGHLAND withA/C,pwr, windows, built- School.88 WashingtonSt. EdwardsDrive, E. Windsor,elec.drills, hand planes, wood Ch. sired AKC tiny toys. usbetwecn6&~pmat201-359-TERRIER ¯ male,3’/~ years in am/fro stereo ta~ player, Father &tiny Yorkie at stud. 8356 for an appointment old, for good home, $50. 201- Rocky Hill, 10am-4pm,Sat, 609-448-7648. bits, solder ng gun, p pe PERSIANS -- C.F.A. 297-9144after 7 pro, , JUN~~ pwr. door locks, tilt wheel, NOV,19. wrenchs air compressor registered. Many colors and 609.448-4790, tlimited enrollmenl), ps/pb, Recenttune. A well, BELLPOSTANTIQUES lathe, manyitems not listed’, agesto choosefrom. Call 201- We Pay From keptcar. Selling cheap for ~- -- CollectiblesFurniture & ownersand Auctioneer not 359-4700. PRIVATERIDING LESSONS LHASA APSO - Puppies,AKC GERMAN SHEPHERDPUPS $35-$I00 quicksale. $3,800 takes it: 609- ANTIQUES & ITEMS too OilLamps responsibleforaccidents onor by experienced,licensed reg,,s re & damon premises..AKC bred, 3 sables.Shots. For RunningCars 799:1280, numerousto list. Sat. 9am, 18 Manyinteresting items aboutlhe premisesdayof sale, Germaninstructor, Beginner Call 609-298-1833eves only. 201-249.6231. From EdwardsDrive, East Windsor. terms cash no personal A K t; tl ~ ~.i I t~’1’ ~ ~, ~ u " ! DOBERMAN PINSCHER thruadvanced.Pleasecall201- $15-$35 ’ ’76 BUICK RIVIERA -- 201-359.6730 checks. ForJunkCars PUPS--and adult dogs. Also 297-1331. SIAMESE KITTENS - 2 , privateowner~ clean ex- GARAGESALE -- Oak dining miniaturep inschers & stud males,I lilacI chocolate.CFA IRISH SETTER -- AKC,I1r~ OPENDAILY WARItENL. DUNLAP ’~arvice. Call Kauffman WE BUY AND SELL champion sired shots, health years, male needs home. cellentcondtton, am/fm table4 chairshide.a-bed, AUCTIONEER FASTPICKUP tapadeek,allpower, $,5950. 609- dishesmlsc. Sat. Nov. 19 10-4 Kennels,609-446-3114 Rt. 130,. LIVESTOCK -- Kaufmanguaranteed. $100 each. 201-494- Priced r ght.809-586-7642. 799-1093. " 332 GennAve., Lawrence Just west of 206,Dutehtown ¯ BOX359 RD l Farms,Skillman, NJ, 609-466- 28~. 201469-6131 llarlingenRd., Belle Mead, LAMBERTVILLE,N.J, 08530 "south o H ghtstown. 0773, Twp. N.J. PIIONE609-397-1559 THE PRINCETONP.t/CKE7" "Seven For Central Jersey" *ttlLLSBOR{XIGHBEACON,. "l~l~w~e,l e~,r ~e ManvilleNews TH£ CE.N77~L POST IOIND$OR-HIGHTS Classified Jqdvertising The Franklin NEWS’RECORD Thursday, November17, 1977 9-B Recreational AutosFor Sale AutosFor Sale Autos For Sale Instruction Instruction AutosFor Sale AutosFor Sale AutosFor Sale Vehicles JAGUAR LAND ROVER ’69 VWBUG 8 auto. stick shift, ’76 TR-7- a/c, Sonyin-dash ’69 COUGAR- p/s, p/b t a/c, 1974 BUICKRIVIERA. 8 evl. ’69 VOLVO-- $300. Needs SNOWMOBILES-- Polaris GUITAR INSTRUCTION- ENGLISH TUTOR, grades g- Authorized dealer. T &-T new engine, 30,000 mi., stereo, moon roof, custom auto, med. gold w/black vinyl auto. p/s, p/b p/w, p/seats automatic transmission. Car sales &service, GraversMill qualified h.s. senior has 12. Language structure Motors, 210 WoodbridgeAve., complete new brakes, $800..dualexhaust, 15,0O0miles, call top, snows67,000 mi., $1250. p/locks, tilt wheel, elee. def. in good shape. $62,0O0miles. Company, Cranbary Rd. several openings on acoustic vocabulary; literary insight, HighlandPark, N.J. 201-672- 609-440-0679. .0o9.296.1833eves.882-6577days.’73 MAZDARX-3 WAGON- a/c, am/fro w/w radials, 201-359-2930. PrincetonJet. 609-799-0121. or dee. guitar. Beginners &" enthusiasm; composition 25’77. auto, white 26 000 mi., $1600. power, propriety. Master Ca 201-821-9044after 7 pm or chromewheels. $3495. 609-921- intermedfates accepted. 609- teacher Tom Wertenbaker, weekends.Orig. owner. 2716. ’76 FIATSPYDER -- 5 speed 737-1384after 5 pm. 0o9-924.2218. navy blue, excellent conddien, ’75 JAYCOJAY CARDINAL-- 1974 VEGAEATCHBACK - 1004 FORDGALAXY - 00~0O0 ’75 VWRabbit delux - 41,000 14’ tent camperwith gas/rice 40 0oOmiles, needs some valve miles, in running conditton, miles serviced regularly. CHEVYWAGON ’69 - 327 V8 $4500.Call 609-924-7790. work.Ask ng $850. 609-452.1155Best offer. 609-924-3048after 6 Like newrend lion. $2950.609- ’71 MERCURYMARQUIS - refrig dbl gas bottles con- DRUMLEssONS - fast results MUSIC INSTRUCTION -- 921.0400. $350 or best offer. Mustse . vertcr, awnlngtandem axles, in all styles. Professional piano, recorder. Experienced 9-5pro. pro. ColonyPark Wagon,like new, 609-448-6282. teacher. Beginners thraad- seats 10. Air, p/s, p/b, p/w, 1973 BUICK CENTURY-- 2 spare tire, sleeps 8, like new. & creative teacher. Music drhdtop,$4,00omilps/pb, a/c 609-448-7485. vented. Can Rich, 609-466- degree. Laura, 609-924-8569. ’ radials, $1190.609-586-4500. dr, orig. owner, low mileage 2592. ’69 FORDGALAXIE 50O -- 4 GREMLIN1973 - 6 cyl. air, auto, ps/pb, a/c, 8 track. Call FIAT XI/9, ’76, excellent. VWBeetle 1970 - rebuilt p/s, $350in newparts in past 2 after 6pm,0O9-400-2082. Ycl ow, $340O, host offer, 4 engine, very rellaD1e, stu. weeksincluding newbrakes. A ’73 BEELlNE -- 23’, sleeps 0. TUTOR(M) ... ALL SUB- HEALTRYEXERCISE, Tat- radio, snowson rims, 351 V8 speed,remov,roof, snowtires, shift. Best offer over $750. 609- 1075 VOLVO164E - metalic Self-contained. Excellent engine. Best offer 609-448-0093 92@2375. gray, all leather, power first class trouble free car. JECTS ... UP THROUGH6TH ChiChuan¢laseesforadults& after 5. 201-545-9277eves. $1799.609-466.1511. 1974 TOYOTA-- new tires, condition Many extras in- GRADE. Rein. Reading, seniors, smalllFoapallindiv. windows,etc. 18,000 miles. winterized,read)’ to go. 609- eluding awning, B.A.L.jacks, Math, Grammar, etc. N.J. lessons for beginners. 201421- Private owner. Like new, will aluminumgas bottles. $3600or ive new car guarantee of 60 1974 VEGA-- station wagon4 443-5607. Certificates ... 25yrs. teaching 8392. ’75 FORDCOUNTRY SQUIRE ’69 CHEVYIMPALA - 2 dr., 1971 PINTO-auto tram, 8- ~ays. 609-921-3592.$4800. spd., rad ais, gd. rend., 201- makean offer. Call 201-874- experience... ReL60O-924-0056 WAGON-- Loaded: a/c, full automatic, newtires, small V- track player $850. 78,000mi, 4663. before 4 pro. 6, goodcondition. $700 or best 359-3149. 1968 DODGECORONET -- the SPEECH Evaluation/ pwr pack, more. Newsteel call 609-448-1932after 5 p.m., Therapy-- all disorders - in radials. Immaculate con- offer. 609-448-6004after 5. weekends anytime. ’ onewith the incredible engine¯ CONVERSATIONALFREN- VOLKSWAGEN’61 Tran- 1973 SAAB SONNETT- 40 Still plentyof life, $495.609-924- 1973 BEELINE - trailer - 23’, your home. Certified speech dition. Nodealers. $3400.609. sleeps 6. Fully self-contained. CH CLASSES -- Native 44~-6292after 6. sporter. Goodtires, rebuilt mpg fwd, fiberglass body 7527. teacher. Practice & improve. 5pathologist.. 609.586-9235 after 1965 CORVETTE- 2 tops, motor, needs minor work, 60,000miles $2800.60O-799-2624 Manyextras. Excellent rend. ---- original knock off wheels, 1976 DATSUN280Z - Rust, $300:201-846-2452. after 8 pm. $3509.201-874-4663. Call 609-921-0492.If no answer, black upholstery, leather fully equipped, low mileage, 1967 SAAB96 sport -- good please try again. PRIVATERIDING LESSONS TRIUMPH TR6 -- 1973, seats. Best offer. 609-737-1105perfect conaition. $6600.After condition inside and out by experienced, licensed yellow, good Pirelli tires, 5 pm 201.545-9842. Germaninstructor. Beginner sking$230o.609-799-1677. after 6 pro. 1968 FORD- V8, automatic. recent N.J. inspection, call CAMPER- slide-in 1971 PIANO INSTRUCTION - 1968 BUICK- sport wagon, 609-397.0010weekends or after Franklin 11’ fully self con- Masters De~ree, Concert thruadvanced.Please call 201- t ps/pb, air sunroof, clean, convertible, mechanically 6_ rained excellent condition, experience. Will cometo~our 297-1331. very gd. runn ng rend., $595. great. Best offer over$200. 609- 1959 CORVETTEROADSTER FORD’68 GT Torino - valve 1973 MERCURY COUGAR 924-4978after 5 pro. Usedonly 5 times, stainless home if io Hightstown-Twin -- hard &soft tops. Beautifully job tune up, oil changed, air XR7-- air conditioning, tape 0O9-S66-7193. steel water tank. Mustbe seen Itivers area. 609-443-5673. restored to new condition¯ new WL tires fact. meg, deck, manyextras, $1979.609- to appreciate. $1000.Call 609- SCUBADIVING -- Call for Priced for quick sale. Contact am/fro$400. 201-621-8457. 921-6192eves. Motorcycles 799-1325. course nearest .you. Scuba SUBARU1971 - Welove it, but sales, rentals, air, service, Mike at York Car Wash. 609- "70 MAVERICK- 6 cyl, it needs work. Makean Offer GUITARISTS: Tired of 448-0954between 9 & 5. automatic, steel belte0 playing the same old licks? trips. PRINCETONAQUA" wecan’t refuse. 609-924-1076.750 HONDA- Super-sport with SPORTS,306 Alexander St., FORD ’67 GALAXIE500 -- PINTO STATION WAGON radials, newshock absorbers, cover, 4,000miles. $1,450.609- Gct fast relief with Pete’s two door $300 609-466-1982 1973 -- Dandycar automatic ctc. $700.201-247-3037. 924-9411days, 79.q-1419eves. Trollers guitar lessons. All styles, all Princeton,0O9-924-4240. 1940 CHEVROLET1,tz ton ’ " ’ radio heater, economical. 1977 LTDLandau 4 Door Dr. artists, reading, theory, $1250.Original owner.201-359- Blue. Full Power, all laedau technique, improvisation ... truck. Newly painted, rust ~ ~ 1977-PINTO- 6 too. left on options plus. Excellent con. tlONDA TRAIL ltlKE5 -- SMITHING free, recently driven from 1968 CADILLAC-- good 3395. warantee. Automatic tran- 1975SHOH.ELINE-4x6’utility transcriptions of any music. SILVER shape. $400. 609-921-2004after dltion, 24,000miles. $5.300. Like NewCondition. XIt 75, Learn only what yea want, JEWELRY CLASSES - ~brasRa to New Jersey. smission, powersteering, am 609-386.3937. trailer, tiB platform, steel advanced or H250.609-259-3124. 5pro. 1977 CADILLACCOUPE DE radio, 9000 mi. Ownerleaving $470;QA 50 $220.fi09-446-2136. cable winch, jack, new spare beginners to advanced.Bestof beginning, __ ~ VILLE -- full power, sunroof, country. $2650. Call 609.924- wheel & tire. Used only references. Lessons given on casting. Learn to create 4343 days, 924-4737evenings. transport golf cart to Florida Princeton campus¯ 212-074- jewelry. Silver Stoneage, Rt. 1968 MEHCEDES200 -- BMW’71--highmileage, good best offer 609-443-3706. 1968 PEUGEOT-- station (’YCI,E INSURANCE- hn- 6609. Keeptrying! 31 Pennington. 60O-737-3005. beautiful condition, well condition, recent valve .lob, wagon, needs work, rebuilt nl(,di;ttc c[~veragelow rates, and " return. Suitable for Seeour d scount jewelry, 14k. 1970 CHEVYIMPALA - 2 dr., cngme,$300. Call Wayne,201- liability, timft and collision snowmobile.Firm price $250. serviced, new tires, new clutch & tires, Asking $1500. 1972 CADILLACCOUPE DE auto, w. 2 snows, gd. rend., 874-4651. 609.655-4239. shocks, new exhaust system, Call after 5, 609.924-8810. VILLE-- 47 000 miles, dark 609-709-0472. green, vinyl top, 1 owner, $250.firm. 609-443-4482. ARMENIAN LANGUAGE - TRUMPET & TROMBONE 24mpg, $2000 firm. 609-799- lessonsofferedeveryThurs.,4LESSONS - N.J.certified 8238. $250{).60O-921-7899. ’73 DODGEPOLARA -Stn. ’74 VEGAwagon - 38,000 miles, YAMAItA-- Harr Brothers -- pro,by theRev. Prof. Z.A. teacher. Private lessons, my 1972 GRANDPRIX - air, wgn., 9 pass, P/S, P/B, air, a/c, new shocks, snowtires, (itorc,,’cle Sales - Service Mobile Homes Hanjianof the Armenianstudio or yourhome. 201-369- ps/pb, pwr. windows, bucket FM. Excel. rood. 46,000 mi. am radio, excellent running Parts. ’1605 N. t)lden Ave., Evangelicalchurch of New 3215. 1967 BARRACUDA2 door. seats, console. $1500. 609.466- VOLVO1975 242DL- new Nut res, $220{}.201-874-3611. rend. $1000.Call 609-737-1155,Trenton. 609-393-7,0. York.Please call 609-466-0226. 3est offer 0O9-921.0329. 3203, Sat, Sun. radials, AM/FMcassette, a/c, 3am- 12necnand after 9 p.m. ELCONA MOBILE HOME - DHAKEBUSINESS p/b~ excellent condition. 10xS0.Excellent condition, COLLEGE Asking$4150. 201-521-3637. NO MONEY??? 1976 PLY. VOLARE -- ’72 tlONDA350 - Choppedand centralair, wall to wall car- .,~ ’72 PINTO-- auto, air, make statinnwagon,std. trans, exc. 1971 CHEVELLEMalibu - 0- 17Livingston Ave. NEEDA CAR?? ? offer. 201-726-3214. cyl. auto. trans, very customized. Excellent cond. tras.pet, 609-448-5576. 40 ft. awning Jots of ex-3H~ NewBrunswick, N.J. Many makes and models CAMARO1971 - V-6, turbo, rend. very good mileage. dependable. Best offer. 609- Must sacrifice, $350 or best CompleteSecretarial and available. Also trucks and auto, a/c, radio, radials, Perfect family car. 609-924- 466-3310. offer. 609-446-1263. KUNDALINI AccountingCourses vans. We need Customers who 1973 PLYMOUTH-- Fury III, copper, 53,000 mi, $1750. 1 7083. YOGA Day and Night Coursns can qualify to just make Boats Telephone:201-249-0347 payments on our inventory. as is or parte. $460. 1968 owner. 609448-7281after 6. Oldsmobile 88 4 dr., auto., 1972 FORDLTD - p/b, p/s, 1972 CHRYSLERLeBaron, 2 SUSUK190motorcycle. Bored, Gall dealer at 201-725-5804for needs somerepa rs, $290. 201- a/c. 4-dr, good road, 54,000 dr. white, 609-446-3753. cxcellend cond., manyextras. EveningClasses information. 846-1193or 846-7119. Ideal for dirt track or 16’ BROWNING-- 3years old. for all levels FLUTE, CLARINET & ’71 VWSUPER BEETLE - miles. $1300.60O-924-7304 after motorcross. Call after 3 p.m. 15hpmotor, 1 yr. old. Extras. SAXAPHONElessees - N.J. new front end valve job. 5 p.m. on weekdays.201-359-2967. Ca11201-359-34:36after 7pm. 4 CORVETTE-- loaded, 350 ’70 VWSQUAHEBACK, clean, Sat. morn. Women’scourse certified teacher. Pr rate good shape, A/C, $1300. 201- Exeel ent mechanical cond. 1975 bIercedes 240 D -- Mint lessons, my studio or your rcu. in., mags, headers, (not $750.Call Bill, 609..655..0556. condition, air rend. Auto., exposed)racing green, saddle 297-0889aft. 7:30 p.m. 20 FTCH(IWN LINE - sleeps 3, Vegetarian CookingClasses home¯ 201-369-3215. ’72 PONTIAC CATALINA - Sunroof, AM/FM,Lambskin YAMAIlA125 ENDURO-Ext. leather int., very gd. rend., seatcovers, cte. Lt. Blue, cond, dec. start 1600 mi. head & sink, 80 hp engine orig. owner,$5,900. Call Doug, p/s,p/b, a/c, gold color, wen- q radefor L onel trains or $350. trailer & man),extras, bins[ For Information MATHTUTORING - by Ph.D., 1976 VOLVO-- 4-door wagon, 1968 BMW-- good running maintained,63,000 miles, 35,000miles, 28-30mpg. $9,200. call 10 am- 4 pro. 201-329-4541,6-8 rend., manynew parts, $575. 609-386-3937. 6o9-466.3225. sell! Call 609-443-1290after 6 High School and College. pm609-924-1941. green with browninterior, 4- 60O-737-3917after 6. $I0O0.0O9-921-8418. pro. Group lessons for S.A.T. speed with electric overdrive, 3 llO FOUNDATION available. 609-446.3690. -- factory AM/FM stereo with 609-799-6238 ’71 PLYMOUTHDUSTER-- 8 CADILLACsedan DeVille 1975 ’75 HONDA- 750 Four. Hooker FOR RENT - indoor boat 1971 LTD-excellentcondition, cassette tape p/s,p/b,4 wheel ’73 PINTOwagon - $1300,gold, cyl, a/c $575. Mustbe seen to - orig. owner, well cared for. headers, newrear tire needs storage space for winter. a/c, auto, p/s, disc brakes, disc, trailer towing package, 2-door, 4-speed, good road., $5995firm. 609-259-7922. Penningtanarea. 609-737-0899. plus extras, 12,000 miles, must inspected. ’72 CAPRI, be appreciated. 201-446-7376. front. Agreat buvat $900.rock NOWIN ITS DRUMLESSONS - all styles, 77,000 miles. 609.924-4889or excellent condition. $5500. bottom.Serious inquiries only. FOURTH YEAR 921-0613. $900, green. 609-695-5547. Reading teeh & conceptual Please call 600-605-9360, Call Bill 201-359-6750after 5 TIlE PRINCETON MannesCo L of Mus.student. 1968 PEUGEOT- station 1975 Pont. Astre GT- p.m. 10’ BARNEGAT- sneak box, between5 & Spin. wagon, needs work, rebuilt Hatchback, Auto ps, pb, a/c, fiberglass over foam con- LANGUAGEGROUP Reasonable.201-297.17.54. stractmn, fold.downoar locks. 1973 JEEPCJ-5 - 4 wheel PLYMOUTH ROAD RUN- engine, $300. Ask for Wayne, tilt wheel, AM/FMnew snow Co.opof experienced native 201-674-4651. tires, excellent condition, 609-448-6032. drive, newtop & other ac- FORSALE--’64Rambler,’00 NER- ’69 - with or without 1968 TRIUblPH DATONA- teachersoffers the following cessories.609-443-3994 after motor, 4-speed, $300. 609443- orange23,000 miles $2,20{}, 609- 500cc,$450. 609-799-2624 after 8 servicesin 25 languagesin- Corvair, ’00 Ford and ’67 386.3937. Business 5:30. Plymouth.609-921-7032. 1147. ’73 VWSUPERBEETLE -- pm. WESTWIGItT POTTER-14’ cluding English as second Ext. cond. am/fm $2,000. sloop sleeps 2 deepshaft O.B. language. Private or semi- Services BMW BAVARIA1971 -- Ex- BrihshSeaGulmotor. Trailer private instruction for ¯ 240ZDATSUN 1972 - excel. BSA 441 VICTOR Classic & manyextras, $2,000. Call children & adults, intensive 1972CAMARO -- 259 cu. in., 6 1974 VWDASHER - auto, a/c, Call 609-799-0539after 5. cellentcondition, $3,500. Call motorcycle.Has just hadtur~e- eond., 4-spd., mags,am/fro, cyl., automatic,P/S, am/fro 6 am/fm6.track stereo, excel. 609-737-2456. 609-448-4106. brushup and conversatanal TYPISTIBMSELECTRIC II ~2000 or trade for Lionel track. $1900or bestoffer. 609- cond. low mileage. Best offer 1963 PONTIAC- Catalina up, good tires, $550or best courses.Also tramlation& _ cassettetranscripts, trains. 60O-466-3225. 883-0392after 3 p.m. over $2500.201-874-6527. wagon auto., P/S, P/B, good offer. 0O9-924-3687.Jeff. 1976 CA}WER22’ Pamperinterpreting. Please register reports, manuscripts, ad- cond. good transportation, 1970 DODGEDart Swinger - 6- cabincruiser with 100 h.p. now forfaIIterm. Cai10o9-924- dressing, resumes, etc. 609- cy; auto, p/s, air, 68,000miles, blercruiser.Usedonly 5 hours9335 or 609-921-3063. 7994}574. MGB1972 - convertible must STOP, LOOK’71 Mercury, 19~2 PLYMOUTHFURY lII $495. 201-359-7100. orig. owner, $1295. 609-443- dueto illness. Stand-up cabin sell asking$1400. 609-466-3873. Mentego, excel, rend. 2 dr. 68,000 miles, loaded, orig. 4427. Trucks 5’10",walk under full canvas TEACHER for Guitar & Violin A/C,p/b, p/s, w/w,snow tires, owner, must sell. Bargain ’68 FORDLTD station wagon. to stern,depth finder, radio - beg nners,iotermodiates & WINIFRED DONAHUE’S 46,000mi. $I,350. 201-874-6204.$600. 609.799-3175,924-390O x V8-350engine, standard trans. telephone,full electric& advanced.Graduate with BA SECRETARIALSERVICE, 125. . Lowmileage, hvy. duty hitch, MOVING? TOYOTA’74 -- station wagon, 1976FIO0 FORD PICKUP - low batterypower, mounted in MusicEd fromBerklee 240 NassauSt., Princeton, 609- -- top runningorder. $600 or best automatic a/c, AbI/FM, new n,ileage, I owner. 201-297-9300. swimmingladder, galley College of Music,Boston. 924-1424. Your complete, one- BEING TRANSFERRED? offer. Call 201-359-5427. MUSTSELLYOURCAR? 1975 HONDACVCC- 5 spd ’76 MGB2.. 10,00{) miles, tires, $2695.Cal 609-799-1100 consistingof 2 ice boxes,2 Specalz ng in Rock& Jazzstop secretarial service. hatchback radials, deluxe after 6 pro. burneralchohol stove, guitar &classiciaIViolin. Also Featuringthe Xerox 800 ¯ Webuy cars outright. Call int., 33,0o0mi.A great car bat ElectromcTyping system. VISTAMOTORS for details, 609-587-4787.sh°wr°°mcondition.$360{}. ’71 biG Midget -- new paint, 1900 PICK UP TRUCK - for trimlliltsteeringwheel,75gal.teach composition, theory & Plus:Manuscripl tyl~ing, 201-729-5800 mustsell. $2600.609-293-0169 radials battery good sale.Asking $950. Call 609-924- gas tank, 16 gal. drinkingarranging. Professional after 3pro. ’73 CADILLACcoupedeVille - mechamcal condltmn. Best 1974 VEGAHatchhack - good 6413. watcrtank,many extras. Boat playing experience. Will play Cassette & - Dictaphone excel, rend. 53,000 miles, offer. 609-989-5261or 443-4130 connition. Engine work just can he seen at DredgeHar- for nll affairs.Reasonable OffsetTranscription, Printing, MailXeroxing, Handling Asking$2750. 609-448-1263. after 6pro, ask for Ursula. completed by Chevrolet. 1970Ford Pickup--Red, ex- bouryacht basin Riverside rates. 609-443-6163 and forwarding.AUTOMATIC 1973 FORD GALAXIE 1967 CHEVYIt-- 6 cyl., needs Asking$1100. Call 609-452-1156, N.J.on De awareRiver. 609- LETTER TYPING (every WAGON- am/fm stereo/tape, work,$200 or best offer. Call 9am-gpm. cellentcondition, amradio, 6 461.1194. POTTERYCLASSES at Art page an original)No job too gd eng. needs body work. 201-722-0057oi" 722-4718bet- ’76 CHRYSLERCORDOVA -- ’69 FORD- 2 dr. htp, Galaxie cylengine, 6’bed. 0o9.446-3241 Barn,Men. Jct.w/ Sharonmrge- or too smau. SILO0.609.92@1560. wren 6 & 7 p.m. 27,000 mi, one owner, fully 509.SS 302. 609-002-1280. after5 pm. Johnson.Days & Eves.4 wk. 1965BUICK Skylark -- 176 000 sessions.Start monthly201- equipt, incl pwr windows & A;rnlanes~m rB seat, am/fro stereo with 8 plusmiles. Great engine, body 297-2350. ThePrinceton Packet* 1971 MGB--GT--AM/FM ’67 CHRYSLER Town & track. Asking$4500. 609-443- 1969 CORVETTE-- A/C, p/s, showsits age. Best offer. 609- FORD 1973 Floe PICKUP-- electric overdrive wire Coantry Station Wgn- a/c, p/b, 300h.p. $4000.Call after 6 924-5575,after 6 orweekends. p/s p/b, automatic, 36,0O0 has some engine good, body needs work. 4181. PressTimeAvailable wheels, new brakes, snow pro, 609-452-9073. miles, $2800. Cal 609-737-10181946 ERCOUPE10ohp. Con- CLARINET FLUTE, OBOE, WebOffsetPress radials, very low mileage $200orbest offer. Call 609-466- version 80wrs. FbL OH. Saxophone’-- lessons. Ex- 2,9.50after 5pro. after 4:30. ,excellent body & interior, 1975 LUXURIOUSwhite Lin- ’71 SUPERBEETLE - radio, completely restored. 215-946- perienced N.Y.C. musician & Letasprintyouroewspapernr excellent mechanical. $1750. coln Continental town coupe. TOYOTA’75 -- 4 door. new batteryexcellent cnn- 6111,215-547-4569. certified (N.J., N.Y.S. in.house organ. Cameraready 609-002-5102. Fully loaded with all the ex- automatic 25,000 miles, ex- diton, $1400. Cal after 6 p.m.,CHEVYHALF TON PICKUP N.Y.C.) teacher. Call LeRoy mechanicals or negatives 1974 FORD-- stationwagen cel ent condition, $2995. Call 1963-- with utility body, $450. BartonJr. 609-4484}420. automatic,3 cyl. p/s, p/b, a/c, tras. 28,000 miles. Must 609-924-2033. required. Weprint regular ’68 OLDS98 - 4 dr. very good 44,0o0milesmust sell, $230oor sacrifice, just pay off bank, 609-799-1189after 6 pm. Call 609-466-1948. standardpages or tabloids. condition. I00,000 miles, $600. best offer. Ca I 201-009-5663.$5800.Call 201-297-1898. Instruction 609-655.3135. TRIUMPH ’71 STAG - THE GUITARSTUDIO -- 20 Yourpaper canbe printed on 1974 MUSTANGHATCHBACK 1974 CHEVROLETBlazer - 4- NassauSt. offers classes & -- auto ps/pb, radials, radio, collectible, V-6,p/s, p/b, a/c, wheel drive truck, low regular 30# newsp~ntor 60# auto wires bard/soR top, GUITARLESSONS - learn private instruction in the whiteoffset stock. Tnereis a CADILLAC’75 -- top con- 1974 FORD LTD country newbattery, garaged, 4400mi, mileage, excellent condition, yourfavorite songsby current ’74FORDMUSTANG -- 4-cyl, squire wagon- am/fro stereo, $2200.609-443-5080. 23 70o miles $450O,600.799. convertible top, added im- ClassicalGuitar, 609-024-6790. nominal extra chargo for a d tion, tangerine with white auto. tram, 32,000 mi, fine 1857even ogs. rock groups. Proficient h.s. second spot color, if you so leather interior, 33,000miles, 4-waypower, auto, V8, excel. provements,$3900. Office - 609- senior has several openings, condition, $2000.609-924-7130 rend. $2950.609-737-0696. 921-9480. desire. Sacrifice $6000.609-883-0875. eves & weekends. ’ ’73 HONDACB 350, exc. cond. 609-737.1364after 5 pro. TUTORING 1950 BUICK- 4 dr. Road- 8,000 miles, $6o0; ’66 Ford -~ READING ENGLISH Our capacity for your needs is master, excellent. 600-882- Fairlane 50O, needs somework COALtruck body - 7’ x 6’ Hyd, STUDY SKILLS 24 pal~esstandard and 48 ’74 SCOUTI/ -- very clean, 1971 JEEP- C J5 with 4 wheel 1280:..._.__._~ __ $200. ’66 Ford 289 engine, PIANO LESSONS-By con- IIISTORY FRENCH pagesmr your tabloids. manyextras. Call 201-874-5961 1968 MERCEDESBenz 2306 -- drive, low mileage, new scissors P.T.O. Good con- servatorystudent. Beginners dark brown, 6-cyl, auto, air, clutch, wagonwheels & roll completel.y reworked, new dition. Call 201-369-4353. Adults&Children after 6 pro. good rend, recent repairs, BRADLEYGT - metali¢ parts, sacrifice, $300.6O9-466- & up. $3.50/halfhr. R~f. THE LEARNING CallMr. Hutchinson or Mr. bar,ext. rend.,call 609-924- avail.609-799-0618. Burkeat t0og)924-3244 for 6814after 6 pm. brown, on 1973 VWchests, 0767. EXCIIANGE CHRYSLERNew Yorker ’68 $1200.609..448-0607. $8,500. Call days, 201-782-8959, 1967 FORDPick-up - Good 157S. MainSt. llightstownparticularson your printing -- Mintcondition, p/s, p/b, eves, 782-1839. condition, 8-cyl, 3-speed cap 609443-4113 needs. radioandtapedeek,’72enginet975 TRIUMPHSPITFIRE - 1972 PONTIACGRAND PRIX and western spoke whee s. DRUM LESSONS - N.J. 1973 CUTLAS SUPREME - -- a/c, good condition. Call with48,000miles. $750. 609-443- am/fro stereo & cassette,aids. ps~,p ,b a/c, am/fro 609-002-9649. certified teacher. Private *(We have won state I147. 1976 Th7 - Must sell, air lessons, my studio or your PIANOLESSONS -- Bruin. national press awards for 25,0O0miles. 609-002-48~ after stereo, radmls, $2,800. 609-656- conditiol)ing & tape deck, 0O9-443-522__.~6aft__eer 6pm__ _ Acres resident, BAin music, 7 p.m. 2299bet. 5 &9 pro. home.201-369-3215. quality press work) $4400.Call 609-695-5000after 6 ’71 FIAT- 850 convertible, 4 10 years exp. 201.297-9510. pm weekdays, all day spd. am/fm,exc. rend. $1050. Machinery & i/goodTR3 1002CL?SS’? c ndii -. E ’y BALESTRIERI MGB1973 - Excellent con- Saturday & Sunday. 609-448-7819. INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO - PIANOSNEEDLOVETOO!H [restorable. Runswell. 201-329- FORDPINTO "/2 - great car[ dition. Call evenings. 609-883- Equipment SECRETARIAL SERVICE F7007 days only. Ask for Jim. Hatchback,sunroof, std. shift theory,chamber music; ac- Experiencedpiano instructor engine good rend 20mpg. 9142. 1949 DODGI~Wayfarer - 2 door 19"/6 PLYMOUTHVOLARE companist; B.M. New has several openings in (609)921-3398 Asking$850. 609-924-3695. sedan with fluid drive new WAGON- V8, Premiere, air,. 1976 SNAPPER -- riding En~landConservatory, Princeton for seriouspiano DayorEvening MGB1975 - p.riced for quick rebuilt engine, newpaint, new radials radio rack under mower8hp, key start, 26" cut, M.F.A. Princeton, Jeffrey students. Alllevels - speclaILze. ’74 PINTO WAGON--stick, sale, 24,500miles, wire wheels, brakes. Asking$1900. 201.359. 25,0O0mes, $4,490. 609-799- w th grass catcher. $675. 201- Farrington.009-452-1040. in beginners.Lessons in yourResumes, Letters, Thesis, steel radials,low mileage,’68 RAMBLERAMERICAN -- am/Ira, $3000.609-737-3192. 8458. 1630. 359-0:107. home- reasonablerates. Call Dissertations, Manuscripts, wellkept,winterized. 609-449- medsminorrepairs,$125. Call 201-254-5080(anytime). Statistical and Technical 5190. 609-448-8288after 5. 1977 CADILLAC- Sedande ’71 CORVETTE- excellentINTERNATIONAL CUH THE GREEN OAKS at Typing, etc. 1968 MERCEDES 200 - Ville,d’Elegance interior, condition,auto, trans, p/s Princeton -- Spanish, Ger- ’69 VWBUG - automatic,runs, beautifulcondition, well customroof & wheel covers TRACTOR- & 5’ tMatt mower man, French & Russian. Rates:Reasonable needsbattery & work, $450. ’74 MERCURYMONTEGO serviced,new tires,new p/b, a/c, am/froradio, $950 firm. 10 hp CubCadet 42’ MATHTUTOR -- N.J. Cert. all optionsincluding built-in everythingstock. Serious mower $400. 69’ VW English: Oral & Written math tutor. E.xper[eneed. 609-737-0729. MXBrougham A/C, p/s, p/b, shocks,new exhaustsystem, CBradio. 15 00Omiles, $8,800. Communications, P,O. Box Equlpment:.Selectric II and recentlyreconditioned engine, buyersonly. Call609-586.3000 Sqnarcback $150 as is. ’68 References. High SChool & am/fro stereo,excellent Ca I days, 201-782-0059,eves, between5-7 pro. Austin American as s $100. 2038, Princeton. Call 609-924- college level math. 609-440- an Autemauc ~ag card II ’69 COUGAR--.$695. Call aftercondition, $2200. 609-587-4787.24 mpg,$180O. 0o9.?~J-6238. 782-1839. 4538, 10-1:30 P.M. 4-6 P.M. Typewriter 6pro, 0O9-452-2292. 609.737-1334. 4310. i

THE PRINCETONP~qCKET "SevenFor Central Jersey" °rlILLSBOROUGHBEACON. "1~I~wre, nc~, I,edger TheManville News TH£ CEN77~L POST WlNDSOR-HI61tTS HEI~LD Classified .[/duertising The Franklin NEWS’RECORD IO-B Thursday, November17, 1977 ,. " ; "-...... i.., ’ Business Catering HomeRepairs HomeServices Special Services Electricians Building Paving Housesitting Services Services EXPERT TYPING -- STENO LAWRENCEVILLE DELI CARPENTER - CABINET CUSTOM WOOD WORK by ’CUSTOM TAILORING BY EXPERT ELECTRICAl’ -" WE ARE SEEKING A DRIVEWAYS, stone dump UNATTENDED HOMES ARE Manuscripts,Theses, Term willcater a lunchfor yourMAKER -- wants moonlightexpert_experienced crafl- MERSIA -- Slipcovers hems WORK-- Free est.,old housesCHALLENGE. Sure, we do :truck rentals, also general VULNERABLE TO Papers,Business Letters, business meeting at your work,good quality,reasonable sman. Wood articlesmade to alterationscustom made welcome: No job too small,everything from buildingnew hauling.Sand, stonegravel PROWLERS~ A denondable Resumes,Addressing. IBM office. Wealsohaveameeting rates. Small jobs welcome, suit your needs. Lumber cut to clothes,etc. professionally uiamono ~lec~ric, 201-722-.homes te pane’llinadens Bht ,topsoil bank run, fdl thrt, much experienced housesRter SelectricItTypewriter. Pick- room available for up to 25.5 609466-0782eves. sizefor yourprojects. Wood done.Expert workmanship. 5176. the realsatLsgacrlon comes paving,free estimates, 609- will provide security & also" up and Delivery. Reasonable Franklin "Corner Road near turning and shaping. Small 609-4434323. ~o~o~t~i~ooWsUmKa~- -- ~,,_N,.o .retainingwhen we meetthe integrity the challenge of the Rates. (609)443,5514. projects preferred. 009-082- 1 ~921.0678. . carefor your pets & plants. Route206. 609-896-1850. MASONCONTI{ACTOR ~ ...... ¯ that an older house offers - Best of Princetonarea ,5835after 6 p.m. THE PROFESSIONAL ~anshi s ~:’"~’’’r" ".2 dwelling without sacrificing REFERENCES.Call 921-8672.. ’TYPEWRITERREPAIR --i HOST& HOSTESS-Exquisite Fireplaces, stone, brickwork, MASSAGECENTER -- for ’f .P guarameeu.o ...... tree Generalcleaning and repairs., hors d’oeuvre & beverage ~steps, patios, concrete, relief of muscle, strain &~es immes.~u,-~,-.,~,-,. comfortand beauty - solv,ng’ Wanted To Rent Free estimates. Call Ed: catering for your home or waterproofing,etc. general stress. NewHope, PA. problemswith innovation and ’ IIILL TOP CABINETS--, experience - using the ex- EXPERIENCED COUPLE Itad gan, 609-448-644"3 office party. Call Erik, 609-921- furniture repaired and certificates.215-062-9147. Weoffer gift willsit for your home, plants, ¯ 1419. WM.FISIIERBUILDEItS pertise and craftsmanship refinished - Custom orders’ that has made WILLIAMS andpets while you are away. INC. madeto suit. 609.466-0249. F & B ElectrlcaICont. PROFESSIONALCOUPLE - Referencesava~able.Cal1201- 609-799-3618 BUILDER known in the desiresto exchangetheir 359-1681. FUTURE INSULATIONSCO. L A D 1 E S C U S T O M- Industrial ,Princeton area for years. Call Phta_..o_o~ra phy TAILORING-- coats, , furnished 2 bedroom den, 2 URETHANE FOAM SPRAY dresses, , etc. Commercial 201-68%8500. bhthroom condom nium near APPLIED -- CELLULOSE MASONRYREPAIR -- new Residential the University of Pittsburgh BLOWNIN - Solar buildings, and old paving sidewalks, MICHAELE. TELKER madeto order. H I s de Studio, Wiring & Repairs campus in Pittsburgbin ex- NATURALCOLOR - Por- GeneralContractor 609-737-0090. Aats./Houses homes, attics, walls, cold brck walls, etc. 201-359-4728 ’NEED REPAIRS, changefor a furnlsfied house storage boxes~storage tanks traits, Bar Mitzvahs, Wed- anytime. Lic#4667 609-448-5202 REMODELING, CON- or apt. in Princetcnfor several roofs, trm ors, vans, dings socialevents from $125. Carpeet~Masonry "STORAGE SPACE FOR months beginning the end of To Share Remarque Studo. 609-440- RoofingSidingBlacktop STRUCTION?We’ll do just specialties. 609-397-0132,02 RENT -- HIGHTSTOWN’ agoraanything. No job too the month. Call 609-924.4798. RooktownRd. Lambertville, 7938. AREA-609.448-0325. 201-821-9270 JOHNCIFELLI, "’Elec~rldal small. Robertson & Son.609- NJ. NELSONC. MOUNTJR... Contractorresidential. 737-2200. YOUNG PROFESSIONAL FURRIER-- 25 years ex- commercal & industrial wantsnon-smoker to share 2 ¯ Furniture Ca’rpentry, Int. & Ext. NEEDED-- Room or small bdrm apartment,walking Painting, Minor Plumbing & perience; restyling & wiring.609-921-3238. apt. in Hightstown - East distanceto Universityand TYPING-- letters, theses, ~ - -" Electrical Repairs¯ repairing of all furs. 609.394. THE DELTA STAR Windsor area for working trainstation. Call after 6pro, resumes, term papers, Kes1’oraTlon C~P~OLS 3663. CONSTRUCTIONCO. woman. Have own furniture ’ 609-921-0239. dissertalions, addressing & 609-655-2830 : SEPTICTANKS . and references. Call 609-440- mailing’ Copies made while ,,,,.~~ CLEANED Rooting Completeinterior & exterior 7726. you w~it PROFESSIONAL wvv~ FURNITUREstrip- 7Trucks-NoWaiting remodelling. Roofing, siding, TYPING’SERVICE, Warren pmg..~xceuemWORK. L:all 609- Painting & ,QUIET PERSON -- late .193-1537,keep trying. RUSSELLREID CO. architectural fireplaces 20’s/early 30’s, to share 4 BR Plaza West, East Windsor, CARP~IM- i~__lL I patios &driveways. All work N.J.Call 609-448-0707. ~ PROVEMENT-- any and all rapernang,ng ROOFING- (Slate & wood PROFESSOR-- needs small country house in Griggstown kinds of home improvement 20 Years Experience shingle experts.} Painting, designed & planned by a house or cottage with with one other. $175 covers EXPANDING:DIP’N STRrP and alterations. For free 201-844-2534 . 201-356-5800 (interior and exterior} siding, professional engineer. All surroundingland, fireplace if everything. Nodogs¯ 201-821- -- is nowa completeservice. estimate cai1609-259-9427. (wood, aluminumand vinyl} workguaranteed. Call 201-297-possible. 201.545.0536. 7259 eves. ". HmANDYrTcOeNYe~soN:btOb~a~icenter for anythlng madeof PAINTING & PAPER- carpentry, gutters, masonry, 5053. . ¯ woodor metal that you havein HANGING -- done 609-440-6871after 6 pm. .redwooddecks, brick patios, your home,found in your attic, CARPENTER/CRAF’rSMAN professionallyby Victor Atlas.’ walkways,fencing, additions, FIREPLACES-- Chimneys SECLUDED PENNINGTON -- bought at the flea markets & -- qualified for any size job Interior. Free estimates. Call ROOMOR APT. WANTED- since 1952. Call609-655-2064. EXPERTREPAIR 201-2A6-2520after 6 pro. alterations, restoration. Call and all other masonry. AlthoughI live in N.Y.,I teach FARMHOUSE -- Goodpeople .’. ...OFESSIONALp~ AUTO auctions Wedohand strip ing’ 201-974.465Ior 874.4346for a Reasonable.R.W. Herhst. 201- physics for poets here and wantedtofill two vacancies: I i all. .t~’pes" ot" repawl.ng.’ P MAJOR& SMALLHOME WAXING & CLEANING - APPLIANCES truly intelligent and in- 526-8563after 5:20 p.m. seek a place near the now,I DecIst. $85 + util.609-’ ]nsid¯ " o ~...... n,d t, nmnlotolv.-.-., -~hv ,"ellnlsnlog, . .’ caning. . r~ rusmngT CARPENTRY formative appraisal. Free University to stay several 737-9332. ,f~ alsomrnlture nougat &solu. CHEAPWORK -- Is notgood. hand’ no buffersused " All ~.~. ,7: ~ ...... :Y. Specializedservice on allGood work is notcheap.I am eslimates, ver~ modest rates nights a week. Write R. workguaranteed. Call 609-771- ’rr us ou won’t be sorr ADDITIONS REMODELING & highest quahty work. Serge Budny, Physics Dept., uw pd ~lmr 4s ~am ~t., KITCHENS RESTORATIONS makes and models of air reasonable. Paperhanging, GENERAL CONTRACTORS MALE,24, desires roommate 0009 . conditioning, refrigeration, carpentry. 609.446.4819. Co. Princeton University, or " Kingston, N.J. 609-924-5668. CUSTOMBARNS telephone 609-452-5920 for apartment near Nassau St. -- OpenMan.Sat. 9-5¯ heating, dishwashers, New homes, additions, Rent $130 plus utilities. 2 609-250-7940 PeterWikoff eleetrm dryers, ranges, garages, driveways, roofing, .daytime, (212) 486-1961eves. ndrrns.609-924-1025 eves. TYPING IN MY HOME-- freezers, vacuum cleaners, BOLLETIN BROTHERS Whywait until the roof leaks’! custom masnnaryfireplaces Quality service. Reasonable -- humidifiers,etc. PAINTING Plan ahead for your roofing, swimmingpools and patios. rates. Satisfaction guaran- CANED& RUSHED-- Make HOME REPAIRS " & needs. Full line of aluminum SEARCHING- Professional GRAD STUDENT or teed. Call 6094374043. an old chair better. Give it a ALTERATIONS-- kitchen & Fast service, all work Quality HomeRefinishing at NEW ROOFS REPAIRS products. couple looking to rent small professional- Male preferred - newseat. Expertly done, 609- bath remodeling, ceramic guaranteed, 20 years of ex- reasonable prices houseor cottage. We’rewilling ioshare house in Montgomery 395-0342. floor & ceiling tde, roofing, perienee, check our prices Interior Exterior COOPER& SCIIAFER WM. FISHERBUILDER’S to repair. 609440-0926after 5 Twp.201-981-7143, 9-5. cARPETINSTALLER -- will paneling & sheetrock. In- first. Fully Insured Free Estimates 63 Moran’ Princeton INC. pm. sell ¯carpet do installations & sulating closets, bookshelves,’ [609]921-1192 [609] 799-3386 609-924-2063 ServingPrinceton area for 30’ repmrs. Licensed; & bonded. CHrt ^’--~-~’-~ll(~ -- L. P~1"4 .U.,IJ ~ - ’ redwooddecks patios, garage AVAMIAN years.Financing arranged. SACRED HEART ALUMNUS R ...... 609-443-6904or 6(}9-443.6989 "ROOMMATE NEEDED TO ~--,~a-oooo~’~or°° -,.,o-~L~...... FWrt~u’"- re~,~, uoo.., .ugmene°.conversions¯ Free dns~gn & 609-799-3810 - needs to rent 4 bdrmhouse SHARE-- 2 bedroom apart- urn~mre renmsnea. Years estimates. 609-466-0820after Princeton vicinity for wedding experience. Free pick-up and’ PAINTING - INTERIOR & ROOFING meat in Fox Run. Reasonable 5pm. EXTERIOR. Top quality AllKinds guests weekof Dec. 20. to Dec. rent furnished. "All you’ll .delivery. 609-896-0057. 31. 215-945-3211. IIOUSECLEANING work. Free estimates. FreeEstimates FRANKJ. CLEARY- con- ne~ is a bed." Available end Entertainment WindowCleaning Reasonable rates. Fully in- of November.Call Earl or. CHAIR CANING& RUSHING CARPENTRY -- Expert Floor Washing& WILLIAMSON tractor. All types of concrete FEMALELOOKING - tar a 1 .Paul 609499.4349tafter 5). -- very reasonable. 609-466- sured. Capital Painting. 609- work. Freeeshmates. 609.466- craftsmanship with Waxing 883-1537. CONSTRUCTIONCO. 2776. . bedroom apartment or ef- IT’S MAGIC 2404. (Hopewell). reasonable rates. Allphases of Honest, Reliable 609-921-1184 ficiency studio apartment in construction, Wewill help you’ Experienced the Pnncetonarea. Call 609- 2. WOMEN IN MID- Fromspectacular stage shows designyour ideas. Over20 yrs. Call after 5 pm 799-1130after 5 p.m. TWENTIES- seek 3rd to share Io intimate close up magic. PianoTuning experience.201-297-7080. 609-587-8055 PETE FIUMENEROJR, BELLE MEADROOFING -- NELSONGLASS & apt. Toyfloor of old housein Children’s birthday parties, 28 yrs. in business. Free ALUMINUM .scenic Millstone. Women banquets, Christmas shows, ’ Painting&Decorating estimates on all type roofing ’. 45SPRINGST: LARGEHOUSE -- wanted by only!! 201-359-3140. Keep Residential and leaders and gutters:kay-In European family within 15 trying. any event¯ Each show per- PIANO TUNING & RE~AIR CARPENTRY ALTERA- PRINCETON sonally plannedto your needs .:- David Forman at 609.443- TIONS, ADDITIONS.No job Interior&Exterior chimney flashing. "Call c’eo09.924.2880 min. of Nassau St. Space fat A&W SpecializedSprayPainting least 5 bdrms),quality & sense by a professional magician. 6866or 609-767-0432. anytime, 609-924-2040or 201- ’MIRRORS Reasonablerates. Call after 6 too large or too small. Doug 359-5992 (local call from AUTOGLASS of privacy more important Renk, BuiIclers, 609.655-1221. FORMICASERVICES 609-799-3657eves. Princeton). than term of lease or amount NEED THIRD PERSON - to pm. 201-359-2847.Ask for Ed. CounterTops PLATE & WINDOWGLASS of rental. Call MerryKnowlton share cottage on 280 acres, 10 PIANO TUNING flume Repairs at ThompsonLand, Realtor. minutes from Princeton near Kitchen Cabinets THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT- EXTERIOR’PAINTING ROOFING RE-ROOFING. 609-021-7655. E.T.S. $133/mnnth, lease & Talent booking forall aa- Hegulating Repairing 609-599-1683 609-095-5239 security. Call Larryat 609-921- ROBERTII.IIALLIEZ HomeServices Epecializing in asphalt roofs ~=~aruen,n~ g 8622 after 6 pm. casions.609.921.0967. lteglstered Wehandle anything: (Kendall Park). Quality work- MemberPianoTeehnicians brush, spray, roll. manship. Free est Tom,2Ol- Landscaping SINGLE,professional male, 297-2380. 42, desires a 1 or 2 bedroom MAGICIAN-- shows for Guild, lne. BATHTUB AND TILE’ CARPETINSTALLER-- will Absolutetop quality work duplex, house, apartment with MALE HOUSEMATE -- school, cub scouts, parties, 609-921-7249 RESUHFACING.i White &’ sell carpet, do installations & Guaranteed Sahstactmn. neededfor co-op housein MedestPrices Free Estimates no upstairs or downstairs clubs & more. Audience colors. Free Estimates.’ repairs. Licensed & bonded. ALLIED ROOFING-- New LAWNSERVICE -- Compmte neighbors, or townhouse in Plainsboro. Beautiful house, 6 participation & balloon .ALTEG.Call (201) ,526-2777. 609.440-8888or 443-6511. maintenance. Cutting, for- friendly cats &4 moderately.: " - . and old roofs of all types North Brunswick,. South animals. Lowprice! Call Ted, CtlRISTENSENPAINTING repaired. Home remodeled tilizing, planting, weeding. Brunswickor Kingston area. ¯ interestingpeople - all for only¯ 609-921-1549. Home Repairs Prune shrubs &cut trees. Call $00/mo. + "toad and util.: inside and out. All work anytime201-359.4728. Privacy a must. Nochildren or CARPETINSTALLER ~ will (~F,~.-’~l C^=., |I.~, 609-921-1277 guaranteed¯ Nojob too small. pets. 201-524-5531daysor 201- Call Phill, Lisa, JoAnn or: , sell carpet, doinstallations & .?.57-9369after 7pm. Chris at 609-799-8612 Non-- ¯ ~ 609-440-5707. smoker strongly preferred.; ALTERATIONS/ CARPEN- repairs. Licensed & bonded. NOW’S’rPETIME- Interior CHEROKEE NURSERIES- ¯ JONJ[ETHE TRY -- Dormers, porches, 609-448-8888or 443-6511. ~ --~ Custom Painting - Fast - tree digging, landscaping, MAGICCLOWN RESHINGLING--’Top quality lawn maintenance. 201-329- stairs, additions, etc. ~ SltlATSU MASSAGE-- Reliable -,Free estimates - YOUNG-- healthprofessional PERSONWANTED - to share; Oriental acupressure by . Call Tom- 201.297.2388. workmanship & materials. 6850after 5, 201-230-1512. seeksI Bdrmapt/hse. Brian. Magic comedy & ba oon* FREE ESTIMATES. - Guaranteed satisfaction, ¯ 175 year old country house on animals. Available for school. Reasonable.Call Jim, 609-921- KITCHENSBATHR(.JMS,: trained masseur. For ap- Bus.#609-396-1583. Hopewen 10 acres in Skillman.$70 per : 2346. -- $37.50 per square. Free showsbirthday part es, grand CABINET’ RESURFACING,pomtment, call 609-021-1652. estimates. Calf.. 609-921-1277. Twp,Bucks, So. Hunterdon.monthplus 1/5 of utilities. Call : openings and’fund raisings & COMPLETE REMOD- NANAK’SSERVICES _ DO YOU NEED MEN TO DO Maria between 7 pm & llpm., For furlher information call ------ELING -- Prompt expert "DR~ LANDSCAPING?Gardening, 609.466-1982. i MASON-- Plastered or work, Free design service ALT ...... 201-254-6374. sl’,eetrock walls, ceilings, D" Interior-Exterior Painting lawn mowing, sodding, WANTEDTO RENT--Jan. I. __ ! &estimates. 201-526-5353 ...... r.,naHuP~ -- aanme Free estimates-fully insured Fencing seeding, clean-up, hauling, ko es, cracks repaired. Most woueL:all¯ ti~J-’HS2125 Responsiblemature couple -- ". , ’ Tol. 609-799-8230,~rinceton concrete work, patio, side- withdog. A furnishedhouse or WORKINGMAN -- wants to i all masonry repairs.I act. walks, fencing, railroad ties, MAGICIAN- Scouts. Parties. Sheetrock taping, spackling, . A S P I R I N G Y O U N G 2 bedroomapt. Will sign 15-10 share house with group;..., Banquets,etc. Girl cut in half finishing~ done. Call Edward PRINCETON --__ VINYLCOATED chain link-- drainage. Wecut fields. Wedo monthlease in Prmceton,Trenton State College wcmtty., " DISPOSALSERVICE DESIGNERloves to sew. ariveways. We also deliver Lawrence or Hopewell Bob,201-873-3797. ’, by c cctric saw plus Houdni. Gudatt609) 466-3437. ¯ Affordable quality ex- ...... direct from manufacturer at h’,ck escape. Gordy 215-968-’ t~t ~3,&HalfAcreRd...... ’ ’ =-~t-r~t~ n~’~o~N~ .tremendous savings - expert gravel, sand, topsoil, etc. Call trianglearea. Call collect 214- Cranbury, N.J. penencedReferences. 609-440- anytime,609-924-9555. 278-7195. 3733. ’ 0189. SCRAPING installation. Freeestimates, TV & CB ANTENNAS IN- 609.395.1389 R DFENCECO. THIRD NEEDED --’ Prompt personal service. All (male/female)to share’ WOLFY THE CLOWN -- STALLED-- 609.587-0643. tlomcandlndustry 201-359-1276 "THE BLICKET&M-OP" types of wall covering. TOPSOIL -- Fill dirt and 2 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS- countryhouse in Princeton, Birthdayparties and all other Garbage, Trash, Rubbish Free estimates dr/vewaystone, 6o9-259-7032or ¯ occasions.609-440-2125. Professional Floor Cleaning, " in FederalGovt. seek 2 Junchon with two males CARPENTRY& PAINTING Removed Waxingand WindowWashing. Dan Rudenstine 250-202’/eves. ¯ bedroomapt. or home near to (early20’sl. $125 plus utils., -- kitchen & bath design, . liaulingofallTypes Mr. Tomaye201-359-4722.. 609-585-9376 Moving & PrincetonJunction. Quiet and (woodstove-low heat). Call ’remodelling& repair, redwood TOP SOIL, STONE& FILL -- veryresponsible. Call201-202- Scott/Glen609.452-9371after6. Financial decks, recreation rooms, Hauling Bulldozer work, trenching and 2174. Andersen windows & doors, NEED HELP MOVING? No LAMP SHADES -- Lamp PAINTING & PAPER- ’ land clearing. 201-297-9224or UNBEATABLEOFFER .,’ Services servieingPrincetcn Hopewell mounting and repairs. Nassau job too big or small. Student .297.3091. &Lawrencevilearea. CallEd rates. Call John609-883-1176. BANGING-- Frank Janda, " Seek mid-twenties business.’ Interiors, 162 Nassau St., 292DutchNeck Rd. Call (609) LIGHT HAULING -- by APARTMENTWANTED - 1 o r~ented" repl~acement,: , Cooney,609-397-0110 eves. Pirneeton. 440-3578. careful yot ~g man with ex- bedroomapartment wanted in roommateto share rns den- PAY OFF ALL DEBTS SEAMSTRESS, my home, cellentReasonable)rices,iCk’UPeveningstruck’& Princeton area by youngat- tial, fully equipoedhouse. , & SAVE$1000’s YEARLY Man. act. Expert work-. GARDENMARKETINGOBAL INC. torney. 212-628-0227evemngs, modern furnis[~ings, all~ BEMOItTGAGINGA IIOME PLUMBING- Lic#4621. Need weekends.609-924.4010. ’. IMl’ltOVINGA IIOME a plumber,free estimates- all F R E E L A N C E A R - manship, pets. serv. 201-821- PAINTING-- Interior, ex- conveniences 5 rains to~ TIST/CARPENTERwill do 7167. terior, wallpapering, light Landscape Princeton¯ Ca Bob201-297-,~ PURCIIASINGA IIOME lypes of plumbing¯Call Mike DesignerandContractor homeinstallations projects of " carpentry. Quah’lywork. Call’ BEE LINE EXPRESS -- 3553;leave message201.297. f i I’ItESll)ENTCARTER anytime day or night. Phone renovation room additions, WANT TO RENT - Garageor 6990. ¯ Releasesbilious of dollars for 609-586-0266. John: 609-655-1598/ 655-2015. tlousehold movers. AlexanderSt. , home owners under new "fnshed woodworking. 609- WILL CUSTOMMAKE Reasonable rates. Free secure dry barn vicinity of 466-0277, Princeton Roosevelt. For storage of ’, Federal-backed money drapesbedspreads pillows ... ,estimates 2015’~6 0646 609-924-2401 programsthat CARPENTRY- Insulation & Specializing in braiding & PAINTING- Expert work by " ¯ ¯ "-" ¯ personal property. 509-4d3- SINGLE EMPLOYEDor IIELPS ECONOMICVICTIMS roofing. Small or lg jobs at -- -- 6009. ’student female. Share ho~se & reasonable prices. 201-350-2090’ FLOORSANDING -- hard- covering cornices, lambrequin ratesprofessionals201297-6270at¯ reasonable ; t~v remartgagingyou can now wood floors sanded and Call &609448.4642. headboards. Your fabric. ¯ " " WILLtIAUL IT -- Col ars SCENIC CREATIONS,INC. all privileges in Cranbury. ;~ pay off high interest debts or 609-655-1070after 5. -- attics and garages cleaned’ finished. Phone609-585-8235.: Designing and planting, lawn $115/mo.609-6554)317. t second mortgages, loans, PAPERHANGERSSPECIAL Call 609-799-1680 Consumer maintenance, sodding. PAINTER-- needs studio ___ I) charge cards even 4-5 months -- Bedroom,10xl2x8, $25.00 in Bureau Regtster~. Commercialand residential, space, approx. 10’ x 20’ within t :behind; government backed ’NOVOBI[LSKY& VANDaRN silverdollars, dated before HOME IMPROVEMENTS -- NOW IS THE PERFECT AMTRAK EXPRESS SER- Freeest mates. Call 609.440- I0 milesof Princeton.609-924- PRINCETON TOWNHOUSE~ " moneyis available to you at 0- 1055.CalI StyerSales, 609-443- -- 3473or609-a~0-9~86altsrSp.m.7070. ~%interest with as long as Carpentryroofing s dng at. TIME TO HAVE YOUR VICE - providesfast and 3130. TO SHARE - I bedroom you needto repay - even up Io & ext. panting msulahon ~:’ FURNITURE UPHOLST- economical parcel and LIGHTHAULING ’-- cellar, __ ¯ available.$200. Central .screening.609.466-0926.’ ERED.We do customwork in luggage shipping to 500 cities, ~ attics, garage, yard, cleaned. location. Pond,tennis courts & 30 years. the finest tradilion, lwillcome without restrmtmnsof size or Oddjobs reasonable. 609.443- Du~.,r~br~t~e,~uat.arr,~ ...... S l:orrow$10,000 Pay $76.90/mo ’ to your homewith hundreds of weight and across country in INTERIORPAINTING--free APARTMENTWANTED - 1 golf course nearby, estimates, reasonable rates 6855. ¯ Washer/dryer, pvte. bath & Borrow$25,000 Pay $192.23/mo beautiful labric samples to less than four days. Opendaily Landscape Designlng bdrm apartment in Princeton Borrow$40,000 Pay $307.51/mo CARPENTERSPE(ZIALIZ- clean work.Call T. Laski 609- area required by Dec. 1, by phone, patio&poreh. CallEric ING in interior remodel- give your homea newfashion at the 20 Nassau St, Building .799-1462. and 609-924-4054. Any amountup to ing, Nojob too small. 201-246- look. Call Becky at Rogers (entrance on Chambers St. Contracting professional woman.609-921- $70,000could be yours Upholstery,609-799-2807. next to the fire house). Call ATTICS, BASEMENTS, 609-924-1221 6065 between8:30-5 pm. it qualified 3098. 609-924-6055. garages cleaned out. Light’ Toll free details 800-822-8989 PROFESSIONALPAINTING. hauling and moving. 201-359- -- interior & exterior. Ed 6402. RoomsFor Rent ii MONEYUNI,IMITED INC. ’ CHEAP WORK DONE - dirty, SEWING MACHINE & Noobels,609.443-3559. We’re~’aur financial experts G & P, BUILDERS-- General" SEAWEED -- Liquifind or ’ I Rt. 9, Howell 201-431.8000contractorsAdditions & airtywork donecheap. Yard VACUUMrepairs & parts, ---- granular.The idealplant Housesitting work, window washing, small Pickup & delivery. Also, vitamin.At Petarson’sNur- N.J. licensed accepted by the alterations’ Brickwork &’ HAMILTONSQ. -- between Federal government, Better fireplaces pat as ’ aluminum landscape jobs, heavy house w a s h e r s, d r y e r s, Electricians Building sery, Rt. 206, betweenPrin- Hightstewn & Trenton. Furn. Business Bureau, Chamberof siding. Fre~estixnat~,~ r, ea. cleaning, small repairs. Call refrigeration, ranges, service eeton & Lawreneeville. HOUSESITTINGPOSITION room, mature person, share Commerce. 7.~-0753,799-1779. ’ ...... 609-696.0869. & parts.201-247-7565. . DESIRED-- An in- bath, 609.586-3692 or 586-3584. "NAV~MAUL&SOIq- Services L. ADLER& SONS-- SIM-ternationally known professor U.S.llwy. 130 & GriggsDrlve PLICITY-- Snappermowers -. & hiswife seek a furnished The deadline for the proper REPAIRPARTS --for all , PAINTINGSRESTORED 201-3~.4656 : ALL TYPESof excavating;tractors-tillers-Route130,N .houseor apartmentfrom ¢lasslllcat on of ads is 5 p.m. major appnances, vacuum CARPETCLEANI’NG - ART& ESTATE landclearing; septic systems; Brunswick,201-297-2474. FebruaryI to, May 30, 19~. SUNNY,NEWLY PAINTED APPRAISALS ’ on Monday. "Too Late to’ cleaner bags, belts & repairs." SPECIAL-- Anysize room RenairService drains; driveways installed, near Westminster Chmr ROOM¯ -- for professional t’lassify" adz will he accepted: Bunco..Appl!aneeParts, .~..5 steam cleaned by experts. KALENSFINEARTS Etect’rica~lPower& cut out, stoned or paved; call FORSALE HORSE MANUKE College. Inquiries should be person or grad student. until noon aa Tuesday ~’~o. eaam St, taanvme, zet- $19.95. NewDawn. 201-445- PALMER SQUARE LightingI~istsllations Al Padgett (201) 359-3735,afler.. aged, $25/1oaddelivered. 609- President.direcled to609-924-7414. the Office of the Furnished, walk to campus, -- -" .722-2922. ’ ’ .4313. PRINCETON Industrial Maintenance 5 p.m...... 737.0~99. $125 per month.609-924-2719. ", 4 i t HO3//E HUN TE R’.f GUIDE ursday, November17,1977 ’ ", ¯ ¯ - . - ..... "" _ . ¯ .... ’~.~.. ¯’. .... ~. ll-B I III I

22 HOMESSOLD IN 32-HOME w NOW RENTINGI ,STSmON.FOR NORTHGATE GRANDCARRIAGE APARTMENTS som..cou. /’t ¢’ ILlm I ILl/ APPROX.1HOURTOWALLST. t,.....--- Princeton Woods ¯ ¯ li, II ll ¯ lllm VIACOMMOTERTRAIN OneMlle Road VILli I IIt,I Closeto Route287, 78, 22 ~ 202 andPdnceton.Hlghtetown Rd. Twomiles from the PrincetonLine NearPrinceton (oppositeMcGraw Hill) EastWindsor, N. J. on RaymondRoad., So. Brunswick ~.~"~~.~...._.., COLONIALS& RANCHES (Princetonaddress) . New Models from $59,990 ~.r_ ~~\ 1 and 2 Bedrooms OPEN HOU?E 0.,CEOPE,,00,0USK..Y 0, SAT.& SUN,10 4 p.m. s’u’uAolm’s from $235. per month Mon.-Fri.12-4 p.m. a DIRECTIONS:Route 22 to Route 206, then proceed Southon Route206 (toward Princeton) to Hillaborough Rd.; turn left on Hillsborough Rd. and proceedto Features: . WoodsRd., on fight [oppOSite the WoodsRoad I Prices’Be-n-g at $8510001 IroMI11.OOIUI~MAmVILLE,... =NCt School). Turn right on WoodsRd. to TownshipLine ¯ SWIMMINGPOOL =, (201) 526-4700 Rd. Right on TownshipLine Rd. to CamdenRd. Right ¯ PLAYGROUND FACILITIES HOUSESAVAILABLE FOR JANUARY OCCUPANCY toCa.lageHillWost ¯ OFF STREETPARKING ¯ Large living rooms ¯ Family rooms ¯ Fireplaces ~ ¯ AIR CONDITIONERS ¯ Separate dining rooms - Central air ¯ Wooded3A acre ¯ KITCHENWITH DINING AREA ¯ THERMOSTATCONTROLLED HEAT 12 HOUSESALREADY SOLD I .-"/__ /;’~ ’ (includedin rental) (~/j/ ~Z~Z~(’Y/--AO~/J/,~ I seeksclient for individual ,WASHERB DRYERFACILITIES e)~.~’,<~-i/~. :.~/~.(~..’/~.y~:, I des’~nedh0use to bebuilt on ¯ RESIDENTSUPERINTENDENT (7" ~" / I w0oded,2 acre lot onStuart ¯ MASTERTV ANTENNA mlllm;~’~ //II Rd. el0,corner of HardyDr., Prin. MODELAPARTMENT OPENDAILY ~,~~ I ’or i.form~_io"..,": The Hamilton The Lafayette ’ ~~ I BenedictYedlin from $85,000 from $89,100 You will be absolutely delighted when See this beautiful and spacious four , (601)448-5935 you see this four bedroom, 2~/z bath bedroom, 21& bath Colonial on a RoomsFor Rent Colonial. Aluminumsiding and brick wooded% acre lot. Youwill love the 24- make a maintenance free exterior, foot living room which extends the ¯ PRINCETONRENOVATOR’S DREAM ROO~ in Central air, fireplace in family room. entire width of the house. The large In the Iownshfp,¯ on a tree shaded½ acre, With. fireplace, rivate home near RCA .oP~boratories’oenUeman only. also included! A lovely woodedsetting kitchen has a sunny breakfast area and centerhall, backstairs, 6 bedrooms,2baths, detached 2 car °. your choice of custom built cdbinets. garage:needs a,at of workbut has tremendous potentiaL, if ~’P~2.2P~l~.bK.mle ""nI g’" pleasepnona" ~’ of ¾ acres for a spacious, quality you’vebeen waiting for a largehome with a pretty setting in a "~" constructed, beautifully designed Four big bedroomsand lots of closets! goodlocation that you can redo - here it ¯ is. $79,S00. home you’ve always dreamed you Full basement and two-car garage. All, ROOM FOR RENT NEAR wouldown ! See it now! specifically built for you. =~¢vwsunee~=~e~n¢ CAMPUS-- Non-smoker. ¯ " ...... ""= ’ Refs.Call after 3 p.m.609-92A- Ona heavilytreed ½ acre this attractive 3 bedroom unuaual 4474. Note these outstanding features that makethese houses so desirable! Choice of five capeis anoutstanding offering. Featuring e Hsetilator different models - city water and city sewer - two miles from Princeton line - ex- fireplace,wine cellar, laundry chute built-in dresser, din ng ,cellent school system- good bus and train commutingto N.Y.C, and Phila. - wooded¯ room,etc. " REDUCEDTOtat tm HOLLYHOUSE REST HOME .... -- Homestyle living for the mrsup co 1 ~ acres.- all maintenancefree siding- fireplaces - central air. elderl State ap- EASTWINDSOR COLONIAL prov~Y/iieensed__..Openpolicy All in all, here is unusualvalue for any of these five beautiful models.Please 4 bedrooms,2½ baths, fireplace, central air, andattached 2 for admission. Privaterooms call, andwe II tell youall aboutit andshow you the architect s plans In our cargarageon¾ acre. Sixyearsyoung. ~I2,0OS. available. 609-448-9893 and eves.609.799-8151, office and the model homeson the sitel : []] ...... (609) 799-0288 l.U..!l.~. LARGEROOM furnished or ...homeof the professiona(s! ¯ .~--~.-.;~...... ~ an"imev., unfurnishedin lovely house. Sunny,private, next (o woods,’ 53 NORTHMILL ROAD JOHNT PRINCETONJUNCTION, N.J. 08550 ":’-~^-~120’- "=~"""~ "~’i;l~;~wnP.ri~°9’131.

--~ ~ ROOM-- in. a beautiful q-IENDEI )N suburbansetting availablefor /% professionalwoman. 609-443- Hopewen REALTORS ~ ,. ~, ~- .. 3567. BlgleMead- ..~p~ell HoeseSq.a~e 4Charl~S~ " ~’I ?o~w~elI.Newjersey 08525 Prince~n~Ne~vJe~y (}~540 IBelle Mead,New Jersey oe~ ,~ ~/’ .i’~ . MOUNTMOTEL -- rooms ¯ ~/~..m ~ou=/~.t-~//o (201)874-5191] .!,,’~g.:,i~ ~ . available by the week at ,,~’~’J~.-’ ~L~.-. ¯ .~, .-~ reducedrates. Also, low daily ~V~P".r - ~ "’~.’, .’-"’~’~ ’,"; " ratesfrom $13,50. ~ utilities " :. ""~; ~..,~_,.,,.-~furnished.Located on U.S,lin "I, ’~.,J~1[ ,~"~)~:;I[ ~’k.JL..ll] "


AHomefo,, Eve,,yone


Electronic Realty Associates,Inc.

offering nalionwidn eXl)nsurn with IN THEPR|NCE"rON MANNER - The neat appearanceof the house SECLUSIONFOR THE ARTIST OR WRITER ¯ Only 7 miles end ten a computt;rJzt;d i)h,ln minutesfrom NassauStreet but a universe away. A charming from the street givesno hint of the elegantterracing, elaborate immaculatehome in aphispie order. Thereis a living room,dining listing system MARVELOUSSECLUSION ON OURAUTHENTIC COLONIAL FARM landscaping,and the luxurious 25’ x 50’ in-groundpool in the secludedgardens. With its newroof, newaluminum siding, new roomand two bedroomsand a bath downstairsin addition to the ¯ NOWyou can makeyour dreamcome true. Aft the ingrsdientsare hugeeat-in kitchen with cabinets gsfomand a roomysunny en- here. Atree-lined lane leads to a 200year old restoredhome set on windows, newappliances, this fantastically maintained 5 closedporch with a view of the SourisndMountains. Upstairs is 83 acres.Authentic old flreplacesand wide board floors remainfor bedroom,3 bath homeis an extraordinaryvalue. $124,090¯ another bedroomand a large sitting room. Thereis e two car charmand warmth and there is an up-to-date kitchen andnew garageand over an acre of well Isndecapadgrounds. $64,SOQ. bathroomsfor convenience.Your kids wifl love the secret stair- esICK-STUCCOTUDOR COLONIAL ¯ Just listed in Lawrenceville. way, the hugedormitory bedroomwith its built-ln beds, and A beauty,both inside 8. out. Thereis approx.2,800 aq. ft. in this 4 GRIGGSTOWNAREA FARM, PRINCETONR.D. 1 ¯ Our 1756 owingand fsh ng on he small farm pond. Youwill all enjoy a bedroomhome. An impressive entry hall greets you. There’sa coloniel farm houseoverlooking historical Reritsn Canalhas e senseof privacyand freedom on this quant propertywith its gaily lovely living room8’ diningroom, library, eat-in kitchenwith D/W, $1eS,esO. large coloniel kitchenwith oeanhearth fireoisce, dining8. living paintedfarm buildings and old-time feeling¯ Jan Air range. Denw/firapisce and S/D lesdmgto a patio. roomswith original mantels, family room8. 4 bedroomsin top Laundryroom and powderroom. Upstairs are 3 bedroomsplus a condition. Onemile deep,this rolling farm landwith frontageon 2 luxuriousmaster bedroom suite w/dressingarea, walk-in closet° 2 reeds, a barn, small building, pastures, fields 8. woodsmidway baths. Central air. full basement8" 2 car garage.Entire lot $117,S00. betweenPrinceton 8. Rutgersis just whatthe doctor orderedfor pmfesslonallylandscaped 8" sodded...... family living today. As s perfect investmentopportunity, sub- Justthe house to"begin with". Aroomy 3bedroom, 2bath split level ex- division8" termsare availableto qualified buyers.85 +/- acres LAKESIDECONTEMPORARY ¯ The spacious docks and wide ex- cellentlymaintained. ThisEast Windsor homefor $58,500. hasair con- pansesof glass afford a Mealyview of this heavily wooded $255,000. ditioning,includes allwindow treatments andis situated ina pleasant, propertywhich runs downto the shoresof the lake. Thereare 4 GRIGGSTOWN.ROCKYHILL AFFICIANADOS. 1 ½ ac. woodedfat bedrooms¯4 fireplacesl 2 Entertainingareasl Plus an extra; large on Old GeorgetownRd. (PrincetonR.D. I). If you’vebeen leaking quietneighborhood. 0nlyseeing this lovely home will allow you to ap- gamerooml If you like cathedralceilings, skylights anda well- for a newhome in this scEnic-rusticarea, let us showyou pisns for preciateit. equippedkitchen for gourmetcooking, then youowe it to yourself a spacious,4 bedroomcolonial or multi-level than canbe bulit just to look at t his attrestive sprawlingcontsmporary ranch. $1Sg,S00. for you - ($112,150.$120,000 complete) ¯ or bring in your own plansfor a quote. HOMEOFTHE WEEK j

"62 ACREFARM" - If your family enjoys quaint fireplaces, GREATTREES, GREAT HOUSE, GREAT VALUE - Locatedin oneof :’"~" ..... ~’ /-~, -’.Z" I wldeboards 8- beams, a cheerful windowed family room the area’s prettiest neighborhoods,this 3 bedroombeauty is a Brightandspacious splitlevel with 4or 5 bedrooms (4on upper level) an( overlooking fields 8. woodsfor hunting, fishing, farming, pleasureto see andshow. Central air, oversizefamily room,eat-in 3full baths inIMMACULATE conditioninside and out. Enjoy the warmth of swimming8. riding - comesee our country property M the kitchen,parquet floors - all beautifully maintained.Convenient to n Souriand,Foothills. Freshly painted 8- sprucedup - the 9 room train, schools8. shopping. $62,900. enewcarpeting, brick wall with fireplace and3 zone heating. Being on 1750colonial plus charmingguest house on 62 +/- acres- answers "~. | ". sewersyouwill have noseptic worries. $77,900.I the needsof all in the family: charmfor Mom,fun for Kids in- THREEAPARTMENT. income property on a lake. Walkingdistance vestmentfor Dad. $2110,000. to town, shopping and a NewYork bus. Twoapartments com- pletely furnished. Financing available to qualified buyer. P Reali~;ticallypriced and just reducedto $32,000. ~ i/ l~’’, ¯ i % COLONIALCHARMER WITH A PRINCETONADDRESS - Only 5 miresand B minutesto Princetonand on the busline, tool Thereis a positively enormousliving roomwith beamedceiling, a large eat- in kitchenand an adjacentlaundry room. Upstairs are 3 bedrooms anda bath. Beautifully woodedloll $42,000. CROWNINGA BEAUTIFUL EXPANSE OF LAWN. this two story corollial has dining roomwith mirrowndwall, living room.4 bedrooms,modern cat-in kitchen, panelled dnnand snp. Checkthese outstanding buys... AGEM INA PERFECT SETTING- a sparkling white ranch set on spacious playroom,Fc)r income,there is a large roomrentable to Tren- h,r~ Statestttdents Ma.y other extrasfor only. in Roosevelt lawnsandlighted grounds- adining room with ceiling tofloor raised hearth $64,900¯ . ’ JUSTLISTED - 3 BedroomRanch on treed corner fat. Newly fireplace,modern kitchen - full basement - oversized garagewith electric SUPERHOUSING FOR HORSE AND RIDER - Minutes from Turnpike decoratedliving room,spacious kitchen w/dinette area, newbath, doors-2 zone heat and MOVE-IN CONDITION $81,900. Et 1-95,you can easily reach all tracks8. showsfrom this delightful plusan 18 x 25’ unfinishedarea for family roomor studio. Amust home8. stables¯ 3 bedrooms,1 ½bath homewith ranchdecor 8. see at $42,900. PRINCETONJCT.- All brick exterior withslate roof. Features modern beautiful swimmingpool for the owners.For the horses- oneof EVERYTHINGIS INCLUDED in this lovely 4 bndroomdetached the few indoorarenas in areaplus 25 stalls, 3 paddocks,etc., on ranch. Fully equippedkitchen, remodeledboth, and spacious kitchen,living room, office orstudy, dining room ordownstairs bedroom, the 13 +/- acreswith highwayfrontage. All in top condition¯ living roomwhich opens up onto a large, heatedporch. Don’tmiss bath.Upstairs aretwo bedrooms. Idealfor single orcouple commuting to $16S,esO. ¯ ill h’s pricedjust right at $37,900. Phila.or N. Y.OWNER ANXIOUS TOSELL $55,500¯ LIVEIN LUXURYFOR $34,900 ¯ If you’re 48 years of ageor older, ON% ACRE- 3 bedroomRanch with remodeledkitchen and bath, iiving room,dining area, rear porch, isundry andlarge storage youcan live in this delightful 2 bedroomcondo w/modern kitchen, Dean Dabrowski large living room,bath, gooddcaet space.Swimming, tennis, all room.Fenced in yard. Just reducedto $39,900. Maureen Langer WOULDYOU BELIEVE? A lovely lot with maturelandscaping, an Connie Darrow Patricia Bell, Broker otherrecreation at yourfingertips. Megnifieeptgolf coursesright CENTRAl.AIRI 3 bedroomspfue panelled family room (or 4th Jeanne Sanders elegantliving roomwith an openfeeling, a isrge diningell anda acrossthe road¯ Fell maintenanceand security provided. Call us Lois Fox Ruth Bly modemeat-in kitchen. Thereare 3 bedroomsand a bath on the reran appolntment. bedroom)on ½acre for only ~,Ses. Janet Lachapelie Vivian MacPherson Kay Tighe samefloor andon the groundlevel with sliding glassdoors leading 3 BEDROOMI~NCH with separate building ideal for artist’s to the patio, is a spaciousfamily room,a half bath, a studyor studio. On½ acre approx. 25 minutesfrom Princeton and10 fourth bedroom,a laundry room,a storageroom, and a onecar minutesto Turnpike. $41,900. Open7Days aWeek garage.All this addsup to EASYLIVING¯ And what’s more, THE "-¯ WeekdaysUntil 9 P,M. 799-8181 MLS OWNERWILL HELP FINANCE. Now reduced to $46,S00. A LOVELIERHOME IS HARDTO FIND ¯ our newlisting has 4 spaciousbedrooms, living room. dining room, large kitchen, family room,1 ½baths, area for office space.Behind this perfect 43Princeton.Hightstown Road,Princeton Junction homeis a brand new16 x 32 in-ground pool secMdedby a com- fortabis patio. Youmust see it now- howlong can it last at $4.1,500. IDEALLOCATION FOR PROFESSIONAL OR COMMERCIALUSE ¯ A long impressiveDrive leads oneto this handsomecustom built 5 COMMERCIALAND LIGHT INDUSTRY- One story masonry SEEOVER 200 HOMES bedroom,3’h bath homeso convenientlylocated¯ Thehome, on 4 building, 2,200sq. ft. Has200 ft. roadfrontage, good parking. acres, is adjacentre lovely parkgroundsand top educationaland Asking$79,600. ADtS. For Rent IN ONEDAY recreationalfacilities. It hasnew central dual zone air conditioning, UNSELIEVABLE- Zoned office 8. researchin center of Princeton- Call or Write for the latest issueof our real estatemagazine large foyer, living room.dining room, eat-in kitchen, family room 26.6 acres. Only $12,000per acre. "Today"chock full of pictures, pricesand descriptions of over w/fireplaceand professional spane ant loads.¢J spacefor parking. 200 available homesin Somerset.Mercer, Huntardon,Mid- CREATEAMIDST CREATIVITY Artists, writers, muslcisna -- a The3 car garagelends itself to a variety of uses¯ If you’vebeen A’rrENTIONBUILDERS ¯ Heavily woodedare=. princeton ~dt*eu dissex, Monmouthand Ocean Countiss...The heartland of the living studioof 2000square feet on a beautifullywooded full eels. lookingfor the right spotin theheart of MercerCounty - this is it. andohone #. Perfectfor 8 contemporaries, ~g’2.0~O. GardenState. All city amenitiesin a purerustic environment-- 1 st level hasroom Sterling Thompson ¢ Assoc., Realtor for 2 bedrooms,sunken living room,darkroom, bath, kitchenette, INCOME- INCOMEI I This 2 family homein Lawrenceis a rare find PRINCETON- 2 lovely woodedlots, each $44,000. 2ndlovely balconyfor a spaciousmaster bedroom spite area-- 45" today. Thetst floor has an enclosedporch, living room,small LAND- Contiguousto AmericanCyanamid, 24.43 +/. acres zon.~d RENTAL REGISTRATION Toll Free:(aoo) 392.61110, ext. 24,1 GeodesicDome delight. S64,900. study, bedroom,kitchen and bath. Upstairs is a living room, nO-l, researchand office¯ Veryshort distanceto Route1, Quaker CENTER or IocaUy(201) 2W-0200 kitchen, bath and2 bedrooms.Full basement,storms and screens. Bridge Mall andMercnr Mall. Easyaccess to Princetonand Prin- (RODs2t..e4,m BUYOF THE WEEK - Comfortand beauty perfectly describe this Lowtaxes. $39,900. eatonJunction¯ --TRYING TO RENT YOUR Call or write for the latest issueof the real estatemagazine "Today" luxurious, 2 bedroomcondominium with every extra you could HOME JUSTLISTED - Brandnew to the marketand picture pretty. The 70+ACRES ¯ with fields of corn. wheatand berries anda Prin- possibly imagine¯Living room.dining roomwith sliding doorto ceton RFDaddress. $2,000/ac. --TRYING TO FIND A HOME patio, kitchen, laundry, 2 full baths, wall to wall carpeting. perfect starter home- 3 bedrooms,1 ½baths, oversized kitchen, FOR RENT ..... w/wcarpeting, alum.siding, full basement8. perfect condition. Humidifier,central air. Justreduced to S30,200. AUTOGARAGE - Great opportunity for mechanics,body shop -WE HANDLERENTALS Apts. For Rent Walk to everything. $46,900. men,eta. Loyal followJn§ makesthis well located garagewith ON SUPPLY AND DEMAND Apts. For Rent manybays 8. equipmenta profitable operationat only $99,500. -:-LEASES TYPED ForAll AreaListings ---CREDIT CHECKS EWING, second floor. 2 --RENTAL MANAGEMENT East Windsor bedrooms, available Dec. L ¯ Private entrance, heat & bat CALL FOR DETAILS AND BE SELECTIVE! water furnished. Quiet couple INFORMATION without dogs. 609-882-2630. Long Standing $230. Adlerman, Click g Co... Responsible Mgmt. AVAILABLE - Furmshe(l bedrm & bath plus ~ fur- Phyllis Levin HazelStlx All Modern NoraWllmet Finely Maintained nished living rm. w/pvt, en- ¯ est. 1927 . O*nP*~cl.i Suki Lewln 1 & 2 Bedroomapts. trance. Light use of kitchen. ¯ Rot Greenberg ," 4=/~ rain to center Princeton. DorothyKramer Princeton-Hightstown Rd. Full), Carpeted (609)924-0401 Realtorsand Insurers (609)586-1020 AnnoR¢~oenf Jane Lamberty FullyAtrConditioned Interested quiet grad student East windsor, N.J. Swim Club Available or working female call 6~9-92L- Barb=t,KgrenTrenbothPlnkhomJoan AIpeH 6~9.448-6555,: 4-6 HulfishSt., Princeton,N.J. FlorenceRolenberg Some Balconies or Patios 1621. LoisFee Evening 924-1239 DlanneBishop Jo Ellen Grossmen MarleneHorovltz bedroom ¯ SHARONARMS 2 APTS. - Princeton Jct. & NEWHOPE, PA. -- 2 Located on Sharon Rd. off of Hightstown. 2 bedrooms. Call Member:Princeton Real Estate Group, Multiple Listing Service, Global Nationa; R.E. Referral Service Betsy Gray KothleenFee townhouse apt. Washer, dryer, dishwasher, fireplace. Newly Circle at Intersection of Rts. 6O9-890-0926or eves. 448-5107. - Z-Z¯ =.~,------Z-~--3 _-ZS~ZtZZ--5-Z -- painted wooded area. Avail. 130 & 33 near Tnpk exit 7-A just tmmod ately. 609-924-7026 or t/~ mi north of Rt. I-eb. HOPEWELL - STUDIO apt. Apts. For Rent 215-862-5755. $250 includes water and heat. Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent BROOKWOODGARDENS 609-466-2363 eves. Located on Hickory Corner UNFURNISHEDAPT. - near MANVILLE- Beautiful 5 rm. o ~ .... ,3 ROOMAPARTMENT,s of Decincl’t ALLENTOWN,N.J. A~PT FOR RENT - 18 mine. RENT--"half du-lex~ , 3 BR, ,,v,.,,,.~°"~ov"x’,,,~., ~,~,,, ,u, ~ ..t rux~mx~r~c.u ...... :~xuuxu ’ Rd. off Rte. 130. Pa. station in Trenton. Quiet, apt., $24o/mo., security, la are e . let, possi’b~ From $230 609-448-5531 heat. Available a . . from Princeton between’ residential neighborhood. 1st Married couple preferred, no ~v/2Wminle~ l~eP~o~ g3 mllg~ Avail. Jan APARTMENT TO SUBLET : Call 201.326.5748 after 0:30. New 1 bedroom, living room, Lawrencevine & Trenton. 3 floor, 3 rooms ~ modern bath., children, no pets. 201-722-0706 to...... y.u. ~ecunty ,aepestt .. p!us. earLier, no enuu:,’en, no peru.. WALKING DISTANCE TO ,,..,,,,~,^n,.. ,,=o,~ dining room, kitchen, ~colored rooms & bath wooded area, Security & r~s..required" UNIVERSITY. CALL 609-924- L~a’~t~d~’o~n~D~utc’~N~,ckRdoff tile hath, luxury apts. $210. 609-387-1566. from 2-6. tease requ/red. ~51mo.plus ~,50/mo., incluaes neat. Box ’ MANVILLE--modern4 room $260 includes all ut liUes. 609- ~ 3512 after 8.00 P.M or. Rte 130 Immediate occupancy. 924-2600. utilities. Call 609-799-2237 or 79, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553. WEEKENDS. ’ " Frome2.’L5 609-448-3385 duplex apartment. Range, Private entrance, private SUBLET -- Avail. Dec. t. 8 ONE BEDROOMAPART- 432-2111, ext. 315. ’ " separate basement, $273/mo. porch, air condlt~oning, rues. lease. Spacious 2rid ft., 1 MENT- sublet at Fox Run.’ ~ ~ ~ ~ Call 26t-725-0007. carpeting, thermopane, FURNISHED CARRIAGE bdrm. Hot water & heat incld. Rent $270~ utilities not in- E’WING-4onebadroomapts. APT TO SUBLET--Dec 1. LAWRENCEVILLE--Duptex APT WITH VICTORIAN screens, spacious closets, and HOUSE -living room, bdrm, $235/mo. Hightstown area, cluded.Cal1609-799-0895after9 all immaculate in priva~ ~ ~Wlndsor Regency Apts. withstyle, $.230. Carpe. ts,yard, charm ~ in historic Lam-’KENDALL PARK 3 rms, cabinets. Refrigerator/- bath, kitchen & sin. dining 609-443-a798eves. pro. family home, apprex 20mine, $260/month 2BR 2bath LR .basemenc mey pay neaE bertville 1 bedroom $2a0 ’.~^^, ,-- ,-- -^:’.-,- -~" ’includes water and heat. 609- driveway NYbnsstopat,~’~r. freezer, range/oven, room. ~50/mo plus utilities, from Princeton. Some with DRtK, Balcony overlooking washer/dryer facilities, TV 609-921-3566. TWI~ern fireplaces, carpeting, garage/ soyoeun field. 609-448-1808. HOME RENTALS 466-2363 eves. 261-237-1149 antenna, reserve parking. APARTMENTFORRENT-in garden apts. Studio - 1 & 2 yards, a/c, porches, ~ Broker~0. ~ ...... - country setting, 2 rooms, bedrooms, furnished or un- washer/dryer, panelllng, dish-_ ...... " 609-394-5900 YARDLEY PA - BiR 2 ,HAMILTON SQUARE- All CRESTWOOD ’HAMILTON TWP -- lovely 2 kiteaen & bath, furnished, furnished, excellent lease for washer, new bath~ & kitchens, .~mU~TU.~.. N" -- m.xury" ~ ~ bedroom d~plex on canal, 1 modern, only_ $1~. Heat paid, COLONIAL ARMS bdrm apt. handy to your every ~rking &pvte. entrance, near tenants (long or short’term), storage, etc. Prices $,9754375, oeDroom~ DIns _Ea)a ap- LIBRARY PLACE - Spacious acre lot, bills paid extras ’appliances. Reaay 12/1. Call 609. 259.7540 need. Easy commute to rinceion for g~tteman only. Heat & hot water and .many some with utilities ¯ 201-992- puaneas ck more, ~00. apt. Singte parson or childless $275. ’ ’ HOME RENATALS Princeton. Call after 9pro, 609- Write Box 564,RD 1, Princeton 0458 or 609-9~9-9781or 231-821- ~’~ ...... TA ...... BREZA ROAD extras incmded. From $205 rtarsu=ru~, =n,n. couple. ~,~.5-/mo. plus utilities.. RAPID RENTALS, BKR Broker $40. (off Yardvilte.Allentown Rd.) 888-2621. NJ 08540. and up. Call 609-448-T792, 7126 after 6 pro. ="" "~ 609-924-3146. , 609-292-6556 609-394-5900 / . ... ".. " ...... ,,,;. ~. 7; Thursday, November 17, 1977 , 13-B /

Henderson, Of Course! FromHopewell (466-2550) FromPrinceton (921-2776)

JUST LISTED: A GRACIOUS SOUTIIERN COLONIAL ON A WOODEDLOT 1N ONE OF PRINCETON’S LOVELIEST NEIGHBORHOODS: Rudlt to Sahman specifications, sturdy and solid, featuring a spaciouscenter hall, front-to-hack living room with fireplace and lots of wlndowt,panelled study, reaRycomfortable dining room,well- plannedeat-in kitchen with panlry, utility room,and powderroom complete the first Iloor. Four amplecomer bedroomsand two full baths u~taire. An extra bomulis found in the MAIN STREET lower level with lull windowsand door to the patlo. Two+rooms with fireplace and full PENNI NGTONOI’I’ORTU N rl’Y MAJESTIC! STATELYI bath just ready to be finished to accommodatethe visiting in-iowa, wanting-to-be-alone Three in .ne. Athree l..dr~ml h)wnhonsewith living riM)hi, kitchen, bill hath aml laundry. teenagrrs, orwhat-have-ynu! Of course, there’aa twocargeragewlthinisofetoragearea, Analmrtment with liting r~inl, kitchen, full bath aml bedroom,and a store fr.nt nowan This is one ill Prlneeton’s iland~x)niest homes.Located on quiet OldenLane on a beautiful full attic and great closets thruout. All well-sitoated on I i~ + acres coveredwlthmagnificent tiperathlg harhersht,p.All in a chamiing104i )’ear ohl C.hmlalin annieale shun!,.Income acre overlooking tile Institute iawns,the house combinesa perfect blend of stone and trees and irish on it ridge ...... $1T2.500! polentlalill et I I .tllg) nlmltll. Extrahonll~i a formalJl I anesegar en s %’otlrsIo enJov,..... clapboard,with steel) slate roofs. This is truly an exceptionalresidence. .. $q5,000. Thehoa~ h conlfortably sized but nat overwhelming.Warm panelling, marble fireplaces and elqlansive mouldingshighlight the gracious rooms, divided into family, living and cmertalnmentareas. Six bedroomswith 3~ baths. Solidly built by Matthewsin 1930, the llnuse bes beenmodernized and is in excellent condition. .- . .. . Abeantdul terrace e(md)ines inlhmr and ouedoorliving with unusual privacy only a few minutes from Palmer S(luare. See IhL.i hy appolntmemnnly ...... $2"/2,000. FromBelle Mead(874-5191)

...... OPEN Tills DiX)II TO AN ULTRACONTEMPOIIAIIV FOUII-YEAR YOUNG!II- LEVEL:I.~ acre of eomforl...exqni.sitedecor Ihr..ighout...earth tenes prevail! I L r~:~mls:,I bedrooms.2l/z baths, huge kitchen w/adjoiningfamily roomleading to redwood(leek, den and 21 foot square recreation rimmwhich vlewa die I.(ggt sq. ft. path~wltil heauldlulilrlck .I0 WESTSIIOIIE I)RIVE planters snrroumledby dog’t~oiMand whiteblreh trees; I art i b’ fenced yard. Wall-to-wall AndlenllcNew l+~nl~land "hall hlill~4," (]ape nn[errat’ed onPand one llall acre. Ihlt water carp4,tingin eve~’rheim, ciqltral air. hnntldifirr, t’,~tr-ear garagl’; current taxes: $1,55i1, baseboardheal Ior eiizy wintert,venlng~i andcen~al air for erisp sunimt.r nltes. Random MagniHeeutview .f El-acre park with lake.. : ...... Onb$71 tllgi! whhhIhmrs, expilsed hl.anl,4 in family rolinl. Fireplacl, in living rt:41mand family room. SuporCiiulltry Khchen,Flirlllll[ (lining rli~lm. First IIoor bedrnomand llath. Three - n,., o " "-_1. bedr(~lnl~,and Illll ilaths onspcllnd, Expllndalde garage loft, Largefree blrm bireti patiofar sn nl Ull,r en ll’r talnlng ...... $1,12,500, i I~ENNIN(;TON TOWNIIOUSE CLASSICCENTER HALL MANOR - A most handsome and charming Canter heli Hill Year .hi c.hmial with hlrnnll living room,dining room,kltcben ~qth hamsiding anti Colonialon approximately31/:,. acres offers 4 very lovely and large bedrooms,den Ior Sth dj.ining hrirk fh.~red humdrv.Fireplaces ia living rn~m~and dining r~mmcan be re- bedrc~)mif neededi, countryeat-in kitchen with space galore, family room.with fireplace, ilia,ned, { In thesec(ind floor, tlirl,e tied roomsand Inll lialii. ,ittachedtmro ...... $69,lKg). spacious living room. R-E-A-L-bYbig dining room,2 [till baths. Also a 2 story barn with newroof in very good condition. You’ll find this home,acreage and location not available very often. Additionalacreage avialable. Private financingavailable to qualifled purchaser. AVAILABLE15LMEDIATELY. ANXIOUS FOR OFFER~...... $1200000.

lii EXCEPTIONAL! Locatedin the Pretty Brookarea of the townshipon over two acres of w(mdsand gardens, this snperh homeprovides enjayable living areas on three levelsl Livingroom with cathedral ceiling and comerstone fireplace and dining’rtmmhave sliding doors openingonto a red- w(mddeck; master hedroomwith stone fireplace overlooksthe living areas inside and out! Threeother hedrooms,31~. baths in all, and a very inviting sauna...are just a few of the manyother features one wlluldexpect of a residenceof this calibre. Archltect-deslgnedand prtdessinnally landscaped...ail at a price of ...... $265,000.


Sechldedin the cent~’r of 311 w(.~ih’dacres is this charming,inmiaculate. 3 hedrm)m,2 tile hath Cohlnial.Ih.amed ceilings in entrancehall and living room.large field-stone fireplace. im~hoxed whldow in hlrnud dinhlg rtxlm andcozy knotty Idne kitchen. The2-car garage ha~,an excelh.ntstudio allartnlent allove wlth modemkitchen anti hath. A large p~l] and sl’reelled glllehii art. perieetf{ir summerentt!rtalnmenl. ~lli duskwatch the do2r drink from Nestled in the wo,als of Robin l)rlve, MonlgomeryTownship, this four bedroom CALIFORNIACONTEMI)ORARY!...CLOSE TO PRINCETON.Warmth and cheer your iil~, li lilth’ pilnd1...... l I,I!I,IXXl. WdliamshurgCalw boasts a cozy famdyroom with an excepth)nal brick lireplace, eat-in 4 year old split-leveL 3 bedrooms,21/z baths, hiw taxes, CUSTOMDecorated. Living room kitelien with Frenchd(m~ to a screenedporcll with a cathedral ceding, living roomwith bay and dining roomcathedral ceilinged. Modernbrick comer fireplace with brick chimneyand wlndnw,dining rtmm.three and a half baths, full basement.Secluded but close to shopping, seml-raised hearth in eheedul, cozy, panelled family room. Central iAr, humidifier. 2 car in nn nat.standing sehoul s) stem, minutesfrom PrinceU)n,asking ...... $118,500. garage, thermopanewindows throughout. Sliding doors lead to" 1000 ~q. It. entertaining patio in rear. Doublegas grill onredwood deck off kitchen, doublefront door facing 13 acre green park with lake ...... $73,000.

MONTGOMERY " Comedown Jacob’s Creek Roadto a bright and cheery homeon a heavily woodedhillside. Designedfor elficleney, sitrprisingly spaclous.,.perfect starter houseor for the retired couple Enjoy a sl~:tacular hut private view from a glass-wailed living room with log burning in goodhlcatinn just mintltes from Princeton, custombuilt ranch with a 28 x 18 ft. living fireplace. ’l]lree bedrtmms,dining room,eat-ln kitchen, full finished basement,and attic. roomanti (lining area with fireplace, 2 bedroomswith very large closets, kitchen with PERFECT FOR THE PROFESSIONAL WITH AN AT HOME BUSINESS. Nearlyan acre of groundoverlooking a clear rushing creek, truly a natural setting [ cabinets gabre, full basement,proh, ssinnally landscapadon I acre ...... Asking$59,500. Everybody’sdream...a beautd’ully restored old Colonial! Completelyre-done inside and oul ...... $69.900. with die best ofmaterials anti workmanship.Spacious center hall leading to u magnificent living roomwith fireplace, and an enormousdining room.All newkitchen with dining area, 44 WINE)YBUSll WAY a lovely family roomwlth lireplace opens to the patlo and a full bath completesthe down- PRESTIGIOUS BUILDING LOT stairs. Upstairs is a master hedrcomwith adjoining dressing roomand full bath. There are E joy this Io~ely3 bedn~ml,11,1, bath split le,.el on nearly 1 acre in the BriarwoodSection nl nl~l three moregood-slzed bedrooms, one with a firelace. Expansionis possible on the third EwingTownshll : family r~mnzwith brick wall and lircplaee, formal living and$69,500, dining Gorgeous3 acre parcel overhmkingthe Millstone River in MontgomeryTownship located floor. Full, dry ba~,ment,two-car garage and an acre lot with maturetrees. Representative rooms, inwreom,central air and electronic air cleaner ...... only 15 minutesfrom NassanSt. (in River Rd. Owneranxious Io sell and wdll finance lot of an era goneby. the spaciousnessof this lovely houseD’ill charnl and delight you! quadfled buyer. Asking ...... $44),000...... $f49,0t~. RENTAL- ItlSTORIC LAMBERTVILLE I Just listed and readyt(i be seen a beautdlul secnndfh~r enndominiumin TwinRivers with 2 | | spacious bedroonls and 2 hdl haths. Completewith wall to wall carpetinlh drapes and all i Twohedrtmm al)artment with hrand new kitchen and hathrooms. Large living room with miss Iirepinee and attraetlve dining roomwith Ureldace.Separate entrance. Newlypainted. Only | m(alernappliances (including washerand dryerLDon’t the best buy ill A~.ouVilinge tit I $31Xlper monthpins security. JOHN T JohnTRe.d..... , .... INC. MEMBER: MERCER, HUNTERDONand SOMERSETMLS RELO, CHENDEI ON INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE FEDERATION PRINCETON REAL ESTATE GROUP INTER-CITY RELOCATIONSERVICE REALTORS ., BELLE MEAD HOPEWELL PRINCETON Route 206 Hopewell House Square 4 CharltonStreet Belle Mead,New Jersey 08502 Hopewell,New Jersey 08525 Princeton, NewJersey 08540 (201) 874-5191 (6O9)466-255O (609) 921-2776

I ¯ .’ / ,’ HOME HUNTER’S (. ; UID

14-B .... ’ - - ¯ ..’. , ,us Thursday, November17, 1977 ; .~, .,. !’’7

JUST LISTED- 1 year old Swiss Colonial plush roomytllroughout, Ulira moderndec. kitchen with dining "/’°Wn’L"Country Specialists Sincelql5 o area opening onto rear tree shaded deck. Rai~d hearth wood-burningfireplace in family roomoff kitchen, center hall with impressivestairwell. Amaster suite pills 3-4 other bedrooms, from large to glgamic. Full basenmnt -- 2 car attachod garage. Manyextras including plush carpeting and central air in LawrenceTownship, ...... NINETY TWO THOUSAND. ¯ / FI }1{ TIlE llA l{ I) TOPLEASE %; This marvehms4 bedroom,21,,~ bath Colonial in one of the hweller sections of MONTGOMEIIYis for you. The floor ¯ ..’;~Er":~.... STONE AND CEI)AR CI)NTEMI’OI{ARY , ¯ , "e,I’ ~..’X.’’ plan. with its 22’ kitchen, large family roomwith fireplsce, 22 Acres with a fantastic view from ever)’ acre that’s al.’~ CHARMINGCIVIL WARperiod colonial in quiet little ;~ IP ’ bright 23’ living room and more. is well phmnedfi~r easy ideal for Imrscs. 10 rooms, 2 bdl haths, plus 2 powder borough, featuring maintenance free aluminumsiding, 2 family living. The loving core is evident throughout this rooms, ,I bedrooms. 3 stone fireplaces, top quality An- log burning fireplaces, kitchen has old world charm imme- inside and out. The pool. deck aml part of the ders, m windows,extra insuahion, wall to wall carpeting, 2 eombinod with modern conveniences, Call for a per- approx. I I,./t acres are secludedby a stockade fence. Just a car garatw and a till x 200 barn with muhi box stalls. The sonalized tour of this brand newlisting at VIVA LA PINE KNOLL! A majesticBrick and Frame few mlnates to Princeton. l)on’t pass tip tile opportnnlty to vaha,s hcre, at ONEIII]NI)REI) F()I{TY NINE, NINE¯ ...... FIFTY ONE, THOUSAND, Colonialon a beantiftdlot that will suit every member of o,.vn this perfect homein a warm. friemlly neighborhood. the family.Living room with front und rear exposure. Call nstoday. ONLY...... NINETYSEVEN. FIVE. dining room for formal entertaining, delightful country NEW IN WEST WINI)SOB kitchen with dishwasher, self cleaning oven and brand new ’l’o be huih just for yon by one of the best local buihlers, is no-wax vinyl floor. Panellod family room with brick - fireplace, together with attractive drapes aml fireplace this dynamite 4 hmlroonL 2V, bath Cohmial. Near tran- ¯ I. ~ 4~ sf~orlatlon and convenient to major shopping areas. Let IlS screen. Rear jalousiod panelled porch, utility room and 21~ show.vm~ the plans aml sit,,. Only3 lots left. baths, for added joyful living. 4 bedrooms,closets galore...... EIGIITY SISVEN. NINE. basement,central air and more. Professionals’ delight...... EIGIITY FIVE THOUSAND. GREAT INVESTMENT A RARE OPPORTUNITY[ Nor,tote I - 4 bedroom Stores and offices - hdly rented. Perfect location for Raised Ranch on a prestigious street in Lawrence, Large business or professional. Near 5 corners in Merccrvilh,. living room, dining room, cheerful kitchen, 3 hedrooms, buihling ,rely 3½ years old. Don’t pass this commercial HICKORY ACRES COLONIAL perfect house for 2½ baths on one level. Newlycarpeted fanfily room with TALK ABOUT VAI,UE[ growing family. Four bedrooms, 2~ bath, large eat-in opportunity by sliding glassdoors piss an attractive powder room for lh, re’s a °5110sq, ft. Colonial in a prime location near a kitchen, family room anti lovely back yard. Assumable ...... TWOIIUNI) RED TttOUSANI). convenience. Additional room for use as a 4th bedroom. public golf course aid indoor tennis courts. 9 extra spacioas 63/t% mortgageto qualified buyer° or available for F.H.A. library or office¯ Newlypaintod exterior, new driveway, rooms, 2½ baths, perfect for a large family that includes and V.A. financing ...... FIFTY NINE, NINE. spc~rts m imh,dteenagers, at... S E VE NTYN I N E. N1 NE. centrally air conditioned, 2 car garage, wall to wall car- peting, drapes. Don’t wait--Call to see...... SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND. HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP NEW CONSTRUCTION 2 -’ "1 stoP,.’ with an inviting foyer, raised hearth brick fireplace in ¯ ~ ~::-’ well planned living roomoff of which is a covered I~rch. The uhra modern kitchen Ires beamed cathedral ceiling, eating area and sliding glass doors to rear deck. Master 2 bedroomand bath are on this level, lower level offers a RANCH EXTRAORDINAIRE L splendid filmily roomwith Franklin fireplace, bcanas and tin an acre. with deck overlooking your ownprivate woods. | barn siding ...... SEVENTYNINE. NINE¯ sits this super contemporary Ranch. The 4 bedrooms, 21~ baths, laundry room, ultra-modern kitchen, 30’ living room BUILDERS A’VI’ENTION ~3~ QUICKOCCUPANCY transferred owner has drastically with fireplace, dining room, large entry foyer are on main I& Opportunity knocks but once¯ Call today on beautiful 12¯5 level, with huge finshed ree room plus basement area on NI,]\’t C(INSTRUtTI’I()N. NEWLISTING reduced theprice ol this lnvely 4 bedroom° 2 bath acres h)cated on West Upper I:erry Rd. d Wilburtha. Hohl lower level. Near enough to major highways yet set apart. Wouldyou twliev,, a 3]/., acn, ~orgeous woodedlot loaded colonial Large ooruer lot with lush trees, shrubs, back yard or develop. fenced and abnve grnund pool. End your search now; this A must for Ranch home lovers¯ Asking with matareitoff’,~.l~d and evergreens, a winding drive tmck ¯. ASKING ONE HUNDREDTWENTY TIIOUSAND. into total seclusion and a fantastic 4 bedroomor possibly 6 homeis in mint condition. Instantly appealing at ...... SIXTY NINE. FIVE. hedr.om, 2!/: baths. 2 fireplaces, nhra nmdern kitchen...... :. SIXTY TWO, FIVE. IVE THINK YOU’LL AGREE, TIlE MORE YOU IIENTAL elegant formal dinin~ r,.ml - and it’s right in the center of KNOW TIlE BETTER WE LOOK. LISTINGS! PRIVACY & SECLUSION are yours on this gently Fully furnished apartment in country homewith prviate the p.ptdar "M,mntaindew", and there’s plenty of room LISTINGS! IN A WIDE RANGE OF PRICES AND entrance, firephlce, parking facilities° linens, dishes, for a tennis court and p,.,I. ISIMILARI1OUSE SHOWN sloping 2 acre lot in Hopewell. Custom ranch with five LOCATIONS --- ONLY A FEW ARE MENTIONED T.V. radi. stereo - just bring your clothes. Perfect for AB()VEI.C,,nstruction just iwginning. Call mr, v for your bedrooms. 2½ baths set-up for a mother and daughter HERE - FOR OTHER PRICE RANGES OR combination. Family room with fireplace and bar, 2 car simile person only...... $250 too, I.’rs, malc.lor seh,cli.ns, slid look hcrc- LOCATIONS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL AND ...... EIGIIT SEVEN. NINE¯ attaehod garage and ultra-modem kitchen make this a DISCUSS YOUR SPECIFIC NEEDS. uniqne offering at ...... EIGHTYSEVEN, FIVE. 24"2 V:: NASSAUST.. PRINCETON ROUTE31, PENNINGTON, N.J. 2681 MAIN ST. (RT.20(I) -1500 ROUTE 130, EAST WINDSOR 609-921-2700 60t)-7:C 6(1q-882-3804 609-448-6200 LAWRENCEVILLE600-896-1000 8 Offices to Serve You EIDEL REAL ESTATE Interior & Exterior Color Photos REALTORS-- INSURERS International Relocation Service

STORE FRONT Apts. For Rent HousesFor Rent OFFICE SPACE EWING-- 4 big rooms, near HOPEWELL-- Gracious 2 OFFICESUITES TSCcampus, bills paid, kids bedroom $300 bracket, heat ok, yard, garage. $235. paid, a 1 app lances, ready TWENTY NASSAU STREET RAPID RENTALS,BKR. now. 600Sq. ft. Stereon elegant Chambers Street boutique row. 609-392-6556 HOMERENTALS RESEARCH PARK Broker140. 609-394-5900 NOW LEASING OfficeSuites IIIngles & doubles.Sunny & Comfortable overlookingNassau St, &U nlverslty Campus. HousesFor RentSKILLMAN, New Jersey, mountain home,3 bdrm, den, THE NEW BENSON BUILDING 1500Sq. Ft. Offices,Conlerence room, glass enclosed ballroom size living rm., 2 3.25 per squarefoot net, net receptionarea. LAWRENCE-- Executive 4 stone fireplaces with 2 baths bedroom,fireplace, 3 baths, on 13 acres. $575 me. plus OFFICES 30 days occupancy- 400Sq. Ft., hlghceilings, largo windows. very tasteful, goodprice, utilities. AvailableJan. I. 212- SHOPS & RETAIL IIOME RENTALS 297-0703or2880 La Grange Civ. All Utilities& Janitorial services included. Broker$40. Boulder,Col. 80303. Brand new elevator building ready for occupancy in Spring of 1979. 609.3544900 ItlLLSBOROUGtl -- Ready Comesee us for details, prices and floor plan. Call 609-452-2652 Dee. i. Classic 3 BR Cape. 1500 square feet and up Every extra¯ Cal today. 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE IIOMEIIENTALS J(iHN T --living room, dining room, Broker$4O kitchen, IL~ baths, full 609-294.5900 Apts.For Rent Apts. For Rent basement all appliances, , Princeton Mailing Address avai abe Februarytst. FOR IMMEDIATE OC- Purchaseoption. 609-448-5410. CUPANCY-- 3 bedroomhouse q--IENDE ON, and Phone Number BRIDGEWATER --" 2 EWING-- 4 big rooms,near in centerof Princeton. REALTORS bedroomduplex, all bills paid, TSCcampus, bhls paid, kids Walkingdistance to Univer- yard &extras, $230. ok,yard, garage. $235. PRINCETON- 4 bedrooms, sity,shopping, schools and Princeton RAPIDRENTALS, BKR. RAPID RENTALS,BKR. furnishedincl. washer/dryer, buses¯House has new kitchen 4 CharltonStreet, Princeton,New Jersey 09540 609-392-6556 609-392-6556 dishwasher fridge, t mile to living room,dining room. Wall CALL: Research Park - campus in Riverside urea. to wall carpeting. Rent in- (609) 921-2776 UNI,’UItNISHED 1N&EW $475/month. From end Feb. eludes refrigerator, washer. 609-924.6551 IIAMILTON TWP -- Kuser LUXUP.Y APTS. thru Aug. ’78. 609-021-9723,86 and dryer. $475 monthly.Call HunterdonCoun~ Village is now taking ap- bedrooms. $300 and up. after 6 pro. 609-921.8431. Multipletliflng Service SomersetCounty plications for newl &2 bdrm Cedar Lane. MercerCounty Meado]vLane Apts 5 minutes MuhlpleListing Service MultipleListing Service apts, Central air, w/wear- Irom l rinceton Jet. Cal609- PrincetonReal Estate Group peting, dishwasher,balconies, .152-8220. From$240 including heat &hot LARGE DUPLEX -- 3 BELLE MEAD- Stylish 4 water.609-587-4959. bedrooms~2 full baths, large BR, fireplace, 2 car garage, PRINCETON-- NassauSt. kitchen, hving room. Suitable kids & pets of course. Well Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent All b s paid.$215. A 1 extras, for familyor individuals. $400 under ~00. l BEDROOMSUBLET- Deer Don’t wait. per month. Princeton area. MANVILLE- modern (room Creek.. Dishwasher,air tend. I IObIERENTALS 609-452-9087. IIOblE RENTALS IAWAY MOST WEEKENDS? duplex apartment. Range, $226/m0., available BrokerS40 ...... Broker140 Apts.For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Great set-up for responsible separate basement, $275/mo. Thanksgiving.609.799-3446. 609.394.5900 609-394-5900 young professional or Call 201-725-0007. EAST WINDSOR -- Far- ...... graduatestudent. 609-443.3857. FARMHOUSELIVING--$85..ROCKY HILL - modern 1 rehouse, giant 3 bedroom, PENNINGTON-- Country PENNINGTONON FARM dishwasher, basement, hig IIOUSEFOR RENT - 4 bdrms STUDIO-- furnished or not farmhouseliving. 2efficiency. hig 2 hedroom duplex ~ ROSSMOOR--November201h SUBLET- Hunters Glen: l Efficient l BR, all extras, bdrmapt.C/A, earpeted, dish- 2~ halhs, living rm, dining rm bdrm., $236/moplus utilities. Ready now. washer,storage parking$280 yard, just $400. very reasonable, moreavail. $80/mo.Call today, can’t last. acres, very sec uded, $250. - May1st. 2 BR, I bath, en- IIOMERENTALS ~k family rm. Central air. Call609-392-65~. IlOME RENTALS closed patio, beautifully Avail. Nov.28 lease til April plus utilities security deposit. tarnished, washer/dryer, 2 ear furnished. 609-655-3656or 212- 15, 1978 609.799-9380. Keep IIOME RENTALS 7-10 pro, call 609-921-2466or Broker$40. garfige. East Windsor.609-443- "RAPIDRENTALS, BKR. Broker140. RAPID RENTALS,BKR. trying. Brokers40 924-6265if no answer. 609-394.5S00 609-392,~556 609-394.5900 609-392-6556 ,155-0900,ask for Bill. 609-:194-5900 3929, b ...... ’ ,,":.’,..,:- ~. . ’j Thursday, November17, 1977 15-B

We’re the real estate professionals in your nei,ghbo ’hood.

HISTORIC COLONIAL. One of the first homeson Kings Road, large foyer, 18’ x 23’ living room with fireplace, formal dining A REAUTIFULMONTGOMERY TWP. room, kitchen w/dining area, 5 COLONIALRANCH= Foothill of Sourland large bedroomsplus Doctor’s Valleywith vlewlThree spat. bedrooms, ~- 2½baths, not-in country kitchen Office Suite - General Prac- ~~:i w/customcabinetry -- fantasticscreened titioner’s practice of long porch---recently constructedl $70’= duration. $129,000. SUPERSIZED FAMILY ROOM IS the center of attraction in this West Windsor 4 Bedroom Colonial. The property is professionally landscapedwith manymature evergreens and its location plus a hugedetaci~ed garagewith pavedparking area makesit an interesting home/office combo. $85,500. OUTSTANDINGHome with large spacious foyer, 22’ x 39’ semi- COLONIALFAPJ~ETTE: Acre+ treed lot. circle living room, Cathedral 4 bedroomcenter hall in HistoricMillstone ¯¸ ¯i i ceiling, super modern kitchen RiverValLey. $60’s. with island stove Et Corningtop, roomfor 4 bedroomsin this ultra contemporarydwelling. $185,000. HISTORICCRANBURY VILLAGE:

WHENHAVE YOU SEEN A HOMEoffering a half acre of land, RESTOREDVICTORIAN in heart of town central air, family roomwith a customfireplace, 2 full baths,full IT’S A JEWEL- Four bedrgo.m overlookingCranbury Lakel A charming5 basement,attached garage, concrete driveway, large trees on bedroomaluminum home offering a modern Ranch, parquet entry, modernkitchen, stained ~t leaded back line and a lovely suburbancommunity with convenient large living room, master glass/wlndowterrets/all windowdrapes shopping for only $59,900. bedroom wing, family room Et antiquewooden shutters throughout. w/fireplace.¯ Excellent homethat two stunningwood mantle fireplaces, sparkles Et glows. $72,900. custombookcase unit in library. $113,500. RTE. 33, ZONEDTPKE, COM- MERCIAL¯ Business Site??? It maybe possible, and live in this fine home beside it. Four ¯ bedrooms, large living room, JUSTLISTED AND GEMS TO SEE large dining roomand very large AN ENGLISHTUDOR with the finest workmanship ~ charm’! kitchen. Add to this a full Well kept Ranchin superb condition. Three bedroomsand three patios well- Stucco/wood/stoneexterior situated on basementand a separate garage. landscaped. $47,500. treedlot, librarywith custom shelving off All for only $56,900. living room/stonefireplace, 5 cozy Three bedroomCape Cod with den. Houseand groundsin mint condition. bedrooms,full basement,2-car garage. $,39,900. $99,500. IDEALSTARTER HOME located in Ranchon quiet street with aboveground pool - waiting to welcomeyou. $43,900. a quiet neighborhood.New roof, newvinyl-steel siding andcorner CustomRanch on beautiful lot with mature trees. Manyextra features. $95,000. lot makethis homeone of our best buys. There is an eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, living room with fireplace, 3 RUSTICRANCHER: Acres with view,horse paddock...beautifulcountry living/ac- bedroomsand bath plus 1 car cessibleto townl $5O’s garage and an outbuilding. Must be seen. $41,900. HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP COLONIALThis is priced to sell and it is in top condition. The landscaping of shrubs and COZYCOTTAGE LOCATED ON A perennial gardens is well TREE LINED STREETin quiet maintained. Make your ap- residential area of Hightstown. pointment to see this special Ideal for a starter homeor retired . ,| ~ COLONIALon’/= treedacre bordering a couple. Newlypainted exterior, value. $62,000. greenstriplHuge living room,glass doors ’ " ,"~~ ’~ ¯ to patio, formaldining room w/picture new roof and new porch round window,modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms,2 out this 3 bedroomrealistically full baths,1½ car garage.PRINCETON priced homes. $.1.1,500. NORTH

SHADYBROOK COLONIAL SPLIT - Full acre in a 150acre park-like IF YOU’RELOOKING FOR EARLY landscapedchoice living area. MINIPROFESSIONAL BUILDING near Ouakerbridge Mall...10,000 sq. ft. plushoffices OCCUPANCY,a four bedroom workshop. Complimentinghouses provide a home,and a family fun sized lot, we may have the answer. Some neighborhood of beauty and 10 ACREINVESTMENT OPPORTU NITY including 4 bedroomhome/CBS structure. appeal. This 4/5 bedroomhome of the extra features include is on a quiet cul-de-sac.$130,000. TWO-FAMILYnear PRINCETONCOMMUTE in excellent shape/goodincomel aluminum storms/screens, central air, garage and family HIGHWAYCOMMERCIAL property on Rte. #206,city water/sewer. room. Call now $49,900. TWOSINGLE FAMILY 3 bedroom homes/all alum./income properties: PRINCETONI KROL CARNEGIE 1000State Rd., Princeton CROSHAW 130Nassau Street, Princeton Station Sq.,Belle Mead 307 N. MainSt., Hightstown 609-921-6177 924-7575/359-6222 609-448-0112 REALTORS REALTORS h REALTORS Eachoffice is independently Is your future owned and operated. We’reHere For You. as bright as oursP Our sales people have the professionalability Are you paid what you’re really and neighborhood know-howyou need to worth? Do you want unlimited sell your homefaster! They’re incomepotential? Wouldyou like thoroughlytrained in modernreal more business freedom?Do you want estate practices, and havecomplete to be your ownboss? marketingtechniques to get results If you’vegot the desireto improve without wasting time. Don’t you yourself in theseways, andare deservethe kind of services only willing to let a top-flight international I the largest Real Estate Network sales organizationback youevery step in North Americacan offer? of the way,then you’re readyfor us. Call us whenyou’re ready.., we’re herefor you!l! Giveus a call now...itcould be your ® first steptoward a brilliant new future! HOME HUNTE R ’,f G UID E

16-B ¯ . 1 Thursday, Nevember 17. 1977

> CFlreston e eal -Es tate ...... " ¯ ~?’~i ’ "" - .... "~" "" i2;. PRINCET°’TBETTE°:R’ :, r: MONTGOMERYOFFICE 921-1700

Just Listed andReady for Spring Occupancy ComeSee Our BrandNew Listing in Cranbury A charmingEarly Amerlcan cnhmlal ~altlmx in a neat countrysettimt. I nside, there’.~ ill be a f.rmal It’s a CustomCape with Superb Features entry, h~yer, a spacinus living nmm.a separate h)rmal dining r~.)m, tt sparkling umdenlkilrhen %1,hat It delightful ~.oth,d sile hwthb eastern buih a.thentle eape t.,xl t. the q.iel ~illage .[ with eat.ln area. anda hugefamily nmm with a ..vail.I.-wali flrenhwe[.r winl.r ¢,’.enhlg~.U pstalr~ (~raahu~.InsM*.. ~.ou’ll find a light living rc.,m with [irephtee, a f.rmal dini.~ n.,m. a enllvenient will be four bedro~tmsand two full baths. Authentic.details, superb~(;all .ur M.nlg.me~’()trice m,.h,rnslit-in kitehon,all exeell.tlt lariiily r+mnlwith fireplace, t~,+ ,’.nll.rlahh. hedr,.mtsa,id a at921-1700. 11 lO,OOO. f.il hath, Upsotir. ar,’ all additl.md ttso ~inlehm~espy rod b,,dr..nt+ all a..d.’r full bath. t halide i~ a nt.rvel.us .hl-IJrick I)at[. andprivm’) all at.and. S~q,it flr~t b? callin,~ ~.ur Fireshme ! agent t,.la). S89,900. ",.. t. -. ~... . ~..,~... ~,., ;r .O,,~ --

[ [ A Great Restaurant Opportunity Awaits [ You Near Princeton: Just Listed in Princeton’s FabulousRiverside Area [ Ont.e tile main stagecoachsl.p betweer, New"f.rk and I’hiladelphla. thL~huge old building could A charmingresidence with the best family n~,marran,~ement ’.w.",,. ’,,,~,n in a h,rmtime. Living ComeSee the Super Domethe One That’s Been Featured In roomwith fireplae~,, formal (lining r~m~+eat-in kitchen, three exceih,mb,’dr+.,m~. Walkt. the [ be fixed uI) int. a neat night sl,r in a pro,.t,n Ioeati.n. ( )he hundredmat capacity, an expansive All the National HomeMagazines: It’s Listed with Firestone perkingarea. restaurant etlUlt)nlent included,and a n.,,t e~l,ansivebuilding with lots of character. University. sch~xd,and town.l)on’t v.’a [t a sec.nd. (’all us t .da’.. $1OS,O0O. r It ’,aa’re c.nsideringa contemporai3.,.’.mn’..e got to see thL,~SUlx.rb h.n,,, in a v.~:4rd setting. Twentythree himdredS(luar,, feet t,II vavll f[,.,I, and i.denthd subdivisionpo~.sibillties far other In.hie, the imagim~tionronn,s aliw, as the living r~m~s.ar~ to thirty h.et "*ith a free~tamlin¢ uses. Calland ask ft,r Jin~I:iresi.ile. $15O,OOO. r [ireplaee. and the (tinintt r(~)m earehdl’, p.ll~ .n(. backIt, ru’~tie reality with its t()tal n.(lw~M beame:l stnwton, leadlmt t. a red~Mdeck. The kitchen and family r,M,m are I).th neatly c,)n- [ ne(’led with all oi~.n windowanti a Ilnlqae arrangement.Up the (’[rl’tlhlr sUdrraseto tilt. I~laster bcdr,~m~i~ a special thrill whilea stud) hdt at the t.p of the Iloll~e adds )el (,lie inure fa’r:inatin~ [ lunch It, a trldy uniqueexperie.ee. $119,000. !

,2.": £,J,:~ - .. [ [ [ . ~¥, " ~" ;, [ [ JUST FOR YOUFROM HISTORIC GRIGGSTOWN:A Io,.ay two- [ b(~lrt~mle(ittaae ill a neat ~.,tJ,*d settint2. Thegirl~ ~.) it’s darling. Call i)ur MomgomeryOffice ~---- "..7 -" : ...... ::;:7.;~ f.r exalt ing details, t~2 I- 17t~L $43,500. Comewith Us end Wewill ShowYou A Nifty [ 5 Acre Farmette with a CharmingRestored Colonial Home If you’re looking for a piece to keep your hone~ out in the countryside, and a neat colonial residencecall us today. Fruit trees of everysort I pear. peach,plum. chert’y, etc.I surrodndthi~ neat older home. Inside. you will find a living room.spacious panelled family room.~paratc formal Your Best Investment Opportunity in the Area dining room. a completely moderneat-in kitchen, and ¯ new powder room.Up~taL’.~. are four F.n? ~ix aere~.I land and li~,. I)ilz rental (,~fit~. t. rarry thv nmrtltatwand taxe~. Whata sheher: 6-Firestone eal -Estate comfortablebedrooms (two of which are huge and ell of whichare beautifully earpetodl and a hdl ’l’h~, mainbltildhll~ u~ed t,, by a ~lalLer,mrh ~t,~p and (’onhl ,,nee al~alnbe i’on~erred inl- a hurts main Realtors modernbath. Andyes. there is a barn on the 0mt~env.and it at~uear~that the tract i~ subdlvldable residene,.. We’w.got the plan~m) call us t.(lay f.r the first aplmintmvntat q2 I- 17t~). $185,006, into two additional buildingIot~. Needwe say more. Call our Princeton Office for exciting details. 173 NASSAUSTREET ¯ PRINCETON,NEW JERSEY 08540 924-2222. $79.500.

WMTEnB. HOwE/The Gallery of Homes


PrincetonSales Staff WestWindsor Sales Staff

LindaCornevale Allen Hartiay Ruth Skillman JoanBlrnfihum Lydia Gueiano RosemaryPopino F. M. Commizzoli Zalde Loechevet Eleanor Suydam KayConnlkle Robert Manduca Irma Bruschlni Dorothy Zapaiac Claire Gnyiey JudyMartinetz CarolynRodefeld NancyFielder Cliff Meesenheimer

WENEED THIS AERIAL VIEW to explain the extras in this unusual property. The main i~ousehas 4 bedrooms,2 barbs, plus a 3 roomaparmlent. An ou tbuilding with 1500sq. ft. for a homeoccupation or spaceconsuming avocation. Air on a superblylandscaped acre. Cal~~,500.737- 3301 ...... r’ i~ .’" ~’~"~3""’ ¯ - , , ;~- , . ~ ~, t~, qE2 1" "’"

’~.~_~.~.~. ~,:

FRESHLYPAINTED with lOvely earthtones,oak parquetfloors in the living roomand dining BEAUTIFULHEATHCOTE AREA )Princeton mailing address) in South Brunswick Twp, ’:" "’" roomand a fireplace in the family roomare just a fewof the leaturesof this mint.condition4 putsall Princetonactivities within easyreach. Decorated with greatflair andtaste, this lovely4 bedroom,2 ½bath DutchColonial in HopewellTwp. The owners have recently addeda 20x20 bedroomColonial homealso features a tonced, in-groundpool. city sewerand water andan redwooddeck for your enjoyment.Call 737-3301for an appointmentto seethis beautytodayl. establishedneighborhood. ¾ acre lot backsto woods;has manyspecimen trees andshrubs, Evewthing’sbeen done for you. Eventhe customrods anddrapes come with this beauty. VALUEPLUS is this creampuff Colonial. Featuresinclude luxurious wall-to-wali carpetingin SuperLprivate masterbedroom suite¯ Call 924-0095...... Aeking$9~,900. living roomand dining room,panelled family room.large kitchenwith modernappliances, 3 spaciousbeclrooms, bath, powderroom and 2-car garage.Call 799-1100...... I~IJ~.

ir’¯ BUILDERS,INVESTORS -~Ve havea superb land’opportunity in nearby Montgomeryclose to Princetonand Rocky Hilh Thereare opproximatoty82 acresof slightly rolling terrain with frontageon 2 roads. PLUSo 3 family dweltingoffered at $530,000.Also available 80 acres ~ !~;~.: ...... withoutdwelling for ~Vl40,0~0.or approximately57.6 acres for I)31S,800.Prices basedon a per acreprice of $5,500.and ~90,000. for rhe 3 familydwelling and 2 acres.Call 924-0095.

FIRSTTIME OFFERED - A quality 3 bedroom,2 bath customRanch with style and con- venience.Living roomwith fireplace, dining room,eat-in kitchen, family room,finished basement,expansion attic and2-car garage.Extras too numerousto mention.Cell 79~-1100...... $711,1100.

Member of WECHAi.LENGE YOU to find this muchhouse for this price anywherein the area. If you Multiple Listing Service haveneed of 5 or 6 bedrooms,2 ½baths, family roomwith fireplace anda roe roomwith a NEARTHE PARK - A very cozy two story homefeaturing 3 bedrooms,bath, recreation, ping.gongtable then weurge you to see this beauty.On over an acre of magnificentlawn near room,carpeted formal dining roomi~ndliving roomand a nice patio off the kitchen. Call 799- the WashingtonCrossing S tote Parkand vacant for immediateoccupancy. Carl 737-3301. M&S 16~,g00. Mercer,Somerset and I.N 1100 ...... HunterdonCounties ~E<OR" THISLOVELY SPLrf..LEVEL HOME is locatedin Yardville andpriced at $42.,000.It features 3 HOUSEPLUS -- Attention -- Artist -- Architect -- A lovely homewith convertiblebreezeway, PRINCETON WESTWINDSOR PENNINGTON FLEMINGTON or 4 bedrooms,central air, e family roomwith adjoiningdeck. garage, eat-in kitchenend all full basementand e two-car garage.Call 799-1:00...... #(16,00(I. youhave to do is moveyour furnishings in. Call 799-1100. (609)924-OO95 (609)799-1100 (609)737-3301 (201)782-4606 HOME HUN TE R’,f G UID E Thursday,November 17, 1977 17-B ~llmlUl|iJiHHillil~ .’ \, .,.’~ ~ ¯

[ 2Bedroom I’ j $295 mm~ll apertmen~wlth wallto i ¯ ! wnll car~tinK’ Jppt;,,ncel andCentral air¯ con- aa ¯ ditloning. b ¯ , . ] mAnideal locaUonclose to,[ =mshopplngand majorIron-- [sportatlon.Adult end ~ddleri pools, tennis courts and I I haodbaqcourt~.

ANDSMffH Realtors and Insurers "= 609-655-00g0 UNDEI{S’I’ATEI ) El, E(;A NCI,: -= 509-448-8811 DianneF. Bleacher Twin Rivers TownCemer LorralncBolce I~lllalllnnllmllalllllalmllml One of Princeton’s most sought-after neigh- LarryCollins Early occupancy is i),s~ibi, I’.r this graeious. easily-maintalned s.lidly-huih brlrk slate-r(x)fed borh(mds is the site of this attractive home. SheilaCook &.CO/PANY two-story home with alhwhvd h~.-car ~arage. The Highlights include 4 bedrooms and 2~& baths. CustomBuilt Ted David wide entry leads I. a stel,d.wn living r, mmwith Therc’s a fireplace in the living room for cozy Homes BarbaraEllis fireplace. "bookshelvesand Frem.h (h,,)rs h,acling to evenings and a screened porch and central air BetseyHarding a secluded bhwshmet*.rra,’e. ’l’h,’ f.rnud dining conditioning for balmy nights. Professionally Marjorie Kerr rount and breakfast-garden r.,,nl a[stb .verh)ok tim landscaped h,t ...... $126,(~0. Wm.Bucci Builder, Inc. Joan Quaekenbush garden. Thereis an inlll,tlal ,,tlld) ~,itl~ hrick wall Cecily Ross and rireplace, ph~ a }:,’z,’ fan,il> r,,<,m that is For information, Ralph Snyder separate yet convenient,x~il]l it> ¢>xvnMalrt!ase to call the attractive foovli(mall.ltrh,qL [ pslairs arc foor 190 Nassau Street bedrooms, two with fir,,l~hwc,, and two with priwlte baths. ’l’her,, i, a =,,tat ,,f :U/3 I)aths, phts (609) 924-0908 Princeton, N.J. newcentral air (:.t,liti.ifi.~ ...... $]~q.I)()O. (6091924-0322 RENTALS

J Beautiful 5-bedroom Colonial farmhouse. HousesFor Rent Awtihd)le intmedlatcly ...... $55t)/mo. 190 N.-\.H.":,ALJ S’I’I-Lb:I.TI’ LAMBERTVILLE COLONI- ¯ AL-- 3 bedroom,2 bath, all Commercialpr(,perty in East Windsor. 8 rooms.. appliances& extras galore. PRINCETON. NEW JERSEY 08540 Unusualhome in tile "(:]l*.rr~. }lro~*k’"section of ...... $4-75/mo. Shortterm avail. Under $400. Montgomery"l’(~wnshil~. ju,t m,rth ~)f I)rim’cton, RAPID RENTALS,BKR. Office space on NassauStreet. 975 sq. ft. 2 parking 609-392-6556 also features 4 bedr(>,>ms. 2~ baths, anti fireplaces ...... ~L01)0. spaces ...... $475/mo. PRINCETON TWP, RENTAL -- The beauty of the outdoors can be viewed from the warm indoors in this 3 bedroom,l bath Ranch through the many floor to ceiling windows.The manyextras ¯eludeoversize garage w. electric door opener cnclosedporch & self HousesFor Rent clean ng oven. Convenient. ,1609-921-6936. FORRENT -- 8 room house, partially furnished, one family FARMHOUSE -- 2-3 only. Belle Mead vicinity. bedrooms,kids & petsok, heat $375/month. 1% month’s ’& hotwater paid. Acreage & security. Utilities not in- HILTON more,$300. Many more avail. cluded. References required. ® RAPIDRENTALS. BKI{. Call 201-359-$611after 4pro. 609-392-6556 REALTYCOMPANY

TWIN RIVERS LOVELYSPACIOUS HOUSE - on river in new Hope. 3 3 BedroomTownhouse: $425 bedrooms. 2’,z baths. permonth References. $600/monthplus FOUR OR FIVE BEDROOMCOLONIAL IN EAST SNUGAS A BUGBY A ¯ROARINGFIRE in the bi 3 Bedroom Single Family: electricity. Call evenings.215- 9 $450 per month 862-2416 or write Miss S. WINDSOR- Tastefully decorated, exceptionally family room; a kitchen that makescooking fun, 4 Simpson, Box 324, NewHope, well maintained, just moveinl Located on a ½ large bedrooms,2 ½ baths - and space between CLEARBROOK Pa. 18938. acre lot which is convenientto schools, shopping, you and your neighbors. Sneaka peek! and train. An unusually fine home... $72,500. 2 BedroomTimberline Model: ...... $99,500. $400 per month. DOLL HOUSE-- Ranch on 8 acres.In-ground pool, 2-car garage,$300. Kids O.K. Hurry. THEVIEW I$ FANTASTIC,for miles and miles. This I[OME RENTALS EXCELLENTCOMMUTINGI Work in busy New Broker$40. completelyrestored 3 bedroomColonial sits on 25 York, but live in tranquility in BeechwoodManor. acresof woodsand tillable land, ideal for homes. Four bedroomColonial . a jewel set in a ring of 609*394-5900 Call for more information ...... $150,000. trees. Soundgood? Call us ...... $105,000.

EASTWINDSOR - 4 bedroom CONTEMPORARYRANCHER in West Windsor¯ Colonialin excellent location. IS ENTERTAININGYOUR FORTE? Then we have Living roomand dining roomhave a 2-sided brick Available immediately at $450/mo.plus utilities. 1 year the housel Four bedroom, custom Colonial - fireplace. Spaciouskitchen, family roomoff patio lease. 1% month security swimmingpool, one acre woodedlot .... $89,900. and in-ground pool, Manyextras ...... $65,900. required. Air conditioned,f~09- 448-4081 weekdays for ap- pointment. 3,000 SQUAREFOOT BUILDING FOR COM. FRESHAIR AND BREATHINGSPACE, yet con, MERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL USE. Idea/ for venient to train, schoolsand shopping.Well built manufacturing, assemblyor storage. Front and PRINCETONJCT.- Rancher PIRNCETONEXECUTIVE -- new two-story Colonial, four bedroomsand well rear overhead doors will accommodatetractor house, 7 rooms garage 3 bedroom, Park Piece. Kids trailers ...... fireplace,front & Backyard. ok, endless extras. plannedliving areas. ¯ ...... $102,000. $85,000. $500/mo.Year lease. 2 blocks RAPID RENTALS,BKR. APARTMENTSAVAILABLE R.R.S.Call 609-890-0920 oreves 609-392-6556 448-5107. ’FORRENT: 3 BedroomDuplex in PennsNeck. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! MEMBER: Housein the quaint village of Callfor details. PRINCETON TOWNSHIP Scrgcantsvile.2 bedrooms ranch. walkingdistance to bath, LR, DR, kitchen MultipleListing Service PrincetonReal Estate Group shoppingcenter, bus, schools, garage.No children. $350 plus 3 bedrooms,Its: baths kit- utilitms.Security. WM. B. chen,living room, dining area MAYCO.~ INC:, Real Estate. doublecarport 2 utility 609-397-1907. AffiliatedIndependent Brokers (nationwide referral service) storage rooms, carpeting, dryer, stove refrigerator. AvailableNov. 1,5 thru May31. Open7 days till 5 p.m. Eveningsand weekends call: Partial furnishing available. HOUSEFOR RENT- with 3 $350/mo.plus utilities. 609.924. bedrooms, liv. room, dining 9403¯ room,kitchen, 2 car gar., 201- 194 Nassau St. 921-6060 WllliomSchuesder,92t.S963 AllenO’A,cV, 799.06~S 329.4555. Hnr~eyRude,20|.359.532~ RuaaEdmondi.201,d49-93",7 HiltonBldg., 2nd floor EdlthMeznlck,9=4-9719 VirginiaOean. 201-074.3743 SOUTH BRUNSWICK -- Cottageliving, 2-bedroom, CAPE COD -- AmwellRd., $200.garage, Nme yard, ready Hillsboro. 6 room. 3 bdrm, now. new furnace,washer/dryer, ¯ IIOME RENTALS refrig, inc. Call 201-369-4051or Broker$40. 359-8222, 609-394-5900 HousesFor Rent Resort Resort Resort Properties Properties TR--Lake£ront,QuadI, 3 BR, LAWRENCE -- 3 bedrOom COUNTRYROUSES for rent, Properties 2:~z bathtownhouse, many kids & pets ok, yard,a~ both in LawrenceTwp very pliances&more. $175. extras.$42S/mo. Write SMC, nearPrinceton. FOR SALE OR RENT -- 1 BEACH FRONT APT -- on OCEAN FRONT 7-, Long Box255, Whippany, NJ 07981. RAPID RENTALS,BKR. bedroomvilla in Poconoswith beautiful Sapphire Bay, St. BeachIsland, beautim~new :~ ~09-392-6556 3 to 4 b.r. lovely old Colonial all conveniences on country with keeping room& l.r. with Thomas. Ground floor, bedroom U-. baths, spec- club grounds with swim¯ ng, sleeping.living room, large tacular view w/w carpctmg. fireplaces, d.r, reed. kit., tennis, golf &skiing¯ Call 609- washer/dryer, dishwasher. KENDALLPARK Colonial - 3 attached greenhouse, 26x50 bedroom,equipped kitchen, 2 3 BEDROOMDUPLEX - West bedrooms near school, bus. 443-4288. baths, air conditioned. Ac- ForrentSept-Oct.609-494-6410. Windsor, $375/mo. plus util, From 1/78. Security, Refs. pool, garage, 8 acres $950/mo. 609-921-1451after 6 pm. (avail for purchase at commedatesup to 5 persons. ~00/mo,201-297-0814. $200,000) Maid and hnen service LONG BEACH ISLAND -- provided. Tennis courts, Very secludedbrick manor~ceanfronthouse, 3 bdrms,l,.~ swimmingpool, water sports, Garages Leasing office open everyday,Phone for more informatlon, (609)799.1611. TWIN RIVERS ~ 2 BR TRAILER-- Ideal~only $95. housein midst of 92 woodedbath~. $30/dayaBer Sept.10. restaurant on premises. , townhouse1½ bath, fully Allappliances, goedcondition, acres plus gueslhouse. In- 609-799.2235. Reasonable.Call 609-924-2620. For Rent carpeted~II appliances, A/C, readynow. terior lavishly panelled. 3+ :ideallocation, assume 7% HOME RENTALS b.r.,3,~ bal~s, 2fpl, cot Businessrropenues mortgagefor $5,000cash or Broker$40. tage/23pl., garage.$t200/mo ¯ rent$375/mo. 609..449-3193. 609*394-5900 (avail for purchaseat POCONOS--Big Bass Lake, SKI VACATION -- Mr. GARAGE- on Ridge ltd., $900,000) newhome, fplc, pool, skiing, Sunapee,N.H, 3 bedroom South Brunswick,25 x 30 for, APARTMENTS~ 24 anits n EXCELLENTFACt.LITY--inPROFESSIONAL OFFICE Weekends,weekly, seasonal, homein woodedarea on Lake storage, vehicles, ur .... triton, $16,000t O gross aboutl-’llncelon ’ . area. for ;~our .. B U I L D I N G S P A C E 609-448-0751. Sunapee. Completely furn- machinery.201-247.0075. $47,000. For offermg sheet call comp.uter, center.. ~et.t: AVAILABLE.609.4q3-1150 HOUSE FOR RENT -- 3 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE t nlshed - I mile from N.H.’s ,., -,t29-6309..... contameo. . mr cone¯on¯ g umt. bedrooms,large sun porch. 3 -- in Twin Rivers,5 ap- Thompson Land ’largesl ski area. Other ski ...... with raised floor specml -- miles from Princetonon U.S. pliances,deck w, gas grill, I POCONOS-- woodedbuilding w r ng & computer library lot. Year round resort areas within ½ hr. drive. HOPEWELL-- 2-car garage IhLvorsand Sellers meetevery Prime location directly across Cancellationof Classified ads #1. $400per month plus QuadI, $425/mo.Call 609.448- 195Nassau,Princeton" Available weekly Jan- storage space $60, tt~ $30). must be made by 4 p.m. on utililies, 60~-883.5118. 7580or 466-3596. 1609)921-76~5 location, 1%acres, $7800.Call Aprtl.CaU609-737-9237. ~eekintheClassilledPagesof from Princeton Airport Call 609*799-3046, 609-466-2363. , The I’acket Newspapers. 609-924-8700or 201-622-6040. Monday. HOME HUN TE R’2 GUIDE . . , 18-B Thursday, November17,1977 _ . "... :

CountryMini Estate on I Van Hise Realty ¯ WEST WINDSOR acres,% wooded, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, formaldining room, Realtor NEW LISTINGS familyroom, fireplace, full basement,taxes - $821. Pennington,New Jersey r/gAI00. Tel:609-737-3615 or 609-883-2110 OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY OldColonial, small 8- cute,3 bedrooms,bath. living room, 10:30to Noon,243 Mercer St., Hightstown familyroom, laundry, ecreened porch, basement, country 1:30to 3:00,Hilside St., MonmouthJunction IocatFon. #47,900. Don’tmiss these two outstanding properties. CallHenderson fordetails orcome to the open house.

SHERBROOKE ESTATES ’100years plus 8 bedrooms,4 baths,15 rooms total. Idsef CUSTOMCOLONIAL - 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, homofor renovation.In village, PENNINGTONBOROUGH formal dining room,living room, large family room lot 172’x 178’. ~63J. JUSTFOR YOU - is th~ anractiveCape Cod on oneof Pen- with fireplace. Country eat-in kitchen with nington’stree lined streets. Modern kitchen with eating area, separatedining areaand Frenchdoors leading to a formaldining room, large living room,4 bedrooms,1 ½ baths, heated 14’ x 22’ Florida Room. Finished 2 car garage,large lot ...... $64,900. basement,2 car garage. Central air. Doubleself HOPEWELLBOROUGH cleaning oven, intercom, dishwasher, automatic Twostory, 3 bedroom,2½ bath. living room with MELLOWEDWITHAGE - giving this Colonial warmthand garage door openers. Manybuilt-ins. Fencedon charm.Entrance foyer, modernkitchen with breakfast area, fireplace,formal dining room, formaldining room, living room,family room, 5 bedrooms,1 ½ ½ acres with manymature trees. eat-inkitchen, family room, full baths,enclosed heated front porchfor extrariving area, basement,garage. In Cran- basementsemi-finished, 2 car barngarage, outside wooden bury.January occupancy. deck,large lot with numerousmature trees excellent for t71J00. children,pets and your own garden ...... $69,900¯ LOOKINGFOR AN INVESTMENT ¯ how about this two story RURAL MONROETOWNSHIP dwellingwith 4 apartments,each apartment containing 4 dv" Old six-roomColonial with roomsand bath, all separateutilities, exceflentcondition and ~ ideal location...... Callfor price¯ detail=. Old Fashioned Charm: This old homewith lots of character features a fireplacaon 1 ½acres bounded larae spacious living room, formal dining room and a modern kitchen. HOPEWELLTOWNSHIP " " bya stream.Very low taxes. MAJESTICVICTORIAN ¯ with entrancefoyer, modernkitchen With 4 bedroomson the second floor and 2 on ther third, there’s plenty of with breakfastbar, formaldining room, living roomwith room for the family whoneeds to spread out! Located close to shopping, fireplace,study with fireplace, spacious and anractive family Bchools and transportation, and ready to be seen by appointment ...... roomwith fireplace, and wet bar, 4 bedrooms,2 ½baths, 4 car ...... $54,500. barngarage, circa 1877 with all the warmth,charm and grace of that period,plus 1.75 acres ...... $11B,000. STARTINGTOTAKE SHAPE - is this outstandingColonial under construction,nestled on an air woodedlot, brickand aluminum sidingfor low maintenance,slate entrancefoyer, modern SHERBROOKE ESTATES kitchenwith breakfast area, farina dining room, family room 37 N. MainSt., Cranbury, N.J. withlog burning fireplace and open beam ceiling, 4 bedrooms, Realtor 395-0444 2 V, baths,laundry room. basement. 2 car garage,central air, Prime location - walk to train, schools and aluminumstorms and screens. Call us we have the BluePrints. shopping. Spacious four bedroom, 2½ bath ...... Call for Priceg Details. homeon a half acre, eat-in kitchen, living room, dining room, family roomwith sliding glass doors .... Needanewcar? - ALLBRICK RANCHER - with entrance foyer, kitchen with eating leading to patio. Central air. Lowtaxes. $84,990. area,formal dining room, large livlng roomwith fireplace, 4 Checkthe Classifiedpages. bedroomsplus an extra room, 2 full baths,laundry room, 2 car garagewith unfinishedroom above, full basementwith anotherfireplace, bdck patio, beautiful setting ...... $88.500. NEW CUSTOM DEVELOPMENT AUTOBODY REPAIR SHOPS ¯ plus a two story dwellingwith twoapartments, ideal location, apartments are an additional PRINCETONJUNCTION - 4-5-6 bedroom, 2½ bath incomeproducer, excellent repair businessat presenttime. colonials, with fireplace, panelled family room, Thisproperty must be seen ...... Callfor priceg detag=. formal living and dining room,full basement,2 car NOWRENTING garage on ½ acre. starting in the 80’s. laTH CENTURYCOLONIAL FARM HOUSE - 100 acres, in- groundpool. farm pond,stsbres, workshop,art studio, compreteprivacy ...... Callfor price¯ details¯ PRINCETONARMS SHADESOF BYGONEERA! This exciting and podectly restored house waB included on a tour of .historic houses during 1976...the EWINGTOWNSHIP (609)799-2058 ANYTIME Luxury Apartments hBicentennial celebration 1. It features a spacious master bedroomand bat HARDTO BELIEVE - but this CapeCod near State Teacher’s "The People Pieasers" with a fireplace. There’s a large eat-ln kitchen and two other bedrooms. Collegehas all this to offer. Entrancefoyer, modern kitchen It’s a perfect housefor the couplestarting out...with plans for the future. witheating area, formal dining room with French doors to rear ...... $54,500. screened-inporch, living roomwith fireplace, laundry room, 3 PETERL. OLIVER REAL1T, Inc. 1 and2 Bedrooms generoussize bedrooms, 2 full modernbaths, basement. 2 car PrincetonStation Office Park garagewith automatic door, large beautifully landscaped lot, Bldg. 6 -- 14 WashingtonRoad From$225. per month J( )IIN aluminumsiding ...... $65,000. Princeton Junction LOOKAT WHAT YOU GET ¯ an attractive 2 story Colonial, c r’I ENQyo.l 8 3N’* modernkitchen With eating area, formal dining room, living MemberPrinceton Real Estate Group - N.A.B,A. Features: room,2 largebedrooms, full modernbath, basement, fenced RelocationService with over 5,000 Realtors Members Princeton in rearyard, concrete driveway, many extras ...... $28,500. 4 CharltonStreet, Princeton,New Jersey 08540 LAWRENCETOWNSHIP LIndaAltland PeterL. Oliver,Realtor LIzOliver Wall-to- FFall carpeting over MichaelGorczyckl FrankVuono (~o~)~21.2n6 ELDRIDGEPARK- New Bi-Level with aluminumsiding, Modern ColeenNichols Ell Kowaloff concrete in 2nd floor apts. HunterdenCounty kitchenwith eating area, formal dining room, family room, 4 AnnNook DanielKlelnberg All utilities except Electric MultipleLilting Service bedrooms,2 full baths,2 zoneheat, wall to wallcarpeting thru SomersetCounty Individually controlled heat MercerCounty out ...... $45,900. MultipleListing Service PrincetonReal Estate Group MultipleListing Service DELAWARETOWNSHIP 2 air conditioners SOMETHINGSPECIAL - attractive Split Levelwith modern Private entrances kitchenwith eating area, formal dining ram, living roomwith Business Real Estate fireplace,family room, 3 bedrooms,1 ½ baths, basement, Wa~-in closets enclosedrear porch,excellent lot. Plusthis propertyi.~ a Properties Wanted Individual balconies LicensedCommercial Kennel. Call for additionalinformation. Buyersand sellers meet ...... $63,500. Storage room within apt. everyweek LAMa,ERTVILLE WARREN PLAZA WEST WANTED-- SecludedI to 3 Laundry Rooms EAST WINDSOR acre woodedlot for young 12 UNITMULTIPLE DWELLING ¯ under construction, STORE SPACE FOR RENT couple to build DREAM Superintendent on site onthe Classified pages. overlookingthe Delaware River, each unit hasair conditioning HOUSE.Mercer, Monmouth, ¯ wallto waftcarpeting - balcony and many other features, on RentTaxes Util. Ocean~Burlington, Camden, site parkingfor 21cars ...... Callfor Price ¯ Detail=¯ (Mo.)(Mo.) (Mo.) 1000sq.ft. $350$115 $100 Atlanticcounties, N.J. Bucks OpenMon.-Fri. BUYLAND: THEY DON’T MAKE IT ANYMORE 2000sq.ft. $700$230 $100 County,Pa. $10-15,000 range. Callus for more Information onthe above listings Call609-443-5278 alter6 pro, or write Box ~1534,Princeton 12:00-5:00p.m. Existing20 storeshopping Packet. Sat. 10-2p.m. 17.8ACRES ¯ HopeweH Township, residential. $2.500 per acre. plazahas space avail~ble. Follyair conditioned, acoustic 609-448-4801 9.6 ACRES- aft.wooded with e pond,Province Line Road, ceihng,recessed lighting, HoReweSITownship ...... $65,000. excellentlocation onRt. el30, I/4mile south of the Princeton LandFor Sale cf - HightstownHd.2 yearlease. [ he S co -ia B ACRES¯ Wooded- Res;dam[al- Ewin g Twp...... $49,900. Call609-448-4081 weekdays for Dlre~.-tloee:Prom Princeton: Prlnceton.Hlghhtown Rd., turn appointment. right onOld Trenton Rd.. ’/= mileturn leh andfollow signs. 2.3 ACRES- all wooded,Residential, Lawrence Twp. near HEAVILY WOODED within the Princeton Area Princeton...... $32,000. BUILDING LOTS - with at Penningtor FOR RENT -- INDUSTRIAL mature growth. An ex- I0 000sq.ft, large overhead 15.8ACRES- Hopewe[I Township, resldential. $2.500 per acre. doors.Wgl d v deto suit. 238A ceptional o~fer ofprivate and Hankins Road, Hightstown. secluded woodlandina choice LandFor Sale LandFor Sale Call 212-529-5500. area of executive homesin the Memberof Multiple Listing Service David’s Lane section "on HolidaysCall: Sourland Mountain in BeyWlllever, 737¯0462 Hlllsborough Township¯ 3 LOTSFOR SALE-- located on 16 + WOODED ACRES- on CathyNemeth, 737-3051 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE acres, $20,900; 3 acres, HeatherLane in Princeton mountainsidenear Bear AliceBowe, 883-7924 HettyLlndeboom, 466-2064 SPACE AVAILABLE- Route $24,500:3 acres,$26,900; 3 Twp.(1.3 acres). Also on Pin MountainBridge. One hour 20 FrankT. RlckeHe.585-6706 33 Highstownnear tnpk. Will acres, $22,900; l0 acres v~tih Oak Read in Montgomery minutesby trainto Grand d vde to sut.Limited off stream, $32,500. Please call Twp. (2+ acres). Bo~h lots CentralStation. Garrison, streetparking. 609-597-7922 201-722-9020. EISENHOWERbeautifully wooded. For more N.Y. SchoolDistrict. Beautiful days,448-8933 eves. GALLERY OF HOMES. information call Nassau Home views. Several spectacular Business Business Builders, Inc. 609-921-0070. residential buildmgs sites. $50000. Reply Box #01504, 50 ACRES-- High, wooded. Pr nceton Packet. Properties Properties OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT zoned,residential-agricultural -- central NassauSt. Smallor 2100ft. frontage,can be sold in HILLSBOROUGH-- beautiful large avail, now low rent. 2 parcels, Call us for par- 3 acre building lot, well & OFFICESPACEavailabIc--5 LAWRENCi~.VILLEoffice Telephonesecretarial services ticulars. 20 ACRES& 31 septic required. Will consider EXCLUSIVELOTS -- in Elm rooms. Off street parking space centrally located on available. 609-924-2040. ACRESzoned general in- terms. Asking $20,990. ’ RidgePark, 1½ acres, $30,000 center of Hightstown.Cal 609- Franklin Corner Road near dustrial, Many more fine KARNS REAL ESTATE, & up.Princeton prestige area. Oneof sixteenoriginal Nilsen designs at CharlestonRiding II 448-0506. After 5pro 609-448. Route 206. Reasonable price. listings available. Call MID- Realtor, 201-359-1313or 526- HaroldA. Pearson,609-737- 6654. 609-896-1850, JERSEY REALTY,201-359- 6400. 2203. in the Princeto~area at Pennington.;~6 woodedsites, PRINCETON-- 7500 sq.ft, of 3444,201-297-4700. OFFICE-- 1 Palmer Square, primeoffice space in excellent manyof whichare in variousstages of completion. OFFICESPACE FOR RENT - Princeton Prime professional location on main thoroughfare NEW HOPE-SOLEBURY ELMRIDGE ROAD - 18 acres 800 sq. ft. Rt. 130 &Princeton office available, immediate directly across from Princeton AREA--Beautiful woodedlot, bordering The Stony Brook, OverS100,000. Road, Carduners Shopping occupancy, 3 room suite, Airport. Immediate oc- BUILDERSATTENTION -- 2 1.6 acres,, perc. app/’oved approve~, perc 1 location. Center. Call 609-448-0574. cupancy, unlimited parking. lots for sale, water & sewer, $39,900.Call 215-794-5561. Beautifm area with great BUILDING ARTS CENTER approx.475 sq.R. 609-924-8200. Boroughof lii~ghistown. Write potential. $35,000:T.ermB. 609- Call 609-924-8700or 201-822- 12 - 5 every day or by appointment (609) 737-2131 6046. WHH#0847, Box 146, Hight- 9~-1174or your OroZer. PROFESSIONALOFFICE -- stown. OIRECTIONB:Travel North or South Hamilton Square, developing PRINCETONSTORE -- for FOR SALE BY OWNER-- on1-95 to ChePennington- Rt.31 exit. area of new homes creates rent. Witherspoon Street. 9.231 tillable acres. 548’ A LIVINGENVIRONMENT FROM#~ opDorttmityfor establishing a Established ’IV & stereo BUSINESS PROPERTY for PEACE& QUIET -- on farm frontage. Convenientlocation, Buyersand Sellers meet every ....A...O -,.n~=~’~lYtadice.~Will rent or repair serviceand/orsnitable sole-- DowntownCranbury. land assessed 30 acres, 7 miles Harbourton, NJ area. $40,000 weekIn the Classified Pagesof ~r~lesLR~ght turn, graeeed paet Main St. 5200sq.ft. Yearly income The Packet Newspapers. blacktO Abey Or.. rightturn to fur- *La.r. accept partnership of nil or for other business or office. approx.$20,000. For ap- Princeton. Field, woods, or best offer. D. Audria, 3610 nished model .... %.rtaas part of 2400sq.ft, early 1978. Reasonablerent. 609-924-9633 pointmentcall 609-655-8796. brook. $55,000. Ownerevenings Bruce Drive, SE. Warren, 609-799-2235. or 609-737-9377. 201-359-3684. Ohio44484. HOME HUNTER’,f GUIDE ...... J ",..2. .~. ’ Tharsday, November17, 1977 "’.. 19-B

HURRYTHIS ONEWON’T LAST LONG. We’ve got an offering you can’t refuse. 2 bedrooms, living room, cat-in kitchen and bath plus front porch, INC. patio and 2 car garage, plus nearly 3 acres. This is truly an offering you can’t refuse at $45,000. Call us right away. THE WONDERFULWINDSORS EASY CARE CAP]~ COD Set on 2 acres of woodland, 3 bedrooms and bath with that extra room for someone’s hobbies, projects or daydreams, a 2 car detached garage will hold your Seville or your Beetle plus there is a full 2ndfloor with all kinds of p6asibiUtles. All this A HOMETO BE PROUDOF HORSES? and more- call us today. $69,900. Yourfamily deserves "the best of everything," 3 + acre estate withFederal period main house, andhere it is. Largecustom Colonial with center gtmdbarns and outbuildings¯ rental cottage,of- entrancehall, first class kitchen,tkeplaces in rice.|loree stalls; bridlepaths nearby.. ACREAGE both the living roomand familf room. An Offeredat $19S.000. O abundanceof closetand storage space. West side, PrincetonTownship. Offeredat $159,900. Cluster Zoned MontgomeryTownship - Beautiful flowing stream, 42.4 acres¯ $220,000. BEAUTIFUL,32.5 acres with a view, terms to qualified buyer. $5,500/acre. RENTALS LET’S MAKENO BONESABOUT IT. This newly listed Hight- Large 3 bedroom house in Hopewell Township stown Bore home needs some work. The present owners have been with 2½ baths, dininz room, family room with transferred and must sell, although living here for only a short while. fireplace, living room, den and laundry room. With 3 generous bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, a huge living room, ntodern Available immediately $475. kitchen, family room and dining room, this 2 story homeis read)’ to inspect. There is also an in-ground swimmingpool and plenty of oft- HOPEWELL-- 3 bedroom and bath house with street parking. Located on a quiet bore street. Call us today. living room, dining room, family room, kitchen, CLEAN.COZY, COMF¢)RTABLE PRINCETONTOWNSHIP - NEW LISTING ...... Asking $43,500. sewing room, basement and garage. Available Andyou’ll love it! Stonefront Colonialwith Seeit today¯ it won’tbe on the marketlong! 4 Dec. 18. $450. fireplacein the livingroom. extra large dining bedroom,21.~ hath Colonial with panelled study. room.kitchen with breakfast area. study, I~ bath porch,fireplace in the living room.Central air LLI andscreened porch all onthe first floor, conditioning:pretty lot. Offeredat $126,000. REALTY $66.500. WORLD .iI- - (~) LAURENCER. MAY, INC. Route 518, Blawenburg Somerset~ MercerCo. ’4 466=244 MultipleLhdng Ser,’ices

INVESTMENTOPPORTUNITY IN TOWN...... YOURSFOR THE ASKING is this East Windsor delight. With 3 or 4 2 family house in Griggstown. Each ...anti close to schools,shopping, public tran- bedrooms, a large entry fever comfortable family room with sliding apartmenthas onebedroom and one bath: gross sportation!We offer this pretty CapeCod with 3 doors that lead to a patio and enclosed yard Iwoodedtoo! l, this well HILTON incomepresently $575 per monthand h offered bedrooms,11~ baths. Offeredat $72,500. ntaintained home is located in a most desirable neighborhc~)d. for sale at $S3,S00. ItEALTYCO. of I’RINCETON.INC. P.S. Canbe convertedinto a 4-bedroom,2 bath Alunfinumsiding, 2 car attached garage, central air conditioning and singlefamily house. plenty of wall to wall carpeting. Ten minutes to Princeton Junction on a wooded lot at ...... $73,500,

! ?~" Ruth AnnWglard AudreyC. Short. Broker 163 Nassau Street Mary’Schafer Princeton, N.J. BarbaraBenedict Rita Margolis MargaretA. Dennehy 921-9222 DorothyOpFenhelm AnnetteSchwed Salh. W.B ake ’ 1 Open 7 days a week KatherineG. Wert ~] REALTY WORLD Sunday 12-4 MarjorleG. White .

WESTERN SECTION OF PRINCETON TOWNSHIP ON OVER TWO WOODED ACRES- Brick Ranchwith 4 to 5 bedrooms, central air conditioning, swimmingpool and cabana. All custom built and designed by architect. OLD FASHIONEDel]ARM: This old home with late of character features a large spacious living room, formal dining room and a modern ~=~ kitchen. With 4 bedroomson the second floor and. 9on the third, there’s 19,1 NassauStreet ¯ 921-6061) See Our Other Ads. plenty of room for the family whoneeds to spread out! Located close to 1.131:~.~,~f~ shopping, schools and transportation, and ready to he seen by ap- pointment ...... $.54,500. t’ /i RealEstate Real Estate / For Sale For Sale REALTYWORLD"

TWIN RIVERS -- FOUR TWIN RIVERS TOWNROUSE BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, - 2 bedroomsplus den with l’/z Comingat you. GrowingStrong! FIVE MAJOR APPLIANCES, baths. Prettiest & most con- PARTIAL BASEMENT WITH venient QuadI location. House UTILITY SINK, MINT includes 5 major upgraded AMERICA’SFASTEST GROWING REAL ESTATE GRouP. CONDITION HOME FOR appliances c/a moneysaving ONLY $44,900. DDR- thermopane windows & DIDONATO REALTORS, screens large in-ground gas Serving over 100 communities in the Delaware Valley. DESIGNED FOR HAPPY LIVING: You’ll find charm and con- INC.(609)449-6555. grill, semi.finished basement venienee plus pleasure in this four bedroombi-level desigmed for happy solarian floors, carpeting & Youcan be part of America’sfastest i’)l.O,,.Sde.t.’~)u t’,ilh theHtost e>.tcnsb.’e real Anir~temationa[ refen’a] ser,/ico and all must more.Inside & outside of as~qliveadvertising prcx~mm are all l~trt living. Twobaths, powderroom, large closets, central air conditioning, MOUNTAINVIEWAREA -- house recently painted & in ~’otgSn9real estateorganization - a estateIrainin 9 avai[ai’~]eall.t’~t.hel’e. Our plenty of wall to wall carpeting, customshades and matchingwallpapers. Contemporary rancher set move.in condition. Asking groupof strong indMdualbrokel~ united closedcircuil "IX;Itainin9 pro, gram is the ot whatReal~’ V,.~)tld can pro~.ide [or ~)ur You’ll like the house, the location - and the price. Wortlt your time to well back from the road on 7.0 $37,000.609-448-7134. to giveprofessional real estate service. onl.t,one of i!’s kindin iN.’ intlusnyRealq.’ business. . $58,000. acres, convenient to 1-95. 3 b.brldmember btokels tl:.,e tl~e mostad Sinceall RcaI~,}~.brld offices are investigate. Newto the market and ready to be seen¯ ...... bedrooms 2a& baths, Asa Real~~3.brld memberbroker delightful screened porch plus ~,ouhave all the advantagesof being part VallCedIllal’kelill~ techllitltle~ ~lld .,kl]e~, inctelxmclcntly~v)tecl..t’ou have all the a huge lower level with plenty MOVING-MUST SELL- of aninlematiorta] ~’oup. without aklsavailable toda~ i~cluding Realscope resotlrcesO[ i111 inten’~ationa[orgalli~Mioi] of work and hobbyareas. Very REDUCEDTO $44,000. Twin sacnlicin9 ~,ourindMduali~.’ Realscope.a Realty: t.%dd exclusive. ’,’,~lhotll sacfificillg controlof !;otlr busiltcss. unique property. ELLIOTT Rivers Quad Ill - 4 bdrm Rcal~brklmeans business for ~.ou. provideshome bu.tvl3 ’,;ilh a lull.color It" .t’( )tl tVaTHto ~tOtV and be l:k~ 11of REALTYCO., Realtor, 609- twnhse,upgraded appliances, 77t-9133.Eves &Sun, 215-297- ra~leacarpeting no-wax Youreceive all the ma~etingtools, per. photo,zlral’~hictour(if a se]lelsholl]U i)) the Iorl~onott"breal estate iltduslt.X,, we dl’~e 5319. ~ogors tiledentry, newly sonneltraining andadvertising V3u need convenience¢:,f thc l’~ealt.t ~3.brld broker’~ ~.~v.~to callus toda.~ paintedinsiue & out, attic fan, 1o make.tour business rooF2 stlccess{uL of rio_,. In addition,our brokers have a "fi~till findReal~’~ABrld is a ~orld humidifier, barbeque, newly Withour recruiting and ~ainilrg pro~ants colnl)]ek,seleclk)n of castomi/.~.’dsales ot differtmce. landscaped hackyard. Near aids.and i)lt)fe.’,sionally coordinated mail. MANVILLE-- Colonial, 4 pools, tennis, shopping, .t’ou will am,’aclmore profesfional real bedrooms, formal dining ing piecesavailable for their exclusiveuse. family room, lovely schools.NYC busline. MUST estatepersonnel to .tourbusiness, tab room, a spacious BE SEEN -- NO BROKERS, , kitchen enclosed 609-443-5593. FOR MOREINFORMATION CALL BILL KINSEY AT {215) 353-6770. YOU’I) BETTERIIURRY to see onr newest East Windsor listing, tl treed I/4 acre lot. With fo trgenerousbedrooms,-/2 baths, a step down dining room Call us to see this ira- EAST WINDSORCOLONIAL - and a bright antl air)" kitchen, this outstanding cohmial is within 4 bdrm2% batha/c, cul-de- maculately kept home. Only sac,f rpce, ,,~. + acre.$82,0o0. walking distance to the elementary school. There’s also a woodbur- $55,000. 609-443-1955. ning fireplace snrrounded by built-in bookcases and a two car attached MONTGOMERY-- Ranch on garage. Callus fordetails ...... $74¯500. 3 lovely landscaped and wooded roiling acres, 3 BE OUR GUEST ,,,o,,, bedrooms, panel~ Sat. Nov19, l-4pm family room, den dining OPEN ROUSE FORSALE roam, wall/wall carpets, a 95 LINE RD country kitchen, full WASIIINGTONTWP. basement, breezeway and Stately Colonialwith 4 corner @IEN-- ON garage, and 2 small barns. bdrms2t, k baths, on large REALTORS Asking $71,~ corner lot. 16x32 inground MID-J ERSEYREALTY pool, beautiful w/wcarpeting throughout and much, much ( .il !.} ¯ Rt. 206, Belle Mead,N.J. more. $74,900. Directions: 4 CharltonStree ewJersey 08540 201-35!b3444 from Five Points in Mer- 201-297-4700 cerville, go East onto Not- REALTYWORLD tingham Way,left on Mercer St. bear left onto LineRd. DDR sa-6zT0 Service Pr up MultipleListing Sendce large bedrooms,2 baths,living DIDonatoRealtors & family rooms. Laundry 2801NottinghamWay room.Central air & carpeting Trenton,NJ throughout.By owner. 201-359- 609-586-2344 0280.

J ,L ~ A ~"’ HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE ¯ " -,. .’," ’ ." ’ " ’: Thursday, November17,1977 "’. 20.B

Grand Opening 6 /2 o mtgs!Noclos "ng costs! Only 10%down! 25 year terms! Only17 homesremain (even miracles have limits).

Treat your financesand fulfill your fanlasies in a romantic, but equally appealing features about timber and glass designer townhouseon a hill Village 2. Like a modemHeat Pumpto keep overlooking NewHope, Pa. Join a very private, your homeand budget comfortable. The finest established communitywhere your hardest work appliances available. And prices and financ- is planning your leisure. Swimin any of three ing that makeup in value what they lack in sheer pools, including one with a congenial cocklail romance.Just hur~ With only 19 townhousesleft, .’\ .o, a newconcept m luxury housing lounge. Play tennis or paddle love al first site makesperfect \\~\,\ tennis. Glide downthe ski slope or sense, \__ across the ice. Or just relax in a Sales office and models open delightful Frenchrestaurant. daily. For details and directions, You’ll also discover other less call [215] 862-2091.

.... .<. . v~-~ ; ~" . ~’.::’~%~":~’ff-;j.~ , "~-;’= ~ - .. k "~ (’4- Y-J;~! ."’,~’~.;’~ ,...2:;,, i!!aggo2. "~ " ~" ,~.~/i:., - .’..,...... ’ " ’. " ¢ " " ¯ "’X~’" Awardwinning Traditional andContemporary Townhouses priced from $39,900to $59,900. LAWRENCE TWP. PRINCETON ADDRESS FIVEHOUSES ALREADY SOLD | These magnificent contemporaries are designed for the particular family and feature large gracious entertainment areas under dramatic cathedral ceilings, foyer galleries, libraries with wet bars, downstairs master suites with luxurious bath (stall showerand oversized tub) and lots of storage. Three different plans are available and variations on each plan are possible. Designed by Short AndFord, a Princeton architectural firm, these homeswill be constructed with the finest quality materials and craftsmanship. Aunique feature of this project is its country cinb environment. Thirty four homeswill be built on 50 rolling country acres. Access is from an entrance gate which can only be opened by a card or an intercom hamresidents’ homes. Twenty acres will be ownedby HomeownerAssooation. Tennis courts will be provided by the builder. Other lacilities can be elected by the HomeownerAssociation. Additional features include zoned heating and air-conditioning systems, insulated glass throughout, oversized two ear garage with atttomatie door openers, city water and city sewer. Commutingto NewYork is excellent via train at Princeton Jct. or by bus to the Port Authority. The bus stops at Province Hill on Route 206. Please call, and we’ll tell youall about it and showyou the architect’s plans in our office or on the site! Prices start at $136,000.

¯. homeol the professionals! ~"Chan t ry SpecialistS" JOH N T HOME OF THE WEEK EXTRAORDINARYCOLONIAL WITH MAIN- TENANCE.FREEEXTERIOR - Custom Details - Luxurious conveniences - Many closets and @IENDEI ON storage space - gourmet kitchen - brick wall R EALTORS fireplace with separateenclosed barbeque grille - Hopewell B~eMead outstanding features - 4 corner bedrooms-. 2 HopewellHouse $quat:e 4 CharltonStreet Route 206 ceramic tile baths - Welcomingcherry wood Hopewell,New jersey 06525 Princeto. n, NewJersey ~ Belle Mead, NewJersey panelled family room - Delightful gameroom - (609) 466-2550 (609) 921-2776 (201)874-5191 ALL THIS ON 1¾ ACRE TREED LOT. GREAT VALUE $97,000.

HILTON - : ~ _ It EALTYCO. of PRINCETON,INC. GEORGIANCOLONIAL WITH DRAMATICBEAUTY - Circular stairwayoff interesting foyer. Eleven large rooms- 5 private bedrooms.MAID’S WING SEE THE LIGHTS TWINKLE ON THE RIVER WITH CERAMICTiLE BATH. 3½ ceramic tile Wejust discovered this architecturally designed contemporary that sits baths, YOUROWN PRIVATE BALLROOMplus high on a bluff with a birds eye view of the Delaware River and into the panelled family room with cozy brick fireplace. quaint village of NewHope, plus total seclusion in the 2 acre wooded EXCLUSIVEDETAILS. $12S,000. setting perlcct for this custombuilt 2 bedroomhome that features indirect lighting, massive stone fireplace, full wall of thermopaneglass and a raised balcony. For the treat of your life visit this beauty for a "night OPEN HOUSE scene" and "watch the lights twinkle and dance on the fiver". Un- WOODLANE ESTATES believable for ...... $85,900. Saturday& Sunday- 1-4 P.M.

INDIVIDUALLY DE.SIGNED- CUSTOMQUALIW CONSTRUCTION.CHARMING DETAILS - BROWSE S BEDROOMCOLONIAL LOCATEDON A WEIDEL REAL ESTATE THRUTHESE UNIQUE HOMES. From $87,790 QUIETSTREET. Ideal for the growingfamily, DIRECTIONS~ Route 206 to ColdSoil Roadto first righton REALTORS- INSURORS WoodLane to homes. .in excellentcondition. Route 31 ¯ Pennington,N. J. 737-1500 Real Estate Real Estate 194 NassauSeeOurOtherStreet .Ads. 921-6060 r~EAttO~" For Sale For Sale Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Lawrenceville,N.J. 609-896-000S OPENHOUSE - Quad I, 4 BR HIGHTSTOWN- handyman’s end unit. 28 CovingtonDr, Sun delite! 3 bdrm, 2 story stucco For Sale For Sale For Sale on deeplot, $31,000. Real Estate RealEstate M~dNov.m’s.20th &27th, 2pro to 5 pro. Real Estate Real Estate DOWNTOWNSEHGEANTS- TWIN RIVERS QUADIII-3 COUNTRYESTATE -- Off For Sale For Sale For Sale DIDONATOVILLE-Once the village bedroom Townhouse. Walking River Road. Spacious5 For Sale Re¢itors Sl~-1344 blacksmith shop, now a distencetoschools, bus&pool, bedroom,2t,~ bath Rancheron __ ~ - FOR SALE BY OWNER fabulous cookware,fine chi~, A/C, upgraded carpeting, secluded 2~/~acre setting of tNVESTMENT/RESIDENCE . cutlery and toy snop, wire frost free refrig., self cleaning lush lawns, mature plantings TWINRIVERS- 3 BR twnhse, TWIN RIVERS -- Avon TWIN RIVERS -- Quad IV, 3 TWIN RIVERS CON- t CENTER PRINCETON and woOds& pond. Entrance end unit, upgrdedcpt& appls, Village,large 2 bedroom2 BOROUGH MA~E - Co--m-~tely’ attractive living quarters, or oven, tiled entrance hall,, patio, gasgrill, +muchmore. bath Condominium,aa ap- bedroom,2Va bath townhouse. DOMINIUM-- lower lake excellentlccationformosta~ copper wiring. Low40’s. 609. foyer, living room with Excellent location, patio, gas view, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, e/a, renovated insioe & out. 2 business. ELLIOTTREAL 4434398. fireplace, dining room,eat-in Convenien[location. For sate pliances,nicely decorated,b grill and other extras. Askmgnewly carpeted, new ap- Completely renovated older bedrooms. $39,000. Call 201- CO., Realtor, 609-771-9133, kitchen, den and family rocm. by owner.. 609-443-5990 pool,clubhouse, storage. $42,500.Clal 609-443-1591after pliances garden patio, Boroughhouse. Currently two .5344%7or 201-526-0~2.- , eves & Sun, 609-397.0420or 215- ~ Finished basement rumpus evenings & weexena. $27,500.609-448-9319. 8pmor weekends, apartments under leases until 297-5319. room with fireelace, double sacrifice. 609-482-1382. May31 1978. Good investment TWIN RIVERS -- ONE BEDROOMONE BATH END ~ TWIN RIVERS TWNRSE-- carport, roofeit patio and (or livein one rent other) Beautilnilydecora!ed.eedunit ~reenhouse..A great family easily converted to single UNIT VILLA CONDOWITH BYOWNER nomewith p,enty of room for ROSSMOOR -- Revere TWIN RIVERS -- Twnhse TWO SEPARATE EN- 2 BR Townhouse, 1½ baths, on prime tot. F~msnoo?sem.nt .REMODELED18 Century TWIN HIVERS -- 3 bedroom family residence. Downstatrs with office. Centrat atr, .the indoor or outdoor en- cooperative 5-1/4%mortgage, QuadIV 2 BH1½ bath, excel ususe on 15 to 125 acres. Or detached, facing farms. 2Vz LH, BR, K and hath; upstairs TRANCES AND PATIO - lvrm, dnrm, eat-in kit, fin thusiast. Convenientto 1-95 2 bedrooms 2 baths, open loc, beaut lndscp, semi fin buy land with out house. SBR, baths, central air, wlwcar- OFFERING YOU A bsmt w/wet bar, patio, s/s, upgraded appliances, no-wax LR,2BR’s,K and bath’ cellar’ kitchen floor, thermopane and Princeton commuting, patio 5 rain. walk to all ae- hsmt, C/o, S/s, hmdf, many 2~z baths, 3 car detached peting, ceramic tile entry, and attic storage, small PRIVATE WORLD AT w/wcpt, C/a, pools, & tennis extras. Mint Cond. $36,500. garage, room for horses, $27,900. DDR-DIDONATO tivitiesLovelygarden.ieeludingCallN’Y’for bus.ap. other extras. Walkto schools, private yard. Call 609-~7-2117 TwlnC°UrtS’Rivers.G°°d$39,900.commuting"areasWma°WS’andCIosebus,tOMidSCnOOls,40,s.609.rcc CO.,$110’000’Realtor,ELLIOTT609-771-9133,REALTY 609-443-5219 after 7:30 & ,65RE55.ALTORS,INC. (609) 448- wknds, ""afterAllent°wn7pro. area.609-289-7989 448-6471.shopping’NYbus. $30,900. 609- $79,000.after6PrlncipalsPm andonly.WooKenus’ f~9.448-4381 448-3729. Eves &Sun., 215-287-5319. pointment.609-655-2631.

...... t" ...... L t HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE Thursday,November 17, 19 7 7 2 I’B Real Estate f( ¯ ¯ RESIDENTIAL ’, ~ ¯ COMMERCI;LLfsr.’, For Sale f * INDUSTRIAL193¢

CAPECOD NEAR PEDDLE SCHOOL: This lovely Hightstown homeis locatedright aroundthe cornerfrom the Peddle Schoolcampus ona nicelylandscaped lot withplenty of shade L.ANDSPECIALISTS trees.The centrally air conditionedhouse has a largeliving CExclusive Memberf " t DIAL448-0600 room,dining area, kitchen with breakfast bar, family room with 231 ROGERSAVE., HIGHTSTOWN knotty pine panelling, four bedrooms,two fuel baths, basement,and a 2 eargarage. There is alsoa 12x14 covered WL,bare copies of "l’ret:errcd )archacross the backof the house...... $56,900. IIo01eS" magazines from cities aod to’.~ns across the Ilatioll illld can rrangcfor you to get any additional in- TWIN RIVERS HOMES FOR LIVING [ornlatioll ~IF|I rcqoJre, AFFORDABLECONDO:Excellent 3 yearold condominiumwith all appliances,central air, wallto wallcarpeting, balcony, modern COZYAND WARM,with two ADULTCOMMUNITY: Clearbrook Condominium Resales. Two ., fireplaces to warmyou durit kitchen,living room,dining room, ceramic bath and 15 x 16 bedroomapartments to threebedroom singe family homes with the cold winter ahead. Livit bedroom.Only $23,900. garage.Security, maintenance, golf, swimming,appliances, club room, dining room, uuener house,resales starting at S35.800. IMMACULATECONDO: Super 2 bedroom.2 full bathmaintenance family room 3 bedrooms,an, TAKEYOUR PICK! WALLTO WALL freefirst floor condomlniumin desirable lake condolocation. 2 baths. Extras inc ude wall to Modernkitchen, barge foyer, lovelyliving/dining eominbation, wall carpet, washerand dryer, CARPETOR A FIREPLACE.POSSIBLE SHADEDRANCH: Many large treessurround this excellentranch and a beautiful inground pool slatepatio, central air, all appliances,and more. $26,500. homeon a 70x 212lot in EastWindsor. Featuring 21’ living room, forsummerfun. Offered for TOGET EITHER ONE WITH THE PUR- COUNTRYHOME: Located outside of Hightstownin EastWin- largecat-in kitchen, panelled den, 3 amplebedrooms, ceramic $66,900 VALUEPLUS: Quiet Quad II location, 3 bedrooms,1½ baths, CHASEOF THIS HOME.CALL FOR dsorTownship, this countryhome has a living room,large oat- modernkitchen, finished basement, all appliances,seller will bath,enclosed porch, deck and much more. S39,900. in kitchen,mud room, three bedrooms andbath. There is a 100 PRETTYAND F’IIACTICAL: DETAILS am.electric service, oil fired baseboardheat, and copper plum- participatein closingcosts. Call now $35,500. This home in a quiet bing ...... $33,000. SPLITCOLONIAL: Lovely 100 x 20CE. Windsorsite framesthis residential location in VALUE PLUS FOR THAT LARGEFAMILY¯ Four FRESHLYPAINTED: Recently repainted interior endin move-in specioussplit colonial.Foyer, 25’ living room,formal dining, extra Hightstownoffers living room condition.Excellent Ouad IV townhousewith large living, formal largeeat-in kitchen, family room, 4 largebedrooms, 2 ~h baths, 32’ w/fireplace, kitchen w/dish. bedrooms,2 ½ baths, eat-in kitchen, dining room, ’dining,combination kitchen and family room, 3 largebedrooms, living room,family room,utility roomwith outside enclosedsun porch, basement, 2 car garage,energy saving extra washer, Florida room 2 ½baths, full basement,all appliances, carpeting and more. insulationand attic fan,all appliances,16x 32above ground pool, bedroom and bath on first entrance, central air, oversized 2 car garage. $311,900. floor. 2 small roomsupstairs. storageshed and more 1S8,900. Aluminumsiding adds to the Excellent condition- goodlandscaping - on a quiet SUPERASSUMPTION: Less than 10%down can assumethe practical side. Just listed at cul de sac ...... $50,900. existingVA mortgage on this excellentQuad IV townhouse.Large SUPERSPLIT: Lovely 7 yearold split level homeon a well $37,500 living room,formal dining, combination kichen/family room, 3 manicured100 x 200site in EastWindsor. Featuring gracious SPRINGCREST largebedrooms, 2½baths, full basementwith partitionedroom foyer,piano size sunken living ram,formal dining, 19’ modern eat- OI.I)EIt IIIGIITSTOWN A vewattractive CapeCod in Hightstown. Large andmore $3%900. in kitchen,26’ family room,4 large bedrooms,2½ baths, IIOME: Nestled among living roomwith fireplace, formal dining room,4 SUPERSINGLE: One third acreprivate corner lot framesthis single basement,garage, quality carpeting and more $59,900. several very large trees, we bedrooms, 2 full ceramic baths. Jaleusied find this lovely older home family in QuadI1. Over22’ living/dining combinationwith containing 6 rooms, full breezeway connecting house and large 2 car 3/4 ACRELOT IN WASHINGTONTOWNSHIP: 8 room rancher fireplace, eat-in kitchen,3 large bedrooms,2½ baths, full QUALITYSPLIT: Lovely split levelhome on a halfacre site in East basementplus a 2 car garage, aara¢le.Central air andlovely landscaping. with manyextras including stone front, 45’ club roomin basement,garage, all appliances,slate foyer and more $52,900. Windsorwith room to spare.Gracious foyer, beamed ceiling living basementwith barE:J, bath,carpeting throughout, paneled Steel siding adds beauty and ...... Reducedto $61,000. roomwith brick fireplace, formal dining, cat-ln kitchen, family minimizes maintenance. breezewayw/double insulated windows, above ground pool, 2 roomwith brick fireplace,plus 5, yes5 bedrooms,2½baths, $49,500 car garage,fenced yard. HOME OFTHE WEEK basement,2 car garage,and much more $69,900. TWIN RIVERS ...... $69.900. EASTWINDSOR. ltANCIIER: 4 bedroomTownhouse - End Unit. Central Air, This reasonably priced ran- fully carpeted.Superb condition ...... $47,000. cher offers living room, WOODEDCHARM: Picturesque 170 x 197 woodedsite in the modern kitchen w/dining desirableBirchwood section of WestWindsor. Top 8 yearold area, 3 bedrooms, and bath, PEDDIESCHOOL AREA colonialhome with center hall, living room,formal dlninq, 21’ Central air cond., manyextras Fine large two stow homeon South Main Street. familyroom with fireplace, huge eat-in kitchen, 5 bedrooms,2 ½ included.Large 236x107 lot. Foyer, 2 living rooms, formal dining room, baths,2 car garageplus central air, patio,carpeting throughout andmore $109,000. $45,9OO breakfast room. 5 bedrooms,2 baths, large attic ~~~~’ -"-:: .: and full basement.2 car garage. Wall to wall IIOUSE PLUS APARTMENT: CONTEMPORARYRANCH:Brand new custom ranch on just under e Located in East Windsoron a carpet in living roomand dining room. A great buy I00x364 lot and includes a for a growing family ...... $54,500. a full acrein WashingtonTownship. 21’ living roomwith stone living room dinin- room fireplace,formal dining, ultra modernkitchen, den with brick kitchen, 3 be~rooms,’~athan~ fireplace,4 largebedrooms, 2 ½baths, fuel basement with 2 extra basement.In back of the house CONDOMINIUM finishedrooms, 2 cargarage, central air andvacuum, huge patio is a large building which All en first floor - I bedroom,living room,dining andmany more custom extras $97,500. contains a four room apart- area, fully equippedkitchen, carpet throughout, FOURBEDROOMS: Lovely four bedroom,2 story colonialhome on GRACIOUS2 STORY: Charming, older 2 story homeon a well menl. A beautiful home for central air, patio ...... $27,500. COZYCAPE COD: Located on a quiet, dead-endstreet in a top 100x 200site in EastWindsor. Gracious foyer, bay win- yourself plus an income Hightstown,this pretty capecod home offers a living room, dowedliving room,formal dining, ample eat-in kitchen, separate wooded70x 170site [n the quaintviflage of DutchNeck in West producing apartment to help Windsor.All largerooms including foyer, living room,formal RENTALS: eat-inkitchen, and two bedrooms onthe first floor. Thereare laundryroom, family room, 1 ½baths, full basement,plus garage, with expenses. $58,500 twomore rooms upstairs. Includedwith the houseare the patio andmore $56,900. dining, cat-in kitchen,laundry, 4 bedrooms,1½ baths, full I BedroomApt. washerand dryer, andan 18’ abovethe groundpool with basement,large screenedporch, 2 car garageand more. They COUNTItY PItOPERTY: Offices - downtownlocation, Call for particulars. deck.There is a full basementunder the house. Convenient to. don’tbuild them like this anymore.Call now $74.900. Five + acres with two schoolsand shopping area ...... $3S.900. dwellings. Onetwo story home and one incomplete ranch CONVENTIONALMORTGAGESAVAILABLE style home. Property can be ASLOW AS5% DOWN TOQUALIFIED BUYERS sub-divided.520 ft. frontsge on 4441.2121" MEMBERMULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE N.J. Rt. 539.Price 157,000 CatherineChristie I~1~’ LEONARD VAN HISE AGENCY HowardBlrdsall 4411.1934 Office: 609-448-4250 2S9-9405 EAST WINDSORBUSINESS ¯ EflaPoscale r~ E ALTOg ’ 160Stockton Et. Hlghtstown,N.J. I.OCATION: 2 story home AfterIlours t~ Sund,) Cath w/aluminumsiding, 7 rooms . VanIlim .I-I~l-tl0.12 and 2 baths, 2 car expanded E.’l’urp .14~t-2131 garage. Extras include all JeanEsch .I-lll-1178 carpe.ts, G.E. refrigerator Real Estate Real Estate curtains and shades. C ty WEEKOAYS9 to 9 -- Sot.a Sun.till S:00 water and sewer. $49,500 For Sale For Sale ROUTE130. JUSTNORTH OF PRINCETON.HIGHTSTOWN Re. PEDDLE SCIIOOL AREA: MANVILLE SERVINGMERCER COUNTY AND SUEROUNDING AREAS This 2~z story older homehas KENDALLPARK -- 3 BR Ranch,3 bedrooms,large bath, living f:t dining manynice features including a 39 VIRGINIAAVE.:. Trenton ranch, with l½ baths, living uew stone fireplace -- 7 room semi-brick, newly room, dining rOOm,kitchen & room, recreation room, L-shapedcustom bar and aluminum siding, new roo~ decorated. 2 lots and garage. panelled family roomon well utility shed ...... $49,900Takes All and manymore.Foyer, living Call 609-396-1184. landscaped lot, backing onto room, dlning room, kitchen, woods.Features include newly MANVILLE¯ RANCH family room or 5th bedroom remodeledinterior & privacy. and bath on the first floor; 3 BY OWNERin Cranbury - 8 Call .for details 201.021.9038 Aluminum siding, 3 bedrooms, wall-to-wall bedroomsand bath on the 2nd roomsplit level, 21/2 baths, 2 after S:30pm. carpeting, macadamdrive, fenced yard. This and 41h bedroomor stud o on car garage, large landscapec]. $43,900. the third floor. Ahome with a lot with aboveground pool and wouldbe a terrific starter home...... lot of potential that must be mini barn storage shed. TWIN RIVERS - 2 BDRM. MERCERCOUNTY I REAL ESTATE South Main St., Hlghtstown, N.J. seen to be appreciated. $49,900 $65,000.Call 609-655-1463. T.H. ENDUNIT. FINISHED BSMNT. MOVE-IN CON- 27-plus acres, 1450 ft. road frontage, partial COMMERCIALLOCATION: DITION. ONLY$35,500. VA woodland. Sacrifice - $2890 per acre. Terms II Salesmen:J. WesleyArcher ,148-21F)7 Excellentlocation for office or ATTRACTIVE-- 1~/2 story OR FHA FINANCING FOR available. professional use on U.S, Route Cape Cod, clean, well kept QUALIFIED BUYERS¯ J. W.Archer ,148-1867 130 in East Windsor.Consists STEELE, ROSLOFF & MIDDLESEX¯ BRICKRANCH Asa Mowe 395-I071 house on Oak Lane. Call ll,nrs: q-5Daily D, of 120x200 lot and a ranch between 6 & 8pm any evening SMITH,REALTORS. 609-448. INSURANCE house which includes living for details. Ltsted by owner. 8811. Won’t last. Custombuilt brick ranch, 4 bedrooms, room, dining room, kilehcn, 609.448-3517. 1 ½baths, wall-to-wall carpeting, living 8- dining Don’t Wait to buy Real Estate; buy Real Estate and wait T.V. room, three bedrooms bath 19x24 family room an~ SO. BRUNSWICK-- 6 RM, 3 room,air conditioning, garage. Investment Possibilities basement. Ca i for further BDRM, 2 FULL BATH ...... First, $45,900. information. 175,000 TWIN RIVEP~S - NEW RANCH LG. L.R. WITH AFFORDABLEHOME - Here’s what you’ve LISTING.3 BDR. END UNIT FIREPLACE, FULL BASEMENT OVERSIZED 2 WEALSO HAVE BUILDING LOTS AND ACREAGE SUITABLE been waiting [or. A house can afford and build FIRST FLOOR CON- EXCELLENT LOCATION: FORDEVELOPING, CALLFOR DETAILS. DOMINIUM: This Twin MOVE-INCONDITION. 7-½% CAR GARAGE, PRICED AT up equity. Three bedroomswith a living room and $34,900.STEELE, ROSLOFF Rivers home makes it easy to ASSUMP.ATTIC FAN, FIRST ANDSECOND MORTGAGES AVAILABLE a dining room. All for only $23,900. take that all important step SMOKE ALARM, BAR & SMITH,REALTORS. 609. toward home ownership. STOOLS, ETC. STEELE 446-8811. TO QUALIFIEDBUYERS. b. Living room, dining room, ROSLOFF & SMITH’, CROSSWICKSCHARMER - Possibilities is the kitchen,bedroom and bath.REALTORS. 609..448-8811. TWIN RIVERS -- 4 BDRM "List to Sell ..Sell to Satisfy" name of this home. Could possibly be a three Extrasinclude refrigerator, family investment property. Could possibly be a washer dryer, dishwasher TWIN RIVERS " AVON townhouse new listing super wa towalcarpel throughout. VILLAGE-- i bedroom+ den up-graded house wHmtshed. JOSEPHBIELANSKI AGENCY two family home¯ Of it could possibly be a century $z6,900model. Professionallycarpeted bsemnt w/extra REALTOR old one family¯ Plenty to think about and loads of office or guestrm. Must see to RIGHT decoratedupgraded car- appreciate. Great extras, 212south Main St., Manville,N.J. ideas, Call for details¯ petingcentral air all ap- across from MeKnight Seh. 201-72S-1995 pliances,many custom built- Summeroceup. 609-446-6539. 165 ACRES IN UPPER FREEHOLD TWP. ins,low electrt~c. Willconsider Eves.Call 201-359-3245 rentalwith option. 609-443. ?EALIO[~ ’ MEMBERMULTIPLELISTING SERVICE Majority of the land is clear farm land ready for $2,500 per acre 1634, SEVENROOM HOUSE -- Can, tilling. Ownerwants to sell, be lived in as a 3 or 4 bedroom single familyresidence, or live HORSE’SBOARDED - This 91 acre horse farm TWIN RIVERS -- 2/3 BR in one apartmentand rent the Real Estate Real E’state twnhse,Quad III, It/2baths, other to coverexpenses. As an is ready to go. Comeswith over 50 acres of pad- built-invanities, upgrd cpt, fin investment the two apart- ’ For Sale For Sale dock,a barnand a smallhouse. $3,800 peracre. bsmt, hmdfer,extra in- ments do not bring enough I~o,~TOt:KTO,Vs’r. sulation, gasgrill oversized RT. 130 IN WASHINGTONTWP. - Seven acres IIIGIITSTOII’N.N.J.ga520 rental income to make a .... HERE’S THE ONE FOR YOI,~ - This Home has ’ backyd, many extras, must reasonable profit. Interior of of industriallyZoned land with a numberof" . see to appreciate. 7%assm. houseisinexeellentcoudition; TWINRIVERS - HANDY-TWIN RIVERS- 4 BR split a maintenancefree exterior outside and natural potentialuses. All clear ground and priced right. . 0Or)4’I.~ 4 U-----’^--25"~ mtg. 6o9-4434888. MAN’S SPECIAL, 4 iwnhse, 2~,~ baths C/a trimon the inside.Equipped with three bedrooms exterior needs work. Current upgrdedappl, nowax ceramic CALL FOR DETAILS ~. mortgage of $27000; asking BEDROOM,QUAD IV. EX- anda formaldining room this home is in move-in :"tiler hours& SLinda(’.:ill. price in low 40’s with seeen- CELLENT LOCATION. tile entry hall, Solariumfls. in Wehave rentals available E. Turp ,~46-21Sl dary financing available¯ PRICED FOR QUICKSALE. kit & dnrm, many exlras. condition.All new copper piping and new electric 4~-9042. TWINRIVERS - 3 BReed Priced to sell by owner¯ 609- service.Many extras such as carpeting,three year Callfor Details. R. VanHise tlouse is at No. 260 John St. VA, FHA FOR QUALIFIED l~’e have manyother listings available. Please call ,lemt Eseh . 44R.I 178to-wall house, carpeting,QuadI, some $45,600,new wall- 609- Princeton Township for BUYERS, OR ASSUMPTION. 448-4852. old furnace, dishwasher and many more. Priced appointmentcal 609-924-0746.STEEL, ROSLOFF& SMITH, u.~ either at homeor work as we are eager to help REALTORS,609-448.8811. right at $39,900. ..[B ~f~ ’ 44~’7’ FOR SALE BY OWNER-- you in your search for the right home. TWINRIVERS -- Super Quad PENNINGTON-walk to HS & $27,500 HIGHTSTOWN-- 4 II Iocalion. 3 bedrooms many TWINRIVERS ¯ 2 BRtwnhse, MOVINGOUT OF THE AREA,USE OUR TOLL FREE RELOCATION NUMBEI~ $00-525-8920 ¯ . . bedroom older home many extras including patio= unique quad III upgrded brown shag 5 Yourbest udvertlsmgouy Is a trees & stream on o~’er I/2 faro rm exc. classified ad In The Packet acre lot. Priced for quicksale. family room, air couattloning, cpt, sis fin bsmt, close to $76,500.[arincipa 609. Newspapers. humidifier and attic fan. Lowschools. Mid $30s, 609-448- . Call 609-466-3073. $40’s.609.443-1672. 6957. 737.0039. HOME HUN TE R ’,f GUIDE 22-B Thursday, November17, 1977 Too Late MANVILLE Too Late IMMEDIATE To Classify ToClassify OCCUPANCY Olderstucco finished Cape Cod HOLIDAYGIFT IDEAS! -- PART ITME SECRETARY -- featuring3 cozy’~edrooms, Refinished pine trunks for t permanentposltlon) working nicesiz~ living room,kitchen, your college student. Set of 10 closelywith Directorof cozyden, full bath, full gold rimmedgoblets. Bisque Counseling/EducationCenter. basement,with hot water heat, dolls. An interesting pine Skills:typing telephone, Countrystyle front andrear cutboard, red buttermilk dictaphoneor speed writing. perches.Walking distance to finish on pine, glass doors on 15-20hours per week. RelY. top. A good selection of cut requested.Forappt. call 609. schools,churches 8" shopping glass and mirros. At OWEN’S924-1212. center.Low. Inw taxes.Call ANTIQUES, 77 Main St., now.., won’t last. 5%DOWN Kingston,11-5, Tues-Sun.Open TOQUALIFIED BUYERS. Thurs. & Fri. eves till 9pro SNOW BLOWER -- 3.5hp, ...... $39,500. during December. b~mpletelyrebuilt, $85, SKI MI!.LSTONEAREA BOOTS,1 pr. HansonRiva withhi-back, fits size 9-11,$50, \ HISTORICALZONE 1 PR. EXHIBITIONS$40 fits 5 acreparcel, high end dry. CII)EIt-NUTS-CtlEESE ...... lmg,0es. & size 9-11, ADDINGMACHINE APPLES with printout just reeon. For the holiday table & holiday ditioned, $65.609-466-0767. M/~NVILLE giving. NORTHSIDE QIder2½\story Colonial of- Use our cider in sauces & 8’ FLATBOTTOMBOAT -- feHng3 b~lrooms,nice size stuffings &to baste the holiday exc. shape. $150. 609-4484632. liv!ng room~hugedining room, bird. modernkitchen, laundry room, full bath,finished rac room iq PUMPKINS& FORMICAKITCHEN SET -- 6 basement,macadam ddvevray, APPI,I’:S I:ORPIES chairs, $60. 609466-0308. 2 cargarage. Home [n excal[ent Come see us press cider Condition. 5% down to qualifiedbuyers ..... $45,500. SCRUMPYCIDER MILL Belle Mead, NJ tIOUSEHOLD SALE -- 201-359-244.t everything must go. Living SOMERSET Open7 days, 9-5-m rm, dining rm, bedroom 6 acre partly woodedparcel Turooff Rte 206 at furniture. Regulation pool nearColonial Park. Nice piece Signsfor Carrier Clinic table as is. Call after 5pro,201- for horseranch ...... $#3,000.i Princeton’s MostPerlect House 725-1502. MANVILLE UnderConstruction Custombuilt 5 roomranch Here is our newest listing in the ShadybrookSection. It is absolutely WANTED - PART.TIME DRIVER WANTED-- to featuring3 nicesize bedrooms, perfect in every way. Three bedrooms(all oversized} with 2 full baths and RADIO DISPATCItER.S, deliver lumber and mason cozyliving room, science 2 half baths. The livin¢ room is 13 feet by 23 feet long with a lovely StIIFT WDRK- 6:00 AM- material. Must have gocd 2:00PM: 2:00PM - 10:00pm; kitchen,ceramic tile bath,full fireplace, of course. There’s an oversize dining room with a large bay oriving record and knowledge basement.Convenientto all 10:0~PM - 6:00AM. NEED of Higbtstown-East Windsor shopping, schools and window, chair rail and ceiling molding. The eat-in kitchen was corn-’ RELIABLE PERSONNEL area. Call for appt. 609-448- pletely redone less than two years ago. All nowGeneral Electric equip- ABLE TO WORK ON 1213. churches.60 x 100lot, 10% MOMENT’S NOTICE. downto qualifiedbuyers ..... ment. The family room is downstairs next to the laundry room and SALARY- $3.00 PER HIL ...... $47,500. powder room. Tremendous storage throughout. The roof is only two APPLY IN PERSON MANVILLE years old. Andits all nestled on the most beautiful half acre in Princeton. tlIGtlTSTOWN POLICE I NEED ROOMMATEto share WESTONSECTION DEPARTMENT1,18 N. MAIN.expenses ($100 & 1/4 utils Comesee this gem with us ...... $110,000. ST. HIGHTSTOWN,N.J. 609. oil) of large house located on Tobe built, 5 roomranch, at- tachedgarage, 1 full bath, 446-1234. AGEOR SEX NORoute 1 near Alexander Rd. basement.114’ Io1 frontage. BARItIEIt. CONTACTSGT. Bedroom is very large. Call Call for details.10% down to LOFTUS. Eric, 609.452-1072. qualifiedbuyers. JOHN T MANVILLE NORTHSIDE tlOUSEFOR RENT -- ideally ATLAST-- one numberfor all 100x 100lot. Willbuild to suit. located I block from Prioceton your home repairs or Bringyour plans and we will CHENgERsPkN/, High School. 4 bdrms, 1 bdrm remodeling - we do it all - discussdetails. cxtremoly large topprox. basements finished - 35’x20’1and wouldbe ideal as masonryfireplaces-painting SOUTH 4 CharltonStreet, Princeton,New Jersey 08540 an artist’s studio. Complete - plumbing- additions - in- BOUNDBROOK (609) 921.2776 renovation 1 )’ear ago, in- sulation. 609448-8657, OversizedCape Cod featuring 4 cludes all newwalls, ceilings, nicesize bedrooms, cozy living HunterdonCount)’ SomersetCount~ oak floors, newkitchen, 2 new room,modern kitchen with , MercerCoun~ MultipleLhtlng Service baths, c/a & complete in- MultipleListing Service Multipleti|tlng Service dishwasher,panelled dining PrlncetanReal Estate Group sulation whichkee~s heatinl~ FIREWOOD-- splitting, cut, room,oversized I car garage, cos surprsinglv low. Fun basement& parking for 2 cars. s~lit & stackedat your home. full basement,full bath,rear Free estimate. 201-874-4330. patio,iron fence in rearyard, Available Nnv.I. $585 per me. ample shade trees. 10% plus utilitics. 609-921-8672or DOWNTO QUALIFIED 924-8414. BUYER...... $47,990. CORNING TOP ELECTRIC Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate STOVE-- 30" white fully MANVILLE SECRETARY-- for export automatic,continuous clean ATTENTION ForSale For Sale For Sale dept. Goodsteno & dictaphone. oven,like new, can deliver, Mustbe accnralc, good fringe $225.609-452-6043 or397-0110 INVESTORS benefits. eves. Two.storycommercial building TWIN RIVERS Twnhse --’3 TWIN RIVERS -- 2 BR TWIN RIVERS -- 2 BR split offeringon first floora nicesize BR,l,,~ baths, C/a, fin bsmt, townhouse, 1’/z bath, fully level twnbse, c/a, c/vacuum, 5 GARIIYMFG. CO. store area and a 3 room manyextras. Excellent buy. carpeted, all appliancesA/C, appls, self-cleaning oven, 1010 Jersey Ave. TWOSNOW TIRES -- L78-15, apartment.Second floor, 4 ;Byowncr. 609.448-5947. ideal location,assume 7% humidifier,Tbermopane NewBrunswick, NJ $20ca. 6O9-448-4632. roomapartment with large mortgagefor $5,0(}0cash or window,screens, shades 201-345-7424 storageattic. Full basement rent$5751mo. 609.443-3193. drapes built in antenna. Mr Chocran withall separateutilities. 114 ft. Pricedfor qu ck sale, $35,000. TWINRIVERS -- QuadII -- 3 =- : PERSONwanted -- to rake frontage...... $6,1,700. bdrm end unit, brick patio, Call anytime.609-440-7418. leaves at several leealions in exc. location, immed, occup. TWINRIVERS - 4 bdrm, 2½ WANTED-- Pure Basset Princeton. Must have car. MANVILLE Mid 609-443.5164. bath, delux kit., C/A,W/W Workcan bc done during week carpet, many extras, by HoundPuppy. low.cost, if SOUTHSIDE CONDOMINIUM - Twin possible; for Father’s and/or weekend.$3/hr. to the owner, mid-forties 609-443- right person. 609.924-8414. Recentlyremodeled cape Cod 6739. Rivers large 1 bedroom. Christmas gift from his 2 with three cozybedrooms, TWINRIVERS. 3 BR twnhse, Washer/dryer, dishwasher, children. Please cootact our modernkitchen, dining room, QuadIll newlisting, fin. bsmt, refrigerator central air, friends al 609-446-4526or 448- "’fro. paho,’ C/a, upgrdappl. 609- decorated throughout, en- living room,1½ baths, full PIllLLIPSBURG,N.J. ’2907who will give us rite good CRANBURYAPT. -- Central 443-5898. TAVERN-- fully equipped, closed patio, pool~ & tennis word wehope [or. basement,rear yard, with many courts. For sale or rent. 6Gg- location, 1 person, bedroom extras.10% down to qualified also has rooms- all rented, k~tchcn, hwng area, large buyer. Sale includes all furnishings 448-6622. and equipment usual to a bar bath garageall utilities, $225...... $38,000¯ LAKECONDO-- 2 BR I bath, CAFETERIA SUBSTITUTES Ca 1 after 6pro, 201-874-5674. upgradedopt., all ap~l, a/c, androoming house. Stock to be - We have openings for sub- sold dollar per dollar. Owner stitutes in school cafeterias. Being translerred. To rent or IMMACULATE TWIN CHARNESKI& sellby.owner. 609-448-4852. will take first mortage.$90,000 Opportunity to work oc- RIVERS -- 2 bedroom casionally for a few hangs a BONGIORNO Kressler, Wolff&bliller townhonse Quad lII. Loaded day. Call weekdays9am-3pm, LABRADOR RETRIEVER Realtors with extras. Professionally 609-021-9076. PUPPIES-AKC reg. yellows Realtors& Inaurors PRINCETON BOROUGH 370 MemorialParkway finished. Basement,hi 30’s. &blacks, ready for Xmas.609- Phillipsharg, N.J. 08865 609-448-3767. 440-0121. 42 S. Main St. MOORESTREET RESIDENTIAL -- Com- TOWNHOUSE 201-859-5919 mercial- Industrial- fromfine Manville eves 859-6324 brushworkto airless spraying. Hilller designedand built this SACRIFICESALE -- Thomas 201-722-0070 TWINRIVERS Quad If -- 2 Yeur every need m painting. Organ,Californian 252 exc. new 3 bedroom, 2V= baths, BR Townhouse. 1½ baths 5 609-448-8657. lwe~lH~ on 1 u~..Thun. S F fl. family/kitchen, dining rm, appl. C/A,..gas .grill in patio, cand.many extras. ~sking te~i,e=: zo1.rl.2.ss24 living rm, w/fireplace, NEWLISTING - Twin Rivers, $600.Call 609.021-7341. i "1 Quad III, Townhouse.Im- Mid $30"s. Immediate oc’- garage, playroom fenqed maculatemove-in condition. 3 cupancy.609.443-1190 or 212- BABYSITTER WANTED-- yard, carpeting, all ap- 279-9834. expcricnced with infant, pliances, heat-AC/by heat bedrooms, 2½ baths ceramic tile entrance and ba 1, flexible schedule,but at least 5 DRAWER WALNUT Real Estate pump,all brick, upgraded carpeting, all ap- tO daytimehours per week. $2 DRESSER. .$35,3 drawer $114,950 per hour. Owntransportation bachelorchest, $10, good 609.924-6655 924-2497 professionallypliances, A/C, ¯humidifier, landscaped TWINRIVERS--New Listing. For Sale 3 BRtwnhse, s/s, humid,extra necessary. 609-924-3466. condition.201-297-2020. Iront &rear with brick petio, insulation exc. ioea~t’ion gas grill, attic fan, basement, TOWNHOUSE-- ’/illage II ~ 3/4 complete plus many other cond. 6~J.448-3817. AN EXCEPTIONAL op- TWIN RIVERS -- 3 BR HOUSEKEEPER WANTED - New Hope, Pa., kitchen~ extras. For sale by orig. --- -- portunity to growwith a well 4 boursper week,own tran- endunit, Qul Ill, dining ,.~ea, livirg room t owner. Principals only. 609- established phototypesctting sportation,refs. 609-921-7395. rpet &app.ent fireplace, 2 bdrms, den 2~,’; 443-6736. JAMESBURG - INCOME company.Must be thorougldy tier,attic f El c/a, baths,w/w carpeting, drapes~ PROPERTY.Duplex Ranch, expericnced and possess a DRIVER-- Full timedays. intercom ~ die end model,$59,900. Call after: -- -- 2 BR,by bath;owner¯ andEach kitchen.apt. has Ivrm, New graphic concept to all com- Apply CunninghamPhar- & deck ,5pro 215-862-5876. pleted assignments. For ap- macy,609-446-0001. Ex..cond. : TWINRIVERS -- QuadIV. 3 furnace fenced yard, $50,000. pointmentcall 609-924-0460. bedroomlownbouse. 1½ For appo ntment 609-448-5557. pm & HILLSBOROUGH TOWN- baths, vanities & ther- CERAMICCLASSES -- for- wknds. SHIP -- immeidate oc- mostatically ¢ontrollled heat WOMAN COMPANION -- mingMonday Nov. 28 $1.50 per cupancy, ideal location. A in both. No-waxkitchen floor, wanted for senior citizen class.5 Lessons. Call 609-655- superb ranch with all the professionally finished PQo Properties during day. Call 609-924-33741221between 5 & 7 pro. luxuryextras. 4 BR,19’ family from 3pm-6-m. FRANKLIN PARK 3 basement, all appliances, room, fireplace 20’ LR, for- central air-conditioning, BEDROOMRANCH - park- real dining room,3 baths, new like setting. Dining room, storms & screens, humidifier AN ASTROLOGICALCHART BATHROOM FIXTURES -- w/w carpeting, c/a, full ,gasz barbeque, up-grafted HISTORICCARVERSVILLE - is a key in understanding family room, basement, basement, paved driveway, 2- Unique Village home. Stroll AmericanStd. sink & toilet, h manyextras. $54,500. carpeting, aria new=ypmm~ downthe stone terraces of yourselfand your life. I.n order mcenfaucet in sink, exc. cond. car garage. For details call in and6ut. N.Y. busat corner, to haveone calculated t0r you, 201-297-5436.201-359-6156.Principals only. grass and flowers from the $75/bestoffer. 609.466-0470. $56,900.609-443-3288. brick patio or climb the cir- you need the birth date, bir- cular stone steps to the deck thtime, and birthplace. Call Toby,609-921.-0199. TWIN RIVERSSUPERIOR-- FOR SALE BY OWNER - off the living rOOm.Three or 1957FORD, as is, $150 or best 4 BR TWNHSEQ-11 - many HIGHTSTOWN’- $46,500, four bedrooms, one with Charming 3 hedroom Cape Route 33 - Suited for mercer tile flo~r, pointed stone offer.201-356..0003. ’ extras incl. fin. bsmtw/bit-in Cod-idealfor artist or retired 2 LARGE ROOMS -- in strg landscaped & decorated professional office use. walls and fireplace. The couple - country eat.in kitchen Beautiful ranch type dwelling perfect homefor the creative country farm house 7 miles beAulifully, choice location, - mint condition in beautiful cast of Princeton. Beautiful DELIVERY & FARM WORK mow-in cond. 509-448-6982 featuring 6 rooms & attacbed person. $76,500. EICHLER& setting in Montgomery garage on well landsceL~ MOFFLY,INC. 215-822-1941. secludedsetting with plenty of --call 201-356-6208. All Seven after 7 & weekends. Township l0 min. from corner lot near Turnp,ke living space. $145/mo.Call 609- Princeton - one plus acre - entrance. Be you Doctor, 799.3937or 924-2833for details. FOR’~ ~’~ -- Principals only . Asking Lawyeror Indian Chief, see RIVERSIDEAREA Ira- $64,500. Call Office hours 609- Too Late FOUND -- on Nassau St this today. MARTINMOSS, vicinityof NassauSavings & For One maculate four bedroom,2½ 921-6598. Loan,l pr.glasses. 609-921- bath split level, I~arge living REALTORS,~-~2-1~0or TOClassify REFRIGERATOR-- Phileo, room with fireplace. 20x20 ROSSMOORCO.OP- single 392-0240. 19 cu. in., 2-doorupright white 6672. frost free, 2 yrs. old $225.201- ¢ room,new s.iding, new nail, near all clubfacilities. & Low, Low Price centrm air, NYC exp. bus.LR, DR, 2 BR, TWIN RIVERSTWNHSE -- 5’ 359:2090. ;i 7/10 1-½ballis, e.neiosedpatio,~v/w bdr, 2½ bath, wallpaper, PARTTIMEofficer worker-- 1974 GRAND PRIX -- blue carpeting, arapes, 5 V4%FHA paneling sis gas grill, Able to work with figures, with white Landauroof. humidlfle~, patio, manyex- occassionallight tyning. Some 1966 CHEVROLET Impala Power am/fro a/c, tilt mortgage, immediate oc- steering,mntcon~lltlon. $2950. f.Call609-921-6895 cupancy.By appointment.609- tras.7½% assum mort. Low eveningsand/or Saturdays. stationwagon - $225.Call 609- 655-31~or 4136. , 40’s.609-443-6937 after5. Call609.924-0580, Mon-Fri, 9-5. 921-1637. 201-359-6417.