Mustang Daily Friday, Feb. 29, 1980 California Polytechnic State Univenity, San Luis Obispo > Volum e 44, No. 68 Preregistration petition Drive started to eliminate special privileges for athletes, others

BY K A R E N GRAVES dividuals, said Stephen Jensen, Club, the Rodeo Team, and three group or individual." numbers, said Anne Perry, 0 «My Slatt Wrllw campus Libertarian chairman KCPR managers. To place the initiative on the student senator from the School A petition is being circulated and one sponsor of the petition. The petition proposes for ballot, the number of signitures of Business. • that proposes placing an This initiative will eliminate students to register in the needed is 5 percent of the people When there is a certified initiative dealing with pre- Resolution 79-01, which grants following order: disabled who voted in the last general number of signatures on the registration on the ballot for the pre-registration to about 250 students, new students, election, or about 200 people, petition, the initative will be ASI 1980 general election, to be athletes, 50 registration graduate students and seniors said Jensen. The petition drive forwarded to the student senate, in May. workers, 60 ASI officers, who have completed 135 quarter began Wednesday, he said. said Perry. The senate must then The Equal Registration chairpersons, senators and board units, and then continuing The petition must be turned in vote to put the initiative on the Initiative seeks to eliminate pre­ members, 35 agricultural students. It states: to the Activities, Planning Center spring ballot, she said. registration based on special students involved in on-going "Registration shall not be used where signaturea. will be verified privilege to groups and in­ projects, the Orchesis Dance for special privilege by any by checking social security So* Petition, page 3 Libertarians plan an anti-draft rally

The Libertarian chairman was BY TOM KINSOLVING asked why his group is just as DaUy s u n W rit« vehemently opposed to man­ “ The problem is getting this datory draft registration as the conservative campus off its ass actual draft. to do something,” was one Jensen drew an analogy. opening comment at the Campus ” It's like being broke and Libertarians meeting Wed­ contemplating robbing a nesday in the University Union. Safeway store. You then go out The Libertarians are planning and buy a Saturday night a May Day - campus demon­ special, and continue con­ stration and an anti-conscription templating,” he explained. seminar, which chairman Steve The Libertarians’ plan to unite i i r Jensen hopes will give its par­ the coalition with other com­ ticipants "a sense of solidarity.” munity groups such as Mothers The seminar, which is for Peace, Abalone Alliance and scheduled for Saturday, May 3, members of the Unitarian in Crandall Gymnasium, will be Church. structured on a “ high in­ Flyers announcing the anti­ tellectual level,” according to draft functions will serve as the Jensen. main part of the coalition’s Twelve Libertarians were advertising campaign. Another present at the meeting, two of idea was to sell t-shirts em­ them student senators. The blazoned with the phrase “ Stop group unanimously decided to The Draft.” call their new movement The question of funding was Coalition Against The Draft. also raised. The option of The theme of the meeting, one requesting ASI funds was ruled Multano t ir-'JuHt Arctiar member humorously remarked, out. A student senator said ASI Steve Jensen, Campus Libertarian chairman, directs a meeting on an anti-draft initiative was “ Close the window—I op­ bylaws prohibit the pose the draft.” organization’s funds from being drive. Some of the subjects to be allocated for political purposes. discussed at the seminar will Jensen, a Vietnam veteran include the economic, political who was drafted in 1968, Senate supports beer at Poly Royaland religious aspects of the remarked that the. goal of his draft. A history instructor, movement is “ to avoi4. the episcopal minister and BY MELISSA HILTON of Social Sciences. Science and Mathematics. alienating mistakes of past anti­ economist were some of the draft activities,” refering to the DaMy SlaH Wrllac “ The integrity of the students suggested speakers. violent Vietnam protests in the A sharply divided student is really being challenged on this Senators roported the school “ Maybe we can get a folk early 1970s. senate voted 14-11 Wednesday issue," said Nancy Bronte, councils from Science and singer like ,” said one Jensen said in the past five to recommend both a general senator from the School of Mathematics and Agriculture Libertarian. years he has become involved in policy to allow alcohol on Business. The university’s and Environmental Design Jensen wants the anti­ the Libertarian movement, campus and the specific sale of present policy assumes students opposed allowing alcohol on conscription coalition to which in principle states that the beer at the Poly {loyal barbecue. are not responsible enough to campus. The Business, “ demonstrate to the community citizenry should be allowed to act President Warreti Baker must serve alcohol on campus, she Engineering and Technology, said. and Communicative Arts and it is a broad-based reasonable completely with free will, with no make the final decisions about approach to a real major governmental intervention. alcohol on campus, but the Cal Poly students often fail to Humanities school councils problem” Sae Rally, page 3 student senate voted to work up to managerial jobs endorsed it. recommend ending Cal Poly's 79 because they don't get years as a “ dry" campus. responsibiUties such as alcohol Three thousand students Alcohol would be allowed only on campus, said ASI President signed petitions to let E)elta at special events run by ASl- Rose Kranz. Sigma Phi sell beer at its Poly Cal Poly hosts engineers chartered organizations ac­ “ It would be a learning ex­ Royal barbecue, said ASI The Cal Poly chapter of the Friday. cording to the senate's proposal. perience in an environment President Rose Kranz, so at least American Institute of Industrial Other speakers scheduled The Activities Planning Center which is controlled," she said. 20 percent of the university’s Engineers is sponsoring the include Daniel Clark, vice would have to approve each But Paul Shankwiler, senator students do want alcohol on annual western regional student president of A IIE Region X II license to serve alcohol, and the from the School of Science and campus. conference on today and and western regional director of campus police would be notified Mathematics, said non-drinkers Saturday. Speakers from in­ the MTM Association for two days in advance. and students under 21 would feel The resolution to let the dustry and government will be Standards and Research: J. Beer or wine would be served left out at events where beer is fraternity sell beer at its annual featured. Students and faculty Robert Copper, vice president of in a restricted area, with no open served. barbecue in Poly Grove at Poly from 12 universities will attend. strategic planning and analysis containers allowed in or out of “ And I haven't heard one good Royal was also approved 14-11 Highlights of the confo-ence with the Fillsbury Company; and the exits. One individual reason why it will improve a W^nesday. Cregger said Delta social activity on this campus,” Sigma Phi’s application, which include a lead-off speech by Dr. Sandra Keifer, a self-employed authorized by the organization he said. was introduced in the senate Allen Haile, secretarial energy consultant. would be responsible for making Many parents of students before the general policy on representative for the U.S. Anyone wishing to hear the sure the rules were followed. think Cal Poly is “ a alcohol, fits the policy’s Department of Commerce. Haile, speakers may pay a 96 "Hopefully the groups at Cal distinguished school and guidelines perfectly. who is active in the San Fran­ registration fee on Friday, Poly are going to be responsible honorable” because it doesn't cisco Black Leadership Forum, between 8 and 9 a.m. in Chumash enough to self-police,” said Tom allow alcohol, said senator Mark Both resolutions will now go to will speak on “ The Economic Auditorium. The conference wiU Cregger, senator from the School Harlan from the School of President Baker. Effects of Productivity” "on begin at 9 a.m. OpinionPag* 2 Mustang Dally Friday, Fab. 2®, 19®0 Goin’ fishin’

Almost four weeks have passed since the F B I’s “ Operation Abscam” came to the surface, but it is still risky to draw conclusions about it. Eight Congressmen, newspaper ac­ counts stated,.were “ implicated” in the bribing scheme. The seven representatives and one senator have been named, but the Justice Department is not releasing much information about the operation because it does not want pre­ trial publicity to ruin chances'if getting convictions. Some protests have been raised that the congressmen were unfairly lured into accepting bribes from the agents, who posed as envoys of a wealthy Middle Eastern shiek. The FBI, one senator said, seems to be playing games at random with congresssmen in trying to entrap them. Is this what the FBI did—entrap eight hapless congressmen? According to U.S. News and World Report, “ entrapment” is defined in District of Columbia courts as an instance in which law-enforcement people “ induce or per­ suade an unwilling person to commit an unlawful act.” FBI agents did not use persuasion any more than a fisherman persuades fish to bite his hook. It does seem the FBI persued specific individuals. But the whole case began when an informant told agents he could introduce them to public officials on the take. What angler would ignore the advice of an experienced fishing guide? “ Well, they dangled all that money in front of those congressmen, and that’s not fair” it ^rnight be said. No, nothing is wrong with using bait that suits the kind of fish being sought after Entrapment? Inducement? Nope. Going to the right fishing hole and using the right bait is neither entrapment or inducement. Fish, after all, still have the choice not to bite. z \ z 3 Speaking of fishing— the “ Abscam” scandal is a sign of the new direction taken by the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover was replaced as director. The present director, William H. Webster, is leading the L e tte rs bureau away from its old emphasis on watching American Zero hour To find the cause of war is difficult, to political dissenters and solving relatively easy crimes such as say the least. Treating symptons avoids bank holdups. Editors; the inevitable truth. Human beings are Most physicians treat ailments by basically affraid to look at themselves, attacking the symptons. A cold and what they see is frightening. Then fever is usually treated by giving again, how much^onger can the mask be Mustang Daily perscriptions or shots, but the cause of held up, as the clock ticks even closc>r to the cold is totally neglected. zero hour. Co-Editor . Jay Ailing General M a n a g e r ...... Claude Ratlllf Alan S. Novak Co-Editor John Keller Advertising Manager...... MIchela O'Connor Presently, college campuses are ex­ Editorial Aaalstant Greg Corning Advertising Assistant ...... Lori Umbarger periencing a new found political ac­ Editorial Assistant Cathy Spearnak Printed on ctm put by Sports Editor Bob Berger Univoftity Graphic Systems tivism. This activism is directed against Photo OIractor ...... Vince Bucci Publications Manager ...... Kathy Bell the draft registration proposal. It's Circulation ...... Richard Skogtaldt Web Manager...... Dave Muck believed that resistance to draft Students do count DISCLAiMCR: Advsrtiting mstsfisl printed hsrsm solely California Polylechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. registration will prevent its occurence. tor tntormetionel purposes Such printing is not to be California Printed by students me|orlng In Qraphic Agnm, just as the physician treats construed ss en expressed or implied endersemeni orCommunicallonr Opinions expressed In this paper In Editors; verlllcetion of such commercial ventures by the Jour SI ,nptons, so does the anti-draft signed editorials and articles are the views of the writer In response to Joe Stein’s opinion nstism Department or Celifornia Polylechnic State and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the staff registration movement. University. San Luis Obispo or the views of the Journalism Department nor official piece on ASI ads, I would just like to Published tour times a weeh during the school year except opinion Unsigned editorials reflect the maforlty view of hoUdeys ar>d exam periods by the Journalism Department. the Mustang Dally Editorial Board What need^ to be analyzed is'the ask—how? How can any aspiring journalist take the attitude that the Advertising rates on request, 546-1144, or Alllllatad with Rsadar's Digest Fund and San Franclaco cause for enacting draft registration. Mustang Dally otflce. Graphic Arts Building, Examiner Benefit Fund Member California Iniercollaglata Actual warfare is the primary cause. It students of Cal Poly deserve “ little if Room 226 Praea Aaaoclatlon Member of Aaaoclalad Press promotes exorbitant defense budgets, any representation in government "? militarism, and the ultimate failure in That it is not tjie responsibility of the human reason. If the draft registration ASI, any public official or the Mustang Queebes by Dave Curtis proposal ran be stopped, emphasis must Daily to “ encourage public par­ oe placed at the cause—war. ticipation in their decision making 6fh£,tcPACKiN6t eQotPneNT »s I 6yOr COLL APS ABCC T6l^n-, veirr ifSTCRcemNii,... i t 's e o A DOWM e>AC, , A COMPACT Some general causes for war that * 1 pray that Stein is planning only to U 6, H T W e i6tH T lAlNfc M E & S KIT. e>WD S O A P , A M O , Keneath Waltz puts forth in his book. use his journalistic skills on features €>one OP -r>wT s u p e r < e .E H Man, The State, and War, are the in­ about new strains of tomatoes or OEHYORATED p o o d .' ternal structures of a nation-states, crossword puzzles. This cynicism will <3l. human behavior and international surely jw t enable him to write a com­ ararchy. A country that suffers from petent story which directly affects the debilitating internal chaos could evoke “ people who vote blindly or not at all military action by a neighboring state, e.g., Afghanistan was invaded by the The proposal to run a series of ads to U.S.S.R. Attacking the draft proposal inform you about complex issues is a could signal to the Russians that good one. To spend hours a night America is unwilling or unable to deter studying equations and/or political further aggression. Internal theories which we wonder if we'll ever disagreement is perceived as a sign of use again is one thing. To spend five weakness by foreign heads of state. minutes reading about an issue that will directly effect our pocketbooks, classes This type of internal disagreement is a and rights and then have the op product of human behavior. It s how we portunity to comment on them is OH MECtC.' i t 's VT'S OK CtEORCe, A act toward each other and the possible another. S T A R T INGi T O RA\M UTTCe WATER MEVER misinterpretation of those actions that For Stein to claim that it does not HURT AMTTHtNC,. cause war. I find human behavior to be undefinable. How can on predict if one’s matter not only shows a lack of respect actions will provoke another person? for the students in general and their But, within a state, laws exist to power as a unifying group. prevent ultimate violence. No issue is so complex that you cannot understand or comment in­ On a macrocosmic level, vis-a-vis telligently about it—no one should try nation-states, comprehension of intent to convince you otherwise. Sometimes is ambiguous. Conflict between coun­ ASI fails to be responsive, but it tries. tries could be the result of international It is now trying even harder. Don't let a anarchy. Country “ A " could mobilize student like Stein convince you its forces for purely defensive reasons, otherwise and especially don't let him but country ”B” might perceive the convince you that you don't count. action as a direct threat. It’s as if the left hand doesn't know what the right • Neal Meyers hand is doing. A SI Internal Affairs Muatang DaUy Friday, Fab. 29.1980

Soviets'alert for Afghan violence Gunfire heard at Bogata embassy KABUL, Afghaniatan offensive so soon after BOGOTA, Colombta (AP) are prepared to remain (A P) — Soviet and Afghan suffering at least 300 dead ( New sline ) — Leftist guerrillas here one or two months if • troopa were placed on full and m- modifíed and tested from misaion has allocated 92 both state and private million for a three-year test fleets and will choose a of alcohol fuels in company to supply the $3 off largo superstyle Petition — automobiles. fuel. From pag« 1 It also said it would loan The commission $2 off large regular up to 93 million to private allocated 9250,000 to The senator pointed out that if the initiative does reach companies and individuals explore using waste off any medium the senate floor, the senate is required to approve it. to develop plants to materials to produce $1 The Equal Registration Initiative was started because convert waste materials ethanol. The project it is felt there are enough students that want the issue into alcohol for fuel. provides up to 93 million in brought before them said Jensen. The object of the test in no-interest and low in­ - Delicious Pizza and Delicious Savings Special groups like athletes and senators should not be cars is to find out how terest loans to private allowed the privilege of pre-registraiton because they much alcohol costs per companies and individuals 2138 Broad Street choose to be involved in their activities, said Jensen. mile, what it does to the to develop and construct 541*3478 The petition is supported by the Campus Libertarians air, and how it compares to ethanol plants. and a number of people in the Schools of Business and gasollnvordiesel fuel. Architecture and Environmental Design, said Perry. Both ethanol and' The commission will “ The measure of our support will be how long it takes rpethanol will be tested. evaluate proposals and us to get the signatures,” said Perry. _ , Ethanol, usually made recommend to the state One of the biggest problems with pre-registration. from grain, is what’s in Business and Tran­ Perry said, is the people that have it want to keep it, liquor. ' Methanol, often sportation Agency which "Since the senate has it, you can’t get rid of it,” she said. called “ wood alcohol,” is ones to support. 1x1 >fNfrsdÎ$ÿ» k» Under the present system, three percent of Cal Poly pmisonous and is made The money for both I h i l students receive pre-registration privileges. The dif­ frofnwood, coal, garbage programs comes from 910 ficulty with this is that the three percent who deserve it or natural gas. million authorized in a law can't be singled out, said Perry. The commission will passed last year. Not good in combination with any other otter One Students whp do not receive pre-registraiton include coupon per pirio chairmen of Week of Welcome, the A S l Concert Com­ mittee and the ASI Films Conunittee, she said. Expiration data March 5. One argument against eliminating special group pre­ NRC: Reactors probably to run registration is many groups feel they can't function without it. However, Jensen commented, “ It's amazing WASHINGTON (AP) - on the licensing of new * 3>r 3'* ■'ifc ^1»' viC'V, the units that function quite well with pre-registration." John F. Ahearne, the nuclear plants. No new Jensen believes senators should be more responsive to chairman of the Nuclear licenses have been issued student views on issues. ______Regulatory commission, since the Three Mile Island said Thursday he doesn’t accident in Pennslyvania • . anticipate that this week’s nearly a year ago. nuclear power plant ac­ cident in Florida will Rally require a shut down of other reactors by the same From page 1 designer. When asked about the bolster the US armed However, Ahearne told a necessity of rsising anped forces abroad. Senate, subcommittee he forces in the event of won’t make a final decision declared war, Jensen Jensen said conscription until after he receives a full replied. “ If we were at­ should instead be applied report on the Florida in­ tacked—and our territorial to military related in­ cident, which he said he rights were threatened— dustries. • > epects next Tuesday. then you would not need a Besides solidarity, draft. People would join Jensen aspires to have the Ahearne testified shortly voluntarily.” Coalition Against The before the NRC was to hear The military situation in Draft instill a “ broader Europe, where NATO based education regarding arguments for Ufting its forces are vastly out­ conscription.” sdf-imposed moratorium numbered in manpower by the Soviet Warsaw Pact, 30 % OFF does not warrant the draft, any men’s, womens or kids pants says Jensen. Artists alert!!! "W hy should we be (including Lee. Levi and Wrangler) If you want to draw editorial cartoons responsible for western y' between 6pm & 8pm * Europe?” he asked. Jensen on campus or national issues, condemned the draft as with this coupon O f “ grisly” and “ horrible,” claiming a big military pay If you would like to draw descriptive check would adequately pictures or m i W ESTER» Reception would like just to have a comic strip, 599Entrada Ave • Atoscadero | talk to the Mustang Daily editors in 1340 Spring St • Paso Robles | Music, art, poetry and Graphic Arts ^ films will be presented in University Union room 220 But don’t forget to bring examples of ■ Good Thurs night in Atascadero Sunday, March 2 from 1 to your work to: M o n — Fri m Paso Robles 6 p.m. The reception will be hosted by lije United Jay Ailing or John Keller Black Students Awareness 11 -5 p.m. Ü - M Council. J__I_r J._L..J..TT—I P«9«4 M M tM « Dally Friday. Fab. 20.19W

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From Left; Guitarist Craig Chaquico, vocalist Ctoncert review Mickey Thomas, and the only original member of the left, Paul Katner. Starship moves into harder rock orbit

BY JIM HENDRY harder sound, the Jef­ who used to hate us are Extended solos by Dunbar, DaNy EnMrtalnniMil EdHof ferson Starship touched- starting to like us now with Chaquico and Sears All things change. down in the Main Gym the harder sound,” said dominated the middle part The Jefferson Airplane, Sunday night long enough Chaquico. of the concert, by taking their roots locked in the to show that the band has Katner also said the the Starship into the black LSD and L.B.J. era in San again changed its course. band is planning to go even hole of boredom. While at Francisco, years ago " I t ’s simply a new further in the hard rock times excellent—especially changed names to the band," said direction on their next a knuckle breaking bass , during a news conference album. solo by Sears—the ex­ signalling an end to a > attended only by the Without and cessive solo breaks could transition in the pop music Mustang Daily and a , the band’s be due to the present industry. number

February 2S - March 1

Price: $1.00 1 Chumash Aud BGsiioJI Mustang OaMy FrMay, Fab. 2t, 1960 Paga S Entertainment Movie review Steve Martin fits role of perfect jerk

K A T H Y M cK e n z i e Martin plays Navin tossed up in the air. who steals (he show from DaUy sun Wf1«*r Johnson, who decides to go It is also amusing to see him with her matured- It must be said Steve out and make his way in how Navin paively ap­ Shirley Temple looks and Martin is the perfect choice the world after discovering proaches the burden of her sense of comic timing. for the title role in The he is never going to be being wealthy. He becomes Jerk. black like the rest of his the tackiest rich person The Jerk Fri When he does this on the shows little kitties being screen, it does not fit as Champagne brunch — well as in his stand-up act. 9 to 2:30 Sat & Sun INS I AN I Other than that, the dinner — 5 to 9:30 Wcd*Sun movie has got some truly I ’ \SS|'( IP I funny bits to it. The plot muios 570 Higuera 544-9902 V. itself is a humorous **good food, personal service, exercise in surrealism. KINKO'S very reasonable prices** 9 Santa Rosa 543-9593 Theatre review Acting falls off In Poly play

BY LORI ANDERSON stooped over much of the Juan Perón. If you did not, OaSy StaHWrHar time. the play's finale may well The sparks in Sparks Fly Good make-up and have left you saying "WeU, Upward never reached costuming helped Felicia's what's next?” much height. mother, played by Donna The Cal Poly per­ Walker, to survive. She Projections were used formance of Jerome . had a raspy voice, however often throughout the play Lawrence and Robert E. that grated ones' nerves. to set the stage for such Lee's two-act play started The play, which brought scenes as palace rooms, a off like a bonfire, but ended in an audience of about 300 jungle and various just warm embers. Saturday night and highlights from European Tara Andrews was smaller crowds the countries. excellent in the leading role previous two nights, was of Felicia. Her vibrant strong throughout the first The projection of a dramatics could have act. political rally could have conununicated the story of Act 2 was all dowm hill. been more realistic had a the radio actress turned To understand the play, small mob occupied the president's wife almost one needed to understand stage rather than leaving it without words. Andrews the life of Eva Perón, wife empty and allowing a voice handled well her powerful of Argentinian dictator off stage to carry the show. character whose tem- permmt displayed a wide variety of emotions. Her character was one of .WANTED . relentless determination SPAYING CASHS and complex personality. "Writing Faust uns BUYING GOLD & SILVER 0 Andrew's portrayal- of Felicia is quite com­ mendable, so commendable GOLD deuil of a tadi.When I is fact, that it overshadows the performances of the High school & college class rings other players. Paying Up to $75 UO James Kie was an ap­ Wedding bands ' Up to $50 00 finished, I hnew I deserued propriate choice for the Any 10K 14K 18K gold role of She president who or platinum Paying cash rose to power. With his dark bair slicked back and a Granqucll. his tall stature clothed in SILVER military uniform, Kie was STERLING ((spoons lorKs plates etc — J. W Goethe just as one would expect lewelry. lea sets) the President Jorge Brazo U S. SILVER COINS' 1964 4 prior Grcnzquell is one ol tiermanv * premium beers In fact, it’s mi hixbly recarded by German» to look. The staunch and drat they reserve it for special occasmns rigid character wks well Over SOO years of experience in the art of creanng k. fine natural beer - _ j,v4 portrayed by Kie both ANTIQUES has given Grentquell a flavor rich, yet m#lk>w A flavor that physically and verbally. tells you with every sip that this day is. indeed, special And^ Also wanted' Quality antiques. Grenzquell is available in a superb dark Pibher as well Chris Henry, in his role furniture, glass, clocks, etc if you've got something coming up that calls for as the taxi (b-iver Garcia, Prompt, courteous service Free a really special beer, try one Germans drink on special " # ^^^^^TJERMANS DRINK was' quite an excitable appraisals. Call anytime.543-2057 occasions Grenzquell Goetlre would have wanted it that way SPECIAL OCCASIONS. actor. Yet, I found it (51L15T) |(N|s,a(t-d I.N rmin\ K InqvHK jl4<4«inc'i*n unusual the way he Mustang Dally Friday, Fab. 29,1990 s p o r t s ■ Bischoff gets on~the~lob training

BY LORI CAUDILL the 1650-yard freestyle. He swimming competition at Since the swimming medley relay were; Steve Bischoff will" be com­ Dally apoitoWrHw has been working to im­ junior college and he season has ended Biachoff Wright. John Eldwards, peting in the 200- and 500- Cal Poly swimma' Bill prove his times this season needed to take a break. is now preparing for the Glenn Perry and Jim yard freestyle at the Biachoff ia ¡rianning a and has succeeded. His nationals. Keefe. Qualifiers for the nationals on March 19 in “ I was burned out and I caraer in coaching and, times for the events are; 400-yard fieestyle relay Youngstown, Ohio. lacked motivation; 1 am “When we are getting unlike moat of his peers, he 500 fiwestyle. 4:44; 200 were Wright, Ron..Hensel. definitely more motivated ready for a regular meet we is getting plenty of freestyle, 1:45 and in the Mike Peters^m and Keefe. Bischoff feels his team now,“ s ^ Bischoff. rest for one day. but in practice on the Mustang 1650 fi*eestyle, 16:55. - has improved greatly since tiyuning for the nationals Bischoff, Wright, Keefe team. Bischoff is in his seventh last year.- Only one we go through a taper and Hensel Qualified for year of swimming Com­ Mustang qualified for the Bischoff, a physical' program, said the 21-year- the 800-yard freestyle petition. He began com­ nationals then. He said the education soiior, is the old. It consists of-three realy. In the individufJ "He’s In a difficult peting in high school after events, Wright qualified in one area the team is assistant coach of the. Cal weeks of gradual resting position." V \- he did well in a swim test in lacking is in _Uie diving Poly men’s swim team. and a lot of short hard the 100 and 200 butterfly. Coach Johnson his P.E. class and was competition, due to swimming instead of long Bischoff qualified for the “He is in a difficult asked to join the team. He 2Q0- and 500-yard inexperience. situation because, he is swam for two years at the stretches. You get to be really fast and strong but frm tyle. In the 200-yard both coaching and Santa Monica Community Coach Mark Joh n m Last weekend Bischoff , you don't feel tired. swimming, but he has done College where be was an agrees tlult the team has a very g o ^ job. He is one set a new Cal Poly record in All-American distance Coach Johnami paid that improved. of our team k a d m ,” said the l,000-3rard fiweetyle freestyler in the 1650. after the taper program with a time of 9:55.50 "...If I can coach my head coach Mark Johnson. Bischoff should take up to “ This swim team is the which placed him *7th in,, Bischoff, a native of teammates, I can 10 seconds off his times. best Poly has ever had^ Bischoff said, “ It is hard N C A A Div II, when the Venice, California, trains coach anybody, " being a peer and having They have depth and Mustangs met the Santa about twenty-two hours a Although Santa Barbara Bischoff any kind of authority but it quaUty," said Johnson. Barbara Gauchos. week. He says he has ovnpowwed the Mustangs is getting easier. I feel if I achieved his initial goal for Satuixlay in their final can coach my teammates 1 Bischoff, who is in his the season which was to meet 77-29, t| ie team was After graduation can coach anyone.” last year o f eUgilnlity, feels, qualify for the nationals, able to qualify several individual medley Perry Bischoff plans to coach Bischoff says his he is much more motivated but he has a new goal more swimmers for the and Keefe were qualifiers. swimming at either the strongest events are the than he was last year. He which is to place in the top nationals. Perry and Gary Yeo high school or junior 200- and 500-yard freestyle said he cataie to Cal Poly five in the 500-yard The Mustangs who qualified for the 400 in­ college level and eventually and his weakest event is after two years of intensive freestyle. qualified for the 400-yard dividual medley. f at the university level.

B ill Brock “The Best Char-Broiled Burgers in Town” Sports and the video

BY BILL BROCK woefully short of per­ provement can be devised, This Sunday: Dance or OaHy SpQ«t« Wrttar fection. Any devmit sports the sporty world deserves ' Professional sports in fan càn tell tales of referee to benefit from it. liste n to the United States has mistakes which decided the Apparently, however, become big business and outcome of a game. the referee is a sacred cow “WILLOWBROOK” all of the actors on the From this, the question that cannot be improved. stage are quality,:^ per­ arises: If a referee is Even a technique that (no cover Charge) . formers. If a player fails to supposed to enforce the would eliminate human maintain a consistantly rules of the'game, why isn't error and thereby ensure a Located In FoothHI Plaza — Across from Thrifty high level of achievement, he equipped with all of the higher over-all standard of he is out of a job. , necessary tools to make sports justice is asking Open from 8p.m. 543-6427 Plenty of Free Parking He cannot rest on his correct decisions? ' tradition to bend too much. laurels. Yet in the sports The emphasis here is on Consider an example world, there exists an providing an extra referee from baseball. An out­ animal who has absolutely for sports event, one who fielder makes a long run to no incentive to improve, sits in seclusion with a catch a ball with a yet whose actions vitally video play-back monitor. If headlong dive. The nearest affect the outcome of every an in-doubt call arises umpire rules the catch sporting encounter. during the course of the invalid because the ball INVENTORY This animal is < the game, he can advise his on­ was trapped against the referee, umpire or just field collegues after turf and consequently plain official. They enjoy a reviewing the play in there is no out. god-like reputation on the question. Players and managers field of play, interpreting In this way, referees argue with the umpires and REDUCTION sports law and punishing could be provided with all perhapk someone is thrown REG. SALE wrongdoers as they see fit. the facts and more easily out of the game. It is a FRAMES - LENSES PRICE PRICE It is a necessary function make correct decision. It volatile situation hinging and they perform as well as makes sense to upgrade on a very questionable call. SUNGLASSES I $20.00 ...... $12.00 humanly possible. the quality of officiating The home viewer is $25.00...... $15.00 The fact remains, because those decisions chagrined because the however, that an official's often turn the course of a truth glares at him on EVERYTHING I $20.00 ...... $18.00 best job frequently falls game. If a genuine im- every replay. $35.00...... $21.00 Now, imagine if the $40.00...... $24.00 umpires could call upon an EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY unseen collègue equipped $45.00...... $24.00 Are voe 'consMerlee a career In me Reetaerant with a slow-motion $45.00...... $27.00 Bweinaeer We are »esfclng an MNWimI met enters playback monitor. The coaklng, werkine wim asepte; is yeulMwI. energetic, extra ref could examine the $5 0.0 0 ...... $30.001 I open-minded and can take reaponaMimas. Need not incident with the aid of have kxtenelve restaurant kacktreund. Student Senler Au oausers sus» will be considered. TMs Is a uniqua SLO Restaurant zoom lenses from several different angles and could Complete lenses and frames. SÂI looking teespand and needs Individuals willing to start One Low Price and work Into a protlt-sharmg-managomoitrpesltlon. give an informed I . 2 9 t l i Reply Te: statement to his on-field Pusnc MITAI ■ooktSO c/e Telegram-Tribune collegues. FRAMES FRAMES R.O. 900 111, SLO, CAtStOa In this way the best glass lenses. glass lenses interests of sport would be served because the correct decision would emerge. Lim it age 12. S.V. Lenses Only, 1 ON1 ANY GENERAL READING B O O K (NON-TEXT) Mai Sal MO aw to 530 PR PRICED AT SI 96 OR MORE LIMIT ONE COUPON STIGERS#0PTICAL PER BOOK PURCHASE THE INFLATION FIGHTERS A‘, • .

DOWNTOWN SAN LUIS OBISPO OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 21 790 Higuero St rort 314 3364 W iri5 T Mustang Daily Friday, Fab. 29,1960 Pagar Sports Corral BY KAREN LUDLOW $1.98 BREAKFAST 0*Hy Spoft« Wrilw ■The ivomen's swim team will face^^Jts^ biggest SPECIAL challenge of the season this weekend. Cal Poly will host This week the SC AA swimming and HUEVOS RANCHEROS diving championships at Cuesta College. Trials will served with be in the morning, with the finals in the afternoon home fries and coffee j. Friday through Sunday. Breakfast served 7 am - ,11:30 am We have beer by the pitcher for dinner

I ELO Eléaraat ’ CHUCK a f (»1 1 ' FAMM 24FM ftvtffa Tvt ' fAUM ZAPPA OrcPMtrol F#«9. * PETER, PAUL a NARY . . . M d i a f ' JETHRO TULL L t«9 (O b li I RORY 6ALLAQNER PRato-PiPtiA MAYA I UFO Obaaigign I ROeiN TRORER C a ra «* «... I NICK 61L0ER Citf Ni^Rta 1761 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo I VM PORRI80N ...T ra n a U ia n I A N A TR* Atawa 543-8835 f ROXY MUSIC Hantraato I tASP STUDIO C-40. Caaaatta I 06T H air (ORll f MARSHALL TUCKER SANO ...M U * I FIREPALL Luna SdR S Elan » COMFOOORES L l«a tORl) f SLUES PROS S rim a a * a f Slua* ' HALL S OATES ...R a d L * «Q « f HALL S OATES Ltva Ttaa I BAY CITY ROLLERS ...M it i Classifieds I ERIC CLAPTON Mo Raason Cry » BRYAN PERRY Tha BriNa Bkripaad Sara Call 546-1144 I CHARLIE Me Sacood CRanc« I CHARLIE Unga I BREAD Gatiar Nwi I THE TU K S Naa 1 CAPTAIN a TENHlLLi ...N IL S Announcements dishwasiwr. o«) t RUSH A Paraaatt Ta Ktngg 541-3164 I PETER fAAMPTOM 1 'a la Y*a ISE.BS BREAD La*t PURaal Your Lava U.U. TRAVEL CENTER Isf.BB YES Taraate Com* M « your studont trav«l Automotive Thè tatm tati— to tfw fteld this wend io«tntt UÇ counMiora and atari your B*r1c«l«y. T M h hè g é a m «l( wMk«nd tterting Friday at 3 pjaj aummar plana now! Open 10-3 '66 Ramblar claaaic ata. wgn. T-F 546-1127 (3-14) 327 angina- rabuilt top hall Sattmiay1l^ii&tfiyaít1p.fn.AHflan»aaafaatSlj0atadlufn. angina. 78,000 ml. Running Ovaraaaa ioba— aummar, yaar- cond. Neada wrk. SSOO or baal round. Europa, S. Amarica, ottar. 544-0164 (2-29) Auatralia, Aaia, ate. All Fialda, SS00-S1200 monthly. Expansaa paid. Slghtaaaing. Fraa into. Help Wanted Writa IJC, Box 52-CE. Corona She was married at 13. OalMar,OA9263& (2-29) Typlat 65 wpm Evaninga Call 543-3363 Balia or Char (2-29) - CASHMEW RECORDS She had fi)ur kids Trada In your claan LPa or HANDWORKER NEEDED caaaaltaa lor Inatant caah or Gardaning 6 axcavation. Pay Ity the time she was 20. naw racords. 7 daya a waali at nagotlabla. 544-6519 attar 5.(3-1) Boo Boo'a. 978 Montaray St. Dancara & cocktail waltraaaaa SL0541-06S7. (3-14) naadad for bachalor party. Big She’s been hungry and poor. DANDELION WINE BOOKS IS. 772-1569 (34) Your Famlnlat, Aliarnalive Earn axtra monay at homa. She’s been loved and cheated (ML Mataphyaical atora 541-3541 Good pay. Easy work. No ax- abova Toy Canlar on Higuara. parlanca nacaaaary. Sand lor She became a singer and a star ______(2-29)- application. Raport LJP P.O. - N O T IC E - Box 626-E Oakdala. CA 95361 ANYONE with inlormation ______( T ^ because it was the onfy way ragarding tha diaappaaranca of Looking for a wall-paying tha Chartar of Thata Chi Sommar job w/room 6 board . she knew to survive. Fratarnity ia urgad to laava a includad? Collonlaii Ranch maaaaga at 543-9784. Camp will ba inlarvtawing for CONFIDENTIAL varioua opaninga Friday March ______(2-29) 7. Contact tha Placamant Sharri, ’ Cantar tor appointmani or call Sorry to haar about your anklaa. 805-968-0281. (3-5) Lova Robbia. ______(W) Services 2 atudanta naad 3rd to |oin in on ' T yp in q U.S. trip thia aummar (8 waaka?) IBM Corracting Salaciric II. Call Call Kathy or W and/544-7542. Madolyn evaa. 543-4495 ______^ ______(TF) ELECTRONICS AUCTION TYPINQ S2i-2y2 Mar. 1, Univaraity Union Plaza at IBM Corracting Salactric II. Call fKXMt. Bring your own aquip- Mariana attar 4:30. (TF) mani to aall, Cal Poly Amalaur Radio Club lakaa 10% (2-29) PROFESSIONAL TYPiNO Sam’s Otiles Sarvics 1150 Loa Oaoa Valley Rd. For Sale ______544-3200 (TF) WATER SKI SALE Typing— reports, S.P. Maatsra, Baaaatt Honaycomb Graphita ate. prootad a n j correct 7000 Hat 1255 now 1155. Baaaat spalling, St par page. Call Hydro Sllda Hal 199.95 now Connie attar 2 543-7802 (TF) 177 96. Call 544-5448 (2-29) SUPER SECRETARY 8 loot by 45 foot Mobile Homa. Proiaaaional typing Mual ba moved. 5434403 avaa. 543-5213, answer phone ______' (2-29) ______( » l ^ IBM Salactric I 13 iiKh pica factory racond. Recently aar- Lost & Found vicad 5 alamants 1425 lirm. 466- Lost blue day pack with 3412 (34) calculator and umbrella. Lost Fri 15 in CS

Reg. S to n H muthi VBA Amé MASIUCHARGE 962 Monterey, Sen Lule Oblepo a i sUes final on sale mdaa. N w.-Sal. M M iM * WELCOME TI m im . Mite'ttl M A QuantMes and s i M S ImAad