Photo by Nikolai Ivanoff GOVERNOR’S PARADE—Nome organized a parade in honor of newly elected Governor Bill Walker and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, pictured waving to the crowd on Saturday, Jan.17.


VOLUME CXV NO. 3 January 22, 2015

Nome hosts inaugural celebrations for Governor Walker

By Diana Haecker augural celebrations hosted in Nome, Shawn Arnold and Nome Elemen- Nome has hosted many inaugural this one began with a grand parade tary School principal Paul Clark car- events for newly elected Governors from Mettler Way along Front Street ried a sign that read “Walking into in the past and did so again last Sat- that almost put Nome’s Fourth of the Future with Walker and Mallott urday when Governor Bill Walker July Parade to shame. The parade – There is no place like Nome”, fol- and Lt. Governor Byron Mallott cel- was led by the Nome Police Chief. lowed by Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, ebrated their Unity Ticket victory in JROT cadets and VFW veterans bore Governor Walker and Nome Mayor Nome. the flags and colors. Nome Public Unlike the other gubernatorial in- Schools acting superintendent continued on page 5

Photo by Nils Hahn UNITY TICKET— Governor Bill Walker, left, and Lt. Governor Byron Mallott visited Nome on Saturday, Jan. 17 to participate in inaugural events.

Photo by Marina Jarvis K300 CHAMP— Pete Kaiser of Bethel won the Kuskokwim 300 race last Sunday. See story on page 8. Olanna pleads not guilty to five charges Port fee increases go before Council By Diana Haecker one count of murder in the first de- A grand jury indicted Gilbert J. gree, two counts of murder in the By Sandra L. Medearis mining and fishing activities. established rate hikes each year that Olanna Jr. on five charges last week, second degree and two counts of If the Nome Common Council ap- would total 20 percent with the lat- The Nome Port Commission has in connection with the killing of 40- tampering with evidence. proves the 2015 tariff revision, the est increase. Rates went up by 10 proposed new rules that address year-old Esther Lincoln in White Olanna was initially charged with fees for use would go up by 5 percent percent in 2013 and by 5 percent for changes both in fees and procedures Mountain on New Year’s Day. murder in the first degree and two across the board. 2014 and by 5 percent for the com- for using the facility for import and Lincoln was strangled to death in counts of tampering with evidence. The port panel spent several hours ing season if approved by Council, export of goods and engaging in the home she shared with her District Attorney John Earthman over several meetings, weighing the for a total 20-percent increase boyfriend Gilbert Olanna in the explained the additional two charges applications of the increases, before against the proposed 50-percent hike morning of January 1. of murder in the second degree, say- coming to consensus Jan. 15. indicated by the rate analyst in 2013. On the Web: Olanna was arraigned on Tuesday, ing that there are several plausible The revised tariff will go to the The new rates will affect vessel January 13 at 1:30 pm. His attorney ways of charging and establishing Council on Jan. 26 and on to second storage, dockage, wharfage and appeared telephonically, while that a criminal act has occurred. One reading and public hearing and dis- amenities such as line handling, E-mail: Olanna sat in a yellow jumpsuit with count of murder in the second degree cussion on Feb. 9. refuge deposits, potable water and other prisoners in Judge Tim Doo- alleges that Olanna had the intent to [email protected] No discussion will occur on Jan. security shifts for cruise vessels. ley’s courtroom. cause serious physical injury or 26 according to Roberts Rules. The rate increase was not an op- When Judge Dooley began read- death to Esther Lincoln. The second During their debate, the commis- tion, according to most commission- ing the indictment, Olanna’s attorney charge of second-degree murder al- sioners referred to a port rates study ers, to cover operation expenses and waived the right to have the charges leges that Olanna acted with extreme commissioned in 2013 that advised debt service. read aloud. indifference to human life, being a 50-percent increase in port rates. According to court documents, However, the commission felt continued on page 4 the grand jury indicted Olanna on continued on page 4 that increase was too drastic, but has 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015OPINION THE NOME NUGGET Letters Hi Nancy, city, I was wondering if you could I am Richard Yee. I was in Nome help me out by publishing my pho- in the summer of 1959, which was tographs in hopes of having those 56 years ago, serving in the 1st Bat- photos being sent to her. tle Group, 9th Infantry. While there I would appreciate your help. for military training, I took a few Thank you for your time. photographs, which I will send you Best, the original copies. In some of those Richard Yee photographs was a young lady who North Andover, Mass. 01845 was living in Nome at that time. Editor’s Note: Readers, any Considering Nome is a very small ideas? Yee photo #1 Yee

Letters to the editor must be signed and include an address and phone number. Thank you notes and political endorsements are considered ads. Yee photo #3 Yee photo #2 Editorial Pull Together Nomeites got together with our new Governor and Lt. Governor this weekend to celebrate their inauguration. It was a time to put aside dif- ferences and get to know each other. It was good to share that we are Alaskans with the common goal to do what is best for our beloved state. We understand that the road is bumpy and filled with obstacles that present a major economic challenge. The harsh reality is that we have some serious budgetary issues that will not be easy for all to accept. It will be important that we work together to achieve solutions. Will our legislators be up to the chal- lenge? Will they continue to push for Anchorage centric measures such as moving the capital or will they recognize the importance of all regions of the state? Will they stand up for the significance of our ma- rine communities, subsistence culture and rich ethnic diversity? We have a new executive team in Juneau. We must all work to- gether to solve the problems the future has in store for us. If we donʼt work together we will pull ourselves apart. We canʼt get stuck in the quagmire of Washington, DC and let partisan politics pull us apart from inertia. We need to put aside differences and pull together for a bright future for . —N.L.M.—

Illegitimus non carborundum Photo by Leslie Kerr Nome Nugget reader Leslie Kerr is researching the maker of the above pictured model Angiapik. The model was purchased in Nome in around 1999. Kerr asks readers to contact her Leslie Kerr at [email protected] for information on the artist. She believes the artist was from St. Lawrence Island. Member of: Alaska Newspaper Association, National Newspaper Association P.O. Box 610 - Nome Alaska, 99762 Weather Statistics (907) 443-5235 fax (907) 443-5112 High Temp +37 01/14/15 Sunrise 01/22/15 11:15 p.m. National Weather e-mail: [email protected] Low Temp -03 0 1/18/15 01/28/15 10:57 p.m. Service ads: [email protected] Peak Wind 43 mph, NW, 01/13/15 Total Precip. for 2015 (as of 1/19) 0.71” Nome, Alaska classified and legal ads: [email protected] Sunset 01/22/15 5:12 p.m. Normal Total to Date 0.56” (907) 443-2321 01/28/15 5:33 p.m. subscriptions: [email protected] Seasonal Snowfall 33.10” Normal 39.40” 1-800-472-0391 Snow on Ground 13.00” Nancy McGuire editor and publisher [email protected] Diana Haecker staff reporter [email protected] Kristine McRae education reporter Laurie McNicholas reporter at large Sarah Miller reporter at large Nils Hahn advertising manager [email protected] Keith Conger sports/photography Peggy Fagerstrom photography For photo copies: [email protected] Nikolai Ivanoff photography Gloria Karmun production SEND photos to [email protected] Get all of your local, regional and statewide news from us.

Advertising rates: Business classified, 50¢ per word; $1.50/line legal; display ads $24 per column inch P.O. Box 610 • Nome, Alaska 99762 • (907)443-5235 Published weekly except the last week of the year Return postage guaranteed Name: ISSN 0745-9106 Thereʼs no place like Nome Address: Single copy price 50¢ in Nome USPS 598-100 The home-owned newspaper City: State: Zip: Postmaster: Send change of address to: ___Check ___Money Order ___Credit Card The Nome Nugget P.O. Box 610 Nome, Alaska 99762 Visa/MasterCard ______Exp. Date:_ _/_ _ Periodical postage paid in Nome, Alaska 99762 Published daily except for Monday, $75 out of state $65 in state Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday One year subscription. Please enclose payment with form. Not published the last week of December THE NOME NUGGET regional THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 3 • Strait Action

NOAA declares 2014 2010 average, as analyzed by UAH, Arctic Council. mation and public testimony in order Planning and Infrastructure, Oil and Earth’s warmest year on and sixth highest on record, at “The Alaskan Arctic is in great to prepare a preliminary report for Gas and Mineral Resources, Secu- record 0.25°F (0.14°C) above the 1981– need of investment in infrastructure, the legislature. Meetings were held rity and Defense, Marine Trans- In a report on the state of the cli- 2010 average, as analyzed by RSS. to improve the lives of those who in Juneau, Barrow, Unalaska, Fair- portation, Response Operations: mate, the National Oceanic and At- The temperature for the lower live there, and for responsible re- banks and Anchorage. The 26-mem- Search and Rescue/Oil Pollution, mospheric Administration’s climatic stratosphere — roughly 10 miles to source development,” said Rep. Her- ber Commission was divided into Energy and Power, and Fisheries data center released the data show- 13 miles above the surface-— was ron. “Our two infrastructure bills are policy teams that cover a wide swath and Wildlife. ing that 2014 was the hottest year on the 13th lowest in the 1979-2014 designed to help kick-start that in- of subjects pertaining to the new and The AAPC will deliver their final record. record, at 0.56°F below the 1981- vestment.” Senator McGuire is changing Arctic. The teams include: report on January 30, 2015. The globally averaged tempera- 2010 average, as analyzed by UAH, preparing a bill that would find ways Governance and Indigenous Per- ture over land and ocean surfaces for and also 13th lowest on record, at to creatively fund Arctic Infrastruc- spectives, Science and Research, 2014 was the highest among all 0.41°F below the 1981-2010 aver- ture. Her idea is to give the Alaska years since record keeping began in age, as analyzed by RSS. The Industrial Development and Export 1880. The December combined stratospheric temperature is decreas- Authority tools to create partner- global land and ocean average sur- ing on average while the lower and ships between the state and those face temperature was also the high- middle troposphere temperatures are looking to invest. COMMUNITY CALENDAR est on record. increasing on average, consistent Senator McGuire and Representa- NOAA’s report states that during with expectations in a greenhouse- tive Herron are looking for innova- 2014, the average temperature warmed world. tive ways to draw in private Thursday, January 22 According to data from NOAA investment to partner with the state’s across global land and ocean sur- *Open Gym Nome Rec Center 5:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. faces was 1.24°F above the 20th analyzed by the Rutgers Global public funding. One way to do that *Lunch Laps Pool 11:45 a.m. - 1:15 a.m. century average. This was the high- Snow Lab, the average annual is to allow AIDEA to issue bonds or *Weekly Women’s Circle Prematernal Home 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Northern Hemisphere snow cover bond guarantees to banks willing to *Wiffleball (grades 3-6) Nome Rec Center 3:15 p.m. - 4:14 p.m. est among all 135 years in the 1880 (grades 5-8) Nome Rec Center 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. - 2014 record, surpassing the previ- extent during 2014 was 24.95 mil- enter into a financing deal with pri- *Fish and Game Advisory Committee Elementary Library 4:00 p.m. ous records of 2005 and 2010 by lion square miles, and near the mid- vate partners. *Strength Training Nome Rec Center 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. *PM Lap Swim Pool 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 0.07°F. dle of the historical record. The first Another key piece of this Arctic *Vinyasa Yoga Nome Rec Center 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Record warmth was spread half of 2014 saw generally below- legislation package is HB 165, *Nome Food Bank Bering and Seppala 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. around the world, including Far East normal snow cover extent, with which was introduced by Represen- *League Basketball Nome Rec Center 5:45 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. * Zumba Fitness Nome Rec Center 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Russia into western Alaska, the above-average coverage later in the tative Herron in March of last year. *Open Bowling Nome Rec Center 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. western , parts of inte- year. Senator McGuire is preparing to in- *Thrift Shop Methodist Church 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. rior South America, most of Europe Recent polar sea ice extent trends troduce the same bill in the Senate. stretching into northern Africa, parts continued in 2014. The average an- The bill seeks to establish an Alaska Friday, January 23 of eastern and western coastal Aus- nual sea ice extent in the Arctic was Arctic Port and Development Au- 10.99 million square miles, the sixth thority as a public corporation of the *Pick-up Basketball Nome Rec Center 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. tralia, much of the northeastern Pa- *AM Lap Swim Pool 6:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. cific around the Gulf of Alaska, the smallest annual value of the 36-year state. *Open Gym Nome Rec Center 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. central to western equatorial Pacific, period of record. The annual Antarc- “HB 165 would create an Arctic *Kindergym Nome Rec Center 10:00 a.m. - Noon tic sea ice extent was record large for Port Authority, a holistic mechanism *Open Gym Nome Rec Center Noon - 8:00 p.m. large swaths of northwestern and *Zumba Fitness Nome Rec Center 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. southeastern Atlantic, most of the the second consecutive year, at to encourage port and related infra- *Open Bowling Nome Rec Center 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Norwegian Sea, and parts of the cen- 13.08 million square miles. structure development with the en- *Drop-in Soccer (15+) Nome Rec Center 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. *AA Meeting Lutheran Church(rear) 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. tral to southern Indian Ocean. tire region in mind,” said *Girls Varsity BB v. Grace Christian Nome-Beltz Gym Jr High games start at 4:30 The 2014 Global Report Supple- Commission Co-Chairs Representative Herron. “The bill is Varsity game at 8:00 p.m. mental Information not only looks at submit Arctic Policy Legis- meant to begin a discussion — the land and ocean temperatures but also lation form this will take is by no means Saturday, January 24 measures temperatures in the atmos- The Co-Chairs of the Alaska Arc- final. We are going to work with tic Policy Commission, Senator stakeholders to make sure this legis- *Open Gym Nome Rec Center Noon - 8:00 p.m. phere. The 2014 temperature for the *Open Bowling Nome Rec Center 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. lower troposphere — roughly the Lesil McGuire (R-Anchorage) and lation would not interfere with ex- *AA Meeting Airport Pizza (upstairs) 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. lowest five miles of the atmosphere Representative Bob Herron (D- isting port operations, such as Nome *Girls Varsity BB v. Grace Christian Nome-Beltz Gym Jr High games start at 2:30 — was the third highest in the 1979- Bethel) are preparing to head to and Dutch Harbor. We encourage Varsity game at 7:00 p.m. 2014 record, at 0.50°F above the Juneau for the 2014 legislative ses- and seek further input.” 1981-2010 average, as analyzed by sion armed with an Arctic legislation Representative Herron and Sena- Sunday, January 25 the University of Alabama package, a press release out of the tor McGuire are also introducing a *Open Gym Nome Rec Center 2:00 - 10:00 p.m. Senate Majority office said. The resolution promoting Alaskan prior- *AA Meeting Airport Pizza (upstairs) 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Huntsville, and the sixth highest on *Open Swim Pool 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. record, at 0.29°F above the 1981- package will include two bills aimed ities for the U.S. Chairmanship of *Family Swim Pool 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 2010 average, as analyzed by Re- at infrastructure: an Arctic invest- the Arctic Council, which begins in *PM Laps Pool 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. mote Sensing Systems. ment bill and House Bill 165, al- 2015. The resolution asks the State The 2014 temperature for the ready introduced by Rep. Herron, Department to involve Alaskans in Monday, January 26 creating an Arctic Port Authority. the decision of who will be ap- mid-troposphere –roughly two miles *Pick-up Basketball Nome Rec Center 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. to six miles above the surface —was Additionally, the co-chairs will in- pointed to lead the Arctic Council. *Open Gym Nome Rec Center 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. the third highest in the 1979-2014 troduce a resolution speaking to the The AAPC has been holding meet- *AM Lap Swim Pool 6:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. upcoming US Chairmanship of the ings across the state gathering infor- *Kindergym Nome Rec Center 10:00 a.m. - noon record, at 0.32°F above the 1981- *Open Gym Nome Rec Center Noon - 3:00 p.m. *Floor Hockey (grades 3-6) Nome Rec Center 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. (grades 5-8) Nome Rec Center 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. *League Basketball Nome Rec Center 5:45 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. *Zumba Fitness Nome Rec Center 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. *Water Aerobics Pool 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. *Tae Kwon Do Nome Rec Center 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Breakfast menu items, Located on east Front *Nome Common Council: City Hall 7:00 p.m. but not limited to: Regular Meeting Street across from AA Meeting Lutheran Church(rear) 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. •English Muffins National Guard Armory Tuesday, January 27 •Cinnamon Rolls •Hash- *Open Gym Nome Rec Center 5:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. bowns *Lunch Laps Pool 11:45 a.m. - 1:15 a.m. Take Out *Volleyball (grades 3-8) Nome Rec Center 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. *League Basketball Nome Rec Center 5:45 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Orders *Strength Training Nome Rec Center 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Breakfast is served 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. *PM Laps Pool 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. *Vinyasa Yoga Nome Rec Center 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. weekdays & weekends 443-8100 *Zumba Step Nome Rec Center 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. *Nome Food Bank Bering & Seppala 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. *Open Swim Pool 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. / Sunday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. *AA Meeting Airport Pizza (upstairs) 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Subway Daily Specials Wednesday, January 28 *Pick-up Basketball Nome Rec Center 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. Monday — Turkey/Ham Thursday — B.M.T. Sunday — Roasted *Open Gym Nome Rec Center 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. *AM Lap Swim Pool 6:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. Friday — Tuna Chicken Breast *Kindergym Nome Rec Center 10:00 a.m. - noon Tuesday — Meatball *Open Gym Nome Rec Center Noon - 3:00 p.m. 99 *Team Handball (grades 3-6) Nome Rec Center 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Wednesday — Turkey Saturday — Roast Beef Six-Inch Meal Deal $6. (grades 5-8) Nome Rec Center 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. *Open Gym Nome Rec Center 5:45 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. *Nome Food Bank Bering & Seppala 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. *Zumba Fitness Nome Rec Center 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. GOLD COAST CINEMA *Water Aerobics Pool 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. *Family Swim Pool 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 443-8100 *Tae Kwon Do Nome Rec Center 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Starting Friday, January 23 Carrie M. McLain Memorial Museum Hours available by appointment. Call 907-443-6630 Into the Woods Kegoayah Kozga Library: noon - 8 p.m. (M-Th) • noon - 6 p.m. (F-Sat) Rated PG - 7:00 p.m. Nome Visitors Center: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (M-F) XYZ Center: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (M-F) The Woman in Black 2 Rated PG-13 - 9:30 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday matinee Into the Woods Established in October of 1979 P.O. Box 1650 • Nome, Alaska 99762 1:30 p.m. The Woman in Black 2 Call your Village Agent for details or 4:00 p.m. Nome Reservations 1-800-478-5422; (907) 443-5464 or make your Listen to ICY 100.3 FM, Coffee Crew, 7 - 9 a.m., and find reservations ONLINE at out how you can win free movie tickets! 4 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015LOCAL THE NOME NUGGET Nome man nets 11 • Port years in jail for child continued from page 1 agreement, $50,000 a year must be the port for up to 10 days or until the set aside and not touched. Increases fine is paid, in the sole discretion of sex abuse Labor costs in port rates go through public hear- the port director [currently The port administration also mod- ing and Council review and ap- Bahnke].” ified the tariff to have port users proval, Bahnke reminded. Also at Bahnke’s discretion, any By Diana Haecker Kobuk molested his daughter and cover port personnel labor costs for Commissioner Lean considered vessel deemed to be “unstable, a fire Last week, Nome Superior Court her friend on several occasions. providing amenities and other assis- the operations and capital expenses hazard or threat to the environment” Judge Timothy Dooley sentenced The case was set to go to trial last tance to port users in terms of regu- the same, including operational sup- may also be denied use or removed Leroy Kobuk to a jail time of 11 September, but the district attorney lar time, overtime, double time, plies, labor costs and bond pay- from the port property liability for years and six months, with six and the defense attorney reached a holiday time, after-hours call out ments, he said. Port administration damage or loss. Additionally, any months suspended. plea deal only a day before the trial time and standby time. These labor informed that any money remaining personal property owned by persons A grand jury indicted Kobuk on began and after a jury had already costs range from $103.27 per hour after operations and maintenance in arrears for port charges may be one count of sexual abuse of a been selected. (one hour minimum) to $317.24 for goes into the fund balance. “immobilized, impounded or seized minor in the first degree, an unclas- Kobuk pleaded guilty to the after hours call out. The Commission voted unani- “ and held for payment or sold as sified felony, and two counts of sex- lesser charge of attempted sexual “This provides incentive to do mously to forward the 5-percent fee surplus property and proceeds ap- ual abuse in the second degree, abuse of a minor in the second de- your business during regular hours,” increases and revised port user rules plied to delinquent accounts. Class B felonies. gree, a class C felony that carries a Lucas Stotts, harbormaster said. to the Council for approval. The charges stem from incidents range of two to 12 years of jail time. With prior planning, the port admin- Stay out harm’s way that happened in March 2013 in St. Judge Dooley imposed a sentence istration can schedule for employees Don’t crowd the scow The revised tariff adds language Michael, when the two child victims of 11 and a-half-years, with six to be on regular time. Port adminis- The speed limit in the port waters to tighten security during fuel and were nine years old. According to a months suspended. trators acknowledged that with will stay the same—no faster than 5 cargo shore-side operations to bar Trooper affidavit filed in court, Nome’s shipping season being only m.p.h. while navigating in the Small “unauthorized [personnel (including about five months long, cargo has to Boat Harbor and any portion of the customers of shore-side operators) come across the port 24 hours a day, navigation channel that extends from from restricted and secure areas ex- seven days a week, so customers and the Inner Harbor to the southern lim- cept when specifically authorized by staff need to plan ahead for efficient its of the armored slopes of the the port director or harbormaster. staffing. Small Boat Harbor entrance. Operators will be responsible for The Commission excluded keeping areas of operations secure wharfage activities from price in- No fishing according to port safety rules. creases for the 2014 season, but cov- The use of fishing nets stretched However, “the Port of Nome may ered all activities with increases for across the harbor waters would come authorize an approved cargo han- the 2015 shipping season. to a halt, according to the revised tar- dling permittee to monitor petroleum The port needed to have higher iff: “Fish nets that extend across or outgoing transfers, provided all per- rates for all users, because all users below the water’s surface may not sonnel participating in the transfer need to cover the cost of living in- be used or deployed in or around any are first deemed qualified by the har- creases that reflect on the port, Com- portion of the facility between the bormaster [currently Lucas Stotts].” missioner Doug Johnson said. entrance to the Port at the breakwa- The City’s public works depart- Commissioner Charlie Lean ters, through the entire outer and ment employees always monitor in- pointed out that a graph before the inner harbor, and extending to 300 bound fuel transfers due to large group documented that regarding feet above the Snake River Bridge volumes. revenues versus expenditures, the (Jafet Drive).” Under the concept of safe opera- port had just broken even over the The tariff tightens up and clarifies tions for petroleum products and past five years. insurance requirements: “All com- hazardous substances, “a daily per- “We are riding a fine line on re- panies and persons engaged in the mit is required prior to “any hot maining solvent,” Lean observed. business of trucking, storing and/or work (welding, cutting), sandblast- shipping, fuel, general cargo, gravel, ing, or painting, whether on a vessel Where will money go? and equipment, providing haul out or dockside.” A new permit is re- Commissioner Iura Leahu wanted services, vessel repairs and/or any quired for any day in which such to know how the rate increase rev- type of labor services anywhere on work is expected to occur for rea- enue would be applied—to pay for the Port of Nome property shall have sons of safe and orderly operations operations or to build a reserve ac- on file with the Port a current cer- at the port. count, before increases came to a tificate of liability insurance of $1 vote. If the rate increases were for million naming the port as certificate Spills operation and maintenance, he had holder and additionally insured be- Any release of petroleum or haz- to think about voting for an increase, fore they are allowed to work within ardous substances into waters or but if the increased revenue went for the facility, and listing all equipment property of Port of Nome must be re- setting aside money for port cost and vehicles owned by your com- ported to the harbormaster, the port share on projects and future capital pany that are being used at the port and harbor office, the National Re- Photo by Diana Haecker outlays, he would readily vote yes, facility and covered by the [insur- sponse Center, the U.S. Coast ARRAIGNED— Gilbert Olanna pleaded not guilty to five charges in Leahu said. ance] policy.” Guard—Anchorage, and the state connection with the killing of Esther Lincoln in White Mountain on New Joy Baker, harbor projects man- Moorage, according to the 2015 Dept. of Environmental Conserva- Year’s Day. ager, consulting via phone, said the proposed tariff is undertaken at the tion. Cleanup must start immedi- revenues were applied where port user’s risk, including use of the ately. Should the harbormaster needed, that the distribution varied Belmont Beach launch. believe the responsible party is not • Olanna with what was in progress with an cleaning up the spill in a reasonable emphasis on project cost share and Banishment time, Port personnel will do the job, design work over the last three to Persons with unpaid fines may at charging the cost of labor and sup- continued from page 1 she died and that he deleted photos four years. the discretion of the port director plies to the responsible party. The off his cell phone that showed Lin- Having a budget control mecha- (currently Bahnke, city manager) be tariff booklet lists telephone num- aware of what he was doing. coln. nism and having a separate budget denied use of the port until the fine bers for reporting without delay. The The counts dealing with tamper- Olanna, 31, entered a not guilty account with restrictions on use has been paid in full. port administration has discussed ing with evidence stem from the al- plea. would be a good idea, Leahu said, The tariff revision clarifies this having each permittee receive and legation that Olanna altered An omnibus hearing in the case is both for informing the Council and language to include “Any user who sign for a copy of the tariff so all will Lincoln’s physical condition after scheduled for February 27 at 9 a.m. for accounting to the public. facilitates or assists a person {who know how the port business oper- There is an account for saving to- has] an unpaid fine in using the port ates. wards a lump sum payment coming facilities when the person is banned During the public comment pe- due to NOAA for the causeway con- from using port facilities, or in an ef- riod on the agenda, Chuck Wheeler For news anytime, find us online at struction funds, Josephine Bahnke, fort to avoid such a ban or fine from said he was pleased with the 5 per- city manager, told the panel, and ac- being imposed, enforced or col- continued on page 5 cording to terms of debt service lected, may likewise denied use of

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Lots of 17 HMR, 22LR & 22 Mag Spa, Nails & Tanning Ammo in stock now! 120 W. 1st Ave. Monday-Friday: 1 p.m.-7 p.m. & Saturday: 11 a.m.- 6 p.m. We deliver Free to the airport and will send freight collect same day as your order. Please call 443-6768 for appointment. Walk-ins welcome! THE NOME NUGGET LOcAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 5

Photo by Nils Hahn Photo by Nils Hahn PARADE — Nome Kennel Club board member Janet Balice hooked up a FUTURE GOVERNORS— Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott and Governor Bill Walker pose with prospec- dog team to her sled, mushing behind Governor Bill Walker and Lt. Governor Byron tive gubernatorial candidate, currently attending Anvil Mountain Science Academy. They are Mallott into the future. Her team is led down Front Street by Carl White. left to right Ariana Adams, Sarah Bioff, Justins Kowchee, Brooke Anungazuk, Sarah Wade and David Miller. • Governor continued from page 1 After the parade, participants Inaugural balls are longstanding King Island drummers and dancers Nome youth dance group at the air- Denise Michels. gathered at Old St. Joe’s for recep- traditions and are held in different and the St. Lawrence Island dance port. In order to get the dignitaries Norton Sound Health Corporation tion with cookies and hot chocolate – communities around the state. A non- group of Nome entertained the audi- back to Juneau in time for the up- board of directors and NSHC staff a welcome warm-up after the chilly profit Alaska Inaugural Committee is ence. The Nome band Landbridge coming Legislative session starting members waved signs with the temperatures, wind and a hint of in charge to coordinate these events. Tollboth consisting of Dan Thomas, on January 20, Mallott flew out on names of their communities. Nome blowing snow. There, Mallott and For Walker/Mallott, there are seven Tyler Rhodes, Anahma Shannon, Saturday evening and Walker took school children turned out in great Walker addressed the public, holding balls planned: Valdez and Juneau Laura Collins, Jim Dory and Carol the Alaska Airlines morning plane numbers, sporting paper headbands their hands in a victory pose and re- held their events, followed by the Gales provided the music as people out of Nome on Sunday. with cutouts of animals of the region. flected on the start of the Unity Nome ball last Saturday. Events are dined on red king crab and other fine Mayor Denise Michels said that Nome Kennel Club mushers hooked Ticket idea, which germinated in also planned for Fairbanks, Kenai, hors d’oeuvres as the Senator Donny Nome created an inaugural commit- up their eager sled dogs to four- Nome, during a gubernatorial candi- Anchorage, Wasilla and Ketchikan. Olson and Rep. Neal Foster —both tee to organize the event and solicit wheelers and a sled to show off date’s debate during the Alaska Mu- According to the Inaugural Com- in white shirt and bowtie— made the funds and in kind donations from Nome’s proud mushing history, pres- nicipal League meeting in Nome. mittee, the Walker/Mallott inaugural introductions as the Governor made Nome businesses and organizations. ence and future. Nome’s volunteer The debate highlighted that they balls and related expenses are funded the rounds from table to table, greet- fire and ambulance departments have more in common and thus through ticket sales and fundraising. ing every guest. brought up the rear and paraded their spawned the idea to form a unity No state funds are used for these cel- The Governor was then whisked trucks and ambulance vehicles down ticket in order to garner enough votes ebrations, the Inaugural Committee away to the basketball game that was Front Street. to relieve then-Governor Sean Par- website assures. held at Nome Beltz, while Lt. Gov- nell of his job. It worked. The Nome event was sponsored ernor Byron Mallott and his en- by Nome businesses, the City of tourage took the evening flight out of Nome provided the venues and vol- Nome. • Port unteers helped with the set-up, clean Since protocol prevents the Gov- up and waiting on tables during the ernor and Lt. Governor from travel- ball. ing together – in case of an accident continued from page 4 Construction activity was declin- The evening event in Nome began – Lt. Gov. Mallott flew into Nome Photo by Diana Haecker cent increase to help keep the budget ing with the reduction in state oil at 4:30 p.m. at the Mini Convention on Friday evening and Walker fol- LISTENING— Gov. Walker in line with needs for reserves, re- revenues, he observed, along with Center. The event was sold out, with lowed with the morning flight on greeted Nomeites during the in- pairs and capital projects, and it projects like the hospital construc- tickets going for $20 per person. The Saturday, and was greeted by the augural ball. See more photos on would not be high enough to harm tion being finished. page 16. port customers. Wheeler predicted These and other changes in oper- fewer smaller dredges and more big ation requirements and a fee sched- dredging rigs using the port in the ule will be available at City Hall or future, which would mean more fuel at the upcoming Council meetings use and city sales tax revenue. Jan. 26 and Feb. 9. “I think we’re going back to Commissioners Doug Johnson, [cargo operations] groceries, liquor Iura Leahu, Charlie Lean, and Mike and new pickup trucks,” Wheeler Sloan attended the meeting. Com- said. “I think it is justifiable to make missioners Jim West Jr. and Rolland this 5 percent increase.” Trowbridge were excused. Do you worried IntroducingIntroducing a rresolutionesolution yyouou can kkeep...eep... GET when you’re away from your Tribal health clinic and realize you’re not COVERED?

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RReeward estimates based on travel bookkeeed online. Must be a FlyAyAwway Rewards Memberr.. Call 2-1-1 or toll free 1-800-478-2221 TTrravel must be bookkeed by January 31, 22015 and completp eddb by JJanuary 31, 2015. Some Ƌdbconjk`m\o`_]tjoc`m^\mmd`mndioc`N\qi=dmCmjpk*O`\onh\t]`gdhdo`_*Koc`mo`mhn \i_^ji_dodjin \kkgtt** N`qd`r Bgtt===rr\t N`r\m_n kmjbm\h _`o\dgn ajm hjm` diajmh\odji* 6 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015Education THE NOME NUGGET NSEDC increases scholarships to $2,500 By Laureli Ivanoff, From its start, NSEDC has placed NSEDC communications director a high value on helping member The Norton Sound Economic De- community residents gain access to velopment Corporation Board of Di- education and training. This year’s rectors voted to increase the amount boost in the scholarship amount qualified Norton Sound residents re- comes as college and university tu- ceive when seeking higher educa- ition rates increase faster than infla- tion. tion. Beginning this semester, qualify- “Fortunately, with our invest- ing students will receive up to ments and revenue, our robust schol- $2,500 per semester in support of arship program stays in line with, or their academic and career pursuits, ahead of, tuition inflation costs,” an increase from the $2,250 that was Board Chairman Dan Harrelson put in place for 2014. said. “With our success, it’s impor- Member community residents tant to respond to financial pressures may now receive $7,500 a year in and support the career goals of Nor- NSEDC scholarships if they pursue ton Sound residents. By doing so, a full-time schedule through spring, our residents gain tools and expert- summer and fall semesters. ise which, in return, help strengthen “Many of our staff were recipients our member communities.” of the NSEDC scholarship and as a The NSEDC scholarship program company, we are doing very well,” began in 1992 when $30,000 was al- NSEDC Board Member Don Stiles located toward the scholarship fund. Photo by Nils Hahn said when making the motion to in- Since inception, $7.4 million have WILD ABOUT EDUCATION— Nome Elementary School students marched in Saturday’s parade in honor crease the amount at the December been awarded to member commu- of newly elected governor Bill Walker and Lt. Governor Byron Mallott. meeting. “The same can be said at nity residents through this program. most regional corporations.” In 2014, NSEDC awarded schol- The Board voted unanimously in arships to 276 students, totaling favor of the scholarships increase, nearly $800,000. Nome schools gear up for new which takes effect this semester. NSEDC is now staged to well sur- “Our scholarships have an impact, pass $8 million in total scholarships state testing helping to cultivate an educated awarded by the end of 2015. workforce with in-region expertise,” For more information on By Kristine McRae tion Exam). president Betsy Brennan noted, “it’s Stiles said of the program. “Through NSEDC’s scholarship program, At last Tuesday’s school board Now, students are required to take nice we don’t have to dip into the supporting and encouraging our please visit on- meeting, Nome-Beltz guidance either the SAT, ACT, or WorkKeys fund balance as much, but it would greatest resource—the people of the line, or call EET Director Jerry counselor and testing specialist for Assessment, which are designed to be better to have teachers and staff Norton Sound region—our scholar- Ivanoff at (800) 385-3190. the district Janeen Sullivan described predict a student’s success in college for the kids.” ship program is one of the strongest for school board members the up- classes and/or job performance. “In Interim Superintendent Shawn ways we fulfill our mission at coming hanges to state standardized order to graduate,” Sullivan said, Arnold briefed the board about an NSEDC.” testing. Starting this spring, AMP “students have to take one of the as- upcoming training at which some (Alaska Measures of Progress) will sessments. It’s their choice, and they Nome Elementary teachers will learn replace the SBA (Standard Based can choose to take more than one, about RTI (Response to Interven- Assessment) in all subjects except but they have to take it.” tion), which is an effort to help kids science. Like the SBA, the AMP is In her report to the board, district who are a grade or two behind in based on national standards and business manager Paula Coffman reading or math get the extra help honed, with input from teachers shared the current budget and ex- they need rather than having to refer around the state, for Alaskan stu- plained that apparent savings to the them to special education. dents. district are due to unfilled staff posi- Nome-Beltz principal Harlan In describing the academic scope tions as well as lower salaries to new Heinrich told the board about a web- of the new assessment, Sullivan teachers as compared to those re- based math program recently insti- stressed that the AMP measures stu- cently retired. tuted at the high school. “The design dents’ growth, whereas the SBA On the revenue side, the district of the course is to try to facilitate the measured proficiency. “There’s no saw a stinging decrease in state fund- gap for those who need to refine the comparison or conversion,” Sullivan ing, nearly $133,000, which reflects skills they have already acquired so explained, “so we’re starting fresh.” the number of students enrolled in that they can move toward higher The AMP is a computer-based as- the district. Last year the district es- level math at some time,” Harlan ex- sessment, as opposed to the SBA’s timated an enrollment of 700 stu- plained. “Twenty-two students will paper and pencil format, and both dents and, even though the current pretest in at their performance level, English Language Arts and Math enrollment is 713, the number of stu- and then the program will help them will be administered in one day. dents attending Nome’s schools in progress from there.” Because each student will need to October was 685. The lesser funding The Nome Board of Education has utilize a computer to test, the district from the state combined with the a work session scheduled for Janu- is considering testing two grades per savings from staffing leaves the dis- ary 20 and a regular meeting sched- week between the weeks of March trict a bit in the black yet, as board uled for February 10. 30 and April 20. Students will have the opportunity to practice with ma- Perfect attendance Nome-Beltz Jr./Sr. High School nipulating the technology navigating the format of the test, including JUNIOR HIGH “AMP it Up” day on January 29. Ayomide Obitayo Ayowole-Obi, Maya Emily Kralik, Ashleigh Grace The federal standardized test, Minix, Lisa Jane Okbaok, Anna Carolyn Peterson and Kyle Patrick MAP (Measures of Academic Reynolds. Progress), which is designed to measure student progress, will still SENIOR HIGH be administered three times a year. Boluwatife Fadare Ayowole-Obi, Isaiah Klay Baker, Dylon Merwin. Sullivan further explained the Allen Crowe, Jason Ronald Gilder, Daphany Antonia Iya, Timothy Leo changes to testing requirements for Wilkalkia, James Joseph, Lee Joe, Jayme Claudette Morgan, Anna high school graduates, which up Marie Motis, Tamara Janette Spivey, Jarod E. Tozier, Bianca Sybertha until last year included the HSGQE Trowbridge and John Charles Wade. (High School Graduation Qualifica- Attention Gold Miners! Get the Highest Prices for Your Gold, and Win a Trip to Hawaii for 2! For each regular gold refining lot brought to GRC, you will be entered in a drawing for a free all-expenses-paid 4 night trip to Waikiki, Hawaii in 2014. Enjoy the sights and smells of Oahu! Dine at a fine restaurant and surf the island at your leisure. The drawing will be at the Annual Nome GRC Miners Appreciation Dinner. Contest subject to rules. GRC gives back. What has the other guy done for you? Alaska’s GENERAL REFINING CORPORATION BSNC Building • 112 Front Street, Suite 109 Gold Refi ning Nome, Alaska 99762 Ken 907-304-2175 • Fax 907-443-6469 Leader Toll Free 800-281-4133 • www.generalrefi

RULES: A regular gold refining lot is 5 toz gold received. OTC lots are not eligible. GRC employees may not enter the contest. Winner responsible for all taxes. Winner will fly coach on a major airline. To enter you must be over 21 years of age. Winner will be announced at the Annual Nome GRC Miners Appreciation Dinner. Complete rules posted at the GRC Nome office. THE NOME NUGGET Local THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 7

UNALAKLEET OPERA SINGER— Dr. Tim Smith and Kira Eckenweiler, originally from Unalakleet, brought opera music to Nome, on January 14 at the Mini Convention Center. GLITTER AND BE GAY— Kira Eckenweiler added her interpretation of Leonard Bernsteins’ composition “Glitter and Be Gay” by replacing diamonds and sapphires with ivory and baleen jewelry. For good meas- ure, she also added a Yupik headband during her performance. Ecken- weiler performed with UAA piano professor Dr. Tim Smith at the invitation of the Nome Arts Council in Nome, on Wednesday, January STTAART SMALL. 14. Kira Eckenweiler DREADREAMM BIG.

We can all help the littlest Alaskans grow up treats Nome to opera to achieve their biggest dreams. For Jason, it was his dad, who inspired his career Jason Dolph performance choice at the age of 3. For small steps QGJHQHUDWLRQ ôUHôJKWHU you can take to make a big difference, Story and photos always focused on classical music, visit by Diana Haecker but now zeroed in on opera perform- The Mini Convention Center last ance and is being trained as a so- week was packed wall-to-wall with prano at UAA. Nomeites who have not been treated She has performed in several to opera performances in Nome in a opera choruses, but has auditioned long, long time. and landed the role as Madame Herz Kira Eckenweiler, a 22-year-old in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s music student at the University of opera “Impresario” to be performed Anchorage, and Dr. Tim Smith, in Anchorage in February. piano professor at UAA, at the invi- During her performance in Nome, tation of the Nome Arts Council per- Eckenweiler sang Verdi in Italian formed in Nome on Wednesday, and the Strauss pieces in German. January 14 in front of a standing Eckenweiler infused some humor room only audience. into her interpretations, especially Ron Horner and the Nome-Beltz during Bernstein’s “Glitter and Be High School Choir warmed up the Gay.” Lamenting her gilded cage in crowd for Eckenweiler and Smith. which the protagonist in Glitter and They performed opera pieces by be Gay finds herself, Eckenweiler composers Giuseppe Verdi, Richard chose to use as props ivory and Strauss and Leonard Bernstein. In a baleen jewlery instead of diamonds solo performance, Dr. Smith per- and sapphires, topping the perform- WORKINGWO TO PREVENTVENT CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT IN AALASKALASKA. • formed several piano pieces by ance off with a Yupik-style fur head- AlaskaChildrensTrust.orgAlaskaChildrensTr Franz Liszt. band. The audience roared with Eckenweiler hails from Unalak- applause and laughter. leet and only discovered her love for Eckenweiler said she immensely opera a few years ago, when she was enjoyed bringing opera to her home actually in one. “In my freshman region. But her sights are set to con- year in college, I sang in an opera tinue her studies and to eventually chorus performing Madame Butter- become a professional opera singer. fly,” Eckenweiler said. “I never Josie Stiles with the Nome Arts knew before how hard it is or I never Council said that a donation from really had an appreciation for opera.” Cindy Massey allowed for Kira Eck- Eckenweiler then studied at the enweiler and for Dr. Tim Smith to Montana State University. She has travel to Nome and perform here.

Nominate your favorite teacher. Now accepting nominations for the 20th year of the statewide BP Teachers of Excellence program. Nominate your favorite teacher at by January 30th.

FEELING THE MUSIC— Dr. Tim Smith performed several piano pieces of Franz Liszt during an evening of classical music and opera or- ganized by the Nome Arts Council, on January 14 at the Mini Conven- tion Center. 8 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015sports THE NOME NUGGET Bethel homeboy Pete Kaiser wins Kuskokwim 300

By Diana Haecker and howling winds. Trowbridge reached the first check- “It was fun,” she said in an interview for the upcoming big race. Trow- For the first time in 29 years, a This year showed its own chal- point, he was soaking wet. After- on Monday. “It was really great. It bridge is signed up to run the 2015 Bethel musher was victorious in the lenges. Rolland Trowbridge said un- wards, the rain turned into snow and was my first race and so didn’t know Yukon Quest Sled Dog race, which Kuskokwim 300 sled dog race, billed like last year, when the trail took the made for better footing for the dogs what to expect.” She also finished is slated to start on February 7 in to be one of the toughest mid-dis- mushers mostly overland because of on the way back. The trail took dog with seven dogs and said she had to Whitehorse, Canada. tance races in the dog mushing sketchy ice conditions on the river, teams from Bethel upriver to Aniak haul one dog in the basket for the last Asked why he did not sign up for world. Back then, it was Myron this year’s trail was completely on and back. Usually, the trail continues three miles to the finish. the Iditarod, he said, the Quest Angstman who took the win, fol- the river. Right out of the starting on over Whitefish Lake and loops Trowbridge said that the dogs he schedule worked out better for him lowed by and Sonny chute, the mushers encountered glare back. However, this section was dropped mostly had wrist and shoul- as some mandatory Iditarod rookie Lindner. The purse for the winner ice. “The 94 miles to Kalskag were eliminated this year. der injuries due to the pounding they meetings were in conflict with his then was a whopping $10,000. bare ice,” reported Rolland Trow- Trowbridge arrived in Bethel with took on the unforgiving icy condi- work schedule. However, the Idi- Last Sunday, when Bethel’s Pete bridge on Monday from Bethel. “I seven dogs in harness, as did his han- tions on the river. Trowbridge main- tarod is looming on the horizon. Kaiser won the 2015 Kuskokwim was on the drag for 40 miles, trying dler Tara Cicatello. Cicatello, a for- tains a kennel with 37 dogs in Nome, Trowbridge hopes to sign up two 300 at 5:31 a.m. with 9 dogs and a to slow down the dogs on that glare mer KNOM volunteer and since fall out of those 26 sled dogs are in train- teams for the 2016 Iditarod and then total race time of 35 hours,1 minute ice on the river. For the dogs it was full time dog handler for Trowbridge, ing for this mushing season. show up at the 2017 Iditarod as a top and 25 seconds, he not only brought like running on cement.” not only began mushing in October, Trowbridge said this K300 was a 20-contender and competitor. home the glory of winning the K300 At first the mushers got rained on, but also tackled her first sled dog good experience in the sense that it but also earned $25,000, the biggest then wet snow fell and by the time race with the running of the K300. race-hardened himself and the dogs payout in the race’s history. 2014 Champ Rohn Buser finished in sec- ond place at 5:44 a.m. with 9 dogs, followed closely by 9-time K300 champion Jeff King who finished in third place at 5:58 a.m. with 11 dogs. Tony Browning, kennel partner with Nomeite Aaron Burmeister, finished in fourth place. Aaron Burmeister completed the race in 10th place. Also of Nome, Rolland Trowbridge and his handler Tara Cicatello com- pleted the race course in 19th and 21st place, respectively. The last musher to finish the race was DeeDee Jonrowe, crossing the finish line in 22nd place, on Monday at 1:24 a.m. Nathan Underwood, Isaac Under- wood and Kotzebue musher Chuck Schaeffer scratched in Aniak. The K300 committee offered a record prize purse of $123,300 that paid out to 20th place. In order to at- tract more mushers to participate, the K300 committee decided to waive the entry fee. Twenty-five mushers started the race, in what was known to be chal- lenging conditions. Unlike last year, the trail took the dog teams over the Kuskokwim River and through hor- rendous sections of jumble ice be- tween Kalskag and the halfway point of Aniak. Billed as one of the toughest races in the mushing world, the K300 can dish out conditions ranging from Photo courtesy of Tara Cicatello Photo by Marina Jarvis slogging through open water to HAPPY MUSHER— Tara Cicatello finished the Kuskokwim 300 dog NOME MUSHER— Rolland Trowbridge of Nome finished the Kuskok- mushing through -60°F temperatures sled race in 21st place. wim 300 dog sled race in 19th place. Nanook boys split with Galena

By Keith Conger Callahan, was that Galena connected ball hawking defense. Deflections team dropped Saturday’s rematch 64 their 16-3 first quarter lead into a 38- Sometimes statistics can be mis- on 57 percent of their attempts, —where defensive players get a -35. “We knew they were going to 11 margin at halftime. Their full leading. Nome-Beltz head coach Pat while Nome shot only 37 percent. hand on the ball — are one of the press, but we didn’t handle it well,” court press forced the Hawks into Callahan pointed out that his Varsity Half of the Hawks’ buckets came off team’s most coveted statistics and he said. turnover after turnover. Mid-way Nanooks only had seven turnovers assists. have always been a good indicator of On Saturday night the Nanooks through the final frame they pushed Friday night while their opponents, The most telling number however, success for the Nanooks. came out with the hot hand both of- their lead to a game high 35 points. the Galena Hawks, had 17. Nome said the Nome coach of his squad’s Hawks junior co-captain said his fensively and defensively. They At the 2:28 mark Baker joined the out shot Galena 53 to 37. opening night 60-52 defeat, was that team was pleased with their Friday jumped out to an early 14-0 lead, rest of the starters on the bench, giv- The flip side to Friday’s stats, said the Nome boys had only three de- night results. He believes that was being led by a combined 10 points ing valuable playing time to the re- flections. Callahan teaches tough, the first time a boys basketball team from senior co-captains Alex Gray serves. All but one Nanook scored in from Galena had ever beaten Nome. and Klay Baker. The Hawks did not the game. Baker led his team with Galena coach Lou Karlberg knew score their first point —which came 16. Gray scored 14, while sopho- that the Nome boys would come out on a free throw — until the 2:56 more Mikey Scott chipped in nine. with a chip on their shoulder Satur- mark, and would only score three the Senior Wink Winkelman grabbed 10 day. “They really turned up the de- entire first quarter. continued on page 10 fense tonight,” said Karlberg after his The Nanooks were able to parlay

HEFTY RESUMES – Nome-Beltz senior guard Emery Booshu tries to chase down Galena junior point guard Photos by Keith Conger Kaleb Korta in a 3A non-conference matchup in Nome on Saturday. Booshu is one of only two Alaskan 3A ON THE JOB TRAINING – Nome-Beltz seventh grader Lisa Okbaok wrestlers to have ever earned four state championships. Korta is a two-time rural state ski and biathlon champ. tries to pass the ball over eighth grader, and teammate, Abby Tozier at His 2014 athletic accomplishments also include a 3A state title in cross country running, as well as victories in the “blue & white” intrasquad game on Saturday. the mile, and the 800 meter races at the state track meet. THE NOME NUGGET sports THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 9 Jamgochian, Stewart (Owens) mush in Copper Basin 300 By Keith Conger The conditions in this year’s race event Stewart, who ended up in 14th Alaska Icefield Expeditions to take said Stewart after her run. “This “The hardest thing was sleep dep- were good for teaching her younger place, said “I didn’t expect them to summer tourists on glacial mushing was one of the most enjoyable races rivation,” said local Nome musher dogs. Stewart said that the coldest do so well being young and inexpe- rides. Fellow I have ever run. I was beyond ready Tom Jamgochian after having suc- temperature was five degrees above, rienced. When we got to the first musher, and former Nome resident, to race again.” cessfully navigated the Copper Basin so the dogs were not overheating. checkpoint they seemed to say ‘let’s Rochelle Horner has spent time as a The Copper Basin 300 is actually 300 sled dog racecourse the weekend She commented that the snow condi- keep running,’ so they had to learn tour guide with Stewart’s team. 310 miles long. There are four of January 10 and 11. “I certainly re- tions ranged from sugar to concrete. how to rest.” All of this year’s puppies are re- checkpoints that range in length from bounded after the first night.” “If you can imagine it,” she said, “we Stewart currently runs 40 dogs out lated to the dogs Stewart had in 43 to 85 miles. All the checkpoints By completing his first long dis- had it.” of her lot. Many of them have had Nome in 2008. She plans to get back are accessible by road. The last sec- tance mushing race, the 37-year-old Stewart’s 2015 Copper Basin 300 unique off-season experiences. Each into The Last Great Race On Earth in tion has stretches that parallel the Jamgochian can check off one third team had a large number of two- of the last three summers Stewart has 2016. On how her dog team will be Richardson and Glenn highways. of the mileage requirement to race in year-olds who had never done more transported the dogs to Juneau or Sk- performing by then she said, The 2015 race winner was Allen the Iditarod. Jamgochian, who is that a short local race. After the agway where the team is used by “They’ll be ready to rock and roll.” Moore. He was followed by Ray Nome’s assistant district attorney, “It is great to get back in a race,” Redington Jr., and Ryne Olson. says that the way to qualify for Alaska’s biggest dog sled race is to complete three distance races that total at least 750 miles. Two of these races must be over 300 miles. The added caveat is that the musher must be in the top 75 percent, or not have finishing times greater than double that of the first place finishers. The other stipulation is that each prospective Iditarod musher must be able to produce a Rookie Reference Sheet. That’s where Alaskan mush- ing veteran Vern Halter comes in, says Jamgochian, who is on a several month sabbatical from work. Hal- ter is providing Jamgochian with a place to stay and train in Willow, Alaska as well as proving the rookie Photo by Photo by distance musher with valuable race NOME TEAM— Nomeite Tom Jamgochian runs his team in the Copper FORMER NOMEITE— Melissa Stewart finished the Copper Basin 300 advice. Basin 300 sled dog race. in 14th place. Jamgochian says that he would like to compete in the 2016 Iditarod. He will begin fulfilling the other race requirements on January 23 when he partakes in the Northern Lights 300, a race from Big Lake to Finger Lake and back. He hopes to complete his mileage requirement by entering the Knik 200-Joe Redington Memorial Race in Wasilla. Do you want health insurance paid for you? Jamgochian described his ap- proach to the Copper Basin 300 as Find out about the new Tribally Sponsored Health Insurance Program “conservative.” His team, whose lin- eage comes from the kennels of Hal- ter and Ken Anderson, was mostly made up of younger dogs. “My two- year-olds did fantastic,” says Jam- gochian. The first night Jamgochian got no sleep. He camped for four hours, with three of them going to dog care. Jamgochian started to see that mush- ers who can fall asleep immediately Income chart have a real advantage. He did, how- ever, manage to get fours hours of for 2015YouYYoou arear recoverage:e eligible sleep the second night. if yoyyourour income And belobeloww this If yoyouryour ffafamilyamily has: One of the Copper Basin 300 race is aboabovevvee this amount: requirements is that mushers must amount: have handlers meet them at each checkpoint to take care of cleaning 1 person $14,350 a year $43,050 a year up after dogs. For this task Jam- 2 people $19,380 a year $58,140 a year gochian enlisted his mother Joy Jam- What is Tribally Sponsored Health Insurance? 3 people $24,410 a year $73,230 a year gochian, who came up from San Francisco, as well as his aunt Felicity 4 people* $29,440 a year $88,320 a year Nitz. Jamgochian says the pair had a blast at the race and did a great job *Amounts increasefo for larger fafamilies of meeting him at the checkpoints, even at 3:00 a.m. They ended up taking care of the two dogs that were dropped from his original 12. You will need your 2013 tax forms to apply. Jamgochian finished the race in 41st position out of 44 racers. He Will Tribally Sponsored Health Insurance cost me How and when do I sign up? was pleased to have made the Idi- anything? tarod time requirement. While in Glennallen, where the race starts and ends, Jamgochian got a chance to [email protected] talk to former Nome musher Greg Parvin who served as the 2015 Cop- per Basin 300 Race Marshall. Does this affect my current Alaska Native Health According to an internet article by Iditarod musher Sebastian Schnuelle, Why should I have Tribally Sponsored Health benefits? the Glennallen-based race has the Insurance? reputation of being “the toughest 300 miles in Alaska.” Jamgochian said, “I heard the Copper Basin was ex- tremely tough, but since the weather was so “tropical,” I had an easy time.” Where can I get more Information? Another musher with Nome ties was entered in this year’s Copper Basin 300. Melissa Stewart was run- How do I qualify? [email protected] ning in her first distance race in nearly four years. People in Nome, [email protected] pg and around the state’s mushing com- munity, know her as Melissa Owens — the girl who was Junior Iditarod champion in 2005, and the young lady who, at 18 years old, came in 30th place in the 2008 Iditarod Race. The 2011 Iditarod was her last long distance racing adventure. Stewart, 24, now lives in the Knik area, and is a bus driver for the Mat- Su Borough School District. She lives right on the historic , and feels fortunate to be able to leave right from her front door to great mushing trails. “From here I could mush to Nome,” she said. 10 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015sports THE NOME NUGGET • Basketball continued from page 8 was able to take down the 15 player with 14 points. Nine Nanooks scored Junior High girls coach Danielle Junior High boys coach coach JV Nanook team 56-48 on Friday on Saturday. They were led by Chad Slingsby says that her girls played Erik Lie says that he has 27 boys out night. All nine players scored for the Callahan and Ethan McDaniel, who very well. The emphasis in her pro- for basketball this year and they boards for Nome. Although immedi- Hawks. They were paced by Pat each put in four. gram is not only to develop individ- practice four times a week. They ately after the game the numbers had Newland’s 10 points. Both the junior high boys and ual skills, but to encourage teamwork will travel to Unalakleet later in the not yet been crunched, Callahan said Nome’s Cody Johnson led all girls played “blue & white” in- as well. She says they will need to season when the high school players the numbers of deflections was way players with 20 points, pouring in 10 trasquad games this past weekend in develop both aspects of their game as travel to Bethel. up in the second contest. during the fourth quarter. Twelve of the Nome gym. The high scorer for they progress in the sport. The game on Saturday night was his points came off four three-point the boys was Gareth Hansen with 18 attended by newly elected Governor shots. Bobby Koezuna was five of points. The next top scores were Ian Bill Walker, who was in town for an five from the line, and ended up with Smith, 14 points, and Joey Tocktoo, inaugural celebration. He was ac- eight points. Nathan Tobuk was the 11 points. The team received 10 companied by some of his family only Nome JV player to score in all points apiece from Aaron Motis and and close friends. Each of the four quarters. He ended up with Devan Otton. The girls high scorers Nanooks players went over to shake eight points. were Lisa Okbaok and Maggie his hand as they were introduced. The Nome JV team struggled with Miller with 10 points, Daynon Gray led the Nanooks in scoring Galena’s height on Saturday, bowing Medlin with eight points, Amber with 17 on Friday night, while sen- to the Hawks 49-28. Six foot, 1 inch Gray with seven points, and Kastyn ior Daniel Head tied his season high tall Trenton Ambrose led his team Lie with six points. of 16. The Hawks’ leading scorer on Friday was senior Jacob Miller with 15. Sophomore Eric Jones led the Hawks with 10 points on Saturday. The website City-Data posts NORTHWEST CAMPUS SEEKING Galena’s 2012 population at only 486. The Galena School District op- erates both a city high school as well APPLIED BUSINESS FACULTY! as the Galena Interior Learning Cen- ter which is an accredited vocational- The University of Alaska Fairbanks Northwest Campus, based based program that draws students in Nome and part of UAF’s College of Rural & Community from all over the state. It has a resi- Development, is seeking a full-time faculty member! dential boarding school population of JOB TITLE: Assistant Professor of Applied Business 118. Galena sports teams can draw LOCATION: Nome, Alaska from the city school as well as GILA. POSTING NUMBER: 0069681 This added student population places GRADE: Galena in ASAA’s 3A division. They Salary: DOE EMPLOYMENT STATUS: play in the Aurora Conference. Regular, full-time faculty (9-month), Korta noted that of the eight trav- non-tenure track eling members on the current Varsity OPENING DATE: Open until filled. Review date is January 26, 2015 squad, five come from Galena’s high TO APPLY OR FOR MORE DETAILS ABOUT THIS POSITION: Across 50. Non-Jew school, and three come from GILA. Ľŷ Visit 1. Nuclear fission weapon 51. Mocking playfully Ľŷ Call Northwest Campus: (907)443-8400 (hyphenated) 53. Comes down and settles, as a Girls High School Varsity and JV Ľŷ Email Gretchen Froehle: [email protected] 6. Internet-based system for bird would in Galena UAF is an AA/EO Employer and Educational Institution anonymous funds transferral 55. Burn up While the boys played their game 11. Brilliant performance 56. Folded card for short informal in Nome, the Lady Nanooks traveled 13. Adult insects letter to Galena to play the Lady Hawks. 15. Lunar calendar beginning A.D. 57. Affirm Galena won Friday night’s Varsity 622 58. "___ have died trying." contest by a score of 54-27. 16. Earthenware (contraction) Co-captain Romay Shay, formerly 17. P.I., e.g. of Koyuk, set pace with 12 first quar- 18. Small, edible herring Down ter points for the Hawks as her team 20. Victorian, for one 1. Magazine jumped out to a 20-9 lead. She 21. Carbon compound 2. Juliet's monologue location ended the game with 20 points. 23. Pub order 3. Egg cells Teammate Sarah Buchanan poured 24. Live wire, so to speak 4. "___ the word." (contraction) in 20 as well. The Nanooks were led Johnson CPA LLC 25. Incurred 5. Pipe material with seven points from Sonja Hukill 27. Breathalyzer attachment 6. Correct, as text and six from Lacy Erickson. 28. Wuss 7. Cause for concern The Varsity Lady Hawks were Certified Public Accountants 29. Rhapsodic 8. ___ Khan able to sweep the Varsity Lady 31. He took two tablets 9. V.I.P. 32. Checked item Nanooks by coming out on top in 10. Female beneficiary Mark A. Johnson, CPA 33. Bank deposit Saturday’s contest 64-31. Shay, who 11. Muzzled dog 34. Blah (2 wds) 12. Circus performer again led the Hawks, had 17 points. 36. Rope for raising a sail 13. Cake topper Teammate Kameron Reitan helped For ALL your accounting needs! 39. Hollow passages underground 14. Frightening with 16. The Nanooks were led by 40. Fifth note 19. Kind of income Jillian Stettenbenz, who put in seven. Please call for an appointment. 41. Intro 22. Staggered The Nanook Junior Varsity beat 43. Kind of column (2 wds) 24. Malicious coward the Hawks JV 39-30 on Friday night. 44. Chart anew 26. Devout The Nome girls were led by Senora 46. Russian assembly 28. Nonmalignant growth from Ahmasuk’s 19 points. Kim Hunting- Business and personal income tax preparation 47. 30-day mo. mucous lining ton paced the Hawks with 12. • and planning 48. Strong surface current flowing 30. Video maker, for short The Nome JV squad kept up their outwards from shore 31. "Cool" amount momentum on Saturday night by • Computerized bookkeeping and payroll services 33. Dry bouncing the Hawks 44-25. Ahma- Previous Puzzle Answers 34. Occurs suk’s 27 points outscored the entire • Financial statements 35. Exaggerate a role Galena team. The Hawks were led 36. "Where the heart is" by Carloyn Sam’s nine points. 37. In a way that is not gentle 38. Reduced in rank Boys JV, and All Junior High 39. Cousin of a raccoon Games 122 West First Avenue • Nome, AK 99762 40. Bulrush, e.g. The Hawks Junior Varsity team (907) 443-5565 42. "Thou ___ enter." (archaic) traveled to Nome with its Varsity 44. Dentist's direction players. Their nine person squad 45. One who steers a ship 48. Hair colorer 49. Core 52. Caribbean, e.g. 54. "Fancy that!" Winter Products January 2015 — Week 4 LED Collar Lights Just when you lose all It takes two to tango, Flattery will get you Tsk-tsk, Libra. All of hope, things take a turn Aries. Accept nowhere, Cancer. Stop your pleas for help fall for the better. What a responsibility for the with the praise and on deaf ears. Look to Pet Safe Ice Melt relief, Capricorn. Fresh part you played and focus on the job at someone outside of faces bring new ideas make amends for your hand. The nonchalance your inner circle to to the table, allowing actions. A new avenue of a friend surprises come to your rescue. for more progress than is explored at work. you. Relax. They will Thanks is not enough. Dog Booties December 22– expected. March 21– June 22– come to their senses. September 23– January 19 April 19 July 22 October 22 Dog Jackets Cheers, Aquarius. Make no mistake, Moderation is key, Enough, Scorpio. Cheers to you for Taurus. Someone is Leo. Less can be more. Instead of trying to coming to the aid of watching and waiting A check of the justify your actions, Dog Beds an old friend. Cheers to capitalize on your finances reveals the why not just confess to you for taking the errors. Proceed with need for further and make amends. initiative on a project caution. Long lines budgeting. A minor You had a hand in at work. Cheers to test your patience. illness clears up with what went down Straw January 20– you for being you. April 20– July 23– rest. October 23– whether you admit February 18 May 20 August 22 ovember 21 it or not.

Chilly days need not Phooey, Gemini. Easy, Virgo. Not Savvy Sagittarius. You make for chilly Sincerity is always everyone can go at really know how to attitudes, Pisces. Smile appreciated, even in your pace. Slow down stretch a dollar. Your Nome Animal House and look on the bright situations like this one. and give others time to pal, on the other hand, side. Every cloud has a Be honest in your catch up. Then attack could use some help. A 443-2490 silver lining, even the assessment and sincere the project together, string of tales begins to big one lurking. in your suggestions, and you’ll finish ahead unravel. M-F: 9am-6pm, Sat: 10am-2pm February 19– May 21– and you will be heard. August 23– of schedule. ovember 22– March 20 June 21 September 22 December 21 Sun: closed

FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY THE NOME NUGGET THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 11 Obituary Alice Soolook Diomede, the fourth child of Martha She also had a great sense of adven- We would like to thank all the members and Thomas Iyapana. As a young ture, and loved outdoor adventures, Alice Ann ‘Eenanga’ Soolook child she grew up learning all the like camping on the top of Diomede. of the NVFD, the NVAD, and the NPD, died Saturday January 3. She was traditional Diomede ways. She mar- She also didn’t hesitate when offered that responded to the chimney fire that born September 9, 1933, on Little ried the one true love of her life, the opportunity to hop aboard a skin Robert Soolook, Sr., and raised 11 boat and travel to Russia to visit we had on the evening of 01/14/2015. children. Alice was widowed far too long-lost relatives. With her big early in life, but continued to raise smile, deep dimples and easy laugh, her children and grandchildren to be Alice brought immense joy into the respectful of one another and others, lives of everyone who knew her. She Also, we would like to thank the and instilled in them a passion for was an incredibly generous person, their traditional customs and culture. and everyone who visited Diomede gentleman that noticed the fire on Alice had an extraordinary zest was welcome in her home. his way home from work, woke us for life and laughter, and her joys Alice is survived by her 11 chil- were many – the most of all, cre- dren; Dennis Soolook Sr., Marie up, and called the NVFD for us. atively preparing all sorts of Lawlor, Nancy Ahkinga, Bernadette Diomede foods for her children. Iyahuk, Rosalene Thomas, Tony Alice enjoyed all the tasks in prepar- Soolook, Tommy Soolook, Patrick ing those foods, from cutting and Soolook, Martha Soolook, Robert Chris and Kendra Miller hanging meat, splitting and sewing Soolook, Jr., and Edward Soolook; walrus hides, picking greens and 40 grandchildren; 56 great-grand- Nome, AK berries, to fishing, crabbing and trap- children; and three great-great- ping birds. She did beautiful bead- grandchildren. Alice was preceded work, loved to sew skins, made in death by her husband, Robert many beautiful kuspuks and parkas Soolook, Sr., her brothers James, for family and friends, and carved Raleigh, John and Charlie Iyapana, ivory in her earlier years. and her sister Annie Iyahuk. Alice was an avid and competitive Cranberry Brussels Sprouts game player, who loved a good Recipe by Kendra Miller, MPH, RDN, LD with Miller Health Consulting, LLC Alice Ann ‘Eenanga’ game of Scrabble, Snerts or cards. Soolook Makes 8 Servings Preparation Time: 5 minutes Bake at 400°F for 20 minutes Difficulty Level: Easy

Ingredients: 2 Tbsp. Olive oil 3 c. Brussels sprouts, halved Saying it Sincerely c. Cranberries, dried c. Walnuts, chopped Pastor Wendell Downs, person out there, a very successful retired surgeon, a phi- 3 Tbsp. Balsamic vinegar Seventh-day Adventist Church lanthropist and journalist, one who could and does vie A member of the Nome Ministerial Association with our current President in many ways, one whom I ac- Directions:   tually agree with in so many ways (coming from my own 1. Preheat oven to 400°F.    Separation of Church and State religious back ground as he does) who is considering a 2. In an 8x8” baking dish combine olive      There, it’s happening again – someone whom I either run for the White House. (I will not mention his name, oil, brussels sprouts, cranberries,   walnuts, and balsamic vinegar.     know or am in some way connected with is getting into because this piece is not intended to be a fee political ad.) high-level politics. I am not yet sure how I like that fact. Still, I kind of shudder to imagine how my own church, 3. Bake for 25 minutes. Serve warm.          Sometimes it’s thrilling, other times chilling, or even my own denomination, and everything we stand for – TIP:    down-right embarrassing. hospitals, schools, and world missions, may very soon  ! "  The last time this happened I was living in Dillingham, light up under the searching rays of journalists sifting for *You can use either fresh or frozen !  # Brussels sprouts with this recipe. For and was frequently buying supplies at the local store something, anything, everything, who are hopefully $  # frozen sprouts, extend baking time by 5 % &  owned by ’s father-in-law. All us long-time looking for the truth. Sometimes truth hurts and some- minutes. Alaskans already knew Todd Palin, Sarah’s husband, times it is embarrassing, to say the least. %  & #' from days. To top that off, my son had just prior Let me say at the outset before things get hot and    & # ( & # to that, given Todd flight training. Talk about me feeling heavy and perhaps embarrassing in the 2016 political © important – friends, relatives, and just people — from all cycle, I have personally vowed to remain free of politi- over the USA were calling me up and asking how to pro- cal entanglements this time around. Yes, I will vote, but nounce the name, Wasilla. Remember those days? It kind I believe that as a Christian pastor I can do far more good of felt good to be an Alaskan, even if one didn’t particu- by crossing all barriers including political ones rather larly agree with Sarah’s politics. Later, it became down- than taking political sides in often compromising situa- right embarrassing, and still is, the way the media treated tions. anything connected with her name. As I read the sad history of radicalized religion, be it Church Services Now it looks like it may happen again, but this time the Jewish Zealots of the First and Second centuries coming from a somewhat unexpected angle – from my own church, of sorts. There is a very highly intelligent continued on page 14 Directory

Bible Baptist Church 443-2144 Sunday School: 10 a.m./Worship: 11 a.m. Community Baptist Church-SBC 108 West 3rd Avenue • 443-5448 • Pastor Aaron Cooper Sunday Small Group Bible Study: 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Community United Methodist Church West 2nd Avenue & C Street • 443-2865 Pastor Charles Brower Sunday: Worship 11:00 am Monday: Thrift Shop 4:00 to 5:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday: Thrift Shop 7:00 to 8:30 pm Wednesday: Faith Followers 5:45 to 7:30 pm Nome Covenant Church 101 Bering Street • 443-2565 • Pastor Harvey Sunday: School 10 a.m./Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday: Youth Group 6:30 p.m. (443-8063 for more info) Friday: Community Soup Kitchen 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Our Savior Lutheran Church 5th Avenue & Bering • 443-5295 Sunday: Worship 11 a.m.. Handicapped accessible ramp: North side River of Life Assembly of God 405 W. Seppala • 443-5333 Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 p.m. For more information contact Bob Blake 434-1966 St. Joseph Catholic Church Corner of Steadman & W. King Place • 443-5527 Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:30 p.m./Sunday 10:30 a.m. Weekday Masses: Mon. & Tue. 9:00 a.m., Thur. 12:10 p.m. Friday Hospital Mass: 12:10 p.m. (NSRH Meditation Room) Patients going to ANMC and want to see a Catholic priest please call Fr. Brunet, OMI: cell 907-441-2106 or Holy Family Cathedral (907) 276-3455 Seventh-Day Adventist Icy View • 443-5137 Saturday Sabbath School: 10 a.m. Saturday Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Nome Church of the Nazarene 3rd Avenue & Division Street • 443-4870 Pastor Dan Ward • 252-5773 Sunday Prayer 9:30 a.m. • Sunday School: 10 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship: 11 a.m. 1.22.15 12 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 THE NOME NUGGET CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Deadline is noon Monday •(907) 443-5235 • Fax (907)443-5112 • e-mail [email protected] Employment Trooper Beat Real Estate On January 12, Nome Alaska Wildlife Troop- PROPERTY FOR SALE BY OWNER — Green Cabin at 321 Second Ave, Kotzbue with electricity and ers cited Brenda L. Green, 48, of Nome, for Fail sewer hookup [Lot 19, Block 5 USS 2863]. Interested parties should contact Matt Bergan at matthew- to Return Permit - RM840. (2014 Unit 22 - B/C/D [email protected] to request a property information packet. Offers to purchase the property shall be Registration Permit Hunt.) Bail: $100. received no later than 6 February 2015. Minimum bid is $60,000. Offers may be submitted either by US Mail to: St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Attn: Green Cabin Sale, PO Box 358, Kotzebue, AK 99752 On January 12, Nome AWT cited Ellsworth Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC) or by e-mail to: [email protected] Haugen, 39, of Nome, for Fail to Return Permit - St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church and the Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska reserve the right to re- is committed to providing quality health services RM840. (2014 Unit 22 - B/C/D Registration Per- ject any or all bids. mit Hunt.) Bail: $100. and promoting wellness 1/15-22-29 within our people and environment. On January 12, Nome AWT cited Kendall A. Lee, 21, of Nome, for Fail to Return Permit - RM840. (2014 Unit 22 - B/C/D Registration Per- Available position: mit Hunt.) Bail: $100. MUNAQSRI Senior Apartments • “A Caring Place” Community Health Aides are needed On January 12, Nome AWT cited John Ah- nangnatoguk, 39, of Nome, for Fail to Return Per- NOW taking applications for one-bedroom for several of the villages in our region. mit - RM840. (2014 Unit 22 - B/C/D Registration unfurnished apartments, heat included Permit Hunt.) Bail: $100. This is a great opportunity to serve in your own community. “62 years of age or older, handicap/disabled, regardless of age” On January 12, Nome AWT cited Kevin J. Pis- ¥ As a Trainee, you will receive on the job training. coya, 48, of Nome, for Fail to Return Permit - Electricity subsidized; major appliances provided ¥ Salaries for trainees begin at $17.80 per hour and increases are RM840. (2014 Unit 22 - B/C/D Registration Per- Rent based on income for eligible households mit Hunt.) Bail: $100. ¥Rent subsidized by USDA Rural Development earned as you promote to higher session levels. If you are interested 515 Steadman Street, Nome in applying, please contact Jeanette Norris at 443-4530. EQUAL Purpose of Position: Legals OPPORTUNITY Provide, at a level consistent with training/certification, acute, chronic, CITY OF NOME PUBLIC NOTICE EMPLOYER (907) 443-5220 emergency and preventive care to village residents according to the ORDINANCE NO. O-15-01-01 AN ORDINANCE PO BOX 1289 • Nome, AK 99762 Fax: (907) 443-5318 CHA/P Manual under the direct supervision of the NSHC medical staff APPROVING THE 2015 OPERATIONS AND Hearing Impaired: 1-800-770-8973 MAINTENANCE BUDGET FOR NOME JOINT Jessie Miller, Manager and/or the standing orders authorized by medical staff. UTILITY SYSTEM

EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE and CREDENTIALS: ORDINANCE NO. O-15-01-02 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO NOME Education Degree JOINT UTILITY SYSTEMʼS ELECTRIC TARIFF Seawall High School Diploma or Equivalent. NO. E-2, MAKING CHANGES TO RATE SCHED- NOME POLICE DEPARTMENT ULES ʻAʼ, ʻBʼ AND ʻCʼ MONDAY JANUARY 12, 2015 Program These ordinances had first reading at the regular MEDIA RELEASES 01/12/2015 through meeting of the Nome City Council on January 12, 01/18/2015 1:11 a.m. while on routine patrol on the west Pass Kawerak TABE language, reading and math tests 2015 and were passed to second reading, public side of town, a male was observed sleeping on at 8th grade level or higher hearing and final passage at a regular meeting of Disclaimer: This is a record of activity. the ground and found to be highly intoxicated. Experience General (Non-supervisory): the Council scheduled for January 26, 2015 at The issuance of citations or the act of arrest The male was contacted and identified as 7:00 PM in Council Chambers of City Hall, located does not assign guilt to any identified party. Lawrence Martin, whom was then provided trans- 0 year(s). at 102 Division Street. Copies of the ordinances portation to the N.E.S.T. for the night. No further action taken. Supervisory: are available in the Office of the City Clerk. During this period there were 155 calls for 1/15-22 service received at the Nome Police Commu- 6:57 a.m. NPD conducted a traffic stop on 0 year(s) Request for Proposals nications Center. 56 (36%) involved alcohol. Bering Strait School District: Seeking Requests for Greg Kruschek Avenue and Frank Irelan was Credentials Licensure, Certification, Etc. given a verbal warning for speeding. Proposals. Turn-key construction of two teacher There were 15 arrests made with 11 (73%) Complete and pass Emergency Trauma training CETT. housing duplexes in Shishmaref, Alaska. Each du- alcohol related. plex approximately 2,000 sq ft, 2015 completion 9:40 a.m. NPD served court paperwork on George Tate on the west end of town. Must obtain CHP certification within three years of hire. date required. Bid submissions must be received NPD responded to 15 calls reporting in- by 2:00p.m. Feb 18, 2015. Full details are posted Must be eligible for Community Health Aide Program toxicated persons needing assistance. 2 were 10:24 a.m. NPD responded to a report of a on: Or can be obtained remanded to AMCC as protective holds; and 5 Certification Board at the end of Session III Training by contacting: LA Commack, Facilities Mainte- snowmachine reported to be stolen multiple remained at the hospital for medical evalua- times. Law enforcement Officers spoke with the nance Department. Bering Strait School District tion/treatment. Starting pay: $17.80 + DOE P.O. Box 225 Unalakleet, AK 99684, 907 624-4235 reporting party and was advised them to take the 1/22-29-2/5 stated case to court and dispute it in civil court to There were 12 ambulance calls and 2 fire determine ownership; which was not made clear calls during this period. Please contact Jeanette Norris at 907-443-4530 by either party. No further action taken at this or email her at [email protected] to receive an application. time. 11:27 a.m. NPD received a report of a distur- NSHC will apply Alaska Native/American Indian (under PL 93-638), EEO, and Veteran bance taking place inside a home on the west Preferences. To ensure consumers are protected to the degree prescribed under federal and end of town. Officers resolved the situation as it state laws, NSHC will initiate a criminal history and background check. NSHC is a drug free was only a verbal dispute. The issue was re- solved by separation and no further action was workplace and performs pre-employment drug screening. Candidates failing to pass a taken. pre-employment drug screen will not be considered for employment. 1/22 SITNASUAK P.O. Box 905 • Nome, Alaska 99762 11:52 a.m. NPD received a report of an intox- NATIVE CORPORATION (907) 387-1200 • Fax (907) 443-3063 icated female down in the middle of the road. Of- ficers were dispatched to scene and contacted a highly intoxicated Michele Kulukhon, who was JOB VACANCY NOTICE transported to the Norton Sound Regional Hos- pital for medical treatment. Sitnasuak Native Corporation is recruiting for executive personnel in the Nome Corporate office 1:59 p.m. NPD was dispatched to the east side of town for a reported trespass. Upon ar- Job Title: President rival and further investigation, it was learned that Location: Nome, Alaska the reported trespasser was a guest of the resi- Schedule: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. dent. The reporting party was advised to contact Salary: DOE the landlord regarding the issue, as no crime had been committed. Duties: The President serves as SNC’s “ambassador” and, in cooperation with the Chairman and CEO, represents SNC to shareholders, other Native corporations, Tribes and other 3:21 p.m. NPD was dispatched to a residence on the west side of town for the report of a dis- organizations in the Native, regional and state-wide communities, social and political organizations and turbance. Upon arrival, the suspected culprit had local, state and federal agencies and public bodies. The President oversees and monitors the implementation left the scene. The reporting party was informed of corporate policies and directives adopted by the board of Directors (the “Board”) with respect to to call back if there were any further issue; which Available Position: shareholder relations and the disposition and selection of culturally-designated SNC lands.\ there was not for the remainder of the night. Minimum Qualifications: 3:58 p.m. NPD responded to a residence on the west side of town for the report of an assault. SNC shareholder/descendant/spouse of shareholder with knowledge of Inupiaq values and Alaska Native Upon arrival and further investigation, Anthony Construction Manager cultures and politics, Bachelor’s Degree (B.A.) preferred, Two year Associate’s Degree (A. A.) in Business Gandia was placed under arrest for Assault in the Management or related field preferred. OR Vocational Certificate may substitute for the AA Degree. Five Fourth Degree, Domestic Violence for causing (5) years of experience required in a senior or executive level management role, preferred. The ability to physical injury to a member of the household. He Immediate opening for Construction Manager for Bering Straits instill confidence in the members of the Board and SNC shareholders. Understanding and experience was remanded to AMCC, where he was held working with a corporate structure, board of directors, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, the SBA without bail. Development Company in Nome. Requires extensive experience 8(a) Program and government contracting, federal and state governing bodies and a historical understanding 5:50 p.m. NPD responded to a residence on of the SNC region. Must possess the highest integrity and a strong sense of personal accountability and in all aspects in the development of construction projects-strong the east side of town for the report of a female ethics. Effective people manager with innate ability to lead and develop direct reports. Working knowledge that was passed out on the porch, intoxicated. background in project bidding, budgeting, organization, implemen- and track record of leading and managing the contract acquisition process through previous experience. Upon arrival, officers contacted Courtney Amak- tation and scheduling of projects. This position also oversees the Excellent interpersonal and written and oral communication skills. Strong interpersonal and relationship toolik, who was then transported to Norton Sound building skills, self-motivation and able to work without direct oversight or supervision. Regional Hospital for medical treatment and later remanded to AMCC for a Title-47 Hold. electrical and mechanical divisions of BSDC. Closing date: January 31, 2015 7:30 p.m. NPD was dispatched to a business For more information, contact: For additional information and to apply: Submit a completed Sitnasuak Native Corporation employment on the west side of town for the report of a theft. application, letter of interest with detailed resume, and three (3) letters of recommendation online or submit Upon arrival and further investigation, the theft Jerald Brown 443-5252 to Cameron Piscoya, HR Generalist at 387-1228 or email: [email protected] with questions. was determined to unfounded. The reporting party was directed to the Nome Court to resolve Wages DOE 1/15-22/2015 Sitnasuak Native Corporation is EEO Employer EEO/AA. Preference will be given to the issue civilly. Sitnasuak shareholders/descendants and Alaska Natives in accordance with Title 43 U.S. Code 1626(g) and Title 42 U.S. Code 2003-2(i). 7:56 p.m. NPD conducted a traffic stop on the north side of town for a vehicle without a func- Date Posted: 01/07/2015 tional tail light. The driver was issued a verbal warning for the equipment violation and was re- leased from the scene.

10:50 p.m. NPD responded to a business on the west side of town for the report of a highly in- toxicated female that was unable to walk. Upon arrival, officers contacted Emily Penayah, who was provided transportation to the Norton Sound Regional Hospital for medical treatment.


12:25 a.m. NPD responded to the west side of town for the report of an intoxicated female NOW HIRING crawling in the middle of the street. Upon arrival, NOW HIRING officers contacted Helen Luke, who was trans- ported to a residence where she was left in the sober care of an acquaintance.

Customer Service Agents 4:16 a.m. NPD responded to the west side of Ramp Service Agents town for the report of an assault. Upon arrival, the suspect had reportedly fled the scene and the PT PT reporting party declined to press charges. 4:39 a.m. NPD received a report of a male down on the ground near the west end of town. Officers arrived and identified Raleigh Iyapana Nome nearly frozen to the ground. Iyapana was then Kotzebue transported to Norton Sound Regional Hospital for treatment.

For more info and to apply, please visit: 9:40 a.m. NPD assisted with conducting traf- For more info and to apply, please visit: fic control on Front St, due to construction on the new State Building. 1/15-22 1/15-22 continued on page 13 THE NOME NUGGET THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 13 •More Seawall continued from page 12 10:24 p.m. NPD received a noise complaint on 1:18 p.m. NPD responded to the report of a for Disorderly Conduct. end of town and arrested Lesley Ellanna for being the west side of town. Upon arrival, the suspect disturbance on the west side of town in a local in Violation of her Conditions of Release and was identified and warned for Disorderly Conduct. 10:48 a.m. NPD located an intoxicated person business. Upon arrival, the male causing the 3:27 p.m. NPD received an anonymous tip that No further action was taken. down on the west side of town. Officers identified issue was identified as Michael Cerny, who left the Lesley Ellanna is violating her conditions. The continued on page 14 business upon request and was given a warning Nome Police Department responded to the east the male as Michael Saclamana, who was then 11:02 p.m. NPD responded to an establish- transported to his residence. ment on the west end of town on a report of a dis- turbance. John Penetac Jr was arrested for 4:03 p.m. NPD arrested Harvey Miller Sr. on Disorderly Conduct and remanded to AMCC; an outstanding Arrest Warrant on the west end of where bail was set at $250. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING town. He was then remanded to AMCC where he was held on $500 bail. 11:29 p.m. NPD was notified of a motor vehi- cle collision that occurred on the east side of town. 4:25 p.m. While on routine patrol, officers lo- Upon arrival, the collision was found to have oc- Major Subdivision cated a vehicle that was off the roadway on the curred on private property. Both drivers were outskirts of town. No crime was found to be com- present and information was exchanged between mitted and the driver indicated he did not require the two. No further action was necessary. any further assistance. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED DURING A REGULAR MEETING OF THE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2015: 6:34 p.m. NPD responded to an apartment NOME PLANNING COMMISSION TO SEEK COMMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING: complex on the west side of town for the report of 12:15 a.m. NPD received a report from a con- a male passed out in the shared laundry room. cerned citizen regarding child neglect. The report Upon arrival, Officers identified the male as Eu- was taken and will be forwarded to the Office of Approval of a preliminary plat for a major subdivision from gene Iknokinok. Iknokinok was roused and Children Services. warned for Criminal Trespass and left upon re- Norton Sound Health Corporation for the property located at quest. 9:04 a.m. NPD issued a traffic stop on Center Block 115, Lot 1B; Block 116, Lots 1-12; Block 117, Lots 1-12. Creek Rd for a side by side. Officers made con- 6:47 p.m. NPD received a report of an oven tact with Brandon Williams and a minor, Brandon fire on the east end of town. The Nome Police, Williams was given a citation for driving without a Fire and Ambulance Departments responded. valid driverʼs license, and operating an off high- DATE: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 The fire was quickly put out and no injuries were way vehicle on a state road. reported. TIME: 7:00 P.M. 11:07 a.m. NPD received a report of a loose 7:45 p.m. NPD received a report of a fox act- dog in the parking lot of the Elementary School. LOCATION: City Hall Chambers ing aggressively toward children while they were Officers impounded a small female tan dog to the 1/22 sledding. The fox was behind the Nome Recre- animal shelter, after 5 days if no one claims the ational Center. Officers searched the area to en- animal it may be adopted. The animal was sure the security of the premises, no further action claimed on January 15, 2015 and returned to was taken. owner and was fined by city ordinance. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 9:16 p.m. Dan Koonuk was arrested for As- 12:32 p.m. NPD received a call from a con- sault 4, DV. He was contacted at an apartment cerned relative regarding their family member in complex on the east end of town. He was re- Nome that had not been in contact for approxi- manded to AMCC; no bail was set. mately a week. The Nome Police Department Major Subdivision was able to contact the Nome resident and they 10:20 p.m. NPD received the report of theft were found in good health. within a residence. Prior to arrival, the reporting A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED DURING A REGULAR MEETING OF THE party called back stating that she had located the 12:44 p.m. NPD served Alin Ledford his court item within the home and no longer required po- paper work to appear in court in January. lice presence. NOME PLANNING COMMISSION TO SEEK COMMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING:

Approval of a preliminary plat for a major subdivision from Bonanza Fuel, Inc. for the property located at Thorn Bush Subdivision, Tract A and Block 3, Lot 1A. PPO Box 995 Nome, AAlaska 99672 BERING STRAITS REGIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY Phone (907) 443-5256 Fax (907) 443-2160 DATE: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Toll Free (800) 478-5255 TIME: 7:00 P.M. LOCATION: City Hall Chambers PUBLIC NOTICE 1/22

Koyuk Native Corporation 2014 4TH QUARTERR MEETING OF THE P.O. Box 53050 BERING STRAITS REGIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY Koyuk, ALASKA 99753 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Office (907) 963-2424 Fax: 963-3552 Store: 963-3551 Koyuk Native Corporation Shareholders You are hereby notiffiied of the th Please take notice, that the annual meeting of Shareholders will be 2014 4 qheuarter meeting of t rescheduled at a later date. A new date for the annual meeting will Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority then be posted upon the completion of the financial compilation statement. 1/15-22-29 Board of Commissioners to be held on Febrruuary 3rd, 2015 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Request for Qualifications (RFQ): Independent Evaluation of a United States Department of Education Grant at the Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority 2014-2017 Conffeerence Room, located at 415 East 3rd Avenue in The Bering Strait School District is seeking an outside evaluator for a three-year counseling grant.

Nome, Alaska. 1.22-29 Applications are due January 30, 2015 Send to: Carl White, Project Director at [email protected]

For further information contact: Carl White, Project Director at [email protected]

Scope of Work: USDA Choice Beef Dakota Buffalo 1. Work in cooperation with the Project Director, Bering Strait School District counselors, Superintendent, Business Manager, funding agents and key consortium partners to implement Bush Orders • Custom Cuts the approved evaluation plan, including but not limited to, data collection, analysis and Meat Packs • Pork and Chicken writing a final annual report. 907-349-3556 • 2. Preference will be given to applicants who have had experience in rural Alaska, especially the Retail: 907-344-4066 • Wholesale: 907-349-3556 • Toll Free 800-478-3556 Bering Strait region, and evaluating grants. 7521 Old Seward Highway, Ste.E • Anchorage, AK 99518 • Fax 907-522-2529 3. Requires travel to 2 Bering Strait School District communities. 4. Finish annual evaluations by June 15 each year of the grant 5. Provide assistance with preparation for project site visits and/or audits. 6. Provide telephone, fax, email, videoconferencing and onsite consultations concerning PLEASE evaluation of the grant project and consultation regarding the status of the project, including HELP barriers to progress toward objectives. Experience and History of Contractor for RFQ Submission: Adopt a Pet 1. Provide a brief statement of qualifications and experiences evaluating grants and experience in rural Alaska. or make your 2. Provide a resume donation 3. Provide three references of people who are familiar with your work. References should include name, address, email and telephone numbers and a brief explanation of the services today! that were provided at the listing.

AdoptDog afood, pet and cat get food, a FREE cat bag litter of anddog/cat other food donations when you adoptare RFQ Review Process: a dog/cat. Dog food, cat food, cat litter and other donations are always welcome at the Nome Animal Shelter! The Project Director will appoint a proposal review team comprised of employees of the Bering always welcome at the Nome Animal Shelter! Strait School District (BSSD). The review team will select and be the sole judge of a contractor Nome Animal Control & Adopt-A-Pet that meets the best interests of BSSD. BSSD's decision will be final. 443-8538 or 443-5262 443-5212 or 443-5262 1.22 14 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 THE NOME NUGGET

• More Saying It

continued from page 11 bridges rather than erect barriers. I would ask that we, as peo- in a religion, both religion and politics will be in for a very rocky ple, some of whom make up churches, learn from past mistakes. road. Political religion (and this would include Communism) Yes, there are thorny political issues that need to be addressed. may very well be the cradle of a lot of bad history. leaing up to the destruction of Jerusalem, or of the Inquisition of But if religion (and I would have to put atheism in the religion Now as for politicians who are religious and who happen to the Middle Ages, or of human callousness engendered by The category as far as this discussion is concerned) ever becomes a be living out the highest values of their respective religions, I am Thirty Years War, or of past and current radicalized Muslim ter- criterion or barrier to success in the American political process, fine with that. rorism, or of the Genocide in Rwanda (was this religious, or just or if politics ever becomes a criterion or barrier for membership ethnic – who knows?), I am brought back to the need to build • More Seawall

continued from page 13 ter, after a few hours the owner came to NPD to 4:29 p.m. the Nome Police Department con- the age of 21. Kulowiyi was issued a citation for 12:29 a.m. NPD received a report of a distur- transported to AMCC, there is no bail set. Mar- claim the animal and it was returned. ducted a traffic stop on a vehicle showing expired Minor Consuming Alcohol and left in the care of a bance at a local hotel on the west side of town. garet Ellanna was also arrested for being in Vio- registration. Upon contact, the driver was found to sober adult for the night. Upon arrival, the disturbance was found to be ver- lation of Custodial Duties and taken to AMCC 2:01 p.m. NPD served Packy Kobuk with his have recently purchased the vehicle and had yet bal and over lost paperwork, which was eventu- where bail is set at $500. paperwork to appear in court in January. to have it registered. The driver was warned for 7:51 a.m. NPD received a call to a hotel on the ally returned. The dispute was resolved by the violation and ordered to keep the vehicle east side of town for the report of a domestic dis- separation and no further action was necessary. 4:05 p.m. NPD responded to a suicide threat at 3:44 p.m. NPD responded to a hotel on the parked until the registration was updated. pute. Upon arrival, both parties had left the hotel, the east end of town. Officers quickly arrived to west side of town for the report of a male and fe- but were contacted a short distance away. Fur- 12:43 a.m. NPD conducted a traffic stop on a scene and contacted the female reportedly want- male causing a disturbance. Upon arrival, the duo 9:50 p.m. the Nome Police Department con- ther investigation revealed that both parties were vehicle that had expired registration tags. The ing to harm herself. Further investigation revealed was identified as April James and Ambrose Otten. ducted a traffic stop on a vehicle without an oper- involved in a verbal argument and no crime had driver, Wallace Merrill, was issued a citation for that the female, identified as Courtney Tucker, was Otten was transported to the Norton Sound Re- ation headlight. The driver, Cynthia Olanna, was been committed. The issue was resolved by sep- Failure to Properly Display Registration Tags and on condition of release that prohibited the con- gional Hospital for medical evaluation and James issued a citation for Failure to Provide Proof of In- aration and no further action was taken. was released from the scene without further issue. sumption of alcohol. Tucker was placed under ar- was transported to a friendʼs residence, where she surance and was released from the scene without rest for Violation of her Conditions of Release and was left in their care. No further action was taken. further issue. 9:27 a.m. NPD received a report of two intoxi- 5:12 a.m. NPD received the report of a male was then remanded to AMCC, where bail was set cated adults in the care of an infant in a hotel on passed out in the hallway of an apartment com- at $1,000. 5:31 p.m. NPD received a call for assistance SATURDAY JANUARY 17, 2015 the east side of town. Upon arrival, investigation plex on the west side of town. Upon arrival, offi- at a business on the west side of town regarding revealed that the adults did have a sober care- cers identified the male as John “Gus” Fahey, who 5:05 p.m. NPD received a report of a female a possible trespass. Upon arrival, Michael Cerny 12:45 a.m. NPD responded to an apartment taker for the child, but had left while both were was observed to be highly intoxicated. Fahey was reportedly violating conditions of a protective was contacted and was asked to leave the busi- complex for the report of a noise disturbance. asleep. Both parties and the child were trans- escorted to his apartment without issue and left in order. Upon arrival and further investigation, no ness, which he complied with. Cerny was issued Upon arrival, two individuals were found to be en- ported to a relativeʼs residence, where the child the care of a sober roommate. violation of the conditions set was found. No fur- a verbal Criminal Trespass warning and no further gaged in a verbal dispute, which was later re- was left in their sober care. A report of the inci- ther action was necessary. action was necessary. solved by separation. No further action was dent will be filed with the Office of Children Serv- 6:47 a.m. NPD officers were dispatched to a necessary. ices. residence on the west side of town for the report 7:58 p.m. NPD was dispatched to a business 9:33 p.m. NPD was dispatched to the west of a possible assault. Upon arrival, both parties on the west side of town for the report of a male side of town for the report of an intoxicated male 12:46 a.m. NPD was dispatched to the north 12:25 p.m. NPD received a report from a hotel had separated and a report for Assault will be for- who had passed out inside. Upon arrival, officers who was refusing to leave the premises. Upon ar- side of town for the report of a motor vehicle colli- on the east side of town that a guest was refusing warded to the District Attorneyʼs Office for dispo- contacted and identified the male as Edward Muk- rival, officers identified the male as Lawrence Mar- sion. Both vehicles involved were local cab com- to leave. Officers arrived and requested that the sition. toyuk. Due to an apparent fall, the Nome Volun- tin, who was also found to be on current probation panies and the damage observed was minimal. guest vacate the premises, which they did, without teer Ambulance Department was dispatched to conditions that prohibited the consumption of al- Owners of both companies indicated they would further issue. No enforcement action was taken. 9:49 a.m. NPD was dispatched to a residence the scene and transported Muktoyuk to the Nor- cohol. Martin was arrested and remanded to work out the issue amongst themselves. on the west side of town for the report of a minor ton Sound Regional Hospital for medical evalua- AMCC for Criminal Trespass in the Second De- 1:16 p.m. while on patrol, officers observed a stating they wished to harm themselves. The par- tion. gree and Probation Violation, where he was held 1:18 a.m. NPD received a tip that Bernard Pa- male passed out on the ground on the west side of ent of the minor was contacted and the minor was without bail. niataaq, who had two outstanding arrest warrants, town. The male was identified as Gilbert Pootoo- found in good health. The parent indicated that 8:56 p.m. NPD conducted a traffic stop on a was at a local establishment on the west side of gooluk, who was provided transportation to the help will be sought for the reported threat. No fur- vehicle that failed to stop at a stop sign. The driver FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 2015 town. Upon arrival, officers identified and arrested Norton Sound Regional Hospital for medical eval- ther action necessary. was given a verbal warning for the violation and Paniataaq for the warrant and subsequently re- uation. was released from the scene. 1:39 a.m. NPD observed a vehicle that had run manded him to AMCC, where he was held without 5:30 p.m. NPD responded to a hotel on the off the side of the road on the north end of town. bail. 2:23 p.m. a Good Samaritan turned in a key west side of town for the report of a male refusing 9:35 p.m. NPD received a report of a stack fire The registered owner was contacted and informed ring on a black lanyard with a green whistle. A no- to leave the premises. Upon arrival, officers con- on the east end of town. The Nome Police, Fire officers that the extrication of the vehicle would be 3:24 a.m. NPD responded to a business on the tice was put out for the lost property with the tacted Ambrose Otten Jr. who admitted to refus- and Ambulance Departments responded to scene. conducted in the morning. No further action was west side of town for the report of a fight in hopes the owner will come forward to claim the ing to leave and was still on the premises. Otten Nobody was injured and the fire was put out. necessary. progress. Upon arrival, officers were informed that property. If you, or someone you know, have was also found to be in the possession of a bag of the two involved parties had fled the scene prior to knowledge of whom this might belong to, please what appeared to be and smelled of marijuana. 11:34 p.m. NPD responded to a business on 2:10 p.m. NPD received the report of a distur- police arrival. No further action was taken. contact the Nome Police Department at (907) 443- Otten Jr. was subsequently arrested and re- Bering St for the report of two intoxicated males bance on the west side of town. Upon arrival, the 5262 or stop by the Public Safety Building to de- manded to AMCC for Criminal Trespass in the yelling and causing a disturbance. Upon arrival, suspect had already fled the scene and no other 3:36 a.m. NPD received a report of a distur- scribe and claim. Second Degree and Misconduct Involving a Con- officers contacted Steven Starr and Donald Lud- crime was found to be committed. No further ac- bance at a residence in Icy View. Upon arrival, the trolled Substance in the Sixth Degree. He was wig. Both parties were warned for Criminal Tres- tion was necessary, but the reporting party was disturbance was found to be a verbal argument 2:48 p.m. NPD received the report of a female held on $500 bail. pass, as well as Disorderly Conduct and were advised on the options available, Protective Or- only and the issue was resolved by separation of that was unconscious in the lobby of a local es- released from the scene. ders specifically, that may be applicable. the two parties within the property. No further ac- tablishment on the west side of town. Upon ar- 7:31 p.m. NPD conducted a traffic stop on a tion was necessary. rival, the female was identified as Dawn vehicle with only one headlight functioning. The THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015: 2:17 p.m. NPD was dispatched to the parking Annogiyuk and was helped to her feet. A signifi- driver was given a verbal warning regarding the lot of a local business for the report of a motor ve- 4:02 a.m. NPD received a report of an intoxi- cant other was present and offered to look after offense and released from the scene without fur- 12:19 a.m. NPD conducted a security check at hicle collision that was reported as a hit and run. cated individual caring for a young child without Annogiyuk. No further action was necessary. ther enforcement action taken. an establishment on the west end of town. Officers Upon arrival, officers were informed that a note anyone sober present. Upon arrival, the individu- contacted Michele Kulukhon, who was observed had been left by the reported suspect with their als present were contacted and found to have a 3:48 p.m. NPD was dispatched to an apart- 7:41 p.m. NPD conducted a traffic stop on a to be intoxicated. She was found to be in violation contact information. The victim was informed to sober caretaker for the child. The involved parties ment complex on the west side of town for the re- vehicle showing expired registration. The driver, of her probation conditions, which prohibited the contact the suspect to exchange the necessary in- were released from the scene without further port of a possible trespass. Upon arrival it was Nina Wideman, was issued a citation for Expired consumption of alcohol. A report for the violation formation for insurance and reporting purposes. issue. learned that the occupant had allowed the re- Registration and was then released from the will be forwarded to the District Attorneyʼs Office. ported trespasser into the residence. The suspect scene. 2:57 p.m. during a routine security check, 4:06 a.m. NPD received a report of a male was asked to leave the premises and did so with- 10:46 a.m. NPD served Olaf Walters with his Nome Police Department officers contacted a breaking the window of a residence on the east out issue. No further action necessary. 9:58 p.m. NPD responded to a residence on court paperwork at AMCC. heavily intoxicated female whom officers recog- side of town. Upon arrival, officers contacted Front St for a 911 call about someone threatening nized as Michelle Kulukhon. Kulukhon was found Aaron Milligrock, whom was found highly agitated 7:56 p.m. NPD received the report of a noise to stab another person with a knife. Investigation 10:51 a.m. NPD issued a traffic stop on the to have an active arrest warrant for violating her and bleeding profusely. Investigation revealed disturbance and possible trespass at a hotel on led to the arrest of Brian Barker for Assault IV DV. north end of Nome. The driver, Joaquin Berrat- probation conditions. Kulukhon was subsequently that Milligrock had broken the window causing his the west side of town. Upon arrival, all persons Brian was remanded to AMCC and held there eran, was issued two citations; one for Driving placed under arrest and was transported to the injuries and was transported to the Norton Sound reportedly causing the issues were asked to leave without bail as this was a domestic violence of- Without a Valid Driver License and the other for Norton Sound Regional Hospital for medical treat- Regional Hospital for medical treatment. After and all complied willingly. Criminal Trespass fense. Failing to Show Proof of Insurance. Joaquin was ment. She was then remanded to AMCC, where being tended to medically, Milligrock was re- warnings were given verbally to all involved par- then transported back to his residence. No further she was held on $250 bail. manded to AMCC for Criminal Mischief in the 3rd ties. No further action taken. 10:33 p.m. NPD conducted a traffic stop on a action taken. Degree and was held without bail. vehicle on the west side of town. The driver, Dylan 3:23 p.m. a Good Samaritan arrived at the 8:18 p.m. NPD was notified of an unattended Pomrenke, was found to have a provisional li- 11:25 a.m. NPD served Darrell Stevens with a Nome Police Department to turn in a cell phone 6:03 a.m. the Nome Police Department re- bag at a local air carrier. Nome Police Department cense and was driving in violation the conditions summons to appear in court in February. that was found on Third Ave. If you have recently ceived a call regarding two intoxicated individuals Officers arrived and took custody of the bag. The set. Pomrenke was issued a citation for Driving in misplaced or lost your phone, or know someone refusing to leave a business on the west side of owner was identified and later arrived to describe Violation of Provisional License and Failure to Pro- 1:45 p.m. and 11:07a.m. NPD received a re- who might have; please call the Nome Police De- town. Upon arrival, the individuals had left, but and claim their belongings. vide Proof of Insurance. port of two loose dogs in town. Officers impounded partment at (907) 443-5262 to describe and claim. were later contacted and the female, identified as a small male tan and black dog to the animal shel- Elinor Kulowiyi, was found intoxicated and under SUNDAY JANUARY 18, 2015 Court

Week ending 1/16 lines stated; Commit no jailable offenses; Do not possess, consume or buy alcohol of $100 per case to the Department of Law Collections Unit, Anchorage; Suspended Civil for a period ending 1/14/15; You are required to surrender your driverʼs license and Jail Surcharge: Defendant is being placed on probation; Therefore, the defendant Ahgupuk, Irene v. Moses, Jonathan; Civil Protective Order identification card; your license and ID are subject to cancellation under AS 28.15.11 pay an additional $100 correctional facility surcharge; This surcharge is suspended Minor Party v. Alavana, James; Civil Protective Order and AS 18.65.310; and any new license or ID must list the AS 04.16.160 buying re- and must only be paid if defendantʼs probation is revoked and, in connection, with Minor Party v. Alavana, James; Civil Protective Order striction during the restricted period; AS 28.15.191(g); You are subject to a war- the revocation, defendant is arrested and taken to a correctional facility or jail time Richards, Kenny v. Gilley, Jodi B.; Civil Protective Order rantless breath test by any peace officer with probable cause to believe you is ordered served; AS 12.55.041(c); DNA Identification: If this conviction is for a Minor Party v. Olanna, Percy; Civil Protective Order consumed alcohol, and are subject to warrantless search of residence for alcohol, “crime against a person” as defined in AS 44.41.035, or a felony under AS 11 or AS Flitt, Billie v. Flitt, Jacob; Civil Protective Order upon probable cause. 28.35, the defendant is ordered to provide samples for the DNA Registration Sys- Matthias, Alexis v. Matthias, Vincent; Civil Protective Order State of Alaska v. Barton Johnson (4/23/91); 2NO-14-660CR Judgment and Order of tem when requested to do so by a health care professional acting on behalf of the Small Claims Commitment/Probation; CTN 001: AS11.41.220(a)(5): Assault 3 – Commit Assault state and to provide oral samples for the DNA Registration System when requested Linn, Brenda C. v. Butler, Ernie and Ahnangnatoguk, Mary N.; Small Claims 4, 2+ Convictions; Offense: C Felony; Offense Date: 10/11/14; The following by a correctional, probation, parole or peace officer; AS 12.55.015(h); Probation for Kawerak, INC. v. Knight, Deborah; Small Claims; charges were dismissed: CTN 002: AS11.61.118(a)(1): Harassment 1 – Offensive 10 years under the following conditions: General and Special Conditions of Proba- Criminal Contact w/Fluids; Offense Date: 10/11/14; Defendant came before the court on tion as stated in the Judgment and Order of Commitment/Probation; Bond: Any ap- State of Alaska v. Bana R. Katchatag (11/21/84); Order to Modify or Revoke Probation; (sentencing date) 1/13/15 with counsel, Michael Wenstrup, and the DA present; pearance or performance bond in this case: is exonerated; Must register as a Sex ATN: 111175056; Violated conditions of probation; Suspended jail term revoked and Sentence: CTN 001: 18 months with 14 months suspended; The unsuspended 4 Offender. imposed: 30 days; Must pay suspended $100 jail surcharge to the AGs Office, An- months shall be served immediately; Surcharges: Police Training Surcharge: Shall State of Alaska v. Max Iyapana Jr. (7/30/93); 2NO-13-427CR Order to Modify or Revoke chorage. pay the following training surcharge to the court pursuant to AS 12.55.039 within 10 Probation; ATN: 113678055; Violated conditions of probation; Suspended jail term State of Alaska v. Sophie Tocktoo (8/16/77); Dismissal; Count I: Assault 4°, Chg. Nbr. days: CTN 001: Surcharge: $100 (Felony); Initial Jail Surcharge: Defendant was revoked and imposed: 42 days, not to exceed time served. 1; Filed by the DAs Office 1/8/15. arrested and taken to a correctional facility or is being ordered to serve a term of im- State of Alaska v. Max L. Iyapana (7/30/93); 2NO-13-718CR Order to Modify or Revoke State of Alaska v. James D. Kakoona (5/21/90); Dismissal; Count I: Misconduct In- prisonment; Therefore, the defendant immediately pay a correctional facilities sur- Probation; ATN: 114188085; Violated conditions of probation; All other terms and volving Weapons 4°, Chg. Nbr. 1; Filed by the DAs Office 1/8/15. charge of $100 per case to the Department of Law Collections Unit, Anchorage; conditions of probation in the original judgment remain in effect. State of Alaska v. Daniel Knight (8/29/66); Drive Without Valid License; Date of Of- Suspended Jail Surcharge: Defendant is being placed on probation; Therefore, the State of Alaska v. Craig W. Okpealuk (3/26/91); Dismissal; Count I: Assault 4°; Filed by fense: 8/16/14; Defendant found and adjudged: Guilty; Amended charge; 10 days, defendant pay an additional $100 correctional facility surcharge; This surcharge is the DAs Office 1/16/15. 10 days suspended; Police Training Surcharge: $50 (Misd); Initial Jail Surcharge: suspended and must only be paid if defendantʼs probation is revoked and, in con- State of Alaska v. Kyle Edward Griemsmann (4/29/92); Cntrld Subs 6 use/display any $50 per case; Due now to AGs Office, Anchorage; Suspended Jail Surcharge: $100 nection, with the revocation, defendant is arrested and taken to a correctional facility amt VIA, AS 11.71.060(a)(1); Date of Violation: 2/15/14; Fine: $25 with $0 sus- per case with $100 suspended; Must be paid if probation is revoked and, in con- or jail time is ordered served; AS 12.55.041(c); DNA Identification: If this conviction pended; Pay unsuspended $25 fine through Nome Trial Courts by 3/1/15. nection, defendant is arrested and taken to jail or is sentenced to jail; Probation is for a “crime against a person” as defined in AS 44.41.035, or a felony under AS State of Alaska v. Gina Larsen (2/19/89); Disorderly Conduct; DV; Date of Violation: until 1/13/16; Comply with all direct court orders listed above by the deadlines 11 or AS 28.35, the defendant is ordered to provide samples for the DNA Registra- 11/13/14; 10 days, 9 days suspended; Unsuspended 1 day credit for time served; stated; No new criminal charges. tion System when requested to do so by a health care professional acting on be- Initial Jail Surcharge: $50 per case; Due now to AGs Office, Anchorage; Suspended State of Alaska v. Renee L. Paniptchuk (12/23/59); Harassment 2; DV; Date of Viola- half of the state and to provide oral samples for the DNA Registration System when Jail Surcharge: $100 per case with $100 suspended; Must be paid if probation is re- tion: 8/2/14; 30 days, 30 days suspended; Initial Jail Surcharge: $50 per case; Due requested by a correctional, probation, parole or peace officer; AS 12.55.015(h); voked and, in connection, defendant is arrested and taken to jail or is sentenced to now to AGs Office, Anchorage; Suspended Jail Surcharge: $100 per case with $100 Probation for 3 years under the following conditions: General and Special Condi- jail; Police Training Surcharge: $50 shall be paid through this court within 10 days; suspended; Must be paid if probation is revoked and, in connection, defendant is tions of Probation as stated in the Judgment and Order of Commitment/Probation; Probation for 3 months, 4/15/15; Shall comply with all court orders by the deadlines arrested and taken to jail or is sentenced to jail; Police Training Surcharge: $50 Bond: Any appearance or performance bond in this case: is exonerated. stated; Subject to warrantless arrest for any violation of these conditions of proba- shall be paid through this court within 10 days; Probation until 1/13/16; Shall com- State of Alaska v. Barton Johnson (4/23/91); 2NO-14-668CR Notice of Dismissal – tion; Shall commit no violations of law, assaultive or disorderly conduct, or domes- ply with all court orders by the deadlines stated; Subject to warrantless arrest for any counts 2 and 3 only (pled guilty to count 1); 2: Resisting Arrest; 3: VOCR; Filed by tic violence. violation of these conditions of probation/probable cause; Shall commit no viola- the DAs Office 1/14/15. State of Alaska v. Florence Habros (11/7/71); Furnish Alcohol to Person <21; Date of tions of law; Shall not possess, consume alcohol. State of Alaska v. Axel Cheemuk (7/26/87); Order to Modify or Revoke Probation; ATN: Violation: 8/6/14; 45 days, 45 days suspended; Initial Jail Surcharge: $50 per case; State of Alaska v. Aaron Enoch Moses (5/13/81); Order to Modify or Revoke Probation; 114191568; Violated conditions of probation; Suspended jail term revoked and im- Due now to AGs Office, Anchorage; Suspended Jail Surcharge: $100 per case with ATN: 111498156; Violated conditions of probation; Suspended jail term revoked posed: 15 days; Must pay suspended $100 jail surcharge to the AGs Office, An- $100 suspended; Must be paid if probation is revoked and, in connection, defendant and imposed: 60 days. chorage. is arrested and taken to jail or is sentenced to jail; Police Training Surcharge: $50 State of Alaska v. Kristen D. Kulowiyi (11/2/83); 2NO-13-759CR Order to Modify or Re- State of Alaska v. Jacob Seppilu (7/13/85); 2NO-14-767CR Notice of Dismissal; 01: shall be paid through this court within 10 days; Probation until 7/15/15; Shall com- voke Probation; ATN: 111500451; Violated conditions of probation; Suspended jail Criminal Trespass 2; 02: DOLP; Filed by the DAs Office 1/14/15. ply with all court orders by the deadlines stated; Shall commit no violations of law; term revoked and imposed: 90 days, consecutive to the term in Case No. 2NO-13- State of Alaska v. Jacob Seppilu (7/13/85); 2NO-14-792CR Violate Condition of Re- Shall not possess, consume alcohol. 899CR; Must pay suspended $100 jail surcharge to the AGs Office, Anchorage. lease; Date of Violation: 12/13/14; 45 days, 0 days suspended; Unsuspended 45 State of Alaska v. Michele Kulukhon (10/12/83); Judgment; Amended 1/15/15, R.P.L., State of Alaska v. Kristen D. Kulowiyi (11/2/83); 2NO-13-899CR Order to Modify or Re- days shall be served; Initial Jail Surcharge: $50 per case; Due now to AGs Office, consistent with oral statement of judgment on record; Reckless Endangerment; voke Probation; ATN: 113671404; Violated conditions of probation; Suspended jail Anchorage; Police Training Surcharge: $50 shall be paid through this court within Date of Violation: 1/9/15; 30 days, 29 days suspended; Unsuspended 1 day shall term revoked and imposed: 90 days, consecutive to the term in Case No. 2NO-13- 10 days. be served with time served; Initial Jail Surcharge: $50 per case; Due now to AGs 759CR. State of Alaska v. John Penetac (11/12/64); Disorderly Conduct; Date of Violation: Office, Anchorage; Suspended Jail Surcharge: $100 per case with $100 suspended; State of Alaska v. Kristen Kulowiyi (11/2/83); 2NO-14-675CR DUI-Operate Vehicle 1/14/15; 10 days, 0 days suspended; Unsuspended 10 days shall be served with Must be paid if probation is revoked and, in connection, defendant is arrested and Under Influence; Date of Offense: 10/21/14; 43 days, 42 days suspended; Pay to defendant remanded immediately to AMCC; Initial Jail Surcharge: $50 per case; taken to jail or is sentenced to jail; Police Training Surcharge: $50 shall be paid Clerk of Court, or pay online at Fine: $1,500 Due now to AGs Office, Anchorage; Police Training Surcharge: $50 shall be paid through this court within 10 days; Probation for 1 year (date of judgment 1/9/15); with $0 suspended; $1,500 due 1/14/17; Police Training Surcharge: $75 with $0 through this court within 10 days. Subject to warrantless arrest for any violation of these conditions of probation; Shall suspended; $75 due in 10 days; Pay to Collections Unit, AGs Office, Anchorage, or State of Alaska v. Leroy Kobuk, Sr. (8/14/77); Judgment and Order of Commitment/Pro- commit no violations of law; Shall not possess, consume or buy alcohol. pay online at courtrecords.alaska.gove/ep/ep.htm: Initial Jail Surcharge: $50 per bation; CTN 002: Attempt AS11.41.436(a)(2): Sex Abuse Minor 1- Penetrate Vic State of Alaska v. Michael Aukon (3/15/90); Drive w/License Canc/Susp/Revoked/Lim; case with $0 suspended; $50 due; Suspended Jail Surcharge: $100 per case with Undr 13; Offense: C Felony; Offense Date: 3/8/13; The following charges were dis- Date of Offense: 12/18/14; 10 days, 10 days suspended; Police Training Surcharge: $100 suspended; Cost of Imprisonment: $300 (1st Off.) with $0 suspended; Full missed: CTN 001: AS11.41.434(a)(1): Sex Abuse Minor 1- Penetrate Vic Undr 13; $50 (Misd); Initial Jail Surcharge: $50 per case; Due now to AGs Office, Anchorage; amount ordered due; Complete Substance Abuse Treatment Assessment: Contact Offense Date: 3/8/13; CTN 003: AS11.41.436(a)(2): Sex Abuse Minor 2-Contact, Suspended Jail Surcharge: $100 per case with $100 suspended; Must be paid if Other: Residential Treatment Program; You are responsible for costs; File proof by Vict Undr 13; Offense Date: 3/8/13; Defendant came before the court on (sentenc- probation is revoked and, in connection, defendant is arrested and taken to jail or 30 days after release; Report for residential treatment from jail; Obey Driverʼs Li- ing date) 1/13/15 with counsel, OPA Matthew Tallerico, and the DA present; Sen- is sentenced to jail; Probation until 7/15/15; Comply with all direct court orders listed cense Directives: Driverʼs license is revoked for 90 days; Concurrent with DMV ac- tence: CTN 002: 11 years with 6 months suspended; The unsuspended 11 years above by the deadlines stated; No new criminal charges. tion; Use an Ignition Interlock Device: After you regain the privilege to drive or obtain shall be served immediately; Surcharges: Police Training Surcharge: Shall pay the a limited license, you must use an ignition interlock device (IID) as directed in the following training surcharge to the court pursuant to AS 12.55.039 within 10 days: IID Information Sheet (CR-483) for 6 months; Costs of the IID will be deducted from CTN 002: Surcharge: $100 (Felony); Initial Jail Surcharge: Defendant was arrested the fine if you file proof of payment before the fine due date; Probation for 1 year and taken to a correctional facility or is being ordered to serve a term of imprison- (date of judgment: 1/14/15); Obey all direct court orders listed above by the dead- ment; Therefore, the defendant immediately pay a correctional facilities surcharge THE NOME NUGGET THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 15 SERVING THE COMMUNITY OF NOME

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Photo by Nils Hahn WELCOME TO NOME— Lt. Governor Byron Mallott, Governor Bill Walker and Nome Mayor Denise Michels waved to the crowd during the parade held on Saturday, January 14 in honor of the newly elected gubernatorial team.

Photo by Nils Hahn MUSHING— Nome Kennel Club board member Kirsten Bey leads her sled dogs down Front Street ahead of Nome school students, during the Governor’s parade.

Photo by Nils Hahn ALL ABOUT CULTURE— Nome Elementary School culture teacher Josie Bourdon prepared headbands with cut-outs of local wildlife for Nome Elementary School students participating in the Governor’s pa- rade, held on Saturday, January 14. Photo by Nikolai Ivanoff REGIONAL LEADERSHIP— Nome Mayor Denise Michels, Governor Bill Walker, BSNC CEO and President Gail Schubert, Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, Kawerak President Melanie Bahnke, Senator Donny Olson, Janice Do- herty, Represenative Neal Foster, NSHC board chair Emily Hughes and NSHC CEO Angie Gorn smile for the cameras during the Governor’s ball on Saturday, January 17 at Nome’s Mini Convention Center.

Photo by Keith Conger GUBERNATORIAL SPECTATOR — Newly elected Governor Bill Walker was presented with two vintage Nome-Beltz sweatshirts by in- terim Nome Public Schools Superintendent Shawn Arnold prior to the Photo by Nikolai Ivanoff tip off of the basketball game on Saturday night. Governor Walker, his ESKIMO DANCING— The King Island dancers and drummers performed at the Governor’s ball, enticing family, and several friends stayed to watch the Nanooks take care of the the audience to get up and join an invitational dance. Galena Hawks 64-35.