Housing Land Supply Mar 2010

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Housing Land Supply Mar 2010 Aylesbury Vale District Housing Land Supply Position as at end March 2010 – prepared August 2010 Introduction This document sets out the housing land supply position in Aylesbury Vale District as at 31st March 2010. Lists of sites included in the housing land supply are given in Appendices 1 and 2. Commentary The Council can not identify a 5 year supply of deliverable sites in accordance with the guidance in PPS3. The reason for this is that the 5 year figure against which the district's supply of deliverable sites was measured no longer exists, because it was derived from the Regional Spatial Strategy (the South East Plan) which has now been revoked. While PPS3 and the CLG's guidance that accompanied the revocation of the RSS still requires planning authorities to maintain a 5 year supply of deliverable homes, the supply of housing for the district, and hence the 5 year figure is now to be determined locally by the Council itself. At present the Council has yet to identify the figure that it will adopt for its local housing requirement in the light of the revocation of the RSS. In the meantime, it is relevant to consider the housing supply position that exists in the district. The housing trajectory work (see below) finds that there is a supply of some 8,000 dwellings in the district, when sites with allocations and those with planning permissions are considered. If windfall sites are added to this, the number rises to over 9,000 dwellings. When these figures are compared against the trajectory of housing delivery that has taken place within the district, they indicate that there is sufficient supply to deliver an increased level of housing over the next 5 years, compared to the previous 5 years (the average annual number of dwellings completed over 2005-2010 was 724). The Council's figures as at March 2010 (see below) indicate that there are currently 7,771 deliverable homes in the district for the period 2010-2026, of which 4,936 are deliverable within the 5 year period 2010-2015. Assessment of current housing land supply The current supply of housing land in the District is made up from: • Sites with planning permission; • Sites that do not yet have planning permission, but that have been approved in principle, subject to the completion of a Section 106 or planning obligation agreement; • Sites that are allocated in the Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan but that do not yet have planning permission or approval subject to a Section 106 agreement. All sites for 5 dwellings or more that are included in the supply have been individually assessed as being available, suitable and achievable. Wherever possible we have obtained up- to-date estimates of build rates from housing developers. All sites for under 5 dwellings that have full planning permission have been included in the supply, but the overall total has been subjected to a 10% discount to account for the fact that some sites will not be implemented. 1 Summary of housing land supply position Number of dwellings (net of losses) Aylesbury Rest of District Total Deliverable sites with 4659 2220 6879 planning permission Deliverable sites not yet with 570 152 722 planning permission but approved subject to S106 Deliverable sites identified in 72 98 170 AVDLP but not yet with planning permission or approved subject to S106 Total deliverable supply 5301 2470 7771 2010-2026 Out of this total supply, the number of dwellings expected to be delivered in the next two five year periods is: Aylesbury Rest of District Total Deliverable supply 2774 2162 4936 2010-2015 Deliverable supply 2779 1925 4704 2011-2016 Details of individual sites The tables in Appendices 1 and 2 below list all the individual sites that make up the housing land supply figures given in the tables above. 2 Appendix 1: List of sites contributing to the projected housing supply Estimated number of completions Deliverability commentary Status as at Total 2010-2026 * 2010-2015 2011-2016 Available Suitable Achievable 31/03/2010 number of (five years) (five years) dwellings Aylesbury - With Planning Permission Berryfields Major AVDLP** & 3000 3000 1115 1345 99Under construction. Contact made with Development Area (MDA) Permission developers/agents. Estimated completion rate provided. Weedon Hill MDA AVDLP & 850 341 341 261 99Under construction. Contact made with Permission developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. Stoke Mandeville Hospital AVDLP & 121 69 69 46 99Under construction. Contact made with (north part), Lower Road Permission developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. Stoke Mandeville Hospital AVDLP & 330 268 150 150 99Under construction. Contact made with (south part & some land Permission developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. outside allocation), Lower Road Former Schwarzkopf, Penn Permission 391 111 111 61 99Under construction. Contact made with Road (Grand Central) developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. Gatehouse Quarter Permission 370 370 231 209 99Under construction. Contact made with developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. Walton Street (Viridian AVDLP & 214 36 36 0 99Nearing completion. Contact made with Square) Permission developers/agents. Estimated completion date provided. Former T.A. Centre, Oxford AVDLP & 94 94 94 94 99Ongoing discussions with HCA. Expected Road Permission timescale provided. Former Bearbrook House, AVDLP & 75 75 75 75 99Ongoing discussions with HCA. Expected Oxford Road Permission timescale provided. 3 Estimated number of completions Deliverability commentary Status as at Total 2010-2026 * 2010-2015 2011-2016 Available Suitable Achievable 31/03/2010 number of (five years) (five years) dwellings Hartwell Sidings, Oxford Road Permission 75 75 75 75 99Contact made with developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. J Sainsbury Plc, 13-19 Permission 40 40 40 40 99Contact made with developers/agents. Buckingham Street Assumed to commence in 2013. Dayla, 80-100 High Street Permission 39 39 39 39 99Contact made with developers/agents. Site to be marketed. Assumed to commence in 2012. Mandeville School, Ellen Permission 34 34 34 34 99Currently owned by Bucks County Road Council. Site to be marketed. Assumed to commence in 2013. The Elms, Verwood Road Permission 28 28 28 28 99Contact made with developers/agents. Estimated completion date provided. Site of Former 42 to 44, Mill Permission 23 23 23 23 99Contact made with developers/agents. Site Street to be marketed. Assumed to commence 2012. Prebendal House, Parsons Fee Permission 15 15 15 0 99Under construction. Contact made with developers/agents. Estimated completion date provided 53 Bicester Road Permission 9 9 9 3 99Nearing completion (actually completed June 2010). Sites < 5 dwellings (see 32 32 21 appendix 2 below) Aylesbury Total - With Planning Permission 4659 2517 2504 Rest of District - With Planning Permission Land to south of the A421 and Permission 700 700 420 560 99Contact made with developers/agents. east of A413, London Road, Completion rate estimated based on information provided. Buckingham Princess Mary’s Hospital, AVDLP & 400 308 308 208 99Under construction. Contact made with Wendover Permission developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. 4 Estimated number of completions Deliverability commentary Status as at Total 2010-2026 * 2010-2015 2011-2016 Available Suitable Achievable 31/03/2010 number of (five years) (five years) dwellings Verney Road, Winslow AVDLP & 220 220 192 220 99Under construction. Contact made with permission developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. Former Pitstone cement works AVDLP & 164 158 158 94 99Under construction. Contact made with permission developers/agents. Estimated completion rate provided. Moreton Road, Buckingham AVDLP & 200 187 187 117 99Under construction. Contact made with permission developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. Bridge Street, Buckingham AVDLP & 103 103 103 103 99Under construction. Contact made with permission developers/agents. Estimated completion rate provided. Tingewick Road, Buckingham Permission 93 93 93 93 99Contact made with developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provided. Spicer Hallfield, Banks Road, Permission 48 48 48 48 99Contact made with developers/agents. Haddenham Estimated completion rate provided. Thame Road, Haddenham Permission 31 16 16 0 99Under construction. Contact made with developers/agents. Estimated completion date provided. Cobb Hall Road, Newton Permission 15 15 15 15 99Contact made with developers/agents. Site Longville to be marketed. Assumed to commence 2013. Manor Lodge, Winslow Road, Permission 15 15 15 0 99Under construction. Contact made with Wingrave developers/agents. Completion rate estimated based on information provdided. Sandhill Road, East Claydon Permission 13 1 1 0 99Nearing completion. Contact made with developers/agents. Completion date estimated based on information provided. Land between 62 and 96 Permission 12 12 12 0 99Contact made with developers/agents. Station Road, Quainton Estimated completion date provided. 5 Estimated number of completions Deliverability commentary Status as at Total 2010-2026 * 2010-2015 2011-2016 Available Suitable Achievable 31/03/2010 number of (five years) (five years) dwellings Bright Lights, 3 West Street, Permission 10 3 3 0 99Nearing completion. Buckingham
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