August 30, 1924 Wednesday, August. 27 Headliners of the Ivlek
August 30, 1924 RADIO DIGES T—Illustrated WHO. DCS Moines, !a. (Central, 52B). 7:S0-D p. in., Tho Bankers Life Radio orehestra. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. Daylight. 509), -10 Wednesday, August. 27 n. m., su.isliuie gossip; 10:10. Bernarr MacFadden's Headliners of the IVlek Health talk; 3 p. m., "What :he wild waves aro say- ing'"; 3:30, Comfort's Philharmonic orchestra, Iv.Uherina HIS week will be a week of long jump, .but, the Eight Russian Melson. contralto; C-. Spadocclni. trombone soloist; i. Silont night for: CKAC. KGO. WFAA. WFI. WGY, Bob Lenum's dancc orchestra; 6:00, Eddie ElUins.' • WIP, WOAW, WRC, WSAI. varieties. Programs will tickle' Volga Singers will entertain this sta- dance orehuslm; 7, Unclc Wip's bedtime stories. CKAC, Montreal, Can. .(Eastern, Daylight, 423), 1:45 tion's large audience on Saturday p. in., luncheon concert, Mount Roya! hotel. T.the palate.of the most particular WJAR, Providence, R. I. (Easiern, Daylight, 3G0). 10 CNBM, Montreal. Can. (Eastern, Daylight, 341)', 0 of iladiophrtns. On Wednesday night, night. While this is going on, Freda a. m., Iiousohold hints; 1;05 p. m„ studio program; • 7:30, musical program. .p. m., or diestra of It. M. S. "Atiieiiiu"; Charles H. at Station WHB, the pibroch will call Sankers Ragamuffins, will perform Spitllo, violinist; B. Proulx. bmijoist; Mildred l'age, WJZ, New York City, (Eastern. Daylicht, 445), 1 p. m., reader; Curlin, saxophonist. to the front Jack Bordie, the Harry before the microphone at WSAT. HoU-1 Astor trio; 7, Cafe Boulevard ensemble; 8:15.
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