Overview | Security Zones | Digital IDs | Secure E-

Security Features in L^


As the use of e-mail and electronic commerce becomes more widely adopted, the amount of confidential information being exchanged overthe is growing rapidly. As a result, there is a need to make e-mail messages more secure and private. In addition, with the growing popularity of ActiveX controls, scripts and Java , there is an increased chance that the HTML in i I i-niilrl tAfil-hniit"

Outlook Express includes tools to help protect you from fraud, help increase your electronic privacy, and help reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your computer. These tools enable you to send and receive secure e-mail more securely and to control

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Internet Explorer 4.o's security zones are like visas that some countries issue to travelers. If the country trusts you, it X stamps passport so can travel anywhere like during visit. If for some reason the country doesn't

Security zones work the same way, except that you control how much access e-mail messages and web pages have to your Security zones provide advanced protection your and yourprivacy without interrupting you with repeated

Outlook Express enables you to choose which zone your incoming e-mail is in -- either the Internet zone or the Restricted Sites zone. Which zone you select depends on how concerned you are about active content (e.g. ActiveX controls, scripts and Java annlphO wpinhprl snsin^f fhp frppHnm fn t-hsf rnntenf rnmnufpr. Tn sHHiHnn. fnr psrh rhnn^p

To change your security zones for Outlook Express, click the Tools menu, click Options and then click the Security .

Digital IDs

To use secure e-mail in Outlook Express, you need a digital ID. Digital IDs (also called certificates) provide a meansfor proving your identity on the Internet, similar to the way a driver's license or other ID cards identify on a daily basis.

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Digital IDs allow to sign so that the intended recipients can make sure that the actually came from

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You obtain diaital ID from certifvina authority, oraanization resDonsible for issuina diaital IDs and

send you encrypted messages, and you can use the same digital ID for sending signed messages.

VeriSign, Inc. is the first commercial certifying authority and 's preferred provider of digital IDs. I Evnln.-=.- A I X

when you send secure e-mail. To take

Using your Digital ID

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Tkmunk ,-iT>l nffor fi-nm \/=.-iCinn Mir<>-nfin fra hr\ n=rc-nnTil n " = ursrr r^n n = n messages, and then click Digital ID. Select the digital ID you want to associate with this account (only the digital IDs with the same e-mail address as the e-mail address for the account will be shown).

Backing up your Digital ID

Part of your digital ID is an irreplaceableprivate key that is stored on your computer. If the private key is lost, you will no longer be able to send signed mail or read encrypted mail with that digital ID. You are strongly encouraged to make a backup ofyour digital ID in case the files containing the digital ID are damaged or otherwise unreadable. To back up your digital ID, run , click the View menu, and then click Internet Options. Click the rnntpnf tsh ar\H thpn rlirk thp Pprcnnal hnttnn Thp Imnnrt ar\H Fvnnrt hnttnnc thk sllnw tn Lonieni caD

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Now that you have a digital ID, you can send secure e-mail. Secure e-mail in Outlook Express protects your Internet communications in two ways: through digital signatures and encryption. Using digital signatures, you can sign your e-mail message with a unique ID that assures the person receiving the message that you are the true sender of the message, and that it was not tampered with in transit. Encrypting e-mail that you send can help ensure that no one except the intended recipient can read the

Because Outlook Express uses the S/MIME standard, other people can read secure e-mail that you compose, using programs that support this technology. Likewise, can read composed by otherpeople by using e-mail that support

Sending signed mail. Signed e-mail allows an e-mail recipient to verify your identity. To digitally sign an e-mail x message, click the Tools and then click Digitally Sign (or use the button on the message toolbar). To send signed mail, you must have a digital ID of your own (see above). Receiving signed mail. Signed e-mail from others allows you to verify the authenticity of a message — that the message is from the supposed sender and the message has not been tampered with during transit. Signed e-mail messages are rlpcinnatprl with cnprial cinnprl p-mail irnnc nrnhlpmc frlpcrrihprl in Dntlnnlc warninncl with cinnprl mail that you receive could indicate that the message has been tampered with or was not from the supposed sender. Sending encrypted mail. Encrypting an e-mail message prevents other people from reading it when it is in transit. To encrypt an e-mail message, you need the digital ID of the person you are sending the e-mail to. The digital ID must be part nf 4-k= n-.-.-nn'r- l 4-k= An Tn -iI 4-k= T««lc -„n r, o the button on the message toolbar). Receiving encrypted mail. When you receive an encrypted e-mail message, you can be reasonably confident that the

me;>;>dye uy dnyune express. dULurndLit-diiy umiy^Lb iTiebbdyeb, [jruviueu yuu have the correct digital ID installed on your computer. Sending your digital ID to others. For others to be able to send you encrypted mail, they need your digital ID. To send it

to tnem, simply sena tnem digitallysigned e-mail (.see aDovej and uutiooK win automatically include your digital ID. Retrieving others' digital IDs. To send others encrypted mail, you need their digital ID. Outlook Express is the first e- mail program to allow you to retrieve digital IDs via directory services. To find a digital ID, click the Edit menu, and then click Find People. Select a directory service that has digital IDs (such as the VeriSign directory service), enter the recipient's name or e-mail address in the appropriate search and then click Find. Select a listing from the results pane and then click Add to Address Book. (Another way to get someone else's digital ID is to have that person send you signed mail. To add the digital ID a piece signed mail to yourAddress click the File menu and click Properties. on the Security tab and click the Add Digital ID to Address Book button.) Changing trust status on digital IDs. When you add someone's digital ID to your address book, it has a trust status associated with it which indicates whetheryou trust the individual, group, or corporation to whom the digital ID was issued. If diaital ID that he she susoeets that the diaital ID's orivate key has been eomrjromised.

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