September 27, 2013 Ms. Courtney Trevis, Panel co-Manager Site C Review Panel Secretariat Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 22nd Floor, 160 Elgin Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0H3 Email:
[email protected] Mr. Brian Murphy, Panel co-Manager Site C Review Panel Secretariat British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office 4th Floor, 836 Yates Street PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9V1 Email:
[email protected] By email Dear Ms. Trevis and Mr. Murphy: RE: McLeod Indian Band Community Baseline Profile Report, Community Baseline Amendment Report and EIS Integration Summary Amendment Table Please find attached the following reports. 1. McLeod Indian Band Community Baseline Profile Report 2. McLeod Lake Indian Band Community Baseline Amendment Report, and 3. McLeod Lake Indian Band EIS Integration Summary Amendment Table On September 9, 2013, McLeod Lake Indian Band submitted the “McLeod Lake Indian Band Baseline Profile” (MLIB Community Baseline Profile) for consideration in the Site C Clean Energy Project (the Project) environmental assessment. BC Hydro received the report after it had submitted the Amended EIS to the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency on August 2, 2013. Because the report was received later than anticipated, a placeholder was included in EIS Volume 3 Appendix B Part 5 stating that, “the McLeod Lake Indian Band Community Baseline Report and EIS Integration Summary Table will be submitted at a later date in the environmental assessment