Magaly M. Blas Marzo 2016 CURRICULUM VITAE Magaly M. Blas, MD, MPH, PhD _____________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL DATA Last name: Blas Name: Magaly Telephone: 51-1-3653557 Cel: 51-995386711 Email:
[email protected] CAREER SUMMARY Dr. Magaly Blas was born and raised in Lima, Peru. She studied Medicine at Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University (UPCH) where she graduated as the second-highest graduate of her medical school class. Afterwards, she was selected as the Peruvian counterpart Scholar for the first cohort of the Fogarty/Ellison Fellowship Program from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which allowed her to deepen her research experience in the field of sexually transmitted infections (STI). After this fellowship, Magaly was awarded consecutive scholarships to conduct first a Masters and then a Ph.D. in Public Health (MPH) in the epidemiology track with certificates in both STI/HIV and Biomedical and Health Informatics at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle. It was during her track on Biomedical and Health informatics that Magaly developed interest in the study of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to solve health problems. Magaly combined both interests, STI and ICT for the development of her PhD thesis. She conducted the first online randomized controlled trial in Latin America that evaluated the effect of a video-based intervention to increase HIV testing among Peruvian MSM. For this study, Magaly received the 2010 Global Health Council’s new investigator award in Washington DC. After finishing her PhD, Magaly was awarded the NIH-Fogarty Global Research Initiative Program (GRIP) for new foreign investigators award. This competitive grant allowed international researchers who studied in the US, funding for up to 5 years to conduct research in their home country.