Tolworth Broadway Public Realm Design StrategY

update September 2010 Welcome to the Tolworth Cllr Malcolm Self 1.2 In addition to the council, the design Hill Ward team has also had consultations with the Broadway Design Strategy. Consultant Design Team following for their input into the scheme: This project is promoted by Cllr Rolson Davies RBK has appointed the KCC (Kingston Cycling Campaign), Royal the Royal Borough of Kingston Cllr Vicki Harris National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), upon Thames in partnership (Vice Chair South of the Borough design team to bring forward Transport for , Tolworth Rise South more detailed proposals for Residents’ Association, Hook Rise South with . Neighbourhood Committee) Residents’ Association, Elgar Avenue This is a supplemental design Cllr Sharon Hartley the improvement scheme. Residents’ Association, Old Kingston Tolworth & Hook Rise Ward The team consists of: Road Residents’ Association, update showing progressions Crescent Residents’ Association, Kingston Pensioners’ Forum, St George’s Church, in the design and should be Cllr Rachel Reid Studio Egret West Our Lady Immaculate RC Church, Surbiton in read in conjunction with (Chair South of the Borough Community Church, Tolworth Infants earlier design strategy reports Neighbourhood Committee) Architects, Urban Designers and Nursery School, South Ward and Landscape Architects Alexandra Team and Metropolitan Police for background information. Tolworth Team. (Lead Consultants) The core officers forming part of 1.4 1.1 the MOG and to lead the project Royal Borough of with day to day input relating to Martin Stockley Associates Project Brief each strategy area consisted. Civil Engineers; and Kingston Project The aim of the project is Personnel Jay Judge Sutton Vane Associates to develop an exemplary A Member (Councillors) / Officer Working Project Manager Lighting Designers; and design for a new public Group (MOG) was agreed by the South of realm for Tolworth Broadway the Borough & Surbiton Neighbourhood Gary Walsh Committees to steer the direction of the that not only addresses Project Manager KMCS project to allow the development of a immediate and local issues strategic framework for Tolworth. This Group Quantity Surveyors consists of: Paul Dearman on the Broadway but also Traffic & Transportation integrates the wider area Barry Allen 1.3 (South of the Borough Stakeholders and of regeneration along the Patrick Whelan A240 corridor. Neighbourhood Manager) Urban Design Consultees Chair Member / OfficerW orking Group Pat Loxton The design team has Planning Cllr Frances Moseley worked closely with the (RBK Design Champion) Marie-Claire Edwards client group and MOG to Ward Green Spaces respond to the challenges and opportunities found on Cllr Michael Burden Nick Balchin the Broadway and create a Cllr John Burgess Culture & Lifelong Learning Cllr Richard Hudson positive design solution. Alexandra Ward John Mumford Partnership & Regeneration Scheme details

A detailed package of drawings and specifications has now completed. Here is the list:

Drawing Number Drawing Name Size Scale

Plans 0126 E 0100 Landscape Plan: Sheet 1 of 7 A0 1:100 0126 E 0101 Landscape Plan: Sheet 2 of 7 A0 1:100 0126 E 0102 Landscape Plan: Sheet 3 of 7 A0 1:100 0126 E 0103 Landscape Plan: Sheet 4 of 7 A0 1:100 Landscape masterplan 0126 E 0104 Landscape Plan: Sheet 5 of 7 A0 1:100 Here are some key points and highlights of the 0126 E 0105 Landscape Plan: Sheet 6 of 7 A0 1:100 0126 E 0106 Landscape Plan: Sheet 7 of 7 A0 1:100 The concept for a “Greenway” with vivid green scheme: stripes was presented by the design team Sections from the beginning of the project in July 2009. The central barriers will be removed and 0126 E 0200 Roundabout Greenway Sections A0 VA Consultees such as TfL, DfL and the RBK client replaced with the “Greenway”. At grade (level) 0126 E 0201 Broadway Greenway Sections A0 VA team were present at the kick off “walk and crossings will be provided through the A3 talk” meeting on site to envisage the project roundabout giving users a choice not to use the Elevations and the use of the green banding. Since then existing subways. 0126 E 0310 Roundabout Bridge Elevations A0 VA support has been gained for the scheme by Surface Details local businesses, housing associations and the The surface materials for the proposed greenway 0126 E 1000 A Resin Bound Surfacing Type 01 (pedestrian) A0 1:10 general public through numberous consultation are green coloured resin bound gravel stripes B Resin Bound Surfacing Type 02 (vehicular - occasional to Lorry Turn-around Kingston Road) A0 1:10 events. With a large majority of comments being adding a strong continuous artistic feature and C Resin Bound Surfacing Type 03 (tree pit) A0 1:10 highly positive for the scheme councilor support identity to Tolworth. D Asphalt A0 1:10 was given by the joint neighbourhood south E Tactile Paving Type 01: Blister A0 1:10 of the borough comittee and the councilor In some places the width of the central F Tactile Paving Type 02: Granite Sett Rumble Strip A0 1:10 member officer group. Now the Royal Borough greenway is 5-6m which allows room to plant G Recessed Cover A0 1:10 of Kingston wish for approval of the use of these some smaller street trees. Interface Details special materials and to move the scheme 0126 E 1010 A Kerb Arrangement 01: Flush A0 1:10 forward towards construction. There will be a limited amount of bicycle parking B Kerb Arrangement 02: 60mm A0 1:10 to go into these areas as well. C Kerb Arrangement 03: 125mm A0 1:10 During the design process multiple departments D Kerb Arrangement 04: Conservation Drop Kerbs A0 1:10 of Transport for London have been consulted There are no seats or any other street furniture E Kerb Arrangement 05: Trief/Titan & Trief/Titan Drop Kerb A0 1:10 with to ensure proper design requirements. as no one will stop in the greenway, it is a way of Some of these departments include: Strucutres, negotiating the street with ease. 0126 E 1011 A Resin Bound Surfacing: Granite Sett Rumble Strip : Resin Bound Surfacing A0 1:10 B Resin Bound Surfacing: Blister Paving : Kerb : Asphalt A0 1:10 Lighting, Arboricultural, Buses, Streetscape, Traffic C Metal Edge A0 1:10 Modeling and Signaling. There will be a kerb to the greenway giving visually disabled users confidence to cross and Furniture Details If the materials proposed are not to be approved keeping vehicles off. 0126 E 1020 A Cycle Racks (Typical Detail) A0 1:10 for use the design and material choices will B Lamp Column: Proposed Paving (Greenway) A0 1:10 need to be retought then requiring more Signalised and informal crossing points are C Lamp Column: Existing Paving A0 1:10 consultation to meet the same public approval provided for disabled and blind users. This Soft Landscape Details that was previously gained. The design team adds to the choice and ease of negotiation for 0126 E 1030 A Tree Pit Type 01: Hard A0 1:10 feel that many of the questions asked by the pedestrians wanting to cross the street. B Tree Pit Type 02: Soft A0 1:10 consultees have been answered and there are C Lawn Turf A0 1:10 strong reasons to go forward with the proposals. These issues are discusssed later on in this report Structures + Level Change Details 0126 E 1040 Roundabout Bridge Details A0 VA

the roundabout

KIngston road

Tolworth broadway



After After Most of the examples listed use as surfacing for the proposed bold Proposed Greenway a buff coloured stone aggregate artistic stripes on the greenway. Materials but recently coloured examples These colours are the most are becoming more prominent as appropriate for adding artistic Green stripes are the theme an artistic and playful addition to value and colour variance to the for materials on the proposed many spaces. Examples include: scheme. They are: greenway. St Anns Roundabout, Rotherham Mercury House, Gainsborough 1) 10mm dia aggregate green Resin bound gravel was chosen as Capel Manor College Garden and glass recycled (for use in stripes the surface because of it’s relative Hornsea Railway Station, Penine Trail with tree pits) cheap price and installation 2) 3mm dia aggregate 95% RAL method when compared to Three suppliers of resin bound 6018, 5% RAL 6029 natural stones pavers like granite gravels have been found that 3) 3mm dia aggregate 95% RAL 100 and yorkstone. can produce or supply green 80 80, 5% RAL 6018 colours. They are also contractors 4) 3mm dia aggregate 95% RAL Examples of Resin Bound Surfacing who specialize in laying the 6029, 5% RAL 6018 have been used over the last ten bound gravels. Between these years at many high profile sites companies expansive data has Each choice has a small including: been compiled to ensure the percentage of a darker colour to Kensington Palace, Windsor Castle, stability of coloured materials, anti- give it a slightly speckled effect. This Buxton Pavilion Gardens, slip makeup, appropriate laying will help as stains will be harder to Tate Modern – London Borough methods, their future maintenance, pick out. To also help with this we of (installed in 2000), use around trees, suds, etc. in the are suggesting the use of a surface Eden Project – Cornwall (installed public urban environment. Life protector that will make it easier to 1999/2000), expectancy of the product ranges clean and repel stains. London Eye – London Borough between 8-15 yrs depending on the of Southwark (installed 2000), provider and one guarantees it for We recognize that the materials will Potters Fields Park – London Borough 10 yrs. This information is available undergo more consultation with of Southwark (installed 2004), from each manufacturer and stakeholders. It is also expected St Mary’s Churchyard – London should be weighted for its value in later stages of design close Borough of Southwark (installed when tendered. coordination will occur with the 2007) and many other sites chosen supplier and contractor to throughout the UK and overseas. Four different types of gravel and ensure that the colours and sizes of one coloured tarmac (to be used aggregates chosen are laid as a at the ramped crossings to ensure test strip to ensure correct aesthetic vehicular stability) are to be used and functional choice.

Central reservation with resin bound gravel proposed Resin bound colours Lower Patrick Street, hamilton (scotland) Material Options Streetscape Guidance references Kerbs 150mm granite kerb 150mm concrete kerb Kerbs and drainage, Fine picked straight and radiussed Straight and radiussed TfL/SG01, SG06, SG07, SG08, Silver grey at crossings as required SG09, SG10, SG12, SG13, SG14, SG19, SG23, SG24, SG25, SG26, 300mm granite kerb 300mm concrete kerb SG28, SG29 Fine picked straight and radiussed Straight and radiussed Silver grey at crossings as required

Silver grey fine picked at controlled 150mm granite kerb 300 mm granite kerb and uncontrolled crossings

Granite safety kerb Concrete safety kerb Kerbs and drainage, Shaped granite kerbs TfL/SG25 and other specials At-grade pedestrian crossings, TfL/SG02, SG03, SG19, SG20, SG27 Standard TfL Maintenance Coloured Resin Bound Timber Treatment / Graffiti - Cycle tracks Gravels: The use of natural oak materials in the landscape actually discourages Materials Asphalt with green pigmentation CycleConcern lanes hasand been cycle raisedtracks, about The surface is intended to be graffiti ‘artists’. It is intended that the the need to maintain the material These are the standard materials (BS381C – Colour 267 deep chrome green) TfL/SG04, SG05, SG10, SG11 used by normal pedestrian and timber will age and grey naturally with a 6 or 12 month pressure-wash taken from TfL streetscape adjacent to asphalt footway occasional vehicular traffic. Heavy but a clear sealant is required to to ensure the vibrant colour. It guidance. RBK wishes to improve objects, such as waste skips should prevent moisture absorption and has since been clarified that the upon the dull asthetic of these Asphalt – no pigmentation adjacent not Granitebe dragged safety across kerb the surface. make the removal of Radiussedpaint, markers granite kerb responsibility for the cleansing of materials and create a much more to concrete flag footway etc. easier. Appropriate sealant Kingston Road lies with the Borough, vibrant and interactive surface for Pressure Washing / Cleaning products/anti-graffiti coatings like even though it is part of the TLRN. the greenway. Concrete raised delineator blocks monthly Washing can be carried (TS to confirm) or similar approved out using a portable pressure by RBK/TfL. Then when graffiti 400x200x65mm, grey (natural) Another concern was with the According to the guidance washer (up to 150bar rating) to occurs, soap and water solution potential for utility providers either asphalt or concrete flags remove dirt, grime and moss, should easily remove the graffiti. The Cycle lanes ripping up the new material when (900x600x65mm) should be used for providing care is taken not to use uprights should be lightly sanded renewing their plant. This issue was shared surfaces. Asphalt with green pigmentation Cycle lanes and cycle tracks excessive pressure. Only cold water and reapplied with sealant as per investigated early on in the design should be used and the water lance the product guidelines every 5-7 yrs. (BS381C – Colour 267 deep chrome green) process and statutory service Material Options Streetscape Guidance Material OptionsTo us this would be detrimentalStreetscape to Guidance must be kept at least 200mm from providers’ drawings indicate that references the impact desired by thereferences council Asphalt – no pigmentation the surface and a fan type jet used. Fungi/Moss/Insects- utilities run longitudinally beneath for the regeneration of the area. Oak is one of the most durable the footways and not under the Kerbs Kerbs If a 4m wide area of asphalt was Moss and Algae Removal - hardwoods and therefore shouldn’t Shared surfaces central reservation. Whilst service implemented drivers would not view Weed growth should be treated experience any of these factors. 150mm granite kerb 150mm concrete kerb Kerbs and drainage, 150mm granite kerb 150mm concrete kerb Kerbs and drainage, providers’ drawings are notoriously the importance of the central area Asphalt Paving flags Cycle lanes and cycle tracks, prior to surfacing and is highly In addition the timber sealant will inaccurate, it is fairly common Fine picked straight and radiussed Straight and radiussed TfL/SG01, SG06, SG07, SG08,Fine picked straight and radiussed Straightas and a walkway. radiussed TfL/SG01, SG06, SG07, SG08, Footway surfaces, TfL/SG04, unlikely that any growth will provide the necessary protection for the majority of services to run Silver grey at crossings as required SG09, SG10, SG12, SG13, SilverSG14, grey at crossings as required SG09, SG10, SG12, SG13,Material SG14, Options Streetscape Guidance sustain. Periodical application of from moisture absorption keeping SG05,beneath SG10, the SG11 footways and not Black cycle tracks Green cycle tracks Here are some quotes from the references proprietary moss and algae killer it under 20% and not promoting SG19, SG23, SG24, SG25, SG26, SG19, SG23, SG24, SG25, SG26, the carriageway. Where services document also: such as ‘Algon’, in accordance the growth of fungi and moss and 300mm granite kerb 300mm concrete kerb SG28, SG29 300mm granite kerb 300mm concrete kerb SG28, SG29 are in the carriageway they are BusFootway Lanes with manufacturers guidelines will creating a protective shell from more likely to only cross the central Fine picked straight and radiussed Straight and radiussed Fine picked straight and radiussed Straight“Pedestrian and radiussed access along footways remove and prevent growth. insects. Annual inspection should AsphaltConcrete with flags red pigmentation YorkstoneAsphalt – flags no pigmentation Busreservation lanesTfL/SG01, in short SG04, sections. SG05, Should Silver grey at crossings as required Silver grey at crossings as required should be facilitated by: Creating include identifying any of these and (BS381C900x600x65m – Colour 1434 Venetian red) 900x600x65mm it beSG06, necessary SG07, to SG08, replace SG09, the a legible hierarchy of paving Chewing Gum Removal - treatment as necessary. Removal of plant in these locations then small materials that visually locates Grey (natural) Fine Picked SG10, SG11, SG12, SG13, Removal of individual pieces of any moss can be scraped/sanded Silver grey fine picked at controlled Silver grey fine picked at controlled individual sections of stripes could 150mm granite kerb pedestrian, cycle and vehicle300 mm granite kerb 150mm granite kerb 300 SG14,mm granite SG15, kerb SG16, SG17, gum can be treated with freezing when the sealant needs to be be replaced, either with new resin and uncontrolled crossings and uncontrolled crossings priority areas” and “Continuing spray and scraped with a wall reapplied, fungi/insects will require 5.4 Palette of materials Granite flags boundSG18, gravel SG21, (an SG24, economic, SG25, footway paving material across scraper. Freezing aerosols can fumigation or chemical treatment 900x600x65 commonSG26, andSG28, easy SG29 to source vehicle crossovers”. be obtained from Greenham Ltd as per product guidelines. Granite safety kerb Concrete safety kerb Kerbs and drainage, Granite safety kerb Concrete safety kerb Kerbs and drainage, material) or indeed in tarmac, if Concrete flags Yorkstone flags What does this more than a (0208 560 1244). For more extensive TfL/SG25 TfL/SG25 truly necessary. Shaped granite kerbs ShapedMaterial granite kerbs Optionscolourful and unique material, like StreetscapeAsphalt Guidance removal it is recommended to seek Warping - the proposed resin bound gravel? advice of a cleaning contractor. Annual (TfL/RBK to confirm) and other specials At-grade pedestrian crossings,and other specials At-grade pedestrianreferences crossings, The team is endeavoring to further inspections will occur to ensure TfL/SG02, SG03, SG19, SG20, TfL/SG02, SG03, SG19,Tactile SG20, Paving confirm the location of all below- Replacement (Stats and services) - structural capacity of the uprights. Footway ground plant and are in the process SG27 SG27 Concrete blister paving Concrete blister paving TfL/SG01, SG02, SG03, The different stripes of green colours Relieving grooves have been Concrete flags Yorkstone flags TfL/SG01, SG04, SG05, of tendering a RADAR survey for have a functional purpose in designed into the larger sections of 400x400x65mm 400x400x65mm the SG04,Broadway, SG05, roundabout SG06, SG07, and 900x600x65m 900x600x65mm SG06, SG07, SG08, SG09, allowing easy replacement when wood to help prevent this. Cycle tracks Cycle tracks Red at controlled crossings Grey (natural) in KingstonSG08, Road. SG09, This SG10, is standard SG11, Grey (natural) Fine Picked SG10, SG11, SG12, SG13, services are accessed. Once work Asphalt with green pigmentation Cycle lanes and cycle tracks,Asphalt with green pigmentation Cycle lanes and cycle tracks, conservation areas procedureSG12, SG17, on major SG18, roadworks SG22, SG14, SG15, SG16, SG17, is completed the edge of the Arson / Vandalism - (BS381C – Colour 267 deep chrome green) TfL/SG04, SG05, SG10, SG11(BS381C – Colour 267 deep chrome green) TfL/SG04, SG05, SG10, SG11 projects.SG25, SG26, SG27, SG28 Granite flags SG18, SG21, SG24, SG25, effected areas edges can be sawn The timber uprights are individual adjacent to asphalt footway adjacent to asphalt footway in parallel lines to those existing. separated units making it harder Concrete blister paving Refer to the maintenance schedule 900x600x65 SG26, SG28, SG29 New surfacing can be laid flush for the entire row to be ignited. 400x400x65mm Concrete flags Yorkstonefor detailed flags timings of when to carry Asphalt – no pigmentation adjacent Asphalt – no pigmentationGranite safety adjacent kerb Radiussed granite kerb Granite safety kerb Radiussed granite kerb to the edges in either a similar Scorching may possibly occur but out specific actions for the upkeep to concrete flag footway to concrete flag footway Charcoal grey at Granitecolour flagsas in proximity or one of the most likely onlyAsphalt on the footway surface. This Asphalt of the scheme. uncontrolled crossings other 3 colours. Refer to GA’s and can be sanded and retreated as Concrete raised delineator blocks Concrete raised delineator blocks specification for RAL colours and needed. These are specific method Tactile Paving supplier information of surfacing. 400x200x65mm, grey (natural) 400x200x65mm, grey (natural) Concrete ladder paving statements of how the materials will Concrete blister paving Concrete blister paving TfL/SG01, SG02, SG03, The structural system has been 400x400x65mm be maintained. Cycle lanes Cycle400x400x65mm lanes 400x400x65mm SG04, SG05, SG06, SG07, designed to resist any pressure from Charcoal grey Roundabout Timber Uprights individuals and good sized large Asphalt with green pigmentation Cycle lanes and cycle tracksAsphaltRed with at controlled green pigmentation crossings Grey (natural) in Cycle lanesSG08, and cycle SG09, tracks SG10, SG11, and Bridge Parapet: fixings ensure stability. The use of conservation areas SG12, SG17, SG18, SG22, (BS381C – Colour 267 deep chrome green) (BS381C – Colour 267 deep chrome green) Concrete Tramline paving a hardwood timber like oak also SG25, SG26, SG27, SG28 Choice of Timber – discourages the use of pen knifes as Asphalt – no pigmentation Asphalt – no pigmentation 400x400x65mm Concrete blister paving European Oak (Quercus robur) it is extremely hard to scratch. If it is Charcoal grey heartwood has been specified for scratched occasional sanding can 400x400x65mm Shared surfaces Shared surfaces it’s ease of sourcing in the UK, its remove it easily. Charcoal grey at Granite flags Asphalt footway durability and price compared Asphalt Paving flags Cycle lanes and cycle tracks,Asphalt Paving flags Cycle lanes and cycle tracks,Concrete corduroy paving uncontrolled crossings Blisterto others paving like Teak. Without any Blister paving Footway surfaces, TfL/SG04, Footway surfaces, TfL/SG04,400x400x65mm treatment Oak typically lasts 15-20 SG05, SG10, SG11 Black cycle tracks GreenSG05, cycle SG10, tracks SG11 Charcoal grey Black cycle tracks Green cycle tracks yrs but we can prolong this almost Concrete ladder paving indefinitely with treatments every 400x400x65mm 5-7 yrs. Bus Lanes Bus Lanes Side road entry treatments Charcoal grey Asphalt with red pigmentation Asphalt – no pigmentation Bus lanes Asphalt with red pigmentation Asphalt – no pigmentation Bus lanes Asphalt Asphalt TfL/SG08, SG09, SG10, (BS381C – Colour 1434 Venetian red) (BS381C – Colour 1434 Venetian red) With kerbs as restraints No kerbs as restraints SG11, SG28 Concrete Tramline paving 400x400x65mm Charcoal grey 5.4 Palette of materials 5.4 Palette of materials Concrete corduroy paving 400x400x65mm Blister paving Blister paving Charcoal grey Ladder and tramline with raised delineator Corduroy paving

Side road entry treatments Palette of materials 5.3 Asphalt Asphalt TfL/SG08, SG09, SG10, With kerbs as restraints No kerbs as restraints SG11, SG28

Ladder and tramline with raised delineator Corduroy paving

Palette of materials 5.3 Street lighting

Introduction There is no statutory requirement to provide Lighting design The design team will need to select an Lighting evaluation street lighting for the highway but there is an appropriate lighting design class, with careful All lighting schemes on the TLRN must be The lighting evaluation should contain the obligation on the highway authority to provide a consideration to be given to the colour rendering designed to meet the requirements of BS 5489-1 following processes: safe network. index of the lamps, ie: and BS EN 13201, taking into account national • Evaluation of adjacent land use: guidance documents published by the Institution • For urban and residential roads the light TfL therefore make a presumption in favour of This requires that the street lighting designer of Lighting Engineers. Expert advice should be source used should have a colour rendering street lighting throughout the TLRN. considers the implications of the street sought from a lighting engineer who will be an index of at least 20 lighting design on the surrounding environs important member of the design team. The overall objectives of street lighting on TLRN • In areas of social activity such as high streets material options lighting tree planting • Consideration of how the street is used: roads are: with high night-time pedestrian use, the The design team must consider which street lighting source should have a colour rendering Options using standard TfL materials • To contribute to the safetyNew lightingof all street columns users and feature Gingko trees (male form only) will be users need to be illuminated. This is usually have been considered but if lighting are being proposed for the planted where roomindex permits of atto leastadd a 60 maintenance and services are the by helping to reduce thescheme. incidence Refer of to night- the lighting report windbreak and natural softening to the mixed pedestrian and vehicular traffic on main concern then they will also be time collisions for concepts as the detail design is scheme. Then as• a Wherefocal point street to crimemark is a major concern and the TLRN. Consideration must be given to subject to this and not suitable. being progressed to come in line entry to the Broadwaythe rowspolice of usepleached CCTV for prosecution, the light vehicle-only and pedestrian-only routes where • To enhance security andwith the the perception scheme. of limes will be used. source should have a colour rendering index of they occur Stripes with concrete pavers and security, particularly for pedestrians during the tarmac would not have the same Here is an example of how lighting at least 80 impact as the colours proposed. hours of darkness is proposed to house the signalling. • Evaluation of night-time activities: This will reduce clutter making it Many parts of the TLRN experience large • To ensure that lighting levels along the Special attention should be paid to the surround Tarmac painted with green stripes easier for pedestrians. pedestrian volumes. Other places where high would wear away leaving a nasty footways of the TLRN aid the journey of public ratio value to ensure adequate illumination for levels of night-time pedestrian use can be finish commonly seen on many transport users pedestrians and cyclists. On all traffic routes cycle tracks in London now. expected are community centres, transport (ME Class) except those with heavily trafficked • To improve the appearance and function of interchanges and places of tourist interest. The use of other types of pavers adjacent footways or cycle tracks, lighting of street lighting equipment These areas may also have CCTV coverage and was also considered but they also the adjacent footway or cycle track should be do not comply with the guidance may therefore require enhanced lighting levels achieved by applying surround ratio. and would be subject to the same and the use of white light maintenance and services issues. Unless the area is classified as a conflict area • Evaluation of special area status: Resin bound gravel was chosen for its durability (ten year guarantee), (CE Class) where the adjacent footways or cycle Parts of the TLRN are within conservation sustainability credentials (recycled tracks are heavily trafficked or are routed away areas and other special areas. The design team glass) and cost effectiveness. from the main carriageway, an appropriate may consider, in liaison with key stakeholders, Because it is a thick surface, if it equivalent S class of lighting shall be applied. that an alternative to the style and finish of wears away slightly there will still be colour underneath to maintain the gingko street tree street lighting equipment in the palette of vividness. Footbridges and subways should be illuminated materials is appropriate to BS5489-1. Overall and longitudinal uniformity • Evaluation of the risk and perception of crime: values specified under BS 5489-1 and BC EN 450mm minimum from the kerb face kerb the from minimum 450mm TfL intends to reduce the risk and perception 13201-2 should be strictly observed for all of crime. Home Office research has shown that classes of writing. most people are affected by the perception of the risk of crime, and feel particularly threatened where poor street lighting exists. The provision of good quality street lighting is therefore essential in areas where street crime is a concern

Green slate Street furniture 8.5 too expensive gingko autumn colour

proposed conservation kerbs

Green coloured pavers Green coloured asphalt marking not enough vibrance and lack of different wears thin into unattractive grey colours to make stripes pleached limes Roundabout Timber uprights

There have been progressions to understand how The pedestrian bridge requires the ramping and crossing of the A3 work. Earth modification to provide a 1.4m high mounding and some retaining walls have been balustrade necessary on cycle and identified in the topographical drawings. pedestrian routes. Currently it is only 1.1m high. The lightest and most The balustrade required has also been detailed to add appropriate material for achieving an artistic sculptural element and identity for Tolworth. this is timber. Metal was considered A3 Dual carriageway existing bridge crossing but timber is more sustainable and cheaper to implement.

The timber will continue through the roundabout as uprights necessary to act as balustrading. These images indicate the type of oak timber that will be sawn to 100x300mm units.

300x300 oAK BEAMS TO BE CUT TO 100X300MM

vertical balustrade 3d visual concept

Air dried timber beam face

sawn timber beam face kingston road - tolworth station

existing photograph from roundabout looking north to broadway


Proposed pathway view towards tolworth broadway After Safety Audit


These designers’ responses are written to respond to the stage one safety audit produced by JMP in April 2010. A number of issues for consideration were noted within the safety audit these are listed below along with the designer’s response to each of these.

Problem 3.2: Street furniture may conflict Designers’ Response: Noted. A guard rail assessment with pedestrian, cycle or vehicle movement. will be undertaken as part of the detailed design stages of the project. Location: General

As mentioned earlier, numerous bodies have Recommendation 3.2: Ensure that all existing street Problem 3.6: Proposed lane widths. been consulted for comment on the scheme. furniture is relocated or removed as required in order to accommodate the proposed scheme, ensuring the Location: General Safety Audit proposed locations will not interfere with pedestrian, cycle or vehicle movements, visibility is not obstructed Recommendation 3.6: Ensure that sufficient lane and minimum clearances are maintained to the widths are maintained in order to allow the safe Royal national institute of carriageway. passage of all vehicles expected to use this route. It is noted that the junction of the A3 and A240 blind people Pan-disability Designers’ Response: Noted, de-cluttering by the approach lanes are part of the TLRN and therefore the Access Audit rationalisation and removal of unnecessary street proposals are likely to need approval from Transport furniture is an integral part of the scheme and this for London’s Traffic Operations (TfL TO). TfL typically process will include an assessment of the safety require minimum lane widths of 3m, and 3.25m for disability parliament requirements in each location where street furniture is the nearside lane to ensure cyclists can negotiate the to be sited. roads safely. Freight Movement Study Designers’ Response: Noted. Proposed lane widths of Problem 3.3: Risk of inadequate drainage and a 3m outside lane and 2.75m inside lane are such so difficulties for the mobility impaired. as to calm excessive traffic speeds whilst still having Metropolitan Police traffic capacity for 2 large vehicles to pass each other. The Location: General project is being funded by TfL and they have been management unit review involved in the consultation process for the project Recommendation 3.3: Ensure during the detailed since its inception. DTO and Network Assurance are design that adequate drainage is provided along the aware of the proposed lane widths and are awaiting Transport for london Greenway and that the proposed levels are buildable the audit of a VISSIM micro-simulation model to TRAFFIC capacity and will not cause difficulties for the mobility impaired demonstrate capacity retention. BUSES to negotiate. SIGNALS Designers’ Response: Noted. The proposed scheme Problem 3.7: Risk of pedestrians being hit by introduces many new features to the High Street which vehicles, or rear end shunts. STREETSCAPE have been specifically designed to accommodate STRUCTURES the needs of all user groups. Raised crossings Location: Proposed uncontrolled crossings along the providing level access for the mobility impaired from Broadway between the Oakleigh Way and the A3 footway to footway and are sited on key desire lines We have compiled the comments and to reduce walking distances. Raised crossing also Recommendation 3.7: Ensure that sufficient forward responded to ensure that they are incorporated eliminate the problem of pooling water at dropped visibility is provided to the proposed uncontrolled into the scheme kerb locations. Where new raised crossings are to be pedestrian crossings. provided the existing drainage will be modified to accommodate local changes in level. Designers’ Response: Noted. A small number of existing on-street parking bays have been relocated to accommodate the proposed Problem 3.5: Increased risk of conflict unsignalised crossings and ensure that Standard between pedestrians/cyclists and vehicles. Stopping Distances (SSD’s) and visibility site- lines are in accordance with Manual for Streets Location: General recommendations. Refer to MSA drawing number SK270. Recommendation 3.5: A guard rail assessment should be undertaken of the proposed highway layout to ensure the existing guard rail is only removed where it is safe to do so, and new guard rail provided if necessary. Problem 3.8: Risk of cycle collisions. Recommendation 3.12: It is recommended that pedestrian crossing assessments are undertaken RNIB Pan-disability Access Audit Location: Proposed Greenway. in accordance with Local Transport Note 1/95, The Introduction Assessment of Pedestrian Crossings, to ensure suitable Recommendation 3.8: Facilities should be provided to pedestrian provision is provided to enable pedestrians These designers’ responses are written to respond to the Stage C Access enable cyclists to safely join and leave the proposed to cross safely. Audit produced by RNIB in November 2009. A number of issues for Greenway, providing connectivity with adjacent east- consideration were noted within the safety audit these are listed below west (assumed to mean north-south) links. Appropriate Designers’ Response: Crossing justification and safety along with the designer’s response to each of these; signage / carriageway markings should also be are being audited by TfL as part of the TSSR submission. provided as necessary to guide cyclists and to alert pedestrians and drivers to the presence of cyclists. Problem 3.16: Vehicles may strike the central Issue: In order to maintain adequate width Issue: The Report suggests that people Designers’ Response: New Toucan crossings are reservation during the hours of darkness. and to avoid tripping hazards it is important unfamiliar with the Broadway area could to be provided at the north and south ends of the to ensure that features such as trees, cycle be unaware of the shops located in the new Greenway to ensure connectivity with existing Location: General. racks, benches and other items of street Broadway when they arrive at Tolworth cycle provisions beyond the scheme boundary. furniture should be located beyond the main station. High priority will need to be given Additionally, levels, materials and rumble strips will Recommendation 3.8: Illuminated bollards or similar line of travel for pedestrians and that these to the provision of accessible directional be used to highlight areas where desire lines of incorporating ‘keep left’ signage as appropriate features provide strong visual contrast with signage in this area. pedestrians and cyclists intersect. On the Greenway should be provided on the central reservations. adjacent surfaces. an unsegregated path will be provided and signed Designers’ Response: Clear, subtle signage is accordingly. Whilst there will be a greater number Designers’ Response: Lighting designers have recently Designers’ Response: Noted, de-cluttering by the proposed along with the use of differing coloured of interactions between users (as opposed to a been appointed to ensure appropriate lux levels rationalisation and removal of unnecessary street and textured surfacing to aid wayfinding and location segregated area) average cycle speeds will be lower are provided on the carriageway and Greenway. furniture is an integral part of the scheme and this awareness. Proposals aim to avoid excessive signage and the potential for actual and severe collisions Proposed signage for the Greenway and surrounding process will include an assessment of the safety which could detract from the scheme by acting as reduced. side-roads will be specified during the detailed design requirements in each location where street furniture is visual and physical clutter. stages of the project. to be sited. Problem 3.9: Risk of conflict between pedestrians and cyclists. Problem 3.17: Insufficient lighting may Issue: It is proposed to employ lateral green increase the likelihood of pedestrian/cycle 'stripes' of paving in the central reservation Location: Proposed Toucan Crossings. collisions. area. This is likely to be confusing for some people (e.g. partially sighted people). It is Recommendation 3.9: To ensure the safety of blind Location: Proposed Greenway. recommended that if different colours / and partially sighted people at these crossings further tones are employed then they should be consideration should be given to providing signage Recommendation 3.17: Ensure that the proposed used to assist pedestrians by highlighting and corduroy paving as necessary on the footways Greenway and surrounding study area is sufficiently lit. different routes and areas. For example adjacent the Toucan crossings so that cyclists and areas around benches and cycle racks pedestrians are aware whether or not the area is Designers’ Response: Lighting design for the broadway could have a different paving from main shared. is being carried out. Early analysis of the existing routes along footways. lighting levels suggest that luminance levels should Designers’ Response: Corduroy paving was be sufficient on the greenway with some additions in Designers’ Response: Differing textures and colours will considered, however traditionally it is used to indicate certain locations. be used to highlight areas where conflicts may occur, the presence of a segregated cycle provision and is as well as providing useful way-finding prospects. not directly applicable to the Greenway which will be an unsegregated pedestrian and cycle provision. Problem 3.18: Risk of vehicles losing control Upon the recommendations of the Pan-disability during the hours of darkness. Issue: The Report confirms that there will Audit undertaken by the RNIB the proposed details be ramped sections of footway in the for indicating where informal crossings meet with Location: Proposed raised crossings (General). roundabout area. It is important that these the Greenway have been designed in consultation ramped sections adhere to good practice with the access groups local to Tolworth. Ramped Recommendation 3.18: Road hump markings should guidelines in this respect. changes in level, increased intensity of surface colour be provided on all proposed ramps so that the ramps striping and a band of cropped setts acting as are more conspicuous to drivers during the hours of Designers’ Response: All proposed ramping will textured rumble strips have been selected to work in darkness. conform to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). combination to indicate these areas of interaction. Refer to Architect’s drawings for levels and gradients. Designers’ Response: The ramped sections of the raised crossings have been designed in consultation Problem 3.12: Increased risk of pedestrian with TfL Buses to suit vehicles with longer wheel bases collisions. and minimise passenger discomfort, as such they have gradients limited at 1 in 20 (very shallow gradual Location: Proposed uncontrolled crossings adjacent changes in level rather than speed humps) and are Oakleigh Way and Tolworth Tower. unlikely to cause issues for any vehicles. Issue: Would “Toucan Crossings” would be Disability parliament and access groups signposted. Introduction Designers’ Response: typical tactile paving will be used to assist pedestrians locate the crossing point. Consultation distributed a document detailing the project and explained this to the group, who supported the scheme overall. It was noted that the greenway would make it easier to cross the road. Issue: width of the crossings (distance along the kerb).

Designers’ Response: Crossings will be at least 4 metres wide and will be sufficient space for issue: Would traffic lights be in place at the issue: what street lighting be used? it was pedestrians to cross. A3 roundabout end of Tolworth Broadway? suggested that old fashioned style lights Issue: are there any similar schemes that have could be installed. been constructed, that people could go to Designers’ Response: there would be a signal see? controlled crossing point for pedestrians, which will Designers’ Response: the street lighting would be be located close to the existing traffic lights by the upgraded to allow for the central greenway, levels Designers’ Response: There is not a scheme precisely roundabout. of illumination required for this scheme dictate that like this, although has had all its modern lighting equipment will be required so it is barriers removed to reduce clutter. unlikely that the Victoriana type lanterns would be Issue: whether the railings at the edges of the sufficient. Issue: Who is funding the scheme and when road would be kept? would it be built? Designers’ Response: the aspiration is to remove as Issue: The Report suggests that people Designers’ Response: It was explained that RBK had much street clutter as possible. The guardrailing in unfamiliar with the Broadway area could successfully bid for funds from Transport for London question is associated with the existing controlled be unaware of the shops located in the and it is currently planned to start on site in August crossing point outside M&S which would not exist Broadway when they arrive at Tolworth 2011, if the scheme is approved. under the new proposals, therefore it is likely that the station. High priority will need to be given railings would be removed. to the provision of accessible directional signage in this area. Issue: Will the ramps on the carriageway create a problem for the elderly? Issue: would Existing planting along the Designers’ Response: Clear, subtle signage is centre of Tolworth Broadway would be proposed along with the use of differing coloured Designers’ Response: Ramps would be very shallow removed? and textured surfacing to aid wayfinding and location so as to not inconvenience bus passengers so he did awareness. Proposals aim to avoid excessive signage not anticipate there being any issues. The ramps will Designers’ Response: the current planting would be which could detract from the scheme by acting as also ensure that surface water drains away from the removed, while new trees are proposed to be planted visual and physical clutter. crossing points and avoid puddling where pedestrians in the widened central island. are crossing the road. Issue: Informal crossing points and how they Issue: who would have priority at the issue: whether the push-button crossing near would be set out? informal crossings? the A3 roundabout would remain in the same position. Designers’ Response: Designers’ Response: We want to create an environment where drivers drive slower and give way Designers’ Response: this controlled crossing would be to pedestrians. removed. Issue: some blind and partially sighted users will be concerned about sharing the central share with cyclists. Issue: suggested that a water feature such as a pond or fountain could be installed in the Designers’ Response: These concerns were anticipated roundabout itself to reduce noise. and so advice was sought from Royal National Institute for the Blind. We had also commissioned the Designers’ Response: the design team had originally RNIB to audit the proposals. Amendments had been suggested the inclusion of a water feature in the made to the design concept on advice from the roundabout as a way of reducing the effects of the RNIB. Sustrans (A charity that promotes sustainable traffic noise. transport) recommendations are that the minimum width of 3.1m is sufficient for pedestrians and cycles to use the same space. However the proposals are about giving choice and the existing wide footways and the subways will still be available to those who don’t want the use the central Greenway. Tolworth Freight Movement Study metropolitan Police traffic management

Introduction unit review Introduction Below is MSA’s designers’ response written to respond to the Tolworth Freight Movement Study produced by TTR for the Royal Borough of Below are designers’ responses written to respond to comments from Kingston in June 2009. Simon Kidd, as a representative for the metropolitan police, Traffic Management Unit. The comments stem from consultations and a review of project proposals. A number of issues for consideration were noted, these are listed below along with the designer’s response to each of these; It is clear from the freight movement study that The report concludes that the majority of service there are issues to be addressed that can benefit vehicles are classified as vans, the proposed scheme Issue: The access and egress points for Issue: The inclusion of trees could have a both the delivery and collection requirements will have no effect on the movement of these vehicles cyclists appear to have a limited ability slight line issue for cyclists by masking of local businesses and also the vehicular and as parking areas and restrictions are remaining to stop cyclists from using the designed pedestrians especially close to crossing pedestrian environment along the broadway. MSA largely unchanged. The proposed narrowed lane lines as opposed to the actual desire lines, points, and possibly in time, as the trees concludes that proposed ‘Greenway’ works will widths on the broadway are also of sufficient size this is prominent at the Warren Drive North mature, the slight lines between pedestrians have no negative impact on the existing condition for two articulated lorries to pass by each other, an junction. A full barrier across would and vehicles. and suggests that through some straightforward unlikely event given the small number of businesses in prevent cyclists riding directly off the cycle regeneration works freight movement in the area the area that use these vehicles. path and into the junction. Likewise at both Designers’ Response: Tree locations have been could be made more efficient. ends of the Tolworth roundabout, as it is chosen accordingly to avoid creating the above The majority of freight movement currently occurs possible for a cyclist to ride directly onto issues. Located only in the wide /straight sections of The current strategy of individualised unstructured between 10am and 4pm, a collaboration between the roundabout against any traffic signals the greenway they will provide both aesthetic appeal movement is clearly flawed. An area wide strategy RBK and local businesses could see incentives for apart from the dropped kerb area. and a permeable barrier informing vehicles of the involving rationalization of movement, further ‘out of businesses to arrange their freight movement ‘out nature of the central reservation. With a clear stem hours’ servicing, clearer demarcation of loading areas, of hours’ ie before the morning peak and after the Designers’ Response: These issues have been height of over 2m sight lines will not be disrupted. and reclamation and renovation of possible loading evening peak, to further decongest movement on the considered throughout the design process, the areas off the broadway would benefit all user groups. broadway during the day. Greenway is to be ‘capped’ at the Warren drive junction (this location was recognised as a potential issue: Wet leaves off the trees and single track The majority of businesses do have off-street facilities For those businesses that require loading access to hazard) to prevent cyclists riding out into traffic. vehicles could cause stability issues. for deliveries and collections. However, issues with the the shop frontage, clearer loading areas could be It is proposed that a large architectural feature off-street loading areas such as uneven road surfaces, provided. As mentioned previously the majority of (Suggested Tolworth ‘T’) be used to act as an effective Designers’ Response: This is a general hazard access issues, parking problems and other problems servicing vehicles in the area are classed as vans, with barrier at the extremes of the scheme. Adjacent to common to all footway types in close proximity to such as fly-tipping, and waste left uncollected are the majority of deliveries/collections being carried the roundabout a combination of tree planting and trees and not specific to the proposed project. A preventing these areas being used efficiently. We feel out in under 10 minutes, a possible solution to space a timber balustrade will also be employed to remove maintenance regime will be required to avoid such that any servicing movements that can be located availability could involve short stay loading bays the possibility of pedestrians and cyclists entering the issues, as is the case in all other areas of the borough/ off of the broadway is a positive step, reducing for these vehicles located at strategic points on the carriageway in unsafe locations. country. congestion on the broadway carriageway and broadway. With this proposal the majority of servicing pavement areas. requirements will be fulfilled with little impact on car parking provision. As opposed to further signage MSA Issue: The probability of cyclist travelling would promote more intuitive methods of highlighting at inappropriate speeds and failing to give loading areas such as the use of different material way to pedestrians especially at the crossing textures and colours. points is likely to increase the collision rate of cyclists with pedestrians. How will the speed of cyclists be controlled, as it is highly likely that the speed of the cyclists will rise as they feel they are in a controlled and safe environment, which of course would be detrimental to pedestrians? This in turn may increase the anti social attitude between the two groups?

Designers’ Response: Extensive research into the behaviour of cyclists in areas of shared pedestrian/ cyclist use indicates that cyclists adapt their behaviour accordingly to surrounding levels of pedestrians and vehicles. issue: Police have concerns over the size of issue: Would suitable lining be introduced the kerb line that separates the landscape to prevent traffic from stopping next to the transport for london better routes and spaces area to that of the road, especially at the landscape area Introduction Tolworth roundabout. A preferred option would be a higher trief type kerb, which Designers’ Response: It is not intended to introduce Generally, TfL welcomes the proposal to improve the pedestrian environment on prevents any "mounting" surrounding the lining immediately adjacent to the Broadway. This Tolworth Broadway and change the character of the street. This is an area that whole scheme apart from dropped kerbs area remains the centre of a busy carriageway TfL has invested LIP money in by removing a subway and we would welcome the for the crossing points. However, railings where stopping is not possible in either the current or provision of more direct pedestrian crossings at the roundabout. around the whole scheme would prevent proposed arrangement due to the large number of cyclists and pedestrians walking into the vehicles using the Broadway. road at points other than the crossing areas and likewise and protect the whole scheme Walking Designers’ Response: Stopping Site Distances (SSD) from vehicle interference. and site lines have been checked in accordance Issue: Top concern is the relocation and with Manual for Streets recommendations for Designers’ Response: The 65mm kerb raised area reduction in number of signalised facilities pedestrian-reaction time of 1.5 seconds and a has been specified to encourage pedestrian along the Broadway will mean that people deceleration rate of 0.45g (4.41m/s) and are movement over the Greenway. A trief kerb would not who rely on these facilities will received a illustrated on MSA drawing no:SK270. Building out be permit this movement and it would make levels worse service than previously. Could more the crossings is not an option as parking on the unmanageable for many users, and was therefore formal facilities be provided? At Broadway is during restricted hours only. Outside considered inappropriate for a scheme that intends High Road, this has been successful while of restricted hours 2 lanes of flowing traffic are to improve accessibility to the Broadway for all users. also allowing pedestrians to use the median required in each direction to maintain the capacity We have recognised there are areas as potential strip to cross informally. of the network. There may be an option for parking hazards and are have introduced a full height kerb in bays to be inset within the footpath as part of future these locations. Tree locations and short sections of Designers’ Response: The option of introducing works, however this would need to be coordinated timber balustrading are to be used on some sensitive a signalised crossing at the mid-point along the closely with an appraisal of the depth of statutory areas immediately adjacent to the roundabout. Broadway has been carefully considered. However services which exist beneath the footways and also Guardrailing around the perimeter of the scheme is the design team have concerns that the signs, signals a review on the affect this might have on pedestrian not an option. This would be little improvement on the and markings necessary for a signalised crossing in movements along the footways. The current footway existing railed central reservation. this location would undermine the philosophy of the widths are good and provide and excellent facility new street design. Although informal crossing points for pedestrians. Inserting parking bays would reduce have been introduced, it is intended that street users the quality of this provision and the effective width issue: To change the speed of the road can cross at any point along the Broadway, creating available for pedestrians. This work is outside the network to a standard 20mph, the road a busy local streetscape. A traditional signalised budget and scope of this current project. speeds would have to fall with the DfT crossing would reinforce a driver’s expectation to guidelines. Police would like to see the speed only see pedestrians crossing the road in these data relating to these roads, or if easier, with designated locations and reduce the safety of the Issue: Could the greenway be widened RBK permission, we would set out their own remaining stretches of road between. If we remove in locations where it is 3m as, given the surveys. traditional highways signals and signs then we’re proximity of vehicles, the effective width will increasing a drivers awareness that this is a different be narrower? Designers’ Response: It is not intended to impose a type of road. If they’re not told how to behave in the 20mph Speed limit, but to use street geometry and space and what to expect in the space then they’ll Designers’ Response: The Greenway has been appearance to influence drivers to travel at lower be alert to the possibility of more apparently random designed to be as wide as possible in all locations speeds through the scheme. pedestrian use and moderate their driving technique whilst maintaining minimum lane widths on the accordingly. Also as part of the Mayor’s Traffic carriageway. Carriageway widths have been Smoothing Agenda it has become increasingly reduced to 3.0m and 2.75m in each direction issue: Would there be enhanced CCTV difficult to justify the introduction of new signalised following discussions with TfL DTO. These widths are coverage for the area concerned, and the crossing facilities as they tend to have a detrimental being used in the VISSIM traffic micro-simulation local Police would like to see the plans from effect on network saturation. Informal crossings have model to demonstrate network capacity. Effective the lighting engineer. less impact on capacity saturation as users cross with width may be reduced, however studies (undertaken the flow and take advantage of natural breaks in by SUSTRANS) show that even with a width of 2.0m Designers’ Response: It is not intended to improve the traffic. (Our min path width in one location is 3.0m and CCTV coverage of the area as part of the scope of subtract a kerb zone of 0.5m on either side), there is this scheme, however a lighting designer has been still sufficient space for 2 pedestrians and 1 cyclist to appointed and over all lux levels are to be up-graded. Issue: If kept as informal crossings, are the pass each other. These proposals can be made available for review in sight lines sufficient for such crossing due course. i.e. is there enough distance between the crossing and the parked cars to enable pedestrians to see oncoming cars (and vice versa) when standing on the footway? Could the crossings be built out or the parking inset? In particular the parking on the Westbound carriageway is very close to the Crossing near Tolworth Close. What parking restrictions will be in place outside of parking bays? issue: could the tactile arrangements on the Designers’ Response: The segregated footway Designers’ Response: Any attempt to ‘guide’ cyclists Issue: Cycle facilities require signage and islands follow the same rationale. On the left referenced is an existing TfL installed facility and through the use of surface treatment or signage will corduroy paving to comply with design hand side there is a tail on green strip while does not form part of the scope of this project. create segregated circulation areas for pedestrians standards, however the design does not seem across the gyratory they indicate that the Our scheme does however intend to link with this and cyclists and studies show that this will increase to of taken this into account. long path is an internal island. The tactiles existing provision by upgrading the Toucan crossing cyclist speeds and territorial behaviour thereby on the roundabout island do not have tails immediately adjacent to provide a continuous cycle increasing the severity of any collisions should they Designers’ Response: Corduroy paving was because there will be no access from the sides provision connecting to the south. occur. Unsegregated paths can lower the potential considered for the Greenway, however this is as there will be a balustrade to prevent this. for actual conflict and also the severity of collisions generally to denote dedicated cycle provisions and Cycling and are more suited to the High Street/Broadway its presence on this shared provision scheme was Designers’ Response: Drawings have been amended environment. identified as potentially confusing to the blind and to reflect these comments. issue: that the Greenway narrows to 3m in visually impaired during the project’s Pan-disability places and when you take into account ped Access Audit undertaken by the RNIB. It was agreed movements / clearance zones on either side Issue: Motorists will not be expecting some of with the local disability groups during consultation Issue: Could we remove trees from the central you are effectively left with 2m in width. the movements that cyclists will be making, that ‘rumble strips’ (short sections of stone setts), greenway but provide some in the area not particularly if cyclists enter and exit the increased intensity of pattern striping and ramps used near the roundabout? Designers’ Response: Sustrans guidance says that 2.0m Greenway when the Broadway is congested. would be appropriate to indicate the proximity of wide paths are suitable for two people and a cyclist the cycle provision and alert all users to the potential Designers’ Response: Additional trees are to be to pass sufficiently. This is sufficient to deal with the Designers’ Response: The scheme provides specific conflict. provided in the triangular areas of the Greenway to occasional cyclist usage. entry and exit positions for cyclists using the the north and south of the roundabout. New trees Greenway, however it is anticipated that there will have only been specified in the areas along the also be some informal entry and exits occurring. This General Greenway where overall width allows their inclusion issue: How will cyclists interact with will also be the case with pedestrian movement. The without detrimentally effecting the width available pedestrians particularly at the crossing scheme has been specifically designed to increase Issue: The at grade surface crossing through for pedestrians and cyclists. Trees species (Sorbus points as well as entering / exiting the drivers’ awareness of their surroundings and other the roundabout is strongly supported Aucuparia ‘Streetwise’) has also been specified by Greenway. Has consideration been given to user groups’ movements by using reducing lane providing it does not adversely affect the Landscape Architect with a 2.0m clear stem producing to micro simulation model to width, kerb heights and signage. If cyclist enter/exit the capacity of the junction. To date no (height to underside of canopy) to avoid issues of demonstrate how all of the movements will the Greenway when the Broadway is congested then modelling has been presented to indicate the site-line reduction. take place? traffic speeds will be low, and the risk and severity of what the impact will be on the TLRN and SRN, collisions will also be low. so it is not possible to fully assess whether Designers’ Response: It will be difficult to model the the needs of all road users has been taken Issue: where the kerb is flush – there needs to behaviour of pedestrian/cycle interaction in this into account. be a tactile warning of blister paving location as currently we do not know how successful Issue: Cyclists would potentially be much the scheme will be in promoting both of these. The better off using the carriageway along Designers’ Response: The project team have been Designers’ Response: Following these comments existing pedestrian and cycle facilities are such that Tolworth Broadway, particularly if the speed in consultation with TfL DTO and Network Assurance we will introduce a 25mm upstand kerb for the they discourage use of the Broadway and the aim limit is reduced to 20mph, and this would since the inception of the scheme. A TRANSYT model remaining length of the raised table outside the of the project is to reverse this and regenerate the remove the conflict with pedestrians. Has and VISSIM micro-simulation model have been petrol garage to clearly delineate the carriageway Broadway as a vibrant local high street. Studies any estimate been made to determine what constructed from both the existing and proposed boundary. This is a common detail within the undertaken by the Transport Research Laboratory proportion of cyclists are expected to use scenarios and these are currently being audited borough. have demonstrated that where pedestrian density the Greenway rather than the carriageway? by DTO with a view to the submission of a TSSR to increases, cyclist moderate their behaviour and Network Assurance at the beginning of August. The speeds accordingly. Funds have been used to Designers’ Response: The Greenway is an additional models are attempting to demonstrate minimal Issue: At the tops of stairs to subways – could construct a micro-simulation model to demonstrate option for cyclists and pedestrians, it’s use is not impact on the network. The scheme aims to increase we put corduroy paving to bring it up to that capacity reductions of the network and junctions mandatory for either. Should cyclists wish to travel in the capacity of the network for all by improving standard? for motorised vehicles are minimised, which is critical carriageway they should do so. Their presence here facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, with minimal to the success of the scheme. It was considered less will help to further regulate traffic speeds to 20mph or impact for motorists. Designers’ Response: Yes, we will be repaving this critical to allocate funding to model a proposed below, particularly if following the Mayor’s ‘Assertive area and can look at installing the requisite tactile scenario that scheme aspires to i.e. used more Cycling’ suggestions. If cyclists are less confident paving. frequently by cyclists and pedestrians. and uneasy travelling with traffic, then the Greenway Issue: Raised tables are not generally provides a safer alternative for its length. Its appropriate for the TLRN, as there are a Issue: The surface treatment should be crossing of the A3 roundabout is a significant safety number of bus movements and emergency Issue: Could the tactile stem from the designed in such a way that it guides cyclists improvement. Pedestrians not wishing to travel along vehicles using the route. If consideration is southern pelican extend further? away from the edge of the carriageway and the Greenway can still use the generous pavement being given to raising the crossings this will pedestrians. provisions on either side of the road, cyclists will be need to be over a much larger area so there Designers’ Response: The tactile stem here has been less likely to use these in future (this was identified as is no vertical deflection. kept short to avoid confusion/clashing with the an existing problem during public consultation) with crossing immediately adjacent. better alternatives available. Designers’ Response: Raised tables have been designed in consultation with TfL Buses. Changes in level occur over a gentle 1:20 gradient and the Issue: The segregated cycle path (existing on plateauxs at the top of the levels are never shorter kingston rd pavements) looks like it might than 6m long to ensure a bus’s rear axel has finished not leave much space for the footway. If TLRN, rising before the front axle starts to drop, minimising we’d look for a minimum of 2m. discomfort to passengers. ISSUE: Consultation with emergency services issue: The trees positioned in the greenway and London Buses should also be undertaken. further reduce the width and obscure sightlines and should only be provided where Designers’ Response: The raised tables on the absolutely necessary. scheme are designed to facilitate level access and are not traffic calming measures. They will Designers’ Response: The proposed tree species not reduce the speed of emergency vehicles on (see above) has been specified by the Landscape the Broadway. The Metropolitan Police have been Architect for its 2.0m clear stem (height to underside consulted on the scheme and their comments have of canopy) and will not therefore reduce visibility been included within this document. and impact negatively on sightlines.

More public consultation is being planned for The Royal Borough of Kingston now wish for Transport Issue: Can the Broadway be widened or the issue: The safety audit should address some of the near future. The materials and finishes will for London to approve the use of these special lane widths made narrower in order to these concerns and TfL – London Routes and be presented in a way the allows the public and materials and to move the scheme forward towards allow the Greenway to be wider? Places would like to be provided with a copy authorites to give their comments and final approval. construction giving Tolworth the face lift it desperately to ensure that they are properly addressed. needs. Designers’ Response: See responses above regarding TfL’s departments are still checking all of the data Greenway and lane widths. These have been Designers’ Response: The project is subject to a 3 and drawings to ensure it meets their standards and If the materials proposed are not to be approved for optimised to satisfy all users. stage safety audit. The first of which was undertaken approval. use the design and material choices will need to be at the end of project Stage D in January. The Audit re-thought, requiring further consultation to meet the and Designer’s Responses are included at part of this In the meantime a package of construction same approvals that have previously been gained. issue: Has consideration been given to document. documents will be created to allow for contractors to The design team feel that many of the questions converting the informal crossing points to tender to carry out the construction of the project. asked by the consultees have been answered and zebra crossings to allow vulnerable road there are strong reasons to go forward with the users to cross the road safely? issue: Due to the frequency of buses using Costing is still on budget at approximately £1.9 million proposed materials. the Broadway is there sufficient space for budget (refer to KMCS cost plan for details) and will be Designers’ Response: Zebra crossings were also two buses to pull into the bus stops without judged thoroughly against coming contractor bids. The designers are excited as we end this design considered in the location of the proposed informal backing onto the raised table? phase and enter into the contractor appointment crossings however this was again thought to phases. We look forward to continuing our work with undermine the desire to promote informal crossing in Designers’ Response: Yes. Swept path diagrams can RBK to promote a wonderful and energetic change other locations. The informal crossings are intended be produced to demonstrate this movement. for Tolworth. to work in much the same way as a zebra crossing by creating situations where motorists awareness of crossing pedestrians is raised and they stop and issue: Once design is agreed, we would permit crossings. need to approach the Streetscape Review Group with the design and materials for an exception as these are not standard in issue: Have calculations been undertaken to Streetscape Guidance. Ideally we would have estimate the number of people who are likely something that is easier to maintain or have to use the greenway, as this should determine maintenance undertaken by RB Kingston if the likely level of conflict? Do we need a acceptable to Roads Directorate. survey? Designers’ Response: Streetscape Review to be Designers’ Response: No, estimates have not been undertaken week commencing 12th July. undertaken. Whilst it would be difficult to predict the future popularity of the scheme for people on cycles and people on foot, the design team hopes that the level of conflict between these users is sufficiently high to confirm the scheme as a success. Currently the Broadway is an uninviting car-dominated environment with very little cycling activity and poor pedestrian provision and retail offer – the potential for conflict is low. The aspiration of the scheme is to reinstate the Broadway as a busy local High Street on behalf of RBK.