Photo by Nikolai Ivanoff GOVERNOR’S PARADE—Nome organized a parade in honor of newly elected Governor Bill Walker and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, pictured waving to the crowd on Saturday, Jan.17. C VOLUME CXV NO. 3 January 22, 2015 Nome hosts inaugural celebrations for Governor Walker By Diana Haecker augural celebrations hosted in Nome, Shawn Arnold and Nome Elemen- Nome has hosted many inaugural this one began with a grand parade tary School principal Paul Clark car- events for newly elected Governors from Mettler Way along Front Street ried a sign that read “Walking into in the past and did so again last Sat- that almost put Nome’s Fourth of the Future with Walker and Mallott urday when Governor Bill Walker July Parade to shame. The parade – There is no place like Nome”, fol- and Lt. Governor Byron Mallott cel- was led by the Nome Police Chief. lowed by Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, ebrated their Unity Ticket victory in JROT cadets and VFW veterans bore Governor Walker and Nome Mayor Nome. the flags and colors. Nome Public Unlike the other gubernatorial in- Schools acting superintendent continued on page 5 Photo by Nils Hahn UNITY TICKET— Governor Bill Walker, left, and Lt. Governor Byron Mallott visited Nome on Saturday, Jan. 17 to participate in inaugural events. Photo by Marina Jarvis K300 CHAMP— Pete Kaiser of Bethel won the Kuskokwim 300 sled dog race last Sunday. See story on page 8. Olanna pleads not guilty to five charges Port fee increases go before Council By Diana Haecker one count of murder in the first de- A grand jury indicted Gilbert J. gree, two counts of murder in the By Sandra L. Medearis mining and fishing activities. established rate hikes each year that Olanna Jr. on five charges last week, second degree and two counts of If the Nome Common Council ap- would total 20 percent with the lat- The Nome Port Commission has in connection with the killing of 40- tampering with evidence. proves the 2015 tariff revision, the est increase. Rates went up by 10 proposed new rules that address year-old Esther Lincoln in White Olanna was initially charged with fees for use would go up by 5 percent percent in 2013 and by 5 percent for changes both in fees and procedures Mountain on New Year’s Day. murder in the first degree and two across the board. 2014 and by 5 percent for the com- for using the facility for import and Lincoln was strangled to death in counts of tampering with evidence. The port panel spent several hours ing season if approved by Council, export of goods and engaging in the home she shared with her District Attorney John Earthman over several meetings, weighing the for a total 20-percent increase boyfriend Gilbert Olanna in the explained the additional two charges applications of the increases, before against the proposed 50-percent hike morning of January 1. of murder in the second degree, say- coming to consensus Jan. 15. indicated by the rate analyst in 2013. On the Web: Olanna was arraigned on Tuesday, ing that there are several plausible The revised tariff will go to the The new rates will affect vessel January 13 at 1:30 pm. His attorney ways of charging and establishing www.nomenugget.net Council on Jan. 26 and on to second storage, dockage, wharfage and appeared telephonically, while that a criminal act has occurred. One reading and public hearing and dis- amenities such as line handling, E-mail: Olanna sat in a yellow jumpsuit with count of murder in the second degree cussion on Feb. 9. refuge deposits, potable water and other prisoners in Judge Tim Doo- alleges that Olanna had the intent to [email protected] No discussion will occur on Jan. security shifts for cruise vessels. ley’s courtroom. cause serious physical injury or 26 according to Roberts Rules. The rate increase was not an op- When Judge Dooley began read- death to Esther Lincoln. The second During their debate, the commis- tion, according to most commission- ing the indictment, Olanna’s attorney charge of second-degree murder al- sioners referred to a port rates study ers, to cover operation expenses and waived the right to have the charges leges that Olanna acted with extreme commissioned in 2013 that advised debt service. read aloud. indifference to human life, being a 50-percent increase in port rates. According to court documents, However, the commission felt continued on page 4 the grand jury indicted Olanna on continued on page 4 that increase was too drastic, but has 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015OPINION THE NOME NUGGET Letters Hi Nancy, city, I was wondering if you could I am Richard Yee. I was in Nome help me out by publishing my pho- in the summer of 1959, which was tographs in hopes of having those 56 years ago, serving in the 1st Bat- photos being sent to her. tle Group, 9th Infantry. While there I would appreciate your help. for military training, I took a few Thank you for your time. photographs, which I will send you Best, the original copies. In some of those Richard Yee photographs was a young lady who North Andover, Mass. 01845 was living in Nome at that time. Editor’s Note: Readers, any Considering Nome is a very small ideas? Yee photo #1 Yee Letters to the editor must be signed and include an address and phone number. Thank you notes and political endorsements are considered ads. Yee photo #3 Yee photo #2 Editorial Pull Together Nomeites got together with our new Governor and Lt. Governor this weekend to celebrate their inauguration. It was a time to put aside dif- ferences and get to know each other. It was good to share that we are Alaskans with the common goal to do what is best for our beloved state. We understand that the road is bumpy and filled with obstacles that present a major economic challenge. The harsh reality is that we have some serious budgetary issues that will not be easy for all to accept. It will be important that we work together to achieve solutions. Will our legislators be up to the chal- lenge? Will they continue to push for Anchorage centric measures such as moving the capital or will they recognize the importance of all regions of the state? Will they stand up for the significance of our ma- rine communities, subsistence culture and rich ethnic diversity? We have a new executive team in Juneau. We must all work to- gether to solve the problems the future has in store for us. If we donʼt work together we will pull ourselves apart. We canʼt get stuck in the quagmire of Washington, DC and let partisan politics pull us apart from inertia. We need to put aside differences and pull together for a bright future for Alaska. —N.L.M.— Illegitimus non carborundum Photo by Leslie Kerr Nome Nugget reader Leslie Kerr is researching the maker of the above pictured model Angiapik. The model was purchased in Nome in around 1999. Kerr asks readers to contact her Leslie Kerr at [email protected] for information on the artist. She believes the artist was from St. Lawrence Island. Member of: Alaska Newspaper Association, National Newspaper Association P.O. Box 610 - Nome Alaska, 99762 Weather Statistics (907) 443-5235 fax (907) 443-5112 High Temp +37 01/14/15 Sunrise 01/22/15 11:15 p.m. National Weather e-mail: [email protected] Low Temp -03 0 1/18/15 01/28/15 10:57 p.m. Service ads: [email protected] Peak Wind 43 mph, NW, 01/13/15 Total Precip. for 2015 (as of 1/19) 0.71” Nome, Alaska classified and legal ads: [email protected] Sunset 01/22/15 5:12 p.m. Normal Total to Date 0.56” (907) 443-2321 01/28/15 5:33 p.m. subscriptions: [email protected] Seasonal Snowfall 33.10” Normal 39.40” 1-800-472-0391 Snow on Ground 13.00” Nancy McGuire editor and publisher [email protected] Diana Haecker staff reporter [email protected] Kristine McRae education reporter Laurie McNicholas reporter at large Sarah Miller reporter at large Nils Hahn advertising manager [email protected] Keith Conger sports/photography Peggy Fagerstrom photography For photo copies: [email protected] Nikolai Ivanoff photography Gloria Karmun production SEND photos to [email protected] Get all of your local, regional and statewide news from us. Advertising rates: Business classified, 50¢ per word; $1.50/line legal; display ads $24 per column inch P.O. Box 610 • Nome, Alaska 99762 • (907)443-5235 Published weekly except the last week of the year Return postage guaranteed Name: ISSN 0745-9106 Thereʼs no place like Nome Address: Single copy price 50¢ in Nome USPS 598-100 The home-owned newspaper City: State: Zip: Postmaster: Send change of address to: ___Check ___Money Order ___Credit Card The Nome Nugget P.O. Box 610 Nome, Alaska 99762 Visa/MasterCard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Date:_ _/_ _ Periodical postage paid in Nome, Alaska 99762 Published daily except for Monday, $75 out of state $65 in state Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday One year subscription. Please enclose payment with form. Not published the last week of December THE NOME NUGGET regional THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 3 • Strait Action NOAA declares 2014 2010 average, as analyzed by UAH, Arctic Council. mation and public testimony in order Planning and Infrastructure, Oil and Earth’s warmest year on and sixth highest on record, at “The Alaskan Arctic is in great to prepare a preliminary report for Gas and Mineral Resources, Secu- record 0.25°F (0.14°C) above the 1981– need of investment in infrastructure, the legislature.
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