TREASURY INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR TAX ADMINISTRATION Controls Over the Internal Revenue Service Contractor Tax Check Process Need to Be Improved June 11, 2021 Report Number: 2021-10-039
[email protected] | 1 HIGHLIGHTS: Controls Over the Internal Revenue Service Contractor Tax Check Process Need to Be Improved Final Audit Report issued on June 11, 2021 Report Number 2021-10-039 Why TIGTA Did This Audit What TIGTA Found The overall objective of this review TIGTA reviewed 71 randomly selected new awards and found was to determine whether the IRS that 47 (66 percent) had one or more deficiencies related to the contractor tax check process has contractor tax check process. Contractor tax checks were not always adequate controls to ensure that completed prior to contract award or, if completed, were not a) tax checks of contractors are performed within the required time frame. For example, a tax check completed timely, include all was not performed for 18 (25 percent) of the 71 contract awards required steps, and are selected. In addition, Tax Check Notice and Consent provisions were documented adequately, and not always provided to or signed by the offeror. However, TIGTA b) the Treasury Suspension and independently verified that the 71 contractors did not have any Debarment official is notified of delinquent Federal taxes at the time the contracts were awarded. contractor tax delinquencies, as Based on sample results, TIGTA estimated that 2,435 of the 3,679 new required. award contracts (awarded between October 1, 2018, and March 30, Impact on Taxpayers 2020) have one or more of these errors identified.