Contact: Sue C. Kelman Director of Communications
[email protected] 617.357.1881, x207 News For Immediate Release February 9, 2011 Page 1 of 2 February 9, 2011 University Presidents from Iowa and San Diego Join Campus Compact National Board Two nationally-recognized university presidents have been named to the Board of Campus Compact: Mary E. Lyons, PhD, president of the University of San Diego and Sally Mason, PhD, president of The University of Iowa. Boston, MA — Two nationally-recognized university presidents have been named to the Board of Campus Compact — a nonprofit coalition of more than 1,100 college and university presidents representing some 6 million students — who are committed to fulfilling the civic purposes of higher education. The two new Board members are Mary E. Lyons, PhD, president of the University of San Diego, and Sally Mason, PhD, president of The University of Iowa. They join a distinguished group of leaders from across the country representing all segments of higher education as well as the philanthropic and business communities. The Board guides the organization in its mission of deepening higher education’s ability to improve community life and educate students for civic and social responsibility. “We are thrilled to have these dedicated leaders join our Board,” notes Campus Compact president Maureen F. Curley. “Each has a strong background in leading organizations and in creating sustainable structures for strengthening communities. Moreover, each one holds a firm belief in community engagement and the power of student learning through civic engagement. Their positive accomplishments and experience bring inspiration and practical knowledge to the table.” Sally Mason - University of Iowa In August 2007, Sally Mason became the 20th president of The University of Iowa (UI).