Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert Programs, Summer, 2004
2004, Tanglewood to SEIJI O ZAWA HALL Prelude Concert lOth ANNIVERSARY SEASON Friday, August 27, at 6 Florence Gould Auditorium, Seiji Ozawa Hall TANGLEWOOD FESTIVAL CHORUS JOHN OLIVER, conductor with FRANK CORLISS and MARTIN AMLIN, pianists FENWICK SMITH, flute ANN HOBSON PILOT, harp Texts and Translations Translations by Laura Mennill and Michal Kohout RHHr3 LEOS JANACEK (1854-1928) !!2£9@& Three Mixed Choruses P£yt£fr&iMi Pisen v jeseni Song of Autumn Nuz vzhuru k vysinam! Then up at heights! Cim jsou mi vazby tela? Whose is my textured body? HfMM Ja neznam zhynuti. I don't know death. V*$R 9 Ja neznam smrti chlad, I don't know cold death, A4S&2I Mne jest, )ak hudba sfer I feel like a sphere of music by nad mou hlavou znela, sounds above my head. Ja letim hvezdam vstric na bile peruti. I fly to meet the star on white wings. Ma duse na vlnach jak kvet buji, My soul on waves as flowers grow wild, z ni vune, laska ma se vznasi vys a vys, from its odor, my love floats higher and higher, kol moje myslenky se toci, poletuji, how much my thoughts roll, fly, jak pestfi motyli, like a colorful butterfly, ku hvezdam bliz a bliz! towards the star nearer and nearer! Ma duse paprsek, My soul beams, se v modrem vzduchu houpa, in the blue air sways, vidi, co sni kvet see, what dreams flower na dne v svem kalichu, at the bottom of its goblet, cim trtina zastena, what reeds shield, kdyz bfe hu vlna skoupa as the waves hit the shores ji usty vlhkymi chce zlibat potichu.
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