Event Horizon Event Horizon Archives 18 April Meeting Roundup by Mike Spicer (Continued from Front Page)
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Volume 15, Issue 5 John Gauvreau on Things We Never Think May 2008 About Photo and Story by Mike Spicer There were very few From The Editor’s Desk seats empty for the Hamil- ton Amateur Astronomers' Every year in the spring we celebrate April meeting at the Spec- Astronomy Day as an opportunity to tator Auditorium Friday do outreach to the community. All we evening, 11 April 2008. need do is look around the club and see all of Fifty members and almost the grey hairs to realize that we need to do a a dozen guests were in better job of getting young people interested in attendance for our line-up astronomy. Photographs of HAA meetings of excellent speakers! from many years ago show a lot of young peo- ple. How do we get them interested in our Club Observing Director hobby? One thing is certain, if we don’t get Prof. Greg Emery gave a new people interested, there are going to be a very detailed run-down of lot of telescopes sitting idle when we are all the Sky for April to aug- too old to lift them anymore. (Continued on page 2) Tim Philp, Editor Inside this issue: NOTICE Chair Report 3 Astronomy Day at Bayfront Park Image Stacking 4-5 in Hamiltion. Saturday May 10th Taking Care of Your Telescopes 7-8 @ 20:00 hrs. The Sky this Month 9—11 WEATHER AND CLOUDS PER- Knowns and Unknowns 13 MITTING! 4-D Ionosphere 16-17 Check the web site for directions. Event Horizon Event Horizon Archives 18 April Meeting Roundup By Mike Spicer (Continued from Front Page) ment his very informative arti- tions, pick up free magazines our 15th anniversary dinner cle in last month's newsletter, and copies of our club news- venue this fall. the Event Horizon. letter Event Horizon (thanks, Tim and Don), buy member- John Gauvreau was the ships or check out the new Glenn Muller announced an night's main speaker, enter- HAA caps and jackets (more HAA "road trip" to the Cherry taining the whole group until on that from Jim at May’s Springs Star Party in Pennsyl- 10 pm with his enthusiastic meeting). vania at the end of May, giv- presentation on ten astro- ing some impressive "dark sky nomical items we seldom site" information. Mike Jeffer- After the break, Jacob drew think about, from Greek geo- son presented on recent ob- the door prize winners and metric calculation of the dis- servations of our LOFAR radio Gail Muller and Gary Kre- tance of the Sun, to the mini- telescope and answered venky were presented with mal separation of neighbour some interesting questions, their Sky & Telescope Aurora galaxies. thanks guys. posters. Our 50/50 draw net- ted $43 for a grateful visitor - After the meeting, about two Dave ("and a membership is Members and guests used the dozen members retired to Kel- only $25"). Club members break to drink coffee (thanks, sey's on Main Street for din- voted overwhelmingly for a Jim), eat Timbits (thanks, ner, discussion and to wish Ed buffet-style for about $25 at Steve), watch AV presenta- a happy birthday. Treasurer’s Report— By Don Pullen (Unaudited) Cash opening Balance (1 Apr 2008) $ 3,026.26 Expenses $ 88.23 Revenue $ 160.00 Closing Balance (30 Apr 2008) $ 3098.03 Notes: Major expenses included: Newsletter printing (Apr) ($70.63), Speaker’s Meal (Feb $17.60). Major revenue sources included: Memberships ($55.00), 50/50 Draw (Apr $42.00), Donation ($43.00), Messier Marathon ($20.00). Page 2 Event Horizon From the Chair by Mike Spicer May brings warmer weather, boosting sions and Steve Germann volun- 8. Council heard that this year's Hamilton Amateur Astronomer observ- teered to drum up publicity for: May BASEF judges, Don and Jim, had ing and public demonstration efforts. 24th at Murray Street Park in so much fun that they volunteered Posting of observing reports on the Grimsby from 8-11 pm; July 12th to serve next year; Jim presented HAA blog is up and the number of peo- from 8-11 pm at a Burlington loca- the Winger Prize, an autographed ple attending our sessions is increas- tion Steve Germann will select; copy of "Nightwatch" and a ing, too. Why wait for July to start ob- August 12th from 8 pm at Binbrook cheque for $50 to Stephen Hogg, serving? Conservation Area for Perseid me- our 2008 science fair winner; teors; September 6th from 7 pm at Spring has some clear skies of won- the Brantford Tourism Centre, Tim 9. Chairman Mike advised that the derful transparency... use them be- Philp to book the site. No public May meeting will feature a do- cause the heat of summer can bring observing in July (too bright). An nated telescope as the door prize. smoggy evenings and night skies grey HAA excursion to Onondaga Farm Glenn Muller will talk in May on with light pollution. Observatory was suggested; Tim "Forces of Nature" and Mike Philp is meeting with the Program Spicer has "the Sky this Month"; Speaking of transparency, I have al- Director and will report at next the June meeting will bring Eric ways felt that members of the club Council meeting; Don Pullen is Briggs and a talk on "Telescope should know what their Council is do- checking into the Saltfleet High Secrets" by Ray Khan from To- ing. Members are of course welcome School Observatory. Members ronto; to attend Council meetings but most voted overwhelmingly at the April cannot attend for one reason or an- meeting to hold our Club's 15th 10. Tim Philp advised that a winner other. Would it be helpful if there was anniversary dinner at the Mandarin has been chosen for the 2007 an article about Council's activities, or a similar buffet-style restaurant. Telescope Contest, more informa- available in the Event Horizon or on Council appointed Don Pullen and tion to follow, leaving the way the web site? The official Minutes John Gauvreau to look for a open for Don to approach local can't be published until approved at the speaker for the dinner. papers concerning the HAA 2008 subsequent Council meeting and that Telescope Contest (the Chairman means a month's delay or more. But 4. Treasurer Don Pullen delivered a has donated telescopes for this an unofficial report on Council meet- detailed report on our healthy finan- cause); ings might keep everyone better in- cial situation which I suggested formed as to what is being decided, should be published in the Event 11. All members of Council have re- and who on Council is doing what. Horizon as a mid-term report card; ceived the HAA brochure in print- able format and Don has begun So here is what I recall of our last 5. Secretary Darrell Maude, busy re- updating the information; Mike Council meeting: cording the Minutes, advised there Spicer has donated 500 sheets of had been no club correspondence thick paper and Council budgeted Council met at Jim Wamsley's in Dun- received in the past month save for $25 to Steve Germann to print das on 16 April starting at 7:30 pm. new membership applications; Jim 500 copies of the brochure for use There were 12 items on the agenda: had mailed out Event Horizons to 6 at public events; non-computerized members; 1. Council decided that Astronomy 12. Council voted to raise the Event Day Saturday May 10th will fea- 6. Membership Director Jim Wamsley Horizon budget by $75 to in- ture a public viewing night from 8 reported 2 new memberships in the crease newsletter copies from 50 to 11 pm in the parking lot of the previous month, plus the winner of to 70 in each of May and June, Bayfront Park, as the Discovery the April 50/50 draw generously plus to make 50 copies of a sum- Centre grounds are no longer had returned his winnings and mer issue. Steve Germann is look- available without paying a fee. Council decided to give him a ing into lower pricing to copy the membership once we have his Event Horizon on 11 x 17" paper. 2. Tim Philp reported that the "Movie membership info; Jim demon- about HAA" he undertook to make strated the proposed HAA jackets Hamilton Amateur Astronomers is not will not be ready for Astronomy and baseball caps; Council voted a club of armchair observers. It's ac- Day but he will bring a rough draft to order 25 caps for sale at the May tive observers attending our meetings of it to view at our next Council meeting @ $15 each. in great numbers. My thanks to those meeting, May 14th. members who volunteer to help plan, 7. The bylaw review committee hopes organize and carry out its many won- 3. Council set the dates and times for to meet in the next month; derful activities. summertime public observing ses- Volume 15, Issue 5 Page 3 Image Stacking One of the Keys to Success in Digital Astrophotography By Kerry-Ann Lecky Hepburn When I first started to take pictures ground with some colour noticeable I could have more control in preserv- of deep sky targets with my digital in the galaxy. It is usually just after ing the dynamic range of the galaxy's SLR and telescope I was thrilled to this point, when you decide to bright cores and outer faint bands. just see a hint of the object on the brighten it up with processing, and back of the camera LCD. There this is where you begin to realize Figure 3 is a final stack of 38 frames were often times when I would think the problem with noise.