This was the front page of the Australian on Monday, 21 October 2019, the day the nation’s media companies “censored their own front pages in a united call for greater media freedom following a sustained attack on the rights of journalists to hold governments to account and report the truth to the Australian public” (Australian, 21 October 2019, p.2). See ANHG 105.1.1 to 105.1.5 below. AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER HISTORY GROUP NEWSLETTER ISSN 1443-4962 No. 105 December 2019 Publication details Compiled for the Australian Newspaper History Group by Rod Kirkpatrick, U 337, 55 Linkwood Drive, Ferny Hills, Qld, 4055. Ph. +61-7-3351 6175. Email:
[email protected] Published in memory of Victor Mark Isaacs (1949-2019), founding editor. Back copies of the Newsletter and some ANHG publications can be viewed online at: Deadline for the next Newsletter: 25 February 2020. Subscription details appear at end of Newsletter. [Number 1 appeared October 1999.] Ten issues had appeared by December 2000 and the Newsletter has since appeared five times a year. 1—Current Developments: National & Metropolitan 105.1.1 Right to know (1): United media campaign Scott Morrison declared that journalists should not be prosecuted at the “whim of politicians”, a month after Attorney-General Christian Porter gave himself new powers to make the final call to take reporters to court for exposing government secrets (Australian, 22 October 2019, p.1). The Prime Minister’s comments came after media organisations launched a united push against government secrecy, issuing heavily redacted front pages on 21 October to protest a sustained attack on the rights of journalists to hold governments to account and report the truth to the public.