Eric W. Smith From: Phyllis Smith <
[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 12:53 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Senior Center Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: **This email originated outside of The Town of Morrisville** Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I have been made aware that several members of the Council will possibly be voting against the process of moving forward for the Morrisville Senior Center. I must say this news finds me extremely disappointed in the Town Council. The Morrisville Town Council has put off for 16 YEARS recognizing the senior population. It is predicted that the County of Wake will grow by over 200% with the senior population. This isn’t something that Morrisville should wrinkle their noses at. I have watched this Council vote for things that have been wasteful spending. The expense of moving homes that serve NO value to the county and from what I am aware have brought in NO revenue or recognition to the area. Another such expenditure has been to build a library when we already have a library in our community. One shouldn’t blame the community members because the Town Council has been unable to prevent the growing of Cary. I have to travel through Cary several times when I go to some destinations. As an individual who wants to eat healthy, Morrisville offers NO opportunity for this to occur. You (that are thinking of voting against) apparently only look at the revenue and not the quality that things will bring.