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Atlantic Geology Journal of the Atlantic Geoscience Society Revue de la Société Géoscientifique de l'Atlantique

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanaan of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada: new U-Pb (zircon) age constraints Sandra M. Barr, Deanne van Rooyen and Chris E. White

Volume 54, 2018 Article abstract Granitoid plutons are a major component of pre-Carboniferous rocks in Cape URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1055413ar Breton Island and knowledge of the time and tectonic setting of their DOI: https://doi.org/10.4138/atlgeol.2018.002 emplacement is crucial for understanding the geological history of the island, guiding exploration for granite-related economic mineralization, and making See table of contents along-orogen correlations. The distribution of these plutons and their petrological characteristics have been used in the past for recognizing both Laurentian and peri-Gondwanan components in Cape Breton Island, and for Publisher(s) subdividing the peri-Gondwanan components into Ganderian and Avalonian terranes. However, ages of many plutons were assumed on the basis of field Atlantic Geoscience Society relations and petrological features compared to those of the relatively few reliably dated plutons. Seventeen new U–Pb (zircon) ages from igneous units ISSN reported here provide enhanced understanding of the distribution of pluton ages. Arc-related plutons in the Aspy with ages of ca. 490 to 475 Ma 0843-5561 (print) likely record the Penobscottian tectonomagmatic event recognized in the 1718-7885 (digital) Exploits subzone of central Newfoundland and New Brunswick but not previously recognized in Cape Breton Island. Arc-related Devonian plutonic Explore this journal activity in the same terrane is more widespread, continuous, and protracted (445 Ma to 395 Ma) than previously known. Late Devonian magmatism in the Ganderian Aspy terrane is similar in age to that in the Avalonian Mira terrane Cite this article (380 to 360 Ma) but the tectonic settings are different. In contrast, magmatic activity in the Bras d’Or terrane is almost exclusively arc-related in the Late Barr, S., van Rooyen, D. & White, C. (2018). Granitoid plutons in Ediacaran (580 to 540 Ma) and rift-related in the Late Cambrian (520 to 490 peri-Gondwanaan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada: new Ma). The new data support the terrane distinctions previously documented. U-Pb (zircon) age constraints. Atlantic Geology, 54, 21–80. https://doi.org/10.4138/atlgeol.2018.002

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1. Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R6, Canada 2. Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Geology, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6L2, Canada 3. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Box 698, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T9, Canada

*Corresponding author

Date received: 15 October 2017 ¶ Date accepted: 15 January 2018


Granitoid plutons are a major component of pre-Carboniferous rocks in Cape Breton Island and knowledge of the time and tectonic setting of their emplacement is crucial for understanding the geological history of the island, guiding exploration for granite-related economic mineralization, and making along- orogen correlations. The distribution of these plutons and their petrological characteristics have been used in the past for recognizing both Laurentian and peri-Gondwanan components in Cape Breton Island, and for subdividing the peri-Gondwanan components into Ganderian and Avalonian terranes. However, ages of many plutons were assumed on the basis of field relations and petrological features compared to those of the relatively few reliably dated plutons. Seventeen new U–Pb (zircon) ages from igneous units reported here provide enhanced understanding of the distribution of pluton ages. Arc-related plutons in the Aspy terrane with ages of ca. 490 to 475 Ma likely record the Penobscottian tectonomagmatic event recognized in the Exploits subzone of central Newfoundland and New Brunswick but not previously recognized in Cape Breton Island. Arc-related Devonian plutonic activity in the same terrane is more widespread, continuous, and protracted (445 Ma to 395 Ma) than previously known. Late Devonian magmatism in the Ganderian Aspy terrane is similar in age to that in the Avalonian Mira terrane (380 to 360 Ma) but the tectonic settings are different. In contrast, magmatic activity in the Bras d’Or terrane is almost exclusively arc-related in the Late Ediacaran (580 to 540 Ma) and rift-related in the Late Cambrian (520 to 490 Ma). The new data support the terrane distinctions previously documented.


Les plutons granitoïdes sont des composants importants des roches précarbonifères de l’île du Cap Breton, et il est crucial de connaître le moment et le cadre tectonique de leur mise en place pour comprendre l’évolution géologique de l’île, orienter l’exploration de la minéralisation économique liée au granite et établir des corrélations le long de l’orogène. La distribution des plutons et leurs caractéristiques pétrologiques ont été utilisées dans le passé pour reconnaître les composants laurentiens et périgondwaniens dans l’île du Cap Breton et pour subdiviser les composants périgondwaniens entre les terranes gandériens et les terranes avaloniens. Cependant, l’âge de bon nombre de plutons a été présumé en fonction des observations sur le terrain et de leurs caractéristiques pétrologiques comparativement à celles des plutons datés de manière fiable, relativement peu nombreux. Dix sept nouveaux âges U-Pb sur zircon fondés sur des unités ignées et déclarés dans le présent document permettent de mieux comprendre la répartition selon l’âge des plutons. Dans le terrane d’Aspy, des plutons liés à l’arc dont les âges se situent environ entre 490 et 475 Ma illustrent vraisemblablement l’événement tectonomagmatique penobscottien reconnu dans la sous-zone de la rivière Exploits dans le centre de Terre Neuve, mais qui n’a pas été reconnu auparavant à l’île du Cap-Breton. L’activité plutonique Dévonien liée à l’arc dans le même terrane est plus répandue, continue et prolongée (445 Ma à 395 Ma) qu’on ne le croyait antérieurement. Le magmatisme du Dévonien tardif dans le terrane gandérien d’Aspy est d’un âge semblable à celui du terrane de Mira de l’Avalonien (380 Ma à 360 Ma); toutefois, les milieux tectoniques sont différents. En revanche, l’activité magmatique dans le terrane de Bras d’Or est quasi exclusivement liée à l’arc dans l’Édiacarien tardif (580 Ma à 540 Ma) et liée au

ATLANTIC GEOLOGY 54, 021-080(2018) doi: 10.4138/atlgeol.2018.002 Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 0843-5561|18|000021-080 $11.35|0 Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 22 rift dans le Cambrien tardif (520 Ma à 490 Ma). Les nouvelles données appuient les distinctions documentées antérieurement au sujet des terranes.

[Traduit par la redaction]

INTRODUCTION subtle, with overlaps and similarities in ages and tectonic settings (e.g., Barr and White 1996). Although much Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, is a granite-lover’s par- progress has been made in knowledge of the ages of adise. Granitoid plutons constitute more than half of pre- granitoid plutons in Cape Breton Island, ages of many Carboniferous rocks on the island and more than 120 dif- plutons have been inferred based on apparent ferent plutons, many of them composite, have been named, petrological similarity to dated plutons. Hence, geo- ranging in age from Mesoproterozoic to Late Devonian logical interpretations continue to be hampered by lack of (Barr and White 2017a). They formed in a variety of tecton- reliable dates. ic settings, are compositionally varied, and display diversity The purpose of this paper is to present 17 new U–Pb in isotopic characteristics (e.g., Barr 1990, 2010; Barr and LA-ICPMS (zircon) ages mainly from plutonic units in Hegner 1992; Potter et al. 2008a, b). This granitoid diversity the Aspy, Bras d’Or, and Mira terranes (Fig. 2) and reflects the complex geology and geological evolution of discuss how they affect our understanding of the the island. Cape Breton Island is made up of four lithotec- geological history of Cape Breton Island and its place in tonic divisions named (from north to south) the Blair River the northern Appalachian orogen. This paper provides Inlier and Aspy, Bras d’Or, and Mira terranes (Fig. 1). The an update on the publications by Lin et al. (2007) and Blair River Inlier is interpreted to be of Laurentian affin- Slaman et al. (2017), White et al. (2016), and Willner et al. ity whereas the three terranes are of Gondwanan origin (2013), the most recent compilations and interpretations (Fig. 1, inset; Hibbard et al. 2006, 2007). The terranes, in of dates in northern, central, and southern Cape Breton themselves composite, were juxtaposed with the Blair River Island, respectively. Inlier by the late Devonian because Carboniferous clastic and carbonate rocks correlate across the island (Fig. 1), al- METHODS though faulting (including strike-slip faults, thrust faults, and extensional detachment faults) continued during the With one exception, the samples for this study were sent Late Paleozoic and likely even into the Mesozoic (Waldron to Overburden Drilling Management (ODM) in Ottawa, et al. 2015). Ontario, for electro-pulse disaggregation and initial zircon Until the mid-1970s, the granites of Cape Breton Island separation. Zircon grains for dating were then picked from were assumed to be mainly Devonian, like those in south- the zircon concentrates at Cape Breton University. ern Nova Scotia (e.g., Geological map of Nova Scotia 1965). Selected grains were mounted in an epoxy-covered thin The pioneering Rb–Sr dating by Cormier (1972) gave section at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, strong evidence that such was not the case, although U–Pb polished to expose the centres of the zircon grains, and dating was required (beginning in the late 1980s) to estab- imaged using cold cathodoluminescence to identify lish a clear pattern, and petrological characteristics alone internal zoning and inclusions. These images were used to gave strong hints (e.g., Barr et al. 1982). Williams (1978) select ablation points (30 μm diameter), avoiding any included all of Cape Breton Island in his Avalon Zone be- visible inclusions, cracks, or other imperfections. In the cause his classic map was made before much was known exceptional sample, 11F16c-1115, zircon grains were dated about the geology of the island. Geological mapping, petro- in situ in a polished thin section following methods logical studies, and geochronology subsequently revealed described in Archibald et al. (2013). the geological complexity (Barr and Raeside 1989). It is U and Pb isotopic compositions were measured using the now widely recognized that Cape Breton Island preserves Resonetics S-155-LR 193 nm Excimer laser ablation system a compressed cross-section of the Appalachian orogen connected to an Agilent 7700× quadrupole inductively from in the southeast to Laurentian (Grenvillian) coupled plasma – mass spectrometer in the Department of basement in the northwest (Hibbard et al. 2006), a fortu- Earth Sciences at the University of New Brunswick, follow- nate circumstance that has been attributed to promontory- ing the procedure outlined by McFarlane and Luo promontory collision between elements of and (2012) and Archibald et al. (2013). Data reduction was (Lin et al. 1994). done in-house using Iolite software (Paton et al. 2011) to Differences in age and petrological character of process the laser output into data files, and further granitoid rocks played a major role in the initial reduced for U–Pb geochronology using VizualAge (Petrus recognition of terranes in Cape Breton Island (e.g., Barr and Kamber 2012). VizualAge outputs included and Raeside 1989; Barr 1990). In some cases (Blair River uncorrected U–Pb ratios that were used to calculate Inlier vs. Aspy terrane) the differences are glaring; in other 204 Pb-based corrections (Anderson 2002) and 208Pb-based cases (Bras d'Or and Mira terranes) the contrast are corrections. Data were filtered using 204Pb as a monitor

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 23

N 61°00’ BLAIR RIVER INLIER CN 60°00’ LC Money Point Carboniferous (mainly) BLAIR RIVER INLIER Sedimentary rocks Mesoproterozoic ASPY 10 km Anorthosite, TERRANE Devonian - Carboniferous syenite, gneiss Volcanic and sedimentary rocks

ASPY TERRANE ? Silurian - Devonian BBGS Granitic plutons BRAS D'OR TERRANE Dioritic plutons MP CBk Late Cambrian Ordovician - Devonian Granitic plutons Orthogneiss (mainly) Cheticamp Cambrian Lower grade meta- SP Sedimentary and morphic rocks EHSZ CS volcanic rocks Higher grade meta- PS Neoproterozoic morphic rocks JB Granite/granodiorite Cambrian-Ordovician BP 46°30’ Cheticamp Tonalitic plutons plutonic belt IR Diorite/tonalite Metavolcanic & meta- FB BRAS D’OR George River sedimentary rocks TERRANE metamorphic suite Neoproterozoic LB IB Bras d’Or Gneiss Plutonic rocks TB MB Metamorphic rocks BB

MIRA TERRANE Mabou GM Highlands LMB Sydney Lake area Ainslie Baddeck GMd ? LA ? 46°00’ Boisdale Hills CoxheathML Hills


GM DC Louisbourg Bras d'Or Lake East Bay Hills Creignish Hills FG Atlantic Ocean Sporting Mountain North Mountain CB Stirling Coastal 70° 0 200 Laurentian Realm Peri-Gondwanan Realm MIRA TERRANE 45° Laurentian margin Meguma Devonian N km peri-Laurentian arcs Avalonia LS Granitic plutons ? Quebec Ganderia UNITEDCANADA STATES Cambrian - Ordovician peri-Gondwanan arcs Sedimentary and Gulf of volcanic rocks New England St. Lawrence New Neoproterozoic Brunswick 50° Isle Madame Granitic plutons Newfoundland Dioritic plutons Nova Scotia Volcanic and Cape sedimentary rocks 40° Breton Atlantic Island Ocean 65° 55°

Figure 1. Simplified geological map of Cape Breton Island showing major geological components of the Blair River Inlier and Aspy, Bras d’Or, and Mira terranes. Areas and units referred to in the text are labelled. Abbreviations: BB, Bothan Brook pluton; BBGS, Black Brook Granitic Suite; BP, Birch Plain pluton; CB, Chisholm Brook plutonic suite; CBk, Cameron Brook pluton; CN, Cape North pluton; CS, Cape Smoky pluton; DC, Deep Cove pluton; EHSZ. Eastern Highlands Shear Zone; FB, Fisset Brook Formation; GF, Gisborne Flowage quartz diorite; FG, Fourchu Group; GM, Gillanders Mountain pluton; GMd, Gillanders Mountain diorite; GI, Gillis Mountain pluton; IB, Indian Brook granodiorite; IR, Ingonish River tonalite; JB, Jumping Brook metamorphic suite; LA, Lake Ainslie pluton; LB, Lavis Brook pluton; LC, Lowland Cove rhyolite; LMB, Leonard MacLeod Brook; LS, Lower St. Esprit pluton; MB, MacLean Brook pluton; MDG, Main- a-Dieu Group; ML, MacEachern Lake pluton; MP, Margaree pluton; SP, Salmon Pool pluton; SR, Salmon River pluton; TB, Taylors Barren pluton. Inset map shows divisions of the northern Appalachian orogen after Hibbard et al. (2006).

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 24

61°00’ BLAIR RIVER INLIER 60°00’ N Money Point BLAIR RIVER INLIER Carboniferous (mainly) Mesoproterozoic ASPY Sedimentary rocks 10 km Anorthosite, TERRANE syenite, gneiss Devonian - Carboniferous Volcanic and A5 sedimentary rocks

ASPY TERRANE A7 ? Silurian - Devonian Granitic plutons A8 A6 BRAS D'OR TERRANE Dioritic plutons Late Cambrian Ordovician - Devonian Granitic plutons Cheticamp Orthogneiss (mainly) Cambrian Lower grade meta- Sedimentary and morphic rocks volcanic rocks Higher grade meta- B2 Neoproterozoic morphic rocks A9 Granite/granodiorite Cambrian 46°30’ Tonalitic plutons Diorite/tonalite Metavolcanic-meta- BRAS D’OR Metamorphic rocks sedimentary rocks TERRANE Neoproterozoic Gneissic rocks Plutonic rocks B1 Higher grade meta- morphic rocks

B3 MIRA TERRANE Mabou A1 Highlands

A4 Sydney A3 Baddeck

? ? 46°00’ M2 A2 M3

Louisbourg Bras d'Or Lake M4 Atlantic Ocean A1=CEW16-697 – Gillanders Mountain pluton (436.7±2.6 Ma) A2=CEW15-004 - Lake Ainslie pluton (428.5±1.7 Ma) A3=CEW16-699 – Gillis Brook diorite (436.4±1.5 Ma) M5 MIRA TERRANE A4=CEW16-698 – Leonard MacLeod Brook pluton (420.9±2.8 Ma) Devonian A5=SB86-3068 – Glasgow Brook pluton (416.0±1.9 Ma) Granitic plutons A6=CEW16-519 – Park Spur? granite (379.1±3.5 Ma) A7=CEW15-008 – Salmon Pool pluton (371.6±1.9 Ma) Cambrian - Ordovician Sedimentary and A8=CEW15-099 – Salmon Pool pluton (372.0±1.6 Ma) volcanic rocks A9=SMB16-218 – Margaree pluton (363.1 ±1.6 Ma) M1 Neoproterozoic B1=SMB16-222 - Price Point Formation (576.5 ±2.3 Ma) B2=SMB14-193 - Birch Plain granite (569.6±1.9 Ma)Isle Madame Granitic plutons B3=SMB16-216 – Big Hill granodiorite (559.4 ±1.8 Ma) M1=SMB16-225 - Irish Cove pluton (619.4±2.6 Ma) Dioritic plutons M2=SMB16-217 – MacDougall Point pluton (625.2±3.1 Ma) Volcanic and M3=11F16c-1115 – Gillis Mountain granodiorite (369.7±2.3 Ma) sedimentary rocks M4=FD150 – Deep Cove granite (363.0±1.9 Ma) M5=SMB16-214 – Salmon River rhyolite porphyry (367.4±3.4 Ma)

Figure 2. Simplified geological map of Cape Breton Island showing only plutonic units in colour and locations of samples for which ages are reported in this paper. Other units in grey are the same as in Figure 1. Samples are numbered by terrane (A series 1 to 9 for Aspy terrane samples, B series 1 to 3 for Bras d’Or terrane, and M series 1 to 5 for Mira terrane samples).

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 25 For grains with <80 counts/s 204Pb, data are uncorrected; (2000) reported U–Pb ages confirming that major units in for grains where the percentage error on the 204Pb counts the inlier are Mesoproterozoic, including the Sailor Brook per second was <20%, we used a 204Pb-based correction gneiss (>1217 Ma), Lowland Brook Syenite (1080 +5/-3 (Andersen 2002), and for grains where the percentage Ma), Red River Anorthosite Suite (>1095Ma), and Otter of radiogenic Pb (PB* in file) is less than 98.5% we used Brook gneiss (978 +6/-5 Ma). They also showed that high- a 208Pb-based correction (Petrus and Kam-ber 2012). grade metamorphism of the Sailor Brook gneiss occurred After these corrections were applied, data were sorted by at 1035 +12/-10 Ma, and that the Red River Anorthosite concordance (206Pb/238U versus 207Pb/235U), and by the Suite was metamorphosed at 996+6/-5 Ma. The Mesopro- percentage of radiogenic Pb in the grains as calculated terozoic units of the Blair River Inlier are distinct in both using VizualAge. All analytical data are presented in age and composition from rocks in other parts of Cape Appendix A and B. Breton Island and in northern Appalachian outboard ter- Concordia ages were calculated for clusters of three or ranes in general. They contain rock types and ages similar more near-concordant points using Isoplot versions 3.75 to those typical of the Grenville Province of Laurentia and and 4.15 (Ludwig 2003, 2012), and as many grains as pos- similar to those in other Grenvillian basement inliers in the sible that fit the criteria for inclusion in concordia calcula- Appalachian orogen, such as the Steel Mountain, Indian tions. All ages are reported at 95% confidence, with decay- Head, and Long Range inliers in western Newfoundland constant errors included in the calculations. Data points (e.g., Heaman et al. 2002). Thus, the Blair River Inlier is in- included in the concordia calculations and reported here terpreted to be an exposure of Laurentian Grenvillian base- are grains that are 98% to 101% concordant and do not re- ment that was deformed, metamorphosed, and intruded by quire a correction for common Pb (204Pb < 80 counts per granite during Appalachian orogenic events (Miller et al. second). The approach in this study was to calculate con- 1996; Barr et al. 1995, 1998). cordia ages using as many grains as possible, and hence the Minor Paleozoic igneous activity in the Blair River Inlier MSWD (mean square of weighted deviates) which mea- is indicated by the presence of a small granite pluton with sures the amount of scatter in the points used to calculate an age of 435 +7/-3 Ma (Miller et al. 1996). In addition, concordia and the reported probability of concordance Paleozoic amphibolite-facies metamorphism is reflected could in some cases be improved by using fewer grains. in ca. 425 Ma titanite ages from the Proterozoic units, and In all cases the calculated concordia ages overlap with the subsequent cooling through hornblende, muscovite, and weighted mean ages for the samples using all near-concor- phlogopite (40Ar/39Ar) and rutile (U–Pb) closure tempera- dant data. 206Pb/238U ages are used in all the probability dis- tures continued until ca. 410 Ma (Barr et al. 1995; Miller tribution calculations. et al. 1996). A later, probably Devonian, greenschist-facies Concordia ages for standard 91500 were 1051.0 ± 8.1 Ma overprint is most intense near chlorite-grade shear zones and 1048.1 ± 4.8 Ma in two runs, 413.5 ± 3.3 Ma for the Te- and brittle fault zones. The inlier is fringed by Late Devo- mora standard in one run, and 694.4 ± 4.2 Ma for Tanzania nian volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Lowland Cove standard in one run. Concordia ages for standard FC1 were Formation, rhyolite from which has yielded a U–Pb (zir- 1099.0 ± 3.2 Ma, 1099.1 ± 3.4 Ma, 1099.1 ± 3.2 Ma, 1098.1 ± con) age of 365 ± 2 Ma (Dunning et al. 2002). Mylonitic 3.4 Ma, 1099.1 ± 2.7 Ma, 1098.8 ± 2.5 Ma, 1098.9 ± 2.1 Ma, fault zones separate the Blair River Inlier from the adjacent 1098.9 ± 2.8 Ma, 1098.6 ± 3.7 Ma, 1098.7 ± 3.0 Ma, 1098.9 Aspy terrane (Raeside and Barr 1992). ± 2.9 Ma, and 1099.1 ± 4.7 Ma during twelve separate runs. Concordia ages for standard Plesovice were 336.9 ± 2.3 Ma, ASPY TERRANE 337.1 ± 2.1 Ma, 337.0 ± 2.1 Ma, 335.7 ± 2.0 Ma, 337.9 ± 1.6 Ma, 336.1 ± 2.0 Ma, 337.03 ± 0.94 Ma, 337.0 ± 1.5 Ma, 339.5 Geological setting ± 1.9 Ma, 339.5 ± 1.5 Ma, 339.0 ± 1.4 Ma, and 333.5 ± 1.9 Ma during twelve separate runs. NIST610 glass The Aspy terrane contains widespread low- to high-grade was used as a concentration standard. Standard data metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks and large areas are presented in Appendix B. of orthogneiss and less abundant paragneiss, all metamor- phosed in the late Silurian to early Devonian (ca. 420–400 BLAIR RIVER INLIER Ma) (Dunning et al. 1990; Reynolds et al. 1989; Barr et al. 1998; Horne et al. 2003; Lin et al. 2007). Older plutonic and Although no new ages were obtained from the Blair metamorphic rocks with ages of ca. 620, 567, and 480–490 River Inlier in the present study, a short summary is in- Ma occur in the western part of the terrane (Lin et al. 2007; cluded here for comparison with the adjacent Aspy terrane. Slaman et al. 2017). These older rocks have difficult-to- The Blair River Inlier forms the northwestern part of Cape demonstrate relationships with the younger mid-Paleozoic Breton Island (Fig. 2) and consists mainly of several com- metamorphic rocks (and associated plutons) that domi- posite orthogneissic units, intruded by less deformed plu- nate in the rest of the terrane, but are likely to constitute tons of varied compositions including anorthosite, gabbro, their basement. The younger metamorphic rocks include syenite, and granite. Miller et al. (1996) and Miller and Barr metavolcanic, metasedimentary, and gneissic rocks of Or-

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 26 dovician and Silurian (ca. 450–430 Ma) age. They were in- New ages from the Aspy terrane (Appendix A) volved in high-pressure amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the late Silurian - early Devonian (Plint and Jamieson A1. Sample CEW16-697 – Gillanders Mountain pluton 1989; Reynolds et al. 1989; Price et al. 1999). The protolith (436.7 ± 2.6 Ma) ages for these metamorphic rocks are somewhat uncertain, Sample CEW16-697 is medium-grained biotite monzo- but they appear to include both Neoproterozoic and Ordo- granite from the Gillanders Mountain pluton. This rock unit vician-Silurian components (Lin et al. 2007; Slaman et al. previously yielded a Devonian Rb–Sr age (French 1985). 2017). They have been subdivided into map units that are The dated sample consists of approximately equal amounts separated by plutons, faults, and/or Carboniferous rocks of plagioclase, microcline, and quartz, and less than 10% and assigned local names because of the difficulty of biotite. As is typical of the pluton (French 1985), the quartz is making correlations throughout the area (e.g., Barr and interstitial and recrystallized into a mosaic of small an- Jamieson 1991; Lin et al. 2007). Lin (1993) and Chen et al. hedral grains. The zircon grains in this sample are mostly (1995) reported detrital zircon ages from meta- elongate euhedral crystals and bipyramidal terminations conglomerate in the eastern part of the Aspy terrane and a 3:1 to 5:1 aspect ratio. The grains are typically cloudy and suggested that the presence of grains with ages of and stained brown. Ten grains yield a calculated concordia ca. 495 Ma suggests an original depositional link with age of 436.7 ± 2.6 Ma, interpreted as the main age of the Bras d’Or terrane which contains plutons of crystallization with an MSWD of 0.46, and probability of late Cambrian to early Ordovician age (Barr et al. concordance of 0.50 (Fig. 3a). Younger ages from 6 grains 1990; Dunning et al. 1990). do not make an overlapping cluster, and are interpreted as The metamorphic rocks in the Aspy terrane have been resulting from Pb loss. intruded by abundant plutons with ages based on earlier The age of 436.7 ± 2.6 Ma is similar to early Silurian ages work of ca. 440 Ma, 430 Ma, 400 Ma, and 375–365 Ma reported by Slaman et al. (2017) for the MacLean Brook (Dunning et al.1990; Barr et al.1990; Horne et al. 2003). and Lavis Brook plutons in the Cheticamp plutonic belt to Such plutons are mainly absent from the Bras d’Or ter- the north (Figs. 1, 2), and confirms that Silurian plutonic rane, although the location of the boundary is uncertain in rocks are widespread in Aspy terrane. It is somewhat older its eastern part, where the Eastern Highlands Shear Zone than the previously dated Silurian Gillanders Moun-tain is inferred to branch; one branch appears to be stitched diorite (428.6 ± 1.9 Ma; Lin et al. 2007), and is sig- by the ca. 375 Ma Black Brook Granitic Suite nificantly older than rhyolite of the adjacent Fisset Brook (Yaowanoiyothin and Barr 1991) but branches to the Formation dated at 373 ± 4 Ma by Dunning et al. (2002). south split around the mid-Devonian Cameron Brook pluton (Fig. 1). A2. Sample CEW15-004 – Lake Ainslie pluton (428.5 ± 1.7 Ma; In simplistic terms, Aspy terrane plutons include all of I- older grains at 440.3 ± 1.9 Ma) type, S-type, and A-type (Barr 1990). The oldest plutons are Granite occurs in a small area southwest of Lake Ainslie orthogneissic and foliated dioritic, tonalitic, and granitic (French 1985). Outcrop is limited but logging roads have plutons with ages of ca. 440 to 425 Ma and petrological fea- provided new outcrops which confirm the presence of both tures consistent with formation in a subduction zone set- monzogranite and flow-banded rhyolite (C. White, unpub- ting. Together with volcanic rocks of similar ages, they are inferred to have formed in a volcanic-arc setting offshore lished data, 2015). The dated sample is medium-grained from the Bras d’Or terrane and on Bras d’Or terrane crust pink biotite-hornblende monzogranite with a distinctive (e.g., Barr et al. 1996a; Price et al. 1999). Younger ca. 400 texture of subhedral plagioclase, biotite, and less abundant Ma plutons such as Cameron Brook mainly occur within amphibole with interstitial orthoclase and quartz. This branches of the Eastern Highlands Shear Zone (Fig. 2) and sample contains abundant clear, euhedral zircons from 20 to may have formed in conjunction with early stages of juxta- 150 µm. Most of the grains are rectangular with bipyramidal position with the Bras d’Or terrane. They also have volca- terminations but some are more rounded. Most are nic-arc characteristics (Barr 1990). In contrast, the Black inclusion free. In CL the grains show oscillatory zoning. Brook Granitic Suite with an age of ca. 375 Ma has S-type The probability distribution for this sample shows a large characteristics and likely formed in a syn-collisional setting peak of ages between 425 and 430 Ma, and a secondary (Yaowanoiyothin and Barr 1991). At a similar time but else- peak between 435 and 445 Ma (Fig. 3b). The younger peak where in the Aspy terrane, large A-type plutons were em- has a calculated concordia age of 428.5 ± 1.7 Ma with an placed, apparently related to extension and the opening of MSWD of 0.83, and a probability of concordance of 0.36 rift basins in which bimodal volcanic rocks were formed, as using 11 grains in the calculation (Fig. 3c). The older pop- well as nonmarine sedimentary successions (e.g., Dunning ulation has a calculated concordia age of 440.3 ± 1.9 Ma et al. 2002). The bimodal volcanic rocks have within-plate with an MSWD of 2.8, and a probability of concordance of characteristics (e.g., Barr et al. 1995; Barr and Peterson 0.093 using 5 grains in the calculation (Fig. 3d). We in- 1998), as do the related granitic plutons which include the terpret the younger age of 428.5 ± 1.7 Ma as the main age of megacrystic Margaree pluton with its distinctive crystallization of the monzogranite, and the older age of Rapakivi texture (O’Beirne-Ryan et al. 1986). 440.3 ± 1.9 Ma as representing inherited or anacrystic grains.

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 27

(a) A1 - Gillanders Mountain pluton A2 - Lake Ainslie pluton CEW16-697 (n=10) (b) CEW15-004 6

All grains 98-101% concordant probability Relative 450 0.072 5

4 0.070

Pb/ U 3 Number 206 238

2 0.068 420 Concordia Age = 436.7 ± 2.6 Ma (2σ) 1 MSWD = 0.46 Probability = 0.50 0 0.066 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 400 440 480 520 560 207Pb/ 235 U 206Pb/ 238 U ages

(c) A2 - Lake Ainslie pluton (young cluster) (d) A2 - Lake Ainslie pluton (old cluster) 450 CEW15-004 0.0725 CEW15-004 (n=5) (n=11) 450

0.071 440 0.0715


Pb/0.0705 U Pb/ U 206 238 206 238

435 0.067 0.0695 Concordia Age = 428.5 ± 1.7 Ma (2σ) Concordia Age = 440.3 ± 1.9 Ma (2σ) 410 MSWD = 0.83 MSWD = 2.8 Probability = 0.36 Probability = 0.093 0.065 0.0685 0.44 0.48 0.52 0.56 0.60 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 207Pb/ 235 U 207Pb/ 235 U

(e) A3 - Gillis Brook diorite (f) A4 - Leonard MacLeod Brook pluton CEW16-699 (n=21) 0.071 CEW16-698 (n=11) 450 0.072 430 0.069

0.070 Pb/ U Pb/0.067 U 206 238 206 238

410 0.068 0.065 - 420 Concordia Age = 436.4 ± 1.4 Ma (2σ) Concordia Age = 420.9 ± 2.8 Ma (2σ) MSWD = 1.05 MSWD = 0.96 Probability = 0.31 Probability = 0.33 0.066 0.063 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.45 0.47 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.57 207Pb/ 235 U 207Pb/ 235 U Figure 3. Concordia diagrams and probability plots for plutons in the Aspy terrane: (a) concordia diagram for zircon from monzogranite of the Gillanders Mountain pluton; (b) probability plot and histogram for monzogranite of the Lake Ainslie pluton; (c) concordia diagram showing the youngest 11 concordant and near-concordant zircon grains from monzogranite of the Lake Ainslie pluton; (d) concordia diagram showing 5 older concordant and near-concordant zircon grains from monzogranite of the Lake Ainslie pluton; (e) concordia diagram for zircon grains from the Gillis Brook diorite; (f) concordia diagram for monzogranite of the Leonard MacLeod Brook pluton.

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 28 The similarity of the younger crystallization age to that of Ma (Horne et al. 2003). The sample consists of a fine- to the Gillanders Mountain diorite (428.6 ± 1.9 Ma; Lin et al. medium-grained mosaic of recrystallized K-feldspar and 2007) and Taylors Barren pluton (430 ± 2 Ma; Horne et al. plagioclase; quartz is much less abundant than feldspar and 2003) and the older age to that of the Gillanders Moun- is fine-grained and recrystallized in the interstices. Flakes tain monzogranite (A1; Fig. 3a) supports the interpretation of green biotite are also present, as well as scattered pheno- that this small area of granite and rhyolite is indeed part crysts of plagioclase. of the Aspy terrane, and hence lies north of the boundary Zircon grains in this sample are all small, between 30 with Bras d’Or terrane (Fig. 2). The position of the terrane and 50 µm, and are short and stubby with euhedral shapes. boundary is otherwise poorly constrained in this area due About half are transparent and colourless and half are to Carboniferous cover rocks. cloudy with inclusions. The larger grains show oscilla- As shown in the probability distribution (Fig. 3b), sam- tory zoning in CL but the smaller ones do not have dis- ple CEW15-004 also contains even older inherited grains tinct zones. Eleven grains yield a calculated concordia age in the 460 to 480 Ma range and 520 to 530 Ma range. These of 420.9 ± 2.8 Ma (Fig. 3f) interpreted as the main age of ages are all represented by igneous events documented else- crystallization (Fig. 3f) with an MSWD of 0.96, and a prob- where in the Aspy terrane (e.g., Slaman et al. 2017). ability of concordance of 0.33. This age shows that the granite is Silurian, but younger A3. Sample CEW16-699 – Gillis Brook diorite (436.1 ± 1.4 Ma) than both the associated Gillis Brook diorite (436.1 ± 1.4 The Gillis Brook diorite was mapped by O’Neill (1996) as Ma; Fig. 3e) and the nearby diorite at Gillanders Mountain a separate component within the area of the Leonard (428.6 ± 1.9 Ma; Lin et al. 2007), as well as monzogranite MacLeod Brook complex of Barr et al. (1992). He described samples CEW16-697 (436.7 ± 2.6 Ma; Fig. 3a) and CEW15- the unit to consist of fine- to medium-grained dioritic 004 (428.5 ± 1.7 Ma; Fig. 3c) from the Gillanders Moun- rocks. The dated sample is from the southern part of the tain and Lake Ainslie plutons, respectively. The Leonard unit and is more gabbroic than dioritic. It consists of MacLeod Brook granite is also younger than the Taylors medium-grained plagioclase and relict clinopyroxene with Barren pluton to the north which has an age of 430 ± 2 Ma abundant secondary minerals including biotite, chlorite, (Horne et al. 2003). Thus, Silurian plutonism in this part of epidote, iron oxides/hydroxides, sericite, and carbonate the Aspy terrane appears to be both more widespread and minerals. more protracted than previously recognized. Zircons in this sample are transparent, inclusion-free, and tabular, with rounded edges. Some are subhedral and have A5. Sample SB86-3068 – Glasgow Brook pluton (416.0 ± 1.9 Ma) clear facets. Some grains show brownish-red surface The Glasgow Brook pluton is an elongate intrusion lo- staining. In CL most grains show oscillatory zoning. cated near the northwestern margin of the Devonian Black Twenty-one grains yielded a calculated concordia age of Brook Granitic Suite. The extent of the pluton as defined 436.1 ± 1.4 Ma, interpreted as the main age of crystal- by Wiebe (1975) was essentially confirmed by Raeside and lization (Fig. 3e), with MSWD of 1.05, and a probability of Barr (1992). On its northern margin the pluton intruded concordance of 0.31. The age of 436.1 ± 1.4 Ma shows that schist of the Money Point Group, in which it occurs as the diorite is Silurian, similar in age to the Lavis Brook dio- sheets adjacent to contacts. A narrow band of mica schist rite and MacLean Brook granite in the Cheticamp belt re- separates the pluton from the Black Brook Granitic Suite. ported by Slaman et al. (2017) and somewhat older than the Dioritic and semipelitic xenoliths are locally abundant in nearby diorite at Gillanders Mountain (428.6 ± 1.9 Ma; Lin the pluton, which consists of strongly foliated medium- to et al. 2007). However, it is similar to the age of Gillanders coarse-grained hornblende-biotite tonalite to granodio- Mountain monzogranite sample CEW16-697 (436.7 ± 2.6 rite. The rock is gneissic in appearance, with mafic miner- Ma; A1, Fig. 3a). It is older than the Leonard MacLeod als concentrated on foliation planes, separated by quartzo- Brook monzogranite with which it is closely associated (see feldspathic layers with augen of feldspar and quartz. The A4 below), and 70 million years older than the nearby relative proportions of hornblende and biotite vary from Bothan Brook pluton dated at 376 ± 3 Ma (Horne et al. 2003). dominantly hornblende to exclusively biotite. More bio- tite-rich rocks contain abundant myrmekite. Feldspars are A4. Sample CEW16-698 – Leonard MacLeod Brook oligoclase-andesine and microcline. Apatite, titanite, and monzoganite (420.9 ± 2.8 Ma) zircon are variably abundant accessory minerals, together Several types of granite occur in the enigmatic Leon- with minor opaque minerals. Garnet is rarely present. Epi- ard MacLeod Brook complex of Barr et al. (1992). O’Neill dote is an abundant secondary mineral. The dated sample is (1996) mapped and named the component plutons, as well tonalitic, with only minor K-feldspar and amphibole. as recognizing volcanic rocks which he assumed to be Silu- This sample contained abundant zircons, generally acic- rian. Dated sample CEW16-698 is a fine-grained monzo- ular to elongate and euhedral. Most of the grains are <30 granite from the Leonard MacLeod Brook plutonic suite of µm, but many are in the 50 to 100 µm range. Most of the O’Neill (1996), which he inferred to be Devonian, like the grains are transparent and inclusion free but some are more associated Bothan Brook pluton which has an age of 376 ± 3 yellow. In CL the grains show clear oscillatory zoning and

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 29 bright fluorescence. The sample has a calculated concordia has also shown that the gabbro and granite component can age of 416.0 ± 1.9 Ma with an MSWD of 8.0, and a prob- be mapped as separate units, although they are mingled in ability of concordance of 0.005 when 13 grains are included some outcrops. The pluton intruded the eastern margin of in the calculation (Fig. 4a). The MSWD and probability of the Cambrian(?) Jumping Brook Metamorphic Suite. The concordance could be improved by using fewer grains to Salmon Pool pluton has long been known to be Devonian calculate them, but as noted in the Methods section, our based on an imprecise U–Pb (zircon) age of 365 +10/-5 Ma procedure is to calculate ages with as many near-concor- reported by Jamieson et al. (1986). The pluton is well ex- dant grains as possible. The probability distribution (Fig. posed in Cheticamp River where two varieties of granite 4b) for this sample shows two indistinct peaks with very – quartz monzonite and monzogranite – are mingled with little separation between them, both between 410 and 420 and/or contain xenoliths of varied mafic rocks, including Ma. Because there is no clear separation between the peaks gabbro, diorite, and amphibolite. Both the quartz monzo- (with larger bin sizes the two peaks become one) we inter- nite and monzogranite were dated to check whether or not pret the crystallization age of the sample to be the 416.0 they are the same age. ± 1.9 Ma age presented above, which overlaps with the Dated sample CEW15-008 is quartz monzonite with weighted mean age of all the 98 to 101% concordant grains abundant amphibolitic xenoliths likely derived from the at 412.4 ± 3.9 at 95% confidence level. Faribault Brook Formation of the Jumping Brook Meta- This early Devonian age is a new one for the Aspy ter- morphic Suite. The dated sample is medium-grained and rane, except for a U–Pb (zircon) age of 414 ± 3 interpreted consists of abundant subhedral plagioclase and less abun- to be the igneous crystallization age of a small granitic plu- dant interstitial K-feldspar. Interstitial quartz is less abun- ton in the Cape North Group near Money Point reported dant than K-feldspar and forms less than 10% of the rock. by Keppie et al. (1992). Green amphibole and minor bioitite form about 10% of the rock, and accessory titanite is abundant. A6. Sample CEW16-519 – Park Spur granite (379.1 ± 3.5 Ma) This sample contains abundant zircons in the 50 to 120 The Park Spur granite is located in the Aspy terrane close µm size range. All grains are short, rectangular, and euhe- to the Eastern Highlands Shear Zone, the bound-ary dral, and most have bipyramidal terminations. They are between Aspy and Bras d’Or terranes. It is a fine- to reddish to brown or cloudy with inclusions; only a few medium-grained granite with both muscovite and biotite. It grains are transparent. In CL the grains fluoresced clearly was previously undated but assumed to be mid-Devo-nian showing oscillatory zoning in most grains, although some and related to the Black Brook Granitic Suite (Rae-side and of the smaller grains are not zoned. The analyzed grains Barr 1992). The dated sample is medium-grained yielded a calculated concordia age of 371.6 ± 1.7 Ma with monzogranite with minor (<5%) muscovite and biotite. an MSWD of 3.7, and a probability of concordance of 0.053 Quartz is polygranular and interstitial to feldspar, which with 12 grains included in the calculation (Fig. 4d). includes both plagioclase and microcline. These data provide a more precise age for the pluton than The sample contains few zircon grains and every grain the date by Jamieson et al. (1986) which has large errors. that could be picked was analysed. Grains vary in shape The age is consistent with a comagmatic relationship of the from euhedral to rounded. In CL the grains do not show pluton with the mafic and felsic volcanic rocks of the ca. bright fluorescence but zoning is visible in the larger 374 Ma Fisset Brook Formation (Barr and Peterson 1998). grains. The calculated concordia age of 379.1 ± 3.5 Ma is interpreted as the main age of crystallization (Fig. 4c) with A8. Sample CEW15-099 – Salmon Pool monzogranite an MSWD of 0.084, with a probability of concordance of (372.0 ± 1.6 Ma) 0.77. In this case only three grains are in the concordia A second sample from the Salmon Pool pluton was also age calculation, but they overlap, and make a peak in the dated to determine if the petrographically different felsic frequency distribution. No other clusters occur in the da- components of the pluton are of similar age. The dated taset, which includes very few concordant grains. The age sample consists of approximately equal amounts of quartz, of 379.1 ± 3.5 Ma confirms the inferred Late Devonian age K-feldspar, and plagioclase, and is the most abundant rock based on petrographic similarities previously proposed type in the felsic part of the pluton. The ferromagnesian (Raeside and Barr 1992), and is within error of the U–Pb mineral is biotite which forms about 5% of the rock. zircon (375 +5/-4 Ma) and monazite (372 to 373 Ma) ages This sample contains abundant zircons in the 50 to 100 from the Black Brook Granitic Suite (Dunning et al. 1990). µm range, with more small grains than in the quartz mon- zonite sample CEW15-008. All grains are short, rectangu- A7. Sample CEW15-008 – Salmon Pool quartz monzonite lar, and euhedral, and most have bipyramidal terminations. (371.6 ± 1.7 Ma) Most grains are reddish to brown or cloudy with inclusions, The Salmon Pool pluton consists of granite and gabbro; and clear grains were very few. In CL the grains fluoresce new mapping has shown that the pluton extends farther less well than the grains in CEW15-008, but still show os- south than previously mapped and cross-cuts the Western cillatory zoning in most grains except for smaller grains Highlands (Pigeon Cove) shear zone (White et al. 2017). It which are not clearly zoned.

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 30

(a) A5 - Glasgow Brook pluton 430 A5 - Glasgow Brook pluton SB86-3068 (n=13) (b) SB86-3068 0.0685 6 All grains 98-101%

concordant probability Relative

5 0.0675 420 4 0.0665

Pb/ U 3 Number 2060.0655 238 2

0.0645 Concordia Age = 416.0 ± 1.9 Ma (2σ) 1 400 MSWD = 8.0 Probability = 0.005 0.0635 0 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 380 400 420 440 460 207Pb/ 235 U 206Pb/ 238 U ages

(c) A6 - Park Spur granite (d) A7 - Salmon Pool pluton (quartz monzonite) CEW16-519 (n=3) CEW15-008 (n=12) 0.0625 390 0.061 380

0.0615 0.060

380 Pb/ U Pb/0.0605 U 0.059 206 238 206 238

0.0595 0.058 370 Concordia Age = 379.1 ± 3.5 Ma (2σ) Concordia Age = 371.6 ± 1.7 Ma (2σ) MSWD = 0.084 360 MSWD = 3.7 Probability = 0.77 Probability = 0.053 0.0585 0.057 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.39 0.41 0.43 0.45 0.47 0.49 207Pb/ 235 U 207Pb/ 235 U

(e) A8 - Salmon Pool pluton (monzogranite) (f) A9 - Margaree pluton CEW15-099 (n=11) SMB16-218 (n=19) 380 380

0.0605 0.060

0.0595 0.058 Pb/ U Pb/ U 206 238 206 238 370

0.0585 0.056 - 375 Concordia Age = 372.0 ± 1.6 Ma (2σ) Concordia Age = 363.1 ± 1.6 Ma (2σ) MSWD = 14 MSWD = 9.5 probability = 0.00 340 Probability = 0.002 0.0575 0.054 0.41 0.43 0.45 0.47 0.49 0.39 0.41 0.43 0.45 0.47 207Pb/ 235 U 207Pb/ 235 U

Figure 4. Concordia diagrams and probability plots for plutons in the Aspy terrane: (a) concordia diagram for zircon from tonalite of the Glasgow Brook pluton; (b) probability plot and histogram for zircon from tonalite of the Glasgow Brook pluton; (c) concordia diagram for the Park Spur granite; (d) concordia diagram for quartz monzonite sample CEW16-008 of the Salmon Pool pluton; (e) concordia diagram for granite sample CEW16-009 of the Salmon Pool pluton; (f) concordia diagram for megacrystic granite of the Margaree pluton.

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 31 The sample has a calculated concordia age of 372.0 ± BRAS D’OR TERRANE 1.6 Ma with an MSWD of 14, and a probability of concor- dance of 0.000 when 11 grains are included in the calcula- Geological setting tion (Fig. 4e). The weighted mean age of all the 98 to 101% concordant grains is 372.5 ± 3.2 at 95% confidence level. In contrast to the Aspy terrane, the Bras d’Or terrane is Both these ages overlap with the calculated concordia age dominated by Neoproterozoic and Cambrian rocks (Fig. of the Salmon Pool quartz monzonite (CEW15-008) dis- 1). It contains fault-bounded blocks of Neoproterozoic cussed previously and show that the two varieties are co- low-pressure amphibolite-facies gneiss, much more exten- magmatic. sive belts of greenschist-facies (and in places higher grade) quartzite, marble, meta-greywacke, and minor volcanic A9. Sample SMB16-218 – Margaree pluton (363.1 ± 1.6 Ma) rocks, and abundant Ediacaran and Cambrian plutons The Margaree pluton is the largest pluton in the Aspy ter- (Raeside and Barr 1990; White et al. 1994, 2003, 2016). The rane and consists mostly of distinctive megacrystic granite relationship between the two suites of metamorphic rocks with plagioclase-rimmed K-feldspar (O’Beirne-Ryan et al. is uncertain but recent dating and petrological studies sug- 1986). The pluton was previously dated by the Rb–Sr meth- gest that they are equivalent units at different metamorphic od and yielded a date of 353 ± 13 Ma (O’Beirne-Ryan et al. grades (White et al. 2016; van Rooyen et al. 2017). 1986). It was assumed to be the same age as the ca. 375 Ma Both low- and high-grade units are intruded by plutons rhyolite of the bimodal Fisset Brook Formation (Dunning with published ages mainly between ca. 560 and 553 Ma. et al. 2002) and the 365 +10/-5 Ma granite of the Salmon They are subduction zone-related dioritic, tonalitic, grano- Pool pluton (Jamieson et al. 1986), and like them related to dioritic, and granitic plutons. Plutonic rocks are especially post-orogenic extension (Barr and Jamieson 1991). abundant in the eastern Cape Breton Highlands, where Sample SMB16-218 is syenogranite with megacrysts of K- several of the plutons contain high-Al hornblende and feldspar and smaller grains of quartz and plagioclase, typical magmatic epidote, indicative of crystallization at pressures of much of the pluton. Biotite forms 5% of the rock, and of over 800 MPa (25 km depth) (Farrow and Barr 1992). allanite is an accessory component. Zircon crystals in this These rocks are interpreted to represent the deep levels sample are generally elongate euhedral to subhedral grains. of an Andean-type continental margin subduction zone, The finer zircon crystals in the sample (<100 μm) are mostly whereas plutons and in places volcanic rocks assumed to euhedral, showing bipyramidal terminations. Most grains be co-magmatic in the southern part of the terrane repre- are transparent but some show orange and black staining. sent higher level parts of the same subduction zone igneous Nineteen grains yielded a calculated concordia age of 363.1 assemblage. Post-orogenic late Cambrian granitic plutons ± 1.6 Ma interpreted as the main age of crystallization (Fig. are also present, and middle Cambrian to Early Ordovician 4f) with an MSWD of 9.5, and probability of concordance of volcanic and sedimentary rocks are preserved in a down- 0.002. As mentioned in the methods, the MSWD and faulted block in the Boisdale Peninsula. Although similar probability of concordance could be improved by using to the Cambrian sequence on Mira terrane, the Cambrian fewer grains to calculate them, but this age is calculated with rocks in the Boisdale Peninsula are firmly linked to Bras as many near-concordant grains as possible. d’Or terrane and hence to Ganderia. Similar rocks also oc- This is the youngest igneous age yet reported in the Aspy cur in Ganderia in southern New Brunswick (Fyffeet al. terrane, and is especially significant because of the large size 2009). of the Margaree pluton. The pluton straddles the prominent Barr et al. (1998) proposed that Neoproterozoic rocks Aspy Fault, and also appears to “stitch” the shear zones that of the Bras d’Or terrane and inferred equivalent units ex- separate the Grenville-age Blair River Inlier from the rest posed in southern New Brunswick and locally in central of the highlands. The new age is the same within error as Newfoundland represent the “basement” on which Paleo- the age of 365 ± 2 Ma reported by Dunning et al. (2002) zoic Ganderian sedimentary rocks were deposited, and from rhyolite in the Lowland Cove Formation in the Blair these Paleozoic rocks, which dominate Ganderia elsewhere, River Inlier. The new U–Pb age is at the upper limit of the were assumed to have been formed mainly from sediments error range of an Rb–Sr date of 353 ± 13 Ma (O’Beirne- eroded from Neoproterozoic units like those preserved in Ryan et al. 1986). It is significantly younger than the Fisset the Bras d’Or terrane. Brook rhyolite. Hence the Late Devonian magmatic history The Bras d’Or terrane is separated from the Aspy terrane of the Aspy terrane is more protracted than previously as- to the north by a major mylonitic high-strain zone known sumed; the young events recorded in both the Aspy terrane as the Eastern Highlands Shear Zone (Lin 1995, 2001). This and Blair River Inlier suggest that those two areas were in boundary has a long and complex history, and the origi- proximity by that time. nal relationship between Bras d’Or and Aspy terranes may have been basement and cover (Chen et al. 1995). The Bras d’Or terrane appears to have been thrust to the northwest over the Aspy terrane, and much of the original terrane is missing – the part of Bras d’Or terrane now adjacent to

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 32 the Aspy terrane was unaffected by and hence probably (a) B1 - Price Point Formation (dacitic tuff) far away from the Silurian to Devonian events which SMB16-222 (n=18) are so prominently recorded in the Aspy terrane. These 600 mid-Paleozoic events are not generally recorded in Bras 0.097 d’Or terrane rocks, except near the Eastern Highlands 40 39 Shear Zone, where Ar/ Ar dating revealed over- 0.095 printing in Neoproterozoic rocks by younger thermal events associated with Bras d’Or-Aspy terrane collision Pb/ U (Reynolds et al. 1989). Although not corroborated by 0.093 206 238 subsequent work (White et al. 2016), Keppie et al. (1998, 2000) reported a Silurian age for a gabbroic-dioritic pluton in the Creignish Hills. 0.091 Concordia Age = 576.5 ± 2.3 Ma (2σ) MSWD = 0.090 New ages from the Bras d’Or terrane (Appendix A) 550 Probability = 0.76 0.089 0.66 0.70 0.74 0.78 0.82 0.86 B1. Sample SMB16-222 – Price Point Formation dacitic tuff 207 235 (576.5 ± 2.3 Ma) Pb/ U The Price Point Formation occurs in the southeastern (b) B2 - Birch Plain granite Cape Breton Highlands and consists of mainly intermediate SMB14 -193 lithic and lithic-crystal tuff with minor andesitic and dacitic (n=18) 590 flows (Macdonald and Barr 1985). The volcanic rocks were 0.095 interpreted initially to be of Devonian- Carboniferous age because of inferred correlation with the Fisset Brook For- mation (Kelley and Mackasey 1965). However, Macdonald and Barr (1985) suggested a Neoproterozoic age based on 0.093 interpreted intrusive contacts with plutonic rocks in the Pb/ U area, in particular the Indian Brook granodiorite 206 238 which yielded a U–Pb (titanite) age of 564 ± 4 Ma 0.091 interpreted to be the approximate crystallization age of the granodiorite (Dunning et al. 1990). Concordia Age = 569.6 ± 1.9 Ma (2σ) MSWD = 0.38 Sample SMB16-222 is a black dacitic lithic tuff. Most of 550 Probability = 0.54 the clasts in the tuff consist of plagioclase phenocrysts in 0.089 very fine-grained quartzofeldspathic groundmass. 0.64 0.68 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.84 0.88 207 235 Zircons in this sample are small, stubby grains and some Pb/ U are very rounded. Zircons are mostly transparent, with oscillatory zoning visible in CL. Some grains have facets (c) B3 - Big Hill granodiorite 590 and are euhedral. Sample SMB16-222 has a calculated SMB16-216 (n=21) 580 concordia age of 576.5 ± 2.3 Ma interpreted as the main age 0.094 of crystallization with an MSWD of 0.090, and a probability of concordance of 0.76. This age includes 18 grains in the concordia calculation (Fig. 5a). 0.092 This age supports the inferred co-magmatic relationship

between the volcanic rocks and associated plutons (Grecco Pb/ U 0.090 and Barr 1999), although it is somewhat older than the dat- 206 238 ed plutons which have ages between 570 Ma (Birch Plain granite – see below) and 555 Ma (Ingonish River tonalite; 0.088 Dunning et al. 1990). Concordia Age = 559.4 ± 1.8 Ma (2σ) 540 MSWD = 1.3 Probability = 0.25 B2. Sample SMB14-193 – Birch Plain granite (569.6 ± 1.9 Ma) 0.086 The Birch Plain granite is in the northern part of the east- 0.67 0.69 0.71 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.79 ern highlands plutonic belt, intruded by the Cape Smokey 207Pb/ 235 U pluton dated at 493 ± 2 Ma (Dunning et al. 1990). Based on Figure 5. Concordia diagrams for plutons in the Bras d’Or map distribution, the presence of variably weak to strong terrane: (a) concordia diagram for zircon from dacitic tuff foliation, and the presence of xenoliths in the Indian Brook of the Price Point Formation; (b) concordia diagram for granodiorite that appear to have been derived from the the Birch Plain granite; (c) concordia diagram for the Big Birch Plain granite, the Birch Plain granite has been as- Hill granodiorite. sumed to be older than the Indian Brook unit (Raeside and

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 33 Barr 1992; Grecco and Barr 1999). It is cut by mafic dykes overlap within error. Like the ages from the Price Point of unknown age with sharp contacts and well developed Formation and Birch Plain granite, this age supports the chilled margins; possible magma mingling relationships are inferred broadly co-magmatic relationship among the vol- developed in places. canic rocks and plutons in the eastern highlands. Including Sample SMB14-193 was collected from typical roadside the new data, these volcanic and plutonic rocks are now outcrops along the access road to the Wreck Cove Hydro- represented by 7 U–Pb zircon ages, oldest of which is the electric Station. It is medium-grained biotite monzogran- Price Point Formation at ca. 576 Ma and youngest of which ite typical of the pluton. Mineralogy includes plagioclase, is Ingonish River tonalite at 555 Ma. perthitic orthoclase, interstitial deformed polycrystalline quartz, and biotite, mainly altered to chlorite. Allanite and MIRA TERRANE zircon are abundant accessory phases, together with ti- tanite, apatite, and magnetite. Most of the zircons in this Geological setting sample are in the 10 to ~70 µm range. All the grains big- ger than 20 µm were picked for analysis. The smaller grains Mira terrane is the only part of Cape Breton Island in- are generally euhedral with bipyramidal terminations, and cluded in Avalonia (Hibbard et al. 2006). In the northern the larger grains rounded or euhedral. Many of the grains Appalachian orogen, Avalonian rocks occur in southeast- contain darker inclusions and are cloudy. In CL most of the ern New England (USA), the Caledonian Highlands of grains show oscillatory zoning. southern New Brunswick, the Cobequid and Antigonish The sample has a calculated concordia age of 569.6 ± 1.9 highlands of northern mainland Nova Scotia, the Mira ter- Ma with an MSWD of 0.38, and a probability of concor- rane, and the Avalon platform of eastern Newfoundland dance of 0.54 using 18 grains included in the concordia cal- (Fig. 1 inset). Some authors refer to these areas collectively culation (Fig. 5b). Younger ages from 6 grains do not make as West Avalonia, to distinguish them from East Avalonia an overlapping cluster, and are interpreted as resulting from in the UK and elsewhere in Europe which may be at least Pb loss. in part Ganderian (Schofield et al. 2016). The characteristic The calculated age of 569.6 ± 1.9 Ma is slightly younger rocks of Avalonia are Middle to Late Neoproterozoic volca- than the Price Point Formation but overlaps within error nic, sedimentary, and plutonic rocks, although specific ages the titanite age from the Indian Brook granodiorite. vary from area to area. Most Avalonian areas also include overlying Cambrian to Lower Ordovician clastic sedimen- B3. Sample SMB16-216 – Big Hill granodiorite (559.4 ± 1.8 Ma) tary units. They differ from those in Bras d’Or terrane in The Big Hill granodiorite is part of an elongate plutonic composition and age, and hence Bras d’Or is interpreted to belt west of the belt containing the Price Point Formation, be part of Ganderia, not Avalonia (Barr et al. 1998; Hibbard Indian Brook granodiorite, and Birch Plain granite. Raeside et al. 2006). and Barr (1992) included it in the Goose Cove pluton but In the Mira terrane, the Neoproterozoic rocks form three Barr and White (2017a) split the area into a northern Goose belts which previous U–Pb dating suggested to be of 3 dif- Cove pluton and a southern Big Hill pluton, although they ferent ages: Stirling belt (ca. 680 Ma), Sporting Mountain are probably of similar age. The pluton intruded the Glen – East Bay Hills – Coxheath Hills belt (ca. 620 Ma), and Tosh Formation at Big Hill (Barr et al. 2013). It consists Coastal belt (575 to 550 Ma). However, the age interpre- of hornblende-biotite granodiorite gradational to granite, tation was based on relatively few U–Pb ages (Barr et al. locally with microcline megacrysts. Dated sample SMB16- 1996a) and more recent work had suggested some unrecog- 216 is monzogranite with plagioclase and chloritized bio- nized complexities such as detrital zircon grains as young tite enclosed in interstitial quartz and K-feldspar. as ~ 620 Ma in a wacke unit in the Stirling belt and the pres- Zircons from this sample are mainly elongate crystals ence of tuffaceous rocks with an age of ~ 580 Ma in the East with bipyramidal terminations, although a few rounded Bay Hills (Willner et al. 2013). All three belts are dominat- grains are present. Grain size varies widely from 50 to 200 ed by mafic to felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks and µm. The grains are slightly cloudy and about one fourth varying abundances of inter-stratified epiclastic and clastic have a yellowish tint. In CL the grains show clear oscilla- sedimentary rocks. The Stirling belt has been interpreted tory zoning. The calculated concordia age of 559.4 ± 1.8 Ma to represent an intra-arc or back-arc basin. In contrast, the is interpreted as the main age of crystallization (Fig. 5c), ca. 620 Ma volcanic, volcaniclastic, and plutonic rocks of with an MSWD of 1.3, and probability of concordance of the Coxheath Hills, Sporting Mountain, and East Bay Hills 0.25. This concordia calculation includes 21 grains. A few belts have petrochemical features typical of high-K calc- near-concordant grains that could be inherited occur at 1.3 alkalic suites formed at continental margin subduction 1.5, and 1.8 Ga but they are single grains so do not provide zones (Barr et al. 1996a). However, the presence of plutonic unequivocal evidence for inherited ages. rocks of this age in the Stirling belt indicates that these two The concordia age of 559.4 ± 1.8 Ma is slightly younger belts were juxtaposed by that time (Fig. 2). These composite than the U–Pb (titanite) age from the Indian Brook grano- dioritic to granitic ca. 620 Ma plutons are the most exten- diorite (Dunning et al. 1990), although the ages barely sive plutons in the Mira terrane. Similar 40Ar/39Ar (horn-

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 34 blende) cooling ages from some of these plutons (Keppie et Sample SMB16-225 is typical medium-grained grano- al. 1990) are consistent with high-level emplacement and diorite to monzogranite of the Irish Cove pluton. It con- rapid cooling. sists of subhedral to euhedral plagioclase in a finer-grained The ca. 575 Ma mainly tuffaceous volcanic rocks of the assemblage of K-feldspar, quartz, biotite, and hornblende. Coastal belt (Fourchu Group) appear to be transitional Minor interstitial granophyre is also present. The granodio- between calc-alkalic and tholeiitic chemical affinity. They rite occurs in close association with and contains abundant are inferred to represent magmas derived early in the de- xenoliths of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the East velopment of a ca. 575 Ma northwest-dipping (present co- Bay Hills Group. It was previously undated but assumed to ordinates) subduction zone (Barr et al. 1996b). High-level have an age of ca. 620 Ma based on its petrological similari- plutonic rocks are only a minor component of the Coastal ties to granodiorite of the Chisholm Brook Plutonic Suite belt. The other major component of the Coastal belt, the in the Stirling belt which yielded U–Pb (zircon) crystalliza- Main-a-Dieu Group, contains lava flows, tuffs, debris flows, tion age of 620 +3/-2 Ma (McMullin 1984; Barr et al. 1990, and fine-grained epiclastic rocks interpreted to have been 1996a). However, a metarhyolite sample from the Rear Irish deposited in intra-arc basins developed adjacent to the Cove Formation inferred to have been intruded by the Irish stratovolcanoes represented by the tuffs and flows of the Cove pluton yielded a concordia age of 582 ± 6 Ma, inter- Fourchu Group (Barr 1993; Barr et al. 1996a). The Main-a- preted as the age of extrusion of the rhyolite (Willner et al. Dieu Group is overlain by mainly clastic marine sedimen- 2013). tary rocks of Cambrian to Early Ordovician age (Barr et al. Zircons from sample SMB16-225 are euhedral and clear, 1996a). rectangular bipyramidal terminations. In CL most grains Devonian plutons are also present in the Mira terrane. have well-defined oscillatory zoning. The sample has a cal- They are shallow intrusions with associated porphyry-type, culated concordia age of 619.4 ± 2.6 Ma with an MSWD of greisen-hosted, and vein-hosted Cu-Mo-Pb-Ag-Bi miner- 4.6, and probability of concordance of 0.032, with 18 grains alization (Barr and O’Beirne 1981; Barr and Macdonald included in the concordia calculation (Fig. 6a). 1992). Petrological characteristics suggest that they are sub- The reported age is consistent with its correlation with duction-related plutons, but no other evidence of a Devo- the Chisholm Brook suite but at odds with the age of its nian magmatic arc occurs in southern Cape Breton Island. host rocks reported by Willner et al. (2013). Additional The apparent arc-signatures could reflect the nature of their field mapping is needed to resolve this enigma. source rocks in the roots of a Neoproterozoic arcs, or they could be associated with a more outboard subduction zone M2. Sample SMB16-217 – MacDougall Point pluton relating to juxtaposition of Gondwana with the Meguma (625.2 ± 3.1 Ma with older population at 645.6 ± 2.7 Ma) terrane (e.g., Moran et al. 2007). The MacDougall Point pluton is well exposed in new The boundary of the Mira terrane with the Bras d’Or roadcuts produced by widening of Highway #4 along the terrane to the north is a “cryptic suture”, buried beneath western margin of the East Bay Hills. As mapped by Barr Carboniferous sedimentary rocks or located under water and White (2017b), this small pluton consists of a north- in the Bras d’Or Lakes (Fig. 1). On land, it is rather arbi- ern monzodiorite and a southern granitic porphyry. The trarily placed at conveniently located Carboniferous faults pluton intruded the Ben Eoin Formation of the East Bay through the Boisdale Peninsula. The presence of clasts de- Hills Group. The dated sample is quartz monzodiorite with rived from both Mira terrane and Bras d’Or terrane units abundant plagioclase and amphibole and less abundant in a Middle Devonian conglomerate unit (McAdams Lake biotite with interstitial quartz, K-feldspar, and granophyre Formation) south of this fault shows that the two areas were forming 10–15% of the rock. in proximity by that time (White and Barr 1998). Magnetic Most of the zircon grains in this sample are clear, euhe- and gravity models across the boundary suggest that the dral grains in the 20 to 75 µm size range. Zircons in the Mira terrane has been thrust under Bras d’Or terrane at the 75 to 150 µm range are generally euhedral but with faint boundary (King 2002). reddish staining. In CL most grains show oscillatory zon- Although a detailed tectonomagmatic history had been ing. The grains in this sample fall into two clusters that each developed for the Mira terrane, it was based on ages from present as a peak in the probability distribution with a clear relatively few igneous units (Fig. 2). Hence, 5 plutonic units separation between them using a 5 Ma bin width (Fig. 6b). were dated to enhance the database, in particular to provide The younger cluster has a calculated concordia age of 625.2 better age constraints on the Devonian plutons, only one of ± 3.1 Ma with an MSWD of 0.12, and a probability of con- which had been reliably dated using U–Pb in zircon (Lower cordance of 0.73 with 15 grains included in the calculation St. Esprit, 378 +5/-1 Ma; Bevier et al. 1993). (Fig. 6c). The older cluster has a calculated concordia age of 645.6 ± 2.7 Ma with an MSWD of 0.20, and a probability of New ages from the Mira terrane (Appendix A) concordance of 0.66 with 12 grains included in the calcula- tion (Figure 6d). We interpret these data as evidence that M1. Sample SMB16-225 – Irish Cove granodiorite there are two periods of zircon crystallization represented (619.4 ± 2.6 Ma) in the sample, the older zircons representing either anac-

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 35

Figure 6. Concordia diagrams and probability plots for plutons in the Mira terrane: (a) concordia diagram for granodiorite of the Irish Cove pluton; (b) probability plot and histogram for quartz granodiorite of the MacDougall Point pluton showing two age peaks; (c) concordia diagram for the younger cluster of 15 zircon grains from the MacDougall Point granodiorite; (d) concordia diagram for the older cluster of 12 zircon grains from the MacDougall Point granodiorite; (e) concordia diagram for porphyritic granite sample 11F16c-1115 from the Gillis Mountain pluton; (f) concordia diagram for granite sample FD150 from the Deep Cove pluton.

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 36 rystic or inherited grains. Mountain pluton suggests that they should be the same age The interpreted age of crystallization for the MacDou- (O’Beirne 1979; Barr and Macdonald 1992). gall Point pluton is consistent with its correlation with the Two samples (FD203A and FD150) from the Deep Cove other ca. 620 Ma plutons in the Mira terrane. This date pro- pluton, both selected from the thesis collection of Dennis vides a minimum age for the host rocks of the Ben Eoin (1988), were dated. Both samples consist of porphyritic Formation. Based on location and petrologic similarities, it monzogranite, similar in texture and mineralogy to the is probably related to the undated MacEachern Lake pluton dated sample from Gillis Mountain pluton described above, farther northeast in the East Bay Hills. Combined with the except with more abundant K-feldspar and quartz pheno- new age of the Irish Cove pluton reported here (Fig. 6a) and crysts in addition to plagioclase and biotite. previously published U–Pb ages from volcanic and plutonic Zircon grains from sample FD203A contain a large units, this new age supports the interpretation that most of amount of common Pb as seen in the 204Pb values record- the volcanic, epiclastic, and plutonic rocks in the East Bay ed, which ranged between 200 and 35000 cps. The data are Hills, Sporting Mountain, and Coxheath Hills belts are ca. highly discordant in most of the grains. Data from this sam- 620 Ma or older, although the ca. 580 Ma date of Willner et ple are not useful in determining the crystallization age of al. (2013) remains the exception. the unit so another sample was analyzed. Because the data are highly discordant it was not considered to be appropri- M3. Sample 11F16c-1115 – Gillis Mountain granodiorite ate to combine the two datasets from the different samples. (370.5 ± 2.4 Ma) The second sample (FD150) contains more zircon grains The Gillis Mountain pluton intruded and contact meta- than sample FD203A, mostly in the 50 to 100 µm size range. morphosed shale, siltstone, and sandstone of early to Only a few grains are transparent and most are cloudy to middle Cambrian age. The contact metamorphic mineral brown with abundant inclusions and staining. In CL most assemblages, together with petrographic features of the grains show oscillatory zoning whereas others are very pluton, suggest that the pluton was emplaced at a shallow dark and fluoresce poorly. This sample also contains a large depth (O’Beirne 1979). Gillis Mountain pluton is composite number of grains with common Pb as determined from and consists of monzodiorite, porphyritic granite, and fine- the 204Pb values recorded, which ranged between 0 cps and grained granite as well as dykes of granitic porphyry, fine- 2200 cps, significantly less than the values obtained from grained granite, and aplite that occur in the quartz monzo- sample FD203A. Only 17 out of the 67 grains analyzed are diorite and porphyritic granite units (O’Beirne 1979; Barr between 98 and 101% concordant. The 206Pb/238U ages show and O’Beirne 1981). A previous date of 384 ± 10 Ma was the peak of the distribution around 360 Ma. Four grains based on a 12-point Rb–Sr isochron (Cormier 1979). (three uncorrected, one Anderson-corrected) were used to Sample 11F16c-1115 is a typical porphyritic granodio- calculate a concordia age and produced an age of 363.0 ± rite sample. It contains large plagioclase and smaller bio- 1.9 Ma (Fig. 6f) with an MSWD of 1.3 and a probability of tite phenocrysts in a fine-grained granular groundmass of concordance of 0.25. quartz and feldspar. It contains abundant, unusually large, Given the complexity of the data obtained from this unit >200 µm, euhedral zircon grains, which were dated in situ and the large and extremely variable quantities of common in a polished section by the method described by Archibald Pb contained in the zircon grains, this is the most robust et al. (2013). This sample was not imaged with CL. This interpretation that can be made using the available data. sample has a calculated concordia age of 369.7 ± 2.3 Ma with an MSWD of 1.02, and a probability of concordance M5. Sample SMB16-214 – Salmon River rhyolite porphyry of 0.31 with 12 grains included in the calculation (Fig. 6e). (367.4 ± 3.4 Ma with inheritance of 612.7 ± 5.3 Ma) This is barely within error of the Rb–Sr date and slightly The Salmon River pluton outcrops over a large area in the younger than the U–Pb (zircon) age of 378 +5/-1 Ma re- northern part of the Stirling belt. It consists of relatively ho- ported from the Lower St. Esprit pluton (Bevier et al. 1993), mogeneous rhyolite porphyry (or porphyritic fine-grained the only other Devonian pluton dated by the U–Pb method granite). Phenocrysts include sanidine, quartz, plagioclase, in the Mira terrane prior to the present study. and rarely altered muscovite of possible xenocrystic origin, given the abundance of mica in the Cambrian host rocks. M4. Sample FD150 – Deep Cove granite (363.0 ± 1.9 Ma) The groundmass is fine-grained and granular and consists The Deep Cove pluton is a small pluton (exposed area of K-feldspar, quartz, biotite (mostly altered to chlorite), of less than 0.1 km2) that intruded and contact metamor- and abundant sericite. The pluton intruded granodioritic phosed tuffs and flows of the Coastal belt (Ervine 1981; rocks of the ca. 620 Ma Chisholm Brook suite and Edia- Dennis 1988). The pluton is composed of seriate porphy- caran-Cambrian coarse clastic rocks. Detrital muscovite in ritic granite with associated granite and granodiorite/tonal- the latter rocks has undergone Silurian or younger partial ite porphyry dykes and aplite dykes (Dennis 1988; Sheard argon loss (P. Reynolds, unpublished data, 1991). Locally 2007). A whole rock - mineral Rb–Sr isochron previously concordant intrusive contacts and satellite sills in the Cam- indicated an age of 342 ± 25 Ma (Cormier 1972; Keppie brian clastic rocks suggest that the pluton has laccolithic or and Smith 1978), but its petrological similarity to the Gillis sheet-like form (McMullin 1984). A Devonian (or younger)

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 37 age was indicated previously by an Rb–Sr isochron at 368 (a) M5 - Salmon River rhyolite porphyry ± 30 Ma (Barr et al. 1984). U–Pb dating of zircon from the (younger cluster) 400 porphyry was attempted but yielded only sparse xenocrys- 0.063 SMB16-214 (n=11) tic zircons of Archean age (Doig et al. 1990). The pluton 0.061 is nonconformably overlain by Upper Carboniferous sand- 380 stone of the Silver Mine Formation which hosts the Yava 0.059 stratabound lead deposit, mined in the 1980s. The lead Pb/ U in the deposits has been interpreted to have been derived 0.057 360 from the rhyolite porphyry and/or the Chisholm Brook 206 238 0.055 suite (Sangster and Vaillancourt 1990). 340 Three samples from the Salmon River pluton were dated: 0.053 Concordia Age = 367.4 ± 3.4 Ma (2σ) DM141 (data only in Supplementary Files), SMB14-192, MSWD = 2.1 and SMB16-214; the last sample was the most successful, Probability = 0.15 0.051 both in terms of zircon recovery and data quality and is dis- 0.30 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.50 0.54 cussed here first. 207Pb/ 235 U Sample SMB16-214 contained few zircon grains and most are tiny (<30 µm) and acicular. Grains in the 50 to (b) M5 - Salmon River rhyolite porphyry (older cluster) 100 µm range were picked for analysis. They are rectangu- SMB14-192 (n=4) 630 lar with some euhedral crystals, and range from transpar- ent to brown with abundant dark inclusions and staining. 0.102 Some larger fragments of broken crystals were also picked 620 for analysis. In CL some of the grains are dark with little internal definition, but most show faint oscillatory zoning. 0.100 This sample has a calculated concordia age of 367.4 ± 3.4 Pb/ U 610 Ma with an MSWD of 2.1, and a probability of concordance 206 238 of 0.15 with 11 grains included in the calculation (Fig. 7a). 0.098 A spread of younger ages (3 grains) does not make an over- 600 Concordia Age = 612.7 ± 5.3 Ma (2σ) lapping cluster, and is interpreted as resulting from Pb loss. MSWD = 1.3 Probability = 0.25 Zircons obtain from sample DM141 contained a large 0.096 amount of common Pb as seen in the 204Pb values recorded, 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 which ranged between 200 and 33000 cps (Supplementary 207Pb/ 235 U Data File). The data are highly discordant, and only two out of 44 grains are 98 to 101% concordant. Data from this (c) M5 - Salmon River rhyolite porphyry (SMB16-214 & SMB14-192) sample are not useful in determining the crystallization age All grains 98-101% concordant of the unit and because the data are highly discordant it was probability Relative not appropriate to combine this dataset with those from the 3 other samples. The third sample, SMB14-192, contained very few zircon grains and most are in the size range 10 to 20 µm and too 2

small for analysis. All grains bigger than 20 µm were picked Number for analysis. They are mostly euhedral, with bipyramidal terminations, but also included a few rounded or broken 1 grains. In CL the grains show oscillatory zoning. Only 12 grains could be analyzed, four of which are 98 to 101% con- cordant. Of those grains, the three that overlap within error 0 give a concordia age 612.7 ± 5.3 Ma with an MSWD of 1.3, 200 300 400 500 600 700 and a probability of concordance of 0.25 (Fig. 7b). These 206Pb/ 238 U ages data are interpreted as representing an inherited popula- Figure 7. Concordia diagrams and probability plot for the tion of zircons with an age older than the interpreted date Salmon River pluton in the Mira terrane: (a) concordia of crystallization as described above for sample SMB16-214 diagram for the young cluster of 11 zircon grains in from the same unit. rhyolite porphyry sample SMB16-214; (b) concordia The combined probability distribution diagram for sam- diagram for the older cluster of 4 zircon grains from ples SMB16-214 and SMB14-192 (Fig. 7c) suggests a his- rhyolite porphyry sample SMB14-192; (c) concordia tory of at least two episodes of zircon crystallization, where diagram for all concordant and near-concordant zircon inherited zircons were erupted together with newly crys- grains in samples SMB16-214 and SMB14-192 combined tallized grains in the younger episode of igneous activity. showing two age peaks.

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 38 The two different age populations and the variability of the lap in age with plutons in the western part of the Aspy ter- common Pb content in the different samples also serve as a rane supports a link between Aspy and Bras d’Or terranes reminder of the natural variability in chemistry and zircon as previously proposed (Lin 1993; Slaman et al. 2017), al- crystallization history that can be present in one mapped though the overall age pattern in the two terranes is very unit. However, we found no evidence for the Archean ages different (Fig. 8b). An important result is the confirmation reported by Doig et al. (1990). that the volcanic rocks of the Price Point Formation are cogenetic with the abundant plutons of the southeastern DISCUSSION highlands, thus supporting the interpretation that the area preserved a depth-section of the crust from >25 km in the Aspy terrane north adjacent to the Eastern Highlands Shear Zone to epi- zonal plutons and volcanic rocks in the south (Farrow and The new U–Pb ages from Aspy terrane reported here, Barr 1992). The new results also confirm the importance of combined with those reported by Slaman et al. (2017), a younger magmatic event in the Bras d’Or terrane at about provide a new perspective on Aspy terrane evolution. The 500 Ma, now represented by 7 ages from both volcanic and new data corroborate the interpretation that the terrane is plutonic rocks between 520 and 490 Ma (Fig. 8b). So far, dominated by Silurian and Devonian igneous rocks and this magmatic event is recorded only in the eastern part of show that the Early Silurian and Late Devonian were times the terrane, and has been attributed to rifting of Ganderia of abundant activity, with a gap in the mid-Devonian – only from Gondwana. one pluton has an age between 400 Ma and 380 Ma (Fig. 8a). The only younger date in the Bras d’Or terrane is a Si- The previous imprecise age of ca. 550 Ma is now better con- lurian age of 438 ± 2 Ma reported by Keppie et al. (1998, strained by two ages of 567 Ma from the former Cheticamp 2000) for a sample from a gabbro-diorite body in the Skye pluton (Slaman et al. 2017). These ca. 567 Ma plutonic units Mountain pluton in the Creignish Hills. However, the spe- in the Chéticamp area are similar in age and tectonic setting cific sample location was not reported, and the significance to a suite of ca. 565 to 563 Ma bimodal volcanic rocks (San- of this age remains uncertain (White et al. 2016). dy Brook Group) and comagmatic plutonic units (Cripple- back Lake, Valentine Lake, and Lemottes Lake plutons) that Mira terrane occur along the western margin of Ganderia in the Exploits Subzone of central Newfoundland (Rogers et al. 2006; van The new U–Pb data from Mira terrane support previ- Staal 2007). They may be related to fault-bounded areas of ous work which indicated 3 belts of volcanic-plutonic rocks coeval igneous rocks in the Hermitage Flexure in southern with ages of ca. 680 Ma, 620 Ma, and 560 Ma dominate the Newfoundland (Lin et al. 2007). Like rocks of similar ages terrane (Fig. 8c). However, considering the size of the ter- in the Bras d’Or and Brookville terranes, these rocks have rane, more dating is needed to better constrain the distri- been considered part of Ganderian basement (e.g., van Staal bution of rocks of the three age groups, in particular the et al. 1996; Barr et al. 1998; van Staal and Barr 2012; White extent of ca. 580 Ma volcanic rocks detected by Willner et et al. 2016). Other components of that pluton have been al. (2013) in the East Bay Hills belt. shown to be Ordovician, with 5 ages in the range 490–475 The new data provide much improved constraints on the Ma (Slaman et al. 2017; this study). These are the first such timing of Devonian magmatism in the Mira terrane, with ages to be obtained in the Aspy terrane. They coincide with 4 ages between 370 and 363 Ma. Because of the associa- the age suggested for the Penobscot arc, identified in the tion of this magmatic event with economic mineralization, Exploits Subzone in Newfoundland and New Brunswick more petrological work is needed to better constrain the (e.g., van Staal 2007; Zagorevski et al. 2007, 2010; van Staal tectonic setting of these apparently subduction-related plu- and Barr 2012). tons (Barr and Macdonald 1992). Although the petrographic features and tectonic settings of these rocks are still being assessed, comparison with ear- CONCLUSIONS lier interpretations (e.g., Barr 1990; Slaman et al. 2017; Barr and Jamieson 1991) indicate that the Aspy terrane records The new ages reported here are a major step toward un- at least 4 separate (in time) subduction/collision-related derstanding the geological history of Cape Breton Island magmatic events that overlap in space, as well as more and its role in the development of the northern Appa- widespread post-orogenic magmatism that overlaps in time lachian orogen. They provide the basis for further petro- with the youngest (mid-Devonian) collisional events. logical studies and tectonic interpretations now in progress (e.g., Moning et al. 2018). Without reliable age constraints, Bras d’Or terrane tectonic interpretations and regional correlations are only speculations. It is apparent from the range of ages that rocks The new U–Pb results confirm the importance of a Late with similar petrological features formed in similar tec- Ediacaran (570 to 540 Ma) subduction-related magmatic tonic settings but at different times. Because plutonic rocks event throughout the Bras d’Or terrane (Fig. 8b). The over- provide record of not only tectonic setting but also their

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 39

5 Carb Dev Sil Ord Camb Ediacaran Cryogenian (a) 4


Number 2


0 X 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Ma

7 (b)




Number 3



0 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Ma

4 (c)


2 Number


0 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Ma Figure 8. Histograms showing pre-2010 (in yellow, purple, and green) and current (in red) U–Pb igneous crystallization ages, including those reported here, for igneous rock units in the (a) Aspy terrane, (b) Bras d’Or terrane, and (c) Mira terrane. Current Bras d’Or terrane compilation also includes new ages from van Rooyen et al. (2017) and van Rooyen, personal communication, 2018).

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 40 crustal sources, ultimately these data will provide the an- Barr, S.M. and Jamieson, R.A. 1991. Tectonic setting swers that we are seeking. It is apparent that ages are needed and regional correlations of Ordovician-Silurian from almost every pluton, because even with careful map- metavolcanic rocks of the Aspy Terrane, Cape Breton ping and petrological studies, plutons of different ages can Island, Nova Scotia: Canadian Journal of Earth appear very similar. Sciences, 28, pp. 1769–1779. https://doi.org/10.1139/ e91-158 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Barr, S.M. and Macdonald, A.S. 1992. Devonian plutonism and related mineralization in southeastern Cape Breton We thank Brandon Boucher and Chris McFarlane for as- Island. 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Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 45 95.6 99.6 97.3 99.7 98.2 99.7 99.5 99.3 93.6 97.6 95.1 99.0 78.7 94.2 90.3 92.7 88.4 92.1 96.6 97.2 87.0 84.3 95.1 94.3 96.1 93.5 95.0 99.6 84.6 91.8 68.8 97.8 86.2 % C 100.3 100.3 6 7 6 7 7 7 7 6 9 6 6 6 7 6 7 7 6 8 7 6 6 7 7 5 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 8 8 8 7 2σ U 409 437 387 435 408 434 445 416 436 428 377 319 415 432 431 373 407 432 433 329 408 442 411 422 427 Pb/ 238 206 7 8 7 9 9 9 9 7 9 8 7 9 8 9 8 7 8 9 9 9 8 9 8 8 7 2σ U Pb/ 235 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.537 0.013 0.070 0.001 0.242 0.0559 0.0016 439 62 436 0.547 0.016 0.0670.525 0.002 0.579 0.011 0.0599 0.0018 0.066 0.001 588 0.535 0.0581 65 0.0014 4440.541 530 11 0.012 52 415 0.480 0.070 428 0.011 0.001 0.4780.538 0.062 0.0560 0.014 0.0014 0.001 0.571 0.070 453 0.0563 0.0014 0.001 52 0.457 458 0.0559 439 0.0016 55 443 398 64 437 0.505 0.0130.230 0.065 0.017 0.001 0.271 0.031 0.0561 0.0017 0.001 0.550 450 0.0528 0.0039 680.554 532 415 0.013 110 0.071 209 0.001 14 0.329 0.0564 199 0.00150.510 459 0.010 59 0.067 447 0.001 0.296 0.0557 0.0014 436 56 419 0.535 0.013 0.070 0.001 0.205 0.0555 0.0016 419 65 435 0.540 0.0120.476 0.010 0.0690.453 0.060 0.001 0.042 0.0260.490 0.001 0.0571 0.403 0.012 0.0015 0.060 0.0573 0.0014 0.051 0.001 493 0.3800.511 0.001 500 0.0544 61 0.329 0.059 0.00300.544 0.0701 55 438 0.013 0.00200.436 0.071 525 396 0.0180.602 0.067 0.002 923 89 0.611 0.014 0.047 0.001 0.0530 59 0.516 380 0.00670.286 0.069 0.002 0.0593 0.877 405 18 0.031 0.0015 0.001 670 0.0680 0.638 0.0021 190 376 0.580 0.037 576 0.0630 0.013 0.0016 0.001 863 57 422 0.4250.544 0.069 708 0.0563 62 44 441 0.017 0.00670.557 0.001 52 443 0.391 366 0.0150.490 0.062 680 0.0609 10 478 13 0.010 0.0016 1900.515 105.0 0.049 0.001 0.469 0.011 296 0.060 0.001 635 0.0632 252 0.110 0.00200.548 13 0.065 0.001 0.0842 59 25 0.537 80.9 0.013 0.00330.633 0.001 721 0.0597 231 0.195 464 0.014 0.0015 12670.518 0.069 0.0572 60 0.025 0.0015 76 0.069 0.001 589 0.170 4410.470 0.058 0.001 506 0.0576 54 449 0.459 11 0.012 0.0016 0.003 0.0661 58 10 0.931 405 0.0017 390 0.363 0.052 506 0.0647 309 422 0.020 0.0018 0.001 815 62 0.3520.532 0.049 756 0.0651 50 444 0.012 0.0020 0.002 57 0.822 498 0.573 0.065 771 0.0535 421 0.014 0.0021 0.001 65 0.262 170.543 0.071 403 0.0593 391 0.012 0.0016 3630.549 0.001 67 0.188 0.012 15 0.066 570 0.0586 313 86.2 0.0016 0.068 0.001 60 0.044 150.525 0.001 547 0.0598 0.606 433 0.010 0.0017 308 0.0588 59 0.0014 10 0.068 587 459 98.3 0.001 561 61 0.431 0.0556 51 440 0.0014 444 434 55 428 0.563 0.017 0.061 0.001 0.122 0.0670 0.0024 813 75 452 11 383 0.470 0.015 0.063 0.001 0.373 0.0549 0.0019 3910.556 78 0.0180.664 390 0.027 0.070 10 0.071 0.001 0.415 392 0.001 0.0575 0.216 0.0019 0.0677 0.0029 500 834 75 92 448 516 12 17 438 445 235 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 25 2096 99.3 61 9964 99.7 120 7894 99.7 106 10268 99.7 Pb % error % error 204 9 8 10 167 23800 99.9 11 275 15250 99.8 11 550 34850 99.7 12 240 35940 99.9 10 333 12633 99.7 2σ int 7 8 6 4 2 8 9 5 3 1425 1036 1083 7260 40 15 6146 13 99.7 4624 18 99.6 94 2234 1207 19 98.3 47 948 1453 97.8 20 13 41 1184 28 56514 2490 97.1 21 16 99.5 42 1226 98.0 2058 19 12 99.0 5668 29 639 1645 96.4 1320 2060 29 10 99.3 19 1318 1659 22 98.9 74 65 592 1164 2804 96.0 11 99.3 8005 61 11 99.7 34 15 3069 17 17 99.6 1268 98.7 1578 50 98.6 24 1500 10 98.5 29 42 132920 2267 45 11 99.4 11 3741 38 99.6 14 55 3068 10 99.3 5550 99.5 71 13221 99.8 24 10 40 975 98.4 16 10 63 1538 99.8 1629 18 13 113 45 2181 99.6 841 98.5 171 18 11 626 96.6 618 61 10 538 96.4 Pb cps 204 1.4 5.2 4.4 2.3 2.1 1.3 1.1 1.9 1.4 6.1 0.8 5.4 3.1 1.1 1.6 1.8 2.5 4.1 3.1 6.6 1.0 2.3 1.4 5.7 2.1 5.3 4.3 1.2 9.5 8.0 6.8 2.1 1.1 0.6 1.9 1.8 1.3 Th/U Th (ppm) 532 255 U (ppm) LA-ICP-MS U-Pb isotopic analyses of zircon samples. Samples in grey are used in concordia calculations. age Sample number- Sample Grain A1. Sample C EW16-697 – G illanders M ountain p luton (UTM: 651866E, 5121118N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. CEW16-697-1CEW16-697-2CEW16-697-3CEW16-697-4 1722CEW16-697-5 2774 1220 CEW16-697-6 1541 536 CEW16-697-7 2187 352 CEW16-697-8 1394 941 CEW16-697-9 7218 651 CEW16-697-10 670CEW16-697-11 1243 10.8CEW16-697-12 1677 1726 957 CEW16-697-13 74 1594 2190CEW16-697-14 930 2759CEW16-697-15 15 1620 1947CEW16-697-16 450 3060 20CEW16-697-17 2540 1748CEW16-697-18 572 4265 1230CEW16-697-19 99.6 571 2225CEW16-697-20 1170 1330CEW16-697-21 1425 3090CEW16-697-22 733 3310CEW16-697-23 1235 CEW16-697-24 746 810 1144CEW16-697-25 1950 696 CEW16-697-26 365 2690CEW16-697-27 294 1361CEW16-697-28 2740 1287CEW16-697-29 580 4750CEW16-697-30 10030 923 CEW16-697-31 16190 839 CEW16-697-32 550 1349CEW16-697-33 1055 291 CEW16-697-34 639 2020CEW16-697-35 1628 73CEW16-697-36 382 14.5 1877CEW16-697-37 383 2311CEW16-697-38 1600 CEW16-697-39 637 242 448 3892 354 3629 341 489 531

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 46 99.0 97.5 99.8 98.5 98.7 99.0 99.6 99.3 99.3 85.7 99.4 72.0 92.1 94.4 97.6 96.8 98.3 91.9 97.0 89.1 98.9 99.7 96.8 99.0 82.6 81.5 54.1 94.6 99.2 94.3 78.6 99.6 76.1 99.4 % C 100.3 100.6 6 6 8 6 7 7 3 4 8 7 5 6 7 7 7 8 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 5 6 4 6 8 7 7 5 4 7 5 6 9 2σ U 437 400 431 424 412 421 438 439 428 443 419 411 329 362 434 446 322 434 428 430 419 Pb/ 238 206 7 7 9 7 9 8 9 8 8 6 8 8 9 5 5.7 5.9 6.9 6.8 9.8 8.9 9.6 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207

2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 0.14 0.0774 0.0013 0.889 0.136 0.011 1980 160 888 58 481 2σ 1.5 U 3.84 0.41 0.1008 0.0038 0.99 0.265 0.017 3294 90 1535 72 618 22 40.3 0.53 0.015 0.0687 0.0008 0.14 0.0562 0.0017 443 66 431.9 0.58 0.037 0.074 0.0016 0.501 0.057 0.0034 500 120 463 23 460 Pb/ 0.536 0.010 0.070 0.001 0.585 0.0554 0.0013 430 54 436 0.489 0.011 0.064 0.001 0.335 0.0555 0.0015 426 59 404 0.536 0.033 0.0707 0.0013 0.122 0.0556 0.0038 400 140 443 22 440 0.545 0.0130.520 0.011 0.069 0.068 0.001 0.435 0.001 0.0574 0.532 0.0016 0.0555 0.0013 5000.404 427 61 0.019 55 442 0.054 425 0.001 0.354 0.0546 0.00250.510 0.014 506 0.066 74 0.001 0.058 3420.522 0.0561 14 0.012 0.0018 340 0.068 448 0.001 70 0.452 0.0562 418 0.0015 456 58 427 0.838 0.033 0.0713 0.0012 0.264 0.0853 0.0034 1343 75 617 18 444 0.571 0.014 0.071 0.001 0.4400.585 0.0580 0.022 0.00160.558 0.0160.522 0.077 519 0.011 0.066 0.002 61 0.356 0.067 0.001 0.0554 0.583 458 0.00220.554 0.001 0.0610 0.119 0.012 0.00170.397 404 0.0564 0.008 0.00150.522 0.066 641 83 0.0140.558 0.052 0.001 459 62 0.276 465 0.032 0.065 0.001 0.0612 60 0.647 449 14 0.0016 0.074 0.001 0.0550 0.432 426 10 0.0013 4760.493 0.002 639 0.0588 0.618 0.012 0.0017 414 0.541 10 409 0.0547 56 102.3 0.012 0.0030 0.058 554 54 447 0.554 0.070 0.001 523 65 0.344 339 0.0130.388 0.001 0.0620 88 0.351 427 0.007 0.0018 0.072 0.0564 447 10 0.0015 0.051 0.001 663 0.574 21 403 0.001 465 0.0561 62 0.676 0.0014 461 0.0550 59 407 0.0013 10 454 103.1 439 409 57 520.551 447 0.026 333 0.0698 0.0013 0.079 0.0576 0.003 470 110 446 18 435 0.525 0.01 0.0687 0.001 0.765 0.0566 0.0005 475 19 431 0.534 0.015 0.070 0.001 0.163 0.0553 0.0017 411 70 434 10 436 0.610 0.018 0.073 0.001 0.223 0.0603 0.0020 596 74 483 12 456 0.551 0.0170.678 0.07072 0.0110.689 0.0009 0.134 0.022 0.0697 0.0567 0.06928 0.0007 0.0018 0.0009 0.07 0.054 0.0712 461 0.0719 0.0013 0.00220.568 70 0.014 9570.667 980 0.06903 445 0.021 38 0.0007 61 0.07127 0.039 11 525.6 0.0008 0.0595 0.269 530 0.0015 441 0.068 13 0.0021 595 432 56 8590.754 456.3 62 0.027 0.069210.736 518 0.001 0.0180.514 0.044 13 0.0793 0.015 0.0705 0.0031 444 0.06723 0.0011 0.518 0.0008 1148 0.0753 0.061 0.0016 0.0554 77 0.0017 1066 568 404 43 15 67 559 432 421.2 11 439 235 0.5469 0.0087 0.07036 0.0006 0.185 0.05610.5447 0.0009 0.009 0.07054 453 0.0006 0.054 36 0.0558 442.7 0.001 447 38 441.2 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 86 20245 99.9 205 4395 99.9 207 9841 99.8 Pb % error % error 204 9 10 117 28452 99.9 11 -275 -32775 99.8 13 163 11950 99.7 17 340 20700 99.7 16 800 3975 99.6 13 650 -3515013 99.8 650 -27695 99.8 12 300 4990 99.6 40 66713 5267 325 99.5 5220 99.8 2σ int 8 8 4 9 5 2 4 9 4 6 4 -4 -2 -2 15 1110 7325 3760 99.6 17 10 10 3940 5969 2207 11 99.2 22 4743 18 99.7 84 28 10 26 16 2073 45 10087 99.2 37 19 99.7 16 1795 12 99.4 10 1129 13 98.5 25 32 1562 81 14 150 2200 13 99.0 6813 56 18360 99.8 99.8 21 5220 10919 99.9 99.7 11 15 136 751 96.2 19 10 51 1493 99.3 8226 15 11 18 4218 80514 98.0 432 15 97.9 13 83 93 1946 99.4 1507 98.4 33 1228 36 14 50 397 96.9 1025 97.5 -11 23 209 -887 99.9 -11 12 109 -1264 99.7 345 46 13 202121 89.7 49 40 210 91.1 Pb 1210 170 14 64 74.1 cps 204 7.6 2.8 4.9 3.4 3.4 5.3 5.2 9.6 4.1 2.9 3.3 4.6 6.3 2.0 6.1 9.7 6.2 0.7 0.8 0.7 3.2 1.6 1.0 0.8 1.5 0.4 1.1 0.8 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 Th/U Th (ppm) 97 71 170824 167 144 661 794 213 341 254442 272 259 350 842 246 476 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain A2. S ample C EW15-004 - L ake A inslie p luton ( light g rey for y ounger c luster, d ark ol der) (UTM: 644527E, 5103843N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. CEW16-697-40CEW16-697-41CEW16-697-42 1112CEW16-697-43 1840CEW16-697-44 146 4356CEW16-697-45 656 4860CEW16-697-46 891 CEW16-697-47 328 419 1141CEW16-697-48 11.6 1664CEW16-697-49 97 340 CEW16-697-50 560 311 3697CEW16-697-51 1773 175 CEW16-697-52 16300 291CEW16-697-53 12.7 339 1072 1700 CEW16-697-54 1808 412CEW16-697-55 264 1979CEW16-697-56 49 631 CEW16-697-57 862 605 2025CEW16-697-58 12 2052 538 CEW16-697-59 439 3608CEW16-697-60 406 326 2423 95.5 1824 18440CEW15-004-1 396 2617 1902 CEW15-004-2 CEW15-004-3 422 CEW15-004-4 CEW15-004-5 CEW15-004-6 CEW15-004-7 CEW15-004-8 CEW15-004-9 CEW15-004-10CEW15-004-11CEW15-004-12CEW15-004-13 281CEW15-004-14 104 283 CEW15-004-15 685CEW15-004-16 670 82 464 CEW15-004-17 163 200 CEW15-004-18 373 172 362 371 269 376 117 260 87

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 47 46.5 84.2 76.4 99.1 99.3 79.7 99.4 84.3 68.0 75.5 84.3 99.9 99.4 76.0 99.2 87.6 37.8 77.2 99.2 99.6 90.7 98.9 92.2 89.1 90.1 76.1 98.8 99.1 79.0 % C 100.6 100.3 100.0 100.0 100.5 101.0 100.9 5 9 7 3 5 6 6 5 7 5 7 5 4 5 4 5 5 6 4 6 4 4 7 5 9 5 7 4 4 4 4 5 7 7 4 5 2σ U 443 489 447 452 426 474 454 473 462 429 448 440 407 413 448 Pb/ 238 206 8 5.9 6.3 7.1 9.9 6.6 9.2 9.4 9.3 9.6 9.5 9.5 7.9 3.4 9.2 2σ 2 U Pb/ 416.5 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 4.2 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U 0.75 0.016 0.072 0.0008 0.061 0.0753 0.0017 1082 49 567.4 0.58 0.014 0.07431 0.0008 0.328 0.0567 0.0013 470 51 463.7 0.52 0.021 0.06885 0.0009 0.09 0.0545 0.0022 381 89 428 14 429 0.53 0.026 0.0679 0.0012 0.158 0.0558 0.0029 420 110 429 18 424 0.56 0.012 0.06513 0.0006 0.243 0.062 0.0013 677 46 451.2 0.59 0.018 0.0767 0.0011 0.238 0.0565 0.0017 454 63 472 12 476 Pb/ 1.821 0.051 0.07923 0.0008 0.765 0.17 0.0037 2560 36 1056 18 492 0.537 0.029 0.0693 0.0017 0.101 0.0567 0.0032 440 120 434 20 432 10 99.5 0.771 0.01 0.07116 0.0006 0.073 0.0793 0.0011 1175 27 580.1 0.719 0.033 0.0745 0.0015 0.469 0.071 0.003 931 86 550 19 463 0.559 0.024 0.0729 0.0012 0.066 0.0557 0.0026 430 98 451 15 454 0.717 0.03 0.0696 0.0011 0.078 0.0739 0.0032 1016 90 545 18 434 0.524 0.053 0.0695 0.0023 0.012 0.0528 0.0054 360 200 435 33 4332.404 0.046 14 99.5 0.0756 0.0011 0.669 0.2301 0.0037 3048 26 1243 14 470 0.749 0.024 0.06874 0.0006 0.317 0.0799 0.0025 1203 63 568 14 429 0.525 0.015 0.0683 0.0008 0.301 0.05590.524 0.00150.674 0.02 425 0.021 0.06813 61 0.0848 0.001 0.191 0.0021 428.5 0.0565 0.496 0.0021 0.0589 0.0015 448 549 82 58 428 523 13 13 425 524 12 100.2 0.551 0.0170.619 0.07088 0.013 0.0008 0.07873 0.0740.668 0.0009 0.0563 0.378 0.026 0.0017 0.0574 0.0699 0.00110.667 441 0.0012 0.0151.009 0.128 503 67 0.07289 0.0685 0.044 0.0007 0.0028 44 0.07697 0.301 4440.587 0.0008 488.5 0.0672 901 0.461 11 0.015 0.0015 0.0961 0.07615 81 441 0.0007 0.004 844 0.005 517 1511 0.0566 44 0.0014 16 517.9 79 474 436 703 56 23 468.2 478 0.804 0.0270.691 0.07421 0.017 0.0009 0.225 0.0856 0.0788 0.0015 0.0028 0.677 0.0585 1158 0.0012 670.605 549 0.016 598 42 0.06990.533 15 0.0012 533.2 0.015 0.678 10 0.0645 461 0.0688 0.0014 0.0007 529 0.614 0.027 765 0.0553 0.015 0.0015 0.07188 44 0.0007 479.7 446 0.132 0.0621 10 67 0.00160.781 433.6 435 0.03 678 0.07113 58 0.0011 0.806 485.2 0.0788 0.0024 11640.842 60 0.026 0.07592 583 0.0008 0.319 17 0.0793 0.0022 443 1170 56 620 14 472 0.533 0.018 0.06984 0.001 0.149 0.0555 0.002 435 790.591 0.036 433 0.0753 12 0.0022 0.37 435 0.0577 0.0035 480 130 469 23 468 13 99.8 0.561 0.011 0.07262 0.0006 0.1330.523 0.056 0.018 0.0011 0.06832 0.0009 456 0.106 0.0565 45 0.0022 452.5 0.628 457 0.015 83 0.07058 0.0007 0.106 426 0.0645 12 0.0017 426 7570.561 53 0.017 494.1 0.07215 0.0008 0.11 0.0563 0.0017 447 68 453 11 449 235 0.6871 0.01 0.07185 0.0008 0.552 0.0694 0.001 909 29 530.7 0.6009 0.01 0.07625 0.0007 0.338 0.0569 0.001 489 36 477.6 0.5072 0.0051 0.0661 0.0007 0.995 0.0557 0.0001 438.5 207 b 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb 83 77.5 a 129 85.6 Pb Pb/ 204 206 5 4 Pb % error % error 204 15 500 -3260 99.7 16 267 560 100.3 16 800 -4855 99.9 13 325 -4213 99.8 1415 1400 1500 -11270 99.7 1950016 99.6 229 -1217 99.7 13 144 1313 99.7 19 271 201413 99.7 433 5833 99.7 1214 600 200 13500 99.7 13 8086 99.8 163 1290 99.6 14 175 2528 98.8 13 1300 20900 99.7 2σ int 6 1 9 7 3 2 7 8 8 1 -3 -2 -4 -1 -7 17 20 118 352 99.5 15 13 87 474 97.6 77 17 22 1256 98.2 20 2215 110 18 5630 99.8 120 677 98.1 1117 12 1213 109 71 12 127237 99.7 96 3465 92 15 99.7 1910 41 689 98.3 20 16 1143 98.7 160 381 95.1 6880 99.8 5113 2198 16 41 20 123 20 616 439217 97.1 99.8 305 1411 94.3 82 1710 155 2346 98.9 12 4145 99.8 21 12088 13 3510 15 99.1 62 17 1985 99.0 59055 97.0 14 25 545 97.0 717 37 167 17 10125 604 97.0 19 15 674 97.4 110 16 15630 554 27 96.8 Pb cps 204 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.8 0.6 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.6 1.5 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.9 0.8 1.2 1.1 0.6 0.7 1.1 0.7 Th/U Th (ppm) 44 31 77 53 89 69 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain Appendix A. CEW15-004-19CEW15-004-20CEW15-004-21CEW15-004-22 174CEW15-004-23 638 136 CEW15-004-24 151 441 CEW15-004-25 114 163 CEW15-004-26 108 CEW15-004-27 487CEW15-004-28 489 1022 360 CEW15-004-29 374 CEW15-004-30 826 1546 CEW15-004-31 155 333 CEW15-004-32 753 1251 100 CEW15-004-33 576 CEW15-004-34 127 958 CEW15-004-35 202 135 CEW15-004-36 609 1220 172 CEW15-004-37 1046 446 CEW15-004-38 769 CEW15-004-39 1109 CEW15-004-40 369CEW15-004-41 618 302 CEW15-004-42 443 313 CEW15-004-43 318 340 CEW15-004-44 678 264 CEW15-004-45 219 385 CEW15-004-46 504 329 CEW15-004-47 133 342 CEW15-004-48 610 139 CEW15-004-50 148 383 CEW15-004-51 215 135 CEW15-004-52 414CEW15-004-53 259 70 336 CEW15-004-54 116 318 CEW15-004-55 558 123 CEW15-004-56 662 1337 349 CEW15-004-57 486 CEW15-004-58 628 CEW15-004-59 260 119 297 119 365 98 94 242

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 48 99.8 97.7 96.8 98.2 98.3 99.1 92.3 97.9 94.9 98.5 99.7 97.8 99.9 99.5 99.0 99.5 99.3 99.4 99.0 98.7 % C 100.5 100.4 100.3 100.6 100.7 100.0 100.2 100.6 100.6 100.1 100.6 111.0 100.0 100.0 101.3 100.1 8 9 7 8 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 6 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 7 2σ U 429 421 Pb/ 238 206 9 9 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.551 0.017 0.0713 0.0013 0.362 0.0560 0.0013 439 51 445 11 444 0.556 0.021 0.0725 0.0016 0.651 0.0555 0.0014 4260.542 56 0.013 0.0688 449 0.0010 0.289 14 0.0572 0.0009 451 491 34 439 0.584 0.017 0.0736 0.0011 0.180 0.0572 0.0012 486 46 466 11 458 0.531 0.0150.547 0.019 0.0696 0.0011 0.0712 0.146 0.0014 0.05540.538 0.603 0.0012 0.0560 0.015 0.0014 413 0.0706 0.0011 444 48 0.145 0.0553 560.570 432 0.0011 0.021 442 10 414 0.07100.477 13 434 0.0012 45 0.092 0.191 443 0.0584 0.0711 437 0.0018 0.0011 0.573 10 531 0.04930.536 0.0082 440 68 0.016 1020 0.0704 170 457 0.0011 0.301 13 399 0.0551 0.0011 442 62 404 443 460.536 435 0.016 10 0.06980.532 438 0.0011 0.020 0.256 0.0555 0.06940.541 0.0012 0.0012 0.0170.536 0.220 416 0.0554 0.015 0.0691 0.0018 0.0011 48 0.0693 0.278 0.0011 409 0.05630.530 0.051 435 0.0013 0.0562 70 0.022 10 0.0012 455 0.0637 432 435 0.0012 445 53 0.108 13 0.0599 48 438 0.0024 433 436 11 570 10 431 86 432 431 15 398 0.535 0.0160.590 0.017 0.07020.537 0.0011 0.018 0.07160.536 0.033 0.0012 0.0554 0.018 0.0688 0.385 0.0014 0.0012 0.0598 0.0696 0.194 0.0012 0.0012 409 0.0565 0.460 0.0016 583 0.0559 56 0.0014 452 45 434 435 62 470 11 540.530 435 11 437 0.014 435 12 446 0.0696 12 429 0.0011 0.204 434 0.0551 0.0011 404 43 431 10 434 0.561 0.019 0.0722 0.0016 0.497 0.0564 0.00150.567 447 0.020 56 0.0727 0.0014 0.364 451 0.0564 12 0.0016 449 446 10 61 99.6 455 13 452 0.531 0.018 0.06801 0.0009 0.009 0.0565 0.0021 472 850.551 0.0170.536 433 0.020 0.0698 12 0.0012 0.0703 0.286 0.0012 0.0573 424 0.104 0.0014 0.05550.502 0.0018 485 0.015 414 52 0.0662 0.0011 73 0.274 445 0.05520.541 435 11 0.0012 0.0170.545 13 435 405 0.015 0.0702 438 0.0012 51 0.07050.544 0.302 0.0011 0.0558 0.016 0.209 413 0.0013 0.0560 0.07000.513 10 0.0011 0.0011 427 0.0140.533 0.147 413 441 0.0563 53 0.016 0.06740.582 0.0012 0.0011 44 0.020 0.0691 0.078 438 0.0010 450 0.0552 0.0741 0.310 441 11 0.0011 0.0013 0.0558 47 0.111 10 0.0012 437 412 0.05670.527 441 0.0017 439 430 46 0.017 10 458 47 0.06890.521 420 436 0.0011 65 0.023 0.079 433 0.0550 0.07080.519 464 10 0.0014 0.0016 0.016 0.366 13 431 394 0.0537 0.06800.521 0.0020 461 0.0011 58 0.015 0.222 344 0.0552 0.06930.570 429 0.0012 0.0011 86 0.025 0.215 11 403 0.0544 0.0744 425 0.0012 429 0.0016 500.558 0.367 16 374 0.0554 0.0190.512 424 0.0020 441 49 0.021 0.0714 10 10 0.0012 396 103.8 0.0663 0.072 426 424 0.0013 0.0564 79 0.386 10 0.0016 0.0556 456 0.0019 432 446 16 415 62 463 72 449 10 101.4 419 12 14 445 414 235 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % 99.9 *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 Pb % error % error 204 1215 -200 -250 -5017 99.8 -461714 99.8 -1400 -38120 99.8 14 -467 -12683 99.7 11 110015 34240 -167 99.8 11 -331110 -122 99.7 -114 -3156 99.7 -357615 99.6 -300 -3136 99.2 15 1500 23880 99.6 1113 367 325 9387 99.6 795012 99.8 240 579810 99.7 10 11117 25010 3510 567 99.7 8925 111 1190711 99.7 99.5 10 3378 22012 99.7 16710 5700 133 99.7 5507 436 99.7 2606 1609113 99.6 99.7 130019 28640 99.8 23811 3575 27510 99.8 6683 14311 99.7 4176 99.8 1113 183 325 3240 99.7 7300 99.7 2σ int 1 1 3 4 5 9 4 3 9 5 6 9 2 1 8 4 7 0 6 4 -6 -6 -1 -3 -9 -9 -9 -5 19 18 95 4237 99.9 12 11 92 4517 99.7 10 10 100 5490 99.6 1416 1011 1116 71 14 69 13 127 1943 99.7 1654 81 2688 99.4 99.7 2526 99.8 12 10 83 1683 99.7 -10 10 -93 -3309 99.8 -20 10 -50 -1210 99.7 120 29 24 245 92.8 Pb cps 204 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.1 2.4 0.7 1.8 3.3 1.0 4.3 3.0 2.0 2.4 3.5 1.5 3.1 3.4 2.2 1.8 0.6 3.6 3.3 1.0 2.3 2.2 0.9 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.6 3.4 4.0 1.0 3.6 3.7 0.8 3.6 1.9 Th/U Th (ppm) 485470 201 567 696 695 308 501 213 546 491 128 542467 178 228 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain A3. S ample C EW16-699 – Gi llis B rook d iorit e (UTM: 664218E, 5114482N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. CEW15-004-60CEW16-699-1 CEW16-699-2 324CEW16-699-3 341 CEW16-699-4 CEW16-699-5 CEW16-699-6 CEW16-699-7CEW16-699-8 CEW16-699-9 CEW16-699-10 1649CEW16-699-11 5289 CEW16-699-12CEW16-699-13 545CEW16-699-14 623 223 CEW16-699-15 669 179 CEW16-699-16 992 459 CEW16-699-17 572 2876 CEW16-699-18 640 182 CEW16-699-19 589 186 CEW16-699-20 539 262 CEW16-699-21 524 308 CEW16-699-22 539 821 CEW16-699-23 598 148 CEW16-699-24 419 182 CEW16-699-25 622 410 CEW16-699-26 358 268 CEW16-699-27 947 160 CEW16-699-28 546 2175 CEW16-699-29 635 584 CEW16-699-30 478 252 CEW16-699-31 434 200 CEW16-699-32 494 157 CEW16-699-33 634 189 CEW16-699-34 527 1269 CEW16-699-35 510 153 CEW16-699-36 232 127 CEW16-699-37 514 240 CEW16-699-38 570 141 355 156 528 430 403 147 210

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 49 97.6 97.4 99.0 98.8 99.2 89.1 95.4 90.5 89.6 98.5 97.6 98.5 91.6 89.0 98.0 99.6 99.6 99.8 99.6 91.6 89.3 99.5 96.7 92.7 96.2 97.5 95.6 96.5 % C 100.2 101.7 103.1 101.4 100.1 102.8 101.5 101.8 9 6 8 6 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 9 8 9 8 6 7 9 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 8 7 8 8 9 7 7 7 9 8 8 2σ U 437 327 Pb/ 238 206 9 8 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.552 0.023 0.0699 0.0015 0.070 0.0577 0.0023 503 89 446 15 436 0.550 0.0200.556 0.068 0.023 0.001 0.240 0.065 0.0584 0.0022 0.001 0.284 528 0.0623 0.0026 82 643 443 90 13 447 423 15 405 0.526 0.018 0.0680.538 0.001 0.166 0.018 0.0566 0.00210.558 0.068 0.024 0.001 451 0.085 0.071 0.0573 79 0.0022 0.002 0.369 428 473 0.0575 12 0.0025 82 422 472 436 93 12 448 426 15 441 0.544 0.018 0.0688 0.0011 0.183 0.0571 0.0015 4810.547 59 0.014 0.07020.525 440 0.0010 0.0180.640 0.082 12 0.0562 0.034 0.0681 0.0010 429 0.0012 0.0719 0.020 0.0012 452 0.0557 0.575 0.0016 0.0639 37 0.0027 418 443 706 65 82 428 502 12 21 425 447 0.434 0.0110.541 0.018 0.052 0.070 0.001 0.665 0.001 0.0602 0.105 0.0017 0.0562 0.0021 607 435 58 83 365 438 12 436 0.585 0.022 0.0744 0.0013 0.007 0.0564 0.0018 453 73 467 14 463 0.549 0.016 0.06510.567 0.0014 0.0210.624 0.373 0.0610 0.033 0.0733 0.0013 0.0016 0.07020.546 0.535 0.0012 631 0.0560 0.015 0.603 0.0014 0.0643 48 0.0695 0.0028 0.0011 4330.563 0.015 444 696 0.0566 56 0.020 11 0.0012 85 0.0759 455 407 0.0019 4690.545 0.441 491 14 0.0539 49 0.0180.555 21 0.0015 456 0.021 0.07050.500 442 437 0.0012 348 0.017 0.0719 0.151 10 0.0014 0.0557 59 0.0658 0.488 0.00150.510 433 0.0012 0.0558 0.019 0.134 453 0.00170.588 428 0.0551 0.030 13 0.00160.697 0.068 428 59 0.045 472 0.068 0.001 404 68 0.105 441 11 0.068 0.002 0.0545 65 104.1 0.582 449 12 0.0022 0.002 0.0623 0.618 411 14 0.0028 439 376 0.0732 12 0.0040 447 639 900.576 411 980 95 417 0.021 110 466 130.579 0.068 530 19 0.017 424 0.504 0.001 26 0.068 0.021 4270.551 0.066 0.0619 422 0.021 0.00250.507 13 0.068 0.001 10 0.331 91.6 0.0180.496 0.071 0.001 634 0.0634 79.6 0.186 0.025 0.00210.525 0.067 0.001 0.0536 87 0.034 0.024 0.0023 0.063 0.001 702 0.0556 0.030 461 0.00220.530 0.069 0.002 339 0.0548 70 0.183 13 0.023 0.00220.522 0.001 429 0.0577 96 0.017 463 0.027 0.0030 422 0.067 377 0.0551 91 413 11 0.00270.505 0.069 0.001 467 88 0.285 444 14 0.018 110 414 0.001 376 0.0576 0.026 415 14 0.0026 100 426 0.066 0.0553 406 12 0.0030 442 0.519 0.001 474 426 17 0.070 0.022 421 0.574 380 0.0554 95 16 392 0.025 0.0022 110 0.070 432 430 0.068 0.001 401 423 0.132 15 0.002 0.0541 87 18 0.271 0.0024 416 0.0612 431 414 0.0028 342 12 619 94 415 98 423 459 14 16 435 425 0.556 0.019 0.069 0.001 0.054 0.0586 0.00220.561 0.019 522 0.071 83 0.001 0.043 447 0.0577 12 0.0022 430 489 84 451 12 440 0.514 0.018 0.064 0.001 0.144 0.0579 0.0023 493 87 420 12 402 235 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 82 143799 99.5 973 98.9 79 1417 99.7 85 154978 99.6 1047 99.6 200 6162 99.7 107 1654 99.9 131115 1459304 100.0 1797216 99.8 4161 99.9 1693 99.5 152 1844 99.5 553 9093 99.7 132 1152 100.0 -443 -8233 99.5 -500 -12947 99.7 -500 -9163 99.4 Pb -1243 -22543 99.6 % error % error 204 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 8 21 -233 -3300 99.5 17 -283 -7682 99.6 12 -300 -7208 99.7 16 200 3664 99.7 12 400 783312 99.9 200 3367 99.7 10 22110 1676 99.8 176 1531 99.8 2σ int 8 5 9 3 6 8 9 9 9 77 9 3 8 4 9 4 9 55 8 2 8 7 9 -9 -6 -4 -2 -2 -1 -2 20 1134 55 13 2850 99.7 38 1271 98.9 27 10 36 2768 99.1 19 1122 58 12 1667 99.1 55 1583 98.8 13 1024 75 18 166710 75 99.7 26 10 164411 10 99.8 102 38 1028 99.0 22713 97.7 1021 77 10 1096 48 99.1 1475 98.9 12 10 11 12 12 100 1294 99.1 -11 11 -100 -2127 99.8 Pb cps 204 0.5 0.5 1.1 0.6 1.8 3.0 2.1 2.9 0.7 3.7 2.1 3.8 2.4 2.6 2.6 0.9 1.6 1.6 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.6 1.1 1.0 0.8 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.9 0.7 Th/U Th (ppm) 282237 323 482 147 334 309 347 325 184 262 123 402294 388 274 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain A4. S ample C EW16-698 – L eonard M acLeod B rook m onzogranite (UTM: 667595E, 5119757N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. CEW16-699-39CEW16-699-40CEW16-699-41CEW16-699-42 619CEW16-699-1-1 820 207 CEW16-699-43 419 387 CEW16-699-44 647 145 CEW16-699-45 502 927 CEW16-699-46 529 1095 CEW16-699-47 515 1057 144 CEW16-699-48 1101 CEW16-699-49 419 930 CEW16-699-50 526 199 CEW16-699-51 778 139 387 1272 CEW16-698-1 373 162 CEW16-698-2 683 141 CEW16-698-3 265 CEW16-698-4 CEW16-698-5 CEW16-698-6 CEW16-698-7CEW16-698-8 CEW16-698-9 CEW16-698-10 2009CEW16-698-11 1137 CEW16-698-12CEW16-698-13 335CEW16-698-14 620 343 CEW16-698-15 215 642 CEW16-698-16 262 184 CEW16-698-16b-1 255 211 CEW16-698-17 189 411 CEW16-698-18 144 352 165 CEW16-698-19 144 CEW16-698-20 445 188CEW16-698-21 164 139 CEW16-698-22 321 147 CEW16-698-23 289 290 CEW16-698-24 262 303 325 267 152 266 348 171 534

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 50 76.5 94.2 99.4 94.8 97.7 91.2 96.6 97.3 96.3 98.9 83.9 87.7 96.9 95.6 92.8 99.7 92.3 86.7 93.8 95.7 99.9 96.5 97.3 98.6 98.8 99.8 99.4 % C 100.4 100.0 102.2 100.0 100.6 100.0 100.0 105.5 5 5 7 6 7 6 6 7 7 8 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 8 7 8 8 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 9 9 8 2σ U 414 443 406 369 404 420 441 Pb/ 238 206 9 8 8 7 9 9 6.1 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ

U Pb/ 0.552 0.0140.596 0.020 0.071 0.071 0.001 0.688 0.002 0.0563 0.667 0.0015 0.0611 0.0020 457 631 58 72 446 473 13 439 10 92.9 0.532 0.018 0.068 0.001 0.2700.534 0.0570 0.029 0.0021 0.069 468 0.002 81 0.260 0.0563 432 0.0032 12 430 120 422 432 20 430 10 99.5 0.534 0.017 0.067 0.001 0.230 0.0580 0.0021 5040.550 77 0.023 435 0.070 12 0.001 0.292 419 0.0569 0.00240.520 0.019 457 0.068 91 0.001 0.056 443 0.0553 15 0.0023 438 3950.729 0.021 90 0.06806 0.0009 424 0.343 13 0.077 0.0022 426 571 44 555 12 425 0.524 0.0120.490 0.065 0.012 0.001 0.2860.510 0.059 0.0587 0.011 0.0016 0.001 0.390 0.065 549 0.0602 0.0017 0.001 61 0.367 613 0.0573 428 0.0014 60 497 404 56 418 0.528 0.013 0.0670.629 0.001 0.489 0.026 0.0572 0.0016 0.066 0.002 493 0.068 0.0693 61 0.00320.524 432 0.025 907 0.068 90 0.002 0.029 495 0.0559 16 0.0029 413 410 110 10 83.4 426 16 426 0.504 0.015 0.067 0.001 0.0670.666 0.0549 0.025 0.0019 0.070 3930.595 0.001 76 0.339 0.0260.528 0.0692 416 0.019 0.00260.521 0.066 10 0.0220.512 0.067 0.001 890 0.176 0.016 416 0.514 0.065 0.001 0.0652 84 0.169 0.017 0.00290.571 0.062 0.001 0.0570 0.146 516 0.023 0.00220.531 0.067 0.001 747 0.0584 0.153 15 0.014 0.0026 0.068 0.001 475 0.0600 98 0.094 0.0021 433 0.581 0.071 0.001 503 0.0556 85 0.111 473 0.025 0.00200.552 0.001 588 0.0611 96 0.060 429 16 0.022 0.0028 0.064 409 0.0544 78 426 13 0.0017 415 0.512 0.071 0.001 611 81 0.359 419 15 0.017 416 0.515 0.001 374 0.0659 96 0.185 420 11 0.020 0.0028 407 0.068 0.0564 68 456 11 0.0025 389 0.063 0.001 762 0.119 432 15 419 0.001 431 0.0551 93 0.037 0.0020 421 0.500 0.0594 98 463 0.027 0.00260.530 391 444 16 0.018 0.066 564 80 14 401 0.066 0.001 99 0.172 419 444 0.478 0.001 0.0552 0.060 421 11 0.016 0.0029 0.0584 14 0.0023 422 0.542 0.063 400 0.018 120 395 0.523 0.001 512 0.006 0.0200.515 0.068 0.0549 85 411 0.018 0.00200.540 0.066 0.001 18 0.010 431 0.015 0.067 0.001 389 0.0577 411 0.223 12 0.00210.539 0.069 0.001 0.0572 82 0.286 0.018 0.0023 413 0.532 0.001 505 0.0562 0.200 396 0.019 0.00210.545 0.070 467 0.0565 84 11 0.023 0.0017 0.069 0.001 440 86 0.242 438 395 0.070 0.001 456 0.0559 82 0.025 426 12 0.0020 0.002 0.0565 68 0.406 421 13 0.0023 423 427 0.0562 437 12 0.0024 414 437 77 10 415 435 88 437 432 92 432 12 440 13 436 15 430 439 10 99.7 0.495 0.024 0.069 0.001 0.257 0.0522 0.0025 281 100 406 16 429 235 0.5416 0.0093 0.06633 0.0008 0.321 0.0591 0.0012 521 38 439.3 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % 99.7 *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 5571 4282 99.8 2613 99.2 77 1436 99.7 81 1292 99.7 75 1391 99.9 134 2957 99.8 143118 3078 99.6 1564 99.4 156132 2222 98.5 1484132 99.8 2872 99.8 155 2330 99.4 154 3198 99.5 136 5099390 99.7 100 8429143 99.7 1556 99.7 2085 99.7 -518 -4988 100.2 Pb -8200 -167700 99.5 -2050 -39000 99.8 % error % error 204 9 9 9 9 8 8 12 -400 -3920 99.6 10 1241010 2708 143 99.2 120 1326 99.1 3509 99.9 10 500 554514 99.3 156 1603 99.8 10 2σ int 7 9 68 8 8 9 7 8 57 8 9 72 9 0 8 9 6 9 0 8 6 9 0 7 9 28 8 7 8 9 -2 -3 32 15 47 4119 99.5 63 15 24 652 97.2 21 1222 57 1123 3557 50 11 99.5 2452 48 99.2 5235 99.6 14 1228 86 15 5543 99.7 54 845 98.2 16 12 11 25 121120 48 12 10 109 761 98.2 5013 953 99.7 1046 10 98.7 73 1512 99.7 10 18 1010 54 913 99.6 Pb cps 204 0.0 0.1 2.4 0.4 4.7 2.9 0.3 2.4 1.4 1.3 1.0 1.8 1.2 0.9 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.0 Th/U Th (ppm) 526 40 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain A5. S ample B86-3068– G lasgow B rook p luton (UTM: 692693E, 5090472N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. CEW16-698-25CEW16-698-26CEW16-698-27CEW16-698-28 410 1560CEW16-698-29 313 CEW16-698-30 338 656 1354CEW16-698-31 344 CEW16-698-32 376 3840 2480CEW16-698-33 209 CEW16-698-34 206 530 CEW16-698-35 476 172 CEW16-698-36 376 550 CEW16-698-37 343 293 CEW16-698-38 431 317 CEW16-698-39 413 415 CEW16-698-40 188 430 CEW16-698-41 551 1525 142 CEW16-698-42 561 CEW16-698-43 263 529 CEW16-698-44 211 253 CEW16-698-45 494 153 CEW16-698-46 396 1696 CEW16-698-47 235 336 CEW16-698-48 175 225 CEW16-698-49 429 185 CEW16-698-50 285 681 CEW16-698-51 276 237 CEW16-698-52 321 1354 238 CEW16-698-53 1211 306 CEW16-698-54 558 CEW16-698-55 334 894 CEW16-698-56 299 380 CEW16-698-57 405 240 CEW16-698-58 343 413 CEW16-698-59 331 320 CEW16-698-60 687 299 CEW16-698-61 294 706 357 223 SB-86-3068-1 255 295 SB-86-3068-2 286 197 282 1265 32

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 51 97.2 96.7 95.2 97.6 96.2 98.4 96.1 98.7 96.8 97.3 99.8 99.7 97.0 96.6 91.1 96.7 97.6 97.6 95.1 93.7 95.5 86.4 96.0 95.0 97.7 97.3 99.7 97.6 99.9 95.0 99.5 88.6 97.8 99.5 98.0 % C 104.8 100.9 101.9 108.6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 2σ U 403 427 411 398 411 406 411 403 402 398 440 412 418 405 425 418 399 401 404 389 408 410 401 428 415 409 407 398 420 411 407 412 415 431 408 Pb/ 238 206 6 6 5 4.9 6.7 4.8 6.4 7.1 4.9 5.1 4.8 5.1 7.3 5.5 6.2 4.7 6.2 5.8 4.9 6.5 4.5 6.6 5.4 6.7 5.2 5.5 5.1 5.4 5.7 5.8 5.1 8.4 6.1 5.8 6.1 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 0.0563 0.0011 490 43 423.8 206 207 0.3 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.511 0.0077 0.06449 0.0008 0.381 0.0574 0.001 479 43 419.4 0.487 0.075 0.06462 0.001 0.636 0.055 0.0074 420 49 385 51 404 0.612 0.024 0.06647 0.001 0.765 0.0667 0.0022 440 40 480 13 415 0.695 0.27 0.07115 0.0069 0.301 0.0708 0.0058 1121 57 534 57 443 32 83.0 0.477 0.028 0.06408 0.0009 0.563 0.0541 0.0035 428 38 393 19 400 0.496 0.0075 0.0652 0.0008 0.171 0.0553 0.001 513 37 409.2 0.444 0.036 0.06412 0.0011 0.673 0.0502 0.0037 392 54 369 25 401 0.512 0.0092 0.06701 0.0009 0.396 0.056 0.0011 411 45 419.4 0.583 0.013 0.06605 0.0008 0.261 0.0642 0.0015 479 39 465.6 0.558 0.01 0.06868 0.0008 0.042 0.0588 0.0013 684 45 450.5 0.506 0.0091 0.06534 0.001 0.389 0.0563 0.001 432 48 416.2 235 0.5049 0.0073 0.06452 0.0008 0.103 0.0567 0.001 466 39 414.8 0.5179 0.01 0.06849 0.0009 0.071 0.0551 0.0012 464 47 423.3 0.5092 0.0073 0.06585 0.0008 0.234 0.0555 0.001 462 43 417.8 0.4937 0.0072 0.06441 0.0008 0.381 0.0560.4995 0.001 0.0077 0.06372 419 0.0008 0.156 39 0.0568 0.0011 407.7 432 40 411.2 0.5084 0.007 0.0648 0.0008 0.015 0.0568 0.001 540 35 417.3 0.5719 0.0096 0.06699 0.00080.5132 0.194 0.0082 0.0623 0.0655 0.0013 0.0008 0.048 4820.5196 0.0568 0.0074 0.0011 390.5086 0.06576 0.0091 0.0008 458.9 0.5132 0.06373 451 0.25 0.0009 0.01 0.0574 38 0.069 0.06578 0.05790.5023 0.001 420.4 0.0086 0.0008 0.0012 0.062 0.06392 456 0.0562 0.0008 485 0.0013 0.192 38 0.0567 43 0.0011 424.7 482 418.2 43 464 430.4994 421 0.0073 413.1 0.06424 0.0008 0.246 0.0561 0.0010.4957 0.00660.5338 0.06215 444 0.0098 0.0008 0.06535 44 0.392 0.0009 0.0583 411.1 0.343 0.0009 0.0595 0.0012 521 426 460.5264 0.0081 408.7 39 0.06567 0.0008 435.7 0.187 0.0581 0.0011 412 39 429.2 0.5156 0.011 0.06496 0.0009 0.136 0.057 0.0013 4330.5027 0.0095 38 0.06464 421.7 0.0008 0.294 0.0563 0.0011 482 43 413.7 0.5028 0.0081 0.06605 0.0008 0.29 0.0554 0.001 620 39 413.3 0.5314 0.0088 0.069070.5198 0.001 0.0077 0.338 0.06651 0.0557 0.0008 0.001 0.242 0.05670.5418 0.0092 431 0.001 0.06812 40 0.0009 541 0.191 432.5 0.0578 53 0.0011 424.9 465 43 439.8 0.5094 0.0075 0.06422 0.0008 0.047 0.0578 0.0010.5614 0.011 204 0.07058 1710.4955 0.0009 0.0075 417.8 0.12 0.06521 0.0578 0.0008 0.0012 0.201 0.055 560 0.001 41 625 452 103 408.4 0.4937 0.00790.5177 0.06362 0.0093 0.0008 0.06643 0.106 0.0008 0.0560.5123 0.001 0.0084 0.06725 420 0.0011 0.506 39 0.0555 407.2 0.0010.5298 505 0.0083 0.06581 46 0.0009 419.8 0.487 0.0588 0.0011 412 301 432.6 207 b 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 35 2969 99.8 327 35600 99.8 373 44846 99.8 319 19387 99.8 -331 -20834 99.9 Pb % error % error 204 1012 125 171 5449 16843 99.7 99.9 11 157 15571 99.7 11 275 26000 99.9 1111 1100 100400 138 99.9 10313 99.9 9.8 9.2 2σ int 8 7 3 7 4 1 8 16 10 63 6229 99.7 1952 13 15 68 29 7795 99.8 1560 98.6 34 1317 38 1151 2162 65 99.1 32 1219 5858 10 99.7 24 1215 31 3404 63 12 99.7 2806 99.6 6095 80 99.8 8340 99.7 25 11 443231 4164 11 99.8 11 34 35 5225 99.5 27 2208 99.5 36 11 17 41 47 3958 99.6 1031 98.1 13 1112 85 1119 6577 92 99.9 11 6925 99.8 58 3626 99.7 1254 12 18 10018 33 8767 11 99.6 1954 98.9 61 4183 99.7 2519 1115 10 44 10 5318 2419 67 99.5 5016 11 99.8 4374 99.8 612026 5650 14 99.9 11 70 42 4290 99.8 3592 99.5 138 22 16 291 92.2 124 14 11 725 97.5 174 21 12 552 97.2 Pb 26.6 cps 204 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 -2.9 9.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.20.2 2.60.1 9.7 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 3.1 9.9 Th/U Th (ppm) 747810 133 746 105 211 835615520 71 135 82 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain Appendix A. SB-86-3068-3 SB-86-3068-4 SB-86-3068-5 SB-86-3068-6SB-86-3068-7 SB-86-3068-8 SB-86-3068-9 1344SB-86-3068-10SB-86-3068-11 274 SB-86-3068-12SB-86-3068-13 921SB-86-3068-14 975SB-86-3068-15 135 937SB-86-3068-16 183 463SB-86-3068-17 150 759SB-86-3068-18 677 46 SB-86-3068-19 906 91 SB-86-3068-20 101 912SB-86-3068-21 729 94 SB-86-3068-22 1534 198 SB-86-3068-23 132 865 331 SB-86-3068-24 1052SB-86-3068-25 849 74 249 SB-86-3068-26 1146SB-86-3068-27 174 401 165 SB-86-3068-28 1158SB-86-3068-29 597 53 219 SB-86-3068-30 867SB-86-3068-31 204 605SB-86-3068-32 1099 128 SB-86-3068-33 109 737 140 SB-86-3068-34 937SB-86-3068-35 1011 109 SB-86-3068-36 1611 168 SB-86-3068-37 78 750 327 SB-86-3068-38 826SB-86-3068-39 893 18 SB-86-3068-40 1122 131 SB-86-3068-41 1026 124 194 SB-86-3068-42 1211 169 465 175 1042 568 23 152 110

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 52 95.6 99.3 98.4 96.3 98.1 96.2 97.9 97.5 97.7 99.2 97.5 99.9 94.3 98.1 96.9 95.7 96.0 99.4 91.2 97.6 92.5 99.2 98.9 96.4 86.6 97.1 99.1 98.2 87.2 93.8 92.2 99.9 % C 100.5 100.0 100.4 100.4 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2σ U 386 398 420 447 403 394 413 397 412 394 401 407 410 402 413 416 397 420 419 392 392 400 425 408 418 411 396 409 418 421 450 Pb/ 238 206 7 5 5 5.3 6.9 6.3 4.9 6.9 5.5 8.9 6.7 5.4 5.2 7.2 6.4 5.9 4.5 8.2 6.5 9.3 5.7 5.3 6.5 7.1 7.4 6.1 5.7 6.7 5.6 6.4 7.1 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ

U 0.51 0.01 0.06444 0.0008 0.154 0.0568 0.0012 561 48 418 Pb/ 0.591 0.088 0.0725 0.007 0.652 0.0586 0.0020.538 0.012 525 0.06727 45 0.001 0.184 0.0576 471 0.0014 43 461 451 51 40 437.3 95.8 0.563 0.0077 0.07173 0.0009 0.502 0.0568 0.0009 483 47 453.7 0.512 0.0095 0.06751 0.001 0.261 0.0552 0.0012 420 49 419.4 0.528 0.014 0.06262 0.0009 0.736 0.0613 0.0015 828 69 429.5 0.527 0.014 0.0661 0.0009 0.416 0.0579 0.0014 492 50 429 0.514 0.01 0.06592 0.0008 0.109 0.0568 0.0012 952 168 422.1 0.548 0.033 0.06538 0.001 0.373 0.0606 0.0029 523 42 442.90.651 19 0.024 0.07053 408 0.001 0.706 0.0670.515 0.0022 0.01 0.06551 375 146 0.001 0.685 0.05740.558 507 0.0012 0.011 14 0.07234 584 439 0.001 44 0.278 0.0563 421.4 0.0012 441 38 450.7 0.445 0.0140.557 0.0170.479 0.059 0.015 0.063 0.001 0.344 0.059 0.001 0.0553 0.160 0.0019 0.001 0.0646 0.125 0.0023 404 0.0584 0.0022 738 76 530 75 373 81 448 10 397 11 367 10 391 372 235 0.4829 0.01 0.06364 0.0009 0.186 0.0554 0.0011 552 74 400.4 0.4893 0.0074 0.0642 0.0008 0.255 0.0552 0.001 526 53 404.3 0.4849 0.0082 0.06294 0.0009 0.375 0.0554 0.0009 482 43 401.3 0.4849 0.0082 0.06261 0.0008 0.389 0.0562 0.0011 453 44 401.2 0.5087 0.0081 0.06513 0.00080.4986 0.162 0.0077 0.05680.5221 0.06566 0.0011 0.011 0.00080.5125 0.291 0.0095 0.06441 534 0.05520.4884 0.06608 0.0008 0.0079 0.282 0.0009 0.001 41 0.06168 0.0583 0.561 0.0008 0.0014 417.3 0.0558 650 0.103 0.001 748 0.057 53 0.0011 410.5 426 49 426.9 428 440.5057 420.4 40 0.0067 0.06359 403.7 0.0008 0.089 0.0576 0.001 5060.4903 380.5317 0.01 415.4 0.0079 0.06353 0.06405 0.0008 0.0008 0.123 0.203 0.0564 0.0605 0.0013 0.0011 491 415 43 49 405.4 432.7 0.5187 0.00980.4982 0.06803 0.011 0.0009 0.263 0.06525 0.0554 0.0008 0.0012 0.344 0.0552 0.0012 483 350.4873 515 0.0072 424.5 0.06303 53 0.0008 410.8 0.203 0.05570.5075 0.011 0.001 0.06697 0.0009 442 0.328 0.0545 40 0.0013 403.3 484 47 416.2 0.5119 0.0097 0.06714 0.0009 0.055 0.0555 0.0012 484 43 421.3 0.5063 0.0091 0.06587 0.0008 0.347 0.0558 0.0011 4680.5265 0.0088 510.4989 0.06661 0.0084 0.0009 415.6 0.06334 0.229 0.0008 0.057 0.251 0.0011 0.0568 0.0011 506 452 38 40 429.2 410.7 0.5098 0.00940.5087 0.06731 0.017 0.0009 0.295 0.06502 0.0016 0.055 0.257 0.0011 0.0568 0.0011 426 479 480.5136 39 0.0084 418 0.06694 417.3 0.0009 11 0.519 0.0555 406 0.001 10 838 97.3 68 421.4 26.100 8.800 0.294 0.086 0.857 0.6450 0.0830 4590 200 3100 430 1610 430 28.7 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 86 10383 99.9 36 1275 99.7 68 12919 99.9 54 6102 99.8 81 5793 99.7 74 5984 99.9 213 23739 99.9 149 13439 99.8 792303 50492 99.9 17906 99.9 Pb % error % error 204 9 20 -400 -8106 99.6 12 150 5514 99.6 11 220 9876 99.9 12 133 5543 99.7 12 150 9813 99.7 10 12512 3444 150 99.7 4031 99.4 9.2 9.1 9.2 8.6 9.6 2σ int 8 5 9 8 8 8 -5 1618 1111 1111 69 11 61 12 100 4781 99.9 109 3083 6709 99.5 99.8 8964 99.6 36 12 3345 5211 12 99.6 1736 27 1012 10 2511 59 12 99.2 28 100 2477 99.8 3122 10392 99.3 99.9 16 1013 63 10 6856 99.8 77 3380 99.9 20 13 6522 3770 99.9 12 55 3541 99.7 38 14 37 1739 99.3 57 151324 26 1117 11 1114 85 10 98.6 46 4838 59 99.9 15 3521 99.8 26 5329 12 99.7 13 80 50 3023 99.9 3850 99.9 28 1028 36 11 39 10 50.8 1164 98.7 Pb 10.7 25.3 13.5 16.6 10.6 12.9 cps 204 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 4.60.2 9.8 0.20.2 5.7 8.5 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.20.2 1.2 3.1 9.5 0.7 9.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 1.6 1.3 3.6 2.2 Th/U Th (ppm) 590675 445 760 185 339 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain A6. S ample CEW16-519 – Park pur g ranite (UTM: 671007E, 5163879N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. SB-86-3068-43SB-86-3068-44SB-86-3068-45SB-86-3068-46 737SB-86-3068-47 714SB-86-3068-48 117 725SB-86-3068-49 132 565SB-86-3068-50 701 56 SB-86-3068-51 969 21 SB-86-3068-52 876 92 SB-86-3068-53 779 80 SB-86-3068-54 126 349SB-86-3068-55 175 453SB-86-3068-56 1100 40 SB-86-3068-57 1864 36 193 SB-86-3068-58 926 381 SB-86-3068-59 309SB-86-3068-60 135 466SB-86-3068-core-1 1210 23 SB-86-3068-core-2 992 83 139 SB-86-3068-core-3 1127 417SB-86-3068-core-4 1199 187 353 SB-86-3068-core-5 623 57 266 SB-86-3068-core-6 472SB-86-3068-core-7 101 590SB-86-3068-core-8 800 77 SB-86-3068-core-9 167 863SB-86-3068-core-10 175 564SB-86-3068-core-11 234 536 1538SB-86-3068-core-12 111 SB-86-3068-core-13 399 110 339 SB-86-3068-core-14 967 262 SB-86-3068-core-15 596 1116 189 SB-86-3068-core-16 1089 158 SB-86-3068-core-17 220 738 222 420CEW16-519-15 150 CEW16-519-1 90 CEW16-519-2 75000CEW16-519-3 48000

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 53 93.5 95.8 95.7 99.2 90.8 96.5 96.0 99.8 97.4 93.0 90.6 95.3 96.8 99.8 86.6 90.8 99.6 92.0 95.5 98.9 86.8 99.6 84.6 89.2 53.4 98.0 83.3 96.3 % C 101.0 100.1 102.6 102.8 101.2 100.6 102.6 102.8 109.4 7 7 6 7 6 6 4 6 6 6 7 7 7 5 9 9 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 7 9 4 4 8 7 6 7 6 4 8 7 4 2σ U 378 406 390 361 377 401 394 435 395 368 370 360 343 368 378 369 367 375 Pb/ 238 206 9 9 8 9 9 8 8 7 9 7 9 7.5 9.4 7.6 7.1 8.8 6.8 9.5 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 0.04855 0.0039 0.373 0.058 0.022 527 280 330 110 306 24 92.6 206 0.3 2σ U 0.38 Pb/ 0.412 0.038 0.057 0.001 0.404 0.0519 0.0049 634 110 345 28 355 0.445 0.013 0.060 0.001 0.410 0.0534 0.0016 341 69 374 0.491 0.0130.460 0.021 0.065 0.063 0.001 0.385 0.001 0.0547 0.246 0.0016 0.0528 0.0031 392 381 66 95 405 384 15 394 0.509 0.012 0.062 0.001 0.146 0.0591 0.0017 562 63 417 0.455 0.0120.606 0.016 0.060 0.070 0.001 0.113 0.001 0.0547 0.7620.393 0.0018 0.0632 0.0400.545 0.0016 392 0.0130.495 0.054 709 71 0.012 0.064 0.001 55 0.508 380 0.563 0.063 0.001 0.0517 0.013 0.472 481 0.0060 0.001 0.0616 0.414 10 0.0017 0.070 0.0568 630 0.0015 180 0.001 435 649 0.440 0.0585 484 60 3320.512 0.0015 60 29 0.020 441 540 341 408 0.476 0.064 57 0.010 0.001 0.584 453 0.529 0.063 0.0579 0.0220.451 0.0021 0.001 0.012 0.5410.480 0.066 0.0546 517 0.009 0.0014 0.059 0.002 81 0.918 0.059 0.001 0.0578 393 0.227 419 0.0016 0.001 0.0558 58 0.325 14 0.0017 0.0589 519 395 0.00140.477 400 435 61 0.011 559 72 0.05445 431 54 0.0007 378 14 0.065 0.0637 398 413 0.002 13 727 95.8 67 395.9 0.467 0.032 0.05953 0.0009 0.32 0.0573 0.0039 506 110 389 21 373 0.410 0.062 0.054 0.001 0.563 0.0530 0.0085 1000 1500.457 332 0.019 47 0.061 341 0.001 0.119 0.0541 0.00240.601 348 0.024 92 0.076 380 0.002 0.272 13 0.0576 0.0024 382 481 90 476 150.438 471 0.01 0.0587 0.00070.496 0.509 0.016 0.0547 0.05664 0.0016 0.0007 0.186 397 0.0637 0.0024 69 369.2 725 79 409.3 11 355 0.255 0.1100.591 0.032 0.023 0.001 0.729 0.063 0.0500 0.0240 0.001 0.247 1740 0.0688 280 0.0033 184 854 100 910.508 201 470 0.019 15 0.056 391 0.619 0.001 0.020 0.196 0.0656 0.0026 0.070 0.001 758 0.519 0.0641 86 0.0021 416 724 130.444 70 0.015 352 488 0.0578 0.0008 13 0.252 0.05590.508 435 0.0022 0.017 0.06052 449 0.0008 0.236 84 0.0598 0.00240.442 374 0.015 11 603 0.06017 0.0008 86 362 0.2110.447 0.053 0.015 417 0.0021 0.05878 11 0.0007 323 0.143 379 0.0558 89 0.0021 372.2 443 11 84 377 375.7 10 368 0.427 0.013 0.0575 0.00061.017 0.28 0.037 0.0535 0.06087 0.00220.468 0.0009 0.014 0.152 342 0.1199 0.05994 82 0.0007 0.005 0.328 0.0566 1969 361 0.002 70 482 7130.439 0.013 79 18 0.05864 389.9 0.0006 381 0.197 0.055 0.0019 395 81 368.8 235 0.4629 0.0098 0.05895 0.0006 0.222 0.0578 0.0017 519 64 386.6 0.4503 0.011 0.05763 0.0006 0.032 0.057 0.0018 483 67 377.3 0.4995 0.013 0.06042 0.0007 0.098 0.0601 0.002 609 78 411 207 b 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a 278 93.6 Pb Pb/ 204 206 8 28 2108 99.4 93 3660 99.6 64 814 99.8 66 940 99.7 Pb % error % error 204 9 9 9 12 -133 -10489 99.9 14 200 11286 99.8 15 750 39850 10 11112 10944 -1200 -20160 12 240 2464 10 12511 2075 10 1100 125 23850 10 1665 11 50012 183 10490 1200 4350 22150 2σ int 7 2 9 9 9 5 8 1 8 2 6 1 -9 -1 1871 13 14 72 2089 325745 99.8 1837 1321 99.0 10 15 1021 21 48 10 569 1947 97.0 99.1 2976 4832 99.6 21 3243 99.6 1620 76 1842 3810 90 2043 99.5 10450 48 10 99.9 2929 23 99.6 257041 99.4 19 46 1561 4515 13 16 29 107 2964 2691 94 1232 13 13 41 117 83.4 453 98.2 13 34 1022 29 1013 517 98.4 45 1556 98.9 69 19 28 231 -27 21 -78 -684 -12 20 -167 -1359 108 17 16 1764 99.2 287 24 135 16 12 259 92.9 Pb cps 204 1.7 9.1 2.1 3.3 1.4 1.6 8.4 3.0 1.5 2.8 1.8 2.6 4.8 1.4 5.4 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 1.3 2.1 2.8 1.7 1.1 1.6 1.1 2.9 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.4 1.0 1.0 0.5 Th/U Th (ppm) 832 401 416 247 594 283 530496 511 663 815423 682 724 269 618 558 696 271 870 688 737 852 334 2534 2105 2105 1107 3590 1656 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain – S almon P ool m onzonite A7. S ample C EW15-008 (UTM: 661905, 5166978N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. CEW16-519-4CEW16-519-5CEW16-519-6CEW16-519-7 1770CEW16-519-7b-1 4300 1012 CEW16-519-8 1158CEW16-519-8b-1 474 2521 415CEW16-519-9 555 CEW16-519-10 769 322 306CEW16-519-11CEW16-519-12 1156 110 CEW16-519-13 1792CEW16-519-14 1257 806 1132 CEW16-519-16 1952 151 CEW16-519-17 1298 646 CEW16-519-18 1778 885 CEW16-519-19 239 638 CEW16-519-20 407CEW16-519-21 1400 145 CEW16-519-22 1487 361 769 CEW16-519-23 629 579 CEW16-519-24 4000CEW16-519-25 393 211 830 2280 194 CW15-008-1 744 1680 2570CW15-008-2 255 CW15-008-3 480 CW15-008-4 CW15-008-5 CW15-008-6 CW15-008-7 CW15-008-8 CW15-008-9 CW15-008-10 CW15-008-11 CW15-008-12 CW15-008-13 CW15-008-14 CW15-008-15CW15-008-16 4707 1260 1748 811

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 54 94.7 90.8 85.2 87.1 99.7 92.6 98.2 83.8 88.5 83.8 86.0 99.5 99.3 99.3 99.8 98.7 86.2 99.8 84.7 98.4 86.7 97.9 82.9 99.1 98.6 94.7 98.6 97.7 67.3 86.1 60.0 98.0 % C 100.4 101.0 100.8 101.6 111.9 100.2 4 3 6 4 3 5 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 6 6 6 5 4 6 4 5 7 5 4 4 4 5 6 5 7 6 5 8 5 6 5 4 2σ U 368 374 387 362 405 353 372 369 379 382 379 341 372 360 Pb/ 238 206 7 8.2 9.3 8.5 7.9 7.8 9.9 7.7 7.9 8.4 8.2 9.2 9.4 8.9 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 0.0634 0.0023 730 75 425 11 366 206 207 0.4 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 0.05866 0.017 0.094 0.0619 0.041 660 170 412 210 367 93 89.2 206 1.8 2σ U 0.44 0.015 0.05771 0.0008 0.083 0.0556 0.0022 444 86 370.2 11 362 Pb/ 0.467 0.012 0.05882 0.0007 0.211 0.0579 0.002 528 67 388.9 0.444 0.014 0.05933 0.0008 0.041 0.0546 0.0021 392 82 373.2 0.578 0.0220.565 0.07424 0.015 0.06185 0.001 0.067 0.0007 0.0572 0.133 0.0024 0.0666 0.00230.453 485 0.0250.483 822 0.05978 96 0.025 0.0006 73 0.05336 465 0.27 0.0006 0.0561 454 0.26 14 0.0038 0.0658 0.0037 462 465 110 7810.438 381.1 100 0.02 17 400 0.05215 374 0.0009 17 0.388 0.0621 335 0.00280.582 675 0.0220.462 0.06235 87 0.0120.495 0.0007 0.06058 370.4 0.0760.444 0.02 0.0007 0.0685 0.0099 13 0.011 0.00310.493 0.05979 0.0651 0.0557 0.012 328 0.0006 0.0027 0.0018 875 0.749 0.45 0.0648 0.0555 454 0.0543 89 0.0009 0.0017 0.0016 0.584 68 0.0557 465 430 0.0017 385.5 382 14 650.449 67 433 0.027 408.1 390 372.9 0.06054 69 15 0.001 0.516 406 407 0.0536 0.0087 16 99.7 6900.506 160 0.02 376 0.06019 0.0009 19 0.072 0.0606 379 0.0025 607 86 415 13 377 0.563 0.019 0.0616 0.0009 0.366 0.0661 0.0027 819 78 455 130.466 385 0.014 0.05861 0.0007 0.031 0.0571 0.0022 482 83 387.60.518 10 0.016 367 0.05836 0.0008 0.463 0.017 0.06145 0.0009 0.307 0.0555 0.00220.512 0.017 416 0.05762 0.0009 87 0.399 0.0645 385 0.0024 12 776 384 840.448 419 0.014 0.05939 110.442 0.0007 0.023 0.015 361 0.05842 0.055 0.0007 0.002 0.226 0.0549 0.0021 398 78 396 375.1 86 371.1 10 366 0.462 0.019 0.0628 0.00110.403 0.417 0.0543 0.0320.452 0.0027 0.016 0.061 0.05907 370 0.0011 0.0008 0.776 99 0.029 0.0561 0.048 0.0024 389 0.018 13 430 1120 3600.568 92 393 0.015 341 0.06047 378 0.0007 50 12 0.14 0.0674 382 370 0.0023 853 68 456.3 10 379 0.473 0.014 0.0419 0.0013 0.572 0.0804 0.0029 1219 75 393 10 265 0.441 0.035 0.05968 0.0008 0.438 0.0543 0.0051 550 130 373 71 374 0.501 0.512 0.024 0.058 0.001 0.011 0.0645 0.0036 740 95 422 150.802 0.034 363 0.05725 0.0008 0.156 0.1008 0.0043 16480.449 0.015 77 0.06103 0.0009 598 0.034 0.0546 18 0.0022 359 380 890.508 376 0.02 11 0.0656 382 0.001 0.127 0.0568 0.0025 460 96 415 14 409 0.436 0.013 0.05748 0.0007 0.282 0.0548 0.0019 395 76 367.8 235 0.4427 0.011 0.05896 0.0006 0.271 0.0546 0.00170.4574 392 0.011 69 0.0605 371.9 0.001 0.545 0.05610.4566 0.0018 0.0120.5072 0.013 461 0.061 0.05783 0.0007 68 0.0006 0.09 383.6 0.14 0.0548 0.0639 0.0018 0.0021 398 741 75 68 382.4 416.2 0.4728 0.014 0.05430.4561 0.0008 0.011 0.034 0.05627 0.0642 0.0005 0.0024 0.34 734 0.0588 0.0018 81 392.9 565 66 381.3 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 35 970 68 758 -54 -1185 243 4125 101 2881 1067 24322 Pb % error % error 204 18 -900 -28575 11 -367 -3733 16 800 29900 14 -175 -1839 14 700 7650 25 250017 12930 13 1700 650 13180 11 12055 157 2597 9.3 9.7 9.8 8.9 2σ int 2 2 1 1 2 7 4 -2 -3 -8 2637 13 1816 5028 49 1123 1364 18 69 711 1213 6436 3694 52 11 2939 11 1635 8530 31 2838 17 1383 5740 2547 20 2510 1720 63 13 85 1135 130 1600 2415 55 16 7500 34 5170 46 11 1680 3282 2382 19 23 676 22 16 73 1077 74 1811 24 1213 109 286 1556 22 1625 73 19 1245 76 512 -11 11 -100 -5855 -22 16 -73-10 -1345 14 -140 -1653 105 19 18 599 132 14 11 181 Pb 27.9 -17.3 cps 204 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.8 0.5 0.4 8.5 8.6 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.3 1.4 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.2 1.0 0.5 0.80.6 0.90.5 9.6 Th/U Th (ppm) 302 162 777 328 409 219 434871 329 841 303 606 287 432 860 285 623 895 940343 256 204 720614 378 476 363 979 292 573 240 588 785931 655 746 565 397 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain Appendix A. CW15-008-17CW15-008-18 CW15-008-19CW15-008-20 2143CW15-008-21 1373 CW15-008-22 1191CW15-008-23 1356CW15-008-23rim 564 CW15-008-24rim 382 2083CW15-008-24-1 1430 3253CW15-008-24-2 193 499 2040 CW15-008-25 814 1187CW15-008-26 302 1731CW15-008-27 775 CW15-008-28 2009 995 CW15-008-29 CW15-008-30 449 2740CW15-008-31 CW15-008-32 427 CW15-008-33CW15-008-34CW15-008-35 2490CW15-008-36 1776CW15-008-37 882 2410 1736 CW15-008-38 3571 1810 CW15-008-39 2067 1957 CW15-008-40 2650CW15-008-41 841 CW15-008-42 977 3227CW15-008-43 1610 CW15-008-44 2590CW15-008-45 CW15-008-46 616 CW15-008-47 2010CW15-008-48 1540 CW15-008-49 CW15-008-49rimCW15-008-50 CW15-008-51 389CW15-008-52 195

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 55 99.1 99.3 98.8 97.4 87.1 99.3 89.3 96.0 90.4 90.8 96.1 89.6 99.6 98.8 96.2 95.6 99.9 88.9 94.7 98.2 99.1 92.8 86.1 99.6 99.1 70.1 99.7 98.1 96.7 97.3 97.8 80.7 98.2 % C 100.1 101.3 100.4 5 9 4 4 5 4 4 4 8 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2σ U 375 384 368 384 377 339 360 349 384 383 383 368 391 385 372 365 375 346 384 370 360 381 365 376 Pb/ 238 206 8 8 9 7 8.1 7.9 9.1 9.7 7.7 8.3 7.6 9.6 9.9 7.6 8.2 8.8 7.2 9.5 9.4 7.3 7.2 9.4 7.5 8.7 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U 0.44 0.016 0.06002 0.0008 0.036 0.0523 0.0022 315 95 371 12 376 0.49 0.014 0.05993 0.0007 0.121 0.059 0.0021 555 76 404.2 0.72 0.022 0.06163 0.0007 0.18 0.0829 0.003 1288 66 550 13 386 Pb/ 0.449 0.14 0.06112 0.0023 0.058 0.0537 0.011 347 200 376.1 66 382 14 101.7 0.526 0.016 0.06607 0.0009 0.286 0.0579 0.0021 503 820.456 428.5 0.03 110.545 0.0556 0.015 0.00090.443 412 0.561 0.06137 0.0595 0.19 0.0008 0.0033 0.094 0.057470.469 0.0638 0.0007 0.011 0.0021 5820.506 0.333 0.06253 0.0507 0.062 920.491 0.0007 0.0066 731 0.05896 0.255 0.0120.452 0.0009 0.0538 75 384 0.06157 790 0.044 0.013 0.0017 0.0007 0.0625 160 19 0.05934 0.378 441 0.0088 0.0007 364 0.0568 349 0.285 375 0.0017 701 0.0552 69 23 0.0019 170 391.4 479 415.4 360 408 66 36 406.6 77 369 378.3 0.454 0.0150.452 0.013 0.0551 0.0013 0.0588 0.443 0.0007 0.0593 0.107 0.0027 0.0561 0.0019 577 434 97 77 382 378 11 345 0.484 0.014 0.05512 0.0006 0.132 0.0639 0.00230.453 0.012 743 0.06036 0.0006 71 0.355 401.8 0.0545 0.0035 467 120 379 22 378 0.484 0.014 0.06125 0.0007 0.162 0.0566 0.0019 476 71 400.7 0.462 0.012 0.06136 0.0007 0.068 0.0543 0.0018 381 73 385.4 0.485 0.015 0.06195 0.0007 0.058 0.0566 0.0021 457 830.438 0.014 400.7 0.0588 10 0.00070.472 0.036 388 0.0537 0.014 0.06091 0.002 0.0006 0.175 347 0.0558 83 0.002 368 428 79 391.7 0.4680.449 0.41 0.015 0.06081 0.0049 0.0603 0.368 0.0007 0.055 0.16 0.023 0.0539 0.0023 430 372 240 88 389 375.9 120 11 381 377 29 97.8 0.701 0.19 0.0629 0.0019 0.361 0.0801 0.015 1204 170 539 71 393 11 72.9 0.556 0.021 0.05771 0.0006 0.149 0.0703 0.0027 925 81 448.2 13 362 235 0.4707 0.019 0.06220.4514 0.0015 0.012 0.344 0.05984 0.0544 0.0008 0.0041 0.086 0.0544 381 0.002 110 391.5 381 12 75 389 378.1 0.4545 0.0110.4667 0.011 0.0603 0.06136 0.0006 0.003 0.0006 0.0546 0.129 0.0018 0.055 0.0018 399 398 720.4464 380.2 72 0.011 0.05745 388.6 0.0006 0.141 0.0563 0.0018 462 71 375.1 0.43790.4675 0.01 0.011 0.05828 0.0006 0.0556 0.246 0.0006 0.0542 0.169 0.0016 0.0613 0.0021 376 642 680.4619 368.5 72 0.011 0.06134 389.2 0.4533 0.0007 0.235 0.012 0.0548 0.05386 0.00170.4451 0.0006 0.43 0.01 401 0.0614 0.05909 68 0.0006 0.002 0.276 385.4 0.0547 645 0.0016 72 401 379.3 0.4347 0.0099 66 0.0574 373.6 0.0006 0.354 0.0552 0.0017 420 67 366.8 0.4648 0.013 0.06119 0.0006 0.208 0.0555 0.0019 434 71 387.4 0.4448 0.011 0.0583 0.0006 0.304 0.0556 0.0017 431 71 373.4 0.4567 0.012 0.06009 0.0007 0.103 0.0539 0.0018 366 78 383.2 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 91 5068 40 2026 Pb % error % error 204 15 -25016 -14533 -178 -10720 19 -380 -15620 10 -1000 -42100 11 1100 33600 16 -26710 -2392 -1000 -14510 13 260 9020 11 138 5288 13 1300 49800 16 320 11234 14 23311 1100 3722 28710 11 367 5877 9.7 9.9 2σ int 1 5 8 1 5 6 1 3 -6 -9 -5 -1 -6 -1 10 1125 110 16 2340 6426 793 1717 65 1116 1915 6534 1120 1972 1310 69 15 38 22 2959 75 220 1388 2350 3713 11 1539 136 22 2605 56 821 2515 13 1240 52 80 14 1992 10 2427 3589 1041 1028 1475 100 1412 16 19 7000 34 13 1607 25 108 1905 833 6883 14 11 79 5336 2912 32 14 110 117 850 2325 -15 12 -80 -4227 159 25 16 361 Pb 10.7 24.6 cps 204 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.4 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.5 1.0 3.4 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.4 0.6 0.4 Th/U Th (ppm) 542 393 469 395 799772 1038 669 627 955 1028 875 567 767 739888 478 332 1695 3070 11092080 1336 1061 1695 1460 964 1749 1150 1664 1665 1208 604 1466 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain A8. S ample C EW15-099 – almon P ool m onzogranite (UTM: 664624E, 5160032N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. CW15-008-53 CW15-008-54CW15-008-55 CW15-008-56CW15-008-57 1019CW15-008-58CW15-008-59 728 3650CW15-008-60 1301 2730 CW15-008-61 3925CW15-008-62 889 1731 CW15-008-63CW15-099-1 CW15-099-2 1498CW15-099-3 1083 CW15-099-4 CW15-099-5 CW15-099-6 CW15-099-7 CW15-099-8 CW15-099-9 CW15-099-10CW15-099-11CW15-099-12CW15-099-13 2273CW15-099-14 2037 2042 CW15-099-15 1698 1739 CW15-099-16 1145 1166 CW15-099-17 1336CW15-099-18 700 1389 1001 CW15-099-19 1774CW15-099-20 950 1340 1367 CW15-099-21 2304CW15-099-22 995 5360 2038 CW15-099-23 2773 2680 CW15-099-24 2183 2770 CW15-099-25 2704 7400 CW15-099-26 1663 3134 CW15-099-27 1622 1539 CW15-099-28 1239 1659 2597 1182 2385

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 56 97.2 97.1 98.5 98.2 68.0 95.0 97.9 89.7 95.7 96.4 95.0 96.0 98.6 94.2 98.7 84.4 98.4 98.3 94.4 95.4 99.6 98.7 98.6 85.2 98.8 91.7 91.6 98.3 99.6 98.4 98.6 99.3 98.4 98.8 73.1 48.6 95.4 % C 100.7 4 4 4 4 2 5 4 4 9 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 4 3 5 7 4 5 3 4 8 8 4 4 5 7 8 7 9 7 8 4 2 6 2σ U 379 368 374 369 372 377 347 373 373 370 352 370 376 360 376 368 340 365 370 372 365 348 Pb/ 238 206 8 8 9 9 8.5 7.6 7.8 8.5 7.4 7.6 7.7 7.4 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.5 9.4 9.5 9.6 8.8 9.3 8.6 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U 0.45 0.013 0.05999 0.0007 0.087 0.0542 0.0019 380 81 377.1 0.48 0.058 0.06054 0.001 0.071 0.0578 0.0058 511 150 397.3 35 379

Pb/ 0.487 0.0150.448 0.05811 0.095 0.0006 0.128 0.0579 0.0618 0.0015 0.0024 0.331 0.0568 0.0084 656 73 4700.215 405.9 140 0.023 10 379 0.0211 364 0.0004 43 0.609 0.074 363 0.013 1330 1700.406 0.014 198 0.054160.448 50 0.0005 0.325 0.0110.554 0.0539 135 0.05892 0.015 0.0039 0.0006 0.06032 0.015 0.0008 511 0.055 0.443 130 0.0018 0.0664 0.002 345 400 814 72 375.6 70 447.50.524 10 0.015 0.05824 378 0.0006 0.188 0.0649 0.00220.424 0.018 765 73 0.054 428.2 0.001 0.017 0.0561 0.0021 421 81 358 13 342 0.445 0.014 0.05879 0.0007 0.107 0.0551 0.0021 396 81 373.2 0.427 0.015 0.057 0.001 0.331 0.0540 0.0014 355 56 360 10 356 0.488 0.013 0.05902 0.0013 0.188 0.0617 0.0021 654 70 403.1 0.661 0.028 0.060050.517 0.0007 0.011 0.015 0.0804 0.0502 0.0035 0.0022 1204 0.058 0.0766 77 0.0057 514.5 1070 16 130 424.8 376 10 315 13 74.2 0.455 0.026 0.05968 0.0008 0.212 0.0557 0.0039 428 130 380 17 374 0.444 0.0140.435 0.015 0.0590.406 0.058 0.001 0.441 0.0190.418 0.001 0.0547 0.023 0.012 0.00120.444 0.055 0.0543 0.016 0.0016 0.056 0.001 385 0.058 0.059 0.001 363 0.0533 48 0.019 0.0017 0.001 0.0541 64 0.351 372 0.0012 345 0.0542 366 10 0.0014 362 71 11 367 368 50 346 361 53 354 13 373 344 11 368 0.454 0.026 0.0603 0.0011 0.13 0.0544 0.0032 360 120 379 18 377 235 0.4684 0.012 0.06046 0.0006 0.209 0.0562 0.0019 460 71 389.7 0.4699 0.011 0.05932 0.0007 0.312 0.0579 0.00180.4615 517 0.012 69 0.06022 0.0006 390.9 0.0380.4258 0.0558 0.011 0.00190.4513 0.011 0.0553 445 0.05872 0.00070.4733 0.585 0.0006 73 0.0559 0.206 0.0110.4661 0.0017 385.1 0.0561 0.05956 0.011 0.0018 0.0006 449 0.177 0.05950.4527 446 0.0583 0.0005 67 0.011 0.0018 0.342 71 0.05975 359.9 0.05670.4474 0.0007 0.0017 378.8 538 0.066 0.01 0.0548 67 488 0.05908 0.00190.4439 393.2 0.0006 69 0.326 0.01 410 388.2 0.0547 0.05615 0.0016 74 0.00050.4461 0.153 379.8 401 0.0573 0.011 0.0017 0.05901 67 0.0006 375.3 504 0.2490.4569 0.0551 70 0.011 0.0017 0.06001 373.9 0.0006 415 0.2380.4336 0.0553 65 0.011 0.0017 374.3 0.057320.4724 0.0006 428 0.451 0.043 0.0544 67 0.05931 0.0017 0.0008 381.9 0.071 396 0.0578 0.0048 67 366.2 521 120 393.6 26 371 0.3501 0.016 0.02334 0.0004 0.312 0.1092 0.0047 1792 74 306.2 11 149 0.4914 0.013 0.05937 0.0007 0.233 0.0602 0.0021 605 76 406.1 0.4294 0.012 0.0582 0.0006 0.004 0.0535 0.0019 331 79 362.2 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 66 975 99.5 200 10145 -172 -9895 -108 -3057 3100 17533 Pb % error % error 204 9 10 -333 -13413 13 16311 5488 18313 8777 43312 11060 150 10175 10 12513 6970 186 9466 16 267 9657 11 -275 -5908 10 -143 -4729 99.8 1010 110 16313 365912 99.7 3853 43313 99.8 133 5260 144 99.8 4470 99.7 3856 99.7 2σ int 8 6 3 8 8 7 6 9 6 3 9 9 -3 -4 -7 2012 12 1045 60 83 1622 2770 18 2642 36 1710 1513 77 980 24 83 10 240 2432 2411 77 3984 4600 7791 1513 15 19 1152 16 85 272 1711 1054 48 6008 33 1313 1775 118 1008 12 35 18 2806 9223 24 722 4823 12 624 52 1273 16 11 69 1874 14 19 136 1325 14 182 22 12 170 Pb cps 204 2.1 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.81.1 4.90.4 9.8 0.6 1.0 1.01.2 -5.72.1 9.8 1.1 0.8 0.4 1.0 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.8 0.6 1.0 0.5 1.1 -8.7 9.4 0.8 0.3 9.3 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.4 Th/U Th (ppm) 999 551 661 689 790 409 873 950 175 131 725506 424 298 346 392 192 894 248 754 456 744 309 219 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain A9. S ample MB16-218 – M argaree p luton (UTM: 666347E, 5159009N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. CW15-099-29CW15-099-30CW15-099-31CW15-099-32 1852CW15-099-33 1013 3810 CW15-099-34 1328 1146 CW15-099-35 1565CW15-099-36 870 1442 CW15-099-37 1647CW15-099-38 1413 1208 CW15-099-39 1260 1220 CW15-099-40 1975 1041 CW15-099-41 1475CW15-099-42 931 1304 CW15-099-43 1663CW15-099-44 1822 1259 CW15-099-45 3102 1976 CW15-099-46 1047 1160 CW15-099-47CW15-099-48 664 2614CW15-099-49 2514 CW15-099-50 1919CW15-099-51 2729 1968 CW15-099-52 3766 3300 CW15-099-53 2521 7820 CW15-099-54 1853 2808 CW15-099-55 2779 1450 CW15-099-56 2239 1196 CW15-099-57 1048 2154 CW15-099-58 1357 1155 CW15-099-59 2148CW15-099-60 776 2470 1585 1833 1625 SMB16-218-1 1507 SMB16-218-2 1058SMB16-218-3 1930 SMB16-218-4 SMB16-218-5 SMB16-218-6 SMB16-218-7

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 57 98.6 98.9 99.5 98.2 95.4 99.3 98.3 92.8 91.7 87.3 98.6 99.0 89.9 96.0 99.7 97.0 98.9 97.3 98.5 96.9 93.9 99.1 98.2 85.6 74.0 93.4 91.2 % C 100.9 100.0 102.0 100.3 103.2 101.1 101.5 100.8 100.0 9 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 7 8 7 8 8 9 7 8 9 8 8 7 9 8 9 8 8 2σ U 285 364 363 369 362 Pb/ 238 206 9 9 9 9 9 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.329 0.012 0.045 0.001 0.717 0.0540 0.0011 380 44 289 0.437 0.012 0.058 0.001 0.153 0.0544 0.0010 379 40 368 0.457 0.018 0.060 0.001 0.037 0.0555 0.0018 403 72 381 12 374 0.507 0.040 0.053 0.002 0.209 0.0674 0.0044 890 1400.433 0.013 413 0.058 27 0.001 330 0.2710.434 0.0547 10 0.013 0.0011 79.9 0.059 385 0.001 46 0.391 0.0542 365 0.0010 371 430.440 365 0.020 0.059 0.001 0.279 0.0545 0.0021 3610.445 81 0.015 368 0.057 14 0.001 0.390 368 0.0561 0.00110.453 465 0.017 44 0.060 374 0.001 0.415 10 0.0537 0.0014 357 347 53 379 11 376 0.433 0.0170.464 0.0140.448 0.057 0.0200.437 0.057 0.001 0.125 0.0190.470 0.055 0.001 0.0547 0.171 0.018 0.00180.429 0.060 0.001 0.0582 0.330 0.018 0.00130.499 0.054 0.001 386 0.0590 0.052 0.030 0.0022 0.057 0.001 530 0.0530 72 0.343 0.0021 0.056 0.001 528 0.0626 47 0.007 364 0.0019 0.001 319 0.0547 81 0.493 387 12 0.00200.427 668 0.0645 86 374 10 0.017 0.0033 358 368 65 367 14 359 0.059 711 76 390 14 100 343 0.001 0.291 362 12 374 0.0525 409 12 0.0017 341 0.436 20 0.021 357 0.418 289 350 0.0140.459 0.059 68 0.016 0.042 0.002 0.059 360 0.055 0.001 0.0543 0.608 12 0.0018 0.001 0.0745 0.015 0.0017 371 375 0.0614 0.0019 1046 62 49 639 367 68 354 14 10 384 372 262 11 346 0.449 0.0270.457 0.0170.489 0.056 0.041 0.059 0.001 0.2290.466 0.059 0.001 0.0583 0.033 0.019 0.0032 0.001 0.0557 0.400 0.00170.449 0.061 510 0.0600 0.015 0.0045 100 0.001 414 0.410 0.056 575 0.0547 67 374 0.0017 110 0.001 18 0.191 381 382 0.0574 403 349 12 0.0014 68 24 371 489 368 387 53 13 376 381 11 353 0.438 0.0210.459 0.014 0.0590.434 0.061 0.001 0.105 0.0200.486 0.001 0.0538 0.122 0.028 0.00230.491 0.059 0.0552 0.017 0.0014 0.064 0.001 339 0.113 0.065 0.002 401 0.0539 91 0.207 0.0021 0.002 0.0560 56 0.566 369 0.0027 336 0.0557 384 15 0.0013 410 83 10 100 370 0.403 422 365 0.015 380 50 402 140.418 0.055 18 404 0.014 369 0.454 0.001 400 0.191 11 0.5300.408 0.054 0.0540 10 0.017 0.0017 4040.415 0.059 0.001 99.6 0.171 0.0150.500 10 0.055 0.005 350 0.0570 100.0 0.273 0.024 0.0014 0.054 0.001 0.0574 67 0.309 0.03100.432 0.066 0.001 473 0.0543 0.373 342 0.013 0.0019 0.002 490 0.0559 56 0.245 11 0.0016 280 0.058 356 0.0558 354 0.0022 345 0.001 427 75 380 0.176 10 140 420 0.0543 60 346 0.0012 340 88 368 352 12 384 29 410 11 345 96.7 46 16 341 0.451 366 0.020 410 0.433 0.058 0.0130.461 0.001 0.216 0.020 0.058 0.0555 0.0021 0.060 0.001 0.114 0.002 396 0.0537 0.185 0.0012 0.0547 80 0.0021 342 376 374 52 14 83 365 365 384 10 14 361 377 235 207 b 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a 363 94.7 Pb Pb/ 204 206 7 69 1237 99.7 156 1778 99.8 261 16389 99.7 110127 476 1677 98.2 99.9 109 3200121 99.6 1897 99.8 191 6369 99.8 Pb % error % error 204 9 11 157 6714 99.8 10 1671010 4183 10912 99.7 485 1428 400 100.0 4000 99.8 7100 99.8 20 3331013 2288 250 99.7 16315 6975 99.6 1863 300 99.8 7212 99.7 10 12711 1477 99.5 550 7150 99.7 2σ int 7 6 9 4 9 87 9 6 8 9 2 3 96 9 84 9 8 5 8 52 9 15 19 127 2867 99.8 13 15 115 3469 99.5 16 11 69 3513 99.8 2111 1116 1011 52 1122 91 1015 69 867 1020 3462 99.7 87 11 99.3 46 593 10 1177 99.2 73 100.0 50 75511 1360 98.7 99.7 828 10 98.5 9142 1561 100.0 41 2815 10 67 10 24 67 857 99.8 641 1298 97.2 99.0 13 1711 1320 10 76 1111 91 55 436 1217 1452 99.3 99.6 109 1245 11 99.1 1873 65 99.8 1871 99.3 -13 14 -108 -1324 99.8 Pb 1620 110 cps 204 2.2 1.9 2.3 1.9 1.7 2.7 3.1 2.0 1.7 1.4 2.1 1.5 2.1 2.3 1.2 2.3 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.7 2.4 1.8 1.3 1.8 0.4 2.7 1.5 2.9 2.4 1.3 2.3 1.9 1.7 2.9 2.3 1.9 1.4 2.0 1.8 1.3 Th/U Th (ppm) 390865 125 436 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain Appendix A. SMB16-218-8 SMB16-218-9 SMB16-218-10SMB16-218-11SMB16-218-12SMB16-218-13 218SMB16-218-14 277SMB16-218-15 130 386SMB16-218-16 202 459SMB16-218-17 187 398SMB16-218-18 300 716SMB16-218-19 194 244SMB16-218-20 314 522SMB16-218-21 202 363SMB16-218-22 230 283SMB16-218-23 204 162SMB16-218-24 172 476SMB16-218-25 1096 101 SMB16-218-26 286 715 508 SMB16-218-27 937SMB16-218-28 297 490SMB16-218-29 1083 529 SMB16-218-30 367 412 16930 561 SMB16-218-31 38400 SMB16-218-32 235 616SMB16-218-33 303SMB16-218-34 230 314SMB16-218-35 202 631SMB16-218-36 109 280SMB16-218-37 258 228SMB16-218-38 215 883SMB16-218-39 357 98 SMB16-218-40 1319 388 SMB16-218-41 193 177 690 SMB16-218-42 358SMB16-218-43 106 559SMB16-218-44 1122 122 SMB16-218-45 244 427 656 SMB16-218-46 239SMB16-218-47 225 729 167 654 362 300 1160 364 233 437

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 58 99.5 99.8 96.9 97.2 98.8 97.2 96.7 98.2 98.9 99.1 99.3 94.4 95.5 82.4 99.5 % C 100.1 100.7 100.2 102.1 100.4 100.1 100.6 101.0 100.6 8 8 7 7 8 9 9 7 8 7 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 9 7 9 8 8 7 9 2σ U 350 352 Pb/ 238 206 9 9 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.476 0.016 0.064 0.002 0.688 0.0550 0.0011 404 43 395 11 399 10 101.0 0.769 0.044 0.0937 0.0019 0.207 0.0607 0.0036 550 120 577 24 579 11 100.3 0.448 0.017 0.060 0.0020.804 0.420 0.043 0.0544 0.0012 0.0954 0.0018 380 0.064 0.0621 49 0.0032 376 610 110 11 378 593 25 10 100.7 587 11 99.1 0.431 0.015 0.058 0.001 0.514 0.0536 0.0011 3470.432 45 0.016 363 0.058 10 0.001 0.164 362 0.0548 0.0017 384 66 364 11 363 0.428 0.027 0.056 0.001 0.283 0.0558 0.0030 442 82 362 17 351 0.441 0.016 0.059 0.001 0.112 0.0541 0.0016 352 65 370 11 371 0.417 0.018 0.057 0.001 0.233 0.0541 0.0019 352 72 3530.980 13 0.4900.783 355 0.031 0.0996 0.0043 0.0918 0.896 0.0017 0.06900.762 0.031 0.0290 0.0624 0.031 0.0023 1650 0.0927 300 0.0017 661 0.263 680 0.0604 79 250 0.0021 584 612 580 18 25 74 90.0 566 573 10 18 96.9 572 10 99.7 0.434 0.014 0.057 0.001 0.249 0.0546 0.0013 387 55 365 10 355 0.426 0.0120.442 0.019 0.056 0.058 0.001 0.1520.432 0.001 0.0545 0.028 0.013 0.00110.428 0.0544 0.014 0.00220.443 0.056 382 0.018 0.057 0.001 356 44 0.1150.427 0.059 0.001 0.0554 86 0.358 360 0.017 0.00120.474 0.001 0.0546 0.092 370 0.020 0.0016 0.057 414 0.0547 14 0.00180.481 0.062 0.001 379 46 0.105 0.025 366 0.430 0.002 374 0.0538 61 0.286 364 0.014 0.00180.461 0.063 0.0553 70 361 0.018 0.00150.490 0.058 0.001 362 0.179 371 10 0.016 0.062 0.002 397 0.0556 69 0.089 13 0.0027 354 0.492 0.061 0.001 0.0541 62 0.007 360 0.020 0.0014 367 0.586 0.001 398 0.0547 0.342 392 12 0.038 0.00190.437 0.056 373 0.0591 98 13 0.027 0.0014 357 0.434 0.063 0.002 385 55 0.457 397 0.015 3900.411 0.059 0.002 553 0.0652 76 0.476 363 17 0.016 0.00180.462 11 0.056 0.002 0.0684 53 0.099 384 11 99.4 0.019 0.0037 394 0.463 0.056 0.002 751 0.0553 0.376 404 13 0.016 0.0034 3630.494 0.062 0.001 846 0.0580 62 0.152 11 0.027 0.0017 100 385 0.433 10 0.062 0.001 360 0.0543 100.0 0.370 407 0.014 0.0016 120 382 0.053 0.001 505 0.0551 466 0.274 13 0.0017 0.058 0.001 360 0.0549 64 365 23 0.189 0.0014 353 0.001 392 0.0681 63 19 395 0.168 365 0.0026 10 386 0.0551 69 367 10 348 11 86.7 0.0014 849 57 84.7 384 11 349 397 750.761 386 13 348 0.031 540.772 407 11 386 0.032 0.09300.749 365 18 0.0016 390 0.024 0.09300.757 0.119 10 0.0017 0.0602 335 0.039 0.0940 0.099 0.0022 0.0016 0.0606 363 0.0921 0.288 0.0026 0.0016 574 0.0583 0.387 0.0015 594 0.0601 800.768 0.0026 529 94 0.028 572 587 56 0.09630.750 579 18 0.0017 97 0.050 0.073 567 19 573 0.0587 0.0927 571 14 0.0019 573 0.0022 0.404 22 579 10 526 0.0598 99.0 0.0034 568 69 10 570 576 99.5 120 16 566 592 29 10 102.8 571 13 100.9 235 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 68 1343 99.7 -98 -721 99.5 174 5366 99.7 Pb % error % error 204 9 9 11 -275 -16425 99.8 18 225 7588 99.8 13 186 10257 99.8 10 -211 -4021 99.8 10 -162 -2967 99.9 11 -138 -156912 99.4 -200 -1822 99.6 10 167 1762 99.7 16 32014 3424 280 99.7 3830 99.8 10 10710 1589 99.9 34611 5639 98.6 15710 3300 250 99.4 14 3775 99.9 233 5397 99.7 11 157 1683 99.7 23 2300 18870 99.8 2σ int 8 7 6 5 9 5 5 9 3 7 4 6 7 1 -4 -9 -5 -6 -8 -6 36 16 44 6781 99.7 12 10 831311 3675 10 99.6 12 77 10913 2662 2585 99.6 14 12 99.7 12 92 1123 92 975 99.8 12 93517 99.8 5220 10 917 1226 99.4 59 60 1414 44840 98.3 54 330 11 99.8 16 79 638 99.8 40 1646 99.8 587 98.2 1017 1419 11 140 18 65 1406 95 99.7 1669 99.8 1247 99.7 -11 12 -109 -485 99.6 -10 10 -104 -3420 99.8 -12 10 -83 -1155 99.8 572 65 11 47 64.1 Pb cps 204 2.9 1.4 1.9 1.9 0.9 0.9 1.6 1.1 1.9 1.9 2.1 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.1 1.8 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.8 1.6 2.0 1.4 2.5 1.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.6 Th/U Th (ppm) 87 98 72 76 163183 241 384 223 353 668 217 599 168 262 213 183 198 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain B1. S ample MB16-222 - P rice oint dacitic tu ff (UTM: 661905E, 5166978N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. SMB16-218-48SMB16-218-49SMB16-218-50SMB16-218-51 974SMB16-218-52 224SMB16-218-53 596 636SMB16-218-54 1259 201 SMB16-218-55 344 782 435 SMB16-218-56 592SMB16-218-57 414 365SMB16-218-58 283 422SMB16-218-59 214 457SMB16-218-60 301 285SMB16-218-61 361 409SMB16-218-62 167 240SMB16-218-63 284 715SMB16-218-64 209 302SMB16-218-65 395 461SMB16-218-66 1420 155 SMB16-218-67 306 392 990 SMB16-218-68 181SMB16-218-69 259 151SMB16-218-70 141 545SMB16-218-71 115 396SMB16-218-72 478 317SMB16-218-73 216 519SMB16-218-74 193 532SMB16-218-75 265 669 386 394 1482 263 SMB16-222-1 5890 235 SMB16-222-2 774 SMB16-222-3 3150 SMB16-222-4 SMB16-222-5 SMB16-222-6 SMB16-222-7 SMB16-222-8 SMB16-222-9 SMB16-222-10SMB16-222-11 148 233 155 405

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 59 99.2 % C 101.0 104.8 102.0 101.5 100.9 9 7 9 9 9 9 2σ U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.762 0.038 0.0945 0.0019 0.176 0.0599 0.0031 530 110 574 23 582 11 101.4 0.684 0.093 0.0958 0.0016 0.495 0.05090.712 0.0060 0.060 810 0.0914 120 0.0011 0.639 0.0556 520 0.0045 57 770 590 110 10 113.4 538 40 564 0.728 0.0390.736 0.026 0.0924 0.0020 0.0914 0.085 0.0015 0.0577 0.238 0.0030 0.0590 0.0017 470 110 539 62 551 23 558 570 15 12 564 103.4 0.530 0.340 0.0933 0.0033 0.830 0.0310 0.0230 1640 220 470 200 5750.649 20 122.3 0.044 0.0808 0.0022 0.262 0.0585 0.0037 500 130 504 27 501 13 99.4 0.850 0.2000.742 0.027 0.0982 0.0028 0.09290.754 0.822 0.0016 0.0610 0.0320.740 0.027 0.0110 0.0586 0.160 0.0911 0.0019 1140 0.0018 0.0961 2100.730 0.397 0.0022 522 0.0605 0.180 0.719 0.0021 592 0.0530 71 0.09351.000 120 0.0110 0.0026 588 0.3100.691 0.828 561 1180 604 0.0560 76 0.110 0.0957 190 16 0.0120 16 0.0033 102.0 0.08900.772 0.726 568 1350 572 530 0.0019 0.0610 0.038 190 0.750 19 0.0220 96 0.0539 0.0935 0.0076 1820 562 510 0.0019 591 210 0.195 120 11 990 0.0603 130.718 111.6 98.9 0.0027 160 576 660 0.038 160 15 564 489 112.9 0.0920 589 0.0018 94 720.731 0.289 20 0.0564 0.030 550 577 89.2 0.0026 0.0900 11 22 112.4 0.0019 440 0.116 100 576 0.05980.771 0.0023 11 545 0.030 99.8 584 23 0.0897 0.0017 81 567 0.269 0.06260.762 11 557 0.0021 104.1 0.031 17 663 0.09270.920 556 0.0018 70 0.170 0.284 11 0.0596 0.0901 578 99.8 0.0021 0.0022 0.747 17 562 0.0694 0.0091 554 73 1260 10 150 573 95.8 18 633 571 92 11 556 99.7 13 87.9 1.780 0.120 0.1010 0.0022 0.725 0.1278 0.0063 2013 85 1022 41 620 13 60.7 1.568 0.098 0.0989 0.0022 0.627 0.1147 0.0058 1814 90 9430.840 38 0.038 0.0868 608 0.0019 13 0.096 0.0706 64.5 2.720 0.0031 0.1300.731 894 0.028 0.1017 0.0033 89 0.0908 0.750 0.0015 0.1916 0.004 616 0.0058 0.0581 21 0.0020 2746 50 537 509 11 1327 75 87.1 35 555 624 16 19 560 47.0 0.772 0.032 0.09300.728 0.0016 0.033 0.148 0.0609 0.09070.776 0.0022 0.0017 0.031 0.076 598 0.0593 0.0961 0.0026 0.0019 78 0.135 530 0.0593 578 0.0021 920.776 18 569 0.030 555 573 82 0.0935 20 10 0.00170.735 0.127 581 99.2 560 0.0609 0.030 18 0.0021 10 100.8 0.08980.758 591 0.0017 599 0.024 0.279 11 0.0598 74 101.8 0.0943 0.0021 0.0015 0.319 581 571 0.0587 17 0.0014 77 576 5400.769 557 10 49 0.0280.781 17 99.2 0.026 0.0964 572 554 0.0017 0.0938 0.236 14 10 0.0016 0.05860.734 0.093 99.5 0.0018 581 0.0607 0.026 0.0017 524 0.0921 0.0017 606 68 0.128 0.0585 620.771 579 0.0018 0.034 585 17 521 0.09510.743 15 593 0.0018 68 0.0340.782 0.134 578 10 0.0592 102.4 0.033 0.09040.741 557 0.0023 10 0.0017 0.036 0.0955 0.275 15 98.8 0.0018 547 0.0597 0.0941 0.171 0.0023 568 0.0018 0.0597 79 0.142 0.0023 10 555 0.0575 101.9 0.723 580 0.0026 549 85 0.0270.760 18 479 80 0.029 0.0888 561 585 0.0015 96 0.0945 0.212 583 20 10 0.0017 0.0596 100.9 0.013 561 19 0.0020 558 0.0586 21 0.0020 588 10 555 99.5 580 10 530 72 100.9 11 75 103.4 553 574 17 17 548 582 10 101.4 235 207 b 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % 99.5 99.7 *Pb 100.0 70 77.0 a Pb Pb/ 204 206 9 -84 -1232 99.7 -173 -6067 99.7 Pb % error % error 204 9 9 12 17112 867 99.8 10 -50010 -8390 -200 99.8 -1998 99.6 12 -300 -196020 100.0 -2000 -23450 99.7 11 -550 -8250 99.3 12 -240 -2890 99.6 10 27111 3843 15711 99.6 1120 138 99.7 1296 99.7 11 11 1100 13610 99.6 1012 125 171 1941 99.8 2199 99.5 11 1211 30012 157 2535 150 99.7 1337 99.7 1293 100.0 1011 333 220 5687 99.6 2886 99.8 2σ int 7 0 4 7 8 0 1 8 7 0 4 7 8 3 5 -2 -5 -5 -4 -1 -2 -5 12 11 92 613 99.7 66 12 18 192 91.7 3014 12 15 40 107 304 586 93.2 99.7 17 12 715214 485 17 98.4 12 33 86 120 83.6 859 99.8 -11 -10 10 -100 -1575 99.6 324 33 10259 228 25 93.1 10 232 92.0 234 24 10147 153 22136 88.3 15 16355199 12 214 40193 92.2 22 11 151 18 88.4 11 53 172 68.6 90.6 696 69 10 81 77.4 Pb cps 204 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.4 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.7 1.1 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 Th/U Th (ppm) 81 110 96 146 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain Appendix A. SMB16-222-12SMB16-222-13SMB16-222-14SMB16-222-15 179SMB16-222-16 160SMB16-222-17 190 106SMB16-222-18 225 SMB16-222-19 114 133SMB16-222-20SMB16-222-21 181 178SMB16-222-22 410SMB16-222-23 271 223SMB16-222-24 709 148SMB16-222-25 308 137SMB16-222-26 188 412SMB16-222-27 165 184SMB16-222-28 960 248SMB16-222-29 187 411SMB16-222-30 391 198SMB16-222-31 607 437SMB16-222-32 291 144SMB16-222-33 869 100SMB16-222-34 207 954SMB16-222-35 203 96 2310 SMB16-222-36 207SMB16-222-37 230 106SMB16-222-38 269 788SMB16-222-39 140 212 2070 SMB16-222-40 301SMB16-222-41 276 123SMB16-222-42 331 118SMB16-222-43 143 127SMB16-222-44 114 218SMB16-222-45 193 151SMB16-222-46 195 124SMB16-222-47 168 131SMB16-222-48 124 205SMB16-222-49 152 111SMB16-222-50 246 660SMB16-222-51 151 233 432 191 338 112 277 164 135 178

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 60 99.4 92.0 91.5 99.9 98.7 98.9 97.2 96.2 99.8 99.3 98.6 98.3 94.8 98.2 98.8 93.5 99.8 92.1 94.5 99.3 96.8 95.5 % C 100.3 100.6 100.5 100.5 100.2 100.1 100.5 100.1 100.3 6 8 9 9 7 8 7 8 6 7 9 9 8 7 7 8 7 8 9 8 7 9 7 9 8 8 9 9 8 7 8 2σ U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 2 U Pb/ 529.7 88 531 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ 0 0 Pb Pb/ 0.0663 0.0022 8160.0605 0.0008 69 623 615 29 43 598.9 566 40 602 206 207 0 0.5 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ

U 0.76 0.068 0.088 0.0015 0.446 0.0631 0.0013 712 44 575 39 544 Pb/ 0.807 0.072 0.09832 0.0013 0.358 0.0598 0.001 596 35 600.6 41 605 1.870 0.090 0.1033 0.0021 0.3390.812 0.1314 0.075 0.00540.801 0.072 0.0895 2087 0.0014 0.0978 73 0.367 0.0014 0.0674 1061 0.0017 32 850 634 52 12 604 59.7 420.686 553 0.15 0.08591 0.00140.764 0.623 0.071 0.0936 0.0017 0.322 0.0591 0.0016 571 59 577 42 577 10 100.0 0.736 0.066 0.0845 0.0015 0.771 0.0636 0.0009 728 31 559.5 38 523 0.765 0.035 0.0940 0.0018 0.177 0.0586 0.0026 525 91 574 20 579 11 100.9 0.689 0.06 0.08488 0.00110.757 0.606 0.0595 0.0720.754 0.09281 0.001 0.067 0.0013 0.102 0.0917 586 0.0598 0.0014 0.0013 350.762 0.462 0.0599 0.068 531.9 0.0013 596 0.0918 37 47 0.0013 600 0.282 525 571.7 0.0607 47 0.0012 41 572 572 629 41 43 566 576.1 40 566 0.754 0.067 0.0923 0.0014 0.679 0.0602 0.001 611 34 571 39 570 1.247 0.047 0.0922 0.0017 0.370 0.0981 0.00290.834 0.078 1566 0.0918 55 0.0014 8190.803 21 0.0760.754 569 0.0963 0.07 0.0029 10 0.785 0.0932 69.4 0.0603 0.0017 0.0014 0.459 614 0.06 0.001 50 602 597 34 43 571.1 593 41 170.758 99.3 574 0.067 10 0.09278 100.6 0.0013 0.309 0.0598 0.00090.688 0.0640.801 596 0.08136 0.072 0.0014 31 0.08896 0.258 0.0014 572.9 0.0616 0.666 0.001 39 0.0653 0.001 572 660 785 33 31 532 596.6 38 41 504 549 0.843 0.076 0.0969 0.0015 0.174 0.0630.792 0.0013 0.073 0.09224 708 0.0012 0.167 44 0.0621 0.0015 620 678 41 52 596 587.5 37 569 0.719 0.0650.858 0.08939 0.0780.861 0.0012 0.389 0.0780.756 0.102 0.0582 0.10266 0.07 0.0015 0.002 0.001 0.506 0.652 0.09188 0.0611 0.0613 0.0012 538 0.0011 0.0011 0.148 0.0599 37 0.0012 642 650 549.4 39 39 38 600 629.9 628.9 43 552 42 44 570.8 631 626 40 12 567 99.5 0.951 0.09 0.0948 0.002 0.6610.761 0.0731 0.068 0.0018 0.09248 1017 0.0014 0.353 50 0.0601 0.001 679 47 606 36 584 574.1 12 86.0 39 570 235 0.7606 0.068 0.09257 0.0011 0.323 0.0599 0.0007 598 24 574.2 39 571 0.7366 0.066 0.08817 0.0011 0.553 0.0607 0.0007 628 25 560.2 38 545 0.7481 0.067 0.0919 0.0011 0.321 0.06 0.0009 602 31 567.4 38 567 0.7117 0.063 0.08721 0.0011 0.479 0.0601 0.0007 608 24 545.6 38 539 0.7479 0.067 0.09206 0.0012 0.3240.6752 0.0593 0.063 0.0009 0.0833 577 0.0014 0.843 34 0.0592 0.0008 567.1 38 573 568 29 523.5 38 516 0.7493 0.067 0.0926 0.0012 0.366 0.0592 0.0008 573 28 568 39 571 0.7699 0.069 0.09258 0.0011 0.135 0.06 0.0009 6020.6944 0.062 34 0.0868 580.4 0.0015 400.7196 0.642 0.0586 0.064 571 0.0007 0.085 553 0.0014 0.685 27 0.0619 0.0008 535.1 37 671 537 27 550.6 39 526 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 Pb % error % error 204 11 -1100 -216800 99.9 12 -200 -1935 99.7 1315 -433 1500 -30667 99.9 229600 99.9 1916 -317 -229 -8198 99.9 -3933 99.8 1214 150 -350 2187512 99.8 -6400 -600 99.4 -59450 100.0 1212 24013 20015 6670 21711 99.9 1500 6543 99.8 6047 183 30690 99.9 99.9 12633 99.9 13 433 38400 99.8 17 1700 25410000 99.7 13 186 346313 98.4 217 9100 99.9 15 375 14553 99.9 2σ int 1 8 5 6 6 1 6 3 1 7 6 4 -1 -6 -3 -6 -7 -4 -2 34 1419 4125 1313 220 21 91.2 68 11 84 1596 85 99.0 5644 99.9 9262 99.9 89 17 19 3530 99.6 2326 20 13 87 50 11343 99.9 2854 99.4 32 13 4124 378 19 95.1 791619 1701 18 99.1 16 113 84 4500 99.8 3768 99.9 2333 15 1211 65 36 12 2422 99.4 34 109 1906 99.2 15 8782 99.9 4425 3497 99.5 36 14428 2165 11 99.5 39 1421 99.6 -16 12 -75 -907 99.8 -11-36 15 11 -136 -31 -8836 99.9 -2017 99.9 Pb cps 204 0.7 0.5 1.5 1.4 2.2 1.3 1.0 1.3 2.0 1.8 2.2 0.9 0.7 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.2 0.4 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.7 0.5 1.2 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.5 1.1 Th/U Th (ppm) 92 138 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain B2. S ample MB14-193 - Birch P lain granite (UTM: 697088E, 5155770N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. SMB16-222-52SMB16-222-52b-1SMB16-222-53 156 156SMB14-193-S-1 169 218 SMB14-193-S-2SMB14-193-S-3SMB14-193-S-4 239SMB14-193-S-5 177 252 SMB14-193-S-6 718SMB14-193-S-7 713 93 1060 SMB14-193-S-8 401 1007 SMB14-193-S-9 457 358 SMB14-193-S-10 188 459 SMB14-193-S-11 209 200 SMB14-193-S-12 182 181 207 SMB14-193-S-13 436 106 SMB14-193-S-14 1846 175 SMB14-193-S-14C 366 474 3990 SMB14-193-S-15 1431SMB14-193-S-16 547 82 1790 SMB14-193-S-17 685SMB14-193-S-18 85 600SMB14-193-S-19 307 416SMB14-193-S-20 629 282SMB14-193-S-21 548 159SMB14-193-S-22 435 367SMB14-193-S-23 166 347SMB14-193-S-24 606 143SMB14-193-S-25 187 569SMB14-193-S-26 1256 177 SMB14-193-S-27 287 163 1662 SMB14-193-S-28 767SMB14-193-S-29 1047 165 SMB14-193-S-30 739 156 2073 SMB14-193-S-31 345SMB14-193-S-32 166 692SMB14-193-S-33 340 334SMB14-193-S-34 1564 657 SMB14-193-S-35 377 478 2738 346 1055 239 531 269

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 61 99.9 97.6 95.5 99.2 99.4 99.9 71.9 97.3 98.8 97.8 98.1 99.7 98.6 98.5 99.8 95.8 99.3 98.7 % C 100.3 7 6 7 9 8 9 9 8 9 7 8 8 9 9 8 9 9 8 9 2σ U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ

U Pb/ 0.706 0.024 0.087 0.002 0.253 0.0589 0.0022 5390.819 79 0.031 541 0.101 14 0.002 0.505 537 0.0590 0.0021 554 82 605 17 619 13 102.2 0.767 0.052 0.094 0.002 0.261 0.0595 0.0039 500 130 569 290.759 576 0.0390.700 12 0.019 101.2 0.094 0.087 0.002 0.132 0.002 0.0590 0.352 0.0032 0.0587 0.0018 510 110 549 67 569 23 539 577 11 12 535 101.4 10 99.4 0.746 0.067 0.0916 0.0013 0.38 0.06040.761 0.0012 0.068 0.09253 618 0.0014 0.228 43 0.0597 0.0011 565.5 390.761 593 0.067 565 40 0.0927 573.7 0.0016 0.562 39 0.0604 570 0.001 6180.769 35 0.040 575.2 0.093 39 0.002 0.300 571 0.0603 0.0032 100.707 99.3 0.020 580 120 0.088 0.001 576 0.110 0.0584 23 0.0019 5730.710 531 13 0.029 71 99.5 0.087 543 0.002 0.212 12 0.0597 0.0026 542 556 92 542 17 536 10 98.8 0.755 0.067 0.0899 0.0013 0.348 0.0607 0.001 6290.781 0.073 34 0.09049 570.30.712 0.0012 0.076 0.064 39 0.0621 0.08633 0.0019 555 0.00120.676 0.454 0.021 678 0.0606 0.001 65 0.083 0.001 625 585 0.279 0.0589 35 41 0.00200.727 545.8 558 0.0194.070 553 38 0.450 0.089 73 534 0.215 0.001 0.269 5240.694 0.016 0.0590 0.991 12 0.020 0.00175.034 0.1281 0.120 0.0065 514 0.086 563 20180.680 0.326 0.002 62 0.376 0.018 96 0.006 0.0588 0.696 554 0.0019 1555 0.084 0.1120 11 0.0028 94 0.002 542 0.737 1829 1245 552 0.736 0.0588 69 0.029 0.0015 45 83 534 64.6 1824 0.089 556 12 20 0.002 55 0.249 1819 529 0.0598 526 0.0024 29 10 11 99.5 99.1 568 519 89 558 17 550 4.270 0.130 0.282 0.007 0.802 0.1100 0.0030 1794 50 1685 25 1602 36 88.0 0.787 0.083 0.0935 0.0023 0.159 0.0606 0.0029 625 103 587 50 576 14 98.1 1.192 0.110.762 0.093 0.069 0.0016 0.0877 0.15 0.0019 0.0930.777 0.835 0.0037 0.0626 0.07 0.0009 1488 0.0934 695 75 0.0016 0.682 30 0.0599 797 0.0009 575 52 599 40 573 330.789 542 0.0220.774 11 583 0.042 94.2 40 0.0950.730 0.093 0.002 576 0.348 0.019 0.003 0.0602 0.566 0.0019 0.090 0.0603 0.00290.739 0.001 593 0.218 0.018 592 0.0589 68 0.0018 100 0.091 589 0.002 550 580 0.634 130.738 0.0593 67 24 0.022 0.0016 585 572 555 10 0.091 571 15 11 99.4 0.002 58 98.6 0.226 554 0.0587 561 0.0019 110.728 543 0.042 5590.752 71 0.0270.718 11 0.087 560 99.6 0.0240.695 0.092 0.004 0.861 13 0.0170.755 0.085 0.002 0.0607 0.070 0.032 0.0021 562 0.086 0.002 0.0597 0.349 0.0024 0.094 0.001 615 0.0611 0.432 0.0021 0.002 568 0.0587 73 0.026 0.00160.796 632 0.0586 88 552 0.035 0.00280.732 547 79 568 24 0.021 0.096 519 60 548 15 100 537 0.089 0.002 0.351 535 14 565 26 0.002 0.0603 569 0.277 10 97.3 0.0027 525 11 0.0598 19 99.4 0.0019 532 592 577 100 585 10 101.4 71 593 20 559 589 13 13 552 99.3 235 0.7379 0.067 0.0887 0.0011 0.342 0.0598 0.0007 595 26 561 39 548 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 88 5920 99.8 66 906 99.6 125 688 99.8 108332 5062 16054 99.7 99.7 135 13169 99.7 677 12046 99.6 119 6061 99.8 -900 -16440 99.4 -217 -14556 94.7 1400 11783 99.7 Pb % error % error 204 9 8 9 15 -1500 -69100 99.7 10 -1980 -57260 99.6 10 -864 -21000 99.6 10 -679 -19157 99.7 20 333 2202 99.8 10 200 18200 99.8 12 600 18750 99.9 14 35014 11025 200 99.8 9514 99.8 10 333 1008710 99.7 124 3685 99.7 13 144 2404 99.7 9.9 2σ int 6 7 9 15 8 2 4 7 83 9 9 3 78 9 1 9 7 9 9 -1 -1 -4 -1 -1 -1 19 13 6814 9989 99.8 1218 86 16 10707 99.8 89 3263 99.6 11 10 84 4982 99.7 11 11 100 3973 98.8 51 1524 29 12 50 338 95.8 3321 99.4 1113 1010 14 92 13 108 130 2442 1713 99.6 15 99.6 904 10 99.6 67 3180 99.7 14 1010 1216 10 120 1011 94 4520 63 11 99.5 1628 99.7 100 1406 99.4 120519 99.8 13 68 2189 99.7 Pb 11.3 cps 204 1.5 1.2 1.4 0.7 2.4 1.2 1.1 4.5 3.3 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.3 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.1 2.4 1.4 1.6 1.6 2.8 4.7 0.8 2.5 2.2 1.6 1.4 0.6 1.3 4.6 1.8 0.8 2.5 1.3 2.7 2.6 1.6 Th/U Th (ppm) 386314 342 143 133 661 100 679 408 343 417 740 123 515 156 680 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain B3. S ample MB16-216 – B ig H ill g ranodiorite (UTM: 679335E, 5115865N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. SMB14-193-S-36SMB14-193-S-37SMB14-193-S-38 211SMB14-193-S-39 115SMB14-193-S-40 217 436SMB14-193-S-41 136 452SMB14-193-S-42 429 248SMB14-193-S-43 1094 388 SMB14-193-S-44 326 375 1613 SMB14-193-S-45SMB14-193-S-46 78 291 191 740 96 SMB16-216-1 1682 195 SMB16-216-2 759 2300 SMB16-216-3 SMB16-216-4 1091SMB16-216-5 1507 SMB16-216-6 SMB16-216-7 SMB16-216-8 SMB16-216-9 SMB16-216-10SMB16-216-10bSMB16-216-11SMB16-216-12 445SMB16-216-12b 388SMB16-216-13 179 446 180 SMB16-216-14 1088SMB16-216-15 281 69 450 SMB16-216-16 356SMB16-216-17 382 56 SMB16-216-18 248 245SMB16-216-19 590 737SMB16-216-20 182 273SMB16-216-21 162 507SMB16-216-22 149 668SMB16-216-23 615 186SMB16-216-24 267 359SMB16-216-25 147 103SMB16-216-26 1350 132 298 91 302 603 114 222 375 67

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 62 98.7 99.2 99.8 99.8 99.1 97.5 99.1 98.1 98.8 99.2 99.5 99.5 99.7 98.3 % C 100.1 100.2 100.5 100.6 100.6 100.1 100.9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 8 8 2σ U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ

U Pb/ 0.733 0.024 0.091 0.002 0.577 0.0587 0.0019 548 71 558 14 5590.672 11 100.1 0.017 0.083 0.001 0.267 0.0585 0.0017 555 70 522 10 515 1.950 0.073 0.155 0.004 0.671 0.0910 0.0030 1439 630.767 1096 0.034 25 0.094 929 0.002 22 0.171 62.4 0.0595 0.0027 540 1000.883 0.041 574 0.1076 20 0.0023 0.275 577 0.0604 0.0026 11 100.6 565 91 641 23 658 14 102.7 0.713 0.020 0.088 0.002 0.301 0.0592 0.0018 5580.736 68 0.017 5460.737 0.091 12 0.0190.755 0.002 0.294 0.034 541 0.091 0.0588 0.0016 0.092 0.002 0.661 0.002 550 0.0590 0.160 0.0016 0.0598 60 0.0029 557 560 560 61 10 100 560 560 0.727 568 11 0.017 19 559 0.090 5670.747 0.001 11 0.276 0.023 0.0588 99.8 0.0016 0.092 0.002 558 0.397 0.0589 57 0.0019 554 562 10 67 553 566 14 567 0.713 0.0210.708 0.020 0.087 0.086 0.002 0.275 0.001 0.0589 0.291 0.0018 0.0602 0.0018 556 594 710.740 68 545 0.0200.660 543 12 0.019 0.090 12 540 0.080 0.002 0.302 529 0.772 0.002 0.0596 0.768 0.028 0.0018 0.0598 0.0016 0.094 575 0.002 594 70 0.2530.761 0.0594 57 562 0.029 0.0023 514 12 0.094 551 12 557 0.700 0.002 84 0.286 0.022 497 0.0585 578 0.0023 12 0.086 16 96.7 0.002 532 0.362 581 0.0595 86 0.00200.690 11 100.4 575 0.018 580 17 0.087 70 581 0.002 0.228 540 11 0.0581 101.1 12 0.0018 530 527 71 532 11 535 0.731 0.027 0.092 0.002 0.118 0.0580 0.0023 498 87 555 16 565 10 101.7 3.491 0.100 0.267 0.005 0.134 0.0957 0.00332.309 0.085 1523 65 0.206 1522 0.005 0.508 23 0.0814 0.0030 1524 1211 25 99.7 76 1215 28 1209 24 99.4 0.762 0.0220.752 0.020 0.0920.741 0.092 0.002 0.130 0.0220.717 0.002 0.0602 0.324 0.024 0.0019 0.092 0.0596 0.00180.717 0.089 0.002 596 0.245 0.0240.731 0.002 585 0.0586 71 0.308 0.019 0.0019 0.088 0.0582 61 574 0.0021 0.090 0.002 533 0.094 570 125.795 0.002 523 0.0592 71 0.410 11 0.120 0.0022 567 2.017 0.0589 78 562 0.083 0.0017 566 0.336 545 548 130.727 0.190 0.006 554 81 0.634 14 0.020 566 0.008 0.1249 61 0.900 547 0.0030 552 0.090 0.0768 556 14 0.0021 2028 0.001 0.066 11 1119 41 544 0.0590 0.0019 51 553 0.745 1944 0.0190.754 1116 18 555 0.029 1869 28 0.092 70 1120 26 0.087 0.001 0.101 554 91.0 41 0.002 0.0591 0.205 12 99.7 0.0018 0.0631 0.0026 553 5530.715 689 67 0.031 86 566 0.085 568 120.720 0.002 0.007 17 0.022 567 0.0607 0.0028 536 0.0900.767 10 0.001 609 0.187 94.4 0.032 100 0.0581 0.0019 0.094 546 0.003 515 18 0.2200.715 0.0597 74 526 0.019 0.0027 10 549 0.087 561 96.4 13 0.001 990.859 0.155 554 0.039 0.05970.937 576 0.0019 0.044 0.1002 18 0.0019 0.0964 578 0.035 0.0023 0.0626 577 69 0.134 0.0027 0.0715 15 100.2 0.0032 549 640 12 963 91 88 539 625 669 21 23 615 593 11 98.4 14 88.6 235 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 59 1857 99.6 94 385589 99.8 98 5457 99.8 810 99.6 75 3981 99.8 -81 -694 99.8 168 1864 99.8 224 6610 99.7 424109 8695708 99.6 5204294 22462 99.7 99.6 11855 99.5 489 14237 99.7 358136 15225 99.6 3836 99.7 318 10643 99.7 -725 -14833 99.6 Pb % error % error 204 9 9 9 9 9 10 -1000 -36570 97.4 10 -900 -8727 99.6 14 -467 -17233 99.8 10 -500 -20945 99.7 10 155 1847 99.3 10 1000 13660 99.5 10 11112 3989 99.7 1200 29850 99.8 10 102 8366 98.8 10 500 16850 99.7 11 122 186712 99.6 30010 9785 99.6 17 125 567 1034 99.5 4543 98.5 2σ int 6 9 6 1 9 41 9 27 9 1 8 3 9 9 9 99 8 2 9 9 2 26 9 9 9 3 9 4 8 3 -1 -1 -1 -3 -2 21 10 48 4810 99.6 18 10 52 651 99.8 15 12 8016 2611 99.6 1210 11 92 7842 99.6 2013 11 10 55 7713 1548 99.7 94410 99.2 11 110 1393 99.5 -11 -10 12 -120 -4028 99.7 Pb cps 204 1.6 3.4 4.7 2.2 0.8 1.5 2.7 0.9 1.7 1.8 1.4 2.0 2.1 1.4 1.5 2.8 1.9 1.3 3.8 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.6 0.9 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.1 2.0 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.9 1.1 1.7 0.8 0.6 Th/U Th (ppm) 62 76 97 36 93 108 114173 143 271 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain M1. S ample MB16-225 - I rish C ove g ranodiorite (UTM: 681674E, 5075495N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. SMB16-216-27SMB16-216-28SMB16-216-29SMB16-216-30 582SMB16-216-31 535SMB16-216-32 350 161SMB16-216-33 303 405SMB16-216-34 433 99 SMB16-216-35 281 456SMB16-216-36 218 283SMB16-216-36b 217 612SMB16-216-37 200 436SMB16-216-38 399 557SMB16-216-39 318 155 SMB16-216-40 292 830 254 SMB16-216-41 554SMB16-216-42 218 601SMB16-216-43 331 771SMB16-216-44 429 114SMB16-216-45 588 410SMB16-216-46 1700 104 SMB16-216-47 386 473 495 SMB16-216-48 374SMB16-216-49 290 266SMB16-216-50 431 736SMB16-216-51 192 317SMB16-216-52 482 756SMB16-216-53 172 67 SMB16-216-54 519 221SMB16-216-55 486 78 SMB16-216-56 205 542SMB16-216-57 247 379SMB16-216-58 332 SMB16-216-59 295 145SMB16-216-60 235SMB16-216-61 449 95 148 639 240 SMB16-225-1 569 SMB16-225-1 594SMB16-225-2 347

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 63 % C 2σ U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.861 0.044 0.1021 0.0021 0.025 0.0615 0.0031 620 100 630 23 627 12 99.5 0.849 0.041 0.1000 0.0020 0.075 0.0617 0.00280.829 620 0.040 100 0.1000 0.0020 619 0.132 0.0606 22 0.0027 615 571 12 94 99.3 0.873 609 0.044 22 0.1013 614 0.0021 0.198 12 0.0628 100.8 0.0029 657 99 635 250.876 622 0.047 13 0.1042 98.0 0.0025 0.224 0.0608 0.0029 6000.912 100 0.047 633 0.10230.846 0.0023 25 0.0520.857 0.081 0.0651 0.042 0.1003 6390.881 0.0032 0.0023 0.051 0.1015 14 0.130 100.9 0.0020 710 0.0613 0.1044 0.115 0.0035 110 0.0023 0.0614 0.194 0.0028 590 0.0615 652 0.0033 120 599 25 580 97 618 628 110 28 13 623 634 96.3 616 23 28 13 623 99.7 640 12 100.0 13 100.9 0.810 0.035 0.0971 0.0018 0.170 0.0609 0.0023 596 83 599 20 597 11 99.7 0.828 0.035 0.1004 0.0018 0.367 0.0600 0.0021 570 75 6100.844 19 0.0450.833 617 0.039 0.0988 10 0.0022 101.1 0.09680.872 0.032 0.0022 0.0621 0.037 0.177 0.0031 0.0630 0.10440.891 0.0028 0.0020 620 0.044 0.106 110 653 0.0610 0.10320.850 0.0024 0.0024 94 616 0.0420.821 0.364 594 0.0630 25 0.037 0.1038 611 0.0026 0.0021 84 0.0981 607 0.084 22 0.0019 685 0.0598 13 0.124 633 0.0028 596 0.0611 90 98.5 0.850 20 0.0025 13 560 0.039 644 97.5 100 640 592 0.1012 24 12 0.0018 89 623 101.2 0.128 633 0.0612 24 605 0.0027 14 6360.834 20 98.3 590 0.033 13 603 102.2 94 0.0988 11 0.00190.811 0.006 621 99.7 0.0620 0.0430.887 21 0.0023 0.061 0.0960 621 0.0020 648 0.10150.812 0.253 10 0.0034 0.0615 77 100.0 0.038 0.051 0.0030 0.0638 0.0981 616 0.0046 0.0021 630 0.385 17 100 680 0.0601 0.0024 160 607 5990.856 11 583 641 24 0.043 98.6 85 33 0.1017 5910.839 0.0022 0.036 623 12 0.099 604 0.0614 98.6 0.1009 20 22 0.0029 0.0023 97.2 0.040 603 590 0.0607 0.0026 100 12 99.9 591 623 92 24 624 616 13 20 100.2 619 13 100.5 0.630 0.160 0.0808 0.0023 0.617 0.0560 0.0130 1390 180 474 110 501 14 105.7 0.860 0.035 0.0946 0.0018 0.032 0.0665 0.0026 778 80 627 19 582 11 92.9 0.838 0.035 0.10100.860 0.0018 0.0380.812 0.339 0.0605 0.039 0.1006 0.0021 0.0020 0.0965 0.069 0.0019 587 0.0620 0.101 0.0024 0.0615 75 0.0027 644 615 604 87 19 94 627 620 599 21 10 100.8 22 618 594 11 98.6 11 99.1 0.861 0.040 0.09990.876 0.0020 0.054 0.140 0.0629 0.1027 0.0027 0.0024 0.143 654 0.0624 0.0037 910.859 630 0.0310.879 626 130 0.043 0.0972 22 0.0017 634 0.1046 0.102 614 0.0022 0.0645 300.820 0.134 0.0021 12 0.0612 0.038 6300.911 98.1 0.0030 725 0.039 0.09710.862 14 0.0022 600 70 99.4 0.029 0.1019 0.163 100 0.0019 0.0616 0.1019 0.064 627 0.0027 0.0017 0.0652 6370.768 0.182 17 0.0025 607 0.0612 23 0.0330.848 0.0015 598 737 94 0.049 0.0918 641 10 0.0019 635 85 0.0982 13 0.258 604 95.4 100.6 0.0027 0.0602 58 0.606 654 22 0.0021 0.0632 629 21 0.0027 597 596 16 625 13 680 79 98.8 625 11 88 576 95.6 100.864 619 19 99.4 0.037 27 566 0.10040.842 604 11 0.0019 0.042 0.199 98.2 16 0.0625 0.1014 97.6 0.0024 0.0019 0.130 646 0.0603 0.0028 84 557 629 98 20 615 617 23 11 98.1 623 11 101.2 235 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % 99.4 *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 -82 -606 99.7 -55 -547 99.6 -388 -3288 99.5 Pb % error % error 204 9 9 9 12 -400 -1800 99.6 12 -150 -905 99.5 11 -367 -1870 99.2 11 -1100 -10910 99.6 11 122 1196 99.7 1212 600 -30010 3165 -1940 99.4 -505 99.3 14 -4484 -175 99.6 10 -205811 99.5 216 -220 1561 -1966 99.8 99.5 11 -220 -1980 99.5 10 -1000 -10080 99.5 1219 -150 380 -1231 99.4 14 1034 99.4 200 98011 99.7 18312 1063 600 99.5 3420 99.7 12 1711012 1600 475 99.7 400 4005 99.6 2640 99.6 10 14 1400 8390 99.6 1113 157 325 1661 99.2 219311 99.5 11 183 122 157712 99.2 226313 99.6 171 144 1703 99.6 1104 99.4 11 367 3797 99.4 2σ int 9 2 4 5 7 6 2 7 2 3 0 1 7 4 6 9 7 9 3 -3 -8 -3 -1 -4 -2 -8 -5 -5 -2 -1 -8 10 11 110 670 99.6 11 11 100 548 99.5 1411 14 12 100 109 478 99.7 573 99.6 14 12 86 648 99.0 16 12 75 509 99.6 -11 -17 307 39 13 92 81.6 Pb cps 204 1.5 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.9 Th/U Th (ppm) 91 108 7288 71 93 8092 80 112 89 95 82 78 6473 66 87 76 89 124 77 114 83 75 110 87 91 139151 93 189 112109 135 142 120 125 136 155 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain Appendix A. SMB16-225-3 SMB16-225-4 SMB16-225-5 SMB16-225-6 SMB16-225-7 SMB16-225-8 SMB16-225-9 SMB16-225-10 SMB16-225-11SMB16-225-12 SMB16-225-13SMB16-225-13b1 395SMB16-225-14SMB16-225-15 984 113 102SMB16-225-16SMB16-225-17 135 106 138 SMB16-225-18 103SMB16-225-19 106 204SMB16-225-20 142 SMB16-225-21 319 SMB16-225-22 133SMB16-225-23 156SMB16-225-24 156 125SMB16-225-25 226 SMB16-225-26 177 130SMB16-225-27 111SMB16-225-28 178 130SMB16-225-29 134 263SMB16-225-30 167 SMB16-225-30b1 463 140SMB16-225-31 174SMB16-225-32 203 133 133SMB16-225-33 260 SMB16-225-34 140 194 SMB16-225-35 SMB16-225-36 117SMB16-225-37SMB16-225-38 149 SMB16-225-39SMB16-225-40 149 207 106 117

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 64 96.3 98.2 99.7 99.7 99.8 99.5 % C 100.1 101.4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2σ U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.829 0.043 0.0995 0.0020 0.304 0.0604 0.0027 564 96 608 24 612 12 100.6 0.913 0.030 0.1095 0.0027 0.745 0.06090.890 0.0011 0.023 632 0.1063 0.0017 37 0.504 0.06040.904 658 0.0009 0.023 16 611 0.1076 670 0.0017 32 0.111 15 0.0607 101.8 646 0.0010 12 6200.846 651 35 0.033 10 100.9 0.1019 653 0.0022 0.509 12 0.0612 0.0018 659 10 638 100.9 63 622 18 626 13 100.6 0.846 0.019 0.1014 0.0015 0.548 0.0602 0.0006 609 21 622 11 623 0.910 0.045 0.10380.944 0.0021 0.073 0.199 0.0642 0.1088 0.0027 0.00290.820 0.365 697 0.0633 0.047 0.0045 91 0.10060.862 0.0021 640 0.046 0.087 655 140 0.0593 0.1010 23 0.0034 0.0023 666 0.218 637 520 0.0621 38 0.0031 120 12 666 97.2 610 603 17 110 100.0 26 625 6180.803 25 0.024 120.869 102.4 620 0.021 0.09330.917 0.0015 0.022 13 0.1014 0.346 0.0015 99.2 0.0617 0.1075 0.538 0.0013 0.0016 0.0618 0.545 0.0007 654 0.0615 0.0007 663 45 651 26 597 25 634 13 660 12 575 0.879 12 623 0.021 658 0.1042 0.0015 0.439 0.0610 0.0007 633 260.889 641 0.0200.780 11 0.026 0.1069 639 0.0016 0.0947 0.451 0.0017 0.06040.885 0.627 0.0006 0.0594 0.025 0.0013 613 0.1060 0.0020 573 22 0.747 0.0605 47 645 0.0008 585 11 621 15 655 29 583 643 10 14 99.7 649 12 101.0 0.875 0.025 0.1023 0.0017 0.080 0.0622 0.00130.839 668 0.022 46 0.1004 0.0016 0.320 639 0.0608 13 0.0011 628 622 10 41 98.3 618 13 617 0.942 0.045 0.0986 0.0020 0.042 0.07000.877 0.0033 0.047 864 0.1016 0.0023 99 0.0900.891 0.0632 0.023 672 0.0035 24 0.1051 630 0.0017 110 606 0.552 0.0612 12 0.0008 633 90.1 0.898 25 642 0.022 29 624 0.1058 0.0017 13 0.609 648 98.6 0.06120.891 13 0.0008 0.026 644 641 0.09900.894 10 0.0018 28 0.024 0.454 99.4 0.0655 0.1014 651 0.0014 0.0017 0.776 12 780 0.06380.832 0.0008 649 46 0.0230.865 10 731 0.022 0.0995 646 99.7 0.0016 25 0.1025 0.367 14 0.0016 0.0606 0.476 648 0.0010 609 0.0610 13 0.0008 11 619 94.2 622 635 36 10 27 615 96.0 632 12 12 612 629 10 99.5 0.827 0.034 0.1014 0.0018 0.187 0.0591 0.00210.829 537 0.026 75 0.0998 0.0017 0.083 609 0.0603 18 0.0016 623 591 10 58 102.2 614 14 613 10 99.9 0.890 0.024 0.1045 0.0017 0.241 0.0611 0.0011 641 39 647 12 641 10 99.1 0.880 0.026 0.1035 0.0017 0.290 0.0616 0.0014 644 49 640 14 635 10 99.2 0.829 0.031 0.0980 0.0018 0.070 0.0616 0.0021 624 730.820 0.0410.848 611 0.041 0.0955 17 0.0018 0.1016 0.143 603 0.0022 0.0627 0.149 0.0030 11 0.0609 98.6 0.0027 6370.910 608 97 0.025 99 606 0.1066 0.0019 622 23 0.465 0.0617 23 588 0.0012 624 11 654 97.0 0.833 13 100.3 39 0.026 0.0974 656 0.0017 0.245 13 0.0622 0.0016 653 11 671 99.5 56 617 16 599 10 97.1 0.823 0.039 0.0981 0.0021 0.230 0.0610 0.0026 592 92 605 22 603 12 99.7 0.896 0.0300.868 0.033 0.1080 0.0020 0.1026 0.476 0.0017 0.0593 0.352 0.0012 0.0612 0.0018 583 625 49 64 648 633 16 18 661 630 11 102.0 10 99.5 235 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % 99.4 99.6 99.8 99.6 *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 94 12684 99.8 70 10889 99.9 230 45475 99.9 Pb % error % error 204 9 9 10 -12511 -1100 -743 99.7 -6936 99.8 13 -260 -9160 99.5 23 -256 -20000 99.9 11 -275 -22775 99.8 13 -325 -20900 99.8 27 -900 -43300 99.8 11 12213 260 746 99.4 892 99.4 10 12511 653 99.6 1012 255 150 25921 99.7 17900 99.8 1013 125 433 16888 99.9 17767 99.7 10 -250 -3258 99.8 12 -300 -4313 99.7 11 1100 69000 99.7 11 -550 -17650 99.6 1112 -183 -400 -4750 -12000 99.6 99.7 10 1000 11140 99.4 1016 125 53312 1019 99.4 4023 99.5 12 13 2σ int 9 5 8 0 4 8 4 9 8 3 1 1 8 3 0 0 0 -8 -1 -9 -4 -4 -3 -5 -4 -4 -2 -6 -3 12 11 92 510 98.6 13 11 8527 6885 99.8 13 4818 4737 17 99.9 22 94 1310 4600 59 99.2 17 7523 99.5 14 82 5894 99.8 14 11 12 109 5055 99.7 -18 13 -72 -4611 99.8 -20 17 -85 -1800 99.6 Pb cps 204 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.7 1.2 1.9 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.5 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 Th/U Th (ppm) 87 100 6277 67 95 90 81 130 70 86 78 69 73 705634 618 1132 623820 402 1240 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain M2. S ample MB16-217 – M acDougall P oint p luton ( dark g rey for ol der c luster, l ight y ounger ) (UTM: 695381E, 5092306N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) ) Appendix A. SMB16-225-41SMB16-225-42 SMB16-225-43SMB16-225-44 171SMB16-225-45 SMB16-225-46 261 152SMB16-225-47 SMB16-225-48 199 SMB16-225-49 228SMB16-225-50SMB16-225-50b1 305 SMB16-225-51 SMB16-225-52 110 175 150 SMB16-217-1 264 SMB16-217-2 109SMB16-217-3 137 SMB16-217-4 1114SMB16-217-5 1460 SMB16-217-6SMB16-217-7 1231SMB16-217-8 1773 1593 SMB16-217-9 1529 3479 SMB16-217-10 1970 2040 SMB16-217-11 1640 SMB16-217-12SMB16-217-13 1091SMB16-217-14 1075 574 SMB16-217-15 2233 1900 SMB16-217-16 2292 3642 SMB16-217-17 1584 4770 SMB16-217-18 1001 2680 SMB16-217-19 1003 1590 SMB16-217-20 1238 1560 SMB16-217-21 669 2001 SMB16-217-22 346SMB16-217-23 980 463SMB16-217-24 1532 421 SMB16-217-25 1680 702 2241 SMB16-217-26 794 2210 356 1059 489 1800 493 748 1510

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 65 75.5 98.5 99.7 97.1 99.6 99.4 98.7 99.2 99.1 80.7 99.6 % C 101.3 101.3 101.5 101.2 100.9 100.1 100.4 100.1 100.7 9 9 9 9 9 7 8 8 6 6 6 9 9 6 7 6 6 9 6 5 2σ U 424 371 397 Pb/ 238 206 9 9.7 8.8 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/

206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 0.871 0.0210.840 0.025 0.10510.881 0.0015 0.022 0.1019 0.491 0.0019 0.0601 0.1052 0.540 0.0007 0.0016 0.0605 0.521 0.0011 604 0.0609 0.0007 628 250.882 632 42 0.0230.838 635 26 0.025 0.1073 619 11 0.0016 0.10170.886 0.212 641 14 644 0.0017 0.0598 0.022 0.247 12 0.0010 625 0.0599 0.10680.885 0.0014 645 11 0.0016 589 101.0 0.020 0.451 10 590 0.0604 35 100.6 0.1066 0.0008 0.0016 51 0.521 642 620 0.06040.873 617 12 0.0005 29 0.023 14 657 617 0.1055 645 624 10 0.0017 20 102.4 0.482 12 10 0.0603 101.2 644 0.0009 654 11 607 653 33 637 12 646 10 101.5 0.449 0.021 0.04491 0.0012 0.157 0.0723 0.00270.444 958 0.0170.456 69 0.05932 0.021 0.0009 374.9 0.05926 0.116 14 0.0541 0.001 0.0017 0.134 283 0.0561 0.0021 369 62 464 372.6 77 11 382 372 14 371 0.809 0.023 0.0981 0.0023 0.885 0.0598 0.0007 595 24 601 13 603 13 100.3 0.438 0.052 0.05772 0.0011 0.184 0.0543 0.0045 365 110 367 24 362 0.906 0.022 0.1083 0.0016 0.487 0.0605 0.0006 624 25 655 11 663 0.880 0.026 0.1064 0.0017 0.291 0.0602 0.0013 6000.884 46 0.021 0.1058 640 0.0015 0.339 14 0.0609 0.0007 652 10 632 101.9 25 643 11 649 0.529 0.0130.445 0.0679 0.02 0.0013 0.05937 0.589 0.0564 0.001 0.0008 0.095 0.054 469 0.002 320.422 430.4 358 0.019 0.05729 74 0.0011 0.209 374 0.0536 13 0.002 372 335 66 356.5 13 359 0.889 0.025 0.1056 0.0016 0.421 0.0611 0.0011 631 38 6450.831 13 0.034 647 0.1010 10 0.0035 100.3 0.940 0.0603 0.0008 614 270.843 614 0.021 19 0.1006 620 0.0016 0.401 20 0.0608 101.0 0.876 0.0008 0.0200.858 628 0.030 0.10430.836 0.0015 27 0.027 0.1016 0.450 0.0016 0.0613 0.10160.899 0.154 620 0.0007 0.0016 0.0616 0.029 0.327 11 0.0017 647 0.0602 0.1057 0.0015 618 0.0017 633 24 0.295 590 0.0619 63 639 0.0015 54 627 110.433 653 0.025 616 16 639 51 0.05818 15 624 0.0011 649 624 0.02 10 0.0539 15 99.5 10 0.0029 101.3 648 338 10 95 99.8 364 17 365 0.864 0.022 0.1051 0.0019 0.611 0.0600 0.0007 600 26 632 12 646 10 102.2 0.866 0.023 0.1032 0.0017 0.511 0.06090.829 0.0008 0.0260.894 635 0.029 0.09360.850 0.0018 30 0.030 0.1005 0.604 0.0017 0.0643 0.1025 0.234 633 0.0011 0.0018 0.0648 0.127 12 0.0017 756 0.0606 0.0018 633 745 37 10 611 56 100.1 612 63 647 140.826 625 16 576 0.024 17 617 11 0.0984 94.2 630 10 0.0015 0.326 95.4 11 0.0612 100.8 0.799 0.0012 0.033 635 0.0961 0.0035 43 0.788 0.0608 611 0.0013 13 6271.314 605 49 0.061 0.1043 5940.437 0.0023 0.015 0.482 18 0.0914 0.05849 0.0034 591 0.0009 0.214 1429 21 0.0541 99.5 0.0015 70 363 846 56 27 367.9 6390.595 10 13 0.02 366 75.5 0.06117 0.001 0.477 0.0706 0.0019 942 55 474 13 383 235 0.4383 0.014 0.05930.4836 0.0009 0.013 0.164 0.06348 0.0534 0.0014 0.001 0.244 332 0.0556 0.0011 51 429 370 42 400 207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % 99.9 *Pb a Pb Pb/ 204 206 7572 2107 1203 307 4833 138 1962 193203 7000 113 6031 5597 643 20364 -132 -1194 Pb % error % error 204 7 9 12 -400 -4457 11 -110018 -13030011 -257 99.9 -550 -14686 99.9 -37000 99.9 1315 -21712 -500 -1295012 99.9 -171 -15367 99.8 -240 -944311 -22760 99.8 99.9 -183 -25367 99.9 11 -275 -14275 99.9 1211 -400 -367 -689010 99.7 -9100 -134 99.7 -3649 99.7 12 200 21583 99.9 10 122 13152 99.9 16 11 157 6843 99.8 1213 200 325 3370 99.3 4263 99.6 12 171 8300 99.7 9.2 7.7 8.3 2σ int 3 6 8 0 7 6 4 7 -3 -1 -7 -2 -6 -3 -7 -5 -6 -4 -3 -3 -7 15 15 100 3473 53 11 21 578 11 10 91 5155 99.8 31 24 7718 7323 99.9 1813 100 13056 11 99.9 85 7069 99.8 11 12 109 4000 99.3 14 11 79 692 96.2 1.4 6.1 8.4 4.23.9 8.1 7.7 7.9 8.7 -11 10 -91 -10209 99.8 -11 12 -109 -3300 99.6 -5.3 Pb 10.2 11.5 cps 204 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.4 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.7 2.3 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.9 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.1 Th/U Th (ppm) U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain M3. S ample 1 1F16c-1115 – G illis M ountain g ranodiorite (no U or Th ppb available) (UTM: 712781E, 5085905N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. SMB16-217-27SMB16-217-28SMB16-217-29SMB16-217-30 687SMB16-217-31 1608 1030 SMB16-217-32 617 2930 SMB16-217-33 1664SMB16-217-34 1285 909 3181 SMB16-217-35 951 1649 SMB16-217-36 619 1192 SMB16-217-37 268SMB16-217-38 602 214SMB16-217-39 2670 333 SMB16-217-40 264 943 1950 SMB16-217-41 642 1102 SMB16-217-42 779 1159 SMB16-217-43 1381 1042 SMB16-217-44 2840 2020 SMB16-217-45 1935 1247 SMB16-217-46 799 2622 SMB16-217-47 1193SMB16-217-48 1278 850 1834 SMB16-217-49 737 2280 SMB16-217-50 571 1107 SMB16-217-51 1434SMB16-217-52 300 273 2384 SMB16-217-53 355 2445 357 351 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp15-Zr1c2 331 2780 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp15-Zr1r 144 453 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp15-Zr1c1 134 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp16-Zr1c 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp17-Zr1r 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp17-Zr1c 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp-18-Zr1r 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp18-Zr1c 11f-16c_1115_3_SP19-Zr1r 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp19-Zr1c 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp10-Zr1c 11f-16c_1115_3_Sp21-Zr1c

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 66 99.7 89.2 98.9 93.4 99.9 90.9 96.1 98.4 99.2 97.1 95.8 99.8 79.9 95.1 90.7 91.0 93.9 87.8 93.0 98.2 92.3 93.4 98.5 % C 100.7 100.2 111.7 121.7 100.6 101.0 101.7 102.5 106.8 101.3 107.3 102.2 100.3 103.7 7 8 6 6 8 6 6 9 7 8 7 6 8 8 7 6 7 6 6 6 7 8 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 7 9 5 6 6 6 6 2σ U 359 377 346 372 335 368 361 357 361 374 359 371 Pb/ 238 206 5 9.6 5.8 9.9 8.9 8.4 8.7 7.8 7.2 9.6 8.5 7.1 2σ 2 U Pb/ 359.9 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 5 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 0.054 0.0018 371 75 316 18 318 0.061 0.0015 639 53 405.8 0.0546 0.0001 394 0.0551 0.004 416 162 330 29 369 0.0529 0.0029 325 124 270 43 329 0.0532 0.0041 3370.0528 175 0.003 347 320 129 12 347 336 27 338 0.0544 0.0036 388 149 382 30 389 0.0548 0.0015 396 55 374.6 0.0565 0.0036 450 110 403 20 391 0.0582 0.001 537 38 370 0.0603 0.0010.0702 0.0018 615 934 35 53 396.3 445.8 110.0578 0.00130.0628 356 0.0012 523 702 49 380.6 41 410.9 0.0734 0.0076 10250.0583 209 0.0042 347 541 158 20 356 357 25 381 0.0549 0.0040.0519 0.0037 408 281 163 163 305 340 20 21 309 365 0.0563 0.0023 464 91 358 27 352 0.0594 0.0017 5820.0578 62 0.0014 405.6 522 53 384.1 0.0499 0.0034 190 159 349 36 357 0.0491 0.00460.0548 0.0036 1530.0554 0.0049 219 404 147 428 359 197 352 23 373 31 360 27 365 366 0.0556 0.0011 436 44 376.6 206 207 1 0.093 0.098 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U 0.44 0.017 0.05903 0.001 0.24 0.0543 0.0016 381 60 370.6 11 370 0.45 0.017 0.05585 0.0012 0.071 0.0594 0.00240.47 0.025 573 0.05917 0.0011 68 0.126 376.8 0.0584 0.0024 11 506 350 77 390 14 371 0.43 0.0310.43 0.05746 0.0420.45 0.0015 0.05825 0.538 0.04 0.0008 0.627 0.05843 0.001 0.598 Pb/ 0.501 0.019 0.05886 0.0009 0.118 0.0621 0.0018 647 58 413.2 11 369 0.429 0.016 0.05830.447 0.0009 0.015 0.168 0.0535 0.0016 0.060.491 0.0009 335 0.058 0.032 0.0539 60 0.0626 0.0015 0.0012 361.8 355 11 56 365 375 11 376 0.307 0.057 0.05231 0.0015 0.628 0.408 0.0160.364 0.05523 0.0230.391 0.0011 0.408 0.037 0.0506 0.05383 0.0013 0.531 0.0012 0.579 0.378 0.04 0.05883 0.0013 0.641 0.513 0.055 0.06087 0.0011 0.003 0.0609 0.0041 648 87 419 220.442 0.035 381 0.0572 0.00120.838 0.088 0.0556 0.031 0.0025 0.09989 0.003 432 0.221 0.0614 78 0.0032 373 661 14 61 359 618.8 16 614 18 99.2 0.552 0.017 0.0568 0.001 0.497 0.411 0.028 0.056720.422 0.0013 0.413 0.035 0.0609 0.0012 0.552 0.4570.349 0.04 0.027 0.062140.394 0.04911 0.0013 0.029 0.489 0.0009 0.289 0.0582 0.001 0.497 0.423 0.036 0.05613 0.0012 0.666 0.491 0.014 0.0598 0.0010.459 0.012 0.012 0.05724 0.0009 0.361 0.492 0.012 0.05877 0.0009 0.016 0.412 0.047 0.0569 0.0012 0.401 0.504 0.053 0.06324 0.003 0.192 0.0576 0.0089 480 160 412 26 395 19 95.9 235 0.4465 0.014 0.05934 0.0009 0.4258 0.0071 0.05727 0.0011 0.4113 0.013 0.053320.4554 0.001 0.014 0.28 0.06019 0.0557 0.001 0.0013 0.02 448 0.0548 0.0014 46 349.5 403 54 381 0.4385 0.0082 0.05508 0.0009 0.352 0.4776 0.013 0.05754 0.0012 0.601 0.4991 0.011 0.05756 0.0009 0.254 0.4552 0.011 0.05697 0.0009 0.285 0.4496 0.01 0.05923 0.001 0.437

207 b 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 C % *Pb 81 78.6 97 81.8 a 260 93.2 Pb Pb/ 204 206 8 9 9 44 983 45 1119 4377 1105 953 780 26600 -122 -3667 -536 -14029 Pb % error % error 204 10 -500 -11435 11 -220 -1040 10 250 2438 11 138 11763 12 -133 -6374 99.5 12 1200 15890 9.7 7.5 7.8 8.8 7.8 2σ int 1 4 8 1 -2 -5 -9 22 1114 50 14 100 1155 3546 31 14 45 3101 99.4 3676 15 14 42 18 3311 99.2 1158 97.9 49 14 29 2469 98.9 14 1614 114 14 3500 99.4 26 100 13 3529 99.4 50 2564 99.1 17 15 88 3506 99.8 118 25 21 892 98.1 169175 27198 21 16 22 12 11 981 98.3 565 96.5 416 95.7 100 19117 19 14 12 744 98.0 553196 97.2 149 30183 16 15 24 11 13 495 96.3 485 96.4 450 96.5 142281 19107 25 364 13 17102 48 16 468 15 95.7 13 15 721 97.3 189 90.3 630 97.0 -7.8 9.5 -1.4 7.5 Pb 21.8 16.8 18.3 11.4 1320 110 1068 97 cps 204 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.6 Th/U Th (ppm) 865527 304 709 213 321 589 278 742960 369 918 522 927 321 980 507 549 652 320 657 339 778829 411 940 638 702 728 701 369 389 1202 510 11491107 559 458 13681061 739 519 19331276 792 1011 590 430 1353 881 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain M4. S ample FD150 – Deep Co ve granite (UTM: 723652E, 5085375N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) Appendix A. 11F-16C_1115_2_SP1-Zr1r 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp1-Zr1c 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp2-Zr1r 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp3-Zr1r 11F-16C_1115_2_SP4-Zr1r 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp6-Zr1r 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp7-Zr1r 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp8-Zr1c 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp9-Zr1r 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp9-Zr1r2 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp9-Zr1c 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp11-Zr1c 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp12-Zr1c 11F-16C_1115_2_Sp13-Zr1c FD-150-1 FD-150-2 FD-150-3 FD-150-4 FD-150-5 FD-150-6 FD-150-7 FD-150-8 FD-150-9 FD-150-10 FD-150-11 FD-150-12 FD-150-13 FD-150-14 FD-150-15 FD-150-16 FD-150-17 FD-150-18 FD-150-19 FD-150-20 FD-150-21 FD-150-22 FD-150-23 FD-150-24 FD-150-25

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 67 97.4 97.3 99.6 97.4 93.8 89.4 99.6 97.7 87.9 92.8 97.0 83.9 96.2 91.0 99.7 95.7 87.4 % C 100.5 101.4 100.2 111.5 123.6 100.7 105.3 105.7 101.3 104.0 100.5 105.6 103.8 133.6 120.8 108.4 100.1 100.5 104.9 162.7 8 6 6 6 9 7 8 4 6 6 6 9 5 9 8 7 3 6 6 8 6 7 8 9 5 8 6 6 6 8 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 2σ U 356 359 367 365 379 367 369 367 377 372 370 362 364 Pb/ 238 206 6 5.9 7.3 7.3 9.3 6.2 6.3 7.9 7.3 7.3 3.3 6.7 7.1 2σ 2 U Pb/ 357.2 371.5 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 6 3 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb 0.05 0.0059 195 274 314 29 346 11 110.3 Pb/ 0.054 0.0038 371 158 350 21 341 0.053 0.002 329 86 369 17 359 0.054 0.0034 371 142 386 18 391 0.056 0.0013 4520.062 52 0.0013 368.4 674 45 410.7 0.063 0.018 708 608 276 26 333 0.054 0.001 371 42 368.8 0.067 0.0015 838 47 437.6 0.0526 0.0032 312 138 340 33 342 0.0583 0.0057 541 214 357 16 358 0.0543 0.0047 384 195 330 33 368 0.0556 0.0043 4360.0542 0.0002 172 378 274 43 339 0.0523 0.0035 2990.0544 0.0028 153 3880.0559 231 0.0028 116 28 448 331 217 111 30 330 333 210.0564 347 0.0036 468 1410.0551 0.0027 320 416 20 109 338 0.0592 411 0.0037 36 574 416 136 322 13 321 0.0553 0.00840.0591 0.006 424 339 571 221 338 23 411 352 40 402 0.0558 0.0025 444 100 316 33 318 0.0621 0.008 678 275 323 31 341 0.0548 0.0025 404 102 346 180.0542 359 0.004 379 166 315 500.0517 0.0051 342 272 226 379 38 363 10 95.8 0.0593 0.0019 578 70 408.2 0.0577 0.0012 517 46 391.5 0.0607 0.0013 6290.0602 46 0.024 408.5 0.0545 611 7E-05 862 391 4000.0535 130 0.0054 374 350 34 228 93.5 312 54 314 0.0629 0.0011 706 37 414.9 0.0543 0.0023 384 95 260 110 347 0.0483 0.0098 114 479 352 26 369 0.0563 0.001 463 38 378 0.0569 0.0012 489 47 377.8 0.0631 0.0013 712 44 416.9 0.0633 0.0061 718 205 254 82 413 206 207 1 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 0.031 0.05606 0.0005 0.456 0.4 U 0.36 0.041 0.05434 0.0012 0.456 0.41 0.025 0.05731 0.0011 0.463 0.35 0.14 0.0554 0.0013 0.842 0.32 0.091 0.06622 0.0012 0.703 Pb/ 0.391 0.042 0.05442 0.0009 0.665 0.421 0.021 0.05708 0.0014 0.403 0.295 0.053 0.05397 0.0006 0.775 0.371 0.045 0.05046 0.001 0.518 0.392 0.041 0.05306 0.0015 0.587 0.496 0.051 0.06671 0.0013 0.426 0.389 0.045 0.05876 0.0012 0.52 0.514 0.057 0.06429 0.0009 0.691 0.441 0.023 0.0572 0.001 0.257 0.264 0.035 0.03418 0.0009 0.534 0.385 0.028 0.05537 0.0008 0.513 0.4090.376 0.03 0.027 0.05428 0.05387 0.00130.467 0.482 0.0015 0.472 0.025 0.0626 0.0011 0.46 0.375 0.018 0.05102 0.0012 0.646 0.388 0.065 0.05442 0.0008 0.756 0.323 0.033 0.05307 0.0015 0.584 0.375 0.038 0.0552 0.00180.459 0.337 0.054 0.05796 0.0017 0.756 0.424 0.035 0.05886 0.001 0.495 0.496 0.014 0.06053 0.0013 0.337 0.437 0.01 0.05726 0.0009 0.109 0.484 0.48 0.0597 0.0059 0.405 0.373 0.068 0.04985 0.0011 0.731 235 0.4221 0.0082 0.05674 0.0013 0.99 0.4991 0.011 0.05858 0.0009 0.048 0.5049 0.0089 0.05823 0.001 0.042 0.4507 0.0087 0.0585 0.001 0.422 0.5393 0.0120.4701 0.058620.4512 0.01 0.0096 0.001 0.06017 0.061 0.0577 0.0013 0.606 0.0009 0.091 0.5072 0.01 0.05813 0.001 0.055 0.4958 0.011 0.05935 0.001 0.03 0.4418 0.0047 0.05912 0.001 0.4383 0.009 0.05891 0.0009 0.142 207 b 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 C % *Pb 61 71.4 60 68.7 53 66.8 a 167 88.7 449 95.7 168 88.8 243 92.4 104 82.0 137 86.6 155 88.7 115 82.6 Pb Pb/ 204 206 9 7 9 6 9 6 5 5 6 5 3 Pb % error % error 204 2σ int 92 19 21 1300 98.8 53 16 30 1919 99.0 64 15 23 1502 98.9 24 14 581017 2254 11 99.3 11 110 65 4292 99.7 4382 99.7 7029 1612 14 23 12 48 100 1171 98.4 2383 4834 99.5 99.7 22 15 6825 3224 14 98.9 55 56 2086 2682 99.2 36 1899 1191 21 99.3 18 815 97.7 18 431 95.4 -12 16 -133 -6871 99.9 117 14 12260 896 25 97.6 10318715 240 54 91.5 52 17241 329503 94.4 29 66136 12 13 20281 409363 95.2 15 221 26 92.5 44153 724 97.2 12 21 14 367 95.2 764 97.4 615 90 15 207 90.6 423 27 339 29 804 45 659592 78 96 12642 16 32 44568 152 64.5 89.8 56507278 10 28 31 154471 88.3 11 25 130 201 90.6 17 13 458 96.3 Pb 2180 200 1866 98 1785 59 cps 204 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.9 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.6 Th/U Th (ppm) 602 294 986492 441 862 233 354 973953 366 581 940777 499 665 365 323 731 302 805 405 269999 181 771 515 613 942773 494 928 357 820 601 799 343 753 745 319 1340 837 14061195 498 634 14261110 575 482 11651358 520 700 11721273 619 1153 523 1094 635 529 15311512 771 808 1524 898 1011 726 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain Appendix A. FD-150-26 FD-150-27 FD-150-28 FD-150-29 FD-150-30 FD-150-31 FD-150-32 FD-150-33 FD-150-34 FD-150-35 FD-150-36 FD-150-37 FD-150-38 FD-150-39 FD-150-40 FD-150-41 FD-150-42 FD-150-43 FD-150-44 FD-150-45 FD-150-46 FD-150-47 FD-150-48 FD-150-49 FD-150-50 FD-150-51 FD-150-52 FD-150-53 FD-150-54 FD-150-55 FD-150-56 FD-150-57 FD-150-58 FD-150-59 FD-150-60 FD-150-core-1FD-150-core-2FD-150-core-1FD-150-core-2 569FD-150-core-3 1456 455 500 2160 792 245 706 622 402

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 68 91.1 98.7 92.1 83.9 96.6 94.1 92.0 96.5 % C 100.9 101.6 140.2 102.0 5 6 4 4 9 7 8 8 9 7 6 6 2σ U 382 379 385 Pb/ 238 206 3.5 7.9 8.1 2σ 2 U 4040 160 2970 72 73.5 Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ 0.021 0 Pb Pb/ 0.057 0.0014 492 54 398.6 0.0602 0.0013 611 47 411.6 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 0.419 0.031 0.99 0.357 0.092 3737 392 3390 130 2250 140 66.4 0.257 0.027 0.984 0.349 0.04 3703 175 2460 180 1460 130 59.3 0.1243 0.0083 0.92 0.189 0.017 2733 148 1375 1000.0796 0.016 751 0.722 0.0991 47 54.6 0.024 1607 451 702 170 494 85 70.3 238 206 0.4 1.1 3.7 2.6 0.12 0.06968 0.0047 0.748 0.0777 0.0096 1139 2460.11 509 0.0646 72 0.0019 0.562 434 0.08 27 85.3 0.011 1197 271 546 66 403 11 73.9 0.35 0.09 0.0059 0.499 0.121 0.017 1971 250 874 120 555 34 63.5 2σ 0.072 0.0604 0.0007 0.692 0.066 0.0078 806 247 415 45 378 55 0.96 0.59 0.013 0.976 14 0.7 0.7 1.4 0.5 U 1.42 0.37 0.0944 0.0047 0.6353.14 0.119 0.016 1941 240 889 95 5811.03 27 65.4 2.012.15 0.16 0.22 0.1063 0.0028 0.1139 0.742 0.0046 0.146 0.851 0.013 0.144 0.011 2300 1531.51 2276 132 1125 0.58 1144 58 0.08852.93 72 0.011 651 0.594 0.21 694 16 0.131 57.9 0.1249 27 0.018 0.0041 60.7 0.825 2111 0.182 241 0.013 9292.13 2671 120 118 0.21 547 1381 0.116 60 53 0.0043 58.9 0.841 758 0.145 24 0.011 54.9 2288 131 1139 75 707 25 62.1 0.43 0.092 0.0628 0.0012 0.65 0.05 0.011 195 511 280 86 393 30.6 0.74 0.0891.04 0.0694 0.16 0.0012 0.655 0.0819 0.0021 0.081 0.575 0.00880.55 0.098 1221 0.075 0.014 214 0.0634 1586 0.0013 515 267 0.759 64 0.063 646 0.0076 432 0.47 99 0.079 7083.64 0.05795 257 507 0.35 0.0014 12 0.585 410 0.1452 78.5 0.063 0.0071 53 0.0086 0.8732.75 0.181 396 708 0.21 0.013 290 0.1263 2662 386 0.0052 1190.78 0.749 56 1480 0.31 0.168 363 99 0.0755 0.012 0.0045 2538 870 0.875 1201.23 0.071 41 1384 58.8 0.19 0.028 84 0.0806 9570.63 0.003 806 766 0.674 0.12 30 0.118 640 55.3 100 0.066 0.015 0.0022 1926 469 0.6797.19 228 0.074 23 0.55 73.3 780 0.011.53 0.2024 82 1041 0.32 0.011 273 0.597 499 0.0854 0.2637 0.0035 18 482 0.016 0.777 64.0 66 3269 0.137 0.033 95 412 2190 13 2131 419 130 85.4 1191 850 64 110 55.9 526 21 61.9 0.48 0.012 0.06148 0.001 0.164 0.63 0.026 0.06058 0.0023 0.15 0.0756 0.0024 1064 66 495 16 379 14 76.6 Pb/

0.445 0.042 0.05949 0.0009 0.553 0.0555 0.0048 432 193 369 36 373 0.716 0.073 0.06780.463 0.0016 0.073 0.547 0.0802 0.0521 0.0074 0.0019 0.481 1202 0.0672 182 0.0069 534 844 214 45 423 379 10 46 79.2 327 11 86.3 0.443 0.085 0.0567 0.001 0.494 0.057 0.0092 492 356 350 52 356 0.465 0.005 0.0611 0.0006 0.984 0.0545 0.0004 393 16 387 0.457 0.035 0.05672 0.0015 0.66 0.0593 0.0038 578 139 386 24 356 0.414 0.062 0.05577 0.0012 0.798 0.0547 0.0067 400 274 343 44 350 1.079 0.061 0.0537 0.0028 0.097 0.154 0.0071 2280 140 736 34 337 17 45.8 235 0.5006 0.012 0.0605 0.001 0.266 207 20T) b 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 C Zone % *Pb Grid 25 49.7 22 47.4 35 53.8 28 54.6 66 70.9 24 49.2 24 51.8 24 48.2 23 47.5 24 51.9 64 73.1 20 57.6 33 53.8 28 53.0 34 50.7 87 77.5 50 62.2 40 52.4 47 61.2 23 49.8 22 47.8 32 55.6 20 52.1 28 53.0 26 52.0 35 52.4 42 56.8 21 50.0 91 79.1 62 70.0 a 139 87.0 Pb Pb/ 204 206 NAD83, 2 7 3 5 5 2 6 2 2 9 2 8 9 2 5 2 7 5 3 5 7 2 5 9 3 5 3 3 2 4 4 Pb % error % error 204 1311 217 157 5632 99.3 5086 99.7 2σ int 6 7 6839 13 13 19 33 145 87.2 652 97.3 628 52 249 52 21 373 96.0 Pb 8800 270 3960 210 1280 120 14365870 51 8010 140 410 57401760 120 2450 130 130 49003370 160 180 56602355 260 96 6890 210 3820 120 9400 1100 12 26 51.9 702719E, 50802392N; cps 26690 520 27300 1800 28600 1400 2198023000 540 1400 19840 490 25130 590 25760 490 25500 1700 15580 330 34200 3200 11570 380 16140 870 41330 670 204 271000 28000 10 20 79.0 101000 8900 0.4 0.5 1.3 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.8 Th/U Th (ppm) 879736 369 648 338 318 738906 333 648 471 335 791796 350 807 402 517 992 431 816869 335 528 643 224 896 612 950911 431 385 788992 342 506 828 354 232469 270 609 1412 556 1144 609 1150 1470 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain M4. S ample FD-203A D eep Co ve granit e (UTM: 20T) Zone Grid NAD83, 5080239N; 702719E, (UTM: M5. S ample MB16-214 – almon R iver r hyolite p orphyry Appendix A. FD-150-core-4FD-150-core-5FD-203AL-1 412FD-203AL-2 397 204 FD-203AL-3 229 FD-203AL-4 FD-203AL-5 FD-203AL-6 FD-203AL-7 FD-203AL-8 FD-203AL-8coreFD-203AL-9 FD-203AL-10 214FD-203AL-11 FD-203AL-12 135 FD-203AL-13FD-203AL-14FD-203AL-15FD-203AL-16 1228FD-203AL-17 2288FD-203AL-17core 697 1577 2121 FD-203AL-18 FD-203AL-19 575 1096 1065FD-203AL-20 1058 FD-203AL-21core 563 FD-203AL-21 FD-203AL-22 852FD-203AL-23 FD-203AL-24 209 FD-203AL-25 1185FD-203AL-26coreFD-203AL-26 553 FD-203AL-27 1195 1056FD-203AL-28 554 FD-203AL-29 499 FD-203AL-30 1136SMB16-214-1 634 SMB16-214-2 1092 742

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 69 % C 2σ U 372 13 100.0 Pb/ 238 206 8.7 2σ 2 U Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 0.26 0.03812 0.0032 0.738 0.067 0.036 1830 270 284 210 241 20 84.9 2σ 0.029 0.05872 0.0023 0.25 0.0622 0.0032 641 120 412 19 368 14 89.3 0.4 0.5 U 0.46 0.031 0.0595 0.0025 0.069 0.0566 0.0037 410 130 381 22 373 15 97.8 0.56 0.28 0.052 0.0052 0.776 0.072 0.018 1720 220 3800.67 210 0.37 326 0.0577 32 0.0039 0.787 85.9 0.085 0.022 1700 290 465 240 362 24 77.8 0.39 0.44 0.0591 0.0071 0.811 0.037 0.042 1750 270 290 280 370 43 127.6 0.41 0.16 0.0594 0.004 0.846 0.048 0.015 930 3100.34 323 0.26 120 0.0477 0.0033 372 0.767 24 0.053 115.1 0.028 1320 270 259 230 300 21 116.0 0.280.44 0.15 0.021 0.04069 0.05817 0.0028 0.656 0.0022 0.253 0.049 0.055 0.013 0.0025 1110 390 240 95 232 369.1 120 15 257 365 17 110.8 13 98.8 0.48 0.24 0.0542 0.0038 0.709 0.062 0.019 1400 380 370 170 340 23 91.9 0.43 0.021 0.05814 0.0023 0.234 0.0539 0.0023 330 87 362 15 364 14 100.6 Pb/ 0.352 0.018 0.04802 0.002 0.291 0.0533 0.0011 369 44 305.7 130.315 0.046 302 0.04455 12 0.0021 98.9 0.606 0.0506 0.005 550 120 275 37 281 13 102.1 0.289 0.340.231 0.0276 0.0033 0.18 0.829 0.01744 0.056 0.0017 0.616 0.037 0.078 1870 0.044 230 2120 244 390 270 186 176 150 21 111 71.9 11 59.9 0.405 0.072 0.05839 0.0031 0.344 0.0501 0.007 7200.395 180 0.037 0.05467 348 0.0025 0.555 510.412 0.0524 0.022 0.0028 366 0.0555 19 450 105.1 0.00210.387 0.352 86 0.033 0.054 0.05364 0.0019 337 0.0021 0.482 27 357 0.0524 0.0017 76 343 15 339 350 101.8 0.418 62 16 0.037 0.05625 348 332 0.0025 13 0.533 250.652 0.0537 99.5 0.037 0.0026 3370.392 0.0583 13 0.04 443 101.4 0.0023 0.05254 0.141 82 0.0022 0.0821 0.081 0.0045 0.0533 353 0.0035 1170 27 100 460 353 120 506 15 22 335 99.9 365 29 14 330 72.2 13 98.5 0.538 0.02 0.05148 0.002 0.288 0.0761 0.0024 1065 72 436 14 3240.451 12 0.027 74.2 0.05625 0.0022 0.05 0.058 0.0032 485 110 3760.421 18 0.099 353 0.05883 0.0029 14 0.734 93.8 0.052 0.0084 1050 260 334 68 368 17 110.3 0.394 0.12 0.0564 0.0034 0.57 0.05 0.01 730 250 345 74 354 21 102.6 0.768 0.039 0.05932 0.0023 0.683 0.094 0.0043 1487 1101.307 0.052 578 0.074 24 0.0031 0.508 372 0.1275 0.0035 14 64.3 2048 53 846 23 460 19 54.4 0.621 0.023 0.06258 0.0025 0.093 0.0722 0.0019 968 60 490 14 391 15 79.9 0.511 0.018 0.0671 0.0024 0.721 0.0554 0.0013 416 540.451 0.017 420 0.05979 13 0.0022 0.056 0.0544 419 0.0017 14 99.6 3680.454 66 0.0350.436 376.9 0.06015 0.016 0.0025 12 0.05851 0.157 0.0022 0.0547 374 0.147 0.0037 0.0544 14 0.00160.459 376 99.3 0.026 150 367 0.06026 0.0024 63 378 0.078 367.2 0.0551 24 0.0028 12 377 376 367 15 110 99.6 13 99.8 382 18 377 15 98.7 235 0.4201 0.023 0.05689 0.0022 0.655 0.0533 0.001 356 44 355.6 16 357 13 100.3 0.4431 0.0120.5769 0.05944 0.02 0.0022 0.317 0.06157 0.0543 0.0023 0.0006 0.37 0.0681 378 0.0015 23 865 372.3 46 462 13 385 14 83.4 0.5424 0.017 0.05967 0.0022 0.0040.5441 0.0653 0.017 0.0012 0.06152 0.0023 771 0.125 0.0639 42 0.0011 439.5 11 735 37 374 440.8 14 11 85.0 385 14 87.3 207 b 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C % *Pb 23 39.4 22 35.0 31 51.6 29 53.3 29 54.3 61 70.3 51 64.2 67 69.6 a 810 97.0 222 91.5 Pb Pb/ 204 206 1 2 8 3 4 7 8 6 4 5 96 496 99.6 90 667 96.4 4526 532 98.9 628 97.1 90 987 99.3 96 2275 99.7 166 1576 99.8 131 5328 99.8 193 5802 99.8 134 3872 99.8 194 1919 99.7 2275 19175 99.8 Pb % error % error 204 9 9.8 8.3 9.2 9.1 9.8 2σ int 2872 11 12 39 17 8779 99.9 886 98.3 10 49 1153 22 13 1129 98.5 25 1402 98.7 48 11 23 30685 94.9 15 18 181 90.9 24 12 50 892 97.8 235 25 11 231263 92.1 32209 12 29174 722258 97.5 14 20 32 1430 11 98.7 369 12 27 64 1135 73.3 98.5 272 42 15234 559 35771 96.9 15 58 721 97.3 151264 28 28 19 11 198 1573 91.2 98.8 657 42 209 30 14489 230 48 92.4 10 91 78.8 Pb 10.2 18.5 35.2 10.1 10.2 7820 110 4830 110 2390 180 4360 110 3670 130 1656 63 1240 61 cps 204 0.9 1.3 0.7 0.2 0.2 1.2 1.8 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.8 1.1 0.2 1.5 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.2 0.4 1.7 0.2 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.41.1 5.8 9.6 1.3 1.7 1.0 6.7 8.8 0.4 1.01.2 4.2 8.1 1.52.2 0.4 6.4 9.1 0.8 8.6 1.4 4.81.1 9.3 Th/U Th (ppm) 952 1028 806 840 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain Appendix A. SMB16-214-3 SMB16-214-4SMB16-214-5SMB16-214-6SMB16-214-7 4700SMB16-214-8 1179 3750 SMB16-214-9 2907 1581 SMB16-214-10 13320 SMB16-214-11 2725SMB16-214-12 4600 15370 SMB16-214-13 104 3750 SMB16-214-13b1 703SMB16-214-14 5614 57 SMB16-214-15 1143 862 7030 166SMB16-214-16 4830 SMB16-214-17 6912 1160 SMB16-214-18 181 8230 SMB16-214-19 192SMB16-214-20 6790 134 SMB16-214-21 171 514 8390 SMB16-214-22 272SMB16-214-23 2940 411 SMB16-214-24 164 631 2670 SMB16-214-27 1333SMB16-214-28 645 126 6310 SMB16-214-29 3808SMB16-214-30 252 3690 83 SMB16-214-31 4530SMB16-214-32 1069 585 4120 SMB16-214-34 464 1411 SMB16-214-35 212SMB16-214-36 1395 479 SMB16-214-37 1321 170 2136 SMB16-214-38 511 7560 SMB16-214-39 8470 1196 SMB16-214-39b1 150 4904 SMB16-214-40 473SMB16-214-41 1582 101 473SMB16-214-42 217 8610 SMB16-214-43 1397 592 178 1766 672 129 399 1109 365

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 70 97.3 92.5 % C 103.5 108.2 103.7 7 5 9 5 9 2σ U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 2 413 99 552 15 133.7 U 4130 240 3060 310 74.1 Pb/ 35 207 Calculated ages Calculated 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 1.1 2σ 0 0 0 Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 0.225 0.02 0.93 0.0577 0.0049 518 186 2470 210 1310 110 53.0 0.0872 0.0021 0.756 0.062 0.021 674 724 649 54 539 12 83.1 0.0725 0.0038 0.985 0.093 0.011 1488 224 632 71 450 22 71.2 238 206

0.1 0.2 2σ 20T) 58 13 0.612 0.076 0.799 7.6 2.3 U 0.22 0.27 0.0313 0.0051 0.311 0.0513 0.037 500 120 201 79 199 32 98.9 0.45 0.26 0.0676 0.0025 0.593 0.07 0.014 928 411 480 150 421 15 87.7 0.44 0.048 0.06254 0.0009 0.394 0.0571 0.0035 495 1350.37 0.24 377 35 0.062 0.0022 391 0.689 0.092 0.0069 1467 142 420 150 387 13 92.1 0.32 0.23 0.0522 0.0036 0.738 0.04 0.029 1300 350 262 160 328 22 125.2 0.53 0.14 0.0895 0.0026 0.553 0.291.09 0.230.99 0.0706 0.27 0.003 0.756 0.1108 0.0075 0.041.98 0.711 0.027 0.43 0.045 -351 0.1312 0.021 1743 0.0055 0.771 -56 470 1137 0.071 140 0.022 650 439 140 957 18 633 673 93.4 1140 43 103.5 170 794 32 69.6 0.78 0.31 0.104 0.0035 0.819 0.0532 0.0056 337 2380.84 0.44 770 140 0.0884 0.0048 637 0.768 0.051 21 82.7 0.026 241 1175 650 170 546 28 84.0 Pb/ 0.402 0.053 0.05539 0.0025 0.486 0.0527 0.0042 510 120 341 39 348 15 101.9 0.569 0.068 0.0579 0.0029 0.242 0.0721 0.0081 840 230 447 44 363 17 81.2 0.317 0.094 0.04445 0.0020.427 0.716 0.0512 0.079 0.015 0.0576 0.0029 950 0.575 0.0532 230 0.0066 261 750 90 120 280 361 13 59 107.4 3610.803 0.024 18 100.0 0.0883 0.0018 0.442 0.0658 0.0014 800 45 597.40.831 14 0.026 0.09907 545 0.0016 0.212 11 0.0606 91.3 0.0014 625 500.611 6150.418 0.11 14 0.054 0.07874 0.06086 0.0011 6090.923 0.634 0.0008 0.639 10 0.198 0.0721 99.0 0.0079 0.051 2810 989 421 223 472 352 74 38 489 381 1.315 0.072 0.0621 0.0028 0.553 0.1536 0.0066 23560.987 73 0.03 0.1022 846 0.0018 0.437 32 0.0692 0.0014 388 17 905 45.9 42 695.8 150.831 0.033 627 0.09890.885 10 0.0017 0.028 90.1 0.843 0.441 0.0608 0.027 0.1045 0.10068 0.0018 0.002 0.313 0.0017 632 0.061 0.21 0.0015 0.0605 71 0.0014 639 616 622 53 18 50 645 608 619 15 10 15 98.6 641 618 10 10 99.3 99.9 0.464 0.029 0.05897 0.0024 0.061 0.0575 0.0035 4600.995 140 0.0310.954 0.032 0.0956 385 0.09635 0.00190.941 0.021 21 0.0016 0.0753 0.307 0.03 0.0718 369 0.002 0.00180.921 0.0994 15 1077 0.029 0.00171.003 95.9 980 0.098 0.09974 53 0.0696 0.13 0.0016 51 702.7 0.115 0.0020.811 0.1081 0.0668 16 678 0.026 0.0026 0.00160.823 917 0.542 17 0.027 588 0.0947 0.06750.839 832 59 0.09628 0.0016 0.0076 0.027 11 593 0.034 0.0016 50 0.0623 83.7 0.189 670 0.0983 853 10 0.0014 662.5 0.0615 0.0018 234 16 87.4 0.0014 0.402 15 684 0.0624 611 704 0.0013 657 613 48 10 48 49 604.5 688 91.2 662 14 44 609 15 620.5 15 583 94.0 15 10 593 96.5 605 10 97.4 235 0.8547 0.023 0.09736 0.0017 0.694 0.0638 0.0009 736 31 626.8 13 599 10 95.5 207 b 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 C % *Pb 24 55.7 18 79.0 58 65.9 64 71.2 30 58.0 88 79.3 27 55.1 30 56.7 23 52.5 28 57.4 29 57.5 a 319 93.8 289 93.7 Pb Pb/ 204 206 9 9 8 7 4 5 2 6 4 6 5 5 5 55 1983 99.1 25 3502 99.5 105 1220 99.4 Pb % error % error 204 703153 E, 5 083646 N; NAD83, Grid Zone 1112 15714 -600 3000 -467 -16355 99.9 99.8 -7560 99.8 11 275 6935 99.6 9.9 9.9 2σ int 7 4 (UTM: -2 -3 4113 13 14 32 10825 134 224 87.4 12 97.6 48 1461 98.9 1483 10 13 71 16 1851 99.8 266 94.1 2343 11 1124 48 26 1114 1183 98.0 34 46 718 10 98.5 20 1802 71 98.8 25 5916 2448 11 99.1 1503 11 99.2 44 69 1238 99.7 1712 99.7 416 51490 12 33 42 63.0 269 24 100 14574 14 50 462 95.8 639 49 242 44 18 52 74.6 198 27 14 98 83.3 756 93 12 36 60.3 Pb 18.1 40.2 3810 140 2880 150 98903000 220 170 1646 83 15304110 330 240 1183 222210 54 100 32 59.3 cps 24900 1000 204 0.7 2.2 0.7 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.5 0.8 0.5 1.2 9.1 9.6 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.7 1.2 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.0 Th/U Th (ppm) 99 146 95 72 174 129 156243 160 470 189 107 327 139115 75 102 705 112 1520 14395920 738 1281 3840 2446 809 1468 2645 3980 U (ppm) Continued. Sample number- Sample Grain M5. S ample MB14-192 almon R iver r hyolite p orphyry (UTM: 701015E, 5081248N; NAD83, Grid Zone 20T) M5. S ample D M141 almon R iver r hyolite p orphyry Appendix A. SMB16-214-43b1SMB16-214-44SMB16-214-45 4700SMB16-214-47 6750 SMB16-214-48 3042SMB16-214-49 408 5480 SMB16-214-50 875SMB16-214-50b1 804 204 1626 3250 177 SMB14-192-S-8 3320 57SMB14-192-S-10SMB14-192-S-3 56 SMB14-192-S-15 186 187SMB14-192-S-14 144 SMB14-192-S-12 239 148 249SMB14-192-S-6 227SMB14-192-S-9 97 155 186SMB14-192-S-4 88 SMB14-192-S-13 260 135 SMB14-192-S-1 792 127 SMB14-192-S-11 157 174 200 SMB14-192-S-5 159 SMB14-192-S-core 156 153 112SMB14-192-S-7 138 SMB14-192-S-2 174 120 78 125 141 142DM141-1 149DM141-2 95 DM141-3 77 DM141-4 DM141-5 DM141-6 DM141-7 DM141-8 DM141-9 DM141-10 DM141-11 DM141-12 DM141-13 DM141-15

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 71 98.9 % C 100.2 108.8 118.9 105.4 111.3 4 7 9 5 6 9 2σ U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 2 364 25 365 338 55 372 15 110.1 520 79 487 17 93.7 367 51 399 U 3600 1400 2400 1100 66.7 2710 220 930 150 34.3 Pb/ 35 ae coection ue ue coection ae 207 Calculated ages Calculated 204 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 1.2 1.1 1.1 2σ 0 0 0 Pb Pb/ 0.0484 0.0061 119 297 3100 1500 1790 480 57.7 206 207 1 2σ ρ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 0.156 0.027 0.881 0.013 0.015 0.574 0.035 0.835 0.053 0.023 329 985 3790 160 2920 140 77.0 0.1554 0.0097 0.619 0.41 0.26 3946 951 1940 180 931 56 48.0 0.0729 0.0024 0.845 0.096 0.01 1548 196 580 110 453 14 78.1 0.0837 0.0024 0.768 0.168 0.012 2538 120 650 140 518 14 79.7 0.0786 0.0016 0.476 0.069 0.033 899 987 435 72 487 10 112.0 238 206 0.2 0.3 6.4 0.1 0.28 0.0794 0.0023 0.878 0.067 0.023 838 715 640 150 492 14 76.9 2σ ae coection ue etu an ame 2012 a a 2012 ame an etu ue coection ae 34 1126 0.497 36 0.077 0.849 0.32 0.135 0.099 0.016 2164 207 3530 340 2560 340 72.5 41 40 0.48 0.25 0.985 6.93.2 3.7 1.3 0.7 U 4.42 0.39 0.183 0.0110.44 0.954 0.0559 0.068 0.0035 0.06391 0.0011 448 0.569 139 0.022 1600 0.019 120 1077 64 67.3 0.723.56 0.14 0.36 0.0785 0.0029 0.1344 0.635 0.0037 0.701 0.082 0.0097 1246 232 1559 99 812 21 52.1 0.34 0.77 42.9 1.35 0.150.38 0.1082.56 0.17 0.0041 0.647 0.37 0.0706 0.055 0.0014 0.1471 0.0066 0.845 0.0048 412 0.07 0.67 268 0.034 0.02 0.014 880 928 -790 88 587 1166 660 1280 370 120 24 130 75.0 0.65 883 440 0.51 0.26 27 69.0 0.11 0.0744 0.0704 0.003 0.748 0.0015 0.0529 0.603 0.0062 0.064 0.028 325 266 742 925 400 150 395 462 85 18 115.5 440 0.73 0.26 0.0891 0.0026 0.806 0.102 0.011 1661 200 800 1200.58 550 15 68.8 0.94 0.15 0.0866 0.00161.79 0.618 0.23 0.056 0.1175 0.01 0.0039 0.712 452 0.05 396 0.013 654 195 83 604 535 1000 10 110 81.8 716 23 71.6 0.77 0.48 0.0873 0.0034 0.867 0.222 0.017 2995 123 910 170 539 20 59.2 208 Pb/ 0.436 0.036 0.05822 0.0006 0.355 0.388 0.069 0.05944 0.0026 0.381 0.023 0.017 0.439 0.056 0.06014 0.0009 0.589 0.055 0.009 412 366 357 41 376 0.485 0.021 0.06327 0.001 0.032 0.0558 0.0021 444 84 400 13 396 235 207 b 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 C % *Pb 23 54.2 44 58.7 28 54.0 20 43.7 19 66.0 19 39.0 46 62.7 31 54.4 33 54.2 20 86.3 25 52.0 41 59.3 23 52.9 31 56.7 19 75.0 71 75.5 29 56.4 25 53.7 28 55.8 a 117 84.1 228 92.0 Pb Pb/ 204 206 4 5 3 6 4 6 7 8 9 8 9 5 2 8 3 6 5 8 2 6 4 Pb % error % error 204 13 -217 -1772 99.6 2σ int -6 130612 16999 76 12 36 12 25 54.8 22 53.9 476707 27 806 50 62 334 31 776 49 556 28 856124 67 180 21970 19 110 17 11 11 252 93.8 81 54 76.7 70.0 Pb 11484750 57 230 16501280 130 110 4620 110 12906010 100 160 1236 49 7050 170 7740 460 cps 26200 1100 1558032600 540 1900 204 2.5 1.1 0.5 1.1 2.8 0.7 0.2 0.6 2.8 1.0 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.0 lea coection 1 no coection alie 2 a Th/U Th (ppm) 95 63 227202 166 158 351155 319 315 111 434 170 297 416587 1183 525 132411 118 329 267 175 349 179 22605390 5620 1170 5920 1220 609 1290 76301426 21000 937 11321692 222 997 19481342 1855 425 U 52000 11280 (ppm) Continued. in count e econ econ e count in a ote Aneon 2002 concoant 2002 Aneon Sample number- Sample Grain Appendix A. DM141-16 DM141-17 DM141-19 DM141-20 DM141-21 DM141-22 DM141-23 DM141-24 DM141-25 DM141-26 DM141-27 DM141-28 DM141-29 DM141-30 DM141-31 DM141-32 DM141-34 DM141-35 DM141-36 DM141-37 DM141-38 DM141-39 DM141-40 DM141-core-1DM141-core-2 DM141-core-3DM141-core-4 853 771 117 544 119 567

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 72 0 2 0 3 1 0 1 0 1 4 5 1 0 0 9 0 3 9 7 4 9 1 6 0 4 4 0 0 6 2 5 3 5 8 9 1 4 4 99 .5 99 .9 99 .9 99 .6 99 .6 99 .4 98 .4 99 .7 98 .8 99 .9 99 .1 98 .4 97 .4 101 .0 100 .0 102 .3 100 .1 100 .0 100 .1 100 .4 100 .1 100. 0 100 .1 100 .0 100 .0 100 .0 100 .3 101 .4 100 .9 100 .1 100 .0 100 .0 100 .0 100 .2 100 .5 101 .3 104 .5 100. 2 100. 1 % C 22 22 9.2 9.4 9.4 9.3 9.9 9.5 8.8 2σ U 416 Pb/ 1097 1 103 238 206 13 13 7.9 2σ U Pb/ 1094 1 102 235 207 Calculated ages 24 2 5 2σ Pb Pb/ 1105 11 83 206 207 2σ 0.0009 0.0009 Pb Pb/ 206 207 0.07638 0.07 553 ρ 0.31632 0.3 0745 2σ 0.004 0.004 Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 0.18 67 0.1854 206 2σ 0.037 0.037 U Pb/ 1.94 1.9 59 235 207 99.9 100.0 *Pb % a Pb Pb/ 55300 -16342 204 206 59 349760 1.952 5798 0.048 0.1857 0.0027 1.952 0.27879 0.07629 0.045 0.0012 0.186 1103 0.0027 24 0.30271 1099 0.0760442 16 0.001 1098 1099 1852 15 19 1098 16 1.945 1100 0.052 15 0.1859 0.0028 0.18847 0.0764 0.0014 1092 32 1096 18 1099 15 7193 1623 99.8 2478 1.803 99.8 0.053 1.85 0.1761 0.0026 0.05 0.11106 0.1779 0.0025 0.074 0.24716 0.0017 0.075 104152 0.0014 46 1045 1069 189 38 19 99.6 1062 1045 0.945 18 14 1056 0.055 0.1094 14 0.0022 0.071919 0.0628 0.0037 701 125 675 29 669 13 7982 3811 334678 1.939 2448 1.943 0.05 0.051 0.1857 0.0028 0.1855 1.933 0.0028 0.2987 0.053 0.16021 0.0758 0.1856 0.076 0.0013 0.0029 0.0015 0.26173 1088 0.0756 1089 30 0.0015 34 1093 1095 1074 17 35 18 1098 1092 1097 15 18 16 1097 16 -95 -7908 1.948 0.045 0.1858 0.0027 0.32089 0.07611 0.001 1099 18 1098 16 1098 15 550 120 1713 1.79 0.062 0.1773 0.003 0.10961 0.0719 0.0021 1022 53 1041 22 1052 16 106 4510 1.97 0.05 0.1866 0.0028 0.19067 0.0766 0.0014 1103 30 1104 17 1103 15 156 3387 99.8 0.992 0.028 0.1146 0.0017 0.26584 0.0628 0.0013 701 44 699 15 700 767 10578 1.817 0.064 0.1763 0.003 0.044231 0.0747 0.0024 1043 62 1052 24 1047 17 279 6691 99.8 1.803782 0.053 0.1752254 20755 0.0024 0.029406 99.8 6483 0.0742 1.814 99.8 0.0017 0.05 1047 1.81 0.1776 46 0.0024 0.047 0.012537 1045 0.1766 0.0742 0.0025 19 0.0016 0.20104 1041 0.0747 1047 13 0.0015 43 1053 1060 40 19 1047 1054 18 13 1048 14 111 304 99.5 1.02 0.065 0.1139 0.0024 0.026206 0.0629 0.0038 705 129 706 32 695 14 158132 15208 11456 1.956 0.045 1.948 0.1862 0.046232 0.0027 0.1859 0.24908 13323 0.0027 0.07622 0.001 0.171 0.07594 1096 0.0011 1.953 20 1097 1100 0.05 21 0.1857 16 1099 0.0028 1101 0.084775 15 0.0763 15 1099 0.0013104 15 1105 13352 29 1098 17 1098 1.955 0.045 15 0.186 0.0027 0.44514 0.07609 0.001 1095 18 1100 15 1100 15 194 12083 1.953 0.049 0.1858 0.0028 0.20909 0.0763 0.0013 1095 28 1099 17 1099 15 -231 -12656-394 1.969 -14906 0.049-215 0.1863 0.0028 -6491 1.954 0.25057 0.07646 0.052 0.0012 0.186 1106 0.0029 1.95 26 0.21175 0.054 1107 0.0761 0.1854 16 0.0015 0.0028 1102 0.20477 1107 15 34 0.076 1099 0.0015 18 1092 1100 36 1097 16 19 1097 15 -220 4200 29485 99.5 1.027 0.047 0.115 0.002 0.13552 0.0649 0.0029 771 94 713 24 702 11 -1213 -20775 99.7 0.99 0.029 0.1131 0.0016 0.12613 0.0628 0.0015 701 51 700 15 692 -1029 -14314 1.836 0.066 0.1778 0.0029 0.13913 0.075 0.0023 1047 61 1057 24 1056 16 -1400 -113600 1.953 0.048 0.1859 0.0027 0.1953 0.0763 0.0013 1098 27 1099 17 1099 15 Pb % error % error 204 7 7 11 -220 -16342 100.0 1.959 0.037 0.1867 0.004 0.30745 0.07553 0.0009 1083 25 1102 13 1103 22 100.1 11 13 -130011 -15360 220 99.9 0.49912 8904 0.016 99.9 0.0669 150 0.498 0.0015 0.17333 0.012 1795 0.0546 0.0666 99.9 0.0015 0.0017 0.496 0.17477 0.05463 396 0.016 0.001 70 0.067 411.9 0.0015 397 0.046526 10 41 0.0535 418 410.2 0.0016 350 68 408.7 11 418 11 1214 300 467 2468 99.9 4457 0.484 99.8 0.017 0.499 0.0668 0.018 0.0016 0.0669 0.10649 0.001510 0.054038 0.053 0.0546 1000 0.0017 0.0019 329 9647 396 73 99.5 78 1.019 399 414 0.036 12 12 0.1134 417 0.0018 418 0.15821 0.065 0.002 774 65 711 18 692 11 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.2 7.4 9.4 9.8 2σ int -5 5 8 2 4 3 1 6 7 -5 -1 6.2 9.7 0.9 6.9 3.3 9.2 8.8 8.2 1.1 8.6 3.5 8.9 0.2 8.4 8.7 9.7 4.8 7.6 5.7 7.5 3.6 3.1 7.2 9.1 7.2 9.2 7.5 8.7 6.8 7.1 7.4 Pb -0.8 9.7 -0.7 7.2 -8.7 8.3 -0.5 -3.2 7.4 -1.7 6.7 -3.4 7.3 13.5 12.9 18.3 204 0.6 4 0.6 0 0.16 18.7 0.08 0.18 0.12 Th/U 3 7 6 2 172 1 36 Th 75 2678 0.34 2781 0.35 2881 0.35 2888 14 13.3 0.35 11 3089 0.35 30 0.34 79 157377 99.9 2699 1.788 0.34 30 0.054 0.30 19 0.175 0.0025 0.3041893 0.074133 0.001615 1044 4456 1043 11 20 0.20 1040 14 213 136 0.64 (ppm) U 2 13 110 35333 176 0.32 0.53 108 35 0.32 110 31 0.28 285

91500-3 91500-2 91500-1 FC1- 0 9 FC1- 0 8 FC1- 0 7 FC1- 0 6 FC1- 0 5 FC1- 0 4 FC1- 0 3 FC1- 0 2 FC1-17 FC1-16 FC1-15 FC1-14 FC1-13 FC1-12 FC1-11 FC1-10 91500 - 6 91500 - 1 91500 - 2 91500 - 3 91500 - 4 91500 - 5 FC1-1_1 Temora - 1 Temora - 2 Temora - 3 Temora - 4 Temora - 5 FC1 - 1 Tanzania - 4 Tanzania - 5 Tanzania - 3 Grain Sample # FC1 - 2 (7) 11: 29:10.87 (7) 11:06:49.87 (7) 12:16:39.56 (7) 12: 17:56.26 File: and date time 01/2015 (4) 13: 32:20.03 01/2015 (4) 14: 06:53.20 01/2015 (4) 14: 48:13.99 01/2015 (4) 15: 32:41.75 01/2015 (4) 16: 04:59.29 05/2015 (5) 12: 49:04.79 Tanzania - 1 05/2015 (5) 13: 22:41.11 Tanzania - 2 03/2014 01/2015 (4) 13: 30:02.53 21/ 05/2015 (5) 13: 20:25.41 21/ 05/2015 (5) 13: 56:13.49 21/ 05/2015 (5) 14: 17:27.14 21/ 05/2015 (5) 14: 48:55.64 21/ 05/2015 (5) 15: 23:32.67 14/ 14/ 14/ 14/ 14/ 21/ 21/ 05/2015 (5) 12: 46:49.09 08/03/2014 08/ 03/2014 08/03/2014 21/ 05/2015 (5) 13: 58:29.34 21/ 05/2015 (5) 14: 15:11.30 21/ 05/2015 (5) 14: 47:46.19 21/05/2015 (5) 15:21:16.68 Tanzania - 6 App endix B. L A-ICP-MS U -Pb i sotopic an alyses o f z ircon r eference m aterials b y dat e. 2 1/ 08/ 03/2014 (7) 10: 23:14.61 08/ 03/2014 (7) 10: 34:37.31 08/ 03/2014 (7) 10: 29:31.97 08/ 03/2014 (7) 10: 44:30.65 08/ 03/2014 (7) 10: 56:52.86 08/ 03/2014 (7) 11: 05:33.32 08/ 03/2014 (7) 11: 14:18.42 08/ 03/2014 (7) 11: 27:54.51 08/ 03/2014 (7) 11: 21:44.50 14/ 01/2015 (4) 13:30:02.53 FC1 - 2 08/ 03/2014 (7) 10: 15:42.76 08/ 03/2014 (7) 11: 34:09.61 08/ 03/2014 (7) 11: 45:20.11 08/ 03/2014 (7) 11: 56:31.29 08/ 03/2014 (7) 12: 06:35.39 08/ 03/2014 (7) 12: 01:35.20 08/ 03/2014 (7) 12: 11:36.89 08/ 14/ A 13:39:00.54 (4) 14/01/2015

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 73 99.3 100.0 100.0 100.5 100.1 100.5 % C 99.5 99.9 99. 3 99.7 %C 100.2 100.0 100.0 100. 1 100. 5 100. 0 100.1 100. 0 100. 5 16 16 13 22 22 22 22 22 12 13 12 12 12 2σ U Pb/ 1097 11 01 1097 1096 1095 1107 1094 1103 1099 1099 1100 1099 1100 238 206 18 18 60 13 12 14 14 13 61 60 60 61 61 2σ U Pb/ 1091 110 0 1097 1094 1100 1107 1102 1106 1098 1094 1099 1100 1099 235 207 Calculated ages 32 31 36 29 21 29 29 26 25 43 26 25 25 2σ Pb Pb/ 1083 1 103 1116 1098 1099 1092 1106 1100 1091 1071 1098 1107 1101 206 207 2σ 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0012 0.001 2 0.0014 0.0011 0.0008 0.0011 0.0011 0.0009 0.0016 0.0009 Pb Pb/ 0.0768 0.0751 206 207 0.07553 0.076 29 0.07611 0.07614 0.07588 0.07642 0.07618 0.07586 0.07612 0.07644 0.07623 ρ 0.12618 0.40912 0.19517 0.23205 0.33002 0.35129 0.40107 0.27292 0.22177 0.31136 0.15139 0.090978 0. 020199 2σ 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.0029 0.0029 0.0024 0.0041 0.0025 0.0022 0.0022 0.0022 0.0022 Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 0.186 238 0.1854 0.1855 0.1874 0.1852 0.1851 0.1853 0.1867 0.1859 0.1859 0.18 62 0.1861 0.1859 206 0.18 0.04 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.17 2σ 0.05 2 0.051 0.035 0.041 0.038 0.038 U Pb/ 1.93 1.95 1.9 58 1.957 1.975 1.963 1.938 1.973 1.949 1.936 1.952 1.953 1.952 235 207 99.8 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 *Pb % 9 a 546 Pb Pb/ -8261 -7645 -8474 61 5469 99.9 1.958 0.052 0.1862 0.0029 0.020199 0.07629 0.0012 1103 31 1100 18 1101 16 100.0 -24253 -35600 -48893 -14390 -11735 -34000 -18138 -53840 -38667 204 206 58 4722 99.9 1.922 0.051 0.1849 0.0028 0.24389 0.07554 0.0012 1083 32 1088 18 1094 15 100.5 42 5653 99.9 1.948 0.051 0.1857 0.0029 0.21785 0.0767 0.0011 1113 29 1098 17 1098 16 100.0 80 9078 100.099 1.969 4719 0.051 100.0 0.187 1.907 0.0029 0.053 0.17267 0.1851 0.07622 0.0011 0.003 0.12008 1101 0.0753 29 0.0014 1106 1077 17 37 1105 1083 16 19 99.9 1095 16 101.0 61 158 24660 100.0 1.974 0.051 0.188 0.0029 0.36566 0.07605 0.0011 1096 29 1107 18 1110 16 100.3 115 7673 100.0 1.934 0.055 0.1843 0.0029 0.29051 0.076 0.0014 1095 37 1093 19 1090 16 99.7 738 23415 99.8 1.959 0.18 0.1859 0.0024 0.046417 0.0774 0.0014 1132 36 1101 62 1099 13 99.8 142 4781 99.8 1.94 0.059 0.1849 0.0031 0.18487 0.0764 0.0017 1106 44 1094 21 1094 17 100.0 -327 -333 -275 -300 -650 -122 -118 -322 -240 -600 -433 9.3 -1400 Pb % error % error 204 11 10 11 12 13 1412 140017 15011 283 12343 99.9 100.0 157 21600 100.0 1.938 1.976 13269 100.0 0.036 0.038 1.93 0.1852 0.1861 1.969 0.036 0.004 0.004 0.036 0.1856 0.099369 0.1867 0.33598 0.07605 0.004 0.07673 0.004 0.23925 0.001 0.07595 0.001 0.18747 0.07637 1096 0.001 1114 25 0.001 25 1094 1095 1107 1105 25 13 25 1091 13 1096 1106 1100 13 22 13 1097 22 100.1 1104 22 99.4 22 100.6 99.8 10 250 9255 99.8 1.956 0.054 0.1849 0.003 0.1102 0.0775 0.0014 1134 36 1100 19 1093 16 99.4 12 1112 55013 150 60250 100.012 650 20925 1.942 100.0 35920 171 0.037 1.952 100.0 0.1856 0.036 11863 1.93712 0.004 0.1861 99.9 0.03713 0.34412 0.004 1.952 0.1858 0.076211 0.41794 0.004 0.07611 0.0009 0.17 0.25632 0.0009 0.07614 122 1100 0.18611 1098 0.0022 25 0.001 1244411 23 0.21028 100.0 1096 0.07627 138 1099 109912 1.952 13 26 0.001 550 12400 13 109812 100.0 1094 0.17 240 1102 1100 35270 22 0.1858 1.956 13 1200 26 99.9 0.0022 22 24360 100.2 109912 112900 1099 0.18 1.951 0.34697 100.1 100.0 99.9 0.0757611 22 60 0.186 1.953 0.0009 200 0.17 1.95 100.4 1099 0.0021 0.1858 183 1089 0.17 16092 0.21797 0.0022 0.17 12 0.07586 0.1859 23 99.9 100.1 0.16498 0.0021 8160 0.186 1099 0.07682 0.001 1.953 0.079447 0.0022 99.9 0.0011 60 0.0765 1091 0.44368 0.17 1.952 0.07586 1098 1117 26 0.001 0.1859 0.0009 29 1102 0.0021 12 0.17 1108 1099 1091 100.0 0.12067 61 0.186 25 0.07685 25 61 1100 0.0023 1100 1098 0.001 1099 0.19631 12 60 0.07561 60 1117 12 1099 99.8 0.001 1100 26 100.0 12 1099 1085 12 27 100.1 99.9 60 1100 1099 62 11 1099 100.0 13 100.0 14 9.8 9.3 9.7 9.6 9.2 2σ int 1 8 6 7 4 2 8 2 7 9 8 2 5 1 6 6 -9 -3 -4 -4 -2 -3 -5 -2 -3 -1 5.3 8.4 7.4 8.5 8.8 8.7 1.3 9.6 5.3 7.5 Pb -2.7 8.7 1 5. 2 204 0.47 0.6 3 Th/U 268 169 0.63 15.2 110 169 Th 83 31 0.37 (ppm) 198 99389 266 0.50 154 0.68 61126 0.40 63 0.50 271 169257 0.62 163329 0.63 202250 0.62 153119 0.61 70181 0.58 72 0.40 12 12 100 3735 99.8 1.933 0.043 0.1854 0.004 0.13371 0.0761 0.0013 1098 34 1091 15 1096 22 100.5 U 418 257 0.61 251 161 0.64 16.6 403 230 0.57 22.7 183 66133 0.36 44119 0.33 77 0.64 458 248331 0.54 203 0.61 14 11.5 11 79 10586 100.0 1.962 0.05 0.1863 0.0028 0.20978 0.07602 0.0011 1096 29 1102 17 1101 15 99.9 319 201439 0.63 264196 0.60 72254 0.37 145106 0.57 33271 162 0.31 0.60 335 170252 0.51 152297 0.60 168216 0.57 -11 137367 13 0.63 271346 0.74 216364 0.62 215307 0.59 168154 0.55 10 79140 11 0.51 82176 0.58 75 110 0.43 11570 100.0 1.952 0.17 0.1859 0.0021 0.18393 0.0759 0.0009 1092 24234 1099268 60 1099 12 100.0 321 199349 0.62 207 0.59

FC1 - 1 FC1 - 2 FC1 - 3 FC1 - 4 FC1 - 5 FC1 - 6 FC1 - 8 FC1 - 9 FC1 - 3 FC1 - 4 FC1 - 6 FC1 - 7 FC1 - 8 FC1 - 9 FC1 - 1 FC1 - 2 FC1 - 3 FC1 - 4 FC1 - 5 FC1 - 6 FC1 - 7 FC1 - 8 FC1 - 9 FC1 - 10 FC1 - 10 FC1 - 11 FC1 - 12 FC1 - 13 FC1 - 14 FC1 - 15 FC1 - 17 FC1 - 11 FC1 - 12 FC1 - 13 FC1 - 14 FC1 - 15 FC1 - 16 FC1 - 17 FC1 - 11 Sample # Grain Continued. File: and date time 15/01/2015 (5) 16:33:16.43 (5) 15/01/2015 FC1 - 12 15/01/2015 (5) 10: 42:22.13 14/01/2015 (4) 13: 56:51.77 14/01/2015 (4) 14: 18:07.62 14/01/2015 (4) 14: 27:01.04 14/01/2015 (4) 14: 35:54.30 14/01/2015 (4) 14: 45:56.83 15/01/2015 (5) 10: 52:20.98 15/01/2015 (5) 11: 02:25.40 15/01/2015 (5) 11: 11:13.94 15/01/2015 (5) 11: 20:04.18 15/01/2015 (5) 11: 28:54.64 15/01/2015 (5) 11: 40:06.05 15/01/2015 (5) 11: 48:56.07 15/01/2015 (5) 12: 05:26.49 14/01/2015 (4) 13: 49:03.60 14/01/2015 (4) 15: 11:28.53 14/01/2015 (4) 15: 20:22.21 14/01/2015 (4) 15: 30:24.45 14/01/2015 (4) 15: 41:34.48 14/01/2015 (4) 15: 49:21.87 14/01/2015 (4) 16: 07:16.67 15/01/2015 (5) 12: 35:35.11 15/01/2015 (5) 12: 45:35.22 15/01/2015 (5) 12: 54:26.48 15/01/2015 (5) 13: 03:17.48 15/01/2015 (5) 13: 45:24.37 15/01/2015 (5) 13: 49:55.21 14/01/2015 (4) 15: 00:23.84 15/01/2015 (5) 12: 25:32.51 15/01/2015 (5) 16:23:13.65 FC1 - 12 - FC1 16:23:13.65 (5) 15/01/2015 15/01/2015 (5) 16: 23:13.65 15/01/2015 (5) 14: 40:02.75 15/01/2015 (5) 14: 50:02.39 15/01/2015 (5) 15: 00:05.15 15/01/2015 (5) 15: 08:56.05 15/01/2015 (5) 15: 17:46.52 15/01/2015 (5) 15: 28:58.24 15/01/2015 (5) 15: 46:39.38 15/01/2015 (5) 16: 04:20.22 15/01/2015 (5) 16: 14:22.87 Appendix B. Appendix

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 74 % C 2σ U Pb/ 1103 12 100.4 1099 12 100.1 1105 13 100.5 1101 12 100.4 1104 12 100.3 238 206 9 9.8 9.1 9.6 9.3 2σ U Pb/ 235 207 Calculated ages 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 235 207 *Pb % a Pb Pb/ 204 206 7749 8557 99.9 2934 1.961 99.9 0.051 1.917 0.1861 0.053 0.0029 0.1849 0.21315 0.0029 0.0764 0.2983547 0.07536 0.0012 0.0013 1106 7346 100.0 1078 31 35 1.971 1102 1087 0.041 18 0.1872 18 1100 0.0024 1094 16 0.36734 0.07626 16 99.8 0.000768 100.6 1102 5436 18 99.9 110537 1.963 14 0.043 1106 2880 0.1857 99.9 13 0.0023 100.1 1.959 0.27653 0.07652 0.042 0.0009 0.186649 1109 0.0025 23 0.25133 3027 1102 0.0763 99.960 0.0009 15 1.951 1098 1103 3146 0.046 100.0 23 13 0.1857 1.966 1101 0.0024 99.6 0.033 15 0.23914 0.07608 0.1873 1103 0.0023 0.001 13 0.19319 1097 100.2 0.0762 26 0.0015 110098 1100 16 39 14740 1098 100.0 1104 1.956 13 11 0.026 1107 99.9 0.1868 13 0.002260 100.3 0.29226 0.07611 3355 0.0012 99.8 1098 1.963 32 0.033 1100 0.1854 0.0025 0.24315 0.0764 0.0014 1106 37 1102 11 1096 13 99.5 80 7085 100.0 1.933 0.043 0.1852 0.0024 0.36431 0.07615 0.0009 1099 23 1093 15 1095 13 100.2 54 5143 99.9 1.956 0.03 0.1852 0.0022 0.38846 0.07631 0.0013 1103 34 1100 10 1095 12 99.5 155 15920 99.9 1.974 0.051 0.1873 0.0029 0.14729 0.07637 0.0011 1105 29 1106 18 1106 16 100.0 148 10163 99.9178 1.955 25118 0.045 99.9140 0.1869 0.0024 1.95 6455 0.28484 0.041 0.07596 99.9 0.1854 1.961 0.001 0.0024 0.046 0.31084 1094 0.07621 0.1866 26 0.0008 0.0024 1100 0.27662 1101 16 0.0762 20 1105 1098 0.001 13 14 1100 100.4 1097 26 1101 13 16 99.8 1103 13686 100.2 204 41686 99.9 19688 100.0 1.953171 1.956 0.033 10650 0.029 0.1852 99.9 0.0024 0.1864 0.0022 1.952 0.26785 0.07637 0.42048 0.034 0.07604 0.0014 0.0013 0.185 1105 0.0023 1096 37 0.21203 34 1100 1100 0.076 11 0.0015 10 1096 1102 1095 13 40 12 99.6 1098 100.2 12 1094 13 99.7 306107 54548 99.9418 16337 100.0 1.944 48318 1.943 99.9162 0.04 0.04 0.1848 1.96 18422 0.0023 0.1861 99.9 0.0023 0.041 0.26907 0.07632 0.1857 1.956 0.37837 0.07582 0.0006 0.0023 0.042 0.0007 0.18264 1103 0.1863 0.07643 1090 0.0023 17 0.0008 17 1098 0.43152 0.07605 1106 1097 14 0.0007 20 14 1093 1101 1096 1100 13 19 14 13 1101 1098 99.6 100.2 15 13 1101 99.7 13 100.1 -560 -49227 99.9 1.932 0.044 0.1846 0.0024 0.3712 0.07566 0.0009 1086 25 1092 15 1093 13 100.0 -300 -35194-171 100.0 -21490 1.956 100.0 0.042 1.937 0.1861 0.041 0.0023 0.1852 0.32723 0.0023 0.07628 0.42195 0.0007 0.07593 0.0007 1102 19 1093 1100 18 14 1093 1100 14 1095 13 100.0 13 100.2 -264 -9212 99.9 1.955 0.04 0.1852 0.0024 0.19263 0.0766 0.0018 1111 47 1100 14 1095 13 99.6 2867 192167 99.9 1.948 0.043 0.1861 0.0024 0.25889 0.07606 0.0009 1097 24 1097 15 1100 13 100.3 Pb % error % error 204 9 9 1010 250 200 21733 99.9 13774 1.965 99.9 0.052 1.945 0.052 0.187 0.0029 0.1841 0.0028 0.21547 0.07618 0.12971 0.07655 0.0012 0.0012 1100 1109 32 31 1103 1096 18 18 1105 1089 16 15 100.2 99.4 10 -111 -6724 99.9 1.953 0.045 0.1853 0.0024 0.21069 0.07631 0.001 1103 26 1101 16 1096 13 99.5 11 -367 -21983 99.9 1.95 0.029 0.1865 0.0023 0.11335 0.0761 0.0014 1098 37 1099 11 138 12625 100.0 1.961 0.042 0.1865 0.0023 0.2684 0.07617 0.0008 1100 20 1102 1411 1102 13 220 100.0 12030 99.9 1.94711 0.03 0.1851 183 0.002311 10847 0.2445 100.0 0.07615 183 1.956 0.0014 14132 0.031 1099 99.9 0.1858 37 0.0024 1.957 1099 0.42121 0.028 0.07618 11 0.0014 0.187 1095 0.0023 1100 12 0.19674 37 0.07595 99.6 1100 0.0013 11 1094 1098 34 1100 13 99.9 8.4 8.8 9.7 8.7 9.2 9.7 9.1 9.6 8.5 2σ int 4 5 6 8 5 6 6 -9 -3 5.6 8.7 6.3 9.3 5.1 9.1 0.3 8.6 9.6 9.4 1.4 9.6 4.8 9.8 4.8 8.2 3.1 9.5 9.2 9.8 2.2 9.2 5.5 8.9 Pb -1.5 8.4 -3.1 9.3 -5.1 8.7 -3.3 8.7 204 Th/U Th (ppm) U 312 179185 0.57 98288 11.5 177 0.53281 0.62 124 19.7 227 0.44 122 0.54 260 151261 0.58 148228 13.6 0.57 139265 0.61 164450 0.62 278219 26.3 0.62 138141 0.63 45209 0.32 78206 0.37 76 0.37 18.6 275 167470 0.61 313205 0.67 121 14325 0.59 12 213190 0.66 81181 86 0.42 82168 0.45 5871 72228 24 113 99.9 0.43 11 0.49 1.935 14.1 0.032 46 0.1841 0.0023 2252 0.027749 0.0764 99.9 0.0015 1.94 1106 39 0.03 0.1855 1093 0.0024 11 0.38374 0.07614 1090 0.0014 13 1099 99.7 37 1094 10 1098 13 100.3 341 206351 0.60 212439 0.60 256554 0.58 277486 18.5 0.50 252359 0.52 206340 0.57 197345 0.58 192276 0.56 158 0.57 11.2 202 58161 0.29 71429 304 0.44286 0.71 178 15.9 336 0.62 194 12218 16.8 0.58 12 103105 0.47 10 33290 100 11 143 0.31 10283 0.50 100.0 110 1.949 10139 0.026 99.9 0.1859 0.0023 1.945 0.46608 0.027 0.07614 0.1862 0.0012 0.0022 1099 0.38211 0.07599 32 0.0012 1098 1095 32 1096 Sample # Grain FC-1 - 1 FC-1 - 2 FC-1 - 3 FC-1 - 4 FC-1 - 5 FC-1 - 6 FC-1 - 7 FC-1 - 8 FC-1 - 9 FC-1 - 1 FC-1 - 2 FC-1 - 3 FC-1 - 5 FC-1 - 6 FC-1 - 7 FC-1 - 8 FC-1 - 9 FC-1 Continued. File: and date time Appendix B. Appendix 16:43:16.49 (5) 15/01/2015 FC1 - 13 16:53:19.37 (5) 15/01/2015 FC1 - 14 17:02:09.91 (5) 15/01/2015 FC1 - 15 17:12:09.09 (5) 15/01/2015 FC1 - 16 17:13:15.34 (5) 15/01/2015 FC1 - 17 12:45:41.23 (5) 21/05/2015 12:54:40.57 (5) 21/05/2015 13:02:29.96 (5) 21/05/2015 13:12:30.97 (5) 21/05/2015 13:19:17.41 (5) 21/05/2015 13:34:52.74 (5) 21/05/2015 13:41:35.95 (5) 21/05/2015 13:47:13.07 (5) 21/05/2015 13:55:05.70 (5) 21/05/2015 14:08:29.38 (5) 21/05/2015 FC-1 - 10 14:18:37.68 (5) 21/05/2015 FC-1 - 11 14:25:22.17 (5) 21/05/2015 FC-1 - 12 14:35:24.04 (5) 21/05/2015 FC-1 - 13 14:45:28.89 (5) 21/05/2015 FC-1 - 14 14:55:37.91 (5) 21/05/2015 FC-1 - 15 15:02:21.56 (5) 21/05/2015 FC-1 - 16 15:14:34.53 (5) 21/05/2015 FC-1 - 17 15:24:40.49 (5) 21/05/2015 FC-1 - 18 10:10:20.80 (6) 22/05/2015 10:20:39.97 (6) 22/05/2015 10:29:52.61 (6) 22/05/2015 10:50:27.69 (6) 22/05/2015 10:56:37.59 (6) 22/05/2015 11:08:55.43 (6) 22/05/2015 11:17:13.30 (6) 22/05/2015 11:28:28.12 (6) 22/05/2015 11:34:40.54 (6) 22/05/2015 FC-1 - 10 11:41:52.41 (6) 22/05/2015 FC-1 - 11 11:55:15.51 (6) 22/05/2015 FC-1 - 12 12:01:25.95 (6) 22/05/2015 FC-1 - 13 12:13:44.43 (6) 22/05/2015 FC-1 - 14 12:22:01.69 (6) 22/05/2015 FC-1 - 15 12:28:12.14 (6) 22/05/2015 FC-1 - 16 12:40:33.16 (6) 22/05/2015 FC-1 - 17

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 75 99.6 99.5 97.3 100.9 % C %C 99.7 99.8 99.9 9 7.3 99. 6 99. 5 99.6 99.6 100.1 100.3 100.4 100.5 100.7 100. 9 100.0 100.2 21 67 70 74 7.7 8.3 8.8 9.7 8.7 8.3 8.5 8.6 8.3 8.8 9.1 9.3 2σ U Pb/ 1100 1105 1097 1099 1106 1097 1097 1096 1078 1086 1127 238 206 21 11 12 11 12 12 13 7.9 8.8 8.9 9.1 2σ U Pb/ 1100 1097 1094 1100 1095 1104 1093 235 207 Calculated ages 44 34 34 31 17 18 21 2σ Pb Pb/ 1085 1097 1091 1103 1085 1097 1099 206 207 2σ 0.0 0 17 0.0013 0.0013 0.0012 0.0026 0.0026 0.0028 Pb Pb/ 0. 0 761 0.0761 0.0761 0.0762 0.0753 0.0754 0.0773 206 207 0.334 ρ 0.0533 0.0697 0.12484 0.22104 0.27712 0.24922 2σ 0.004 0.0016 0.0017 0.0017 0.0022 0.0022 0.0023 Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 0.186 238 0.1855 0.1854 0.1851 0.1869 0.1852 0.1846 206 0.03 0.06 2σ 0.061 0.034 0.034 0.049 0.049 U Pb/ 1.963 1.946 1.936 1.956 1.942 1.912 1.962 235 207 99.6 99.6 1.947 0.064 0.186 0.004 0.243 0.0765 0.0019 1090 49 1094 22 1099 21 98.9 99.8 99.8 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 *Pb % a 2509 Pb Pb/ -9523 -1431 -1475 -45070 -11800 -17090 204 206 136 6893 99.8 1.952 0.054 0.186 0.004 0.456 0.0756 0.0012 1079 32 1098 18 1100 20 96.9 88 1669 100.0 1.963 0.06 0.1854 0.0025 0.10632 0.0764 0.0029 1102 21 1096 14 1092 75 99.5 -56 -1303 100.0 1.949 0.049 0.1855 0.002 0.32599 0.077 0.0024 1099 17 1097 11 1117 61 99.8 -76 -1289 100.0 1.916 0.063 0.1863 0.0024 0.21175 0.0744 0.0027 1085 21 1101 13 1052 73 101.5 -59 -61 104 273 3630 100.0 1.908 0.069 0.1863 0.0027 0.22046 0.0737 0.0032 1082 24 1101 15 1013 88 101.8 116 1847 100.0 1.94 0.062 0.186 0.0026 0.30022 0.0749 0.0028 1092 22 1099 14 1080 78 100.6 -873 -36245 100.0 1.948 0.043 0.1864 0.002 0.19649 0.0757 0.0023 1098 15 1102 11 1089 63 100.3 1300 -1100 Pb % error % error 204 6 8 12 1200 104500 99.9 1.952 0.023 0.186 0.0014 0.18441 0.07615 0.0009 1100 25 1099 1213 20017 433 10283 1700 99.8 9950 113310 1.963 99.9 99.8 0.03 1.957 1.929 0.1859 0.025 0.0015 0.04 0.187 0.1851 0.37597 0.07619 0.0016 0.0019 0.0011 0.11302 0.17088 0.07576 0.0761 1097 0.0011 0.0016 30 1090 1103 1088 28 42 10 1102 1090 1099 14 1095 10 100.4 12 1200 46290 99.7 1.957 0.03 0.1854 0.0016 0.20592 0.0767 0.0012 1110 32 1101 10 1096 12 300 1017 500 170010 9370 22070 100.0 100.0 306 1.981 1.982 3080610 0.052 0.076 99.8 0.1854 0.1865 0.0023 1.953 0.0035 0.38125 0.049 0.30896 0.0771 0.0763 0.186 0.0026 0.0029 0.004 1107 1107 18 26 0.501 1096 1102 0.0762 12 0.0009 19 1121 1098 1097 67 25 75 1099 99.0 99.5 17 1100 20 99.8 10 500 19655 100.0 1.943 0.047 0.1862 0.0018 0.24467 0.0756 0.0024 1095 16 1101 10 1089 63 100.5 11 -275 -7398 100.0 1.95 0.052 0.1865 0.0022 0.42529 0.0761 0.0025 1098 18 1102 12 1088 65 100.4 10 -167 -5233 100.0 1.97 0.046 0.186 0.0021 0.073022 0.0768 0.0024 1106 15 1100 11 1112 63 99.5 1315 32520 300 10250 99.7 400 5092 1.965 99.8 7392 0.034 1.933 99.7 0.1857 0.044 1.955 0.002 0.1854 0.037 0.17823 0.002111 0.0762 0.186 0.17693 0.001312 0.0018 0.0761 275 0.24367 0.0018 1100 1200 0.0762 35 1093 4755 0.0015 30220 100.0 1105 48 100.0 1095 1.984 1095 1212 1.96 41 1098 0.056 16 1102 0.053 0.1861 1096 11 200 0.0022 0.1862 13 0.0021 99.4 11 0.25971 1099 100.1 6155 0.44639 0.0773 100.0 0.0762 0.0026 1.975 0.0025 1111 0.046 1103 19 0.1859 19 1101 0.0019 1101 0.29398 12 12 0.0767 1120 0.0024 1089 68 1107 67 99.1 15 99.8 1099 10 1114 60 99.3 12 24012 1014811 99.8 400 1.952 220 17073 0.031 99.8 7006 0.1851 0.0016 1.95 99.8 0.13053 0.026 1.952 0.0761 0.1855 0.034 0.0012 0.0016 0.1862 0.22633 1096 0.0019 0.07615 31 0.32025 0.0011 1099 0.0762 1097 0.0013 10 28 1095 1096 1098 33 1100 12 1101 10 100.1 10 13 325 13 11 8.2 9.7 9.7 9.9 9.7 2σ int 1 6 3 1 1 9 2 1 3 0 2 3 4 5 5 4 1 6 5 3 5 -4 -4 -6 -4 -1 -1 7.9 9.2 Pb -1.1 9.6 204 2.55 Th/U 61 Th 281 150 1.87 (ppm) 473 298 0.63 239 147 0.62 14 12 86 3691 99.7 1.944 0.033 0.1866 0.0016 0.15214 0.0761 0.0014 1091 36 1099 11 1104 287 168139 0.58 48521 288 0.34 0.55 222 133 0.60 182 106 0.58 U 235 83608 0.35 371181 1.64 68143 2.67 49124 2.93 39 13 3.16 10 17 10 75 59 2065 99.7 1269 1.944 99.6 0.067 1.944 0.067 0.186 0.004 0.186 0.004 0.564 0.0762 0.323 0.0017 0.0772 0.0020 1087 46 1108 1093 51 1093 23 1096 23 1099 23 98.6 21 98.3 206 130 0.63 121 77 0.64 428 302 0.71 245 112203 0.46 117 -17.3 0.57 11 183 88181 0.48 81319 163 0.45 15 -13.1 0.51 11 73 1141 100.0 1.923 0.057 0.1846 0.0024 0.1722 0.0761 0.0028 1086 20 1092 13 1086 74 100.6 197 68126 0.35 76181 0.61 78 0.43 309 172177 0.56 77244 155 0.43 0.63389 -16.4 221413 0.57 242332 0.59 125 0.38 156 196 118 0.61 249 128379 0.51 223256 0.59 151174 0.59 10 73149 12 0.42 59 0.39 120 7817 99.9 1.954276 171 0.026 0.62 0.1872 0.0015 -18 0.28087 11 0.07614 0.001 1100 28 1101 215 138225 0.64 140 0.62 FC-1 - 6 FC-1 Sample # Grain - 1 FC-1 - 2 FC-1 - 3 FC-1 - 4 FC-1 - 5 FC-1 - 6 FC-1 - 7 FC-1 - 8 FC-1 - 9 FC-1 FC-1 - 10 FC-1 - 11 FC-1 - 13 FC-1 - 14 FC-1 - 16 FC-1 - 17 FC-1 - 18 - 1 FC-1 - 2 FC-1 - 3 FC-1 - 4 FC-1 - 5 FC-1 - 6 FC-1 - 7 FC-1 - 8 FC-1 FC-1 - 10 FC-1 - 11 FC-1 - 12 FC-1 - 13 FC-1 - 14 FC-1 - 15 FC-1 - 16 FC-1 - 17 FC-1 - 18 FC-1 - 19 - 1 FC-1 - 2 FC-1 - 3 FC-1 - 4 FC-1 - 5 FC-1 38:42.90 49:09.98 58:38.86 10:11.31 11:09.56 21:37.31 30:04.30 39:29.71 49:59.59 01:36.43 23:32.09 33:51.63 45:21.51 55:47.17 06:13.73 04:29.84 16:50.22 23:04.90 30:20.70 42:47.12 49:02.22 01:23.02 08:42.83 26:17.87 35:36.08 46:01.51 52:16.75 03:36.66 12:00.40 20:17.14 29:35.01 35:50.30 45:09.43 53:03.91 54:10.24 08:39.90 24:12.50 37:25.13 28:15.62 File: and date time 15/12/2016 (5) 10:51:48.00 (5) 15/12/2016 10: (6) 11/12/2015 10: (6) 11/12/2015 10: (6) 11/12/2015 11: (6) 11/12/2015 11: (6) 11/12/2015 11: (6) 11/12/2015 11: (6) 11/12/2015 11: (6) 11/12/2015 11: (6) 11/12/2015 12: (6) 11/12/2015 12: (6) 11/12/2015 12: (6) 11/12/2015 12: (6) 11/12/2015 12: (6) 11/12/2015 13: (6) 11/12/2015 09: (6) 13/05/2016 09: (6) 13/05/2016 09: (6) 13/05/2016 09: (6) 13/05/2016 09: (6) 13/05/2016 09: (6) 13/05/2016 10: (6) 13/05/2016 10: (6) 13/05/2016 10: (6) 13/05/2016 10: (6) 13/05/2016 10: (6) 13/05/2016 10: (6) 13/05/2016 11: (6) 13/05/2016 11: (6) 13/05/2016 11: (6) 13/05/2016 11: (6) 13/05/2016 11: (6) 13/05/2016 11: (6) 13/05/2016 09: (5) 15/12/2016 09: (5) 15/12/2016 10: (5) 15/12/2016 10: (5) 15/12/2016 10: (5) 15/12/2016 Appendix B. C ontinued. 10: (6) 11/12/2015

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 76 98.6 % C %C 9 8.6 16 2σ U Pb/ 1097 238 206 18 2σ U Pb/ 1097 235 207 Calculated ages 59 2σ Pb Pb/ 1090 206 207 2σ 0.0023 Pb Pb/ 0.0762 206 207 0.294 ρ 2σ 0.003 Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 0.186 238 206 2σ 0.052 U Pb/ 1.952 235 207 99.7 1.945 0.057 0.1856 0.0034 0.212 0.0773 0.0018 1120 46 1095 20 1097 19 96.6 99.6 *Pb % a 2682 99.64180 1.911 99.87148 0.058 1.930 99.7 0.044 0.183 1.978 0.003 0.053 0.186 0.003 0.188 0.342 0.003 0.0759 0.194 0.0024 0.0749 0.385 0.0020 1078 0.0763 65 0.0022 1059 1085 54 1091 1090 19 59 1085 1106 15 1102 18 18 99.0 1110 15 95.0 16 97.4 8685 Pb Pb/ 204 206 88 5194 99.7 1.969 0.052 0.186 0.004 0.242 0.0768 0.0012 1114 31 1105 17 1099 20 98.7 78 989 43744 99.7 1.965 0.054 0.186 0.004 0.315 0.0758 0.0013 1083 33 1102 18 1100 20 96.9 131 200 230 -174 -7363 99.7 1.932 0.053 0.1851 0.0029 0.206 0.0757 0.0014 1082 38 1090 18 1095 16 98.5 -106 -13675 99.8 1.984 0.045 0.1875 0.0028 0.358 0.0765 0.0008 1104 22 1109 15 1108 15 99.1 Pb % error % error 204 9 9 9 9 1111 -138 -4950 220 99.8 5802 1.949 99.7 0.049 1.934 0.1856 0.0029 0.056 0.1859 0.162 0.0029 0.0766 0.0013 0.299 0.0761 1103 0.0016 33 1085 1097 41 17 1091 1097 19 16 1099 99.3 16 98.8 11 -275 -10703 99.7 1.940 0.050 0.1854 0.0030 0.167 0.0759 0.0013 1090 35 1094 17 1096 16 99.3 10 -200 -8724 99.8 1.966 0.050 0.1869 0.0028 0.316 0.0763 0.0012 1095 31 1103 17 1105 15 98.7 11 -367 -14027 99.8 1.944 0.048 0.1861 0.0029 0.311 0.0759 0.0011 1085 30 1095 17 1100 16 98.3 11 -138 -5125 99.7 1.959 0.051 0.1859 0.0028 0.365 0.0766 0.0012 1104 33 1100 17 1099 15 99.6 11 -220 -9692 99.7 1.972 0.050 0.1869 0.0029 0.198 0.0757 0.0013 1084 35 1105 17 1105 16 96.7 11 275 9128 99.7 1.934 0.049 0.1843 0.0027 0.255 0.0758 0.0012 1089 33 1092 17 1090 15 99.4 1311 -26010 1100 -546611 99.8 27220 16711 99.7 1.924 367 3778 1.908 0.058 367 99.6 0.1866 0.054 8593 0.0032 0.1844 11687 1.962 99.7 0.0033 99.7 0.058 1.970 0.291 0.1861 1.937 0.052 0.0755 0.177 0.0031 0.051 0.1876 0.0016 0.0761 0.0030 0.1852 0.0018 1080 0.287 0.0028 0.0768 44 1086 0.144 0.0016 1088 46 0.161 0.0764 1085 0.0759 0.0014 1103 20 0.0013 43 1103 20 1096 1100 1091 1089 38 17 36 1104 20 18 98.6 1093 1100 18 99.7 17 1109 17 1095 99.9 16 15 98.6 99.3 11 220 6940 99.7 1.940 0.058 0.18610 0.004 43011 0.475 21957 0.075910 99.7 0.0014 12211 1.998 154 1090 2954 0.054 36 138 11233 99.7 1095 0.186 99.7 1.916 8275 1912 0.004 1.974 0.062 99.7 1097 0.051 0.186 1.987 0.430 21 0.186 0.0771 0.004 0.053 99.3 0.0012 0.004 0.186 0.246 1118 0.004 0.217 0.0760 30 0.0762 0.0019 1114 0.309 0.0011 1082 18 0.0766 1095 49 0.0012 1100 29 1084 1105 20 1106 21 30 99.5 17 1098 1110 1100 21 18 20 99.3 1100 98.3 20 99.1 11 -1100 -13400 99.6 1.927 0.070 0.1865 0.0034 0.203 0.0754 0.0023 1052 62 1086 24 1102 18 94.0 2σ int 4 8 5 7 9 4 1 6 3 3 5 1 9 2 9 6 8 0 4 -8 -4 -5 -3 -8 -5 -5 -8 -5 -1 Pb 204 1.65 Th/U 312 188 1.66 10 12 120 4386 99.8 1.959 0.049 0.188 0.003 0.270 0.0756 0.0022 1078 59 1100 17 1110 17 96.4 145 Th 93 35 2.63 (ppm) U 348 235207 1.48 102 2.03 12 10 202 98136 2.06 87 1.56 279 166 1.68 298 127 2.35 305 191 1.60 294 184 1.60 289 180 1.60 281 177 1.59 250 137202 1.83 112 1.80 -17 11 10 11 -65 110 -2158 99.7 2937 1.943 99.6 0.049 1.965 0.1852 0.0029 0.054 0.1853 0.0028 0.413 0.0761 0.127 0.0011 0.0771 1092 0.0015 30 1112 1097 40 18 1102 1095 18 16 1096 99.4 15 98.8 242 148480 1.63 269325 1.78 174 1.87 13 29 223 5577 99.7 1.986 0.048 0.1870 0.0027 0.011 0.0763 0.0010 1096 28 1110 17 1105 15 97.8 176 66152 2.66 55167 2.77 66232 116 2.52 183 1.99 86768 675 2.12 1.14 16 11 69 1713 99.8 1.906 0.053 0.1840 0.0029 0.367 0.0747 0.0015 1056 38 1081 19 1089 16 95.8 259 148209 1.75 98381 226 2.14 14 1.69 10 14 11 10 70 71 2737 99.7 2208 1.954 99.7 0.054 1.949 0.186 0.059 0.004 0.186 0.004 0.363 0.0765 0.324 0.0013 0.0766 1101 0.0016 34 1099 1099 40 19 1096 1098 20 20 1099 99.8 21 99.9 238 139263 1.72 148 1.78 327 178202 1.84 100344 2.02 239 11129 1.44 11 18 82187 10 1.56 82491 100 303 2.28 460 23 1.62 55 286 4320 10178 99.8 1.61 103 1620276 1.917 1.73 173 99.7 43 0.050185 1.59 1.930 16 70 0.186175 10 0.056 801 11 2.63 0.004 66 99.7 10 0.186 2.65 1.932 63 0.004 0.305 0.060 0.0748 87 1541 0.189 0.0011 0.186 99.7 0.0755 3428 1057 0.004 0.0016 1.906 99.8 30 1070 0.057 1.932 0.291 1086 42 0.0760 0.055 0.186 17 1090 0.0017 1099 0.004 0.186 19 1088 0.004 20 1098 43 0.130 95.4 1090 0.0757 21 0.399 0.0017 21 0.0761 96.7 0.0013 1099 1074 45 1089 22 1081 35 99.4 1093 20 1098 18 1099 21 98.6 20 99.5 240 FC-1 - 6 FC-1 Sample # Grain - 7 FC-1 - 8 FC-1 - 9 FC-1 FC-1 - 10 FC-1 - 11 FC-1 - 12 FC-1 - 13 FC-1 - 14 FC-1 - 15 FC-1 - 16 FC-1 - 17 FC-1 - 18 FC-1 - 19 FC-1 - 20 - 1 FC-1 - 2 FC-1 - 3 FC-1 - 4 FC-1 - 5 FC-1 - 6 FC-1 - 7 FC-1 - 8 FC-1 - 9 FC-1 FC-1 - 10 FC-1 - 11 FC-1 - 12 FC-1 - 13 FC-1 - 14 FC-1 - 15 FC-1 - 16 FC-1 - 17 FC-1 - 18 FC-1 - 19 FC-1 - 20 FC-1 - 21 - 2 FC-1 - 3 FC-1 - 4 FC-1 - 5 FC-1 20:45.75 35:11.01 48:32.19 04:09.98 17:30.28 33:00.28 47:32.20 01:53.83 16:20.46 30:41.90 45:13.44 59:37.71 16:14.81 09:17.84 25:56.57 39:19.83 59:15.23 08:16.65 23:47.30 37:14.64 51:45.77 05:03.90 25:01.99 36:23.96 51:57.73 09:46.08 33:09.87 49:51.24 06:33.40 23:12.48 40:02.61 56:43.06 12:18.60 29:02.88 09:21.23 23:45.90 38:12.31 55:57.32 06:17.98 File: and date time 21/12/2016 (4) 12:12:39.84 (4) 21/12/2016 11: (5) 15/12/2016 11: (5) 15/12/2016 11: (5) 15/12/2016 12: (5) 15/12/2016 12: (5) 15/12/2016 12: (5) 15/12/2016 12: (5) 15/12/2016 13: (5) 15/12/2016 13: (5) 15/12/2016 13: (5) 15/12/2016 13: (5) 15/12/2016 13: (5) 15/12/2016 14: (5) 15/12/2016 13: (3) 20/12/2016 13: (3) 20/12/2016 13: (3) 20/12/2016 13: (3) 20/12/2016 14: (3) 20/12/2016 14: (3) 20/12/2016 14: (3) 20/12/2016 14: (3) 20/12/2016 15: (3) 20/12/2016 15: (3) 20/12/2016 15: (3) 20/12/2016 15: (3) 20/12/2016 16: (3) 20/12/2016 16: (3) 20/12/2016 16: (3) 20/12/2016 17: (3) 20/12/2016 17: (3) 20/12/2016 17: (3) 20/12/2016 17: (3) 20/12/2016 18: (3) 20/12/2016 18: (3) 20/12/2016 11: (4) 21/12/2016 11: (4) 21/12/2016 11: (4) 21/12/2016 11: (4) 21/12/2016 Appendix B. C ontinued. 11: (5) 15/12/2016

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 77 99.4 99.5 99.4 98.3 100.2 % C 7 7 7.2 7.3 7.1 2σ U 339 339 328 339 336 Pb/ 238 206 6.4 6.5 5.7 6.1 5.8 2σ U Pb/ 235 207 Calculated ages 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 0.0089 0.0541 0.0012 0.39521 0.05415 0.0008 377 34 341.6 0.4 U Pb/ 235 207 *Pb % a Pb Pb/ 204 206 66 3799 99.7 1.961 0.045 0.186 0.003 0.262 0.0765 0.0021 1102 54 1101 15 1098 16 100.0 77 3127 99.7 1.949 0.059 0.1856 0.0069 0.16598 0.0762 0.0013 1094 33 1097 20 1098 38 99.4 109 5263 99.8 1.959 0.058 0.1864 0.007 0.24842 0.0763 0.0011 1096 29 1101 20 1102 38 99.2 222106 12949 99.8179 6383 1.959 99.8 4370 0.059147 1.944 99.7 0.186 1.965 0.0069 0.06 8954165 0.065 0.1856 0.44216 99.8 0.0069 0.1868 0.0764 1.956 0.0071 8091 0.0011 0.4468136 0.057 0.30616 99.7 0.0761 1100 0.1863 0.0759 1.952 0.0011 0.0069 8552 30 0.0015134 1100 99.8 1092 0.06 0.1013 1082 0.1858 1.935 29 20 0.0757 4641 40 0.0069 1095 0.0012 1100 0.059 1104 99.7 0.20153 0.1848 21 1087 38 1.949 22 0.076 1097 0.007 29 1104 0.063 99.8 0.0012 0.44208 1100 38 0.1857 38 0.0769 1090 19 0.007 99.3 0.0011 31 96.7 1101 0.27599 1098 1113 0.0756 38 29 21 0.0014 98.0 1092 1099 1074 20 38 37 1093 1099 98.6 38 21 1098 97.1 38 96.3 207 12075 99.7218 1.962 12076 0.043 99.8120 0.184 1.940 6093 0.003 0.043 99.8 0.187177 1.958 0.451 0.003 0.0774 0.046 3015 0.0020100 0.187 0.347 99.4 1126 0.0753125 0.003 1.940 4191 51 0.0020157 0.066 1101 99.7 5959 0.235 1076447 0.185 1.960 15 99.7 0.0760 6318 51 0.0021 1088 0.003 0.048 1.961 1094 99.7 8611 1092 0.044 15 0.187 1.970 15 99.7 0.219 53 1106 0.003 0.047 0.186 1.905 96.6 0.0764 1100 0.0028 0.003 0.053 15 0.188119 0.212 16 1080 0.003 0.185 97.1 0.0759126 1104 0.303 4655 77 0.0022 0.003 0.0765 15 0.308 99.7 1090 5382 0.0020 1084 0.0759307 1.957 98.6 0.121 99.7 23 58 0.0021 1103 0.0749364 1091 0.061 26069 1.933 1100 54 0.0024 1091 99.9161 0.064 17 17420 0.186 1101 17 55 1059 0.1856 1.935 99.8 1105 0.007 97.7 1104 15 8815 63 0.007 0.057 1.958 0.28347 1099 16 99.8 1083 16 0.1857 0.27194 0.0761 0.058 1110 0.0069 16 1.952 97.3 18 0.0013 0.1858 0.076 0.48554 1092 0.0069 0.059 16 99.9 0.07585 0.0015 1089 0.1863 0.37525 0.0009 17 34 97.8 1082 0.0069 0.0766 1099 1087 41 0.18948 96.3 0.0011 24 1090 21 0.0754 1104 1092 0.0011 1100 22 28 20 1097 1071 38 1100 1098 31 38 98.2 20 1098 37 1098 98.4 20 99.1 38 1101 99.6 38 95.7 -514 -36500 99.7 1.951 0.058 0.1855 0.0069 0.23499 0.0764 0.0011 1101 28 1099 21 1097 38 99.7 -332 -13857 99.8 1.918 0.047 0.185 0.003 0.411 0.0754 0.0021 1071 56 1088 16 1091 16 97.5 1567 189667 99.8 1.965 0.055 0.1863 0.0069 0.47385 0.0764 0.0008 1102 21 1103 19 1101 38 99.8 Pb % error % error 204 8 9 12 17110 7089 163 99.5 1.98611 6957 0.047 99.8 550 0.184 1.925 0.003 0.041 18970 99.7 0.187 0.009 1.987 0.003 0.0786 0.048 0.0023 0.179 0.186 1154 0.074910 0.003 58 0.0020 1110 267 1069 0.275 16 52 0.0780 1086 9242 1089 0.0022 99.7 15 14 1139 1.971 1102 58 93.9 0.049 1113 15 0.186 17 96.8 1098 0.00310 17 0.179 1000 96.0 0.0769 0.0022 31230 99.7 1108 59 1.95 1104 0.064 17 0.1861 1099 0.007 15 0.28115 0.0762 99.6 0.0015 1088 40 1096 22 110011 38 98.4 122 6764 99.8 0.403 0.0085 0.0539 0.0012 0.22632 0.05452 0.0009 393 35 344.4 12 -400 -21767 99.9 16 -320 -12418 99.9 0.384 0.0078 0.0522 0.0011 0.14551 0.05369 0.0008 358 34 330 8.7 9.5 2σ int 4 9 47 8 76 9 52 8 97 9 6 9 2 9 9 4 1 8 9 -3 -3 -5 4.1 9.1 8.3 8.8 5.3 9.5 5.7 8.4 5.5 9.1 6.7 9.1 5.8 7.8 7.8 9.3 6.6 8.3 0.6 9.4 2.9 8.9 2.5 9.1 6.1 9.8 Pb -1.4 7.2 204 Th/U Th (ppm) U 346 193301 1.80 153299 1.96 165186 1.81 97104 1.92 42265 167 2.50 280 17 1.59 177 10309 1.59 190276 1.62 142 59120 1.94 38544 1510 327 3.14 283 99.7 1.67 198 1.958246 1.43 144 11 0.052 1.71 10 0.186 0.003 89 0.239 6815 0.0761 99.8 0.0023 1.949 1092 0.040 58 1099 0.186346 18 0.003 215 1097349 1.61 217 0.254 16148 0.0761 1.61 110 98.6 387 0.0019 1.34 240326 1093 1.61 204 51251 1.60 125 1098 10281 2.02 10 155 14262 12.3 1.81 1100 148387 100 1.77 211 16268 1.83 163 5750 99.2 11175 99.7 1.65 11 86 1.946 2.05 100 0.057 0.1853 0.0069 3717 0.23932 99.8 0.0762 1.966 0.0011 0.062 1095 0.1867 29 0.007 1096 0.27374 20 0.0758 0.0013 1096 1086 38 34 99.7 1105 20 1103 38 97.3 370 215319 1.72 172324 1.86 158 2.05 12 230 137218 1.68 101694 2.16 328470 2.12 283271 1.66 152334 1.78 193328 1.73 144202 2.27 102 1.97 602 52639 0.09 54591 0.09 50592 0.08 50592 14 0.08 15 51 0.09 11 107 22 5121 200 99.9 0.394 5636 0.0088 99.9 0.054 0.396 0.0012 0.0079 0.26249 0.0536 0.0532 0.0011 0.0009 0.2298 0.0528 337 0.0007 38 338 320 32 338.3 Sample # Grain FC-1 - 7 FC-1 - 8 FC-1 - 9 FC-1 - 1 FC-1 - 2 FC-1 - 4 FC-1 - 5 FC-1 - 6 FC-1 - 7 FC-1 - 8 FC-1 - 9 FC-1 Ples - 1 Ples - 2 Ples - 3 Ples - 4 Ples - 5 Continued. File: and date time Appendix B. Appendix 12:33:45.33 (4) 21/12/2016 12:49:14.51 (4) 21/12/2016 13:07:01.26 (4) 21/12/2016 13:23:44.14 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 10 13:40:25.55 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 11 14:14:53.94 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 13 14:31:38.39 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 14 14:48:19.45 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 15 15:04:57.84 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 16 15:21:44.92 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 17 15:38:22.05 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 18 16:08:17.75 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 20 16:24:00.76 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 21 16:39:28.65 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 22 16:53:58.66 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 23 17:09:32.20 (4) 21/12/2016 FC-1 - 24 10:42:14.14 (5) 02/02/2017 10:56:38.38 (5) 02/02/2017 11:24:26.49 (5) 02/02/2017 11:37:50.22 (5) 02/02/2017 11:52:20.70 (5) 02/02/2017 12:05:37.31 (5) 02/02/2017 12:18:55.31 (5) 02/02/2017 12:33:26.44 (5) 02/02/2017 12:46:45.56 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 10 13:01:13.74 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 11 13:14:32.08 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 12 13:29:05.96 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 13 13:43:35.31 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 14 13:56:54.51 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 15 14:11:23.87 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 16 14:24:48.10 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 17 14:38:05.47 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 18 14:52:33.04 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 19 15:04:43.00 (5) 02/02/2017 FC-1 - 20 13:31:10.31 (4) 14/01/2015 14:08:03.95 (4) 14/01/2015 14:47:13.97 (4) 14/01/2015 15:31:47.61 (4) 14/01/2015 16:06:18.21 (4) 14/01/2015

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 78 99.7 99.7 99.4 99.6 99.9 99.9 99.3 96.0 98.9 98.4 99.5 98.7 99.4 99.0 96.0 99.9 99.6 98.4 99.8 100.1 101.1 100.0 101.1 101.0 101.6 100.8 100.7 100.1 100.3 101.2 100.3 100.7 100.2 101.3 100.2 100.3 % C 4 3 3 5 5 5 2.5 5.1 5.8 5.8 5.6 2.8 3.4 4.1 4.7 4.6 2.8 4.6 4.5 5.7 5.7 5.1 4.7 4.4 4.5 4.4 5.5 2.8 4.2 5.2 5.4 4.5 2.7 4.2 5.2 3.1 2σ U 342 333 338 336 336 336 336 333 335 335 338 338 336 332 86 100.2 316 337 337 336 339 335 337 339 338 336 338 336 335 334 339 335 340 320 83 99.6 338 337 Pb/ 238 206 6 6 7 7 4.7 8.3 6.5 5.7 4.5 7.1 7.3 6.5 6.3 3.9 8.7 4.2 6.6 7.2 7.9 6.7 6.8 6.1 5.3 5.7 5.6 6.7 6.2 8.1 8.2 7.7 5.5 3.9 8.2 5.8 2σ U 335 Pb/ 338.9 339.3 334.6 337.7 332.5 336.4 336.5 235 207 Calculated ages 9.1 9.7 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 0.0536 0.001 355 42 0.0525 0.00120.0525 0.00120.0537 307 0.0013 52 307 52 0.0528 358 55 0.0532 0.001 0.001 318 43 339 41 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 0.0066 0.0545 0.0004 0.067194 0.05309 0.0009 325 39 341.6 0.4 U Pb/ 0.39 0.00930.39 0.0535 0.0091 0.0009 0.0536 0.37908 0.0009 0.29417 0.396 0.0088 0.0538 0.0009 0.43915 0.395 0.0099 0.0535 0.0009 0.11283 0.392 0.0084 0.0535 0.0009 0.52809 0.388 0.0082 0.0536 0.001 0.36326 235 207 *Pb % a Pb Pb/ 204 206 56 3359 99.9 0.396 0.011 0.054 0.0008 0.29051 0.05341 0.0009 346 39 338.4 111 7065 99.9 0.394 0.011 0.0538 0.0009 0.19385 0.05317163 0.001 10912 336 100.0 42 0.385 0.0097 337 0.0534111 0.0008 0.52851 5622 0.05254 99.9 0.0007 0.39 309 31 0.01 0.0538 330 0.0008 0.2557 0.05214 0.0009 292 40 333.8 Pb % error % error 204 11 -220 -15650 99.9 0.362 0.012 0.0502 0.0008 0.32747 0.052812 0.0011 1200 320 211100 47 99.9 313.4 0.402 0.0057 0.0537 0.0007 0.43045 0.05413 0.0009 376 35 342.9 11 12212 6317 99.9 -150 0.39110 -7119 0.011 -1000 99.7 0.053 -57100 0.40914 0.0008 0.001004 99.8 0.011 0.05337 -233 0.397 0.0531 0.0011 0.0008 0.036 -8810 345 0.4214512 99.9 0.05561 0.054 47 0.0009 0.0007 0.387 1200 0.000368 335 0.05389 0.03512 437 42090 0.0009 0.0532 37 99.9 0.0007 600 0.040201 36610 348 0.393 0.05306 39 35825 0.0009 -1000 339.411 0.01 99.9 -62820 0.0534 331 26 0.391 0.0007 99.9 183 39 0.0091 339 0.28284 332.2 0.391 0.0534 0.0094 0.053114 0.0008 8318 27 0.0537 0.48244 99.9 0.001 0.0008 0.05285 334 280 0.403 0.0007 0.2381710 333 0.0084 0.0531 9914 0.0539 41 32215 0.0008 250 0.0007 336.8 99.9 2811 0.25537 1500 334.6 17383 0.395 333 0.053511 0.0077 99.9 33 47540 138 0.0012 0.0535 100.0 13 -275 0.0007 336 0.39 0.084415 35012 0.0076 5031 -650 100.0 -7768 0.0538 51 0.05311 -34475 1200 99.8 0.0008 343.1 0.0012 99.9 0.5061712 62590 0.05242 183 329 99.9 0.001112 10807 51 60011 337.7 99.9 304 -19010 40012 48 99.8 138 11693 333.7 11 0.395 1200 99.8 6520 0.008 1100 36820 0.393 0.0536 99.8 0.0078 -60210 99.8 0.0005 0.0534 0.392 99.8 20 0.396 0.11455 0.0005 0.0063 0.05333 0.0077 0.04079414 0.0535 0.0541 0.0532 250 0.001 0.0005 0.0004 0.007158 0.0011 0.089934 0.05266 233 -4360 0.05357 339 0.000911 99.8 331 46 0.001 4390 49 337.6 0.392 314 -157 99.7 336.4 0.0095 342 39 0.392 0.0531 -2313 336.3 44 100.0 0.0095 0.0006 338.9 0.044405 0.0533 0.395 0.0005 0.053 0.012 0.11227 0.0013 0.054 0.0536 0.0006 0.0014 331 0.14358 61 344 0.0533 335.7 0.0021 57 335.8 338.5 9.4 2σ int 1 9 1 2 6 5 4 1 8 1 6 3 8 1 6 -5 -8 -1 -6 -1 -4 -2 -2 -1 -8 -7 7.9 8.8 5.7 9.3 8.5 9.4 Pb 204 Th/U Th (ppm) U 626 55618 0.09 54615 0.09 54615 16.7 0.09 55604 0.09 53599 0.09 53573 0.09 16 51570 10 0.09 49596 0.09 52 24735 63 0.09 15 61527 -17 3434 0.08 43 12 99.9 63 0.08 958 0.398 102 2312 -71635 0.011 0.11 99.7 63 0.0541861 -3353 0.0009 0.416 0.10 89 99.9599 0.11274 0.037 0.10 0.05346 0.399 47664 0.054 0.001 0.036 0.08 66 0.0007553 0.0533 0.087825 0.10 0.05597 0.0007 348 50647 0.0008 0.30608 42 0.09 63 0.05413 11 339.6 0.0009 0.10 451 13905 21 33 15 94 376 353.3624 118 0.10 35 51 27528 340.3 71 5093 0.08 43415 339 26 99.9 0.08 35 2082932 0.389 335 100.0 0.09 99 0.0071834 0.0539 0.39 0.11 92879 0.0007 0.0088 129 0.11 0.0539 0.48561616 0.05206 0.15 0.0008 0.003616 53620 0.001 0.0525 0.09 58868 0.0013 288 0.09 72604 44 307 0.08 49 334.1 981 56 150 0.08 335.2 712 0.15 67645 0.09 61595 0.09 47461 11 0.08 14 40 11677 0.09 13 61587 127 0.09 51 118 3858 0.09 11 99.7 3415 14 0.398 99.7 0.0087 0.395 127 0.0534 0.0083 0.0005 0.0533 0.071955 1785 0.0005 100.0 0.0544 0.26826 0.0011 0.396 0.05376 0.0011 0.013 381 0.0536 49 359 0.0006 339.5 47 0.15899 338.4 0.0529 0.002 338 1033 145 0.14 2775 369 0.13 Sample # Grain Plec - 1 Plec - 2 Plec - 3 Plec - 4 Plec - 5 Plec - 1 - 2_Amd Plec Plec - 3 Plec - 4 Plesovice - 1 Plesovice - 2 Plesovice - 3 Plesovice - 4 Plesovice - 5 Plesovice - 6 Plesovice - 1 Plesovice - 2 Plesovice - 3 Plesovice - 4 Plesovice - 5 Plesovice - 6 Plesovice - 1 Plesovice - 2 Plesovice - 3 Plesovice - 4 Plesovice - 5 Plesovice - 6 Plesovice - 1 Plesovice - 10 Plesovice - 2 Plesovice - 3 Plesovice - 4 Plesovice - 5 Plesovice - 6 Plesovice - 7 Plesovice - 8 Plesovice - 1 Plesovice - 2 Continued. File: and date time Appendix B. Appendix 14:41:15.59 (5) 15/01/2015 15:18:54.23 (5) 15/01/2015 16:03:12.70 (5) 15/01/2015 16:42:08.75 (5) 15/01/2015 17:11:01.39 (5) 15/01/2015 10:43:30.22 (5) 15/01/2015 11:30:01.49 (5) 15/01/2015 12:08:00.83 (5) 15/01/2015 12:36:42.94 (5) 15/01/2015 12:48:01.46 (5) 21/05/2015 13:21:44.79 (5) 21/05/2015 13:57:21.63 (5) 21/05/2015 14:16:26.00 (5) 21/05/2015 14:46:41.70 (5) 21/05/2015 15:22:30.51 (5) 21/05/2015 10:12:26.51 (6) 22/05/2015 10:41:21.69 (6) 22/05/2015 11:11:13.23 (6) 22/05/2015 11:44:11.11 (6) 22/05/2015 12:15:57.60 (6) 22/05/2015 12:38:32.37 (6) 22/05/2015 13:05:43.62 (6) 22/05/2015 13:33:21.51 (6) 22/05/2015 14:04:04.09 (6) 22/05/2015 14:37:03.51 (6) 22/05/2015 15:08:48.88 (6) 22/05/2015 15:29:22.98 (6) 22/05/2015 10:29:20.21 (6) 11/12/2015 13:05:10.94 (6) 11/12/2015 10:48:06.11 (6) 11/12/2015 10:59:42.21 (6) 11/12/2015 11:12:13.72 (6) 11/12/2015 11:31:10.31 (6) 11/12/2015 12:02:32.27 (6) 11/12/2015 12:22:26.75 (6) 11/12/2015 12:35:57.85 (6) 11/12/2015 09:05:32.65 (6) 13/05/2016 09:31:23.52 (6) 13/05/2016

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 79 99.0 92.8 98.6 99.7 99.2 98.0 99.4 99.7 99.7 98.4 99.2 98.5 98.9 99.0 99.3 98.9 98.8 98.6 102.5 100.4 100.5 101.1 100.7 101.0 101.6 100.4 100.8 100.8 101.0 101.0 100.0 100.8 101.1 101.1 101.0 % C 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 6 5 6 7 6 6 5 5 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 2σ U 322384 81 84 99.9 98.6 340 339 342 342 340 339 339 338 337 336 82 100.4 339 337 339 339 301 94 99.5 340 337 340 Pb/ 238 206 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 8 7 9 9 8 3.8 3.7 3.9 4.1 2σ U 336 336 Pb/ 336.9 235 207 Calculated ages 8.5 8.9 9.2 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ 0.012 0.0535 0.0006 0.097931 0.0541 0.002 340.9 0.4 U Pb/ 235 207 *Pb % a Pb Pb/ 204 206 2670 1597 99.3 3950 0.435 99.8 0.011 0.403 0.011 0.054 0.001 0.054 0.001 0.478 0.0582 0.224 0.0016 0.0542 0.0017 528 59 375 70 366 343 79 1719 100.0 0.394 0.011 0.0537 0.0006 0.057525 0.0527 0.0019 337.2 117 7379 99.8 0.393 0.009 0.054 0.001 0.143 0.0528 0.0014 311 62 336 291 4659 99.9 0.390 0.015 0.053 0.001 0.036 0.0525 0.0018 282 71 333 11 336 259 6706 99.7623 0.399 0.013 22431 99.9 0.054 0.394 0.001 0.011 0.109 0.054 0.0542 0.001 0.0019 0.070 362 0.0529 76 0.0017 341 308 72 337 Pb % error % error 204 9 9 10 -1000 -16070 100.0 0.395 0.014 0.0535 0.0007 0.07907 0.0523 0.0022 338 10 336.2 13 -163 -298611 99.811 0.396 -55013 0.016 -11765 -138 0.0541 99.8 -260 0.0009 -3339 0.398 100.0 -6888 0.014 0.396 0.243 99.8 0.0536 0.0534 0.013 0.0008 0.396 0.0018 0.0545 0.0008 0.015 0.018 325 0.0543 0.0537 0.0010 72 0.024 0.0016 0.0530 338 0.244 0.0014 335 11 0.0535 64 0.0017 312 339 58 340 336 338 10 68 336 338 11 341 1011 167 275 382814 100.0 4123 100.0 1400 0.392 3539011 0.013 99.9 0.0535 0.395 0.0006 220 0.014 0.14383 0.0533 7132 0.054 99.8 0.002 0.001 0.400 334.8 10 0.516 0.012 0.0532 143 0.054 0.0013 0.001 5669 322 99.8 55 0.229 0.401 0.0532 337 0.0013 0.012 10 0.054 326 340 0.001 53 341 0.417 0.0537 0.0010 349 43 342 12 200 3857 99.8 0.39414 0.01311 0.054 467 0.001 550 8833 0.258 99.912 9150 0.0534 0.394 99.8 0.0015 171 0.016 0.402 0.0543 330 0.019 0.0010 3709 0.0539 59 99.8 0.0010 0.198 339 0.40014 0.0537 0.092 10 0.013 0.001912 0.0542 0.0539 200 339 0.0022 0.0009 338 200 4083 79 376 0.438 99.7 4605 96 337 0.0536 0.399 99.8 0.0013 342 12 0.014 0.393 14 341 341 0.0539 0.013 0.0010 53 338 0.0541 0.0009 341 0.274 10 0.0542 0.168 0.0016 0.0529 338 12 0.0013 362 171 64 312 55 341 2770 99.7 336 10 0.403 338 0.016 0.054 0.001 0.256 0.0541 0.0023 354 92 343 12 339 8.5 2σ int 6 4 1 5 7 7 8 6 3 9 3 2 7 7 6 37 9 1 8 -1 -8 -2 -8 -5 Pb 204 Th/U Th (ppm) U 675 63873 0.09 93637 10.7 0.11 58631 0.09 58797 0.09 81673 9.88 74485 9.10 42856 11.61 91645 20 9.39 18 14 60561 10.74 14 51381 11.08 70 22 32749 12.07 78 15 75999 1484 10.01 127 1138716 99.8 7.84 68 99.8 23 69 0.402615 10.45 17 0.405 0.012 1228 55414 0.015 99.7 11.28 12 0.054 34557 74 10 0.054 0.406 12.27 0.001 47673 0.001 0.013 11.88 1327 63 0.088625 100.0 80 0.054 10.71 0.101 0.0542 57 0.388579 0.001 0.0537 10.89 0.0011 2274 10 51 0.013661 0.0016 99.8 11.37 15 0.330 365 61 0.054820 0.398 0.0551 10.86 341 46 0.001 72815 150 0.0014 0.013 64 11.42 343 89694 0.054 0.240 344 401 2913 9.16 66707 0.0528 0.001 54 99.8 10 10.60 0.0014 -10 67881 0.395 346 10.57 341 115 13 0.086 305 0.014842 10 0.0542 7.70 0.0543 -130 56 0.0014 89 339 0.0009 13 333 9.46 -3401 364 16 99.9 0.033 10 58 11 0.0530 0.394 123 341 12 340 0.0017 0.013672 10 0.0542 2817 109 313 0.0009 63600 99.9 338 71 10.65 50 3154 0.394502 0.035 339 12.07 99.8 11 44 0.013 0.0532570 11 11.51 13 0.399 0.0545 0.0015 50776 0.0009 11.33 341 0.012 65557 324 118 12.01 0.054 0.261 14 61 50 0.0530 11.13 11 0.001 2410 337 679 0.0014 99.8 15 65 0.257 0.402 10.51 79 320 11 0.0536 0.013 59 0.0018 10 1609 0.054 337 73 11 99.9 340 0.001 10 0.395 76 1381 110 342 0.013 0.262 340 99.7 0.0541 2535 0.054 0.403 0.0021 99.8 0.001 0.012 0.391 359 0.054 0.226 0.012 84 0.001 0.0531 0.054 343 0.0019 0.279 0.001 10 0.0543 321 0.0018 341 80 0.230 0.0530 338 369 0.0018 72 312 343 72 334 1471 1491299 9.87 1691407 7.67 144 36 1084 9.76 13 95 11.36 11 15 15 12 136 80 5091 99.8 28211411 0.393 171 99.7 0.011 8.24 0.403 0.054 0.013 0.001 0.054 0.001 0.170 0.0529 0.327 0.0018 0.0541 0.0019 316 76 361 337 77 343 10 340 Sample # Grain Plesovice - 3 Plesovice - 4 Plesovice - 5 Plesovice - 6 Plesovice - 1 Plesovice - 2 Plesovice - 3 Plesovice - 4 Plesovice - 5 Plesovice - 6 Plesovice - 7 Plesovice - 8 Plesovice - 9 Plesovice - 10 Plesovice - 1 Plesovice - 2 Plesovice - 3 Plesovice - 4 Plesovice - 5 Plesovice - 6 Plesovice - 7 Plesovice - 8 Plesovice - 9 Plesovice - 10 Plesovice - 11 Plesovice - 12 Plesovice - 1 Plesovice - 2 Plesovice - 3 Plesovice - 4 Plesovice - 5 Plesovice - 6 Plesovice - 7 Plesovice - 8 Plesovice - 9 Plesovice - 10 Plesovice - 11 Plesovice - 12 Plesovice - 13 Continued. File: and date time Appendix B. Appendix 10:00:20.22 (6) 13/05/2016 10:36:42.56 (6) 13/05/2016 11:10:57.68 (6) 13/05/2016 11:44:06.37 (6) 13/05/2016 09:55:17.54 (5) 15/12/2016 10:23:04.29 (5) 15/12/2016 10:52:55.07 (5) 15/12/2016 11:21:53.34 (5) 15/12/2016 11:49:38.09 (5) 15/12/2016 12:18:36.87 (5) 15/12/2016 12:48:39.52 (5) 15/12/2016 13:17:26.38 (5) 15/12/2016 13:46:19.67 (5) 15/12/2016 14:15:04.44 (5) 15/12/2016 13:10:26.07 (3) 20/12/2016 13:38:11.47 (3) 20/12/2016 14:07:08.32 (3) 20/12/2016 14:36:06.17 (3) 20/12/2016 15:07:20.55 (3) 20/12/2016 15:35:09.39 (3) 20/12/2016 16:08:35.54 (3) 20/12/2016 16:34:16.76 (3) 20/12/2016 17:07:39.07 (3) 20/12/2016 17:41:07.69 (3) 20/12/2016 18:10:02.26 (3) 20/12/2016 18:27:52.88 (3) 20/12/2016 10:53:48.53 (4) 21/12/2016 11:22:37.97 (4) 21/12/2016 11:54:48.86 (4) 21/12/2016 12:32:36.74 (4) 21/12/2016 12:51:31.46 (4) 21/12/2016 13:22:35.67 (4) 21/12/2016 13:52:40.95 (4) 21/12/2016 14:16:02.12 (4) 21/12/2016 14:49:27.63 (4) 21/12/2016 15:22:52.32 (4) 21/12/2016 15:51:39.45 (4) 21/12/2016 16:22:52.86 (4) 21/12/2016 16:52:50.09 (4) 21/12/2016

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints Atlantic Geology .. Volume 54 2018 80 99.8 102.4 % C 5 5 2σ U 332 12 101.0 335 12 101.4 338 333 12 100.2 335 12 100.0 334 12 99.3 340 322 12 99.8 Pb/ 238 206 7 9 9.5 9.4 9.8 8.8 9.3 9.6 2σ U Pb/ 235 207 Calculated ages 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 2σ Pb Pb/ 206 207 ρ 2σ = in counts per second. % C = % % C = second. per counts in = a Isotopic ratios U Pb/ 238 206 2σ U Pb/ 235 207 *Pb % a Pb Pb/ 204 206 90 2571 99.8 0.393 0.014 0.052982 0.002 4632 0.16465 99.8 0.0541 0.001360 0.391 0.012 360 1313 0.053349 51 99.9 0.002 336.1 0.392 1560 10 0.1379 0.015 99.8 0.0533 332 0.054 0.388 0.0009 12 0.002 0.013 333 0.12558 98.9 0.053 38 0.0528 0.002 334.5 0.0015 0.24682 0.0532 303 0.0012 61 335.2 321 11 49 332.3 339 12 101.1 657 25464 99.9269 0.386 8459 0.013 99.8 0.0534105 0.391 0.002 0.014 2086 0.0531 0.125144 99.6 0.0525 0.002124 0.403 0.0011 4202 0.14932 0.015 99.7 0.0535 6025 295 0.0527 0.0013101 0.395 99.8 46 0.002922 330.7 0.015 0.393 0.092656 333 1989 0.0529 100.1 0.0554 0.013 32467 54 0.0017 0.002 334.8 0.0532 0.381 99.9 0.002 0.015 10 0.378 0.2612 404 0.0537 0.014 66 334 0.1737 0.054 0.002 342.9 0.0521 0.0533 0.0014 0.093581 12 0.0019 11 0.081255 0.0515 0.001 352 99.7 0.0524 0.0015 331 55 0.0014 329 337.6 12 250 44 291 336.3 11 62 96.5 326.8 57 332 11 325 12 337 10 98.5 12 328 103.2 12 100.8 102 4751 99.8 0.397 0.010 0.054 0.001 0.395 0.0534 0.0015 338 62 339 273 9288 99.8 0.375 0.013 0.0513 0.0019 0.099722 0.053 0.0013 314 52 323.1 114 2441 100.0 0.388 0.013 0.054 0.001 0.115 0.0520 0.0019 272 76 332 9500 293600 99.8 0.391 0.014 0.0533 0.002 0.017294 0.0534 0.0014 327 56 334.4 10 335 12 100.0 Pb % error % error 204 9 12 -400 -11450 99.7 0.389 0.015 0.0524 0.002 0.17864 0.0535 0.0014 334 59 333.5 11 330 12 98.8 11 157 4150 99.810 0.398 125 0.016 0.054 3161 0.002 99.9 0.08912 0.39 0.0537 0.0016 0.014 0.0536 340 0.002 65 0.33787 339.6 0.053 11 0.0013 339 314 1210 54 99.8 333.8 111 10 2609 336 99.8 12 0.397 100.8 0.016 0.0546 0.0021 0.26991 0.0537 0.0017 342 69 338.6 12 343 13 101.2 9.4 9.3 9.5 8.4 9.1 2σ int 9 9 8 9 7 8 9 9 -3 3.3 0.1 9.5 1.4 9.2 3.2 8.6 8.7 9.1 6.4 9.2 7.2 8.9 0.9 8.3 Pb 204 Th/U Th (ppm) U 520 45730 11.50 68605 10.72 54619 11.17 19 54666 11.38 11 59587 11.23 13 51559 11.44 58 11 49614 10.5 11.48 53 1789658 11.59 85 99.9 60792 11.05 0.385 11 78 2262 10.21 11 0.014 99.9618 0.0531 0.382 54749 100 0.002 11.45 0.013 0.021717 71474 0.0528 0.0526 10.48 2635 39412 0.0014 0.002 99.7 12.17 37 0.18224610 0.394 15.8 11.05 295 0.0526 55613 0.015 58 0.0011 11.14 330.5 55 0.0526973 17.1 11.06 106 300 0.002 10519 0.079987 9.20 47 44 333412 328.3 0.054 11.92 33676 12 0.0016 12.39 100.8 62 10.82 350 65 336.7 11 330 12 98.1 1175 152 7.72 1185 159 7.44 11.4 Sample # Grain Plesovice - 14 Plesovice - 15 Plesovice - 1 Plesovice - 2 Plesovice - 3 Plesovice - 4 Plesovice - 5 Plesovice - 6 Plesovice - 7 Plesovice - 8 Plesovice - 9 Plesovice - 10 Plesovice - 11 Plesovice - 12 Plesovice - 13 Plesovice - 14 Plesovice - 15 Plesovice - 16 Plesovice - 17 Plesovice - 18 Plesovice - 19 Plesovice - 20 Continued. File: and date time Appendix B. Appendix 17:11:49.54 (4) 21/12/2016 17:33:56.00 (4) 21/12/2016 10:43:22.25 (5) 02/02/2017 10:55:30.18 (5) 02/02/2017 11:08:49.97 (5) 02/02/2017 11:23:18.25 (5) 02/02/2017 11:36:36.47 (5) 02/02/2017 11:51:12.85 (5) 02/02/2017 12:04:28.56 (5) 02/02/2017 12:17:47.39 (5) 02/02/2017 12:32:13.17 (5) 02/02/2017 12:45:37.78 (5) 02/02/2017 13:00:06.14 (5) 02/02/2017 13:13:23.38 (5) 02/02/2017 13:27:52.18 (5) 02/02/2017 13:42:27.44 (5) 02/02/2017 13:55:46.31 (5) 02/02/2017 14:10:16.02 (5) 02/02/2017 14:23:33.94 (5) 02/02/2017 14:36:57.30 (5) 02/02/2017 14:51:25.20 (5) 02/02/2017 15:03:37.26 (5) 02/02/2017 Notes: No corrections applied to any standard data. For sample done in thin section U and Th concentrations are not available. Pb

Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2018 Nova Scotia, Canada: new U–Pb (zircon) age constraints