Atlas of Rare Endemic Vascular Plants of the Arctic
Atlas of Rare Endemic Vascular Plants of the Arctic Technical Report No. 3 About CAFF Theprogram for the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) of the Arctic Council was established lo address the special needs of Arctic ecosystems, species and thcir habitats in the rapid ly developing Arctic region. Itwas initiated as one of'four programs of the Arctic Environmental Protcction Strategy (AEPS) which was adopted by Canada, Denmark/Greenland, Finland, lceland, Norway, Russia, Swcdcn and the United States through a Ministeria! Declaration at Rovaniemi, Finland in 1991. Other programs initi ated under the AEPS and overlaken hy the Are.tie Council are the ArcticMonitoring and assessment Programme (AMAP), the program for Emergency Prevention, Preparcd ness and Response (EPPR) and the program for Protection of the Arctic Marine Envi ronment (PAME). Sinceits inaugural in Ottawa, Canada in 1992, the CAFF program has provided scientists, conscrvation managers and groups, and indigenous people of the north with a distinct forum in which lo tackle a wide range of Arctic conservation issues at the cir cumpolar level. CAFF's main goals, which are achieved in keeping with the concepts of sustainable developrnertt and utilisation, are: • to conserve Arctic Jlora and fauna, thcir diversity and thcir habitats; • to protect the Arctic ecosystems from threats; • to improve conservation management laws, reg ulations and practices for the Arclic; • to integrale Arctic interests into global conservation fora. CAFF operates rhrough a system of Designated Agencies and National Representatives responsible for CAFF in thcir rcspcctivc countries. CAFF also has an International Work ing Group wh.ith has met annually to assess progrcss and to develop Annual WorkPlans.
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