South East Queensland APRIL 2014 Volume 8 Number 2 Newsletter of the Land for Wildlife Program South East Queensland ISSN 1835-3851

CONTENTS Join us at the DOWN Open Property Scheme 1 Open Property Scheme next month 2 Editorial and contacts 3 Fauna Vignettes e are delighted to off er Land for WWildlife members the opportunity • New of antechinus to participate in another Open Property found at Springbrook Scheme in May this year. The fi rst was held • What’s been sleeping in in 2008, and for those of you who have my bed? joined the program since then, the Scheme 3 - 31 MAY 2014 is a great way to catch up with other 4 Fauna Profi le landholders, and Land for Wildlife Offi cers, while visiting unique and interesting Little Furry Christmas Guest properties across SEQ. Land for Wildlife members told us in the survey last year 5 Fauna Profi le that they relish the chance to meet other Star Wars in the Beetle World members and to see what they are doing on their properties. We received great 6-7 Indigenous Cultural feedback from the last Open Property Heritage of SEQ Scheme and hope that this one will again inspire and connect members, and provide 8-10 Flora Profi le them with the opportunity to share their Native Violets of SEQ land management skills with one another.

There are nearly 4000 Land for Wildlife 11 Practicalities properties across SEQ so our membership DIY Nest Boxes is diverse. We invited a range of properties to participate in this Open Property 12 My Little Corner Scheme to hopefully cater for the diff ering The leaning fi g leans no more land management interests of our membership. We have included grazing 25 Land for Wildlife properties across 13 Book Reviews properties, small lifestyle blocks, a school SEQ are available for you to visit. and remote, large Nature Refuges. Some 14-15 Property Profi le have high altitude remnant rainforest while something for everyone. Moodlu Matters others are protecting lowland swamps. All are managing or restoring our natural Please fi nd enclosed the Open Property 15 Letters to the Editor assets to enable future generations Scheme program with descriptions and to enjoy them and to prosper from general locations of 25 properties. We are Wallum Wonderland sustainable land management practices. encouraging registrations through our website at but we 16 Philosophy with Phil The Open Property Scheme will be appreciate that not all our members have I would prefer a paddock showcasing weed management, easy internet access, so SEQ Catchments full of weeds to a bare pest animal control, revegetation, is off ering phone bookings if required. We natural regeneration, sustainable paddock envisage that all properties will be booked grazing management, erosion control, out, so we encourage early registrations. I wildlife rehabilitation, water quality look forward to seeing you in May. monitoring, threatened species recovery and environment education. There is Published by SEQ Catchments Article by Deborah Metters through funding from the Australian Government editorial y thoughts this week have been I hope you enjoy this edition, Land for Wildlife Mturning over the opposing concepts especially the article about indigenous Extension Offi cers of extinction and speciation (the arising cultural heritage of SEQ and the legal of new species). It is largely due to the responsibilities of landholders to protect South East Queensland compelling book I am reading, The Sixth this heritage. In addition, there is a Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert. valuable botanical account of the native Brisbane City Council violets of SEQ written by respected All enquiries, 3403 8888 As Elizabeth says, we can probably all botanist and author, Glenn Leiper. There Peter Hayes Catherine Madden fi nd signs of a current extinction event in are also the ever-inspiring property Cody Hochen Scott Sumner our own backyards. To avoid depressing profi les and some enjoyable stories of our Tony Mlynarik Ffl ur Collier readers, I won’t recount the statistics here, interactions with furry, and also hissing, but I will say that this book is probably wildlife. Gold Coast City Council the most fascinating and surprisingly Darryl Larsen, 5582 8896 enjoyable account of the Earth’s history I hope you can make it to at least one Lexie Webster, 5582 8344 that I have read. Open Property event in May. Please have Todd Burrows, 5582 9128 a look at the enclosed program and visit The book’s themes are echoed on the our website to book. I look forward to facing page, through the ‘discovery’ Ipswich City Council this chance to catch up with some of you of the highly specialised Black-tailed Stephani Grove, 3810 7173 and to meet new members while visiting Antechinus, which was previously amazing Land for Wildlife properties. Lockyer Valley Regional Council thought to be a slightly odd-looking Kaori van Baalen, 5462 0376 Dusky Antechinus, as well as the brief Finally, I would like to congratulate discussion on page 11 about the probably Danielle Crawford on securing a position Logan City Council extinct Australian Fritillary butterfl y. with the Land for Wildlife team at Lyndall Rosevear, 3412 4860 Discovery and loss all at once in our own Sunshine Coast Council and to welcome Melanie Mott, 3412 4859 backyard of SEQ. Melanie Mott to the Logan City Council Rachel Booth, 3412 5321 team. Humans have been driving species into Rebecca Condon, 3412 4979 extinction for arguably tens of thousands Happy reading! of years. However, we equally have the Moreton Bay Regional Council capacity and will to conserve species and Clinton Heyworth, 5433 2351 to help bring threatened species back Noosa Shire Council Deborah Metters from the brink. I see this intent and hard Michael Lyons, 5485 0229 work in the pages of this newsletter. And Land for Wildlife for that, I am heartened. Regional Coordinator Redland City Council SEQ Catchments Maree Manby, 3820 1106

Scenic Rim Regional Council Landholder Registrations, Land for Wildlife SEQ - 1/3/2014* Keith McCosh, 5540 5436

Registered Working Towards Total Area under Somerset Region Total Area Retained Properties Registration Restoration Trevor Page, 5424 4000 Sunshine Coast Council 2974 743 54,472 ha 4,807 ha Alan Wynn, 5439 6477 Danielle Crawford, 5475 7339 * Note: due to a new data management Land for Wildlife South East Queensland is Marc Russell, 5475 7345 system and a ‘clean-up’ of records, some a quarterly publication distributed free of Nick Clancy, 5439 6433 fi gures have declined since last edition. charge to members of the Land for Wildlife Stephanie Reif, 5475 7395 program in South East Queensland. Forward all contributions to: Toowoomba Regional Council Print run - 4945 All enquiries, 4688 6611 The Editor Back copies from 2007 - 2014 Land for Wildlife Newsletter available for download from SEQ Catchments PO Box 13204 Back copies from 1998 - 2006 George Street QLD 4003 available upon request to the Editor. Burnett Mary Region 07 3211 4404 ISSN 1835-3851 Gympie, Fraser Coast, [email protected] Land for Wildlife is a voluntary program North & South Burnett, that encourages and assists landholders Bundaberg and to provide habitat for wildlife on their Baffl e Creek Regions properties. For all regions contact the Burnett Mary Regional Group, 4181 2999

2 Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 fauna vignettes New species of antechinus found at Springbrook

e have always been aware we live have considerably shrunk. Old records Introducing the Black-tailed Antechinus Wsomewhere particularly special but had found it on other well forested and (Antechinus arktos) recently discovered at when a new species of antechinus was protected peaks in the Tweed Caldera but Springbrook. Its body is covered in shaggy found just up the road you know your job recent trapping has only come up with a fur with long guard hairs and its black to look after what you have becomes even small number on the high, heavily forested, tail is short and diff ers in colour from the more important. wet parts of Springbrook. Climate change orangey-brown colour on its rump. Photo has been implicated in this decline as courtesy of Dr Andrew Baker, taken by Dr. Andrew Baker et al. published an article the other usual threats. I can only hope Gary Cranitch, Queensland Museum. in Zootaxa in February 2014 outlining the that these parts of Springbrook remain discovery of Antechinus arktos, the Black- protected. tailed Antechinus. This antechinus was previously thought to be a northern outlier The last State Government, with great of the Dusky Antechinus but the research foresight, bought up large tracts of this PRIZES! done by the team found many diff erences high country to add to Springbrook SEQS Catchments is giving including signifi cant genetic diff erences. National Park so that it could become a last awaya a set of three copies They are much bigger, scruffi er-looking refuge for many species threatened with of various Queensland and colourful. As with all antechinus, the climate change. Local residents can also Museum pocket guides Black-tailed will have a mating frenzy in play an important part by conserving and (RRRP $30) to three selected late August early September after which restoring habitat on their properties and LLaLandand for Wildlife members who all males will die leaving only pregnant controlling their pets. cocontributeontr published articles in females. 20122014. Limit of nine free books Ceris Ash Unfortunately they also discovered when pepperr newsletter edition. Please Land for Wildlife member going back through old records that the send your article and/or Springbrook, Gold Coast distribution of this new species seems to photographsp to the Editor (details pg. 2) What’s been sleeping in my bed? omething has been sleeping in my bed. to a restaurant with candles and a birthday He described the antechinus poo as long SI know because it its droppings cake for my son’s birthday dinner. They and with a rough surface, just like the ones behind. I’ve been trying to fi nd out what bought the cake out at the end of the in my cabin. I learnt these small marsupials it is for a couple of years. We have a bush meal and we all sang happy birthday and could fl atten their heads to get under cabin (see photo below) in the Sunshine he blew out the candles. Afterwards they doors and windows. Coast hinterland on our 15 hectare gave me the left over cake, candles and Land for Wildlife property and go there the matchbox in a bag. I didn’t discover the I don’t know what type of antechinus I whenever we can. Each time I go into my mistake for some weeks and was amazed have, but I take clean sheets each time small cabin I fi nd droppings on the carpet, they didn’t say anything at the time. I I go to the cabin. On the positive side, I in the bed and on the window ledges. The wonder what they thought! don’t have to worry about cockroaches or droppings don’t smell. They are long and spiders or other insects. Maybe one night I brown/black and there are lots of them. I found my best clue on the internet by a might be lucky and come face to face with writer who found his culprit in his linen one of these beautiful little creatures. I took photos and emailed them to the cupboard one night. He identifi ed it as an Queensland Museum. They suggested that antechinus, a native carnivorous marsupial. Roz Glazebrook I crush the droppings to see if there were He was amazed that for an animal that Land for Wildlife member signs of insect parts in them. I did this and appears to eat so little, it can poo so much. Eerwah Vale, Sunshine Coast there were bits of glistening wings in the droppings. So I knew whatever it was ate insects. I’ve never seen any animals inside the cabin and I have no idea how they get in. I was worried it might be a snake so I started researching animal droppings on the internet and I also borrowed a book about scats and tracks.

I had a slight problem when I accidently gave the matchbox containing droppings

Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 3 fauna profi le Little Furry Christmas Guests

n the eighth day of Christmas we to do everything. Exhaustion became the These Antechinus babies (shown left) Oreceived a present we did not want normal state for Maureen. are either the Yellow-footed Antechinus or need. A mother antechinus abandoned or the recently discovered Buff -footed her litter of seven little ones in our house. Antechinus belong to the Dasyurid family Antechinus. It is diffi cult to tell them apart We fi rst noticed one creeping along the which includes all the other carnivorous when they are young. lounge room fl oor and over the next two marsupials, including quolls and Tasmanian Above right is an adult Buff -footed days found another six (one already dead) Devils. They look like mice, but have a Antechinus. in various places such as the bedroom longer snout, shorter tail and daggy ears. wardrobe, the shower recess and even up They breed once a year and litter sizes can in the kitchen sink. We presume this last be as large as a dozen babies. Preferred Antechinus, A. mysticus means our ID could one was carried up there by its Mum as it nest sites are hollow logs and, it seems, be incorrect and our little guests were the could barely crawl by itself and certainly behind our dishwasher. The females have latter species. It is diffi cult to tell, especially couldn’t climb yet. a rudimentary pouch but we don’t know with very young animals. We also have These little ones were the size of baby how that could possibly accommodate up a few juvenile antechinus visiting every mice, only just furred and eyes open to twelve young. They apparently drag the night and making a mess: these have been but not yet weaned. This meant that my babies along attached to their nipples. identifi ed by the Queensland Museum as wife Maureen had to teach them to lap Even more unusually, in all antechinus Buff -footed Antechinus. drops of special marsupial formula ‘milk’ species, every year after a bout of frenzied From the outset, three of the babies from the palm of her hand. This is very mating, all the males die from a stress seemed to be better feeders, with the tricky, holding the fragile, squirming little related condition, apparently having other three not putting on much weight. creatures while keeping their tiny noses expended their energy level and depressed Sadly, one by one they succumbed. After out of the liquid because inhalation of the their immune system. This saves Mum and fi ve weeks the remaining three showed fl uid almost invariably means death. the kids having to compete for food. Very they were ready for solid food. We This painstaking procedure took about 90 noble! The ladies at work think it’s a great introduced them to mealworms but almost minutes per feed-time, repeated every 4 example and should be mandatory. every time these combative critters would hours or so. Exactly what you need with Our 2001 edition of A Field Guide to the fi ght over the one worm although there fi ve adults and fi ve very young kiddies Mammals of by Menkhorst and were a dozen more in the cage. Once they arriving from overseas and interstate for Knight showed two species of antechinus were able to catch crickets we knew they Christmas holidays, and as is the case with recorded locally – the Yellow-footed, were ready for release and able to hunt kids, even grown-up ones, expecting Mum Antechinus fl avipes and the Brown spiders, hoppers and other insects, even Antechinus, A. stuartii. We identifi ed ours as geckos, to survive. the Yellow-footed. Antechinus are very swift and aggressive We note that the Brown Antechinus nocturnal terrestrial hunters who can also in this area has been re-classifi ed as A. climb well and run at speed along slender subtropicus since year 2000 (our book had branches. But they also have predators not caught up) and the recent discovery out there, so we wish them well but do not and classifi cation of the Buff -footed want them coming back with their own babies.

Yellow-footed Antechinus cleaning “Preferred nest sites are its whiskers. Illustration by Janet hollow logs and, it seems, Article and photos by Kon Hepers Whish-Wilson, Land for Wildlife behind our dishwasher.” Land for Wildlife member member, Yandina, Sunshine Coast. Verrierdale, Sunshine Coast

4 Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 The Common Rhinoceros Beetle - an adult male shown left and a larvae fauna profi le shown above. Photos © Jeff Wright, Queensland Museum. Star Wars in the Beetle World

he topic of the Common Rhinoceros on the trunks and branches of trees, and can be folded fl at when the beetles TBeetle (Xylotrupes ulysses australicus) particularly Poinciana trees (Delonix regia) are burrowing, to protect their delicate came up over dinner with friends recently. where they enter into what is thought to sensory organs. I’m not sure how the conversation started be a pre-mating ritual, knocking other but I was soon telling tales of growing up males off the branch over the scent of a The Common Rhinoceros Beetle isn’t the in Townsville where there always seemed female’s pheromones. only rhinoceros beetle living in Southeast to be plenty of them about. My brother Queensland. Haploscapanes australicus is and I used to collect them and encourage It’s their horns which give them the means rare but can be distinguished by its two them to ‘fi ght’. I know – weren’t we awful?! and strength to do this, not to mention short horns on the thorax, as opposed to Their tell-tale hissing and heavy, shining their name. The males have a double- Xylotrupes ulysses australicus, which has black armour reminded us of Darth Vader, pointed, curved horn on their head and just one. Across Australia there are nearly and we thought that was great. a heavier one on the front part of their 200 species of rhinoceros beetle, most of thoraxes. Relative to its body weight, this them smaller in size but just as impressive Having provided such happy childhood insect is considered to be the world’s in structure. Unfortunately there is one memories (I don’t think there was ever strongest animal. Females are less notable; intruder who has infi ltrated its way into the any serious damage done), I got a little they lack horns, are smaller and are seen Australian group; the African Black Beetle nostalgic about these beautiful beetles, less frequently. (Heteronychus arator) is about 15 mm long, renowned for their large size and has no horns and is a serious pest of lawns prehistoric appearance, and realised I Having mated, the female lays and pastures in and hadn’t seen any for what seemed years. approximately 50 white eggs in rotting Queensland. wood and organic matter where they Then I saw one the very next day (or its take three weeks to hatch. Once they As for that hissing noise they make when head at least), and then two days after have emerged, the larvae live in and feed disturbed, well it turns out that it’s not that (this time it was just the body – I on organic material for approximately Darth Vader reincarnated but, in fact, don’t think they belonged to the same two years as they grow to full size. As the sound of one part of their abdomen animal). Maybe I hadn’t noticed them I remember the larvae were common rubbing against the ends of their forewings of late simply because I hadn’t been residents of our compost bin. They’re (elytra). Unfortunately for them, their bark looking for them. After all, it doesn’t seem enormous, and can reach the size of an is certainly worse than their bite and whilst appropriate to conduct beetle warfare in adult’s palm. Like all other members of the their hissing squeaks are meant to act as the offi ce lunchroom, particularly given Superfamily Scarabaeoidea (commonly a warning to enemies, they’re actually the environmental inclination of my known as scarab beetles), the larvae are incapable of defending themselves against colleagues. With a little research though, I termed ‘curl grubs’ because they curve in a serious attackers. realised the other likely reason for seeing half circle. At full size the larvae make a cell them comparatively less frequently around in the soil, recycling their faecal matter to References Brisbane and the coast is because down provide a waterproof barrier. One month here, they only come out in summer. In on, they emerge as an adult, which lives for scarabs/R_Beetle.htm North Queensland, they’re about all year. only 2-4 months. In South East Queensland they come out As adults their diet is somewhat more Search?query=rhinoceros+beetle in summer because it’s the season in which varied and can include the bark of young they mate, from late December to the end shoots, sap, rotting fruit, carrion and dung. mals/photos/animal-records-gallery/#/ of January or even early February. They’re They’re able to detect strong-smelling rhinoceros-beetle_5819_600x450.jpg attracted to bright lights so can sometimes food from some distance away and can be found congregating below street lights. triangulate its direction by spreading their dbase_upl/BrisbaneBeetlesMonteith.pdf Males can also be seen in large gatherings antennae, which have fl attened ‘leaves’ attached to the end of each stalk. The sources/Entomology/internalAnatomy/ inside of these leaves are covered with imagePages/rhinocerousBeetle.html minute smelling organs which, when “Relative to its body weight, this opened like a fan, can detect strong- Article by Lexie Webster smelling food from far away. These insect is considered to be the Land for Wildlife Offi cer antennae are typical of all scarab beetles City of Gold Coast world’s strongest animal.”

Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 5 cultural heritage Indigenous Cultural Heritage of SEQ

he occupation of Australia by being continually used up to the 1930s. The second signifi cant principle of the TAboriginal people has been estimated There are examples of such sites around Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 is the to be more than 50,000 years. Ipswich and within now-existing rail concept of ‘agreement’ between the local corridors. A site at Springfi eld, recently Traditional Owners and the organisation or Over this time changes in natural excavated by Jagera Daran and Turnstone individual that is undertaking an activity environment and sea levels saw the Archaeology, produced a carbon date of that may harm Aboriginal cultural heritage. population of Aboriginal people living approximately 2948 years ago. This agreement is referred to as a Cultural along the eastern seaboard increase, Heritage Management Plan. The DATSIMA supported by diverse and fl ourishing A site recorded within SEQ has been dated website also provides guidelines to assist natural resources. Along with the increase as having been developed and used from in the development of a Cultural Heritage in resources and population, there was some 22,000 to 10,000 years ago. Management Plan. the increase in the social and ceremonial activities undertaken by Aboriginal people. In recognition of the need to protect such In South East Queensland, Aboriginal With activities being at the centre of daily unique heritage, the Commonwealth and cultural heritage may exist around the business, there were signifi cant numbers of Queensland Governments have enacted following types of landscape features: increase sites, occupation sites and general legislation that is designed to ensure that Aboriginal Heritage is preserved. • Large and small sandstone outcrops evidence of occupation across the region. (housing, storage, burials, processing The oldest sites have become covered with The Commonwealth legislation is the sites) soil that has been moved and relocated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander • Watercourses, lakes and springs through various fl ood events and changes Heritage Protection Act 1984 and • Ridgelines and terraced areas in sea levels. Over the last 240 years the the Queensland legislation is the • Stone sources such as silcrete, South East coast has been subject to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 chalcedony, chert, basalt or granite enormous change. Sites and cultural and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural • Alluvial soils objects that are presently on the surface Heritage Act 2003. The Aboriginal • Large trees (scarred trees, marked show evidence of 3000 years of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 promotes trees). occupation, with the majority of the oldest the importance of the local Traditional Owners as the ‘knowledge holders’ in Examples of the types of cultural heritage and untouched sites believed to exist sites commonly found are: below the surface. identifying their cultural heritage and in communicating appropriate management • Fish traps (both salt and fresh water South East Queensland has some of the recommendations. areas) most diverse and plentiful Aboriginal • Scarred trees (usually not far from water sites in Australia. There are over 200 At the centre of the Queensland Acts is sources) Bora (ceremonial rings) sites recorded, the principle of the ‘duty of care’. As a duty • Stone tools signifi cant cave etchings and paintings, of care, landholders and land users must • Bora rings (earth mound rings) scarred trees, fi sh traps, burial sites, take all reasonable and practical measures • Dispute rings (stone ring arrangements) Aboriginal quarries, grinding grooves, to ensure that their activities do not harm • Manufacturing sites (mass hearth sites, multiple dreaming sites, Aboriginal cultural heritage. This includes manufacturing of stone tools) deity sites and story lines, dispute rings, cultural heritage located on freehold land • Trade areas (characterized by signifi cant massacre sites, old mission sites, camping regardless of whether or not it has been numbers and diversity of stone tools) sites and large concentrated areas of stone identifi ed or recorded in a database. Duty • Burials (both in sandstone caves/ tools within manufacturing sites. Some of Care Guidelines have been developed openings and below the surface) Aboriginal cultural heritage sites occur on to help individuals and organisations meet • Camping sites. Land for Wildlife properties. their cultural heritage duty of care. The Guidelines can be downloaded from the There are also unseen or intangible sites There are sites recorded in South East DATSIMA (Department of Aboriginal and that exist in South East Queensland. Some Queensland that have been carbon dated Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural of these sites have been recorded, but to more than 3000 years ago with some Aff airs) website. the majority are known only by the local Traditional Owners.

6 Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 Examples of intangible sites are: be obtained from the DATSIMA website. • Birthing sites The form will require information about • Dreaming sites the nature of the site, location and local • Story lines government area. Please be aware that • Taboo areas Section 29 of the Aboriginal Cultural • Men’s and Women’s areas. Heritage Act 2003 states that a person cannot submit information if they know The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 it is of a secret or sacred nature and the allows individuals, such as landholders, to relevant Traditional Owners have not register Aboriginal cultural heritage sites agreed to the information’s submission. and objects on their property. Individuals can submit information for inclusion Consultation with the relevant local on the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Traditional Owners will help with Database. The purpose of this database is understanding the management of the site to assemble information about Aboriginal registered. For more information, contact and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage the Cultural Heritage Coordination Unit on in a central location. The database is not (07) 3405 3050. publicly available; however, DATSIMA can Please remember that all Aboriginal provide information from the database to cultural heritage sites and objects located Aboriginal parties with responsibilities to within your property are your responsibility the area, land owners and/or land users to to protect under the Act. help them satisfy their duty of care.

Guidelines and a Deposition Form for adding information to the database can

Examples of Aboriginal cultural heritage sites in South East Queensland include (from top clockwise): grinding grooves, stone arrangements, waterholes, scar trees and sandstone caves. All photographs by Jagera Daran Pty Ltd.

Article by Madonna Thomson Jagera Daran Cultural Heritage Consultancy

Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 7 fl ora profi le Native Violets of SEQ hederacea

he South East Queensland (SEQ) region predominantly shade, and regular in landscaping and home gardens, Thas a number of pretty native violets moisture. I am cultivating all fi ve species but unfortunately is used regularly in that are often overlooked until fl owering very successfully at present in pots without revegetation projects instead of more when all of a sudden there’s a splash of much diffi culty, although V. silicestris was appropriate local species. This nursery purple and white standing up above the the most diffi cult to get started. Because form has been recently recorded in a few leaves amongst the litter on the forest of their rapid growth, I’ve found they need national parks in south-east Qld where fl oor. Violet fl owers are one of the most to be split up and/or potted up annually. it has ‘escaped’ on one occasion from an easily recognizable in the world with their I’ve found cultivation in hanging baskets adjoining private property, and in other two upper petals, two lateral and one large to be the most successful method, and cases is planted around car parks. Viola lower petal, with myriad colours. the form long runners which hang banksii, under the name V. hederacea, is down below the pots. Daily watering (or also exported. In this article I’ll describe the fi ve local a drip watering system) is recommended species – Viola banksii, V. hederacea, especially in the dry hot summer months if Acknowledgement V. perreniformis, V. silicestris and V. you want them to fl ourish. But if you have The author thanks R. John Little for betonicifolia. The fi rst four species are a shady moist area in your garden, native constructive comments on an earlier draft. closely related and reproduce vegetatively violets would be most suitable. by runners (stolons) which take root in soil Further Reading and amongst leaf litter or humus, but also At present, only Viola banksii is available reproduce by . All fi ve species are regularly in the nursery trade, usually Little RJ & Leiper GA (2012) Capsule dehiscence in Viola betonicifolia Sm. perennial herbaceous plants. labelled as V. hederacea. Occasionally, local (). Austrobaileya 8, pp 624-633. forms of Viola hederacea are available from The four species with runners can be specialist native nurseries or enthusiasts, Little RJ & Leiper GA (2013) Viola distinguished by the shapes of their mature and V. betonicifolia also through similar perreniformis (L. G. Adams) stat. nov., leaves and by the colour of their fl owers. sources. with notes on Australian species in Viola section Erpetion (Violaceae). Viola banksii, V. hederacea and V. A recent botanical paper has outlined the Austrobaileya 9, pp 80-101. perreniformis can be easily confused as method of dispersal in Violas which is Thiele KR & Prober SM (2003) New species their leaves in the immature stages can an interesting and rather misunderstood be very similar in shape. It is important to and a new hybrid in the Viola hederacea process. It was assumed for some species species complex, with notes on Viola always look for the most mature leaves on that the seed capsules shot the seeds hederacea Labill. Muelleria 18, pp 7-26. plants to establish an accurate shape. out as the capsule opened, but it’s not Thiele KR & Prober SM (2006) Viola The second character is the fl ower colour. quite like that. The seed pod splits into 3 silicestris, a new species in Viola section Viola banksii and V. hederacea can be very boat-shaped segments, each containing Erpetion from Australia. Telopea 11, pp similar with stark purple and white. Viola numbers of dark seeds packed neatly and 99-104. tightly into 2 or 3 rows. Over a brief period perreniformis and V. silicestris are usually pale Leiper G, Glazebrook J, Cox D & Rathie K of usually less than a couple of hours, each mauve or bluish-mauve with a white centre. (2008) Mangroves to Mountains (Revised boat-shaped segment dries and shrinks, Edition) A Field Guide to the Native Plants The type of soil that plants occur on can and as this occurs the segment narrows of South-east Queensland. Logan River assist with determining the species. Viola and squeezes out each seed progressively Branch of the Society for Growing silicestris is found on volcanic rhyolite, and like squeezing a wet marble between your Australian Plants (SGAP). mostly at higher elevations in SEQ. Viola fi ngers, fi ring the seeds off for distances up perreniformis also has a preference for to 3 metres or more! No wonder they get rhyolite although a recent collection at around in nurseries. Helidon is on sandstone. Viola banksii and V. hederacea are found on a wide variety Nurseries throughout Australia sell “Viola of soil types, but never on rhyolite for the hederacea” with its bright purple and white fl owers. However in nearly all cases former, and rarely for the latter. Article and all the plants are Viola banksii. The origin of uncredited photographs All species can be cultivated successfully, this nursery form is currently unknown, by Glenn Leiper just requiring a little sunlight but but probably from NSW. It’s common

8 Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 Coastal Violet, Viola banksii (shown left) This species is found in lowland coastal Melaleuca forest, where soil moisture content is high, and also in coastal eucalypt forests especially along watercourses, also on headlands and soaks below coastal cliff s. It is very similar to V. hederacea in appearance and can often be very diffi cult to diff erentiate between the two. are always showy purple and white, and these colours very rarely blend or merge. The mature leaves can be up to 35 mm wide and 65 mm long, one to two times wider than long, and will always display an almost circular shape with a ‘gap’ at the petiole. This gap is called a sinus. The two outside edges of the leaf (lobes) will often overlap at this sinus. The leaves are irregularly toothed, often appearing to lack teeth at all. The petiole will sometimes be minutely hairy. Viola banksii spreads rapidly in suitable habitats and often forms dense patches in shady moist locations by runners that take root. Clusters of leaves Photo by R. John Little (rosettes) form wherever the stolon takes root at a node.

Ivy-leaved Violet, Viola hederacea (shown right) This species is very common in the region, occurring from coastal low- lying areas, along watercourse banks, shady gullies and slopes, and up into the mountains. Viola hederacea occurs in many forest types such as Melaleuca wetlands, dry and wet eucalypt forests, rainforests and occasionally in montane heath areas. Soil types that this species occurs on include coastal sands, meta-sediments, basalt and granite, sandstone and alluvials. Flowers are always showy with strong markings of purple and white, occasionally blurring and merging on the petals. The mature leaves and petioles are sometimes minutely hairy, and never attain an almost circular shape. The sinus is wide and the leaf lobes don’t overlap. The leaves can be up to 30 mm long and 50 mm wide, one to two times wider than long, are irregularly toothed, and sometimes roughly semi-circular. This species also spreads rapidly in shady moist habitats by runners that take root. Clusters of leaves form wherever the stolon takes root at a node.

Photo by R. John Little

Cliff Violet, Viola perreniformis (shown left) An uncommon species in the region, it is usually found on cliff faces or steep rocky slopes of rhyolite (Moogerah Peaks and Lamington National Park), rocky granite slopes and outcrops (Crows Nest), or sandstone-derived soils and rock-faces (Helidon). In addition to runners, it can develop upright stems to 10 cm long. Upright stems are unknown in Viola banksii and V. hederacea. Flowers are usually a pale mauve or blue-violet, with violet coloured blotches on the two upper and two side (lateral) petals separating the mauve outer colour from the white fl ower centre. The mature leaves and petioles can be minutely hairy, up to 23 mm long and 27 mm wide, and attain an ornate, almost circular shape with a narrow sinus. The leaf margin is usually regularly crenate (rounded teeth) with 9 to 21 teeth, and often has a ciliate (fi ne hairy) edge. The rhizome of this species tends to develop into a toughened, tuberous ‘tap root’ in many situations. It spreads by runners that take root at a node, forming clusters of leaves.

Continues on page 10...

Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 9 Native Violets of SEQ (continues..)

Rhyolite Violet, Viola silicestris (shown left) Another uncommon species in the region, Viola silicestris is confi ned to high elevation rhyolite areas such as Springbrook and parts of Lamington National Park in Queensland. Like Viola perreniformis, it also can develop elongated stems, recorded to 30 cm long, in addition to runners. Flowers are usually pale mauve or blue-violet, with a whitish centre, although some specimens at Springbrook have pure white fl owers. The mature leaves are up to 5 times wider than long, growing to 15 mm long and 38 mm wide, attaining a kidney-type shape when mature, and are hairless. The leaf margin has small, yet obvious fairly regular teeth. It spreads by runners that take root, forming individual plants that develop into small rosettes.

Arrow-leaved Violet, Viola betonicifolia (shown right) This species is very diff erent from the other four, with a solitary growth habit. It never sends out runners, but develops as a single (although sometimes several plants grow closely together) with a number of fairly upright dark leaves. The leaves can be up to 20 cm long (including the leaf petiole) with slightly blunt teeth along the leaf edge. There are two main habitats for this species. One is coastal lowland Melaleuca forests, with high water tables, of which over 90% have been destroyed for various land uses. The other is on high ridges and mountains. colour can vary from deep purple (common in the lowland coastal form) to a pinkish mauve which is common in the higher altitude form. Very rarely are white fl owering forms seen. Some forms are perfumed, more evident in the fi rst few hours of sunlight. The plant is host to the rare (if not extinct) and pretty Australian Fritillary butterfl y which hasn’t been seen in NSW for some years and even longer in Queensland.

The Australian Fritillary butterfl y (female shown above) is listed as endangered under Queensland legislation, but has not been defi nitively seen in Queensland since 1988 and in NSW since 2001. Photo courtesy of Trevor Lambkin, taken by Lance Matthews at Port Macquarie NSW circa 1997.

10 Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 practicalities DIY Nest Boxes

Proud workshop attendees with their ost people know the importance of nest boxes after the workshop and within newly made nest boxes. Mtree hollows and the vital role they two weeks had a kookaburra checking one play in providing roosting and nesting out. sites for around 20% of Australian wildlife. A recent nest box survey on various Land from a tree fork. A garden hose or another However, not many people realise how for Wildlife properties in western Brisbane protective coating around the wire will help easy it is to construct an ‘artifi cial hollow’ returned some great results. Animals such prevent it from damaging the tree. or nest box with some scrap timber and as Common Brushtail Possums, Short-eared basic carpentry tools and skills. A recent Most animals need nest boxes to be only Brushtail Possums, Australian Wood Ducks, workshop run by Brisbane City Council’s three to four metres from the ground. Rainbow Lorikeets, Pale-headed Rosellas, Wildlife Conservation Partnerships However, larger parrots and owls prefer insectivorous bats and Squirrel Gliders Program, and presented by Alan and Stacey nest boxes to be a lot higher up a tree. were all observed in July and August 2012. Franks from Hollow Log Homes, highlighted Personal safety is paramount when Perhaps it was due to the cold weather, but that with a little practice anyone can build installing a nest box so always recruit it was certainly a busy time. their own nest box to provide a home for someone to be on hand to hold the ladder an Australian Wood Duck, or maybe even a One property in the middle of suburban and assist with installation. Squirrel Glider. Indooroopilly had four out of ten nest Once installed, nest boxes should be boxes occupied with Common Brushtail Nest boxes, like natural hollows that have monitored for intrusion of unwanted Possums and a family of Squirrel Gliders, formed over many years, come in many guests. Common Mynas, Common Starlings as well as signs of activity in another two shapes and sizes and are used by diff erent and European Honeybees are the major boxes. The only natural hollow in this area species. A tree hollow or a nest box suitable feral species that may take up residence is a single stag tree on a neighbouring for a small insectivorous bat is completely in nest boxes and drive away desirable property. It goes to show that if you provide diff erent from that used by a large Powerful native species. Non-native birds can easily habitat, animals will utilise it. This success Owl. Choosing the right nest box for your be deterred by removing nesting material has convinced the environmental manager property can depend on what animals and closing the nest box for a while, or by of the site to construct a further ten nest you have observed in the area, which relocating the nest box to another area. boxes out of unused plywood. animals you would like to attract to your European Honeybees should be removed property, and whether your property is There are a few important points to by a professional beekeeper. lacking certain sized nesting hollows in remember when constructing your own There are many templates for making nest surrounding trees. By contacting your local nest box. Ensure any screws or nails are boxes available on the internet. A great Land for Wildlife Offi cer, you can fi nd out not protruding into the box, as the sharp reference book for nest box construction, what animal species are likely to occur points may injure wildlife. Coating the as well as tips and information about nest on your property and construct your nest nest box with a lanolin-based product will boxes, is Nest Boxes for Wildlife: A Practical boxes accordingly. help protect it from weathering while not Guide by Alan and Stacey Franks. harming the animals that will use it. When Some of the landholders who attended the installed, boxes should be protected from nest box workshop showed great initiative the harsh afternoon sun and if storms by pulling apart a nest box that they had regularly occur from a particular direction. built, and then used it as a template to Article by Cody Hochen Try to place the box on the other side of construct more boxes for their property. Land for Wildlife Offi cer the tree. Use sturdy wire to hang the box One landholder constructed another two Brisbane City Council

Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 11 my little corner

The Leaning Fig Leans No More

t lunch we heard the roar. It seemed required to hold up its immense leaning greetings card photo in the knowledge Ato go on and on crashing and weight. that it might soon come crashing down. tearing its way to the ground. Our initial Some years ago ever widening cracks had impression was that it was close by and When looking up its length from the base, developed at its base. Now from the top so I immediately searched along the trails a fl ying plank buttress fl ared out from high of the spear of splintered hollow stump around the centre. Nothing. A few days up and ran parallel to, and separated a left angled in the ground I surveyed the later Susan suggested it might have been metre from, the main trunk only to rejoin damage. Its twisted trunk straddled the the leaning fi g so she, Lizz and Rowan it at the base near the ground. One of the gully and the temptation to cross along went to investigate. After, they told me the lovely things about the leaning fi g was it too great. It had spread two large trees inevitable had happened. I had to have a you had options for climbing. You could stripping off their bark and splitting one look for myself... scramble up on the outside and negotiate to its core. Other huge trunks lay smashed the trunk’s folds and holes and ferns and underneath and when I reached its far Up until then its majestic bulk was simply orchids feeling quite safe on its broad back tips I looked back to see the devastation awe inspiring when viewed side on. The (although I was once startled by a large all around. An enormous hole had been massive trunk angled at 45 degrees to the python curled up resting). From there opened up in the forest with blue sky ground soaring over a deep wide gully. you could sit and enjoy the forest from searing overhead. I stepped out 45 metres As with stranglers, the stem was riddled high above the gully and look up into the back to where it shot out of the ground. with apertures that at some high point canopy. coalesced into a solid cylinder shooting My thoughts before leaving: sadness vertically skyward and crowned by a dome The other option was to enter into its in some ways as it had given so many of rich green leaves, its fruit parrot heaven. hollow trunk and climb up inside the ever- the joyous opportunity to witness this On gazing at it, fi rst thoughts include narrowing tunnel of interlocking roots. remarkable work of nature. “Check out the sheer disbelief at the staggering strength And at one point you look out through leaning fi g just after you turn left at the a window across to the sheer face of the T-junction. It’s worth a little look”, we’d say. fl ying buttress. A little further on you come to a gaping hole in the trunk beneath I also know it’s part of life’s ongoing “The stem was riddled with apertures you with no possibility of going on while process, from death comes life. that at some high point coalesced looking straight down to the gully far into a solid cylinder shooting below. Article by Richard Zoomers vertically skyward and crowned by a That it had fallen was not unexpected. In President, Wild Mountains Trust dome of rich green leaves...” fact last year it featured as our season’s Land for Wildlife member Rathdowney, Scenic Rim

12 Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 WIN A BOOK! SEQ Catchments is giving away ONE free, signed by the author, Limited Edition copy of Tadpoles and Frogs of Australia by Marion book reviews Anstis valued at $150 to a chosen Land for Wildlife member who contributes a story about a wetland or creek project on their property. Barks and Trunks: Rainforest Trees of Winning story will be printed in the October South-Eastern Australia. Volumes 1 and 2 2014 newsletter. Prize drawn 1 Sept 2014. by Peter Poropat

hese two books are a tremendous texture, colour, etc. Itt shouldshould be pointedpointed Tresource and aid to identifying out that the photos are not only clear but rainforest trees along eastern Australia. also large enough to be useful. They’re packed with good quality colour photos throughout and provide an The author has an obvious love of these eff ective identifi cation guide to the trees, rainforest trees to have spent many especially when you think that often years searching out not only relevant those tall rainforest trees have their leaves species, but fi nding specimens that have way up in the canopy, and therefore leaf trunks that are not only representational details are diffi cult to obtain. of the species, but also ones that can be photographed in the dim light and Volume 1 (98 pages) covers 90 species tangled rainforest vegetation. and Volume 2 (180 pages) covers another 150 species, ranging in distribution from To enhance the book’s eff ectiveness, bark the /NSW border to northern types (with photos) are also listed in the Queensland. Each species has a page front of the books along with a list of the devoted to it, with a detailed description species in each group. of its growth habit, habitat, trunk, bark, There is an intention to publish a third Dragonwick Publishing leaves, fl owers, fruit, and timber details. volume in the future, and in the long Volume 1 (published 2009) $35 Botanical and common names are term I’d love to see all three volumes Volume 2 (published 2013) $40 included. These descriptions are more combined into one. The information Soft cover, colour photos. than adequate to assist in identifi cation, in the book is accurate and up to date, ISBN: 9780987351524 (vol 2) and in most cases colour photos are and along with the wonderful photos, Available from included of leaves, and in many cases is a credit to the author. I certainly and www.fl and other fl owers or fruit. But the real advantage recommend these books to anyone such online bookshops. is the large colour photos of the trunk as plant enthusiasts, bush walkers, timber Book review by Glenn Leiper and/or bark, clearly showing trunk and enthusiasts and people interested in the bark features such as buttressing, fl uting, world around them!

White Beech By Germaine Greer ost Australians my age would the plants and animals we have entrusted Mhave heard of Germaine. She led a into our care by ‘buying’ their homes. As movement that changed the world. Would I well as the hard work and energy required have this job if the path before me was not to restore ecosystems, and the joy we get carved by her and other similar women? when we see success.

This book, although a divergence in topic There are Land for Wildlife members in from her previous best-sellers, still displays Numinbah, and indeed across Australia, her sharp intellect, ferocious investigative who are undertaking similar journeys of skills and her determination to speak her ecological recovery, and I think this book mind. The topic of focus in White Beech would resonate with such an audience. is the ecological decline of Australia and her eff orts to reverse this decline, and in This book is written with conviction. Her fact restore, the rainforest on her property passion and sometimes bluntness are in Numinbah Valley on the Gold Coast refreshing and mirror my own joy, and hinterland. sadness, for this country and its natural assets. I found some sections in the chapters Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013 Her story would be familiar to many Land on botany and non-indigenous history to be Hard cover, 384 pages. for Wildlife members. The search to buy hard-going, but there are gems of surprise ISBN: 9781408846711 that block of land that speaks of beauty, throughout that kept me engaged from Price: $39.95 hope and an ability to give something back. start to fi nish. Available from most online and in- The search for historical meaning to the person bookshops. landscape we now see knowing that it has This is an appealing read for people doing ecological restoration and those who have undergone dramatic changes in the last Book review by Deborah Metters 250 years. The search for knowledge about an interest in the history of land use in SEQ.

Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 13 “The wildlife that we have identifi ed over the years has given us some magnifi cent ‘feel good’ moments. ”

property profi le Moodlu Matters

n 1981, we purchased our 15 acre noise and vibrant colour as the birds take Scrub-wren when it was fl edging. We Iproperty, with nearly three quarters of the advantage of the abundance of nectar and felt it was okay for us to intervene as the property previously cleared for timber. The pollen. We reserved some grassed areas parents had chosen the safety of Howard’s soil in the southern section of our property naturally for the wildlife, and maintained workshop to build their nest. was so high in salinity we could have used other areas through grazing for fi re it for table salt. We decided to set this management purposes. The Dollarbirds return every October and section aside and restore it in the hope that compete for a magnifi cent 40-year plus the salinity levels would drop over time. Howard has eliminated lantana from the Scribbly Gum nest site with a pair of Galahs Thank goodness we did. This area is now a property through constant vigilance, but and lorikeets. Melaleuca wetland. we still have ongoing weed control for Billy Goat Weed, Slash Pine wildlings, Ochna Last year we noticed a decline in our Brown When we became a proud member of the and Whisky Grass. The Whisky Grass only Quail numbers. We had two families of Land for Wildlife program in September appeared about fi ve years ago. at least ten, then for six months, we only 2003, we were pleased to fi nd out that the saw one pair. It was such a relief when we wetland that we set aside those many years We love fi nding our silent residents (Tawny saw eleven of them return last week. We ago was now valued as remnant Melaleuca Frogmouths) hiding in the Angophoras or had been concerned they may have been wetland. This area plays an important Acacias. There are usually three of them subject to domestic or feral predation. role in providing exceptional habitat and together. It is easy to see from our photo why they are called frogmouths. There are still a few kangaroos around but refuge for the local wildlife including they are not as bold as they used to be. our resident egrets, herons, wood ducks, Our membership with Caboolture Daytime cormorants and water dragons. Our SGAP and the Wallum Study Group has We will always have to work at keeping our migratory friends, the Yellow-tailed Black helped us enormously in learning about little piece of paradise free from weeds, Cockatoos also enjoy a plunge in the water the native indigenous plants for this area but the pleasure of enjoying the wildlife is hole after gorging noisily on the Banksia and helped me buy the correct plants for worth it. oblongifolia. our revegetation. The Melaleuca thymifolias that we were given as free plants have Article and photos by We have identifi ed numerous local plant Carol and Howard Heyworth species re-populating the area over the proved to be very tough plants, surviving after being fl ooded for about three Land for Wildlife members years, like Lomandra, Melaleuca thymifolia, Moodlu, Moreton Bay Glochidion, Acacias, Leptospermums months. They are my favourite wallum and rushes. We have given our property plants and it has a beautiful fl ower. a helping hand by infi ll planting with Our property consists of wallum endemic plants purchased and propagated wetlands and dry eucalypt forest with from the Society for Growing Australian some beautiful specimens of Eucalyptus Plants (SGAP) and Caboolture Region racemosa (Scribbly Gum). I have been able Environmental Education Centre (CREEC) to rescue various native seedlings from nurseries. here to share with SGAP and CREEC.

The wildlife that we have identifi ed over We have three Carpet Pythons living on Photos top to bottom: the years has given us some magnifi cent the property. The largest one seems to stay The beautiful Melaleuca thymifolia in ‘feel good’ moments. During the early up the back of the property while the two fl ower. Variegated Fairy-wrens and Red- years, we had regular visits from Eastern smaller ones are often seen in the shed browed Finches can often be seen in Grey Kangaroos and Swamp Wallabies, and near the house. One was happy to get these trees. which grazed on our grasslands and drank up close and personal with us. He needed from our dams. Among our friendly visitors a gentle tickle with the hand broom to One of our Tawny Frogmouths. are our resident families of Common encourage him to back out of the fl y mesh I was fortunate enough to get close to Brushtail Possums, Common Ringtail from our back door. Once he was back on this young Dollarbird when she was Possums, Squirrel Gliders, bandicoots and the downpipe, he frightened a Green Tree resting after her fi rst fl ight. a roaming Echidna using our property as a Snake who was happily sunning himself on nature corridor. the pipe. It was exciting to see the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos feed on the Banksia When the Melaleucas and Acacias are We discouraged one carpet snake that oblongifolia trees that I had planted close fl owering the whole place is alive with was sneaking up on a baby White-browed to the house 12 years ago.

14 Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 letter to the editor Wallum Wonderland

nclosed is an article on a Editorial note: Edisappearing bit of Queensland Over the years, Graham has submitted habitat, which may be of interest to several articles for this newsletter. your readers. All are beautifully hand-painted and hand-written on board, and carefully Graham Reese posted to me. I am always delighted Land for Wildlife member to receive, scan and print them for Rochedale, Brisbane others to appreciate.

n less enlightened time, these havens for small Ibirds and butterfl ies were bulldozed to create rubbish tips, quarries and sporting grounds. However, if you are an admirer of the unique vegetation of these heath areas, you can create a smaller version on your own property, with a bit of eff ort. The size depends on your budget. On my property, I got a bulldozer to dig out an area, similar in depth to a dam site. I removed the clay soil and trucked in white-washed sand to fi ll the excavation site, raising it unevenly above the surrounding ground by about one- third to one metre. I then covered the top sand with 10-20 cm of fi ne compost, which I made from leaf litter from my own property. I then planted, remembering that the deepest and sunniest parts were reserved for Banksia aemula, Ricinocarpos pinifolius and Leucopogons. The Gompholobiums, Phebaliums, Persoonias, Aotus and others do well in less depth of sand.

Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014 15 Above: A bare paddock - arguably the least preferable type of land to rehabilitate and the most vulnerable Philosophy with Phil to soil erosion. I would prefer a paddock full of weeds to a bare paddock

ow that I have your attention… If I just cool, preferably with leaf litter and some penetration, slows run off , creates shade Nbought a block and want to rehabilitate moisture. These organisms, like the humble and provides sanctuary for animals. Strata it, would I prefer a cleared paddock or a but vital earthworm, recycles leaf litter and also reduces wind at ground level, resulting paddock full of weeds? Depending on the vastly improves the soil. in less evaporation and less erosion. This all type of weeds, I would prefer the latter. helps create a healthy piece of land. Plants have roots. These worm (sorry Some weeds such as Cat’s Claw Creeper, about that!) their way into compacted soil, To me, lantana, tobacco bush and all the Madeira Vine, Camphor Laurel and breaking it up and allowing for penetration annual weeds can be useful as part of a Chinese Celtis are a real problem, so I of moisture and oxygen. Soil organisms regeneration project. Lantana is a good certainly would not want to inherit them. need access to oxygen via air spaces in the example. It provides shade to the soil. However, weeds do serve a purpose. In any soil. Some roots, such as those of legumes It restricts run-off in storms. It stops the rehabilitation project you fi rst need to do a and the under-rated wattle, have nitrogen impact from rain drops by breaking them ‘weed triage’ and a cost/benefi t analysis. At nodules that fertilise the soil. up before they hit the earth. It reduces the core of this theory is the soil. wind at ground level. It provides leaf litter Another benefi t is strata. This is the depth as mulch. It provides habitat. Birds love the In an open, cleared paddock your land is of plant material from the ground. In a branches to perch. Butterfl ies love to feed more likely to be eroding and losing its healthy forest, I like to see grass/ ground on the nectar of lantana fl owers. precious topsoil. With no vegetative cover, cover; then small shrubs/small trees; then be that weeds, wattles or grass, the top of mature canopy trees. This is a healthy The lesson for me is that any rehabilitation the soil is fully exposed to sun, wind and forest, with little kiddies coming through to takes time. Plan for it taking time and work rain. Any moisture that does happen to fall replace the old, tired ones (like me!). with nature. Rehabilitation to a healthy on your land will run straight off and not system is not neat. Neat is the opposite of permeate into the soil. Another great benefi t of strata is habitat - a good habitat. place for critters to live and poo. Within Any plant that shades the earth has some some poo are seeds that can help aid Phil Moran benefi ts. Worms and other soil organisms natural regeneration. Strata includes Land for Wildlife member will not come up to a baked surface. They dead material such as rocks, logs and Cooran, Sunshine Coast need food, water and oxygen. They like it branches. This material slows down water Manager, Noosa and Districts Landcare Phi•los•o•phy (say fuh’losuhfee) n. a system of principles for guidance in practical aff airs. Macquarie Dictionary.

Land for Wildlife South East Queensland Land for Wildlife South East Queensland is proudly supported by: newsletter is published by SEQ Catchments through funding from the Australian Government.

Opinions expressed by contributors to the Land for Wildlife newsletter are not necessarily those of the Land for Wildlife program nor any of the supporting agencies.

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16 Land for Wildlife South East Queensland April 2014