VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 RESEARCH ARTICLE

THE LANGUAGE OF COVID-19 DISCRIMINATION: AN OVERVIEW OF THE INFODEMIC AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES Zahrah Sahib (PhD Candidate, Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language, and Literature at Macquarie University, Australia) Email: [email protected]


As the world grapples with mitigating the spread of an unprecedented virus, an equally distressing development has emerged. Alongside the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the infodemic threatens to impede a cohesive response to contain the outbreak. In this article, the infodemic is defined as the sheer amount of information associated with the coronavirus. The overabundance of information relating to the novel

outbreak is problematic: individuals face unique challenges in discerning legitimate Published on 22-03-2021 news from alternative sources that identify as conspiracy theories. This article argues that access to false, fabricated and biased 'news' has flourished because of an increased dependency on the digital realm and platforms. Within these spheres, personal anxieties are manipulated. The advanced rhetoric places blame, co-opts and validates discriminative worldviews of the pandemic through sources that dis/misinform. This signals a staunch rejection of government mandates and recommendations – endorsed by licensed health practitioners and the scientific and academic community. The article draws on cross-cultural comparisons of ethnic and racial discrimination resulting from the compounding effects of the pandemic and infodemic. It is concluded that access to reliable sources of information is a human right as dis/misinformation jeopardises democratic values and further disrupts initiatives to contain the pandemics. Keywords: Conspiracy Theories, COVID-19, Dis/Misinformation, Infodemic, Racial

Discrimination, Social Media.

Author(s) retain the copyright of this article Copyright© 2021 VEDAPublications Author(s) agree that this article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License .

38 Zahrah Sahib

VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 INTRODUCTION trepidations associated with the current The SARS-CoV-2 virus and its COVID-19 disease pandemic. One example is the popularisation of have disrupted any former signs of normalcy 'doomscrolling' that saw its entry into Australia's through its steadfast spread(Cinelli et al. 1). In Macquarie Dictionary and took first place as these unprecedented times, a return to a pre- New Zealand's 2020 word of the year. It is best coronavirus world is unrealistic. The conceptualised as the passive consumption of disproportionate balance of hegemonic power, news-related content. As social media the structure of international and national algorithms dictate trends, doomscrolling is the economies, the role of multilateral compulsion of "continuing to read news feeds organisations, and the modes of how we socially online or on social media, despite the fact that engage and work with each other will forever be the news is predominantly negative and often different. Instead, these impediments signal upsetting" (Macquarie Dictionary' Word of the fresh challenges as catchy hygiene mottos and Year Category Insight'). face-masks become emblematic of life in the When access to information is crucial in new decade. reducing virus transmission, delayed and In keeping informed with enactments of social inconsistent messages create personal fears and distancing guidelines and public protocols, sociocultural fissures. By choosing to deviate individuals are overwhelmed with the endless from trusted news sources to alternative ones stream of breaking news. By 'doing our bit' that conveniently soothe anxieties, the digital through quarantining and social isolation shift represents a global trend. In the quest for methods, there is a newfound dependency on views, distorts facts to make sense of the digital realm to accommodate schooling, an uncomfortable reality. employment, social and daily needs. From this Considering this deceptive nature, it is not just digital shift, access to previously unattainable an airborne epidemic that the world must opportunities are available. Some of the most celebrated has been the flexibility of remote protect itself from. As the World Health Organization Director-General – Tedros work and the diverse growth of online Adhanom Ghebreyesus –warned in 2020,"we're communities. not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an Through these virtual spaces, online discourses infodemic", where fake news "spreads faster are mainstreamed and influence public and more easily than the virus" (The Lancet expressions and perceptions of the coronavirus. Infectious Diseases 875). As such,there are comical examples of the language and coined terms in descriptions like Simply put, the Director-General characterises the infodemic as the over-saturation of "Covidiot" – one who flouts against public health information. The difficulty arises in discerning advice – or, referring to the current day as "Blursday" – the amalgamation of time due to legitimate news sources from those that best resembles the tabloid press's alarmist ramblings. lockdown's disorientating effects (Ro 'Why In passively doomscrolling, users face a "kind of We've Created New Language for Coronavirus'). tsunami of information, but also within this Despite the humorous connotations, the corona- information you have misinformation, rumours, inspired language also exposes real-world etc." (Zarcostas 679).

39 Zahrah Sahib

VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 Herein lies a key concern. While social media has of virus transmission and conspiracy theories proved to be a beneficial outlet in fostering relating to antiretroviral therapies. resilience through mental health support, this is By influencing governmental policy, these false not always the case. In being dependent on the digital realm, online viewing habits are tailored claims had deadly consequences that were ultimately avoidable. These disinformation to personal preferences. By enabling users to campaigns have proved to be so successful that, seek information that only validates personal narratives, the danger lies in judging distorted despite being repeatedly discredited by a catalogue of scientific publications, unsupported worldviews and conspiracy opinions as claims about the HIV/AIDS epidemic continue to legitimate news sources. persist and sway policy today. THE COMPLIMENTARY NATURE OF INFODEMICS AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES This is also true from responses to the H1N1 swine flu pandemic. Though its severity For an infodemic to thrive, there must be an disproportionately affected lesser economically "overabundance of information – some accurate and some not – that makes it hard for people to developed countries, the contagious repercussions were felt globally (Chew and find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance Eysenbach 2). However, the legitimacy of a virus when they need it" (Awofeso 39). It is unsurprising that the infodemic has continued to that restricted international travel and decimated livestock industries was still called mislead personal assessments of COVID-19, due into question by populist media personalities to the sheer amount of material associated with the virus that has dominated search engine and elected officials. queries (Cinelli et al. 2) Referring to it as the "pandemic that never really was" (Evans 296), claims of this nature In this context, misinformation is understood as spreading false information, despite the emphasise how those inundated with power and privilege lack interpersonal empathetic skills. content's aim to mislead being present or not. Arguments that align with this polarised Conversely, disinformation is the deliberate proliferation of false claims intended to sway narrative allege that the government overreacted to a pharmaceutical ploy by public opinions through deception (Rubin 1014). creating an atmosphere of panic that Unverified sources of coronavirus news have been inadvertently and deliberately introduced rationalises wasting tax-payers money. Those who believe that the sources of into mainstream discourse. dis/misinformation are legitimate are also less It should be clear that this is not unique to the likely to deviate from habitual behaviours that current pandemic. Instead, this indicates how act upon trusted specialists' advice. conspiracies flourish in times of global Definitive evidence about COVID-19 has been upheavals. As Mian and Khan (1)argue, staggered and disputed amongst expert health dis/misinformation spread rampantly in the HIV/AIDS epidemic's formative years. This professionals and scientists (Orso et al. 1). This space of uncertainty has created an ideal effectively disrupted a cohesive global response, environment for false claims to gain traction. in favour of entertaining homophobic rumours When considering the mandatory directives that enact stay-at-home orders, individuals spend 40 Zahrah Sahib

VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 more time in front of their screens in pursuits faster, deeper and more broadly" than fact- that employ, entertain, socialise, and educate. based news (Vosoughi et al. 2). As these are stressful times, people seek to Akin to the pandemics which preceded COVID- alleviate their insecurities through an connection and a search engine. 19, there is consensus amongst governmental bodies, health professionals and the academic There is nothing inherently wrong with community which cautions against relying on researching COVID related enquiries online, as advice from specific media personalities, many users guide their behaviours based on inflammatory 'news' websites, and social media trustworthy digital advice. However, when accounts. Imhoff and Lamberty (2) explain that – conclusions are predicated upon inaccurate in masking their dis/misinformation as sources information – designed to trigger the reader's with 'exclusive' insights – the conspiracy emotional reactions – opinions are distorted. mentality cultivates a distorted reality. Viewers Through continuous exposure to biased sources, learn how powerful entities control state affairs abilities are impaired which objectively judge to manipulate society for their malicious the quality of information being relayed. In agenda. When a global audience disseminates pursuing sources that only gratify affective variants of these alternative theories, the responses, algorithms prioritise selected content conspiracy mentality sows the seeds of distrust intended to filter through and fulfil confirmation and discredits expert opinions. biases (Cinelli et al. 7) One does not need to look too far back in pre- For Mian and Khan (1), learning from the past is coronavirus times to comprehend how imperative. The scholars place the onus on the problematic this position is. Recent debates media as accountable for acting on behalf of disputing the effects of climate change, the public interests. They argue that – in the race to efficacy of vaccinations, and even the shape of break new stories and increase viewership – the the earth have been argued to such an extent media is more concerned with inciting public that there is a strong resistance against scientific sentiments of panic through sensationalistic literacy and the pursuit of higher education headlines. This is also true of social media (Miller 2255). By recognising the increased levels platforms, demonstrating that of scepticism, which continues to plague the dis/misinformation sources flourish both on and scientific community, the rejection of these offline. values signals the denunciation of a healthy democracy. Where graphs of bell curves and Through a comparative analysis, Cinelli et al. (1) herd immunity speeches have largely dictated found that users are motivated to validate their daily press briefings, rejecting or playing preconceptions of COVID related content by ignorant to health advice acts as an escapist ignoring dissenting information, and function. seeking/creating online communities based on shared narratives. Though this may be a For this reason, the conspiracy mentality marks platform-specific effect, the overall shift from a clear departure from normative social traditional news sources to digital content sees conventions (Imhoff and Lamberty 5). As the conspiracy misinformation spreading "farther, conspiracy echo-chamber frames logical deduction and problem-solving skills as elitist

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VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 aptitudes, individuals are attracted to deceased, nor the tearful and angry pleas to dis/misinformation sources in restoring a sense follow safety guidelines from exhausted of personal calmness. Confronting one's reality frontline workers has been enough to perturb may be too challenging: choosing to side with some from their damaging support of conspiracy conspiracy allegations provide them with an theories (Rafi 2). Such is an infodemic's effects illusion of control during times of that individuals who are susceptible to unprecedented crises. dis/misinformation will amplify distorted voices who share their distrust. When given platforms, CONSPIRACY THEORIES AND DISCRIMINATIVE these voices contradict and stand as an affront RATIONALES against the advice offered by a plethora of COVID denialism undermines a cohesive public scientists, academics, medical professionals, health response. Where time is of the essence, governmental bodies, and impartial media delayed or complete inactivity has dire sources. consequences. By attempting to contain the In reinforcing an earlier point, those attracted to inevitable waves of the novel virus, the the alternative realities which conspiracies responsibility is placed upon a swift enactment theories offer are more likely to reject of policies and legislature that supports health conforming to social norms. By finding a home professionals and their government's ability to that enshrines their suspicious worldviews, mitigate the spread. people who project their anxieties through From doomscrolling through articles COVID-19 conspiracies intentionally behave in that promise readers an antidote by using ways that differentiate themselves from the pantry ingredients or group texts that promote crowd while condoning acts of violence (Imhoff gimmicky immune-boosting décor or wearable and Lamberty 7). This is concerning for several accessories, there should be no illusions held. reasons. As the pandemic has progressed, there The flawed logic of conspiracy theories serves as has been an alarming rise and amalgamation of a distraction: dis/misinformation is weaponised 'liberative' movements that publicly exemplify by those who have ulterior motives. Placing their overt disobedience against COVID-19 importance on this aspect reveals a genuine regulations (Basit 264). danger in pursuing pseudo-scientific treatments While it appears that the thread that connects and alternative remedies as legitimate health the various conspiracies are grounded in the advice. It is especially true when tested refusal to acknowledge the existence and the preventive behaviours – such as severity of the airborne virus, its subversive and mask etiquette – are perceived with nature is far-more nefarious. Like the COVID-19 scepticism and, therefore, are non-compulsory. pandemic, disaster scenarios feed into an Most disturbingly are the popular conspiracies accelerationist response common to violent that simply reject the virus's existence, extremists and their movements (Basit 265; All downplays its contagious global spread, and Together Now 3). The bolstering of conspiracy lessens the debilitating effects of COVID-19 by networks – which has blurred the lines between comparing it to the seasonal flu (Orso et al. 1). several discredited fringe groups – is nothing but Not the live-streamed recordings of refrigerated opportunistic. However, it is essential to trucks and men in hazmat suits burying the 42 Zahrah Sahib

VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 emphasise how coronavirus scepticism is not discernible other – that is, someone delineated always linked to one's support of race-hatred. as an outsider with incompatible values and norms (Ahuja and Banerjee 4). Yet, there can be One example of this is the now-debunked and no denial that the language of discrimination is outdated conspiracy theory which led to a global enshrined within popular conspiracy beliefs. movement that destructed 5G towers and Through destructive sentiments which obscures permitted the violent abuse of information, hostility manifests under a banner telecommunication engineers (Jolley and of solidarity that protests the presence of Black, Paterson 629). Within this notorious line of Brown, Asian, Muslim, Jewish, Indigenous, thought, conspirators relayed their fears of 5G's migrant, and refugee bodies(Devakumar et al. potential to induce adverse health effects that 1194). spread coronavirus or weakens immune systems. Irrespective of the theory, conspirators It is most apparent in the racist assertions that organise under a communal theme. By trace the virus's epidemiology to a laboratory restricting personal movements and limiting outbreak in Wuhan, China. COVID-19 is a social interactions, the current pandemic best human-made, biomedical weapon designed by exemplifies how democracy has failed to uphold ruthless Chinese engineers in this skewed line of human rights in rescinding personal privileges. thought. They seek to destabilise the global However bizarre some conspiracy theories may political economy by invoking a 'new world appear, it does not negate the reality that (a) order' through a systematic reduction of the people continue to mobilise under them, and (b) world's population. Deviations of this conspiracy the current pandemic has been exploited by far have instigated global patterns of anti-Asian right-wing extremist movements. hate crimes and abuse, despite the numerous efforts that extensively debunk falsehoods of Given the polarised nature of COVID-19, The this rhetoric since its emergence in early 2020 Institute for Strategic Dialogue (3) found that all (Imhoff and Lamberty 2). nations must confront this disturbing trend. The infodemic has energised glocal movements that From this, connotations emerge that negates promote free speech predicated in race-hatred Asia's cultural diversity. Instead, there is an and ethnic discrimination. Through shared advancement of a homogenous narrative that narratives of oppression, the rhetoric serves as a associates culpability onto all Asians for the distraction from public health advice, pandemic through their ethnic associations. This undermining preventive measures and fueling discriminative logic is further exasperated when xenophobic inclinations. The Institute (19) elected officials advocate said conspiracies or further identifies how extremist movements rely endorse derogatory language, such as "Wuhan on media and information ecosystems that Virus", "Kung Flu", or "Chinese Flu" (Litam 145; amplify divisive and polarising content. By Rafi 4). Nothing is amusing about these racist profiting from the spread of disinformation, a comments, and it is especially horrendous that concerted effort is made to mainstream fringe they have been upheld by those with political beliefs that exploit potential recruits' emotions. power. The detrimental remarks license the subtle and overt forms of race-hatred based on Not all coronavirus cynics are innately racist or a body's phenotypical traits and cultural endorse targeted acts of violence against a affiliations.

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VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 What is also significant is how the oppressive inequalities. This did not perturb how traditional language invokes the 'Yellow Peril' stereotype. It and social media platforms were guilty of is relevant for several reasons. By attempting to inciting sentiments which vilified the instil a deep sense of personal duty in enduring vulnerabilities of minority communities, since the detriments that COVID-19 poses, political the beginning of the pandemic. and media rhetoric will frequently invoke war Misleading articles and inflammatory political metaphors to express solidarity (Wicke and Bolognesi 4). The frames are clear to summon speech incite individual health concerns. By internalising feelings of paranoia, conspirators nostalgic sentiments. It is the same nostalgia co- project these anxieties onto said targets. opted by extremist groups that rationalise how racial and ethnic privileges are only safeguarded Whether they are 5G towers, telecommunication engineers or innocent at the expense of dehumanising a minority bystanders, the final result remains the same: community. Sinophobia –a localised fear and hatred of China – is perpetuated through this anxiety and aggression prompts extremist behaviours. The anxious sentiments allow nostalgic lens (Litam 143). inferences of xenophobia, sinophobia and race In this way, the sinophobic'Yellow Peril' trope discriminationto plague social discourse about proves its relevancy as it did with its inception virus transmission and prevention, spanning centuries earlier (Li and Nicholson 6; Rafi 11). online and offline. Though the justification for its use has altered as FURTHER EXAMPLES OF COVID-19 time has progressed, it is a learnt construct that capitalises upon anxiety over the increased DISCRIMINATION IN NON-WESTERN COUNTRIES presence of Asians. Their bodies stand as an affront to the Anglo-state's socionormative As mentioned previously, the increased levels of foundations, thereby personifying tangible ethnic and racial discrimination resulting from characteristics that readily identify them as a the compounding effects of an infodemic and threat. Racist expressions akin to 'Wuhan Virus' pandemic are not confined to the West. are – nonetheless – effective in their dog- whistle. Across South Asia, Islamophobic hate speech and disinformation continues to sway negative Through her research, Litam (144) found that perceptions of Muslims (Ahuja and Banerjee 2). Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders COVID guidelines have been distorted and recorded increased levels of race-based trauma weaponised to embolden ethnic, religious and due to the infodemic and the visibility of right- nationalistic divisions. The targeted attacks of wing extremist beliefs. Additionally, she cautions anti-Muslim racism from boycotting businesses, against the logic that Indigenous groups and stigmatising Islamic congregations and garbs, people of colour are impervious to experiencing unlawfully dismissing Muslim employees, to COVID-related discrimination. Litam (147) outright, predatory violent behaviour against explains that the lack of preparedness for the Muslims are predicated on baseless grounds. virus outbreak has illuminated disparities across Doomscrolling has given life to terms such as the political, medical, and institutional spheres. "CoronaTerrorism" and "Quranovirus" that have Across these domains, ethnic minorities remain gone viral in their false assertions. The disproportionately affected by systemic derogatory language frame Muslims as agents of 44 Zahrah Sahib

VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 bioterrorism, who voluntarily infect themselves for Lebanese nationals in the same strict way with the virus to bring about a new wave of (Makhoul et al. 7). The prolonged curfews have 'jihadism' (Soundararajan et al. 7; Ahuja and perturbed many from seeking healthcare Banerjee 3). services as infringement may lead to possible deportation, and inevitably, state-sanctioned In Guangdong – home to China's largest African police brutality. communities – authorities targeted the diasporic group for forced testing and imposed a These above cases are a sample of a larger mandatory period of self-isolation or quarantine pervasive, global trend. The infodemic has in specific hotels (Wang 'From Covid to Blackface exploited dis/misinformation to establish on TV, China's Racism Problem Runs Deep'). minorities as scapegoats. At a time when While other foreigners were not subject to such nations are protecting themselves from an harsh treatment, landlords from the province airborne virus, public and societal fears are cited COVID propaganda and misinformation to encapsulated in these ethnocentric frames: a justify renter's agreements' immediate tangible enemy is established, where their termination. In echoing similarities of apartheid existence can be criminalised. This type of practices, many long-time African residents from intolerance licenses attitudes that strengthen the Chinese region were left displaced and racial and ethnic divisions within countries that homeless (Human Rights Watch' China: Covid-19 also extend beyond their borders. Furthermore, Discrimination Against Africans'). A similar there is no dispute that racial discrimination is pattern emerged across the country that legitimated within specific messages related to delineated the ex-pats as social pariahs who national security and self-protection in the age were overtly refused access to public spaces, of COVID-19. It is most apparent when a state's even hospitals. pre-existing milieu has a historic and genocidal legacy of vilifying a minority cohort against the Within the Middle East, similar xenophobic collective culture (Devakumar et al. 1194) distinctions between 'them' and 'us' impinge upon human rights. In Lebanon, COVID protocols CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH were invoked to vilify Syrian and Palestinian As 2020 ended, nations worldwide celebrated by refugees (Makhoul et al. 5). Through media and gradually rolling out measures for the highly political discourse, refugees are perceived as a disease-ridden community throughout the state. anticipated series of corona-combatting vaccinations. Promises of restoring some The rhetoric works to justify draconian COVID resemblance of normalcy posit upon the measures that target and excessively police the displaced population. It proves to be sucha successful measures to inoculate. However, it is a move that has energised discourses that dangerous rhetoric that premeditated acts of undermine the roll-out of vaccines, speculates violence carried out by conspirators – such as arson – are pervasive and further torment those its mandatory nature, while protesting the scientific and medical community's who reside in informal refugee settlements recommendations (Lee 'The Utter Familiarity of (Hodzic' Plight of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Must Not Be Ignored'). By limiting movement Even the Strangest Vaccine Conspiracy Theories). and imposing a blanket curfew for all refugees, some coronavirus provisions were not applicable

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VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 Despite the war-time imagery that claims 'we their causes, a shared delusion is premised upon are all in this together' – in the 'fight' against an (1) COVID being a hoax, (2) COVID being human- indiscriminate disease – what is apparent is that made, and (3) COVID signposting an the 'enemy' takes on a floating signifier. This ethnocultural destruction because of function is dependent on the sociocultural incompatible minority groups. This narrative context from where it is born. Through this continues to garner supporters from varying perspective, the pandemic and infodemic have demographics. stressed the importance of providing evidence- There is something to be said about society's based information in an accessible way to the nature where media personalities can freely public. speculate and selectively publish their From this, social media platforms must have a unsubstantiated claims, when epidemiologists level of accountability in alleviating the harmful and healthcare professionals are still learning spread of dis/misinformation, as they sit at "the about the virus. It is unpredictable what a post- nexus of information sharing and public health" coronavirus world may look like, especially as (Soundararajan et al. 63). This is not to say that new strains are being confirmed worldwide social media firms and media organisations have (Reuters 'New COVID-19 Virus Strain Found in dismissed this call to action. It would be an Japan as Infection Cluster is Found in Tokyo oversight to ignore the cohesive efforts to de- Immigration Centre'). Despite the uncertainty, platform conspiracy advocates who utilise what is clear is how the unique language that dis/misinformation for personal gains. has emerged because of the crisis will forever be engrained into personal vocabularies. Moreover, By creating digital campaigns in collaboration the unprecedented reliance on the digital realm with the WHO, online functions allow has forever characterised future responses to unsupported 'facts' to be flagged and debunked, health and disaster emergencies. signalling a positive improvement in fostering some much-needed media-literacy. This When considering the novel virus's ambiguity, empowering push enables users to "better access to reliable sources of information needs understand what they should be looking for, to be framed as a human right. Democracy is because the media sometimes gets ahead of the upheld in the clear and consistent messages that evidence" (Zarocostas 679). advocate for elected officials and healthcare professionals' impartial recommendations. Yet, this progress does not suggest an end to the Irrespective of political, religious, and sexual infodemic. Alternative social media platforms affiliations, people should feel confident that the continue to see their rise to popularity in their news that guides them, their families, and promises to restore tenets of free speech (Bond' communities is reported from an unbiased, Unwelcome on Facebook and , QAnon thoroughly-fact checked source. Followers Flock to Fringe Sites'). In exploiting these platforms, right-wing extremist groups Responses to COVID-19 proves to be an showcase their brazen philosophy through their essential area for future research. There is a overt endorsement of conspiracy need to investigate how coronavirus and its dis/misinformation. By using violent rhetoric as policies relating to the pandemic amplifies and an effective means to prove the seriousness of aggravates pre-existing conditions of racial and

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VEDA’S JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) Vol.8 Issue 1 An International Peer Reviewed(Refereed) Journal 2021 Impact Factor (SJIF) 4.092 social inequality. When considering the Extremism-Covid19.pdf detrimental effects of the current infodemic, research is needed to critically assess how Awofeso, Niyi. "Covid-19 Mis-Infodemic: Reinventing Social Media content consumption and media engagement Platforms as Trustworthy Health Messaging and Learning may steer individuals towards a conspiracy Tools." European Conference on E-Learning, Academic Conferences International Limited, Oct. 2020, pp. 39. mentality. Given the habitual practice of doomscrolling, this is especially important as it Basit, Abdul. "COVID-19: A Challenge or Opportunity for Terrorist only compounds anxious tendencies and stress- Groups?" Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, vol. 15, Oct 2020, pp. 263-75 related symptoms, allowing conspiracy theories to offer an ill-fitting band-aid for personal insecurities. Bond, Shannon. "Unwelcome on Facebook and Twitter, QAnon Followers Flock to Fringe Sites." NPR, 2021, BRIEF NOTE ABOUT AUTHOR: facebook-twitter-qanon-followers-flock-to-fringe-sites Zahrah Sahib is a current PhD Candidate with the Chew, Cynthia and Eysenbach, Gunther. "Pandemics in the Age of Department of Media, Communications, Creative Twitter: Content Analysis of Tweets during the 2009 H1N1 Arts, Language, and Literature at Macquarie Outbreak." PLoS One, vol. 5, Nov 2010, pp.1-13, doi: University in Sydney, Australia. 10.1371/journal.pone.0014118

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