THE WESTFIELD LEADER LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published blNTH YUAK—wo. 3Y Post Otttot, WutliU, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 Every Thursday. to Begin 259 Children to Participate in Local Stores, Offices Borough School Memorial Day To < W Monday Time Schedule Memorial Day • uonn Station Stores and local offices, includ- Census Data 8:30 A.M. Ring-ing of church Elementary School Choir Festival ing the Municipal Building and bells. Post Office, will be closed Monday 8:30 A.M. Parade assembly The elementary school Choir Festival will be held this evening in observation of Memorial Day. Due Next Fall at Ferris PI. end at 7:30 o'clock at Roosevelt Junior High School auditorium. Approx- As a legal holiday, parking meters Prospect St. Parade Monday Resident* Ask imately 250 children will take part in the singing and a group from will not be in operation. Barber- Education Board Lincoln .School will dance the Virginia Rael, accompanied by the choirs shops will be closed Monday but 9:00 A.M. Services at Mon- iK-il to Ponder singing "The Arkansas Traveler," Rhythm instruments will be added will be open on Wednesday. To Study Data ument. C«l. June* H. HoagTo~BeGrand Again* Bugs thth e MexicaMi n song-, "Fit"Fiesta," The Wett/itld Leader will also For Future Plans 9:15 A.M. Procession starts. Marshal at Annual May 30 Event nd will be played by a group from be closed all day Monday. Club Line of march will be from Mon- n the comstruction of a e Franklin School Choir: Sally correspondents and advertisers are A large number of Weetfteld organizations, including tfc Spring Flower illace, Iris Hann, Susan Hait- MOUNTAINSIDE — The boro ument out Broad king- lot on the north urged to co-operate by sending census being taken for the benefit talion from the National Guard Armory here, will maich in a ian, Wendy Holmes, Judy Hes copy in early, tomorrow if possi- St.
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