The Ithacan, 1987-11-19
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Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1987-88 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 11-19-1987 The thI acan, 1987-11-19 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1987-11-19" (1987). The Ithacan, 1987-88. 11. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1987-88 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. -..-..--~-------------. .• ..,.~----------------~--------- . Smokeout... 11 The Catch ... Women's swimming ••• I.........- ·p ___ ? ____g_e _5 ________,_ . page 7 page 13 THE The Newspaper Fo~ 'fhe Ithaca College Community Issue 11 16 oagestFree Ve.Jez: minority Hart packs ·~ ., faculty Cornell hall needed Encourages patriotism This is"the first part of a two "I haven't given up and neither honestly and straightforward in the part series on minority ad should you," Gary Hart, former next national election." ministration and f acuity presidential candidate, told a LTowd of Although Hart is no longer runn members. The second part will ex 2000 Monday night at Cornell. ing for president, he said that he is still plore the issue from the perspec Hart encouraged the audience to running for a higher office; the office concentrate on the issues in the 1988 of "patriotism." He feels that all tive offormer administrators and national election rather than the can citizens ·should aspire to such an of their reasons for leaving. didates' personalities. ''We may wake fice in order to fulfill the concerns of up in the 21st century and find the country. "Excellence should be a As the numbef of minority students ourselves a second-class power with national idea," Hart explained. "We at Ithaca College increases, the even bigger problems than what we not only need our leaders to tell us number of minority administrators have today," Hart said describing the what the problems are, but also to tell and faculty members remains the seriousness of the national deficit. us what to do about them." 5ame. "We cannot be a first-rate nation Hart criticized cut-backs on educa During the fall 1985 semester, unless we want to pay for it and work tional aid. He feels that education is minorities constituted 4.7 percent of for it," he said. the building-block of the United States the college administration. Minority In an effort to pull the country and cut-backs only deteriorate the idea faculty members accounted for 3.6 together, Hart recommended raising of excellence. "We have to guarantee percent, says Nick Wharton, acting taxes, eliminating nuclear weapons, every young person equal access to the director of the college's Educational attacking poverty, creating jobs and educational system based upon their Opportunity Program. preventing AIDS. "We have to put commitment and their knowledge and In the past two years, several ad-;.: national interests ahead of special in not on the size of their pocketbook. ministrators and faculty members .' terests, narrow agendas, personal am We simply cannot cut educational aid, have left Ithaca College. Ray Davis,: :; bitions and even party interests," Hart we- have to vastly expand it." former assistant dean of humanities: ,, said. '' We have to reform these basic Without a balanced budget nothing and sciences, left after the spring 1987~ :; structural problems or we will drift can be accomplished, Hart added. He semester, and Johnnie Hill-Marsh,· ~ back into decline." recommended the reduction of former assistant director of residential i "I believe that the American peo military spending to alleviate the im life, left at the same time; both in· ·: ple are willing to pay"for clean air, balance. "We have to get along with order to work at other colleges. Davis clean water, better roads, more jobs, the Russians whether we like it or and Marsh were in the process of for newer technologies, better health care not," he stated. When asked his opi ming a Black and Hispanic Faculty F()RMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Gary Hart urged the and shelter for the poor," Hart said. nion of Mikhail Gorbachev, Hart Caucus before they left. ,Wharton says audience not to seek perfection in their candidates because they won't "And the only way to find out is to replied, "I think he is a modem man, find it . he hopes to continue their efforts. present the issues to the people, one who recognizes priorities." Hart The low statistics have a negative also commented that "he reads books effect, Hector Velez, Ithaca College which is more than I can say for some sociology professor says. The ethnic IC student falls from balcony world leaders. And he goes to movies variety that would more fairly repre Shannon Alwaise, the student from one balcony to an9ther, John she suffered. When asked if alcohol -he's not in them." sent mainstream society is missing. who fell from G~den Apartment 27 Lippincott, Director of Public Rela was involved. he ~aid. "There is an Hart believes the country cannot Students do not get the opportunity last Thursday is listed in fair condi tions, said. ongoing investigation being conducted continue the east/west conflict which to be exposed to diverse perspectives tion at the Upstate Medical Center She was immediately taken to by our office of Safety and Security." it has been basing its policy around for from different cultural backgrounds, in Syracuse, a hospital spokesperson Tompkins Community Hospital Safety and Security responded to decades. Instead, the two super he adds. "They don't get the scope of said last night. · and has since been transferred to the the call. Ithaca Police Department of powers should get together and set up a truly liberal education." The incident occurred between 3 Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse. ficials said that they were not called goals, such as the elimination of world The more people of color on cam and 4am. The student, who is listed Her condition is being evaluated to .the scene. hunger by the year 2000. pus, Wharton says, the better off the in the campus directory as a and treated there, he said. Both the resident coordinator and The audience hissed the questioner students will be. , sophomore from Baldwin. New Lippincott would not say exactly rsident assistant of the Garden Apart who asked Hart why he was forced to "Ithaca College is probably a York, fell while attempting to climb how the student fell or what injuries ment had no comment. pull out of the presidential race. Hart typical representative of private col Stephanie Kurtzman see Hart a e 4 leges in the United States," Velez says. Part of the problem may be the en vironment. "Ithaca is not the most at tractive place to come to if you're Students complain: dorms need repair black or hispanic," Wharton says. BY TOM FLANNAGAN proximately two and a half months. Most minorities live in urban "Several people were cut attempting Many Ithaca College students are to open the door without a centers so they tend to remain there unhappy with the school's system of Velez" says. "The institution is com doorknob," DePasquale explains. repair and replacement of broken "It's pretty ridiculous that it takes the peting with many other urban areas." and missing items in the residence He adds that minorities do not stay maintenance system two and a half halls. According to a resident'assis months to install a .doorknob in a because of better opportunities tant, the maintenance request pro elsewhere. single dorm room,'' DePasquale says. cess involves several steps which When asked'about this delay of ac Wharton agrees that there is a high may take up to a month to demand for minorities in higher tion, Hatch states that there is a priori complete. education. Velez says that those who ty system for maintenance requests. "There's people at all levels. Com "Broken,glass would have a higher have doctorates are especially in great munication is the main link. We have dt'!mand. priority than a broken screen. There .that communication chain establish are no hard, fast answers as to how . Wruuton attributes the low statistics .ed to take the economic advantage of to ~ multitude of problems. "The af the priorities are assessed." existing manpower," says Bruce " Sophomore Eric Koeppel has firmative action program could be a · Hatch, assistant director of Physical lot.stronger," he says. "We could try similar problems. He has had a Plant. broken bed for several months: "I put harder"to identify, target, and recruit Several students have complaints minority prospects. We must do a bet in the request the week I arrived here, - , ... -; . about the maintenance request and I still have the same broken bed," ter job." : system. East" Tower residents Chris -. Wharton suggests advertising Koeppel says. Martin and Jason DePasquale put in .' ~ ~ Says sophomore Jamie Dargan, ~- -. '·'.,1 availaJ:>~· job _openings in black and . ·a request to replace their doorknob . : ' ' ,,.'. hispanic higher education journals in when asked if · he has had any --- -(~ .. whi~ lµtd fallen off at the beginning maintenance requests this semester, "I areas like New York City. He also BROKEN WINDOW in dorm goes unrepaired. of the semester. According to them, . see Repairs page 2 sugges1s using Vitabank., a resqme the doorknob was not replaced for ap- ·. .. ~- ~ M)~~rities. page 2 ·l'iovember 19, 1987 2 THE rrHAeAN- - - C.P. Snow Lecture Series: Repairs from page 1 agrees, "If they [students in privately have a screen that has many holes in quest t? the resident coordinator of Politics and genetics owned houses] feel that they are not it.